1 // -*- mode: rust; -*-
2 //
3 // This file is part of curve25519-dalek.
4 // Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Isis Lovecruft, Henry de Valence
5 // See LICENSE for licensing information.
6 //
7 // Authors:
8 // - Isis Agora Lovecruft <isis@patternsinthevoid.net>
9 // - Henry de Valence <hdevalence@hdevalence.ca>
11 //! Group operations for Curve25519, in Edwards form.
12 //!
13 //! ## Encoding and Decoding
14 //!
15 //! Encoding is done by converting to and from a `CompressedEdwardsY`
16 //! struct, which is a typed wrapper around `[u8; 32]`.
17 //!
18 //! ## Equality Testing
19 //!
20 //! The `EdwardsPoint` struct implements the `subtle::ConstantTimeEq`
21 //! trait for constant-time equality checking, and the Rust `Eq` trait
22 //! for variable-time equality checking.
23 //!
24 //! ## Cofactor-related functions
25 //!
26 //! The order of the group of points on the curve \\(\mathcal E\\)
27 //! is \\(|\mathcal E| = 8\ell \\), so its structure is \\( \mathcal
28 //! E = \mathcal E[8] \times \mathcal E[\ell]\\).  The torsion
29 //! subgroup \\( \mathcal E[8] \\) consists of eight points of small
30 //! order.  Technically, all of \\(\mathcal E\\) is torsion, but we
31 //! use the word only to refer to the small \\(\mathcal E[8]\\) part, not
32 //! the large prime-order \\(\mathcal E[\ell]\\) part.
33 //!
34 //! To test if a point is in \\( \mathcal E[8] \\), use
35 //! `EdwardsPoint::is_small_order()`.
36 //!
37 //! To test if a point is in \\( \mathcal E[\ell] \\), use
38 //! `EdwardsPoint::is_torsion_free()`.
39 //!
40 //! To multiply by the cofactor, use `EdwardsPoint::mul_by_cofactor()`.
41 //!
42 //! To avoid dealing with cofactors entirely, consider using Ristretto.
43 //!
44 //! ## Scalars
45 //!
46 //! Scalars are represented by the `Scalar` struct.  To construct a scalar with a specific bit
47 //! pattern, see `Scalar::from_bits()`.
48 //!
49 //! ## Scalar Multiplication
50 //!
51 //! Scalar multiplication on Edwards points is provided by:
52 //!
53 //! * the `*` operator between a `Scalar` and a `EdwardsPoint`, which
54 //! performs constant-time variable-base scalar multiplication;
55 //!
56 //! * the `*` operator between a `Scalar` and a
57 //! `EdwardsBasepointTable`, which performs constant-time fixed-base
58 //! scalar multiplication;
59 //!
60 //! * an implementation of the
61 //! [`MultiscalarMul`](../traits/trait.MultiscalarMul.html) trait for
62 //! constant-time variable-base multiscalar multiplication;
63 //!
64 //! * an implementation of the
65 //! [`VartimeMultiscalarMul`](../traits/trait.VartimeMultiscalarMul.html)
66 //! trait for variable-time variable-base multiscalar multiplication;
67 //!
68 //! ## Implementation
69 //!
70 //! The Edwards arithmetic is implemented using the “extended twisted
71 //! coordinates” of Hisil, Wong, Carter, and Dawson, and the
72 //! corresponding complete formulas.  For more details,
73 //! see the [`curve_models` submodule][curve_models]
74 //! of the internal documentation.
75 //!
76 //! ## Validity Checking
77 //!
78 //! There is no function for checking whether a point is valid.
79 //! Instead, the `EdwardsPoint` struct is guaranteed to hold a valid
80 //! point on the curve.
81 //!
82 //! We use the Rust type system to make invalid points
83 //! unrepresentable: `EdwardsPoint` objects can only be created via
84 //! successful decompression of a compressed point, or else by
85 //! operations on other (valid) `EdwardsPoint`s.
86 //!
87 //! [curve_models]: https://doc-internal.dalek.rs/curve25519_dalek/backend/serial/curve_models/index.html
89 // We allow non snake_case names because coordinates in projective space are
90 // traditionally denoted by the capitalisation of their respective
91 // counterparts in affine space.  Yeah, you heard me, rustc, I'm gonna have my
92 // affine and projective cakes and eat both of them too.
93 #![allow(non_snake_case)]
95 use core::borrow::Borrow;
96 use core::fmt::Debug;
97 use core::iter::Iterator;
98 use core::iter::Sum;
99 use core::ops::{Add, Neg, Sub};
100 use core::ops::{AddAssign, SubAssign};
101 use core::ops::{Mul, MulAssign};
103 use subtle::Choice;
104 use subtle::ConditionallyNegatable;
105 use subtle::ConditionallySelectable;
106 use subtle::ConstantTimeEq;
108 use constants;
110 use field::FieldElement;
111 use scalar::Scalar;
113 use montgomery::MontgomeryPoint;
115 use backend::serial::curve_models::AffineNielsPoint;
116 use backend::serial::curve_models::CompletedPoint;
117 use backend::serial::curve_models::ProjectiveNielsPoint;
118 use backend::serial::curve_models::ProjectivePoint;
120 use window::LookupTable;
122 #[allow(unused_imports)]
123 use prelude::*;
125 use traits::ValidityCheck;
126 use traits::{Identity, IsIdentity};
128 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
129 use traits::MultiscalarMul;
130 #[cfg(any(feature = "alloc", feature = "std"))]
131 use traits::{VartimeMultiscalarMul, VartimePrecomputedMultiscalarMul};
133 #[cfg(not(all(
134     feature = "simd_backend",
135     any(target_feature = "avx2", target_feature = "avx512ifma")
136 )))]
137 use backend::serial::scalar_mul;
138 #[cfg(all(
139     feature = "simd_backend",
140     any(target_feature = "avx2", target_feature = "avx512ifma")
141 ))]
142 use backend::vector::scalar_mul;
144 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 // Compressed points
146 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
148 /// In "Edwards y" / "Ed25519" format, the curve point \\((x,y)\\) is
149 /// determined by the \\(y\\)-coordinate and the sign of \\(x\\).
150 ///
151 /// The first 255 bits of a `CompressedEdwardsY` represent the
152 /// \\(y\\)-coordinate.  The high bit of the 32nd byte gives the sign of \\(x\\).
153 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
154 pub struct CompressedEdwardsY(pub [u8; 32]);
156 impl ConstantTimeEq for CompressedEdwardsY {
ct_eq(&self, other: &CompressedEdwardsY) -> Choice157     fn ct_eq(&self, other: &CompressedEdwardsY) -> Choice {
158         self.as_bytes().ct_eq(other.as_bytes())
159     }
160 }
162 impl Debug for CompressedEdwardsY {
fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result163     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
164         write!(f, "CompressedEdwardsY: {:?}", self.as_bytes())
165     }
166 }
168 impl CompressedEdwardsY {
169     /// View this `CompressedEdwardsY` as an array of bytes.
as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8; 32]170     pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8; 32] {
171         &self.0
172     }
174     /// Copy this `CompressedEdwardsY` to an array of bytes.
to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32]175     pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
176         self.0
177     }
179     /// Attempt to decompress to an `EdwardsPoint`.
180     ///
181     /// Returns `None` if the input is not the \\(y\\)-coordinate of a
182     /// curve point.
decompress(&self) -> Option<EdwardsPoint>183     pub fn decompress(&self) -> Option<EdwardsPoint> {
184         let Y = FieldElement::from_bytes(self.as_bytes());
185         let Z = FieldElement::one();
186         let YY = Y.square();
187         let u = &YY - &Z;                            // u =  y²-1
188         let v = &(&YY * &constants::EDWARDS_D) + &Z; // v = dy²+1
189         let (is_valid_y_coord, mut X) = FieldElement::sqrt_ratio_i(&u, &v);
191         if is_valid_y_coord.unwrap_u8() != 1u8 { return None; }
193          // FieldElement::sqrt_ratio_i always returns the nonnegative square root,
194          // so we negate according to the supplied sign bit.
195         let compressed_sign_bit = Choice::from(self.as_bytes()[31] >> 7);
196         X.conditional_negate(compressed_sign_bit);
198         Some(EdwardsPoint{ X, Y, Z, T: &X * &Y })
199     }
200 }
202 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 // Serde support
204 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 // Serializes to and from `EdwardsPoint` directly, doing compression
206 // and decompression internally.  This means that users can create
207 // structs containing `EdwardsPoint`s and use Serde's derived
208 // serializers to serialize those structures.
210 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
211 use serde::{self, Serialize, Deserialize, Serializer, Deserializer};
212 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
213 use serde::de::Visitor;
215 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
216 impl Serialize for EdwardsPoint {
serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer217     fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
218         where S: Serializer
219     {
220         use serde::ser::SerializeTuple;
221         let mut tup = serializer.serialize_tuple(32)?;
222         for byte in self.compress().as_bytes().iter() {
223             tup.serialize_element(byte)?;
224         }
225         tup.end()
226     }
227 }
229 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
230 impl Serialize for CompressedEdwardsY {
serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer231     fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
232         where S: Serializer
233     {
234         use serde::ser::SerializeTuple;
235         let mut tup = serializer.serialize_tuple(32)?;
236         for byte in self.as_bytes().iter() {
237             tup.serialize_element(byte)?;
238         }
239         tup.end()
240     }
241 }
243 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
244 impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for EdwardsPoint {
deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: Deserializer<'de>245     fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
246         where D: Deserializer<'de>
247     {
248         struct EdwardsPointVisitor;
250         impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for EdwardsPointVisitor {
251             type Value = EdwardsPoint;
253             fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
254                 formatter.write_str("a valid point in Edwards y + sign format")
255             }
257             fn visit_seq<A>(self, mut seq: A) -> Result<EdwardsPoint, A::Error>
258                 where A: serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>
259             {
260                 let mut bytes = [0u8; 32];
261                 for i in 0..32 {
262                     bytes[i] = seq.next_element()?
263                         .ok_or(serde::de::Error::invalid_length(i, &"expected 32 bytes"))?;
264                 }
265                 CompressedEdwardsY(bytes)
266                     .decompress()
267                     .ok_or(serde::de::Error::custom("decompression failed"))
268             }
269         }
271         deserializer.deserialize_tuple(32, EdwardsPointVisitor)
272     }
273 }
275 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
276 impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for CompressedEdwardsY {
deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: Deserializer<'de>277     fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
278         where D: Deserializer<'de>
279     {
280         struct CompressedEdwardsYVisitor;
282         impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for CompressedEdwardsYVisitor {
283             type Value = CompressedEdwardsY;
285             fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
286                 formatter.write_str("32 bytes of data")
287             }
289             fn visit_seq<A>(self, mut seq: A) -> Result<CompressedEdwardsY, A::Error>
290                 where A: serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>
291             {
292                 let mut bytes = [0u8; 32];
293                 for i in 0..32 {
294                     bytes[i] = seq.next_element()?
295                         .ok_or(serde::de::Error::invalid_length(i, &"expected 32 bytes"))?;
296                 }
297                 Ok(CompressedEdwardsY(bytes))
298             }
299         }
301         deserializer.deserialize_tuple(32, CompressedEdwardsYVisitor)
302     }
303 }
305 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
306 // Internal point representations
307 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
309 /// An `EdwardsPoint` represents a point on the Edwards form of Curve25519.
310 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
311 #[allow(missing_docs)]
312 pub struct EdwardsPoint {
313     pub(crate) X: FieldElement,
314     pub(crate) Y: FieldElement,
315     pub(crate) Z: FieldElement,
316     pub(crate) T: FieldElement,
317 }
319 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
320 // Constructors
321 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 impl Identity for CompressedEdwardsY {
identity() -> CompressedEdwardsY324     fn identity() -> CompressedEdwardsY {
325         CompressedEdwardsY([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
326                             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
327                             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
328                             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
329     }
330 }
332 impl Default for CompressedEdwardsY {
default() -> CompressedEdwardsY333     fn default() -> CompressedEdwardsY {
334         CompressedEdwardsY::identity()
335     }
336 }
338 impl CompressedEdwardsY {
339     /// Construct a `CompressedEdwardsY` from a slice of bytes.
340     ///
341     /// # Panics
342     ///
343     /// If the input `bytes` slice does not have a length of 32.
from_slice(bytes: &[u8]) -> CompressedEdwardsY344     pub fn from_slice(bytes: &[u8]) -> CompressedEdwardsY {
345         let mut tmp = [0u8; 32];
347         tmp.copy_from_slice(bytes);
349         CompressedEdwardsY(tmp)
350     }
351 }
353 impl Identity for EdwardsPoint {
identity() -> EdwardsPoint354     fn identity() -> EdwardsPoint {
355         EdwardsPoint {
356             X: FieldElement::zero(),
357             Y: FieldElement::one(),
358             Z: FieldElement::one(),
359             T: FieldElement::zero(),
360         }
361     }
362 }
364 impl Default for EdwardsPoint {
default() -> EdwardsPoint365     fn default() -> EdwardsPoint {
366         EdwardsPoint::identity()
367     }
368 }
370 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 // Validity checks (for debugging, not CT)
372 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
374 impl ValidityCheck for EdwardsPoint {
is_valid(&self) -> bool375     fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
376         let point_on_curve = self.to_projective().is_valid();
377         let on_segre_image = (&self.X * &self.Y) == (&self.Z * &self.T);
379         point_on_curve && on_segre_image
380     }
381 }
383 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
384 // Constant-time assignment
385 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 impl ConditionallySelectable for EdwardsPoint {
conditional_select(a: &EdwardsPoint, b: &EdwardsPoint, choice: Choice) -> EdwardsPoint388     fn conditional_select(a: &EdwardsPoint, b: &EdwardsPoint, choice: Choice) -> EdwardsPoint {
389         EdwardsPoint {
390             X: FieldElement::conditional_select(&a.X, &b.X, choice),
391             Y: FieldElement::conditional_select(&a.Y, &b.Y, choice),
392             Z: FieldElement::conditional_select(&a.Z, &b.Z, choice),
393             T: FieldElement::conditional_select(&a.T, &b.T, choice),
394         }
395     }
396 }
398 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
399 // Equality
400 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
402 impl ConstantTimeEq for EdwardsPoint {
ct_eq(&self, other: &EdwardsPoint) -> Choice403     fn ct_eq(&self, other: &EdwardsPoint) -> Choice {
404         // We would like to check that the point (X/Z, Y/Z) is equal to
405         // the point (X'/Z', Y'/Z') without converting into affine
406         // coordinates (x, y) and (x', y'), which requires two inversions.
407         // We have that X = xZ and X' = x'Z'. Thus, x = x' is equivalent to
408         // (xZ)Z' = (x'Z')Z, and similarly for the y-coordinate.
410         (&self.X * &other.Z).ct_eq(&(&other.X * &self.Z))
411             & (&self.Y * &other.Z).ct_eq(&(&other.Y * &self.Z))
412     }
413 }
415 impl PartialEq for EdwardsPoint {
eq(&self, other: &EdwardsPoint) -> bool416     fn eq(&self, other: &EdwardsPoint) -> bool {
417         self.ct_eq(other).unwrap_u8() == 1u8
418     }
419 }
421 impl Eq for EdwardsPoint {}
423 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
424 // Point conversions
425 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 impl EdwardsPoint {
428     /// Convert to a ProjectiveNielsPoint
to_projective_niels(&self) -> ProjectiveNielsPoint429     pub(crate) fn to_projective_niels(&self) -> ProjectiveNielsPoint {
430         ProjectiveNielsPoint{
431             Y_plus_X:  &self.Y + &self.X,
432             Y_minus_X: &self.Y - &self.X,
433             Z:          self.Z,
434             T2d:       &self.T * &constants::EDWARDS_D2,
435         }
436     }
438     /// Convert the representation of this point from extended
439     /// coordinates to projective coordinates.
440     ///
441     /// Free.
to_projective(&self) -> ProjectivePoint442     pub(crate) fn to_projective(&self) -> ProjectivePoint {
443         ProjectivePoint{
444             X: self.X,
445             Y: self.Y,
446             Z: self.Z,
447         }
448     }
450     /// Dehomogenize to a AffineNielsPoint.
451     /// Mainly for testing.
to_affine_niels(&self) -> AffineNielsPoint452     pub(crate) fn to_affine_niels(&self) -> AffineNielsPoint {
453         let recip = self.Z.invert();
454         let x = &self.X * &recip;
455         let y = &self.Y * &recip;
456         let xy2d = &(&x * &y) * &constants::EDWARDS_D2;
457         AffineNielsPoint{
458             y_plus_x:  &y + &x,
459             y_minus_x: &y - &x,
460             xy2d
461         }
462     }
464     /// Convert this `EdwardsPoint` on the Edwards model to the
465     /// corresponding `MontgomeryPoint` on the Montgomery model.
466     ///
467     /// This function has one exceptional case; the identity point of
468     /// the Edwards curve is sent to the 2-torsion point \\((0,0)\\)
469     /// on the Montgomery curve.
470     ///
471     /// Note that this is a one-way conversion, since the Montgomery
472     /// model does not retain sign information.
to_montgomery(&self) -> MontgomeryPoint473     pub fn to_montgomery(&self) -> MontgomeryPoint {
474         // We have u = (1+y)/(1-y) = (Z+Y)/(Z-Y).
475         //
476         // The denominator is zero only when y=1, the identity point of
477         // the Edwards curve.  Since 0.invert() = 0, in this case we
478         // compute the 2-torsion point (0,0).
479         let U = &self.Z + &self.Y;
480         let W = &self.Z - &self.Y;
481         let u = &U * &W.invert();
482         MontgomeryPoint(u.to_bytes())
483     }
485     /// Compress this point to `CompressedEdwardsY` format.
compress(&self) -> CompressedEdwardsY486     pub fn compress(&self) -> CompressedEdwardsY {
487         let recip = self.Z.invert();
488         let x = &self.X * &recip;
489         let y = &self.Y * &recip;
490         let mut s: [u8; 32];
492         s = y.to_bytes();
493         s[31] ^= x.is_negative().unwrap_u8() << 7;
494         CompressedEdwardsY(s)
495     }
496 }
498 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
499 // Doubling
500 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
502 impl EdwardsPoint {
503     /// Add this point to itself.
double(&self) -> EdwardsPoint504     pub(crate) fn double(&self) -> EdwardsPoint {
505         self.to_projective().double().to_extended()
506     }
507 }
509 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 // Addition and Subtraction
511 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
513 impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b EdwardsPoint> for &'a EdwardsPoint {
514     type Output = EdwardsPoint;
add(self, other: &'b EdwardsPoint) -> EdwardsPoint515     fn add(self, other: &'b EdwardsPoint) -> EdwardsPoint {
516         (self + &other.to_projective_niels()).to_extended()
517     }
518 }
520 define_add_variants!(LHS = EdwardsPoint, RHS = EdwardsPoint, Output = EdwardsPoint);
522 impl<'b> AddAssign<&'b EdwardsPoint> for EdwardsPoint {
add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &'b EdwardsPoint)523     fn add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &'b EdwardsPoint) {
524         *self = (self as &EdwardsPoint) + _rhs;
525     }
526 }
528 define_add_assign_variants!(LHS = EdwardsPoint, RHS = EdwardsPoint);
530 impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b EdwardsPoint> for &'a EdwardsPoint {
531     type Output = EdwardsPoint;
sub(self, other: &'b EdwardsPoint) -> EdwardsPoint532     fn sub(self, other: &'b EdwardsPoint) -> EdwardsPoint {
533         (self - &other.to_projective_niels()).to_extended()
534     }
535 }
537 define_sub_variants!(LHS = EdwardsPoint, RHS = EdwardsPoint, Output = EdwardsPoint);
539 impl<'b> SubAssign<&'b EdwardsPoint> for EdwardsPoint {
sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &'b EdwardsPoint)540     fn sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &'b EdwardsPoint) {
541         *self = (self as &EdwardsPoint) - _rhs;
542     }
543 }
545 define_sub_assign_variants!(LHS = EdwardsPoint, RHS = EdwardsPoint);
547 impl<T> Sum<T> for EdwardsPoint
548 where
549     T: Borrow<EdwardsPoint>
550 {
sum<I>(iter: I) -> Self where I: Iterator<Item = T>551     fn sum<I>(iter: I) -> Self
552     where
553         I: Iterator<Item = T>
554     {
555         iter.fold(EdwardsPoint::identity(), |acc, item| acc + item.borrow())
556     }
557 }
560 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
561 // Negation
562 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
564 impl<'a> Neg for &'a EdwardsPoint {
565     type Output = EdwardsPoint;
neg(self) -> EdwardsPoint567     fn neg(self) -> EdwardsPoint {
568         EdwardsPoint{
569             X: -(&self.X),
570             Y:  self.Y,
571             Z:  self.Z,
572             T: -(&self.T),
573         }
574     }
575 }
577 impl Neg for EdwardsPoint {
578     type Output = EdwardsPoint;
neg(self) -> EdwardsPoint580     fn neg(self) -> EdwardsPoint {
581         -&self
582     }
583 }
585 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
586 // Scalar multiplication
587 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
589 impl<'b> MulAssign<&'b Scalar> for EdwardsPoint {
mul_assign(&mut self, scalar: &'b Scalar)590     fn mul_assign(&mut self, scalar: &'b Scalar) {
591         let result = (self as &EdwardsPoint) * scalar;
592         *self = result;
593     }
594 }
596 define_mul_assign_variants!(LHS = EdwardsPoint, RHS = Scalar);
598 define_mul_variants!(LHS = EdwardsPoint, RHS = Scalar, Output = EdwardsPoint);
599 define_mul_variants!(LHS = Scalar, RHS = EdwardsPoint, Output = EdwardsPoint);
601 impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Scalar> for &'a EdwardsPoint {
602     type Output = EdwardsPoint;
603     /// Scalar multiplication: compute `scalar * self`.
604     ///
605     /// For scalar multiplication of a basepoint,
606     /// `EdwardsBasepointTable` is approximately 4x faster.
mul(self, scalar: &'b Scalar) -> EdwardsPoint607     fn mul(self, scalar: &'b Scalar) -> EdwardsPoint {
608         scalar_mul::variable_base::mul(self, scalar)
609     }
610 }
612 impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b EdwardsPoint> for &'a Scalar {
613     type Output = EdwardsPoint;
615     /// Scalar multiplication: compute `scalar * self`.
616     ///
617     /// For scalar multiplication of a basepoint,
618     /// `EdwardsBasepointTable` is approximately 4x faster.
mul(self, point: &'b EdwardsPoint) -> EdwardsPoint619     fn mul(self, point: &'b EdwardsPoint) -> EdwardsPoint {
620         point * self
621     }
622 }
624 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
625 // Multiscalar Multiplication impls
626 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
628 // These use the iterator's size hint and the target settings to
629 // forward to a specific backend implementation.
631 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
632 impl MultiscalarMul for EdwardsPoint {
633     type Point = EdwardsPoint;
multiscalar_mul<I, J>(scalars: I, points: J) -> EdwardsPoint where I: IntoIterator, I::Item: Borrow<Scalar>, J: IntoIterator, J::Item: Borrow<EdwardsPoint>,635     fn multiscalar_mul<I, J>(scalars: I, points: J) -> EdwardsPoint
636     where
637         I: IntoIterator,
638         I::Item: Borrow<Scalar>,
639         J: IntoIterator,
640         J::Item: Borrow<EdwardsPoint>,
641     {
642         // Sanity-check lengths of input iterators
643         let mut scalars = scalars.into_iter();
644         let mut points = points.into_iter();
646         // Lower and upper bounds on iterators
647         let (s_lo, s_hi) = scalars.by_ref().size_hint();
648         let (p_lo, p_hi) = points.by_ref().size_hint();
650         // They should all be equal
651         assert_eq!(s_lo, p_lo);
652         assert_eq!(s_hi, Some(s_lo));
653         assert_eq!(p_hi, Some(p_lo));
655         // Now we know there's a single size.  When we do
656         // size-dependent algorithm dispatch, use this as the hint.
657         let _size = s_lo;
659         scalar_mul::straus::Straus::multiscalar_mul(scalars, points)
660     }
661 }
663 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
664 impl VartimeMultiscalarMul for EdwardsPoint {
665     type Point = EdwardsPoint;
optional_multiscalar_mul<I, J>(scalars: I, points: J) -> Option<EdwardsPoint> where I: IntoIterator, I::Item: Borrow<Scalar>, J: IntoIterator<Item = Option<EdwardsPoint>>,667     fn optional_multiscalar_mul<I, J>(scalars: I, points: J) -> Option<EdwardsPoint>
668     where
669         I: IntoIterator,
670         I::Item: Borrow<Scalar>,
671         J: IntoIterator<Item = Option<EdwardsPoint>>,
672     {
673         // Sanity-check lengths of input iterators
674         let mut scalars = scalars.into_iter();
675         let mut points = points.into_iter();
677         // Lower and upper bounds on iterators
678         let (s_lo, s_hi) = scalars.by_ref().size_hint();
679         let (p_lo, p_hi) = points.by_ref().size_hint();
681         // They should all be equal
682         assert_eq!(s_lo, p_lo);
683         assert_eq!(s_hi, Some(s_lo));
684         assert_eq!(p_hi, Some(p_lo));
686         // Now we know there's a single size.
687         // Use this as the hint to decide which algorithm to use.
688         let size = s_lo;
690         if size < 190 {
691             scalar_mul::straus::Straus::optional_multiscalar_mul(scalars, points)
692         } else {
693             scalar_mul::pippenger::Pippenger::optional_multiscalar_mul(scalars, points)
694         }
695     }
696 }
698 /// Precomputation for variable-time multiscalar multiplication with `EdwardsPoint`s.
699 // This wraps the inner implementation in a facade type so that we can
700 // decouple stability of the inner type from the stability of the
701 // outer type.
702 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
703 pub struct VartimeEdwardsPrecomputation(scalar_mul::precomputed_straus::VartimePrecomputedStraus);
705 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
706 impl VartimePrecomputedMultiscalarMul for VartimeEdwardsPrecomputation {
707     type Point = EdwardsPoint;
new<I>(static_points: I) -> Self where I: IntoIterator, I::Item: Borrow<Self::Point>,709     fn new<I>(static_points: I) -> Self
710     where
711         I: IntoIterator,
712         I::Item: Borrow<Self::Point>,
713     {
714         Self(scalar_mul::precomputed_straus::VartimePrecomputedStraus::new(static_points))
715     }
optional_mixed_multiscalar_mul<I, J, K>( &self, static_scalars: I, dynamic_scalars: J, dynamic_points: K, ) -> Option<Self::Point> where I: IntoIterator, I::Item: Borrow<Scalar>, J: IntoIterator, J::Item: Borrow<Scalar>, K: IntoIterator<Item = Option<Self::Point>>,717     fn optional_mixed_multiscalar_mul<I, J, K>(
718         &self,
719         static_scalars: I,
720         dynamic_scalars: J,
721         dynamic_points: K,
722     ) -> Option<Self::Point>
723     where
724         I: IntoIterator,
725         I::Item: Borrow<Scalar>,
726         J: IntoIterator,
727         J::Item: Borrow<Scalar>,
728         K: IntoIterator<Item = Option<Self::Point>>,
729     {
730         self.0
731             .optional_mixed_multiscalar_mul(static_scalars, dynamic_scalars, dynamic_points)
732     }
733 }
735 impl EdwardsPoint {
736     /// Compute \\(aA + bB\\) in variable time, where \\(B\\) is the Ed25519 basepoint.
vartime_double_scalar_mul_basepoint( a: &Scalar, A: &EdwardsPoint, b: &Scalar, ) -> EdwardsPoint737     pub fn vartime_double_scalar_mul_basepoint(
738         a: &Scalar,
739         A: &EdwardsPoint,
740         b: &Scalar,
741     ) -> EdwardsPoint {
742         scalar_mul::vartime_double_base::mul(a, A, b)
743     }
744 }
746 /// A precomputed table of multiples of a basepoint, for accelerating
747 /// fixed-base scalar multiplication.  One table, for the Ed25519
748 /// basepoint, is provided in the `constants` module.
749 ///
750 /// The basepoint tables are reasonably large (30KB), so they should
751 /// probably be boxed.
752 #[derive(Clone)]
753 pub struct EdwardsBasepointTable(pub(crate) [LookupTable<AffineNielsPoint>; 32]);
755 impl EdwardsBasepointTable {
756     /// The computation uses Pippenger's algorithm, as described on
757     /// page 13 of the Ed25519 paper.  Write the scalar \\(a\\) in radix \\(16\\) with
758     /// coefficients in \\([-8,8)\\), i.e.,
759     /// $$
760     ///     a = a\_0 + a\_1 16\^1 + \cdots + a\_{63} 16\^{63},
761     /// $$
762     /// with \\(-8 \leq a_i < 8\\), \\(-8 \leq a\_{63} \leq 8\\).  Then
763     /// $$
764     ///     a B = a\_0 B + a\_1 16\^1 B + \cdots + a\_{63} 16\^{63} B.
765     /// $$
766     /// Grouping even and odd coefficients gives
767     /// $$
768     /// \begin{aligned}
769     ///     a B = \quad a\_0 16\^0 B +& a\_2 16\^2 B + \cdots + a\_{62} 16\^{62} B    \\\\
770     ///               + a\_1 16\^1 B +& a\_3 16\^3 B + \cdots + a\_{63} 16\^{63} B    \\\\
771     ///         = \quad(a\_0 16\^0 B +& a\_2 16\^2 B + \cdots + a\_{62} 16\^{62} B)   \\\\
772     ///            + 16(a\_1 16\^0 B +& a\_3 16\^2 B + \cdots + a\_{63} 16\^{62} B).  \\\\
773     /// \end{aligned}
774     /// $$
775     /// For each \\(i = 0 \ldots 31\\), we create a lookup table of
776     /// $$
777     /// [16\^{2i} B, \ldots, 8\cdot16\^{2i} B],
778     /// $$
779     /// and use it to select \\( x \cdot 16\^{2i} \cdot B \\) in constant time.
780     ///
781     /// The radix-\\(16\\) representation requires that the scalar is bounded
782     /// by \\(2\^{255}\\), which is always the case.
basepoint_mul(&self, scalar: &Scalar) -> EdwardsPoint783     fn basepoint_mul(&self, scalar: &Scalar) -> EdwardsPoint {
784         let a = scalar.to_radix_16();
786         let tables = &self.0;
787         let mut P = EdwardsPoint::identity();
789         for i in (0..64).filter(|x| x % 2 == 1) {
790             P = (&P + &tables[i/2].select(a[i])).to_extended();
791         }
793         P = P.mul_by_pow_2(4);
795         for i in (0..64).filter(|x| x % 2 == 0) {
796             P = (&P + &tables[i/2].select(a[i])).to_extended();
797         }
799         P
800     }
801 }
803 impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Scalar> for &'a EdwardsBasepointTable {
804     type Output = EdwardsPoint;
806     /// Construct an `EdwardsPoint` from a `Scalar` \\(a\\) by
807     /// computing the multiple \\(aB\\) of this basepoint \\(B\\).
mul(self, scalar: &'b Scalar) -> EdwardsPoint808     fn mul(self, scalar: &'b Scalar) -> EdwardsPoint {
809         // delegate to a private function so that its documentation appears in internal docs
810         self.basepoint_mul(scalar)
811     }
812 }
814 impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'a EdwardsBasepointTable> for &'b Scalar {
815     type Output = EdwardsPoint;
817     /// Construct an `EdwardsPoint` from a `Scalar` \\(a\\) by
818     /// computing the multiple \\(aB\\) of this basepoint \\(B\\).
mul(self, basepoint_table: &'a EdwardsBasepointTable) -> EdwardsPoint819     fn mul(self, basepoint_table: &'a EdwardsBasepointTable) -> EdwardsPoint {
820         basepoint_table * self
821     }
822 }
824 impl EdwardsBasepointTable {
825     /// Create a table of precomputed multiples of `basepoint`.
create(basepoint: &EdwardsPoint) -> EdwardsBasepointTable826     pub fn create(basepoint: &EdwardsPoint) -> EdwardsBasepointTable {
827         // XXX use init_with
828         let mut table = EdwardsBasepointTable([LookupTable::default(); 32]);
829         let mut P = *basepoint;
830         for i in 0..32 {
831             // P = (16^2)^i * B
832             table.0[i] = LookupTable::from(&P);
833             P = P.mul_by_pow_2(8);
834         }
835         table
836     }
838     /// Get the basepoint for this table as an `EdwardsPoint`.
basepoint(&self) -> EdwardsPoint839     pub fn basepoint(&self) -> EdwardsPoint {
840         // self.0[0].select(1) = 1*(16^2)^0*B
841         // but as an `AffineNielsPoint`, so add identity to convert to extended.
842         (&EdwardsPoint::identity() + &self.0[0].select(1)).to_extended()
843     }
844 }
846 impl EdwardsPoint {
847     /// Multiply by the cofactor: return \\([8]P\\).
mul_by_cofactor(&self) -> EdwardsPoint848     pub fn mul_by_cofactor(&self) -> EdwardsPoint {
849         self.mul_by_pow_2(3)
850     }
852     /// Compute \\([2\^k] P \\) by successive doublings. Requires \\( k > 0 \\).
mul_by_pow_2(&self, k: u32) -> EdwardsPoint853     pub(crate) fn mul_by_pow_2(&self, k: u32) -> EdwardsPoint {
854         debug_assert!( k > 0 );
855         let mut r: CompletedPoint;
856         let mut s = self.to_projective();
857         for _ in 0..(k-1) {
858             r = s.double(); s = r.to_projective();
859         }
860         // Unroll last iteration so we can go directly to_extended()
861         s.double().to_extended()
862     }
864     /// Determine if this point is of small order.
865     ///
866     /// # Return
867     ///
868     /// * `true` if `self` is in the torsion subgroup \\( \mathcal E[8] \\);
869     /// * `false` if `self` is not in the torsion subgroup \\( \mathcal E[8] \\).
870     ///
871     /// # Example
872     ///
873     /// ```
874     /// use curve25519_dalek_ng::constants;
875     ///
876     /// // Generator of the prime-order subgroup
877     /// let P = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
878     /// // Generator of the torsion subgroup
879     /// let Q = constants::EIGHT_TORSION[1];
880     ///
881     /// // P has large order
882     /// assert_eq!(P.is_small_order(), false);
883     ///
884     /// // Q has small order
885     /// assert_eq!(Q.is_small_order(), true);
886     /// ```
is_small_order(&self) -> bool887     pub fn is_small_order(&self) -> bool {
888         self.mul_by_cofactor().is_identity()
889     }
891     /// Determine if this point is “torsion-free”, i.e., is contained in
892     /// the prime-order subgroup.
893     ///
894     /// # Return
895     ///
896     /// * `true` if `self` has zero torsion component and is in the
897     /// prime-order subgroup;
898     /// * `false` if `self` has a nonzero torsion component and is not
899     /// in the prime-order subgroup.
900     ///
901     /// # Example
902     ///
903     /// ```
904     /// use curve25519_dalek_ng::constants;
905     ///
906     /// // Generator of the prime-order subgroup
907     /// let P = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
908     /// // Generator of the torsion subgroup
909     /// let Q = constants::EIGHT_TORSION[1];
910     ///
911     /// // P is torsion-free
912     /// assert_eq!(P.is_torsion_free(), true);
913     ///
914     /// // P + Q is not torsion-free
915     /// assert_eq!((P+Q).is_torsion_free(), false);
916     /// ```
is_torsion_free(&self) -> bool917     pub fn is_torsion_free(&self) -> bool {
918         (self * constants::BASEPOINT_ORDER).is_identity()
919     }
920 }
922 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
923 // Debug traits
924 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
926 impl Debug for EdwardsPoint {
fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result927     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
928         write!(f, "EdwardsPoint{{\n\tX: {:?},\n\tY: {:?},\n\tZ: {:?},\n\tT: {:?}\n}}",
929                &self.X, &self.Y, &self.Z, &self.T)
930     }
931 }
933 impl Debug for EdwardsBasepointTable {
fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result934     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
935         write!(f, "EdwardsBasepointTable([\n")?;
936         for i in 0..32 {
937             write!(f, "\t{:?},\n", &self.0[i])?;
938         }
939         write!(f, "])")
940     }
941 }
943 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
944 // Tests
945 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
947 #[cfg(test)]
948 mod test {
949     use field::FieldElement;
950     use scalar::Scalar;
951     use subtle::ConditionallySelectable;
952     use constants;
953     use super::*;
955     /// X coordinate of the basepoint.
956     /// = 15112221349535400772501151409588531511454012693041857206046113283949847762202
957     static BASE_X_COORD_BYTES: [u8; 32] =
958         [0x1a, 0xd5, 0x25, 0x8f, 0x60, 0x2d, 0x56, 0xc9, 0xb2, 0xa7, 0x25, 0x95, 0x60, 0xc7, 0x2c, 0x69,
959          0x5c, 0xdc, 0xd6, 0xfd, 0x31, 0xe2, 0xa4, 0xc0, 0xfe, 0x53, 0x6e, 0xcd, 0xd3, 0x36, 0x69, 0x21];
961     /// Compressed Edwards Y form of 2*basepoint.
962     static BASE2_CMPRSSD: CompressedEdwardsY =
963         CompressedEdwardsY([0xc9, 0xa3, 0xf8, 0x6a, 0xae, 0x46, 0x5f, 0xe,
964                             0x56, 0x51, 0x38, 0x64, 0x51, 0x0f, 0x39, 0x97,
965                             0x56, 0x1f, 0xa2, 0xc9, 0xe8, 0x5e, 0xa2, 0x1d,
966                             0xc2, 0x29, 0x23, 0x09, 0xf3, 0xcd, 0x60, 0x22]);
968     /// Compressed Edwards Y form of 16*basepoint.
969     static BASE16_CMPRSSD: CompressedEdwardsY =
970         CompressedEdwardsY([0xeb, 0x27, 0x67, 0xc1, 0x37, 0xab, 0x7a, 0xd8,
971                             0x27, 0x9c, 0x07, 0x8e, 0xff, 0x11, 0x6a, 0xb0,
972                             0x78, 0x6e, 0xad, 0x3a, 0x2e, 0x0f, 0x98, 0x9f,
973                             0x72, 0xc3, 0x7f, 0x82, 0xf2, 0x96, 0x96, 0x70]);
975     /// 4493907448824000747700850167940867464579944529806937181821189941592931634714
976     pub static A_SCALAR: Scalar = Scalar{
977         bytes: [
978             0x1a, 0x0e, 0x97, 0x8a, 0x90, 0xf6, 0x62, 0x2d,
979             0x37, 0x47, 0x02, 0x3f, 0x8a, 0xd8, 0x26, 0x4d,
980             0xa7, 0x58, 0xaa, 0x1b, 0x88, 0xe0, 0x40, 0xd1,
981             0x58, 0x9e, 0x7b, 0x7f, 0x23, 0x76, 0xef, 0x09,
982         ],
983     };
985     /// 2506056684125797857694181776241676200180934651973138769173342316833279714961
986     pub static B_SCALAR: Scalar = Scalar{
987         bytes: [
988             0x91, 0x26, 0x7a, 0xcf, 0x25, 0xc2, 0x09, 0x1b,
989             0xa2, 0x17, 0x74, 0x7b, 0x66, 0xf0, 0xb3, 0x2e,
990             0x9d, 0xf2, 0xa5, 0x67, 0x41, 0xcf, 0xda, 0xc4,
991             0x56, 0xa7, 0xd4, 0xaa, 0xb8, 0x60, 0x8a, 0x05,
992         ],
993     };
995     /// A_SCALAR * basepoint, computed with ed25519.py
996     pub static A_TIMES_BASEPOINT: CompressedEdwardsY = CompressedEdwardsY([
997         0xea, 0x27, 0xe2, 0x60, 0x53, 0xdf, 0x1b, 0x59,
998         0x56, 0xf1, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0xec, 0x3c, 0x34, 0xc3,
999         0x84, 0xa2, 0x69, 0xb7, 0x4c, 0xc3, 0x80, 0x3e,
1000         0xa8, 0xe2, 0xe7, 0xc9, 0x42, 0x5e, 0x40, 0xa5]);
1003     /// computed with ed25519.py
1004     static DOUBLE_SCALAR_MULT_RESULT: CompressedEdwardsY = CompressedEdwardsY([
1005         0x7d, 0xfd, 0x6c, 0x45, 0xaf, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x0e,
1006         0xba, 0x20, 0x37, 0x1a, 0x23, 0x64, 0x59, 0xc4,
1007         0xc0, 0x46, 0x83, 0x43, 0xde, 0x70, 0x4b, 0x85,
1008         0x09, 0x6f, 0xfe, 0x35, 0x4f, 0x13, 0x2b, 0x42]);
1010     /// Test round-trip decompression for the basepoint.
1011     #[test]
basepoint_decompression_compression()1012     fn basepoint_decompression_compression() {
1013         let base_X = FieldElement::from_bytes(&BASE_X_COORD_BYTES);
1014         let bp = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_COMPRESSED.decompress().unwrap();
1015         assert!(bp.is_valid());
1016         // Check that decompression actually gives the correct X coordinate
1017         assert_eq!(base_X, bp.X);
1018         assert_eq!(bp.compress(), constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_COMPRESSED);
1019     }
1021     /// Test sign handling in decompression
1022     #[test]
decompression_sign_handling()1023     fn decompression_sign_handling() {
1024         // Manually set the high bit of the last byte to flip the sign
1025         let mut minus_basepoint_bytes = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_COMPRESSED.as_bytes().clone();
1026         minus_basepoint_bytes[31] |= 1 << 7;
1027         let minus_basepoint = CompressedEdwardsY(minus_basepoint_bytes)
1028                               .decompress().unwrap();
1029         // Test projective coordinates exactly since we know they should
1030         // only differ by a flipped sign.
1031         assert_eq!(minus_basepoint.X, -(&constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT.X));
1032         assert_eq!(minus_basepoint.Y,    constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT.Y);
1033         assert_eq!(minus_basepoint.Z,    constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT.Z);
1034         assert_eq!(minus_basepoint.T, -(&constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT.T));
1035     }
1037     /// Test that computing 1*basepoint gives the correct basepoint.
1038     #[test]
basepoint_mult_one_vs_basepoint()1039     fn basepoint_mult_one_vs_basepoint() {
1040         let bp = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE * &Scalar::one();
1041         let compressed = bp.compress();
1042         assert_eq!(compressed, constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_COMPRESSED);
1043     }
1045     /// Test that `EdwardsBasepointTable::basepoint()` gives the correct basepoint.
1046     #[test]
basepoint_table_basepoint_function_correct()1047     fn basepoint_table_basepoint_function_correct() {
1048         let bp = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE.basepoint();
1049         assert_eq!(bp.compress(), constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_COMPRESSED);
1050     }
1052     /// Test `impl Add<EdwardsPoint> for EdwardsPoint`
1053     /// using basepoint + basepoint versus the 2*basepoint constant.
1054     #[test]
basepoint_plus_basepoint_vs_basepoint2()1055     fn basepoint_plus_basepoint_vs_basepoint2() {
1056         let bp = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
1057         let bp_added = &bp + &bp;
1058         assert_eq!(bp_added.compress(), BASE2_CMPRSSD);
1059     }
1061     /// Test `impl Add<ProjectiveNielsPoint> for EdwardsPoint`
1062     /// using the basepoint, basepoint2 constants
1063     #[test]
basepoint_plus_basepoint_projective_niels_vs_basepoint2()1064     fn basepoint_plus_basepoint_projective_niels_vs_basepoint2() {
1065         let bp = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
1066         let bp_added = (&bp + &bp.to_projective_niels()).to_extended();
1067         assert_eq!(bp_added.compress(), BASE2_CMPRSSD);
1068     }
1070     /// Test `impl Add<AffineNielsPoint> for EdwardsPoint`
1071     /// using the basepoint, basepoint2 constants
1072     #[test]
basepoint_plus_basepoint_affine_niels_vs_basepoint2()1073     fn basepoint_plus_basepoint_affine_niels_vs_basepoint2() {
1074         let bp = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
1075         let bp_affine_niels = bp.to_affine_niels();
1076         let bp_added = (&bp + &bp_affine_niels).to_extended();
1077         assert_eq!(bp_added.compress(), BASE2_CMPRSSD);
1078     }
1080     /// Check that equality of `EdwardsPoints` handles projective
1081     /// coordinates correctly.
1082     #[test]
extended_point_equality_handles_scaling()1083     fn extended_point_equality_handles_scaling() {
1084         let mut two_bytes = [0u8; 32]; two_bytes[0] = 2;
1085         let id1 = EdwardsPoint::identity();
1086         let id2 = EdwardsPoint{
1087             X: FieldElement::zero(),
1088             Y: FieldElement::from_bytes(&two_bytes),
1089             Z: FieldElement::from_bytes(&two_bytes),
1090             T: FieldElement::zero()
1091         };
1092         assert_eq!(id1.ct_eq(&id2).unwrap_u8(), 1u8);
1093     }
1095     /// Sanity check for conversion to precomputed points
1096     #[test]
to_affine_niels_clears_denominators()1097     fn to_affine_niels_clears_denominators() {
1098         // construct a point as aB so it has denominators (ie. Z != 1)
1099         let aB = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE * &A_SCALAR;
1100         let aB_affine_niels = aB.to_affine_niels();
1101         let also_aB = (&EdwardsPoint::identity() + &aB_affine_niels).to_extended();
1102         assert_eq!(     aB.compress(),
1103                    also_aB.compress());
1104     }
1106     /// Test basepoint_mult versus a known scalar multiple from ed25519.py
1107     #[test]
basepoint_mult_vs_ed25519py()1108     fn basepoint_mult_vs_ed25519py() {
1109         let aB = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE * &A_SCALAR;
1110         assert_eq!(aB.compress(), A_TIMES_BASEPOINT);
1111     }
1113     /// Test that multiplication by the basepoint order kills the basepoint
1114     #[test]
basepoint_mult_by_basepoint_order()1115     fn basepoint_mult_by_basepoint_order() {
1116         let B = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE;
1117         let should_be_id = B * &constants::BASEPOINT_ORDER;
1118         assert!(should_be_id.is_identity());
1119     }
1121     /// Test precomputed basepoint mult
1122     #[test]
test_precomputed_basepoint_mult()1123     fn test_precomputed_basepoint_mult() {
1124         let aB_1 = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE * &A_SCALAR;
1125         let aB_2 = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT * &A_SCALAR;
1126         assert_eq!(aB_1.compress(), aB_2.compress());
1127     }
1129     /// Test scalar_mul versus a known scalar multiple from ed25519.py
1130     #[test]
scalar_mul_vs_ed25519py()1131     fn scalar_mul_vs_ed25519py() {
1132         let aB = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT * &A_SCALAR;
1133         assert_eq!(aB.compress(), A_TIMES_BASEPOINT);
1134     }
1136     /// Test basepoint.double() versus the 2*basepoint constant.
1137     #[test]
basepoint_double_vs_basepoint2()1138     fn basepoint_double_vs_basepoint2() {
1139         assert_eq!(constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT.double().compress(),
1140                    BASE2_CMPRSSD);
1141     }
1143     /// Test that computing 2*basepoint is the same as basepoint.double()
1144     #[test]
basepoint_mult_two_vs_basepoint2()1145     fn basepoint_mult_two_vs_basepoint2() {
1146         let two = Scalar::from(2u64);
1147         let bp2 = &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE * &two;
1148         assert_eq!(bp2.compress(), BASE2_CMPRSSD);
1149     }
1151     /// Check that converting to projective and then back to extended round-trips.
1152     #[test]
basepoint_projective_extended_round_trip()1153     fn basepoint_projective_extended_round_trip() {
1154         assert_eq!(constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT
1155                        .to_projective().to_extended().compress(),
1156                    constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_COMPRESSED);
1157     }
1159     /// Test computing 16*basepoint vs mul_by_pow_2(4)
1160     #[test]
basepoint16_vs_mul_by_pow_2_4()1161     fn basepoint16_vs_mul_by_pow_2_4() {
1162         let bp16 = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT.mul_by_pow_2(4);
1163         assert_eq!(bp16.compress(), BASE16_CMPRSSD);
1164     }
1166     #[test]
impl_sum()1167     fn impl_sum() {
1169         // Test that sum works for non-empty iterators
1170         let BASE = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
1172         let s1 = Scalar::from(999u64);
1173         let P1 = &BASE * &s1;
1175         let s2 = Scalar::from(333u64);
1176         let P2 = &BASE * &s2;
1178         let vec = vec![P1.clone(), P2.clone()];
1179         let sum: EdwardsPoint = vec.iter().sum();
1181         assert_eq!(sum, P1 + P2);
1183         // Test that sum works for the empty iterator
1184         let empty_vector: Vec<EdwardsPoint> = vec![];
1185         let sum: EdwardsPoint = empty_vector.iter().sum();
1187         assert_eq!(sum, EdwardsPoint::identity());
1189         // Test that sum works on owning iterators
1190         let s = Scalar::from(2u64);
1191         let mapped = vec.iter().map(|x| x * s);
1192         let sum: EdwardsPoint = mapped.sum();
1194         assert_eq!(sum, &P1 * &s + &P2 * &s);
1195       }
1198     /// Test that the conditional assignment trait works for AffineNielsPoints.
1199     #[test]
conditional_assign_for_affine_niels_point()1200     fn conditional_assign_for_affine_niels_point() {
1201         let id     = AffineNielsPoint::identity();
1202         let mut p1 = AffineNielsPoint::identity();
1203         let bp     = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT.to_affine_niels();
1205         p1.conditional_assign(&bp, Choice::from(0));
1206         assert_eq!(p1, id);
1207         p1.conditional_assign(&bp, Choice::from(1));
1208         assert_eq!(p1, bp);
1209     }
1211     #[test]
is_small_order()1212     fn is_small_order() {
1213         // The basepoint has large prime order
1214         assert!(!constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT.is_small_order());
1215         // constants::EIGHT_TORSION has all points of small order.
1216         for torsion_point in &constants::EIGHT_TORSION {
1217             assert!(torsion_point.is_small_order());
1218         }
1219     }
1221     #[test]
compressed_identity()1222     fn compressed_identity() {
1223         assert_eq!(EdwardsPoint::identity().compress(),
1224                    CompressedEdwardsY::identity());
1225     }
1227     #[test]
is_identity()1228     fn is_identity() {
1229         assert!(   EdwardsPoint::identity().is_identity());
1230         assert!(!constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT.is_identity());
1231     }
1233     /// Rust's debug builds have overflow and underflow trapping,
1234     /// and enable `debug_assert!()`.  This performs many scalar
1235     /// multiplications to attempt to trigger possible overflows etc.
1236     ///
1237     /// For instance, the `u64` `Mul` implementation for
1238     /// `FieldElements` requires the input `Limb`s to be bounded by
1239     /// 2^54, but we cannot enforce this dynamically at runtime, or
1240     /// statically at compile time (until Rust gets type-level
1241     /// integers, at which point we can encode "bits of headroom" into
1242     /// the type system and prove correctness).
1243     #[test]
monte_carlo_overflow_underflow_debug_assert_test()1244     fn monte_carlo_overflow_underflow_debug_assert_test() {
1245         let mut P = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
1246         // N.B. each scalar_mul does 1407 field mults, 1024 field squarings,
1247         // so this does ~ 1M of each operation.
1248         for _ in 0..1_000 {
1249             P *= &A_SCALAR;
1250         }
1251     }
1253     #[test]
scalarmult_extended_point_works_both_ways()1254     fn scalarmult_extended_point_works_both_ways() {
1255         let G: EdwardsPoint = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT;
1256         let s: Scalar = A_SCALAR;
1258         let P1 = &G * &s;
1259         let P2 = &s * &G;
1261         assert!(P1.compress().to_bytes() == P2.compress().to_bytes());
1262     }
1264     // A single iteration of a consistency check for MSM.
multiscalar_consistency_iter(n: usize)1265     fn multiscalar_consistency_iter(n: usize) {
1266         use core::iter;
1267         let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
1269         // Construct random coefficients x0, ..., x_{n-1},
1270         // followed by some extra hardcoded ones.
1271         let xs = (0..n)
1272             .map(|_| Scalar::random(&mut rng))
1273             // The largest scalar allowed by the type system, 2^255-1
1274             .chain(iter::once(Scalar::from_bits([0xff; 32])))
1275             .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1276         let check = xs.iter()
1277             .map(|xi| xi * xi)
1278             .sum::<Scalar>();
1280         // Construct points G_i = x_i * B
1281         let Gs = xs.iter()
1282             .map(|xi| xi * &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE)
1283             .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1285         // Compute H1 = <xs, Gs> (consttime)
1286         let H1 = EdwardsPoint::multiscalar_mul(&xs, &Gs);
1287         // Compute H2 = <xs, Gs> (vartime)
1288         let H2 = EdwardsPoint::vartime_multiscalar_mul(&xs, &Gs);
1289         // Compute H3 = <xs, Gs> = sum(xi^2) * B
1290         let H3 = &check * &constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE;
1292         assert_eq!(H1, H3);
1293         assert_eq!(H2, H3);
1294     }
1296     // Use different multiscalar sizes to hit different internal
1297     // parameters.
1299     #[test]
multiscalar_consistency_n_100()1300     fn multiscalar_consistency_n_100() {
1301         let iters = 50;
1302         for _ in 0..iters {
1303             multiscalar_consistency_iter(100);
1304         }
1305     }
1307     #[test]
multiscalar_consistency_n_250()1308     fn multiscalar_consistency_n_250() {
1309         let iters = 50;
1310         for _ in 0..iters {
1311             multiscalar_consistency_iter(250);
1312         }
1313     }
1315     #[test]
multiscalar_consistency_n_500()1316     fn multiscalar_consistency_n_500() {
1317         let iters = 50;
1318         for _ in 0..iters {
1319             multiscalar_consistency_iter(500);
1320         }
1321     }
1323     #[test]
multiscalar_consistency_n_1000()1324     fn multiscalar_consistency_n_1000() {
1325         let iters = 50;
1326         for _ in 0..iters {
1327             multiscalar_consistency_iter(1000);
1328         }
1329     }
1331     #[test]
vartime_precomputed_vs_nonprecomputed_multiscalar()1332     fn vartime_precomputed_vs_nonprecomputed_multiscalar() {
1333         let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
1335         let B = &::constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE;
1337         let static_scalars = (0..128)
1338             .map(|_| Scalar::random(&mut rng))
1339             .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1341         let dynamic_scalars = (0..128)
1342             .map(|_| Scalar::random(&mut rng))
1343             .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1345         let check_scalar: Scalar = static_scalars
1346             .iter()
1347             .chain(dynamic_scalars.iter())
1348             .map(|s| s * s)
1349             .sum();
1351         let static_points = static_scalars.iter().map(|s| s * B).collect::<Vec<_>>();
1352         let dynamic_points = dynamic_scalars.iter().map(|s| s * B).collect::<Vec<_>>();
1354         let precomputation = VartimeEdwardsPrecomputation::new(static_points.iter());
1356         let P = precomputation.vartime_mixed_multiscalar_mul(
1357             &static_scalars,
1358             &dynamic_scalars,
1359             &dynamic_points,
1360         );
1362         use traits::VartimeMultiscalarMul;
1363         let Q = EdwardsPoint::vartime_multiscalar_mul(
1364             static_scalars.iter().chain(dynamic_scalars.iter()),
1365             static_points.iter().chain(dynamic_points.iter()),
1366         );
1368         let R = &check_scalar * B;
1370         assert_eq!(P.compress(), R.compress());
1371         assert_eq!(Q.compress(), R.compress());
1372     }
1374     mod vartime {
1375         use super::super::*;
1378         /// Test double_scalar_mul_vartime vs ed25519.py
1379         #[test]
double_scalar_mul_basepoint_vs_ed25519py()1380         fn double_scalar_mul_basepoint_vs_ed25519py() {
1381             let A = A_TIMES_BASEPOINT.decompress().unwrap();
1382             let result = EdwardsPoint::vartime_double_scalar_mul_basepoint(&A_SCALAR, &A, &B_SCALAR);
1383             assert_eq!(result.compress(), DOUBLE_SCALAR_MULT_RESULT);
1384         }
1386         #[test]
multiscalar_mul_vs_ed25519py()1387         fn multiscalar_mul_vs_ed25519py() {
1388             let A = A_TIMES_BASEPOINT.decompress().unwrap();
1389             let result = EdwardsPoint::vartime_multiscalar_mul(
1390                 &[A_SCALAR, B_SCALAR],
1391                 &[A, constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT]
1392             );
1393             assert_eq!(result.compress(), DOUBLE_SCALAR_MULT_RESULT);
1394         }
1396         #[test]
multiscalar_mul_vartime_vs_consttime()1397         fn multiscalar_mul_vartime_vs_consttime() {
1398             let A = A_TIMES_BASEPOINT.decompress().unwrap();
1399             let result_vartime = EdwardsPoint::vartime_multiscalar_mul(
1400                 &[A_SCALAR, B_SCALAR],
1401                 &[A, constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT]
1402             );
1403             let result_consttime = EdwardsPoint::multiscalar_mul(
1404                 &[A_SCALAR, B_SCALAR],
1405                 &[A, constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT]
1406             );
1408             assert_eq!(result_vartime.compress(), result_consttime.compress());
1409         }
1410     }
1412     #[test]
1413     #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
serde_bincode_basepoint_roundtrip()1414     fn serde_bincode_basepoint_roundtrip() {
1415         use bincode;
1417         let encoded = bincode::serialize(&constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT).unwrap();
1418         let enc_compressed = bincode::serialize(&constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_COMPRESSED).unwrap();
1419         assert_eq!(encoded, enc_compressed);
1421         // Check that the encoding is 32 bytes exactly
1422         assert_eq!(encoded.len(), 32);
1424         let dec_uncompressed: EdwardsPoint = bincode::deserialize(&encoded).unwrap();
1425         let dec_compressed: CompressedEdwardsY = bincode::deserialize(&encoded).unwrap();
1427         assert_eq!(dec_uncompressed, constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT);
1428         assert_eq!(dec_compressed, constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_COMPRESSED);
1430         // Check that the encoding itself matches the usual one
1431         let raw_bytes = constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_COMPRESSED.as_bytes();
1432         let bp: EdwardsPoint = bincode::deserialize(raw_bytes).unwrap();
1433         assert_eq!(bp, constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT);
1434     }
1435 }