1# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.  See accompanying
2# file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details.
5cmake_policy(SET CMP0053 NEW)
6cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW)
8# Function to parse implicit linker options.
10# This is used internally by CMake and should not be included by user
11# code.
13# Note: this function is leaked/exposed by FindOpenMP and therefore needs
14# to have a stable API so projects that copied `FindOpenMP` for backwards
15# compatibility don't break.
17function(CMAKE_PARSE_IMPLICIT_LINK_INFO text lib_var dir_var fwk_var log_var obj_regex)
18  set(implicit_libs_tmp "")
19  set(implicit_objs_tmp "")
20  set(implicit_dirs_tmp)
21  set(implicit_fwks_tmp)
22  set(log "")
24  set(keywordArgs)
26  set(multiValueArgs )
27  cmake_parse_arguments(EXTRA_PARSE "${keywordArgs}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
29  # Parse implicit linker arguments.
30  set(linker "CMAKE_LINKER-NOTFOUND")
32    get_filename_component(linker ${CMAKE_LINKER} NAME)
33    string(REGEX REPLACE "([][+.*?()^$])" "\\\\\\1" linker "${linker}")
34  endif()
37    set(startfile "${CMAKE_LINK_STARTFILE}")
38  endif()
39  # Construct a regex to match linker lines.  It must match both the
40  # whole line and just the command (argv[0]).
41  set(linker_regex "^( *|.*[/\\])(${linker}|${startfile}|([^/\\]+-)?ld|collect2)[^/\\]*( |$)")
42  set(linker_exclude_regex "collect2 version |^[A-Za-z0-9_]+=|/ldfe ")
43  string(APPEND log "  link line regex: [${linker_regex}]\n")
44  string(REGEX REPLACE "\r?\n" ";" output_lines "${text}")
45  foreach(line IN LISTS output_lines)
46    set(cmd)
47    if("${line}" MATCHES "${linker_regex}" AND
48        NOT "${line}" MATCHES "${linker_exclude_regex}")
49      if(XCODE)
50        # Xcode unconditionally adds a path under the project build tree and
51        # on older versions it is not reported with proper quotes.  Remove it.
52        string(REGEX REPLACE "([][+.*()^])" "\\\\\\1" _dir_regex "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}")
53        string(REGEX REPLACE " -[FL]${_dir_regex}/([^ ]| [^-])+( |$)" " " xline "${line}")
54        if(NOT "x${xline}" STREQUAL "x${line}")
55          string(APPEND log "  reduced line: [${line}]\n            to: [${xline}]\n")
56          set(line "${xline}")
57        endif()
58      endif()
59      separate_arguments(args NATIVE_COMMAND "${line}")
60      list(GET args 0 cmd)
61    else()
62      #check to see if the link line is comma-separated instead of space separated
63      string(REGEX REPLACE "," " " line "${line}")
64      if("${line}" MATCHES "${linker_regex}" AND
65        NOT "${line}" MATCHES "${linker_exclude_regex}")
66        separate_arguments(args NATIVE_COMMAND "${line}")
67        list(GET args 0 cmd)
68        if("${cmd}" MATCHES "exec:")
69          # ibm xl sometimes has 'exec: ' in-front of the linker
70          list(GET args 1 cmd)
71        endif()
72      endif()
73    endif()
74    set(is_msvc 0)
75    set(search_static 0)
76    if("${cmd}" MATCHES "${linker_regex}")
77      string(APPEND log "  link line: [${line}]\n")
78      string(REGEX REPLACE ";-([LYz]);" ";-\\1" args "${args}")
79      set(skip_value_of "")
80      foreach(arg IN LISTS args)
81        if(skip_value_of)
82          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> skip value of ${skip_value_of}\n")
83          set(skip_value_of "")
84        elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-L(.:)?[/\\]")
85          # Unix search path.
86          string(REGEX REPLACE "^-L" "" dir "${arg}")
87          list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp ${dir})
88          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> dir [${dir}]\n")
89        elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^[-/](LIBPATH|libpath):(.+)")
90          # MSVC search path.
91          set(dir "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
92          list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp ${dir})
93          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> dir [${dir}]\n")
94        elseif(is_msvc AND "${arg}" STREQUAL "-link")
95          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> ignore MSVC cl option\n")
96        elseif(is_msvc AND "${arg}" MATCHES "^(.*\\.[Ll][Ii][Bb])$")
97          set(lib "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
98          list(APPEND implicit_libs_tmp ${lib})
99          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> lib [${lib}]\n")
100        elseif("${arg}" STREQUAL "-lto_library")
101          # ld argument "-lto_library <path>"
102          set(skip_value_of "${arg}")
103          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> ignore, skip following value\n")
104        elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-l([^:].*)$")
105          # Unix library.
106          set(lib "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
107          if(search_static AND lib MATCHES "^(gfortran|stdc\\+\\+)$")
108            # Search for the static library later, once all link dirs are known.
109            set(lib "SEARCH_STATIC:${lib}")
110          endif()
111          list(APPEND implicit_libs_tmp ${lib})
112          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> lib [${lib}]\n")
113        elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^(.:)?[/\\].*\\.a$")
114          # Unix library full path.
115          list(APPEND implicit_libs_tmp ${arg})
116          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> lib [${arg}]\n")
117        elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^[-/](DEFAULTLIB|defaultlib):(.+)")
118          # Windows library.
119          set(lib "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
120          list(APPEND implicit_libs_tmp ${lib})
121          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> lib [${lib}]\n")
122        elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^(.:)?[/\\].*\\.o$")
124            list(APPEND implicit_objs_tmp ${arg})
125            string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> obj [${arg}]\n")
126          endif()
127          if(obj_regex AND "${arg}" MATCHES "${obj_regex}")
128            # Object file full path.
129            list(APPEND implicit_libs_tmp ${arg})
130          endif()
131        elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-Y(P,)?[^0-9]")
132          # Sun search path ([^0-9] avoids conflict with Mac -Y<num>).
133          string(REGEX REPLACE "^-Y(P,)?" "" dirs "${arg}")
134          string(REPLACE ":" ";" dirs "${dirs}")
135          list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp ${dirs})
136          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> dirs [${dirs}]\n")
137        elseif("${arg}" STREQUAL "-Bstatic")
138          set(search_static 1)
139          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> search static\n" )
140        elseif("${arg}" STREQUAL "-Bdynamic")
141          set(search_static 0)
142          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> search dynamic\n" )
143        elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-l:")
144          # HP named library.
145          list(APPEND implicit_libs_tmp ${arg})
146          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> lib [${arg}]\n")
147        elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-z(all|default|weak)extract")
148          # Link editor option.
149          list(APPEND implicit_libs_tmp ${arg})
150          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> opt [${arg}]\n")
151        elseif("${arg}" STREQUAL "cl.exe")
152          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> recognize MSVC cl\n")
153          set(is_msvc 1)
154        else()
155          string(APPEND log "    arg [${arg}] ==> ignore\n")
156        endif()
157      endforeach()
158      break()
159    elseif("${line}" MATCHES "LPATH(=| is:? *)(.*)$")
160      string(APPEND log "  LPATH line: [${line}]\n")
161      # HP search path.
162      string(REPLACE ":" ";" paths "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
163      list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp ${paths})
164      string(APPEND log "    dirs [${paths}]\n")
165    else()
166      string(APPEND log "  ignore line: [${line}]\n")
167    endif()
168  endforeach()
170  # Look for library search paths reported by linker.
171  if("${output_lines}" MATCHES ";Library search paths:((;\t[^;]+)+)")
172    string(REPLACE ";\t" ";" implicit_dirs_match "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
173    string(APPEND log "  Library search paths: [${implicit_dirs_match}]\n")
174    list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp ${implicit_dirs_match})
175  endif()
176  if("${output_lines}" MATCHES ";Framework search paths:((;\t[^;]+)+)")
177    string(REPLACE ";\t" ";" implicit_fwks_match "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
178    string(APPEND log "  Framework search paths: [${implicit_fwks_match}]\n")
179    list(APPEND implicit_fwks_tmp ${implicit_fwks_match})
180  endif()
182  # Cleanup list of libraries and flags.
183  # We remove items that are not language-specific.
184  set(implicit_libs "")
185  foreach(lib IN LISTS implicit_libs_tmp)
186    if("x${lib}" MATCHES "^xSEARCH_STATIC:(.*)")
187      set(search_static 1)
188      set(lib "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
189    else()
190      set(search_static 0)
191    endif()
192    if("x${lib}" MATCHES "^x(crt.*\\.o|gcc_eh.*|.*libgcc_eh.*|System.*|.*libclang_rt.*|msvcrt.*|libvcruntime.*|libucrt.*|libcmt.*)$")
193      string(APPEND log "  remove lib [${lib}]\n")
194    elseif(search_static)
195      # This library appears after a -Bstatic flag.  Due to ordering
196      # and filtering for mixed-language link lines, we do not preserve
197      # the -Bstatic flag itself.  Instead, use an absolute path.
198      # Search using a temporary variable with a distinct name
199      # so that our test suite does not depend on disk content.
200      find_library("CMAKE_${lang}_IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARY_${lib}" NO_CACHE NAMES "lib${lib}.a" NO_DEFAULT_PATH PATHS ${implicit_dirs_tmp})
201      set(_lib_static "${CMAKE_${lang}_IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARY_${lib}}")
202      if(_lib_static)
203        string(APPEND log "  search lib [SEARCH_STATIC:${lib}] ==> [${_lib_static}]\n")
204        list(APPEND implicit_libs "${_lib_static}")
205      else()
206        string(APPEND log "  search lib [SEARCH_STATIC:${lib}] ==> [${lib}]\n")
207        list(APPEND implicit_libs "${lib}")
208      endif()
209    elseif(IS_ABSOLUTE "${lib}")
210      get_filename_component(abs "${lib}" ABSOLUTE)
211      if(NOT "x${lib}" STREQUAL "x${abs}")
212        string(APPEND log "  collapse lib [${lib}] ==> [${abs}]\n")
213      endif()
214      list(APPEND implicit_libs "${abs}")
215    else()
216      list(APPEND implicit_libs "${lib}")
217    endif()
218  endforeach()
221    set(implicit_objs "")
222    foreach(obj IN LISTS implicit_objs_tmp)
223      if(IS_ABSOLUTE "${obj}")
224        get_filename_component(abs "${obj}" ABSOLUTE)
225        if(NOT "x${obj}" STREQUAL "x${abs}")
226          string(APPEND log "  collapse obj [${obj}] ==> [${abs}]\n")
227        endif()
228        list(APPEND implicit_objs "${abs}")
229      else()
230        list(APPEND implicit_objs "${obj}")
231      endif()
232    endforeach()
233  endif()
235  # Cleanup list of library and framework directories.
236  set(desc_dirs "library")
237  set(desc_fwks "framework")
238  foreach(t dirs fwks)
239    set(implicit_${t} "")
240    foreach(d IN LISTS implicit_${t}_tmp)
241      get_filename_component(dir "${d}" ABSOLUTE)
242      string(FIND "${dir}" "${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/" pos)
243      if(NOT pos LESS 0)
244        set(msg ", skipping non-system directory")
245      else()
246        set(msg "")
247        list(APPEND implicit_${t} "${dir}")
248      endif()
249      string(APPEND log "  collapse ${desc_${t}} dir [${d}] ==> [${dir}]${msg}\n")
250    endforeach()
251    list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES implicit_${t})
252  endforeach()
254  # Log results.
255  string(APPEND log "  implicit libs: [${implicit_libs}]\n")
256  string(APPEND log "  implicit objs: [${implicit_objs}]\n")
257  string(APPEND log "  implicit dirs: [${implicit_dirs}]\n")
258  string(APPEND log "  implicit fwks: [${implicit_fwks}]\n")
260  # Return results.
261  set(${lib_var} "${implicit_libs}" PARENT_SCOPE)
262  set(${dir_var} "${implicit_dirs}" PARENT_SCOPE)
263  set(${fwk_var} "${implicit_fwks}" PARENT_SCOPE)
264  set(${log_var} "${log}" PARENT_SCOPE)
268  endif()