1 /**
2 ** @file mruby/array.h - Array class
3 **
4 ** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
5 */
7 #ifndef MRUBY_ARRAY_H
8 #define MRUBY_ARRAY_H
10 #include "common.h"
12 /*
13  * Array class
14  */
18 typedef struct mrb_shared_array {
19   int refcnt;
20   mrb_ssize len;
21   mrb_value *ptr;
22 } mrb_shared_array;
24 #define MRB_ARY_EMBED_LEN_MAX ((mrb_int)(sizeof(void*)*3/sizeof(mrb_value)))
25 struct RArray {
27   union {
28     struct {
29       mrb_ssize len;
30       union {
31         mrb_ssize capa;
32         mrb_shared_array *shared;
33       } aux;
34       mrb_value *ptr;
35     } heap;
36     void *ary[3];
37   } as;
38 };
40 #define mrb_ary_ptr(v)    ((struct RArray*)(mrb_ptr(v)))
41 #define mrb_ary_value(p)  mrb_obj_value((void*)(p))
42 #define RARRAY(v)  ((struct RArray*)(mrb_ptr(v)))
44 #define MRB_ARY_EMBED_MASK  7
45 #define ARY_EMBED_P(a) ((a)->flags & MRB_ARY_EMBED_MASK)
46 #define ARY_UNSET_EMBED_FLAG(a) ((a)->flags &= ~(MRB_ARY_EMBED_MASK))
47 #define ARY_EMBED_LEN(a) ((mrb_int)(((a)->flags & MRB_ARY_EMBED_MASK) - 1))
48 #define ARY_SET_EMBED_LEN(a,len) ((a)->flags = ((a)->flags&~MRB_ARY_EMBED_MASK) | ((uint32_t)(len) + 1))
49 #define ARY_EMBED_PTR(a) ((mrb_value*)(&(a)->as.ary))
51 #define ARY_LEN(a) (ARY_EMBED_P(a)?ARY_EMBED_LEN(a):(a)->as.heap.len)
52 #define ARY_PTR(a) (ARY_EMBED_P(a)?ARY_EMBED_PTR(a):(a)->as.heap.ptr)
53 #define RARRAY_LEN(a) ARY_LEN(RARRAY(a))
54 #define RARRAY_PTR(a) ARY_PTR(RARRAY(a))
55 #define ARY_SET_LEN(a,n) do {\
56   if (ARY_EMBED_P(a)) {\
57     mrb_assert((n) <= MRB_ARY_EMBED_LEN_MAX); \
58     ARY_SET_EMBED_LEN(a,n);\
59   }\
60   else\
61     (a)->as.heap.len = (n);\
62 } while (0)
63 #define ARY_CAPA(a) (ARY_EMBED_P(a)?MRB_ARY_EMBED_LEN_MAX:(a)->as.heap.aux.capa)
64 #define MRB_ARY_SHARED      256
65 #define ARY_SHARED_P(a) ((a)->flags & MRB_ARY_SHARED)
66 #define ARY_SET_SHARED_FLAG(a) ((a)->flags |= MRB_ARY_SHARED)
67 #define ARY_UNSET_SHARED_FLAG(a) ((a)->flags &= ~MRB_ARY_SHARED)
69 void mrb_ary_decref(mrb_state*, mrb_shared_array*);
70 MRB_API void mrb_ary_modify(mrb_state*, struct RArray*);
71 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_new_capa(mrb_state*, mrb_int);
73 /*
74  * Initializes a new array.
75  *
76  * Equivalent to:
77  *
78  *      Array.new
79  *
80  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
81  * @return The initialized array.
82  */
83 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_new(mrb_state *mrb);
85 /*
86  * Initializes a new array with initial values
87  *
88  * Equivalent to:
89  *
90  *      Array[value1, value2, ...]
91  *
92  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
93  * @param size The numer of values.
94  * @param vals The actual values.
95  * @return The initialized array.
96  */
97 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_new_from_values(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_int size, const mrb_value *vals);
99 /*
100  * Initializes a new array with two initial values
101  *
102  * Equivalent to:
103  *
104  *      Array[car, cdr]
105  *
106  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
107  * @param car The first value.
108  * @param cdr The second value.
109  * @return The initialized array.
110  */
111 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_assoc_new(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value car, mrb_value cdr);
113 /*
114  * Concatenate two arrays. The target array will be modified
115  *
116  * Equivalent to:
117  *      ary.concat(other)
118  *
119  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
120  * @param self The target array.
121  * @param other The array that will be concatenated to self.
122  */
123 MRB_API void mrb_ary_concat(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self, mrb_value other);
125 /*
126  * Create an array from the input. It tries calling to_a on the
127  * value. If value does not respond to that, it creates a new
128  * array with just this value.
129  *
130  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
131  * @param value The value to change into an array.
132  * @return An array representation of value.
133  */
134 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_splat(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value value);
136 /*
137  * Pushes value into array.
138  *
139  * Equivalent to:
140  *
141  *      ary << value
142  *
143  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
144  * @param ary The array in which the value will be pushed
145  * @param value The value to be pushed into array
146  */
147 MRB_API void mrb_ary_push(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value array, mrb_value value);
149 /*
150  * Pops the last element from the array.
151  *
152  * Equivalent to:
153  *
154  *      ary.pop
155  *
156  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
157  * @param ary The array from which the value will be popped.
158  * @return The popped value.
159  */
160 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_pop(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value ary);
162 /*
163  * Returns a reference to an element of the array on the given index.
164  *
165  * Equivalent to:
166  *
167  *      ary[n]
168  *
169  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
170  * @param ary The target array.
171  * @param n The array index being referenced
172  * @return The referenced value.
173  */
174 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_ref(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value ary, mrb_int n);
176 /*
177  * Sets a value on an array at the given index
178  *
179  * Equivalent to:
180  *
181  *      ary[n] = val
182  *
183  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
184  * @param ary The target array.
185  * @param n The array index being referenced.
186  * @param val The value being setted.
187  */
188 MRB_API void mrb_ary_set(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value ary, mrb_int n, mrb_value val);
190 /*
191  * Replace the array with another array
192  *
193  * Equivalent to:
194  *
195  *      ary.replace(other)
196  *
197  * @param mrb The mruby state reference
198  * @param self The target array.
199  * @param other The array to replace it with.
200  */
201 MRB_API void mrb_ary_replace(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self, mrb_value other);
202 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ensure_array_type(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self);
203 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_check_array_type(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self);
205 /*
206  * Unshift an element into the array
207  *
208  * Equivalent to:
209  *
210  *     ary.unshift(item)
211  *
212  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
213  * @param self The target array.
214  * @param item The item to unshift.
215  */
216 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_unshift(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self, mrb_value item);
218 /*
219  * Get nth element in the array
220  *
221  * Equivalent to:
222  *
223  *     ary[offset]
224  *
225  * @param ary The target array.
226  * @param offset The element position (negative counts from the tail).
227  */
228 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_entry(mrb_value ary, mrb_int offset);
230 /*
231  * Replace subsequence of an array.
232  *
233  * Equivalent to:
234  *
235  *      ary.shift
236  *
237  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
238  * @param self The array from which the value will be shifted.
239  * @param head Beginning position of a replacement subsequence.
240  * @param len Length of a replacement subsequence.
241  * @param rpl The array of replacement elements.
242  *            It is possible to pass `mrb_undef_value()` instead of an empty array.
243  * @return The receiver array.
244  */
245 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_splice(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self, mrb_int head, mrb_int len, mrb_value rpl);
247 /*
248  * Shifts the first element from the array.
249  *
250  * Equivalent to:
251  *
252  *      ary.shift
253  *
254  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
255  * @param self The array from which the value will be shifted.
256  * @return The shifted value.
257  */
258 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_shift(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self);
260 /*
261  * Removes all elements from the array
262  *
263  * Equivalent to:
264  *
265  *      ary.clear
266  *
267  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
268  * @param self The target array.
269  * @return self
270  */
271 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_clear(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self);
273 /*
274  * Join the array elements together in a string
275  *
276  * Equivalent to:
277  *
278  *      ary.join(sep="")
279  *
280  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
281  * @param ary The target array
282  * @param sep The separater, can be NULL
283  */
284 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_join(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value ary, mrb_value sep);
286 /*
287  * Update the capacity of the array
288  *
289  * @param mrb The mruby state reference.
290  * @param ary The target array.
291  * @param new_len The new capacity of the array
292  */
293 MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ary_resize(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value ary, mrb_int new_len);
295 /* helper functions */
296 mrb_value mrb_ary_subseq(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value ary, mrb_int beg, mrb_int len);
300 #endif  /* MRUBY_ARRAY_H */