1 // Boost.Geometry Index
2 //
3 // R-tree distance (knn, path, etc. ) query visitor implementation
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland.
6 //
7 // This file was modified by Oracle on 2019.
8 // Modifications copyright (c) 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
9 // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle
10 //
11 // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
12 // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
13 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
18 namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index {
20 namespace detail { namespace rtree { namespace visitors {
22 template <typename Value, typename Translator, typename DistanceType, typename OutIt>
23 class distance_query_result
24 {
25 public:
26     typedef DistanceType distance_type;
distance_query_result(size_t k,OutIt out_it)28     inline explicit distance_query_result(size_t k, OutIt out_it)
29         : m_count(k), m_out_it(out_it)
30     {
31         BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(0 < m_count, "Number of neighbors should be greater than 0");
33         m_neighbors.reserve(m_count);
34     }
store(Value const & val,distance_type const & curr_comp_dist)36     inline void store(Value const& val, distance_type const& curr_comp_dist)
37     {
38         if ( m_neighbors.size() < m_count )
39         {
40             m_neighbors.push_back(std::make_pair(curr_comp_dist, val));
42             if ( m_neighbors.size() == m_count )
43                 std::make_heap(m_neighbors.begin(), m_neighbors.end(), neighbors_less);
44         }
45         else
46         {
47             if ( curr_comp_dist < m_neighbors.front().first )
48             {
49                 std::pop_heap(m_neighbors.begin(), m_neighbors.end(), neighbors_less);
50                 m_neighbors.back().first = curr_comp_dist;
51                 m_neighbors.back().second = val;
52                 std::push_heap(m_neighbors.begin(), m_neighbors.end(), neighbors_less);
53             }
54         }
55     }
has_enough_neighbors() const57     inline bool has_enough_neighbors() const
58     {
59         return m_count <= m_neighbors.size();
60     }
greatest_comparable_distance() const62     inline distance_type greatest_comparable_distance() const
63     {
64         // greatest distance is in the first neighbor only
65         // if there is at least m_count values found
66         // this is just for safety reasons since is_comparable_distance_valid() is checked earlier
67         // TODO - may be replaced by ASSERT
68         return m_neighbors.size() < m_count
69             ? (std::numeric_limits<distance_type>::max)()
70             : m_neighbors.front().first;
71     }
finish()73     inline size_t finish()
74     {
75         typedef typename std::vector< std::pair<distance_type, Value> >::const_iterator neighbors_iterator;
76         for ( neighbors_iterator it = m_neighbors.begin() ; it != m_neighbors.end() ; ++it, ++m_out_it )
77             *m_out_it = it->second;
79         return m_neighbors.size();
80     }
82 private:
neighbors_less(std::pair<distance_type,Value> const & p1,std::pair<distance_type,Value> const & p2)83     inline static bool neighbors_less(
84         std::pair<distance_type, Value> const& p1,
85         std::pair<distance_type, Value> const& p2)
86     {
87         return p1.first < p2.first;
88     }
90     size_t m_count;
91     OutIt m_out_it;
93     std::vector< std::pair<distance_type, Value> > m_neighbors;
94 };
96 template <
97     typename Value,
98     typename Options,
99     typename Translator,
100     typename Box,
101     typename Allocators,
102     typename Predicates,
103     unsigned DistancePredicateIndex,
104     typename OutIter
105 >
106 class distance_query
107     : public rtree::visitor<Value, typename Options::parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag, true>::type
108 {
109 public:
110     typedef typename Options::parameters_type parameters_type;
111     typedef typename index::detail::strategy_type<parameters_type>::type strategy_type;
113     typedef typename rtree::node<Value, parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag>::type node;
114     typedef typename rtree::internal_node<Value, parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag>::type internal_node;
115     typedef typename rtree::leaf<Value, parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag>::type leaf;
117     typedef index::detail::predicates_element<DistancePredicateIndex, Predicates> nearest_predicate_access;
118     typedef typename nearest_predicate_access::type nearest_predicate_type;
119     typedef typename indexable_type<Translator>::type indexable_type;
121     typedef index::detail::calculate_distance<nearest_predicate_type, indexable_type, strategy_type, value_tag> calculate_value_distance;
122     typedef index::detail::calculate_distance<nearest_predicate_type, Box, strategy_type, bounds_tag> calculate_node_distance;
123     typedef typename calculate_value_distance::result_type value_distance_type;
124     typedef typename calculate_node_distance::result_type node_distance_type;
126     static const unsigned predicates_len = index::detail::predicates_length<Predicates>::value;
distance_query(parameters_type const & parameters,Translator const & translator,Predicates const & pred,OutIter out_it)128     inline distance_query(parameters_type const& parameters, Translator const& translator, Predicates const& pred, OutIter out_it)
129         : m_parameters(parameters), m_translator(translator)
130         , m_pred(pred)
131         , m_result(nearest_predicate_access::get(m_pred).count, out_it)
132         , m_strategy(index::detail::get_strategy(parameters))
133     {}
operator ()(internal_node const & n)135     inline void operator()(internal_node const& n)
136     {
137         typedef typename rtree::elements_type<internal_node>::type elements_type;
139         // array of active nodes
140         typedef typename index::detail::rtree::container_from_elements_type<
141             elements_type,
142             std::pair<node_distance_type, typename Allocators::node_pointer>
143         >::type active_branch_list_type;
145         active_branch_list_type active_branch_list;
146         active_branch_list.reserve(m_parameters.get_max_elements());
148         elements_type const& elements = rtree::elements(n);
150         // fill array of nodes meeting predicates
151         for (typename elements_type::const_iterator it = elements.begin();
152             it != elements.end(); ++it)
153         {
154             // if current node meets predicates
155             // 0 - dummy value
156             if ( index::detail::predicates_check
157                     <
158                         index::detail::bounds_tag, 0, predicates_len
159                     >(m_pred, 0, it->first, m_strategy) )
160             {
161                 // calculate node's distance(s) for distance predicate
162                 node_distance_type node_distance;
163                 // if distance isn't ok - move to the next node
164                 if ( !calculate_node_distance::apply(predicate(), it->first,
165                                                      m_strategy, node_distance) )
166                 {
167                     continue;
168                 }
170                 // if current node is further than found neighbors - don't analyze it
171                 if ( m_result.has_enough_neighbors() &&
172                      is_node_prunable(m_result.greatest_comparable_distance(), node_distance) )
173                 {
174                     continue;
175                 }
177                 // add current node's data into the list
178                 active_branch_list.push_back( std::make_pair(node_distance, it->second) );
179             }
180         }
182         // if there aren't any nodes in ABL - return
183         if ( active_branch_list.empty() )
184             return;
186         // sort array
187         std::sort(active_branch_list.begin(), active_branch_list.end(), abl_less);
189         // recursively visit nodes
190         for ( typename active_branch_list_type::const_iterator it = active_branch_list.begin();
191               it != active_branch_list.end() ; ++it )
192         {
193             // if current node is further than furthest neighbor, the rest of nodes also will be further
194             if ( m_result.has_enough_neighbors() &&
195                  is_node_prunable(m_result.greatest_comparable_distance(), it->first) )
196                 break;
198             rtree::apply_visitor(*this, *(it->second));
199         }
201         // ALTERNATIVE VERSION - use heap instead of sorted container
202         // It seems to be faster for greater MaxElements and slower otherwise
203         // CONSIDER: using one global container/heap for active branches
204         //           instead of a sorted container per level
205         //           This would also change the way how branches are traversed!
206         //           The same may be applied to the iterative version which btw suffers
207         //           from the copying of the whole containers on resize of the ABLs container
209         //// make a heap
210         //std::make_heap(active_branch_list.begin(), active_branch_list.end(), abl_greater);
212         //// recursively visit nodes
213         //while ( !active_branch_list.empty() )
214         //{
215         //    //if current node is further than furthest neighbor, the rest of nodes also will be further
216         //    if ( m_result.has_enough_neighbors()
217         //      && is_node_prunable(m_result.greatest_comparable_distance(), active_branch_list.front().first) )
218         //    {
219         //        break;
220         //    }
222         //    rtree::apply_visitor(*this, *(active_branch_list.front().second));
224         //    std::pop_heap(active_branch_list.begin(), active_branch_list.end(), abl_greater);
225         //    active_branch_list.pop_back();
226         //}
227     }
operator ()(leaf const & n)229     inline void operator()(leaf const& n)
230     {
231         typedef typename rtree::elements_type<leaf>::type elements_type;
232         elements_type const& elements = rtree::elements(n);
234         // search leaf for closest value meeting predicates
235         for (typename elements_type::const_iterator it = elements.begin();
236             it != elements.end(); ++it)
237         {
238             // if value meets predicates
239             if ( index::detail::predicates_check
240                     <
241                         index::detail::value_tag, 0, predicates_len
242                     >(m_pred, *it, m_translator(*it), m_strategy) )
243             {
244                 // calculate values distance for distance predicate
245                 value_distance_type value_distance;
246                 // if distance is ok
247                 if ( calculate_value_distance::apply(predicate(), m_translator(*it),
248                                                      m_strategy, value_distance) )
249                 {
250                     // store value
251                     m_result.store(*it, value_distance);
252                 }
253             }
254         }
255     }
finish()257     inline size_t finish()
258     {
259         return m_result.finish();
260     }
262 private:
abl_less(std::pair<node_distance_type,typename Allocators::node_pointer> const & p1,std::pair<node_distance_type,typename Allocators::node_pointer> const & p2)263     static inline bool abl_less(
264         std::pair<node_distance_type, typename Allocators::node_pointer> const& p1,
265         std::pair<node_distance_type, typename Allocators::node_pointer> const& p2)
266     {
267         return p1.first < p2.first;
268     }
270     //static inline bool abl_greater(
271     //    std::pair<node_distance_type, typename Allocators::node_pointer> const& p1,
272     //    std::pair<node_distance_type, typename Allocators::node_pointer> const& p2)
273     //{
274     //    return p1.first > p2.first;
275     //}
277     template <typename Distance>
is_node_prunable(Distance const & greatest_dist,node_distance_type const & d)278     static inline bool is_node_prunable(Distance const& greatest_dist, node_distance_type const& d)
279     {
280         return greatest_dist <= d;
281     }
predicate() const283     nearest_predicate_type const& predicate() const
284     {
285         return nearest_predicate_access::get(m_pred);
286     }
288     parameters_type const& m_parameters;
289     Translator const& m_translator;
291     Predicates m_pred;
292     distance_query_result<Value, Translator, value_distance_type, OutIter> m_result;
294     strategy_type m_strategy;
295 };
297 template <
298     typename Value,
299     typename Options,
300     typename Translator,
301     typename Box,
302     typename Allocators,
303     typename Predicates,
304     unsigned DistancePredicateIndex
305 >
306 class distance_query_incremental
307     : public rtree::visitor<Value, typename Options::parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag, true>::type
308 {
309 public:
310     typedef typename Options::parameters_type parameters_type;
311     typedef typename index::detail::strategy_type<parameters_type>::type strategy_type;
313     typedef typename rtree::node<Value, parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag>::type node;
314     typedef typename rtree::internal_node<Value, parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag>::type internal_node;
315     typedef typename rtree::leaf<Value, parameters_type, Box, Allocators, typename Options::node_tag>::type leaf;
317     typedef index::detail::predicates_element<DistancePredicateIndex, Predicates> nearest_predicate_access;
318     typedef typename nearest_predicate_access::type nearest_predicate_type;
319     typedef typename indexable_type<Translator>::type indexable_type;
321     typedef index::detail::calculate_distance<nearest_predicate_type, indexable_type, strategy_type, value_tag> calculate_value_distance;
322     typedef index::detail::calculate_distance<nearest_predicate_type, Box, strategy_type, bounds_tag> calculate_node_distance;
323     typedef typename calculate_value_distance::result_type value_distance_type;
324     typedef typename calculate_node_distance::result_type node_distance_type;
326     typedef typename Allocators::size_type size_type;
327     typedef typename Allocators::const_reference const_reference;
328     typedef typename Allocators::node_pointer node_pointer;
330     static const unsigned predicates_len = index::detail::predicates_length<Predicates>::value;
332     typedef typename rtree::elements_type<internal_node>::type internal_elements;
333     typedef typename internal_elements::const_iterator internal_iterator;
334     typedef typename rtree::elements_type<leaf>::type leaf_elements;
336     typedef std::pair<node_distance_type, node_pointer> branch_data;
337     typedef typename index::detail::rtree::container_from_elements_type<
338         internal_elements, branch_data
339     >::type active_branch_list_type;
340     struct internal_stack_element
341     {
internal_stack_elementboost::geometry::index::detail::rtree::visitors::distance_query_incremental::internal_stack_element342         internal_stack_element() : current_branch(0) {}
344         // Required in c++03 for containers using Boost.Move
operator =boost::geometry::index::detail::rtree::visitors::distance_query_incremental::internal_stack_element345         internal_stack_element & operator=(internal_stack_element const& o)
346         {
347             branches = o.branches;
348             current_branch = o.current_branch;
349             return *this;
350         }
351 #endif
352         active_branch_list_type branches;
353         typename active_branch_list_type::size_type current_branch;
354     };
355     typedef std::vector<internal_stack_element> internal_stack_type;
distance_query_incremental()357     inline distance_query_incremental()
358         : m_translator(NULL)
359 //        , m_pred()
360         , current_neighbor((std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)())
361 //        , next_closest_node_distance((std::numeric_limits<node_distance_type>::max)())
362 //        , m_strategy_type()
363     {}
distance_query_incremental(parameters_type const & params,Translator const & translator,Predicates const & pred)365     inline distance_query_incremental(parameters_type const& params, Translator const& translator, Predicates const& pred)
366         : m_translator(::boost::addressof(translator))
367         , m_pred(pred)
368         , current_neighbor((std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)())
369         , next_closest_node_distance((std::numeric_limits<node_distance_type>::max)())
370         , m_strategy(index::detail::get_strategy(params))
371     {
372         BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(0 < max_count(), "k must be greather than 0");
373     }
dereference() const375     const_reference dereference() const
376     {
377         return *(neighbors[current_neighbor].second);
378     }
initialize(node_pointer root)380     void initialize(node_pointer root)
381     {
382         rtree::apply_visitor(*this, *root);
383         increment();
384     }
increment()386     void increment()
387     {
388         for (;;)
389         {
390             size_type new_neighbor = current_neighbor == (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)() ? 0 : current_neighbor + 1;
392             if ( internal_stack.empty() )
393             {
394                 if ( new_neighbor < neighbors.size() )
395                     current_neighbor = new_neighbor;
396                 else
397                 {
398                     current_neighbor = (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)();
399                     // clear() is used to disable the condition above
400                     neighbors.clear();
401                 }
403                 return;
404             }
405             else
406             {
407                 active_branch_list_type & branches = internal_stack.back().branches;
408                 typename active_branch_list_type::size_type & current_branch = internal_stack.back().current_branch;
410                 if ( branches.size() <= current_branch )
411                 {
412                     internal_stack.pop_back();
413                     continue;
414                 }
416                 // if there are no nodes which can have closer values, set new value
417                 if ( new_neighbor < neighbors.size() &&
418                      // here must be < because otherwise neighbours may be sorted in different order
419                      // if there is another value with equal distance
420                      neighbors[new_neighbor].first < next_closest_node_distance )
421                 {
422                     current_neighbor = new_neighbor;
423                     return;
424                 }
426                 // if node is further than the furthest neighbour, following nodes also will be further
427                 BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(neighbors.size() <= max_count(), "unexpected neighbours count");
428                 if ( max_count() <= neighbors.size() &&
429                      is_node_prunable(neighbors.back().first, branches[current_branch].first) )
430                 {
431                     // stop traversing current level
432                     internal_stack.pop_back();
433                     continue;
434                 }
435                 else
436                 {
437                     // new level - must increment current_branch before traversing of another level (mem reallocation)
438                     ++current_branch;
439                     rtree::apply_visitor(*this, *(branches[current_branch - 1].second));
441                     next_closest_node_distance = calc_closest_node_distance(internal_stack.begin(), internal_stack.end());
442                 }
443             }
444         }
445     }
is_end() const447     bool is_end() const
448     {
449         return (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)() == current_neighbor;
450     }
operator ==(distance_query_incremental const & l,distance_query_incremental const & r)452     friend bool operator==(distance_query_incremental const& l, distance_query_incremental const& r)
453     {
454         BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_ASSERT(l.current_neighbor != r.current_neighbor ||
455                                     (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)() == l.current_neighbor ||
456                                     (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)() == r.current_neighbor ||
457                                     l.neighbors[l.current_neighbor].second == r.neighbors[r.current_neighbor].second,
458                                     "not corresponding iterators");
459         return l.current_neighbor == r.current_neighbor;
460     }
462     // Put node's elements into the list of active branches if those elements meets predicates
463     // and distance predicates(currently not used)
464     // and aren't further than found neighbours (if there is enough neighbours)
operator ()(internal_node const & n)465     inline void operator()(internal_node const& n)
466     {
467         typedef typename rtree::elements_type<internal_node>::type elements_type;
468         elements_type const& elements = rtree::elements(n);
470         // add new element
471         internal_stack.resize(internal_stack.size()+1);
473         // fill active branch list array of nodes meeting predicates
474         for ( typename elements_type::const_iterator it = elements.begin() ; it != elements.end() ; ++it )
475         {
476             // if current node meets predicates
477             // 0 - dummy value
478             if ( index::detail::predicates_check
479                     <
480                         index::detail::bounds_tag, 0, predicates_len
481                     >(m_pred, 0, it->first, m_strategy) )
482             {
483                 // calculate node's distance(s) for distance predicate
484                 node_distance_type node_distance;
485                 // if distance isn't ok - move to the next node
486                 if ( !calculate_node_distance::apply(predicate(), it->first,
487                                                      m_strategy, node_distance) )
488                 {
489                     continue;
490                 }
492                 // if current node is further than found neighbors - don't analyze it
493                 if ( max_count() <= neighbors.size() &&
494                      is_node_prunable(neighbors.back().first, node_distance) )
495                 {
496                     continue;
497                 }
499                 // add current node's data into the list
500                 internal_stack.back().branches.push_back( std::make_pair(node_distance, it->second) );
501             }
502         }
504         if ( internal_stack.back().branches.empty() )
505             internal_stack.pop_back();
506         else
507             // sort array
508             std::sort(internal_stack.back().branches.begin(), internal_stack.back().branches.end(), abl_less);
509     }
511     // Put values into the list of neighbours if those values meets predicates
512     // and distance predicates(currently not used)
513     // and aren't further than already found neighbours (if there is enough neighbours)
operator ()(leaf const & n)514     inline void operator()(leaf const& n)
515     {
516         typedef typename rtree::elements_type<leaf>::type elements_type;
517         elements_type const& elements = rtree::elements(n);
519         // store distance to the furthest neighbour
520         bool not_enough_neighbors = neighbors.size() < max_count();
521         value_distance_type greatest_distance = !not_enough_neighbors ? neighbors.back().first : (std::numeric_limits<value_distance_type>::max)();
523         // search leaf for closest value meeting predicates
524         for ( typename elements_type::const_iterator it = elements.begin() ; it != elements.end() ; ++it)
525         {
526             // if value meets predicates
527             if ( index::detail::predicates_check
528                     <
529                         index::detail::value_tag, 0, predicates_len
530                     >(m_pred, *it, (*m_translator)(*it), m_strategy) )
531             {
532                 // calculate values distance for distance predicate
533                 value_distance_type value_distance;
534                 // if distance is ok
535                 if ( calculate_value_distance::apply(predicate(), (*m_translator)(*it),
536                                                      m_strategy, value_distance) )
537                 {
538                     // if there is not enough values or current value is closer than furthest neighbour
539                     if ( not_enough_neighbors || value_distance < greatest_distance )
540                     {
541                         neighbors.push_back(std::make_pair(value_distance, boost::addressof(*it)));
542                     }
543                 }
544             }
545         }
547         // sort array
548         std::sort(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end(), neighbors_less);
549         // remove furthest values
550         if ( max_count() < neighbors.size() )
551             neighbors.resize(max_count());
552     }
554 private:
abl_less(std::pair<node_distance_type,typename Allocators::node_pointer> const & p1,std::pair<node_distance_type,typename Allocators::node_pointer> const & p2)555     static inline bool abl_less(std::pair<node_distance_type, typename Allocators::node_pointer> const& p1,
556                                 std::pair<node_distance_type, typename Allocators::node_pointer> const& p2)
557     {
558         return p1.first < p2.first;
559     }
neighbors_less(std::pair<value_distance_type,const Value * > const & p1,std::pair<value_distance_type,const Value * > const & p2)561     static inline bool neighbors_less(std::pair<value_distance_type, const Value *> const& p1,
562                                       std::pair<value_distance_type, const Value *> const& p2)
563     {
564         return p1.first < p2.first;
565     }
567     node_distance_type
calc_closest_node_distance(typename internal_stack_type::const_iterator first,typename internal_stack_type::const_iterator last)568     calc_closest_node_distance(typename internal_stack_type::const_iterator first,
569                                typename internal_stack_type::const_iterator last)
570     {
571         node_distance_type result = (std::numeric_limits<node_distance_type>::max)();
572         for ( ; first != last ; ++first )
573         {
574             if ( first->branches.size() <= first->current_branch )
575                 continue;
577             node_distance_type curr_dist = first->branches[first->current_branch].first;
578             if ( curr_dist < result )
579                 result = curr_dist;
580         }
581         return result;
582     }
584     template <typename Distance>
is_node_prunable(Distance const & greatest_dist,node_distance_type const & d)585     static inline bool is_node_prunable(Distance const& greatest_dist, node_distance_type const& d)
586     {
587         return greatest_dist <= d;
588     }
max_count() const590     inline unsigned max_count() const
591     {
592         return nearest_predicate_access::get(m_pred).count;
593     }
predicate() const595     nearest_predicate_type const& predicate() const
596     {
597         return nearest_predicate_access::get(m_pred);
598     }
600     const Translator * m_translator;
602     Predicates m_pred;
604     internal_stack_type internal_stack;
605     std::vector< std::pair<value_distance_type, const Value *> > neighbors;
606     size_type current_neighbor;
607     node_distance_type next_closest_node_distance;
609     strategy_type m_strategy;
610 };
612 }}} // namespace detail::rtree::visitors
614 }}} // namespace boost::geometry::index