1/* Copyright 2017 WALLIX
3Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13limitations under the License.
17// This file was automatically generated with go generate
18package properties
20const (
21	Account                           = "Account"
22	ACMCertificate                    = "ACMCertificate"
23	Actions                           = "Actions"
24	ActionsEnabled                    = "ActionsEnabled"
25	ActiveServicesCount               = "ActiveServicesCount"
26	AdjustmentType                    = "AdjustmentType"
27	Affinity                          = "Affinity"
28	AgentConnected                    = "AgentConnected"
29	AgentState                        = "AgentState"
30	AgentVersion                      = "AgentVersion"
31	AlarmActions                      = "AlarmActions"
32	AlarmNames                        = "AlarmNames"
33	Alias                             = "Alias"
34	Aliases                           = "Aliases"
35	ApproximateMessageCount           = "ApproximateMessageCount"
36	Architecture                      = "Architecture"
37	Arn                               = "Arn"
38	Association                       = "Association"
39	Associations                      = "Associations"
40	Attachable                        = "Attachable"
41	Attached                          = "Attached"
42	AttachedAt                        = "AttachedAt"
43	Attachment                        = "Attachment"
44	Attributes                        = "Attributes"
45	AutoUpgrade                       = "AutoUpgrade"
46	AvailabilityZone                  = "AvailabilityZone"
47	AvailabilityZones                 = "AvailabilityZones"
48	BackupRetentionPeriod             = "BackupRetentionPeriod"
49	Bucket                            = "Bucket"
50	CallerReference                   = "CallerReference"
51	Capabilities                      = "Capabilities"
52	Certificate                       = "Certificate"
53	CertificateAuthority              = "CertificateAuthority"
54	Certificates                      = "Certificates"
55	ChangeSet                         = "ChangeSet"
56	Charset                           = "Charset"
57	CheckHTTPCode                     = "CheckHTTPCode"
58	CheckInterval                     = "CheckInterval"
59	CheckPath                         = "CheckPath"
60	CheckPort                         = "CheckPort"
61	CheckProtocol                     = "CheckProtocol"
62	CheckTimeout                      = "CheckTimeout"
63	CIDR                              = "CIDR"
64	CIDRv6                            = "CIDRv6"
65	CipherSuite                       = "CipherSuite"
66	Class                             = "Class"
67	Cluster                           = "Cluster"
68	Comment                           = "Comment"
69	Config                            = "Config"
70	ContainerInstance                 = "ContainerInstance"
71	ContainersImages                  = "ContainersImages"
72	ContainerTask                     = "ContainerTask"
73	Continent                         = "Continent"
74	Cooldown                          = "Cooldown"
75	CopyTagsToSnapshot                = "CopyTagsToSnapshot"
76	Country                           = "Country"
77	Created                           = "Created"
78	DBSecurityGroups                  = "DBSecurityGroups"
79	DBSubnetGroup                     = "DBSubnetGroup"
80	Default                           = "Default"
81	DefaultCooldown                   = "DefaultCooldown"
82	Delay                             = "Delay"
83	DeploymentName                    = "DeploymentName"
84	Deployments                       = "Deployments"
85	Description                       = "Description"
86	DesiredCapacity                   = "DesiredCapacity"
87	Dimensions                        = "Dimensions"
88	DisableRollback                   = "DisableRollback"
89	DockerVersion                     = "DockerVersion"
90	Document                          = "Document"
91	Enabled                           = "Enabled"
92	Encrypted                         = "Encrypted"
93	Endpoint                          = "Endpoint"
94	Engine                            = "Engine"
95	EngineVersion                     = "EngineVersion"
96	ExitCode                          = "ExitCode"
97	Failover                          = "Failover"
98	Fingerprint                       = "Fingerprint"
99	GlobalID                          = "GlobalID"
100	GranteeType                       = "GranteeType"
101	Grants                            = "Grants"
102	Handler                           = "Handler"
103	Hash                              = "Hash"
104	HealthCheck                       = "HealthCheck"
105	HealthCheckGracePeriod            = "HealthCheckGracePeriod"
106	HealthCheckType                   = "HealthCheckType"
107	HealthyThresholdCount             = "HealthyThresholdCount"
108	Host                              = "Host"
109	HTTPVersion                       = "HTTPVersion"
110	Hypervisor                        = "Hypervisor"
111	ID                                = "ID"
112	Image                             = "Image"
113	InboundRules                      = "InboundRules"
114	InlinePolicies                    = "InlinePolicies"
115	Instance                          = "Instance"
116	InstanceOwner                     = "InstanceOwner"
117	Instances                         = "Instances"
118	InsufficientDataActions           = "InsufficientDataActions"
119	IOPS                              = "IOPS"
120	IPType                            = "IPType"
121	IPv6Addresses                     = "IPv6Addresses"
122	IPv6Enabled                       = "IPv6Enabled"
123	Key                               = "Key"
124	KeyName                           = "KeyName"
125	KeyPair                           = "KeyPair"
126	LatestRestorableTime              = "LatestRestorableTime"
127	LaunchConfigurationName           = "LaunchConfigurationName"
128	Launched                          = "Launched"
129	License                           = "License"
130	Lifecycle                         = "Lifecycle"
131	LoadBalancer                      = "LoadBalancer"
132	Location                          = "Location"
133	MACAddress                        = "MACAddress"
134	Main                              = "Main"
135	MaxSize                           = "MaxSize"
136	Memory                            = "Memory"
137	Messages                          = "Messages"
138	MetricName                        = "MetricName"
139	MinSize                           = "MinSize"
140	Modified                          = "Modified"
141	MonitoringInterval                = "MonitoringInterval"
142	MonitoringRole                    = "MonitoringRole"
143	MultiAZ                           = "MultiAZ"
144	Name                              = "Name"
145	Namespace                         = "Namespace"
146	NetworkInterfaces                 = "NetworkInterfaces"
147	NewInstancesProtected             = "NewInstancesProtected"
148	Notifications                     = "Notifications"
149	OKActions                         = "OKActions"
150	OptionGroups                      = "OptionGroups"
151	Origins                           = "Origins"
152	OutboundRules                     = "OutboundRules"
153	Outputs                           = "Outputs"
154	Owner                             = "Owner"
155	ParameterGroups                   = "ParameterGroups"
156	Parameters                        = "Parameters"
157	PasswordLastUsed                  = "PasswordLastUsed"
158	Path                              = "Path"
159	PathPrefix                        = "PathPrefix"
160	PendingTasksCount                 = "PendingTasksCount"
161	PlacementGroup                    = "PlacementGroup"
162	Port                              = "Port"
163	Ports                             = "Ports"
164	PortRange                         = "PortRange"
165	PreferredBackupDate               = "PreferredBackupDate"
166	PreferredMaintenanceDate          = "PreferredMaintenanceDate"
167	PriceClass                        = "PriceClass"
168	Private                           = "Private"
169	PrivateDNS                        = "PrivateDNS"
170	PrivateIP                         = "PrivateIP"
171	Profile                           = "Profile"
172	Progress                          = "Progress"
173	Protocol                          = "Protocol"
174	Public                            = "Public"
175	PublicDNS                         = "PublicDNS"
176	PublicIP                          = "PublicIP"
177	RecordCount                       = "RecordCount"
178	Records                           = "Records"
179	Region                            = "Region"
180	RegisteredContainerInstancesCount = "RegisteredContainerInstancesCount"
181	ReplicaOf                         = "ReplicaOf"
182	Role                              = "Role"
183	Roles                             = "Roles"
184	RootDevice                        = "RootDevice"
185	RootDeviceType                    = "RootDeviceType"
186	Routes                            = "Routes"
187	RunningTasksCount                 = "RunningTasksCount"
188	Runtime                           = "Runtime"
189	ScalingAdjustment                 = "ScalingAdjustment"
190	ScalingGroupName                  = "ScalingGroupName"
191	Scheme                            = "Scheme"
192	SecondaryAvailabilityZone         = "SecondaryAvailabilityZone"
193	SecurityGroups                    = "SecurityGroups"
194	Set                               = "Set"
195	Size                              = "Size"
196	Source                            = "Source"
197	SpotInstanceRequestId             = "SpotInstanceRequestId"
198	SpotPrice                         = "SpotPrice"
199	SSLSupportMethod                  = "SSLSupportMethod"
200	State                             = "State"
201	StateMessage                      = "StateMessage"
202	Stopped                           = "Stopped"
203	Storage                           = "Storage"
204	StorageType                       = "StorageType"
205	Subnet                            = "Subnet"
206	Subnets                           = "Subnets"
207	Tags                              = "Tags"
208	TargetGroups                      = "TargetGroups"
209	Timeout                           = "Timeout"
210	Timezone                          = "Timezone"
211	TLSVersionRequired                = "TLSVersionRequired"
212	Topic                             = "Topic"
213	TrafficPolicyInstance             = "TrafficPolicyInstance"
214	TrustPolicy                       = "TrustPolicy"
215	TTL                               = "TTL"
216	Type                              = "Type"
217	UnhealthyThresholdCount           = "UnhealthyThresholdCount"
218	Updated                           = "Updated"
219	URI                               = "URI"
220	UserData                          = "UserData"
221	Username                          = "Username"
222	Value                             = "Value"
223	Version                           = "Version"
224	Virtualization                    = "Virtualization"
225	Volume                            = "Volume"
226	Vpc                               = "Vpc"
227	Vpcs                              = "Vpcs"
228	WebACL                            = "WebACL"
229	Weight                            = "Weight"
230	Zone                              = "Zone"