1# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Canonical Ltd
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17"""Handlers for HTTP Responses.
19The purpose of these classes is to provide a uniform interface for clients
20to standard HTTP responses, single range responses and multipart range
24import cgi
25from io import BytesIO
26import os
27import http.client as http_client
28import email.utils as email_utils
30from ... import (
31    errors,
32    osutils,
33    )
36class ResponseFile(object):
37    """A wrapper around the http socket containing the result of a GET request.
39    Only read() and seek() (forward) are supported.
41    """
43    def __init__(self, path, infile):
44        """Constructor.
46        :param path: File url, for error reports.
48        :param infile: File-like socket set at body start.
49        """
50        self._path = path
51        self._file = infile
52        self._pos = 0
54    def close(self):
55        """Close this file.
57        Dummy implementation for consistency with the 'file' API.
58        """
60    def __enter__(self):
61        return self
63    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
64        return False  # propogate exceptions.
66    def read(self, size=None):
67        """Read size bytes from the current position in the file.
69        :param size:  The number of bytes to read.  Leave unspecified or pass
70            -1 to read to EOF.
71        """
72        data = self._file.read(size)
73        self._pos += len(data)
74        return data
76    def readline(self):
77        data = self._file.readline()
78        self._pos += len(data)
79        return data
81    def readlines(self, size=None):
82        data = self._file.readlines()
83        self._pos += sum(map(len, data))
84        return data
86    def __iter__(self):
87        while True:
88            line = self.readline()
89            if not line:
90                return
91            yield line
93    def tell(self):
94        return self._pos
96    def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET):
97        if whence == os.SEEK_SET:
98            if offset < self._pos:
99                raise AssertionError(
100                    "Can't seek backwards, pos: %s, offset: %s"
101                    % (self._pos, offset))
102            to_discard = offset - self._pos
103        elif whence == os.SEEK_CUR:
104            to_discard = offset
105        else:
106            raise AssertionError("Can't seek backwards")
107        if to_discard:
108            # Just discard the unwanted bytes
109            self.read(to_discard)
111# A RangeFile expects the following grammar (simplified to outline the
112# assumptions we rely upon).
114# file: single_range
115#     | multiple_range
117# single_range: content_range_header data
119# multiple_range: boundary_header boundary (content_range_header data boundary)+
122class RangeFile(ResponseFile):
123    """File-like object that allow access to partial available data.
125    All accesses should happen sequentially since the acquisition occurs during
126    an http response reception (as sockets can't be seeked, we simulate the
127    seek by just reading and discarding the data).
129    The access pattern is defined by a set of ranges discovered as reading
130    progress. Only one range is available at a given time, so all accesses
131    should happen with monotonically increasing offsets.
132    """
134    # in _checked_read() below, we may have to discard several MB in the worst
135    # case. To avoid buffering that much, we read and discard by chunks
136    # instead. The underlying file is either a socket or a BytesIO, so reading
137    # 8k chunks should be fine.
138    _discarded_buf_size = 8192
140    # maximum size of read requests -- used to avoid MemoryError issues in recv
141    _max_read_size = 512 * 1024
143    def __init__(self, path, infile):
144        """Constructor.
146        :param path: File url, for error reports.
148        :param infile: File-like socket set at body start.
149        """
150        super(RangeFile, self).__init__(path, infile)
151        self._boundary = None
152        # When using multi parts response, this will be set with the headers
153        # associated with the range currently read.
154        self._headers = None
155        # Default to the whole file of unspecified size
156        self.set_range(0, -1)
158    def set_range(self, start, size):
159        """Change the range mapping"""
160        self._start = start
161        self._size = size
162        # Set the new _pos since that's what we want to expose
163        self._pos = self._start
165    def set_boundary(self, boundary):
166        """Define the boundary used in a multi parts message.
168        The file should be at the beginning of the body, the first range
169        definition is read and taken into account.
170        """
171        if not isinstance(boundary, bytes):
172            raise TypeError(boundary)
173        self._boundary = boundary
174        # Decode the headers and setup the first range
175        self.read_boundary()
176        self.read_range_definition()
178    def read_boundary(self):
179        """Read the boundary headers defining a new range"""
180        boundary_line = b'\r\n'
181        while boundary_line == b'\r\n':
182            # RFC2616 19.2 Additional CRLFs may precede the first boundary
183            # string entity.
184            # To be on the safe side we allow it before any boundary line
185            boundary_line = self._file.readline()
187        if boundary_line == b'':
188            # A timeout in the proxy server caused the response to end early.
189            # See launchpad bug 198646.
190            raise errors.HttpBoundaryMissing(
191                self._path,
192                self._boundary)
194        if boundary_line != b'--' + self._boundary + b'\r\n':
195            # email_utils.unquote() incorrectly unquotes strings enclosed in <>
196            # IIS 6 and 7 incorrectly wrap boundary strings in <>
197            # together they make a beautiful bug, which we will be gracious
198            # about here
199            if (self._unquote_boundary(boundary_line) !=
200                    b'--' + self._boundary + b'\r\n'):
201                raise errors.InvalidHttpResponse(
202                    self._path,
203                    "Expected a boundary (%s) line, got '%s'"
204                    % (self._boundary, boundary_line))
206    def _unquote_boundary(self, b):
207        return b[:2] + email_utils.unquote(b[2:-2].decode('ascii')).encode('ascii') + b[-2:]
209    def read_range_definition(self):
210        """Read a new range definition in a multi parts message.
212        Parse the headers including the empty line following them so that we
213        are ready to read the data itself.
214        """
215        self._headers = http_client.parse_headers(self._file)
216        # Extract the range definition
217        content_range = self._headers.get('content-range', None)
218        if content_range is None:
219            raise errors.InvalidHttpResponse(
220                self._path,
221                'Content-Range header missing in a multi-part response')
222        self.set_range_from_header(content_range)
224    def set_range_from_header(self, content_range):
225        """Helper to set the new range from its description in the headers"""
226        try:
227            rtype, values = content_range.split()
228        except ValueError:
229            raise errors.InvalidHttpRange(self._path, content_range,
230                                          'Malformed header')
231        if rtype != 'bytes':
232            raise errors.InvalidHttpRange(self._path, content_range,
233                                          "Unsupported range type '%s'" % rtype)
234        try:
235            # We don't need total, but note that it may be either the file size
236            # or '*' if the server can't or doesn't want to return the file
237            # size.
238            start_end, total = values.split('/')
239            start, end = start_end.split('-')
240            start = int(start)
241            end = int(end)
242        except ValueError:
243            raise errors.InvalidHttpRange(self._path, content_range,
244                                          'Invalid range values')
245        size = end - start + 1
246        if size <= 0:
247            raise errors.InvalidHttpRange(self._path, content_range,
248                                          'Invalid range, size <= 0')
249        self.set_range(start, size)
251    def _checked_read(self, size):
252        """Read the file checking for short reads.
254        The data read is discarded along the way.
255        """
256        pos = self._pos
257        remaining = size
258        while remaining > 0:
259            data = self._file.read(min(remaining, self._discarded_buf_size))
260            remaining -= len(data)
261            if not data:
262                raise errors.ShortReadvError(self._path, pos, size,
263                                             size - remaining)
264        self._pos += size
266    def _seek_to_next_range(self):
267        # We will cross range boundaries
268        if self._boundary is None:
269            # If we don't have a boundary, we can't find another range
270            raise errors.InvalidRange(self._path, self._pos,
271                                      "Range (%s, %s) exhausted"
272                                      % (self._start, self._size))
273        self.read_boundary()
274        self.read_range_definition()
276    def read(self, size=-1):
277        """Read size bytes from the current position in the file.
279        Reading across ranges is not supported. We rely on the underlying http
280        client to clean the socket if we leave bytes unread. This may occur for
281        the final boundary line of a multipart response or for any range
282        request not entirely consumed by the client (due to offset coalescing)
284        :param size:  The number of bytes to read.  Leave unspecified or pass
285            -1 to read to EOF.
286        """
287        if (self._size > 0
288                and self._pos == self._start + self._size):
289            if size == 0:
290                return b''
291            else:
292                self._seek_to_next_range()
293        elif self._pos < self._start:
294            raise errors.InvalidRange(
295                self._path, self._pos,
296                "Can't read %s bytes before range (%s, %s)"
297                % (size, self._start, self._size))
298        if self._size > 0:
299            if size > 0 and self._pos + size > self._start + self._size:
300                raise errors.InvalidRange(
301                    self._path, self._pos,
302                    "Can't read %s bytes across range (%s, %s)"
303                    % (size, self._start, self._size))
305        # read data from file
306        buf = BytesIO()
307        limited = size
308        if self._size > 0:
309            # Don't read past the range definition
310            limited = self._start + self._size - self._pos
311            if size >= 0:
312                limited = min(limited, size)
313        osutils.pumpfile(self._file, buf, limited, self._max_read_size)
314        data = buf.getvalue()
316        # Update _pos respecting the data effectively read
317        self._pos += len(data)
318        return data
320    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
321        start_pos = self._pos
322        if whence == 0:
323            final_pos = offset
324        elif whence == 1:
325            final_pos = start_pos + offset
326        elif whence == 2:
327            if self._size > 0:
328                final_pos = self._start + self._size + offset  # offset < 0
329            else:
330                raise errors.InvalidRange(
331                    self._path, self._pos,
332                    "RangeFile: can't seek from end while size is unknown")
333        else:
334            raise ValueError("Invalid value %s for whence." % whence)
336        if final_pos < self._pos:
337            # Can't seek backwards
338            raise errors.InvalidRange(
339                self._path, self._pos,
340                'RangeFile: trying to seek backwards to %s' % final_pos)
342        if self._size > 0:
343            cur_limit = self._start + self._size
344            while final_pos > cur_limit:
345                # We will cross range boundaries
346                remain = cur_limit - self._pos
347                if remain > 0:
348                    # Finish reading the current range
349                    self._checked_read(remain)
350                self._seek_to_next_range()
351                cur_limit = self._start + self._size
353        size = final_pos - self._pos
354        if size > 0:  # size can be < 0 if we crossed a range boundary
355            # We don't need the data, just read it and throw it away
356            self._checked_read(size)
358    def tell(self):
359        return self._pos
362def handle_response(url, code, getheader, data):
363    """Interpret the code & headers and wrap the provided data in a RangeFile.
365    This is a factory method which returns an appropriate RangeFile based on
366    the code & headers it's given.
368    :param url: The url being processed. Mostly for error reporting
369    :param code: The integer HTTP response code
370    :param getheader: Function for retrieving header
371    :param data: A file-like object that can be read() to get the
372                 requested data
373    :return: A file-like object that can seek()+read() the
374             ranges indicated by the headers.
375    """
376    if code == 200:
377        # A whole file
378        rfile = ResponseFile(url, data)
379    elif code == 206:
380        rfile = RangeFile(url, data)
381        # When there is no content-type header we treat the response as
382        # being of type 'application/octet-stream' as per RFC2616 section
383        # 7.2.1.
384        # Therefore it is obviously not multipart
385        content_type = getheader('content-type', 'application/octet-stream')
386        mimetype, options = cgi.parse_header(content_type)
387        if mimetype == 'multipart/byteranges':
388            rfile.set_boundary(options['boundary'].encode('ascii'))
389        else:
390            # A response to a range request, but not multipart
391            content_range = getheader('content-range', None)
392            if content_range is None:
393                raise errors.InvalidHttpResponse(
394                    url, 'Missing the Content-Range header in a 206 range response')
395            rfile.set_range_from_header(content_range)
396    else:
397        raise errors.UnexpectedHttpStatus(url, code)
399    return rfile