1<title>Contributing To Fossil</title>
3Fossil users are encouraged to contributed enhancements back to the
4project.  This note outlines some of the procedures for making
5useful contributions.
7<h2>1.0 Contributor Agreement</h2>
9In order to accept non-trivial contributions, we <u>must</u> have a
10[./copyright-release.pdf | Contributor Agreement (PDF)]
11(or [./copyright-release.html | as HTML]) on file for you.  We require
12this in order to maintain clear title to the Fossil code and prevent
13the introduction of code with incompatible licenses or other entanglements
14that might cause legal problems for Fossil users.  Many
15lawyer-rich organizations require this as a precondition to using
18If you do not wish to submit a Contributor Agreement, we would still
19welcome your suggestions and example code, but we will not use your code
20directly: we will be forced to re-implement your changes from scratch, which
21might take longer.
23We've made exceptions for "trivial" changes in the past, but the
24definition of that term is up to the project leader.
26<h2>2.0 Submitting Patches</h2>
28Suggested changes or bug fixes can be submitted by creating a patch
29against the current source tree:
31    <tt>fossil diff -i > my-change.patch</tt>
33Post patches to
34[https://fossil-scm.org/forum | the forum] or email them to
35<a href="mailto:drh@sqlite.org">drh@sqlite.org</a>.  Be sure to
36describe in detail what the patch does and which version of Fossil
37it is written against. It's best to make patches against tip-of-trunk
38rather than against past releases.
40If your change is more complicated than a patch can properly encode, you
41may submit [/help?cmd=bundle | a Fossil bundle] instead. Unlike patches,
42bundles can contain multiple commits, check-in comments, file renames,
43file deletions, branching decisions, and more which <tt>patch(1)</tt>
44files cannot. It's best to make a bundle of a new branch so the change
45can be integrated, tested, enhanced, and merged down to trunk in a
46controlled fashion.
48A contributor agreement is not strictly necessary to submit a patch or bundle,
49but without a contributor agreement on file, your contribution will be
50used for reference only: it will not be applied to the code.  This
51may delay acceptance of your contribution.
53Your contribution might not be accepted even if you do have
54a contributor agreement on file.  Please do not take this personally
55or as an affront to your coding ability.  Sometimes contributions are rejected
56because they seem to be taking the project in a direction that the
57architect does not want to go.  In other cases, there might be an alternative
58implementation of the same feature being prepared separately.
60<h2>3.0 Check-in Privileges</h2>
62Check-in privileges are granted on a case-by-case basis.   Your chances
63of getting check-in privileges are much improved if you have a history
64of submitting quality patches and/or making thoughtful posts on
65[https://fossil-scm.org/forum | the forum].
66A signed contributor agreement is, of course, a prerequisite for check-in
69Contributors are asked to make all non-trivial changes on a branch.  The
70Fossil Architect (Richard Hipp) will merge changes onto the trunk.</p>
72Contributors are required to follow the
73[./checkin.wiki | pre-checkin checklist] prior to every check-in to
74the Fossil self-hosting repository.  This checklist is short and succinct
75and should only require a few seconds to follow.  Contributors
76should print out a copy of the pre-checkin checklist and keep
77it on a note card beside their workstations for quick reference.
79Contributors should review the
80[./style.wiki | Coding Style Guidelines] and mimic the coding style
81used through the rest of the Fossil source code.  Your code should
82blend in.  A third-party reader should be unable to distinguish your
83code from any other code in the source corpus.
85<h2>4.0 Testing</h2>
87Fossil's [../test/release-checklist.wiki | release checklist] is of
88primary benefit to the project leader, followed by him at release time,
89but contributors are encouraged to run through its steps when making
90major changes, since if the change doesn't pass this checklist, it won't
91be included in the next release.
93<h2>5.0 UI and Documentation Language</h2>
95The Fossil project uses American English in its web interface and
96documentation. Until there is some provision for translating the UI and
97docs into other languages and dialects, we ask that you do not commit
98changes that conflict with this.
100We aren't opposed to such a project, but it would be a huge amount of
101work, which no one's stepped up to do yet. Not only is each individual
102translation a large ongoing job its own right, there is no
103infrastructure for it yet, so the first few translations will be harder
104than any future translation built on that infrastructure.
106More immediately, we're likely to reject, revert, or rework commits that
107use other English dialects. One example that comes up occasionally is
108"artefact" versus "artifact." The UI and docs use the American English
109spelling pervasively, so you have poor options if you insist on
112  *  attempt to slip one-off changes by your peers
113  *  attempt to change all American English usages to Commonwealth English
114  *  make the Fossil UI and docs translatable, then contribute a
115     Commonwealth English translation
117Only the latter is likely to succeed.
119<h2>6.0 See Also</h2>
121  *  [./build.wiki | How To Compile And Install Fossil]
122  *  [./makefile.wiki | The Fossil Build Process]
123  *  [./tech_overview.wiki | A Technical Overview of Fossil]
124  *  [./adding_code.wiki | Adding Features To Fossil]