2# Copyright 2015 Tobias Haupenthal
3# Copyright 2016-2018 Jaap Karssenberg <jaap.karssenberg@gmail.com>
6from gi.repository import GObject
7from gi.repository import Gtk
8from gi.repository import Gdk
9from gi.repository import Pango
11import re
12import weakref
13import logging
16logger = logging.getLogger('zim.plugin.tableeditor')
18from zim.plugins import PluginClass, InsertedObjectTypeExtension
19from zim.actions import action
20from zim.signals import SignalEmitter, ConnectorMixin, SIGNAL_RUN_LAST
21from zim.utils import natural_sort_key
22from zim.config import String
23from zim.main import ZIM_APPLICATION
24from zim.formats import ElementTreeModule as ElementTree
26from zim.formats.wiki import Parser as WikiParser
28from zim.gui.pageview import PageViewExtension
29from zim.gui.widgets import Dialog, ScrolledWindow, IconButton, InputEntry, gtk_popup_at_pointer
30from zim.gui.insertedobjects import InsertedObjectWidget
34	('&amp;', '&'), ('&gt;', '>'), ('&lt;', '<'), ('&quot;', '"'), ('&apos;', "'")
37# Regex replacement strings: Wiki-Parsetree -> Pango (Table cell) -> Input (Table cell editing)
38# the target pattern is easier to read, the source pattern is generated out of it
39# With this syntax text can be format within a table-cell
41	(r'<strong>\1</strong>', r'<b>\1</b>', r'**\1**'),
42	(r'<mark>\1</mark>', r'<span background="yellow">\1</span>', r'__\1__'),
43	(r'<code>\1</code>', r'<tt>\1</tt>', r"''\1''"),
44	(r'<strike>\1</strike>', r'<s>\1</s>', r'~~\1~~'),
45	# Link url without link text  - Link url has always size = 0
46	(r'<link href="\1">\1</link>', r'<span foreground="blue">\1<span size="0">\1</span></span>', r'[[\1]]'),
47	# Link url with link text  - Link url has always size = 0
48	(r'<link href="\1">\2</link>', r'<span foreground="blue">\2<span size="0">\1</span></span>', r'[[\2|\1]]'),
49	(r'<emphasis>\1</emphasis>', r'<i>\1</i>', r'//\1//')
52# Possible alignments in edit-table-dialog
53COLUMNS_ALIGNMENTS = {'left': ['left', Gtk.STOCK_JUSTIFY_LEFT, _('Left')],  # T: alignment option
54					  'center': ['center', Gtk.STOCK_JUSTIFY_CENTER, _('Center')],  # T: alignment option
55					  'right': ['right', Gtk.STOCK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT, _('Right')],  # T: alignment option
56					  'normal': ['normal', None, _('Unspecified')], }  # T: alignment option
59def reg_replace(string):
60	'''
61	Target pattern is translated into source regex pattern
62	:param string: target pattern
63	:return:source pattern
64	'''
65	string = string.replace('*', '\*').replace('[', '\[').replace(']', '\]') \
66		.replace(r'\1', '(.+?)', 1).replace(r'\2', '(.+?)', 1).replace('|', '\|')
67	return re.compile(string)
69# Regex compiled search patterns
70SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO = [tuple(map(reg_replace, expr_list)) for expr_list in SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO2]
73class TableEditorPlugin(PluginClass):
74	'''
75	This is the plugin for displaying tables within the wiki.
76	A table consists always of a header with at least one header-cell and at least one or several rows.
77	The number of cells in a row must be equal to the header.
78	Currently there are two attributes, which have a tuple format, so they can describe all columns:
79	- aligns: left, center, right
80	- wraps: 0 	/ display text in a row		1 / long text will be broken and wrapped
81	'''
82	plugin_info = {
83		'name': _('Table Editor'),  # T: plugin name
84		'description': _('''\
85With this plugin you can embed a 'Table' into the wiki page. Tables will be shown as GTK TreeView widgets.
86Exporting them to various formats (i.e. HTML/LaTeX) completes the feature set.
87'''),  # T: plugin description
88		'help': 'Plugins:Table Editor',
89		'author': 'Tobias Haupenthal',
90	}
92	global LINES_NONE, LINES_HORIZONTAL, LINES_VERTICAL, LINES_BOTH # Hack - to make sure translation is loaded
93	LINES_BOTH = _('with lines') # T: option value
94	LINES_NONE = _('no grid lines') # T: option value
95	LINES_HORIZONTAL = _('horizontal lines') # T: option value
96	LINES_VERTICAL = _('vertical lines') # T: option value
100	plugin_preferences = (
101		# key, type, label, default
102		('show_helper_toolbar', 'bool', _('Show helper toolbar'), True),   # T: preference description
104		# option for displaying grid-lines within the table
105		('grid_lines', 'choice', _('Grid lines'), LINES_BOTH, (LINES_BOTH, LINES_NONE, LINES_HORIZONTAL, LINES_VERTICAL)),
106		# T: preference description
107	)
110class CellFormatReplacer:
111	'''
112	Static class for converting formated text from one into the other format:
113	- cell:	in a wiki pageview the table-cell must be of this format
114	- input: if a user is editing the cell, this format is used
115	- zimtree: Format for zimtree xml structure
116	'''
117	@staticmethod
118	def cell_to_input(text, with_pango=True):
119		''' Displayed table-cell will converted to gtk-entry input text '''
120		text = text or ''
121		if with_pango:
122			for pattern, replace in zip(SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO, SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO2):
123				text = pattern[1].sub(replace[2], text)
124		for k, v in SYNTAX_CELL_INPUT:
125			text = text.replace(k, v)
126		return text
128	@staticmethod
129	def input_to_cell(text, with_pango=True):
130		for k, v in SYNTAX_CELL_INPUT:
131			text = text.replace(v, k)
132		if with_pango:
133			# Links without text are handled as [[link]] and not as [[link|text]], therefore reverse order of replacements
134			for pattern, replace in zip(reversed(SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO), reversed(SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO2)):
135				text = pattern[2].sub(replace[1], text)
136		return text
138	@staticmethod
139	def zim_to_cell(text):
140		for pattern, replace in zip(SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO, SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO2):
141			text = pattern[0].sub(replace[1], text)
142		return text
144	@staticmethod
145	def cell_to_zim(text):
146		for pattern, replace in zip(SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO, SYNTAX_WIKI_PANGO2):
147			text = pattern[1].sub(replace[0], text)
148		return text
151class TableViewObjectType(InsertedObjectTypeExtension):
153	name = 'table'
155	label = _('Table') # T: menu item
156	verb_icon = 'zim-insert-table'
158	object_attr = {
159		'aligns': String(''),  # i.e. String(left,right,center)
160		'wraps': String('')	  # i.e. String(0,1,0)
161	}
163	def __init__(self, plugin, objmap):
164		self._widgets = weakref.WeakSet()
165		self.preferences = plugin.preferences
166		InsertedObjectTypeExtension.__init__(self, plugin, objmap)
167		self.connectto(self.preferences, 'changed', self.on_preferences_changed)
169	def new_model_interactive(self, parent, notebook, page):
170		definition = EditTableDialog(parent).run()
171		if definition is None:
172			raise ValueError # dialog cancelled
174		ids, headers, wraps, aligns = definition
175		attrib = self.parse_attrib({
176			'aligns': ','.join(map(str, aligns)),
177			'wraps': ','.join(map(str, wraps))
178		})
179		rows = [''] * len(headers)
180		return TableModel(attrib, headers, rows)
182	def model_from_data(self, notebook, page, attrib, data):
183		tree = WikiParser().parse(data)
184		element = tree._etree.getroot().find('table') # XXX - should use token interface instead
185		if element is not None:
186			return self.model_from_element(element.attrib, element)
187		else:
188			return TableModel(attrib, [data.strip()], [''])
190	def model_from_element(self, attrib, element):
191		assert ElementTree.iselement(element)
192		attrib = self.parse_attrib(attrib)
193		headers, rows = self._tabledom_to_list(element)
194		return TableModel(attrib, headers, rows)
196	def _tabledom_to_list(self, tabledata):
197		'''
198		Extracts necessary data out of a xml-table into a list structure
200		:param tabledata: XML - formated as a zim-tree table-object
201		:return: tuple of header-list and list of row lists -  ([h1,h2],[[r11,r12],[r21,r22])
202		'''
203		headers = [head.text for head in tabledata.findall('thead/th')]
204		headers = list(map(CellFormatReplacer.zim_to_cell, headers))
206		rows = []
207		for trow in tabledata.findall('trow'):
208			row = trow.findall('td')
209			row = [ElementTree.tostring(r, 'unicode').replace('<td>', '').replace('</td>', '') for r in row]
210			row = list(map(CellFormatReplacer.zim_to_cell, row))
211			rows.append(row)
212		return headers, rows
214	def create_widget(self, model):
215		widget = TableViewWidget(model)
216		widget.set_preferences(self.preferences)
217		self._widgets.add(widget)
218		return widget
220	def on_preferences_changed(self, preferences):
221		for widget in self._widgets:
222			widget.set_preferences(preferences)
224	def dump(self, builder, model):
225		headers, attrib, rows = model.get_object_data()
226		def append(tag, text):
227			builder.start(tag, {})
228			builder.data(text)
229			builder.end(tag)
231		builder.start(TABLE, dict(attrib))
232		builder.start(HEADROW, {})
233		for header in headers:
234			append(HEADDATA, header)
235		builder.end(HEADROW)
236		for row in rows:
237			builder.start(TABLEROW, {})
238			for cell in row:
239				append(TABLEDATA, cell)
240			builder.end(TABLEROW)
241		builder.end(TABLE)
244class TableModel(ConnectorMixin, SignalEmitter):
245	'''Thin object that contains a C{Gtk.ListStore}
246	Key purpose of this wrapper is to allow replacing the store
247	'''
249	__signals__ = {
250		'changed': (SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, None, ()),
251		'model-changed': (SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, None, ()),
252	}
254	def __init__(self, attrib, headers, rows):
255		self._attrib = attrib
256		self.headers = headers
257		self.liststore = self._create_liststore(headers)
258		for row in rows:
259			self.liststore.append(row)
261	def _create_liststore(self, headers):
262		cols = [str] * len(headers)
263		self.liststore = Gtk.ListStore(*cols)
264		self.connectto_all(
265			self.liststore,
266			('row-changed', 'row-deleted', 'row-inserted', 'rows-reordered'),
267			handler=lambda *a: self.emit('changed')
268		)
269		return self.liststore
271	def get_object_data(self):
272		rows = [
273			map(CellFormatReplacer.cell_to_input, row)
274				for row in self.liststore
275		]
276		return self.headers, self._attrib, rows
278	def get_aligns(self):
279		return self._attrib['aligns'].split(',')
281	def set_aligns(self, data):
282		self._attrib['aligns'] = ','.join(map(str, data))
284	def get_wraps(self):
285		return list(map(int, self._attrib['wraps'].split(',')))
287	def set_wraps(self, data):
288		self._attrib['wraps'] = ','.join(map(str, data))
290	def change_model(self, newdefinition):
291		'''Creates a new C{Gtk.ListStore} based on C{newdefinition}
292		and notifies all widgets to replace the current one by the
293		"model-changed" signal
294		'''
295		ids, headers, wraps, aligns = newdefinition
297		self.disconnect_from(self.liststore)
298		oldliststore = self.liststore
300		self.liststore = self._create_liststore(headers)
301		self.headers = headers
302		self.set_aligns(aligns)
303		self.set_wraps(wraps)
305		for row in oldliststore:
306			newrow = [
307				(row[i] if i >= 0 else '') for i in ids
308			]
309			self.liststore.append(newrow)
311		self.emit('model-changed')
312		self.emit('changed')
316	LINES_BOTH: Gtk.TreeViewGridLines.BOTH,
317	LINES_NONE: Gtk.TreeViewGridLines.NONE,
323class TableViewWidget(InsertedObjectWidget):
325	def __init__(self, model):
326		InsertedObjectWidget.__init__(self)
327		self.expand = False
328		self.textarea_width = 0
329		self.model = model
331		# used in pageview
332		self._has_cursor = False  # Skip table object, if someone moves cursor around in textview
334		# used here
335		self._timer = None  # NONE or number of current GObject.timer, which is running
336		self._keep_toolbar_open = False  # a cell is currently edited, toolbar should not be hidden
337		self._cellinput_canceled = None  # cell changes should be skipped
338		self._toolbar_enabled = True  # sets if toolbar should be shown beneath a selected table
340		# Toolbar for table actions
341		self.toolbar = self.create_toolbar()
342		self.toolbar.show_all()
343		self.toolbar.set_no_show_all(True)
344		self.toolbar.hide()
346		# Create treeview
347		self._init_treeview(model)
349		# package gui elements
350		self.vbox = Gtk.VBox()
351		self.add(self.vbox)
352		self.vbox.pack_end(self.toolbar, True, True, 0)
353		self.scroll_win = ScrolledWindow(self.treeview, Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.ShadowType.NONE)
354		self.vbox.pack_start(self.scroll_win, True, True, 0)
356		# signals
357		model.connect('model-changed', self.on_model_changed)
359	def _init_treeview(self, model):
360		# Actual gtk table object
361		self.treeview = self.create_treeview(model)
363		# Hook up signals & set options
364		self.treeview.connect('button-press-event', self.on_button_press_event)
365		self.treeview.connect('focus-in-event', self.on_focus_in, self.toolbar)
366		self.treeview.connect('focus-out-event', self.on_focus_out, self.toolbar)
367		self.treeview.connect('move-cursor', self.on_move_cursor)
369		# Set options
370		self.treeview.set_grid_lines(Gtk.TreeViewGridLines.BOTH)
371		self.treeview.set_receives_default(True)
372		self.treeview.set_size_request(-1, -1)
373		self.treeview.set_border_width(2)
375		# disable interactive column search
376		self.treeview.set_enable_search(False)
377		#Gtk.binding_entry_remove(Gtk.TreeView, Gdk.KEY_f, Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK)
378		self.treeview.set_search_column(-1)
380	def on_model_changed(self, model):
381		self.scroll_win.remove(self.treeview)
382		self.treeview.destroy()
383		self._init_treeview(model)
384		self.scroll_win.add(self.treeview)
385		self.scroll_win.show_all()
387	def old_do_size_request(self, requisition): # TODO - FIX this behavior
388		model = self.get_model()
389		wraps = model.get_wraps()
390		if not any(wraps):
391			return InsertedObjectWidget.do_size_request(self, requisition)
393		# Negotiate how to wrap ..
394		for col in self.treeview.get_columns():
395			cr = col.get_cell_renderers()[0]
396			cr.set_property('wrap-width', -1) # reset size
398			#~ col.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.AUTOSIZE)  # allow column shrinks
399			#~ col.set_max_width(0)	 # shrink column
400			#~ col.set_max_width(-1)  # reset value
401			#~ col.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.GROW_ONLY)  # reset value
403		InsertedObjectWidget.do_size_request(self, requisition)
405		#~ print("Widget requests: %i textview: %i" % (requisition.width, self._textview_width))
406		if requisition.width > self._textview_width:
407			# Figure out width of fixed cols
408			fixed = 0
409			for col, wrap in zip(self.treeview.get_columns(), wraps):
410				if not wrap:
411					fixed += col.get_width()
413			nwrap = sum(wraps)
414			wrap_size = (self._textview_width - fixed) // nwrap
416			# Set width for wrappable cols
417			#~ print("Fixed, nwrap, wrap_size", (fixed, nwrap, wrap_size))
418			for col, wrap in zip(self.treeview.get_columns(), wraps):
419				if wrap:
420					cr = col.get_cell_renderers()[0]
421					cr.set_property('wrap-width', wrap_size) # reset size
423			# Update request
424			InsertedObjectWidget.do_size_request(self, requisition)
425		else:
426			pass
428	def on_focus_in(self, treeview, event, toolbar):
429		'''After a table is selected, this function will be triggered'''
431		self._keep_toolbar_open = False
432		if self._timer:
433			GObject.source_remove(self._timer)
434		if self._toolbar_enabled:
435			toolbar.show()
437	def on_focus_out(self, treeview, event, toolbar):
438		'''After a table is deselected, this function will be triggered'''
439		def receive_alarm():
440			if self._keep_toolbar_open:
441				self._timer = None
442			if self._timer:
443				self._timer = None
444				treeview.get_selection().unselect_all()
445				if self._toolbar_enabled:
446					toolbar.hide()
447			return False
449		self._timer = GObject.timeout_add(500, receive_alarm)
451	def create_toolbar(self):
452		'''This function creates a toolbar which is displayed next to the table'''
453		toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar()
454		toolbar.set_orientation(Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
455		toolbar.set_style(Gtk.ToolbarStyle.ICONS)
456		toolbar.set_border_width(1)
458		for pos, stock, handler, data, tooltip in (
459			(0, Gtk.STOCK_ADD, self.on_add_row, None, _('Add row')),  # T: tooltip on mouse hover
460			(1, Gtk.STOCK_DELETE, self.on_delete_row, None, _('Remove row')),  # T: tooltip on mouse hover
461			(2, Gtk.STOCK_COPY, self.on_clone_row, None, _('Clone row')),  # T: tooltip on mouse hover
462			(3, None, None, None, None),
463			(4, Gtk.STOCK_GO_UP, self.on_move_row, -1, _('Row up')),  # T: tooltip on mouse hover
464			(5, Gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN, self.on_move_row, 1, _('Row down')),  # T: tooltip on mouse hover
465			(6, None, None, None, None),
466			(7, Gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, self.on_change_columns, None, _('Change columns')),  # T: tooltip on mouse hover
467			(8, None, None, None, None),
468			(9, Gtk.STOCK_HELP, self.on_open_help, None, _('Open help')),  # T: tooltip on mouse hover
469		):
470			if stock is None:
471				toolbar.insert(Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), pos)
472			else:
473				button = Gtk.ToolButton(stock)
474				if data:
475					button.connect('clicked', handler, data)
476				else:
477					button.connect('clicked', handler)
478				button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip)
479				toolbar.insert(button, pos)
481		toolbar.set_size_request(-1, -1)
482		toolbar.set_icon_size(Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
484		return toolbar
486	def _column_alignment(self, aligntext):
487		''' The column alignment must be converted from numeric to keywords '''
488		if aligntext == 'left':
489			align = 0.0
490		elif aligntext == 'center':
491			align = 0.5
492		elif aligntext == 'right':
493			align = 1.0
494		else:
495			align = None
496		return align
498	def create_treeview(self, model):
499		'''Initializes a treeview with its model (liststore) and all its columns'''
500		treeview = Gtk.TreeView(model.liststore)
502		# Set default sorting function.
503		model.liststore.set_default_sort_func(lambda *a: 0)
505		aligns = model.get_aligns()
506		wraps = model.get_wraps()
507		for i, headcol in enumerate(model.headers):
508			cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()
509			tview_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(headcol, cell)
510			tview_column.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.AUTOSIZE)  # allow column shrinks
511			treeview.append_column(tview_column)
513			# set title as label
514			header_label = self.create_headerlabel(headcol)
515			tview_column.set_widget(header_label)
517			# set properties of column
518			tview_column.set_attributes(cell, markup=i)
519			cell.set_property('editable', True)
520			cell.set_property('yalign', 0.0)  # no vertical alignment, text starts on the top
521			tview_column.set_sort_column_id(i)
522			# set sort function
523			model.liststore.set_sort_func(i, self.sort_by_number_or_string, i)
524			# set alignment - left center right
525			align = self._column_alignment(aligns[i])
526			if align:
527				tview_column.set_alignment(align)
528				cell.set_alignment(align, 0.0)
530			# set wrap mode, wrap-size is set elsewhere
531			if wraps[i]:
532				cell.set_property('wrap-mode', Pango.WrapMode.WORD)
534			# callbacks after an action
535			cell.connect('edited', self.on_cell_changed, treeview.get_model(), i)
536			cell.connect('editing-started', self.on_cell_editing_started, treeview.get_model(), i)
537			cell.connect('editing-canceled', self.on_cell_editing_canceled)
539		return treeview
541	def create_headerlabel(self, title):
542		return TableViewWidget.create_headerlabel(title)
544	@staticmethod
545	def create_headerlabel(title):
546		''' Sets options for the treeview header'''
547		col_widget = Gtk.VBox()
548		col_widget.show()
551		col_label = Gtk.Label(label='<u>' + title + '</u>')
552		col_label.set_use_markup(True)
553		col_label.show()
554		col_widget.pack_start(col_label, True, True, 0)
555		#col_align.add(col_label)
557		'''col_entry = InputEntry()
558		col_entry.set_name('treeview-header-entry')
559		col_entry.show()
560		col_widget.pack_start(col_entry, True, True, 0)'''
562		return col_widget
564	def get_treeview(self):
565		# treeview of current table
566		return self.treeview
568	def set_preferences(self, preferences):
569		self._toolbar_enabled = preferences.get('show_helper_toolbar', True)
570		self.treeview.set_grid_lines(GTK_GRIDLINES[preferences.get('grid_lines', LINES_BOTH)])
572	def on_move_cursor(self, view, step_size, count):
573		''' If you try to move the cursor out of the tableditor release the cursor to the parent textview '''
574		return None  # let parent handle this signal
576	def fetch_cell_by_event(self, event, treeview):
577		'''	Looks for the cell where the mouse clicked on it '''
578		liststore = treeview.get_model()
579		(xpos, ypos) = event.get_coords()
580		(treepath, treecol, xrel, yrel) = treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(xpos), int(ypos))
581		treeiter = liststore.get_iter(treepath)
582		cellvalue = liststore.get_value(treeiter, treeview.get_columns().index(treecol))
583		return cellvalue
585	def get_linkurl(self, celltext):
586		'''	Checks a cellvalue if it contains a link and returns only the link value '''
587		linkregex = r'<span foreground="blue">.*?<span.*?>(.*?)</span></span>'
588		matches = re.match(linkregex, celltext)
589		linkvalue = matches.group(1) if matches else None
590		return linkvalue
592	def on_button_press_event(self, treeview, event):
593		'''
594		Displays a context-menu on right button click
595		Opens the link of a tablecell on CTRL pressed and left button click
596		'''
597		if event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1 and event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK:
598			# With CTRL + LEFT-Mouse-Click link of cell is opened
599			cellvalue = self.fetch_cell_by_event(event, treeview)
600			linkvalue = self.get_linkurl(cellvalue)
601			if linkvalue:
602				self.emit('link-clicked', {'href': str(linkvalue)})
603			return
605		if event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 3:
606			# Right button opens context menu
607			self._keep_toolbar_open = True
608			cellvalue = self.fetch_cell_by_event(event, treeview)
609			linkvalue = self.get_linkurl(cellvalue)
610			linkitem_is_activated = (linkvalue is not None)
612			menu = Gtk.Menu()
614			for stock, handler, data, tooltip in (
615				(Gtk.STOCK_ADD, self.on_add_row, None, _('Add row')),  # T: menu item
616				(Gtk.STOCK_DELETE, self.on_delete_row, None, _('Delete row')),  # T: menu item
617				(Gtk.STOCK_COPY, self.on_clone_row, None, _('Clone row')),  # T: menu item
618				(None, None, None, None),  # T: menu item
619				(Gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, self.on_open_link, linkvalue, _('Open cell content link')),  # T: menu item
620				(None, None, None, None),
621				(Gtk.STOCK_GO_UP, self.on_move_row, -1, _('Row up')),  # T: menu item
622				(Gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN, self.on_move_row, 1, _('Row down')),  # T: menu item
623				(None, None, None, None),
624				(Gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, self.on_change_columns, None, _('Change columns'))  # T: menu item
625			):
627				if stock is None:
628					menu.append(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem())
629				else:
630					item = Gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock)
631					item.set_always_show_image(True)
632					item.set_label(_(tooltip))
633					if data:
634						item.connect_after('activate', handler, data)
635					else:
636						item.connect_after('activate', handler)
637					if handler == self.on_open_link:
638						item.set_sensitive(linkitem_is_activated)
639					menu.append(item)
641			menu.show_all()
642			gtk_popup_at_pointer(menu, event)
644	def on_add_row(self, action):
645		''' Context menu: Add a row '''
646		selection = self.treeview.get_selection()
647		model, treeiter = selection.get_selected()
648		if not treeiter:  # no selected item
649			self.selection_info()
650			return
652		# Set default sorting.
653		model.set_sort_column_id(-1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING)
655		row = len(self.treeview.get_columns()) * ['']
656		path = model.insert_after(treeiter, row)
658	def on_clone_row(self, action):
659		''' Context menu: Clone a row '''
660		selection = self.treeview.get_selection()
661		model, treeiter = selection.get_selected()
662		if not treeiter:  # no selected item
663			self.selection_info()
664			return
666		path = model.get_path(treeiter)
667		row = list(model[path[0]]) # copy
668		model.insert_after(treeiter, row)
670	def on_delete_row(self, action):
671		''' Context menu: Delete a row '''
672		selection = self.treeview.get_selection()
673		model, treeiter = selection.get_selected()
674		if not treeiter:  # no selected item
675			self.selection_info()
676			return
678		if len(model) > 1:
679			model.remove(treeiter)
680		else:
681			md = Gtk.MessageDialog(None, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,
682									_("The table must consist of at least on row!\n No deletion done."))
683									# T: Popup dialog
684			md.run()
685			md.destroy()
687	def on_move_row(self, action, direction):
688		''' Trigger for moving a row one position up/down '''
689		selection = self.treeview.get_selection()
690		model, treeiter = selection.get_selected()
691		if not treeiter:  # no selected item
692			self.selection_info()
693			return
695		path = model.get_path(treeiter)
696		newpos = path[0] + direction
697		if 0 > newpos or newpos >= len(model):  # first item cannot be pushed forward, last not backwards
698			return
699		newiter = model.get_iter((newpos,))
701		# Set default sorting.
702		model.set_sort_column_id(-1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING)
704		# Change values of two rows.
705		for col in range(model.get_n_columns()):
706			value = model.get_value(treeiter, col)
707			newvalue = model.get_value(newiter, col)
708			model.set_value(newiter, col, value)
709			model.set_value(treeiter, col, newvalue)
711	def on_open_link(self, action, link):
712		''' Context menu: Open a link, which is written in a cell '''
713		self.emit('link-clicked', {'href': str(link)})
715	def on_open_help(self, action):
716		''' Context menu: Open help '''
717		ZIM_APPLICATION.run('--manual', 'Plugins:Table Editor')
719	def on_change_columns(self, action):
720		''' Context menu: Edit table, run the EditTableDialog '''
721		aligns = self.model.get_aligns()
722		wraps = self.model.get_wraps()
723		headers = [col.get_title() for col in self.treeview.get_columns()]
724		ids = [i for i in range(len(headers))]
725		definition = ids, headers, wraps, aligns
726		newdefinition = EditTableDialog(self.get_toplevel(), definition).run()
727		if newdefinition:
728			self.model.change_model(newdefinition) # Will call back to change our treeview
730	def on_cell_changed(self, cellrenderer, path, text, liststore, colid):
731		''' Trigger after cell-editing, to transform displayed table cell into right format '''
732		self._keep_toolbar_open = False
733		markup = CellFormatReplacer.input_to_cell(text)
734		liststore[path][colid] = markup
735		self._cellinput_canceled = False
737	def on_cell_editing_started(self, cellrenderer, editable, path, liststore, colid):
738		''' Trigger before cell-editing, to transform text-field data into right format '''
739		self._keep_toolbar_open = True
741		editable.connect('focus-out-event', self.on_cell_focus_out, cellrenderer, path, liststore, colid)
742		markup = liststore[path][colid]
743		markup = CellFormatReplacer.cell_to_input(markup)
744		editable.set_text(markup)
745		self._cellinput_canceled = False
747	def on_cell_focus_out(self, editable, event, cellrenderer, path, liststore, colid):
748		if not self._cellinput_canceled:
749			self.on_cell_changed(cellrenderer, path, editable.get_text(), liststore, colid)
751	def on_cell_editing_canceled(self, renderer):
752		''' Trigger after a cell is edited but any change is skipped '''
753		self._cellinput_canceled = True
756	def sort_by_number_or_string(self, liststore, treeiter1, treeiter2, colid):
757		'''
758		Sort algorithm for sorting numbers correctly and putting 10 after 3.
759		This part can be improved in future to support also currencies, dates, floats, etc.
760		:param liststore: model of treeview
761		:param treeiter1: treeiter 1
762		:param treeiter2: treeiter 2
763		:param colid: a column number
764		:return: -1 / first data is smaller than second, 0 / equality, 1 / else
765		'''
766		data1 = natural_sort_key(liststore.get_value(treeiter1, colid))
767		data2 = natural_sort_key(liststore.get_value(treeiter2, colid))
768		return (data1 > data2) - (data1 < data2) # python3 jargon for "cmp()"
770	def selection_info(self):
771		''' Info-Popup for selecting a cell before this action can be done '''
772		md = Gtk.MessageDialog(None, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,
773								_("Please select a row, before you push the button."))
774		# T:
775		md.run()
776		md.destroy()
778	#~ def _search_in_widget(self, start, step):
779		#~ '''
780		#~ Search within a widget
781		#~ :param start: position-of-widget
782		#~ :param step: search direction (up / down): -1 / 1
783		#~ :return: tuple (startiter, enditer, match)
784		#~ '''
785		#~ if start.get_child_anchor() is None or len(start.get_child_anchor().get_widgets()) < 1:
786			#~ return
787		#~ widgets = start.get_child_anchor().get_widgets()
788		#~ # TODO TODO TODO - generalize interface so all widgets can integrate find
789		#~ if isinstance(widgets[0], zim.plugins.tableeditor.TableViewWidget):
790			#~ table = widgets[0]
791			#~ # get treeview first
792			#~ treeview = table.get_treeview()
793			#~ liststore = treeview.get_model()
794			#~ iter = liststore.get_iter_root()
795			#~ while iter is not None:
796				#~ for col in range(liststore.get_n_columns()):
797					#~ text = liststore.get_value(iter, col)
798					#~ matches = self.regex.finditer(text)
799					#~ if step == -1:
800						#~ matches = list(matches)
801						#~ matches.reverse()
802					#~ for match in matches:
803						#~ startiter = iter
804						#~ enditer = iter
805						#~ return startiter, enditer, match
806				#~ iter = liststore.iter_next(iter)
808	#~ def _replace_in_widget(self, start, regex, string, replaceall=False):
809		#~ '''
810		#~ Replace within a widget
811		#~ :param start: position-of-widget
812		#~ :param regex: regular expression pattern
813		#~ :param text: substituation text
814		#~ :param replaceall: boolean if all matches should be replaced
815		#~ :return: True / False - a replacement was done / no replaces
816		#~ '''
817		#~ if start.get_child_anchor() is None or len(start.get_child_anchor().get_widgets()) < 1:
818			#~ return
819		#~ widgets = start.get_child_anchor().get_widgets()
820		#~ if isinstance(widgets[0], zim.plugins.tableeditor.TableViewWidget):
821			#~ table = widgets[0]
822			#~ liststore = table.get_liststore()
823			#~ iter = liststore.get_iter_root()
824			#~ has_replaced = False
825			#~ while iter is not None:
826				#~ for col in range(liststore.get_n_columns()):
827					#~ text = liststore.get_value(iter, col)
828					#~ if(regex.search(text)):
829						#~ newtext = regex.sub(string, text)
830						#~ liststore.set_value(iter, col, newtext)
831						#~ if(not replaceall):
832							#~ return True
833						#~ else:
834							#~ has_replaced = True
835				#~ iter = liststore.iter_next(iter)
836		#~ return has_replaced
839class EditTableDialog(Dialog):
840	'''
841	Graphical dialog for the user, where a new table can be created or an existing one can be modified
842	Here columns can be added / modified and titles be managed.
843	'''
844	class Col():
845		'''
846		Format of the treeview in which columns of the table can be managed:
847		- id: -1 or position of original column
848		- wrapped: 0/1 should text be wrapped over multiple lines
849		- align, alignicon, aligntext:	english-keyword, GTK-ICON, translated-keyword for alignments
850		'''
851		id, title, wrapped, align, alignicon, aligntext = list(range(6))
853	def __init__(self, parent, definition=None):
854		'''
855		Constructor, which intializes the dialog window
856		:param parent:
857		:param definition: tuple of C{(ids, headers, wraps, aligns)}
858		:return:
859		'''
860		title = _('Insert Table') if definition is None else _('Edit Table')  # T: Dialog title
861		Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title)
863		# Prepare treeview in which all columns of the table are listed
864		self.default_column_item = [-1, "", 0, "left", Gtk.STOCK_JUSTIFY_LEFT, _("Left")]
865		# currently edited cell - tuple (editable, path, colid) save it on exit
866		self.currently_edited = None
868		# Set layout of Window
869		self.add_help_text(_('Managing table columns'))  # T: Description of "Table-Insert" Dialog
870		self.set_default_size(380, 400)
872		liststore = self._prepare_liststore(definition)
873		self.treeview = self._prepare_treeview_with_headcolumn_list(liststore)
874		hbox = Gtk.HBox(spacing=5)
875		hbox.set_size_request(300, 300)
876		self.vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 0)
877		header_scrolled_area = ScrolledWindow(self.treeview)
878		header_scrolled_area.set_size_request(200, -1)
879		hbox.pack_start(header_scrolled_area, True, True, 0)
880		hbox.pack_start(self._button_box(), False, False, 0)
882		self.show_all()
883		if definition is None: # preselect first entry
884			path = self.treeview.get_model().get_path(self.treeview.get_model().get_iter_first())
885			self.treeview.set_cursor_on_cell(path, self.treeview.get_column(0), None, True)
888	def _prepare_liststore(self, definition):
889		'''
890		Preparation of liststore to show a treeview, that displays the columns of the table
891		:param definition: tuple of C{(ids, headers, wraps, aligns)}
892		:return:liststore
893		'''
894		liststore = Gtk.ListStore(int, str, int, str, str, str)
896		# each table column is displayed in a new row
897		if definition is None:
898			first_column_item = list(self.default_column_item)
899			first_column_item[1] = _("Column 1")   # T: Initial data for column title in table
900			liststore.append(first_column_item)
901		else:
902			ids, headers, wraps, aligns = definition
903			default_align = COLUMNS_ALIGNMENTS['normal']
904			for row in map(list, zip(ids, headers, wraps, aligns)):
905				align = row.pop()
906				align_fields = COLUMNS_ALIGNMENTS.get(align, default_align)
907				row.extend(align_fields)
908				liststore.append(row)
910		return liststore
912	def _prepare_treeview_with_headcolumn_list(self, liststore):
913		'''
914		Preparation of the treeview element, that displays the columns of the table
915		:param liststore: model for current treeview
916		:return: the treeview
917		'''
918		treeview = Gtk.TreeView(liststore)
920		# 1. Column - Title
921		cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()
922		cell.set_property('editable', True)
923		column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Title'), cell, text=self.Col.title)
924		column.set_min_width(120)
925		treeview.append_column(column)
926		cell.connect('edited', self.on_cell_changed, liststore, self.Col.title)
927		cell.connect('editing-started', self.on_cell_editing_started, liststore, self.Col.title)
929		# 2. Column - Wrap Line
930		cell = Gtk.CellRendererToggle()
931		cell.connect('toggled', self.on_wrap_toggled, liststore, self.Col.wrapped)
932		column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Auto\nWrap'), cell)  # T: table header
933		treeview.append_column(column)
934		column.add_attribute(cell, 'active', self.Col.wrapped)
936		# 3. Column - Alignment
937		store = Gtk.ListStore(str, str, str)
938		store.append(COLUMNS_ALIGNMENTS['left'])
939		store.append(COLUMNS_ALIGNMENTS['center'])
940		store.append(COLUMNS_ALIGNMENTS['right'])
942		column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Align'))  # T: table header
943		cellicon = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
944		column.pack_start(cellicon, True)
945		column.add_attribute(cellicon, 'stock-id', self.Col.alignicon)
947		cell = Gtk.CellRendererCombo()
948		cell.set_property('model', store)
949		cell.set_property('has-entry', False)
950		cell.set_property('text-column', 2)
951		cell.set_property('width', 50)
952		cell.set_property('editable', True)
953		column.pack_start(cell, True)
954		column.add_attribute(cell, 'text', self.Col.aligntext)
955		cell.connect('changed', self.on_alignment_changed, liststore)
956		treeview.append_column(column)
958		return treeview
960	def _button_box(self):
961		'''
962		Panel which includes buttons for manipulating the current treeview:
963		- add / delete
964		- move up / move down row
965		:return: vbox-panel
966		'''
967		vbox = Gtk.VBox(spacing=5)
968		for stock, handler, data, tooltip in (
969			(Gtk.STOCK_ADD, self.on_add_new_column, None, _('Add column')),  # T: hoover tooltip
970			(Gtk.STOCK_DELETE, self.on_delete_column, None, _('Remove column')),  # T: hoover tooltip
971			(Gtk.STOCK_GO_UP, self.on_move_column, -1, _('Move column ahead')),  # T: hoover tooltip
972			(Gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN, self.on_move_column, 1, _('Move column backward')),  # T: hoover tooltip
973		):
974			button = IconButton(stock)
975			if data:
976				button.connect('clicked', handler, data)
977			else:
978				button.connect('clicked', handler)
979			button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip)
980			vbox.pack_start(button, False, True, 0)
982		vbox.show_all()
983		return vbox
985	def do_response_ok(self):
986		''' Dialog Window is closed with "OK" '''
987		self.autosave_title_cell()
988		m = [r[0:4] for r in self.treeview.get_model()]
989		ids, headers, aligns, wraps = list(zip(*m))
990		self.result = ids, headers, aligns, wraps
991		return True
993	def do_response_cancel(self):
994		''' Dialog Window is closed with "Cancel" '''
995		self.result = None
996		return True
998	def on_cell_editing_started(self, renderer, editable, path, model, colid):
999		''' Trigger before cell-editing, to transform text-field data into right format '''
1000		text = model[path][colid]
1001		text = CellFormatReplacer.cell_to_input(text, with_pango=False)
1002		editable.set_text(text)
1003		self.currently_edited = (editable, model, path, colid)
1005	def on_cell_changed(self, renderer, path, text, model, colid):
1006		''' Trigger after cell-editing, to transform text-field data into right format '''
1007		model[path][colid] = CellFormatReplacer.input_to_cell(text, with_pango=False)
1008		self.currently_edited = None
1010	def on_wrap_toggled(self, renderer, path, model, colid):
1011		''' Trigger for wrap-option (enable/disable)'''
1012		treeiter = model.get_iter(path)
1013		val = model.get_value(treeiter, colid)
1014		model.set_value(treeiter, colid, not val)
1016	def on_alignment_changed(self, renderer, path, comboiter, model):
1017		''' Trigger for align-option (selectionbox with icon and alignment as text)'''
1018		combomodel = renderer.get_property('model')
1019		align = combomodel.get_value(comboiter, 0)
1020		alignimg = combomodel.get_value(comboiter, 1)
1021		aligntext = combomodel.get_value(comboiter, 2)
1023		treeiter = model.get_iter(path)
1024		model.set_value(treeiter, self.Col.align, align)
1025		model.set_value(treeiter, self.Col.alignicon, alignimg)
1026		model.set_value(treeiter, self.Col.aligntext, aligntext)
1028	def autosave_title_cell(self):
1029		''' Saving cell, in case of editing it and then do not close it, but do another action, like closing window '''
1030		if self.currently_edited:
1031			editable, model, path, colid = self.currently_edited
1032			text = editable.get_text()
1033			model[path][colid] = CellFormatReplacer.input_to_cell(text, with_pango=False)
1034			self.currently_edited = None
1036	def on_add_new_column(self, btn):
1037		''' Trigger for adding a new column into the table / it is a new row in the treeview '''
1038		self.autosave_title_cell()
1039		(model, treeiter) = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
1040		if not treeiter:  # preselect first entry
1041			path = model.iter_n_children(None) - 1
1042			treeiter = model.get_iter(path)
1043		newiter = model.insert_after(treeiter, self.default_column_item)
1044		self.treeview.set_cursor_on_cell(model.get_path(newiter), self.treeview.get_column(0), None, True)
1046	def on_delete_column(self, btn):
1047		''' Trigger for deleting a column out of the table / it is a deleted row in the treeview '''
1048		self.autosave_title_cell()
1049		(model, treeiter) = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
1051		if treeiter:
1052			if len(model) > 1:
1053				model.remove(treeiter)
1054			else:
1055				md = Gtk.MessageDialog(None, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,
1056										_("A table needs to have at least one column."))  # T: popup dialog
1057				md.run()
1058				md.destroy()
1059		else:
1060			self.selection_info()
1062	def on_move_column(self, btn, direction):
1063		''' Trigger for moving a column one position left/right) - it is a movement up/down in the treeview '''
1064		self.autosave_title_cell()
1065		(model, treeiter) = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
1067		if not treeiter:  # no selected item
1068			self.selection_info()
1069			return
1071		path = model.get_path(treeiter)
1072		newpos = path[0] + direction
1073		if 0 > newpos or newpos >= len(model):  # first item cannot be pushed forward, last not backwards
1074			return
1075		newiter = model.get_iter((newpos,))
1077		model.swap(treeiter, newiter)
1079	def selection_info(self):
1080		''' Info-Popup for selecting a cell before this action can be done '''
1081		md = Gtk.MessageDialog(None, Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,
1082								_("Please select a row, before you push the button.")) # T: Popup dialog
1083		md.run()
1084		md.destroy()