2 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17include "includes.thrift"
18cpp_include "<folly/small_vector.h>"
20namespace cpp2 some.valid.ns
22typedef includes.AStruct AStruct
24typedef binary (
25  cpp.type = "::folly::IOBuf",
26  cpp.adapter = "CustomProtocolAdapter",
27) CustomProtocolType
29// Generate base consts
30const bool aBool = true;
31const byte aByte = 1;
32const i16 a16BitInt = 12;
33const i32 a32BitInt = 123;
34const i64 a64BitInt = 1234;
35const float aFloat = 0.1;
36const double aDouble = 0.12;
37const string aString = "Joe Doe";
38const list<bool> aList = [true, false];
39const map<string, i32> anEmptyMap = {};
40const map<i32, string> aMap = {1: "foo", 2: "bar"};
41const set<string> aSet = ["foo", "bar"];
42const list<list<i32>> aListOfLists = [[1, 3, 5, 7, 9], [2, 4, 8, 10, 12]];
43const list<map<string, i32>> states = [
44  {"San Diego": 3211000, "Sacramento": 479600, "SF": 837400},
45  {"New York": 8406000, "Albany": 98400},
48enum MyEnumA {
49  fieldA = 1,
50  fieldB = 2,
51  fieldC = 4,
54const list<MyEnumA> AConstList = [1, 2, 3];
56const i32 AnIntegerEnum2 = MyEnumA.fieldB;
58const list<i32> AnIntegerEnum2 = [MyEnumA.fieldB, MyEnumA.fieldA];
60enum AnnotatedEnum {
61  FIELDA = 2,
62  FIELDB = 4,
63  FIELDC = 9,
64} (cpp2.declare_bitwise_ops, cpp.enum_type = "std::uint32_t")
66enum AnnotatedEnum2 {
67  FIELDA = 2,
68  FIELDB = 4,
69  FIELDC = 9,
70} (cpp2.enum_type = "short", cpp.declare_bitwise_ops)
72const MyEnumA constEnumA = MyEnumA.fieldB;
74const MyEnumA constEnumB = 3;
76struct Empty {}
78struct ASimpleStruct {
79  1: i64 boolField;
80} (no_default_comparators)
82struct ASimpleStructNoexcept {
83  1: i64 boolField;
86struct MyStruct {
87  1: bool MyBoolField;
88  2: i64 MyIntField = 12;
89  3: string MyStringField = "test";
90  4: string MyStringField2;
91  5: binary MyBinaryField;
92  6: optional binary MyBinaryField2;
93  7: required binary MyBinaryField3;
94  8: list<binary> MyBinaryListField4;
95  9: map<MyEnumA, string> MyMapEnumAndInt = {
96    1: "fieldA",
97    4: "fieldC",
98    9: "nothing",
99  };
100  10: CustomProtocolType MyCustomField;
101  11: optional CustomProtocolType MyOptCustomField;
104union SimpleUnion {
105  7: i64 intValue;
106  2: string stringValue;
107} (cpp.virtual)
109typedef i32 simpleTypeDef
110typedef map<i16, string> containerTypeDef
111typedef list<map<i16, string>> complexContainerTypeDef
112typedef set<SimpleUnion> unionTypeDef
113typedef list<MyStruct> structTypeDef
114typedef list<map<Empty, MyStruct>> complexStructTypeDef
115typedef list<complexStructTypeDef> mostComplexTypeDef
117union ComplexUnion {
118  1: i64 intValue;
119  201: i64 opt_intValue;
120  3: string stringValue;
121  203: string opt_stringValue;
122  4: i16 intValue2;
123  6: i32 intValue3;
124  7: double doubelValue;
125  8: bool boolValue;
126  9: list<i32> union_list;
127  10: set<i64> union_set;
128  11: map<string, i32> union_map;
129  211: map<string, i32> opt_union_map;
130  12: MyEnumA enum_field;
131  13: list<MyEnumA> enum_container;
132  14: MyStruct a_struct;
133  15: set<MyStruct> a_set_struct;
134  16: SimpleUnion a_union;
135  216: SimpleUnion opt_a_union;
136  17: list<SimpleUnion> a_union_list;
137  18: unionTypeDef a_union_typedef;
138  19: list<unionTypeDef> a_union_typedef_list;
139  20: binary MyBinaryField;
140  21: binary MyBinaryField2;
141  23: list<binary> MyBinaryListField4;
142  24: MyStruct ref_field (cpp.ref);
143  25: MyStruct ref_field2 (cpp.ref_type = "shared_const");
144  26: AnException excp_field;
145  27: CustomProtocolType MyCustomField;
146} (cpp.methods = "void foo(const std::string& bar) {}")
148exception AnException {
149  1: i32 code;
150  101: required i32 req_code;
151  2: string message2;
152  102: required string req_message;
153  3: list<i32> exception_list = [1, 2, 3];
154  4: set<i64> exception_set;
155  5: map<string, i32> exception_map;
156  105: required map<string, i32> req_exception_map;
157  6: MyEnumA enum_field;
158  7: list<MyEnumA> enum_container;
159  8: MyStruct a_struct;
160  9: set<MyStruct> a_set_struct;
161  10: list<SimpleUnion> a_union_list;
162  11: unionTypeDef union_typedef;
163  19: list<unionTypeDef> a_union_typedef_list;
164  20: CustomProtocolType MyCustomField;
165  21: optional CustomProtocolType MyOptCustomField;
166} (message = "message2")
168exception AnotherException {
169  1: i32 code;
170  101: required i32 req_code;
171  2: string message;
172} (cpp.virtual)
174typedef i64 (cpp.type = "Foo", cpp.indirection) IndirectionA
175typedef i32 (cpp.type = "Baz", cpp.indirection) IndirectionC
176typedef double (cpp.type = "Bar", cpp.indirection) IndirectionB
177typedef string (cpp.type = "FooBar", cpp.indirection) IndirectionD
178typedef map<MyEnumA, string> (
179  cpp.declare_hash,
180  cpp.declare_equal_to,
181) HashedTypedef
183struct containerStruct {
184  1: bool fieldA;
185  101: required bool req_fieldA;
186  201: optional bool opt_fieldA;
187  2: map<string, bool> fieldB;
188  102: required map<string, bool> req_fieldB;
189  202: optional map<string, bool> opt_fieldB;
190  3: set<i32> fieldC = [1, 2, 3, 4];
191  103: required set<i32> req_fieldC = [1, 2, 3, 4];
192  203: optional set<i32> opt_fieldC = [1, 2, 3, 4];
193  4: string fieldD;
194  5: string fieldE = "somestring";
195  105: required string req_fieldE = "somestring";
196  205: optional string opt_fieldE = "somestring";
197  6: list<list<i32>> fieldF = aListOfLists;
198  7: map<string, map<string, map<string, i32>>> fieldG;
199  8: list<set<i32>> fieldH;
200  9: bool fieldI = true;
201  10: map<string, list<i32>> fieldJ = {
202    "subfieldA": [1, 4, 8, 12],
203    "subfieldB": [2, 5, 9, 13],
204  };
205  11: list<list<list<list<i32>>>> fieldK;
206  12: set<set<set<bool>>> fieldL;
207  13: map<set<list<i32>>, map<list<set<string>>, string>> fieldM;
208  14: simpleTypeDef fieldN;
209  15: complexStructTypeDef fieldO;
210  16: list<mostComplexTypeDef> fieldP;
211  17: MyEnumA fieldQ;
212  18: MyEnumA fieldR = MyEnumA.fieldB;
213  118: required MyEnumA req_fieldR = MyEnumA.fieldB;
214  218: optional MyEnumA opt_fieldR = MyEnumA.fieldB;
215  19: MyEnumA fieldS = constEnumA;
216  21: list<MyEnumA> fieldT;
217  22: list<MyEnumA> fieldU = [MyEnumA.fieldC, MyEnumA.fieldB, MyEnumA.fieldA];
218  23: MyStruct fieldV;
219  123: required MyStruct req_fieldV;
220  223: optional MyStruct opt_fieldV;
221  24: set<MyStruct> fieldW;
222  25: ComplexUnion fieldX;
223  125: required ComplexUnion req_fieldX;
224  225: optional ComplexUnion opt_fieldX;
225  26: list<ComplexUnion> fieldY;
226  27: unionTypeDef fieldZ;
227  28: list<unionTypeDef> fieldAA;
228  29: map<IndirectionB, IndirectionC> fieldAB;
229  30: MyEnumB fieldAC;
230  31: includes.AnEnum fieldAD;
231  32: map<string, i32> fieldAE = {};
232  33: IndirectionD fieldSD;
233} (cpp.noncopyable, cpp.methods = "void foo(const std::string& bar) {}")
235enum MyEnumB {
236  AField = 0,
239struct MyIncludedStruct {
240  1: includes.IncludedInt64 MyIncludedInt = includes.IncludedConstant;
241  2: AStruct MyIncludedStruct;
242  3: AStruct ARefField (cpp.ref = "true");
243  4: required AStruct ARequiredField;
244} (cpp2.declare_hash = 1, cpp2.declare_equal_to)
246typedef i32 (cpp.type = "CppFakeI32") CppFakeI32
247typedef list<i64> (
248  cpp.type = "folly::small_vector<int64_t, 8 /* maxInline */>",
249) FollySmallVectorI64
250typedef set<string> (
251  cpp.type = "folly::sorted_vector_set<std::string>",
252) SortedVectorSetString
253typedef map<i64, double> (cpp.type = "FakeMap") FakeMap
254typedef map<string, containerStruct> (
255  cpp.type = "std::unordered_map<std::string, containerStruct>",
256) UnorderedMapStruct
257typedef list<i32> (cpp.template = "std::list") std_list
258typedef list<string> (cpp2.template = "std::deque") std_deque
259typedef set<string> (cpp.template = "folly::sorted_vector_set") folly_set
260typedef map<i64, string> (cpp2.template = "folly::sorted_vector_map") folly_map
262struct AnnotatedStruct {
263  1: containerStruct no_annotation;
264  2: containerStruct cpp_unique_ref (cpp.ref);
265  3: containerStruct cpp2_unique_ref (cpp2.ref);
266  4: map<i32, list<string>> container_with_ref (cpp2.ref);
267  5: required containerStruct req_cpp_unique_ref (cpp.ref);
268  6: required containerStruct req_cpp2_unique_ref (cpp2.ref);
269  7: required list<string> req_container_with_ref (cpp2.ref);
270  8: optional containerStruct opt_cpp_unique_ref (cpp.ref);
271  9: optional containerStruct opt_cpp2_unique_ref (cpp2.ref);
272  10: optional set<i32> opt_container_with_ref (cpp2.ref);
273  11: containerStruct ref_type_unique (cpp.ref_type = "unique");
274  12: containerStruct ref_type_shared (cpp2.ref_type = "shared");
275  13: map<i32, list<string>> ref_type_const (cpp2.ref_type = "shared_const");
276  14: required containerStruct req_ref_type_shared (cpp.ref_type = "shared");
277  15: required containerStruct req_ref_type_const (
278    cpp2.ref_type = "shared_const",
279  );
280  16: required list<string> req_ref_type_unique (cpp2.ref_type = "unique");
281  17: optional containerStruct opt_ref_type_const (
282    cpp.ref_type = "shared_const",
283  );
284  18: optional containerStruct opt_ref_type_unique (cpp2.ref_type = "unique");
285  19: optional set<i32> opt_ref_type_shared (cpp2.ref_type = "shared");
286  20: CppFakeI32 base_type;
287  21: FollySmallVectorI64 list_type;
288  22: SortedVectorSetString set_type;
289  23: FakeMap map_type;
290  24: UnorderedMapStruct map_struct_type;
291  25: IOBuf iobuf_type;
292  26: IOBufPtr iobuf_ptr;
293  27: list<i32> (cpp.template = "std::list") list_i32_template;
294  28: list<string> (cpp2.template = "std::deque") list_string_template;
295  29: set<string> (cpp.template = "folly::sorted_vector_set") set_template;
296  30: map<i64, string> (
297    cpp2.template = "folly::sorted_vector_map",
298  ) map_template;
299  31: std_list typedef_list_template;
300  32: std_deque typedef_deque_template;
301  33: folly_set typedef_set_template;
302  34: folly_map typedef_map_template;
303  35: IndirectionA indirection_a;
304  36: list<IndirectionB> indirection_b;
305  37: set<IndirectionC> indirection_c;
306  38: IOBuf iobuf_type_val = "value";
307  39: IOBufPtr iobuf_ptr_val = "value2";
308  40: containerStruct struct_struct = {
309    "fieldD": "some string",
310    "fieldI": false,
311  };
312} (
313  cpp.virtual,
314  cpp.noncopyable,
315  cpp.declare_hash,
316  cpp.declare_equal_to = 1,
317  cpp2.methods = "void foo(const std::string& bar) {}",
320struct ComplexContainerStruct {
321  1: map<string, IOBuf> map_of_iobufs;
322  2: map<string, IOBufPtr> map_of_iobuf_ptrs;
325service EmptyService {
328service ReturnService {
329  void noReturn() (thread = "eb");
330  bool boolReturn();
331  i16 i16Return();
332  i32 i32Return();
333  i64 i64Return();
334  float floatReturn();
335  double doubleReturn();
336  string stringReturn() (thread = "eb");
337  binary binaryReturn();
338  map<string, i64> mapReturn();
339  simpleTypeDef simpleTypedefReturn();
340  complexStructTypeDef complexTypedefReturn();
341  list<mostComplexTypeDef> list_mostComplexTypedefReturn();
342  MyEnumA enumReturn() (thread = "eb");
343  list<MyEnumA> list_EnumReturn() (thread = "eb");
344  MyStruct structReturn();
345  set<MyStruct> set_StructReturn();
346  ComplexUnion unionReturn() (thread = "eb");
347  list<ComplexUnion> list_UnionReturn();
348  IOBuf readDataEb(1: i64 size) (thread = "eb");
349  IOBufPtr readData(1: i64 size);
352service ParamService {
353  void void_ret_i16_param(1: i16 param1) (thread = "eb");
354  void void_ret_byte_i16_param(1: byte param1, 2: i16 param2);
355  void void_ret_map_param(1: map<string, i64> param1);
356  void void_ret_map_setlist_param(
357    1: map<string, i64> param1,
358    3: set<list<string>> param2,
359  );
360  void void_ret_map_typedef_param(1: simpleTypeDef param1);
361  void void_ret_enum_param(1: MyEnumA param1);
362  void void_ret_struct_param(1: MyStruct param1);
363  void void_ret_listunion_param(1: list<ComplexUnion> param1);
364  bool bool_ret_i32_i64_param(1: i32 param1, 3: i64 param2);
365  bool bool_ret_map_param(1: map<string, i64> param1);
366  bool bool_ret_union_param(1: ComplexUnion param1);
367  i64 i64_ret_float_double_param(1: float param1, 3: double param2);
368  i64 i64_ret_string_typedef_param(
369    1: string param1,
370    3: set<mostComplexTypeDef> param2,
371  );
372  i64 i64_ret_i32_i32_i32_i32_i32_param(
373    1: i32 param1,
374    2: i32 param2,
375    3: i32 param3,
376    4: i32 param4,
377    5: i32 param5,
378  ) (thread = "eb");
379  double double_ret_setstruct_param(4: set<MyStruct> param1);
380  string string_ret_string_param(1: string param1);
381  binary binary_ret_binary_param(1: binary param1);
382  map<string, i64> map_ret_bool_param(1: bool param1);
383  list<bool> list_ret_map_setlist_param(
384    1: map<i32, list<string>> param1,
385    2: list<string> param2,
386  );
387  map<
388    set<list<i32>>,
389    map<list<set<string>>, string>
390  > mapsetlistmapliststring_ret_listlistlist_param(
391    1: list<list<list<list<i32>>>> param1,
392  );
393  simpleTypeDef typedef_ret_i32_param(1: i32 param1);
394  list<simpleTypeDef> listtypedef_ret_typedef_param(
395    1: complexStructTypeDef param1,
396  ) (thread = "eb");
397  MyEnumA enum_ret_double_param(3: double param1);
398  MyEnumA enum_ret_double_enum_param(3: double param1, 5: MyEnumA param2);
399  list<MyEnumA> listenum_ret_map_param(1: map<string, i64> param1);
400  MyStruct struct_ret_i16_param(1: i16 param1) (thread = "eb");
401  set<MyStruct> setstruct_ret_set_param(8: set<string> param1);
402  ComplexUnion union_ret_i32_i32_param(4: i32 param1, 2: i32 param2);
403  list<ComplexUnion> listunion_string_param(1: string param1);
406typedef binary (cpp2.type = "folly::IOBuf") IOBuf
407typedef binary (cpp2.type = "std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf>") IOBufPtr
409struct FloatStruct {
410  1: float floatField;
411  2: double doubleField;
414union FloatUnion {
415  1: float floatSide;
416  2: double doubleSide;
419struct AllRequiredNoExceptMoveCtrStruct {
420  1: required i64 intField;