1 /*
2     Copyright 2005-2014 Intel Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
4     This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. Threading Building Blocks is free software;
5     you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6     version 2  as  published  by  the  Free Software Foundation.  Threading Building Blocks is
7     distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
9     See  the GNU General Public License for more details.   You should have received a copy of
10     the  GNU General Public License along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the
11     Free Software Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin St,  Fifth Floor,  Boston,  MA 02110-1301 USA
13     As a special exception,  you may use this file  as part of a free software library without
14     restriction.  Specifically,  if other files instantiate templates  or use macros or inline
15     functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce
16     an executable,  this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
17     by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other
18     reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
19 */
21 #ifndef __TBB_concurrent_hash_map_H
22 #define __TBB_concurrent_hash_map_H
24 #include "tbb_stddef.h"
27     // Suppress "C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled" warning in STL headers
28     #pragma warning (push)
29     #pragma warning (disable: 4530)
30 #endif
32 #include <iterator>
33 #include <utility>      // Need std::pair
34 #include <cstring>      // Need std::memset
37     #pragma warning (pop)
38 #endif
40 #include "cache_aligned_allocator.h"
41 #include "tbb_allocator.h"
42 #include "spin_rw_mutex.h"
43 #include "atomic.h"
44 #include "tbb_exception.h"
45 #include "tbb_profiling.h"
46 #include "internal/_concurrent_unordered_impl.h" // Need tbb_hasher
48 #include <initializer_list>
49 #endif
51 #include <typeinfo>
52 #endif
54 #include <stdio.h>
55 #endif
57 namespace tbb {
59 //! hash_compare that is default argument for concurrent_hash_map
60 template<typename Key>
61 struct tbb_hash_compare {
hashtbb_hash_compare62     static size_t hash( const Key& a ) { return tbb_hasher(a); }
equaltbb_hash_compare63     static bool equal( const Key& a, const Key& b ) { return a == b; }
64 };
66 namespace interface5 {
68     template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare = tbb_hash_compare<Key>, typename A = tbb_allocator<std::pair<Key, T> > >
69     class concurrent_hash_map;
71     //! @cond INTERNAL
72     namespace internal {
73     using namespace tbb::internal;
76     //! Type of a hash code.
77     typedef size_t hashcode_t;
78     //! Node base type
79     struct hash_map_node_base : tbb::internal::no_copy {
80         //! Mutex type
81         typedef spin_rw_mutex mutex_t;
82         //! Scoped lock type for mutex
83         typedef mutex_t::scoped_lock scoped_t;
84         //! Next node in chain
85         hash_map_node_base *next;
86         mutex_t mutex;
87     };
88     //! Incompleteness flag value
89     static hash_map_node_base *const rehash_req = reinterpret_cast<hash_map_node_base*>(size_t(3));
90     //! Rehashed empty bucket flag
91     static hash_map_node_base *const empty_rehashed = reinterpret_cast<hash_map_node_base*>(size_t(0));
92     //! base class of concurrent_hash_map
93     class hash_map_base {
94     public:
95         //! Size type
96         typedef size_t size_type;
97         //! Type of a hash code.
98         typedef size_t hashcode_t;
99         //! Segment index type
100         typedef size_t segment_index_t;
101         //! Node base type
102         typedef hash_map_node_base node_base;
103         //! Bucket type
104         struct bucket : tbb::internal::no_copy {
105             //! Mutex type for buckets
106             typedef spin_rw_mutex mutex_t;
107             //! Scoped lock type for mutex
108             typedef mutex_t::scoped_lock scoped_t;
109             mutex_t mutex;
110             node_base *node_list;
111         };
112         //! Count of segments in the first block
113         static size_type const embedded_block = 1;
114         //! Count of segments in the first block
115         static size_type const embedded_buckets = 1<<embedded_block;
116         //! Count of segments in the first block
117         static size_type const first_block = 8; //including embedded_block. perfect with bucket size 16, so the allocations are power of 4096
118         //! Size of a pointer / table size
119         static size_type const pointers_per_table = sizeof(segment_index_t) * 8; // one segment per bit
120         //! Segment pointer
121         typedef bucket *segment_ptr_t;
122         //! Segment pointers table type
123         typedef segment_ptr_t segments_table_t[pointers_per_table];
124         //! Hash mask = sum of allocated segment sizes - 1
125         atomic<hashcode_t> my_mask;
126         //! Segment pointers table. Also prevents false sharing between my_mask and my_size
127         segments_table_t my_table;
128         //! Size of container in stored items
129         atomic<size_type> my_size; // It must be in separate cache line from my_mask due to performance effects
130         //! Zero segment
131         bucket my_embedded_segment[embedded_buckets];
133         atomic<unsigned> my_info_resizes; // concurrent ones
134         mutable atomic<unsigned> my_info_restarts; // race collisions
135         atomic<unsigned> my_info_rehashes;  // invocations of rehash_bucket
136 #endif
137         //! Constructor
hash_map_base()138         hash_map_base() {
139             std::memset( this, 0, pointers_per_table*sizeof(segment_ptr_t) // 32*4=128   or 64*8=512
140                 + sizeof(my_size) + sizeof(my_mask)  // 4+4 or 8+8
141                 + embedded_buckets*sizeof(bucket) ); // n*8 or n*16
142             for( size_type i = 0; i < embedded_block; i++ ) // fill the table
143                 my_table[i] = my_embedded_segment + segment_base(i);
144             my_mask = embedded_buckets - 1;
145             __TBB_ASSERT( embedded_block <= first_block, "The first block number must include embedded blocks");
147             my_info_resizes = 0; // concurrent ones
148             my_info_restarts = 0; // race collisions
149             my_info_rehashes = 0;  // invocations of rehash_bucket
150 #endif
151         }
153         //! @return segment index of given index in the array
segment_index_of(size_type index)154         static segment_index_t segment_index_of( size_type index ) {
155             return segment_index_t( __TBB_Log2( index|1 ) );
156         }
158         //! @return the first array index of given segment
segment_base(segment_index_t k)159         static segment_index_t segment_base( segment_index_t k ) {
160             return (segment_index_t(1)<<k & ~segment_index_t(1));
161         }
163         //! @return segment size except for @arg k == 0
segment_size(segment_index_t k)164         static size_type segment_size( segment_index_t k ) {
165             return size_type(1)<<k; // fake value for k==0
166         }
168         //! @return true if @arg ptr is valid pointer
is_valid(void * ptr)169         static bool is_valid( void *ptr ) {
170             return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) > uintptr_t(63);
171         }
173         //! Initialize buckets
init_buckets(segment_ptr_t ptr,size_type sz,bool is_initial)174         static void init_buckets( segment_ptr_t ptr, size_type sz, bool is_initial ) {
175             if( is_initial ) std::memset(ptr, 0, sz*sizeof(bucket) );
176             else for(size_type i = 0; i < sz; i++, ptr++) {
177                 *reinterpret_cast<intptr_t*>(&ptr->mutex) = 0;
178                 ptr->node_list = rehash_req;
179             }
180         }
182         //! Add node @arg n to bucket @arg b
add_to_bucket(bucket * b,node_base * n)183         static void add_to_bucket( bucket *b, node_base *n ) {
184             __TBB_ASSERT(b->node_list != rehash_req, NULL);
185             n->next = b->node_list;
186             b->node_list = n; // its under lock and flag is set
187         }
189         //! Exception safety helper
190         struct enable_segment_failsafe : tbb::internal::no_copy {
191             segment_ptr_t *my_segment_ptr;
enable_segment_failsafeenable_segment_failsafe192             enable_segment_failsafe(segments_table_t &table, segment_index_t k) : my_segment_ptr(&table[k]) {}
~enable_segment_failsafeenable_segment_failsafe193             ~enable_segment_failsafe() {
194                 if( my_segment_ptr ) *my_segment_ptr = 0; // indicate no allocation in progress
195             }
196         };
198         //! Enable segment
199         void enable_segment( segment_index_t k, bool is_initial = false ) {
200             __TBB_ASSERT( k, "Zero segment must be embedded" );
201             enable_segment_failsafe watchdog( my_table, k );
202             cache_aligned_allocator<bucket> alloc;
203             size_type sz;
204             __TBB_ASSERT( !is_valid(my_table[k]), "Wrong concurrent assignment");
205             if( k >= first_block ) {
206                 sz = segment_size( k );
207                 segment_ptr_t ptr = alloc.allocate( sz );
208                 init_buckets( ptr, sz, is_initial );
209                 itt_hide_store_word( my_table[k], ptr );
210                 sz <<= 1;// double it to get entire capacity of the container
211             } else { // the first block
212                 __TBB_ASSERT( k == embedded_block, "Wrong segment index" );
213                 sz = segment_size( first_block );
214                 segment_ptr_t ptr = alloc.allocate( sz - embedded_buckets );
215                 init_buckets( ptr, sz - embedded_buckets, is_initial );
216                 ptr -= segment_base(embedded_block);
217                 for(segment_index_t i = embedded_block; i < first_block; i++) // calc the offsets
218                     itt_hide_store_word( my_table[i], ptr + segment_base(i) );
219             }
220             itt_store_word_with_release( my_mask, sz-1 );
221             watchdog.my_segment_ptr = 0;
222         }
224         //! Get bucket by (masked) hashcode
get_bucket(hashcode_t h)225         bucket *get_bucket( hashcode_t h ) const throw() { // TODO: add throw() everywhere?
226             segment_index_t s = segment_index_of( h );
227             h -= segment_base(s);
228             segment_ptr_t seg = my_table[s];
229             __TBB_ASSERT( is_valid(seg), "hashcode must be cut by valid mask for allocated segments" );
230             return &seg[h];
231         }
233         // internal serial rehashing helper
mark_rehashed_levels(hashcode_t h)234         void mark_rehashed_levels( hashcode_t h ) throw () {
235             segment_index_t s = segment_index_of( h );
236             while( segment_ptr_t seg = my_table[++s] )
237                 if( seg[h].node_list == rehash_req ) {
238                     seg[h].node_list = empty_rehashed;
239                     mark_rehashed_levels( h + ((hashcode_t)1<<s) ); // optimized segment_base(s)
240                 }
241         }
243         //! Check for mask race
244         // Splitting into two functions should help inlining
check_mask_race(const hashcode_t h,hashcode_t & m)245         inline bool check_mask_race( const hashcode_t h, hashcode_t &m ) const {
246             hashcode_t m_now, m_old = m;
247             m_now = (hashcode_t) itt_load_word_with_acquire( my_mask );
248             if( m_old != m_now )
249                 return check_rehashing_collision( h, m_old, m = m_now );
250             return false;
251         }
253         //! Process mask race, check for rehashing collision
check_rehashing_collision(const hashcode_t h,hashcode_t m_old,hashcode_t m)254         bool check_rehashing_collision( const hashcode_t h, hashcode_t m_old, hashcode_t m ) const {
255             __TBB_ASSERT(m_old != m, NULL); // TODO?: m arg could be optimized out by passing h = h&m
256             if( (h & m_old) != (h & m) ) { // mask changed for this hashcode, rare event
257                 // condition above proves that 'h' has some other bits set beside 'm_old'
258                 // find next applicable mask after m_old    //TODO: look at bsl instruction
259                 for( ++m_old; !(h & m_old); m_old <<= 1 ) // at maximum few rounds depending on the first block size
260                     ;
261                 m_old = (m_old<<1) - 1; // get full mask from a bit
262                 __TBB_ASSERT((m_old&(m_old+1))==0 && m_old <= m, NULL);
263                 // check whether it is rehashing/ed
264                 if( itt_load_word_with_acquire(get_bucket(h & m_old)->node_list) != rehash_req )
265                 {
267                     my_info_restarts++; // race collisions
268 #endif
269                     return true;
270                 }
271             }
272             return false;
273         }
275         //! Insert a node and check for load factor. @return segment index to enable.
insert_new_node(bucket * b,node_base * n,hashcode_t mask)276         segment_index_t insert_new_node( bucket *b, node_base *n, hashcode_t mask ) {
277             size_type sz = ++my_size; // prefix form is to enforce allocation after the first item inserted
278             add_to_bucket( b, n );
279             // check load factor
280             if( sz >= mask ) { // TODO: add custom load_factor
281                 segment_index_t new_seg = __TBB_Log2( mask+1 ); //optimized segment_index_of
282                 __TBB_ASSERT( is_valid(my_table[new_seg-1]), "new allocations must not publish new mask until segment has allocated");
283                 static const segment_ptr_t is_allocating = (segment_ptr_t)2;
284                 if( !itt_hide_load_word(my_table[new_seg])
285                   && as_atomic(my_table[new_seg]).compare_and_swap(is_allocating, NULL) == NULL )
286                     return new_seg; // The value must be processed
287             }
288             return 0;
289         }
291         //! Prepare enough segments for number of buckets
reserve(size_type buckets)292         void reserve(size_type buckets) {
293             if( !buckets-- ) return;
294             bool is_initial = !my_size;
295             for( size_type m = my_mask; buckets > m; m = my_mask )
296                 enable_segment( segment_index_of( m+1 ), is_initial );
297         }
298         //! Swap hash_map_bases
internal_swap(hash_map_base & table)299         void internal_swap(hash_map_base &table) {
300             using std::swap;
301             swap(this->my_mask, table.my_mask);
302             swap(this->my_size, table.my_size);
303             for(size_type i = 0; i < embedded_buckets; i++)
304                 swap(this->my_embedded_segment[i].node_list, table.my_embedded_segment[i].node_list);
305             for(size_type i = embedded_block; i < pointers_per_table; i++)
306                 swap(this->my_table[i], table.my_table[i]);
307         }
308     };
310     template<typename Iterator>
311     class hash_map_range;
313     //! Meets requirements of a forward iterator for STL */
314     /** Value is either the T or const T type of the container.
315         @ingroup containers */
316     template<typename Container, typename Value>
317     class hash_map_iterator
318         : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,Value>
319     {
320         typedef Container map_type;
321         typedef typename Container::node node;
322         typedef hash_map_base::node_base node_base;
323         typedef hash_map_base::bucket bucket;
325         template<typename C, typename T, typename U>
326         friend bool operator==( const hash_map_iterator<C,T>& i, const hash_map_iterator<C,U>& j );
328         template<typename C, typename T, typename U>
329         friend bool operator!=( const hash_map_iterator<C,T>& i, const hash_map_iterator<C,U>& j );
331         template<typename C, typename T, typename U>
332         friend ptrdiff_t operator-( const hash_map_iterator<C,T>& i, const hash_map_iterator<C,U>& j );
334         template<typename C, typename U>
335         friend class hash_map_iterator;
337         template<typename I>
338         friend class hash_map_range;
advance_to_next_bucket()340         void advance_to_next_bucket() { // TODO?: refactor to iterator_base class
341             size_t k = my_index+1;
342             while( my_bucket && k <= my_map->my_mask ) {
343                 // Following test uses 2's-complement wizardry
344                 if( k& (k-2) ) // not the beginning of a segment
345                     ++my_bucket;
346                 else my_bucket = my_map->get_bucket( k );
347                 my_node = static_cast<node*>( my_bucket->node_list );
348                 if( hash_map_base::is_valid(my_node) ) {
349                     my_index = k; return;
350                 }
351                 ++k;
352             }
353             my_bucket = 0; my_node = 0; my_index = k; // the end
354         }
355 #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
356         template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
357         friend class interface5::concurrent_hash_map;
358 #else
359     public: // workaround
360 #endif
361         //! concurrent_hash_map over which we are iterating.
362         const Container *my_map;
364         //! Index in hash table for current item
365         size_t my_index;
367         //! Pointer to bucket
368         const bucket *my_bucket;
370         //! Pointer to node that has current item
371         node *my_node;
373         hash_map_iterator( const Container &map, size_t index, const bucket *b, node_base *n );
375     public:
376         //! Construct undefined iterator
hash_map_iterator()377         hash_map_iterator() {}
hash_map_iterator(const hash_map_iterator<Container,typename Container::value_type> & other)378         hash_map_iterator( const hash_map_iterator<Container,typename Container::value_type> &other ) :
379             my_map(other.my_map),
380             my_index(other.my_index),
381             my_bucket(other.my_bucket),
382             my_node(other.my_node)
383         {}
384         Value& operator*() const {
385             __TBB_ASSERT( hash_map_base::is_valid(my_node), "iterator uninitialized or at end of container?" );
386             return my_node->item;
387         }
388         Value* operator->() const {return &operator*();}
389         hash_map_iterator& operator++();
391         //! Post increment
392         hash_map_iterator operator++(int) {
393             hash_map_iterator old(*this);
394             operator++();
395             return old;
396         }
397     };
399     template<typename Container, typename Value>
hash_map_iterator(const Container & map,size_t index,const bucket * b,node_base * n)400     hash_map_iterator<Container,Value>::hash_map_iterator( const Container &map, size_t index, const bucket *b, node_base *n ) :
401         my_map(&map),
402         my_index(index),
403         my_bucket(b),
404         my_node( static_cast<node*>(n) )
405     {
406         if( b && !hash_map_base::is_valid(n) )
407             advance_to_next_bucket();
408     }
410     template<typename Container, typename Value>
411     hash_map_iterator<Container,Value>& hash_map_iterator<Container,Value>::operator++() {
412         my_node = static_cast<node*>( my_node->next );
413         if( !my_node ) advance_to_next_bucket();
414         return *this;
415     }
417     template<typename Container, typename T, typename U>
418     bool operator==( const hash_map_iterator<Container,T>& i, const hash_map_iterator<Container,U>& j ) {
419         return i.my_node == j.my_node && i.my_map == j.my_map;
420     }
422     template<typename Container, typename T, typename U>
423     bool operator!=( const hash_map_iterator<Container,T>& i, const hash_map_iterator<Container,U>& j ) {
424         return i.my_node != j.my_node || i.my_map != j.my_map;
425     }
427     //! Range class used with concurrent_hash_map
428     /** @ingroup containers */
429     template<typename Iterator>
430     class hash_map_range {
431         typedef typename Iterator::map_type map_type;
432         Iterator my_begin;
433         Iterator my_end;
434         mutable Iterator my_midpoint;
435         size_t my_grainsize;
436         //! Set my_midpoint to point approximately half way between my_begin and my_end.
437         void set_midpoint() const;
438         template<typename U> friend class hash_map_range;
439     public:
440         //! Type for size of a range
441         typedef std::size_t size_type;
442         typedef typename Iterator::value_type value_type;
443         typedef typename Iterator::reference reference;
444         typedef typename Iterator::difference_type difference_type;
445         typedef Iterator iterator;
447         //! True if range is empty.
empty()448         bool empty() const {return my_begin==my_end;}
450         //! True if range can be partitioned into two subranges.
is_divisible()451         bool is_divisible() const {
452             return my_midpoint!=my_end;
453         }
454         //! Split range.
hash_map_range(hash_map_range & r,split)455         hash_map_range( hash_map_range& r, split ) :
456             my_end(r.my_end),
457             my_grainsize(r.my_grainsize)
458         {
459             r.my_end = my_begin = r.my_midpoint;
460             __TBB_ASSERT( !empty(), "Splitting despite the range is not divisible" );
461             __TBB_ASSERT( !r.empty(), "Splitting despite the range is not divisible" );
462             set_midpoint();
463             r.set_midpoint();
464         }
465         //! type conversion
466         template<typename U>
hash_map_range(hash_map_range<U> & r)467         hash_map_range( hash_map_range<U>& r) :
468             my_begin(r.my_begin),
469             my_end(r.my_end),
470             my_midpoint(r.my_midpoint),
471             my_grainsize(r.my_grainsize)
472         {}
473         //! Init range with container and grainsize specified
474         hash_map_range( const map_type &map, size_type grainsize_ = 1 ) :
475             my_begin( Iterator( map, 0, map.my_embedded_segment, map.my_embedded_segment->node_list ) ),
476             my_end( Iterator( map, map.my_mask + 1, 0, 0 ) ),
477             my_grainsize( grainsize_ )
478         {
479             __TBB_ASSERT( grainsize_>0, "grainsize must be positive" );
480             set_midpoint();
481         }
begin()482         const Iterator& begin() const {return my_begin;}
end()483         const Iterator& end() const {return my_end;}
484         //! The grain size for this range.
grainsize()485         size_type grainsize() const {return my_grainsize;}
486     };
488     template<typename Iterator>
set_midpoint()489     void hash_map_range<Iterator>::set_midpoint() const {
490         // Split by groups of nodes
491         size_t m = my_end.my_index-my_begin.my_index;
492         if( m > my_grainsize ) {
493             m = my_begin.my_index + m/2u;
494             hash_map_base::bucket *b = my_begin.my_map->get_bucket(m);
495             my_midpoint = Iterator(*my_begin.my_map,m,b,b->node_list);
496         } else {
497             my_midpoint = my_end;
498         }
499         __TBB_ASSERT( my_begin.my_index <= my_midpoint.my_index,
500             "my_begin is after my_midpoint" );
501         __TBB_ASSERT( my_midpoint.my_index <= my_end.my_index,
502             "my_midpoint is after my_end" );
503         __TBB_ASSERT( my_begin != my_midpoint || my_begin == my_end,
504             "[my_begin, my_midpoint) range should not be empty" );
505     }
507     } // internal
508 //! @endcond
510 #if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
511     // Suppress "conditional expression is constant" warning.
512     #pragma warning( push )
513     #pragma warning( disable: 4127 )
514 #endif
516 //! Unordered map from Key to T.
517 /** concurrent_hash_map is associative container with concurrent access.
519 @par Compatibility
520     The class meets all Container Requirements from C++ Standard (See ISO/IEC 14882:2003(E), clause 23.1).
522 @par Exception Safety
523     - Hash function is not permitted to throw an exception. User-defined types Key and T are forbidden from throwing an exception in destructors.
524     - If exception happens during insert() operations, it has no effect (unless exception raised by HashCompare::hash() function during grow_segment).
525     - If exception happens during operator=() operation, the container can have a part of source items, and methods size() and empty() can return wrong results.
527 @par Changes since TBB 2.1
528     - Replaced internal algorithm and data structure. Patent is pending.
529     - Added buckets number argument for constructor
531 @par Changes since TBB 2.0
532     - Fixed exception-safety
533     - Added template argument for allocator
534     - Added allocator argument in constructors
535     - Added constructor from a range of iterators
536     - Added several new overloaded insert() methods
537     - Added get_allocator()
538     - Added swap()
539     - Added count()
540     - Added overloaded erase(accessor &) and erase(const_accessor&)
541     - Added equal_range() [const]
542     - Added [const_]pointer, [const_]reference, and allocator_type types
543     - Added global functions: operator==(), operator!=(), and swap()
545     @ingroup containers */
546 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename Allocator>
547 class concurrent_hash_map : protected internal::hash_map_base {
548     template<typename Container, typename Value>
549     friend class internal::hash_map_iterator;
551     template<typename I>
552     friend class internal::hash_map_range;
554 public:
555     typedef Key key_type;
556     typedef T mapped_type;
557     typedef std::pair<const Key,T> value_type;
558     typedef hash_map_base::size_type size_type;
559     typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
560     typedef value_type *pointer;
561     typedef const value_type *const_pointer;
562     typedef value_type &reference;
563     typedef const value_type &const_reference;
564     typedef internal::hash_map_iterator<concurrent_hash_map,value_type> iterator;
565     typedef internal::hash_map_iterator<concurrent_hash_map,const value_type> const_iterator;
566     typedef internal::hash_map_range<iterator> range_type;
567     typedef internal::hash_map_range<const_iterator> const_range_type;
568     typedef Allocator allocator_type;
570 protected:
571     friend class const_accessor;
572     struct node;
573     typedef typename Allocator::template rebind<node>::other node_allocator_type;
574     node_allocator_type my_allocator;
575     HashCompare my_hash_compare;
577     struct node : public node_base {
578         value_type item;
nodenode579         node( const Key &key ) : item(key, T()) {}
nodenode580         node( const Key &key, const T &t ) : item(key, t) {}
nodenode582         node( value_type&& i ) : item(std::move(i)){}
nodenode584         node( const value_type& i ) : item(i) {}
586         // exception-safe allocation, see C++ Standard 2003, clause 5.3.4p17
newnode587         void *operator new( size_t /*size*/, node_allocator_type &a ) {
588             void *ptr = a.allocate(1);
589             if(!ptr)
590                 tbb::internal::throw_exception(tbb::internal::eid_bad_alloc);
591             return ptr;
592         }
593         // match placement-new form above to be called if exception thrown in constructor
deletenode594         void operator delete( void *ptr, node_allocator_type &a ) { a.deallocate(static_cast<node*>(ptr),1); }
595     };
delete_node(node_base * n)597     void delete_node( node_base *n ) {
598         my_allocator.destroy( static_cast<node*>(n) );
599         my_allocator.deallocate( static_cast<node*>(n), 1);
600     }
allocate_node_copy_construct(node_allocator_type & allocator,const Key & key,const T * t)602     static node* allocate_node_copy_construct(node_allocator_type& allocator, const Key &key, const T * t){
603         return  new( allocator ) node(key, *t);
604     }
allocate_node_default_construct(node_allocator_type & allocator,const Key & key,const T *)606     static node* allocate_node_default_construct(node_allocator_type& allocator, const Key &key, const T * ){
607         return  new( allocator ) node(key);
608     }
do_not_allocate_node(node_allocator_type &,const Key &,const T *)610     static node* do_not_allocate_node(node_allocator_type& , const Key &, const T * ){
611         __TBB_ASSERT(false,"this dummy function should not be called");
612         return NULL;
613     }
search_bucket(const key_type & key,bucket * b)615     node *search_bucket( const key_type &key, bucket *b ) const {
616         node *n = static_cast<node*>( b->node_list );
617         while( is_valid(n) && !my_hash_compare.equal(key, n->item.first) )
618             n = static_cast<node*>( n->next );
619         __TBB_ASSERT(n != internal::rehash_req, "Search can be executed only for rehashed bucket");
620         return n;
621     }
623     //! bucket accessor is to find, rehash, acquire a lock, and access a bucket
624     class bucket_accessor : public bucket::scoped_t {
625         bucket *my_b;
626     public:
627         bucket_accessor( concurrent_hash_map *base, const hashcode_t h, bool writer = false ) { acquire( base, h, writer ); }
628         //! find a bucket by masked hashcode, optionally rehash, and acquire the lock
629         inline void acquire( concurrent_hash_map *base, const hashcode_t h, bool writer = false ) {
630             my_b = base->get_bucket( h );
631             // TODO: actually, notification is unnecessary here, just hiding double-check
632             if( itt_load_word_with_acquire(my_b->node_list) == internal::rehash_req
633                 && try_acquire( my_b->mutex, /*write=*/true ) )
634             {
635                 if( my_b->node_list == internal::rehash_req ) base->rehash_bucket( my_b, h ); //recursive rehashing
636             }
637             else bucket::scoped_t::acquire( my_b->mutex, writer );
638             __TBB_ASSERT( my_b->node_list != internal::rehash_req, NULL);
639         }
640         //! check whether bucket is locked for write
is_writer()641         bool is_writer() { return bucket::scoped_t::is_writer; }
642         //! get bucket pointer
operator()643         bucket *operator() () { return my_b; }
644     };
646     // TODO refactor to hash_base
rehash_bucket(bucket * b_new,const hashcode_t h)647     void rehash_bucket( bucket *b_new, const hashcode_t h ) {
648         __TBB_ASSERT( *(intptr_t*)(&b_new->mutex), "b_new must be locked (for write)");
649         __TBB_ASSERT( h > 1, "The lowermost buckets can't be rehashed" );
650         __TBB_store_with_release(b_new->node_list, internal::empty_rehashed); // mark rehashed
651         hashcode_t mask = ( 1u<<__TBB_Log2( h ) ) - 1; // get parent mask from the topmost bit
653         my_info_rehashes++; // invocations of rehash_bucket
654 #endif
656         bucket_accessor b_old( this, h & mask );
658         mask = (mask<<1) | 1; // get full mask for new bucket
659         __TBB_ASSERT( (mask&(mask+1))==0 && (h & mask) == h, NULL );
660     restart:
661         for( node_base **p = &b_old()->node_list, *n = __TBB_load_with_acquire(*p); is_valid(n); n = *p ) {
662             hashcode_t c = my_hash_compare.hash( static_cast<node*>(n)->item.first );
664             hashcode_t bmask = h & (mask>>1);
665             bmask = bmask==0? 1 : ( 1u<<(__TBB_Log2( bmask )+1 ) ) - 1; // minimal mask of parent bucket
666             __TBB_ASSERT( (c & bmask) == (h & bmask), "hash() function changed for key in table" );
667 #endif
668             if( (c & mask) == h ) {
669                 if( !b_old.is_writer() )
670                     if( !b_old.upgrade_to_writer() ) {
671                         goto restart; // node ptr can be invalid due to concurrent erase
672                     }
673                 *p = n->next; // exclude from b_old
674                 add_to_bucket( b_new, n );
675             } else p = &n->next; // iterate to next item
676         }
677     }
679     struct call_clear_on_leave {
680         concurrent_hash_map* my_ch_map;
call_clear_on_leavecall_clear_on_leave681         call_clear_on_leave( concurrent_hash_map* a_ch_map ) : my_ch_map(a_ch_map) {}
dismisscall_clear_on_leave682         void dismiss() {my_ch_map = 0;}
~call_clear_on_leavecall_clear_on_leave683         ~call_clear_on_leave(){
684             if (my_ch_map){
685                 my_ch_map->clear();
686             }
687         }
688     };
689 public:
691     class accessor;
692     //! Combines data access, locking, and garbage collection.
693     class const_accessor : private node::scoped_t /*which derived from no_copy*/ {
694         friend class concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,Allocator>;
695         friend class accessor;
696     public:
697         //! Type of value
698         typedef const typename concurrent_hash_map::value_type value_type;
700         //! True if result is empty.
empty()701         bool empty() const { return !my_node; }
703         //! Set to null
release()704         void release() {
705             if( my_node ) {
706                 node::scoped_t::release();
707                 my_node = 0;
708             }
709         }
711         //! Return reference to associated value in hash table.
712         const_reference operator*() const {
713             __TBB_ASSERT( my_node, "attempt to dereference empty accessor" );
714             return my_node->item;
715         }
717         //! Return pointer to associated value in hash table.
718         const_pointer operator->() const {
719             return &operator*();
720         }
722         //! Create empty result
const_accessor()723         const_accessor() : my_node(NULL) {}
725         //! Destroy result after releasing the underlying reference.
~const_accessor()726         ~const_accessor() {
727             my_node = NULL; // scoped lock's release() is called in its destructor
728         }
729     protected:
is_writer()730         bool is_writer() { return node::scoped_t::is_writer; }
731         node *my_node;
732         hashcode_t my_hash;
733     };
735     //! Allows write access to elements and combines data access, locking, and garbage collection.
736     class accessor: public const_accessor {
737     public:
738         //! Type of value
739         typedef typename concurrent_hash_map::value_type value_type;
741         //! Return reference to associated value in hash table.
742         reference operator*() const {
743             __TBB_ASSERT( this->my_node, "attempt to dereference empty accessor" );
744             return this->my_node->item;
745         }
747         //! Return pointer to associated value in hash table.
748         pointer operator->() const {
749             return &operator*();
750         }
751     };
753     //! Construct empty table.
754     concurrent_hash_map( const allocator_type &a = allocator_type() )
hash_map_base()755         : internal::hash_map_base(), my_allocator(a)
756     {}
758     //! Construct empty table with n preallocated buckets. This number serves also as initial concurrency level.
759     concurrent_hash_map( size_type n, const allocator_type &a = allocator_type() )
my_allocator(a)760         : my_allocator(a)
761     {
762         reserve( n );
763     }
765     //! Copy constructor
766     concurrent_hash_map( const concurrent_hash_map &table, const allocator_type &a = allocator_type() )
hash_map_base()767         : internal::hash_map_base(), my_allocator(a)
768     {
769         internal_copy(table);
770     }
773     //! Move constructor
concurrent_hash_map(concurrent_hash_map && table)774     concurrent_hash_map( concurrent_hash_map &&table )
775         : internal::hash_map_base(), my_allocator(std::move(table.get_allocator()))
776     {
777         swap(table);
778     }
780     //! Move constructor
concurrent_hash_map(concurrent_hash_map && table,const allocator_type & a)781     concurrent_hash_map( concurrent_hash_map &&table, const allocator_type &a )
782         : internal::hash_map_base(), my_allocator(a)
783     {
784         if (a == table.get_allocator()){
785             this->swap(table);
786         }else{
787             call_clear_on_leave scope_guard(this);
788             internal_copy(std::make_move_iterator(table.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(table.end()));
789             scope_guard.dismiss();
790         }
791     }
794     //! Construction with copying iteration range and given allocator instance
795     template<typename I>
796     concurrent_hash_map( I first, I last, const allocator_type &a = allocator_type() )
my_allocator(a)797         : my_allocator(a)
798     {
799         reserve( std::distance(first, last) ); // TODO: load_factor?
800         internal_copy(first, last);
801     }
804     //! Construct empty table with n preallocated buckets. This number serves also as initial concurrency level.
805     concurrent_hash_map( std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const allocator_type &a = allocator_type() )
my_allocator(a)806         : my_allocator(a)
807     {
808         reserve(il.size());
809         internal_copy(il.begin(), il.end());
810     }
814     //! Assignment
815     concurrent_hash_map& operator=( const concurrent_hash_map &table ) {
816         if( this!=&table ) {
817             clear();
818             internal_copy(table);
819         }
820         return *this;
821     }
824     //! Move Assignment
825     concurrent_hash_map& operator=( concurrent_hash_map &&table ) {
826         if(this != &table){
827             typedef typename tbb::internal::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment pocma_t;
828             if(pocma_t::value || this->my_allocator == table.my_allocator) {
829                 concurrent_hash_map trash (std::move(*this));
830                 //TODO: swapping allocators here may be a problem, replace with single direction moving iff pocma is set
831                 this->swap(table);
832             } else {
833                 //do per element move
834                 concurrent_hash_map moved_copy(std::move(table), this->my_allocator);
835                 this->swap(moved_copy);
836             }
837         }
838         return *this;
839     }
843     //! Assignment
844     concurrent_hash_map& operator=( std::initializer_list<value_type> il ) {
845         clear();
846         reserve(il.size());
847         internal_copy(il.begin(), il.end());
848         return *this;
849     }
853     //! Rehashes and optionally resizes the whole table.
854     /** Useful to optimize performance before or after concurrent operations.
855         Also enables using of find() and count() concurrent methods in serial context. */
856     void rehash(size_type n = 0);
858     //! Clear table
859     void clear();
861     //! Clear table and destroy it.
~concurrent_hash_map()862     ~concurrent_hash_map() { clear(); }
864     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
865     // Parallel algorithm support
866     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
867     range_type range( size_type grainsize=1 ) {
868         return range_type( *this, grainsize );
869     }
870     const_range_type range( size_type grainsize=1 ) const {
871         return const_range_type( *this, grainsize );
872     }
874     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
875     // STL support - not thread-safe methods
876     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
begin()877     iterator begin() { return iterator( *this, 0, my_embedded_segment, my_embedded_segment->node_list ); }
end()878     iterator end() { return iterator( *this, 0, 0, 0 ); }
begin()879     const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator( *this, 0, my_embedded_segment, my_embedded_segment->node_list ); }
end()880     const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator( *this, 0, 0, 0 ); }
equal_range(const Key & key)881     std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range( const Key& key ) { return internal_equal_range( key, end() ); }
equal_range(const Key & key)882     std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range( const Key& key ) const { return internal_equal_range( key, end() ); }
884     //! Number of items in table.
size()885     size_type size() const { return my_size; }
887     //! True if size()==0.
empty()888     bool empty() const { return my_size == 0; }
890     //! Upper bound on size.
max_size()891     size_type max_size() const {return (~size_type(0))/sizeof(node);}
893     //! Returns the current number of buckets
bucket_count()894     size_type bucket_count() const { return my_mask+1; }
896     //! return allocator object
get_allocator()897     allocator_type get_allocator() const { return this->my_allocator; }
899     //! swap two instances. Iterators are invalidated
900     void swap( concurrent_hash_map &table );
902     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
903     // concurrent map operations
904     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
906     //! Return count of items (0 or 1)
count(const Key & key)907     size_type count( const Key &key ) const {
908         return const_cast<concurrent_hash_map*>(this)->lookup(/*insert*/false, key, NULL, NULL, /*write=*/false, &do_not_allocate_node );
909     }
911     //! Find item and acquire a read lock on the item.
912     /** Return true if item is found, false otherwise. */
find(const_accessor & result,const Key & key)913     bool find( const_accessor &result, const Key &key ) const {
914         result.release();
915         return const_cast<concurrent_hash_map*>(this)->lookup(/*insert*/false, key, NULL, &result, /*write=*/false, &do_not_allocate_node );
916     }
918     //! Find item and acquire a write lock on the item.
919     /** Return true if item is found, false otherwise. */
find(accessor & result,const Key & key)920     bool find( accessor &result, const Key &key ) {
921         result.release();
922         return lookup(/*insert*/false, key, NULL, &result, /*write=*/true, &do_not_allocate_node );
923     }
925     //! Insert item (if not already present) and acquire a read lock on the item.
926     /** Returns true if item is new. */
insert(const_accessor & result,const Key & key)927     bool insert( const_accessor &result, const Key &key ) {
928         result.release();
929         return lookup(/*insert*/true, key, NULL, &result, /*write=*/false, &allocate_node_default_construct );
930     }
932     //! Insert item (if not already present) and acquire a write lock on the item.
933     /** Returns true if item is new. */
insert(accessor & result,const Key & key)934     bool insert( accessor &result, const Key &key ) {
935         result.release();
936         return lookup(/*insert*/true, key, NULL, &result, /*write=*/true, &allocate_node_default_construct );
937     }
939     //! Insert item by copying if there is no such key present already and acquire a read lock on the item.
940     /** Returns true if item is new. */
insert(const_accessor & result,const value_type & value)941     bool insert( const_accessor &result, const value_type &value ) {
942         result.release();
943         return lookup(/*insert*/true, value.first, &value.second, &result, /*write=*/false, &allocate_node_copy_construct );
944     }
946     //! Insert item by copying if there is no such key present already and acquire a write lock on the item.
947     /** Returns true if item is new. */
insert(accessor & result,const value_type & value)948     bool insert( accessor &result, const value_type &value ) {
949         result.release();
950         return lookup(/*insert*/true, value.first, &value.second, &result, /*write=*/true, &allocate_node_copy_construct );
951     }
953     //! Insert item by copying if there is no such key present already
954     /** Returns true if item is inserted. */
insert(const value_type & value)955     bool insert( const value_type &value ) {
956         return lookup(/*insert*/true, value.first, &value.second, NULL, /*write=*/false, &allocate_node_copy_construct );
957     }
959     //! Insert range [first, last)
960     template<typename I>
insert(I first,I last)961     void insert( I first, I last ) {
962         for ( ; first != last; ++first )
963             insert( *first );
964     }
967     //! Insert initializer list
insert(std::initializer_list<value_type> il)968     void insert( std::initializer_list<value_type> il ) {
969         insert( il.begin(), il.end() );
970     }
973     //! Erase item.
974     /** Return true if item was erased by particularly this call. */
975     bool erase( const Key& key );
977     //! Erase item by const_accessor.
978     /** Return true if item was erased by particularly this call. */
erase(const_accessor & item_accessor)979     bool erase( const_accessor& item_accessor ) {
980         return exclude( item_accessor );
981     }
983     //! Erase item by accessor.
984     /** Return true if item was erased by particularly this call. */
erase(accessor & item_accessor)985     bool erase( accessor& item_accessor ) {
986         return exclude( item_accessor );
987     }
989 protected:
990     //! Insert or find item and optionally acquire a lock on the item.
991     bool lookup(bool op_insert, const Key &key, const T *t, const_accessor *result, bool write,  node* (*allocate_node)(node_allocator_type& ,  const Key &, const T * )  ) ;
993     //! delete item by accessor
994     bool exclude( const_accessor &item_accessor );
996     //! Returns an iterator for an item defined by the key, or for the next item after it (if upper==true)
997     template<typename I>
998     std::pair<I, I> internal_equal_range( const Key& key, I end ) const;
1000     //! Copy "source" to *this, where *this must start out empty.
1001     void internal_copy( const concurrent_hash_map& source );
1003     template<typename I>
1004     void internal_copy( I first, I last );
1006     //! Fast find when no concurrent erasure is used. For internal use inside TBB only!
1007     /** Return pointer to item with given key, or NULL if no such item exists.
1008         Must not be called concurrently with erasure operations. */
internal_fast_find(const Key & key)1009     const_pointer internal_fast_find( const Key& key ) const {
1010         hashcode_t h = my_hash_compare.hash( key );
1011         hashcode_t m = (hashcode_t) itt_load_word_with_acquire( my_mask );
1012         node *n;
1013     restart:
1014         __TBB_ASSERT((m&(m+1))==0, "data structure is invalid");
1015         bucket *b = get_bucket( h & m );
1016         // TODO: actually, notification is unnecessary here, just hiding double-check
1017         if( itt_load_word_with_acquire(b->node_list) == internal::rehash_req )
1018         {
1019             bucket::scoped_t lock;
1020             if( lock.try_acquire( b->mutex, /*write=*/true ) ) {
1021                 if( b->node_list == internal::rehash_req)
1022                     const_cast<concurrent_hash_map*>(this)->rehash_bucket( b, h & m ); //recursive rehashing
1023             }
1024             else lock.acquire( b->mutex, /*write=*/false );
1025             __TBB_ASSERT(b->node_list!=internal::rehash_req,NULL);
1026         }
1027         n = search_bucket( key, b );
1028         if( n )
1029             return &n->item;
1030         else if( check_mask_race( h, m ) )
1031             goto restart;
1032         return 0;
1033     }
1034 };
1036 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
lookup(bool op_insert,const Key & key,const T * t,const_accessor * result,bool write,node * (* allocate_node)(node_allocator_type &,const Key &,const T *))1037 bool concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::lookup( bool op_insert, const Key &key, const T *t, const_accessor *result, bool write, node* (*allocate_node)(node_allocator_type& , const Key&, const T*) ) {
1038     __TBB_ASSERT( !result || !result->my_node, NULL );
1039     bool return_value;
1040     hashcode_t const h = my_hash_compare.hash( key );
1041     hashcode_t m = (hashcode_t) itt_load_word_with_acquire( my_mask );
1042     segment_index_t grow_segment = 0;
1043     node *n, *tmp_n = 0;
1044     restart:
1045     {//lock scope
1046         __TBB_ASSERT((m&(m+1))==0, "data structure is invalid");
1047         return_value = false;
1048         // get bucket
1049         bucket_accessor b( this, h & m );
1051         // find a node
1052         n = search_bucket( key, b() );
1053         if( op_insert ) {
1054             // [opt] insert a key
1055             if( !n ) {
1056                 if( !tmp_n ) {
1057                     tmp_n = allocate_node(my_allocator, key, t);
1058                 }
1059                 if( !b.is_writer() && !b.upgrade_to_writer() ) { // TODO: improved insertion
1060                     // Rerun search_list, in case another thread inserted the item during the upgrade.
1061                     n = search_bucket( key, b() );
1062                     if( is_valid(n) ) { // unfortunately, it did
1063                         b.downgrade_to_reader();
1064                         goto exists;
1065                     }
1066                 }
1067                 if( check_mask_race(h, m) )
1068                     goto restart; // b.release() is done in ~b().
1069                 // insert and set flag to grow the container
1070                 grow_segment = insert_new_node( b(), n = tmp_n, m );
1071                 tmp_n = 0;
1072                 return_value = true;
1073             }
1074         } else { // find or count
1075             if( !n ) {
1076                 if( check_mask_race( h, m ) )
1077                     goto restart; // b.release() is done in ~b(). TODO: replace by continue
1078                 return false;
1079             }
1080             return_value = true;
1081         }
1082     exists:
1083         if( !result ) goto check_growth;
1084         // TODO: the following seems as generic/regular operation
1085         // acquire the item
1086         if( !result->try_acquire( n->mutex, write ) ) {
1087             for( tbb::internal::atomic_backoff backoff(true);; ) {
1088                 if( result->try_acquire( n->mutex, write ) ) break;
1089                 if( !backoff.bounded_pause() ) {
1090                     // the wait takes really long, restart the operation
1091                     b.release();
1092                     __TBB_ASSERT( !op_insert || !return_value, "Can't acquire new item in locked bucket?" );
1093                     __TBB_Yield();
1094                     m = (hashcode_t) itt_load_word_with_acquire( my_mask );
1095                     goto restart;
1096                 }
1097             }
1098         }
1099     }//lock scope
1100     result->my_node = n;
1101     result->my_hash = h;
1102 check_growth:
1103     // [opt] grow the container
1104     if( grow_segment ) {
1106         my_info_resizes++; // concurrent ones
1107 #endif
1108         enable_segment( grow_segment );
1109     }
1110     if( tmp_n ) // if op_insert only
1111         delete_node( tmp_n );
1112     return return_value;
1113 }
1115 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
1116 template<typename I>
internal_equal_range(const Key & key,I end_)1117 std::pair<I, I> concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::internal_equal_range( const Key& key, I end_ ) const {
1118     hashcode_t h = my_hash_compare.hash( key );
1119     hashcode_t m = my_mask;
1120     __TBB_ASSERT((m&(m+1))==0, "data structure is invalid");
1121     h &= m;
1122     bucket *b = get_bucket( h );
1123     while( b->node_list == internal::rehash_req ) {
1124         m = ( 1u<<__TBB_Log2( h ) ) - 1; // get parent mask from the topmost bit
1125         b = get_bucket( h &= m );
1126     }
1127     node *n = search_bucket( key, b );
1128     if( !n )
1129         return std::make_pair(end_, end_);
1130     iterator lower(*this, h, b, n), upper(lower);
1131     return std::make_pair(lower, ++upper);
1132 }
1134 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
exclude(const_accessor & item_accessor)1135 bool concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::exclude( const_accessor &item_accessor ) {
1136     __TBB_ASSERT( item_accessor.my_node, NULL );
1137     node_base *const n = item_accessor.my_node;
1138     hashcode_t const h = item_accessor.my_hash;
1139     hashcode_t m = (hashcode_t) itt_load_word_with_acquire( my_mask );
1140     do {
1141         // get bucket
1142         bucket_accessor b( this, h & m, /*writer=*/true );
1143         node_base **p = &b()->node_list;
1144         while( *p && *p != n )
1145             p = &(*p)->next;
1146         if( !*p ) { // someone else was first
1147             if( check_mask_race( h, m ) )
1148                 continue;
1149             item_accessor.release();
1150             return false;
1151         }
1152         __TBB_ASSERT( *p == n, NULL );
1153         *p = n->next; // remove from container
1154         my_size--;
1155         break;
1156     } while(true);
1157     if( !item_accessor.is_writer() ) // need to get exclusive lock
1158         item_accessor.upgrade_to_writer(); // return value means nothing here
1159     item_accessor.release();
1160     delete_node( n ); // Only one thread can delete it
1161     return true;
1162 }
1164 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
erase(const Key & key)1165 bool concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::erase( const Key &key ) {
1166     node_base *n;
1167     hashcode_t const h = my_hash_compare.hash( key );
1168     hashcode_t m = (hashcode_t) itt_load_word_with_acquire( my_mask );
1169 restart:
1170     {//lock scope
1171         // get bucket
1172         bucket_accessor b( this, h & m );
1173     search:
1174         node_base **p = &b()->node_list;
1175         n = *p;
1176         while( is_valid(n) && !my_hash_compare.equal(key, static_cast<node*>(n)->item.first ) ) {
1177             p = &n->next;
1178             n = *p;
1179         }
1180         if( !n ) { // not found, but mask could be changed
1181             if( check_mask_race( h, m ) )
1182                 goto restart;
1183             return false;
1184         }
1185         else if( !b.is_writer() && !b.upgrade_to_writer() ) {
1186             if( check_mask_race( h, m ) ) // contended upgrade, check mask
1187                 goto restart;
1188             goto search;
1189         }
1190         *p = n->next;
1191         my_size--;
1192     }
1193     {
1194         typename node::scoped_t item_locker( n->mutex, /*write=*/true );
1195     }
1196     // note: there should be no threads pretending to acquire this mutex again, do not try to upgrade const_accessor!
1197     delete_node( n ); // Only one thread can delete it due to write lock on the bucket
1198     return true;
1199 }
1201 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
swap(concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A> & table)1202 void concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::swap(concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A> &table) {
1203     //TODO: respect C++11 allocator_traits<A>::propogate_on_constainer_swap
1204     using std::swap;
1205     swap(this->my_allocator, table.my_allocator);
1206     swap(this->my_hash_compare, table.my_hash_compare);
1207     internal_swap(table);
1208 }
1210 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
rehash(size_type sz)1211 void concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::rehash(size_type sz) {
1212     reserve( sz ); // TODO: add reduction of number of buckets as well
1213     hashcode_t mask = my_mask;
1214     hashcode_t b = (mask+1)>>1; // size or first index of the last segment
1215     __TBB_ASSERT((b&(b-1))==0, NULL); // zero or power of 2
1216     bucket *bp = get_bucket( b ); // only the last segment should be scanned for rehashing
1217     for(; b <= mask; b++, bp++ ) {
1218         node_base *n = bp->node_list;
1219         __TBB_ASSERT( is_valid(n) || n == internal::empty_rehashed || n == internal::rehash_req, "Broken internal structure" );
1220         __TBB_ASSERT( *reinterpret_cast<intptr_t*>(&bp->mutex) == 0, "concurrent or unexpectedly terminated operation during rehash() execution" );
1221         if( n == internal::rehash_req ) { // rehash bucket, conditional because rehashing of a previous bucket may affect this one
1222             hashcode_t h = b; bucket *b_old = bp;
1223             do {
1224                 __TBB_ASSERT( h > 1, "The lowermost buckets can't be rehashed" );
1225                 hashcode_t m = ( 1u<<__TBB_Log2( h ) ) - 1; // get parent mask from the topmost bit
1226                 b_old = get_bucket( h &= m );
1227             } while( b_old->node_list == internal::rehash_req );
1228             // now h - is index of the root rehashed bucket b_old
1229             mark_rehashed_levels( h ); // mark all non-rehashed children recursively across all segments
1230             for( node_base **p = &b_old->node_list, *q = *p; is_valid(q); q = *p ) {
1231                 hashcode_t c = my_hash_compare.hash( static_cast<node*>(q)->item.first );
1232                 if( (c & mask) != h ) { // should be rehashed
1233                     *p = q->next; // exclude from b_old
1234                     bucket *b_new = get_bucket( c & mask );
1235                     __TBB_ASSERT( b_new->node_list != internal::rehash_req, "hash() function changed for key in table or internal error" );
1236                     add_to_bucket( b_new, q );
1237                 } else p = &q->next; // iterate to next item
1238             }
1239         }
1240     }
1242     int current_size = int(my_size), buckets = int(mask)+1, empty_buckets = 0, overpopulated_buckets = 0; // usage statistics
1243     static bool reported = false;
1244 #endif
1246     for( b = 0; b <= mask; b++ ) {// only last segment should be scanned for rehashing
1247         if( b & (b-2) ) ++bp; // not the beginning of a segment
1248         else bp = get_bucket( b );
1249         node_base *n = bp->node_list;
1250         __TBB_ASSERT( *reinterpret_cast<intptr_t*>(&bp->mutex) == 0, "concurrent or unexpectedly terminated operation during rehash() execution" );
1251         __TBB_ASSERT( is_valid(n) || n == internal::empty_rehashed, "Broken internal structure" );
1253         if( n == internal::empty_rehashed ) empty_buckets++;
1254         else if( n->next ) overpopulated_buckets++;
1255 #endif
1257         for( ; is_valid(n); n = n->next ) {
1258             hashcode_t h = my_hash_compare.hash( static_cast<node*>(n)->item.first ) & mask;
1259             __TBB_ASSERT( h == b, "hash() function changed for key in table or internal error" );
1260         }
1261 #endif
1262     }
1265     if( buckets > current_size) empty_buckets -= buckets - current_size;
1266     else overpopulated_buckets -= current_size - buckets; // TODO: load_factor?
1267     if( !reported && buckets >= 512 && ( 2*empty_buckets > current_size || 2*overpopulated_buckets > current_size ) ) {
1268         tbb::internal::runtime_warning(
1269             "Performance is not optimal because the hash function produces bad randomness in lower bits in %s.\nSize: %d  Empties: %d  Overlaps: %d",
1270             typeid(*this).name(), current_size, empty_buckets, overpopulated_buckets );
1271         reported = true;
1272     }
1273 #endif
1274 }
1276 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
clear()1277 void concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::clear() {
1278     hashcode_t m = my_mask;
1279     __TBB_ASSERT((m&(m+1))==0, "data structure is invalid");
1282     int current_size = int(my_size), buckets = int(m)+1, empty_buckets = 0, overpopulated_buckets = 0; // usage statistics
1283     static bool reported = false;
1284 #endif
1285     bucket *bp = 0;
1286     // check consistency
1287     for( segment_index_t b = 0; b <= m; b++ ) {
1288         if( b & (b-2) ) ++bp; // not the beginning of a segment
1289         else bp = get_bucket( b );
1290         node_base *n = bp->node_list;
1291         __TBB_ASSERT( is_valid(n) || n == internal::empty_rehashed || n == internal::rehash_req, "Broken internal structure" );
1292         __TBB_ASSERT( *reinterpret_cast<intptr_t*>(&bp->mutex) == 0, "concurrent or unexpectedly terminated operation during clear() execution" );
1294         if( n == internal::empty_rehashed ) empty_buckets++;
1295         else if( n == internal::rehash_req ) buckets--;
1296         else if( n->next ) overpopulated_buckets++;
1297 #endif
1298 #if __TBB_EXTRA_DEBUG
1299         for(; is_valid(n); n = n->next ) {
1300             hashcode_t h = my_hash_compare.hash( static_cast<node*>(n)->item.first );
1301             h &= m;
1302             __TBB_ASSERT( h == b || get_bucket(h)->node_list == internal::rehash_req, "hash() function changed for key in table or internal error" );
1303         }
1304 #endif
1305     }
1308     printf( "items=%d buckets: capacity=%d rehashed=%d empty=%d overpopulated=%d"
1309         " concurrent: resizes=%u rehashes=%u restarts=%u\n",
1310         current_size, int(m+1), buckets, empty_buckets, overpopulated_buckets,
1311         unsigned(my_info_resizes), unsigned(my_info_rehashes), unsigned(my_info_restarts) );
1312     my_info_resizes = 0; // concurrent ones
1313     my_info_restarts = 0; // race collisions
1314     my_info_rehashes = 0;  // invocations of rehash_bucket
1315 #endif
1316     if( buckets > current_size) empty_buckets -= buckets - current_size;
1317     else overpopulated_buckets -= current_size - buckets; // TODO: load_factor?
1318     if( !reported && buckets >= 512 && ( 2*empty_buckets > current_size || 2*overpopulated_buckets > current_size ) ) {
1319         tbb::internal::runtime_warning(
1320             "Performance is not optimal because the hash function produces bad randomness in lower bits in %s.\nSize: %d  Empties: %d  Overlaps: %d",
1321             typeid(*this).name(), current_size, empty_buckets, overpopulated_buckets );
1322         reported = true;
1323     }
1324 #endif
1326     my_size = 0;
1327     segment_index_t s = segment_index_of( m );
1328     __TBB_ASSERT( s+1 == pointers_per_table || !my_table[s+1], "wrong mask or concurrent grow" );
1329     cache_aligned_allocator<bucket> alloc;
1330     do {
1331         __TBB_ASSERT( is_valid( my_table[s] ), "wrong mask or concurrent grow" );
1332         segment_ptr_t buckets_ptr = my_table[s];
1333         size_type sz = segment_size( s ? s : 1 );
1334         for( segment_index_t i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
1335             for( node_base *n = buckets_ptr[i].node_list; is_valid(n); n = buckets_ptr[i].node_list ) {
1336                 buckets_ptr[i].node_list = n->next;
1337                 delete_node( n );
1338             }
1339         if( s >= first_block) // the first segment or the next
1340             alloc.deallocate( buckets_ptr, sz );
1341         else if( s == embedded_block && embedded_block != first_block )
1342             alloc.deallocate( buckets_ptr, segment_size(first_block)-embedded_buckets );
1343         if( s >= embedded_block ) my_table[s] = 0;
1344     } while(s-- > 0);
1345     my_mask = embedded_buckets - 1;
1346 }
1348 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
internal_copy(const concurrent_hash_map & source)1349 void concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::internal_copy( const concurrent_hash_map& source ) {
1350     reserve( source.my_size ); // TODO: load_factor?
1351     hashcode_t mask = source.my_mask;
1352     if( my_mask == mask ) { // optimized version
1353         bucket *dst = 0, *src = 0;
1354         bool rehash_required = false;
1355         for( hashcode_t k = 0; k <= mask; k++ ) {
1356             if( k & (k-2) ) ++dst,src++; // not the beginning of a segment
1357             else { dst = get_bucket( k ); src = source.get_bucket( k ); }
1358             __TBB_ASSERT( dst->node_list != internal::rehash_req, "Invalid bucket in destination table");
1359             node *n = static_cast<node*>( src->node_list );
1360             if( n == internal::rehash_req ) { // source is not rehashed, items are in previous buckets
1361                 rehash_required = true;
1362                 dst->node_list = internal::rehash_req;
1363             } else for(; n; n = static_cast<node*>( n->next ) ) {
1364                 add_to_bucket( dst, new( my_allocator ) node(n->item.first, n->item.second) );
1365                 ++my_size; // TODO: replace by non-atomic op
1366             }
1367         }
1368         if( rehash_required ) rehash();
1369     } else internal_copy( source.begin(), source.end() );
1370 }
1372 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
1373 template<typename I>
internal_copy(I first,I last)1374 void concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A>::internal_copy(I first, I last) {
1375     hashcode_t m = my_mask;
1376     for(; first != last; ++first) {
1377         hashcode_t h = my_hash_compare.hash( (*first).first );
1378         bucket *b = get_bucket( h & m );
1379         __TBB_ASSERT( b->node_list != internal::rehash_req, "Invalid bucket in destination table");
1380         node *n = new( my_allocator ) node(*first);
1381         add_to_bucket( b, n );
1382         ++my_size; // TODO: replace by non-atomic op
1383     }
1384 }
1386 } // namespace interface5
1388 using interface5::concurrent_hash_map;
1391 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A1, typename A2>
1392 inline bool operator==(const concurrent_hash_map<Key, T, HashCompare, A1> &a, const concurrent_hash_map<Key, T, HashCompare, A2> &b) {
1393     if(a.size() != b.size()) return false;
1394     typename concurrent_hash_map<Key, T, HashCompare, A1>::const_iterator i(a.begin()), i_end(a.end());
1395     typename concurrent_hash_map<Key, T, HashCompare, A2>::const_iterator j, j_end(b.end());
1396     for(; i != i_end; ++i) {
1397         j = b.equal_range(i->first).first;
1398         if( j == j_end || !(i->second == j->second) ) return false;
1399     }
1400     return true;
1401 }
1403 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A1, typename A2>
1404 inline bool operator!=(const concurrent_hash_map<Key, T, HashCompare, A1> &a, const concurrent_hash_map<Key, T, HashCompare, A2> &b)
1405 {    return !(a == b); }
1407 template<typename Key, typename T, typename HashCompare, typename A>
swap(concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A> & a,concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare,A> & b)1408 inline void swap(concurrent_hash_map<Key, T, HashCompare, A> &a, concurrent_hash_map<Key, T, HashCompare, A> &b)
1409 {    a.swap( b ); }
1411 #if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
1412     #pragma warning( pop )
1413 #endif // warning 4127 is back
1415 } // namespace tbb
1417 #endif /* __TBB_concurrent_hash_map_H */