2## widget.tcl
4## Barebones requirements for creating and querying megawidgets
6## Copyright 1997 Jeffrey Hobbs, CADIX International
8## Initiated: 5 June 1997
9## Last Update:
13##	widget
16##	Implements and modifies megawidgets
19##	widget <subcommand> ?<args>?
21## <classname> specifies a global array which is the name of a class and
22## contains options database information.
24## create classname
25##	creates the widget class $classname based on the specifications
26##	in the global array of the same name
28## classes ?pattern?
29##	returns the classes created with this command.
32##	none
34## RETURNS: the widget class
37##	The global variable WIDGET is used.  The public procedure is
38## 'widget', with other private procedures beginning with 'widget'.
42## For a well-commented example for creating a megawidget using this method,
43## see the ScrolledText example at the end of the file.
47## Specify the "type", "base", & "components" keys of the $CLASS global array
49## In the $w global array that is created for each instance of a megawidget,
50## the following keys are set by the "widget create $CLASS" procedure:
51##   "base", "basecmd", "container", "class", any option specified in the
52##   $CLASS array, each component will have a named key
54## The following public methods are created for you:
55##   "cget", "configure", "destroy", & "subwidget"
56## You need to write the following:
57##   "$CLASS:construct", "$CLASS:configure"
58## You may want the following that will be called when appropriate:
59##   "$CLASS:init" (after initial configuration)
60##   "$CLASS:destroy" (called first thing when widget is being destroyed)
62## All ${CLASS}_* commands are considered public methods.  The megawidget
63## routine will match your options and methods on a unique substring basis.
67package require Tk
68package provide Widget 1.12
70global WIDGET
71lappend WIDGET(containers) frame toplevel
72proc widget { cmd args } {
73    switch -glob $cmd {
74	cr*	{ return [uplevel widget_create $args] }
75	cl*	{ return [uplevel widget_classes $args] }
76	default {
77	    return -code error "unknown [lindex [info level 0] 0] subcommand\
78		    \"$cmd\", must be one of: create, classes"
79	}
80    }
83;proc widget_classes {{pattern "*"}} {
84    global WIDGET
85    set classes {}
86    foreach name [array names WIDGET C:$pattern] {
87	lappend classes [string range $name 2 end]
88    }
89    return $classes
92;proc widget:eval {CLASS w subcmd args} {
93    upvar \#0 $w data
94    if {[string match {} [set arg [info commands ${CLASS}_$subcmd]]]} {
95	set arg [info commands ${CLASS}_$subcmd*]
96    }
97    set num [llength $arg]
98    if {$num==1} {
99	return [uplevel $arg [list $w] $args]
100    } elseif {$num} {
101	regsub -all "${CLASS}_" $arg {} arg
102	return -code error "ambiguous subcommand \"$subcmd\",\
103		could be one of: [join $arg {, }]"
104    } elseif {[catch {uplevel [list $data(basecmd) $subcmd] $args} err]} {
105	return -code error $err
106    } else {
107	return $err
108    }
111;proc widget_create:constructor {CLASS} {
112    upvar \#0 $CLASS class
113    global WIDGET
115    lappend datacons [list class $CLASS]
116    set basecons {}
117    if {[string compare $class(type) [lindex $class(base) 0]]} {
118	lappend datacons "base \$w.[list [lindex $class(base) 2]]" \
119		"basecmd $CLASS\$w.[list [lindex $class(base) 2]]"
120	set comps "[list $class(base)] $class(components)"
121    } else {
122	lappend datacons "base \$w" "basecmd $CLASS\$w" \
123		"[lindex $class(base) 1] \$w"
124	set comps $class(components)
125    }
126    foreach comp $comps {
127	switch [llength $comp] {
128	    0 continue
129	    1 { set name [set type [set wid $comp]]; set opts {} }
130	    2 {
131		set type [lindex $comp 0]
132		set name [set wid [lindex $comp 1]]
133		set opts {}
134	    }
135	    default {
136		foreach {type name wid opts} $comp break
137		set opts [string trim $opts]
138	    }
139	}
140	lappend datacons "[list $name] \$w.[list $wid]"
141	lappend basecons "$type \$data($name) $opts"
142	if {[string match toplevel $type]} {
143	    lappend basecons "wm withdraw \$data($name)"
144	}
145    }
146    set datacons [join $datacons]
147    set basecons [join $basecons "\n    "]
149    ## More of this proc could be configured ahead of time for increased
150    ## construction speed.  It's delicate, so handle with extreme care.
151    ;proc $CLASS {w args} "
152    upvar \#0 \$w data $CLASS class
153    $class(type) \$w -class $CLASS
154    [expr [string match toplevel $class(type)]?{wm withdraw \$w\n}:{}]
155    ## Populate data array with user definable options
156    foreach o \[array names class -*\] {
157	if {\[string match -* \$class(\$o)\]} continue
158	set data(\$o) \[option get \$w \[lindex \$class(\$o) 0\] $CLASS\]
159    }
161    ## Populate the data array
162    array set data \[list $datacons\]
163    ## Create all the base and component widgets
164    $basecons
166    ## Allow for an initialization proc to be eval'ed
167    ## The user must create one
168    if {\[catch {$CLASS:construct \$w} err\]} {
169	catch {${CLASS}_destroy \$w}
170	return -code error \"megawidget construction error: \$err\"
171    }
173    set base \$data(base)
174    if {\[string compare \$base \$w\]} {
175	## If the base widget is not the container, then we want to rename
176	## its widget commands and add the CLASS and container bind tables
177	## to its bindtags in case certain bindings are made
178	rename \$w .\$w
179	rename \$base \$data(basecmd)
180	## Interp alias is the optimal solution, but exposes
181	## a bug in Tcl7/8 when renaming aliases
182	#interp alias {} \$base {} widget:eval $CLASS \$w
183	;proc \$base args \"uplevel widget:eval $CLASS \[list \$w\] \\\$args\"
184	bindtags \$base \[linsert \[bindtags \$base\] 1\
185		[expr {[string match toplevel $class(type)]?{}:{$w}}] $CLASS\]
186    } else {
187	rename \$w \$data(basecmd)
188    }
189    ;proc \$w args \"uplevel widget:eval $CLASS \[list \$w\] \\\$args\"
190    #interp alias {} \$w {} widget:eval $CLASS \$w
192    ## Do the configuring here and eval the post initialization procedure
193    if {(\[string compare {} \$args\] && \
194	    \[catch {uplevel 1 ${CLASS}_configure \$w \$args} err\]) || \
195	    \[catch {$CLASS:init \$w} err\]} {
196	catch { ${CLASS}_destroy \$w }
197	return -code error \"megawidget initialization error: \$err\"
198    }
200    return \$w\n"
201    interp alias {} [string tolower $CLASS] {} $CLASS
203    ## These are provided so that errors due to lack of the command
204    ## existing don't arise.  Since they are stubbed out here, the
205    ## user can't depend on 'unknown' or 'auto_load' to get this proc.
206    if {[string match {} [info commands $CLASS:construct]]} {
207	;proc $CLASS:construct {w} {
208	    # the user should rewrite this
209	    # without the following error, a simple megawidget that was just
210	    # a frame would be created by default
211	    return -code error "user must write their own\
212		    [lindex [info level 0] 0] function"
213	}
214    }
215    if {[string match {} [info commands $CLASS:init]]} {
216	;proc $CLASS:init {w} {
217	    # the user should rewrite this
218	}
219    }
222;proc widget_create {CLASS} {
223    if {![string match {[A-Z]*} $CLASS] || [string match { } $CLASS]} {
224	return -code error "invalid class name \"$CLASS\": it must begin\
225		with a capital letter and contain no spaces"
226    }
228    global WIDGET
229    upvar \#0 $CLASS class
231    ## First check to see that their container type is valid
232    if {[info exists class(type)]} {
233	## I'd like to include canvas and text, but they don't accept the
234	## -class option yet, which would thus require some voodoo on the
235	## part of the constructor to make it think it was the proper class
236	if {![regexp ^([join $WIDGET(containers) |])\$ $class(type)]} {
237	    return -code error "invalid class container type \"$class(type)\",\
238		    must be one of: [join $types {, }]"
239	}
240    } else {
241	## Frame is the default container type
242	set class(type) frame
243    }
244    ## Then check to see that their base widget type is valid
245    ## We will create a default widget of the appropriate type just in
246    ## case they use the DEFAULT keyword as a default value in their
247    ## megawidget class definition
248    if {[info exists class(base)]} {
249	## We check to see that we can create the base, that it returns
250	## the same widget value we put in, and that it accepts cget.
251	if {[string match toplevel [lindex $class(base) 0]] && \
252		[string compare toplevel $class(type)]} {
253	    return -code error "\"toplevel\" is not allowed as the base\
254		    widget of a megawidget (perhaps you intended it to\
255		    be the class type)"
256	}
257    } else {
258	## The container is the default base widget
259	set class(base) $class(type)
260    }
261    set types($class(type)) 0
262    switch [llength $class(base)] {
263	1 { set name [set type [set wid $class(base)]]; set opts {} }
264	2 {
265	    set type [lindex $class(base) 0]
266	    set name [set wid [lindex $class(base) 1]]
267	    set opts {}
268	}
269	default { foreach {type name wid opts} $class(base) break }
270    }
271    set class(base) [list $type $name $wid $opts]
272    if {[regexp {(^[\.A-Z]|[ \.])} $wid]} {
273	return -code error "invalid $CLASS class base widget name \"$wid\":\
274		it cannot begin with a capital letter,\
275		or contain spaces or \".\""
276    }
277    set components(base) [set components($name) $type]
278    set widgets($wid) 0
279    set types($type) 0
281    if {![info exists class(components)]} { set class(components) {} }
282    set comps $class(components)
283    set class(components) {}
284    ## Verify component widget list
285    foreach comp $comps {
286	## We don't care if an opts item exists now
287	switch [llength $comp] {
288	    0 continue
289	    1 { set name [set type [set wid $comp]] }
290	    2 {
291		set type [lindex $comp 0]
292		set name [set wid [lindex $comp 1]]
293	    }
294	    default { foreach {type name wid} $comp break }
295	}
296	if {[info exists components($name)]} {
297	    return -code error "component name \"$name\" occurs twice\
298		    in $CLASS class"
299	}
300	if {[info exists widgets($wid)]} {
301	    return -code error "widget name \"$wid\" occurs twice\
302		    in $CLASS class"
303	}
304	if {[regexp {(^[\.A-Z]| |\.$)} $wid]} {
305	    return -code error "invalid $CLASS class component widget\
306		    name \"$wid\": it cannot begin with a capital letter,\
307		    contain spaces or start or end with a \".\""
308	}
309	if {[string match *.* $wid] && \
310		![info exists widgets([file root $wid])]} {
311	    ## If the widget name contains a '.', then make sure we will
312	    ## have created all the parents first.  [file root $wid] is
313	    ## a cheap trick to remove the last .child string from $wid
314	    return -code error "no specified parent for $CLASS class\
315		    component widget name \"$wid\""
316	}
317	lappend class(components) $comp
318	set components($name) $type
319	set widgets($wid) 0
320	set types($type) 0
321    }
323    ## Go through the megawidget class definition, substituting for ALIAS
324    ## where necessary and setting up the options database for this $CLASS
325    foreach o [array names class -*] {
326	set name [lindex $class($o) 0]
327	switch -glob -- $name {
328	    -*	continue
329	    ALIAS	{
330		set len [llength $class($o)]
331		if {$len != 3 && $len != 5} {
332		    return -code error "wrong \# args for ALIAS, must be:\
333			    {ALIAS componenttype option\
334			    ?databasename databaseclass?}"
335		}
336		foreach {name type opt dbname dbcname} $class($o) break
337		if {![info exists types($type)]} {
338		    return -code error "cannot create alias \"$o\" to $CLASS\
339			    component type \"$type\" option \"$opt\":\
340			    component type does not exist"
341		} elseif {![info exists config($type)]} {
342		    if {[string compare toplevel $type]} {
343			set w .__widget__$type
344			catch {destroy $w}
345			## Make sure the component widget type exists,
346			## returns the widget name,
347			## and accepts configure as a subcommand
348			if {[catch {$type $w} result] || \
349				[string compare $result $w] || \
350				[catch {$w configure} config($type)]} {
351			    ## Make sure we destroy it if it was a bad widget
352			    catch {destroy $w}
353			    ## Or rename it if it was a non-widget command
354			    catch {rename $w {}}
355			    return -code error "invalid widget type \"$type\""
356			}
357			catch {destroy $w}
358		    } else {
359			set config($type) [. configure]
360		    }
361		}
362		set i [lsearch -glob $config($type) "$opt\[ \t\]*"]
363		if {$i == -1} {
364		    return -code error "cannot create alias \"$o\" to $CLASS\
365			    component type \"$type\" option \"$opt\":\
366			    option does not exist"
367		}
368		if {$len==3} {
369		    foreach {opt dbname dbcname def} \
370			    [lindex $config($type) $i] break
371		} elseif {$len==5} {
372		    set def [lindex [lindex $config($type) $i] 3]
373		}
374	    }
375	    default	{
376		if {[string compare {} $class($o)]} {
377		    foreach {dbname dbcname def} $class($o) break
378		} else {
379		    set dbcname [set dbname [string range $o 1 end]]
380		    set def {}
381		}
382	    }
383	}
384	set class($o) [list $dbname $dbcname $def]
385	option add *$CLASS.$dbname $def widgetDefault
386    }
387    ## Ensure that the class is set correctly
388    set class(class) $CLASS
390    ## This creates the basic constructor procedure for the class
391    ## Both $CLASS and [string tolower $CLASS] commands will be created
392    widget_create:constructor $CLASS
394    ## The user is not supposed to change this proc
395    set comps [lsort [array names components]]
396    ;proc ${CLASS}_subwidget {w widget} "
397    upvar \#0 \$w data
398    switch -- \$widget {
399	[join $comps { - }] { return \$data(\$widget) }
400	default {
401	    return -code error \"No \$data(class) subwidget \\\"\$widget\\\",\
402		    must be one of: [join $comps {, }]\"
403	}
404    }
405    "
407    ## The [winfo class %W] will work in this Destroy, which is necessary
408    ## to determine if we are destroying the actual megawidget container.
409    ## The ${CLASS}_destroy must occur to remove excess state elements.
410    ## This will break in Tk4.1p1, but work with any other 4.1+ version.
411    bind $CLASS <Destroy> "
412    if {\[string compare {} \[widget classes \[winfo class %W\]\]\]} {
413	catch {\[winfo class %W\]_destroy %W}
414    }
415    "
417    ## The user is not supposed to change this proc
418    ## Instead they create a $CLASS:destroy proc
419    ## Some of this may be redundant, but at least it does the job
420    ;proc ${CLASS}_destroy {w} "
421    upvar \#0 \$w data
422    catch { $CLASS:destroy \$w }
423    catch { destroy \$data(base) }
424    catch { destroy \$w }
425    catch { rename \$data(basecmd) {} }
426    catch { rename \$data(base) {} }
427    catch { rename \$w {} }
428    catch { unset data }
429    return\n"
431    if {[string match {} [info commands $CLASS:destroy]]} {
432	## The user can optionally provide a special destroy handler
433	;proc $CLASS:destroy {w args}  {
434	    # empty
435	}
436    }
438    ## The user is not supposed to change this proc
439    ;proc ${CLASS}_cget {w args} {
440	if {[llength $args] != 1} {
441	    return -code error "wrong \# args: should be \"$w cget option\""
442	}
443	upvar \#0 $w data [winfo class $w] class
444	if {[info exists class($args)] && [string match -* $class($args)]} {
445	    set args $class($args)
446	}
447	if {[string match {} [set arg [array names data $args]]]} {
448	    set arg [array names data ${args}*]
449	}
450	set num [llength $arg]
451	if {$num==1} {
452	    return $data($arg)
453	} elseif {$num} {
454	    return -code error "ambiguous option \"$args\",\
455		    must be one of: [join $arg {, }]"
456	} elseif {[catch {$data(basecmd) cget $args} err]} {
457	    return -code error $err
458	} else {
459	    return $err
460	}
461    }
463    ## The user is not supposed to change this proc
464    ## Instead they create a $CLASS:configure proc
465    ;proc ${CLASS}_configure {w args} {
466	upvar \#0 $w data [winfo class $w] class
468	set num [llength $args]
469	if {$num==1} {
470	    if {[info exists class($args)] && \
471		    [string match -* $class($args)]} {
472		set args $class($args)
473	    }
474	    if {[string match {} [set arg [array names data $args]]]} {
475		set arg [array names data ${args}*]
476	    }
477	    set num [llength $arg]
478	    if {$num==1} {
479		## FIX one-elem config
480		return "[list $arg] $class($arg) [list $data($arg)]"
481	    } elseif {$num} {
482		return -code error "ambiguous option \"$args\",\
483			must be one of: [join $arg {, }]"
484	    } elseif {[catch {$data(basecmd) configure $args} err]} {
485		return -code error $err
486	    } else {
487		return $err
488	    }
489	} elseif {$num} {
490	    ## Group the {key val} pairs to be distributed
491	    if {$num&1} {
492		set last [lindex $args end]
493		set args [lrange $args 0 [incr num -2]]
494	    }
495	    set widargs {}
496	    set cmdargs {}
497	    foreach {key val} $args {
498		if {[info exists class($key)] && \
499			[string match -* $class($key)]} {
500		    set key $class($key)
501		}
502		if {[string match {} [set arg [array names data $key]]]} {
503		    set arg [array names data $key*]
504		}
505		set len [llength $arg]
506		if {$len==1} {
507		    lappend widargs $arg $val
508		} elseif {$len} {
509		    set ambarg [list $key $arg]
510		    break
511		} else {
512		    lappend cmdargs $key $val
513		}
514	    }
515	    if {[string compare {} $widargs]} {
516		uplevel $class(class):configure [list $w] $widargs
517	    }
518	    if {[string compare {} $cmdargs] && [catch \
519		    {uplevel [list $data(basecmd)] configure $cmdargs} err]} {
520		return -code error $err
521	    }
522	    if {[info exists ambarg]} {
523		return -code error "ambiguous option \"[lindex $ambarg 0]\",\
524			must be one of: [join [lindex $ambarg 1] {, }]"
525	    }
526	    if {[info exists last]} {
527		return -code error "value for \"$last\" missing"
528	    }
529	} else {
530	    foreach opt [$data(basecmd) configure] {
531		set options([lindex $opt 0]) [lrange $opt 1 end]
532	    }
533	    foreach opt [array names class -*] {
534		if {[string match -* $class($opt)]} {
535		    set options($opt) [string range $class($opt) 1 end]
536		} else {
537		    set options($opt) "$class($opt) [list $data($opt)]"
538		}
539	    }
540	    foreach opt [lsort [array names options]] {
541		lappend config "$opt $options($opt)"
542	    }
543	    return $config
544	}
545    }
547    if {[string match {} [info commands $CLASS:configure]]} {
548	## The user is intended to rewrite this one
549	;proc $CLASS:configure {w args}  {
550	    foreach {key val} $args {
551		puts "$w: configure $key to [list $value]"
552	    }
553	}
554    }
556    set WIDGET(C:$CLASS) {}
557    return $CLASS
562########################## EXAMPLES ####################################
566########################## ScrolledText ################################
571##	scrolledtext
574##	Implements a ScrolledText mega-widget
577##	scrolledtext <window pathname> <options>
580##	(Any text widget option may be used in addition to these)
582## -autoscrollbar TCL_BOOLEAN			DEFAULT: 1
583##	Whether to have dynamic or static scrollbars.
585## RETURNS: the window pathname
587## BINDINGS (in addition to default widget bindings)
590##	These are the subcmds that an instance of this megawidget recognizes.
591##	Aside from those listed here, it accepts subcmds that are valid for
592##	text widgets.
594## configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
595## cget option
596##	Standard tk widget routines.
598## subwidget widget
599##	Returns the true widget path of the specified widget.  Valid
600##	widgets are text, xscrollbar, yscrollbar.
603##	The megawidget creates a global array with the classname, and a
604## global array which is the name of each megawidget created.  The latter
605## array is deleted when the megawidget is destroyed.
606##	Public procs of $CLASSNAME and [string tolower $CLASSNAME] are used.
607## Other procs that begin with $CLASSNAME are private.  For each widget,
608## commands named .$widgetname and $CLASSNAME$widgetname are created.
612## pack [scrolledtext .st -width 40 -height 10] -fill both -exp 1
616## Create a global array with that is the name of the class: ScrolledText
617## Each widget created will also have a global array created by the
618## instantiation procedure that is the name of the widget (represented
619## as $w below).  There three special key names in the $CLASS array:
621## type
622##    the type of base container we want to use (frame or toplevel).
623##    This would default to frame.  This widget will be created for us
624##    by the constructor function.  The $w array will have a "container"
625##    key that will point to the exact widget name.
627## base
628##   the base widget type for this class.  This key is optional and
629##   represents what kind of widget will be the base for the class. This
630##   way we know what default methods/options you'll have.  If not
631##   specified, it defaults to the container type.
632##   To the global $w array, the key "basecmd" will be added by the widget
633##   instantiation function to point to a new proc that will be the direct
634##   accessor command for the base widget ("text" in the case of the
635##   ScrolledText megawidget).  The $w "base" key will be the valid widget
636##   name (for passing to [winfo] and such), but "basecmd" will be the
637##   valid direct accessor function
639## components
640##   the component widgets of the megawidget.  This is a list of tuples
641##   (ie: {{listbox listbox} {scrollbar yscrollbar} {scrollbar xscrollbar}})
642##   where each item is in the form {widgettype name}.  These components
643##   will be created before the $CLASS:construct proc is called and the $w
644##   array will have keys with each name pointing to the appropriate
645##   widget in it.  Use these keys to access your subwidgets.  It is from
646##   this component list and the base and type about that the subwidget
647##   method is created.
649## Aside from that, any $CLASS key that matches -* will be considered an
650## option that this megawidget handles.  The value can either be a
651## 3-tuple list of the form {databaseName databaseClass defaultValue}, or
652## it can be one element matching -*, which means this key (say -bd) is
653## an alias for the option specified in the value (say -borderwidth)
654## which must be specified fully somewhere else in the class array.
656## If the value is a list beginning with "ALIAS", then the option is derived
657## from a component of the megawidget.  The form of the value must be a list
658## with the elements:
659##	{ALIAS componenttype option ?databasename databaseclass?}
660## An example of this would be inheriting a label components anchor:
661##	{ALIAS label -anchor labelAnchor Anchor}
662## If the databasename is not specified, it determines the final options
663## database info from the component and uses the components default value.
664## Otherwise, just the components default value is used.
666## The $w array will be populated by the instantiation procedure with the
667## default values for all the specified $CLASS options.
669array set ScrolledText {
670    type	frame
671    base	{text text text \
672	    {-xscrollcommand [list $data(xscrollbar) set] \
673	    -yscrollcommand [list $data(yscrollbar) set]}}
674    components	{
675	{scrollbar xscrollbar sx {-orient h -bd 1 -highlightthickness 1 \
676		-command [list $w xview]}}
677	{scrollbar yscrollbar sy {-orient v -bd 1 -highlightthickness 1 \
678		-command [list $w yview]}}
679    }
681    -autoscrollbar	{autoScrollbar AutoScrollbar 1}
684# Create this to make sure there are registered in auto_mkindex
685# these must come before the [widget create ...]
686proc ScrolledText args {}
687proc scrolledtext args {}
688widget create ScrolledText
690## Then we "create" the widget.  This makes all the necessary default widget
691## routines.  It creates the public accessor functions ($CLASSNAME and
692## [string tolower $CLASSNAME]) as well as the public cget, configure, destroy
693## and subwidget methods.  The cget and configure commands work like the
694## regular Tk ones.  The destroy method is superfluous, as megawidgets will
695## respond properly to [destroy $widget] (the Tk destroy command).
696## The subwidget method has the following form:
698##   $widget subwidget name
699##	name	- the component widget name
700##   Returns the widget patch to the component widget name.
701##   Allows the user direct access to your subwidgets.
705## $CLASSNAME:construct {w}		=> return value ignored
706##	w	- the widget name, also the name of the global data array
707## This procedure is called by the public accessor (instantiation) proc
708## right after creating all component widgets and populating the global $w
709## array with all the default option values, the "base" key and the key
710## names for any other components.  The user should then grid/pack all
711## subwidgets into $w.  At this point, the initial configure has not
712## occured, so the widget options are all the default.  If this proc
713## errors, so does the main creation routine, returning your error.
715## $CLASSNAME:configure	{w args}	=> return ignored (should be empty)
716##	w	- the widget name, also the name of the global data array
717##	args	- a list of key/vals (already verified to exist)
718## The user should process the key/vals however they require  If this
719## proc errors, so does the main creation routine, returning your error.
723## $CLASSNAME:init {w}			=> return value ignored
724##	w	- the widget name, also the name of the global data array
725## This procedure is called after the public configure routine and after
726## the "basecmd" key has been added to the $w array.  Ideally, this proc
727## would be used to do any widget specific one-time initialization.
729## $CLASSNAME:destroy {w}		=> return ignored (should be empty)
730##	w	- the widget name, also the name of the global data array
731## A default destroy handler is provided that cleans up after the megawidget
732## (all state info), but if special cleanup stuff is needed, you would provide
733## it in this procedure.  This is the first proc called in the default destroy
734## handler.
737;proc ScrolledText:construct {w} {
738    upvar \#0 $w data
740    grid $data(text) $data(yscrollbar) -sticky news
741    grid $data(xscrollbar) -sticky ew
742    grid columnconfig $w 0 -weight 1
743    grid rowconfig $w 0 -weight 1
744    grid remove $data(yscrollbar) $data(xscrollbar)
745    bind $data(text) <Configure> [list ScrolledText:resize $w 1]
748;proc ScrolledText:configure {w args} {
749    upvar \#0 $w data
750    set truth {^(1|yes|true|on)$}
751    foreach {key val} $args {
752	switch -- $key {
753	    -autoscrollbar	{
754		set data($key) [regexp -nocase $truth $val]
755		if {$data($key)} {
756		    ScrolledText:resize $w 0
757		} else {
758		    grid $data(xscrollbar)
759		    grid $data(yscrollbar)
760		}
761	    }
762	}
763    }
766;proc ScrolledText_xview {w args} {
767    upvar \#0 $w data
768    if {[catch {uplevel $data(basecmd) xview $args} err]} {
769	return -code error $err
770    }
773;proc ScrolledText_yview {w args} {
774    upvar \#0 $w data
775    if {[catch {uplevel $data(basecmd) yview $args} err]} {
776	return -code error $err
777    } elseif {![winfo ismapped $data(xscrollbar)] && \
778	    [string compare {0 1} [$data(basecmd) xview]]} {
779	## If the xscrollbar was unmapped, but is now needed, show it
780	grid $data(xscrollbar)
781    }
784;proc ScrolledText_insert {w args} {
785    upvar \#0 $w data
786    set code [catch {uplevel $data(basecmd) insert $args} err]
787    if {[winfo ismapped $w]} { ScrolledText:resize $w 0 }
788    return -code $code $err
791;proc ScrolledText_delete {w args} {
792    upvar \#0 $w data
793    set code [catch {uplevel $data(basecmd) delete $args} err]
794    if {[winfo ismapped $w]} { ScrolledText:resize $w 1 }
795    return -code $code $err
798;proc ScrolledText:resize {w d} {
799    upvar \#0 $w data
800    ## Only when deleting should we consider removing the scrollbars
801    if {!$data(-autoscrollbar)} return
802    if {[string compare {0 1} [$data(basecmd) xview]]} {
803	grid $data(xscrollbar)
804    } elseif {$d} {
805	grid remove $data(xscrollbar)
806    }
807    if {[string compare {0 1} [$data(basecmd) yview]]} {
808	grid $data(yscrollbar)
809    } elseif {$d} {
810	grid remove $data(yscrollbar)
811    }