2//  Copyright 2021 The Abseil Authors.
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at
8//      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
16// Do not include this file directly.
17// Include absl/flags/flag.h instead.
19// MSVC debug builds do not implement initialization with constexpr constructors
20// correctly. To work around this we add a level of indirection, so that the
21// class `absl::Flag` contains an `internal::Flag*` (instead of being an alias
22// to that class) and dynamically allocates an instance when necessary. We also
23// forward all calls to internal::Flag methods via trampoline methods. In this
24// setup the `absl::Flag` class does not have constructor and virtual methods,
25// all the data members are public and thus MSVC is able to initialize it at
26// link time. To deal with multiple threads accessing the flag for the first
27// time concurrently we use an atomic boolean indicating if flag object is
28// initialized. We also employ the double-checked locking pattern where the
29// second level of protection is a global Mutex, so if two threads attempt to
30// construct the flag concurrently only one wins.
32// This solution is based on a recomendation here:
33// https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/336946/class-with-constexpr-constructor-not-using-static.html?childToView=648454#comment-648454
35namespace flags_internal {
36absl::Mutex* GetGlobalConstructionGuard();
37}  // namespace flags_internal
39// Public methods of `absl::Flag<T>` are NOT part of the Abseil Flags API.
40// See https://abseil.io/docs/cpp/guides/flags
41template <typename T>
42class Flag {
43 public:
44  // No constructor and destructor to ensure this is an aggregate type.
45  // Visual Studio 2015 still requires the constructor for class to be
46  // constexpr initializable.
47#if _MSC_VER <= 1900
48  constexpr Flag(const char* name, const char* filename,
49                 const flags_internal::HelpGenFunc help_gen,
50                 const flags_internal::FlagDfltGenFunc default_value_gen)
51      : name_(name),
52        filename_(filename),
53        help_gen_(help_gen),
54        default_value_gen_(default_value_gen),
55        inited_(false),
56        impl_(nullptr) {}
59  flags_internal::Flag<T>& GetImpl() const {
60    if (!inited_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
61      absl::MutexLock l(flags_internal::GetGlobalConstructionGuard());
63      if (inited_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
64        return *impl_;
65      }
67      impl_ = new flags_internal::Flag<T>(
68          name_, filename_,
69          {flags_internal::FlagHelpMsg(help_gen_),
70           flags_internal::FlagHelpKind::kGenFunc},
71          {flags_internal::FlagDefaultSrc(default_value_gen_),
72           flags_internal::FlagDefaultKind::kGenFunc});
73      inited_.store(true, std::memory_order_release);
74    }
76    return *impl_;
77  }
79  // Public methods of `absl::Flag<T>` are NOT part of the Abseil Flags API.
80  // See https://abseil.io/docs/cpp/guides/flags
81  bool IsRetired() const { return GetImpl().IsRetired(); }
82  absl::string_view Name() const { return GetImpl().Name(); }
83  std::string Help() const { return GetImpl().Help(); }
84  bool IsModified() const { return GetImpl().IsModified(); }
85  bool IsSpecifiedOnCommandLine() const {
86    return GetImpl().IsSpecifiedOnCommandLine();
87  }
88  std::string Filename() const { return GetImpl().Filename(); }
89  std::string DefaultValue() const { return GetImpl().DefaultValue(); }
90  std::string CurrentValue() const { return GetImpl().CurrentValue(); }
91  template <typename U>
92  inline bool IsOfType() const {
93    return GetImpl().template IsOfType<U>();
94  }
95  T Get() const {
96    return flags_internal::FlagImplPeer::InvokeGet<T>(GetImpl());
97  }
98  void Set(const T& v) {
99    flags_internal::FlagImplPeer::InvokeSet(GetImpl(), v);
100  }
101  void InvokeCallback() { GetImpl().InvokeCallback(); }
103  const CommandLineFlag& Reflect() const {
104    return flags_internal::FlagImplPeer::InvokeReflect(GetImpl());
105  }
107  // The data members are logically private, but they need to be public for
108  // this to be an aggregate type.
109  const char* name_;
110  const char* filename_;
111  const flags_internal::HelpGenFunc help_gen_;
112  const flags_internal::FlagDfltGenFunc default_value_gen_;
114  mutable std::atomic<bool> inited_;
115  mutable flags_internal::Flag<T>* impl_;