1# swift.py -- Repo implementation atop OpenStack SWIFT
2# Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance SAS <licensing@enovance.com>
4# Author: Fabien Boucher <fabien.boucher@enovance.com>
6# Dulwich is dual-licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 and the GNU
7# General Public License as public by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.0
8# or (at your option) any later version. You can redistribute it and/or
9# modify it under the terms of either of these two licenses.
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17# You should have received a copy of the licenses; if not, see
18# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy of the GNU General Public License
19# and <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> for a copy of the Apache
20# License, Version 2.0.
23"""Repo implementation atop OpenStack SWIFT."""
25# TODO: Refactor to share more code with dulwich/repo.py.
26# TODO(fbo): Second attempt to _send() must be notified via real log
27# TODO(fbo): More logs for operations
29import os
30import stat
31import zlib
32import tempfile
33import posixpath
36    import urlparse
37except ImportError:
38    import urllib.parse as urlparse
40from io import BytesIO
42    from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
43except ImportError:
44    from configparser import ConfigParser
45from geventhttpclient import HTTPClient
47from dulwich.greenthreads import (
48    GreenThreadsMissingObjectFinder,
49    GreenThreadsObjectStoreIterator,
50    )
52from dulwich.lru_cache import LRUSizeCache
53from dulwich.objects import (
54    Blob,
55    Commit,
56    Tree,
57    Tag,
59    )
60from dulwich.object_store import (
61    PackBasedObjectStore,
62    PACKDIR,
63    INFODIR,
64    )
65from dulwich.pack import (
66    PackData,
67    Pack,
68    PackIndexer,
69    PackStreamCopier,
70    write_pack_header,
71    compute_file_sha,
72    iter_sha1,
73    write_pack_index_v2,
74    load_pack_index_file,
75    read_pack_header,
76    _compute_object_size,
77    unpack_object,
78    write_pack_object,
79    )
80from dulwich.protocol import TCP_GIT_PORT
81from dulwich.refs import (
82    InfoRefsContainer,
83    read_info_refs,
84    write_info_refs,
85    )
86from dulwich.repo import (
87    BaseRepo,
89    )
90from dulwich.server import (
91    Backend,
92    TCPGitServer,
93    )
96    from simplejson import loads as json_loads
97    from simplejson import dumps as json_dumps
98except ImportError:
99    from json import loads as json_loads
100    from json import dumps as json_dumps
102import sys
106# Configuration file sample
108# Authentication URL (Keystone or Swift)
109auth_url =
110# Authentication version to use
111auth_ver = 2
112# The tenant and username separated by a semicolon
113username = admin;admin
114# The user password
115password = pass
116# The Object storage region to use (auth v2) (Default RegionOne)
117region_name = RegionOne
118# The Object storage endpoint URL to use (auth v2) (Default internalURL)
119endpoint_type = internalURL
120# Concurrency to use for parallel tasks (Default 10)
121concurrency = 10
122# Size of the HTTP pool (Default 10)
123http_pool_length = 10
124# Timeout delay for HTTP connections (Default 20)
125http_timeout = 20
126# Chunk size to read from pack (Bytes) (Default 12228)
127chunk_length = 12228
128# Cache size (MBytes) (Default 20)
129cache_length = 20
133class PackInfoObjectStoreIterator(GreenThreadsObjectStoreIterator):
135    def __len__(self):
136        while len(self.finder.objects_to_send):
137            for _ in range(0, len(self.finder.objects_to_send)):
138                sha = self.finder.next()
139                self._shas.append(sha)
140        return len(self._shas)
143class PackInfoMissingObjectFinder(GreenThreadsMissingObjectFinder):
145    def next(self):
146        while True:
147            if not self.objects_to_send:
148                return None
149            (sha, name, leaf) = self.objects_to_send.pop()
150            if sha not in self.sha_done:
151                break
152        if not leaf:
153            info = self.object_store.pack_info_get(sha)
154            if info[0] == Commit.type_num:
155                self.add_todo([(info[2], "", False)])
156            elif info[0] == Tree.type_num:
157                self.add_todo([tuple(i) for i in info[1]])
158            elif info[0] == Tag.type_num:
159                self.add_todo([(info[1], None, False)])
160            if sha in self._tagged:
161                self.add_todo([(self._tagged[sha], None, True)])
162        self.sha_done.add(sha)
163        self.progress("counting objects: %d\r" % len(self.sha_done))
164        return (sha, name)
167def load_conf(path=None, file=None):
168    """Load configuration in global var CONF
170    Args:
171      path: The path to the configuration file
172      file: If provided read instead the file like object
173    """
174    conf = ConfigParser()
175    if file:
176        try:
177            conf.read_file(file, path)
178        except AttributeError:
179            # read_file only exists in Python3
180            conf.readfp(file)
181        return conf
182    confpath = None
183    if not path:
184        try:
185            confpath = os.environ['DULWICH_SWIFT_CFG']
186        except KeyError:
187            raise Exception("You need to specify a configuration file")
188    else:
189        confpath = path
190    if not os.path.isfile(confpath):
191        raise Exception("Unable to read configuration file %s" % confpath)
192    conf.read(confpath)
193    return conf
196def swift_load_pack_index(scon, filename):
197    """Read a pack index file from Swift
199    Args:
200      scon: a `SwiftConnector` instance
201      filename: Path to the index file objectise
202    Returns: a `PackIndexer` instance
203    """
204    with scon.get_object(filename) as f:
205        return load_pack_index_file(filename, f)
208def pack_info_create(pack_data, pack_index):
209    pack = Pack.from_objects(pack_data, pack_index)
210    info = {}
211    for obj in pack.iterobjects():
212        # Commit
213        if obj.type_num == Commit.type_num:
214            info[obj.id] = (obj.type_num, obj.parents, obj.tree)
215        # Tree
216        elif obj.type_num == Tree.type_num:
217            shas = [(s, n, not stat.S_ISDIR(m)) for
218                    n, m, s in obj.items() if not S_ISGITLINK(m)]
219            info[obj.id] = (obj.type_num, shas)
220        # Blob
221        elif obj.type_num == Blob.type_num:
222            info[obj.id] = None
223        # Tag
224        elif obj.type_num == Tag.type_num:
225            info[obj.id] = (obj.type_num, obj.object[1])
226    return zlib.compress(json_dumps(info))
229def load_pack_info(filename, scon=None, file=None):
230    if not file:
231        f = scon.get_object(filename)
232    else:
233        f = file
234    if not f:
235        return None
236    try:
237        return json_loads(zlib.decompress(f.read()))
238    finally:
239        f.close()
242class SwiftException(Exception):
243    pass
246class SwiftConnector(object):
247    """A Connector to swift that manage authentication and errors catching
248    """
250    def __init__(self, root, conf):
251        """ Initialize a SwiftConnector
253        Args:
254          root: The swift container that will act as Git bare repository
255          conf: A ConfigParser Object
256        """
257        self.conf = conf
258        self.auth_ver = self.conf.get("swift", "auth_ver")
259        if self.auth_ver not in ["1", "2"]:
260            raise NotImplementedError(
261                "Wrong authentication version use either 1 or 2")
262        self.auth_url = self.conf.get("swift", "auth_url")
263        self.user = self.conf.get("swift", "username")
264        self.password = self.conf.get("swift", "password")
265        self.concurrency = self.conf.getint('swift', 'concurrency') or 10
266        self.http_timeout = self.conf.getint('swift', 'http_timeout') or 20
267        self.http_pool_length = \
268            self.conf.getint('swift', 'http_pool_length') or 10
269        self.region_name = self.conf.get("swift", "region_name") or "RegionOne"
270        self.endpoint_type = \
271            self.conf.get("swift", "endpoint_type") or "internalURL"
272        self.cache_length = self.conf.getint("swift", "cache_length") or 20
273        self.chunk_length = self.conf.getint("swift", "chunk_length") or 12228
274        self.root = root
275        block_size = 1024 * 12  # 12KB
276        if self.auth_ver == "1":
277            self.storage_url, self.token = self.swift_auth_v1()
278        else:
279            self.storage_url, self.token = self.swift_auth_v2()
281        token_header = {'X-Auth-Token': str(self.token)}
282        self.httpclient = \
283            HTTPClient.from_url(str(self.storage_url),
284                                concurrency=self.http_pool_length,
285                                block_size=block_size,
286                                connection_timeout=self.http_timeout,
287                                network_timeout=self.http_timeout,
288                                headers=token_header)
289        self.base_path = str(posixpath.join(
290                urlparse.urlparse(self.storage_url).path, self.root))
292    def swift_auth_v1(self):
293        self.user = self.user.replace(";", ":")
294        auth_httpclient = HTTPClient.from_url(
295            self.auth_url,
296            connection_timeout=self.http_timeout,
297            network_timeout=self.http_timeout,
298            )
299        headers = {'X-Auth-User': self.user,
300                   'X-Auth-Key': self.password}
301        path = urlparse.urlparse(self.auth_url).path
303        ret = auth_httpclient.request('GET', path, headers=headers)
305        # Should do something with redirections (301 in my case)
307        if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code >= 300:
308            raise SwiftException('AUTH v1.0 request failed on ' +
309                                 '%s with error code %s (%s)'
310                                 % (str(auth_httpclient.get_base_url()) +
311                                    path, ret.status_code,
312                                    str(ret.items())))
313        storage_url = ret['X-Storage-Url']
314        token = ret['X-Auth-Token']
315        return storage_url, token
317    def swift_auth_v2(self):
318        self.tenant, self.user = self.user.split(';')
319        auth_dict = {}
320        auth_dict['auth'] = {'passwordCredentials':
321                             {
322                                 'username': self.user,
323                                 'password': self.password,
324                             },
325                             'tenantName': self.tenant}
326        auth_json = json_dumps(auth_dict)
327        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
328        auth_httpclient = HTTPClient.from_url(
329            self.auth_url,
330            connection_timeout=self.http_timeout,
331            network_timeout=self.http_timeout,
332            )
333        path = urlparse.urlparse(self.auth_url).path
334        if not path.endswith('tokens'):
335            path = posixpath.join(path, 'tokens')
336        ret = auth_httpclient.request('POST', path,
337                                      body=auth_json,
338                                      headers=headers)
340        if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code >= 300:
341            raise SwiftException('AUTH v2.0 request failed on ' +
342                                 '%s with error code %s (%s)'
343                                 % (str(auth_httpclient.get_base_url()) +
344                                    path, ret.status_code,
345                                    str(ret.items())))
346        auth_ret_json = json_loads(ret.read())
347        token = auth_ret_json['access']['token']['id']
348        catalogs = auth_ret_json['access']['serviceCatalog']
349        object_store = [o_store for o_store in catalogs if
350                        o_store['type'] == 'object-store'][0]
351        endpoints = object_store['endpoints']
352        endpoint = [endp for endp in endpoints if
353                    endp["region"] == self.region_name][0]
354        return endpoint[self.endpoint_type], token
356    def test_root_exists(self):
357        """Check that Swift container exist
359        Returns: True if exist or None it not
360        """
361        ret = self.httpclient.request('HEAD', self.base_path)
362        if ret.status_code == 404:
363            return None
364        if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code > 300:
365            raise SwiftException('HEAD request failed with error code %s'
366                                 % ret.status_code)
367        return True
369    def create_root(self):
370        """Create the Swift container
372        Raises:
373          SwiftException: if unable to create
374        """
375        if not self.test_root_exists():
376            ret = self.httpclient.request('PUT', self.base_path)
377            if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code > 300:
378                raise SwiftException('PUT request failed with error code %s'
379                                     % ret.status_code)
381    def get_container_objects(self):
382        """Retrieve objects list in a container
384        Returns: A list of dict that describe objects
385                 or None if container does not exist
386        """
387        qs = '?format=json'
388        path = self.base_path + qs
389        ret = self.httpclient.request('GET', path)
390        if ret.status_code == 404:
391            return None
392        if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code > 300:
393            raise SwiftException('GET request failed with error code %s'
394                                 % ret.status_code)
395        content = ret.read()
396        return json_loads(content)
398    def get_object_stat(self, name):
399        """Retrieve object stat
401        Args:
402          name: The object name
403        Returns:
404          A dict that describe the object or None if object does not exist
405        """
406        path = self.base_path + '/' + name
407        ret = self.httpclient.request('HEAD', path)
408        if ret.status_code == 404:
409            return None
410        if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code > 300:
411            raise SwiftException('HEAD request failed with error code %s'
412                                 % ret.status_code)
413        resp_headers = {}
414        for header, value in ret.items():
415            resp_headers[header.lower()] = value
416        return resp_headers
418    def put_object(self, name, content):
419        """Put an object
421        Args:
422          name: The object name
423          content: A file object
424        Raises:
425          SwiftException: if unable to create
426        """
427        content.seek(0)
428        data = content.read()
429        path = self.base_path + '/' + name
430        headers = {'Content-Length': str(len(data))}
432        def _send():
433            ret = self.httpclient.request('PUT', path,
434                                          body=data,
435                                          headers=headers)
436            return ret
438        try:
439            # Sometime got Broken Pipe - Dirty workaround
440            ret = _send()
441        except Exception:
442            # Second attempt work
443            ret = _send()
445        if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code > 300:
446            raise SwiftException('PUT request failed with error code %s'
447                                 % ret.status_code)
449    def get_object(self, name, range=None):
450        """Retrieve an object
452        Args:
453          name: The object name
454          range: A string range like "0-10" to
455                 retrieve specified bytes in object content
456        Returns:
457          A file like instance or bytestring if range is specified
458        """
459        headers = {}
460        if range:
461            headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%s' % range
462        path = self.base_path + '/' + name
463        ret = self.httpclient.request('GET', path, headers=headers)
464        if ret.status_code == 404:
465            return None
466        if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code > 300:
467            raise SwiftException('GET request failed with error code %s'
468                                 % ret.status_code)
469        content = ret.read()
471        if range:
472            return content
473        return BytesIO(content)
475    def del_object(self, name):
476        """Delete an object
478        Args:
479          name: The object name
480        Raises:
481          SwiftException: if unable to delete
482        """
483        path = self.base_path + '/' + name
484        ret = self.httpclient.request('DELETE', path)
485        if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code > 300:
486            raise SwiftException('DELETE request failed with error code %s'
487                                 % ret.status_code)
489    def del_root(self):
490        """Delete the root container by removing container content
492        Raises:
493          SwiftException: if unable to delete
494        """
495        for obj in self.get_container_objects():
496            self.del_object(obj['name'])
497        ret = self.httpclient.request('DELETE', self.base_path)
498        if ret.status_code < 200 or ret.status_code > 300:
499            raise SwiftException('DELETE request failed with error code %s'
500                                 % ret.status_code)
503class SwiftPackReader(object):
504    """A SwiftPackReader that mimic read and sync method
506    The reader allows to read a specified amount of bytes from
507    a given offset of a Swift object. A read offset is kept internaly.
508    The reader will read from Swift a specified amount of data to complete
509    its internal buffer. chunk_length specifiy the amount of data
510    to read from Swift.
511    """
513    def __init__(self, scon, filename, pack_length):
514        """Initialize a SwiftPackReader
516        Args:
517          scon: a `SwiftConnector` instance
518          filename: the pack filename
519          pack_length: The size of the pack object
520        """
521        self.scon = scon
522        self.filename = filename
523        self.pack_length = pack_length
524        self.offset = 0
525        self.base_offset = 0
526        self.buff = b''
527        self.buff_length = self.scon.chunk_length
529    def _read(self, more=False):
530        if more:
531            self.buff_length = self.buff_length * 2
532        offset = self.base_offset
533        r = min(self.base_offset + self.buff_length, self.pack_length)
534        ret = self.scon.get_object(self.filename, range="%s-%s" % (offset, r))
535        self.buff = ret
537    def read(self, length):
538        """Read a specified amount of Bytes form the pack object
540        Args:
541          length: amount of bytes to read
542        Returns:
543          a bytestring
544        """
545        end = self.offset+length
546        if self.base_offset + end > self.pack_length:
547            data = self.buff[self.offset:]
548            self.offset = end
549            return data
550        if end > len(self.buff):
551            # Need to read more from swift
552            self._read(more=True)
553            return self.read(length)
554        data = self.buff[self.offset:end]
555        self.offset = end
556        return data
558    def seek(self, offset):
559        """Seek to a specified offset
561        Args:
562          offset: the offset to seek to
563        """
564        self.base_offset = offset
565        self._read()
566        self.offset = 0
568    def read_checksum(self):
569        """Read the checksum from the pack
571        Returns: the checksum bytestring
572        """
573        return self.scon.get_object(self.filename, range="-20")
576class SwiftPackData(PackData):
577    """The data contained in a packfile.
579    We use the SwiftPackReader to read bytes from packs stored in Swift
580    using the Range header feature of Swift.
581    """
583    def __init__(self, scon, filename):
584        """ Initialize a SwiftPackReader
586        Args:
587          scon: a `SwiftConnector` instance
588          filename: the pack filename
589        """
590        self.scon = scon
591        self._filename = filename
592        self._header_size = 12
593        headers = self.scon.get_object_stat(self._filename)
594        self.pack_length = int(headers['content-length'])
595        pack_reader = SwiftPackReader(self.scon, self._filename,
596                                      self.pack_length)
597        (version, self._num_objects) = read_pack_header(pack_reader.read)
598        self._offset_cache = LRUSizeCache(1024*1024*self.scon.cache_length,
599                                          compute_size=_compute_object_size)
600        self.pack = None
602    def get_object_at(self, offset):
603        if offset in self._offset_cache:
604            return self._offset_cache[offset]
605        assert offset >= self._header_size
606        pack_reader = SwiftPackReader(self.scon, self._filename,
607                                      self.pack_length)
608        pack_reader.seek(offset)
609        unpacked, _ = unpack_object(pack_reader.read)
610        return (unpacked.pack_type_num, unpacked._obj())
612    def get_stored_checksum(self):
613        pack_reader = SwiftPackReader(self.scon, self._filename,
614                                      self.pack_length)
615        return pack_reader.read_checksum()
617    def close(self):
618        pass
621class SwiftPack(Pack):
622    """A Git pack object.
624    Same implementation as pack.Pack except that _idx_load and
625    _data_load are bounded to Swift version of load_pack_index and
626    PackData.
627    """
629    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
630        self.scon = kwargs['scon']
631        del kwargs['scon']
632        super(SwiftPack, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
633        self._pack_info_path = self._basename + '.info'
634        self._pack_info = None
635        self._pack_info_load = lambda: load_pack_info(self._pack_info_path,
636                                                      self.scon)
637        self._idx_load = lambda: swift_load_pack_index(self.scon,
638                                                       self._idx_path)
639        self._data_load = lambda: SwiftPackData(self.scon, self._data_path)
641    @property
642    def pack_info(self):
643        """The pack data object being used."""
644        if self._pack_info is None:
645            self._pack_info = self._pack_info_load()
646        return self._pack_info
649class SwiftObjectStore(PackBasedObjectStore):
650    """A Swift Object Store
652    Allow to manage a bare Git repository from Openstack Swift.
653    This object store only supports pack files and not loose objects.
654    """
655    def __init__(self, scon):
656        """Open a Swift object store.
658        Args:
659          scon: A `SwiftConnector` instance
660        """
661        super(SwiftObjectStore, self).__init__()
662        self.scon = scon
663        self.root = self.scon.root
664        self.pack_dir = posixpath.join(OBJECTDIR, PACKDIR)
665        self._alternates = None
667    def _update_pack_cache(self):
668        objects = self.scon.get_container_objects()
669        pack_files = [o['name'].replace(".pack", "")
670                      for o in objects if o['name'].endswith(".pack")]
671        ret = []
672        for basename in pack_files:
673            pack = SwiftPack(basename, scon=self.scon)
674            self._pack_cache[basename] = pack
675            ret.append(pack)
676        return ret
678    def _iter_loose_objects(self):
679        """Loose objects are not supported by this repository
680        """
681        return []
683    def iter_shas(self, finder):
684        """An iterator over pack's ObjectStore.
686        Returns: a `ObjectStoreIterator` or `GreenThreadsObjectStoreIterator`
687                 instance if gevent is enabled
688        """
689        shas = iter(finder.next, None)
690        return PackInfoObjectStoreIterator(
691            self, shas, finder, self.scon.concurrency)
693    def find_missing_objects(self, *args, **kwargs):
694        kwargs['concurrency'] = self.scon.concurrency
695        return PackInfoMissingObjectFinder(self, *args, **kwargs)
697    def pack_info_get(self, sha):
698        for pack in self.packs:
699            if sha in pack:
700                return pack.pack_info[sha]
702    def _collect_ancestors(self, heads, common=set()):
703        def _find_parents(commit):
704            for pack in self.packs:
705                if commit in pack:
706                    try:
707                        parents = pack.pack_info[commit][1]
708                    except KeyError:
709                        # Seems to have no parents
710                        return []
711                    return parents
713        bases = set()
714        commits = set()
715        queue = []
716        queue.extend(heads)
717        while queue:
718            e = queue.pop(0)
719            if e in common:
720                bases.add(e)
721            elif e not in commits:
722                commits.add(e)
723                parents = _find_parents(e)
724                queue.extend(parents)
725        return (commits, bases)
727    def add_pack(self):
728        """Add a new pack to this object store.
730        Returns: Fileobject to write to and a commit function to
731            call when the pack is finished.
732        """
733        f = BytesIO()
735        def commit():
736            f.seek(0)
737            pack = PackData(file=f, filename="")
738            entries = pack.sorted_entries()
739            if len(entries):
740                basename = posixpath.join(self.pack_dir,
741                                          "pack-%s" %
742                                          iter_sha1(entry[0] for
743                                                    entry in entries))
744                index = BytesIO()
745                write_pack_index_v2(index, entries, pack.get_stored_checksum())
746                self.scon.put_object(basename + ".pack", f)
747                f.close()
748                self.scon.put_object(basename + ".idx", index)
749                index.close()
750                final_pack = SwiftPack(basename, scon=self.scon)
751                final_pack.check_length_and_checksum()
752                self._add_cached_pack(basename, final_pack)
753                return final_pack
754            else:
755                return None
757        def abort():
758            pass
759        return f, commit, abort
761    def add_object(self, obj):
762        self.add_objects([(obj, None), ])
764    def _pack_cache_stale(self):
765        return False
767    def _get_loose_object(self, sha):
768        return None
770    def add_thin_pack(self, read_all, read_some):
771        """Read a thin pack
773        Read it from a stream and complete it in a temporary file.
774        Then the pack and the corresponding index file are uploaded to Swift.
775        """
776        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='tmp_pack_')
777        f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w+b')
778        try:
779            indexer = PackIndexer(f, resolve_ext_ref=self.get_raw)
780            copier = PackStreamCopier(read_all, read_some, f,
781                                      delta_iter=indexer)
782            copier.verify()
783            return self._complete_thin_pack(f, path, copier, indexer)
784        finally:
785            f.close()
786            os.unlink(path)
788    def _complete_thin_pack(self, f, path, copier, indexer):
789        entries = list(indexer)
791        # Update the header with the new number of objects.
792        f.seek(0)
793        write_pack_header(f, len(entries) + len(indexer.ext_refs()))
795        # Must flush before reading (http://bugs.python.org/issue3207)
796        f.flush()
798        # Rescan the rest of the pack, computing the SHA with the new header.
799        new_sha = compute_file_sha(f, end_ofs=-20)
801        # Must reposition before writing (http://bugs.python.org/issue3207)
802        f.seek(0, os.SEEK_CUR)
804        # Complete the pack.
805        for ext_sha in indexer.ext_refs():
806            assert len(ext_sha) == 20
807            type_num, data = self.get_raw(ext_sha)
808            offset = f.tell()
809            crc32 = write_pack_object(f, type_num, data, sha=new_sha)
810            entries.append((ext_sha, offset, crc32))
811        pack_sha = new_sha.digest()
812        f.write(pack_sha)
813        f.flush()
815        # Move the pack in.
816        entries.sort()
817        pack_base_name = posixpath.join(
818            self.pack_dir,
819            'pack-' + iter_sha1(e[0] for e in entries).decode(
820                sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
821        self.scon.put_object(pack_base_name + '.pack', f)
823        # Write the index.
824        filename = pack_base_name + '.idx'
825        index_file = BytesIO()
826        write_pack_index_v2(index_file, entries, pack_sha)
827        self.scon.put_object(filename, index_file)
829        # Write pack info.
830        f.seek(0)
831        pack_data = PackData(filename="", file=f)
832        index_file.seek(0)
833        pack_index = load_pack_index_file('', index_file)
834        serialized_pack_info = pack_info_create(pack_data, pack_index)
835        f.close()
836        index_file.close()
837        pack_info_file = BytesIO(serialized_pack_info)
838        filename = pack_base_name + '.info'
839        self.scon.put_object(filename, pack_info_file)
840        pack_info_file.close()
842        # Add the pack to the store and return it.
843        final_pack = SwiftPack(pack_base_name, scon=self.scon)
844        final_pack.check_length_and_checksum()
845        self._add_cached_pack(pack_base_name, final_pack)
846        return final_pack
849class SwiftInfoRefsContainer(InfoRefsContainer):
850    """Manage references in info/refs object.
851    """
853    def __init__(self, scon, store):
854        self.scon = scon
855        self.filename = 'info/refs'
856        self.store = store
857        f = self.scon.get_object(self.filename)
858        if not f:
859            f = BytesIO(b'')
860        super(SwiftInfoRefsContainer, self).__init__(f)
862    def _load_check_ref(self, name, old_ref):
863        self._check_refname(name)
864        f = self.scon.get_object(self.filename)
865        if not f:
866            return {}
867        refs = read_info_refs(f)
868        if old_ref is not None:
869            if refs[name] != old_ref:
870                return False
871        return refs
873    def _write_refs(self, refs):
874        f = BytesIO()
875        f.writelines(write_info_refs(refs, self.store))
876        self.scon.put_object(self.filename, f)
878    def set_if_equals(self, name, old_ref, new_ref):
879        """Set a refname to new_ref only if it currently equals old_ref.
880        """
881        if name == 'HEAD':
882            return True
883        refs = self._load_check_ref(name, old_ref)
884        if not isinstance(refs, dict):
885            return False
886        refs[name] = new_ref
887        self._write_refs(refs)
888        self._refs[name] = new_ref
889        return True
891    def remove_if_equals(self, name, old_ref):
892        """Remove a refname only if it currently equals old_ref.
893        """
894        if name == 'HEAD':
895            return True
896        refs = self._load_check_ref(name, old_ref)
897        if not isinstance(refs, dict):
898            return False
899        del refs[name]
900        self._write_refs(refs)
901        del self._refs[name]
902        return True
904    def allkeys(self):
905        try:
906            self._refs['HEAD'] = self._refs['refs/heads/master']
907        except KeyError:
908            pass
909        return self._refs.keys()
912class SwiftRepo(BaseRepo):
914    def __init__(self, root, conf):
915        """Init a Git bare Repository on top of a Swift container.
917        References are managed in info/refs objects by
918        `SwiftInfoRefsContainer`. The root attribute is the Swift
919        container that contain the Git bare repository.
921        Args:
922          root: The container which contains the bare repo
923          conf: A ConfigParser object
924        """
925        self.root = root.lstrip('/')
926        self.conf = conf
927        self.scon = SwiftConnector(self.root, self.conf)
928        objects = self.scon.get_container_objects()
929        if not objects:
930            raise Exception('There is not any GIT repo here : %s' % self.root)
931        objects = [o['name'].split('/')[0] for o in objects]
932        if OBJECTDIR not in objects:
933            raise Exception('This repository (%s) is not bare.' % self.root)
934        self.bare = True
935        self._controldir = self.root
936        object_store = SwiftObjectStore(self.scon)
937        refs = SwiftInfoRefsContainer(self.scon, object_store)
938        BaseRepo.__init__(self, object_store, refs)
940    def _determine_file_mode(self):
941        """Probe the file-system to determine whether permissions can be trusted.
943        Returns: True if permissions can be trusted, False otherwise.
944        """
945        return False
947    def _put_named_file(self, filename, contents):
948        """Put an object in a Swift container
950        Args:
951          filename: the path to the object to put on Swift
952          contents: the content as bytestring
953        """
954        with BytesIO() as f:
955            f.write(contents)
956            self.scon.put_object(filename, f)
958    @classmethod
959    def init_bare(cls, scon, conf):
960        """Create a new bare repository.
962        Args:
963          scon: a `SwiftConnector` instance
964          conf: a ConfigParser object
965        Returns:
966          a `SwiftRepo` instance
967        """
968        scon.create_root()
969        for obj in [posixpath.join(OBJECTDIR, PACKDIR),
970                    posixpath.join(INFODIR, 'refs')]:
971            scon.put_object(obj, BytesIO(b''))
972        ret = cls(scon.root, conf)
973        ret._init_files(True)
974        return ret
977class SwiftSystemBackend(Backend):
979    def __init__(self, logger, conf):
980        self.conf = conf
981        self.logger = logger
983    def open_repository(self, path):
984        self.logger.info('opening repository at %s', path)
985        return SwiftRepo(path, self.conf)
988def cmd_daemon(args):
989    """Entry point for starting a TCP git server."""
990    import optparse
991    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
992    parser.add_option("-l", "--listen_address", dest="listen_address",
993                      default="",
994                      help="Binding IP address.")
995    parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port", type=int,
996                      default=TCP_GIT_PORT,
997                      help="Binding TCP port.")
998    parser.add_option("-c", "--swift_config", dest="swift_config",
999                      default="",
1000                      help="Path to the configuration file for Swift backend.")
1001    options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
1003    try:
1004        import gevent
1005        import geventhttpclient  # noqa: F401
1006    except ImportError:
1007        print("gevent and geventhttpclient libraries are mandatory "
1008              " for use the Swift backend.")
1009        sys.exit(1)
1010    import gevent.monkey
1011    gevent.monkey.patch_socket()
1012    from dulwich import log_utils
1013    logger = log_utils.getLogger(__name__)
1014    conf = load_conf(options.swift_config)
1015    backend = SwiftSystemBackend(logger, conf)
1017    log_utils.default_logging_config()
1018    server = TCPGitServer(backend, options.listen_address,
1019                          port=options.port)
1020    server.serve_forever()
1023def cmd_init(args):
1024    import optparse
1025    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
1026    parser.add_option("-c", "--swift_config", dest="swift_config",
1027                      default="",
1028                      help="Path to the configuration file for Swift backend.")
1029    options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
1031    conf = load_conf(options.swift_config)
1032    if args == []:
1033        parser.error("missing repository name")
1034    repo = args[0]
1035    scon = SwiftConnector(repo, conf)
1036    SwiftRepo.init_bare(scon, conf)
1039def main(argv=sys.argv):
1040    commands = {
1041        "init": cmd_init,
1042        "daemon": cmd_daemon,
1043    }
1045    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
1046        print("Usage: %s <%s> [OPTIONS...]" % (
1047                sys.argv[0], "|".join(commands.keys())))
1048        sys.exit(1)
1050    cmd = sys.argv[1]
1051    if cmd not in commands:
1052        print("No such subcommand: %s" % cmd)
1053        sys.exit(1)
1054    commands[cmd](sys.argv[2:])
1057if __name__ == '__main__':
1058    main()