1 /*
2 ** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp
3 **
4 ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
6 ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
8 ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
10 ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
11 **
12 ** Author contact information:
13 **   drh@hwaci.com
14 **   http://www.hwaci.com/drh/
15 **
16 *******************************************************************************
17 **
18 ** Code to generate the ticket listings
19 */
20 #include "config.h"
21 #include <time.h>
22 #include "report.h"
23 #include <assert.h>
25 /* Forward references to static routines */
26 static void report_format_hints(void);
29 #  define SQLITE_RECURSIVE            33
30 #endif
32 /* Settings that can be used to control ticket reports */
33 /*
34 ** SETTING: ticket-default-report   width=80
35 ** If this setting has a string value, then when the ticket
36 ** search page query is blank, the report with this title is shown.
37 ** If the setting is blank (default), then no report is shown.
38 */
40 /*
41 ** WEBPAGE: reportlist
42 **
43 ** Main menu for Tickets.
44 */
view_list(void)45 void view_list(void){
46   const char *zScript;
47   Blob ril;   /* Report Item List */
48   Stmt q;
49   int rn = 0;
50   int cnt = 0;
51   char *defaultReport = db_get("ticket-default-report", 0);
53   login_check_credentials();
54   if( !g.perm.RdTkt && !g.perm.NewTkt ){
55     login_needed(g.anon.RdTkt || g.anon.NewTkt);
56     return;
57   }
58   style_header("Ticket Main Menu");
59   ticket_standard_submenu(T_ALL_BUT(T_REPLIST));
60   if( g.thTrace ) Th_Trace("BEGIN_REPORTLIST<br />\n", -1);
61   zScript = ticket_reportlist_code();
62   if( g.thTrace ) Th_Trace("BEGIN_REPORTLIST_SCRIPT<br />\n", -1);
64   blob_zero(&ril);
65   ticket_init();
67   db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rn, title, owner FROM reportfmt ORDER BY title");
68   while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
69     const char *zTitle = db_column_text(&q, 1);
70     const char *zOwner = db_column_text(&q, 2);
71     if( zTitle[0] =='_' && !g.perm.TktFmt ){
72       continue;
73     }
74     rn = db_column_int(&q, 0);
75     cnt++;
76     blob_appendf(&ril, "<li>");
77     if( zTitle[0] == '_' ){
78       blob_appendf(&ril, "%s", zTitle);
79     } else {
80       blob_appendf(&ril, "%z%h</a>", href("%R/rptview?rn=%d", rn), zTitle);
81     }
82     blob_appendf(&ril, "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
83     if( g.perm.Write && zOwner && zOwner[0] ){
84       blob_appendf(&ril, "(by <i>%h</i>) ", zOwner);
85     }
86     if( g.perm.TktFmt ){
87       blob_appendf(&ril, "[%zcopy</a>] ",
88                    href("%R/rptedit?rn=%d&copy=1", rn));
89     }
90     if( g.perm.Admin
91      || (g.perm.WrTkt && zOwner && fossil_strcmp(g.zLogin,zOwner)==0)
92     ){
93       blob_appendf(&ril, "[%zedit</a>]",
94                          href("%R/rptedit?rn=%d", rn));
95     }
96     if( g.perm.TktFmt ){
97       blob_appendf(&ril, "[%zsql</a>]",
98                          href("%R/rptsql?rn=%d", rn));
99     }
100     if( fossil_strcmp(zTitle, defaultReport)==0 ){
101       blob_appendf(&ril, "&nbsp;← default");
102     }
103     blob_appendf(&ril, "</li>\n");
104   }
105   db_finalize(&q);
107   Th_Store("report_items", blob_str(&ril));
109   Th_Render(zScript);
111   blob_reset(&ril);
112   if( g.thTrace ) Th_Trace("END_REPORTLIST<br />\n", -1);
114   style_finish_page();
115 }
117 /*
118 ** Remove whitespace from both ends of a string.
119 */
trim_string(const char * zOrig)120 char *trim_string(const char *zOrig){
121   int i;
122   while( fossil_isspace(*zOrig) ){ zOrig++; }
123   i = strlen(zOrig);
124   while( i>0 && fossil_isspace(zOrig[i-1]) ){ i--; }
125   return mprintf("%.*s", i, zOrig);
126 }
128 /*
129 ** Extract a numeric (integer) value from a string.
130 */
extract_integer(const char * zOrig)131 char *extract_integer(const char *zOrig){
132   if( zOrig == NULL || zOrig[0] == 0 ) return "";
133   while( *zOrig && !fossil_isdigit(*zOrig) ){ zOrig++; }
134   if( *zOrig ){
135     /* we have a digit. atoi() will get as much of the number as it
136     ** can. We'll run it through mprintf() to get a string. Not
137     ** an efficient way to do it, but effective.
138     */
139     return mprintf("%d", atoi(zOrig));
140   }
141   return "";
142 }
144 /*
145 ** Remove blank lines from the beginning of a string and
146 ** all whitespace from the end. Removes whitespace preceding a LF,
147 ** which also converts any CRLF sequence into a single LF.
148 */
remove_blank_lines(const char * zOrig)149 char *remove_blank_lines(const char *zOrig){
150   int i, j, n;
151   char *z;
152   for(i=j=0; fossil_isspace(zOrig[i]); i++){ if( zOrig[i]=='\n' ) j = i+1; }
153   n = strlen(&zOrig[j]);
154   while( n>0 && fossil_isspace(zOrig[j+n-1]) ){ n--; }
155   z = mprintf("%.*s", n, &zOrig[j]);
156   for(i=j=0; z[i]; i++){
157     if( z[i+1]=='\n' && z[i]!='\n' && fossil_isspace(z[i]) ){
158       z[j] = z[i];
159       while(fossil_isspace(z[j]) && z[j] != '\n' ){ j--; }
160       j++;
161       continue;
162     }
164     z[j++] = z[i];
165   }
166   z[j] = 0;
167   return z;
168 }
171 /*********************************************************************/
173 /*
174 ** This is the SQLite authorizer callback used to make sure that the
175 ** SQL statements entered by users do not try to do anything untoward.
176 ** If anything suspicious is tried, set *(char**)pError to an error
177 ** message obtained from malloc.
178 **
179 ** Use the "fossil test-db-prepare --auth-report SQL" command to perform
180 ** manual testing of this authorizer.
181 */
report_query_authorizer(void * pError,int code,const char * zArg1,const char * zArg2,const char * zArg3,const char * zArg4)182 static int report_query_authorizer(
183   void *pError,
184   int code,
185   const char *zArg1,
186   const char *zArg2,
187   const char *zArg3,
188   const char *zArg4
189 ){
190   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
191   if( *(char**)pError ){
192     /* We've already seen an error.  No need to continue. */
193     return SQLITE_DENY;
194   }
195   switch( code ){
196     case SQLITE_SELECT:
197     case SQLITE_RECURSIVE:
198     case SQLITE_FUNCTION: {
199       break;
200     }
201     case SQLITE_READ: {
202       static const char *const azAllowed[] = {
203          "backlink",
204          "blob",
205          "event",
206          "filename",
207          "json_each",
208          "json_tree",
209          "mlink",
210          "plink",
211          "tag",
212          "tagxref",
213          "ticket",
214          "ticketchng",
215          "unversioned",
216       };
217       int lwr = 0;
218       int upr = count(azAllowed) - 1;
219       int cmp = 0;
220       if( zArg1==0 ){
221         /* Some legacy versions of SQLite will sometimes send spurious
222         ** READ authorizations that have no table name.  These can be
223         ** ignored. */
224         rc = SQLITE_IGNORE;
225         break;
226       }
227       while( lwr<=upr ){
228         int i = (lwr+upr)/2;
229         cmp = fossil_stricmp(zArg1, azAllowed[i]);
230         if( cmp<0 ){
231           upr = i - 1;
232         }else if( cmp>0 ){
233           lwr = i + 1;
234         }else{
235           break;
236         }
237       }
238       if( cmp ){
239         /* Always ok to access tables whose names begin with "fx_" */
240         cmp = sqlite3_strnicmp(zArg1, "fx_", 3);
241       }
242       if( cmp ){
243         *(char**)pError = mprintf("access to table \"%s\" is restricted",zArg1);
244         rc = SQLITE_DENY;
245       }else if( !g.perm.RdAddr && sqlite3_strnicmp(zArg2, "private_", 8)==0 ){
246         rc = SQLITE_IGNORE;
247       }
248       break;
249     }
250     default: {
251       *(char**)pError = mprintf("only SELECT statements are allowed");
252       rc = SQLITE_DENY;
253       break;
254     }
255   }
256   return rc;
257 }
259 /*
260 ** Activate the ticket report query authorizer. Must be followed by an
261 ** eventual call to report_unrestrict_sql().
262 */
report_restrict_sql(char ** pzErr)263 void report_restrict_sql(char **pzErr){
264   db_set_authorizer(report_query_authorizer,(void*)pzErr,"Ticket-Report");
265   sqlite3_limit(g.db, SQLITE_LIMIT_VDBE_OP, 10000);
266 }
report_unrestrict_sql(void)267 void report_unrestrict_sql(void){
268   db_clear_authorizer();
269 }
272 /*
273 ** Check the given SQL to see if is a valid query that does not
274 ** attempt to do anything dangerous.  Return 0 on success and a
275 ** pointer to an error message string (obtained from malloc) if
276 ** there is a problem.
277 */
verify_sql_statement(char * zSql)278 char *verify_sql_statement(char *zSql){
279   int i;
280   char *zErr = 0;
281   const char *zTail;
282   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
283   int rc;
285   /* First make sure the SQL is a single query command by verifying that
286   ** the first token is "SELECT" or "WITH" and that there are no unquoted
287   ** semicolons.
288   */
289   for(i=0; fossil_isspace(zSql[i]); i++){}
290   if( fossil_strnicmp(&zSql[i], "select", 6)!=0
291       && fossil_strnicmp(&zSql[i], "with", 4)!=0 ){
292     return mprintf("The SQL must be a SELECT or WITH statement");
293   }
294   for(i=0; zSql[i]; i++){
295     if( zSql[i]==';' ){
296       int bad;
297       int c = zSql[i+1];
298       zSql[i+1] = 0;
299       bad = sqlite3_complete(zSql);
300       zSql[i+1] = c;
301       if( bad ){
302         /* A complete statement basically means that an unquoted semi-colon
303         ** was found. We don't actually check what's after that.
304         */
305         return mprintf("Semi-colon detected! "
306                        "Only a single SQL statement is allowed");
307       }
308     }
309   }
311   /* Compile the statement and check for illegal accesses or syntax errors. */
312   report_restrict_sql(&zErr);
313   rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g.db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, &zTail);
314   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
315     zErr = mprintf("Syntax error: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(g.db));
316   }
317   if( !sqlite3_stmt_readonly(pStmt) ){
318     zErr = mprintf("SQL must not modify the database");
319   }
320   if( pStmt ){
321     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
322   }
323   report_unrestrict_sql();
324   return zErr;
325 }
327 /*
328 ** WEBPAGE: rptsql
329 ** URL: /rptsql?rn=N
330 **
331 ** Display the SQL query used to generate a ticket report.  The rn=N
332 ** query parameter identifies the specific report number to be displayed.
333 */
view_see_sql(void)334 void view_see_sql(void){
335   int rn;
336   const char *zTitle;
337   const char *zSQL;
338   const char *zOwner;
339   const char *zClrKey;
340   Stmt q;
342   login_check_credentials();
343   if( !g.perm.TktFmt ){
344     login_needed(g.anon.TktFmt);
345     return;
346   }
347   rn = atoi(PD("rn","0"));
348   db_prepare(&q, "SELECT title, sqlcode, owner, cols "
349                    "FROM reportfmt WHERE rn=%d",rn);
350   style_set_current_feature("report");
351   style_header("SQL For Report Format Number %d", rn);
352   if( db_step(&q)!=SQLITE_ROW ){
353     @ <p>Unknown report number: %d(rn)</p>
354     style_finish_page();
355     db_finalize(&q);
356     return;
357   }
358   zTitle = db_column_text(&q, 0);
359   zSQL = db_column_text(&q, 1);
360   zOwner = db_column_text(&q, 2);
361   zClrKey = db_column_text(&q, 3);
362   @ <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
363   @ <tr><td valign="top" align="right">Title:</td><td width=15></td>
364   @ <td colspan="3">%h(zTitle)</td></tr>
365   @ <tr><td valign="top" align="right">Owner:</td><td></td>
366   @ <td colspan="3">%h(zOwner)</td></tr>
367   @ <tr><td valign="top" align="right">SQL:</td><td></td>
368   @ <td valign="top"><pre>
369   @ <code class="language-sql">%h(zSQL)</code>
370   @ </pre></td>
371   @ <td width=15></td><td valign="top">
372   output_color_key(zClrKey, 0, "border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3");
373   @ </td>
374   @ </tr></table>
375   report_format_hints();
376   style_finish_page();
377   db_finalize(&q);
378 }
380 /*
381 ** WEBPAGE: rptnew
382 ** WEBPAGE: rptedit
383 **
384 ** Create (/rptnew) or edit (/rptedit) a ticket report format.
385 ** Query parameters:
386 **
387 **     rn=N           Ticket report number. (required)
388 **     t=TITLE        Title of the report format
389 **     w=USER         Owner of the report format
390 **     s=SQL          SQL text used to implement the report
391 **     k=KEY          Color key
392 */
view_edit(void)393 void view_edit(void){
394   int rn;
395   const char *zTitle;
396   const char *z;
397   const char *zOwner;
398   const char *zClrKey;
399   char *zSQL;
400   char *zErr = 0;
401   int dflt = P("dflt") ? 1 : 0;
403   login_check_credentials();
404   if( !g.perm.TktFmt ){
405     login_needed(g.anon.TktFmt);
406     return;
407   }
408   style_set_current_feature("report");
409   /*view_add_functions(0);*/
410   rn = atoi(PD("rn","0"));
411   zTitle = P("t");
412   zOwner = PD("w",g.zLogin);
413   z = P("s");
414   zSQL = z ? trim_string(z) : 0;
415   zClrKey = trim_string(PD("k",""));
416   if( rn>0 && P("del2") ){
417     login_verify_csrf_secret();
418     db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM reportfmt WHERE rn=%d", rn);
419     cgi_redirect("reportlist");
420     return;
421   }else if( rn>0 && P("del1") ){
422     zTitle = db_text(0, "SELECT title FROM reportfmt "
423                          "WHERE rn=%d", rn);
424     if( zTitle==0 ) cgi_redirect("reportlist");
426     style_header("Are You Sure?");
427     @ <form action="rptedit" method="post">
428     @ <p>You are about to delete all traces of the report
429     @ <strong>%h(zTitle)</strong> from
430     @ the database.  This is an irreversible operation.  All records
431     @ related to this report will be removed and cannot be recovered.</p>
432     @
433     @ <input type="hidden" name="rn" value="%d(rn)">
434     login_insert_csrf_secret();
435     @ <input type="submit" name="del2" value="Delete The Report">
436     @ <input type="submit" name="can" value="Cancel">
437     @ </form>
438     style_finish_page();
439     return;
440   }else if( P("can") ){
441     /* user cancelled */
442     cgi_redirect("reportlist");
443     return;
444   }
445   if( zTitle && zSQL ){
446     if( zSQL[0]==0 ){
447       zErr = "Please supply an SQL query statement";
448     }else if( (zTitle = trim_string(zTitle))[0]==0 ){
449       zErr = "Please supply a title";
450     }else{
451       zErr = verify_sql_statement(zSQL);
452     }
453     if( zErr==0
454      && db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM reportfmt WHERE title=%Q and rn<>%d",
455                   zTitle, rn)
456     ){
457       zErr = mprintf("There is already another report named \"%h\"", zTitle);
458     }
459     if( zErr==0 ){
460       login_verify_csrf_secret();
461       if( rn>0 ){
462         db_multi_exec("UPDATE reportfmt SET title=%Q, sqlcode=%Q,"
463                       " owner=%Q, cols=%Q, mtime=now() WHERE rn=%d",
464            zTitle, zSQL, zOwner, zClrKey, rn);
465       }else{
466         db_multi_exec("INSERT INTO reportfmt(title,sqlcode,owner,cols,mtime) "
467            "VALUES(%Q,%Q,%Q,%Q,now())",
468            zTitle, zSQL, zOwner, zClrKey);
469         rn = db_last_insert_rowid();
470       }
471       if( dflt ){
472         db_set("ticket-default-report", zTitle, 0);
473       }else{
474         char *defaultReport = db_get("ticket-default-report", 0);
475         if( fossil_strcmp(zTitle, defaultReport)==0 ){
476           db_set("ticket-default-report", "", 0);
477         }
478       }
479       cgi_redirect(mprintf("rptview?rn=%d", rn));
480       return;
481     }
482   }else if( rn==0 ){
483     zTitle = "";
484     zSQL = ticket_report_template();
485     zClrKey = ticket_key_template();
486   }else{
487     Stmt q;
488     db_prepare(&q, "SELECT title, sqlcode, owner, cols "
489                      "FROM reportfmt WHERE rn=%d",rn);
490     if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
491       char *defaultReport = db_get("ticket-default-report", 0);
492       zTitle = db_column_malloc(&q, 0);
493       zSQL = db_column_malloc(&q, 1);
494       zOwner = db_column_malloc(&q, 2);
495       zClrKey = db_column_malloc(&q, 3);
496       dflt = fossil_strcmp(zTitle, defaultReport)==0;
497     }
498     db_finalize(&q);
499     if( P("copy") ){
500       rn = 0;
501       zTitle = mprintf("Copy Of %s", zTitle);
502       zOwner = g.zLogin;
503     }
504   }
505   if( zOwner==0 ) zOwner = g.zLogin;
506   style_submenu_element("Cancel", "reportlist");
507   if( rn>0 ){
508     style_submenu_element("Delete", "rptedit?rn=%d&del1=1", rn);
509   }
510   style_header("%s", rn>0 ? "Edit Report Format":"Create New Report Format");
511   if( zErr ){
512     @ <blockquote class="reportError">%h(zErr)</blockquote>
513   }
514   @ <form action="rptedit" method="post"><div>
515   @ <input type="hidden" name="rn" value="%d(rn)" />
516   @ <p>Report Title:<br />
517   @ <input type="text" name="t" value="%h(zTitle)" size="60" /></p>
518   @ <p>Enter a complete SQL query statement against the "TICKET" table:<br />
519   @ <textarea name="s" rows="20" cols="80">%h(zSQL)</textarea>
520   @ </p>
521   login_insert_csrf_secret();
522   if( g.perm.Admin ){
523     @ <p>Report owner:
524     @ <input type="text" name="w" size="20" value="%h(zOwner)" />
525     @ </p>
526   } else {
527     @ <input type="hidden" name="w" value="%h(zOwner)" />
528   }
529   @ <p>Enter an optional color key in the following box.  (If blank, no
530   @ color key is displayed.)  Each line contains the text for a single
531   @ entry in the key.  The first token of each line is the background
532   @ color for that line.<br />
533   @ <textarea name="k" rows="8" cols="50">%h(zClrKey)</textarea>
534   @ </p>
535   @ <p><label><input type="checkbox" name="dflt" %s(dflt?"checked":"")> \
536   @ Make this the default report</label></p>
537   if( !g.perm.Admin && fossil_strcmp(zOwner,g.zLogin)!=0 ){
538     @ <p>This report format is owned by %h(zOwner).  You are not allowed
539     @ to change it.</p>
540     @ </form>
541     report_format_hints();
542     style_finish_page();
543     return;
544   }
545   @ <input type="submit" value="Apply Changes" />
546   if( rn>0 ){
547     @ <input type="submit" value="Delete This Report" name="del1" />
548   }
549   @ </div></form>
550   report_format_hints();
551   style_finish_page();
552 }
554 /*
555 ** Output a bunch of text that provides information about report
556 ** formats
557 */
report_format_hints(void)558 static void report_format_hints(void){
559   char *zSchema;
560   zSchema = db_text(0,"SELECT sql FROM sqlite_schema WHERE name='ticket'");
561   if( zSchema==0 ){
562     zSchema = db_text(0,"SELECT sql FROM repository.sqlite_schema"
563                         " WHERE name='ticket'");
564   }
565   @ <hr /><h3>TICKET Schema</h3>
566   @ <blockquote><pre>
567   @ <code class="language-sql">%h(zSchema)</code>
568   @ </pre></blockquote>
569   @ <h3>Notes</h3>
570   @ <ul>
571   @ <li><p>The SQL must consist of a single SELECT statement</p></li>
572   @
573   @ <li><p>If a column of the result set is named "#" then that column
574   @ is assumed to hold a ticket number.  A hyperlink will be created from
575   @ that column to a detailed view of the ticket.</p></li>
576   @
577   @ <li><p>If a column of the result set is named "bgcolor" then the content
578   @ of that column determines the background color of the row.</p></li>
579   @
580   @ <li><p>The text of all columns prior to the first column whose name begins
581   @ with underscore ("_") is shown character-for-character as it appears in
582   @ the database.  In other words, it is assumed to have a mimetype of
583   @ text/plain.
584   @
585   @ <li><p>The first column whose name begins with underscore ("_") and all
586   @ subsequent columns are shown on their own rows in the table and with
587   @ wiki formatting.  In other words, such rows are shown with a mimetype
588   @ of text/x-fossil-wiki.  This is recommended for the "description" field
589   @ of tickets.
590   @ </p></li>
591   @
592   @ <li><p>The query can join other tables in the database besides TICKET.
593   @ </p></li>
594   @ </ul>
595   @
596   @ <h3>Examples</h3>
597   @ <p>In this example, the first column in the result set is named
598   @ "bgcolor".  The value of this column is not displayed.  Instead, it
599   @ selects the background color of each row based on the TICKET.STATUS
600   @ field of the database.  The color key at the right shows the various
601   @ color codes.</p>
602   @ <table class="rpteditex">
603   @ <tr style="background-color:#f2dcdc;"><td class="rpteditex">new or active</td></tr>
604   @ <tr style="background-color:#e8e8bd;"><td class="rpteditex">review</td></tr>
605   @ <tr style="background-color:#cfe8bd;"><td class="rpteditex">fixed</td></tr>
606   @ <tr style="background-color:#bde5d6;"><td class="rpteditex">tested</td></tr>
607   @ <tr style="background-color:#cacae5;"><td class="rpteditex">defer</td></tr>
608   @ <tr style="background-color:#c8c8c8;"><td class="rpteditex">closed</td></tr>
609   @ </table>
610   @ <blockquote><pre>
611   @ SELECT
612   @   CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc'
613   @        WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd'
614   @        WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd'
615   @        WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6'
616   @        WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5'
617   @        ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor',
618   @   tn AS '#',
619   @   type AS 'Type',
620   @   status AS 'Status',
621   @   sdate(origtime) AS 'Created',
622   @   owner AS 'By',
623   @   subsystem AS 'Subsys',
624   @   sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed',
625   @   assignedto AS 'Assigned',
626   @   severity AS 'Svr',
627   @   priority AS 'Pri',
628   @   title AS 'Title'
629   @ FROM ticket
630   @ </pre></blockquote>
631   @ <p>To base the background color on the TICKET.PRIORITY or
632   @ TICKET.SEVERITY fields, substitute the following code for the
633   @ first column of the query:</p>
634   @ <table class="rpteditex">
635   @ <tr style="background-color:#f2dcdc;"><td class="rpteditex">1</td></tr>
636   @ <tr style="background-color:#e8e8bd;"><td class="rpteditex">2</td></tr>
637   @ <tr style="background-color:#cfe8bd;"><td class="rpteditex">3</td></tr>
638   @ <tr style="background-color:#cacae5;"><td class="rpteditex">4</td></tr>
639   @ <tr style="background-color:#c8c8c8;"><td class="rpteditex">5</td></tr>
640   @ </table>
641   @ <blockquote><pre>
642   @ SELECT
643   @   CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc'
644   @        WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd'
645   @        WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd'
646   @        WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5'
647   @        ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor',
648   @ ...
649   @ FROM ticket
650   @ </pre></blockquote>
651 #if 0
652   @ <p>You can, of course, substitute different colors if you choose.
653   @ Here is a palette of suggested background colors:</p>
654   @ <blockquote>
655   @ <table border=1 cellspacing=0 width=300>
656   @ <tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#ffbdbd">#ffbdbd</td>
657   @     <td align="center" bgcolor="#f2dcdc">#f2dcdc</td></tr>
658   @ <tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#ffffbd">#ffffbd</td>
659   @     <td align="center" bgcolor="#e8e8bd">#e8e8bd</td></tr>
660   @ <tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#c0ebc0">#c0ebc0</td>
661   @     <td align="center" bgcolor="#cfe8bd">#cfe8bd</td></tr>
662   @ <tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#c0c0f4">#c0c0f4</td>
663   @     <td align="center" bgcolor="#d6d6e8">#d6d6e8</td></tr>
664   @ <tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#d0b1ff">#d0b1ff</td>
665   @     <td align="center" bgcolor="#d2c0db">#d2c0db</td></tr>
666   @ <tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#bbbbbb">#bbbbbb</td>
667   @     <td align="center" bgcolor="#d0d0d0">#d0d0d0</td></tr>
668   @ </table>
669   @ </blockquote>
670 #endif
671   @ <p>To see the TICKET.DESCRIPTION and TICKET.REMARKS fields, include
672   @ them as the last two columns of the result set and given them names
673   @ that begin with an underscore.  Like this:</p>
674   @ <blockquote><pre>
675   @  SELECT
676   @    tn AS '#',
677   @    type AS 'Type',
678   @    status AS 'Status',
679   @    sdate(origtime) AS 'Created',
680   @    owner AS 'By',
681   @    subsystem AS 'Subsys',
682   @    sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed',
683   @    assignedto AS 'Assigned',
684   @    severity AS 'Svr',
685   @    priority AS 'Pri',
686   @    title AS 'Title',
687   @    description AS '_Description',  -- When the column name begins with '_'
688   @    remarks AS '_Remarks'           -- content is rendered as wiki
689   @  FROM ticket
690   @ </pre></blockquote>
691   @
692 }
694 /*
695 ** The state of the report generation.
696 */
697 struct GenerateHTML {
698   int rn;          /* Report number */
699   int nCount;      /* Row number */
700   int nCol;        /* Number of columns */
701   int isMultirow;  /* True if multiple table rows per query result row */
702   int iNewRow;     /* Index of first column that goes on separate row */
703   int iBg;         /* Index of column that defines background color */
704   int wikiFlags;   /* Flags passed into wiki_convert() */
705   const char *zWikiStart;    /* HTML before display of multi-line wiki */
706   const char *zWikiEnd;      /* HTML after display of multi-line wiki */
707 };
709 /*
710 ** The callback function for db_query
711 */
generate_html(void * pUser,int nArg,const char ** azArg,const char ** azName)712 static int generate_html(
713   void *pUser,     /* Pointer to output state */
714   int nArg,        /* Number of columns in this result row */
715   const char **azArg, /* Text of data in all columns */
716   const char **azName /* Names of the columns */
717 ){
718   struct GenerateHTML *pState = (struct GenerateHTML*)pUser;
719   int i;
720   const char *zTid;  /* Ticket hash.  (value of column named '#') */
721   const char *zBg = 0; /* Use this background color */
723   /* Do initialization
724   */
725   if( pState->nCount==0 ){
726     /* Turn off the authorizer.  It is no longer doing anything since the
727     ** query has already been prepared.
728     */
729     db_clear_authorizer();
731     /* Figure out the number of columns, the column that determines background
732     ** color, and whether or not this row of data is represented by multiple
733     ** rows in the table.
734     */
735     pState->nCol = 0;
736     pState->isMultirow = 0;
737     pState->iNewRow = -1;
738     pState->iBg = -1;
739     for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
740       if( azName[i][0]=='b' && fossil_strcmp(azName[i],"bgcolor")==0 ){
741         pState->iBg = i;
742         continue;
743       }
744       if( g.perm.Write && azName[i][0]=='#' ){
745         pState->nCol++;
746       }
747       if( !pState->isMultirow ){
748         if( azName[i][0]=='_' ){
749           pState->isMultirow = 1;
750           pState->iNewRow = i;
751           pState->wikiFlags = WIKI_NOBADLINKS;
752           pState->zWikiStart = "";
753           pState->zWikiEnd = "";
754           if( P("plaintext") ){
755             pState->wikiFlags |= WIKI_LINKSONLY;
756             pState->zWikiStart = "<pre class='verbatim'>";
757             pState->zWikiEnd = "</pre>";
758             style_submenu_element("Formatted", "%R/rptview?rn=%d", pState->rn);
759           }else{
760             style_submenu_element("Plaintext", "%R/rptview?rn=%d&plaintext",
761                                   pState->rn);
762           }
763         }else{
764           pState->nCol++;
765         }
766       }
767     }
769     /* The first time this routine is called, output a table header
770     */
771     @ <thead><tr>
772     zTid = 0;
773     for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
774       const char *zName = azName[i];
775       if( i==pState->iBg ) continue;
776       if( pState->iNewRow>=0 && i>=pState->iNewRow ){
777         if( g.perm.Write && zTid ){
778           @ <th>&nbsp;</th>
779           zTid = 0;
780         }
781         if( zName[0]=='_' ) zName++;
782         @ </tr><tr><th colspan=%d(pState->nCol)>%h(zName)</th>
783       }else{
784         if( zName[0]=='#' ){
785           zTid = zName;
786         }
787         @ <th>%h(zName)</th>
788       }
789     }
790     if( g.perm.Write && zTid ){
791       @ <th>&nbsp;</th>
792     }
793     @ </tr></thead><tbody>
794   }
795   if( azArg==0 ){
796     @ <tr><td colspan="%d(pState->nCol)">
797     @ <i>No records match the report criteria</i>
798     @ </td></tr>
799     return 0;
800   }
801   ++pState->nCount;
803   /* Output the separator above each entry in a table which has multiple lines
804   ** per database entry.
805   */
806   if( pState->iNewRow>=0 ){
807     @ <tr><td colspan=%d(pState->nCol)><font size=1>&nbsp;</font></td></tr>
808   }
810   /* Output the data for this entry from the database
811   */
812   zBg = pState->iBg>=0 ? azArg[pState->iBg] : 0;
813   if( zBg==0 ) zBg = "white";
814   @ <tr style="background-color:%h(zBg)">
815   zTid = 0;
816   for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
817     const char *zData;
818     if( i==pState->iBg ) continue;
819     zData = azArg[i];
820     if( zData==0 ) zData = "";
821     if( pState->iNewRow>=0 && i>=pState->iNewRow ){
822       if( zTid && g.perm.Write ){
823         @ <td valign="top">%z(href("%R/tktedit/%h",zTid))edit</a></td>
824         zTid = 0;
825       }
826       if( zData[0] ){
827         Blob content;
828         @ </tr>
829         @ <tr style="background-color:%h(zBg)"><td colspan=%d(pState->nCol)>
830         @ %s(pState->zWikiStart)
831         blob_init(&content, zData, -1);
832         wiki_convert(&content, 0, pState->wikiFlags);
833         blob_reset(&content);
834         @ %s(pState->zWikiEnd)
835       }
836     }else if( azName[i][0]=='#' ){
837       zTid = zData;
838       @ <td valign="top">%z(href("%R/tktview?name=%h",zData))%h(zData)</a></td>
839     }else if( zData[0]==0 ){
840       @ <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
841     }else{
842       @ <td valign="top">
843       @ %h(zData)
844       @ </td>
845     }
846   }
847   if( zTid && g.perm.Write ){
848     @ <td valign="top">%z(href("%R/tktedit/%h",zTid))edit</a></td>
849   }
850   @ </tr>
851   return 0;
852 }
854 /*
855 ** Output the text given in the argument.  Convert tabs and newlines into
856 ** spaces.
857 */
output_no_tabs(const char * z)858 static void output_no_tabs(const char *z){
859   while( z && z[0] ){
860     int i, j;
861     for(i=0; z[i] && (!fossil_isspace(z[i]) || z[i]==' '); i++){}
862     if( i>0 ){
863       cgi_printf("%.*s", i, z);
864     }
865     for(j=i; fossil_isspace(z[j]); j++){}
866     if( j>i ){
867       cgi_printf("%*s", j-i, "");
868     }
869     z += j;
870   }
871 }
873 /*
874 ** Output a row as a tab-separated line of text.
875 */
output_tab_separated(void * pUser,int nArg,const char ** azArg,const char ** azName)876 static int output_tab_separated(
877   void *pUser,     /* Pointer to row-count integer */
878   int nArg,        /* Number of columns in this result row */
879   const char **azArg, /* Text of data in all columns */
880   const char **azName /* Names of the columns */
881 ){
882   int *pCount = (int*)pUser;
883   int i;
885   if( *pCount==0 ){
886     for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
887       output_no_tabs(azName[i]);
888       cgi_printf("%c", i<nArg-1 ? '\t' : '\n');
889     }
890   }
891   ++*pCount;
892   for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
893     output_no_tabs(azArg[i]);
894     cgi_printf("%c", i<nArg-1 ? '\t' : '\n');
895   }
896   return 0;
897 }
899 /*
900 ** Generate HTML that describes a color key.
901 */
output_color_key(const char * zClrKey,int horiz,char * zTabArgs)902 void output_color_key(const char *zClrKey, int horiz, char *zTabArgs){
903   int i, j, k;
904   const char *zSafeKey;
905   char *zToFree;
906   while( fossil_isspace(*zClrKey) ) zClrKey++;
907   if( zClrKey[0]==0 ) return;
908   @ <table %s(zTabArgs)>
909   if( horiz ){
910     @ <tr>
911   }
912   zSafeKey = zToFree = mprintf("%h", zClrKey);
913   while( zSafeKey[0] ){
914     while( fossil_isspace(*zSafeKey) ) zSafeKey++;
915     for(i=0; zSafeKey[i] && !fossil_isspace(zSafeKey[i]); i++){}
916     for(j=i; fossil_isspace(zSafeKey[j]); j++){}
917     for(k=j; zSafeKey[k] && zSafeKey[k]!='\n' && zSafeKey[k]!='\r'; k++){}
918     if( !horiz ){
919       cgi_printf("<tr style=\"background-color: %.*s;\"><td>%.*s</td></tr>\n",
920         i, zSafeKey, k-j, &zSafeKey[j]);
921     }else{
922       cgi_printf("<td style=\"background-color: %.*s;\">%.*s</td>\n",
923         i, zSafeKey, k-j, &zSafeKey[j]);
924     }
925     zSafeKey += k;
926   }
927   free(zToFree);
928   if( horiz ){
929     @ </tr>
930   }
931   @ </table>
932 }
934 /*
935 ** Execute a single read-only SQL statement.  Invoke xCallback() on each
936 ** row.
937 */
db_exec_readonly(sqlite3 * db,const char * zSql,int (* xCallback)(void *,int,const char **,const char **),void * pArg,char ** pzErrMsg)938 static int db_exec_readonly(
939   sqlite3 *db,                /* The database on which the SQL executes */
940   const char *zSql,           /* The SQL to be executed */
941   int (*xCallback)(void*,int,const char**, const char**),
942                               /* Invoke this callback routine */
943   void *pArg,                 /* First argument to xCallback() */
944   char **pzErrMsg             /* Write error messages here */
945 ){
946   int rc = SQLITE_OK;         /* Return code */
947   const char *zLeftover;      /* Tail of unprocessed SQL */
948   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;    /* The current SQL statement */
949   const char **azCols = 0;    /* Names of result columns */
950   int nCol;                   /* Number of columns of output */
951   const char **azVals = 0;    /* Text of all output columns */
952   int i;                      /* Loop counter */
953   int nVar;                   /* Number of parameters */
955   pStmt = 0;
956   rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, &zLeftover);
957   assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pStmt==0 );
958   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
959     return rc;
960   }
961   if( !pStmt ){
962     /* this happens for a comment or white-space */
963     return SQLITE_OK;
964   }
965   if( !sqlite3_stmt_readonly(pStmt) ){
966     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
967     return SQLITE_ERROR;
968   }
970   nVar = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt);
971   for(i=1; i<=nVar; i++){
972     const char *zVar = sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(pStmt, i);
973     if( zVar==0 ) continue;
974     if( zVar[0]!='$' && zVar[0]!='@' && zVar[0]!=':' ) continue;
975     if( !fossil_islower(zVar[1]) ) continue;
976     if( strcmp(zVar, "$login")==0 ){
977       sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, i, g.zLogin, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
978     }else{
979       sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, i, P(zVar+1), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
980     }
981   }
982   nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);
983   azVals = fossil_malloc(2*nCol*sizeof(const char*) + 1);
984   while( (rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt))==SQLITE_ROW ){
985     if( azCols==0 ){
986       azCols = &azVals[nCol];
987       for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
988         azCols[i] = sqlite3_column_name(pStmt, i);
989       }
990     }
991     for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
992       azVals[i] = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, i);
993     }
994     if( xCallback(pArg, nCol, azVals, azCols) ){
995       break;
996     }
997   }
998   rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
999   fossil_free((void *)azVals);
1000   return rc;
1001 }
1003 /*
1004 ** WEBPAGE: rptview
1005 **
1006 ** Generate a report.  The rn query parameter is the report number
1007 ** corresponding to REPORTFMT.RN.  If the tablist query parameter exists,
1008 ** then the output consists of lines of tab-separated fields instead of
1009 ** an HTML table.
1010 */
rptview_page(void)1011 void rptview_page(void){
1012   rptview_page_content(0, 1, 1);
1013 }
1015 /*
1016 ** Render a report.
1017 */
rptview_page_content(const char * defaultTitleSearch,int pageWrap,int redirectMissing)1018 void rptview_page_content(
1019   const char *defaultTitleSearch, /* If rn and title query parameters are
1020                                      blank, search reports by this title. */
1021   int pageWrap, /* If true, render full page; otherwise, just the report */
1022   int redirectMissing /* If true and report not found, go to reportlist */
1023 ){
1024   int count = 0;
1025   int rn, rc;
1026   char *zSql;
1027   char *zTitle;
1028   char *zOwner;
1029   char *zClrKey;
1030   int tabs;
1031   Stmt q;
1032   char *zErr1 = 0;
1033   char *zErr2 = 0;
1035   login_check_credentials();
1036   if( !g.perm.RdTkt ){ login_needed(g.anon.RdTkt); return; }
1037   tabs = P("tablist")!=0;
1038   db_prepare(&q,
1039     "SELECT title, sqlcode, owner, cols, rn FROM reportfmt WHERE rn=%d",
1040      atoi(PD("rn","0")));
1041   rc = db_step(&q);
1042   if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
1043     const char *titleSearch =
1044       defaultTitleSearch==0 || trim_string(defaultTitleSearch)[0]==0 ?
1045         P("title") : defaultTitleSearch;
1046     db_finalize(&q);
1047     db_prepare(&q,
1048       "SELECT title, sqlcode, owner, cols, rn FROM reportfmt WHERE title GLOB %Q",
1049       titleSearch);
1050     rc = db_step(&q);
1051   }
1052   if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
1053     db_finalize(&q);
1054     if( redirectMissing ) {
1055       cgi_redirect("reportlist");
1056     }
1057     return;
1058   }
1059   zTitle = db_column_malloc(&q, 0);
1060   zSql = db_column_malloc(&q, 1);
1061   zOwner = db_column_malloc(&q, 2);
1062   zClrKey = db_column_malloc(&q, 3);
1063   rn = db_column_int(&q,4);
1064   db_finalize(&q);
1066   if( P("order_by") ){
1067     /*
1068     ** If the user wants to do a column sort, wrap the query into a sub
1069     ** query and then sort the results. This is a whole lot easier than
1070     ** trying to insert an ORDER BY into the query itself, especially
1071     ** if the query is already ordered.
1072     */
1073     int nField = atoi(P("order_by"));
1074     if( nField > 0 ){
1075       const char* zDir = PD("order_dir","");
1076       zDir = !strcmp("ASC",zDir) ? "ASC" : "DESC";
1077       zSql = mprintf("SELECT * FROM (%s) ORDER BY %d %s", zSql, nField, zDir);
1078     }
1079   }
1081   count = 0;
1082   if( !tabs ){
1083     struct GenerateHTML sState = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
1084     const char *zQS = PD("QUERY_STRING","");
1086     db_multi_exec("PRAGMA empty_result_callbacks=ON");
1087     style_set_current_feature("report");
1088     if( pageWrap ) {
1089       /* style_finish_page() should provide escaping via %h formatting */
1090       if( zQS[0] ){
1091         style_submenu_element("Raw","%R/%s?tablist=1&%s",g.zPath,zQS);
1092         style_submenu_element("Reports","%R/reportlist?%s",zQS);
1093       } else {
1094         style_submenu_element("Raw","%R/%s?tablist=1",g.zPath);
1095         style_submenu_element("Reports","%R/reportlist");
1096       }
1097       if( g.perm.Admin
1098         || (g.perm.TktFmt && g.zLogin && fossil_strcmp(g.zLogin,zOwner)==0) ){
1099         style_submenu_element("Edit", "rptedit?rn=%d", rn);
1100       }
1101       if( g.perm.TktFmt ){
1102         style_submenu_element("SQL", "rptsql?rn=%d",rn);
1103       }
1104       if( g.perm.NewTkt ){
1105         style_submenu_element("New Ticket", "%R/tktnew");
1106       }
1107       style_header("%s", zTitle);
1108     }
1109     output_color_key(zClrKey, 1,
1110         "border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"report\"");
1111     @ <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="report sortable"
1112     @  data-column-types='' data-init-sort='0'>
1113     sState.rn = rn;
1114     sState.nCount = 0;
1115     report_restrict_sql(&zErr1);
1116     db_exec_readonly(g.db, zSql, generate_html, &sState, &zErr2);
1117     report_unrestrict_sql();
1118     @ </tbody></table>
1119     if( zErr1 ){
1120       @ <p class="reportError">Error: %h(zErr1)</p>
1121     }else if( zErr2 ){
1122       @ <p class="reportError">Error: %h(zErr2)</p>
1123     }
1124     style_table_sorter();
1125     if( pageWrap ) {
1126       style_finish_page();
1127     }
1128   }else{
1129     report_restrict_sql(&zErr1);
1130     db_exec_readonly(g.db, zSql, output_tab_separated, &count, &zErr2);
1131     report_unrestrict_sql();
1132     cgi_set_content_type("text/plain");
1133   }
1134 }
1136 /*
1137 ** report number for full table ticket export
1138 */
1139 static const char zFullTicketRptRn[] = "0";
1141 /*
1142 ** report title for full table ticket export
1143 */
1144 static const char zFullTicketRptTitle[] = "full ticket export";
1146 /*
1147 ** show all reports, which can be used for ticket show.
1148 ** Output is written to stdout as tab delimited table
1149 */
rpt_list_reports(void)1150 void rpt_list_reports(void){
1151   Stmt q;
1152   fossil_print("Available reports:\n");
1153   fossil_print("%s\t%s\n","report number","report title");
1154   fossil_print("%s\t%s\n",zFullTicketRptRn,zFullTicketRptTitle);
1155   db_prepare(&q,"SELECT rn,title FROM reportfmt ORDER BY rn");
1156   while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
1157     const char *zRn = db_column_text(&q, 0);
1158     const char *zTitle = db_column_text(&q, 1);
1160     fossil_print("%s\t%s\n",zRn,zTitle);
1161   }
1162   db_finalize(&q);
1163 }
1165 /*
1166 ** user defined separator used by ticket show command
1167 */
1168 static const char *zSep = 0;
1170 /*
1171 ** select the quoting algorithm for "ticket show"
1172 */
1173 #if INTERFACE
1174 typedef enum eTktShowEnc { tktNoTab=0, tktFossilize=1 } tTktShowEncoding;
1175 #endif
1176 static tTktShowEncoding tktEncode = tktNoTab;
1178 /*
1179 ** Output the text given in the argument.  Convert tabs and newlines into
1180 ** spaces.
1181 */
output_no_tabs_file(const char * z)1182 static void output_no_tabs_file(const char *z){
1183   switch( tktEncode ){
1184     case tktFossilize:
1185       { char *zFosZ;
1187         if( z && *z ){
1188           zFosZ = fossilize(z,-1);
1189           fossil_print("%s",zFosZ);
1190           free(zFosZ);
1191         }
1192         break;
1193       }
1194     default:
1195       while( z && z[0] ){
1196         int i, j;
1197         for(i=0; z[i] && (!fossil_isspace(z[i]) || z[i]==' '); i++){}
1198         if( i>0 ){
1199           fossil_print("%.*s", i, z);
1200         }
1201         for(j=i; fossil_isspace(z[j]); j++){}
1202         if( j>i ){
1203           fossil_print("%*s", j-i, "");
1204         }
1205         z += j;
1206       }
1207       break;
1208   }
1209 }
1211 /*
1212 ** Output a row as a tab-separated line of text.
1213 */
output_separated_file(void * pUser,int nArg,const char ** azArg,const char ** azName)1214 int output_separated_file(
1215   void *pUser,     /* Pointer to row-count integer */
1216   int nArg,        /* Number of columns in this result row */
1217   const char **azArg, /* Text of data in all columns */
1218   const char **azName /* Names of the columns */
1219 ){
1220   int *pCount = (int*)pUser;
1221   int i;
1223   if( *pCount==0 ){
1224     for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
1225       output_no_tabs_file(azName[i]);
1226       fossil_print("%s", i<nArg-1 ? (zSep?zSep:"\t") : "\n");
1227     }
1228   }
1229   ++*pCount;
1230   for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
1231     output_no_tabs_file(azArg[i]);
1232     fossil_print("%s", i<nArg-1 ? (zSep?zSep:"\t") : "\n");
1233   }
1234   return 0;
1235 }
1237 /*
1238 ** Generate a report.  The rn query parameter is the report number.
1239 ** The output is written to stdout as flat file. The zFilter parameter
1240 ** is a full WHERE-condition.
1241 */
rptshow(const char * zRep,const char * zSepIn,const char * zFilter,tTktShowEncoding enc)1242 void rptshow(
1243     const char *zRep,
1244     const char *zSepIn,
1245     const char *zFilter,
1246     tTktShowEncoding enc
1247 ){
1248   Stmt q;
1249   char *zSql;
1250   char *zErr1 = 0;
1251   char *zErr2 = 0;
1252   int count = 0;
1253   int rn;
1255   if( !zRep || !strcmp(zRep,zFullTicketRptRn) || !strcmp(zRep,zFullTicketRptTitle) ){
1256     zSql = "SELECT * FROM ticket";
1257   }else{
1258     rn = atoi(zRep);
1259     if( rn ){
1260       db_prepare(&q,
1261        "SELECT sqlcode FROM reportfmt WHERE rn=%d", rn);
1262     }else{
1263       db_prepare(&q,
1264        "SELECT sqlcode FROM reportfmt WHERE title=%Q", zRep);
1265     }
1266     if( db_step(&q)!=SQLITE_ROW ){
1267       db_finalize(&q);
1268       rpt_list_reports();
1269       fossil_fatal("unknown report format(%s)!",zRep);
1270     }
1271     zSql = db_column_malloc(&q, 0);
1272     db_finalize(&q);
1273   }
1274   if( zFilter ){
1275     zSql = mprintf("SELECT * FROM (%s) WHERE %s",zSql,zFilter);
1276   }
1277   count = 0;
1278   tktEncode = enc;
1279   zSep = zSepIn;
1280   report_restrict_sql(&zErr1);
1281   db_exec_readonly(g.db, zSql, output_separated_file, &count, &zErr2);
1282   report_unrestrict_sql();
1283   if( zFilter ){
1284     free(zSql);
1285   }
1286 }