1 /**
2  * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
4  */
6 #pragma once
7 #include <aws/s3-crt/S3Crt_EXPORTS.h>
9 namespace Aws
10 {
11 namespace Utils
12 {
13 namespace Xml
14 {
15   class XmlNode;
16 } // namespace Xml
17 } // namespace Utils
18 namespace S3Crt
19 {
20 namespace Model
21 {
23   /**
24    * <p>Specifies the byte range of the object to get the records from. A record is
25    * processed when its first byte is contained by the range. This parameter is
26    * optional, but when specified, it must not be empty. See RFC 2616, Section
27    * 14.35.1 about how to specify the start and end of the range.</p><p><h3>See
28    * Also:</h3>   <a
29    * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/s3-2006-03-01/ScanRange">AWS API
30    * Reference</a></p>
31    */
32   class AWS_S3CRT_API ScanRange
33   {
34   public:
35     ScanRange();
36     ScanRange(const Aws::Utils::Xml::XmlNode& xmlNode);
37     ScanRange& operator=(const Aws::Utils::Xml::XmlNode& xmlNode);
39     void AddToNode(Aws::Utils::Xml::XmlNode& parentNode) const;
42     /**
43      * <p>Specifies the start of the byte range. This parameter is optional. Valid
44      * values: non-negative integers. The default value is 0. If only start is
45      * supplied, it means scan from that point to the end of the file.For example;
46      * <code>&lt;scanrange&gt;&lt;start&gt;50&lt;/start&gt;&lt;/scanrange&gt;</code>
47      * means scan from byte 50 until the end of the file.</p>
48      */
GetStart()49     inline long long GetStart() const{ return m_start; }
51     /**
52      * <p>Specifies the start of the byte range. This parameter is optional. Valid
53      * values: non-negative integers. The default value is 0. If only start is
54      * supplied, it means scan from that point to the end of the file.For example;
55      * <code>&lt;scanrange&gt;&lt;start&gt;50&lt;/start&gt;&lt;/scanrange&gt;</code>
56      * means scan from byte 50 until the end of the file.</p>
57      */
StartHasBeenSet()58     inline bool StartHasBeenSet() const { return m_startHasBeenSet; }
60     /**
61      * <p>Specifies the start of the byte range. This parameter is optional. Valid
62      * values: non-negative integers. The default value is 0. If only start is
63      * supplied, it means scan from that point to the end of the file.For example;
64      * <code>&lt;scanrange&gt;&lt;start&gt;50&lt;/start&gt;&lt;/scanrange&gt;</code>
65      * means scan from byte 50 until the end of the file.</p>
66      */
SetStart(long long value)67     inline void SetStart(long long value) { m_startHasBeenSet = true; m_start = value; }
69     /**
70      * <p>Specifies the start of the byte range. This parameter is optional. Valid
71      * values: non-negative integers. The default value is 0. If only start is
72      * supplied, it means scan from that point to the end of the file.For example;
73      * <code>&lt;scanrange&gt;&lt;start&gt;50&lt;/start&gt;&lt;/scanrange&gt;</code>
74      * means scan from byte 50 until the end of the file.</p>
75      */
WithStart(long long value)76     inline ScanRange& WithStart(long long value) { SetStart(value); return *this;}
79     /**
80      * <p>Specifies the end of the byte range. This parameter is optional. Valid
81      * values: non-negative integers. The default value is one less than the size of
82      * the object being queried. If only the End parameter is supplied, it is
83      * interpreted to mean scan the last N bytes of the file. For example,
84      * <code>&lt;scanrange&gt;&lt;end&gt;50&lt;/end&gt;&lt;/scanrange&gt;</code> means
85      * scan the last 50 bytes.</p>
86      */
GetEnd()87     inline long long GetEnd() const{ return m_end; }
89     /**
90      * <p>Specifies the end of the byte range. This parameter is optional. Valid
91      * values: non-negative integers. The default value is one less than the size of
92      * the object being queried. If only the End parameter is supplied, it is
93      * interpreted to mean scan the last N bytes of the file. For example,
94      * <code>&lt;scanrange&gt;&lt;end&gt;50&lt;/end&gt;&lt;/scanrange&gt;</code> means
95      * scan the last 50 bytes.</p>
96      */
EndHasBeenSet()97     inline bool EndHasBeenSet() const { return m_endHasBeenSet; }
99     /**
100      * <p>Specifies the end of the byte range. This parameter is optional. Valid
101      * values: non-negative integers. The default value is one less than the size of
102      * the object being queried. If only the End parameter is supplied, it is
103      * interpreted to mean scan the last N bytes of the file. For example,
104      * <code>&lt;scanrange&gt;&lt;end&gt;50&lt;/end&gt;&lt;/scanrange&gt;</code> means
105      * scan the last 50 bytes.</p>
106      */
SetEnd(long long value)107     inline void SetEnd(long long value) { m_endHasBeenSet = true; m_end = value; }
109     /**
110      * <p>Specifies the end of the byte range. This parameter is optional. Valid
111      * values: non-negative integers. The default value is one less than the size of
112      * the object being queried. If only the End parameter is supplied, it is
113      * interpreted to mean scan the last N bytes of the file. For example,
114      * <code>&lt;scanrange&gt;&lt;end&gt;50&lt;/end&gt;&lt;/scanrange&gt;</code> means
115      * scan the last 50 bytes.</p>
116      */
WithEnd(long long value)117     inline ScanRange& WithEnd(long long value) { SetEnd(value); return *this;}
119   private:
121     long long m_start;
122     bool m_startHasBeenSet;
124     long long m_end;
125     bool m_endHasBeenSet;
126   };
128 } // namespace Model
129 } // namespace S3Crt
130 } // namespace Aws