1 /*
2  * This file is part of the FortranProject plugin for Code::Blocks IDE
3  * and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3
4  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
5  */
7 #ifndef FTOKINIZER_H
8 #define FTOKINIZER_H
10 #include <sdk.h>
11 #ifndef CB_PRECOMP
12     #include <wx/string.h>
14     #include <filemanager.h>
15 #endif
16 #include <vector>
18 //bool cbRead(wxFile& file,wxString& st);
20 // Writes a wxString to a non-unicode file. File must be open. File is closed automatically.
21 //bool cbWrite(wxFile& file, const wxString& buff);
23 bool ReadFileToString(wxFile& file,wxString& st);
25 enum FortranSourceForm
26 {
27     fsfFixed=0,
28     fsfFree,
29 };
31 class Tokenizerf
32 {
33 	public:
34 		Tokenizerf(const wxString& filename = wxEmptyString, FortranSourceForm sourceForm = fsfFree);
35 		~Tokenizerf();
37 		bool Init(const wxString& filename, FortranSourceForm sourceForm);
38 		bool InitFromBuffer(const wxString& buffer, FortranSourceForm sourceForm);
39 		wxString GetToken();
40 		wxString GetTokenSameLine();
41 		wxString GetTokenSameFortranLine();
42 		wxString PeekToken();
43 		wxString PeekTokenSameFortranLine();
GetFilename()44 		const wxString& GetFilename(){ return m_Filename; }
GetLineNumber()45 		unsigned int GetLineNumber(){ return m_LineNumber; }
GetPeekedLineNumber()46 		unsigned int GetPeekedLineNumber(){ return m_PeekedLineNumber; }
GetCurrentIndex()47 		unsigned int GetCurrentIndex(){ return m_TokenIndex; }
GetLineCount()48 		unsigned int GetLineCount(){ return m_LineStartIdx.size(); }
IsOK()49 		bool IsOK(){ return m_IsOK; }
50 		bool SkipToOneOfChars(const char* chars, bool toLineEnd = false);
51 		wxArrayString GetTokensToEOL(wxArrayString* arrStrLines = 0);
52 		wxArrayString PeekTokensToEOL();
53 		wxString GetCurrentLine();
54 		wxString GetLineFortran();
55 		wxString GetLine(unsigned int nl);
56 		unsigned int GetLineStartIndex(unsigned int indexInLine);
57 		unsigned int GetLineEndIndex(unsigned int indexInLine);
58 		void SetDetailedParsing(bool detPars);
59 		void SetFilename(const wxString& filename);
60         void UngetToken();
61 		bool SkipToEOL();
62 	protected:
63 		void BaseInit();
64 		wxString DoGetToken();
65 		bool ReadFile();
66 		bool SkipWhiteSpace();
67 		bool SkipToChar(const wxChar& ch, bool toLineEnd = false);
68 		bool SkipBlock(const wxChar& ch, int maxLines = 0);
69 		bool SkipUnwanted(); // skips comments, assignments, preprocessor etc.
IsEOF()70 		bool IsEOF(){ return m_TokenIndex >= m_BufferLen; }
71 		bool MoveToNextChar();
72 		void AdjustLineNumber();
73 		wxChar CurrentChar();
74 		wxChar NextChar();
75 		wxChar PreviousChar();
76 		bool IsBindTo();
77 	private:
78 		bool CharInString(const char ch, const char* chars);
79 		wxString m_Filename;
80 		wxString m_Buffer;
81 		unsigned int m_BufferLen;
82 		unsigned int m_TokenIndex;
83 		unsigned int m_UndoTokenIndex;
84 		unsigned int m_PeekedTokenIndex;
85 		unsigned int m_LineNumber;
86 		unsigned int m_LineNumberStart;
87 		unsigned int m_UndoLineNumber;
88 		unsigned int m_UndoLineNumberStart;
89 		unsigned int m_PeekedLineNumber;
90 		unsigned int m_PeekedLineNumberStart;
91 		unsigned int m_Column;
92 		unsigned int m_UndoColumn;
93 		unsigned int m_PeekedColumn;
94 		bool m_WasNextLine;
95 		bool m_UndoWasNextLine;
96 		bool m_PeekedWasNextLine;
97 		bool m_WasPeeked;
98 		bool m_IsOK;
99 		FortranSourceForm m_SourceForm;
100 		wxString m_PeekedToken;
101 		bool m_DetailedParsing;
102 		std::vector<unsigned int> m_LineStartIdx;
103 };
105 #endif // FTOKINIZER_H