1 /*
2  * tdbcmysql.c --
3  *
4  *	Bridge between TDBC (Tcl DataBase Connectivity) and MYSQL.
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 by Kevin B. Kenny.
7  *
8  * Please refer to the file, 'license.terms' for the conditions on
9  * redistribution of this file and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
10  *
11  * $Id: $
12  *
13  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14  */
16 #ifdef _MSC_VER
18 #endif
20 #include <tcl.h>
21 #include <tclOO.h>
22 #include <tdbc.h>
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include <string.h>
27 #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H
28 #  include <stdint.h>
29 #endif
31 #include "int2ptr_ptr2int.h"
33 #include "fakemysql.h"
35 /* Static data contained in this file */
37 TCL_DECLARE_MUTEX(mysqlMutex);	/* Mutex protecting the global environment
38 				 * and its reference count */
40 static int mysqlRefCount = 0;	/* Reference count on the global environment */
41 Tcl_LoadHandle mysqlLoadHandle = NULL;
42 				/* Handle to the MySQL library */
43 unsigned long mysqlClientVersion;
44 				/* Version number of MySQL */
46 /*
47  * Objects to create within the literal pool
48  */
50 const char* LiteralValues[] = {
51     "",
52     "0",
53     "1",
54     "direction",
55     "in",
56     "inout",
57     "name",
58     "nullable",
59     "out",
60     "precision",
61     "scale",
62     "type",
63     NULL
64 };
65 enum LiteralIndex {
66     LIT_EMPTY,
67     LIT_0,
68     LIT_1,
70     LIT_IN,
71     LIT_INOUT,
72     LIT_NAME,
74     LIT_OUT,
76     LIT_SCALE,
77     LIT_TYPE,
78     LIT__END
79 };
81 /*
82  * Structure that holds per-interpreter data for the MYSQL package.
83  */
85 typedef struct PerInterpData {
86     size_t refCount;		/* Reference count */
87     Tcl_Obj* literals[LIT__END];
88 				/* Literal pool */
89     Tcl_HashTable typeNumHash;	/* Lookup table for type numbers */
90 } PerInterpData;
91 #define IncrPerInterpRefCount(x)  \
92     do {			  \
93 	++((x)->refCount);	  \
94     } while(0)
95 #define DecrPerInterpRefCount(x)		\
96     do {					\
97 	PerInterpData* _pidata = x;		\
98 	if (((_pidata->refCount))-- <= 1) {	\
99 	    DeletePerInterpData(_pidata);	\
100 	}					\
101     } while(0)
103 /*
104  * Structure that carries the data for an MYSQL connection
105  *
106  * 	The ConnectionData structure is refcounted to simplify the
107  *	destruction of statements associated with a connection.
108  *	When a connection is destroyed, the subordinate namespace that
109  *	contains its statements is taken down, destroying them. It's
110  *	not safe to take down the ConnectionData until nothing is
111  *	referring to it, which avoids taking down the hDBC until the
112  *	other objects that refer to it vanish.
113  */
115 typedef struct ConnectionData {
116     size_t refCount;		/* Reference count. */
117     PerInterpData* pidata;	/* Per-interpreter data */
118     MYSQL* mysqlPtr;		/* MySql connection handle */
119     unsigned int nCollations;	/* Number of collations defined */
120     int* collationSizes;	/* Character lengths indexed by collation ID */
121     int flags;
122 } ConnectionData;
124 /*
125  * Flags for the state of an MYSQL connection
126  */
128 #define CONN_FLAG_AUTOCOMMIT	0x1	/* Autocommit is set */
129 #define CONN_FLAG_IN_XCN	0x2 	/* Transaction is in progress */
130 #define CONN_FLAG_INTERACTIVE	0x4	/* -interactive requested at connect */
132 #define IncrConnectionRefCount(x) \
133     do {			  \
134 	++((x)->refCount);	  \
135     } while(0)
136 #define DecrConnectionRefCount(x)		\
137     do {					\
138 	ConnectionData* conn = x;		\
139 	if (((conn->refCount)--) <= 01) {	\
140 	    DeleteConnection(conn);		\
141 	}					\
142     } while(0)
144 /*
145  * Structure that carries the data for a MySQL prepared statement.
146  *
147  *	Just as with connections, statements need to defer taking down
148  *	their client data until other objects (i.e., result sets) that
149  * 	refer to them have had a chance to clean up. Hence, this
150  *	structure is reference counted as well.
151  */
153 typedef struct StatementData {
154     size_t refCount;		/* Reference count */
155     ConnectionData* cdata;	/* Data for the connection to which this
156 				 * statement pertains. */
157     Tcl_Obj* subVars;	        /* List of variables to be substituted, in the
158 				 * order in which they appear in the
159 				 * statement */
160     struct ParamData *params;	/* Data types and attributes of parameters */
161     Tcl_Obj* nativeSql;		/* Native SQL statement to pass into
162 				 * MySQL */
163     MYSQL_STMT* stmtPtr;	/* MySQL statement handle */
164     MYSQL_RES* metadataPtr;	/* MySQL result set metadata */
165     Tcl_Obj* columnNames;	/* Column names in the result set */
166     int flags;
167 } StatementData;
168 #define IncrStatementRefCount(x)		\
169     do {					\
170 	++((x)->refCount);			\
171     } while (0)
172 #define DecrStatementRefCount(x)		\
173     do {					\
174 	StatementData* stmt = (x);		\
175 	if ((stmt->refCount--) <= 1) {		\
176 	    DeleteStatement(stmt);		\
177 	}					\
178     } while(0)
180 /* Flags in the 'StatementData->flags' word */
182 #define STMT_FLAG_BUSY		0x1	/* Statement handle is in use */
184 /*
185  * Structure describing the data types of substituted parameters in
186  * a SQL statement.
187  */
189 typedef struct ParamData {
190     int flags;			/* Flags regarding the parameters - see below */
191     int dataType;		/* Data type */
192     int precision;		/* Size of the expected data */
193     int scale;			/* Digits after decimal point of the
194 				 * expected data */
195 } ParamData;
197 #define PARAM_KNOWN	1<<0	/* Something is known about the parameter */
198 #define PARAM_IN 	1<<1	/* Parameter is an input parameter */
199 #define PARAM_OUT 	1<<2	/* Parameter is an output parameter */
200 				/* (Both bits are set if parameter is
201 				 * an INOUT parameter) */
202 #define PARAM_BINARY	1<<3	/* Parameter is binary */
204 /*
205  * Structure describing a MySQL result set.  The object that the Tcl
206  * API terms a "result set" actually has to be represented by a MySQL
207  * "statement", since a MySQL statement can have only one set of results
208  * at any given time.
209  */
211 typedef struct ResultSetData {
212     size_t refCount;		/* Reference count */
213     StatementData* sdata;	/* Statement that generated this result set */
214     MYSQL_STMT* stmtPtr;	/* Handle to the MySQL statement object */
215     Tcl_Obj* paramValues;	/* List of parameter values */
216     MYSQL_BIND* paramBindings;	/* Parameter bindings */
217     unsigned long* paramLengths;/* Parameter lengths */
218     my_ulonglong rowCount;	/* Number of affected rows */
219     my_bool* resultErrors;	/* Failure indicators for retrieving columns */
220     my_bool* resultNulls;	/* NULL indicators for retrieving columns */
221     unsigned long* resultLengths;
222 				/* Byte lengths of retrieved columns */
223     MYSQL_BIND* resultBindings;	/* Bindings controlling column retrieval */
224 } ResultSetData;
225 #define IncrResultSetRefCount(x)		\
226     do {					\
227 	++((x)->refCount);			\
228     } while (0)
229 #define DecrResultSetRefCount(x)		\
230     do {					\
231 	ResultSetData* rs = (x);		\
232 	if (rs->refCount-- <= 1) {		\
233 	    DeleteResultSet(rs);		\
234 	}					\
235     } while(0)
237 /* Table of MySQL type names */
239 #define IS_BINARY	(1<<16)	/* Flag to OR in if a param is binary */
240 typedef struct MysqlDataType {
241     const char* name;		/* Type name */
242     int num;			/* Type number */
243 } MysqlDataType;
244 static const MysqlDataType dataTypes[] = {
245     { "tinyint",	MYSQL_TYPE_TINY },
246     { "smallint",	MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT },
247     { "integer",	MYSQL_TYPE_LONG },
248     { "float",		MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT },
249     { "real",		MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT },
250     { "double",		MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE },
251     { "NULL",		MYSQL_TYPE_NULL },
252     { "timestamp",	MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP },
253     { "bigint",		MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG },
254     { "mediumint",	MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 },
255     { "date",		MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE },
256     { "date",		MYSQL_TYPE_DATE },
257     { "time",		MYSQL_TYPE_TIME },
258     { "datetime",	MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME },
259     { "year",		MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR },
260     { "bit",		MYSQL_TYPE_BIT | IS_BINARY },
261     { "numeric",	MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL },
262     { "decimal",	MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL },
263     { "numeric",	MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL },
264     { "decimal",	MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL },
265     { "enum",		MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM },
266     { "set",		MYSQL_TYPE_SET },
267     { "tinytext",	MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB },
268     { "tinyblob",	MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB | IS_BINARY },
269     { "mediumtext",	MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB },
270     { "mediumblob",	MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB | IS_BINARY },
271     { "longtext",	MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB },
272     { "longblob",	MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB | IS_BINARY },
273     { "text",		MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB },
274     { "blob",		MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB | IS_BINARY },
275     { "varbinary",	MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING | IS_BINARY },
276     { "varchar",	MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING },
277     { "varbinary",	MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR | IS_BINARY },
278     { "varchar",	MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR },
279     { "binary",		MYSQL_TYPE_STRING | IS_BINARY },
280     { "char",		MYSQL_TYPE_STRING },
281     { "geometry",	MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY },
282     { NULL, 		0 }
283 };
285 /* Configuration options for MySQL connections */
287 /* Data types of configuration options */
289 enum OptType {
290     TYPE_STRING,		/* Arbitrary character string */
291     TYPE_FLAG, 			/* Boolean flag */
292     TYPE_ENCODING,		/* Encoding name */
293     TYPE_ISOLATION,		/* Transaction isolation level */
294     TYPE_PORT, 			/* Port number */
295     TYPE_READONLY,		/* Read-only indicator */
296     TYPE_TIMEOUT		/* Timeout value */
297 };
299 /* Locations of the string options in the string array */
301 enum OptStringIndex {
304     INDX_USER,
305     INDX_MAX
306 };
308 /* Flags in the configuration table */
310 #define CONN_OPT_FLAG_MOD 0x1	/* Configuration value changable at runtime */
311 #define CONN_OPT_FLAG_SSL 0x2	/* Configuration change requires setting
312 				 * SSL options */
313 #define CONN_OPT_FLAG_ALIAS 0x4	/* Configuration option is an alias */
315  /* Table of configuration options */
317 static const struct {
318     const char * name;	/* Option name */
319     enum OptType type;	/* Option data type */
320     int info;		/* Option index or flag value */
321     int flags;		/* Flags - modifiable; SSL related; is an alias */
322     const char* query;	/* How to determine the option value? */
323 } ConnOptions [] = {
324     { "-compress",    TYPE_FLAG,      CLIENT_COMPRESS,	  0,
326     { "-database",    TYPE_STRING,    INDX_DB,		  CONN_OPT_FLAG_MOD,
327       "SELECT '', DATABASE();"},
328     { "-db",	      TYPE_STRING,    INDX_DB, 		  CONN_OPT_FLAG_MOD
329                                                         | CONN_OPT_FLAG_ALIAS,
330       "SELECT '', DATABASE()" },
331     { "-encoding",    TYPE_ENCODING,  0,		  0,
332       "SELECT '', 'utf-8'" },
333     { "-host",	      TYPE_STRING,    INDX_HOST,	  0,
335     { "-interactive", TYPE_FLAG,      CLIENT_INTERACTIVE, 0,
336       "SELECT '', 0" },
337     { "-isolation",   TYPE_ISOLATION, 0,		  CONN_OPT_FLAG_MOD,
338       "SELECT '', LCASE(REPLACE(@@TX_ISOLATION, '-', ''))" },
339     { "-passwd",      TYPE_STRING,    INDX_PASSWD,	  CONN_OPT_FLAG_MOD
340                                                         | CONN_OPT_FLAG_ALIAS,
341       "SELECT '', ''" },
342     { "-password",    TYPE_STRING,    INDX_PASSWD,	  CONN_OPT_FLAG_MOD,
343       "SELECT '', ''" },
344     { "-port",	      TYPE_PORT,      0,		  0,
346     { "-readonly",    TYPE_READONLY,  0,		  0,
347       "SELECT '', 0" },
348     { "-socket",      TYPE_STRING,    INDX_SOCKET,	  0,
350     { "-ssl_ca",      TYPE_STRING,    INDX_SSLCA,	  CONN_OPT_FLAG_SSL,
351       "SELECT '', @@SSL_CA"},
352     { "-ssl_capath",  TYPE_STRING,    INDX_SSLCAPATH,	  CONN_OPT_FLAG_SSL,
353       "SELECT '', @@SSL_CAPATH" },
354     { "-ssl_cert",    TYPE_STRING,    INDX_SSLCERT,	  CONN_OPT_FLAG_SSL,
355       "SELECT '', @@SSL_CERT" },
356     { "-ssl_cipher",  TYPE_STRING,    INDX_SSLCIPHER,	  CONN_OPT_FLAG_SSL,
357       "SELECT '', @@SSL_CIPHER" },
358     { "-ssl_cypher",  TYPE_STRING,    INDX_SSLCIPHER,	  CONN_OPT_FLAG_SSL
359                                                         | CONN_OPT_FLAG_ALIAS,
360       "SELECT '', @@SSL_CIPHER" },
361     { "-ssl_key",     TYPE_STRING,    INDX_SSLKEY,	  CONN_OPT_FLAG_SSL,
362       "SELECT '', @@SSL_KEY" },
363     { "-timeout",     TYPE_TIMEOUT,   0,		  CONN_OPT_FLAG_MOD,
364       "SELECT '', @@WAIT_TIMEOUT" },
365     { "-user",	      TYPE_STRING,    INDX_USER,	  CONN_OPT_FLAG_MOD,
366       "SELECT '', USER()" },
367     { NULL,	      TYPE_STRING,	      0,		  0, NULL }
368 };
370 /* Tables of isolation levels: Tcl, SQL, and MySQL 'tx_isolation' */
372 static const char *const TclIsolationLevels[] = {
373     "readuncommitted",
374     "readcommitted",
375     "repeatableread",
376     "serializable",
377     NULL
378 };
379 static const char *const SqlIsolationLevels[] = {
384     NULL
385 };
386 enum IsolationLevel {
391     ISOL_NONE = -1
392 };
394 /* Declarations of static functions appearing in this file */
396 static MYSQL_BIND* MysqlBindAlloc(int nBindings);
397 static MYSQL_BIND* MysqlBindIndex(MYSQL_BIND* b, int i);
398 static void* MysqlBindAllocBuffer(MYSQL_BIND* b, int i, unsigned long len);
399 static void MysqlBindFreeBuffer(MYSQL_BIND* b, int i);
400 static void MysqlBindSetBufferType(MYSQL_BIND* b, int i,
401 				   enum enum_field_types t);
402 static void* MysqlBindGetBuffer(MYSQL_BIND* b, int i);
403 static unsigned long MysqlBindGetBufferLength(MYSQL_BIND* b, int i);
404 static void MysqlBindSetLength(MYSQL_BIND* b, int i, unsigned long* p);
405 static void MysqlBindSetIsNull(MYSQL_BIND* b, int i, my_bool* p);
406 static void MysqlBindSetError(MYSQL_BIND* b, int i, my_bool* p);
408 static MYSQL_FIELD* MysqlFieldIndex(MYSQL_FIELD* fields, int i);
410 static void TransferMysqlError(Tcl_Interp* interp, MYSQL* mysqlPtr);
411 static void TransferMysqlStmtError(Tcl_Interp* interp, MYSQL_STMT* mysqlPtr);
413 static Tcl_Obj* QueryConnectionOption(ConnectionData* cdata, Tcl_Interp* interp,
414 				      int optionNum);
415 static int ConfigureConnection(ConnectionData* cdata, Tcl_Interp* interp,
416 			       int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[], int skip);
417 static int ConnectionConstructor(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
418 				 Tcl_ObjectContext context,
419 				 int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
420 static int ConnectionBegintransactionMethod(ClientData clientData,
421 					    Tcl_Interp* interp,
422 					    Tcl_ObjectContext context,
423 					    int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
424 static int ConnectionColumnsMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
425 				  Tcl_ObjectContext context,
426 				  int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
427 static int ConnectionCommitMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
428 				  Tcl_ObjectContext context,
429 				  int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
430 static int ConnectionConfigureMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
431 				     Tcl_ObjectContext context,
432 				     int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
433 static int ConnectionEvaldirectMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
434 				      Tcl_ObjectContext context,
435 				      int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
436 static int ConnectionNeedCollationInfoMethod(ClientData clientData,
437 					     Tcl_Interp* interp,
438 					     Tcl_ObjectContext context,
439 					     int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
440 static int ConnectionRollbackMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
441 				    Tcl_ObjectContext context,
442 				    int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
443 static int ConnectionSetCollationInfoMethod(ClientData clientData,
444 					    Tcl_Interp* interp,
445 					    Tcl_ObjectContext context,
446 					    int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
447 static int ConnectionTablesMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
448 				  Tcl_ObjectContext context,
449 				  int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
451 static void DeleteConnectionMetadata(ClientData clientData);
452 static void DeleteConnection(ConnectionData* cdata);
453 static int CloneConnection(Tcl_Interp* interp, ClientData oldClientData,
454 			   ClientData* newClientData);
456 static StatementData* NewStatement(ConnectionData* cdata);
457 static MYSQL_STMT* AllocAndPrepareStatement(Tcl_Interp* interp,
458 					    StatementData* sdata);
459 static Tcl_Obj* ResultDescToTcl(MYSQL_RES* resultDesc, int flags);
461 static int StatementConstructor(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
462 				Tcl_ObjectContext context,
463 				int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
464 static int StatementParamtypeMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
465 				    Tcl_ObjectContext context,
466 				    int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
467 static int StatementParamsMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
468 				 Tcl_ObjectContext context,
469 				 int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
471 static void DeleteStatementMetadata(ClientData clientData);
472 static void DeleteStatement(StatementData* sdata);
473 static int CloneStatement(Tcl_Interp* interp, ClientData oldClientData,
474 			  ClientData* newClientData);
476 static int ResultSetConstructor(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
477 				Tcl_ObjectContext context,
478 				int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
479 static int ResultSetColumnsMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
480 				  Tcl_ObjectContext context,
481 				  int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
482 static int ResultSetNextrowMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
483 				  Tcl_ObjectContext context,
484 				  int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
485 static int ResultSetRowcountMethod(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp,
486 				   Tcl_ObjectContext context,
487 				   int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[]);
489 static void DeleteResultSetMetadata(ClientData clientData);
490 static void DeleteResultSet(ResultSetData* rdata);
491 static int CloneResultSet(Tcl_Interp* interp, ClientData oldClientData,
492 			  ClientData* newClientData);
495 static void DeleteCmd(ClientData clientData);
496 static int CloneCmd(Tcl_Interp* interp,
497 		    ClientData oldMetadata, ClientData* newMetadata);
499 static void DeletePerInterpData(PerInterpData* pidata);
501 /* Metadata type that holds connection data */
503 const static Tcl_ObjectMetadataType connectionDataType = {
505 				/* version */
506     "ConnectionData",		/* name */
507     DeleteConnectionMetadata,	/* deleteProc */
508     CloneConnection		/* cloneProc - should cause an error
509 				 * 'cuz connections aren't clonable */
510 };
512 /* Metadata type that holds statement data */
514 const static Tcl_ObjectMetadataType statementDataType = {
516 				/* version */
517     "StatementData",		/* name */
518     DeleteStatementMetadata,	/* deleteProc */
519     CloneStatement		/* cloneProc - should cause an error
520 				 * 'cuz statements aren't clonable */
521 };
523 /* Metadata type for result set data */
525 const static Tcl_ObjectMetadataType resultSetDataType = {
527 				/* version */
528     "ResultSetData",		/* name */
529     DeleteResultSetMetadata,	/* deleteProc */
530     CloneResultSet		/* cloneProc - should cause an error
531 				 * 'cuz result sets aren't clonable */
532 };
534 /* Method types of the connection methods that are implemented in C */
536 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionConstructorType = {
538 				/* version */
539     "CONSTRUCTOR",		/* name */
540     ConnectionConstructor,	/* callProc */
541     DeleteCmd,			/* deleteProc */
542     CloneCmd			/* cloneProc */
543 };
545 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionBegintransactionMethodType = {
547 				/* version */
548     "begintransaction",		/* name */
549     ConnectionBegintransactionMethod,	/* callProc */
550     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
551     NULL			/* cloneProc */
552 };
553 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionColumnsMethodType = {
555 				/* version */
556     "Columns",			/* name */
557     ConnectionColumnsMethod,	/* callProc */
558     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
559     NULL			/* cloneProc */
560 };
561 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionCommitMethodType = {
563 				/* version */
564     "commit",			/* name */
565     ConnectionCommitMethod,	/* callProc */
566     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
567     NULL			/* cloneProc */
568 };
569 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionConfigureMethodType = {
571 				/* version */
572     "configure",		/* name */
573     ConnectionConfigureMethod,	/* callProc */
574     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
575     NULL			/* cloneProc */
576 };
577 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionEvaldirectMethodType = {
579 				/* version */
580     "evaldirect",		/* name */
581     ConnectionEvaldirectMethod,	/* callProc */
582     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
583     NULL			/* cloneProc */
584 };
585 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionNeedCollationInfoMethodType = {
587 				/* version */
588     "NeedCollationInfo",	/* name */
589     ConnectionNeedCollationInfoMethod,	/* callProc */
590     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
591     NULL			/* cloneProc */
592 };
593 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionRollbackMethodType = {
595 				/* version */
596     "rollback",			/* name */
597     ConnectionRollbackMethod,	/* callProc */
598     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
599     NULL			/* cloneProc */
600 };
601 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionSetCollationInfoMethodType = {
603 				/* version */
604     "SetCollationInfo",		/* name */
605     ConnectionSetCollationInfoMethod,	/* callProc */
606     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
607     NULL			/* cloneProc */
608 };
609 const static Tcl_MethodType ConnectionTablesMethodType = {
611 				/* version */
612     "tables",			/* name */
613     ConnectionTablesMethod,	/* callProc */
614     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
615     NULL			/* cloneProc */
616 };
618 const static Tcl_MethodType* ConnectionMethods[] = {
619     &ConnectionBegintransactionMethodType,
620     &ConnectionColumnsMethodType,
621     &ConnectionCommitMethodType,
622     &ConnectionConfigureMethodType,
623     &ConnectionEvaldirectMethodType,
624     &ConnectionNeedCollationInfoMethodType,
625     &ConnectionRollbackMethodType,
626     &ConnectionSetCollationInfoMethodType,
627     &ConnectionTablesMethodType,
628     NULL
629 };
631 /* Method types of the statement methods that are implemented in C */
633 const static Tcl_MethodType StatementConstructorType = {
635 				/* version */
636     "CONSTRUCTOR",		/* name */
637     StatementConstructor,	/* callProc */
638     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
639     NULL			/* cloneProc */
640 };
641 const static Tcl_MethodType StatementParamsMethodType = {
643 				/* version */
644     "params",			/* name */
645     StatementParamsMethod,	/* callProc */
646     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
647     NULL			/* cloneProc */
648 };
649 const static Tcl_MethodType StatementParamtypeMethodType = {
651 				/* version */
652     "paramtype",		/* name */
653     StatementParamtypeMethod,	/* callProc */
654     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
655     NULL			/* cloneProc */
656 };
658 /*
659  * Methods to create on the statement class.
660  */
662 const static Tcl_MethodType* StatementMethods[] = {
663     &StatementParamsMethodType,
664     &StatementParamtypeMethodType,
665     NULL
666 };
668 /* Method types of the result set methods that are implemented in C */
670 const static Tcl_MethodType ResultSetConstructorType = {
672 				/* version */
673     "CONSTRUCTOR",		/* name */
674     ResultSetConstructor,	/* callProc */
675     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
676     NULL			/* cloneProc */
677 };
678 const static Tcl_MethodType ResultSetColumnsMethodType = {
680 				/* version */    "columns",			/* name */
681     ResultSetColumnsMethod,	/* callProc */
682     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
683     NULL			/* cloneProc */
684 };
685 const static Tcl_MethodType ResultSetNextrowMethodType = {
687 				/* version */
688     "nextrow",			/* name */
689     ResultSetNextrowMethod,	/* callProc */
690     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
691     NULL			/* cloneProc */
692 };
693 const static Tcl_MethodType ResultSetRowcountMethodType = {
695 				/* version */
696     "rowcount",			/* name */
697     ResultSetRowcountMethod,	/* callProc */
698     NULL,			/* deleteProc */
699     NULL			/* cloneProc */
700 };
703 /* Methods to create on the result set class */
705 const static Tcl_MethodType* ResultSetMethods[] = {
706     &ResultSetColumnsMethodType,
707     &ResultSetRowcountMethodType,
708     NULL
709 };
711 /*
712  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
713  *
714  * MysqlBindAlloc --
715  *
716  *	Allocate a number of MYSQL_BIND structures.
717  *
718  * Results:
719  *	Returns a pointer to the array of structures, which will be zeroed out.
720  *
721  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
722  */
724 static MYSQL_BIND*
MysqlBindAlloc(int nBindings)725 MysqlBindAlloc(int nBindings)
726 {
727     int size;
728     void* retval = NULL;
729     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
730 	size = sizeof(struct st_mysql_bind_51);
731     } else {
732 	size = sizeof(struct st_mysql_bind_50);
733     }
734     size *= nBindings;
735     if (size != 0) {
736 	retval = ckalloc(size);
737 	memset(retval, 0, size);
738     }
739     return (MYSQL_BIND*) retval;
740 }
742 /*
743  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
744  *
745  * MysqlBindIndex --
746  *
747  *	Returns a pointer to one of an array of MYSQL_BIND objects
748  *
749  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
750  */
752 static MYSQL_BIND*
MysqlBindIndex(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i)753 MysqlBindIndex(
754     MYSQL_BIND* b, 		/* Binding array to alter */
755     int i			/* Index in the binding array */
756 ) {
757     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
758 	return (MYSQL_BIND*)(((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b) + i);
759     } else {
760 	return (MYSQL_BIND*)(((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b) + i);
761     }
762 }
764 /*
765  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
766  *
767  * MysqlBindAllocBuffer --
768  *
769  *	Allocates the buffer in a MYSQL_BIND object
770  *
771  * Results:
772  *	Returns a pointer to the allocated buffer
773  *
774  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
775  */
777 static void*
MysqlBindAllocBuffer(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i,unsigned long len)778 MysqlBindAllocBuffer(
779     MYSQL_BIND* b,		/* Pointer to a binding array */
780     int i,			/* Index into the array */
781     unsigned long len		/* Length of the buffer to allocate or 0 */
782 ) {
783     void* block = NULL;
784     if (len != 0) {
785 	block = ckalloc(len);
786     }
787     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
788 	((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b)[i].buffer = block;
789 	((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b)[i].buffer_length = len;
790     } else {
791 	((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b)[i].buffer = block;
792 	((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b)[i].buffer_length = len;
793     }
794     return block;
795 }
797 /*
798  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
799  *
800  * MysqlBindFreeBuffer --
801  *
802  *	Frees trhe buffer in a MYSQL_BIND object
803  *
804  * Results:
805  *	None.
806  *
807  * Side effects:
808  *	Buffer is returned to the system.
809  *
810  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
811  */
812 static void
MysqlBindFreeBuffer(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i)813 MysqlBindFreeBuffer(
814     MYSQL_BIND* b,		/* Pointer to a binding array */
815     int i			/* Index into the array */
816 ) {
817     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
818 	struct st_mysql_bind_51* bindings = (struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b;
819 	if (bindings[i].buffer) {
820 	    ckfree(bindings[i].buffer);
821 	    bindings[i].buffer = NULL;
822 	}
823 	bindings[i].buffer_length = 0;
824     } else {
825 	struct st_mysql_bind_50* bindings = (struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b;
826 	if (bindings[i].buffer) {
827 	    ckfree(bindings[i].buffer);
828 	    bindings[i].buffer = NULL;
829 	}
830 	bindings[i].buffer_length = 0;
831     }
832 }
834 /*
835  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
836  *
837  * MysqlBindGetBufferLength, MysqlBindSetBufferType, MysqlBindGetBufferType,
838  * MysqlBindSetLength, MysqlBindSetIsNull,
839  * MysqlBindSetError --
840  *
841  *	Access the fields of a MYSQL_BIND object
842  *
843  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
844  */
846 static void*
MysqlBindGetBuffer(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i)847 MysqlBindGetBuffer(
848     MYSQL_BIND* b, 		/* Binding array to alter */
849     int i			/* Index in the binding array */
850 ) {
851     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
852 	return ((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b)[i].buffer;
853     } else {
854 	return ((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b)[i].buffer;
855     }
856 }
858 static unsigned long
MysqlBindGetBufferLength(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i)859 MysqlBindGetBufferLength(
860     MYSQL_BIND* b, 		/* Binding array to alter */
861     int i			/* Index in the binding array */
862 ) {
863     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
864 	return ((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b)[i].buffer_length;
865     } else {
866 	return ((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b)[i].buffer_length;
867     }
869 }
871 static enum enum_field_types
MysqlBindGetBufferType(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i)872 MysqlBindGetBufferType(
873     MYSQL_BIND* b, 		/* Binding array to alter */
874     int i			/* Index in the binding array */
875 ) {
876     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
877 	return ((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b)[i].buffer_type;
878     } else {
879 	return ((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b)[i].buffer_type;
880     }
881 }
883 static void
MysqlBindSetBufferType(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i,enum enum_field_types t)884 MysqlBindSetBufferType(
885     MYSQL_BIND* b, 		/* Binding array to alter */
886     int i,			/* Index in the binding array */
887     enum enum_field_types t	/* Buffer type to assign */
888 ) {
889     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
890 	((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b)[i].buffer_type = t;
891     } else {
892 	((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b)[i].buffer_type = t;
893     }
894 }
896 static void
MysqlBindSetLength(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i,unsigned long * p)897 MysqlBindSetLength(
898     MYSQL_BIND* b, 		/* Binding array to alter */
899     int i,			/* Index in the binding array */
900     unsigned long* p		/* Length pointer to assign */
901 ) {
902     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
903 	((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b)[i].length = p;
904     } else {
905 	((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b)[i].length = p;
906     }
907 }
909 static void
MysqlBindSetIsNull(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i,my_bool * p)910 MysqlBindSetIsNull(
911     MYSQL_BIND* b, 		/* Binding array to alter */
912     int i,			/* Index in the binding array */
913     my_bool* p			/* "Is null" indicator pointer to assign */
914 ) {
915     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
916 	((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b)[i].is_null = p;
917     } else {
918 	((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b)[i].is_null = p;
919     }
920 }
922 static void
MysqlBindSetError(MYSQL_BIND * b,int i,my_bool * p)923 MysqlBindSetError(
924     MYSQL_BIND* b, 		/* Binding array to alter */
925     int i,			/* Index in the binding array */
926     my_bool* p			/* Error indicator pointer to assign */
927 ) {
928     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
929 	((struct st_mysql_bind_51*) b)[i].error = p;
930     } else {
931 	((struct st_mysql_bind_50*) b)[i].error = p;
932     }
933 }
935 /*
936  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
937  *
938  * MysqlFieldIndex --
939  *
940  *	Return a pointer to a given MYSQL_FIELD structure in an array
941  *
942  * The MYSQL_FIELD structure grows by one pointer between 5.0 and 5.1.
943  * Our code never creates a MYSQL_FIELD, nor does it try to access that
944  * pointer, so we handle things simply by casting the types.
945  *
946  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
947  */
949 static MYSQL_FIELD*
MysqlFieldIndex(MYSQL_FIELD * fields,int i)950 MysqlFieldIndex(MYSQL_FIELD* fields,
951 				/*  Pointer to the array*/
952 		int i)		/* Index in the array */
953 {
954     MYSQL_FIELD* retval;
955     if (mysqlClientVersion >= 50100) {
956 	retval = (MYSQL_FIELD*)(((struct st_mysql_field_51*) fields)+i);
957     } else {
958 	retval = (MYSQL_FIELD*)(((struct st_mysql_field_50*) fields)+i);
959     }
960     return retval;
961 }
963 /*
964  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
965  *
966  * TransferMysqlError --
967  *
968  *	Obtains the error message, SQL state, and error number from the
969  *	MySQL client library and transfers them into the Tcl interpreter
970  *
971  * Results:
972  *	None.
973  *
974  * Side effects:
975  *	Sets the interpreter result and error code to describe the SQL error
976  *
977  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
978  */
980 static void
TransferMysqlError(Tcl_Interp * interp,MYSQL * mysqlPtr)981 TransferMysqlError(
982     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
983     MYSQL* mysqlPtr		/* MySQL connection handle */
984 ) {
985     const char* sqlstate = mysql_sqlstate(mysqlPtr);
986     Tcl_Obj* errorCode = Tcl_NewObj();
987     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode, Tcl_NewStringObj("TDBC", -1));
988     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode,
989 			     Tcl_NewStringObj(Tdbc_MapSqlState(sqlstate), -1));
990     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode,
991 			     Tcl_NewStringObj(sqlstate, -1));
992     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode, Tcl_NewStringObj("MYSQL", -1));
993     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode,
994 			     Tcl_NewWideIntObj(mysql_errno(mysqlPtr)));
995     Tcl_SetObjErrorCode(interp, errorCode);
996     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(mysql_error(mysqlPtr), -1));
997 }
999 /*
1000  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1001  *
1002  * TransferMysqlStmtError --
1003  *
1004  *	Obtains the error message, SQL state, and error number from the
1005  *	MySQL client library and transfers them into the Tcl interpreter
1006  *
1007  * Results:
1008  *	None.
1009  *
1010  * Side effects:
1011  *	Sets the interpreter result and error code to describe the SQL error
1012  *
1013  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1014  */
1016 static void
TransferMysqlStmtError(Tcl_Interp * interp,MYSQL_STMT * stmtPtr)1017 TransferMysqlStmtError(
1018     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1019     MYSQL_STMT* stmtPtr		/* MySQL statment handle */
1020 ) {
1021     const char* sqlstate = mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmtPtr);
1022     Tcl_Obj* errorCode = Tcl_NewObj();
1023     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode, Tcl_NewStringObj("TDBC", -1));
1024     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode,
1025 			     Tcl_NewStringObj(Tdbc_MapSqlState(sqlstate), -1));
1026     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode,
1027 			     Tcl_NewStringObj(sqlstate, -1));
1028     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode, Tcl_NewStringObj("MYSQL", -1));
1029     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, errorCode,
1030 			     Tcl_NewWideIntObj(mysql_stmt_errno(stmtPtr)));
1031     Tcl_SetObjErrorCode(interp, errorCode);
1032     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(mysql_stmt_error(stmtPtr), -1));
1033 }
1035 /*
1036  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1037  *
1038  * QueryConnectionOption --
1039  *
1040  *	Determine the current value of a connection option.
1041  *
1042  * Results:
1043  *	Returns a Tcl object containing the value if successful, or NULL
1044  *	if unsuccessful. If unsuccessful, stores error information in the
1045  *	Tcl interpreter.
1046  *
1047  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1048  */
1050 static Tcl_Obj*
QueryConnectionOption(ConnectionData * cdata,Tcl_Interp * interp,int optionNum)1051 QueryConnectionOption (
1052     ConnectionData* cdata,	/* Connection data */
1053     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1054     int optionNum		/* Position of the option in the table */
1055 ) {
1056     MYSQL_RES* result;		/* Result of the MySQL query for the option */
1057     MYSQL_ROW row;		/* Row of the result set */
1058     int fieldCount;		/* Number of fields in a row */
1059     unsigned long* lengths;	/* Character lengths of the fields */
1060     Tcl_Obj* retval;		/* Return value */
1062     if (mysql_query(cdata->mysqlPtr, ConnOptions[optionNum].query)) {
1063 	TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1064 	return NULL;
1065     }
1066     result = mysql_store_result(cdata->mysqlPtr);
1067     if (result == NULL) {
1068 	TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1069 	return NULL;
1070     }
1071     fieldCount = mysql_num_fields(result);
1072     if (fieldCount < 2) {
1073 	retval = cdata->pidata->literals[LIT_EMPTY];
1074     } else {
1075 	if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) == NULL) {
1076 	    if (mysql_errno(cdata->mysqlPtr)) {
1077 		TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1078 		mysql_free_result(result);
1079 		return NULL;
1080 	    } else {
1081 		retval = cdata->pidata->literals[LIT_EMPTY];
1082 	    }
1083 	} else {
1084 	    lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(result);
1085 	    retval = Tcl_NewStringObj(row[1], lengths[1]);
1086 	}
1087     }
1088     mysql_free_result(result);
1089     return retval;
1090 }
1092 /*
1093  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1094  *
1095  * ConfigureConnection --
1096  *
1097  *	Applies configuration settings to a MySQL connection.
1098  *
1099  * Results:
1100  *	Returns a Tcl result. If the result is TCL_ERROR, error information
1101  *	is stored in the interpreter.
1102  *
1103  * Side effects:
1104  *	Updates configuration in the connection data. Opens a connection
1105  *	if none is yet open.
1106  *
1107  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1108  */
1110 static int
ConfigureConnection(ConnectionData * cdata,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[],int skip)1111 ConfigureConnection(
1112     ConnectionData* cdata,	/* Connection data */
1113     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1114     int objc,			/* Parameter count */
1115     Tcl_Obj* const objv[],	/* Parameter data */
1116     int skip			/* Number of parameters to skip */
1117 ) {
1119     const char* stringOpts[INDX_MAX];
1120 				/* String-valued options */
1121     unsigned long mysqlFlags=0;	/* Connection flags */
1122     int sslFlag = 0;		/* Flag==1 if SSL configuration is needed */
1123     int optionIndex;		/* Index of the current option in ConnOptions */
1124     int optionValue;		/* Integer value of the current option */
1125     unsigned short port = 0;	/* Server port number */
1126     int isolation = ISOL_NONE;	/* Isolation level */
1127     int timeout = 0;		/* Timeout value */
1128     int i;
1129     Tcl_Obj* retval;
1130     Tcl_Obj* optval;
1132     if (cdata->mysqlPtr != NULL) {
1134 	/* Query configuration options on an existing connection */
1136 	if (objc == skip) {
1137 	    retval = Tcl_NewObj();
1138 	    for (i = 0; ConnOptions[i].name != NULL; ++i) {
1139 		if (ConnOptions[i].flags & CONN_OPT_FLAG_ALIAS) continue;
1140 		optval = QueryConnectionOption(cdata, interp, i);
1141 		if (optval == NULL) {
1142 		    return TCL_ERROR;
1143 		}
1144 		Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, retval,
1145 			       Tcl_NewStringObj(ConnOptions[i].name, -1),
1146 			       optval);
1147 	    }
1148 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, retval);
1149 	    return TCL_OK;
1150 	} else if (objc == skip+1) {
1152 	    if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[skip],
1153 					  (void*) ConnOptions,
1154 					  sizeof(ConnOptions[0]), "option",
1155 					  0, &optionIndex) != TCL_OK) {
1156 		return TCL_ERROR;
1157 	    }
1158 	    retval = QueryConnectionOption(cdata, interp, optionIndex);
1159 	    if (retval == NULL) {
1160 		return TCL_ERROR;
1161 	    } else {
1162 		Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, retval);
1163 		return TCL_OK;
1164 	    }
1165 	}
1166     }
1168     if ((objc-skip) % 2 != 0) {
1169 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, skip, objv, "?-option value?...");
1170 	return TCL_ERROR;
1171     }
1173     /* Extract options from the command line */
1175     for (i = 0; i < INDX_MAX; ++i) {
1176 	stringOpts[i] = NULL;
1177     }
1178     for (i = skip; i < objc; i += 2) {
1180 	/* Unknown option */
1182 	if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[i], (void*) ConnOptions,
1183 				      sizeof(ConnOptions[0]), "option",
1184 				      0, &optionIndex) != TCL_OK) {
1185 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1186 	}
1188 	/* Unmodifiable option */
1190 	if (cdata->mysqlPtr != NULL && !(ConnOptions[optionIndex].flags
1191 					 & CONN_OPT_FLAG_MOD)) {
1192 	    Tcl_Obj* msg = Tcl_NewStringObj("\"", -1);
1193 	    Tcl_AppendObjToObj(msg, objv[i]);
1194 	    Tcl_AppendToObj(msg, "\" option cannot be changed dynamically", -1);
1195 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, msg);
1196 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TDBC", "GENERAL_ERROR", "HY000",
1197 			     "MYSQL", "-1", NULL);
1198 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1199 	}
1201 	/* Record option value */
1203 	switch (ConnOptions[optionIndex].type) {
1204 	case TYPE_STRING:
1205 	    stringOpts[ConnOptions[optionIndex].info] =
1206 		Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1]);
1207 	    break;
1208 	case TYPE_FLAG:
1209 	    if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[i+1], &optionValue)
1210 		!= TCL_OK) {
1211 		return TCL_ERROR;
1212 	    }
1213 	    if (optionValue) {
1214 		mysqlFlags |= ConnOptions[optionIndex].info;
1215 	    }
1216 	    break;
1217 	case TYPE_ENCODING:
1218 	    if (strcmp(Tcl_GetString(objv[i+1]), "utf-8")) {
1219 		Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
1220 				 Tcl_NewStringObj("Only UTF-8 transfer "
1221 						  "encoding is supported.\n",
1222 						  -1));
1223 		Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TDBC", "GENERAL_ERROR", "HY000",
1224 				 "MYSQL", "-1", NULL);
1225 		return TCL_ERROR;
1226 	    }
1227 	    break;
1228 	case TYPE_ISOLATION:
1229 	    if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[i+1], TclIsolationLevels,
1230 				    sizeof(char *), "isolation level", TCL_EXACT, &isolation)
1231 		!= TCL_OK) {
1232 		return TCL_ERROR;
1233 	    }
1234 	    break;
1235 	case TYPE_PORT:
1236 	    if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[i+1], &optionValue) != TCL_OK) {
1237 		return TCL_ERROR;
1238 	    }
1239 	    if (optionValue < 0 || optionValue > 0xffff) {
1240 		Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("port number must "
1241 							  "be in range "
1242 							  "[0..65535]", -1));
1243 		Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TDBC", "GENERAL_ERROR", "HY000",
1244 				 "MYSQL", "-1", NULL);
1245 		return TCL_ERROR;
1246 	    }
1247 	    port = optionValue;
1248 	    break;
1249 	case TYPE_READONLY:
1250 	    if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[i+1], &optionValue)
1251 		!= TCL_OK) {
1252 		return TCL_ERROR;
1253 	    }
1254 	    if (optionValue != 0) {
1255 		Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
1256 				 Tcl_NewStringObj("MySQL does not support "
1257 						  "readonly connections", -1));
1258 		Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TDBC", "GENERAL_ERROR", "HY000",
1259 				 "MYSQL", "-1", NULL);
1260 		return TCL_ERROR;
1261 	    }
1262 	    break;
1263 	case TYPE_TIMEOUT:
1264 	    if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[i+1], &timeout) != TCL_OK) {
1265 		return TCL_ERROR;
1266 	    }
1267 	    break;
1268 	}
1269 	if (ConnOptions[optionIndex].flags & CONN_OPT_FLAG_SSL) {
1270 	    sslFlag = 1;
1271 	}
1272     }
1274     if (cdata->mysqlPtr == NULL) {
1276 	/* Configuring a new connection. Open the database */
1278 	cdata->mysqlPtr = mysql_init(NULL);
1279 	if (cdata->mysqlPtr == NULL) {
1280 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
1281 			     Tcl_NewStringObj("mysql_init() failed.", -1));
1282 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TDBC", "GENERAL_ERROR", "HY001",
1283 			     "MYSQL", "NULL", NULL);
1284 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1285 	}
1287 	/* Set character set for the connection */
1289 	mysql_options(cdata->mysqlPtr, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "utf8");
1291 	    /* Set SSL options if needed */
1293 	if (sslFlag) {
1294 	    mysql_ssl_set(cdata->mysqlPtr, stringOpts[INDX_SSLKEY],
1295 			  stringOpts[INDX_SSLCERT], stringOpts[INDX_SSLCA],
1296 			  stringOpts[INDX_SSLCAPATH],
1297 			  stringOpts[INDX_SSLCIPHER]);
1298 	}
1300 	/* Establish the connection */
1302 	/*
1303 	 * TODO - mutex around this unless linked to libmysqlclient_r ?
1304 	 */
1306 	if (mysql_real_connect(cdata->mysqlPtr, stringOpts[INDX_HOST],
1307 			       stringOpts[INDX_USER], stringOpts[INDX_PASSWD],
1308 			       stringOpts[INDX_DB], port,
1309 			       stringOpts[INDX_SOCKET], mysqlFlags) == NULL) {
1310 	    TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1311 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1312 	}
1314 	cdata->flags |= CONN_FLAG_AUTOCOMMIT;
1316     } else {
1318 	/* Already open connection */
1320 	if (stringOpts[INDX_USER] != NULL) {
1322 	    /* User name changed - log in again */
1324 	    if (mysql_change_user(cdata->mysqlPtr,
1325 				  stringOpts[INDX_USER],
1326 				  stringOpts[INDX_PASSWD],
1327 				  stringOpts[INDX_DB])) {
1328 		TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1329 		return TCL_ERROR;
1330 	    }
1331 	} else if (stringOpts[INDX_DB] != NULL) {
1333 	    /* Database name changed - use the new database */
1335 	    if (mysql_select_db(cdata->mysqlPtr, stringOpts[INDX_DB])) {
1336 		TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1337 		return TCL_ERROR;
1338 	    }
1339 	}
1340     }
1342     /* Transaction isolation level */
1344     if (isolation != ISOL_NONE) {
1345 	if (mysql_query(cdata->mysqlPtr, SqlIsolationLevels[isolation])) {
1346 	    TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1347 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1348 	}
1349     }
1351     /* Timeout */
1353     if (timeout != 0) {
1354         int result;
1355 	Tcl_Obj* query = Tcl_ObjPrintf("SET SESSION WAIT_TIMEOUT = %d\n",
1356 				       timeout);
1357 	Tcl_IncrRefCount(query);
1358 	result = mysql_query(cdata->mysqlPtr, Tcl_GetString(query));
1359 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(query);
1360 	if (result) {
1361 	    TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1362 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1363 	}
1364     }
1366     return TCL_OK;
1367 }
1369 /*
1370  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1371  *
1372  * ConnectionConstructor --
1373  *
1374  *	Constructor for ::tdbc::mysql::connection, which represents a
1375  *	database connection.
1376  *
1377  * Results:
1378  *	Returns a standard Tcl result.
1379  *
1380  * The ConnectionInitMethod takes alternating keywords and values giving
1381  * the configuration parameters of the connection, and attempts to connect
1382  * to the database.
1383  *
1384  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1385  */
1387 static int
ConnectionConstructor(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext context,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1388 ConnectionConstructor(
1389     ClientData clientData,	/* Environment handle */
1390     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1391     Tcl_ObjectContext context, /* Object context */
1392     int objc,			/* Parameter count */
1393     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
1394 ) {
1395     PerInterpData* pidata = (PerInterpData*) clientData;
1396 				/* Per-interp data for the MYSQL package */
1397     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(context);
1398 				/* The current object */
1399     int skip = Tcl_ObjectContextSkippedArgs(context);
1400 				/* The number of leading arguments to skip */
1401     ConnectionData* cdata;	/* Per-connection data */
1403     /* Hang client data on this connection */
1405     cdata = (ConnectionData*) ckalloc(sizeof(ConnectionData));
1406     cdata->refCount = 1;
1407     cdata->pidata = pidata;
1408     cdata->mysqlPtr = NULL;
1409     cdata->nCollations = 0;
1410     cdata->collationSizes = NULL;
1411     cdata->flags = 0;
1412     IncrPerInterpRefCount(pidata);
1413     Tcl_ObjectSetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType, (ClientData) cdata);
1415     /* Configure the connection */
1417     if (ConfigureConnection(cdata, interp, objc, objv, skip) != TCL_OK) {
1418 	return TCL_ERROR;
1419     }
1421     return TCL_OK;
1423 }
1425 /*
1426  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1427  *
1428  * ConnectionBegintransactionMethod --
1429  *
1430  *	Method that requests that following operations on an OBBC connection
1431  *	be executed as an atomic transaction.
1432  *
1433  * Usage:
1434  *	$connection begintransaction
1435  *
1436  * Parameters:
1437  *	None.
1438  *
1439  * Results:
1440  *	Returns an empty result if successful, and throws an error otherwise.
1441  *
1442  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1443 */
1445 static int
ConnectionBegintransactionMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1446 ConnectionBegintransactionMethod(
1447     ClientData dummy,	/* Unused */
1448     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1449     Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext, /* Object context */
1450     int objc,			/* Parameter count */
1451     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
1452 ) {
1453     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext);
1454 				/* The current connection object */
1455     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*)
1456 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType);
1457     (void)dummy;
1459     /* Check parameters */
1461     if (objc != 2) {
1462 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "");
1463 	return TCL_ERROR;
1464     }
1466     /* Reject attempts at nested transactions */
1468     if (cdata->flags & CONN_FLAG_IN_XCN) {
1469 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("MySQL does not support "
1470 						  "nested transactions", -1));
1471 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TDBC", "GENERAL_ERROR", "HYC00",
1472 			 "MYSQL", "-1", NULL);
1473 	return TCL_ERROR;
1474     }
1475     cdata->flags |= CONN_FLAG_IN_XCN;
1477     /* Turn off autocommit for the duration of the transaction */
1479     if (cdata->flags & CONN_FLAG_AUTOCOMMIT) {
1480 	if (mysql_autocommit(cdata->mysqlPtr, 0)) {
1481 	    TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1482 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1483 	}
1484 	cdata->flags &= ~CONN_FLAG_AUTOCOMMIT;
1485     }
1487     return TCL_OK;
1488 }
1490 /*
1491  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1492  *
1493  * ConnectionColumnsMethod --
1494  *
1495  *	Method that asks for the names of columns in a table
1496  *	in the database (optionally matching a given pattern)
1497  *
1498  * Usage:
1499  * 	$connection columns table ?pattern?
1500  *
1501  * Parameters:
1502  *	None.
1503  *
1504  * Results:
1505  *	Returns the list of tables
1506  *
1507  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1508  */
1510 static int
ConnectionColumnsMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1511 ConnectionColumnsMethod(
1512     ClientData dummy,	/* Completion type */
1513     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1514     Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext, /* Object context */
1515     int objc,			/* Parameter count */
1516     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
1517 ) {
1518     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext);
1519 				/* The current connection object */
1520     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*)
1521 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType);
1522 				/* Instance data */
1523     PerInterpData* pidata = cdata->pidata;
1524 				/* Per-interpreter data */
1525     Tcl_Obj** literals = pidata->literals;
1526 				/* Literal pool */
1527     const char* patternStr;	/* Pattern to match table names */
1528     MYSQL_RES* results;		/* Result set */
1529     Tcl_Obj* retval;		/* List of table names */
1530     Tcl_Obj* name;		/* Name of a column */
1531     Tcl_Obj* attrs;		/* Attributes of the column */
1532     Tcl_HashEntry* entry;	/* Hash entry for data type */
1533     (void)dummy;
1535     /* Check parameters */
1537     if (objc == 3) {
1538 	patternStr = NULL;
1539     } else if (objc == 4) {
1540 	patternStr = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
1541     } else {
1542 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "table ?pattern?");
1543 	return TCL_ERROR;
1544     }
1546     results = mysql_list_fields(cdata->mysqlPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]),
1547 				patternStr);
1548     if (results == NULL) {
1549 	TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1550 	return TCL_ERROR;
1551     } else {
1552 	unsigned int fieldCount = mysql_num_fields(results);
1553 	MYSQL_FIELD* fields = mysql_fetch_fields(results);
1554 	unsigned int i;
1555 	retval = Tcl_NewObj();
1556 	Tcl_IncrRefCount(retval);
1557 	for (i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i) {
1558 	    MYSQL_FIELD* field = MysqlFieldIndex(fields, i);
1559 	    attrs = Tcl_NewObj();
1560 	    name = Tcl_NewStringObj(field->name, field->name_length);
1562 	    Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, attrs, literals[LIT_NAME], name);
1563 	    /* TODO - Distinguish CHAR and BINARY */
1564 	    entry = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&(pidata->typeNumHash),
1565 				      (char*) field->type);
1566 	    if (entry != NULL) {
1567 		Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, attrs, literals[LIT_TYPE],
1568 			       (Tcl_Obj*) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry));
1569 	    }
1570 	    if (IS_NUM(field->type)) {
1571 		Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, attrs, literals[LIT_PRECISION],
1572 			       Tcl_NewWideIntObj(field->length));
1573 	    } else if (field->charsetnr < cdata->nCollations) {
1574 		Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, attrs, literals[LIT_PRECISION],
1575 		    Tcl_NewWideIntObj(field->length
1576 			/ cdata->collationSizes[field->charsetnr]));
1577 	    }
1578 	    Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, attrs, literals[LIT_SCALE],
1579 			   Tcl_NewWideIntObj(field->decimals));
1580 	    Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, attrs, literals[LIT_NULLABLE],
1581 			   Tcl_NewWideIntObj(!(field->flags
1582 					   & (NOT_NULL_FLAG))));
1583 	    Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, retval, name, attrs);
1584 	}
1585 	mysql_free_result(results);
1586 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, retval);
1587 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(retval);
1588 	return TCL_OK;
1589     }
1590 }
1592 /*
1593  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1594  *
1595  * ConnectionCommitMethod --
1596  *
1597  *	Method that requests that a pending transaction against a database
1598  * 	be committed.
1599  *
1600  * Usage:
1601  *	$connection commit
1602  *
1603  * Parameters:
1604  *	None.
1605  *
1606  * Results:
1607  *	Returns an empty Tcl result if successful, and throws an error
1608  *	otherwise.
1609  *
1610  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1611  */
1613 static int
ConnectionCommitMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1614 ConnectionCommitMethod(
1615     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
1616     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1617     Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext, /* Object context */
1618     int objc,			/* Parameter count */
1619     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
1620 ) {
1621     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext);
1622 				/* The current connection object */
1623     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*)
1624 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType);
1625 				/* Instance data */
1626     my_bool rc;			/* MySQL status return */
1627     (void)dummy;
1629     /* Check parameters */
1631     if (objc != 2) {
1632 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "");
1633 	return TCL_ERROR;
1634     }
1636     /* Reject the request if no transaction is in progress */
1638     if (!(cdata->flags & CONN_FLAG_IN_XCN)) {
1639 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("no transaction is in "
1640 						  "progress", -1));
1641 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TDBC", "GENERAL_ERROR", "HY010",
1642 			 "MYSQL", "-1", NULL);
1643 	return TCL_ERROR;
1644     }
1646     /* End transaction, turn off "transaction in progress", and report status */
1648     rc = mysql_commit(cdata->mysqlPtr);
1649     cdata->flags &= ~ CONN_FLAG_IN_XCN;
1650     if (rc) {
1651 	TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1652 	return TCL_ERROR;
1653     }
1654     return TCL_OK;
1655 }
1657 /*
1658  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1659  *
1660  * ConnectionConfigureMethod --
1661  *
1662  *	Change configuration parameters on an open connection.
1663  *
1664  * Usage:
1665  *	$connection configure ?-keyword? ?value? ?-keyword value ...?
1666  *
1667  * Parameters:
1668  *	Keyword-value pairs (or a single keyword, or an empty set)
1669  *	of configuration options.
1670  *
1671  * Options:
1672  *	The following options are supported;
1673  *	    -database
1674  *		Name of the database to use by default in queries
1675  *	    -encoding
1676  *		Character encoding to use with the server. (Must be utf-8)
1677  *	    -isolation
1678  *		Transaction isolation level.
1679  *	    -readonly
1680  *		Read-only flag (must be a false Boolean value)
1681  *	    -timeout
1682  *		Timeout value (both wait_timeout and interactive_timeout)
1683  *
1684  *	Other options supported by the constructor are here in read-only
1685  *	mode; any attempt to change them will result in an error.
1686  *
1687  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1688  */
ConnectionConfigureMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1690 static int ConnectionConfigureMethod(
1691      ClientData dummy,
1692      Tcl_Interp* interp,
1693      Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,
1694      int objc,
1695      Tcl_Obj *const objv[]
1696 ) {
1697     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext);
1698 				/* The current connection object */
1699     int skip = Tcl_ObjectContextSkippedArgs(objectContext);
1700 				/* Number of arguments to skip */
1701     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*)
1702 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType);
1703     (void)dummy;
1705 				/* Instance data */
1706     return ConfigureConnection(cdata, interp, objc, objv, skip);
1707 }
1709 /*
1710  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1711  *
1712  * ConnectionEvaldirectMethod --
1713  *
1714  *	Evaluates a MySQL statement that is not supported by the prepared
1715  *	statement API.
1716  *
1717  * Usage:
1718  *	$connection evaldirect sql-statement
1719  *
1720  * Parameters:
1721  *	sql-statement -
1722  *		SQL statement to evaluate. The statement may not contain
1723  *		substitutions.
1724  *
1725  * Results:
1726  *	Returns a standard Tcl result. If the operation is successful,
1727  *	the result consists of a list of rows (in the same form as
1728  *	[$connection allrows -as dicts]). If the operation fails, the
1729  *	result is an error message.
1730  *
1731  * Side effects:
1732  *	Whatever the SQL statement does.
1733  *
1734  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1735  */
1737 static int
ConnectionEvaldirectMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1738 ConnectionEvaldirectMethod(
1739     ClientData dummy,	     /* Unused */
1740     Tcl_Interp* interp,		     /* Tcl interpreter */
1741     Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext, /* Object context */
1742     int objc,			     /* Parameter count */
1743     Tcl_Obj *const objv[])           /* Parameter vector */
1744 {
1745     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext);
1746 				/* Current connection object */
1747     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*)
1748 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType);
1749 				/* Instance data */
1750     int nColumns;		/* Number of columns in the result set */
1751     MYSQL_RES* resultPtr;	/* MySQL result set */
1752     MYSQL_ROW rowPtr;		/* One row of the result set */
1753     unsigned long* lengths;	/* Lengths of the fields in a row */
1754     Tcl_Obj* retObj;		/* Result set as a Tcl list */
1755     Tcl_Obj* rowObj;		/* One row of the result set as a Tcl list */
1756     Tcl_Obj* fieldObj;		/* One field of the row */
1757     int i;
1758     (void)dummy;
1760     /* Check parameters */
1762     if (objc != 3) {
1763 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "");
1764 	return TCL_ERROR;
1765     }
1767     /* Execute the given statement */
1769     if (mysql_query(cdata->mysqlPtr, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]))) {
1770 	TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1771 	return TCL_ERROR;
1772     }
1774     /* Retrieve the result set */
1776     resultPtr = mysql_store_result(cdata->mysqlPtr);
1777     nColumns = mysql_field_count(cdata->mysqlPtr);
1778     if (resultPtr == NULL) {
1779 	/*
1780 	 * Can't retrieve result set. Distinguish result-less statements
1781 	 * from MySQL errors.
1782 	 */
1783 	if (nColumns == 0) {
1784 	    Tcl_SetObjResult
1785 		(interp,
1786 		 Tcl_NewWideIntObj(mysql_affected_rows(cdata->mysqlPtr)));
1787 	    return TCL_OK;
1788 	} else {
1789 	    TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1790 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1791 	}
1792     }
1794     /* Make a list-of-lists of the result */
1796     retObj = Tcl_NewObj();
1797     while ((rowPtr = mysql_fetch_row(resultPtr)) != NULL) {
1798 	rowObj = Tcl_NewObj();
1799 	lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(resultPtr);
1800 	for (i = 0; i < nColumns; ++i) {
1801 	    if (rowPtr[i] != NULL) {
1802 		fieldObj = Tcl_NewStringObj(rowPtr[i], lengths[i]);
1803 	    } else {
1804 		fieldObj = cdata->pidata->literals[LIT_EMPTY];
1805 	    }
1806 	    Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, rowObj, fieldObj);
1807 	}
1808 	Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, retObj, rowObj);
1809     }
1810     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, retObj);
1812     /*
1813      * Free the result set.
1814      */
1815     mysql_free_result(resultPtr);
1817     return TCL_OK;
1818 }
1821 /*
1822  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1823  *
1824  * ConnectionNeedCollationInfoMethod --
1825  *
1826  *	Internal method that determines whether the collation lengths
1827  *	are known yet.
1828  *
1829  * Usage:
1830  *	$connection NeedCollationInfo
1831  *
1832  * Parameters:
1833  *	None.
1834  *
1835  * Results:
1836  *	Returns a Boolean value.
1837  *
1838  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1839  */
1841 static int
ConnectionNeedCollationInfoMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1842 ConnectionNeedCollationInfoMethod(
1843     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
1844     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1845     Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext, /* Object context */
1846     int objc,			/* Parameter count */
1847     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
1848 ) {
1849     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext);
1850 				/* The current connection object */
1851     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*)
1852 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType);
1853 				/* Instance data */
1854     (void)dummy;
1856     if (objc != 2) {
1857 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "");
1858 	return TCL_ERROR;
1859     }
1861     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewWideIntObj(cdata->collationSizes == NULL));
1862     return TCL_OK;
1863 }
1865 /*
1866  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1867  *
1868  * ConnectionRollbackMethod --
1869  *
1870  *	Method that requests that a pending transaction against a database
1871  * 	be rolled back.
1872  *
1873  * Usage:
1874  * 	$connection rollback
1875  *
1876  * Parameters:
1877  *	None.
1878  *
1879  * Results:
1880  *	Returns an empty Tcl result if successful, and throws an error
1881  *	otherwise.
1882  *
1883  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1884  */
1886 static int
ConnectionRollbackMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1887 ConnectionRollbackMethod(
1888     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
1889     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1890     Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext, /* Object context */
1891     int objc,			/* Parameter count */
1892     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
1893 ) {
1894     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext);
1895 				/* The current connection object */
1896     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*)
1897 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType);
1898 				/* Instance data */
1899     my_bool rc;		/* Result code from MySQL operations */
1900     (void)dummy;
1902     /* Check parameters */
1904     if (objc != 2) {
1905 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "");
1906 	return TCL_ERROR;
1907     }
1909     /* Reject the request if no transaction is in progress */
1911     if (!(cdata->flags & CONN_FLAG_IN_XCN)) {
1912 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("no transaction is in "
1913 						  "progress", -1));
1914 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TDBC", "GENERAL_ERROR", "HY010",
1915 			 "MYSQL", "-1", NULL);
1916 	return TCL_ERROR;
1917     }
1919     /* End transaction, turn off "transaction in progress", and report status */
1921     rc = mysql_rollback(cdata->mysqlPtr);
1922     cdata->flags &= ~CONN_FLAG_IN_XCN;
1923     if (rc) {
1924 	TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
1925 	return TCL_ERROR;
1926     }
1927     return TCL_OK;
1928 }
1930 /*
1931  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1932  *
1933  * ConnectionSetCollationInfoMethod --
1934  *
1935  *	Internal method that saves the character lengths of the collations
1936  *
1937  * Usage:
1938  *	$connection SetCollationInfo {collationNum size} ...
1939  *
1940  * Parameters:
1941  *	One or more pairs of collation number and character length,
1942  *	ordered in decreasing sequence by collation number.
1943  *
1944  * Results:
1945  *	None.
1946  *
1947  * The [$connection columns $table] method needs to know the sizes
1948  * of characters in a given column's collation and character set.
1949  * This information is available by querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA, which
1950  * is easier to do from Tcl than C. This method passes in the results.
1951  *
1952  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1953  */
1955 static int
ConnectionSetCollationInfoMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1956 ConnectionSetCollationInfoMethod(
1957     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
1958     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
1959     Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext, /* Object context */
1960     int objc,			/* Parameter count */
1961     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
1962 ) {
1963     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext);
1964 				/* The current connection object */
1965     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*)
1966 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType);
1967 				/* Instance data */
1968     int listLen;
1969     Tcl_Obj* objPtr;
1970     unsigned int collationNum;
1971     int i;
1972     int t;
1973     (void)dummy;
1975     if (objc <= 2) {
1976 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "{collationNum size}...");
1977 	return TCL_ERROR;
1978     }
1979     if (Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, objv[2], 0, &objPtr) != TCL_OK) {
1980 	return TCL_ERROR;
1981     }
1982     if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objPtr, &t) != TCL_OK) {
1983 	return TCL_ERROR;
1984     }
1985     cdata->nCollations = (unsigned int)(t+1);
1986     if (cdata->collationSizes) {
1987 	ckfree((char*) cdata->collationSizes);
1988     }
1989     cdata->collationSizes =
1990 	(int*) ckalloc(cdata->nCollations * sizeof(int));
1991     memset(cdata->collationSizes, 0, cdata->nCollations * sizeof(int));
1992     for (i = 2; i < objc; ++i) {
1993 	if (Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, objv[i], &listLen) != TCL_OK) {
1994 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1995 	}
1996 	if (listLen != 2) {
1997 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("args must be 2-element "
1998 						      "lists", -1));
1999 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2000 	}
2001 	if (Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, objv[i], 0, &objPtr) != TCL_OK
2002 	    || Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objPtr, &t) != TCL_OK) {
2003 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2004 	}
2005 	collationNum = (unsigned int) t;
2006 	if (collationNum > cdata->nCollations) {
2007 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("collations must be "
2008 						      "in decreasing sequence",
2009 						      -1));
2010 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2011 	}
2012 	if ((Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, objv[i], 1, &objPtr) != TCL_OK)
2013 	    || (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objPtr,
2014 				 cdata->collationSizes+collationNum)
2015 		!= TCL_OK)) {
2016 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2017 	}
2018     }
2019     return TCL_OK;
2020 }
2022 /*
2023  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024  *
2025  * ConnectionTablesMethod --
2026  *
2027  *	Method that asks for the names of tables in the database (optionally
2028  *	matching a given pattern
2029  *
2030  * Usage:
2031  * 	$connection tables ?pattern?
2032  *
2033  * Parameters:
2034  *	None.
2035  *
2036  * Results:
2037  *	Returns the list of tables
2038  *
2039  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2040  */
2042 static int
ConnectionTablesMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])2043 ConnectionTablesMethod(
2044     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
2045     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
2046     Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext, /* Object context */
2047     int objc,			/* Parameter count */
2048     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
2049 ) {
2050     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext);
2051 				/* The current connection object */
2052     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*)
2053 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &connectionDataType);
2054 				/* Instance data */
2055     Tcl_Obj** literals = cdata->pidata->literals;
2056 				/* Literal pool */
2057     const char* patternStr = NULL;
2058 				/* Pattern to match table names */
2059     MYSQL_RES* results = NULL;	/* Result set */
2060     MYSQL_ROW row = NULL;	/* Row in the result set */
2061     int status = TCL_OK;	/* Return status */
2062     Tcl_Obj* retval = NULL;	/* List of table names */
2063     (void)dummy;
2065     /* Check parameters */
2067     if (objc == 2) {
2068 	patternStr = NULL;
2069     } else if (objc == 3) {
2070 	patternStr = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
2071     } else {
2072 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "");
2073 	return TCL_ERROR;
2074     }
2076     results = mysql_list_tables(cdata->mysqlPtr, patternStr);
2077     if (results == NULL) {
2078 	TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
2079 	return TCL_ERROR;
2080     } else {
2081 	retval = Tcl_NewObj();
2082 	Tcl_IncrRefCount(retval);
2083 	while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(results)) != NULL) {
2084 	    unsigned long * lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(results);
2085 	    if (row[0]) {
2086 		Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, retval,
2087 					 Tcl_NewStringObj(row[0],
2088 							  (int)lengths[0]));
2089 		Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, retval, literals[LIT_EMPTY]);
2090 	    }
2091 	}
2092 	if (mysql_errno(cdata->mysqlPtr)) {
2093 	    TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
2094 	    status = TCL_ERROR;
2095 	}
2096 	if (status == TCL_OK) {
2097 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, retval);
2098 	}
2099 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(retval);
2100 	mysql_free_result(results);
2101 	return status;
2102     }
2103 }
2105 /*
2106  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2107  *
2108  * DeleteCmd --
2109  *
2110  *	Callback executed when the initialization method of the connection
2111  *	class is deleted.
2112  *
2113  * Side effects:
2114  *	Dismisses the environment, which has the effect of shutting
2115  *	down MYSQL when it is no longer required.
2116  *
2117  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2118  */
2120 static void
DeleteCmd(ClientData clientData)2121 DeleteCmd (
2122     ClientData clientData	/* Environment handle */
2123 ) {
2124     PerInterpData* pidata = (PerInterpData*) clientData;
2125     DecrPerInterpRefCount(pidata);
2126 }
2128 /*
2129  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2130  *
2131  * CloneCmd --
2132  *
2133  *	Callback executed when any of the MYSQL client methods is cloned.
2134  *
2135  * Results:
2136  *	Returns TCL_OK to allow the method to be copied.
2137  *
2138  * Side effects:
2139  *	Obtains a fresh copy of the environment handle, to keep the
2140  *	refcounts accurate
2141  *
2142  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2143  */
2145 static int
CloneCmd(Tcl_Interp * dummy,ClientData oldClientData,ClientData * newClientData)2146 CloneCmd(
2147     Tcl_Interp* dummy,		/* Tcl interpreter */
2148     ClientData oldClientData,	/* Environment handle to be discarded */
2149     ClientData* newClientData	/* New environment handle to be used */
2150 ) {
2151     (void)dummy;
2153     *newClientData = oldClientData;
2154     return TCL_OK;
2155 }
2157 /*
2158  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2159  *
2160  * DeleteConnectionMetadata, DeleteConnection --
2161  *
2162  *	Cleans up when a database connection is deleted.
2163  *
2164  * Results:
2165  *	None.
2166  *
2167  * Side effects:
2168  *	Terminates the connection and frees all system resources associated
2169  *	with it.
2170  *
2171  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2172  */
2174 static void
DeleteConnectionMetadata(ClientData clientData)2175 DeleteConnectionMetadata(
2176     ClientData clientData	/* Instance data for the connection */
2177 ) {
2178     DecrConnectionRefCount((ConnectionData*)clientData);
2179 }
2181 static void
DeleteConnection(ConnectionData * cdata)2182 DeleteConnection(
2183     ConnectionData* cdata	/* Instance data for the connection */
2184 ) {
2185     if (cdata->collationSizes != NULL) {
2186 	ckfree((char*) cdata->collationSizes);
2187     }
2188     if (cdata->mysqlPtr != NULL) {
2189 	mysql_close(cdata->mysqlPtr);
2190     }
2191     DecrPerInterpRefCount(cdata->pidata);
2192     ckfree((char*) cdata);
2193 }
2195 /*
2196  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2197  *
2198  * CloneConnection --
2199  *
2200  *	Attempts to clone an MYSQL connection's metadata.
2201  *
2202  * Results:
2203  *	Returns the new metadata
2204  *
2205  * At present, we don't attempt to clone connections - it's not obvious
2206  * that such an action would ever even make sense.  Instead, we return NULL
2207  * to indicate that the metadata should not be cloned. (Note that this
2208  * action isn't right, either. What *is* right is to indicate that the object
2209  * is not clonable, but the API gives us no way to do that.
2210  *
2211  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2212  */
2214 static int
CloneConnection(Tcl_Interp * interp,ClientData metadata,ClientData * newMetaData)2215 CloneConnection(
2216     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter for error reporting */
2217     ClientData metadata,	/* Metadata to be cloned */
2218     ClientData* newMetaData	/* Where to put the cloned metadata */
2219 ) {
2220     (void)metadata;
2221     (void)newMetaData;
2223     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
2224 		     Tcl_NewStringObj("MYSQL connections are not clonable", -1));
2225     return TCL_ERROR;
2226 }
2228 /*
2229  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2230  *
2231  * NewStatement --
2232  *
2233  *	Creates an empty object to hold statement data.
2234  *
2235  * Results:
2236  *	Returns a pointer to the newly-created object.
2237  *
2238  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2239  */
2241 static StatementData*
NewStatement(ConnectionData * cdata)2242 NewStatement(
2243     ConnectionData* cdata	/* Instance data for the connection */
2244 ) {
2245     StatementData* sdata = (StatementData*) ckalloc(sizeof(StatementData));
2246     sdata->refCount = 1;
2247     sdata->cdata = cdata;
2248     IncrConnectionRefCount(cdata);
2249     sdata->subVars = Tcl_NewObj();
2250     Tcl_IncrRefCount(sdata->subVars);
2251     sdata->params = NULL;
2252     sdata->nativeSql = NULL;
2253     sdata->stmtPtr = NULL;
2254     sdata->metadataPtr = NULL;
2255     sdata->columnNames = NULL;
2256     sdata->flags = 0;
2257     return sdata;
2258 }
2260 /*
2261  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2262  *
2263  * AllocAndPrepareStatement --
2264  *
2265  *	Allocate space for a MySQL prepared statement, and prepare the
2266  *	statement.
2267  *
2268  * Results:
2269  *	Returns the statement handle if successful, and NULL on failure.
2270  *
2271  * Side effects:
2272  *	Prepares the statement.
2273  *	Stores error message and error code in the interpreter on failure.
2274  *
2275  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2276  */
2278 static MYSQL_STMT*
AllocAndPrepareStatement(Tcl_Interp * interp,StatementData * sdata)2279 AllocAndPrepareStatement(
2280     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter for error reporting */
2281     StatementData* sdata	/* Statement data */
2282 ) {
2283     ConnectionData* cdata = sdata->cdata;
2284 				/* Connection data */
2285     MYSQL_STMT* stmtPtr;	/* Statement handle */
2286     const char* nativeSqlStr;	/* Native SQL statement to prepare */
2287     int nativeSqlLen;		/* Length of the statement */
2289     /* Allocate space for the prepared statement */
2291     stmtPtr = mysql_stmt_init(cdata->mysqlPtr);
2292     /*
2293      * MySQL allows only one writable cursor open at a time, and
2294      * the default cursor type is writable. Make all our cursors
2295      * read-only to avoid 'Commands out of sync' errors.
2296      */
2298     if (stmtPtr == NULL) {
2299 	TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
2300     } else {
2302 	/* Prepare the statement */
2304 	nativeSqlStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(sdata->nativeSql, &nativeSqlLen);
2305 	if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmtPtr, nativeSqlStr, nativeSqlLen)) {
2306 	    TransferMysqlStmtError(interp, stmtPtr);
2307 	    mysql_stmt_close(stmtPtr);
2308 	    stmtPtr = NULL;
2309 	}
2310     }
2311     return stmtPtr;
2312 }
2314 /*
2315  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2316  *
2317  * ResultDescToTcl --
2318  *
2319  *	Converts a MySQL result description for return as a Tcl list.
2320  *
2321  * Results:
2322  *	Returns a Tcl object holding the result description
2323  *
2324  * If any column names are duplicated, they are disambiguated by
2325  * appending '#n' where n increments once for each occurrence of the
2326  * column name.
2327  *
2328  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2329  */
2331 static Tcl_Obj*
ResultDescToTcl(MYSQL_RES * result,int flags)2332 ResultDescToTcl(
2333     MYSQL_RES* result,		/* Result set description */
2334     int flags			/* Flags governing the conversion */
2335 ) {
2336     Tcl_Obj* retval = Tcl_NewObj();
2337     Tcl_HashTable names;	/* Hash table to resolve name collisions */
2338     Tcl_Obj* nameObj;		/* Name of a result column */
2339     int isNew;			/* Flag == 1 if a result column is unique */
2340     Tcl_HashEntry* entry;	/* Hash table entry for a column name */
2341     int count;			/* Number used to disambiguate a column name */
2342     (void)flags;
2344     Tcl_InitHashTable(&names, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
2345     if (result != NULL) {
2346 	unsigned int fieldCount = mysql_num_fields(result);
2347 	MYSQL_FIELD* fields = mysql_fetch_fields(result);
2348 	unsigned int i;
2349 	char numbuf[16];
2350 	for (i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i) {
2351 	    MYSQL_FIELD* field = MysqlFieldIndex(fields, i);
2352 	    nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj(field->name, field->name_length);
2353 	    Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
2354 	    entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&names, field->name, &isNew);
2355 	    count = 1;
2356 	    while (!isNew) {
2357 		count = PTR2INT(Tcl_GetHashValue(entry));
2358 		++count;
2359 		Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, INT2PTR(count));
2360 		sprintf(numbuf, "#%d", count);
2361 		Tcl_AppendToObj(nameObj, numbuf, -1);
2362 		entry = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&names, Tcl_GetString(nameObj),
2363 					    &isNew);
2364 	    }
2365 	    Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, INT2PTR(count));
2366 	    Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, retval, nameObj);
2367 	    Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
2368 	}
2369     }
2370     Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&names);
2371     return retval;
2372 }
2374 /*
2375  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2376  *
2377  * StatementConstructor --
2378  *
2379  *	C-level initialization for the object representing an MySQL prepared
2380  *	statement.
2381  *
2382  * Usage:
2383  *	statement new connection statementText
2384  *	statement create name connection statementText
2385  *
2386  * Parameters:
2387  *      connection -- the MySQL connection object
2388  *	statementText -- text of the statement to prepare.
2389  *
2390  * Results:
2391  *	Returns a standard Tcl result
2392  *
2393  * Side effects:
2394  *	Prepares the statement, and stores it (plus a reference to the
2395  *	connection) in instance metadata.
2396  *
2397  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2398  */
2400 static int
StatementConstructor(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext context,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])2401 StatementConstructor(
2402     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
2403     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
2404     Tcl_ObjectContext context,	/* Object context  */
2405     int objc, 			/* Parameter count */
2406     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
2407 ) {
2408     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(context);
2409 				/* The current statement object */
2410     int skip = Tcl_ObjectContextSkippedArgs(context);
2411 				/* Number of args to skip before the
2412 				 * payload arguments */
2413     Tcl_Object connectionObject;
2414 				/* The database connection as a Tcl_Object */
2415     ConnectionData* cdata;	/* The connection object's data */
2416     StatementData* sdata;	/* The statement's object data */
2417     Tcl_Obj* tokens;		/* The tokens of the statement to be prepared */
2418     int tokenc;			/* Length of the 'tokens' list */
2419     Tcl_Obj** tokenv;		/* Exploded tokens from the list */
2420     Tcl_Obj* nativeSql;		/* SQL statement mapped to native form */
2421     char* tokenStr;		/* Token string */
2422     int tokenLen;		/* Length of a token */
2423     int nParams;		/* Number of parameters of the statement */
2424     int i;
2425     (void)dummy;
2427     /* Find the connection object, and get its data. */
2429     thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(context);
2430     if (objc != skip+2) {
2431 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, skip, objv, "connection statementText");
2432 	return TCL_ERROR;
2433     }
2435     connectionObject = Tcl_GetObjectFromObj(interp, objv[skip]);
2436     if (connectionObject == NULL) {
2437 	return TCL_ERROR;
2438     }
2439     cdata = (ConnectionData*) Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(connectionObject,
2440 						    &connectionDataType);
2441     if (cdata == NULL) {
2442 	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[skip]),
2443 			 " does not refer to a MySQL connection", NULL);
2444 	return TCL_ERROR;
2445     }
2447     /*
2448      * Allocate an object to hold data about this statement
2449      */
2451     sdata = NewStatement(cdata);
2453     /* Tokenize the statement */
2455     tokens = Tdbc_TokenizeSql(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[skip+1]));
2456     if (tokens == NULL) {
2457 	goto freeSData;
2458     }
2459     Tcl_IncrRefCount(tokens);
2461     /*
2462      * Rewrite the tokenized statement to MySQL syntax. Reject the
2463      * statement if it is actually multiple statements.
2464      */
2466     if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, tokens, &tokenc, &tokenv) != TCL_OK) {
2467 	goto freeTokens;
2468     }
2469     nativeSql = Tcl_NewObj();
2470     Tcl_IncrRefCount(nativeSql);
2471     for (i = 0; i < tokenc; ++i) {
2472 	tokenStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(tokenv[i], &tokenLen);
2474 	switch (tokenStr[0]) {
2475 	case '$':
2476 	case ':':
2477 	case '@':
2478 	    Tcl_AppendToObj(nativeSql, "?", 1);
2479 	    Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, sdata->subVars,
2480 				     Tcl_NewStringObj(tokenStr+1, tokenLen-1));
2481 	    break;
2483 	case ';':
2484 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
2485 			     Tcl_NewStringObj("tdbc::mysql"
2486 					      " does not support semicolons "
2487 					      "in statements", -1));
2488 	    goto freeNativeSql;
2489 	    break;
2491 	default:
2492 	    Tcl_AppendToObj(nativeSql, tokenStr, tokenLen);
2493 	    break;
2495 	}
2496     }
2497     sdata->nativeSql = nativeSql;
2498     Tcl_DecrRefCount(tokens);
2500     /* Prepare the statement */
2502     sdata->stmtPtr = AllocAndPrepareStatement(interp, sdata);
2503     if (sdata->stmtPtr == NULL) {
2504 	goto freeSData;
2505     }
2507     /* Get result set metadata */
2509     sdata->metadataPtr = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(sdata->stmtPtr);
2510     if (mysql_stmt_errno(sdata->stmtPtr)) {
2511 	TransferMysqlStmtError(interp, sdata->stmtPtr);
2512 	goto freeSData;
2513     }
2514     sdata->columnNames = ResultDescToTcl(sdata->metadataPtr, 0);
2515     Tcl_IncrRefCount(sdata->columnNames);
2517     Tcl_ListObjLength(NULL, sdata->subVars, &nParams);
2518     sdata->params = (ParamData*) ckalloc(nParams * sizeof(ParamData));
2519     for (i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
2520 	sdata->params[i].flags = PARAM_IN;
2521 	sdata->params[i].dataType = MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR;
2522 	sdata->params[i].precision = 0;
2523 	sdata->params[i].scale = 0;
2524     }
2526     /* Attach the current statement data as metadata to the current object */
2528     Tcl_ObjectSetMetadata(thisObject, &statementDataType, (ClientData) sdata);
2529     return TCL_OK;
2531     /* On error, unwind all the resource allocations */
2533  freeNativeSql:
2534     Tcl_DecrRefCount(nativeSql);
2535  freeTokens:
2536     Tcl_DecrRefCount(tokens);
2537  freeSData:
2538     DecrStatementRefCount(sdata);
2539     return TCL_ERROR;
2540 }
2542 /*
2543  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2544  *
2545  * StatementParamsMethod --
2546  *
2547  *	Lists the parameters in a MySQL statement.
2548  *
2549  * Usage:
2550  *	$statement params
2551  *
2552  * Results:
2553  *	Returns a standard Tcl result containing a dictionary. The keys
2554  *	of the dictionary are parameter names, and the values are parameter
2555  *	types, themselves expressed as dictionaries containing the keys,
2556  *	'name', 'direction', 'type', 'precision', 'scale' and 'nullable'.
2557  *
2558  *
2559  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2560  */
2562 static int
StatementParamsMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext context,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])2563 StatementParamsMethod(
2564     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
2565     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
2566     Tcl_ObjectContext context,	/* Object context  */
2567     int objc, 			/* Parameter count */
2568     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
2569 ) {
2570     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(context);
2571 				/* The current statement object */
2572     StatementData* sdata	/* The current statement */
2573 	= (StatementData*) Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject,
2574 						 &statementDataType);
2575     ConnectionData* cdata = sdata->cdata;
2576     PerInterpData* pidata = cdata->pidata; /* Per-interp data */
2577     Tcl_Obj** literals = pidata->literals; /* Literal pool */
2578     int nParams;		/* Number of parameters to the statement */
2579     Tcl_Obj* paramName;		/* Name of a parameter */
2580     Tcl_Obj* paramDesc;		/* Description of one parameter */
2581     Tcl_Obj* dataTypeName;	/* Name of a parameter's data type */
2582     Tcl_Obj* retVal;		/* Return value from this command */
2583     Tcl_HashEntry* typeHashEntry;
2584     int i;
2585     (void)dummy;
2587     if (objc != 2) {
2588 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "");
2589 	return TCL_ERROR;
2590     }
2592     retVal = Tcl_NewObj();
2593     Tcl_ListObjLength(NULL, sdata->subVars, &nParams);
2594     for (i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
2595 	paramDesc = Tcl_NewObj();
2596 	Tcl_ListObjIndex(NULL, sdata->subVars, i, &paramName);
2597 	Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, paramDesc, literals[LIT_NAME], paramName);
2598 	switch (sdata->params[i].flags & (PARAM_IN | PARAM_OUT)) {
2599 	case PARAM_IN:
2600 	    Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, paramDesc, literals[LIT_DIRECTION],
2601 			   literals[LIT_IN]);
2602 	    break;
2603 	case PARAM_OUT:
2604 	    Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, paramDesc, literals[LIT_DIRECTION],
2605 			   literals[LIT_OUT]);
2606 	    break;
2607 	case PARAM_IN | PARAM_OUT:
2608 	    Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, paramDesc, literals[LIT_DIRECTION],
2609 			   literals[LIT_INOUT]);
2610 	    break;
2611 	default:
2612 	    break;
2613 	}
2614 	typeHashEntry =
2615 	    Tcl_FindHashEntry(&(pidata->typeNumHash),
2616 			      INT2PTR(sdata->params[i].dataType));
2617 	if (typeHashEntry != NULL) {
2618 	    dataTypeName = (Tcl_Obj*) Tcl_GetHashValue(typeHashEntry);
2619 	    Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, paramDesc, literals[LIT_TYPE], dataTypeName);
2620 	}
2621 	Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, paramDesc, literals[LIT_PRECISION],
2622 		       Tcl_NewWideIntObj(sdata->params[i].precision));
2623 	Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, paramDesc, literals[LIT_SCALE],
2624 		       Tcl_NewWideIntObj(sdata->params[i].scale));
2625 	Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, retVal, paramName, paramDesc);
2626     }
2628     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, retVal);
2629     return TCL_OK;
2630 }
2632 /*
2633  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2634  *
2635  * StatementParamtypeMethod --
2636  *
2637  *	Defines a parameter type in a MySQL statement.
2638  *
2639  * Usage:
2640  *	$statement paramtype paramName ?direction? type ?precision ?scale??
2641  *
2642  * Results:
2643  *	Returns a standard Tcl result.
2644  *
2645  * Side effects:
2646  *	Updates the description of the given parameter.
2647  *
2648  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2649  */
2651 static int
StatementParamtypeMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext context,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])2652 StatementParamtypeMethod(
2653     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
2654     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
2655     Tcl_ObjectContext context,	/* Object context  */
2656     int objc, 			/* Parameter count */
2657     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
2658 ) {
2659     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(context);
2660 				/* The current statement object */
2661     StatementData* sdata	/* The current statement */
2662 	= (StatementData*) Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject,
2663 						 &statementDataType);
2664     static const struct {
2665 	const char* name;
2666 	int flags;
2667     } directions[] = {
2668 	{ "in", 	PARAM_IN },
2669 	{ "out",	PARAM_OUT },
2670 	{ "inout",	PARAM_IN | PARAM_OUT },
2671 	{ NULL,		0 }
2672     };
2673     int direction;
2674     int typeNum;		/* Data type number of a parameter */
2675     int precision;		/* Data precision */
2676     int scale;			/* Data scale */
2678     int nParams;		/* Number of parameters to the statement */
2679     const char* paramName;	/* Name of the parameter being set */
2680     Tcl_Obj* targetNameObj;	/* Name of the ith parameter in the statement */
2681     const char* targetName;	/* Name of a candidate parameter in the
2682 				 * statement */
2683     int matchCount = 0;		/* Number of parameters matching the name */
2684     Tcl_Obj* errorObj;		/* Error message */
2686     int i;
2687     (void)dummy;
2689     /* Check parameters */
2691     if (objc < 4) {
2692 	goto wrongNumArgs;
2693     }
2695     i = 3;
2696     if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[i], directions,
2697 				  sizeof(directions[0]), "direction",
2698 				  TCL_EXACT, &direction) != TCL_OK) {
2699 	direction = PARAM_IN;
2700 	Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
2701     } else {
2702 	++i;
2703     }
2704     if (i >= objc) goto wrongNumArgs;
2705     if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[i], dataTypes,
2706 				  sizeof(dataTypes[0]), "SQL data type",
2707 				  TCL_EXACT, &typeNum) == TCL_OK) {
2708 	++i;
2709     } else {
2710 	return TCL_ERROR;
2711     }
2712     if (i < objc) {
2713 	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[i], &precision) == TCL_OK) {
2714 	    ++i;
2715 	} else {
2716 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2717 	}
2718     }
2719     if (i < objc) {
2720 	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[i], &scale) == TCL_OK) {
2721 	    ++i;
2722 	} else {
2723 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2724 	}
2725     }
2726     if (i != objc) {
2727 	goto wrongNumArgs;
2728     }
2730     /* Look up parameters by name. */
2732     Tcl_ListObjLength(NULL, sdata->subVars, &nParams);
2733     paramName = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
2734     for (i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
2735 	Tcl_ListObjIndex(NULL, sdata->subVars, i, &targetNameObj);
2736 	targetName = Tcl_GetString(targetNameObj);
2737 	if (!strcmp(paramName, targetName)) {
2738 	    ++matchCount;
2739 	    sdata->params[i].flags = direction;
2740 	    sdata->params[i].dataType = dataTypes[typeNum].num;
2741 	    sdata->params[i].precision = precision;
2742 	    sdata->params[i].scale = scale;
2743 	}
2744     }
2745     if (matchCount == 0) {
2746 	errorObj = Tcl_NewStringObj("unknown parameter \"", -1);
2747 	Tcl_AppendToObj(errorObj, paramName, -1);
2748 	Tcl_AppendToObj(errorObj, "\": must be ", -1);
2749 	for (i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
2750 	    Tcl_ListObjIndex(NULL, sdata->subVars, i, &targetNameObj);
2751 	    Tcl_AppendObjToObj(errorObj, targetNameObj);
2752 	    if (i < nParams-2) {
2753 		Tcl_AppendToObj(errorObj, ", ", -1);
2754 	    } else if (i == nParams-2) {
2755 		Tcl_AppendToObj(errorObj, " or ", -1);
2756 	    }
2757 	}
2758 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, errorObj);
2759 	return TCL_ERROR;
2760     }
2762     return TCL_OK;
2764  wrongNumArgs:
2765     Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv,
2766 		     "name ?direction? type ?precision ?scale??");
2767     return TCL_ERROR;
2768 }
2770 /*
2771  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2772  *
2773  * DeleteStatementMetadata, DeleteStatement --
2774  *
2775  *	Cleans up when a MySQL statement is no longer required.
2776  *
2777  * Side effects:
2778  *	Frees all resources associated with the statement.
2779  *
2780  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2781  */
2783 static void
DeleteStatementMetadata(ClientData clientData)2784 DeleteStatementMetadata(
2785     ClientData clientData	/* Instance data for the connection */
2786 ) {
2787     DecrStatementRefCount((StatementData*)clientData);
2788 }
2789 static void
DeleteStatement(StatementData * sdata)2790 DeleteStatement(
2791     StatementData* sdata	/* Metadata for the statement */
2792 ) {
2793     if (sdata->columnNames != NULL) {
2794 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(sdata->columnNames);
2795     }
2796     if (sdata->metadataPtr != NULL) {
2797 	mysql_free_result(sdata->metadataPtr);
2798     }
2799     if (sdata->stmtPtr != NULL) {
2800 	mysql_stmt_close(sdata->stmtPtr);
2801     }
2802     if (sdata->nativeSql != NULL) {
2803 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(sdata->nativeSql);
2804     }
2805     if (sdata->params != NULL) {
2806 	ckfree((char*)sdata->params);
2807     }
2808     Tcl_DecrRefCount(sdata->subVars);
2809     DecrConnectionRefCount(sdata->cdata);
2810     ckfree((char*)sdata);
2811 }
2813 /*
2814  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2815  *
2816  * CloneStatement --
2817  *
2818  *	Attempts to clone a MySQL statement's metadata.
2819  *
2820  * Results:
2821  *	Returns the new metadata
2822  *
2823  * At present, we don't attempt to clone statements - it's not obvious
2824  * that such an action would ever even make sense.  Instead, we return NULL
2825  * to indicate that the metadata should not be cloned. (Note that this
2826  * action isn't right, either. What *is* right is to indicate that the object
2827  * is not clonable, but the API gives us no way to do that.
2828  *
2829  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2830  */
2832 static int
CloneStatement(Tcl_Interp * interp,ClientData metadata,ClientData * newMetaData)2833 CloneStatement(
2834     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter for error reporting */
2835     ClientData metadata,	/* Metadata to be cloned */
2836     ClientData* newMetaData	/* Where to put the cloned metadata */
2837 ) {
2838     (void)metadata;
2839     (void)newMetaData;
2841     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
2842 		     Tcl_NewStringObj("MySQL statements are not clonable", -1));
2843     return TCL_ERROR;
2844 }
2846 /*
2847  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2848  *
2849  * ResultSetConstructor --
2850  *
2851  *	Constructs a new result set.
2852  *
2853  * Usage:
2854  *	$resultSet new statement ?dictionary?
2855  *	$resultSet create name statement ?dictionary?
2856  *
2857  * Parameters:
2858  *	statement -- Statement handle to which this resultset belongs
2859  *	dictionary -- Dictionary containing the substitutions for named
2860  *		      parameters in the given statement.
2861  *
2862  * Results:
2863  *	Returns a standard Tcl result.  On error, the interpreter result
2864  *	contains an appropriate message.
2865  *
2866  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2867  */
2869 static int
ResultSetConstructor(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext context,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])2870 ResultSetConstructor(
2871     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
2872     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
2873     Tcl_ObjectContext context,	/* Object context  */
2874     int objc, 			/* Parameter count */
2875     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
2876 ) {
2877     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(context);
2878 				/* The current result set object */
2879     int skip = Tcl_ObjectContextSkippedArgs(context);
2880 				/* Number of args to skip */
2881     Tcl_Object statementObject;	/* The current statement object */
2882     ConnectionData* cdata;	/* The MySQL connection object's data */
2883     StatementData* sdata;	/* The statement object's data */
2884     ResultSetData* rdata;	/* THe result set object's data */
2885     int nParams;		/* The parameter count on the statement */
2886     int nBound;			/* Number of parameters bound so far */
2887     Tcl_Obj* paramNameObj;	/* Name of the current parameter */
2888     const char* paramName;	/* Name of the current parameter */
2889     Tcl_Obj* paramValObj;	/* Value of the current parameter */
2890     const char* paramValStr;	/* String value of the current parameter */
2891     char* bufPtr;		/* Pointer to the parameter buffer */
2892     int len;			/* Length of a bound parameter */
2893     int nColumns;		/* Number of columns in the result set */
2894     MYSQL_FIELD* fields = NULL;	/* Description of columns of the result set */
2895     MYSQL_BIND* resultBindings;	/* Bindings of the columns of the result set */
2896     unsigned long* resultLengths;
2897 				/* Lengths of the columns of the result set */
2898     int i;
2899     (void)dummy;
2901     /* Check parameter count */
2903     if (objc != skip+1 && objc != skip+2) {
2904 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, skip, objv, "statement ?dictionary?");
2905 	return TCL_ERROR;
2906     }
2908     /* Initialize the base classes */
2910     Tcl_ObjectContextInvokeNext(interp, context, skip, objv, skip);
2912     /* Find the statement object, and get the statement data */
2914     statementObject = Tcl_GetObjectFromObj(interp, objv[skip]);
2915     if (statementObject == NULL) {
2916 	return TCL_ERROR;
2917     }
2918     sdata = (StatementData*) Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(statementObject,
2919 						   &statementDataType);
2920     if (sdata == NULL) {
2921 	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[skip]),
2922 			 " does not refer to a MySQL statement", NULL);
2923 	return TCL_ERROR;
2924     }
2925     Tcl_ListObjLength(NULL, sdata->columnNames, &nColumns);
2926     cdata = sdata->cdata;
2928     /*
2929      * If there is no transaction in progress, turn on auto-commit so that
2930      * this statement will execute directly.
2931      */
2933     if ((cdata->flags & (CONN_FLAG_IN_XCN | CONN_FLAG_AUTOCOMMIT)) == 0) {
2934 	if (mysql_autocommit(cdata->mysqlPtr, 1)) {
2935 	    TransferMysqlError(interp, cdata->mysqlPtr);
2936 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2937 	}
2938 	cdata->flags |= CONN_FLAG_AUTOCOMMIT;
2939     }
2941     /* Allocate an object to hold data about this result set */
2943     rdata = (ResultSetData*) ckalloc(sizeof(ResultSetData));
2944     rdata->refCount = 1;
2945     rdata->sdata = sdata;
2946     rdata->stmtPtr = NULL;
2947     rdata->paramValues = NULL;
2948     rdata->paramBindings = NULL;
2949     rdata->paramLengths = NULL;
2950     rdata->rowCount = 0;
2951     rdata->resultErrors = (my_bool*) ckalloc(nColumns * sizeof(my_bool));
2952     rdata->resultNulls = (my_bool*) ckalloc(nColumns * sizeof(my_bool));
2953     resultLengths = rdata->resultLengths = (unsigned long*)
2954 	ckalloc(nColumns * sizeof(unsigned long));
2955     rdata->resultBindings = resultBindings = MysqlBindAlloc(nColumns);
2956     IncrStatementRefCount(sdata);
2957     Tcl_ObjectSetMetadata(thisObject, &resultSetDataType, (ClientData) rdata);
2959     /* Make bindings for all the result columns. Defer binding variable
2960      * length fields until first execution. */
2962     if (nColumns > 0) {
2963 	fields = mysql_fetch_fields(sdata->metadataPtr);
2964     }
2965     for (i = 0; i < nColumns; ++i) {
2966 	MYSQL_FIELD* field = MysqlFieldIndex(fields, i);
2967 	switch (field->type) {
2969 	case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT:
2971 	    MysqlBindSetBufferType(resultBindings, i,  MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
2972 	    MysqlBindAllocBuffer(resultBindings, i, sizeof(double));
2973 	    resultLengths[i] = sizeof(double);
2974 	    break;
2976 	case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT:
2977 	    MysqlBindSetBufferType(resultBindings, i,  MYSQL_TYPE_BIT);
2978 	    MysqlBindAllocBuffer(resultBindings, i, field->length);
2979 	    resultLengths[i] = field->length;
2980 	    break;
2983 	    MysqlBindSetBufferType(resultBindings, i,  MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG);
2984 	    MysqlBindAllocBuffer(resultBindings, i, sizeof(Tcl_WideInt));
2985 	    resultLengths[i] = sizeof(Tcl_WideInt);
2986 	    break;
2988 	case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY:
2989 	case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT:
2990 	case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24:
2991 	case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG:
2992 	    MysqlBindSetBufferType(resultBindings, i,  MYSQL_TYPE_LONG);
2993 	    MysqlBindAllocBuffer(resultBindings, i, sizeof(int));
2994 	    resultLengths[i] = sizeof(int);
2995 	    break;
2997 	default:
2998 	    MysqlBindSetBufferType(resultBindings, i,  MYSQL_TYPE_STRING);
2999 	    MysqlBindAllocBuffer(resultBindings, i, 0);
3000 	    resultLengths[i] = 0;
3001 	    break;
3002 	}
3003 	MysqlBindSetLength(resultBindings, i, rdata->resultLengths + i);
3004 	rdata->resultNulls[i] = 0;
3005 	MysqlBindSetIsNull(resultBindings, i, rdata->resultNulls + i);
3006 	rdata->resultErrors[i] = 0;
3007 	MysqlBindSetError(resultBindings, i, rdata->resultErrors + i);
3008     }
3010     /*
3011      * Find a statement handle that we can use to execute the SQL code.
3012      * If the main statement handle associated with the statement
3013      * is idle, we can use it.  Otherwise, we have to allocate and
3014      * prepare a fresh one.
3015      */
3017     if (sdata->flags & STMT_FLAG_BUSY) {
3018 	rdata->stmtPtr = AllocAndPrepareStatement(interp, sdata);
3019 	if (rdata->stmtPtr == NULL) {
3020 	    return TCL_ERROR;
3021 	}
3022     } else {
3023 	rdata->stmtPtr = sdata->stmtPtr;
3024 	sdata->flags |= STMT_FLAG_BUSY;
3025     }
3027     /* Allocate the parameter bindings */
3029     Tcl_ListObjLength(NULL, sdata->subVars, &nParams);
3030     rdata->paramValues = Tcl_NewObj();
3031     Tcl_IncrRefCount(rdata->paramValues);
3032     rdata->paramBindings = MysqlBindAlloc(nParams);
3033     rdata->paramLengths = (unsigned long*) ckalloc(nParams
3034 						   * sizeof(unsigned long));
3035     for (nBound = 0; nBound < nParams; ++nBound) {
3036 	MysqlBindSetBufferType(rdata->paramBindings, nBound, MYSQL_TYPE_NULL);
3037     }
3039     /* Bind the substituted parameters */
3041     for (nBound = 0; nBound < nParams; ++nBound) {
3042 	Tcl_ListObjIndex(NULL, sdata->subVars, nBound, &paramNameObj);
3043 	paramName = Tcl_GetString(paramNameObj);
3044 	if (objc == skip+2) {
3046 	    /* Param from a dictionary */
3048 	    if (Tcl_DictObjGet(interp, objv[skip+1],
3049 			       paramNameObj, &paramValObj) != TCL_OK) {
3050 		return TCL_ERROR;
3051 	    }
3052 	} else {
3054 	    /* Param from a variable */
3056 	    paramValObj = Tcl_GetVar2Ex(interp, paramName, NULL,
3057 					TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG);
3058 	}
3060 	/*
3061 	 * At this point, paramValObj contains the parameter to bind.
3062 	 * Convert the parameters to the appropriate data types for
3063 	 * MySQL's prepared statement interface, and bind them.
3064 	 */
3066 	if (paramValObj != NULL) {
3067 	    switch (sdata->params[nBound].dataType & 0xffff) {
3070 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL:
3071 		if (sdata->params[nBound].scale == 0) {
3072 		    if (sdata->params[nBound].precision < 10) {
3073 			goto smallinteger;
3074 		    } else if (sdata->params[nBound].precision < 19) {
3075 			goto biginteger;
3076 		    } else {
3077 			goto charstring;
3078 		    }
3079 		} else if (sdata->params[nBound].precision < 17) {
3080 		    goto real;
3081 		} else {
3082 		    goto charstring;
3083 		}
3085 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT:
3086 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE:
3087 	    real:
3088 		MysqlBindSetBufferType(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3089 				       MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
3090 		bufPtr = (char *)MysqlBindAllocBuffer(rdata->paramBindings,
3091 					      nBound, sizeof(double));
3092 		rdata->paramLengths[nBound] = sizeof(double);
3093 		MysqlBindSetLength(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3094 				   &(rdata->paramLengths[nBound]));
3095 		if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, paramValObj,
3096 					 (double*) bufPtr) != TCL_OK) {
3097 		    return TCL_ERROR;
3098 		}
3099 		break;
3101 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT:
3102 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG:
3103 	    biginteger:
3104 		MysqlBindSetBufferType(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3105 				       MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG);
3106 		bufPtr = (char *)MysqlBindAllocBuffer(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3107 					      sizeof(Tcl_WideInt));
3108 		rdata->paramLengths[nBound] = sizeof(Tcl_WideInt);
3109 		MysqlBindSetLength(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3110 				   &(rdata->paramLengths[nBound]));
3111 		if (Tcl_GetWideIntFromObj(interp, paramValObj,
3112 					  (Tcl_WideInt*) bufPtr) != TCL_OK) {
3113 		    return TCL_ERROR;
3114 		}
3115 		break;
3117 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY:
3118 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT:
3119 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24:
3120 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG:
3121 	    smallinteger:
3122 		MysqlBindSetBufferType(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3123 				       MYSQL_TYPE_LONG);
3124 		bufPtr = (char *)MysqlBindAllocBuffer(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3125 					      sizeof(int));
3126 		rdata->paramLengths[nBound] = sizeof(int);
3127 		MysqlBindSetLength(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3128 				   &(rdata->paramLengths[nBound]));
3129 		if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, paramValObj,
3130 				      (int*) bufPtr) != TCL_OK) {
3131 		    return TCL_ERROR;
3132 		}
3133 		break;
3135 	    default:
3136 	    charstring:
3137 		Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, rdata->paramValues, paramValObj);
3138 		if (sdata->params[nBound].dataType & IS_BINARY) {
3139 		    MysqlBindSetBufferType(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3140 					   MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB);
3141 		    paramValStr = (char*)
3142 			Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(paramValObj, &len);
3143 		} else {
3144 		    MysqlBindSetBufferType(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3145 					   MYSQL_TYPE_STRING);
3146 		    paramValStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(paramValObj, &len);
3147 		}
3148 		bufPtr = (char *)MysqlBindAllocBuffer(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3149 					      len+1);
3150 		memcpy(bufPtr, paramValStr, len);
3151 		rdata->paramLengths[nBound] = len;
3152 		MysqlBindSetLength(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3153 				   &(rdata->paramLengths[nBound]));
3154 		break;
3156 	    }
3157 	} else {
3158 	    MysqlBindSetBufferType(rdata->paramBindings, nBound,
3159 				   MYSQL_TYPE_NULL);
3160 	}
3161     }
3163     /* Execute the statement */
3165     /*
3166      * It is tempting to conserve client memory here by omitting
3167      * the call to 'mysql_stmt_store_result', but doing so causes
3168      * 'calls out of sync' errors when attempting to prepare a
3169      * statement while a result set is open. Certain of these errors
3170      * can, in turn, be avoided by using mysql_stmt_set_attr
3171      * and turning on "CURSOR_MODE_READONLY", but that, in turn
3172      * causes the server summarily to disconnect the client in
3173      * some tests.
3174      */
3176     if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(rdata->stmtPtr, rdata->paramBindings)
3177 	|| ((nColumns > 0) && mysql_stmt_bind_result(rdata->stmtPtr,
3178 						     resultBindings))
3179 	|| mysql_stmt_execute(rdata->stmtPtr)
3180 	|| mysql_stmt_store_result(rdata->stmtPtr) ) {
3181 	TransferMysqlStmtError(interp, sdata->stmtPtr);
3182 	return TCL_ERROR;
3183     }
3185     /* Determine and store the row count */
3187     rdata->rowCount = mysql_stmt_affected_rows(sdata->stmtPtr);
3188     return TCL_OK;
3189 }
3191 /*
3192  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3193  *
3194  * ResultSetColumnsMethod --
3195  *
3196  *	Retrieves the list of columns from a result set.
3197  *
3198  * Usage:
3199  *	$resultSet columns
3200  *
3201  * Results:
3202  *	Returns the count of columns
3203  *
3204  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3205  */
3207 static int
ResultSetColumnsMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext context,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])3208 ResultSetColumnsMethod(
3209     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
3210     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
3211     Tcl_ObjectContext context,	/* Object context  */
3212     int objc, 			/* Parameter count */
3213     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
3214 ) {
3216     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(context);
3217 				/* The current result set object */
3218     ResultSetData* rdata = (ResultSetData*)
3219 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &resultSetDataType);
3220     StatementData* sdata = (StatementData*) rdata->sdata;
3221     (void)dummy;
3223     if (objc != 2) {
3224 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "?pattern?");
3225 	return TCL_ERROR;
3226     }
3228     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, sdata->columnNames);
3230     return TCL_OK;
3232 }
3234 /*
3235  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3236  *
3237  * ResultSetNextrowMethod --
3238  *
3239  *	Retrieves the next row from a result set.
3240  *
3241  * Usage:
3242  *	$resultSet nextrow ?-as lists|dicts? ?--? variableName
3243  *
3244  * Options:
3245  *	-as	Selects the desired form for returning the results.
3246  *
3247  * Parameters:
3248  *	variableName -- Variable in which the results are to be returned
3249  *
3250  * Results:
3251  *	Returns a standard Tcl result.  The interpreter result is 1 if there
3252  *	are more rows remaining, and 0 if no more rows remain.
3253  *
3254  * Side effects:
3255  *	Stores in the given variable either a list or a dictionary
3256  *	containing one row of the result set.
3257  *
3258  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3259  */
3261 static int
ResultSetNextrowMethod(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext context,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])3262 ResultSetNextrowMethod(
3263     ClientData clientData,	/* Not used */
3264     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
3265     Tcl_ObjectContext context,	/* Object context  */
3266     int objc, 			/* Parameter count */
3267     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
3268 ) {
3270     int lists = PTR2INT(clientData);
3271 				/* Flag == 1 if lists are to be returned,
3272 				 * 0 if dicts are to be returned */
3274     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(context);
3275 				/* The current result set object */
3276     ResultSetData* rdata = (ResultSetData*)
3277 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &resultSetDataType);
3278 				/* Data pertaining to the current result set */
3279     StatementData* sdata = (StatementData*) rdata->sdata;
3280 				/* Statement that yielded the result set */
3281     ConnectionData* cdata = (ConnectionData*) sdata->cdata;
3282 				/* Connection that opened the statement */
3283     PerInterpData* pidata = (PerInterpData*) cdata->pidata;
3284 				/* Per interpreter data */
3285     Tcl_Obj** literals = pidata->literals;
3286 				/* Literal pool */
3288     int nColumns = 0;		/* Number of columns in the result set */
3289     Tcl_Obj* colName;		/* Name of the current column */
3290     Tcl_Obj* resultRow;		/* Row of the result set under construction */
3292     Tcl_Obj* colObj;		/* Column obtained from the row */
3293     int status = TCL_ERROR;	/* Status return from this command */
3294     MYSQL_FIELD* fields;	/* Fields of the result set */
3295     MYSQL_BIND* resultBindings = rdata->resultBindings;
3296 				/* Descriptions of the results */
3297     unsigned long* resultLengths = rdata->resultLengths;
3298 				/* String lengths of the results */
3299     my_bool* resultNulls = rdata->resultNulls;
3300 				/* Indicators that the results are null */
3301     void* bufPtr;		/* Pointer to a result's buffer */
3302     unsigned char byte;		/* One byte extracted from a bit field */
3303     Tcl_WideInt bitVal;		/* Value of a bit field */
3304     int mysqlStatus;		/* Status return from MySQL */
3305     int i;
3306     unsigned int j;
3308     if (objc != 3) {
3309 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "varName");
3310 	return TCL_ERROR;
3311     }
3314     /* Get the column names in the result set. */
3316     Tcl_ListObjLength(NULL, sdata->columnNames, &nColumns);
3317     if (nColumns == 0) {
3318 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, literals[LIT_0]);
3319 	return TCL_OK;
3320     }
3322     resultRow = Tcl_NewObj();
3323     Tcl_IncrRefCount(resultRow);
3325     /*
3326      * Try to rebind the result set before doing the next fetch
3327      */
3329     fields = mysql_fetch_fields(sdata->metadataPtr);
3330     if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(rdata->stmtPtr, resultBindings)) {
3331 	goto cleanup;
3332     }
3334     /* Fetch the row to determine sizes. */
3336     mysqlStatus = mysql_stmt_fetch(rdata->stmtPtr);
3337     if (mysqlStatus != 0 && mysqlStatus != MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED) {
3338 	if (mysqlStatus == MYSQL_NO_DATA) {
3339 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, literals[LIT_0]);
3340 	    status = TCL_OK;
3341 	}
3342 	goto cleanup;
3343     }
3345     /* Retrieve one column at a time. */
3347     for (i = 0; i < nColumns; ++i) {
3348 	MYSQL_FIELD* field = MysqlFieldIndex(fields, i);
3349 	colObj = NULL;
3350 	if (!resultNulls[i]) {
3351 	    if (resultLengths[i]
3352 		> MysqlBindGetBufferLength(resultBindings, i)) {
3353 		MysqlBindFreeBuffer(resultBindings, i);
3354 		MysqlBindAllocBuffer(resultBindings, i, resultLengths[i] + 1);
3355 		if (mysql_stmt_fetch_column(rdata->stmtPtr,
3356 					    MysqlBindIndex(resultBindings, i),
3357 					    i, 0)) {
3358 		    goto cleanup;
3359 		}
3360 	    }
3361 	    bufPtr = MysqlBindGetBuffer(resultBindings, i);
3362 	    switch (MysqlBindGetBufferType(resultBindings, i)) {
3364 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT:
3365 		bitVal = 0;
3366 		for (j = 0; j < resultLengths[i]; ++j) {
3367 		    byte = ((unsigned char*) bufPtr)[resultLengths[i]-1-j];
3368 		    bitVal |= (byte << (8*j));
3369 		}
3370 		colObj = Tcl_NewWideIntObj(bitVal);
3371 		break;
3373 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE:
3374 		colObj = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(*(double*) bufPtr);
3375 		break;
3377 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG:
3378 		colObj = Tcl_NewWideIntObj(*(int*) bufPtr);
3379 		break;
3381 	    case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG:
3382 		colObj = Tcl_NewWideIntObj(*(Tcl_WideInt*) bufPtr);
3383 		break;
3385 	    default:
3386 		if (field->charsetnr == 63) {
3387 		    colObj = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj((unsigned char*) bufPtr,
3388 						 resultLengths[i]);
3389 		} else {
3390 		    colObj = Tcl_NewStringObj((char*) bufPtr,
3391 					      resultLengths[i]);
3392 		}
3393 		break;
3394 	    }
3395 	}
3397 	if (lists) {
3398 	    if (colObj == NULL) {
3399 		colObj = literals[LIT_EMPTY];
3400 	    }
3401 	    Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(NULL, resultRow, colObj);
3402 	} else {
3403 	    if (colObj != NULL) {
3404 		Tcl_ListObjIndex(NULL, sdata->columnNames, i, &colName);
3405 		Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, resultRow, colName, colObj);
3406 	    }
3407 	}
3408     }
3410     /* Save the row in the given variable */
3412     if (Tcl_SetVar2Ex(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), NULL,
3413 		      resultRow, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) {
3414 	goto cleanup;
3415     }
3417     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, literals[LIT_1]);
3418     status = TCL_OK;
3420  cleanup:
3421     if (status != TCL_OK) {
3422 	TransferMysqlStmtError(interp, rdata->stmtPtr);
3423     }
3424     Tcl_DecrRefCount(resultRow);
3425     return status;
3427 }
3429 /*
3430  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3431  *
3432  * ResultSetRowcountMethod --
3433  *
3434  *	Returns (if known) the number of rows affected by a MySQL statement.
3435  *
3436  * Usage:
3437  *	$resultSet rowcount
3438  *
3439  * Results:
3440  *	Returns a standard Tcl result giving the number of affected rows.
3441  *
3442  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3443  */
3445 static int
ResultSetRowcountMethod(ClientData dummy,Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_ObjectContext context,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])3446 ResultSetRowcountMethod(
3447     ClientData dummy,	/* Not used */
3448     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter */
3449     Tcl_ObjectContext context,	/* Object context  */
3450     int objc, 			/* Parameter count */
3451     Tcl_Obj *const objv[]	/* Parameter vector */
3452 ) {
3453     Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(context);
3454 				/* The current result set object */
3455     ResultSetData* rdata = (ResultSetData*)
3456 	Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(thisObject, &resultSetDataType);
3457 				/* Data pertaining to the current result set */
3458     (void)dummy;
3460     if (objc != 2) {
3461 	Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "");
3462 	return TCL_ERROR;
3463     }
3464     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
3465 		     Tcl_NewWideIntObj((Tcl_WideInt)(rdata->rowCount)));
3466     return TCL_OK;
3467 }
3469 /*
3470  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3471  *
3472  * DeleteResultSetMetadata, DeleteResultSet --
3473  *
3474  *	Cleans up when a MySQL result set is no longer required.
3475  *
3476  * Side effects:
3477  *	Frees all resources associated with the result set.
3478  *
3479  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3480  */
3482 static void
DeleteResultSetMetadata(ClientData clientData)3483 DeleteResultSetMetadata(
3484     ClientData clientData	/* Instance data for the connection */
3485 ) {
3486     DecrResultSetRefCount((ResultSetData*)clientData);
3487 }
3488 static void
DeleteResultSet(ResultSetData * rdata)3489 DeleteResultSet(
3490     ResultSetData* rdata	/* Metadata for the result set */
3491 ) {
3492     StatementData* sdata = rdata->sdata;
3493     int i;
3494     int nParams;
3495     int nColumns;
3496     Tcl_ListObjLength(NULL, sdata->subVars, &nParams);
3497     Tcl_ListObjLength(NULL, sdata->columnNames, &nColumns);
3498     for (i = 0; i < nColumns; ++i) {
3499 	MysqlBindFreeBuffer(rdata->resultBindings, i);
3500     }
3501     ckfree((char*)(rdata->resultBindings));
3502     ckfree((char*)(rdata->resultLengths));
3503     ckfree((char*)(rdata->resultNulls));
3504     ckfree((char*)(rdata->resultErrors));
3505     ckfree((char*)(rdata->paramLengths));
3506     if (rdata->paramBindings != NULL) {
3507 	for (i = 0; i < nParams; ++i) {
3508 	    if (MysqlBindGetBufferType(rdata->paramBindings, i)
3509 		!= MYSQL_TYPE_NULL) {
3510 		MysqlBindFreeBuffer(rdata->paramBindings, i);
3511 	    }
3512 	}
3513 	ckfree((char*)(rdata->paramBindings));
3514     }
3515     if (rdata->paramValues != NULL) {
3516 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(rdata->paramValues);
3517     }
3518     if (rdata->stmtPtr != NULL) {
3519 	if (rdata->stmtPtr != sdata->stmtPtr) {
3520 	    mysql_stmt_close(rdata->stmtPtr);
3521 	} else {
3522 	    sdata->flags &= ~ STMT_FLAG_BUSY;
3523 	}
3524     }
3525     DecrStatementRefCount(rdata->sdata);
3526     ckfree((char*)rdata);
3527 }
3529 /*
3530  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3531  *
3532  * CloneResultSet --
3533  *
3534  *	Attempts to clone a MySQL result set's metadata.
3535  *
3536  * Results:
3537  *	Returns the new metadata
3538  *
3539  * At present, we don't attempt to clone result sets - it's not obvious
3540  * that such an action would ever even make sense.  Instead, we throw an
3541  * error.
3542  *
3543  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3544  */
3546 static int
CloneResultSet(Tcl_Interp * interp,ClientData metadata,ClientData * newMetaData)3547 CloneResultSet(
3548     Tcl_Interp* interp,		/* Tcl interpreter for error reporting */
3549     ClientData metadata,	/* Metadata to be cloned */
3550     ClientData* newMetaData	/* Where to put the cloned metadata */
3551 ) {
3552     (void)metadata;
3553     (void)newMetaData;
3555     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp,
3556 		     Tcl_NewStringObj("MySQL result sets are not clonable",
3557 				      -1));
3558     return TCL_ERROR;
3559 }
3561 /*
3562  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3563  *
3564  * Tdbcmysql_Init --
3565  *
3566  *	Initializes the TDBC-MYSQL bridge when this library is loaded.
3567  *
3568  * Side effects:
3569  *	Creates the ::tdbc::mysql namespace and the commands that reside in it.
3570  *	Initializes the MYSQL environment.
3571  *
3572  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3573  */
3575 #ifdef __cplusplus
3576 extern "C" {
3577 #endif  /* __cplusplus */
3578 DLLEXPORT int
Tdbcmysql_Init(Tcl_Interp * interp)3579 Tdbcmysql_Init(
3580     Tcl_Interp* interp		/* Tcl interpreter */
3581 ) {
3582     PerInterpData* pidata;	/* Per-interpreter data for this package */
3583     Tcl_Obj* nameObj;		/* Name of a class or method being looked up */
3584     Tcl_Object curClassObject;  /* Tcl_Object representing the current class */
3585     Tcl_Class curClass;		/* Tcl_Class representing the current class */
3586     int i;
3588     /* Require all package dependencies */
3590     if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, TCL_VERSION, 0) == NULL) {
3591 	return TCL_ERROR;
3592     }
3593     if (TclOOInitializeStubs(interp, "1.0") == NULL) {
3594 	return TCL_ERROR;
3595     }
3596     if (Tdbc_InitStubs(interp) == NULL) {
3597 	return TCL_ERROR;
3598     }
3600     /* Provide the current package */
3602     if (Tcl_PkgProvideEx(interp, "tdbc::mysql", PACKAGE_VERSION, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
3603 	return TCL_ERROR;
3604     }
3606     /*
3607      * Create per-interpreter data for the package
3608      */
3610     pidata = (PerInterpData*) ckalloc(sizeof(PerInterpData));
3611     pidata->refCount = 1;
3612     for (i = 0; i < LIT__END; ++i) {
3613 	pidata->literals[i] = Tcl_NewStringObj(LiteralValues[i], -1);
3614 	Tcl_IncrRefCount(pidata->literals[i]);
3615     }
3616     Tcl_InitHashTable(&(pidata->typeNumHash), TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS);
3617     for (i = 0; dataTypes[i].name != NULL; ++i) {
3618 	int isNew;
3619 	Tcl_HashEntry* entry =
3620 	    Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&(pidata->typeNumHash),
3621 				INT2PTR(dataTypes[i].num),
3622 				&isNew);
3623 	Tcl_Obj* nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj(dataTypes[i].name, -1);
3624 	Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
3625 	Tcl_SetHashValue(entry, (ClientData) nameObj);
3626     }
3628     /*
3629      * Find the connection class, and attach an 'init' method to it.
3630      */
3632     nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj("::tdbc::mysql::connection", -1);
3633     Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
3634     if ((curClassObject = Tcl_GetObjectFromObj(interp, nameObj)) == NULL) {
3635 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3636 	return TCL_ERROR;
3637     }
3638     Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3639     curClass = Tcl_GetObjectAsClass(curClassObject);
3641     /* Attach the constructor to the 'connection' class */
3643     Tcl_ClassSetConstructor(interp, curClass,
3644 			    Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, NULL, 1,
3645 					  &ConnectionConstructorType,
3646 					  (ClientData) pidata));
3648     /* Attach the methods to the 'connection' class */
3650     for (i = 0; ConnectionMethods[i] != NULL; ++i) {
3651 	nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj(ConnectionMethods[i]->name, -1);
3652 	Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
3653 	Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, nameObj, 1, ConnectionMethods[i],
3654 			   (ClientData) NULL);
3655 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3656     }
3658     /* Look up the 'statement' class */
3660     nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj("::tdbc::mysql::statement", -1);
3661     Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
3662     if ((curClassObject = Tcl_GetObjectFromObj(interp, nameObj)) == NULL) {
3663 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3664 	return TCL_ERROR;
3665     }
3666     Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3667     curClass = Tcl_GetObjectAsClass(curClassObject);
3669     /* Attach the constructor to the 'statement' class */
3671     Tcl_ClassSetConstructor(interp, curClass,
3672 			    Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, NULL, 1,
3673 					  &StatementConstructorType,
3674 					  (ClientData) NULL));
3676     /* Attach the methods to the 'statement' class */
3678     for (i = 0; StatementMethods[i] != NULL; ++i) {
3679 	nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj(StatementMethods[i]->name, -1);
3680 	Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
3681 	Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, nameObj, 1, StatementMethods[i],
3682 			   (ClientData) NULL);
3683 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3684     }
3686     /* Look up the 'resultSet' class */
3688     nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj("::tdbc::mysql::resultset", -1);
3689     Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
3690     if ((curClassObject = Tcl_GetObjectFromObj(interp, nameObj)) == NULL) {
3691 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3692 	return TCL_ERROR;
3693     }
3694     Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3695     curClass = Tcl_GetObjectAsClass(curClassObject);
3697     /* Attach the constructor to the 'resultSet' class */
3699     Tcl_ClassSetConstructor(interp, curClass,
3700 			    Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, NULL, 1,
3701 					  &ResultSetConstructorType,
3702 					  (ClientData) NULL));
3704     /* Attach the methods to the 'resultSet' class */
3706     for (i = 0; ResultSetMethods[i] != NULL; ++i) {
3707 	nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj(ResultSetMethods[i]->name, -1);
3708 	Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
3709 	Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, nameObj, 1, ResultSetMethods[i],
3710 			   (ClientData) NULL);
3711 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3712     }
3713     nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj("nextlist", -1);
3714     Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
3715     Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, nameObj, 1, &ResultSetNextrowMethodType,
3716 		  (ClientData) 1);
3717     Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3718     nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj("nextdict", -1);
3719     Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
3720     Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, nameObj, 1, &ResultSetNextrowMethodType,
3721 		  (ClientData) 0);
3722     Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3724     /*
3725      * Initialize the MySQL library if this is the first interp using it
3726      */
3728     Tcl_MutexLock(&mysqlMutex);
3729     if (mysqlRefCount == 0) {
3730 	if ((mysqlLoadHandle = MysqlInitStubs(interp)) == NULL) {
3731 	    Tcl_MutexUnlock(&mysqlMutex);
3732 	    return TCL_ERROR;
3733 	}
3734 	mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL);
3735 	mysqlClientVersion = mysql_get_client_version();
3736     }
3737     ++mysqlRefCount;
3738     Tcl_MutexUnlock(&mysqlMutex);
3740     /*
3741      * TODO: mysql_thread_init, and keep a TSD reference count of users.
3742      */
3744     return TCL_OK;
3745 }
3746 #ifdef __cplusplus
3747 }
3748 #endif  /* __cplusplus */
3750 /*
3751  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3752  *
3753  * DeletePerInterpData --
3754  *
3755  *	Delete per-interpreter data when the MYSQL package is finalized
3756  *
3757  * Side effects:
3758  *	Releases the (presumably last) reference on the environment handle,
3759  *	cleans up the literal pool, and deletes the per-interp data structure.
3760  *
3761  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3762  */
3764 static void
DeletePerInterpData(PerInterpData * pidata)3765 DeletePerInterpData(
3766     PerInterpData* pidata	/* Data structure to clean up */
3767 ) {
3768     int i;
3770     Tcl_HashSearch search;
3771     Tcl_HashEntry *entry;
3772     for (entry = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&(pidata->typeNumHash), &search);
3773 	 entry != NULL;
3774 	 entry = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search)) {
3775 	Tcl_Obj* nameObj = (Tcl_Obj*) Tcl_GetHashValue(entry);
3776 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
3777     }
3778     Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&(pidata->typeNumHash));
3780     for (i = 0; i < LIT__END; ++i) {
3781 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(pidata->literals[i]);
3782     }
3783     ckfree((char *) pidata);
3785     /*
3786      * TODO: decrease thread refcount and mysql_thread_end if need be
3787      */
3789     Tcl_MutexLock(&mysqlMutex);
3790     if (--mysqlRefCount == 0) {
3791 	mysql_library_end();
3792 	Tcl_FSUnloadFile(NULL, mysqlLoadHandle);
3793     }
3794     Tcl_MutexUnlock(&mysqlMutex);
3795 }