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11      (Do not remove this comment block.)
12  Maintained by the MATE Documentation Project
13  http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/dev-doc:doc-team-guide
14  Template version: 2.0 beta
15  Template last modified Jan 25, 2005
17<!-- =============Document Header ============================= -->
18<article id="index" lang="gu">
19<!-- please do not change the id; for translations, change lang to -->
20<!-- appropriate code -->
21  <articleinfo>
22    <title lang="en">Search for Files Manual</title>
24    <abstract role="description">
25      <para lang="en">
26    	A search tool to find files, folders and documents on your computer.
27      </para>
28    </abstract>
30    <copyright lang="en">
31      <year>2015-2021</year>
32      <holder>MATE Documentation Project</holder>
33    </copyright>
34    <copyright lang="en">
35      <year>2005</year>
36      <holder>Dennis Cranston</holder>
37    </copyright>
38    <copyright lang="en">
39      <year>2002</year>
40      <year>2003</year>
41      <year>2004</year>
42      <holder>Sun Microsystems</holder>
43    </copyright>
44    <copyright lang="en">
45      <year>2000</year>
46      <holder>Alexander Kirillov</holder>
47    </copyright>
48<!-- translators: uncomment this:
50  <copyright>
51   <year>2002</year>
52   <holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder>
53  </copyright>
55   -->
56    <publisher>
57      <publishername lang="en">MATE Documentation Project</publishername>
58    </publisher>
59    <publisher>
60      <publishername lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</publishername>
61    </publisher>
65    <authorgroup>
66      <author role="maintainer" lang="en">
67	<surname>MATE Documentation Team</surname>
68	<affiliation>
69	  <orgname>Search for Files Maintainer</orgname>
70	</affiliation>
71      </author>
72      <author lang="en">
73	<firstname>Dennis</firstname>
74	<surname>Cranston</surname>
75	<affiliation>
76	  <orgname>Search for Files Maintainer</orgname>
77	  <address lang="en">dennis_cranston@yahoo.com</address>
78	</affiliation>
79      </author>
80      <author lang="en">
81	<firstname>Sun</firstname>
82	<surname>GNOME Documentation Team</surname>
83	<affiliation>
84	  <orgname>Sun Microsystems</orgname>
85	  <address/>
86	</affiliation>
87      </author>
88      <author lang="en">
89	<firstname>Alexander</firstname>
90	<surname>Kirillov</surname>
91	<affiliation>
92	  <orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname>
93	  <address> <email>kirillov@math.sunysb.edu</email> </address>
94	</affiliation>
95      </author>
96<!-- This is appropriate place for other contributors: translators,
97      maintainers,  etc. Commented out by default.
98       <othercredit role="translator">
99	<firstname>Latin</firstname>
100	<surname>Translator 1</surname>
101	<affiliation>
102	  <orgname>Latin Translation Team</orgname>
103	  <address> <email>translator@gnome.org</email> </address>
104	</affiliation>
105	<contrib>Latin translation</contrib>
106      </othercredit>
108    </authorgroup>
110 <revhistory>
111 <!-- <revision>
112	<revnumber>&app; Manual V&manrevision;</revnumber>
113	<date>&date;</date>
114	<revdescription>
115	  <para role="author">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
116	  <para role="publisher">MATE Documentation Project</para>
117	</revdescription>
118 </revision>
120   <revision lang="en">
121			<revnumber>Search for Files Manual V1.10</revnumber>
122			<date>July 2015</date>
123			<revdescription>
124	  		<para role="author" lang="en">Wolfgang Ulbrich
125			</para>
126	  		<para role="publisher" lang="en">Search for Files Maintainer</para>
127			</revdescription>
128  </revision>
129   <revision lang="en">
130			<revnumber>Search for Files Manual V2.7</revnumber>
131			<date>June 2005</date>
132			<revdescription>
133	  		<para role="author" lang="en">Joachim Noreiko
134				<email>jnoreiko@yahoo.com</email>
135			</para>
136	  		<para role="publisher" lang="en">Search for Files Maintainer</para>
137			</revdescription>
138  </revision>
139  <revision lang="en">
140			<revnumber>Search for Files Manual V2.6</revnumber>
141			<date>January 2005</date>
142			<revdescription>
143	  		<para role="author" lang="en">Dennis Cranston
144				<email>dennis_cranston@yahoo.com</email>
145			</para>
146	  		<para role="publisher" lang="en">Search for Files Maintainer</para>
147			</revdescription>
148 </revision>
149 <revision lang="en">
150			<revnumber>Search for Files Manual V2.4</revnumber>
151			<date>February 2004</date>
152			<revdescription>
153	  		<para role="author" lang="en">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
154	  		<para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
155			</revdescription>
156 </revision>
157 <revision lang="en">
158			<revnumber>Search for Files Manual V2.3</revnumber>
159			<date>September 2002</date>
160			<revdescription>
161	  		<para role="author" lang="en">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
162	  		<para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
163			</revdescription>
164 </revision>
165 <revision lang="en">
166			<revnumber>Search for Filesl Manual V2.2</revnumber>
167			<date>August 2002</date>
168			<revdescription>
169	  		<para role="author" lang="en">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
170	  		<para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
171			</revdescription>
172 </revision>
173 <revision lang="en">
174			<revnumber>Search for Files Manual V2.1</revnumber>
175			<date>July 2002</date>
176			<revdescription>
177	  		<para role="author" lang="en">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
178	  		<para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
179			</revdescription>
180 </revision>
181 <revision lang="en">
182			<revnumber>Search for Files Manual V2.0</revnumber>
183			<date>May 2002</date>
184			<revdescription>
185	  		<para role="author" lang="en">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para>
186	  		<para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
187			</revdescription>
188 </revision>
189 <revision lang="en">
190	<revnumber>Search for Files Manual</revnumber>
191	<date>2000</date>
192	<revdescription>
193	  <para role="author" lang="en">Alexander Kirillov
194	    <email>kirillov@math.sunysb.edu</email>
195	  </para>
196	  <para role="publisher" lang="en">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
197	</revdescription>
198 </revision>
199 </revhistory>
201    <releaseinfo lang="en">This manual describes version 1.10 of Search for Files.
202    </releaseinfo>
203    <legalnotice>
204      <title lang="en">Feedback</title>
205      <para lang="en">To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the Search for Files application or this manual, follow the directions in the <ulink url="help:mate-user-guide/feedback" type="help">MATE Feedback Page</ulink>.
206      </para>
207<!-- Translators may also add here feedback address for translations -->
208    </legalnotice>
209  </articleinfo>
211  <indexterm lang="en">
212    <primary>Search Tool</primary>
213  </indexterm>
215<!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->
216<!-- ============= Introduction ============================== -->
218  <sect1 id="gsearchtool-introduction">
219    <title>પરિચય</title>
220    <para lang="en">The <application>Search for Files</application> application enables you to search for files on your system. To perform a basic search, you can type a filename or a partial filename, with or without wildcards. To refine your search, you can apply additional search options.</para>
221    <para lang="en"><application>Search for Files</application> uses the <command>find</command>, <command>grep</command>, and <command>locate</command> UNIX commands.  By default, when performing a basic search <application>Search for Files</application> first uses the <command>locate</command> command, and then uses the slower but more thorough <command>find</command> command.</para>
222    <para lang="en">The case sensitivity of the search depends on your operating system. For example, on Linux, the <command>find</command>, <command>grep</command>, and <command>locate</command> commands support the <literal>-i</literal> option, so all searches are case-insensitive.</para>
223  </sect1>
225  <sect1 id="gsearchtool-getting-started">
226    <title lang="en">Getting Started</title>
228    <para lang="en">You can start <application>Search for Files</application> in the following ways:
229    </para>
230    <variablelist>
231    	<varlistentry>
232    		<term lang="en">From a <guimenu>Menu Bar</guimenu> on a panel</term>
233    		<listitem>
234    		<para lang="en">Choose <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Places</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Search for Files...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para>
235    		</listitem>
236    	</varlistentry>
237   	<varlistentry>
238    		<term lang="en">From a <guimenu>Main Menu</guimenu> on a panel</term>
239    		<listitem>
240    		<para lang="en">Choose <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Search for Files...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para>
241    		</listitem>
242    	</varlistentry>
243    	<varlistentry>
244    		<term lang="en">From a command line</term>
245    		<listitem>
246    		<para lang="en">Execute the following command: <command>mate-search-tool</command></para>
247    		<para>
248    		</para>
249    		</listitem>
250    	</varlistentry>
251    </variablelist>
253    <para lang="en">When you start <application>Search for Files</application>, the following window is displayed.</para>
255    <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
256      <figure id="mainwindow-fig">
257	<title lang="en">Search for Files Window</title>
258	<screenshot>
259	  <mediaobject lang="en">
260	    <imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/mate-search-tool_window.png" format="PNG"/>
261	    </imageobject>
262	    <textobject>
263	      <phrase>Shows Search for Files main window. </phrase>
264	    </textobject>
265	  </mediaobject>
266	</screenshot>
267      </figure>
268    <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
270  </sect1>
272<!-- ================ Usage ================================ -->
274  <sect1 id="gsearchtool-usage">
275    <title>વપરાશ</title>
277    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-simple">
278    <title lang="en">To Perform a Basic Search</title>
280    <para lang="en">To perform a basic search for a file on the system, perform the following steps:</para>
281    <orderedlist>
282    <listitem><para lang="en">Enter the search text in the <guilabel>Name contains</guilabel> field. The search text can be a filename or partial filename, with or without wildcards, as shown in the following table:</para>
284      <informaltable frame="all">
285        <tgroup cols="3" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
286          <colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="33*"/>
287          <colspec colname="COLSPEC1" colwidth="33*"/>
288          <colspec colname="COLSPEC2" colwidth="34*"/>
289          <thead>
290            <row valign="top">
291              <entry colname="COLSPEC0">
292                <para lang="en">Name Contains Text</para></entry>
293              <entry colname="COLSPEC1">
294                <para lang="en">Example</para></entry>
295              <entry colname="COLSPEC2">
296                <para lang="en">Result</para></entry>
297            </row>
298          </thead>
299          <tbody>
300            <row valign="top">
301              <entry>
302                <para lang="en">Full or partial filename
303                </para>
304              </entry>
305              <entry>
306                <para lang="en"><userinput>myfile.txt</userinput>
307                </para>
308              </entry>
309              <entry>
310                <para lang="en"><application>Search for Files</application> searches for all files that contain the text <userinput>myfile.txt</userinput> in the filename.
311                </para>
312              </entry>
313            </row>
314            <row valign="top">
315              <entry>
316                <para lang="en">Partial filename combined with wildcards (*, [, ])
317                </para>
318              </entry>
319              <entry>
320                <para lang="en"><userinput>*.[ch]</userinput>
321                </para>
322              </entry>
323              <entry>
324                <para lang="en"><application>Search for Files</application> searches for all files that have extension <userinput>.c</userinput> or <userinput>.h</userinput>.
325                </para>
326              </entry>
327            </row>
328          </tbody>
329        </tgroup>
330      </informaltable>
331    </listitem>
332    <listitem><para lang="en">In the <guilabel>Look in folder</guilabel> field, select the folder or device from which you want <application>Search for Files</application> to begin the search.
334    <listitem><para lang="en">Click <guibutton>Find</guibutton> to perform the search. </para>
335    </listitem>
336    </orderedlist>
337    <para lang="en">
338      <application>Search for Files</application> searches in the directory that you specify and the subdirectories of the directory.
339<application>Search for Files</application> displays the results of the search in the <guilabel>Search results</guilabel> list box. If <application>Search for Files</application> does not find any files that match the search criteria, the application displays the message "No files found" in the <guilabel>Search results</guilabel> list box.
341    <para lang="en">By default, <application>Search for Files</application> will perform a quick search using the <command>locate</command> command followed by a more thorough second search using the <command>find</command> command. The <command>locate</command> command is faster because it uses a database of information about files. If this database is more than a week old, <application>Search for Files</application> could warn you that the search results may be out of date and give you the option of disabling the quick search. To update the database, run the command <command>updatedb</command> as the root user.</para>
342  </sect2>
344    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-advanced">
345    <title lang="en">To Add Search Options</title>
346    <para lang="en">You can add additional options to search for a file on the system. To add search options, perform the following steps:</para>
347  	<orderedlist>
348    		<listitem><para lang="en">Click on the <guilabel>Select more options</guilabel> text. </para></listitem>
349    		<listitem><para lang="en">Click on the <guilabel>Available options</guilabel> drop-down list.</para></listitem>
350    		<listitem><para lang="en">Select the search option that you want to apply.</para></listitem>
351    		<listitem><para lang="en">Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>. </para></listitem>
352    		<listitem><para lang="en">Specify the required search information for the search option, as described in <xref linkend="tbl-search-rules"/>.</para></listitem>
353    		<listitem><para lang="en">Repeat the above steps for each search option that you want to apply.</para></listitem>
354    	</orderedlist>
355    	<para lang="en">To remove a search option from the current search, click on the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button next to the option. </para>
356    	<para lang="en">To disable the search options from the current search, click on the <guilabel>Select more options</guilabel> text.</para>
358    <table id="tbl-search-rules" frame="topbot">
359    <title lang="en">Search Options</title>
360		  <tgroup cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
361			 <colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="33*"/>
362			 <colspec colname="COLSPEC1" colwidth="33*"/>
363			 <thead>
364				<row valign="top">
365				  <entry>
366					 <para lang="en">Option Name</para></entry>
367				  <entry>
368					 <para>વર્ણન</para></entry>
369				</row>
370			 </thead>
371			 <tbody>
372				<row valign="top">
373				  <entry>
374					 <para lang="en">Contains the text</para></entry>
375				  <entry>
376					 <para lang="en">Search for files of type plain text that contain the specified text.</para></entry>
377				</row>
378				<row valign="top">
379				  <entry>
380					 <para lang="en">Date modified less than</para></entry>
381				  <entry>
382					 <para lang="en">Search for files that are modified less than the period specified in days.</para></entry>
383				</row>
384				<row valign="top">
385				  <entry>
386					 <para>કરતાં વધુ દિવસોથી તારીખ બદલાયેલ છે</para></entry>
387				  <entry>
388					 <para lang="en">Search for files that are modified longer than the period specified in days.</para></entry>
389				</row>
390				<row valign="top">
391				  <entry>
392					 <para lang="en">Size at least</para></entry>
393				  <entry>
394					 <para lang="en">Search for files that are equal to or larger than the size specified in kilobytes.</para></entry>
395				</row>
396				<row valign="top">
397				  <entry>
398					 <para lang="en">Size at most</para></entry>
399				  <entry>
400					 <para lang="en">Search for files that are smaller than or equal to the size specified in kilobytes.</para></entry>
401				</row>
402				<row valign="top">
403				  <entry>
404					 <para>ફાઇલ ખાલી છે</para></entry>
405				  <entry>
406					 <para lang="en">Search for empty files.</para></entry>
407				</row>
408				<row valign="top">
409				  <entry>
410					 <para lang="en">Owned by user</para></entry>
411				  <entry>
412					 <para lang="en">Search for files that are owned by the user specified. Type the name of the user in the text box provided.</para></entry>
413				</row>
414				<row valign="top">
415				  <entry>
416					 <para lang="en">Owned by group</para></entry>
417				  <entry>
418					 <para lang="en">Search for files that are owned by the group specified. Type the name of the group in the text box provided. </para></entry>
419				</row>
420				<row valign="top">
421				  <entry>
422					 <para>માલિક ઓળખીતો નથી</para></entry>
423				  <entry>
424					 <para lang="en">Search for files that are owned by a user or group that is unknown to the system.</para></entry>
425				</row>
426				<row valign="top">
427				  <entry>
428					 <para lang="en">Name does not contain</para></entry>
429				  <entry>
430					 <para lang="en">Search for filenames that do not contain the string that you enter. Enter a full filename or a partial filename with wildcards in the field provided. Use * to indicate a sequence of characters. Use ? to indicate a single character. The search is case-sensitive.</para></entry>
431				</row>
432				<row valign="top">
433				  <entry>
434					 <para lang="en">Name matches regular expression</para></entry>
435				  <entry>
436					 <para lang="en">Search for files that contain the specified regular expression in their directory path or filename. Type the regular expression in the text box provided. </para></entry>
437				</row>
438				<row valign="top">
439				  <entry>
440					 <para>છુપી અને બેક-અપ ફાઈલો બતાવો</para></entry>
441				  <entry>
442					 <para lang="en">Include hidden and backup files in the search. </para></entry>
443				</row>
444				<row valign="top">
445				  <entry>
446					 <para>સાંકેતિક કડીઓને અનુસરો</para></entry>
447				  <entry>
448					 <para lang="en">Follow symbolic links when searching for files.</para></entry>
449				</row>
450				<row valign="top">
451				  <entry>
452					 <para>બીજી ફાઇલસિસ્ટમોને બહાર કાઢો</para></entry>
453				  <entry>
454					 <para lang="en">Search in directories that are in the same filesystem as the start directory.</para></entry>
455				</row>
457			 </tbody>
458		  </tgroup>
459		</table>
461    </sect2>
463    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-stop">
464    <title lang="en">To Stop a Search</title>
465    <para lang="en">Click <guibutton>Stop</guibutton> to stop a search before <application>Search for Files</application> completes the search. </para>
466    </sect2>
468    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-view">
469    <title lang="en">To Open a Displayed File</title>
470    <para lang="en">To open a file displayed in the <guilabel>Search results</guilabel> list box, perform one of the following steps:</para>
471    <itemizedlist>
472    <listitem><para lang="en">Right-click on the file, then choose <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem>. </para></listitem>
473     <listitem><para lang="en">Double-click on the file. </para></listitem>
474    </itemizedlist>
475    <para lang="en">To open the folder that contains a file displayed in the <guilabel>Search results</guilabel> list box, right-click on the file, then choose <guimenuitem>Open Containing Folder</guimenuitem>.</para>
476    </sect2>
478    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-delete">
479    <title lang="en">To Delete a Displayed File</title>
480    <para lang="en">To delete a file displayed in the <guilabel>Search results</guilabel> list box, right-click on the file, then choose <guimenuitem>Move to Trash</guimenuitem>. </para>
481    </sect2>
483    <!--
484    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-search-command">
485    <title>To View the Search Command Used by &app;</title>
486    <para>To view the command that <application>&app;</application> used to perform the previous search, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Search</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Command</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. The <guilabel>Search Command Line</guilabel> displays the command. </para>
487    </sect2>
488    -->
490    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-savetofile">
491    <title lang="en">To Save the Search Results</title>
492    <para lang="en">To save the results of the last search that <application>Search for Files</application> performed, right-click in the <guilabel>Search results</guilabel> list, then choose <guimenuitem>Save Results As</guimenuitem>. Enter the name of the file to which you want to save the results, then click Save.</para>
493    </sect2>
495  </sect1>
497<!-- ============= Settings ============================== -->
499  <sect1 id="gsearchtool-settings-gsettings-keys">
500    <title lang="en">Settings</title>
502    <para lang="en"><application>Search for Files</application> provides gsettings keys to modify some of its behavior.  The gsettings values can be changed by starting the <application>Configuration Editor</application> in the following ways:
503    </para>
504    <variablelist>
505    	<varlistentry>
506    		<term lang="en"><guimenu>Applications</guimenu> menu</term>
507    		<listitem>
508    		<para lang="en">Choose <menuchoice><guisubmenu>System Tools</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>dconf Editor</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. </para>
509    		</listitem>
510    	</varlistentry>
511    	<varlistentry>
512    		<term>આદેશ વાક્ય</term>
513    		<listitem>
514    		<para lang="en">Execute the following command: <command>dconf-editor</command></para>
515    		</listitem>
516    	</varlistentry>
517    </variablelist>
519    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-disablequicksearch">
520    <title>ઝડપી શોધ નિષ્ક્રિય કરો</title>
521    <para lang="en">Key name: org.mate.search-tool.disable-quick-search</para>
522    <para lang="en">Default value: false</para>
523    <para lang="en"><application>Search for Files</application> speeds up file name searches by using the <command>locate</command> command.  <command>Locate</command> provides a secure way to index and quickly search for file names.  Because <command>locate</command> relies on a file index, the <guilabel>Search results</guilabel> list may not always be up to date.</para>
524    </sect2>
526    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-disablesecondscan">
527    <title>બીજી સ્કેનમાં ઝડપી શોધ નિષ્ક્રિય કરો</title>
528    <para lang="en">Key name: org.mate.search-tool.disable-quick-search-second-scan</para>
529    <para lang="en">Default value: false</para>
530    <para lang="en">After completing a quick search, <application>Search for Files</application> will perform a thorough search using the <command>find</command> command.  The purpose of this second scan is to find files that have not been indexed.  Files that match the search criteria are added to the <guilabel>Search results</guilabel> list keeping the list up to date.</para>
531    </sect2>
533    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-quicksearchexclude">
534    <title>ઝડપી શોધ નહિં સમાવિષ્ટ પથો</title>
535    <para lang="en">Key name: org.mate.search-tool.quick-search-excluded-paths</para>
536    <para lang="en">Default values: [/mnt/*,/media/*,/dev/*,/tmp/*,/proc/*,/var/*]</para>
537    <para lang="en"><application>Search for Files</application> will not perform a quick search for paths defined by this key.  File name searches in the defined paths will use the <command>find</command> command.  The wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.</para>
538    </sect2>
540    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-secondscanexclude">
541    <title>ઝડપી શોધ દ્વિતીય સ્કેન નહિં સમાવિષ્ટ પથો</title>
542    <para lang="en">Key name: org.mate.search-tool.quick-search-second-scan-excluded-paths</para>
543    <para lang="en">Default values: [/]</para>
544    <para lang="en"><application>Search for Files</application> will not perform a second scan after a quick search for the paths defined by this key.  Quick searches in the defined paths will not be followed by a thorough search using the <command>find</command> command.  The wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.</para>
545    </sect2>
547    <sect2 id="gsearchtool-showoptions">
548    <title>વધારાના વિકલ્પો બતાવો</title>
549    <para lang="en">Key name: org.mate.search-tool.show-additional-options</para>
550    <para lang="en">Default value: false</para>
551    <para lang="en">This key determines if the <guilabel>Select more options</guilabel> section is expanded when <application>Search for Files</application> is started.</para>
552    </sect2>
554  </sect1>