1compresid2way <-
2    function(aov, data=NULL, fac=1:2,
3	     label = TRUE, numlabel = FALSE, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main=NULL,
4	     col=c(2,3,4,4),lty=c(1,1,2,4), pch=c(1,2))
6    ## Zweck: forget-it-plot   Autor: Stahel  Datum: Dez 89
7    ## Arguments:
8    ##	 aov	    either a aov object with a formula of the form
9    ##		    y ~ a + b , where  a  and  b  are factors
10    ##		    or such a formula
11    ##	 data	    data frame containing  a  and  b
12    ##	 fac	    the two factors used for plotting
13    ##	 label	    show levels of factors in the plot
14    ##	 numlabel   show effects of factors in the plot
15    ##	 col,lty,pch  colors, line types, plotting characters to be used
16    ##	   [1]	    positive residuals
17    ##	   [2]	    negative residuals
18    ##	   [3]	    grid
19    ##	   [4]	    labels
21    if (inherits(aov,"aov")) {
22	lform <- formula(aov)
23	if (is.null(data)) {
24	    datanm <- as.character(aov$call)[3]
25	    if (is.na(datanm))
26		stop("no data found")
27	    data <- eval(parse(text=datanm))
28	}
29    } else {
30	if (!is.data.frame(data))
31	    stop("unsuitable argument  data")
32	lform <- aov
33	aov <- aov(lform,data)
34    }
35    lmm <- model.frame(aov)
36    fac <- if (is.numeric(fac)) fac+1 else match(fac,names(lmm))
37    if (any(is.na(fac)))
38	stop("factor(s) not found")
39    if (!all(vapply(lmm[,fac], is.factor, NA)))
40	stop("variables are not both factors")
41    ## coefficients, components of the fit
42    lcf <- dummy.coef(aov)
43    lic <- lcf[["(Intercept)"]]
44    if (is.na(lic)) lic <- 0
45    lia <- fac[1]
46    lib <- fac[2]
47    lfa <- lmm[,lia]
48    lfb <- lmm[,lib]
49    lcfa <- lcf[[lia]]
50    lcfb <- lcf[[lib]]
51    lmna <- min(lcfa)
52    lmnb <- min(lcfb)
53    lcfa <- lcfa-lmna
54    lcfb <- lcfb-lmnb
55    lic <- lic+lmna+lmnb
56    lefa <- lcfa[lfa]
57    lefb <- lcfb[lfb]
58    lfit <- lic+lefa+lefb
59    lfnames <- names(lmm)[c(lia,lib)]
60    lyname <- names(lmm)[1]
61    ly <- lfit+resid(aov)
62    ## prepare plot
63    lx <- lefb-lefa
64    if (is.null(main))
65	main <- format(lform)
66    if (is.null(ylab))
67	ylab <- lyname
68    if (is.null(xlab))
69	xlab <- paste("-",paste(lfnames,collapse = "    + "))
70    lty <- rep(lty,length = 4)
71    if (length(pch) <= 1) pch <- rep(c(pch,pch,1),length = 2)
72    lrgy <- range(c(lfit, ly))
73    lrgx <- range(lx)
74    lht <- 0.05 * diff(lrgy)
75    lwd <- 0.05 * diff(lrgx)
76    plot(lrgx+lwd*c(-1,1), lrgy+lwd*c(-1,1), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = ylab)
77    mtext(main, 3, 1,
78	  cex = par("cex.main"), col = par("col.main"), font = par("font.main"))
79    mtext(xlab,1, par("mgp")[1], at = 0)
80    ## residuals
81    li <- ly > lfit
82    if (any(li)) {
83	lpch <- if (length(pch) >= length(li)) pch[li] else pch[1]
84	segments(lx[li], lfit[li], lx[li], ly[li], lty = lty[1], col = col[1])
85	points(lx[li], ly[li], col = col[1], pch = lpch)
86    }
87    li <- !li
88    if (any(li)) {
89	lpch <- if (length(pch) >= length(li)) pch[li] else pch[2]
90	segments(lx[li], lfit[li], lx[li], ly[li], lty = lty[2], col = col[2])
91	points(lx[li], ly[li], col = col[2], pch = lpch)
92    }
93    ## grid
94    lmxa <- max(lcfa)
95    segments(lcfb, lic + lcfb, lcfb - lmxa, lic + lmxa + lcfb,
96	     lty = lty[3], col = col[3])
97    lmxb <- max(lcfb)
98    segments( - lcfa, lic + lcfa, lmxb - lcfa, lic + lmxb + lcfa,
99	     lty = lty[3], col = col[3])
100    ## labels
101    if(label)
102	text(c(lcfb - lmxa - lwd, lmxb - lcfa + lwd),
103	     c(lmxa + lcfb, lmxb + lcfa) + lic + lht,
104	     c(levels(lfb), levels(lfa)), col = col[4])
105    if(numlabel) {
106	ldg <-	- min(0, floor(log10(max(abs(lrgy)))) - 3)
107	text(c(lcfb + lwd, - lcfa - lwd), lic + c(lcfb, lcfa) - lht,
108	     round(c(lcfb, lcfa), ldg), col = col[4])
109    }
110    lcf <- list(lic,lcfa,lcfb)
111    names(lcf) <- c("(Intercept)",lfnames)
112    lcompy <- data.frame(ly,lefa,lefb)
113    names(lcompy) <- c(paste("part",lyname,sep = "."),
114		       paste("eff",lfnames,sep = "."))
115    invisible(list(compy = lcompy,coef = lcf))