1abort_for_me = Abort for me *
2action = ��������
3addbutton = ������ >>>
4allerheiligen = All Hallows Day
5answer = Answer *
6available = �������� ���. ���
7availableparticipants = �������� ���������
8back = �����
9birthday = Birthday *
10boxingday = Boxing Day *
11calendar = Calendar *
12calendar_notification = Notify of appointments by *
13calendar_vcal_method = vCal creation method *
14calendarof = �������� ��
15calendarownerall = all *
16calweek = CW
17canadaday = Canada Day *
18carnaval = Carnaval *
19change = �������
20city = ��������������
21civicholiday = Civic Holiday *
22class_aborted = aborted *
23class_standby = on standby for validation of other participants *
24class_subjected = subjection to be validated *
25class_validated = validated *
26collisionwith = �������� �
27columbusday = Columbus Day
28date = ����
29dateconflict = �������� � ������
30desc = ��������
31dobook = ������ � ������
32donotbook = �� ������� � ������
33duration = duration *
34easterfriday = Easter Friday
35eastermonday = Easter Monday
36eastersaturday = Easter Saturday
37eastersunday = Easter Sunday
38familyday = Family Day *
39finados = Dia de Finados *
40firstchristmas = Christmas Day
41firstmay = May celebration day
42for = for *
43forward = ��������
44freedomday = Freedom Day *
45from = ��
46gentemp_abort = ��������
47gentemp_afternoon = Afternoon *
48gentemp_appointment = appointment *
49gentemp_avail_ok = available schedule *
50gentemp_avail_too_small = available schedule but too short *
51gentemp_can_be_disturbed = can be disturbed *
52gentemp_can_not_be_disturbed = can not be disturbed *
53gentemp_choose_date = Choose a date *
54gentemp_confirm_rights_modification = validate the posted rights ? *
55gentemp_date = ����
56gentemp_date_format_php = M/d
57gentemp_date_format_smarty = %B, %d %Y
58gentemp_day = ���
59gentemp_duration = Duration (hh:mm) *
60gentemp_explain_rights_management = What people can do on my calendar... *
61gentemp_formation = formation *
62gentemp_from = ��
63gentemp_holiday = �������
64gentemp_in-house = in-house *
65gentemp_meeting = meeting *
66gentemp_month = �����
67gentemp_month_name_1 = ������
68gentemp_month_name_10 = ��������
69gentemp_month_name_11 = �������
70gentemp_month_name_12 = ��������
71gentemp_month_name_2 = ��������
72gentemp_month_name_3 = ����
73gentemp_month_name_4 = �����
74gentemp_month_name_5 = ���
75gentemp_month_name_6 = ���
76gentemp_month_name_7 = ���
77gentemp_month_name_8 = ������
78gentemp_month_name_9 = ���������
79gentemp_morning = Morning *
80gentemp_no = ��
81gentemp_not_avail = not available schedule *
82gentemp_nothing_subjected = nothing subjected *
83gentemp_operation_completed = Operation successfully completed. *
84gentemp_outside = outside *
85gentemp_people_list = people list *
86gentemp_period = Period *
87gentemp_private = ����� �����
88gentemp_repeater_0 = ����
89gentemp_repeater_1 = ������
90gentemp_repeater_2 = ��������
91gentemp_repeater_3 = �������
92gentemp_repeater_4 = ����� ���. ���
93gentemp_repeater_5 = Yearly *
94gentemp_rest = rest *
95gentemp_right_default = Default view *
96gentemp_right_modify = Create,<BR>Modify,<BR>Delete,<BR>and View all *
97gentemp_right_view_all = View all *
98gentemp_rights_management = Share my calendar *
99gentemp_short_available = Avail *
100gentemp_short_participants = Part *
101gentemp_short_private = Priv *
102gentemp_subjection_followup = Subjections follow-up *
103gentemp_telephone = Telephone *
104gentemp_time = Time *
105gentemp_time_format_php = H : i
106gentemp_time_format_smarty = %H : %M
107gentemp_to = ��
108gentemp_today = ����
109gentemp_vacation = �������
110gentemp_validate = validate *
111gentemp_view_avail = View availabilities *
112gentemp_view_avail_available = available *
113gentemp_view_avail_tooshort = too short *
114gentemp_week = week *
115gentemp_week_short = W *
116gentemp_weekday_1 = ������
117gentemp_weekday_2 = ����������
118gentemp_weekday_3 = �������
119gentemp_weekday_4 = �����
120gentemp_weekday_5 = ���������
121gentemp_weekday_6 = �����
122gentemp_weekday_7 = ������
123gentemp_weekend = ���.���
124gentemp_what_i_subjected = What i subjected *
125gentemp_what_one_subjected_to_me = What one subjected to me *
126gentemp_wholeday = ��� ���
127gentemp_year = ������
128gentemp_yes = ��
129goodfriday = Good Friday *
130goodwillday = Day of Goodwill *
131he_subject = subjects *
132hello = hello *
133heritageday = Heritage Day *
134holiday = �������
135holidayoverview = ������� ����
136holychristmas = Holy Evening
137how_to_subject_appt = If you want to propose an appointment, go in "see availabilities"... *
138humanrightsday = Human Rights Day *
139i_will_part = I will participate *
140imposable_people = People for whom you can impose an appointment *
141independenceday = Independance Day
142jtday = ���
143jtjump = ��� ����
144jtmonth = �����
145jtyear = ������
146jump_to_date = ��� ����
147labourday = Labour Day
148legend = �������
149legend_appt_type = Appointment type legend *
150memorialday = Memorial Day
151mlkingday = Martin Luther King Day
152name = ���
153newappointment4you = There is a new appointment notice waiting for you. *
154newappointmentmheader = New Appointment [Moregroupware] *
155newyear = ���� ������
156nsaparecida = Nossa Senhora de Aparecida
157of = of *
158presidentsday = Presidents Day
159print = Print *
160query_abort = Really ABORT this appointment ? *
161query_validate = Validate this appointment ? *
162reconciliationday = Day of Reconciliation *
163regulary = regulary *
164rememberanceday = Rememberance Day *
165removebutton = <<< ��������
166republica = Proclama��o da Rep�blica *
167schedules = shedules *
168secondchristmas = Christmas Day, Second
169select_all = select all *
170temp_abort = ��������
171temp_allappdelete = ������ ������ �����
172temp_allappfromtodaydelete = ������ ������ ����� �� ����
173temp_allpartdelete = ������ ����� �� ������ ���������
174temp_appdelete = ������ �����
175temp_appointment = �����
176temp_appointmentrepeat = �����-����������
177temp_appt_type = Type *
178temp_avail_text = Overview Participants *
179temp_availability = Availability *
180temp_back_label = �����
181temp_city = �����
182temp_col1 = ������
183temp_col2 = ����
184temp_col3 = ����
185temp_col4 = �����
186temp_col5 = ��������
187temp_collisionheader = Appointments at *
188temp_commonsettings = ���� ���������
189temp_create = ������ �����
190temp_date_format = %Y, %B %d
191temp_date_rep = ���������� �� ����
192temp_dateandtime = ���� � ���
193temp_edit = ������� �����
194temp_editappointment = ������� �����
195temp_err_end_before = Appointment ends before its start ! *
196temp_err_external_long = External text is too long.\nReduce length to be 200 characters or less. *
197temp_err_no_end = You must fill end time *
198temp_err_no_participant = You didn't choose any participants.\n\nCheck 'I will participate', and/or select participants. *
199temp_err_no_person = Please select a person(s) to move. *
200temp_err_no_start = You must fill start time *
201temp_err_no_week = Please select a week *
202temp_err_thema_long = Subject text is too long.\nReduce length to be 100 characters or less. *
203temp_ext_parties = ����� ���������
204temp_extparticipants = ������ ���������
205temp_fromto = �������� (��-��)
206temp_header = ���� - �������
207temp_header_nav_back = �����
208temp_header_nav_forw = ������
209temp_header_text = ����� �
210temp_holiday = �������
211temp_inituser = ��������� ��
212temp_loc = �����
213temp_locationandsubject = ����� � ����
214temp_newappointment = ���� �����
215temp_onlyminedelete = ������ ���� ����� �����
216temp_onlythisappdelete = ������ ���� ���� �����
217temp_participants = ���������
218temp_parties = ���������
219temp_private = ����� ?
220temp_privatetext = �����
221temp_repititions = ����������
222temp_row_action_label_delete = ������
223temp_row_action_label_details = �������
224temp_row_action_label_edit = �������
225temp_row_action_label_private = �����
226temp_row_action_label_serialedit = ������� �����
227temp_row_label_1 = ������� �����
228temp_row_label_2 = ������
229temp_row_prestart = ����� �����
230temp_selparticipants = ������� ���������
231temp_serialend = ������ ����
232temp_serialstart = ������� ����
233temp_subject = ����
234temp_subject_detailed = Detailed subject *
235temp_subject_summarized = Summary *
236temp_time = �����
237temp_timeframe = ��� �������(�����������)
238temp_topic = ����
239temp_typeandlocation = Type and Location *
240temp_weekday_abbr_0 = ��
241temp_weekday_abbr_1 = ��
242temp_weekday_abbr_2 = ��
243temp_weekday_abbr_3 = ��
244temp_weekday_abbr_4 = ��
245temp_weekday_abbr_5 = ��
246temp_weekday_abbr_6 = ��
247temp_wholeday = ��� ���
248thanksgiving = Thanksgiving
249this_month = �����
250this_week = �������
251tiradentes = Tiradentes
252to = ��
253to_impose = impose *
254to_subject = subject *
255today = ����
256totalholiday = ������� ���.���
257unityday = Unity day (germ.)
258unselect_all = unselect all *
259usedholiday = ���������� ���. ���
260vacation = �������
261validate_for_all = Validate this appointment *
262validate_for_me = Validate my participation *
263vcal = Vcal file *
264vcal_to_file = Create file *
265vcal_to_mail = Send by mail *
266veteransday = Veterans Day
267victoriaday = Victoria Day *
268view = View *
269viewcalendarof = ��� ��������� ��
270weekend = ���. ���
271womensday = National Women's Day *
272workersday = Workers Day *
273youthday = Youth Day *