1 /*
2  * The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,
3  * and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided
4  * that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this
5  * notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement,
6  * license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses.
7  * Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors
8  * and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
9  * the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where
10  * they apply.
11  */
13 /* =========================================================================
15      Project      :   ADSP-BF606
16      File         :   cdefBF606.h
17      Description  :   C register and bitfield definitions
19      Date         :   06-07-2012
20      Tag          :   BF60X_TOOLS_CCES_1_0_1
22      Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Analog Devices, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
23      This software is proprietary and confidential to Analog Devices, Inc. and
24      its licensors.
26      This file was auto-generated. Do not make local changes to this file.
28    ========================================================================= */
29 #ifndef _CDEF_BF606_H
30 #define _CDEF_BF606_H
32 #include <stdint.h>
33 #include <defBF606.h>
35 #ifdef _MISRA_RULES
36 #pragma diag(push)
37 #pragma diag(suppress:misra_rule_5_7:"ADI header will re-use identifiers")
38 #pragma diag(suppress:misra_rule_6_3:"ADI header allows use of basic types")
39 #endif /* _MISRA_RULES */
44 /* =========================================================================
45        CNT0
46    ========================================================================= */
47 #define pREG_CNT0_CFG                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CNT0_CFG)                     /* CNT0 Configuration Register */
48 #define pREG_CNT0_IMSK                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CNT0_IMSK)                    /* CNT0 Interrupt Mask Register */
49 #define pREG_CNT0_STAT                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CNT0_STAT)                    /* CNT0 Status Register */
50 #define pREG_CNT0_CMD                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CNT0_CMD)                     /* CNT0 Command Register */
51 #define pREG_CNT0_DEBNCE                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CNT0_DEBNCE)                  /* CNT0 Debounce Register */
52 #define pREG_CNT0_CNTR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CNT0_CNTR)                    /* CNT0 Counter Register */
53 #define pREG_CNT0_MAX                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CNT0_MAX)                     /* CNT0 Maximum Count Register */
54 #define pREG_CNT0_MIN                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CNT0_MIN)                     /* CNT0 Minimum Count Register */
57 /* =========================================================================
58        RSI0
59    ========================================================================= */
60 #define pREG_RSI0_CTL                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_CTL)                     /* RSI0 Control Register */
61 #define pREG_RSI0_ARG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_ARG)                     /* RSI0 Argument Register */
62 #define pREG_RSI0_CMD                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_CMD)                     /* RSI0 Command Register */
63 #define pREG_RSI0_RESP_CMD               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_RESP_CMD)                /* RSI0 Response Command Register */
64 #define pREG_RSI0_RESP0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_RESP0)                   /* RSI0 Response 0 Register */
65 #define pREG_RSI0_RESP1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_RESP1)                   /* RSI0 Response 1 Register */
66 #define pREG_RSI0_RESP2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_RESP2)                   /* RSI0 Response 2 Register */
67 #define pREG_RSI0_RESP3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_RESP3)                   /* RSI0 Response 3 Register */
68 #define pREG_RSI0_DATA_TMR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_DATA_TMR)                /* RSI0 Data Timer Register */
69 #define pREG_RSI0_DATA_LEN               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_DATA_LEN)                /* RSI0 Data Length Register */
70 #define pREG_RSI0_DATA_CTL               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_DATA_CTL)                /* RSI0 Data Control Register */
71 #define pREG_RSI0_DATA_CNT               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_DATA_CNT)                /* RSI0 Data Count Register */
72 #define pREG_RSI0_XFRSTAT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_XFRSTAT)                 /* RSI0 Status Register */
73 #define pREG_RSI0_XFRSTAT_CLR            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_XFRSTAT_CLR)             /* RSI0 Status Clear Register */
74 #define pREG_RSI0_XFR_IMSK0              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_XFR_IMSK0)               /* RSI0 Interrupt 0 Mask Register */
75 #define pREG_RSI0_XFR_IMSK1              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_XFR_IMSK1)               /* RSI0 Interrupt 1 Mask Register */
76 #define pREG_RSI0_FIFO_CNT               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_FIFO_CNT)                /* RSI0 FIFO Counter Register */
77 #define pREG_RSI0_CEATA                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_CEATA)                   /* RSI0 This register contains bit to dis CCS gen */
78 #define pREG_RSI0_BOOT_TCNTR             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_BOOT_TCNTR)              /* RSI0 Boot Timing Counter Register */
79 #define pREG_RSI0_BACK_TOUT              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_BACK_TOUT)               /* RSI0 Boot Acknowledge Timeout Register */
80 #define pREG_RSI0_SLP_WKUP_TOUT          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_SLP_WKUP_TOUT)           /* RSI0 Sleep Wakeup Timeout Register */
81 #define pREG_RSI0_BLKSZ                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_BLKSZ)                   /* RSI0 Block Size Register */
82 #define pREG_RSI0_FIFO                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_FIFO)                    /* RSI0 Data FIFO Register */
83 #define pREG_RSI0_STAT0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_STAT0)                   /* RSI0 Exception Status Register */
84 #define pREG_RSI0_IMSK0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_IMSK0)                   /* RSI0 Exception Mask Register */
85 #define pREG_RSI0_CFG                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_CFG)                     /* RSI0 Configuration Register */
86 #define pREG_RSI0_RD_WAIT                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_RSI0_RD_WAIT)                 /* RSI0 Read Wait Enable Register */
87 #define pREG_RSI0_PID0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_PID0)                    /* RSI0 Peripheral Identification Register */
88 #define pREG_RSI0_PID1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_PID1)                    /* RSI0 Peripheral Identification Register */
89 #define pREG_RSI0_PID2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_PID2)                    /* RSI0 Peripheral Identification Register */
90 #define pREG_RSI0_PID3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RSI0_PID3)                    /* RSI0 Peripheral Identification Register */
93 /* =========================================================================
94        CAN0
95    ========================================================================= */
96 #define pREG_CAN0_MC1                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MC1)                     /* CAN0 Mailbox Configuration 1 Register */
97 #define pREG_CAN0_MD1                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MD1)                     /* CAN0 Mailbox Direction 1 Register */
98 #define pREG_CAN0_TRS1                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_TRS1)                    /* CAN0 Transmission Request Set 1 Register */
99 #define pREG_CAN0_TRR1                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_TRR1)                    /* CAN0 Transmission Request Reset 1 Register */
100 #define pREG_CAN0_TA1                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_TA1)                     /* CAN0 Transmission Acknowledge 1 Register */
101 #define pREG_CAN0_AA1                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AA1)                     /* CAN0 Abort Acknowledge 1 Register */
102 #define pREG_CAN0_RMP1                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_RMP1)                    /* CAN0 Receive Message Pending 1 Register */
103 #define pREG_CAN0_RML1                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_RML1)                    /* CAN0 Receive Message Lost 1 Register */
104 #define pREG_CAN0_MBTIF1                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MBTIF1)                  /* CAN0 Mailbox Transmit Interrupt Flag 1 Register */
105 #define pREG_CAN0_MBRIF1                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MBRIF1)                  /* CAN0 Mailbox Receive Interrupt Flag 1 Register */
106 #define pREG_CAN0_MBIM1                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MBIM1)                   /* CAN0 Mailbox Interrupt Mask 1 Register */
107 #define pREG_CAN0_RFH1                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_RFH1)                    /* CAN0 Remote Frame Handling 1 Register */
108 #define pREG_CAN0_OPSS1                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_OPSS1)                   /* CAN0 Overwrite Protection/Single Shot Transmission 1 Register */
109 #define pREG_CAN0_MC2                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MC2)                     /* CAN0 Mailbox Configuration 2 Register */
110 #define pREG_CAN0_MD2                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MD2)                     /* CAN0 Mailbox Direction 2 Register */
111 #define pREG_CAN0_TRS2                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_TRS2)                    /* CAN0 Transmission Request Set 2 Register */
112 #define pREG_CAN0_TRR2                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_TRR2)                    /* CAN0 Transmission Request Reset 2 Register */
113 #define pREG_CAN0_TA2                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_TA2)                     /* CAN0 Transmission Acknowledge 2 Register */
114 #define pREG_CAN0_AA2                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AA2)                     /* CAN0 Abort Acknowledge 2 Register */
115 #define pREG_CAN0_RMP2                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_RMP2)                    /* CAN0 Receive Message Pending 2 Register */
116 #define pREG_CAN0_RML2                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_RML2)                    /* CAN0 Receive Message Lost 2 Register */
117 #define pREG_CAN0_MBTIF2                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MBTIF2)                  /* CAN0 Mailbox Transmit Interrupt Flag 2 Register */
118 #define pREG_CAN0_MBRIF2                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MBRIF2)                  /* CAN0 Mailbox Receive Interrupt Flag 2 Register */
119 #define pREG_CAN0_MBIM2                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MBIM2)                   /* CAN0 Mailbox Interrupt Mask 2 Register */
120 #define pREG_CAN0_RFH2                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_RFH2)                    /* CAN0 Remote Frame Handling 2 Register */
121 #define pREG_CAN0_OPSS2                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_OPSS2)                   /* CAN0 Overwrite Protection/Single Shot Transmission 2 Register */
122 #define pREG_CAN0_CLK                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_CLK)                     /* CAN0 Clock Register */
123 #define pREG_CAN0_TIMING                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_TIMING)                  /* CAN0 Timing Register */
124 #define pREG_CAN0_DBG                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_DBG)                     /* CAN0 Debug Register */
125 #define pREG_CAN0_STAT                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_STAT)                    /* CAN0 Status Register */
126 #define pREG_CAN0_CEC                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_CEC)                     /* CAN0 Error Counter Register */
127 #define pREG_CAN0_GIS                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_GIS)                     /* CAN0 Global CAN Interrupt Status Register */
128 #define pREG_CAN0_GIM                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_GIM)                     /* CAN0 Global CAN Interrupt Mask Register */
129 #define pREG_CAN0_GIF                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_GIF)                     /* CAN0 Global CAN Interrupt Flag Register */
130 #define pREG_CAN0_CTL                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_CTL)                     /* CAN0 CAN Master Control Register */
131 #define pREG_CAN0_INT                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_INT)                     /* CAN0 Interrupt Pending Register */
132 #define pREG_CAN0_MBTD                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MBTD)                    /* CAN0 Temporary Mailbox Disable Register */
133 #define pREG_CAN0_EWR                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_EWR)                     /* CAN0 Error Counter Warning Level Register */
134 #define pREG_CAN0_ESR                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_ESR)                     /* CAN0 Error Status Register */
135 #define pREG_CAN0_UCCNT                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_UCCNT)                   /* CAN0 Universal Counter Register */
136 #define pREG_CAN0_UCRC                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_UCRC)                    /* CAN0 Universal Counter Reload/Capture Register */
137 #define pREG_CAN0_UCCNF                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_UCCNF)                   /* CAN0 Universal Counter Configuration Mode Register */
138 #define pREG_CAN0_AM00L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM00L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
139 #define pREG_CAN0_AM01L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM01L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
140 #define pREG_CAN0_AM02L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM02L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
141 #define pREG_CAN0_AM03L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM03L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
142 #define pREG_CAN0_AM04L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM04L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
143 #define pREG_CAN0_AM05L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM05L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
144 #define pREG_CAN0_AM06L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM06L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
145 #define pREG_CAN0_AM07L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM07L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
146 #define pREG_CAN0_AM08L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM08L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
147 #define pREG_CAN0_AM09L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM09L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
148 #define pREG_CAN0_AM10L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM10L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
149 #define pREG_CAN0_AM11L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM11L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
150 #define pREG_CAN0_AM12L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM12L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
151 #define pREG_CAN0_AM13L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM13L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
152 #define pREG_CAN0_AM14L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM14L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
153 #define pREG_CAN0_AM15L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM15L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
154 #define pREG_CAN0_AM16L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM16L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
155 #define pREG_CAN0_AM17L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM17L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
156 #define pREG_CAN0_AM18L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM18L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
157 #define pREG_CAN0_AM19L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM19L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
158 #define pREG_CAN0_AM20L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM20L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
159 #define pREG_CAN0_AM21L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM21L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
160 #define pREG_CAN0_AM22L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM22L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
161 #define pREG_CAN0_AM23L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM23L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
162 #define pREG_CAN0_AM24L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM24L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
163 #define pREG_CAN0_AM25L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM25L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
164 #define pREG_CAN0_AM26L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM26L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
165 #define pREG_CAN0_AM27L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM27L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
166 #define pREG_CAN0_AM28L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM28L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
167 #define pREG_CAN0_AM29L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM29L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
168 #define pREG_CAN0_AM30L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM30L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
169 #define pREG_CAN0_AM31L                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM31L)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (L) Register */
170 #define pREG_CAN0_AM00H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM00H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
171 #define pREG_CAN0_AM01H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM01H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
172 #define pREG_CAN0_AM02H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM02H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
173 #define pREG_CAN0_AM03H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM03H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
174 #define pREG_CAN0_AM04H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM04H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
175 #define pREG_CAN0_AM05H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM05H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
176 #define pREG_CAN0_AM06H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM06H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
177 #define pREG_CAN0_AM07H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM07H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
178 #define pREG_CAN0_AM08H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM08H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
179 #define pREG_CAN0_AM09H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM09H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
180 #define pREG_CAN0_AM10H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM10H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
181 #define pREG_CAN0_AM11H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM11H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
182 #define pREG_CAN0_AM12H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM12H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
183 #define pREG_CAN0_AM13H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM13H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
184 #define pREG_CAN0_AM14H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM14H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
185 #define pREG_CAN0_AM15H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM15H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
186 #define pREG_CAN0_AM16H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM16H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
187 #define pREG_CAN0_AM17H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM17H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
188 #define pREG_CAN0_AM18H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM18H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
189 #define pREG_CAN0_AM19H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM19H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
190 #define pREG_CAN0_AM20H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM20H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
191 #define pREG_CAN0_AM21H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM21H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
192 #define pREG_CAN0_AM22H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM22H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
193 #define pREG_CAN0_AM23H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM23H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
194 #define pREG_CAN0_AM24H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM24H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
195 #define pREG_CAN0_AM25H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM25H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
196 #define pREG_CAN0_AM26H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM26H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
197 #define pREG_CAN0_AM27H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM27H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
198 #define pREG_CAN0_AM28H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM28H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
199 #define pREG_CAN0_AM29H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM29H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
200 #define pREG_CAN0_AM30H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM30H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
201 #define pREG_CAN0_AM31H                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_AM31H)                   /* CAN0 Acceptance Mask (H) Register */
202 #define pREG_CAN0_MB00_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB00_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
203 #define pREG_CAN0_MB01_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB01_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
204 #define pREG_CAN0_MB02_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB02_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
205 #define pREG_CAN0_MB03_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB03_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
206 #define pREG_CAN0_MB04_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB04_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
207 #define pREG_CAN0_MB05_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB05_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
208 #define pREG_CAN0_MB06_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB06_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
209 #define pREG_CAN0_MB07_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB07_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
210 #define pREG_CAN0_MB08_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB08_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
211 #define pREG_CAN0_MB09_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB09_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
212 #define pREG_CAN0_MB10_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB10_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
213 #define pREG_CAN0_MB11_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB11_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
214 #define pREG_CAN0_MB12_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB12_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
215 #define pREG_CAN0_MB13_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB13_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
216 #define pREG_CAN0_MB14_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB14_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
217 #define pREG_CAN0_MB15_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB15_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
218 #define pREG_CAN0_MB16_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB16_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
219 #define pREG_CAN0_MB17_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB17_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
220 #define pREG_CAN0_MB18_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB18_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
221 #define pREG_CAN0_MB19_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB19_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
222 #define pREG_CAN0_MB20_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB20_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
223 #define pREG_CAN0_MB21_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB21_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
224 #define pREG_CAN0_MB22_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB22_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
225 #define pREG_CAN0_MB23_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB23_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
226 #define pREG_CAN0_MB24_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB24_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
227 #define pREG_CAN0_MB25_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB25_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
228 #define pREG_CAN0_MB26_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB26_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
229 #define pREG_CAN0_MB27_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB27_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
230 #define pREG_CAN0_MB28_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB28_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
231 #define pREG_CAN0_MB29_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB29_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
232 #define pREG_CAN0_MB30_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB30_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
233 #define pREG_CAN0_MB31_DATA0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB31_DATA0)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 0 Register */
234 #define pREG_CAN0_MB00_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB00_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
235 #define pREG_CAN0_MB01_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB01_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
236 #define pREG_CAN0_MB02_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB02_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
237 #define pREG_CAN0_MB03_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB03_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
238 #define pREG_CAN0_MB04_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB04_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
239 #define pREG_CAN0_MB05_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB05_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
240 #define pREG_CAN0_MB06_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB06_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
241 #define pREG_CAN0_MB07_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB07_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
242 #define pREG_CAN0_MB08_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB08_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
243 #define pREG_CAN0_MB09_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB09_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
244 #define pREG_CAN0_MB10_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB10_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
245 #define pREG_CAN0_MB11_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB11_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
246 #define pREG_CAN0_MB12_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB12_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
247 #define pREG_CAN0_MB13_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB13_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
248 #define pREG_CAN0_MB14_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB14_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
249 #define pREG_CAN0_MB15_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB15_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
250 #define pREG_CAN0_MB16_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB16_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
251 #define pREG_CAN0_MB17_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB17_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
252 #define pREG_CAN0_MB18_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB18_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
253 #define pREG_CAN0_MB19_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB19_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
254 #define pREG_CAN0_MB20_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB20_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
255 #define pREG_CAN0_MB21_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB21_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
256 #define pREG_CAN0_MB22_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB22_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
257 #define pREG_CAN0_MB23_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB23_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
258 #define pREG_CAN0_MB24_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB24_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
259 #define pREG_CAN0_MB25_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB25_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
260 #define pREG_CAN0_MB26_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB26_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
261 #define pREG_CAN0_MB27_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB27_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
262 #define pREG_CAN0_MB28_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB28_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
263 #define pREG_CAN0_MB29_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB29_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
264 #define pREG_CAN0_MB30_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB30_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
265 #define pREG_CAN0_MB31_DATA1             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB31_DATA1)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 1 Register */
266 #define pREG_CAN0_MB00_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB00_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
267 #define pREG_CAN0_MB01_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB01_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
268 #define pREG_CAN0_MB02_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB02_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
269 #define pREG_CAN0_MB03_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB03_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
270 #define pREG_CAN0_MB04_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB04_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
271 #define pREG_CAN0_MB05_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB05_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
272 #define pREG_CAN0_MB06_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB06_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
273 #define pREG_CAN0_MB07_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB07_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
274 #define pREG_CAN0_MB08_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB08_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
275 #define pREG_CAN0_MB09_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB09_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
276 #define pREG_CAN0_MB10_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB10_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
277 #define pREG_CAN0_MB11_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB11_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
278 #define pREG_CAN0_MB12_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB12_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
279 #define pREG_CAN0_MB13_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB13_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
280 #define pREG_CAN0_MB14_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB14_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
281 #define pREG_CAN0_MB15_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB15_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
282 #define pREG_CAN0_MB16_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB16_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
283 #define pREG_CAN0_MB17_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB17_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
284 #define pREG_CAN0_MB18_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB18_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
285 #define pREG_CAN0_MB19_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB19_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
286 #define pREG_CAN0_MB20_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB20_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
287 #define pREG_CAN0_MB21_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB21_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
288 #define pREG_CAN0_MB22_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB22_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
289 #define pREG_CAN0_MB23_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB23_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
290 #define pREG_CAN0_MB24_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB24_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
291 #define pREG_CAN0_MB25_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB25_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
292 #define pREG_CAN0_MB26_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB26_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
293 #define pREG_CAN0_MB27_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB27_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
294 #define pREG_CAN0_MB28_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB28_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
295 #define pREG_CAN0_MB29_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB29_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
296 #define pREG_CAN0_MB30_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB30_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
297 #define pREG_CAN0_MB31_DATA2             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB31_DATA2)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 2 Register */
298 #define pREG_CAN0_MB00_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB00_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
299 #define pREG_CAN0_MB01_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB01_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
300 #define pREG_CAN0_MB02_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB02_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
301 #define pREG_CAN0_MB03_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB03_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
302 #define pREG_CAN0_MB04_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB04_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
303 #define pREG_CAN0_MB05_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB05_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
304 #define pREG_CAN0_MB06_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB06_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
305 #define pREG_CAN0_MB07_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB07_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
306 #define pREG_CAN0_MB08_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB08_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
307 #define pREG_CAN0_MB09_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB09_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
308 #define pREG_CAN0_MB10_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB10_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
309 #define pREG_CAN0_MB11_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB11_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
310 #define pREG_CAN0_MB12_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB12_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
311 #define pREG_CAN0_MB13_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB13_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
312 #define pREG_CAN0_MB14_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB14_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
313 #define pREG_CAN0_MB15_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB15_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
314 #define pREG_CAN0_MB16_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB16_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
315 #define pREG_CAN0_MB17_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB17_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
316 #define pREG_CAN0_MB18_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB18_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
317 #define pREG_CAN0_MB19_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB19_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
318 #define pREG_CAN0_MB20_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB20_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
319 #define pREG_CAN0_MB21_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB21_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
320 #define pREG_CAN0_MB22_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB22_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
321 #define pREG_CAN0_MB23_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB23_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
322 #define pREG_CAN0_MB24_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB24_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
323 #define pREG_CAN0_MB25_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB25_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
324 #define pREG_CAN0_MB26_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB26_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
325 #define pREG_CAN0_MB27_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB27_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
326 #define pREG_CAN0_MB28_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB28_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
327 #define pREG_CAN0_MB29_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB29_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
328 #define pREG_CAN0_MB30_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB30_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
329 #define pREG_CAN0_MB31_DATA3             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB31_DATA3)              /* CAN0 Mailbox Word 3 Register */
330 #define pREG_CAN0_MB00_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB00_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
331 #define pREG_CAN0_MB01_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB01_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
332 #define pREG_CAN0_MB02_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB02_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
333 #define pREG_CAN0_MB03_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB03_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
334 #define pREG_CAN0_MB04_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB04_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
335 #define pREG_CAN0_MB05_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB05_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
336 #define pREG_CAN0_MB06_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB06_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
337 #define pREG_CAN0_MB07_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB07_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
338 #define pREG_CAN0_MB08_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB08_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
339 #define pREG_CAN0_MB09_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB09_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
340 #define pREG_CAN0_MB10_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB10_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
341 #define pREG_CAN0_MB11_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB11_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
342 #define pREG_CAN0_MB12_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB12_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
343 #define pREG_CAN0_MB13_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB13_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
344 #define pREG_CAN0_MB14_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB14_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
345 #define pREG_CAN0_MB15_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB15_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
346 #define pREG_CAN0_MB16_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB16_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
347 #define pREG_CAN0_MB17_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB17_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
348 #define pREG_CAN0_MB18_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB18_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
349 #define pREG_CAN0_MB19_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB19_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
350 #define pREG_CAN0_MB20_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB20_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
351 #define pREG_CAN0_MB21_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB21_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
352 #define pREG_CAN0_MB22_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB22_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
353 #define pREG_CAN0_MB23_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB23_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
354 #define pREG_CAN0_MB24_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB24_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
355 #define pREG_CAN0_MB25_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB25_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
356 #define pREG_CAN0_MB26_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB26_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
357 #define pREG_CAN0_MB27_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB27_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
358 #define pREG_CAN0_MB28_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB28_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
359 #define pREG_CAN0_MB29_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB29_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
360 #define pREG_CAN0_MB30_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB30_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
361 #define pREG_CAN0_MB31_LENGTH            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB31_LENGTH)             /* CAN0 Mailbox Length Register */
362 #define pREG_CAN0_MB00_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB00_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
363 #define pREG_CAN0_MB01_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB01_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
364 #define pREG_CAN0_MB02_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB02_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
365 #define pREG_CAN0_MB03_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB03_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
366 #define pREG_CAN0_MB04_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB04_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
367 #define pREG_CAN0_MB05_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB05_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
368 #define pREG_CAN0_MB06_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB06_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
369 #define pREG_CAN0_MB07_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB07_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
370 #define pREG_CAN0_MB08_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB08_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
371 #define pREG_CAN0_MB09_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB09_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
372 #define pREG_CAN0_MB10_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB10_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
373 #define pREG_CAN0_MB11_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB11_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
374 #define pREG_CAN0_MB12_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB12_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
375 #define pREG_CAN0_MB13_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB13_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
376 #define pREG_CAN0_MB14_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB14_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
377 #define pREG_CAN0_MB15_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB15_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
378 #define pREG_CAN0_MB16_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB16_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
379 #define pREG_CAN0_MB17_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB17_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
380 #define pREG_CAN0_MB18_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB18_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
381 #define pREG_CAN0_MB19_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB19_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
382 #define pREG_CAN0_MB20_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB20_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
383 #define pREG_CAN0_MB21_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB21_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
384 #define pREG_CAN0_MB22_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB22_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
385 #define pREG_CAN0_MB23_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB23_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
386 #define pREG_CAN0_MB24_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB24_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
387 #define pREG_CAN0_MB25_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB25_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
388 #define pREG_CAN0_MB26_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB26_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
389 #define pREG_CAN0_MB27_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB27_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
390 #define pREG_CAN0_MB28_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB28_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
391 #define pREG_CAN0_MB29_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB29_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
392 #define pREG_CAN0_MB30_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB30_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
393 #define pREG_CAN0_MB31_TIMESTAMP         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB31_TIMESTAMP)          /* CAN0 Mailbox Timestamp Register */
394 #define pREG_CAN0_MB00_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB00_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
395 #define pREG_CAN0_MB01_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB01_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
396 #define pREG_CAN0_MB02_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB02_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
397 #define pREG_CAN0_MB03_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB03_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
398 #define pREG_CAN0_MB04_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB04_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
399 #define pREG_CAN0_MB05_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB05_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
400 #define pREG_CAN0_MB06_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB06_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
401 #define pREG_CAN0_MB07_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB07_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
402 #define pREG_CAN0_MB08_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB08_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
403 #define pREG_CAN0_MB09_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB09_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
404 #define pREG_CAN0_MB10_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB10_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
405 #define pREG_CAN0_MB11_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB11_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
406 #define pREG_CAN0_MB12_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB12_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
407 #define pREG_CAN0_MB13_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB13_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
408 #define pREG_CAN0_MB14_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB14_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
409 #define pREG_CAN0_MB15_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB15_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
410 #define pREG_CAN0_MB16_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB16_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
411 #define pREG_CAN0_MB17_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB17_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
412 #define pREG_CAN0_MB18_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB18_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
413 #define pREG_CAN0_MB19_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB19_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
414 #define pREG_CAN0_MB20_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB20_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
415 #define pREG_CAN0_MB21_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB21_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
416 #define pREG_CAN0_MB22_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB22_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
417 #define pREG_CAN0_MB23_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB23_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
418 #define pREG_CAN0_MB24_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB24_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
419 #define pREG_CAN0_MB25_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB25_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
420 #define pREG_CAN0_MB26_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB26_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
421 #define pREG_CAN0_MB27_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB27_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
422 #define pREG_CAN0_MB28_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB28_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
423 #define pREG_CAN0_MB29_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB29_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
424 #define pREG_CAN0_MB30_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB30_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
425 #define pREG_CAN0_MB31_ID0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB31_ID0)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 0 Register */
426 #define pREG_CAN0_MB00_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB00_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
427 #define pREG_CAN0_MB01_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB01_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
428 #define pREG_CAN0_MB02_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB02_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
429 #define pREG_CAN0_MB03_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB03_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
430 #define pREG_CAN0_MB04_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB04_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
431 #define pREG_CAN0_MB05_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB05_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
432 #define pREG_CAN0_MB06_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB06_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
433 #define pREG_CAN0_MB07_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB07_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
434 #define pREG_CAN0_MB08_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB08_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
435 #define pREG_CAN0_MB09_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB09_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
436 #define pREG_CAN0_MB10_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB10_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
437 #define pREG_CAN0_MB11_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB11_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
438 #define pREG_CAN0_MB12_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB12_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
439 #define pREG_CAN0_MB13_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB13_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
440 #define pREG_CAN0_MB14_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB14_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
441 #define pREG_CAN0_MB15_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB15_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
442 #define pREG_CAN0_MB16_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB16_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
443 #define pREG_CAN0_MB17_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB17_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
444 #define pREG_CAN0_MB18_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB18_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
445 #define pREG_CAN0_MB19_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB19_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
446 #define pREG_CAN0_MB20_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB20_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
447 #define pREG_CAN0_MB21_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB21_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
448 #define pREG_CAN0_MB22_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB22_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
449 #define pREG_CAN0_MB23_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB23_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
450 #define pREG_CAN0_MB24_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB24_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
451 #define pREG_CAN0_MB25_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB25_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
452 #define pREG_CAN0_MB26_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB26_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
453 #define pREG_CAN0_MB27_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB27_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
454 #define pREG_CAN0_MB28_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB28_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
455 #define pREG_CAN0_MB29_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB29_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
456 #define pREG_CAN0_MB30_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB30_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
457 #define pREG_CAN0_MB31_ID1               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_CAN0_MB31_ID1)                /* CAN0 Mailbox ID 1 Register */
460 /* =========================================================================
461        LP0
462    ========================================================================= */
463 #define pREG_LP0_CTL                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP0_CTL)                      /* LP0 Control Register */
464 #define pREG_LP0_STAT                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP0_STAT)                     /* LP0 Status Register */
465 #define pREG_LP0_DIV                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP0_DIV)                      /* LP0 Clock Divider Value */
466 #define pREG_LP0_TX                      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP0_TX)                       /* LP0 Transmit Buffer */
467 #define pREG_LP0_RX                      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP0_RX)                       /* LP0 Receive Buffer */
468 #define pREG_LP0_TXIN_SHDW               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP0_TXIN_SHDW)                /* LP0 Shadow Input Transmit Buffer */
469 #define pREG_LP0_TXOUT_SHDW              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP0_TXOUT_SHDW)               /* LP0 Shadow Output Transmit Buffer */
471 /* =========================================================================
472        LP1
473    ========================================================================= */
474 #define pREG_LP1_CTL                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP1_CTL)                      /* LP1 Control Register */
475 #define pREG_LP1_STAT                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP1_STAT)                     /* LP1 Status Register */
476 #define pREG_LP1_DIV                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP1_DIV)                      /* LP1 Clock Divider Value */
477 #define pREG_LP1_TX                      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP1_TX)                       /* LP1 Transmit Buffer */
478 #define pREG_LP1_RX                      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP1_RX)                       /* LP1 Receive Buffer */
479 #define pREG_LP1_TXIN_SHDW               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP1_TXIN_SHDW)                /* LP1 Shadow Input Transmit Buffer */
480 #define pREG_LP1_TXOUT_SHDW              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP1_TXOUT_SHDW)               /* LP1 Shadow Output Transmit Buffer */
482 /* =========================================================================
483        LP2
484    ========================================================================= */
485 #define pREG_LP2_CTL                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP2_CTL)                      /* LP2 Control Register */
486 #define pREG_LP2_STAT                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP2_STAT)                     /* LP2 Status Register */
487 #define pREG_LP2_DIV                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP2_DIV)                      /* LP2 Clock Divider Value */
488 #define pREG_LP2_TX                      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP2_TX)                       /* LP2 Transmit Buffer */
489 #define pREG_LP2_RX                      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP2_RX)                       /* LP2 Receive Buffer */
490 #define pREG_LP2_TXIN_SHDW               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP2_TXIN_SHDW)                /* LP2 Shadow Input Transmit Buffer */
491 #define pREG_LP2_TXOUT_SHDW              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP2_TXOUT_SHDW)               /* LP2 Shadow Output Transmit Buffer */
493 /* =========================================================================
494        LP3
495    ========================================================================= */
496 #define pREG_LP3_CTL                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP3_CTL)                      /* LP3 Control Register */
497 #define pREG_LP3_STAT                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP3_STAT)                     /* LP3 Status Register */
498 #define pREG_LP3_DIV                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP3_DIV)                      /* LP3 Clock Divider Value */
499 #define pREG_LP3_TX                      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP3_TX)                       /* LP3 Transmit Buffer */
500 #define pREG_LP3_RX                      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP3_RX)                       /* LP3 Receive Buffer */
501 #define pREG_LP3_TXIN_SHDW               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP3_TXIN_SHDW)                /* LP3 Shadow Input Transmit Buffer */
502 #define pREG_LP3_TXOUT_SHDW              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_LP3_TXOUT_SHDW)               /* LP3 Shadow Output Transmit Buffer */
505 /* =========================================================================
506        TIMER0
507    ========================================================================= */
508 #define pREG_TIMER0_REVID                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_REVID)                 /* TIMER0 Revision ID Register */
509 #define pREG_TIMER0_RUN                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_RUN)                   /* TIMER0 Run Register */
510 #define pREG_TIMER0_RUN_SET              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_RUN_SET)               /* TIMER0 Run Set Register */
511 #define pREG_TIMER0_RUN_CLR              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_RUN_CLR)               /* TIMER0 Run Clear Register */
512 #define pREG_TIMER0_STOP_CFG             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_STOP_CFG)              /* TIMER0 Stop Configuration Register */
513 #define pREG_TIMER0_STOP_CFG_SET         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_STOP_CFG_SET)          /* TIMER0 Stop Configuration Set Register */
514 #define pREG_TIMER0_STOP_CFG_CLR         ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_STOP_CFG_CLR)          /* TIMER0 Stop Configuration Clear Register */
515 #define pREG_TIMER0_DATA_IMSK            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_DATA_IMSK)             /* TIMER0 Data Interrupt Mask Register */
516 #define pREG_TIMER0_STAT_IMSK            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_STAT_IMSK)             /* TIMER0 Status Interrupt Mask Register */
517 #define pREG_TIMER0_TRG_MSK              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TRG_MSK)               /* TIMER0 Trigger Master Mask Register */
518 #define pREG_TIMER0_TRG_IE               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TRG_IE)                /* TIMER0 Trigger Slave Enable Register */
519 #define pREG_TIMER0_DATA_ILAT            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_DATA_ILAT)             /* TIMER0 Data Interrupt Latch Register */
520 #define pREG_TIMER0_STAT_ILAT            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_STAT_ILAT)             /* TIMER0 Status Interrupt Latch Register */
521 #define pREG_TIMER0_ERR_TYPE             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_ERR_TYPE)              /* TIMER0 Error Type Status Register */
522 #define pREG_TIMER0_BCAST_PER            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_BCAST_PER)             /* TIMER0 Broadcast Period Register */
523 #define pREG_TIMER0_BCAST_WID            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_BCAST_WID)             /* TIMER0 Broadcast Width Register */
524 #define pREG_TIMER0_BCAST_DLY            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_BCAST_DLY)             /* TIMER0 Broadcast Delay Register */
525 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR0_CFG             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR0_CFG)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Configuration Register */
526 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR1_CFG             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR1_CFG)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Configuration Register */
527 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR2_CFG             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR2_CFG)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Configuration Register */
528 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR3_CFG             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR3_CFG)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Configuration Register */
529 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR4_CFG             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR4_CFG)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Configuration Register */
530 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR5_CFG             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR5_CFG)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Configuration Register */
531 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR6_CFG             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR6_CFG)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Configuration Register */
532 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR7_CFG             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR7_CFG)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Configuration Register */
533 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR0_CNT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR0_CNT)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Counter Register */
534 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR1_CNT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR1_CNT)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Counter Register */
535 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR2_CNT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR2_CNT)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Counter Register */
536 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR3_CNT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR3_CNT)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Counter Register */
537 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR4_CNT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR4_CNT)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Counter Register */
538 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR5_CNT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR5_CNT)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Counter Register */
539 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR6_CNT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR6_CNT)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Counter Register */
540 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR7_CNT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR7_CNT)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Counter Register */
541 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR0_PER             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR0_PER)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Period Register */
542 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR1_PER             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR1_PER)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Period Register */
543 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR2_PER             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR2_PER)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Period Register */
544 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR3_PER             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR3_PER)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Period Register */
545 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR4_PER             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR4_PER)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Period Register */
546 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR5_PER             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR5_PER)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Period Register */
547 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR6_PER             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR6_PER)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Period Register */
548 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR7_PER             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR7_PER)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Period Register */
549 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR0_WID             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR0_WID)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Width Register */
550 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR1_WID             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR1_WID)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Width Register */
551 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR2_WID             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR2_WID)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Width Register */
552 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR3_WID             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR3_WID)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Width Register */
553 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR4_WID             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR4_WID)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Width Register */
554 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR5_WID             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR5_WID)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Width Register */
555 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR6_WID             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR6_WID)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Width Register */
556 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR7_WID             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR7_WID)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Width Register */
557 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR0_DLY             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR0_DLY)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Delay Register */
558 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR1_DLY             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR1_DLY)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Delay Register */
559 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR2_DLY             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR2_DLY)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Delay Register */
560 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR3_DLY             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR3_DLY)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Delay Register */
561 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR4_DLY             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR4_DLY)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Delay Register */
562 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR5_DLY             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR5_DLY)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Delay Register */
563 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR6_DLY             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR6_DLY)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Delay Register */
564 #define pREG_TIMER0_TMR7_DLY             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TIMER0_TMR7_DLY)              /* TIMER0 Timer n Delay Register */
567 /* =========================================================================
568        CRC0
569    ========================================================================= */
570 #define pREG_CRC0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_CTL)                     /* CRC0 Control Register */
571 #define pREG_CRC0_DCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_DCNT)                    /* CRC0 Data Word Count Register */
572 #define pREG_CRC0_DCNTRLD                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_DCNTRLD)                 /* CRC0 Data Word Count Reload Register */
573 #define pREG_CRC0_COMP                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_COMP)                    /* CRC0 Data Compare Register */
574 #define pREG_CRC0_FILLVAL                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_FILLVAL)                 /* CRC0 Fill Value Register */
575 #define pREG_CRC0_DFIFO                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_DFIFO)                   /* CRC0 Data FIFO Register */
576 #define pREG_CRC0_INEN                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_INEN)                    /* CRC0 Interrupt Enable Register */
577 #define pREG_CRC0_INEN_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_INEN_SET)                /* CRC0 Interrupt Enable Set Register */
578 #define pREG_CRC0_INEN_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_INEN_CLR)                /* CRC0 Interrupt Enable Clear Register */
579 #define pREG_CRC0_POLY                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_POLY)                    /* CRC0 Polynomial Register */
580 #define pREG_CRC0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_STAT)                    /* CRC0 Status Register */
581 #define pREG_CRC0_DCNTCAP                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_DCNTCAP)                 /* CRC0 Data Count Capture Register */
582 #define pREG_CRC0_RESULT_FIN             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_RESULT_FIN)              /* CRC0 CRC Final Result Register */
583 #define pREG_CRC0_RESULT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_RESULT_CUR)              /* CRC0 CRC Current Result Register */
584 #define pREG_CRC0_REVID                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC0_REVID)                   /* CRC0 Revision ID Register */
586 /* =========================================================================
587        CRC1
588    ========================================================================= */
589 #define pREG_CRC1_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_CTL)                     /* CRC1 Control Register */
590 #define pREG_CRC1_DCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_DCNT)                    /* CRC1 Data Word Count Register */
591 #define pREG_CRC1_DCNTRLD                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_DCNTRLD)                 /* CRC1 Data Word Count Reload Register */
592 #define pREG_CRC1_COMP                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_COMP)                    /* CRC1 Data Compare Register */
593 #define pREG_CRC1_FILLVAL                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_FILLVAL)                 /* CRC1 Fill Value Register */
594 #define pREG_CRC1_DFIFO                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_DFIFO)                   /* CRC1 Data FIFO Register */
595 #define pREG_CRC1_INEN                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_INEN)                    /* CRC1 Interrupt Enable Register */
596 #define pREG_CRC1_INEN_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_INEN_SET)                /* CRC1 Interrupt Enable Set Register */
597 #define pREG_CRC1_INEN_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_INEN_CLR)                /* CRC1 Interrupt Enable Clear Register */
598 #define pREG_CRC1_POLY                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_POLY)                    /* CRC1 Polynomial Register */
599 #define pREG_CRC1_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_STAT)                    /* CRC1 Status Register */
600 #define pREG_CRC1_DCNTCAP                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_DCNTCAP)                 /* CRC1 Data Count Capture Register */
601 #define pREG_CRC1_RESULT_FIN             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_RESULT_FIN)              /* CRC1 CRC Final Result Register */
602 #define pREG_CRC1_RESULT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_RESULT_CUR)              /* CRC1 CRC Current Result Register */
603 #define pREG_CRC1_REVID                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CRC1_REVID)                   /* CRC1 Revision ID Register */
606 /* =========================================================================
607        TWI0
608    ========================================================================= */
609 #define pREG_TWI0_CLKDIV                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_CLKDIV)                  /* TWI0 SCL Clock Divider Register */
610 #define pREG_TWI0_CTL                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_CTL)                     /* TWI0 Control Register */
611 #define pREG_TWI0_SLVCTL                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_SLVCTL)                  /* TWI0 Slave Mode Control Register */
612 #define pREG_TWI0_SLVSTAT                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_SLVSTAT)                 /* TWI0 Slave Mode Status Register */
613 #define pREG_TWI0_SLVADDR                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_SLVADDR)                 /* TWI0 Slave Mode Address Register */
614 #define pREG_TWI0_MSTRCTL                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_MSTRCTL)                 /* TWI0 Master Mode Control Registers */
615 #define pREG_TWI0_MSTRSTAT               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_MSTRSTAT)                /* TWI0 Master Mode Status Register */
616 #define pREG_TWI0_MSTRADDR               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_MSTRADDR)                /* TWI0 Master Mode Address Register */
617 #define pREG_TWI0_ISTAT                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_ISTAT)                   /* TWI0 Interrupt Status Register */
618 #define pREG_TWI0_IMSK                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_IMSK)                    /* TWI0 Interrupt Mask Register */
619 #define pREG_TWI0_FIFOCTL                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_FIFOCTL)                 /* TWI0 FIFO Control Register */
620 #define pREG_TWI0_FIFOSTAT               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_FIFOSTAT)                /* TWI0 FIFO Status Register */
621 #define pREG_TWI0_TXDATA8                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_TXDATA8)                 /* TWI0 Tx Data Single-Byte Register */
622 #define pREG_TWI0_TXDATA16               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_TXDATA16)                /* TWI0 Tx Data Double-Byte Register */
623 #define pREG_TWI0_RXDATA8                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_RXDATA8)                 /* TWI0 Rx Data Single-Byte Register */
624 #define pREG_TWI0_RXDATA16               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI0_RXDATA16)                /* TWI0 Rx Data Double-Byte Register */
626 /* =========================================================================
627        TWI1
628    ========================================================================= */
629 #define pREG_TWI1_CLKDIV                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_CLKDIV)                  /* TWI1 SCL Clock Divider Register */
630 #define pREG_TWI1_CTL                    ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_CTL)                     /* TWI1 Control Register */
631 #define pREG_TWI1_SLVCTL                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_SLVCTL)                  /* TWI1 Slave Mode Control Register */
632 #define pREG_TWI1_SLVSTAT                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_SLVSTAT)                 /* TWI1 Slave Mode Status Register */
633 #define pREG_TWI1_SLVADDR                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_SLVADDR)                 /* TWI1 Slave Mode Address Register */
634 #define pREG_TWI1_MSTRCTL                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_MSTRCTL)                 /* TWI1 Master Mode Control Registers */
635 #define pREG_TWI1_MSTRSTAT               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_MSTRSTAT)                /* TWI1 Master Mode Status Register */
636 #define pREG_TWI1_MSTRADDR               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_MSTRADDR)                /* TWI1 Master Mode Address Register */
637 #define pREG_TWI1_ISTAT                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_ISTAT)                   /* TWI1 Interrupt Status Register */
638 #define pREG_TWI1_IMSK                   ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_IMSK)                    /* TWI1 Interrupt Mask Register */
639 #define pREG_TWI1_FIFOCTL                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_FIFOCTL)                 /* TWI1 FIFO Control Register */
640 #define pREG_TWI1_FIFOSTAT               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_FIFOSTAT)                /* TWI1 FIFO Status Register */
641 #define pREG_TWI1_TXDATA8                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_TXDATA8)                 /* TWI1 Tx Data Single-Byte Register */
642 #define pREG_TWI1_TXDATA16               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_TXDATA16)                /* TWI1 Tx Data Double-Byte Register */
643 #define pREG_TWI1_RXDATA8                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_RXDATA8)                 /* TWI1 Rx Data Single-Byte Register */
644 #define pREG_TWI1_RXDATA16               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_TWI1_RXDATA16)                /* TWI1 Rx Data Double-Byte Register */
647 /* =========================================================================
648        UART0
649    ========================================================================= */
650 #define pREG_UART0_REVID                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_REVID)                  /* UART0 Revision ID Register */
651 #define pREG_UART0_CTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_CTL)                    /* UART0 Control Register */
652 #define pREG_UART0_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_STAT)                   /* UART0 Status Register */
653 #define pREG_UART0_SCR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_SCR)                    /* UART0 Scratch Register */
654 #define pREG_UART0_CLK                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_CLK)                    /* UART0 Clock Rate Register */
655 #define pREG_UART0_IMSK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_IMSK)                   /* UART0 Interrupt Mask Register */
656 #define pREG_UART0_IMSK_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_IMSK_SET)               /* UART0 Interrupt Mask Set Register */
657 #define pREG_UART0_IMSK_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_IMSK_CLR)               /* UART0 Interrupt Mask Clear Register */
658 #define pREG_UART0_RBR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_RBR)                    /* UART0 Receive Buffer Register */
659 #define pREG_UART0_THR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_THR)                    /* UART0 Transmit Hold Register */
660 #define pREG_UART0_TAIP                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_TAIP)                   /* UART0 Transmit Address/Insert Pulse Register */
661 #define pREG_UART0_TSR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_TSR)                    /* UART0 Transmit Shift Register */
662 #define pREG_UART0_RSR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_RSR)                    /* UART0 Receive Shift Register */
663 #define pREG_UART0_TXCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_TXCNT)                  /* UART0 Transmit Counter Register */
664 #define pREG_UART0_RXCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART0_RXCNT)                  /* UART0 Receive Counter Register */
666 /* =========================================================================
667        UART1
668    ========================================================================= */
669 #define pREG_UART1_REVID                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_REVID)                  /* UART1 Revision ID Register */
670 #define pREG_UART1_CTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_CTL)                    /* UART1 Control Register */
671 #define pREG_UART1_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_STAT)                   /* UART1 Status Register */
672 #define pREG_UART1_SCR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_SCR)                    /* UART1 Scratch Register */
673 #define pREG_UART1_CLK                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_CLK)                    /* UART1 Clock Rate Register */
674 #define pREG_UART1_IMSK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_IMSK)                   /* UART1 Interrupt Mask Register */
675 #define pREG_UART1_IMSK_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_IMSK_SET)               /* UART1 Interrupt Mask Set Register */
676 #define pREG_UART1_IMSK_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_IMSK_CLR)               /* UART1 Interrupt Mask Clear Register */
677 #define pREG_UART1_RBR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_RBR)                    /* UART1 Receive Buffer Register */
678 #define pREG_UART1_THR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_THR)                    /* UART1 Transmit Hold Register */
679 #define pREG_UART1_TAIP                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_TAIP)                   /* UART1 Transmit Address/Insert Pulse Register */
680 #define pREG_UART1_TSR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_TSR)                    /* UART1 Transmit Shift Register */
681 #define pREG_UART1_RSR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_RSR)                    /* UART1 Receive Shift Register */
682 #define pREG_UART1_TXCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_TXCNT)                  /* UART1 Transmit Counter Register */
683 #define pREG_UART1_RXCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_UART1_RXCNT)                  /* UART1 Receive Counter Register */
686 /* =========================================================================
687        PORTA
688    ========================================================================= */
689 #define pREG_PORTA_FER                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_FER)                    /* PORTA Port x Function Enable Register */
690 #define pREG_PORTA_FER_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_FER_SET)                /* PORTA Port x Function Enable Set Register */
691 #define pREG_PORTA_FER_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_FER_CLR)                /* PORTA Port x Function Enable Clear Register */
692 #define pREG_PORTA_DATA                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_DATA)                   /* PORTA Port x GPIO Data Register */
693 #define pREG_PORTA_DATA_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_DATA_SET)               /* PORTA Port x GPIO Data Set Register */
694 #define pREG_PORTA_DATA_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_DATA_CLR)               /* PORTA Port x GPIO Data Clear Register */
695 #define pREG_PORTA_DIR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_DIR)                    /* PORTA Port x GPIO Direction Register */
696 #define pREG_PORTA_DIR_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_DIR_SET)                /* PORTA Port x GPIO Direction Set Register */
697 #define pREG_PORTA_DIR_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_DIR_CLR)                /* PORTA Port x GPIO Direction Clear Register */
698 #define pREG_PORTA_INEN                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_INEN)                   /* PORTA Port x GPIO Input Enable Register */
699 #define pREG_PORTA_INEN_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_INEN_SET)               /* PORTA Port x GPIO Input Enable Set Register */
700 #define pREG_PORTA_INEN_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_INEN_CLR)               /* PORTA Port x GPIO Input Enable Clear Register */
701 #define pREG_PORTA_MUX                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_MUX)                    /* PORTA Port x Multiplexer Control Register */
702 #define pREG_PORTA_DATA_TGL              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_DATA_TGL)               /* PORTA Port x GPIO Input Enable Toggle Register */
703 #define pREG_PORTA_POL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_POL)                    /* PORTA Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Register */
704 #define pREG_PORTA_POL_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_POL_SET)                /* PORTA Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Set Register */
705 #define pREG_PORTA_POL_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_POL_CLR)                /* PORTA Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Clear Register */
706 #define pREG_PORTA_LOCK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_LOCK)                   /* PORTA Port x GPIO Lock Register */
707 #define pREG_PORTA_REVID                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTA_REVID)                  /* PORTA Port x GPIO Revision ID */
709 /* =========================================================================
710        PORTB
711    ========================================================================= */
712 #define pREG_PORTB_FER                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_FER)                    /* PORTB Port x Function Enable Register */
713 #define pREG_PORTB_FER_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_FER_SET)                /* PORTB Port x Function Enable Set Register */
714 #define pREG_PORTB_FER_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_FER_CLR)                /* PORTB Port x Function Enable Clear Register */
715 #define pREG_PORTB_DATA                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_DATA)                   /* PORTB Port x GPIO Data Register */
716 #define pREG_PORTB_DATA_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_DATA_SET)               /* PORTB Port x GPIO Data Set Register */
717 #define pREG_PORTB_DATA_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_DATA_CLR)               /* PORTB Port x GPIO Data Clear Register */
718 #define pREG_PORTB_DIR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_DIR)                    /* PORTB Port x GPIO Direction Register */
719 #define pREG_PORTB_DIR_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_DIR_SET)                /* PORTB Port x GPIO Direction Set Register */
720 #define pREG_PORTB_DIR_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_DIR_CLR)                /* PORTB Port x GPIO Direction Clear Register */
721 #define pREG_PORTB_INEN                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_INEN)                   /* PORTB Port x GPIO Input Enable Register */
722 #define pREG_PORTB_INEN_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_INEN_SET)               /* PORTB Port x GPIO Input Enable Set Register */
723 #define pREG_PORTB_INEN_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_INEN_CLR)               /* PORTB Port x GPIO Input Enable Clear Register */
724 #define pREG_PORTB_MUX                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_MUX)                    /* PORTB Port x Multiplexer Control Register */
725 #define pREG_PORTB_DATA_TGL              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_DATA_TGL)               /* PORTB Port x GPIO Input Enable Toggle Register */
726 #define pREG_PORTB_POL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_POL)                    /* PORTB Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Register */
727 #define pREG_PORTB_POL_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_POL_SET)                /* PORTB Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Set Register */
728 #define pREG_PORTB_POL_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_POL_CLR)                /* PORTB Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Clear Register */
729 #define pREG_PORTB_LOCK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_LOCK)                   /* PORTB Port x GPIO Lock Register */
730 #define pREG_PORTB_REVID                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTB_REVID)                  /* PORTB Port x GPIO Revision ID */
732 /* =========================================================================
733        PORTC
734    ========================================================================= */
735 #define pREG_PORTC_FER                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_FER)                    /* PORTC Port x Function Enable Register */
736 #define pREG_PORTC_FER_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_FER_SET)                /* PORTC Port x Function Enable Set Register */
737 #define pREG_PORTC_FER_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_FER_CLR)                /* PORTC Port x Function Enable Clear Register */
738 #define pREG_PORTC_DATA                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_DATA)                   /* PORTC Port x GPIO Data Register */
739 #define pREG_PORTC_DATA_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_DATA_SET)               /* PORTC Port x GPIO Data Set Register */
740 #define pREG_PORTC_DATA_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_DATA_CLR)               /* PORTC Port x GPIO Data Clear Register */
741 #define pREG_PORTC_DIR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_DIR)                    /* PORTC Port x GPIO Direction Register */
742 #define pREG_PORTC_DIR_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_DIR_SET)                /* PORTC Port x GPIO Direction Set Register */
743 #define pREG_PORTC_DIR_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_DIR_CLR)                /* PORTC Port x GPIO Direction Clear Register */
744 #define pREG_PORTC_INEN                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_INEN)                   /* PORTC Port x GPIO Input Enable Register */
745 #define pREG_PORTC_INEN_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_INEN_SET)               /* PORTC Port x GPIO Input Enable Set Register */
746 #define pREG_PORTC_INEN_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_INEN_CLR)               /* PORTC Port x GPIO Input Enable Clear Register */
747 #define pREG_PORTC_MUX                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_MUX)                    /* PORTC Port x Multiplexer Control Register */
748 #define pREG_PORTC_DATA_TGL              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_DATA_TGL)               /* PORTC Port x GPIO Input Enable Toggle Register */
749 #define pREG_PORTC_POL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_POL)                    /* PORTC Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Register */
750 #define pREG_PORTC_POL_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_POL_SET)                /* PORTC Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Set Register */
751 #define pREG_PORTC_POL_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_POL_CLR)                /* PORTC Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Clear Register */
752 #define pREG_PORTC_LOCK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_LOCK)                   /* PORTC Port x GPIO Lock Register */
753 #define pREG_PORTC_REVID                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTC_REVID)                  /* PORTC Port x GPIO Revision ID */
755 /* =========================================================================
756        PORTD
757    ========================================================================= */
758 #define pREG_PORTD_FER                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_FER)                    /* PORTD Port x Function Enable Register */
759 #define pREG_PORTD_FER_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_FER_SET)                /* PORTD Port x Function Enable Set Register */
760 #define pREG_PORTD_FER_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_FER_CLR)                /* PORTD Port x Function Enable Clear Register */
761 #define pREG_PORTD_DATA                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_DATA)                   /* PORTD Port x GPIO Data Register */
762 #define pREG_PORTD_DATA_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_DATA_SET)               /* PORTD Port x GPIO Data Set Register */
763 #define pREG_PORTD_DATA_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_DATA_CLR)               /* PORTD Port x GPIO Data Clear Register */
764 #define pREG_PORTD_DIR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_DIR)                    /* PORTD Port x GPIO Direction Register */
765 #define pREG_PORTD_DIR_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_DIR_SET)                /* PORTD Port x GPIO Direction Set Register */
766 #define pREG_PORTD_DIR_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_DIR_CLR)                /* PORTD Port x GPIO Direction Clear Register */
767 #define pREG_PORTD_INEN                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_INEN)                   /* PORTD Port x GPIO Input Enable Register */
768 #define pREG_PORTD_INEN_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_INEN_SET)               /* PORTD Port x GPIO Input Enable Set Register */
769 #define pREG_PORTD_INEN_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_INEN_CLR)               /* PORTD Port x GPIO Input Enable Clear Register */
770 #define pREG_PORTD_MUX                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_MUX)                    /* PORTD Port x Multiplexer Control Register */
771 #define pREG_PORTD_DATA_TGL              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_DATA_TGL)               /* PORTD Port x GPIO Input Enable Toggle Register */
772 #define pREG_PORTD_POL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_POL)                    /* PORTD Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Register */
773 #define pREG_PORTD_POL_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_POL_SET)                /* PORTD Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Set Register */
774 #define pREG_PORTD_POL_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_POL_CLR)                /* PORTD Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Clear Register */
775 #define pREG_PORTD_LOCK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_LOCK)                   /* PORTD Port x GPIO Lock Register */
776 #define pREG_PORTD_REVID                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTD_REVID)                  /* PORTD Port x GPIO Revision ID */
778 /* =========================================================================
779        PORTE
780    ========================================================================= */
781 #define pREG_PORTE_FER                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_FER)                    /* PORTE Port x Function Enable Register */
782 #define pREG_PORTE_FER_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_FER_SET)                /* PORTE Port x Function Enable Set Register */
783 #define pREG_PORTE_FER_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_FER_CLR)                /* PORTE Port x Function Enable Clear Register */
784 #define pREG_PORTE_DATA                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_DATA)                   /* PORTE Port x GPIO Data Register */
785 #define pREG_PORTE_DATA_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_DATA_SET)               /* PORTE Port x GPIO Data Set Register */
786 #define pREG_PORTE_DATA_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_DATA_CLR)               /* PORTE Port x GPIO Data Clear Register */
787 #define pREG_PORTE_DIR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_DIR)                    /* PORTE Port x GPIO Direction Register */
788 #define pREG_PORTE_DIR_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_DIR_SET)                /* PORTE Port x GPIO Direction Set Register */
789 #define pREG_PORTE_DIR_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_DIR_CLR)                /* PORTE Port x GPIO Direction Clear Register */
790 #define pREG_PORTE_INEN                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_INEN)                   /* PORTE Port x GPIO Input Enable Register */
791 #define pREG_PORTE_INEN_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_INEN_SET)               /* PORTE Port x GPIO Input Enable Set Register */
792 #define pREG_PORTE_INEN_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_INEN_CLR)               /* PORTE Port x GPIO Input Enable Clear Register */
793 #define pREG_PORTE_MUX                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_MUX)                    /* PORTE Port x Multiplexer Control Register */
794 #define pREG_PORTE_DATA_TGL              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_DATA_TGL)               /* PORTE Port x GPIO Input Enable Toggle Register */
795 #define pREG_PORTE_POL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_POL)                    /* PORTE Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Register */
796 #define pREG_PORTE_POL_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_POL_SET)                /* PORTE Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Set Register */
797 #define pREG_PORTE_POL_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_POL_CLR)                /* PORTE Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Clear Register */
798 #define pREG_PORTE_LOCK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_LOCK)                   /* PORTE Port x GPIO Lock Register */
799 #define pREG_PORTE_REVID                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTE_REVID)                  /* PORTE Port x GPIO Revision ID */
801 /* =========================================================================
802        PORTF
803    ========================================================================= */
804 #define pREG_PORTF_FER                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_FER)                    /* PORTF Port x Function Enable Register */
805 #define pREG_PORTF_FER_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_FER_SET)                /* PORTF Port x Function Enable Set Register */
806 #define pREG_PORTF_FER_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_FER_CLR)                /* PORTF Port x Function Enable Clear Register */
807 #define pREG_PORTF_DATA                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_DATA)                   /* PORTF Port x GPIO Data Register */
808 #define pREG_PORTF_DATA_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_DATA_SET)               /* PORTF Port x GPIO Data Set Register */
809 #define pREG_PORTF_DATA_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_DATA_CLR)               /* PORTF Port x GPIO Data Clear Register */
810 #define pREG_PORTF_DIR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_DIR)                    /* PORTF Port x GPIO Direction Register */
811 #define pREG_PORTF_DIR_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_DIR_SET)                /* PORTF Port x GPIO Direction Set Register */
812 #define pREG_PORTF_DIR_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_DIR_CLR)                /* PORTF Port x GPIO Direction Clear Register */
813 #define pREG_PORTF_INEN                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_INEN)                   /* PORTF Port x GPIO Input Enable Register */
814 #define pREG_PORTF_INEN_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_INEN_SET)               /* PORTF Port x GPIO Input Enable Set Register */
815 #define pREG_PORTF_INEN_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_INEN_CLR)               /* PORTF Port x GPIO Input Enable Clear Register */
816 #define pREG_PORTF_MUX                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_MUX)                    /* PORTF Port x Multiplexer Control Register */
817 #define pREG_PORTF_DATA_TGL              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_DATA_TGL)               /* PORTF Port x GPIO Input Enable Toggle Register */
818 #define pREG_PORTF_POL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_POL)                    /* PORTF Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Register */
819 #define pREG_PORTF_POL_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_POL_SET)                /* PORTF Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Set Register */
820 #define pREG_PORTF_POL_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_POL_CLR)                /* PORTF Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Clear Register */
821 #define pREG_PORTF_LOCK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_LOCK)                   /* PORTF Port x GPIO Lock Register */
822 #define pREG_PORTF_REVID                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTF_REVID)                  /* PORTF Port x GPIO Revision ID */
824 /* =========================================================================
825        PORTG
826    ========================================================================= */
827 #define pREG_PORTG_FER                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_FER)                    /* PORTG Port x Function Enable Register */
828 #define pREG_PORTG_FER_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_FER_SET)                /* PORTG Port x Function Enable Set Register */
829 #define pREG_PORTG_FER_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_FER_CLR)                /* PORTG Port x Function Enable Clear Register */
830 #define pREG_PORTG_DATA                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_DATA)                   /* PORTG Port x GPIO Data Register */
831 #define pREG_PORTG_DATA_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_DATA_SET)               /* PORTG Port x GPIO Data Set Register */
832 #define pREG_PORTG_DATA_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_DATA_CLR)               /* PORTG Port x GPIO Data Clear Register */
833 #define pREG_PORTG_DIR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_DIR)                    /* PORTG Port x GPIO Direction Register */
834 #define pREG_PORTG_DIR_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_DIR_SET)                /* PORTG Port x GPIO Direction Set Register */
835 #define pREG_PORTG_DIR_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_DIR_CLR)                /* PORTG Port x GPIO Direction Clear Register */
836 #define pREG_PORTG_INEN                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_INEN)                   /* PORTG Port x GPIO Input Enable Register */
837 #define pREG_PORTG_INEN_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_INEN_SET)               /* PORTG Port x GPIO Input Enable Set Register */
838 #define pREG_PORTG_INEN_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_INEN_CLR)               /* PORTG Port x GPIO Input Enable Clear Register */
839 #define pREG_PORTG_MUX                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_MUX)                    /* PORTG Port x Multiplexer Control Register */
840 #define pREG_PORTG_DATA_TGL              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_DATA_TGL)               /* PORTG Port x GPIO Input Enable Toggle Register */
841 #define pREG_PORTG_POL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_POL)                    /* PORTG Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Register */
842 #define pREG_PORTG_POL_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_POL_SET)                /* PORTG Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Set Register */
843 #define pREG_PORTG_POL_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_POL_CLR)                /* PORTG Port x GPIO Polarity Invert Clear Register */
844 #define pREG_PORTG_LOCK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_LOCK)                   /* PORTG Port x GPIO Lock Register */
845 #define pREG_PORTG_REVID                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PORTG_REVID)                  /* PORTG Port x GPIO Revision ID */
848 /* =========================================================================
849        PADS0
850    ========================================================================= */
851 #define pREG_PADS0_EMAC_PTP_CLKSEL       ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PADS0_EMAC_PTP_CLKSEL)        /* PADS0 Clock Selection for EMAC and PTP */
852 #define pREG_PADS0_TWI_VSEL              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PADS0_TWI_VSEL)               /* PADS0 TWI Voltage Selection */
853 #define pREG_PADS0_PORTS_HYST            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PADS0_PORTS_HYST)             /* PADS0 Hysteresis Enable Register */
856 /* =========================================================================
857        PINT0
858    ========================================================================= */
859 #define pREG_PINT0_MSK_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_MSK_SET)                /* PINT0 Pint Mask Set Register */
860 #define pREG_PINT0_MSK_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_MSK_CLR)                /* PINT0 Pint Mask Clear Register */
861 #define pREG_PINT0_REQ                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_REQ)                    /* PINT0 Pint Request Register */
862 #define pREG_PINT0_ASSIGN                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_ASSIGN)                 /* PINT0 Pint Assign Register */
863 #define pREG_PINT0_EDGE_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_EDGE_SET)               /* PINT0 Pint Edge Set Register */
864 #define pREG_PINT0_EDGE_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_EDGE_CLR)               /* PINT0 Pint Edge Clear Register */
865 #define pREG_PINT0_INV_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_INV_SET)                /* PINT0 Pint Invert Set Register */
866 #define pREG_PINT0_INV_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_INV_CLR)                /* PINT0 Pint Invert Clear Register */
867 #define pREG_PINT0_PINSTATE              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_PINSTATE)               /* PINT0 Pint Pinstate Register */
868 #define pREG_PINT0_LATCH                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT0_LATCH)                  /* PINT0 Pint Latch Register */
870 /* =========================================================================
871        PINT1
872    ========================================================================= */
873 #define pREG_PINT1_MSK_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_MSK_SET)                /* PINT1 Pint Mask Set Register */
874 #define pREG_PINT1_MSK_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_MSK_CLR)                /* PINT1 Pint Mask Clear Register */
875 #define pREG_PINT1_REQ                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_REQ)                    /* PINT1 Pint Request Register */
876 #define pREG_PINT1_ASSIGN                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_ASSIGN)                 /* PINT1 Pint Assign Register */
877 #define pREG_PINT1_EDGE_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_EDGE_SET)               /* PINT1 Pint Edge Set Register */
878 #define pREG_PINT1_EDGE_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_EDGE_CLR)               /* PINT1 Pint Edge Clear Register */
879 #define pREG_PINT1_INV_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_INV_SET)                /* PINT1 Pint Invert Set Register */
880 #define pREG_PINT1_INV_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_INV_CLR)                /* PINT1 Pint Invert Clear Register */
881 #define pREG_PINT1_PINSTATE              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_PINSTATE)               /* PINT1 Pint Pinstate Register */
882 #define pREG_PINT1_LATCH                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT1_LATCH)                  /* PINT1 Pint Latch Register */
884 /* =========================================================================
885        PINT2
886    ========================================================================= */
887 #define pREG_PINT2_MSK_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_MSK_SET)                /* PINT2 Pint Mask Set Register */
888 #define pREG_PINT2_MSK_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_MSK_CLR)                /* PINT2 Pint Mask Clear Register */
889 #define pREG_PINT2_REQ                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_REQ)                    /* PINT2 Pint Request Register */
890 #define pREG_PINT2_ASSIGN                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_ASSIGN)                 /* PINT2 Pint Assign Register */
891 #define pREG_PINT2_EDGE_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_EDGE_SET)               /* PINT2 Pint Edge Set Register */
892 #define pREG_PINT2_EDGE_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_EDGE_CLR)               /* PINT2 Pint Edge Clear Register */
893 #define pREG_PINT2_INV_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_INV_SET)                /* PINT2 Pint Invert Set Register */
894 #define pREG_PINT2_INV_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_INV_CLR)                /* PINT2 Pint Invert Clear Register */
895 #define pREG_PINT2_PINSTATE              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_PINSTATE)               /* PINT2 Pint Pinstate Register */
896 #define pREG_PINT2_LATCH                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT2_LATCH)                  /* PINT2 Pint Latch Register */
898 /* =========================================================================
899        PINT3
900    ========================================================================= */
901 #define pREG_PINT3_MSK_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_MSK_SET)                /* PINT3 Pint Mask Set Register */
902 #define pREG_PINT3_MSK_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_MSK_CLR)                /* PINT3 Pint Mask Clear Register */
903 #define pREG_PINT3_REQ                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_REQ)                    /* PINT3 Pint Request Register */
904 #define pREG_PINT3_ASSIGN                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_ASSIGN)                 /* PINT3 Pint Assign Register */
905 #define pREG_PINT3_EDGE_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_EDGE_SET)               /* PINT3 Pint Edge Set Register */
906 #define pREG_PINT3_EDGE_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_EDGE_CLR)               /* PINT3 Pint Edge Clear Register */
907 #define pREG_PINT3_INV_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_INV_SET)                /* PINT3 Pint Invert Set Register */
908 #define pREG_PINT3_INV_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_INV_CLR)                /* PINT3 Pint Invert Clear Register */
909 #define pREG_PINT3_PINSTATE              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_PINSTATE)               /* PINT3 Pint Pinstate Register */
910 #define pREG_PINT3_LATCH                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT3_LATCH)                  /* PINT3 Pint Latch Register */
912 /* =========================================================================
913        PINT4
914    ========================================================================= */
915 #define pREG_PINT4_MSK_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_MSK_SET)                /* PINT4 Pint Mask Set Register */
916 #define pREG_PINT4_MSK_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_MSK_CLR)                /* PINT4 Pint Mask Clear Register */
917 #define pREG_PINT4_REQ                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_REQ)                    /* PINT4 Pint Request Register */
918 #define pREG_PINT4_ASSIGN                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_ASSIGN)                 /* PINT4 Pint Assign Register */
919 #define pREG_PINT4_EDGE_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_EDGE_SET)               /* PINT4 Pint Edge Set Register */
920 #define pREG_PINT4_EDGE_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_EDGE_CLR)               /* PINT4 Pint Edge Clear Register */
921 #define pREG_PINT4_INV_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_INV_SET)                /* PINT4 Pint Invert Set Register */
922 #define pREG_PINT4_INV_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_INV_CLR)                /* PINT4 Pint Invert Clear Register */
923 #define pREG_PINT4_PINSTATE              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_PINSTATE)               /* PINT4 Pint Pinstate Register */
924 #define pREG_PINT4_LATCH                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT4_LATCH)                  /* PINT4 Pint Latch Register */
926 /* =========================================================================
927        PINT5
928    ========================================================================= */
929 #define pREG_PINT5_MSK_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_MSK_SET)                /* PINT5 Pint Mask Set Register */
930 #define pREG_PINT5_MSK_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_MSK_CLR)                /* PINT5 Pint Mask Clear Register */
931 #define pREG_PINT5_REQ                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_REQ)                    /* PINT5 Pint Request Register */
932 #define pREG_PINT5_ASSIGN                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_ASSIGN)                 /* PINT5 Pint Assign Register */
933 #define pREG_PINT5_EDGE_SET              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_EDGE_SET)               /* PINT5 Pint Edge Set Register */
934 #define pREG_PINT5_EDGE_CLR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_EDGE_CLR)               /* PINT5 Pint Edge Clear Register */
935 #define pREG_PINT5_INV_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_INV_SET)                /* PINT5 Pint Invert Set Register */
936 #define pREG_PINT5_INV_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_INV_CLR)                /* PINT5 Pint Invert Clear Register */
937 #define pREG_PINT5_PINSTATE              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_PINSTATE)               /* PINT5 Pint Pinstate Register */
938 #define pREG_PINT5_LATCH                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PINT5_LATCH)                  /* PINT5 Pint Latch Register */
941 /* =========================================================================
942        SMC0
943    ========================================================================= */
944 #define pREG_SMC0_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_GCTL)                    /* SMC0 Grant Control Register */
945 #define pREG_SMC0_GSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_GSTAT)                   /* SMC0 Grant Status Register */
946 #define pREG_SMC0_B0CTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B0CTL)                   /* SMC0 Bank 0 Control Register */
947 #define pREG_SMC0_B0TIM                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B0TIM)                   /* SMC0 Bank 0 Timing Register */
948 #define pREG_SMC0_B0ETIM                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B0ETIM)                  /* SMC0 Bank 0 Extended Timing Register */
949 #define pREG_SMC0_B1CTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B1CTL)                   /* SMC0 Bank 1 Control Register */
950 #define pREG_SMC0_B1TIM                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B1TIM)                   /* SMC0 Bank 1 Timing Register */
951 #define pREG_SMC0_B1ETIM                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B1ETIM)                  /* SMC0 Bank 1 Extended Timing Register */
952 #define pREG_SMC0_B2CTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B2CTL)                   /* SMC0 Bank 2 Control Register */
953 #define pREG_SMC0_B2TIM                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B2TIM)                   /* SMC0 Bank 2 Timing Register */
954 #define pREG_SMC0_B2ETIM                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B2ETIM)                  /* SMC0 Bank 2 Extended Timing Register */
955 #define pREG_SMC0_B3CTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B3CTL)                   /* SMC0 Bank 3 Control Register */
956 #define pREG_SMC0_B3TIM                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B3TIM)                   /* SMC0 Bank 3 Timing Register */
957 #define pREG_SMC0_B3ETIM                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SMC0_B3ETIM)                  /* SMC0 Bank 3 Extended Timing Register */
960 /* =========================================================================
961        WDOG0
962    ========================================================================= */
963 #define pREG_WDOG0_CTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_WDOG0_CTL)                    /* WDOG0 Control Register */
964 #define pREG_WDOG0_CNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_WDOG0_CNT)                    /* WDOG0 Count Register */
965 #define pREG_WDOG0_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_WDOG0_STAT)                   /* WDOG0 Watchdog Timer Status Register */
967 /* =========================================================================
968        WDOG1
969    ========================================================================= */
970 #define pREG_WDOG1_CTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_WDOG1_CTL)                    /* WDOG1 Control Register */
971 #define pREG_WDOG1_CNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_WDOG1_CNT)                    /* WDOG1 Count Register */
972 #define pREG_WDOG1_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_WDOG1_STAT)                   /* WDOG1 Watchdog Timer Status Register */
975 /* =========================================================================
976        EPPI0
977    ========================================================================= */
978 #define pREG_EPPI0_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_STAT)                   /* EPPI0 Status Register */
979 #define pREG_EPPI0_HCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_HCNT)                   /* EPPI0 Horizontal Transfer Count Register */
980 #define pREG_EPPI0_HDLY                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_HDLY)                   /* EPPI0 Horizontal Delay Count Register */
981 #define pREG_EPPI0_VCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_VCNT)                   /* EPPI0 Vertical Transfer Count Register */
982 #define pREG_EPPI0_VDLY                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_VDLY)                   /* EPPI0 Vertical Delay Count Register */
983 #define pREG_EPPI0_FRAME                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_FRAME)                  /* EPPI0 Lines Per Frame Register */
984 #define pREG_EPPI0_LINE                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_LINE)                   /* EPPI0 Samples Per Line Register */
985 #define pREG_EPPI0_CLKDIV                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_CLKDIV)                 /* EPPI0 Clock Divide Register */
986 #define pREG_EPPI0_CTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_CTL)                    /* EPPI0 Control Register */
987 #define pREG_EPPI0_FS1_WLHB              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_FS1_WLHB)               /* EPPI0 FS1 Width Register / EPPI Horizontal Blanking Samples Per Line Register */
988 #define pREG_EPPI0_FS1_PASPL             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_FS1_PASPL)              /* EPPI0 FS1 Period Register / EPPI Active Samples Per Line Register */
989 #define pREG_EPPI0_FS2_WLVB              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_FS2_WLVB)               /* EPPI0 FS2 Width Register / EPPI Lines Of Vertical Blanking Register */
990 #define pREG_EPPI0_FS2_PALPF             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_FS2_PALPF)              /* EPPI0 FS2 Period Register / EPPI Active Lines Per Field Register */
991 #define pREG_EPPI0_IMSK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_IMSK)                   /* EPPI0 Interrupt Mask Register */
992 #define pREG_EPPI0_ODDCLIP               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_ODDCLIP)                /* EPPI0 Clipping Register for ODD (Chroma) Data */
993 #define pREG_EPPI0_EVENCLIP              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_EVENCLIP)               /* EPPI0 Clipping Register for EVEN (Luma) Data */
994 #define pREG_EPPI0_FS1_DLY               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_FS1_DLY)                /* EPPI0 Frame Sync 1 Delay Value */
995 #define pREG_EPPI0_FS2_DLY               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_FS2_DLY)                /* EPPI0 Frame Sync 2 Delay Value */
996 #define pREG_EPPI0_CTL2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI0_CTL2)                   /* EPPI0 Control Register 2 */
998 /* =========================================================================
999        EPPI1
1000    ========================================================================= */
1001 #define pREG_EPPI1_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_STAT)                   /* EPPI1 Status Register */
1002 #define pREG_EPPI1_HCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_HCNT)                   /* EPPI1 Horizontal Transfer Count Register */
1003 #define pREG_EPPI1_HDLY                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_HDLY)                   /* EPPI1 Horizontal Delay Count Register */
1004 #define pREG_EPPI1_VCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_VCNT)                   /* EPPI1 Vertical Transfer Count Register */
1005 #define pREG_EPPI1_VDLY                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_VDLY)                   /* EPPI1 Vertical Delay Count Register */
1006 #define pREG_EPPI1_FRAME                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_FRAME)                  /* EPPI1 Lines Per Frame Register */
1007 #define pREG_EPPI1_LINE                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_LINE)                   /* EPPI1 Samples Per Line Register */
1008 #define pREG_EPPI1_CLKDIV                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_CLKDIV)                 /* EPPI1 Clock Divide Register */
1009 #define pREG_EPPI1_CTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_CTL)                    /* EPPI1 Control Register */
1010 #define pREG_EPPI1_FS1_WLHB              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_FS1_WLHB)               /* EPPI1 FS1 Width Register / EPPI Horizontal Blanking Samples Per Line Register */
1011 #define pREG_EPPI1_FS1_PASPL             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_FS1_PASPL)              /* EPPI1 FS1 Period Register / EPPI Active Samples Per Line Register */
1012 #define pREG_EPPI1_FS2_WLVB              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_FS2_WLVB)               /* EPPI1 FS2 Width Register / EPPI Lines Of Vertical Blanking Register */
1013 #define pREG_EPPI1_FS2_PALPF             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_FS2_PALPF)              /* EPPI1 FS2 Period Register / EPPI Active Lines Per Field Register */
1014 #define pREG_EPPI1_IMSK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_IMSK)                   /* EPPI1 Interrupt Mask Register */
1015 #define pREG_EPPI1_ODDCLIP               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_ODDCLIP)                /* EPPI1 Clipping Register for ODD (Chroma) Data */
1016 #define pREG_EPPI1_EVENCLIP              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_EVENCLIP)               /* EPPI1 Clipping Register for EVEN (Luma) Data */
1017 #define pREG_EPPI1_FS1_DLY               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_FS1_DLY)                /* EPPI1 Frame Sync 1 Delay Value */
1018 #define pREG_EPPI1_FS2_DLY               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_FS2_DLY)                /* EPPI1 Frame Sync 2 Delay Value */
1019 #define pREG_EPPI1_CTL2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI1_CTL2)                   /* EPPI1 Control Register 2 */
1021 /* =========================================================================
1022        EPPI2
1023    ========================================================================= */
1024 #define pREG_EPPI2_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_STAT)                   /* EPPI2 Status Register */
1025 #define pREG_EPPI2_HCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_HCNT)                   /* EPPI2 Horizontal Transfer Count Register */
1026 #define pREG_EPPI2_HDLY                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_HDLY)                   /* EPPI2 Horizontal Delay Count Register */
1027 #define pREG_EPPI2_VCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_VCNT)                   /* EPPI2 Vertical Transfer Count Register */
1028 #define pREG_EPPI2_VDLY                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_VDLY)                   /* EPPI2 Vertical Delay Count Register */
1029 #define pREG_EPPI2_FRAME                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_FRAME)                  /* EPPI2 Lines Per Frame Register */
1030 #define pREG_EPPI2_LINE                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_LINE)                   /* EPPI2 Samples Per Line Register */
1031 #define pREG_EPPI2_CLKDIV                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_CLKDIV)                 /* EPPI2 Clock Divide Register */
1032 #define pREG_EPPI2_CTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_CTL)                    /* EPPI2 Control Register */
1033 #define pREG_EPPI2_FS1_WLHB              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_FS1_WLHB)               /* EPPI2 FS1 Width Register / EPPI Horizontal Blanking Samples Per Line Register */
1034 #define pREG_EPPI2_FS1_PASPL             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_FS1_PASPL)              /* EPPI2 FS1 Period Register / EPPI Active Samples Per Line Register */
1035 #define pREG_EPPI2_FS2_WLVB              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_FS2_WLVB)               /* EPPI2 FS2 Width Register / EPPI Lines Of Vertical Blanking Register */
1036 #define pREG_EPPI2_FS2_PALPF             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_FS2_PALPF)              /* EPPI2 FS2 Period Register / EPPI Active Lines Per Field Register */
1037 #define pREG_EPPI2_IMSK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_IMSK)                   /* EPPI2 Interrupt Mask Register */
1038 #define pREG_EPPI2_ODDCLIP               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_ODDCLIP)                /* EPPI2 Clipping Register for ODD (Chroma) Data */
1039 #define pREG_EPPI2_EVENCLIP              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_EVENCLIP)               /* EPPI2 Clipping Register for EVEN (Luma) Data */
1040 #define pREG_EPPI2_FS1_DLY               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_FS1_DLY)                /* EPPI2 Frame Sync 1 Delay Value */
1041 #define pREG_EPPI2_FS2_DLY               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_FS2_DLY)                /* EPPI2 Frame Sync 2 Delay Value */
1042 #define pREG_EPPI2_CTL2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EPPI2_CTL2)                   /* EPPI2 Control Register 2 */
1045 /* =========================================================================
1046        PWM0
1047    ========================================================================= */
1048 #define pREG_PWM0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_CTL)                     /* PWM0 Control Register */
1049 #define pREG_PWM0_CHANCFG                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_CHANCFG)                 /* PWM0 Channel Config Register */
1050 #define pREG_PWM0_TRIPCFG                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_TRIPCFG)                 /* PWM0 Trip Config Register */
1051 #define pREG_PWM0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_STAT)                    /* PWM0 Status Register */
1052 #define pREG_PWM0_IMSK                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_IMSK)                    /* PWM0 Interrupt Mask Register */
1053 #define pREG_PWM0_ILAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_ILAT)                    /* PWM0 Interrupt Latch Register */
1054 #define pREG_PWM0_CHOPCFG                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_CHOPCFG)                 /* PWM0 Chop Configuration Register */
1055 #define pREG_PWM0_DT                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DT)                      /* PWM0 Dead Time Register */
1056 #define pREG_PWM0_SYNC_WID               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_SYNC_WID)                /* PWM0 Sync Pulse Width Register */
1057 #define pREG_PWM0_TM0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_TM0)                     /* PWM0 Timer 0 Period Register */
1058 #define pREG_PWM0_TM1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_TM1)                     /* PWM0 Timer 1 Period Register */
1059 #define pREG_PWM0_TM2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_TM2)                     /* PWM0 Timer 2 Period Register */
1060 #define pREG_PWM0_TM3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_TM3)                     /* PWM0 Timer 3 Period Register */
1061 #define pREG_PWM0_TM4                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_TM4)                     /* PWM0 Timer 4 Period Register */
1062 #define pREG_PWM0_DLYA                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DLYA)                    /* PWM0 Channel A Delay Register */
1063 #define pREG_PWM0_DLYB                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DLYB)                    /* PWM0 Channel B Delay Register */
1064 #define pREG_PWM0_DLYC                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DLYC)                    /* PWM0 Channel C Delay Register */
1065 #define pREG_PWM0_DLYD                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DLYD)                    /* PWM0 Channel D Delay Register */
1066 #define pREG_PWM0_ACTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_ACTL)                    /* PWM0 Channel A Control Register */
1067 #define pREG_PWM0_AH0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_AH0)                     /* PWM0 Channel A-High Duty-0 Register */
1068 #define pREG_PWM0_AH1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_AH1)                     /* PWM0 Channel A-High Duty-1 Register */
1069 #define pREG_PWM0_AL0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_AL0)                     /* PWM0 Channel A-Low Duty-0 Register */
1070 #define pREG_PWM0_AL1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_AL1)                     /* PWM0 Channel A-Low Duty-1 Register */
1071 #define pREG_PWM0_BCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_BCTL)                    /* PWM0 Channel B Control Register */
1072 #define pREG_PWM0_BH0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_BH0)                     /* PWM0 Channel B-High Duty-0 Register */
1073 #define pREG_PWM0_BH1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_BH1)                     /* PWM0 Channel B-High Duty-1 Register */
1074 #define pREG_PWM0_BL0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_BL0)                     /* PWM0 Channel B-Low Duty-0 Register */
1075 #define pREG_PWM0_BL1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_BL1)                     /* PWM0 Channel B-Low Duty-1 Register */
1076 #define pREG_PWM0_CCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_CCTL)                    /* PWM0 Channel C Control Register */
1077 #define pREG_PWM0_CH0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_CH0)                     /* PWM0 Channel C-High Pulse Duty Register 0 */
1078 #define pREG_PWM0_CH1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_CH1)                     /* PWM0 Channel C-High Pulse Duty Register 1 */
1079 #define pREG_PWM0_CL0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_CL0)                     /* PWM0 Channel C-Low Pulse Duty Register 0 */
1080 #define pREG_PWM0_CL1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_CL1)                     /* PWM0 Channel C-Low Duty-1 Register */
1081 #define pREG_PWM0_DCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DCTL)                    /* PWM0 Channel D Control Register */
1082 #define pREG_PWM0_DH0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DH0)                     /* PWM0 Channel D-High Duty-0 Register */
1083 #define pREG_PWM0_DH1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DH1)                     /* PWM0 Channel D-High Pulse Duty Register 1 */
1084 #define pREG_PWM0_DL0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DL0)                     /* PWM0 Channel D-Low Pulse Duty Register 0 */
1085 #define pREG_PWM0_DL1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM0_DL1)                     /* PWM0 Channel D-Low Pulse Duty Register 1 */
1087 /* =========================================================================
1088        PWM1
1089    ========================================================================= */
1090 #define pREG_PWM1_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_CTL)                     /* PWM1 Control Register */
1091 #define pREG_PWM1_CHANCFG                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_CHANCFG)                 /* PWM1 Channel Config Register */
1092 #define pREG_PWM1_TRIPCFG                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_TRIPCFG)                 /* PWM1 Trip Config Register */
1093 #define pREG_PWM1_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_STAT)                    /* PWM1 Status Register */
1094 #define pREG_PWM1_IMSK                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_IMSK)                    /* PWM1 Interrupt Mask Register */
1095 #define pREG_PWM1_ILAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_ILAT)                    /* PWM1 Interrupt Latch Register */
1096 #define pREG_PWM1_CHOPCFG                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_CHOPCFG)                 /* PWM1 Chop Configuration Register */
1097 #define pREG_PWM1_DT                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DT)                      /* PWM1 Dead Time Register */
1098 #define pREG_PWM1_SYNC_WID               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_SYNC_WID)                /* PWM1 Sync Pulse Width Register */
1099 #define pREG_PWM1_TM0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_TM0)                     /* PWM1 Timer 0 Period Register */
1100 #define pREG_PWM1_TM1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_TM1)                     /* PWM1 Timer 1 Period Register */
1101 #define pREG_PWM1_TM2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_TM2)                     /* PWM1 Timer 2 Period Register */
1102 #define pREG_PWM1_TM3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_TM3)                     /* PWM1 Timer 3 Period Register */
1103 #define pREG_PWM1_TM4                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_TM4)                     /* PWM1 Timer 4 Period Register */
1104 #define pREG_PWM1_DLYA                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DLYA)                    /* PWM1 Channel A Delay Register */
1105 #define pREG_PWM1_DLYB                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DLYB)                    /* PWM1 Channel B Delay Register */
1106 #define pREG_PWM1_DLYC                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DLYC)                    /* PWM1 Channel C Delay Register */
1107 #define pREG_PWM1_DLYD                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DLYD)                    /* PWM1 Channel D Delay Register */
1108 #define pREG_PWM1_ACTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_ACTL)                    /* PWM1 Channel A Control Register */
1109 #define pREG_PWM1_AH0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_AH0)                     /* PWM1 Channel A-High Duty-0 Register */
1110 #define pREG_PWM1_AH1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_AH1)                     /* PWM1 Channel A-High Duty-1 Register */
1111 #define pREG_PWM1_AL0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_AL0)                     /* PWM1 Channel A-Low Duty-0 Register */
1112 #define pREG_PWM1_AL1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_AL1)                     /* PWM1 Channel A-Low Duty-1 Register */
1113 #define pREG_PWM1_BCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_BCTL)                    /* PWM1 Channel B Control Register */
1114 #define pREG_PWM1_BH0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_BH0)                     /* PWM1 Channel B-High Duty-0 Register */
1115 #define pREG_PWM1_BH1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_BH1)                     /* PWM1 Channel B-High Duty-1 Register */
1116 #define pREG_PWM1_BL0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_BL0)                     /* PWM1 Channel B-Low Duty-0 Register */
1117 #define pREG_PWM1_BL1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_BL1)                     /* PWM1 Channel B-Low Duty-1 Register */
1118 #define pREG_PWM1_CCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_CCTL)                    /* PWM1 Channel C Control Register */
1119 #define pREG_PWM1_CH0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_CH0)                     /* PWM1 Channel C-High Pulse Duty Register 0 */
1120 #define pREG_PWM1_CH1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_CH1)                     /* PWM1 Channel C-High Pulse Duty Register 1 */
1121 #define pREG_PWM1_CL0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_CL0)                     /* PWM1 Channel C-Low Pulse Duty Register 0 */
1122 #define pREG_PWM1_CL1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_CL1)                     /* PWM1 Channel C-Low Duty-1 Register */
1123 #define pREG_PWM1_DCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DCTL)                    /* PWM1 Channel D Control Register */
1124 #define pREG_PWM1_DH0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DH0)                     /* PWM1 Channel D-High Duty-0 Register */
1125 #define pREG_PWM1_DH1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DH1)                     /* PWM1 Channel D-High Pulse Duty Register 1 */
1126 #define pREG_PWM1_DL0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DL0)                     /* PWM1 Channel D-Low Pulse Duty Register 0 */
1127 #define pREG_PWM1_DL1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_PWM1_DL1)                     /* PWM1 Channel D-Low Pulse Duty Register 1 */
1130 /* =========================================================================
1131        VID0
1132    ========================================================================= */
1133 #define pREG_VID0_CONN                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_VID0_CONN)                    /* VID0 Video Subsystem Connect Register */
1136 /* =========================================================================
1137        SWU0
1138    ========================================================================= */
1139 #define pREG_SWU0_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_GCTL)                    /* SWU0 Global Control Register */
1140 #define pREG_SWU0_GSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_GSTAT)                   /* SWU0 Global Status Register */
1141 #define pREG_SWU0_CTL0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CTL0)                    /* SWU0 Control Register n */
1142 #define pREG_SWU0_CTL1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CTL1)                    /* SWU0 Control Register n */
1143 #define pREG_SWU0_CTL2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CTL2)                    /* SWU0 Control Register n */
1144 #define pREG_SWU0_CTL3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CTL3)                    /* SWU0 Control Register n */
1145 #define pREG_SWU0_LA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU0_LA0)                       /* SWU0 Lower Address Register n */
1146 #define pREG_SWU0_LA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU0_LA1)                       /* SWU0 Lower Address Register n */
1147 #define pREG_SWU0_LA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU0_LA2)                       /* SWU0 Lower Address Register n */
1148 #define pREG_SWU0_LA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU0_LA3)                       /* SWU0 Lower Address Register n */
1149 #define pREG_SWU0_UA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU0_UA0)                       /* SWU0 Upper Address Register n */
1150 #define pREG_SWU0_UA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU0_UA1)                       /* SWU0 Upper Address Register n */
1151 #define pREG_SWU0_UA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU0_UA2)                       /* SWU0 Upper Address Register n */
1152 #define pREG_SWU0_UA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU0_UA3)                       /* SWU0 Upper Address Register n */
1153 #define pREG_SWU0_ID0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_ID0)                     /* SWU0 ID Register n */
1154 #define pREG_SWU0_ID1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_ID1)                     /* SWU0 ID Register n */
1155 #define pREG_SWU0_ID2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_ID2)                     /* SWU0 ID Register n */
1156 #define pREG_SWU0_ID3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_ID3)                     /* SWU0 ID Register n */
1157 #define pREG_SWU0_CNT0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CNT0)                    /* SWU0 Count Register n */
1158 #define pREG_SWU0_CNT1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CNT1)                    /* SWU0 Count Register n */
1159 #define pREG_SWU0_CNT2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CNT2)                    /* SWU0 Count Register n */
1160 #define pREG_SWU0_CNT3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CNT3)                    /* SWU0 Count Register n */
1161 #define pREG_SWU0_TARG0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_TARG0)                   /* SWU0 Target Register n */
1162 #define pREG_SWU0_TARG1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_TARG1)                   /* SWU0 Target Register n */
1163 #define pREG_SWU0_TARG2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_TARG2)                   /* SWU0 Target Register n */
1164 #define pREG_SWU0_TARG3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_TARG3)                   /* SWU0 Target Register n */
1165 #define pREG_SWU0_HIST0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_HIST0)                   /* SWU0 Bandwidth History Register n */
1166 #define pREG_SWU0_HIST1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_HIST1)                   /* SWU0 Bandwidth History Register n */
1167 #define pREG_SWU0_HIST2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_HIST2)                   /* SWU0 Bandwidth History Register n */
1168 #define pREG_SWU0_HIST3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_HIST3)                   /* SWU0 Bandwidth History Register n */
1169 #define pREG_SWU0_CUR0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CUR0)                    /* SWU0 Current Register n */
1170 #define pREG_SWU0_CUR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CUR1)                    /* SWU0 Current Register n */
1171 #define pREG_SWU0_CUR2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CUR2)                    /* SWU0 Current Register n */
1172 #define pREG_SWU0_CUR3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU0_CUR3)                    /* SWU0 Current Register n */
1174 /* =========================================================================
1175        SWU1
1176    ========================================================================= */
1177 #define pREG_SWU1_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_GCTL)                    /* SWU1 Global Control Register */
1178 #define pREG_SWU1_GSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_GSTAT)                   /* SWU1 Global Status Register */
1179 #define pREG_SWU1_CTL0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CTL0)                    /* SWU1 Control Register n */
1180 #define pREG_SWU1_CTL1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CTL1)                    /* SWU1 Control Register n */
1181 #define pREG_SWU1_CTL2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CTL2)                    /* SWU1 Control Register n */
1182 #define pREG_SWU1_CTL3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CTL3)                    /* SWU1 Control Register n */
1183 #define pREG_SWU1_LA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU1_LA0)                       /* SWU1 Lower Address Register n */
1184 #define pREG_SWU1_LA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU1_LA1)                       /* SWU1 Lower Address Register n */
1185 #define pREG_SWU1_LA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU1_LA2)                       /* SWU1 Lower Address Register n */
1186 #define pREG_SWU1_LA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU1_LA3)                       /* SWU1 Lower Address Register n */
1187 #define pREG_SWU1_UA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU1_UA0)                       /* SWU1 Upper Address Register n */
1188 #define pREG_SWU1_UA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU1_UA1)                       /* SWU1 Upper Address Register n */
1189 #define pREG_SWU1_UA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU1_UA2)                       /* SWU1 Upper Address Register n */
1190 #define pREG_SWU1_UA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU1_UA3)                       /* SWU1 Upper Address Register n */
1191 #define pREG_SWU1_ID0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_ID0)                     /* SWU1 ID Register n */
1192 #define pREG_SWU1_ID1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_ID1)                     /* SWU1 ID Register n */
1193 #define pREG_SWU1_ID2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_ID2)                     /* SWU1 ID Register n */
1194 #define pREG_SWU1_ID3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_ID3)                     /* SWU1 ID Register n */
1195 #define pREG_SWU1_CNT0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CNT0)                    /* SWU1 Count Register n */
1196 #define pREG_SWU1_CNT1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CNT1)                    /* SWU1 Count Register n */
1197 #define pREG_SWU1_CNT2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CNT2)                    /* SWU1 Count Register n */
1198 #define pREG_SWU1_CNT3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CNT3)                    /* SWU1 Count Register n */
1199 #define pREG_SWU1_TARG0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_TARG0)                   /* SWU1 Target Register n */
1200 #define pREG_SWU1_TARG1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_TARG1)                   /* SWU1 Target Register n */
1201 #define pREG_SWU1_TARG2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_TARG2)                   /* SWU1 Target Register n */
1202 #define pREG_SWU1_TARG3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_TARG3)                   /* SWU1 Target Register n */
1203 #define pREG_SWU1_HIST0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_HIST0)                   /* SWU1 Bandwidth History Register n */
1204 #define pREG_SWU1_HIST1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_HIST1)                   /* SWU1 Bandwidth History Register n */
1205 #define pREG_SWU1_HIST2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_HIST2)                   /* SWU1 Bandwidth History Register n */
1206 #define pREG_SWU1_HIST3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_HIST3)                   /* SWU1 Bandwidth History Register n */
1207 #define pREG_SWU1_CUR0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CUR0)                    /* SWU1 Current Register n */
1208 #define pREG_SWU1_CUR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CUR1)                    /* SWU1 Current Register n */
1209 #define pREG_SWU1_CUR2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CUR2)                    /* SWU1 Current Register n */
1210 #define pREG_SWU1_CUR3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU1_CUR3)                    /* SWU1 Current Register n */
1212 /* =========================================================================
1213        SWU2
1214    ========================================================================= */
1215 #define pREG_SWU2_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_GCTL)                    /* SWU2 Global Control Register */
1216 #define pREG_SWU2_GSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_GSTAT)                   /* SWU2 Global Status Register */
1217 #define pREG_SWU2_CTL0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CTL0)                    /* SWU2 Control Register n */
1218 #define pREG_SWU2_CTL1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CTL1)                    /* SWU2 Control Register n */
1219 #define pREG_SWU2_CTL2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CTL2)                    /* SWU2 Control Register n */
1220 #define pREG_SWU2_CTL3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CTL3)                    /* SWU2 Control Register n */
1221 #define pREG_SWU2_LA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU2_LA0)                       /* SWU2 Lower Address Register n */
1222 #define pREG_SWU2_LA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU2_LA1)                       /* SWU2 Lower Address Register n */
1223 #define pREG_SWU2_LA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU2_LA2)                       /* SWU2 Lower Address Register n */
1224 #define pREG_SWU2_LA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU2_LA3)                       /* SWU2 Lower Address Register n */
1225 #define pREG_SWU2_UA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU2_UA0)                       /* SWU2 Upper Address Register n */
1226 #define pREG_SWU2_UA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU2_UA1)                       /* SWU2 Upper Address Register n */
1227 #define pREG_SWU2_UA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU2_UA2)                       /* SWU2 Upper Address Register n */
1228 #define pREG_SWU2_UA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU2_UA3)                       /* SWU2 Upper Address Register n */
1229 #define pREG_SWU2_ID0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_ID0)                     /* SWU2 ID Register n */
1230 #define pREG_SWU2_ID1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_ID1)                     /* SWU2 ID Register n */
1231 #define pREG_SWU2_ID2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_ID2)                     /* SWU2 ID Register n */
1232 #define pREG_SWU2_ID3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_ID3)                     /* SWU2 ID Register n */
1233 #define pREG_SWU2_CNT0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CNT0)                    /* SWU2 Count Register n */
1234 #define pREG_SWU2_CNT1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CNT1)                    /* SWU2 Count Register n */
1235 #define pREG_SWU2_CNT2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CNT2)                    /* SWU2 Count Register n */
1236 #define pREG_SWU2_CNT3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CNT3)                    /* SWU2 Count Register n */
1237 #define pREG_SWU2_TARG0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_TARG0)                   /* SWU2 Target Register n */
1238 #define pREG_SWU2_TARG1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_TARG1)                   /* SWU2 Target Register n */
1239 #define pREG_SWU2_TARG2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_TARG2)                   /* SWU2 Target Register n */
1240 #define pREG_SWU2_TARG3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_TARG3)                   /* SWU2 Target Register n */
1241 #define pREG_SWU2_HIST0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_HIST0)                   /* SWU2 Bandwidth History Register n */
1242 #define pREG_SWU2_HIST1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_HIST1)                   /* SWU2 Bandwidth History Register n */
1243 #define pREG_SWU2_HIST2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_HIST2)                   /* SWU2 Bandwidth History Register n */
1244 #define pREG_SWU2_HIST3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_HIST3)                   /* SWU2 Bandwidth History Register n */
1245 #define pREG_SWU2_CUR0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CUR0)                    /* SWU2 Current Register n */
1246 #define pREG_SWU2_CUR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CUR1)                    /* SWU2 Current Register n */
1247 #define pREG_SWU2_CUR2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CUR2)                    /* SWU2 Current Register n */
1248 #define pREG_SWU2_CUR3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU2_CUR3)                    /* SWU2 Current Register n */
1250 /* =========================================================================
1251        SWU3
1252    ========================================================================= */
1253 #define pREG_SWU3_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_GCTL)                    /* SWU3 Global Control Register */
1254 #define pREG_SWU3_GSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_GSTAT)                   /* SWU3 Global Status Register */
1255 #define pREG_SWU3_CTL0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CTL0)                    /* SWU3 Control Register n */
1256 #define pREG_SWU3_CTL1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CTL1)                    /* SWU3 Control Register n */
1257 #define pREG_SWU3_CTL2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CTL2)                    /* SWU3 Control Register n */
1258 #define pREG_SWU3_CTL3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CTL3)                    /* SWU3 Control Register n */
1259 #define pREG_SWU3_LA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU3_LA0)                       /* SWU3 Lower Address Register n */
1260 #define pREG_SWU3_LA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU3_LA1)                       /* SWU3 Lower Address Register n */
1261 #define pREG_SWU3_LA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU3_LA2)                       /* SWU3 Lower Address Register n */
1262 #define pREG_SWU3_LA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU3_LA3)                       /* SWU3 Lower Address Register n */
1263 #define pREG_SWU3_UA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU3_UA0)                       /* SWU3 Upper Address Register n */
1264 #define pREG_SWU3_UA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU3_UA1)                       /* SWU3 Upper Address Register n */
1265 #define pREG_SWU3_UA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU3_UA2)                       /* SWU3 Upper Address Register n */
1266 #define pREG_SWU3_UA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU3_UA3)                       /* SWU3 Upper Address Register n */
1267 #define pREG_SWU3_ID0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_ID0)                     /* SWU3 ID Register n */
1268 #define pREG_SWU3_ID1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_ID1)                     /* SWU3 ID Register n */
1269 #define pREG_SWU3_ID2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_ID2)                     /* SWU3 ID Register n */
1270 #define pREG_SWU3_ID3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_ID3)                     /* SWU3 ID Register n */
1271 #define pREG_SWU3_CNT0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CNT0)                    /* SWU3 Count Register n */
1272 #define pREG_SWU3_CNT1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CNT1)                    /* SWU3 Count Register n */
1273 #define pREG_SWU3_CNT2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CNT2)                    /* SWU3 Count Register n */
1274 #define pREG_SWU3_CNT3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CNT3)                    /* SWU3 Count Register n */
1275 #define pREG_SWU3_TARG0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_TARG0)                   /* SWU3 Target Register n */
1276 #define pREG_SWU3_TARG1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_TARG1)                   /* SWU3 Target Register n */
1277 #define pREG_SWU3_TARG2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_TARG2)                   /* SWU3 Target Register n */
1278 #define pREG_SWU3_TARG3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_TARG3)                   /* SWU3 Target Register n */
1279 #define pREG_SWU3_HIST0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_HIST0)                   /* SWU3 Bandwidth History Register n */
1280 #define pREG_SWU3_HIST1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_HIST1)                   /* SWU3 Bandwidth History Register n */
1281 #define pREG_SWU3_HIST2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_HIST2)                   /* SWU3 Bandwidth History Register n */
1282 #define pREG_SWU3_HIST3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_HIST3)                   /* SWU3 Bandwidth History Register n */
1283 #define pREG_SWU3_CUR0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CUR0)                    /* SWU3 Current Register n */
1284 #define pREG_SWU3_CUR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CUR1)                    /* SWU3 Current Register n */
1285 #define pREG_SWU3_CUR2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CUR2)                    /* SWU3 Current Register n */
1286 #define pREG_SWU3_CUR3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU3_CUR3)                    /* SWU3 Current Register n */
1288 /* =========================================================================
1289        SWU4
1290    ========================================================================= */
1291 #define pREG_SWU4_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_GCTL)                    /* SWU4 Global Control Register */
1292 #define pREG_SWU4_GSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_GSTAT)                   /* SWU4 Global Status Register */
1293 #define pREG_SWU4_CTL0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CTL0)                    /* SWU4 Control Register n */
1294 #define pREG_SWU4_CTL1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CTL1)                    /* SWU4 Control Register n */
1295 #define pREG_SWU4_CTL2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CTL2)                    /* SWU4 Control Register n */
1296 #define pREG_SWU4_CTL3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CTL3)                    /* SWU4 Control Register n */
1297 #define pREG_SWU4_LA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU4_LA0)                       /* SWU4 Lower Address Register n */
1298 #define pREG_SWU4_LA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU4_LA1)                       /* SWU4 Lower Address Register n */
1299 #define pREG_SWU4_LA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU4_LA2)                       /* SWU4 Lower Address Register n */
1300 #define pREG_SWU4_LA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU4_LA3)                       /* SWU4 Lower Address Register n */
1301 #define pREG_SWU4_UA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU4_UA0)                       /* SWU4 Upper Address Register n */
1302 #define pREG_SWU4_UA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU4_UA1)                       /* SWU4 Upper Address Register n */
1303 #define pREG_SWU4_UA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU4_UA2)                       /* SWU4 Upper Address Register n */
1304 #define pREG_SWU4_UA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU4_UA3)                       /* SWU4 Upper Address Register n */
1305 #define pREG_SWU4_ID0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_ID0)                     /* SWU4 ID Register n */
1306 #define pREG_SWU4_ID1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_ID1)                     /* SWU4 ID Register n */
1307 #define pREG_SWU4_ID2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_ID2)                     /* SWU4 ID Register n */
1308 #define pREG_SWU4_ID3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_ID3)                     /* SWU4 ID Register n */
1309 #define pREG_SWU4_CNT0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CNT0)                    /* SWU4 Count Register n */
1310 #define pREG_SWU4_CNT1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CNT1)                    /* SWU4 Count Register n */
1311 #define pREG_SWU4_CNT2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CNT2)                    /* SWU4 Count Register n */
1312 #define pREG_SWU4_CNT3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CNT3)                    /* SWU4 Count Register n */
1313 #define pREG_SWU4_TARG0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_TARG0)                   /* SWU4 Target Register n */
1314 #define pREG_SWU4_TARG1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_TARG1)                   /* SWU4 Target Register n */
1315 #define pREG_SWU4_TARG2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_TARG2)                   /* SWU4 Target Register n */
1316 #define pREG_SWU4_TARG3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_TARG3)                   /* SWU4 Target Register n */
1317 #define pREG_SWU4_HIST0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_HIST0)                   /* SWU4 Bandwidth History Register n */
1318 #define pREG_SWU4_HIST1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_HIST1)                   /* SWU4 Bandwidth History Register n */
1319 #define pREG_SWU4_HIST2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_HIST2)                   /* SWU4 Bandwidth History Register n */
1320 #define pREG_SWU4_HIST3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_HIST3)                   /* SWU4 Bandwidth History Register n */
1321 #define pREG_SWU4_CUR0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CUR0)                    /* SWU4 Current Register n */
1322 #define pREG_SWU4_CUR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CUR1)                    /* SWU4 Current Register n */
1323 #define pREG_SWU4_CUR2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CUR2)                    /* SWU4 Current Register n */
1324 #define pREG_SWU4_CUR3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU4_CUR3)                    /* SWU4 Current Register n */
1326 /* =========================================================================
1327        SWU5
1328    ========================================================================= */
1329 #define pREG_SWU5_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_GCTL)                    /* SWU5 Global Control Register */
1330 #define pREG_SWU5_GSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_GSTAT)                   /* SWU5 Global Status Register */
1331 #define pREG_SWU5_CTL0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CTL0)                    /* SWU5 Control Register n */
1332 #define pREG_SWU5_CTL1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CTL1)                    /* SWU5 Control Register n */
1333 #define pREG_SWU5_CTL2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CTL2)                    /* SWU5 Control Register n */
1334 #define pREG_SWU5_CTL3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CTL3)                    /* SWU5 Control Register n */
1335 #define pREG_SWU5_LA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU5_LA0)                       /* SWU5 Lower Address Register n */
1336 #define pREG_SWU5_LA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU5_LA1)                       /* SWU5 Lower Address Register n */
1337 #define pREG_SWU5_LA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU5_LA2)                       /* SWU5 Lower Address Register n */
1338 #define pREG_SWU5_LA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU5_LA3)                       /* SWU5 Lower Address Register n */
1339 #define pREG_SWU5_UA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU5_UA0)                       /* SWU5 Upper Address Register n */
1340 #define pREG_SWU5_UA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU5_UA1)                       /* SWU5 Upper Address Register n */
1341 #define pREG_SWU5_UA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU5_UA2)                       /* SWU5 Upper Address Register n */
1342 #define pREG_SWU5_UA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU5_UA3)                       /* SWU5 Upper Address Register n */
1343 #define pREG_SWU5_ID0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_ID0)                     /* SWU5 ID Register n */
1344 #define pREG_SWU5_ID1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_ID1)                     /* SWU5 ID Register n */
1345 #define pREG_SWU5_ID2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_ID2)                     /* SWU5 ID Register n */
1346 #define pREG_SWU5_ID3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_ID3)                     /* SWU5 ID Register n */
1347 #define pREG_SWU5_CNT0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CNT0)                    /* SWU5 Count Register n */
1348 #define pREG_SWU5_CNT1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CNT1)                    /* SWU5 Count Register n */
1349 #define pREG_SWU5_CNT2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CNT2)                    /* SWU5 Count Register n */
1350 #define pREG_SWU5_CNT3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CNT3)                    /* SWU5 Count Register n */
1351 #define pREG_SWU5_TARG0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_TARG0)                   /* SWU5 Target Register n */
1352 #define pREG_SWU5_TARG1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_TARG1)                   /* SWU5 Target Register n */
1353 #define pREG_SWU5_TARG2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_TARG2)                   /* SWU5 Target Register n */
1354 #define pREG_SWU5_TARG3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_TARG3)                   /* SWU5 Target Register n */
1355 #define pREG_SWU5_HIST0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_HIST0)                   /* SWU5 Bandwidth History Register n */
1356 #define pREG_SWU5_HIST1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_HIST1)                   /* SWU5 Bandwidth History Register n */
1357 #define pREG_SWU5_HIST2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_HIST2)                   /* SWU5 Bandwidth History Register n */
1358 #define pREG_SWU5_HIST3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_HIST3)                   /* SWU5 Bandwidth History Register n */
1359 #define pREG_SWU5_CUR0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CUR0)                    /* SWU5 Current Register n */
1360 #define pREG_SWU5_CUR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CUR1)                    /* SWU5 Current Register n */
1361 #define pREG_SWU5_CUR2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CUR2)                    /* SWU5 Current Register n */
1362 #define pREG_SWU5_CUR3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU5_CUR3)                    /* SWU5 Current Register n */
1364 /* =========================================================================
1365        SWU6
1366    ========================================================================= */
1367 #define pREG_SWU6_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_GCTL)                    /* SWU6 Global Control Register */
1368 #define pREG_SWU6_GSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_GSTAT)                   /* SWU6 Global Status Register */
1369 #define pREG_SWU6_CTL0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CTL0)                    /* SWU6 Control Register n */
1370 #define pREG_SWU6_CTL1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CTL1)                    /* SWU6 Control Register n */
1371 #define pREG_SWU6_CTL2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CTL2)                    /* SWU6 Control Register n */
1372 #define pREG_SWU6_CTL3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CTL3)                    /* SWU6 Control Register n */
1373 #define pREG_SWU6_LA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU6_LA0)                       /* SWU6 Lower Address Register n */
1374 #define pREG_SWU6_LA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU6_LA1)                       /* SWU6 Lower Address Register n */
1375 #define pREG_SWU6_LA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU6_LA2)                       /* SWU6 Lower Address Register n */
1376 #define pREG_SWU6_LA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU6_LA3)                       /* SWU6 Lower Address Register n */
1377 #define pREG_SWU6_UA0                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU6_UA0)                       /* SWU6 Upper Address Register n */
1378 #define pREG_SWU6_UA1                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU6_UA1)                       /* SWU6 Upper Address Register n */
1379 #define pREG_SWU6_UA2                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU6_UA2)                       /* SWU6 Upper Address Register n */
1380 #define pREG_SWU6_UA3                    ((void * volatile *)REG_SWU6_UA3)                       /* SWU6 Upper Address Register n */
1381 #define pREG_SWU6_ID0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_ID0)                     /* SWU6 ID Register n */
1382 #define pREG_SWU6_ID1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_ID1)                     /* SWU6 ID Register n */
1383 #define pREG_SWU6_ID2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_ID2)                     /* SWU6 ID Register n */
1384 #define pREG_SWU6_ID3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_ID3)                     /* SWU6 ID Register n */
1385 #define pREG_SWU6_CNT0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CNT0)                    /* SWU6 Count Register n */
1386 #define pREG_SWU6_CNT1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CNT1)                    /* SWU6 Count Register n */
1387 #define pREG_SWU6_CNT2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CNT2)                    /* SWU6 Count Register n */
1388 #define pREG_SWU6_CNT3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CNT3)                    /* SWU6 Count Register n */
1389 #define pREG_SWU6_TARG0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_TARG0)                   /* SWU6 Target Register n */
1390 #define pREG_SWU6_TARG1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_TARG1)                   /* SWU6 Target Register n */
1391 #define pREG_SWU6_TARG2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_TARG2)                   /* SWU6 Target Register n */
1392 #define pREG_SWU6_TARG3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_TARG3)                   /* SWU6 Target Register n */
1393 #define pREG_SWU6_HIST0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_HIST0)                   /* SWU6 Bandwidth History Register n */
1394 #define pREG_SWU6_HIST1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_HIST1)                   /* SWU6 Bandwidth History Register n */
1395 #define pREG_SWU6_HIST2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_HIST2)                   /* SWU6 Bandwidth History Register n */
1396 #define pREG_SWU6_HIST3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_HIST3)                   /* SWU6 Bandwidth History Register n */
1397 #define pREG_SWU6_CUR0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CUR0)                    /* SWU6 Current Register n */
1398 #define pREG_SWU6_CUR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CUR1)                    /* SWU6 Current Register n */
1399 #define pREG_SWU6_CUR2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CUR2)                    /* SWU6 Current Register n */
1400 #define pREG_SWU6_CUR3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SWU6_CUR3)                    /* SWU6 Current Register n */
1403 /* =========================================================================
1404        SDU0
1405    ========================================================================= */
1406 #define pREG_SDU0_IDCODE                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_IDCODE)                  /* SDU0 ID Code Register */
1407 #define pREG_SDU0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_CTL)                     /* SDU0 Control Register */
1408 #define pREG_SDU0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_STAT)                    /* SDU0 Status Register */
1409 #define pREG_SDU0_MACCTL                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_MACCTL)                  /* SDU0 Memory Access Control Register */
1410 #define pREG_SDU0_MACADDR                ((void * volatile *)REG_SDU0_MACADDR)                   /* SDU0 Memory Access Address Register */
1411 #define pREG_SDU0_MACDATA                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_MACDATA)                 /* SDU0 Memory Access Data Register */
1412 #define pREG_SDU0_DMARD                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_DMARD)                   /* SDU0 DMA Read Data Register */
1413 #define pREG_SDU0_DMAWD                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_DMAWD)                   /* SDU0 DMA Write Data Register */
1414 #define pREG_SDU0_MSG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_MSG)                     /* SDU0 Message Register */
1415 #define pREG_SDU0_MSG_SET                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_MSG_SET)                 /* SDU0 Message Set Register */
1416 #define pREG_SDU0_MSG_CLR                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_MSG_CLR)                 /* SDU0 Message Clear Register */
1417 #define pREG_SDU0_GHLT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SDU0_GHLT)                    /* SDU0 Group Halt Register */
1420 /* =========================================================================
1421        EMAC0
1422    ========================================================================= */
1423 #define pREG_EMAC0_MACCFG                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_MACCFG)                 /* EMAC0 MAC Configuration Register */
1424 #define pREG_EMAC0_MACFRMFILT            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_MACFRMFILT)             /* EMAC0 MAC Rx Frame Filter Register */
1425 #define pREG_EMAC0_HASHTBL_HI            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_HASHTBL_HI)             /* EMAC0 Hash Table High Register */
1426 #define pREG_EMAC0_HASHTBL_LO            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_HASHTBL_LO)             /* EMAC0 Hash Table Low Register */
1427 #define pREG_EMAC0_SMI_ADDR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_SMI_ADDR)               /* EMAC0 SMI Address Register */
1428 #define pREG_EMAC0_SMI_DATA              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_SMI_DATA)               /* EMAC0 SMI Data Register */
1429 #define pREG_EMAC0_FLOWCTL               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_FLOWCTL)                /* EMAC0 FLow Control Register */
1430 #define pREG_EMAC0_VLANTAG               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_VLANTAG)                /* EMAC0 VLAN Tag Register */
1431 #define pREG_EMAC0_DBG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DBG)                    /* EMAC0 Debug Register */
1432 #define pREG_EMAC0_ISTAT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_ISTAT)                  /* EMAC0 Interrupt Status Register */
1433 #define pREG_EMAC0_IMSK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_IMSK)                   /* EMAC0 Interrupt Mask Register */
1434 #define pREG_EMAC0_ADDR0_HI              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_ADDR0_HI)               /* EMAC0 MAC Address 0 High Register */
1435 #define pREG_EMAC0_ADDR0_LO              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_ADDR0_LO)               /* EMAC0 MAC Address 0 Low Register */
1436 #define pREG_EMAC0_MMC_CTL               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_MMC_CTL)                /* EMAC0 MMC Control Register */
1437 #define pREG_EMAC0_MMC_RXINT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_MMC_RXINT)              /* EMAC0 MMC Rx Interrupt Register */
1438 #define pREG_EMAC0_MMC_TXINT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_MMC_TXINT)              /* EMAC0 MMC Tx Interrupt Register */
1439 #define pREG_EMAC0_MMC_RXIMSK            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_MMC_RXIMSK)             /* EMAC0 MMC Rx Interrupt Mask Register */
1440 #define pREG_EMAC0_MMC_TXIMSK            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_MMC_TXIMSK)             /* EMAC0 MMC TX Interrupt Mask Register */
1441 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXOCTCNT_GB           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXOCTCNT_GB)            /* EMAC0 Tx OCT Count (Good/Bad) Register */
1442 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXFRMCNT_GB           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXFRMCNT_GB)            /* EMAC0 Tx Frame Count (Good/Bad) Register */
1443 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXBCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXBCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC0 Tx Broadcast Frames (Good) Register */
1444 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXMCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXMCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC0 Tx Multicast Frames (Good) Register */
1445 #define pREG_EMAC0_TX64_GB               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TX64_GB)                /* EMAC0 Tx 64-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1446 #define pREG_EMAC0_TX65TO127_GB          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TX65TO127_GB)           /* EMAC0 Tx 65- to 127-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1447 #define pREG_EMAC0_TX128TO255_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TX128TO255_GB)          /* EMAC0 Tx 128- to 255-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1448 #define pREG_EMAC0_TX256TO511_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TX256TO511_GB)          /* EMAC0 Tx 256- to 511-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1449 #define pREG_EMAC0_TX512TO1023_GB        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TX512TO1023_GB)         /* EMAC0 Tx 512- to 1023-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1450 #define pREG_EMAC0_TX1024TOMAX_GB        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TX1024TOMAX_GB)         /* EMAC0 Tx 1024- to Max-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1451 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXUCASTFRM_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXUCASTFRM_GB)          /* EMAC0 Tx Unicast Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1452 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXMCASTFRM_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXMCASTFRM_GB)          /* EMAC0 Tx Multicast Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1453 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXBCASTFRM_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXBCASTFRM_GB)          /* EMAC0 Tx Broadcast Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1454 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXUNDR_ERR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXUNDR_ERR)             /* EMAC0 Tx Underflow Error Register */
1455 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXSNGCOL_G            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXSNGCOL_G)             /* EMAC0 Tx Single Collision (Good) Register */
1456 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXMULTCOL_G           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXMULTCOL_G)            /* EMAC0 Tx Multiple Collision (Good) Register */
1457 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXDEFERRED            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXDEFERRED)             /* EMAC0 Tx Deferred Register */
1458 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXLATECOL             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXLATECOL)              /* EMAC0 Tx Late Collision Register */
1459 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXEXCESSCOL           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXEXCESSCOL)            /* EMAC0 Tx Excess Collision Register */
1460 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXCARR_ERR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXCARR_ERR)             /* EMAC0 Tx Carrier Error Register */
1461 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXOCTCNT_G            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXOCTCNT_G)             /* EMAC0 Tx Octet Count (Good) Register */
1462 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXFRMCNT_G            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXFRMCNT_G)             /* EMAC0 Tx Frame Count (Good) Register */
1463 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXEXCESSDEF           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXEXCESSDEF)            /* EMAC0 Tx Excess Deferral Register */
1464 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXPAUSEFRM            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXPAUSEFRM)             /* EMAC0 Tx Pause Frame Register */
1465 #define pREG_EMAC0_TXVLANFRM_G           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TXVLANFRM_G)            /* EMAC0 Tx VLAN Frames (Good) Register */
1466 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXFRMCNT_GB           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXFRMCNT_GB)            /* EMAC0 Rx Frame Count (Good/Bad) Register */
1467 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXOCTCNT_GB           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXOCTCNT_GB)            /* EMAC0 Rx Octet Count (Good/Bad) Register */
1468 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXOCTCNT_G            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXOCTCNT_G)             /* EMAC0 Rx Octet Count (Good) Register */
1469 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXBCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXBCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC0 Rx Broadcast Frames (Good) Register */
1470 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXMCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXMCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC0 Rx Multicast Frames (Good) Register */
1471 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXCRC_ERR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXCRC_ERR)              /* EMAC0 Rx CRC Error Register */
1472 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXALIGN_ERR           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXALIGN_ERR)            /* EMAC0 Rx alignment Error Register */
1473 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXRUNT_ERR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXRUNT_ERR)             /* EMAC0 Rx Runt Error Register */
1474 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXJAB_ERR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXJAB_ERR)              /* EMAC0 Rx Jab Error Register */
1475 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXUSIZE_G             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXUSIZE_G)              /* EMAC0 Rx Undersize (Good) Register */
1476 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXOSIZE_G             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXOSIZE_G)              /* EMAC0 Rx Oversize (Good) Register */
1477 #define pREG_EMAC0_RX64_GB               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RX64_GB)                /* EMAC0 Rx 64-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1478 #define pREG_EMAC0_RX65TO127_GB          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RX65TO127_GB)           /* EMAC0 Rx 65- to 127-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1479 #define pREG_EMAC0_RX128TO255_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RX128TO255_GB)          /* EMAC0 Rx 128- to 255-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1480 #define pREG_EMAC0_RX256TO511_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RX256TO511_GB)          /* EMAC0 Rx 256- to 511-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1481 #define pREG_EMAC0_RX512TO1023_GB        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RX512TO1023_GB)         /* EMAC0 Rx 512- to 1023-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1482 #define pREG_EMAC0_RX1024TOMAX_GB        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RX1024TOMAX_GB)         /* EMAC0 Rx 1024- to Max-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1483 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXUCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXUCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC0 Rx Unicast Frames (Good) Register */
1484 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXLEN_ERR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXLEN_ERR)              /* EMAC0 Rx Length Error Register */
1485 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXOORTYPE             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXOORTYPE)              /* EMAC0 Rx Out Of Range Type Register */
1486 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXPAUSEFRM            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXPAUSEFRM)             /* EMAC0 Rx Pause Frames Register */
1487 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXFIFO_OVF            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXFIFO_OVF)             /* EMAC0 Rx FIFO Overflow Register */
1488 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXVLANFRM_GB          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXVLANFRM_GB)           /* EMAC0 Rx VLAN Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1489 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXWDOG_ERR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXWDOG_ERR)             /* EMAC0 Rx Watch Dog Error Register */
1490 #define pREG_EMAC0_IPC_RXIMSK            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_IPC_RXIMSK)             /* EMAC0 MMC IPC Rx Interrupt Mask Register */
1491 #define pREG_EMAC0_IPC_RXINT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_IPC_RXINT)              /* EMAC0 MMC IPC Rx Interrupt Register */
1492 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_GD_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_GD_FRM)          /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 Datagrams (Good) Register */
1493 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_HDR_ERR_FRM    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_HDR_ERR_FRM)     /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Header Errors Register */
1494 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_NOPAY_FRM      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_NOPAY_FRM)       /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 Datagrams No Payload Frame Register */
1495 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_FRAG_FRM       ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_FRAG_FRM)        /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Fragmented Frames Register */
1496 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_UDSBL_FRM      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_UDSBL_FRM)       /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 UDP Disabled Frames Register */
1497 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_GD_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_GD_FRM)          /* EMAC0 Rx IPv6 Datagrams Good Frames Register */
1498 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_HDR_ERR_FRM    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_HDR_ERR_FRM)     /* EMAC0 Rx IPv6 Datagrams Header Error Frames Register */
1499 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_NOPAY_FRM      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_NOPAY_FRM)       /* EMAC0 Rx IPv6 Datagrams No Payload Frames Register */
1500 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXUDP_GD_FRM          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXUDP_GD_FRM)           /* EMAC0 Rx UDP Good Frames Register */
1501 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXUDP_ERR_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXUDP_ERR_FRM)          /* EMAC0 Rx UDP Error Frames Register */
1502 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXTCP_GD_FRM          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXTCP_GD_FRM)           /* EMAC0 Rx TCP Good Frames Register */
1503 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXTCP_ERR_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXTCP_ERR_FRM)          /* EMAC0 Rx TCP Error Frames Register */
1504 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXICMP_GD_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXICMP_GD_FRM)          /* EMAC0 Rx ICMP Good Frames Register */
1505 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXICMP_ERR_FRM        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXICMP_ERR_FRM)         /* EMAC0 Rx ICMP Error Frames Register */
1506 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_GD_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_GD_OCT)          /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Good Octets Register */
1507 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_HDR_ERR_OCT    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_HDR_ERR_OCT)     /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Header Errors Register */
1508 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_NOPAY_OCT      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_NOPAY_OCT)       /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 Datagrams No Payload Octets Register */
1509 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_FRAG_OCT       ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_FRAG_OCT)        /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Fragmented Octets Register */
1510 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_UDSBL_OCT      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV4_UDSBL_OCT)       /* EMAC0 Rx IPv4 UDP Disabled Octets Register */
1511 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_GD_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_GD_OCT)          /* EMAC0 Rx IPv6 Good Octets Register */
1512 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_HDR_ERR_OCT    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_HDR_ERR_OCT)     /* EMAC0 Rx IPv6 Header Errors Register */
1513 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_NOPAY_OCT      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXIPV6_NOPAY_OCT)       /* EMAC0 Rx IPv6 No Payload Octets Register */
1514 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXUDP_GD_OCT          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXUDP_GD_OCT)           /* EMAC0 Rx UDP Good Octets Register */
1515 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXUDP_ERR_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXUDP_ERR_OCT)          /* EMAC0 Rx UDP Error Octets Register */
1516 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXTCP_GD_OCT          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXTCP_GD_OCT)           /* EMAC0 Rx TCP Good Octets Register */
1517 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXTCP_ERR_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXTCP_ERR_OCT)          /* EMAC0 Rx TCP Error Octets Register */
1518 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXICMP_GD_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXICMP_GD_OCT)          /* EMAC0 Rx ICMP Good Octets Register */
1519 #define pREG_EMAC0_RXICMP_ERR_OCT        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_RXICMP_ERR_OCT)         /* EMAC0 Rx ICMP Error Octets Register */
1520 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_CTL                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_CTL)                 /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Control Register */
1521 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_SUBSEC             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_SUBSEC)              /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Sub Second Increment Register */
1522 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_SEC                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_SEC)                 /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Low Seconds Register */
1523 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_NSEC               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_NSEC)                /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Nano Seconds Register */
1524 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_SECUPDT            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_SECUPDT)             /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Seconds Update Register */
1525 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_NSECUPDT           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_NSECUPDT)            /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Nano Seconds Update Register */
1526 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_ADDEND             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_ADDEND)              /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Addend Register */
1527 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_TGTM               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_TGTM)                /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Target Time Seconds Register */
1528 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_NTGTM              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_NTGTM)               /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Target Time Nano Seconds Register */
1529 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_HISEC              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_HISEC)               /* EMAC0 Time Stamp High Second Register */
1530 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_STMPSTAT           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_STMPSTAT)            /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Status Register */
1531 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_PPSCTL             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_PPSCTL)              /* EMAC0 PPS Control Register */
1532 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_AUXSTMP_NSEC       ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_AUXSTMP_NSEC)        /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Auxilary TS Nano Seconds Register */
1533 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_AUXSTMP_SEC        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_AUXSTMP_SEC)         /* EMAC0 Time Stamp Auxilary TM Seconds Register */
1534 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_PPSINTVL           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_PPSINTVL)            /* EMAC0 Time Stamp PPS Interval Register */
1535 #define pREG_EMAC0_TM_PPSWIDTH           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_TM_PPSWIDTH)            /* EMAC0 PPS Width Register */
1536 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_BUSMODE           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_BUSMODE)            /* EMAC0 DMA Bus Mode Register */
1537 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_TXPOLL            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_TXPOLL)             /* EMAC0 DMA Tx Poll Demand Register */
1538 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_RXPOLL            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_RXPOLL)             /* EMAC0 DMA Rx Poll Demand register */
1539 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_RXDSC_ADDR        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_RXDSC_ADDR)         /* EMAC0 DMA Rx Descriptor List Address Register */
1540 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_TXDSC_ADDR        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_TXDSC_ADDR)         /* EMAC0 DMA Tx Descriptor List Address Register */
1541 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_STAT              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_STAT)               /* EMAC0 DMA Status Register */
1542 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_OPMODE            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_OPMODE)             /* EMAC0 DMA Operation Mode Register */
1543 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_IEN               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_IEN)                /* EMAC0 DMA Interrupt Enable Register */
1544 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_MISS_FRM          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_MISS_FRM)           /* EMAC0 DMA Missed Frame Register */
1545 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_RXIWDOG           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_RXIWDOG)            /* EMAC0 DMA Rx Interrupt Watch Dog Register */
1546 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_BMMODE            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_BMMODE)             /* EMAC0 DMA SCB Bus Mode Register */
1547 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_BMSTAT            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_BMSTAT)             /* EMAC0 DMA SCB Status Register */
1548 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_TXDSC_CUR         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_TXDSC_CUR)          /* EMAC0 DMA Tx Descriptor Current Register */
1549 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_RXDSC_CUR         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_RXDSC_CUR)          /* EMAC0 DMA Rx Descriptor Current Register */
1550 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_TXBUF_CUR         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_TXBUF_CUR)          /* EMAC0 DMA Tx Buffer Current Register */
1551 #define pREG_EMAC0_DMA_RXBUF_CUR         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC0_DMA_RXBUF_CUR)          /* EMAC0 DMA Rx Buffer Current Register */
1553 /* =========================================================================
1554        EMAC1
1555    ========================================================================= */
1556 #define pREG_EMAC1_MACCFG                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_MACCFG)                 /* EMAC1 MAC Configuration Register */
1557 #define pREG_EMAC1_MACFRMFILT            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_MACFRMFILT)             /* EMAC1 MAC Rx Frame Filter Register */
1558 #define pREG_EMAC1_HASHTBL_HI            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_HASHTBL_HI)             /* EMAC1 Hash Table High Register */
1559 #define pREG_EMAC1_HASHTBL_LO            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_HASHTBL_LO)             /* EMAC1 Hash Table Low Register */
1560 #define pREG_EMAC1_SMI_ADDR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_SMI_ADDR)               /* EMAC1 SMI Address Register */
1561 #define pREG_EMAC1_SMI_DATA              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_SMI_DATA)               /* EMAC1 SMI Data Register */
1562 #define pREG_EMAC1_FLOWCTL               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_FLOWCTL)                /* EMAC1 FLow Control Register */
1563 #define pREG_EMAC1_VLANTAG               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_VLANTAG)                /* EMAC1 VLAN Tag Register */
1564 #define pREG_EMAC1_DBG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DBG)                    /* EMAC1 Debug Register */
1565 #define pREG_EMAC1_ISTAT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_ISTAT)                  /* EMAC1 Interrupt Status Register */
1566 #define pREG_EMAC1_IMSK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_IMSK)                   /* EMAC1 Interrupt Mask Register */
1567 #define pREG_EMAC1_ADDR0_HI              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_ADDR0_HI)               /* EMAC1 MAC Address 0 High Register */
1568 #define pREG_EMAC1_ADDR0_LO              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_ADDR0_LO)               /* EMAC1 MAC Address 0 Low Register */
1569 #define pREG_EMAC1_MMC_CTL               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_MMC_CTL)                /* EMAC1 MMC Control Register */
1570 #define pREG_EMAC1_MMC_RXINT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_MMC_RXINT)              /* EMAC1 MMC Rx Interrupt Register */
1571 #define pREG_EMAC1_MMC_TXINT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_MMC_TXINT)              /* EMAC1 MMC Tx Interrupt Register */
1572 #define pREG_EMAC1_MMC_RXIMSK            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_MMC_RXIMSK)             /* EMAC1 MMC Rx Interrupt Mask Register */
1573 #define pREG_EMAC1_MMC_TXIMSK            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_MMC_TXIMSK)             /* EMAC1 MMC TX Interrupt Mask Register */
1574 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXOCTCNT_GB           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXOCTCNT_GB)            /* EMAC1 Tx OCT Count (Good/Bad) Register */
1575 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXFRMCNT_GB           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXFRMCNT_GB)            /* EMAC1 Tx Frame Count (Good/Bad) Register */
1576 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXBCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXBCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC1 Tx Broadcast Frames (Good) Register */
1577 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXMCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXMCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC1 Tx Multicast Frames (Good) Register */
1578 #define pREG_EMAC1_TX64_GB               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TX64_GB)                /* EMAC1 Tx 64-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1579 #define pREG_EMAC1_TX65TO127_GB          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TX65TO127_GB)           /* EMAC1 Tx 65- to 127-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1580 #define pREG_EMAC1_TX128TO255_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TX128TO255_GB)          /* EMAC1 Tx 128- to 255-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1581 #define pREG_EMAC1_TX256TO511_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TX256TO511_GB)          /* EMAC1 Tx 256- to 511-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1582 #define pREG_EMAC1_TX512TO1023_GB        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TX512TO1023_GB)         /* EMAC1 Tx 512- to 1023-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1583 #define pREG_EMAC1_TX1024TOMAX_GB        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TX1024TOMAX_GB)         /* EMAC1 Tx 1024- to Max-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1584 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXUCASTFRM_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXUCASTFRM_GB)          /* EMAC1 Tx Unicast Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1585 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXMCASTFRM_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXMCASTFRM_GB)          /* EMAC1 Tx Multicast Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1586 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXBCASTFRM_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXBCASTFRM_GB)          /* EMAC1 Tx Broadcast Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1587 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXUNDR_ERR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXUNDR_ERR)             /* EMAC1 Tx Underflow Error Register */
1588 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXSNGCOL_G            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXSNGCOL_G)             /* EMAC1 Tx Single Collision (Good) Register */
1589 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXMULTCOL_G           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXMULTCOL_G)            /* EMAC1 Tx Multiple Collision (Good) Register */
1590 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXDEFERRED            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXDEFERRED)             /* EMAC1 Tx Deferred Register */
1591 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXLATECOL             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXLATECOL)              /* EMAC1 Tx Late Collision Register */
1592 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXEXCESSCOL           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXEXCESSCOL)            /* EMAC1 Tx Excess Collision Register */
1593 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXCARR_ERR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXCARR_ERR)             /* EMAC1 Tx Carrier Error Register */
1594 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXOCTCNT_G            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXOCTCNT_G)             /* EMAC1 Tx Octet Count (Good) Register */
1595 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXFRMCNT_G            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXFRMCNT_G)             /* EMAC1 Tx Frame Count (Good) Register */
1596 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXEXCESSDEF           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXEXCESSDEF)            /* EMAC1 Tx Excess Deferral Register */
1597 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXPAUSEFRM            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXPAUSEFRM)             /* EMAC1 Tx Pause Frame Register */
1598 #define pREG_EMAC1_TXVLANFRM_G           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TXVLANFRM_G)            /* EMAC1 Tx VLAN Frames (Good) Register */
1599 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXFRMCNT_GB           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXFRMCNT_GB)            /* EMAC1 Rx Frame Count (Good/Bad) Register */
1600 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXOCTCNT_GB           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXOCTCNT_GB)            /* EMAC1 Rx Octet Count (Good/Bad) Register */
1601 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXOCTCNT_G            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXOCTCNT_G)             /* EMAC1 Rx Octet Count (Good) Register */
1602 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXBCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXBCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC1 Rx Broadcast Frames (Good) Register */
1603 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXMCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXMCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC1 Rx Multicast Frames (Good) Register */
1604 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXCRC_ERR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXCRC_ERR)              /* EMAC1 Rx CRC Error Register */
1605 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXALIGN_ERR           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXALIGN_ERR)            /* EMAC1 Rx alignment Error Register */
1606 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXRUNT_ERR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXRUNT_ERR)             /* EMAC1 Rx Runt Error Register */
1607 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXJAB_ERR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXJAB_ERR)              /* EMAC1 Rx Jab Error Register */
1608 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXUSIZE_G             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXUSIZE_G)              /* EMAC1 Rx Undersize (Good) Register */
1609 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXOSIZE_G             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXOSIZE_G)              /* EMAC1 Rx Oversize (Good) Register */
1610 #define pREG_EMAC1_RX64_GB               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RX64_GB)                /* EMAC1 Rx 64-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1611 #define pREG_EMAC1_RX65TO127_GB          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RX65TO127_GB)           /* EMAC1 Rx 65- to 127-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1612 #define pREG_EMAC1_RX128TO255_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RX128TO255_GB)          /* EMAC1 Rx 128- to 255-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1613 #define pREG_EMAC1_RX256TO511_GB         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RX256TO511_GB)          /* EMAC1 Rx 256- to 511-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1614 #define pREG_EMAC1_RX512TO1023_GB        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RX512TO1023_GB)         /* EMAC1 Rx 512- to 1023-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1615 #define pREG_EMAC1_RX1024TOMAX_GB        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RX1024TOMAX_GB)         /* EMAC1 Rx 1024- to Max-Byte Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1616 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXUCASTFRM_G          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXUCASTFRM_G)           /* EMAC1 Rx Unicast Frames (Good) Register */
1617 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXLEN_ERR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXLEN_ERR)              /* EMAC1 Rx Length Error Register */
1618 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXOORTYPE             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXOORTYPE)              /* EMAC1 Rx Out Of Range Type Register */
1619 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXPAUSEFRM            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXPAUSEFRM)             /* EMAC1 Rx Pause Frames Register */
1620 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXFIFO_OVF            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXFIFO_OVF)             /* EMAC1 Rx FIFO Overflow Register */
1621 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXVLANFRM_GB          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXVLANFRM_GB)           /* EMAC1 Rx VLAN Frames (Good/Bad) Register */
1622 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXWDOG_ERR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXWDOG_ERR)             /* EMAC1 Rx Watch Dog Error Register */
1623 #define pREG_EMAC1_IPC_RXIMSK            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_IPC_RXIMSK)             /* EMAC1 MMC IPC Rx Interrupt Mask Register */
1624 #define pREG_EMAC1_IPC_RXINT             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_IPC_RXINT)              /* EMAC1 MMC IPC Rx Interrupt Register */
1625 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_GD_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_GD_FRM)          /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 Datagrams (Good) Register */
1626 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_HDR_ERR_FRM    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_HDR_ERR_FRM)     /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Header Errors Register */
1627 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_NOPAY_FRM      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_NOPAY_FRM)       /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 Datagrams No Payload Frame Register */
1628 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_FRAG_FRM       ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_FRAG_FRM)        /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Fragmented Frames Register */
1629 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_UDSBL_FRM      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_UDSBL_FRM)       /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 UDP Disabled Frames Register */
1630 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_GD_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_GD_FRM)          /* EMAC1 Rx IPv6 Datagrams Good Frames Register */
1631 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_HDR_ERR_FRM    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_HDR_ERR_FRM)     /* EMAC1 Rx IPv6 Datagrams Header Error Frames Register */
1632 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_NOPAY_FRM      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_NOPAY_FRM)       /* EMAC1 Rx IPv6 Datagrams No Payload Frames Register */
1633 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXUDP_GD_FRM          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXUDP_GD_FRM)           /* EMAC1 Rx UDP Good Frames Register */
1634 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXUDP_ERR_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXUDP_ERR_FRM)          /* EMAC1 Rx UDP Error Frames Register */
1635 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXTCP_GD_FRM          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXTCP_GD_FRM)           /* EMAC1 Rx TCP Good Frames Register */
1636 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXTCP_ERR_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXTCP_ERR_FRM)          /* EMAC1 Rx TCP Error Frames Register */
1637 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXICMP_GD_FRM         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXICMP_GD_FRM)          /* EMAC1 Rx ICMP Good Frames Register */
1638 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXICMP_ERR_FRM        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXICMP_ERR_FRM)         /* EMAC1 Rx ICMP Error Frames Register */
1639 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_GD_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_GD_OCT)          /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Good Octets Register */
1640 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_HDR_ERR_OCT    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_HDR_ERR_OCT)     /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Header Errors Register */
1641 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_NOPAY_OCT      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_NOPAY_OCT)       /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 Datagrams No Payload Octets Register */
1642 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_FRAG_OCT       ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_FRAG_OCT)        /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 Datagrams Fragmented Octets Register */
1643 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_UDSBL_OCT      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV4_UDSBL_OCT)       /* EMAC1 Rx IPv4 UDP Disabled Octets Register */
1644 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_GD_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_GD_OCT)          /* EMAC1 Rx IPv6 Good Octets Register */
1645 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_HDR_ERR_OCT    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_HDR_ERR_OCT)     /* EMAC1 Rx IPv6 Header Errors Register */
1646 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_NOPAY_OCT      ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXIPV6_NOPAY_OCT)       /* EMAC1 Rx IPv6 No Payload Octets Register */
1647 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXUDP_GD_OCT          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXUDP_GD_OCT)           /* EMAC1 Rx UDP Good Octets Register */
1648 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXUDP_ERR_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXUDP_ERR_OCT)          /* EMAC1 Rx UDP Error Octets Register */
1649 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXTCP_GD_OCT          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXTCP_GD_OCT)           /* EMAC1 Rx TCP Good Octets Register */
1650 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXTCP_ERR_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXTCP_ERR_OCT)          /* EMAC1 Rx TCP Error Octets Register */
1651 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXICMP_GD_OCT         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXICMP_GD_OCT)          /* EMAC1 Rx ICMP Good Octets Register */
1652 #define pREG_EMAC1_RXICMP_ERR_OCT        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_RXICMP_ERR_OCT)         /* EMAC1 Rx ICMP Error Octets Register */
1653 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_CTL                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_CTL)                 /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Control Register */
1654 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_SUBSEC             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_SUBSEC)              /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Sub Second Increment Register */
1655 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_SEC                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_SEC)                 /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Low Seconds Register */
1656 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_NSEC               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_NSEC)                /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Nano Seconds Register */
1657 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_SECUPDT            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_SECUPDT)             /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Seconds Update Register */
1658 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_NSECUPDT           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_NSECUPDT)            /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Nano Seconds Update Register */
1659 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_ADDEND             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_ADDEND)              /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Addend Register */
1660 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_TGTM               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_TGTM)                /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Target Time Seconds Register */
1661 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_NTGTM              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_NTGTM)               /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Target Time Nano Seconds Register */
1662 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_HISEC              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_HISEC)               /* EMAC1 Time Stamp High Second Register */
1663 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_STMPSTAT           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_STMPSTAT)            /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Status Register */
1664 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_PPSCTL             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_PPSCTL)              /* EMAC1 PPS Control Register */
1665 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_AUXSTMP_NSEC       ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_AUXSTMP_NSEC)        /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Auxilary TS Nano Seconds Register */
1666 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_AUXSTMP_SEC        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_AUXSTMP_SEC)         /* EMAC1 Time Stamp Auxilary TM Seconds Register */
1667 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_PPSINTVL           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_PPSINTVL)            /* EMAC1 Time Stamp PPS Interval Register */
1668 #define pREG_EMAC1_TM_PPSWIDTH           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_TM_PPSWIDTH)            /* EMAC1 PPS Width Register */
1669 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_BUSMODE           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_BUSMODE)            /* EMAC1 DMA Bus Mode Register */
1670 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_TXPOLL            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_TXPOLL)             /* EMAC1 DMA Tx Poll Demand Register */
1671 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_RXPOLL            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_RXPOLL)             /* EMAC1 DMA Rx Poll Demand register */
1672 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_RXDSC_ADDR        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_RXDSC_ADDR)         /* EMAC1 DMA Rx Descriptor List Address Register */
1673 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_TXDSC_ADDR        ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_TXDSC_ADDR)         /* EMAC1 DMA Tx Descriptor List Address Register */
1674 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_STAT              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_STAT)               /* EMAC1 DMA Status Register */
1675 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_OPMODE            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_OPMODE)             /* EMAC1 DMA Operation Mode Register */
1676 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_IEN               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_IEN)                /* EMAC1 DMA Interrupt Enable Register */
1677 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_MISS_FRM          ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_MISS_FRM)           /* EMAC1 DMA Missed Frame Register */
1678 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_RXIWDOG           ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_RXIWDOG)            /* EMAC1 DMA Rx Interrupt Watch Dog Register */
1679 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_BMMODE            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_BMMODE)             /* EMAC1 DMA SCB Bus Mode Register */
1680 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_BMSTAT            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_BMSTAT)             /* EMAC1 DMA SCB Status Register */
1681 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_TXDSC_CUR         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_TXDSC_CUR)          /* EMAC1 DMA Tx Descriptor Current Register */
1682 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_RXDSC_CUR         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_RXDSC_CUR)          /* EMAC1 DMA Rx Descriptor Current Register */
1683 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_TXBUF_CUR         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_TXBUF_CUR)          /* EMAC1 DMA Tx Buffer Current Register */
1684 #define pREG_EMAC1_DMA_RXBUF_CUR         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EMAC1_DMA_RXBUF_CUR)          /* EMAC1 DMA Rx Buffer Current Register */
1687 /* =========================================================================
1688        SPORT0
1689    ========================================================================= */
1690 #define pREG_SPORT0_CTL_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CTL_A)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Control Register */
1691 #define pREG_SPORT0_DIV_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_DIV_A)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Divisor Register */
1692 #define pREG_SPORT0_MCTL_A               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_MCTL_A)                /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel Control Register */
1693 #define pREG_SPORT0_CS0_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CS0_A)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 0-31 Select Register */
1694 #define pREG_SPORT0_CS1_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CS1_A)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 32-63 Select Register */
1695 #define pREG_SPORT0_CS2_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CS2_A)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 64-95 Select Register */
1696 #define pREG_SPORT0_CS3_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CS3_A)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 96-127 Select Register */
1697 #define pREG_SPORT0_ERR_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_ERR_A)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Error Register */
1698 #define pREG_SPORT0_MSTAT_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_MSTAT_A)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel Status Register */
1699 #define pREG_SPORT0_CTL2_A               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CTL2_A)                /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Control 2 Register */
1700 #define pREG_SPORT0_TXPRI_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_TXPRI_A)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Tx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1701 #define pREG_SPORT0_RXPRI_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_RXPRI_A)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Rx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1702 #define pREG_SPORT0_TXSEC_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_TXSEC_A)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Tx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1703 #define pREG_SPORT0_RXSEC_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_RXSEC_A)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'A' Rx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1704 #define pREG_SPORT0_CTL_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CTL_B)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Control Register */
1705 #define pREG_SPORT0_DIV_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_DIV_B)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Divisor Register */
1706 #define pREG_SPORT0_MCTL_B               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_MCTL_B)                /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel Control Register */
1707 #define pREG_SPORT0_CS0_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CS0_B)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel 0-31 Select Register */
1708 #define pREG_SPORT0_CS1_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CS1_B)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel 32-63 Select Register */
1709 #define pREG_SPORT0_CS2_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CS2_B)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Multichannel 64-95 Select Register */
1710 #define pREG_SPORT0_CS3_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CS3_B)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Multichannel 96-127 Select Register */
1711 #define pREG_SPORT0_ERR_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_ERR_B)                 /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Error Register */
1712 #define pREG_SPORT0_MSTAT_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_MSTAT_B)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel Status Register */
1713 #define pREG_SPORT0_CTL2_B               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_CTL2_B)                /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Control 2 Register */
1714 #define pREG_SPORT0_TXPRI_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_TXPRI_B)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Tx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1715 #define pREG_SPORT0_RXPRI_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_RXPRI_B)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Rx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1716 #define pREG_SPORT0_TXSEC_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_TXSEC_B)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Tx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1717 #define pREG_SPORT0_RXSEC_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT0_RXSEC_B)               /* SPORT0 Half SPORT 'B' Rx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1719 /* =========================================================================
1720        SPORT1
1721    ========================================================================= */
1722 #define pREG_SPORT1_CTL_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CTL_A)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Control Register */
1723 #define pREG_SPORT1_DIV_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_DIV_A)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Divisor Register */
1724 #define pREG_SPORT1_MCTL_A               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_MCTL_A)                /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel Control Register */
1725 #define pREG_SPORT1_CS0_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CS0_A)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 0-31 Select Register */
1726 #define pREG_SPORT1_CS1_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CS1_A)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 32-63 Select Register */
1727 #define pREG_SPORT1_CS2_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CS2_A)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 64-95 Select Register */
1728 #define pREG_SPORT1_CS3_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CS3_A)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 96-127 Select Register */
1729 #define pREG_SPORT1_ERR_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_ERR_A)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Error Register */
1730 #define pREG_SPORT1_MSTAT_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_MSTAT_A)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel Status Register */
1731 #define pREG_SPORT1_CTL2_A               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CTL2_A)                /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Control 2 Register */
1732 #define pREG_SPORT1_TXPRI_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_TXPRI_A)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Tx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1733 #define pREG_SPORT1_RXPRI_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_RXPRI_A)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Rx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1734 #define pREG_SPORT1_TXSEC_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_TXSEC_A)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Tx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1735 #define pREG_SPORT1_RXSEC_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_RXSEC_A)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'A' Rx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1736 #define pREG_SPORT1_CTL_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CTL_B)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Control Register */
1737 #define pREG_SPORT1_DIV_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_DIV_B)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Divisor Register */
1738 #define pREG_SPORT1_MCTL_B               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_MCTL_B)                /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel Control Register */
1739 #define pREG_SPORT1_CS0_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CS0_B)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel 0-31 Select Register */
1740 #define pREG_SPORT1_CS1_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CS1_B)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel 32-63 Select Register */
1741 #define pREG_SPORT1_CS2_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CS2_B)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Multichannel 64-95 Select Register */
1742 #define pREG_SPORT1_CS3_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CS3_B)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Multichannel 96-127 Select Register */
1743 #define pREG_SPORT1_ERR_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_ERR_B)                 /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Error Register */
1744 #define pREG_SPORT1_MSTAT_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_MSTAT_B)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel Status Register */
1745 #define pREG_SPORT1_CTL2_B               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_CTL2_B)                /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Control 2 Register */
1746 #define pREG_SPORT1_TXPRI_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_TXPRI_B)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Tx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1747 #define pREG_SPORT1_RXPRI_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_RXPRI_B)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Rx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1748 #define pREG_SPORT1_TXSEC_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_TXSEC_B)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Tx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1749 #define pREG_SPORT1_RXSEC_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT1_RXSEC_B)               /* SPORT1 Half SPORT 'B' Rx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1751 /* =========================================================================
1752        SPORT2
1753    ========================================================================= */
1754 #define pREG_SPORT2_CTL_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CTL_A)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Control Register */
1755 #define pREG_SPORT2_DIV_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_DIV_A)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Divisor Register */
1756 #define pREG_SPORT2_MCTL_A               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_MCTL_A)                /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel Control Register */
1757 #define pREG_SPORT2_CS0_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CS0_A)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 0-31 Select Register */
1758 #define pREG_SPORT2_CS1_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CS1_A)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 32-63 Select Register */
1759 #define pREG_SPORT2_CS2_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CS2_A)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 64-95 Select Register */
1760 #define pREG_SPORT2_CS3_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CS3_A)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel 96-127 Select Register */
1761 #define pREG_SPORT2_ERR_A                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_ERR_A)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Error Register */
1762 #define pREG_SPORT2_MSTAT_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_MSTAT_A)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Multi-channel Status Register */
1763 #define pREG_SPORT2_CTL2_A               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CTL2_A)                /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Control 2 Register */
1764 #define pREG_SPORT2_TXPRI_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_TXPRI_A)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Tx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1765 #define pREG_SPORT2_RXPRI_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_RXPRI_A)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Rx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1766 #define pREG_SPORT2_TXSEC_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_TXSEC_A)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Tx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1767 #define pREG_SPORT2_RXSEC_A              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_RXSEC_A)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'A' Rx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1768 #define pREG_SPORT2_CTL_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CTL_B)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Control Register */
1769 #define pREG_SPORT2_DIV_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_DIV_B)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Divisor Register */
1770 #define pREG_SPORT2_MCTL_B               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_MCTL_B)                /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel Control Register */
1771 #define pREG_SPORT2_CS0_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CS0_B)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel 0-31 Select Register */
1772 #define pREG_SPORT2_CS1_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CS1_B)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel 32-63 Select Register */
1773 #define pREG_SPORT2_CS2_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CS2_B)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Multichannel 64-95 Select Register */
1774 #define pREG_SPORT2_CS3_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CS3_B)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Multichannel 96-127 Select Register */
1775 #define pREG_SPORT2_ERR_B                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_ERR_B)                 /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Error Register */
1776 #define pREG_SPORT2_MSTAT_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_MSTAT_B)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Multi-channel Status Register */
1777 #define pREG_SPORT2_CTL2_B               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_CTL2_B)                /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Control 2 Register */
1778 #define pREG_SPORT2_TXPRI_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_TXPRI_B)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Tx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1779 #define pREG_SPORT2_RXPRI_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_RXPRI_B)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Rx Buffer (Primary) Register */
1780 #define pREG_SPORT2_TXSEC_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_TXSEC_B)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Tx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1781 #define pREG_SPORT2_RXSEC_B              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPORT2_RXSEC_B)               /* SPORT2 Half SPORT 'B' Rx Buffer (Secondary) Register */
1784 /* =========================================================================
1785        SPI0
1786    ========================================================================= */
1787 #define pREG_SPI0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_CTL)                     /* SPI0 Control Register */
1788 #define pREG_SPI0_RXCTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_RXCTL)                   /* SPI0 Receive Control Register */
1789 #define pREG_SPI0_TXCTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_TXCTL)                   /* SPI0 Transmit Control Register */
1790 #define pREG_SPI0_CLK                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_CLK)                     /* SPI0 Clock Rate Register */
1791 #define pREG_SPI0_DLY                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_DLY)                     /* SPI0 Delay Register */
1792 #define pREG_SPI0_SLVSEL                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_SLVSEL)                  /* SPI0 Slave Select Register */
1793 #define pREG_SPI0_RWC                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_RWC)                     /* SPI0 Received Word Count Register */
1794 #define pREG_SPI0_RWCR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_RWCR)                    /* SPI0 Received Word Count Reload Register */
1795 #define pREG_SPI0_TWC                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_TWC)                     /* SPI0 Transmitted Word Count Register */
1796 #define pREG_SPI0_TWCR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_TWCR)                    /* SPI0 Transmitted Word Count Reload Register */
1797 #define pREG_SPI0_IMSK                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_IMSK)                    /* SPI0 Interrupt Mask Register */
1798 #define pREG_SPI0_IMSK_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_IMSK_CLR)                /* SPI0 Interrupt Mask Clear Register */
1799 #define pREG_SPI0_IMSK_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_IMSK_SET)                /* SPI0 Interrupt Mask Set Register */
1800 #define pREG_SPI0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_STAT)                    /* SPI0 Status Register */
1801 #define pREG_SPI0_ILAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_ILAT)                    /* SPI0 Masked Interrupt Condition Register */
1802 #define pREG_SPI0_ILAT_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_ILAT_CLR)                /* SPI0 Masked Interrupt Clear Register */
1803 #define pREG_SPI0_RFIFO                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_RFIFO)                   /* SPI0 Receive FIFO Data Register */
1804 #define pREG_SPI0_TFIFO                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI0_TFIFO)                   /* SPI0 Transmit FIFO Data Register */
1806 /* =========================================================================
1807        SPI1
1808    ========================================================================= */
1809 #define pREG_SPI1_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_CTL)                     /* SPI1 Control Register */
1810 #define pREG_SPI1_RXCTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_RXCTL)                   /* SPI1 Receive Control Register */
1811 #define pREG_SPI1_TXCTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_TXCTL)                   /* SPI1 Transmit Control Register */
1812 #define pREG_SPI1_CLK                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_CLK)                     /* SPI1 Clock Rate Register */
1813 #define pREG_SPI1_DLY                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_DLY)                     /* SPI1 Delay Register */
1814 #define pREG_SPI1_SLVSEL                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_SLVSEL)                  /* SPI1 Slave Select Register */
1815 #define pREG_SPI1_RWC                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_RWC)                     /* SPI1 Received Word Count Register */
1816 #define pREG_SPI1_RWCR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_RWCR)                    /* SPI1 Received Word Count Reload Register */
1817 #define pREG_SPI1_TWC                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_TWC)                     /* SPI1 Transmitted Word Count Register */
1818 #define pREG_SPI1_TWCR                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_TWCR)                    /* SPI1 Transmitted Word Count Reload Register */
1819 #define pREG_SPI1_IMSK                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_IMSK)                    /* SPI1 Interrupt Mask Register */
1820 #define pREG_SPI1_IMSK_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_IMSK_CLR)                /* SPI1 Interrupt Mask Clear Register */
1821 #define pREG_SPI1_IMSK_SET               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_IMSK_SET)                /* SPI1 Interrupt Mask Set Register */
1822 #define pREG_SPI1_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_STAT)                    /* SPI1 Status Register */
1823 #define pREG_SPI1_ILAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_ILAT)                    /* SPI1 Masked Interrupt Condition Register */
1824 #define pREG_SPI1_ILAT_CLR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_ILAT_CLR)                /* SPI1 Masked Interrupt Clear Register */
1825 #define pREG_SPI1_RFIFO                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_RFIFO)                   /* SPI1 Receive FIFO Data Register */
1826 #define pREG_SPI1_TFIFO                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPI1_TFIFO)                   /* SPI1 Transmit FIFO Data Register */
1829 /* =========================================================================
1830        DMA0
1831    ========================================================================= */
1832 #define pREG_DMA0_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA0_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA0 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
1833 #define pREG_DMA0_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA0_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA0 Start Address of Current Buffer */
1834 #define pREG_DMA0_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_CFG)                     /* DMA0 Configuration Register */
1835 #define pREG_DMA0_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_XCNT)                    /* DMA0 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
1836 #define pREG_DMA0_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA0_XMOD)                    /* DMA0 Inner Loop Address Increment */
1837 #define pREG_DMA0_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_YCNT)                    /* DMA0 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
1838 #define pREG_DMA0_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA0_YMOD)                    /* DMA0 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
1839 #define pREG_DMA0_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA0_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA0 Current Descriptor Pointer */
1840 #define pREG_DMA0_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA0_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA0 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
1841 #define pREG_DMA0_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA0_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA0 Current Address */
1842 #define pREG_DMA0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_STAT)                    /* DMA0 Status Register */
1843 #define pREG_DMA0_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA0 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
1844 #define pREG_DMA0_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA0 Current Row Count (2D only) */
1845 #define pREG_DMA0_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA0 Bandwidth Limit Count */
1846 #define pREG_DMA0_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA0 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
1847 #define pREG_DMA0_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA0 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
1848 #define pREG_DMA0_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA0_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA0 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
1850 /* =========================================================================
1851        DMA1
1852    ========================================================================= */
1853 #define pREG_DMA1_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA1_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA1 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
1854 #define pREG_DMA1_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA1_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA1 Start Address of Current Buffer */
1855 #define pREG_DMA1_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_CFG)                     /* DMA1 Configuration Register */
1856 #define pREG_DMA1_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_XCNT)                    /* DMA1 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
1857 #define pREG_DMA1_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA1_XMOD)                    /* DMA1 Inner Loop Address Increment */
1858 #define pREG_DMA1_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_YCNT)                    /* DMA1 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
1859 #define pREG_DMA1_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA1_YMOD)                    /* DMA1 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
1860 #define pREG_DMA1_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA1_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA1 Current Descriptor Pointer */
1861 #define pREG_DMA1_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA1_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA1 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
1862 #define pREG_DMA1_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA1_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA1 Current Address */
1863 #define pREG_DMA1_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_STAT)                    /* DMA1 Status Register */
1864 #define pREG_DMA1_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA1 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
1865 #define pREG_DMA1_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA1 Current Row Count (2D only) */
1866 #define pREG_DMA1_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA1 Bandwidth Limit Count */
1867 #define pREG_DMA1_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA1 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
1868 #define pREG_DMA1_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA1 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
1869 #define pREG_DMA1_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA1_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA1 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
1871 /* =========================================================================
1872        DMA2
1873    ========================================================================= */
1874 #define pREG_DMA2_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA2_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA2 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
1875 #define pREG_DMA2_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA2_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA2 Start Address of Current Buffer */
1876 #define pREG_DMA2_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_CFG)                     /* DMA2 Configuration Register */
1877 #define pREG_DMA2_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_XCNT)                    /* DMA2 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
1878 #define pREG_DMA2_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA2_XMOD)                    /* DMA2 Inner Loop Address Increment */
1879 #define pREG_DMA2_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_YCNT)                    /* DMA2 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
1880 #define pREG_DMA2_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA2_YMOD)                    /* DMA2 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
1881 #define pREG_DMA2_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA2_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA2 Current Descriptor Pointer */
1882 #define pREG_DMA2_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA2_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA2 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
1883 #define pREG_DMA2_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA2_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA2 Current Address */
1884 #define pREG_DMA2_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_STAT)                    /* DMA2 Status Register */
1885 #define pREG_DMA2_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA2 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
1886 #define pREG_DMA2_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA2 Current Row Count (2D only) */
1887 #define pREG_DMA2_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA2 Bandwidth Limit Count */
1888 #define pREG_DMA2_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA2 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
1889 #define pREG_DMA2_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA2 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
1890 #define pREG_DMA2_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA2_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA2 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
1892 /* =========================================================================
1893        DMA3
1894    ========================================================================= */
1895 #define pREG_DMA3_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA3_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA3 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
1896 #define pREG_DMA3_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA3_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA3 Start Address of Current Buffer */
1897 #define pREG_DMA3_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_CFG)                     /* DMA3 Configuration Register */
1898 #define pREG_DMA3_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_XCNT)                    /* DMA3 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
1899 #define pREG_DMA3_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA3_XMOD)                    /* DMA3 Inner Loop Address Increment */
1900 #define pREG_DMA3_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_YCNT)                    /* DMA3 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
1901 #define pREG_DMA3_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA3_YMOD)                    /* DMA3 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
1902 #define pREG_DMA3_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA3_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA3 Current Descriptor Pointer */
1903 #define pREG_DMA3_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA3_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA3 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
1904 #define pREG_DMA3_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA3_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA3 Current Address */
1905 #define pREG_DMA3_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_STAT)                    /* DMA3 Status Register */
1906 #define pREG_DMA3_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA3 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
1907 #define pREG_DMA3_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA3 Current Row Count (2D only) */
1908 #define pREG_DMA3_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA3 Bandwidth Limit Count */
1909 #define pREG_DMA3_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA3 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
1910 #define pREG_DMA3_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA3 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
1911 #define pREG_DMA3_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA3_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA3 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
1913 /* =========================================================================
1914        DMA4
1915    ========================================================================= */
1916 #define pREG_DMA4_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA4_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA4 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
1917 #define pREG_DMA4_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA4_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA4 Start Address of Current Buffer */
1918 #define pREG_DMA4_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_CFG)                     /* DMA4 Configuration Register */
1919 #define pREG_DMA4_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_XCNT)                    /* DMA4 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
1920 #define pREG_DMA4_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA4_XMOD)                    /* DMA4 Inner Loop Address Increment */
1921 #define pREG_DMA4_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_YCNT)                    /* DMA4 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
1922 #define pREG_DMA4_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA4_YMOD)                    /* DMA4 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
1923 #define pREG_DMA4_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA4_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA4 Current Descriptor Pointer */
1924 #define pREG_DMA4_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA4_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA4 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
1925 #define pREG_DMA4_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA4_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA4 Current Address */
1926 #define pREG_DMA4_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_STAT)                    /* DMA4 Status Register */
1927 #define pREG_DMA4_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA4 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
1928 #define pREG_DMA4_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA4 Current Row Count (2D only) */
1929 #define pREG_DMA4_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA4 Bandwidth Limit Count */
1930 #define pREG_DMA4_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA4 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
1931 #define pREG_DMA4_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA4 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
1932 #define pREG_DMA4_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA4_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA4 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
1934 /* =========================================================================
1935        DMA5
1936    ========================================================================= */
1937 #define pREG_DMA5_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA5_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA5 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
1938 #define pREG_DMA5_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA5_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA5 Start Address of Current Buffer */
1939 #define pREG_DMA5_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_CFG)                     /* DMA5 Configuration Register */
1940 #define pREG_DMA5_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_XCNT)                    /* DMA5 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
1941 #define pREG_DMA5_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA5_XMOD)                    /* DMA5 Inner Loop Address Increment */
1942 #define pREG_DMA5_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_YCNT)                    /* DMA5 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
1943 #define pREG_DMA5_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA5_YMOD)                    /* DMA5 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
1944 #define pREG_DMA5_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA5_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA5 Current Descriptor Pointer */
1945 #define pREG_DMA5_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA5_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA5 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
1946 #define pREG_DMA5_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA5_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA5 Current Address */
1947 #define pREG_DMA5_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_STAT)                    /* DMA5 Status Register */
1948 #define pREG_DMA5_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA5 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
1949 #define pREG_DMA5_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA5 Current Row Count (2D only) */
1950 #define pREG_DMA5_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA5 Bandwidth Limit Count */
1951 #define pREG_DMA5_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA5 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
1952 #define pREG_DMA5_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA5 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
1953 #define pREG_DMA5_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA5_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA5 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
1955 /* =========================================================================
1956        DMA6
1957    ========================================================================= */
1958 #define pREG_DMA6_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA6_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA6 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
1959 #define pREG_DMA6_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA6_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA6 Start Address of Current Buffer */
1960 #define pREG_DMA6_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_CFG)                     /* DMA6 Configuration Register */
1961 #define pREG_DMA6_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_XCNT)                    /* DMA6 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
1962 #define pREG_DMA6_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA6_XMOD)                    /* DMA6 Inner Loop Address Increment */
1963 #define pREG_DMA6_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_YCNT)                    /* DMA6 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
1964 #define pREG_DMA6_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA6_YMOD)                    /* DMA6 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
1965 #define pREG_DMA6_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA6_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA6 Current Descriptor Pointer */
1966 #define pREG_DMA6_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA6_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA6 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
1967 #define pREG_DMA6_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA6_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA6 Current Address */
1968 #define pREG_DMA6_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_STAT)                    /* DMA6 Status Register */
1969 #define pREG_DMA6_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA6 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
1970 #define pREG_DMA6_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA6 Current Row Count (2D only) */
1971 #define pREG_DMA6_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA6 Bandwidth Limit Count */
1972 #define pREG_DMA6_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA6 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
1973 #define pREG_DMA6_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA6 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
1974 #define pREG_DMA6_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA6_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA6 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
1976 /* =========================================================================
1977        DMA7
1978    ========================================================================= */
1979 #define pREG_DMA7_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA7_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA7 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
1980 #define pREG_DMA7_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA7_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA7 Start Address of Current Buffer */
1981 #define pREG_DMA7_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_CFG)                     /* DMA7 Configuration Register */
1982 #define pREG_DMA7_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_XCNT)                    /* DMA7 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
1983 #define pREG_DMA7_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA7_XMOD)                    /* DMA7 Inner Loop Address Increment */
1984 #define pREG_DMA7_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_YCNT)                    /* DMA7 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
1985 #define pREG_DMA7_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA7_YMOD)                    /* DMA7 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
1986 #define pREG_DMA7_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA7_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA7 Current Descriptor Pointer */
1987 #define pREG_DMA7_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA7_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA7 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
1988 #define pREG_DMA7_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA7_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA7 Current Address */
1989 #define pREG_DMA7_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_STAT)                    /* DMA7 Status Register */
1990 #define pREG_DMA7_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA7 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
1991 #define pREG_DMA7_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA7 Current Row Count (2D only) */
1992 #define pREG_DMA7_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA7 Bandwidth Limit Count */
1993 #define pREG_DMA7_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA7 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
1994 #define pREG_DMA7_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA7 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
1995 #define pREG_DMA7_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA7_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA7 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
1997 /* =========================================================================
1998        DMA8
1999    ========================================================================= */
2000 #define pREG_DMA8_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA8_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA8 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2001 #define pREG_DMA8_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA8_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA8 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2002 #define pREG_DMA8_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_CFG)                     /* DMA8 Configuration Register */
2003 #define pREG_DMA8_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_XCNT)                    /* DMA8 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2004 #define pREG_DMA8_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA8_XMOD)                    /* DMA8 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2005 #define pREG_DMA8_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_YCNT)                    /* DMA8 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2006 #define pREG_DMA8_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA8_YMOD)                    /* DMA8 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2007 #define pREG_DMA8_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA8_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA8 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2008 #define pREG_DMA8_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA8_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA8 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2009 #define pREG_DMA8_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA8_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA8 Current Address */
2010 #define pREG_DMA8_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_STAT)                    /* DMA8 Status Register */
2011 #define pREG_DMA8_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA8 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2012 #define pREG_DMA8_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA8 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2013 #define pREG_DMA8_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA8 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2014 #define pREG_DMA8_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA8 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2015 #define pREG_DMA8_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA8 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2016 #define pREG_DMA8_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA8_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA8 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2018 /* =========================================================================
2019        DMA9
2020    ========================================================================= */
2021 #define pREG_DMA9_DSCPTR_NXT             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA9_DSCPTR_NXT)                /* DMA9 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2022 #define pREG_DMA9_ADDRSTART              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA9_ADDRSTART)                 /* DMA9 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2023 #define pREG_DMA9_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_CFG)                     /* DMA9 Configuration Register */
2024 #define pREG_DMA9_XCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_XCNT)                    /* DMA9 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2025 #define pREG_DMA9_XMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA9_XMOD)                    /* DMA9 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2026 #define pREG_DMA9_YCNT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_YCNT)                    /* DMA9 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2027 #define pREG_DMA9_YMOD                   ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA9_YMOD)                    /* DMA9 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2028 #define pREG_DMA9_DSCPTR_CUR             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA9_DSCPTR_CUR)                /* DMA9 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2029 #define pREG_DMA9_DSCPTR_PRV             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA9_DSCPTR_PRV)                /* DMA9 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2030 #define pREG_DMA9_ADDR_CUR               ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA9_ADDR_CUR)                  /* DMA9 Current Address */
2031 #define pREG_DMA9_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_STAT)                    /* DMA9 Status Register */
2032 #define pREG_DMA9_XCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_XCNT_CUR)                /* DMA9 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2033 #define pREG_DMA9_YCNT_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_YCNT_CUR)                /* DMA9 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2034 #define pREG_DMA9_BWLCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_BWLCNT)                  /* DMA9 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2035 #define pREG_DMA9_BWLCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_BWLCNT_CUR)              /* DMA9 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2036 #define pREG_DMA9_BWMCNT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_BWMCNT)                  /* DMA9 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2037 #define pREG_DMA9_BWMCNT_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA9_BWMCNT_CUR)              /* DMA9 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2039 /* =========================================================================
2040        DMA10
2041    ========================================================================= */
2042 #define pREG_DMA10_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA10_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA10 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2043 #define pREG_DMA10_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA10_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA10 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2044 #define pREG_DMA10_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_CFG)                    /* DMA10 Configuration Register */
2045 #define pREG_DMA10_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_XCNT)                   /* DMA10 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2046 #define pREG_DMA10_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA10_XMOD)                   /* DMA10 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2047 #define pREG_DMA10_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_YCNT)                   /* DMA10 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2048 #define pREG_DMA10_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA10_YMOD)                   /* DMA10 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2049 #define pREG_DMA10_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA10_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA10 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2050 #define pREG_DMA10_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA10_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA10 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2051 #define pREG_DMA10_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA10_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA10 Current Address */
2052 #define pREG_DMA10_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_STAT)                   /* DMA10 Status Register */
2053 #define pREG_DMA10_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA10 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2054 #define pREG_DMA10_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA10 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2055 #define pREG_DMA10_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA10 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2056 #define pREG_DMA10_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA10 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2057 #define pREG_DMA10_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA10 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2058 #define pREG_DMA10_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA10_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA10 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2060 /* =========================================================================
2061        DMA11
2062    ========================================================================= */
2063 #define pREG_DMA11_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA11_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA11 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2064 #define pREG_DMA11_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA11_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA11 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2065 #define pREG_DMA11_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_CFG)                    /* DMA11 Configuration Register */
2066 #define pREG_DMA11_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_XCNT)                   /* DMA11 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2067 #define pREG_DMA11_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA11_XMOD)                   /* DMA11 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2068 #define pREG_DMA11_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_YCNT)                   /* DMA11 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2069 #define pREG_DMA11_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA11_YMOD)                   /* DMA11 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2070 #define pREG_DMA11_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA11_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA11 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2071 #define pREG_DMA11_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA11_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA11 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2072 #define pREG_DMA11_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA11_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA11 Current Address */
2073 #define pREG_DMA11_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_STAT)                   /* DMA11 Status Register */
2074 #define pREG_DMA11_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA11 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2075 #define pREG_DMA11_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA11 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2076 #define pREG_DMA11_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA11 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2077 #define pREG_DMA11_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA11 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2078 #define pREG_DMA11_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA11 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2079 #define pREG_DMA11_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA11_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA11 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2081 /* =========================================================================
2082        DMA12
2083    ========================================================================= */
2084 #define pREG_DMA12_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA12_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA12 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2085 #define pREG_DMA12_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA12_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA12 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2086 #define pREG_DMA12_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_CFG)                    /* DMA12 Configuration Register */
2087 #define pREG_DMA12_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_XCNT)                   /* DMA12 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2088 #define pREG_DMA12_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA12_XMOD)                   /* DMA12 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2089 #define pREG_DMA12_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_YCNT)                   /* DMA12 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2090 #define pREG_DMA12_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA12_YMOD)                   /* DMA12 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2091 #define pREG_DMA12_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA12_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA12 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2092 #define pREG_DMA12_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA12_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA12 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2093 #define pREG_DMA12_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA12_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA12 Current Address */
2094 #define pREG_DMA12_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_STAT)                   /* DMA12 Status Register */
2095 #define pREG_DMA12_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA12 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2096 #define pREG_DMA12_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA12 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2097 #define pREG_DMA12_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA12 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2098 #define pREG_DMA12_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA12 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2099 #define pREG_DMA12_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA12 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2100 #define pREG_DMA12_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA12_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA12 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2102 /* =========================================================================
2103        DMA13
2104    ========================================================================= */
2105 #define pREG_DMA13_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA13_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA13 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2106 #define pREG_DMA13_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA13_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA13 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2107 #define pREG_DMA13_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_CFG)                    /* DMA13 Configuration Register */
2108 #define pREG_DMA13_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_XCNT)                   /* DMA13 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2109 #define pREG_DMA13_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA13_XMOD)                   /* DMA13 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2110 #define pREG_DMA13_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_YCNT)                   /* DMA13 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2111 #define pREG_DMA13_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA13_YMOD)                   /* DMA13 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2112 #define pREG_DMA13_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA13_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA13 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2113 #define pREG_DMA13_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA13_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA13 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2114 #define pREG_DMA13_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA13_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA13 Current Address */
2115 #define pREG_DMA13_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_STAT)                   /* DMA13 Status Register */
2116 #define pREG_DMA13_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA13 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2117 #define pREG_DMA13_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA13 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2118 #define pREG_DMA13_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA13 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2119 #define pREG_DMA13_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA13 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2120 #define pREG_DMA13_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA13 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2121 #define pREG_DMA13_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA13_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA13 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2123 /* =========================================================================
2124        DMA14
2125    ========================================================================= */
2126 #define pREG_DMA14_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA14_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA14 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2127 #define pREG_DMA14_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA14_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA14 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2128 #define pREG_DMA14_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_CFG)                    /* DMA14 Configuration Register */
2129 #define pREG_DMA14_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_XCNT)                   /* DMA14 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2130 #define pREG_DMA14_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA14_XMOD)                   /* DMA14 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2131 #define pREG_DMA14_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_YCNT)                   /* DMA14 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2132 #define pREG_DMA14_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA14_YMOD)                   /* DMA14 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2133 #define pREG_DMA14_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA14_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA14 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2134 #define pREG_DMA14_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA14_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA14 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2135 #define pREG_DMA14_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA14_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA14 Current Address */
2136 #define pREG_DMA14_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_STAT)                   /* DMA14 Status Register */
2137 #define pREG_DMA14_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA14 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2138 #define pREG_DMA14_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA14 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2139 #define pREG_DMA14_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA14 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2140 #define pREG_DMA14_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA14 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2141 #define pREG_DMA14_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA14 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2142 #define pREG_DMA14_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA14_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA14 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2144 /* =========================================================================
2145        DMA15
2146    ========================================================================= */
2147 #define pREG_DMA15_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA15_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA15 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2148 #define pREG_DMA15_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA15_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA15 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2149 #define pREG_DMA15_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_CFG)                    /* DMA15 Configuration Register */
2150 #define pREG_DMA15_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_XCNT)                   /* DMA15 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2151 #define pREG_DMA15_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA15_XMOD)                   /* DMA15 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2152 #define pREG_DMA15_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_YCNT)                   /* DMA15 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2153 #define pREG_DMA15_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA15_YMOD)                   /* DMA15 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2154 #define pREG_DMA15_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA15_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA15 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2155 #define pREG_DMA15_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA15_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA15 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2156 #define pREG_DMA15_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA15_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA15 Current Address */
2157 #define pREG_DMA15_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_STAT)                   /* DMA15 Status Register */
2158 #define pREG_DMA15_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA15 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2159 #define pREG_DMA15_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA15 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2160 #define pREG_DMA15_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA15 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2161 #define pREG_DMA15_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA15 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2162 #define pREG_DMA15_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA15 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2163 #define pREG_DMA15_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA15_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA15 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2165 /* =========================================================================
2166        DMA16
2167    ========================================================================= */
2168 #define pREG_DMA16_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA16_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA16 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2169 #define pREG_DMA16_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA16_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA16 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2170 #define pREG_DMA16_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_CFG)                    /* DMA16 Configuration Register */
2171 #define pREG_DMA16_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_XCNT)                   /* DMA16 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2172 #define pREG_DMA16_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA16_XMOD)                   /* DMA16 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2173 #define pREG_DMA16_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_YCNT)                   /* DMA16 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2174 #define pREG_DMA16_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA16_YMOD)                   /* DMA16 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2175 #define pREG_DMA16_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA16_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA16 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2176 #define pREG_DMA16_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA16_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA16 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2177 #define pREG_DMA16_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA16_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA16 Current Address */
2178 #define pREG_DMA16_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_STAT)                   /* DMA16 Status Register */
2179 #define pREG_DMA16_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA16 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2180 #define pREG_DMA16_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA16 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2181 #define pREG_DMA16_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA16 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2182 #define pREG_DMA16_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA16 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2183 #define pREG_DMA16_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA16 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2184 #define pREG_DMA16_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA16_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA16 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2186 /* =========================================================================
2187        DMA17
2188    ========================================================================= */
2189 #define pREG_DMA17_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA17_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA17 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2190 #define pREG_DMA17_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA17_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA17 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2191 #define pREG_DMA17_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_CFG)                    /* DMA17 Configuration Register */
2192 #define pREG_DMA17_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_XCNT)                   /* DMA17 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2193 #define pREG_DMA17_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA17_XMOD)                   /* DMA17 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2194 #define pREG_DMA17_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_YCNT)                   /* DMA17 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2195 #define pREG_DMA17_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA17_YMOD)                   /* DMA17 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2196 #define pREG_DMA17_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA17_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA17 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2197 #define pREG_DMA17_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA17_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA17 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2198 #define pREG_DMA17_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA17_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA17 Current Address */
2199 #define pREG_DMA17_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_STAT)                   /* DMA17 Status Register */
2200 #define pREG_DMA17_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA17 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2201 #define pREG_DMA17_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA17 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2202 #define pREG_DMA17_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA17 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2203 #define pREG_DMA17_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA17 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2204 #define pREG_DMA17_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA17 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2205 #define pREG_DMA17_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA17_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA17 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2207 /* =========================================================================
2208        DMA18
2209    ========================================================================= */
2210 #define pREG_DMA18_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA18_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA18 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2211 #define pREG_DMA18_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA18_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA18 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2212 #define pREG_DMA18_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_CFG)                    /* DMA18 Configuration Register */
2213 #define pREG_DMA18_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_XCNT)                   /* DMA18 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2214 #define pREG_DMA18_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA18_XMOD)                   /* DMA18 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2215 #define pREG_DMA18_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_YCNT)                   /* DMA18 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2216 #define pREG_DMA18_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA18_YMOD)                   /* DMA18 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2217 #define pREG_DMA18_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA18_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA18 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2218 #define pREG_DMA18_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA18_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA18 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2219 #define pREG_DMA18_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA18_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA18 Current Address */
2220 #define pREG_DMA18_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_STAT)                   /* DMA18 Status Register */
2221 #define pREG_DMA18_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA18 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2222 #define pREG_DMA18_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA18 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2223 #define pREG_DMA18_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA18 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2224 #define pREG_DMA18_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA18 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2225 #define pREG_DMA18_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA18 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2226 #define pREG_DMA18_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA18_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA18 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2228 /* =========================================================================
2229        DMA19
2230    ========================================================================= */
2231 #define pREG_DMA19_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA19_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA19 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2232 #define pREG_DMA19_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA19_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA19 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2233 #define pREG_DMA19_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_CFG)                    /* DMA19 Configuration Register */
2234 #define pREG_DMA19_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_XCNT)                   /* DMA19 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2235 #define pREG_DMA19_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA19_XMOD)                   /* DMA19 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2236 #define pREG_DMA19_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_YCNT)                   /* DMA19 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2237 #define pREG_DMA19_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA19_YMOD)                   /* DMA19 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2238 #define pREG_DMA19_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA19_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA19 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2239 #define pREG_DMA19_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA19_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA19 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2240 #define pREG_DMA19_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA19_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA19 Current Address */
2241 #define pREG_DMA19_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_STAT)                   /* DMA19 Status Register */
2242 #define pREG_DMA19_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA19 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2243 #define pREG_DMA19_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA19 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2244 #define pREG_DMA19_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA19 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2245 #define pREG_DMA19_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA19 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2246 #define pREG_DMA19_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA19 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2247 #define pREG_DMA19_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA19_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA19 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2249 /* =========================================================================
2250        DMA20
2251    ========================================================================= */
2252 #define pREG_DMA20_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA20_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA20 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2253 #define pREG_DMA20_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA20_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA20 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2254 #define pREG_DMA20_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_CFG)                    /* DMA20 Configuration Register */
2255 #define pREG_DMA20_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_XCNT)                   /* DMA20 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2256 #define pREG_DMA20_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA20_XMOD)                   /* DMA20 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2257 #define pREG_DMA20_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_YCNT)                   /* DMA20 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2258 #define pREG_DMA20_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA20_YMOD)                   /* DMA20 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2259 #define pREG_DMA20_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA20_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA20 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2260 #define pREG_DMA20_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA20_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA20 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2261 #define pREG_DMA20_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA20_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA20 Current Address */
2262 #define pREG_DMA20_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_STAT)                   /* DMA20 Status Register */
2263 #define pREG_DMA20_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA20 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2264 #define pREG_DMA20_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA20 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2265 #define pREG_DMA20_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA20 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2266 #define pREG_DMA20_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA20 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2267 #define pREG_DMA20_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA20 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2268 #define pREG_DMA20_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA20_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA20 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2270 /* =========================================================================
2271        DMA21
2272    ========================================================================= */
2273 #define pREG_DMA21_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA21_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA21 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2274 #define pREG_DMA21_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA21_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA21 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2275 #define pREG_DMA21_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_CFG)                    /* DMA21 Configuration Register */
2276 #define pREG_DMA21_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_XCNT)                   /* DMA21 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2277 #define pREG_DMA21_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA21_XMOD)                   /* DMA21 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2278 #define pREG_DMA21_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_YCNT)                   /* DMA21 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2279 #define pREG_DMA21_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA21_YMOD)                   /* DMA21 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2280 #define pREG_DMA21_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA21_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA21 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2281 #define pREG_DMA21_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA21_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA21 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2282 #define pREG_DMA21_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA21_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA21 Current Address */
2283 #define pREG_DMA21_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_STAT)                   /* DMA21 Status Register */
2284 #define pREG_DMA21_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA21 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2285 #define pREG_DMA21_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA21 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2286 #define pREG_DMA21_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA21 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2287 #define pREG_DMA21_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA21 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2288 #define pREG_DMA21_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA21 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2289 #define pREG_DMA21_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA21_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA21 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2291 /* =========================================================================
2292        DMA22
2293    ========================================================================= */
2294 #define pREG_DMA22_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA22_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA22 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2295 #define pREG_DMA22_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA22_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA22 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2296 #define pREG_DMA22_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_CFG)                    /* DMA22 Configuration Register */
2297 #define pREG_DMA22_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_XCNT)                   /* DMA22 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2298 #define pREG_DMA22_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA22_XMOD)                   /* DMA22 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2299 #define pREG_DMA22_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_YCNT)                   /* DMA22 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2300 #define pREG_DMA22_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA22_YMOD)                   /* DMA22 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2301 #define pREG_DMA22_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA22_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA22 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2302 #define pREG_DMA22_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA22_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA22 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2303 #define pREG_DMA22_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA22_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA22 Current Address */
2304 #define pREG_DMA22_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_STAT)                   /* DMA22 Status Register */
2305 #define pREG_DMA22_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA22 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2306 #define pREG_DMA22_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA22 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2307 #define pREG_DMA22_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA22 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2308 #define pREG_DMA22_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA22 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2309 #define pREG_DMA22_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA22 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2310 #define pREG_DMA22_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA22_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA22 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2312 /* =========================================================================
2313        DMA23
2314    ========================================================================= */
2315 #define pREG_DMA23_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA23_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA23 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2316 #define pREG_DMA23_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA23_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA23 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2317 #define pREG_DMA23_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_CFG)                    /* DMA23 Configuration Register */
2318 #define pREG_DMA23_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_XCNT)                   /* DMA23 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2319 #define pREG_DMA23_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA23_XMOD)                   /* DMA23 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2320 #define pREG_DMA23_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_YCNT)                   /* DMA23 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2321 #define pREG_DMA23_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA23_YMOD)                   /* DMA23 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2322 #define pREG_DMA23_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA23_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA23 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2323 #define pREG_DMA23_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA23_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA23 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2324 #define pREG_DMA23_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA23_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA23 Current Address */
2325 #define pREG_DMA23_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_STAT)                   /* DMA23 Status Register */
2326 #define pREG_DMA23_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA23 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2327 #define pREG_DMA23_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA23 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2328 #define pREG_DMA23_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA23 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2329 #define pREG_DMA23_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA23 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2330 #define pREG_DMA23_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA23 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2331 #define pREG_DMA23_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA23_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA23 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2333 /* =========================================================================
2334        DMA24
2335    ========================================================================= */
2336 #define pREG_DMA24_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA24_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA24 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2337 #define pREG_DMA24_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA24_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA24 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2338 #define pREG_DMA24_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_CFG)                    /* DMA24 Configuration Register */
2339 #define pREG_DMA24_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_XCNT)                   /* DMA24 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2340 #define pREG_DMA24_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA24_XMOD)                   /* DMA24 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2341 #define pREG_DMA24_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_YCNT)                   /* DMA24 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2342 #define pREG_DMA24_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA24_YMOD)                   /* DMA24 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2343 #define pREG_DMA24_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA24_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA24 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2344 #define pREG_DMA24_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA24_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA24 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2345 #define pREG_DMA24_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA24_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA24 Current Address */
2346 #define pREG_DMA24_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_STAT)                   /* DMA24 Status Register */
2347 #define pREG_DMA24_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA24 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2348 #define pREG_DMA24_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA24 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2349 #define pREG_DMA24_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA24 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2350 #define pREG_DMA24_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA24 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2351 #define pREG_DMA24_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA24 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2352 #define pREG_DMA24_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA24_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA24 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2354 /* =========================================================================
2355        DMA25
2356    ========================================================================= */
2357 #define pREG_DMA25_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA25_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA25 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2358 #define pREG_DMA25_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA25_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA25 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2359 #define pREG_DMA25_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_CFG)                    /* DMA25 Configuration Register */
2360 #define pREG_DMA25_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_XCNT)                   /* DMA25 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2361 #define pREG_DMA25_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA25_XMOD)                   /* DMA25 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2362 #define pREG_DMA25_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_YCNT)                   /* DMA25 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2363 #define pREG_DMA25_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA25_YMOD)                   /* DMA25 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2364 #define pREG_DMA25_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA25_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA25 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2365 #define pREG_DMA25_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA25_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA25 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2366 #define pREG_DMA25_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA25_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA25 Current Address */
2367 #define pREG_DMA25_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_STAT)                   /* DMA25 Status Register */
2368 #define pREG_DMA25_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA25 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2369 #define pREG_DMA25_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA25 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2370 #define pREG_DMA25_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA25 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2371 #define pREG_DMA25_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA25 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2372 #define pREG_DMA25_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA25 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2373 #define pREG_DMA25_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA25_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA25 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2375 /* =========================================================================
2376        DMA26
2377    ========================================================================= */
2378 #define pREG_DMA26_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA26_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA26 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2379 #define pREG_DMA26_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA26_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA26 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2380 #define pREG_DMA26_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_CFG)                    /* DMA26 Configuration Register */
2381 #define pREG_DMA26_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_XCNT)                   /* DMA26 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2382 #define pREG_DMA26_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA26_XMOD)                   /* DMA26 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2383 #define pREG_DMA26_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_YCNT)                   /* DMA26 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2384 #define pREG_DMA26_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA26_YMOD)                   /* DMA26 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2385 #define pREG_DMA26_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA26_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA26 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2386 #define pREG_DMA26_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA26_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA26 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2387 #define pREG_DMA26_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA26_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA26 Current Address */
2388 #define pREG_DMA26_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_STAT)                   /* DMA26 Status Register */
2389 #define pREG_DMA26_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA26 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2390 #define pREG_DMA26_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA26 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2391 #define pREG_DMA26_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA26 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2392 #define pREG_DMA26_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA26 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2393 #define pREG_DMA26_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA26 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2394 #define pREG_DMA26_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA26_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA26 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2396 /* =========================================================================
2397        DMA27
2398    ========================================================================= */
2399 #define pREG_DMA27_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA27_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA27 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2400 #define pREG_DMA27_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA27_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA27 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2401 #define pREG_DMA27_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_CFG)                    /* DMA27 Configuration Register */
2402 #define pREG_DMA27_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_XCNT)                   /* DMA27 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2403 #define pREG_DMA27_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA27_XMOD)                   /* DMA27 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2404 #define pREG_DMA27_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_YCNT)                   /* DMA27 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2405 #define pREG_DMA27_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA27_YMOD)                   /* DMA27 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2406 #define pREG_DMA27_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA27_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA27 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2407 #define pREG_DMA27_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA27_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA27 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2408 #define pREG_DMA27_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA27_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA27 Current Address */
2409 #define pREG_DMA27_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_STAT)                   /* DMA27 Status Register */
2410 #define pREG_DMA27_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA27 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2411 #define pREG_DMA27_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA27 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2412 #define pREG_DMA27_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA27 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2413 #define pREG_DMA27_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA27 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2414 #define pREG_DMA27_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA27 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2415 #define pREG_DMA27_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA27_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA27 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2417 /* =========================================================================
2418        DMA28
2419    ========================================================================= */
2420 #define pREG_DMA28_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA28_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA28 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2421 #define pREG_DMA28_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA28_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA28 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2422 #define pREG_DMA28_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_CFG)                    /* DMA28 Configuration Register */
2423 #define pREG_DMA28_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_XCNT)                   /* DMA28 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2424 #define pREG_DMA28_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA28_XMOD)                   /* DMA28 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2425 #define pREG_DMA28_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_YCNT)                   /* DMA28 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2426 #define pREG_DMA28_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA28_YMOD)                   /* DMA28 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2427 #define pREG_DMA28_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA28_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA28 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2428 #define pREG_DMA28_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA28_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA28 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2429 #define pREG_DMA28_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA28_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA28 Current Address */
2430 #define pREG_DMA28_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_STAT)                   /* DMA28 Status Register */
2431 #define pREG_DMA28_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA28 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2432 #define pREG_DMA28_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA28 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2433 #define pREG_DMA28_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA28 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2434 #define pREG_DMA28_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA28 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2435 #define pREG_DMA28_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA28 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2436 #define pREG_DMA28_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA28_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA28 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2438 /* =========================================================================
2439        DMA29
2440    ========================================================================= */
2441 #define pREG_DMA29_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA29_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA29 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2442 #define pREG_DMA29_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA29_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA29 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2443 #define pREG_DMA29_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_CFG)                    /* DMA29 Configuration Register */
2444 #define pREG_DMA29_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_XCNT)                   /* DMA29 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2445 #define pREG_DMA29_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA29_XMOD)                   /* DMA29 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2446 #define pREG_DMA29_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_YCNT)                   /* DMA29 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2447 #define pREG_DMA29_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA29_YMOD)                   /* DMA29 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2448 #define pREG_DMA29_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA29_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA29 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2449 #define pREG_DMA29_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA29_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA29 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2450 #define pREG_DMA29_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA29_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA29 Current Address */
2451 #define pREG_DMA29_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_STAT)                   /* DMA29 Status Register */
2452 #define pREG_DMA29_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA29 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2453 #define pREG_DMA29_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA29 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2454 #define pREG_DMA29_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA29 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2455 #define pREG_DMA29_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA29 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2456 #define pREG_DMA29_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA29 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2457 #define pREG_DMA29_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA29_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA29 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2459 /* =========================================================================
2460        DMA30
2461    ========================================================================= */
2462 #define pREG_DMA30_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA30_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA30 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2463 #define pREG_DMA30_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA30_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA30 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2464 #define pREG_DMA30_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_CFG)                    /* DMA30 Configuration Register */
2465 #define pREG_DMA30_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_XCNT)                   /* DMA30 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2466 #define pREG_DMA30_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA30_XMOD)                   /* DMA30 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2467 #define pREG_DMA30_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_YCNT)                   /* DMA30 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2468 #define pREG_DMA30_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA30_YMOD)                   /* DMA30 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2469 #define pREG_DMA30_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA30_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA30 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2470 #define pREG_DMA30_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA30_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA30 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2471 #define pREG_DMA30_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA30_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA30 Current Address */
2472 #define pREG_DMA30_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_STAT)                   /* DMA30 Status Register */
2473 #define pREG_DMA30_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA30 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2474 #define pREG_DMA30_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA30 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2475 #define pREG_DMA30_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA30 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2476 #define pREG_DMA30_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA30 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2477 #define pREG_DMA30_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA30 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2478 #define pREG_DMA30_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA30_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA30 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2480 /* =========================================================================
2481        DMA31
2482    ========================================================================= */
2483 #define pREG_DMA31_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA31_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA31 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2484 #define pREG_DMA31_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA31_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA31 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2485 #define pREG_DMA31_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_CFG)                    /* DMA31 Configuration Register */
2486 #define pREG_DMA31_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_XCNT)                   /* DMA31 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2487 #define pREG_DMA31_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA31_XMOD)                   /* DMA31 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2488 #define pREG_DMA31_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_YCNT)                   /* DMA31 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2489 #define pREG_DMA31_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA31_YMOD)                   /* DMA31 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2490 #define pREG_DMA31_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA31_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA31 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2491 #define pREG_DMA31_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA31_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA31 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2492 #define pREG_DMA31_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA31_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA31 Current Address */
2493 #define pREG_DMA31_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_STAT)                   /* DMA31 Status Register */
2494 #define pREG_DMA31_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA31 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2495 #define pREG_DMA31_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA31 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2496 #define pREG_DMA31_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA31 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2497 #define pREG_DMA31_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA31 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2498 #define pREG_DMA31_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA31 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2499 #define pREG_DMA31_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA31_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA31 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2501 /* =========================================================================
2502        DMA32
2503    ========================================================================= */
2504 #define pREG_DMA32_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA32_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA32 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2505 #define pREG_DMA32_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA32_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA32 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2506 #define pREG_DMA32_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_CFG)                    /* DMA32 Configuration Register */
2507 #define pREG_DMA32_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_XCNT)                   /* DMA32 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2508 #define pREG_DMA32_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA32_XMOD)                   /* DMA32 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2509 #define pREG_DMA32_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_YCNT)                   /* DMA32 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2510 #define pREG_DMA32_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA32_YMOD)                   /* DMA32 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2511 #define pREG_DMA32_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA32_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA32 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2512 #define pREG_DMA32_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA32_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA32 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2513 #define pREG_DMA32_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA32_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA32 Current Address */
2514 #define pREG_DMA32_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_STAT)                   /* DMA32 Status Register */
2515 #define pREG_DMA32_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA32 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2516 #define pREG_DMA32_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA32 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2517 #define pREG_DMA32_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA32 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2518 #define pREG_DMA32_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA32 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2519 #define pREG_DMA32_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA32 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2520 #define pREG_DMA32_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA32_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA32 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2522 /* =========================================================================
2523        DMA33
2524    ========================================================================= */
2525 #define pREG_DMA33_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA33_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA33 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2526 #define pREG_DMA33_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA33_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA33 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2527 #define pREG_DMA33_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_CFG)                    /* DMA33 Configuration Register */
2528 #define pREG_DMA33_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_XCNT)                   /* DMA33 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2529 #define pREG_DMA33_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA33_XMOD)                   /* DMA33 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2530 #define pREG_DMA33_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_YCNT)                   /* DMA33 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2531 #define pREG_DMA33_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA33_YMOD)                   /* DMA33 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2532 #define pREG_DMA33_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA33_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA33 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2533 #define pREG_DMA33_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA33_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA33 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2534 #define pREG_DMA33_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA33_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA33 Current Address */
2535 #define pREG_DMA33_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_STAT)                   /* DMA33 Status Register */
2536 #define pREG_DMA33_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA33 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2537 #define pREG_DMA33_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA33 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2538 #define pREG_DMA33_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA33 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2539 #define pREG_DMA33_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA33 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2540 #define pREG_DMA33_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA33 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2541 #define pREG_DMA33_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA33_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA33 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2543 /* =========================================================================
2544        DMA34
2545    ========================================================================= */
2546 #define pREG_DMA34_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA34_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA34 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2547 #define pREG_DMA34_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA34_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA34 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2548 #define pREG_DMA34_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_CFG)                    /* DMA34 Configuration Register */
2549 #define pREG_DMA34_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_XCNT)                   /* DMA34 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2550 #define pREG_DMA34_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA34_XMOD)                   /* DMA34 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2551 #define pREG_DMA34_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_YCNT)                   /* DMA34 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2552 #define pREG_DMA34_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA34_YMOD)                   /* DMA34 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2553 #define pREG_DMA34_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA34_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA34 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2554 #define pREG_DMA34_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA34_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA34 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2555 #define pREG_DMA34_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA34_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA34 Current Address */
2556 #define pREG_DMA34_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_STAT)                   /* DMA34 Status Register */
2557 #define pREG_DMA34_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA34 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2558 #define pREG_DMA34_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA34 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2559 #define pREG_DMA34_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA34 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2560 #define pREG_DMA34_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA34 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2561 #define pREG_DMA34_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA34 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2562 #define pREG_DMA34_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA34_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA34 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2564 /* =========================================================================
2565        DMA35
2566    ========================================================================= */
2567 #define pREG_DMA35_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA35_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA35 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2568 #define pREG_DMA35_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA35_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA35 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2569 #define pREG_DMA35_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_CFG)                    /* DMA35 Configuration Register */
2570 #define pREG_DMA35_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_XCNT)                   /* DMA35 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2571 #define pREG_DMA35_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA35_XMOD)                   /* DMA35 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2572 #define pREG_DMA35_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_YCNT)                   /* DMA35 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2573 #define pREG_DMA35_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA35_YMOD)                   /* DMA35 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2574 #define pREG_DMA35_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA35_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA35 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2575 #define pREG_DMA35_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA35_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA35 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2576 #define pREG_DMA35_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA35_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA35 Current Address */
2577 #define pREG_DMA35_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_STAT)                   /* DMA35 Status Register */
2578 #define pREG_DMA35_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA35 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2579 #define pREG_DMA35_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA35 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2580 #define pREG_DMA35_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA35 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2581 #define pREG_DMA35_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA35 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2582 #define pREG_DMA35_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA35 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2583 #define pREG_DMA35_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA35_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA35 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2585 /* =========================================================================
2586        DMA36
2587    ========================================================================= */
2588 #define pREG_DMA36_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA36_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA36 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2589 #define pREG_DMA36_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA36_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA36 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2590 #define pREG_DMA36_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_CFG)                    /* DMA36 Configuration Register */
2591 #define pREG_DMA36_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_XCNT)                   /* DMA36 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2592 #define pREG_DMA36_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA36_XMOD)                   /* DMA36 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2593 #define pREG_DMA36_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_YCNT)                   /* DMA36 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2594 #define pREG_DMA36_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA36_YMOD)                   /* DMA36 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2595 #define pREG_DMA36_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA36_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA36 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2596 #define pREG_DMA36_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA36_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA36 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2597 #define pREG_DMA36_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA36_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA36 Current Address */
2598 #define pREG_DMA36_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_STAT)                   /* DMA36 Status Register */
2599 #define pREG_DMA36_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA36 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2600 #define pREG_DMA36_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA36 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2601 #define pREG_DMA36_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA36 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2602 #define pREG_DMA36_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA36 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2603 #define pREG_DMA36_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA36 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2604 #define pREG_DMA36_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA36_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA36 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2606 /* =========================================================================
2607        DMA37
2608    ========================================================================= */
2609 #define pREG_DMA37_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA37_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA37 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2610 #define pREG_DMA37_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA37_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA37 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2611 #define pREG_DMA37_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_CFG)                    /* DMA37 Configuration Register */
2612 #define pREG_DMA37_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_XCNT)                   /* DMA37 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2613 #define pREG_DMA37_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA37_XMOD)                   /* DMA37 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2614 #define pREG_DMA37_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_YCNT)                   /* DMA37 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2615 #define pREG_DMA37_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA37_YMOD)                   /* DMA37 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2616 #define pREG_DMA37_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA37_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA37 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2617 #define pREG_DMA37_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA37_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA37 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2618 #define pREG_DMA37_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA37_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA37 Current Address */
2619 #define pREG_DMA37_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_STAT)                   /* DMA37 Status Register */
2620 #define pREG_DMA37_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA37 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2621 #define pREG_DMA37_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA37 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2622 #define pREG_DMA37_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA37 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2623 #define pREG_DMA37_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA37 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2624 #define pREG_DMA37_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA37 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2625 #define pREG_DMA37_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA37_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA37 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2627 /* =========================================================================
2628        DMA38
2629    ========================================================================= */
2630 #define pREG_DMA38_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA38_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA38 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2631 #define pREG_DMA38_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA38_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA38 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2632 #define pREG_DMA38_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_CFG)                    /* DMA38 Configuration Register */
2633 #define pREG_DMA38_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_XCNT)                   /* DMA38 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2634 #define pREG_DMA38_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA38_XMOD)                   /* DMA38 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2635 #define pREG_DMA38_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_YCNT)                   /* DMA38 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2636 #define pREG_DMA38_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA38_YMOD)                   /* DMA38 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2637 #define pREG_DMA38_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA38_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA38 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2638 #define pREG_DMA38_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA38_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA38 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2639 #define pREG_DMA38_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA38_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA38 Current Address */
2640 #define pREG_DMA38_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_STAT)                   /* DMA38 Status Register */
2641 #define pREG_DMA38_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA38 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2642 #define pREG_DMA38_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA38 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2643 #define pREG_DMA38_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA38 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2644 #define pREG_DMA38_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA38 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2645 #define pREG_DMA38_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA38 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2646 #define pREG_DMA38_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA38_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA38 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2648 /* =========================================================================
2649        DMA39
2650    ========================================================================= */
2651 #define pREG_DMA39_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA39_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA39 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2652 #define pREG_DMA39_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA39_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA39 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2653 #define pREG_DMA39_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_CFG)                    /* DMA39 Configuration Register */
2654 #define pREG_DMA39_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_XCNT)                   /* DMA39 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2655 #define pREG_DMA39_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA39_XMOD)                   /* DMA39 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2656 #define pREG_DMA39_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_YCNT)                   /* DMA39 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2657 #define pREG_DMA39_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA39_YMOD)                   /* DMA39 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2658 #define pREG_DMA39_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA39_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA39 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2659 #define pREG_DMA39_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA39_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA39 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2660 #define pREG_DMA39_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA39_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA39 Current Address */
2661 #define pREG_DMA39_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_STAT)                   /* DMA39 Status Register */
2662 #define pREG_DMA39_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA39 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2663 #define pREG_DMA39_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA39 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2664 #define pREG_DMA39_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA39 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2665 #define pREG_DMA39_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA39 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2666 #define pREG_DMA39_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA39 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2667 #define pREG_DMA39_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA39_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA39 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2669 /* =========================================================================
2670        DMA40
2671    ========================================================================= */
2672 #define pREG_DMA40_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA40_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA40 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2673 #define pREG_DMA40_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA40_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA40 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2674 #define pREG_DMA40_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_CFG)                    /* DMA40 Configuration Register */
2675 #define pREG_DMA40_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_XCNT)                   /* DMA40 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2676 #define pREG_DMA40_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA40_XMOD)                   /* DMA40 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2677 #define pREG_DMA40_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_YCNT)                   /* DMA40 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2678 #define pREG_DMA40_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA40_YMOD)                   /* DMA40 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2679 #define pREG_DMA40_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA40_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA40 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2680 #define pREG_DMA40_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA40_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA40 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2681 #define pREG_DMA40_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA40_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA40 Current Address */
2682 #define pREG_DMA40_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_STAT)                   /* DMA40 Status Register */
2683 #define pREG_DMA40_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA40 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2684 #define pREG_DMA40_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA40 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2685 #define pREG_DMA40_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA40 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2686 #define pREG_DMA40_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA40 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2687 #define pREG_DMA40_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA40 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2688 #define pREG_DMA40_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA40_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA40 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2690 /* =========================================================================
2691        DMA41
2692    ========================================================================= */
2693 #define pREG_DMA41_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA41_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA41 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2694 #define pREG_DMA41_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA41_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA41 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2695 #define pREG_DMA41_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_CFG)                    /* DMA41 Configuration Register */
2696 #define pREG_DMA41_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_XCNT)                   /* DMA41 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2697 #define pREG_DMA41_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA41_XMOD)                   /* DMA41 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2698 #define pREG_DMA41_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_YCNT)                   /* DMA41 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2699 #define pREG_DMA41_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA41_YMOD)                   /* DMA41 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2700 #define pREG_DMA41_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA41_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA41 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2701 #define pREG_DMA41_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA41_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA41 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2702 #define pREG_DMA41_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA41_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA41 Current Address */
2703 #define pREG_DMA41_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_STAT)                   /* DMA41 Status Register */
2704 #define pREG_DMA41_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA41 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2705 #define pREG_DMA41_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA41 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2706 #define pREG_DMA41_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA41 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2707 #define pREG_DMA41_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA41 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2708 #define pREG_DMA41_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA41 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2709 #define pREG_DMA41_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA41_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA41 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2711 /* =========================================================================
2712        DMA42
2713    ========================================================================= */
2714 #define pREG_DMA42_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA42_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA42 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2715 #define pREG_DMA42_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA42_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA42 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2716 #define pREG_DMA42_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_CFG)                    /* DMA42 Configuration Register */
2717 #define pREG_DMA42_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_XCNT)                   /* DMA42 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2718 #define pREG_DMA42_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA42_XMOD)                   /* DMA42 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2719 #define pREG_DMA42_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_YCNT)                   /* DMA42 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2720 #define pREG_DMA42_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA42_YMOD)                   /* DMA42 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2721 #define pREG_DMA42_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA42_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA42 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2722 #define pREG_DMA42_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA42_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA42 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2723 #define pREG_DMA42_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA42_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA42 Current Address */
2724 #define pREG_DMA42_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_STAT)                   /* DMA42 Status Register */
2725 #define pREG_DMA42_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA42 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2726 #define pREG_DMA42_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA42 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2727 #define pREG_DMA42_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA42 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2728 #define pREG_DMA42_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA42 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2729 #define pREG_DMA42_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA42 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2730 #define pREG_DMA42_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA42_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA42 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2732 /* =========================================================================
2733        DMA43
2734    ========================================================================= */
2735 #define pREG_DMA43_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA43_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA43 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2736 #define pREG_DMA43_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA43_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA43 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2737 #define pREG_DMA43_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_CFG)                    /* DMA43 Configuration Register */
2738 #define pREG_DMA43_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_XCNT)                   /* DMA43 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2739 #define pREG_DMA43_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA43_XMOD)                   /* DMA43 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2740 #define pREG_DMA43_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_YCNT)                   /* DMA43 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2741 #define pREG_DMA43_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA43_YMOD)                   /* DMA43 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2742 #define pREG_DMA43_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA43_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA43 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2743 #define pREG_DMA43_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA43_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA43 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2744 #define pREG_DMA43_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA43_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA43 Current Address */
2745 #define pREG_DMA43_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_STAT)                   /* DMA43 Status Register */
2746 #define pREG_DMA43_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA43 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2747 #define pREG_DMA43_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA43 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2748 #define pREG_DMA43_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA43 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2749 #define pREG_DMA43_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA43 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2750 #define pREG_DMA43_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA43 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2751 #define pREG_DMA43_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA43_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA43 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2753 /* =========================================================================
2754        DMA44
2755    ========================================================================= */
2756 #define pREG_DMA44_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA44_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA44 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2757 #define pREG_DMA44_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA44_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA44 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2758 #define pREG_DMA44_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_CFG)                    /* DMA44 Configuration Register */
2759 #define pREG_DMA44_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_XCNT)                   /* DMA44 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2760 #define pREG_DMA44_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA44_XMOD)                   /* DMA44 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2761 #define pREG_DMA44_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_YCNT)                   /* DMA44 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2762 #define pREG_DMA44_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA44_YMOD)                   /* DMA44 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2763 #define pREG_DMA44_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA44_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA44 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2764 #define pREG_DMA44_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA44_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA44 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2765 #define pREG_DMA44_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA44_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA44 Current Address */
2766 #define pREG_DMA44_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_STAT)                   /* DMA44 Status Register */
2767 #define pREG_DMA44_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA44 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2768 #define pREG_DMA44_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA44 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2769 #define pREG_DMA44_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA44 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2770 #define pREG_DMA44_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA44 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2771 #define pREG_DMA44_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA44 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2772 #define pREG_DMA44_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA44_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA44 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2774 /* =========================================================================
2775        DMA45
2776    ========================================================================= */
2777 #define pREG_DMA45_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA45_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA45 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2778 #define pREG_DMA45_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA45_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA45 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2779 #define pREG_DMA45_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_CFG)                    /* DMA45 Configuration Register */
2780 #define pREG_DMA45_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_XCNT)                   /* DMA45 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2781 #define pREG_DMA45_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA45_XMOD)                   /* DMA45 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2782 #define pREG_DMA45_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_YCNT)                   /* DMA45 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2783 #define pREG_DMA45_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA45_YMOD)                   /* DMA45 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2784 #define pREG_DMA45_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA45_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA45 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2785 #define pREG_DMA45_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA45_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA45 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2786 #define pREG_DMA45_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA45_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA45 Current Address */
2787 #define pREG_DMA45_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_STAT)                   /* DMA45 Status Register */
2788 #define pREG_DMA45_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA45 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2789 #define pREG_DMA45_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA45 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2790 #define pREG_DMA45_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA45 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2791 #define pREG_DMA45_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA45 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2792 #define pREG_DMA45_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA45 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2793 #define pREG_DMA45_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA45_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA45 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2795 /* =========================================================================
2796        DMA46
2797    ========================================================================= */
2798 #define pREG_DMA46_DSCPTR_NXT            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA46_DSCPTR_NXT)               /* DMA46 Pointer to Next Initial Descriptor */
2799 #define pREG_DMA46_ADDRSTART             ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA46_ADDRSTART)                /* DMA46 Start Address of Current Buffer */
2800 #define pREG_DMA46_CFG                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_CFG)                    /* DMA46 Configuration Register */
2801 #define pREG_DMA46_XCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_XCNT)                   /* DMA46 Inner Loop Count Start Value */
2802 #define pREG_DMA46_XMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA46_XMOD)                   /* DMA46 Inner Loop Address Increment */
2803 #define pREG_DMA46_YCNT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_YCNT)                   /* DMA46 Outer Loop Count Start Value (2D only) */
2804 #define pREG_DMA46_YMOD                  ((volatile  int32_t *)REG_DMA46_YMOD)                   /* DMA46 Outer Loop Address Increment (2D only) */
2805 #define pREG_DMA46_DSCPTR_CUR            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA46_DSCPTR_CUR)               /* DMA46 Current Descriptor Pointer */
2806 #define pREG_DMA46_DSCPTR_PRV            ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA46_DSCPTR_PRV)               /* DMA46 Previous Initial Descriptor Pointer */
2807 #define pREG_DMA46_ADDR_CUR              ((void * volatile *)REG_DMA46_ADDR_CUR)                 /* DMA46 Current Address */
2808 #define pREG_DMA46_STAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_STAT)                   /* DMA46 Status Register */
2809 #define pREG_DMA46_XCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_XCNT_CUR)               /* DMA46 Current Count(1D) or intra-row XCNT (2D) */
2810 #define pREG_DMA46_YCNT_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_YCNT_CUR)               /* DMA46 Current Row Count (2D only) */
2811 #define pREG_DMA46_BWLCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_BWLCNT)                 /* DMA46 Bandwidth Limit Count */
2812 #define pREG_DMA46_BWLCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_BWLCNT_CUR)             /* DMA46 Bandwidth Limit Count Current */
2813 #define pREG_DMA46_BWMCNT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_BWMCNT)                 /* DMA46 Bandwidth Monitor Count */
2814 #define pREG_DMA46_BWMCNT_CUR            ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMA46_BWMCNT_CUR)             /* DMA46 Bandwidth Monitor Count Current */
2817 /* =========================================================================
2818        ACM0
2819    ========================================================================= */
2820 #define pREG_ACM0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_CTL)                     /* ACM0 ACM Control Register */
2821 #define pREG_ACM0_TC0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_TC0)                     /* ACM0 ACM Timing Configuration 0 Register */
2822 #define pREG_ACM0_TC1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_TC1)                     /* ACM0 ACM Timing Configuration 1 Register */
2823 #define pREG_ACM0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_STAT)                    /* ACM0 ACM Status Register */
2824 #define pREG_ACM0_EVSTAT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVSTAT)                  /* ACM0 ACM Event Status Register */
2825 #define pREG_ACM0_EVMSK                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVMSK)                   /* ACM0 ACM Completed Event Interrupt Mask Register */
2826 #define pREG_ACM0_MEVSTAT                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_MEVSTAT)                 /* ACM0 ACM Missed Event Status Register */
2827 #define pREG_ACM0_MEVMSK                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_MEVMSK)                  /* ACM0 ACM Missed Event Interrupt Mask Register */
2828 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL0)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2829 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL1)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2830 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL2                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL2)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2831 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL3                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL3)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2832 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL4                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL4)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2833 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL5                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL5)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2834 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL6                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL6)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2835 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL7                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL7)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2836 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL8                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL8)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2837 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL9                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL9)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2838 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL10                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL10)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2839 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL11                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL11)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2840 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL12                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL12)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2841 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL13                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL13)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2842 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL14                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL14)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2843 #define pREG_ACM0_EVCTL15                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVCTL15)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Control Register */
2844 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME0                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME0)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2845 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME1                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME1)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2846 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME2                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME2)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2847 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME3                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME3)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2848 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME4                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME4)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2849 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME5                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME5)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2850 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME6                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME6)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2851 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME7                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME7)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2852 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME8                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME8)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2853 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME9                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME9)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2854 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME10               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME10)                /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2855 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME11               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME11)                /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2856 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME12               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME12)                /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2857 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME13               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME13)                /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2858 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME14               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME14)                /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2859 #define pREG_ACM0_EVTIME15               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVTIME15)                /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Time Register */
2860 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD0)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2861 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD1)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2862 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD2                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD2)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2863 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD3                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD3)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2864 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD4                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD4)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2865 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD5                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD5)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2866 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD6                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD6)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2867 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD7                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD7)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2868 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD8                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD8)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2869 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD9                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD9)                  /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2870 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD10                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD10)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2871 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD11                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD11)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2872 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD12                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD12)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2873 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD13                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD13)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2874 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD14                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD14)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2875 #define pREG_ACM0_EVORD15                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_EVORD15)                 /* ACM0 ACM Eventn Order Register */
2876 #define pREG_ACM0_TMR0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_TMR0)                    /* ACM0 ACM Timer 0 Register */
2877 #define pREG_ACM0_TMR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_ACM0_TMR1)                    /* ACM0 ACM Timer 1 Register */
2880 /* =========================================================================
2881        DMC0
2882    ========================================================================= */
2883 #define pREG_DMC0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_CTL)                     /* DMC0 Control Register */
2884 #define pREG_DMC0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_STAT)                    /* DMC0 Status Register */
2885 #define pREG_DMC0_EFFCTL                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_EFFCTL)                  /* DMC0 Efficiency Control Register */
2886 #define pREG_DMC0_PRIO                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_PRIO)                    /* DMC0 Priority ID Register */
2887 #define pREG_DMC0_PRIOMSK                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_PRIOMSK)                 /* DMC0 Priority ID Mask Register */
2888 #define pREG_DMC0_CFG                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_CFG)                     /* DMC0 Configuration Register */
2889 #define pREG_DMC0_TR0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_TR0)                     /* DMC0 Timing 0 Register */
2890 #define pREG_DMC0_TR1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_TR1)                     /* DMC0 Timing 1 Register */
2891 #define pREG_DMC0_TR2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_TR2)                     /* DMC0 Timing 2 Register */
2892 #define pREG_DMC0_MSK                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_MSK)                     /* DMC0 Mask (Mode Register Shadow) Register */
2893 #define pREG_DMC0_MR                     ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_MR)                      /* DMC0 Shadow MR Register */
2894 #define pREG_DMC0_EMR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_EMR1)                    /* DMC0 Shadow EMR1 Register */
2895 #define pREG_DMC0_EMR2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_EMR2)                    /* DMC0 Shadow EMR2 Register */
2896 #define pREG_DMC0_EMR3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_EMR3)                    /* DMC0 Shadow EMR3 Register */
2897 #define pREG_DMC0_DLLCTL                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_DLLCTL)                  /* DMC0 DLL Control Register */
2898 #define pREG_DMC0_PHY_CTL0               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_PHY_CTL0)                /* DMC0 PHY Control 0 Register */
2899 #define pREG_DMC0_PHY_CTL1               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_PHY_CTL1)                /* DMC0 PHY Control 1 Register */
2900 #define pREG_DMC0_PHY_CTL2               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_PHY_CTL2)                /* DMC0 PHY Control 2 Register */
2901 #define pREG_DMC0_PHY_CTL3               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_PHY_CTL3)                /* DMC0 PHY Control 3 Register */
2902 #define pREG_DMC0_PADCTL                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DMC0_PADCTL)                  /* DMC0 PAD Control Register */
2905 /* =========================================================================
2906        SCB0
2907    ========================================================================= */
2908 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBR0)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2909 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBR1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBR1)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2910 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBR2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBR2)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2911 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBR3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBR3)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2912 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBR4                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBR4)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2913 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBR5                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBR5)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2914 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBW0)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2915 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBW1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBW1)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2916 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBW2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBW2)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2917 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBW3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBW3)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2918 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBW4                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBW4)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2919 #define pREG_SCB0_ARBW5                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_ARBW5)                   /* SCB0 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2920 #define pREG_SCB0_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_SLAVES)                  /* SCB0 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2921 #define pREG_SCB0_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB0_MASTERS)                 /* SCB0 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2923 /* =========================================================================
2924        SCB1
2925    ========================================================================= */
2926 #define pREG_SCB1_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB1_ARBR0)                   /* SCB1 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2927 #define pREG_SCB1_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB1_ARBW0)                   /* SCB1 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2928 #define pREG_SCB1_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB1_SLAVES)                  /* SCB1 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2929 #define pREG_SCB1_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB1_MASTERS)                 /* SCB1 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2931 /* =========================================================================
2932        SCB2
2933    ========================================================================= */
2934 #define pREG_SCB2_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB2_ARBR0)                   /* SCB2 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2935 #define pREG_SCB2_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB2_ARBW0)                   /* SCB2 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2936 #define pREG_SCB2_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB2_SLAVES)                  /* SCB2 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2937 #define pREG_SCB2_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB2_MASTERS)                 /* SCB2 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2939 /* =========================================================================
2940        SCB3
2941    ========================================================================= */
2942 #define pREG_SCB3_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB3_ARBR0)                   /* SCB3 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2943 #define pREG_SCB3_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB3_ARBW0)                   /* SCB3 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2944 #define pREG_SCB3_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB3_SLAVES)                  /* SCB3 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2945 #define pREG_SCB3_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB3_MASTERS)                 /* SCB3 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2947 /* =========================================================================
2948        SCB4
2949    ========================================================================= */
2950 #define pREG_SCB4_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB4_ARBR0)                   /* SCB4 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2951 #define pREG_SCB4_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB4_ARBW0)                   /* SCB4 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2952 #define pREG_SCB4_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB4_SLAVES)                  /* SCB4 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2953 #define pREG_SCB4_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB4_MASTERS)                 /* SCB4 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2955 /* =========================================================================
2956        SCB5
2957    ========================================================================= */
2958 #define pREG_SCB5_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB5_ARBR0)                   /* SCB5 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2959 #define pREG_SCB5_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB5_ARBW0)                   /* SCB5 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2960 #define pREG_SCB5_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB5_SLAVES)                  /* SCB5 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2961 #define pREG_SCB5_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB5_MASTERS)                 /* SCB5 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2963 /* =========================================================================
2964        SCB6
2965    ========================================================================= */
2966 #define pREG_SCB6_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB6_ARBR0)                   /* SCB6 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2967 #define pREG_SCB6_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB6_ARBW0)                   /* SCB6 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2968 #define pREG_SCB6_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB6_SLAVES)                  /* SCB6 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2969 #define pREG_SCB6_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB6_MASTERS)                 /* SCB6 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2971 /* =========================================================================
2972        SCB7
2973    ========================================================================= */
2974 #define pREG_SCB7_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB7_ARBR0)                   /* SCB7 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2975 #define pREG_SCB7_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB7_ARBW0)                   /* SCB7 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2976 #define pREG_SCB7_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB7_SLAVES)                  /* SCB7 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2977 #define pREG_SCB7_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB7_MASTERS)                 /* SCB7 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2979 /* =========================================================================
2980        SCB8
2981    ========================================================================= */
2982 #define pREG_SCB8_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB8_ARBR0)                   /* SCB8 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2983 #define pREG_SCB8_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB8_ARBW0)                   /* SCB8 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2984 #define pREG_SCB8_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB8_SLAVES)                  /* SCB8 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2985 #define pREG_SCB8_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB8_MASTERS)                 /* SCB8 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2987 /* =========================================================================
2988        SCB9
2989    ========================================================================= */
2990 #define pREG_SCB9_ARBR0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB9_ARBR0)                   /* SCB9 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2991 #define pREG_SCB9_ARBW0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB9_ARBW0)                   /* SCB9 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
2992 #define pREG_SCB9_SLAVES                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB9_SLAVES)                  /* SCB9 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
2993 #define pREG_SCB9_MASTERS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB9_MASTERS)                 /* SCB9 Master Interfaces Number Register */
2995 /* =========================================================================
2996        SCB10
2997    ========================================================================= */
2998 #define pREG_SCB10_ARBR0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB10_ARBR0)                  /* SCB10 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
2999 #define pREG_SCB10_ARBR1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB10_ARBR1)                  /* SCB10 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
3000 #define pREG_SCB10_ARBR2                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB10_ARBR2)                  /* SCB10 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
3001 #define pREG_SCB10_ARBW0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB10_ARBW0)                  /* SCB10 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3002 #define pREG_SCB10_ARBW1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB10_ARBW1)                  /* SCB10 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3003 #define pREG_SCB10_ARBW2                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB10_ARBW2)                  /* SCB10 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3004 #define pREG_SCB10_SLAVES                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB10_SLAVES)                 /* SCB10 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
3005 #define pREG_SCB10_MASTERS               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB10_MASTERS)                /* SCB10 Master Interfaces Number Register */
3007 /* =========================================================================
3008        SCB11
3009    ========================================================================= */
3010 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBR0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBR0)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
3011 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBR1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBR1)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
3012 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBR2                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBR2)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
3013 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBR3                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBR3)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
3014 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBR4                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBR4)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
3015 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBR5                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBR5)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
3016 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBR6                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBR6)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Read Channel Master Interface n Register */
3017 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBW0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBW0)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3018 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBW1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBW1)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3019 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBW2                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBW2)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3020 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBW3                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBW3)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3021 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBW4                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBW4)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3022 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBW5                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBW5)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3023 #define pREG_SCB11_ARBW6                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_ARBW6)                  /* SCB11 Arbitration Write Channel Master Interface n Register */
3024 #define pREG_SCB11_SLAVES                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_SLAVES)                 /* SCB11 Slave Interfaces Number Register */
3025 #define pREG_SCB11_MASTERS               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SCB11_MASTERS)                /* SCB11 Master Interfaces Number Register */
3028 /* =========================================================================
3029        L2CTL0
3030    ========================================================================= */
3031 #define pREG_L2CTL0_CTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_L2CTL0_CTL)                   /* L2CTL0 Control Register */
3032 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ACTL_C0              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_L2CTL0_ACTL_C0)               /* L2CTL0 Access Control Core 0 Register */
3033 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ACTL_C1              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_L2CTL0_ACTL_C1)               /* L2CTL0 Access Control Core 1 Register */
3034 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ACTL_SYS             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_L2CTL0_ACTL_SYS)              /* L2CTL0 Access Control System Register */
3035 #define pREG_L2CTL0_STAT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_L2CTL0_STAT)                  /* L2CTL0 Status Register */
3036 #define pREG_L2CTL0_RPCR                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_L2CTL0_RPCR)                  /* L2CTL0 Read Priority Count Register */
3037 #define pREG_L2CTL0_WPCR                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_L2CTL0_WPCR)                  /* L2CTL0 Write Priority Count Register */
3038 #define pREG_L2CTL0_RFA                  ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_RFA)                     /* L2CTL0 Refresh Address Register */
3039 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR0             ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR0)                /* L2CTL0 ECC Error Address 0 Register */
3040 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR1             ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR1)                /* L2CTL0 ECC Error Address 1 Register */
3041 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR2             ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR2)                /* L2CTL0 ECC Error Address 2 Register */
3042 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR3             ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR3)                /* L2CTL0 ECC Error Address 3 Register */
3043 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR4             ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR4)                /* L2CTL0 ECC Error Address 4 Register */
3044 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR5             ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR5)                /* L2CTL0 ECC Error Address 5 Register */
3045 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR6             ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR6)                /* L2CTL0 ECC Error Address 6 Register */
3046 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR7             ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_ERRADDR7)                /* L2CTL0 ECC Error Address 7 Register */
3047 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ET0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_L2CTL0_ET0)                   /* L2CTL0 Error Type 0 Register */
3048 #define pREG_L2CTL0_EADDR0               ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_EADDR0)                  /* L2CTL0 Error Type 0 Address Register */
3049 #define pREG_L2CTL0_ET1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_L2CTL0_ET1)                   /* L2CTL0 Error Type 1 Register */
3050 #define pREG_L2CTL0_EADDR1               ((void * volatile *)REG_L2CTL0_EADDR1)                  /* L2CTL0 Error Type 1 Address Register */
3053 /* =========================================================================
3054        SEC0
3055    ========================================================================= */
3057 /*    SEC Core Interface (SCI) Registers    */
3058 #define pREG_SEC0_CCTL0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CCTL0)                   /* SEC0 SCI Control Register n */
3059 #define pREG_SEC0_CCTL1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CCTL1)                   /* SEC0 SCI Control Register n */
3060 #define pREG_SEC0_CSTAT0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CSTAT0)                  /* SEC0 SCI Status Register n */
3061 #define pREG_SEC0_CSTAT1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CSTAT1)                  /* SEC0 SCI Status Register n */
3062 #define pREG_SEC0_CPND0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CPND0)                   /* SEC0 Core Pending Register n */
3063 #define pREG_SEC0_CPND1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CPND1)                   /* SEC0 Core Pending Register n */
3064 #define pREG_SEC0_CACT0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CACT0)                   /* SEC0 SCI Active Register n */
3065 #define pREG_SEC0_CACT1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CACT1)                   /* SEC0 SCI Active Register n */
3066 #define pREG_SEC0_CPMSK0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CPMSK0)                  /* SEC0 SCI Priority Mask Register n */
3067 #define pREG_SEC0_CPMSK1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CPMSK1)                  /* SEC0 SCI Priority Mask Register n */
3068 #define pREG_SEC0_CGMSK0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CGMSK0)                  /* SEC0 SCI Group Mask Register n */
3069 #define pREG_SEC0_CGMSK1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CGMSK1)                  /* SEC0 SCI Group Mask Register n */
3070 #define pREG_SEC0_CPLVL0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CPLVL0)                  /* SEC0 SCI Priority Level Register n */
3071 #define pREG_SEC0_CPLVL1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CPLVL1)                  /* SEC0 SCI Priority Level Register n */
3072 #define pREG_SEC0_CSID0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CSID0)                   /* SEC0 SCI Source ID Register n */
3073 #define pREG_SEC0_CSID1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_CSID1)                   /* SEC0 SCI Source ID Register n */
3075 /*    SEC Fault Management Interface (SFI) Registers    */
3076 #define pREG_SEC0_FCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FCTL)                    /* SEC0 Fault Control Register */
3077 #define pREG_SEC0_FSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FSTAT)                   /* SEC0 Fault Status Register */
3078 #define pREG_SEC0_FSID                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FSID)                    /* SEC0 Fault Source ID Register */
3079 #define pREG_SEC0_FEND                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FEND)                    /* SEC0 Fault End Register */
3080 #define pREG_SEC0_FDLY                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FDLY)                    /* SEC0 Fault Delay Register */
3081 #define pREG_SEC0_FDLY_CUR               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FDLY_CUR)                /* SEC0 Fault Delay Current Register */
3082 #define pREG_SEC0_FSRDLY                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FSRDLY)                  /* SEC0 Fault System Reset Delay Register */
3083 #define pREG_SEC0_FSRDLY_CUR             ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FSRDLY_CUR)              /* SEC0 Fault System Reset Delay Current Register */
3084 #define pREG_SEC0_FCOPP                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FCOPP)                   /* SEC0 Fault COP Period Register */
3085 #define pREG_SEC0_FCOPP_CUR              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_FCOPP_CUR)               /* SEC0 Fault COP Period Current Register */
3087 /*    SEC Global Registers    */
3088 #define pREG_SEC0_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_GCTL)                    /* SEC0 Global Control Register */
3089 #define pREG_SEC0_GSTAT                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_GSTAT)                   /* SEC0 Global Status Register */
3090 #define pREG_SEC0_RAISE                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_RAISE)                   /* SEC0 Global Raise Register */
3091 #define pREG_SEC0_END                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_END)                     /* SEC0 Global End Register */
3093 /*    SEC Source Interface (SSI) Registers    */
3094 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL0)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3095 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL1)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3096 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL2)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3097 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL3)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3098 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL4                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL4)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3099 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL5                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL5)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3100 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL6                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL6)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3101 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL7                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL7)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3102 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL8                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL8)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3103 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL9                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL9)                   /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3104 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL10                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL10)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3105 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL11                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL11)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3106 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL12                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL12)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3107 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL13                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL13)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3108 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL14                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL14)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3109 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL15                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL15)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3110 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL16                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL16)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3111 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL17                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL17)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3112 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL18                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL18)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3113 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL19                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL19)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3114 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL20                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL20)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3115 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL21                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL21)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3116 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL22                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL22)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3117 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL23                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL23)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3118 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL24                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL24)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3119 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL25                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL25)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3120 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL26                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL26)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3121 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL27                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL27)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3122 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL28                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL28)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3123 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL29                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL29)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3124 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL30                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL30)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3125 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL31                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL31)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3126 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL32                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL32)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3127 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL33                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL33)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3128 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL34                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL34)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3129 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL35                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL35)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3130 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL36                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL36)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3131 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL37                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL37)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3132 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL38                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL38)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3133 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL39                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL39)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3134 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL40                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL40)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3135 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL41                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL41)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3136 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL42                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL42)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3137 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL43                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL43)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3138 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL44                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL44)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3139 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL45                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL45)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3140 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL46                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL46)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3141 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL47                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL47)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3142 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL48                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL48)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3143 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL49                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL49)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3144 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL50                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL50)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3145 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL51                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL51)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3146 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL52                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL52)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3147 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL53                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL53)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3148 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL54                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL54)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3149 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL55                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL55)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3150 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL56                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL56)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3151 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL57                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL57)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3152 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL58                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL58)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3153 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL59                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL59)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3154 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL60                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL60)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3155 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL61                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL61)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3156 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL62                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL62)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3157 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL63                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL63)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3158 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL64                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL64)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3159 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL65                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL65)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3160 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL66                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL66)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3161 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL67                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL67)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3162 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL68                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL68)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3163 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL69                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL69)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3164 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL70                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL70)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3165 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL71                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL71)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3166 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL72                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL72)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3167 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL73                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL73)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3168 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL74                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL74)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3169 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL75                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL75)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3170 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL76                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL76)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3171 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL77                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL77)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3172 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL78                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL78)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3173 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL79                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL79)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3174 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL80                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL80)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3175 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL81                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL81)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3176 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL82                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL82)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3177 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL83                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL83)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3178 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL84                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL84)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3179 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL85                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL85)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3180 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL86                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL86)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3181 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL87                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL87)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3182 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL88                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL88)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3183 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL89                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL89)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3184 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL90                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL90)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3185 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL91                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL91)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3186 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL92                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL92)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3187 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL93                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL93)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3188 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL94                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL94)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3189 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL95                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL95)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3190 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL96                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL96)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3191 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL97                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL97)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3192 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL98                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL98)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3193 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL99                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL99)                  /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3194 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL100                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL100)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3195 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL101                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL101)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3196 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL102                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL102)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3197 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL103                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL103)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3198 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL104                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL104)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3199 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL105                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL105)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3200 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL106                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL106)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3201 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL107                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL107)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3202 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL108                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL108)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3203 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL109                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL109)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3204 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL110                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL110)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3205 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL111                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL111)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3206 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL112                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL112)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3207 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL113                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL113)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3208 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL114                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL114)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3209 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL115                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL115)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3210 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL116                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL116)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3211 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL117                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL117)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3212 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL118                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL118)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3213 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL119                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL119)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3214 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL120                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL120)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3215 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL121                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL121)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3216 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL122                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL122)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3217 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL123                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL123)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3218 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL124                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL124)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3219 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL125                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL125)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3220 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL126                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL126)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3221 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL127                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL127)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3222 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL128                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL128)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3223 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL129                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL129)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3224 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL130                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL130)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3225 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL131                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL131)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3226 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL132                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL132)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3227 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL133                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL133)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3228 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL134                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL134)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3229 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL135                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL135)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3230 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL136                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL136)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3231 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL137                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL137)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3232 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL138                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL138)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3233 #define pREG_SEC0_SCTL139                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SCTL139)                 /* SEC0 Source Control Register n */
3234 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT0                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT0)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3235 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT1                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT1)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3236 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT2                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT2)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3237 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT3                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT3)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3238 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT4                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT4)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3239 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT5                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT5)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3240 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT6                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT6)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3241 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT7                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT7)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3242 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT8                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT8)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3243 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT9                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT9)                  /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3244 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT10                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT10)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3245 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT11                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT11)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3246 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT12                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT12)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3247 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT13                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT13)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3248 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT14                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT14)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3249 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT15                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT15)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3250 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT16                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT16)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3251 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT17                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT17)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3252 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT18                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT18)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3253 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT19                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT19)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3254 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT20                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT20)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3255 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT21                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT21)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3256 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT22                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT22)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3257 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT23                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT23)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3258 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT24                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT24)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3259 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT25                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT25)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3260 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT26                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT26)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3261 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT27                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT27)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3262 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT28                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT28)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3263 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT29                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT29)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3264 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT30                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT30)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3265 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT31                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT31)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3266 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT32                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT32)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3267 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT33                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT33)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3268 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT34                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT34)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3269 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT35                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT35)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3270 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT36                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT36)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3271 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT37                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT37)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3272 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT38                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT38)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3273 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT39                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT39)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3274 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT40                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT40)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3275 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT41                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT41)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3276 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT42                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT42)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3277 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT43                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT43)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3278 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT44                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT44)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3279 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT45                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT45)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3280 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT46                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT46)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3281 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT47                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT47)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3282 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT48                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT48)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3283 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT49                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT49)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3284 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT50                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT50)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3285 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT51                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT51)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3286 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT52                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT52)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3287 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT53                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT53)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3288 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT54                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT54)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3289 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT55                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT55)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3290 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT56                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT56)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3291 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT57                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT57)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3292 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT58                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT58)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3293 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT59                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT59)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3294 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT60                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT60)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3295 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT61                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT61)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3296 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT62                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT62)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3297 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT63                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT63)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3298 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT64                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT64)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3299 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT65                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT65)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3300 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT66                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT66)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3301 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT67                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT67)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3302 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT68                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT68)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3303 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT69                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT69)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3304 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT70                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT70)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3305 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT71                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT71)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3306 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT72                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT72)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3307 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT73                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT73)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3308 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT74                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT74)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3309 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT75                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT75)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3310 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT76                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT76)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3311 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT77                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT77)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3312 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT78                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT78)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3313 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT79                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT79)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3314 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT80                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT80)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3315 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT81                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT81)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3316 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT82                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT82)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3317 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT83                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT83)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3318 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT84                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT84)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3319 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT85                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT85)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3320 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT86                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT86)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3321 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT87                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT87)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3322 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT88                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT88)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3323 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT89                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT89)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3324 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT90                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT90)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3325 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT91                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT91)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3326 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT92                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT92)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3327 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT93                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT93)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3328 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT94                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT94)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3329 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT95                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT95)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3330 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT96                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT96)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3331 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT97                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT97)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3332 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT98                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT98)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3333 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT99                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT99)                 /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3334 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT100               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT100)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3335 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT101               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT101)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3336 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT102               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT102)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3337 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT103               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT103)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3338 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT104               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT104)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3339 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT105               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT105)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3340 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT106               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT106)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3341 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT107               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT107)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3342 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT108               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT108)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3343 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT109               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT109)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3344 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT110               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT110)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3345 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT111               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT111)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3346 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT112               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT112)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3347 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT113               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT113)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3348 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT114               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT114)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3349 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT115               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT115)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3350 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT116               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT116)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3351 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT117               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT117)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3352 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT118               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT118)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3353 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT119               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT119)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3354 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT120               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT120)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3355 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT121               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT121)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3356 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT122               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT122)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3357 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT123               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT123)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3358 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT124               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT124)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3359 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT125               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT125)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3360 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT126               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT126)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3361 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT127               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT127)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3362 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT128               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT128)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3363 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT129               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT129)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3364 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT130               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT130)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3365 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT131               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT131)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3366 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT132               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT132)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3367 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT133               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT133)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3368 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT134               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT134)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3369 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT135               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT135)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3370 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT136               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT136)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3371 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT137               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT137)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3372 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT138               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT138)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3373 #define pREG_SEC0_SSTAT139               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SEC0_SSTAT139)                /* SEC0 Source Status Register n */
3376 /* =========================================================================
3377        TRU0
3378    ========================================================================= */
3379 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR0)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3380 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR1)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3381 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR2)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3382 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR3)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3383 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR4                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR4)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3384 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR5                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR5)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3385 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR6                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR6)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3386 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR7                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR7)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3387 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR8                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR8)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3388 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR9                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR9)                    /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3389 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR10                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR10)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3390 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR11                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR11)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3391 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR12                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR12)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3392 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR13                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR13)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3393 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR14                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR14)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3394 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR15                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR15)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3395 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR16                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR16)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3396 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR17                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR17)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3397 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR18                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR18)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3398 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR19                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR19)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3399 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR20                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR20)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3400 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR21                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR21)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3401 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR22                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR22)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3402 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR23                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR23)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3403 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR24                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR24)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3404 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR25                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR25)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3405 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR26                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR26)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3406 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR27                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR27)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3407 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR28                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR28)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3408 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR29                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR29)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3409 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR30                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR30)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3410 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR31                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR31)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3411 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR32                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR32)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3412 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR33                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR33)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3413 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR34                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR34)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3414 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR35                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR35)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3415 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR36                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR36)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3416 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR37                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR37)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3417 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR38                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR38)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3418 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR39                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR39)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3419 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR40                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR40)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3420 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR41                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR41)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3421 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR42                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR42)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3422 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR43                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR43)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3423 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR44                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR44)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3424 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR45                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR45)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3425 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR46                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR46)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3426 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR47                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR47)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3427 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR48                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR48)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3428 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR49                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR49)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3429 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR50                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR50)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3430 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR51                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR51)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3431 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR52                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR52)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3432 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR53                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR53)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3433 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR54                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR54)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3434 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR55                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR55)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3435 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR56                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR56)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3436 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR57                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR57)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3437 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR58                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR58)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3438 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR59                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR59)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3439 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR60                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR60)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3440 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR61                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR61)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3441 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR62                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR62)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3442 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR63                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR63)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3443 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR64                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR64)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3444 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR65                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR65)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3445 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR66                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR66)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3446 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR67                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR67)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3447 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR68                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR68)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3448 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR69                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR69)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3449 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR70                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR70)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3450 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR71                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR71)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3451 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR72                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR72)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3452 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR73                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR73)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3453 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR74                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR74)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3454 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR75                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR75)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3455 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR76                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR76)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3456 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR77                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR77)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3457 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR78                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR78)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3458 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR79                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR79)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3459 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR80                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR80)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3460 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR81                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR81)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3461 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR82                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR82)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3462 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR83                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR83)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3463 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR84                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR84)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3464 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR85                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR85)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3465 #define pREG_TRU0_SSR86                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_SSR86)                   /* TRU0 Slave Select Register */
3466 #define pREG_TRU0_MTR                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_MTR)                     /* TRU0 Master Trigger Register */
3467 #define pREG_TRU0_ERRADDR                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_ERRADDR)                 /* TRU0 Error Address Register */
3468 #define pREG_TRU0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_STAT)                    /* TRU0 Status Information Register */
3469 #define pREG_TRU0_REVID                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_REVID)                   /* TRU0 Revision ID Register */
3470 #define pREG_TRU0_GCTL                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_TRU0_GCTL)                    /* TRU0 Global Control Register */
3473 /* =========================================================================
3474        RCU0
3475    ========================================================================= */
3476 #define pREG_RCU0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RCU0_CTL)                     /* RCU0 Control Register */
3477 #define pREG_RCU0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RCU0_STAT)                    /* RCU0 Status Register */
3478 #define pREG_RCU0_CRCTL                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RCU0_CRCTL)                   /* RCU0 Core Reset Control Register */
3479 #define pREG_RCU0_CRSTAT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RCU0_CRSTAT)                  /* RCU0 Core Reset Status Register */
3480 #define pREG_RCU0_SIDIS                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RCU0_SIDIS)                   /* RCU0 System Interface Disable Register */
3481 #define pREG_RCU0_SISTAT                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RCU0_SISTAT)                  /* RCU0 System Interface Status Register */
3482 #define pREG_RCU0_SVECT_LCK              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RCU0_SVECT_LCK)               /* RCU0 SVECT Lock Register */
3483 #define pREG_RCU0_BCODE                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_RCU0_BCODE)                   /* RCU0 Boot Code Register */
3484 #define pREG_RCU0_SVECT0                 ((void * volatile *)REG_RCU0_SVECT0)                    /* RCU0 Software Vector Register n */
3485 #define pREG_RCU0_SVECT1                 ((void * volatile *)REG_RCU0_SVECT1)                    /* RCU0 Software Vector Register n */
3488 /* =========================================================================
3489        SPU0
3490    ========================================================================= */
3491 #define pREG_SPU0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_CTL)                     /* SPU0 Control Register */
3492 #define pREG_SPU0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_STAT)                    /* SPU0 Status Register */
3493 #define pREG_SPU0_WP0                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP0)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3494 #define pREG_SPU0_WP1                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP1)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3495 #define pREG_SPU0_WP2                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP2)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3496 #define pREG_SPU0_WP3                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP3)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3497 #define pREG_SPU0_WP4                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP4)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3498 #define pREG_SPU0_WP5                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP5)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3499 #define pREG_SPU0_WP6                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP6)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3500 #define pREG_SPU0_WP7                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP7)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3501 #define pREG_SPU0_WP8                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP8)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3502 #define pREG_SPU0_WP9                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP9)                     /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3503 #define pREG_SPU0_WP10                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP10)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3504 #define pREG_SPU0_WP11                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP11)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3505 #define pREG_SPU0_WP12                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP12)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3506 #define pREG_SPU0_WP13                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP13)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3507 #define pREG_SPU0_WP14                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP14)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3508 #define pREG_SPU0_WP15                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP15)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3509 #define pREG_SPU0_WP16                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP16)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3510 #define pREG_SPU0_WP17                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP17)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3511 #define pREG_SPU0_WP18                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP18)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3512 #define pREG_SPU0_WP19                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP19)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3513 #define pREG_SPU0_WP20                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP20)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3514 #define pREG_SPU0_WP21                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP21)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3515 #define pREG_SPU0_WP22                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP22)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3516 #define pREG_SPU0_WP23                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP23)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3517 #define pREG_SPU0_WP24                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP24)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3518 #define pREG_SPU0_WP25                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP25)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3519 #define pREG_SPU0_WP26                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP26)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3520 #define pREG_SPU0_WP27                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP27)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3521 #define pREG_SPU0_WP28                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP28)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3522 #define pREG_SPU0_WP29                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP29)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3523 #define pREG_SPU0_WP30                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP30)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3524 #define pREG_SPU0_WP31                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP31)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3525 #define pREG_SPU0_WP32                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP32)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3526 #define pREG_SPU0_WP33                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP33)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3527 #define pREG_SPU0_WP34                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP34)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3528 #define pREG_SPU0_WP35                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP35)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3529 #define pREG_SPU0_WP36                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP36)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3530 #define pREG_SPU0_WP37                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP37)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3531 #define pREG_SPU0_WP38                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP38)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3532 #define pREG_SPU0_WP39                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP39)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3533 #define pREG_SPU0_WP40                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP40)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3534 #define pREG_SPU0_WP41                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP41)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3535 #define pREG_SPU0_WP42                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP42)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3536 #define pREG_SPU0_WP43                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP43)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3537 #define pREG_SPU0_WP44                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP44)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3538 #define pREG_SPU0_WP45                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP45)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3539 #define pREG_SPU0_WP46                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP46)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3540 #define pREG_SPU0_WP47                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP47)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3541 #define pREG_SPU0_WP48                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP48)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3542 #define pREG_SPU0_WP49                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP49)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3543 #define pREG_SPU0_WP50                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP50)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3544 #define pREG_SPU0_WP51                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP51)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3545 #define pREG_SPU0_WP52                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP52)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3546 #define pREG_SPU0_WP53                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP53)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3547 #define pREG_SPU0_WP54                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP54)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3548 #define pREG_SPU0_WP55                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP55)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3549 #define pREG_SPU0_WP56                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP56)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3550 #define pREG_SPU0_WP57                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP57)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3551 #define pREG_SPU0_WP58                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP58)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3552 #define pREG_SPU0_WP59                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP59)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3553 #define pREG_SPU0_WP60                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP60)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3554 #define pREG_SPU0_WP61                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP61)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3555 #define pREG_SPU0_WP62                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP62)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3556 #define pREG_SPU0_WP63                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP63)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3557 #define pREG_SPU0_WP64                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP64)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3558 #define pREG_SPU0_WP65                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP65)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3559 #define pREG_SPU0_WP66                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP66)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3560 #define pREG_SPU0_WP67                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP67)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3561 #define pREG_SPU0_WP68                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP68)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3562 #define pREG_SPU0_WP69                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP69)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3563 #define pREG_SPU0_WP70                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP70)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3564 #define pREG_SPU0_WP71                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP71)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3565 #define pREG_SPU0_WP72                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP72)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3566 #define pREG_SPU0_WP73                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP73)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3567 #define pREG_SPU0_WP74                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP74)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3568 #define pREG_SPU0_WP75                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP75)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3569 #define pREG_SPU0_WP76                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP76)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3570 #define pREG_SPU0_WP77                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP77)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3571 #define pREG_SPU0_WP78                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP78)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3572 #define pREG_SPU0_WP79                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP79)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3573 #define pREG_SPU0_WP80                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP80)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3574 #define pREG_SPU0_WP81                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP81)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3575 #define pREG_SPU0_WP82                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP82)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3576 #define pREG_SPU0_WP83                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP83)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3577 #define pREG_SPU0_WP84                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP84)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3578 #define pREG_SPU0_WP85                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_SPU0_WP85)                    /* SPU0 Write Protect Register n */
3581 /* =========================================================================
3582        CGU0
3583    ========================================================================= */
3584 #define pREG_CGU0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CGU0_CTL)                     /* CGU0 Control Register */
3585 #define pREG_CGU0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CGU0_STAT)                    /* CGU0 Status Register */
3586 #define pREG_CGU0_DIV                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CGU0_DIV)                     /* CGU0 Divisor Register */
3587 #define pREG_CGU0_CLKOUTSEL              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_CGU0_CLKOUTSEL)               /* CGU0 CLKOUT Select Register */
3590 /* =========================================================================
3591        DPM0
3592    ========================================================================= */
3593 #define pREG_DPM0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_CTL)                     /* DPM0 Control Register */
3594 #define pREG_DPM0_STAT                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_STAT)                    /* DPM0 Status Register */
3595 #define pREG_DPM0_CCBF_DIS               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_CCBF_DIS)                /* DPM0 Core Clock Buffer Disable Register */
3596 #define pREG_DPM0_CCBF_EN                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_CCBF_EN)                 /* DPM0 Core Clock Buffer Enable Register */
3597 #define pREG_DPM0_CCBF_STAT              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_CCBF_STAT)               /* DPM0 Core Clock Buffer Status Register */
3598 #define pREG_DPM0_CCBF_STAT_STKY         ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_CCBF_STAT_STKY)          /* DPM0 Core Clock Buffer Status Sticky Register */
3599 #define pREG_DPM0_SCBF_DIS               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_SCBF_DIS)                /* DPM0 System Clock Buffer Disable Register */
3600 #define pREG_DPM0_WAKE_EN                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_WAKE_EN)                 /* DPM0 Wakeup Enable Register */
3601 #define pREG_DPM0_WAKE_POL               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_WAKE_POL)                /* DPM0 Wakeup Polarity Register */
3602 #define pREG_DPM0_WAKE_STAT              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_WAKE_STAT)               /* DPM0 Wakeup Status Register */
3603 #define pREG_DPM0_HIB_DIS                ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_HIB_DIS)                 /* DPM0 Hibernate Disable Register */
3604 #define pREG_DPM0_PGCNTR                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_PGCNTR)                  /* DPM0 Power Good Counter Register */
3605 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE0               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE0)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3606 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE1               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE1)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3607 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE2               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE2)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3608 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE3               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE3)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3609 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE4               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE4)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3610 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE5               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE5)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3611 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE6               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE6)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3612 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE7               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE7)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3613 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE8               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE8)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3614 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE9               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE9)                /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3615 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE10              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE10)               /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3616 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE11              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE11)               /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3617 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE12              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE12)               /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3618 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE13              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE13)               /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3619 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE14              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE14)               /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3620 #define pREG_DPM0_RESTORE15              ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_DPM0_RESTORE15)               /* DPM0 Restore n Register */
3623 /* =========================================================================
3624        EFS0
3625    ========================================================================= */
3626 #define pREG_EFS0_CTL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EFS0_CTL)                     /* EFS0 Control Register */
3627 #define pREG_EFS0_DAT0                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EFS0_DAT0)                    /* EFS0 Data Register 0 */
3628 #define pREG_EFS0_DAT1                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EFS0_DAT1)                    /* EFS0 Data Register 1 */
3629 #define pREG_EFS0_DAT2                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EFS0_DAT2)                    /* EFS0 Data Register 2 */
3630 #define pREG_EFS0_DAT3                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EFS0_DAT3)                    /* EFS0 Data Register 3 */
3631 #define pREG_EFS0_DAT4                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EFS0_DAT4)                    /* EFS0 Data Register 4 */
3632 #define pREG_EFS0_DAT5                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EFS0_DAT5)                    /* EFS0 Data Register 5 */
3633 #define pREG_EFS0_DAT6                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EFS0_DAT6)                    /* EFS0 Data Register 6 */
3634 #define pREG_EFS0_DAT7                   ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_EFS0_DAT7)                    /* EFS0 Data Register 7 */
3637 /* =========================================================================
3638        USB0
3639    ========================================================================= */
3640 #define pREG_USB0_FADDR                  ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FADDR)                   /* USB0 Function Address Register */
3641 #define pREG_USB0_POWER                  ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_POWER)                   /* USB0 Power and Device Control Register */
3642 #define pREG_USB0_INTRTX                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_INTRTX)                  /* USB0 Transmit Interrupt Register */
3643 #define pREG_USB0_INTRRX                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_INTRRX)                  /* USB0 Receive Interrupt Register */
3644 #define pREG_USB0_INTRTXE                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_INTRTXE)                 /* USB0 Transmit Interrupt Enable Register */
3645 #define pREG_USB0_INTRRXE                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_INTRRXE)                 /* USB0 Receive Interrupt Enable Register */
3646 #define pREG_USB0_IRQ                    ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_IRQ)                     /* USB0 Common Interrupts Register */
3647 #define pREG_USB0_IEN                    ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_IEN)                     /* USB0 Common Interrupts Enable Register */
3648 #define pREG_USB0_FRAME                  ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FRAME)                   /* USB0 Frame Number Register */
3649 #define pREG_USB0_INDEX                  ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_INDEX)                   /* USB0 Index Register */
3650 #define pREG_USB0_TESTMODE               ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_TESTMODE)                /* USB0 Testmode Register */
3651 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_TXMAXP0            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_TXMAXP0)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3652 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_TXCSR_P0           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_TXCSR_P0)            /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3653 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_TXCSR_H0           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_TXCSR_H0)            /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3654 #define pREG_USB0_EP0I_CSR0_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0I_CSR0_P)             /* USB0 EP0 Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3655 #define pREG_USB0_EP0I_CSR0_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0I_CSR0_H)             /* USB0 EP0 Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3656 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_RXMAXP0            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_RXMAXP0)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3657 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_RXCSR_H0           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_RXCSR_H0)            /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3658 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_RXCSR_P0           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_RXCSR_P0)            /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3659 #define pREG_USB0_EP0I_CNT0              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0I_CNT0)               /* USB0 EP0 Number of Received Bytes Register */
3660 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_RXCNT0             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_RXCNT0)              /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3661 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_TXTYPE0            ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_TXTYPE0)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3662 #define pREG_USB0_EP0I_TYPE0             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0I_TYPE0)              /* USB0 EP0 Connection Type Register */
3663 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_TXINTERVAL0        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_TXINTERVAL0)         /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3664 #define pREG_USB0_EP0I_NAKLIMIT0         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0I_NAKLIMIT0)          /* USB0 EP0 NAK Limit Register */
3665 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_RXTYPE0            ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_RXTYPE0)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3666 #define pREG_USB0_EPI_RXINTERVAL0        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EPI_RXINTERVAL0)         /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3667 #define pREG_USB0_EP0I_CFGDATA0          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0I_CFGDATA0)           /* USB0 EP0 Configuration Information Register */
3668 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB0                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB0)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3669 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB1                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB1)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3670 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB2                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB2)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3671 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB3                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB3)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3672 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB4                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB4)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3673 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB5                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB5)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3674 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB6                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB6)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3675 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB7                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB7)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3676 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB8                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB8)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3677 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB9                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB9)                  /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3678 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB10                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB10)                 /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3679 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOB11                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOB11)                 /* USB0 FIFO Byte (8-Bit) Register */
3680 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH0                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH0)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3681 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH1                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH1)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3682 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH2                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH2)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3683 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH3                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH3)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3684 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH4                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH4)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3685 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH5                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH5)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3686 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH6                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH6)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3687 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH7                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH7)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3688 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH8                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH8)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3689 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH9                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH9)                  /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3690 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH10                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH10)                 /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3691 #define pREG_USB0_FIFOH11                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_FIFOH11)                 /* USB0 FIFO Half-Word (16-Bit) Register */
3692 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO0                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO0)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3693 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO1                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO1)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3694 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO2                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO2)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3695 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO3                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO3)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3696 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO4                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO4)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3697 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO5                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO5)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3698 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO6                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO6)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3699 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO7                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO7)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3700 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO8                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO8)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3701 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO9                  ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO9)                   /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3702 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO10                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO10)                  /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3703 #define pREG_USB0_FIFO11                 ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_FIFO11)                  /* USB0 FIFO Word (32-Bit) Register */
3704 #define pREG_USB0_DEV_CTL                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_DEV_CTL)                 /* USB0 Device Control Register */
3705 #define pREG_USB0_TXFIFOSZ               ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_TXFIFOSZ)                /* USB0 Transmit FIFO Size Register */
3706 #define pREG_USB0_RXFIFOSZ               ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_RXFIFOSZ)                /* USB0 Receive FIFO Size Register */
3707 #define pREG_USB0_TXFIFOADDR             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_TXFIFOADDR)              /* USB0 Transmit FIFO Address Register */
3708 #define pREG_USB0_RXFIFOADDR             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RXFIFOADDR)              /* USB0 Receive FIFO Address Register */
3709 #define pREG_USB0_EPINFO                 ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EPINFO)                  /* USB0 Endpoint Information Register */
3710 #define pREG_USB0_RAMINFO                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_RAMINFO)                 /* USB0 RAM Information Register */
3711 #define pREG_USB0_LINKINFO               ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_LINKINFO)                /* USB0 Link Information Register */
3712 #define pREG_USB0_VPLEN                  ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_VPLEN)                   /* USB0 VBUS Pulse Length Register */
3713 #define pREG_USB0_HS_EOF1                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_HS_EOF1)                 /* USB0 High-Speed EOF 1 Register */
3714 #define pREG_USB0_FS_EOF1                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_FS_EOF1)                 /* USB0 Full-Speed EOF 1 Register */
3715 #define pREG_USB0_LS_EOF1                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_LS_EOF1)                 /* USB0 Low-Speed EOF 1 Register */
3716 #define pREG_USB0_SOFT_RST               ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_SOFT_RST)                /* USB0 Software Reset Register */
3717 #define pREG_USB0_MP0_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP0_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3718 #define pREG_USB0_MP1_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP1_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3719 #define pREG_USB0_MP2_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP2_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3720 #define pREG_USB0_MP3_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP3_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3721 #define pREG_USB0_MP4_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP4_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3722 #define pREG_USB0_MP5_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP5_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3723 #define pREG_USB0_MP6_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP6_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3724 #define pREG_USB0_MP7_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP7_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3725 #define pREG_USB0_MP8_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP8_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3726 #define pREG_USB0_MP9_TXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP9_TXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3727 #define pREG_USB0_MP10_TXFUNCADDR        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP10_TXFUNCADDR)         /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3728 #define pREG_USB0_MP11_TXFUNCADDR        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP11_TXFUNCADDR)         /* USB0 MPn Transmit Function Address Register */
3729 #define pREG_USB0_MP0_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP0_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3730 #define pREG_USB0_MP1_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP1_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3731 #define pREG_USB0_MP2_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP2_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3732 #define pREG_USB0_MP3_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP3_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3733 #define pREG_USB0_MP4_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP4_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3734 #define pREG_USB0_MP5_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP5_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3735 #define pREG_USB0_MP6_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP6_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3736 #define pREG_USB0_MP7_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP7_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3737 #define pREG_USB0_MP8_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP8_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3738 #define pREG_USB0_MP9_TXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP9_TXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3739 #define pREG_USB0_MP10_TXHUBADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP10_TXHUBADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3740 #define pREG_USB0_MP11_TXHUBADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP11_TXHUBADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Address Register */
3741 #define pREG_USB0_MP0_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP0_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3742 #define pREG_USB0_MP1_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP1_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3743 #define pREG_USB0_MP2_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP2_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3744 #define pREG_USB0_MP3_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP3_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3745 #define pREG_USB0_MP4_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP4_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3746 #define pREG_USB0_MP5_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP5_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3747 #define pREG_USB0_MP6_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP6_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3748 #define pREG_USB0_MP7_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP7_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3749 #define pREG_USB0_MP8_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP8_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3750 #define pREG_USB0_MP9_TXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP9_TXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3751 #define pREG_USB0_MP10_TXHUBPORT         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP10_TXHUBPORT)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3752 #define pREG_USB0_MP11_TXHUBPORT         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP11_TXHUBPORT)          /* USB0 MPn Transmit Hub Port Register */
3753 #define pREG_USB0_MP0_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP0_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3754 #define pREG_USB0_MP1_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP1_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3755 #define pREG_USB0_MP2_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP2_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3756 #define pREG_USB0_MP3_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP3_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3757 #define pREG_USB0_MP4_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP4_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3758 #define pREG_USB0_MP5_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP5_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3759 #define pREG_USB0_MP6_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP6_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3760 #define pREG_USB0_MP7_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP7_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3761 #define pREG_USB0_MP8_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP8_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3762 #define pREG_USB0_MP9_RXFUNCADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP9_RXFUNCADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3763 #define pREG_USB0_MP10_RXFUNCADDR        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP10_RXFUNCADDR)         /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3764 #define pREG_USB0_MP11_RXFUNCADDR        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP11_RXFUNCADDR)         /* USB0 MPn Receive Function Address Register */
3765 #define pREG_USB0_MP0_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP0_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3766 #define pREG_USB0_MP1_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP1_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3767 #define pREG_USB0_MP2_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP2_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3768 #define pREG_USB0_MP3_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP3_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3769 #define pREG_USB0_MP4_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP4_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3770 #define pREG_USB0_MP5_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP5_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3771 #define pREG_USB0_MP6_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP6_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3772 #define pREG_USB0_MP7_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP7_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3773 #define pREG_USB0_MP8_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP8_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3774 #define pREG_USB0_MP9_RXHUBADDR          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP9_RXHUBADDR)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3775 #define pREG_USB0_MP10_RXHUBADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP10_RXHUBADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3776 #define pREG_USB0_MP11_RXHUBADDR         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP11_RXHUBADDR)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Address Register */
3777 #define pREG_USB0_MP0_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP0_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3778 #define pREG_USB0_MP1_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP1_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3779 #define pREG_USB0_MP2_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP2_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3780 #define pREG_USB0_MP3_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP3_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3781 #define pREG_USB0_MP4_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP4_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3782 #define pREG_USB0_MP5_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP5_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3783 #define pREG_USB0_MP6_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP6_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3784 #define pREG_USB0_MP7_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP7_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3785 #define pREG_USB0_MP8_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP8_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3786 #define pREG_USB0_MP9_RXHUBPORT          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP9_RXHUBPORT)           /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3787 #define pREG_USB0_MP10_RXHUBPORT         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP10_RXHUBPORT)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3788 #define pREG_USB0_MP11_RXHUBPORT         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_MP11_RXHUBPORT)          /* USB0 MPn Receive Hub Port Register */
3789 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3790 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3791 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3792 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3793 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3794 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3795 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3796 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3797 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3798 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_TXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_TXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3799 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_TXMAXP            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_TXMAXP)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3800 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_TXMAXP            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_TXMAXP)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Maximum Packet Length Register */
3801 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_CSR0_H             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_CSR0_H)              /* USB0 EP0 Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3802 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3803 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3804 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3805 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3806 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3807 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3808 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3809 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3810 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3811 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_TXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_TXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3812 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_TXCSR_H           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_TXCSR_H)            /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3813 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_TXCSR_H           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_TXCSR_H)            /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3814 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_CSR0_P             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_CSR0_P)              /* USB0 EP0 Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3815 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3816 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3817 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3818 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3819 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3820 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3821 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3822 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3823 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3824 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_TXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_TXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3825 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_TXCSR_P           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_TXCSR_P)            /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3826 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_TXCSR_P           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_TXCSR_P)            /* USB0 EPn Transmit Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3827 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3828 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3829 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3830 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3831 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3832 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3833 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3834 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3835 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3836 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_RXMAXP             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_RXMAXP)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3837 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_RXMAXP            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_RXMAXP)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3838 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_RXMAXP            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_RXMAXP)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Maximum Packet Length Register */
3839 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3840 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3841 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3842 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3843 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3844 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3845 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3846 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3847 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3848 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_RXCSR_H            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_RXCSR_H)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3849 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_RXCSR_H           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_RXCSR_H)            /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3850 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_RXCSR_H           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_RXCSR_H)            /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Host) Register */
3851 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3852 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3853 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3854 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3855 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3856 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3857 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3858 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3859 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3860 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_RXCSR_P            ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_RXCSR_P)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3861 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_RXCSR_P           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_RXCSR_P)            /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3862 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_RXCSR_P           ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_RXCSR_P)            /* USB0 EPn Receive Configuration and Status (Peripheral) Register */
3863 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_CNT0               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_CNT0)                /* USB0 EP0 Number of Received Bytes Register */
3864 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3865 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3866 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3867 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3868 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3869 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3870 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3871 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3872 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3873 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_RXCNT              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_RXCNT)               /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3874 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_RXCNT             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_RXCNT)              /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3875 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_RXCNT             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_RXCNT)              /* USB0 EPn Number of Bytes Received Register */
3876 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_TYPE0              ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_TYPE0)               /* USB0 EP0 Connection Type Register */
3877 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3878 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3879 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3880 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3881 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3882 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3883 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3884 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3885 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3886 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_TXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_TXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3887 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_TXTYPE            ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_TXTYPE)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3888 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_TXTYPE            ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_TXTYPE)             /* USB0 EPn Transmit Type Register */
3889 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_NAKLIMIT0          ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_NAKLIMIT0)           /* USB0 EP0 NAK Limit Register */
3890 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3891 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3892 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3893 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3894 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3895 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3896 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3897 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3898 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3899 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_TXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_TXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3900 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_TXINTERVAL        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_TXINTERVAL)         /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3901 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_TXINTERVAL        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_TXINTERVAL)         /* USB0 EPn Transmit Polling Interval Register */
3902 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3903 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3904 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3905 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3906 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3907 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3908 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3909 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3910 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3911 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_RXTYPE             ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_RXTYPE)              /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3912 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_RXTYPE            ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_RXTYPE)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3913 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_RXTYPE            ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_RXTYPE)             /* USB0 EPn Receive Type Register */
3914 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3915 #define pREG_USB0_EP1_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP1_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3916 #define pREG_USB0_EP2_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP2_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3917 #define pREG_USB0_EP3_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP3_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3918 #define pREG_USB0_EP4_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP4_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3919 #define pREG_USB0_EP5_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP5_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3920 #define pREG_USB0_EP6_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP6_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3921 #define pREG_USB0_EP7_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP7_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3922 #define pREG_USB0_EP8_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP8_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3923 #define pREG_USB0_EP9_RXINTERVAL         ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP9_RXINTERVAL)          /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3924 #define pREG_USB0_EP10_RXINTERVAL        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP10_RXINTERVAL)         /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3925 #define pREG_USB0_EP11_RXINTERVAL        ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP11_RXINTERVAL)         /* USB0 EPn Receive Polling Interval Register */
3926 #define pREG_USB0_EP0_CFGDATA0           ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_EP0_CFGDATA0)            /* USB0 EP0 Configuration Information Register */
3927 #define pREG_USB0_DMA_IRQ                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_DMA_IRQ)                 /* USB0 DMA Interrupt Register */
3928 #define pREG_USB0_DMA0_CTL               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_DMA0_CTL)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Control Register */
3929 #define pREG_USB0_DMA1_CTL               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_DMA1_CTL)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Control Register */
3930 #define pREG_USB0_DMA2_CTL               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_DMA2_CTL)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Control Register */
3931 #define pREG_USB0_DMA3_CTL               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_DMA3_CTL)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Control Register */
3932 #define pREG_USB0_DMA4_CTL               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_DMA4_CTL)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Control Register */
3933 #define pREG_USB0_DMA5_CTL               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_DMA5_CTL)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Control Register */
3934 #define pREG_USB0_DMA6_CTL               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_DMA6_CTL)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Control Register */
3935 #define pREG_USB0_DMA7_CTL               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_DMA7_CTL)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Control Register */
3936 #define pREG_USB0_DMA0_ADDR              ((void * volatile *)REG_USB0_DMA0_ADDR)                 /* USB0 DMA Channel n Address Register */
3937 #define pREG_USB0_DMA1_ADDR              ((void * volatile *)REG_USB0_DMA1_ADDR)                 /* USB0 DMA Channel n Address Register */
3938 #define pREG_USB0_DMA2_ADDR              ((void * volatile *)REG_USB0_DMA2_ADDR)                 /* USB0 DMA Channel n Address Register */
3939 #define pREG_USB0_DMA3_ADDR              ((void * volatile *)REG_USB0_DMA3_ADDR)                 /* USB0 DMA Channel n Address Register */
3940 #define pREG_USB0_DMA4_ADDR              ((void * volatile *)REG_USB0_DMA4_ADDR)                 /* USB0 DMA Channel n Address Register */
3941 #define pREG_USB0_DMA5_ADDR              ((void * volatile *)REG_USB0_DMA5_ADDR)                 /* USB0 DMA Channel n Address Register */
3942 #define pREG_USB0_DMA6_ADDR              ((void * volatile *)REG_USB0_DMA6_ADDR)                 /* USB0 DMA Channel n Address Register */
3943 #define pREG_USB0_DMA7_ADDR              ((void * volatile *)REG_USB0_DMA7_ADDR)                 /* USB0 DMA Channel n Address Register */
3944 #define pREG_USB0_DMA0_CNT               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_DMA0_CNT)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Count Register */
3945 #define pREG_USB0_DMA1_CNT               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_DMA1_CNT)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Count Register */
3946 #define pREG_USB0_DMA2_CNT               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_DMA2_CNT)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Count Register */
3947 #define pREG_USB0_DMA3_CNT               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_DMA3_CNT)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Count Register */
3948 #define pREG_USB0_DMA4_CNT               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_DMA4_CNT)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Count Register */
3949 #define pREG_USB0_DMA5_CNT               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_DMA5_CNT)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Count Register */
3950 #define pREG_USB0_DMA6_CNT               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_DMA6_CNT)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Count Register */
3951 #define pREG_USB0_DMA7_CNT               ((volatile uint32_t *)REG_USB0_DMA7_CNT)                /* USB0 DMA Channel n Count Register */
3952 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT0              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT0)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3953 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT1              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT1)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3954 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT2              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT2)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3955 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT3              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT3)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3956 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT4              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT4)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3957 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT5              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT5)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3958 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT6              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT6)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3959 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT7              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT7)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3960 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT8              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT8)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3961 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT9              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT9)               /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3962 #define pREG_USB0_RQPKTCNT10             ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_RQPKTCNT10)              /* USB0 EPn Request Packet Count Register */
3963 #define pREG_USB0_CT_UCH                 ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_CT_UCH)                  /* USB0 Chirp Timeout Register */
3964 #define pREG_USB0_CT_HHSRTN              ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_CT_HHSRTN)               /* USB0 Host High Speed Return to Normal Register */
3965 #define pREG_USB0_CT_HSBT                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_CT_HSBT)                 /* USB0 High Speed Timeout Register */
3966 #define pREG_USB0_LPM_ATTR               ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_LPM_ATTR)                /* USB0 LPM Attribute Register */
3967 #define pREG_USB0_LPM_CTL                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_LPM_CTL)                 /* USB0 LPM Control Register */
3968 #define pREG_USB0_LPM_IEN                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_LPM_IEN)                 /* USB0 LPM Interrupt Enable Register */
3969 #define pREG_USB0_LPM_IRQ                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_LPM_IRQ)                 /* USB0 LPM Interrupt Status Register */
3970 #define pREG_USB0_LPM_FADDR              ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_LPM_FADDR)               /* USB0 LPM Function Address Register */
3971 #define pREG_USB0_VBUS_CTL               ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_VBUS_CTL)                /* USB0 VBUS Control Register */
3972 #define pREG_USB0_BAT_CHG                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_BAT_CHG)                 /* USB0 Battery Charging Control Register */
3973 #define pREG_USB0_PHY_CTL                ((volatile  uint8_t *)REG_USB0_PHY_CTL)                 /* USB0 PHY Control Register */
3974 #define pREG_USB0_PLL_OSC                ((volatile uint16_t *)REG_USB0_PLL_OSC)                 /* USB0 PLL and Oscillator Control Register */
3977 /* =========================================================================
3978        L1DM0
3979    ========================================================================= */
3980 #define pSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS               ((void * volatile *)SRAM_BASE_ADDRESS)                  /* SRAM Base Address */
3981 #define pDMEM_CONTROL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)DMEM_CONTROL)                     /* Data memory control */
3982 #define pDCPLB_STATUS                    ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_STATUS)                     /* Data Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Status */
3983 #define pDCPLB_FAULT_ADDR                ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_FAULT_ADDR)                   /* Data Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Fault Address */
3984 #define pDCPLB_ADDR0                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR0)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3985 #define pDCPLB_ADDR1                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR1)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3986 #define pDCPLB_ADDR2                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR2)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3987 #define pDCPLB_ADDR3                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR3)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3988 #define pDCPLB_ADDR4                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR4)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3989 #define pDCPLB_ADDR5                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR5)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3990 #define pDCPLB_ADDR6                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR6)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3991 #define pDCPLB_ADDR7                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR7)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3992 #define pDCPLB_ADDR8                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR8)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3993 #define pDCPLB_ADDR9                     ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR9)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3994 #define pDCPLB_ADDR10                    ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR10)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3995 #define pDCPLB_ADDR11                    ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR11)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3996 #define pDCPLB_ADDR12                    ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR12)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3997 #define pDCPLB_ADDR13                    ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR13)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3998 #define pDCPLB_ADDR14                    ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR14)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
3999 #define pDCPLB_ADDR15                    ((void * volatile *)DCPLB_ADDR15)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4000 #define pDCPLB_DATA0                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA0)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4001 #define pDCPLB_DATA1                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA1)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4002 #define pDCPLB_DATA2                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA2)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4003 #define pDCPLB_DATA3                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA3)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4004 #define pDCPLB_DATA4                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA4)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4005 #define pDCPLB_DATA5                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA5)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4006 #define pDCPLB_DATA6                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA6)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4007 #define pDCPLB_DATA7                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA7)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4008 #define pDCPLB_DATA8                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA8)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4009 #define pDCPLB_DATA9                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA9)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4010 #define pDCPLB_DATA10                    ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA10)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4011 #define pDCPLB_DATA11                    ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA11)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4012 #define pDCPLB_DATA12                    ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA12)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4013 #define pDCPLB_DATA13                    ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA13)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4014 #define pDCPLB_DATA14                    ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA14)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4015 #define pDCPLB_DATA15                    ((volatile uint32_t *)DCPLB_DATA15)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Data */
4016 #define pDTEST_COMMAND                   ((volatile uint32_t *)DTEST_COMMAND)                    /* Data Test Command Register */
4017 #define pDTEST_DATA0                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DTEST_DATA0)                      /* Data Test Data Register */
4018 #define pDTEST_DATA1                     ((volatile uint32_t *)DTEST_DATA1)                      /* Data Test Data Register */
4019 #define pL1DBNKA_PELOC                   ((volatile uint32_t *)L1DBNKA_PELOC)                    /* Data Bank A Parity Error Location */
4020 #define pL1DBNKB_PELOC                   ((volatile uint32_t *)L1DBNKB_PELOC)                    /* Data Bank B Parity Error Location */
4023 /* =========================================================================
4024        L1IM0
4025    ========================================================================= */
4026 #define pIMEM_CONTROL                    ((volatile uint32_t *)IMEM_CONTROL)                     /* Instruction memory control */
4027 #define pICPLB_STATUS                    ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_STATUS)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Status */
4028 #define pICPLB_FAULT_ADDR                ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_FAULT_ADDR)                   /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Fault Address */
4029 #define pICPLB_ADDR0                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR0)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4030 #define pICPLB_ADDR1                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR1)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4031 #define pICPLB_ADDR2                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR2)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4032 #define pICPLB_ADDR3                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR3)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4033 #define pICPLB_ADDR4                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR4)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4034 #define pICPLB_ADDR5                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR5)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4035 #define pICPLB_ADDR6                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR6)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4036 #define pICPLB_ADDR7                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR7)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4037 #define pICPLB_ADDR8                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR8)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4038 #define pICPLB_ADDR9                     ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR9)                        /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4039 #define pICPLB_ADDR10                    ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR10)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4040 #define pICPLB_ADDR11                    ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR11)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4041 #define pICPLB_ADDR12                    ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR12)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4042 #define pICPLB_ADDR13                    ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR13)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4043 #define pICPLB_ADDR14                    ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR14)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4044 #define pICPLB_ADDR15                    ((void * volatile *)ICPLB_ADDR15)                       /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Address */
4045 #define pICPLB_DATA0                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA0)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4046 #define pICPLB_DATA1                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA1)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4047 #define pICPLB_DATA2                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA2)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4048 #define pICPLB_DATA3                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA3)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4049 #define pICPLB_DATA4                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA4)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4050 #define pICPLB_DATA5                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA5)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4051 #define pICPLB_DATA6                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA6)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4052 #define pICPLB_DATA7                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA7)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4053 #define pICPLB_DATA8                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA8)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4054 #define pICPLB_DATA9                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA9)                      /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4055 #define pICPLB_DATA10                    ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA10)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4056 #define pICPLB_DATA11                    ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA11)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4057 #define pICPLB_DATA12                    ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA12)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4058 #define pICPLB_DATA13                    ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA13)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4059 #define pICPLB_DATA14                    ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA14)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4060 #define pICPLB_DATA15                    ((volatile uint32_t *)ICPLB_DATA15)                     /* Cacheability Protection Lookaside Buffer Descriptor Status */
4061 #define pITEST_COMMAND                   ((volatile uint32_t *)ITEST_COMMAND)                    /* Instruction Test Command Register */
4062 #define pITEST_DATA0                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ITEST_DATA0)                      /* Instruction Test Data Register */
4063 #define pITEST_DATA1                     ((volatile uint32_t *)ITEST_DATA1)                      /* Instruction Test Data Register */
4064 #define pL1IBNKA_PELOC                   ((volatile uint32_t *)L1IBNKA_PELOC)                    /* Instruction Bank A Parity Error Location */
4065 #define pL1IBNKB_PELOC                   ((volatile uint32_t *)L1IBNKB_PELOC)                    /* Instruction Bank B Parity Error Location */
4066 #define pL1IBNKC_PELOC                   ((volatile uint32_t *)L1IBNKC_PELOC)                    /* Instruction Bank C Parity Error Location */
4069 /* =========================================================================
4070        ICU0
4071    ========================================================================= */
4072 #define pEVT0                            ((void * volatile *)EVT0)                               /* Event Vector */
4073 #define pEVT1                            ((void * volatile *)EVT1)                               /* Event Vector */
4074 #define pEVT2                            ((void * volatile *)EVT2)                               /* Event Vector */
4075 #define pEVT3                            ((void * volatile *)EVT3)                               /* Event Vector */
4076 #define pEVT4                            ((void * volatile *)EVT4)                               /* Event Vector */
4077 #define pEVT5                            ((void * volatile *)EVT5)                               /* Event Vector */
4078 #define pEVT6                            ((void * volatile *)EVT6)                               /* Event Vector */
4079 #define pEVT7                            ((void * volatile *)EVT7)                               /* Event Vector */
4080 #define pEVT8                            ((void * volatile *)EVT8)                               /* Event Vector */
4081 #define pEVT9                            ((void * volatile *)EVT9)                               /* Event Vector */
4082 #define pEVT10                           ((void * volatile *)EVT10)                              /* Event Vector */
4083 #define pEVT11                           ((void * volatile *)EVT11)                              /* Event Vector */
4084 #define pEVT12                           ((void * volatile *)EVT12)                              /* Event Vector */
4085 #define pEVT13                           ((void * volatile *)EVT13)                              /* Event Vector */
4086 #define pEVT14                           ((void * volatile *)EVT14)                              /* Event Vector */
4087 #define pEVT15                           ((void * volatile *)EVT15)                              /* Event Vector */
4088 #define pIMASK                           ((volatile uint32_t *)IMASK)                            /* Interrupt Mask Register */
4089 #define pIPEND                           ((volatile uint32_t *)IPEND)                            /* Interrupts Pending Register */
4090 #define pILAT                            ((volatile uint32_t *)ILAT)                             /* Interrupt Latch Register */
4091 #define pIPRIO                           ((volatile uint32_t *)IPRIO)                            /* Interrupt Priority Register */
4092 #define pCEC_SID                         ((volatile uint32_t *)CEC_SID)                          /* Core System Interrupt ID */
4095 /* =========================================================================
4096        TMR0
4097    ========================================================================= */
4098 #define pTCNTL                           ((volatile uint32_t *)TCNTL)                            /* Timer Control Register */
4099 #define pTPERIOD                         ((volatile uint32_t *)TPERIOD)                          /* Timer Period Register */
4100 #define pTSCALE                          ((volatile uint32_t *)TSCALE)                           /* Timer Scale Register */
4101 #define pTCOUNT                          ((volatile uint32_t *)TCOUNT)                           /* Timer Count Register */
4104 /* =========================================================================
4105        DBG0
4106    ========================================================================= */
4107 #define pDSPID                           ((volatile uint32_t *)DSPID)                            /* DSP Identification Register */
4110 /* =========================================================================
4111        TB0
4112    ========================================================================= */
4113 #define pTBUFCTL                         ((volatile uint32_t *)TBUFCTL)                          /* Trace Buffer Control Register */
4114 #define pTBUFSTAT                        ((volatile uint32_t *)TBUFSTAT)                         /* Trace Buffer Status Register */
4115 #define pTBUF                            ((void * volatile *)TBUF)                               /* Trace Buffer */
4118 /* =========================================================================
4119        WP0
4120    ========================================================================= */
4121 #define pWPIACTL                         ((volatile uint32_t *)WPIACTL)                          /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Control Register 01 */
4122 #define pWPIA0                           ((void * volatile *)WPIA0)                              /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Register */
4123 #define pWPIA1                           ((void * volatile *)WPIA1)                              /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Register */
4124 #define pWPIA2                           ((void * volatile *)WPIA2)                              /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Register */
4125 #define pWPIA3                           ((void * volatile *)WPIA3)                              /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Register */
4126 #define pWPIA4                           ((void * volatile *)WPIA4)                              /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Register */
4127 #define pWPIA5                           ((void * volatile *)WPIA5)                              /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Register */
4128 #define pWPIACNT0                        ((volatile uint32_t *)WPIACNT0)                         /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Count Register */
4129 #define pWPIACNT1                        ((volatile uint32_t *)WPIACNT1)                         /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Count Register */
4130 #define pWPIACNT2                        ((volatile uint32_t *)WPIACNT2)                         /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Count Register */
4131 #define pWPIACNT3                        ((volatile uint32_t *)WPIACNT3)                         /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Count Register */
4132 #define pWPIACNT4                        ((volatile uint32_t *)WPIACNT4)                         /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Count Register */
4133 #define pWPIACNT5                        ((volatile uint32_t *)WPIACNT5)                         /* Watchpoint Instruction Address Count Register */
4134 #define pWPDACTL                         ((volatile uint32_t *)WPDACTL)                          /* Watchpoint Data Address Control Register */
4135 #define pWPDA0                           ((void * volatile *)WPDA0)                              /* Watchpoint Data Address Register */
4136 #define pWPDA1                           ((void * volatile *)WPDA1)                              /* Watchpoint Data Address Register */
4137 #define pWPDACNT0                        ((volatile uint32_t *)WPDACNT0)                         /* Watchpoint Data Address Count Value Register */
4138 #define pWPDACNT1                        ((volatile uint32_t *)WPDACNT1)                         /* Watchpoint Data Address Count Value Register */
4139 #define pWPSTAT                          ((volatile uint32_t *)WPSTAT)                           /* Watchpoint Status Register */
4142 /* =========================================================================
4143        PF0
4144    ========================================================================= */
4145 #define pPFCTL                           ((volatile uint32_t *)PFCTL)                            /* Performance Monitor Control Register */
4146 #define pPFCNTR0                         ((volatile uint32_t *)PFCNTR0)                          /* Performance Monitor Counter 0 */
4147 #define pPFCNTR1                         ((volatile uint32_t *)PFCNTR1)                          /* Performance Monitor Counter 1 */
4149 #ifdef _MISRA_RULES
4150 #pragma diag(pop)
4151 #endif /* _MISRA_RULES */
4153 #endif	/* end ifndef _CDEF_BF606_H */