4 /**
5  * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
7  */
9 #include <aws/common/common.h>
11 #include <stddef.h>
13 struct aws_linked_list_node {
14     struct aws_linked_list_node *next;
15     struct aws_linked_list_node *prev;
16 };
18 struct aws_linked_list {
19     struct aws_linked_list_node head;
20     struct aws_linked_list_node tail;
21 };
25 /**
26  * Set node's next and prev pointers to NULL.
27  */
28 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_node_reset(struct aws_linked_list_node *node);
30 /**
31  * These functions need to be defined first as they are used in pre
32  * and post conditions.
33  */
35 /**
36  * Tests if the list is empty.
37  */
38 AWS_STATIC_IMPL bool aws_linked_list_empty(const struct aws_linked_list *list);
40 /**
41  * Checks that a linked list is valid.
42  */
43 AWS_STATIC_IMPL bool aws_linked_list_is_valid(const struct aws_linked_list *list);
44 /**
45  * Checks that the prev of the next pointer of a node points to the
46  * node. As this checks whether the [next] connection of a node is
47  * bidirectional, it returns false if used for the list tail.
48  */
49 AWS_STATIC_IMPL bool aws_linked_list_node_next_is_valid(const struct aws_linked_list_node *node);
51 /**
52  * Checks that the next of the prev pointer of a node points to the
53  * node. Similarly to the above, this returns false if used for the
54  * head of a list.
55  */
56 AWS_STATIC_IMPL bool aws_linked_list_node_prev_is_valid(const struct aws_linked_list_node *node);
57 /**
58  * Checks that a linked list satisfies double linked list connectivity
59  * constraints. This check is O(n) as it traverses the whole linked
60  * list to ensure that tail is reachable from head (and vice versa)
61  * and that every connection is bidirectional.
62  *
63  * Note: This check *cannot* go into an infinite loop, because we
64  * ensure that the connection to the next node is
65  * bidirectional. Therefore, if a node's [a] a.next is a previous node
66  * [b] in the list, b.prev != &a and so this check would fail, thus
67  * terminating the loop.
68  */
69 AWS_STATIC_IMPL bool aws_linked_list_is_valid_deep(const struct aws_linked_list *list);
71 /**
72  * Initializes the list. List will be empty after this call.
73  */
74 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_init(struct aws_linked_list *list);
76 /**
77  * Returns an iteration pointer for the first element in the list.
78  */
79 AWS_STATIC_IMPL struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_begin(const struct aws_linked_list *list);
81 /**
82  * Returns an iteration pointer for one past the last element in the list.
83  */
84 AWS_STATIC_IMPL const struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_end(const struct aws_linked_list *list);
86 /**
87  * Returns a pointer for the last element in the list.
88  * Used to begin iterating the list in reverse. Ex:
89  *   for (i = aws_linked_list_rbegin(list); i != aws_linked_list_rend(list); i = aws_linked_list_prev(i)) {...}
90  */
91 AWS_STATIC_IMPL struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_rbegin(const struct aws_linked_list *list);
93 /**
94  * Returns the pointer to one before the first element in the list.
95  * Used to end iterating the list in reverse.
96  */
97 AWS_STATIC_IMPL const struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_rend(const struct aws_linked_list *list);
99 /**
100  * Returns the next element in the list.
101  */
102 AWS_STATIC_IMPL struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_next(const struct aws_linked_list_node *node);
104 /**
105  * Returns the previous element in the list.
106  */
107 AWS_STATIC_IMPL struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_prev(const struct aws_linked_list_node *node);
109 /**
110  * Inserts to_add immediately after after.
111  */
112 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_insert_after(
113     struct aws_linked_list_node *after,
114     struct aws_linked_list_node *to_add);
115 /**
116  * Swaps the order two nodes in the linked list.
117  */
118 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_swap_nodes(struct aws_linked_list_node *a, struct aws_linked_list_node *b);
120 /**
121  * Inserts to_add immediately before before.
122  */
123 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_insert_before(
124     struct aws_linked_list_node *before,
125     struct aws_linked_list_node *to_add);
127 /**
128  * Removes the specified node from the list (prev/next point to each other) and
129  * returns the next node in the list.
130  */
131 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_remove(struct aws_linked_list_node *node);
133 /**
134  * Append new_node.
135  */
136 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_push_back(struct aws_linked_list *list, struct aws_linked_list_node *node);
138 /**
139  * Returns the element in the back of the list.
140  */
141 AWS_STATIC_IMPL struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_back(const struct aws_linked_list *list);
143 /**
144  * Returns the element in the back of the list and removes it
145  */
146 AWS_STATIC_IMPL struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_pop_back(struct aws_linked_list *list);
148 /**
149  * Prepend new_node.
150  */
151 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_push_front(struct aws_linked_list *list, struct aws_linked_list_node *node);
152 /**
153  * Returns the element in the front of the list.
154  */
155 AWS_STATIC_IMPL struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_front(const struct aws_linked_list *list);
156 /**
157  * Returns the element in the front of the list and removes it
158  */
159 AWS_STATIC_IMPL struct aws_linked_list_node *aws_linked_list_pop_front(struct aws_linked_list *list);
161 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_swap_contents(
162     struct aws_linked_list *AWS_RESTRICT a,
163     struct aws_linked_list *AWS_RESTRICT b);
165 /**
166  * Remove all nodes from one list, and add them to the back of another.
167  *
168  * Example: if dst={1,2} and src={3,4}, they become dst={1,2,3,4} and src={}
169  */
170 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_move_all_back(
171     struct aws_linked_list *AWS_RESTRICT dst,
172     struct aws_linked_list *AWS_RESTRICT src);
174 /**
175  * Remove all nodes from one list, and add them to the front of another.
176  *
177  * Example: if dst={2,1} and src={4,3}, they become dst={4,3,2,1} and src={}
178  */
179 AWS_STATIC_IMPL void aws_linked_list_move_all_front(
180     struct aws_linked_list *AWS_RESTRICT dst,
181     struct aws_linked_list *AWS_RESTRICT src);
183 #ifndef AWS_NO_STATIC_IMPL
184 #    include <aws/common/linked_list.inl>
185 #endif /* AWS_NO_STATIC_IMPL */
188 #endif /* AWS_COMMON_LINKED_LIST_H */