3<h3>What Is Fossil?</h3>
5<div style='float:right;border:2px solid #446979;padding:0 15px 10px 0;margin:0 0 10px 10px;'>
6<ul style='margin-left: -10px;'>
7<li> [/uv/download.html | Download]
8<li> [./quickstart.wiki | Quick Start]
9<li> [./build.wiki | Install]
10<li> [https://fossil-scm.org/forum | Support/Forum ]
11<li> [./hints.wiki | Tips &amp; Hints]
12<li> [./changes.wiki | Change Log]
13<li> [../COPYRIGHT-BSD2.txt | License]
14<li> [./userlinks.wiki | User Links]
15<li> [./hacker-howto.wiki | Hacker How-To]
16<li> [./fossil-v-git.wiki | Fossil vs. Git]
17<li> [./permutedindex.html | Doc Index]
19<center><img src="fossil3.gif" align="center"></center>
22<p>Fossil is a simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration
23management system with these advanced features:
25  1.  <b>Project Management</b> -
26      In addition to doing [./concepts.wiki | distributed version control]
27      like Git and Mercurial,
28      Fossil also supports [./bugtheory.wiki | bug tracking],
29      [./wikitheory.wiki | wiki], [./forum.wiki | forum],
30      [./alerts.md|email alerts], [./chat.md | chat], and
31      [./event.wiki | technotes].
33  2.  <b>Built-in Web Interface</b> -
34      Fossil has a built-in, [/skins | themeable], [./serverext.wiki | extensible],
35      and intuitive [./webui.wiki | web interface]
36      with a rich variety of information pages
37      ([./webpage-ex.md|examples]) promoting situational awareness.
38      <p>
39      This entire website is just a running instance of Fossil.
40      The pages you see here are all [./wikitheory.wiki | wiki] or
41      [./embeddeddoc.wiki | embedded documentation] or (in the case of
42      the [/uv/download.html|download] page)
43      [./unvers.wiki | unversioned files].
44      When you clone Fossil from one of its
45      [./selfhost.wiki | self-hosting repositories],
46      you get more than just source code - you get this entire website.
48  3.  <b>All-in-one</b> -
49      Fossil is a single self-contained, stand-alone executable.
50      To install, simply download a
51      [/uv/download.html | precompiled binary]
52      for Linux, Mac, or Windows and put it on your $PATH.
53      [./build.wiki | Easy-to-compile source code] is also available.
56  4.  <b>Self-host Friendly</b> - Stand up a project website
57      in minutes using [./server/ | a variety of techniques].
58      Fossil is CPU and memory efficient. Most projects can be
59      hosted comfortably on a $5/month VPS or a Raspberry Pi.
60      You can also set up an automatic
61      [./mirrortogithub.md | GitHub mirror].
63  5.  <b>Simple Networking</b> -
64      Fossil uses ordinary HTTPS (or SSH if you prefer)
65      for network communications, so it works fine from behind
66      firewalls and [./quickstart.wiki#proxy|proxies].
67      The protocol is
68      [./stats.wiki | bandwidth efficient] to the point that Fossil can be
69      used comfortably over dial-up, weak 3G, or airliner Wifi.
71  6.  <b>Autosync</b> -
72      Fossil supports [./concepts.wiki#workflow | "autosync" mode]
73      which helps to keep projects moving
74      forward by reducing the amount of needless
75      [./branching.wiki | forking and merging] often
76      associated with distributed projects.
78  7.  <b>Robust &amp; Reliable</b> -
79      Fossil stores content using an [./fileformat.wiki | enduring file format]
80      in an SQLite database so that transactions are
81      atomic even if interrupted by a power loss or system crash.
82      Automatic [./selfcheck.wiki | self-checks] verify that all aspects of
83      the repository are consistent prior to each commit.
85  8.  <b>Free and Open-Source</b> - [../COPYRIGHT-BSD2.txt|2-clause BSD license].
88<h3>Latest Release: 2.17 ([/timeline?c=version-2.17|2021-10-09])</h3>
90  *  [/uv/download.html|Download]
91  *  [./changes.wiki#v2_17|Change Summary]
92  *  [/timeline?p=version-2.17&bt=version-2.16&y=ci|Check-ins in version 2.17]
93  *  [/timeline?df=version-2.17&y=ci|Check-ins derived from the 2.17 release]
94  *  [/timeline?t=release|Timeline of all past releases]
97<h3>Quick Start</h3>
99  1.  [/uv/download.html|Download] or install using a package manager or
100      [./build.wiki|compile from sources].
101  2.  <tt>fossil init</tt> <i>REPOSITORY-DIR/new-repository</i>
102  3.  <tt>fossil open</tt> <i>REPOSITORY-DIR/new-repository</i>
103  4.  <tt>fossil add</tt> <i>files-or-directories</i>
104  5.  <tt>fossil commit -m</tt> "<i>commit message</i>"
105  6.  <tt>fossil ui</tt>
106  7.  Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6, in any order, as necessary.
107      See the [./quickstart.wiki|Quick Start Guide] for more detail.