1		ifndef	__s12z_cpmu_inc
2__s12z_cpmu_inc	equ	1
4		save
5		listing	off	; no listing over this file
8;*                                                                          *
9;*   AS 1.42 - File S12ZCPMU.INC                                            *
10;*                                                                          *
11;*   Contains Bit & Register Definitions for S12Z CPMU                      *
12;*                                                                          *
15CPMURESERVED00	equ	$06C0
16CPMURESERVED01	equ	$06C1
17CPMURESERVED02	equ	$06C2
18CPMURFLG	equ	$06C3		; Reset Flags Register
19PORF		s12zbit	CPMURFLG,6	;  Power on Reset Flag
20LVRF		s12zbit	CPMURFLG,5	;  Low Voltage Reset Flag
21COPRF		s12zbit	CPMURFLG,3	;  COP Reset Flag
22OMRF		s12zbit	CPMURFLG,1	;  Oscillator Clock Monitor Reset Flag
23PMRF		s12zbit	CPMURFLG,0	;  PLL Clock Monitor Reset Flag
24CPMUSYNR	equ	$06C4		; Synthesizer Register
25VCOFRQ		s12zfld	CPMUSYNR,2:6	;  VCO gain
26SYNDIV		s12zfld	CPMUSYNR,6:0	;  Divider
27CPMUREFDIV	equ	$06C5		; Reference Divider Register
29REFDIV		s12zfld	CPMUREFDIV,4:0	;  Divider
30CPMUPOSTDIV	equ	$06C6		; Post Divider Register
31POSTDIV		s12zfld	CPMUPOSTDIV,5:0	; Divider
32CPMUIFLG	equ	$06C7		; Interrupt Flags Register
33RTIF		s12zbit	CPMUIFLG,7	;  Real Time Interrupt Flag
34LOCKIF		s12zbit	CPMUIFLG,4	;  PLL Lock Interrupt Flag
35LOCK		s12zbit	CPMUIFLG,3	;  Lock Status Bit
36OSCIF		s12zbit	CPMUIFLG,1	;  Oscillator Interrupt Flag
37UPOSC		s12zbit	CPMUIFLG,0	;  Oscillator Status Bit
38CPMUINT		equ	$06C8		; Interrupt Enable Register
39RTIE		s12zbit	CPMUINT,7	;  Real Time Interrupt Enable Bit
40LOCKIE		s12zbit	CPMUINT,4	;  PLL Lock Interrupt Enable Bit
41OSCIE		s12zbit	CPMUINT,0	;  Oscillator Corrupt Interrupt Enable Bit
42CPMUCLKS	equ	$06C9		; Clock Select Register
43PLLSEL		s12zbit	CPMUCLKS,7	;  PLL Select Bit
44PSTP		s12zbit	CPMUCLKS,6	;  Pseudo Stop Bit
45CSAD		s12zbit	CPMUCLKS,5	;  COP in Stop Mode ACLK Disable
46COPOSCSEL1	s12zbit	CPMUCLKS,4	;  COP Clock Select 1
47PRE		s12zbit	CPMUCLKS,3	;  RTI Enable During Pseudo Stop Bit
48PCE		s12zbit	CPMUCLKS,2	;  COP Enable During Pseudo Stop Bit
49RTIOSCSEL	s12zbit	CPMUCLKS,1	;  RTI Clock Select
50COPOSCSEL0	s12zbit	CPMUCLKS,0	;  COP Clock Select 0
51CPMUPLL		equ	$06CA		; PLL Control Register
52FM1		s12zbit	CPMUPLL,5	;  PLL Frequency Modulation Enable Bits
53FM0		s12zbit	CPMUPLL,4
54CPMURTI		equ	$06CB		; RTI Control Register
55RTDEC		s12zbit	CPMURTI,7	;  Decimal or Binary Divider Select Bit
56RTR		s12zfld	CPMURTI,7:0	;  Real Time Interrupt Prescale Rate Select Bits (4..6)
57					;  Real Time Interrupt Modulus Counter Select Bits (0..3)
58CPMUCOP		equ	$06CC		; COP Control Register
59WCOP		s12zbit	CPMUCOP,7	;  Window COP Mode Bit
60RSBCK		s12zbit	CPMUCOP,6	;  COP and RTI Stop in Active BDM Mode Bit
61WRTMASK		s12zbit	CPMUCOP,5	;  Write Mask for WCOP and CR[2:0] Bit
62CR		s12zfld	CPMUCOP,3:0	;  COP Watchdog Timer Rate Select
63CPMUTEST0	equ	$06CD
64CPMUTEST1	equ	$06CE
65CPMUARMCOP	equ	$06CF		; COP Timer Arm/Reset Register
66CPMUHTCTL	equ	$06D0		; High Temperature Control Register
67VSEL		s12zbit	CPMUHTCTL,5	;  Voltage Access Select Bit
68HTE		s12zbit	CPMUHTCTL,3	;  High Temperature Sensor/Bandgap Voltage Enable Bit
69HTDS		s12zbit	CPMUHTCTL,2	;  High Temperature Detect Status Bit
70HTIE		s12zbit	CPMUHTCTL,1	;  High Temperature Interrupt Enable Bit
71HTIF		s12zbit	CPMUHTCTL,0	;  High Temperature Interrupt Flag
72CPMULVCTL	equ	$06D1		; Low Voltage Control Register
73LVDS		s12zbit	CPMULVCTL,2	;  Low-Voltage Detect Status Bit
74LVIE		s12zbit	CPMULVCTL,1	;  Low-Voltage Interrupt Enable Bit
75LVIF		s12zbit	CPMULVCTL,0	;  Low-Voltage Interrupt Flag
76CPMUAPICTL	equ	$06D2		; Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Control Register
77APICLK		s12zbit	CPMUAPICTL,7	;  Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Clock Select Bit
78APIES		s12zbit	CPMUAPICTL,4	;  Autonomous Periodical Interrupt External Select Bit
79APIEA		s12zbit	CPMUAPICTL,3	;  Autonomous Periodical Interrupt External Access Enable Bit
80APIFE		s12zbit	CPMUAPICTL,2	;  Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Feature Enable Bit
81APIE		s12zbit	CPMUAPICTL,1	;  Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Enable Bit
82APIF		s12zbit	CPMUAPICTL,0	;  Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Flag
83CPMUACLKTR	equ	$06D3		; Autonomous Clock Trimming Register
84ACLKTR		s12zfld	CPMUACLKTR,6:2	;  Autonomous Clock Period Trimming Bits
85CPMUAPIR	equ	$06D4		; Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Rate (16 bit)
86CPMUAPIRH	equ	$06D4		; Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Rate MSB
87CPMUAPIRL	equ	$06D5		; Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Rate LSB
88CPMUTEST3	equ	$06D6
89CPMUHTTR	equ	$06D7		; High Temperature Trimming Register
90HTOE		s12zbit	CPMUHTTR,7	;  High Temperature Offset Enable Bit
91HTTR		s12zfld	CPMUHTTR,4:0	;  High Temperature Trimming Bits
92CPMUIRCTRIMH	equ	$06D8		; IRC1M Trim Register MSB
93TCTRIM		s12zfld	CPMUIRCTRIMH,5:3;  IRC1M temperature coefficient Trim Bits
94IRCTRIM		s12zfld.w	CPMUIRCTRIMH,10:0;  IRC1M Frequency Trim Bits
95CPMUIRCTRIML	equ	$06D9		; IRC1M Trim Register LSB
96CPMUOSC		equ	$06DA		; Oscillator Register
97OSCE		s12zbit	CPMUOSC,7	;  Oscillator Enable Bit
98CPMUPROT	equ	$06DB		; Protection Register
99PROT		s12zbit	CPMUPROT,0	;  Clock Configuration Registers Protection
100CPMUTEST2	equ	$06DC
101CPMUVREGCTL     equ	$06DD		; Voltage Regulator Control Register
102EXTCON		s12zbit	CPMUVREGCTL,2	;  External voltage regulator Enable Bit for VDDC domain
103EXTXON		s12zbit	CPMUVREGCTL,1	;  External voltage regulator Enable Bit for VDDX domain
104INTXON		s12zbit	CPMUVREGCTL,0	;  Internal voltage regulator Enable Bit for VDDX domain
105CPMUOSC2	equ	$06DE		; Oscillator Register 2
106OMRE		s12zbit	CPMUOSC2,1	;  select the mode of the external oscillator
107OSCMOD		s12zbit	CPMUOSC2,0	;  enable the oscillator clock monitor reset
110		restore			; re-enable listing
112		endif			; __s12z_cpmu_inc