1# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Canonical Ltd
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17"""Functionality for doing annotations in the 'optimal' way"""
19from .lazy_import import lazy_import
20lazy_import(globals(), """
22import patiencediff
24from breezy import (
25    annotate, # Must be lazy to avoid circular importing
26    graph as _mod_graph,
27    )
29from . import (
30    errors,
31    osutils,
32    ui,
33    )
36class Annotator(object):
37    """Class that drives performing annotations."""
39    def __init__(self, vf):
40        """Create a new Annotator from a VersionedFile."""
41        self._vf = vf
42        self._parent_map = {}
43        self._text_cache = {}
44        # Map from key => number of nexts that will be built from this key
45        self._num_needed_children = {}
46        self._annotations_cache = {}
47        self._heads_provider = None
48        self._ann_tuple_cache = {}
50    def _update_needed_children(self, key, parent_keys):
51        for parent_key in parent_keys:
52            if parent_key in self._num_needed_children:
53                self._num_needed_children[parent_key] += 1
54            else:
55                self._num_needed_children[parent_key] = 1
57    def _get_needed_keys(self, key):
58        """Determine the texts we need to get from the backing vf.
60        :return: (vf_keys_needed, ann_keys_needed)
61            vf_keys_needed  These are keys that we need to get from the vf
62            ann_keys_needed Texts which we have in self._text_cache but we
63                            don't have annotations for. We need to yield these
64                            in the proper order so that we can get proper
65                            annotations.
66        """
67        parent_map = self._parent_map
68        # We need 1 extra copy of the node we will be looking at when we are
69        # done
70        self._num_needed_children[key] = 1
71        vf_keys_needed = set()
72        ann_keys_needed = set()
73        needed_keys = {key}
74        while needed_keys:
75            parent_lookup = []
76            next_parent_map = {}
77            for key in needed_keys:
78                if key in self._parent_map:
79                    # We don't need to lookup this key in the vf
80                    if key not in self._text_cache:
81                        # Extract this text from the vf
82                        vf_keys_needed.add(key)
83                    elif key not in self._annotations_cache:
84                        # We do need to annotate
85                        ann_keys_needed.add(key)
86                        next_parent_map[key] = self._parent_map[key]
87                else:
88                    parent_lookup.append(key)
89                    vf_keys_needed.add(key)
90            needed_keys = set()
91            next_parent_map.update(self._vf.get_parent_map(parent_lookup))
92            for key, parent_keys in next_parent_map.items():
93                if parent_keys is None:  # No graph versionedfile
94                    parent_keys = ()
95                    next_parent_map[key] = ()
96                self._update_needed_children(key, parent_keys)
97                needed_keys.update([key for key in parent_keys
98                                    if key not in parent_map])
99            parent_map.update(next_parent_map)
100            # _heads_provider does some graph caching, so it is only valid
101            # while self._parent_map hasn't changed
102            self._heads_provider = None
103        return vf_keys_needed, ann_keys_needed
105    def _get_needed_texts(self, key, pb=None):
106        """Get the texts we need to properly annotate key.
108        :param key: A Key that is present in self._vf
109        :return: Yield (this_key, text, num_lines)
110            'text' is an opaque object that just has to work with whatever
111            matcher object we are using. Currently it is always 'lines' but
112            future improvements may change this to a simple text string.
113        """
114        keys, ann_keys = self._get_needed_keys(key)
115        if pb is not None:
116            pb.update('getting stream', 0, len(keys))
117        stream = self._vf.get_record_stream(keys, 'topological', True)
118        for idx, record in enumerate(stream):
119            if pb is not None:
120                pb.update('extracting', 0, len(keys))
121            if record.storage_kind == 'absent':
122                raise errors.RevisionNotPresent(record.key, self._vf)
123            this_key = record.key
124            lines = record.get_bytes_as('lines')
125            num_lines = len(lines)
126            self._text_cache[this_key] = lines
127            yield this_key, lines, num_lines
128        for key in ann_keys:
129            lines = self._text_cache[key]
130            num_lines = len(lines)
131            yield key, lines, num_lines
133    def _get_parent_annotations_and_matches(self, key, text, parent_key):
134        """Get the list of annotations for the parent, and the matching lines.
136        :param text: The opaque value given by _get_needed_texts
137        :param parent_key: The key for the parent text
138        :return: (parent_annotations, matching_blocks)
139            parent_annotations is a list as long as the number of lines in
140                parent
141            matching_blocks is a list of (parent_idx, text_idx, len) tuples
142                indicating which lines match between the two texts
143        """
144        parent_lines = self._text_cache[parent_key]
145        parent_annotations = self._annotations_cache[parent_key]
146        # PatienceSequenceMatcher should probably be part of Policy
147        matcher = patiencediff.PatienceSequenceMatcher(
148            None, parent_lines, text)
149        matching_blocks = matcher.get_matching_blocks()
150        return parent_annotations, matching_blocks
152    def _update_from_first_parent(self, key, annotations, lines, parent_key):
153        """Reannotate this text relative to its first parent."""
154        (parent_annotations,
155         matching_blocks) = self._get_parent_annotations_and_matches(
156             key, lines, parent_key)
158        for parent_idx, lines_idx, match_len in matching_blocks:
159            # For all matching regions we copy across the parent annotations
160            annotations[lines_idx:lines_idx + match_len] = \
161                parent_annotations[parent_idx:parent_idx + match_len]
163    def _update_from_other_parents(self, key, annotations, lines,
164                                   this_annotation, parent_key):
165        """Reannotate this text relative to a second (or more) parent."""
166        (parent_annotations,
167         matching_blocks) = self._get_parent_annotations_and_matches(
168             key, lines, parent_key)
170        last_ann = None
171        last_parent = None
172        last_res = None
173        # TODO: consider making all annotations unique and then using 'is'
174        #       everywhere. Current results claim that isn't any faster,
175        #       because of the time spent deduping
176        #       deduping also saves a bit of memory. For NEWS it saves ~1MB,
177        #       but that is out of 200-300MB for extracting everything, so a
178        #       fairly trivial amount
179        for parent_idx, lines_idx, match_len in matching_blocks:
180            # For lines which match this parent, we will now resolve whether
181            # this parent wins over the current annotation
182            ann_sub = annotations[lines_idx:lines_idx + match_len]
183            par_sub = parent_annotations[parent_idx:parent_idx + match_len]
184            if ann_sub == par_sub:
185                continue
186            for idx in range(match_len):
187                ann = ann_sub[idx]
188                par_ann = par_sub[idx]
189                ann_idx = lines_idx + idx
190                if ann == par_ann:
191                    # Nothing to change
192                    continue
193                if ann == this_annotation:
194                    # Originally claimed 'this', but it was really in this
195                    # parent
196                    annotations[ann_idx] = par_ann
197                    continue
198                # Resolve the fact that both sides have a different value for
199                # last modified
200                if ann == last_ann and par_ann == last_parent:
201                    annotations[ann_idx] = last_res
202                else:
203                    new_ann = set(ann)
204                    new_ann.update(par_ann)
205                    new_ann = tuple(sorted(new_ann))
206                    annotations[ann_idx] = new_ann
207                    last_ann = ann
208                    last_parent = par_ann
209                    last_res = new_ann
211    def _record_annotation(self, key, parent_keys, annotations):
212        self._annotations_cache[key] = annotations
213        for parent_key in parent_keys:
214            num = self._num_needed_children[parent_key]
215            num -= 1
216            if num == 0:
217                del self._text_cache[parent_key]
218                del self._annotations_cache[parent_key]
219                # Do we want to clean up _num_needed_children at this point as
220                # well?
221            self._num_needed_children[parent_key] = num
223    def _annotate_one(self, key, text, num_lines):
224        this_annotation = (key,)
225        # Note: annotations will be mutated by calls to _update_from*
226        annotations = [this_annotation] * num_lines
227        parent_keys = self._parent_map[key]
228        if parent_keys:
229            self._update_from_first_parent(key, annotations, text,
230                                           parent_keys[0])
231            for parent in parent_keys[1:]:
232                self._update_from_other_parents(key, annotations, text,
233                                                this_annotation, parent)
234        self._record_annotation(key, parent_keys, annotations)
236    def add_special_text(self, key, parent_keys, text):
237        """Add a specific text to the graph.
239        This is used to add a text which is not otherwise present in the
240        versioned file. (eg. a WorkingTree injecting 'current:' into the
241        graph to annotate the edited content.)
243        :param key: The key to use to request this text be annotated
244        :param parent_keys: The parents of this text
245        :param text: A string containing the content of the text
246        """
247        self._parent_map[key] = parent_keys
248        self._text_cache[key] = osutils.split_lines(text)
249        self._heads_provider = None
251    def annotate(self, key):
252        """Return annotated fulltext for the given key.
254        :param key: A tuple defining the text to annotate
255        :return: ([annotations], [lines])
256            annotations is a list of tuples of keys, one for each line in lines
257                        each key is a possible source for the given line.
258            lines the text of "key" as a list of lines
259        """
260        with ui.ui_factory.nested_progress_bar() as pb:
261            for text_key, text, num_lines in self._get_needed_texts(
262                    key, pb=pb):
263                self._annotate_one(text_key, text, num_lines)
264        try:
265            annotations = self._annotations_cache[key]
266        except KeyError:
267            raise errors.RevisionNotPresent(key, self._vf)
268        return annotations, self._text_cache[key]
270    def _get_heads_provider(self):
271        if self._heads_provider is None:
272            self._heads_provider = _mod_graph.KnownGraph(self._parent_map)
273        return self._heads_provider
275    def _resolve_annotation_tie(self, the_heads, line, tiebreaker):
276        if tiebreaker is None:
277            head = sorted(the_heads)[0]
278        else:
279            # Backwards compatibility, break up the heads into pairs and
280            # resolve the result
281            next_head = iter(the_heads)
282            head = next(next_head)
283            for possible_head in next_head:
284                annotated_lines = ((head, line), (possible_head, line))
285                head = tiebreaker(annotated_lines)[0]
286        return head
288    def annotate_flat(self, key):
289        """Determine the single-best-revision to source for each line.
291        This is meant as a compatibility thunk to how annotate() used to work.
292        :return: [(ann_key, line)]
293            A list of tuples with a single annotation key for each line.
294        """
295        custom_tiebreaker = annotate._break_annotation_tie
296        annotations, lines = self.annotate(key)
297        out = []
298        heads = self._get_heads_provider().heads
299        append = out.append
300        for annotation, line in zip(annotations, lines):
301            if len(annotation) == 1:
302                head = annotation[0]
303            else:
304                the_heads = heads(annotation)
305                if len(the_heads) == 1:
306                    for head in the_heads:
307                        break  # get the item out of the set
308                else:
309                    head = self._resolve_annotation_tie(the_heads, line,
310                                                        custom_tiebreaker)
311            append((head, line))
312        return out