1 /* Copyright 2002 Rene Rivera.
2 ** Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
3 ** (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
4 */
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <string.h>
8 #include <ctype.h>
9 #include <stdlib.h>
11 /*
12 # yyacc - yacc wrapper
13 #
14 # Allows tokens to be written as `literal` and then automatically
15 # substituted with #defined tokens.
16 #
17 # Usage:
18 #    yyacc file.y filetab.h file.yy
19 #
20 # inputs:
21 #    file.yy        yacc grammar with ` literals
22 #
23 # outputs:
24 #    file.y        yacc grammar
25 #    filetab.h    array of string <-> token mappings
26 #
27 # 3-13-93
28 #    Documented and p moved in sed command (for some reason,
29 #    s/x/y/p doesn't work).
30 # 10-12-93
31 #    Take basename as second argument.
32 # 12-31-96
33 #    reversed order of args to be compatible with GenFile rule
34 # 11-20-2002
35 #    Reimplemented as a C program for portability. (Rene Rivera)
36 */
38 void print_usage();
39 char * copy_string(char * s, int l);
40 char * tokenize_string(char * s);
41 int cmp_literal(const void * a, const void * b);
43 typedef struct
44 {
45     char * string;
46     char * token;
47 } literal;
main(int argc,char ** argv)49 int main(int argc, char ** argv)
50 {
51     int result = 0;
52     if (argc != 4)
53     {
54         print_usage();
55         result = 1;
56     }
57     else
58     {
59         FILE * token_output_f = 0;
60         FILE * grammar_output_f = 0;
61         FILE * grammar_source_f = 0;
63         grammar_source_f = fopen(argv[3],"r");
64         if (grammar_source_f == 0) { result = 1; }
65         if (result == 0)
66         {
67             literal literals[1024];
68             int t = 0;
69             char l[2048];
70             while (1)
71             {
72                 if (fgets(l,2048,grammar_source_f) != 0)
73                 {
74                     char * c = l;
75                     while (1)
76                     {
77                         char * c1 = strchr(c,'`');
78                         if (c1 != 0)
79                         {
80                             char * c2 = strchr(c1+1,'`');
81                             if (c2 != 0)
82                             {
83                                 literals[t].string = copy_string(c1+1,c2-c1-1);
84                                 literals[t].token = tokenize_string(literals[t].string);
85                                 t += 1;
86                                 c = c2+1;
87                             }
88                             else
89                                 break;
90                         }
91                         else
92                             break;
93                     }
94                 }
95                 else
96                 {
97                     break;
98                 }
99             }
100             literals[t].string = 0;
101             literals[t].token = 0;
102             qsort(literals,t,sizeof(literal),cmp_literal);
103             {
104                 int p = 1;
105                 int i = 1;
106                 while (literals[i].string != 0)
107                 {
108                     if (strcmp(literals[p-1].string,literals[i].string) != 0)
109                     {
110                         literals[p] = literals[i];
111                         p += 1;
112                     }
113                     i += 1;
114                 }
115                 literals[p].string = 0;
116                 literals[p].token = 0;
117                 t = p;
118             }
119             token_output_f = fopen(argv[2],"w");
120             if (token_output_f != 0)
121             {
122                 int i = 0;
123                 while (literals[i].string != 0)
124                 {
125                     fprintf(token_output_f,"    { \"%s\", %s },\n",literals[i].string,literals[i].token);
126                     i += 1;
127                 }
128                 fclose(token_output_f);
129             }
130             else
131                 result = 1;
132             if (result == 0)
133             {
134                 grammar_output_f = fopen(argv[1],"w");
135                 if (grammar_output_f != 0)
136                 {
137                     int i = 0;
138                     while (literals[i].string != 0)
139                     {
140                         fprintf(grammar_output_f,"%%token %s\n",literals[i].token);
141                         i += 1;
142                     }
143                     rewind(grammar_source_f);
144                     while (1)
145                     {
146                         if (fgets(l,2048,grammar_source_f) != 0)
147                         {
148                             char * c = l;
149                             while (1)
150                             {
151                                 char * c1 = strchr(c,'`');
152                                 if (c1 != 0)
153                                 {
154                                     char * c2 = strchr(c1+1,'`');
155                                     if (c2 != 0)
156                                     {
157                                         literal key;
158                                         literal * replacement = 0;
159                                         key.string = copy_string(c1+1,c2-c1-1);
160                                         key.token = 0;
161                                         replacement = (literal*)bsearch(
162                                             &key,literals,t,sizeof(literal),cmp_literal);
163                                         *c1 = 0;
164                                         fprintf(grammar_output_f,"%s%s",c,replacement->token);
165                                         c = c2+1;
166                                     }
167                                     else
168                                     {
169                                         fprintf(grammar_output_f,"%s",c);
170                                         break;
171                                     }
172                                 }
173                                 else
174                                 {
175                                     fprintf(grammar_output_f,"%s",c);
176                                     break;
177                                 }
178                             }
179                         }
180                         else
181                         {
182                             break;
183                         }
184                     }
185                     fclose(grammar_output_f);
186                 }
187                 else
188                     result = 1;
189             }
190         }
191         if (result != 0)
192         {
193             perror("yyacc");
194         }
195     }
196     return result;
197 }
199 static char * usage[] = {
200     "yyacc <grammar output.y> <token table output.h> <grammar source.yy>",
201     0 };
print_usage()203 void print_usage()
204 {
205     char ** u;
206     for (u = usage; *u != 0; ++u)
207     {
208         fputs(*u,stderr); putc('\n',stderr);
209     }
210 }
copy_string(char * s,int l)212 char * copy_string(char * s, int l)
213 {
214     char * result = (char*)malloc(l+1);
215     strncpy(result,s,l);
216     result[l] = 0;
217     return result;
218 }
tokenize_string(char * s)220 char * tokenize_string(char * s)
221 {
222     char * result;
223     char * literal = s;
224     int l;
225     int c;
227     if (strcmp(s,":") == 0) literal = "_colon";
228     else if (strcmp(s,"!") == 0) literal = "_bang";
229     else if (strcmp(s,"!=") == 0) literal = "_bang_equals";
230     else if (strcmp(s,"&&") == 0) literal = "_amperamper";
231     else if (strcmp(s,"&") == 0) literal = "_amper";
232     else if (strcmp(s,"+") == 0) literal = "_plus";
233     else if (strcmp(s,"+=") == 0) literal = "_plus_equals";
234     else if (strcmp(s,"||") == 0) literal = "_barbar";
235     else if (strcmp(s,"|") == 0) literal = "_bar";
236     else if (strcmp(s,";") == 0) literal = "_semic";
237     else if (strcmp(s,"-") == 0) literal = "_minus";
238     else if (strcmp(s,"<") == 0) literal = "_langle";
239     else if (strcmp(s,"<=") == 0) literal = "_langle_equals";
240     else if (strcmp(s,">") == 0) literal = "_rangle";
241     else if (strcmp(s,">=") == 0) literal = "_rangle_equals";
242     else if (strcmp(s,".") == 0) literal = "_period";
243     else if (strcmp(s,"?") == 0) literal = "_question";
244     else if (strcmp(s,"?=") == 0) literal = "_question_equals";
245     else if (strcmp(s,"=") == 0) literal = "_equals";
246     else if (strcmp(s,",") == 0) literal = "_comma";
247     else if (strcmp(s,"[") == 0) literal = "_lbracket";
248     else if (strcmp(s,"]") == 0) literal = "_rbracket";
249     else if (strcmp(s,"{") == 0) literal = "_lbrace";
250     else if (strcmp(s,"}") == 0) literal = "_rbrace";
251     else if (strcmp(s,"(") == 0) literal = "_lparen";
252     else if (strcmp(s,")") == 0) literal = "_rparen";
253     l = strlen(literal)+2;
254     result = (char*)malloc(l+1);
255     for (c = 0; literal[c] != 0; ++c)
256     {
257         result[c] = toupper(literal[c]);
258     }
259     result[l-2] = '_';
260     result[l-1] = 't';
261     result[l] = 0;
262     return result;
263 }
cmp_literal(const void * a,const void * b)265 int cmp_literal(const void * a, const void * b)
266 {
267     return strcmp(((const literal *)a)->string,((const literal *)b)->string);
268 }