1 unit dbf_idxfile;
3 interface
5 {$I dbf_common.inc}
7 uses
8 {$ifdef WINDOWS}
9   Windows,
10 {$else}
11 {$ifdef KYLIX}
12   Libc,
13 {$endif}
14   Types, dbf_wtil,
15 {$endif}
16   SysUtils,
17   Classes,
18   db,
19   dbf_pgfile,
20 {$ifdef USE_CACHE}
21   dbf_pgcfile,
22 {$endif}
23   dbf_parser,
24   dbf_prsdef,
25   dbf_cursor,
26   dbf_collate,
27   dbf_common;
29 {$ifdef _DEBUG}
30 {$define TDBF_INDEX_CHECK}
31 {$endif}
32 {$ifdef _ASSERTS}
33 {$define TDBF_INDEX_CHECK}
34 {$endif}
36 const
37   MaxIndexes = 47;
39 type
40   TIndexPage = class;
41   TIndexTag = class;
43   TIndexUpdateMode = (umAll, umCurrent);
44   TLocaleError = (leNone, leUnknown, leTableIndexMismatch, leNotAvailable);
45   TLocaleSolution = (lsNotOpen, lsNoEdit, lsBinary);
46   TIndexUniqueType = (iuNormal, iuUnique, iuDistinct);
47   TIndexModifyMode = (mmNormal, mmDeleteRecall);
49   TDbfLocaleErrorEvent = procedure(var Error: TLocaleError; var Solution: TLocaleSolution) of object;
ey1null50   TDbfCompareKeysEvent = function(Key1, Key2: PChar): Integer of object;
52   PDouble = ^Double;
53   PInteger = ^Integer;
55 //===========================================================================
56   TDbfIndexDef = class;
57   TDbfIndexDef = class(TCollectionItem)
58   protected
59     FIndexName: string;
60     FExpression: string;
61     FOptions: TIndexOptions;
62     FTemporary: Boolean;          // added at runtime
64     procedure SetIndexName(NewName: string);
65     procedure SetExpression(NewField: string);
66   public
67     constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection); override;
68     destructor Destroy; override;
70     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
71     property Temporary: Boolean read FTemporary write FTemporary;
72     property Name: string read FIndexName write SetIndexName;
73     property Expression: string read FExpression write SetExpression;
74   published
75     property IndexFile: string read FIndexName write SetIndexName;
76     property SortField: string read FExpression write SetExpression;
77     property Options: TIndexOptions read FOptions write FOptions;
78   end;
80   TDbfIndexParser = class(TDbfParser)
81   protected
82     FResultLen: Integer;
84     procedure ValidateExpression(AExpression: string); override;
85   public
86     property ResultLen: Integer read FResultLen;
87   end;
88 //===========================================================================
89   TIndexFile = class;
90   TIndexPageClass = class of TIndexPage;
92   TIndexPage = class(TObject)
93   protected
94     FIndexFile: TIndexFile;
95     FLowerPage: TIndexPage;
96     FUpperPage: TIndexPage;
97     FPageBuffer: Pointer;
98     FEntry: Pointer;
99     FEntryNo: Integer;
100     FLockCount: Integer;
101     FModified: Boolean;
102     FPageNo: Integer;
103     FWeight: Integer;
105     // bracket props
106     FLowBracket: Integer;               //  = FLowIndex if FPageNo = FLowPage
107     FLowIndex: Integer;
108     FLowPage: Integer;
109     FLowPageTemp: Integer;
110     FHighBracket: Integer;              //  = FHighIndex if FPageNo = FHighPage
111     FHighIndex: Integer;
112     FHighPage: Integer;
113     FHighPageTemp: Integer;
115     procedure LocalInsert(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: PChar; LowerPageNo: Integer);
116     procedure LocalDelete;
117     procedure Delete;
119     procedure SyncLowerPage;
120     procedure WritePage;
121     procedure Split;
122     procedure LockPage;
123     procedure UnlockPage;
RecurPrevnull125     function RecurPrev: Boolean;
RecurNextnull126     function RecurNext: Boolean;
127     procedure RecurFirst;
128     procedure RecurLast;
130     procedure SetEntry(RecNo: Integer; AKey: PChar; LowerPageNo: Integer);
131     procedure SetEntryNo(value: Integer);
132     procedure SetPageNo(NewPageNo: Integer);
133     procedure SetLowPage(NewPage: Integer);
134     procedure SetHighPage(NewPage: Integer);
135     procedure SetUpperPage(NewPage: TIndexPage);
136     procedure UpdateBounds(IsInnerNode: Boolean);
138   protected
GetEntrynull139     function GetEntry(AEntryNo: Integer): Pointer; virtual; abstract;
GetLowerPageNonull140     function GetLowerPageNo: Integer; virtual; abstract;
GetKeyDatanull141     function GetKeyData: PChar; virtual; abstract;
GetNumEntriesnull142     function GetNumEntries: Integer; virtual; abstract;
GetKeyDataFromEntrynull143     function GetKeyDataFromEntry(AEntry: Integer): PChar; virtual; abstract;
GetRecNonull144     function GetRecNo: Integer; virtual; abstract;
GetIsInnerNodenull145     function GetIsInnerNode: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
146     procedure IncNumEntries; virtual; abstract;
147     procedure SetNumEntries(NewNum: Integer); virtual; abstract;
148     procedure SetRecLowerPageNo(NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer); virtual; abstract;
149     procedure SetRecLowerPageNoOfEntry(AEntry, NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer); virtual; abstract;
151     procedure SetPrevBlock(NewBlock: Integer); virtual;
152 {$endif}
154   public
155     constructor Create(Parent: TIndexFile);
156     destructor Destroy; override;
FindNearestnull158     function FindNearest(ARecNo: Integer): Integer;
PhysicalRecNonull159     function PhysicalRecNo: Integer;
MatchKeynull160     function MatchKey: Integer;
161     procedure GotoInsertEntry;
163     procedure Clear;
164     procedure GetNewPage;
165     procedure Modified;
166     procedure RecalcWeight;
167     procedure UpdateWeight;
168     procedure Flush;
169     procedure SaveBracket;
170     procedure RestoreBracket;
172     property Key: PChar read GetKeyData;
173     property Entry: Pointer read FEntry;
174     property EntryNo: Integer read FEntryNo write SetEntryNo;
175     property IndexFile: TIndexFile read FIndexFile;
176     property UpperPage: TIndexPage read FUpperPage write SetUpperPage;
177     property LowerPage: TIndexPage read FLowerPage;
178 //    property LowerPageNo: Integer read GetLowerPageNo;        // never used
179     property PageBuffer: Pointer read FPageBuffer;
180     property PageNo: Integer read FPageNo write SetPageNo;
181     property Weight: Integer read FWeight;
183     property NumEntries: Integer read GetNumEntries;
184     property HighBracket: Integer read FHighBracket write FHighBracket;
185     property HighIndex: Integer read FHighIndex;
186     property HighPage: Integer read FHighPage write SetHighPage;
187     property LowBracket: Integer read FLowBracket write FLowBracket;
188     property LowIndex: Integer read FLowIndex;
189     property LowPage: Integer read FLowPage write SetLowPage;
190   end;
191 //===========================================================================
192   TIndexTag = class(TObject)
193   private
194     FTag: Pointer;
195   protected
GetHeaderPageNonull196     function  GetHeaderPageNo: Integer; virtual; abstract;
GetTagNamenull197     function  GetTagName: string; virtual; abstract;
GetKeyFormatnull198     function  GetKeyFormat: Byte; virtual; abstract;
GetForwardTag1null199     function  GetForwardTag1: Byte; virtual; abstract;
GetForwardTag2null200     function  GetForwardTag2: Byte; virtual; abstract;
GetBackwardTagnull201     function  GetBackwardTag: Byte; virtual; abstract;
GetReservednull202     function  GetReserved: Byte; virtual; abstract;
GetKeyTypenull203     function  GetKeyType: Char; virtual; abstract;
204     procedure SetHeaderPageNo(NewPageNo: Integer); virtual; abstract;
205     procedure SetTagName(NewName: string); virtual; abstract;
206     procedure SetKeyFormat(NewFormat: Byte); virtual; abstract;
207     procedure SetForwardTag1(NewTag: Byte); virtual; abstract;
208     procedure SetForwardTag2(NewTag: Byte); virtual; abstract;
209     procedure SetBackwardTag(NewTag: Byte); virtual; abstract;
210     procedure SetReserved(NewReserved: Byte); virtual; abstract;
211     procedure SetKeyType(NewType: Char); virtual; abstract;
212   public
213     property HeaderPageNo: Integer read GetHeaderPageNo write SetHeaderPageNo;
214     property TagName: string read GetTagName write SetTagName;
215     property KeyFormat:   Byte read GetKeyFormat   write SetKeyFormat;
216     property ForwardTag1: Byte read GetForwardTag1 write SetForwardTag1;
217     property ForwardTag2: Byte read GetForwardTag2 write SetForwardTag2;
218     property BackwardTag: Byte read GetBackwardTag write SetBackwardTag;
219     property Reserved: Byte read GetReserved write SetReserved;
220     property KeyType: Char read GetKeyType write SetKeyType;
221     property Tag: Pointer read FTag write FTag;
222   end;
223 //===========================================================================
224 {$ifdef USE_CACHE}
225   TIndexFile = class(TCachedFile)
226 {$else}
227   TIndexFile = class(TPagedFile)
228 {$endif}
229   protected
230     FIndexName: string;
231     FLastError: string;
232     FParsers: array[0..MaxIndexes-1] of TDbfIndexParser;
233     FIndexHeaders: array[0..MaxIndexes-1] of Pointer;
234     FIndexHeaderModified: array[0..MaxIndexes-1] of Boolean;
235     FIndexHeader: Pointer;
236     FIndexVersion: TXBaseVersion;
237     FRoots: array[0..MaxIndexes-1] of TIndexPage;
238     FLeaves: array[0..MaxIndexes-1] of TIndexPage;
239     FCurrentParser: TDbfIndexParser;
240     FRoot: TIndexPage;
241     FLeaf: TIndexPage;
242     FMdxTag: TIndexTag;
243     FTempMdxTag: TIndexTag;
244     FEntryHeaderSize: Integer;
245     FPageHeaderSize: Integer;
246     FTagSize: Integer;
247     FTagOffset: Integer;
248     FHeaderPageNo: Integer;
249     FSelectedIndex: Integer;
250     FRangeIndex: Integer;
251     FIsDescending: Boolean;
252     FUniqueMode: TIndexUniqueType;
253     FModifyMode: TIndexModifyMode;
254     FHeaderLocked: Integer;   // used to remember which header page we have locked
255     FKeyBuffer: array[0..100] of Char;
256     FLowBuffer: array[0..100] of Char;
257     FHighBuffer: array[0..100] of Char;
258     FEntryBof: Pointer;
259     FEntryEof: Pointer;
260     FDbfFile: Pointer;
261     FCanEdit: Boolean;
262     FOpened: Boolean;
263     FRangeActive: Boolean;
264     FUpdateMode: TIndexUpdateMode;
265     FUserKey: PChar;        // find / insert key
266     FUserRecNo: Integer;    // find / insert recno
267     FUserBCD: array[0..10] of Byte;
268     FUserNumeric: Double;
269     FForceClose: Boolean;
270     FForceReadOnly: Boolean;
271     FCodePage: Integer;
272     FCollation: PCollationTable;
273     FCompareKeys: TDbfCompareKeysEvent;
274     FOnLocaleError: TDbfLocaleErrorEvent;
GetNewPageNonull276     function  GetNewPageNo: Integer;
277     procedure TouchHeader(AHeader: Pointer);
CreateTempFilenull278     function  CreateTempFile(BaseName: string): TPagedFile;
279     procedure ConstructInsertErrorMsg;
280     procedure WriteIndexHeader(AIndex: Integer);
281     procedure SelectIndexVars(AIndex: Integer);
282     procedure CalcKeyProperties;
283     procedure UpdateIndexProperties;
284     procedure ClearRoots;
CalcTagOffsetnull285     function  CalcTagOffset(AIndex: Integer): Pointer;
FindKeynull287     function  FindKey(AInsert: boolean): Integer;
InsertKeynull288     function  InsertKey(Buffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
289     procedure DeleteKey(Buffer: TRecordBuffer);
InsertCurrentnull290     function  InsertCurrent: Boolean;
291     procedure DeleteCurrent;
UpdateCurrentnull292     function  UpdateCurrent(PrevBuffer, NewBuffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
UpdateIndexnull293     function  UpdateIndex(Index: Integer; PrevBuffer, NewBuffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
294     procedure ReadIndexes;
295     procedure Resync(Relative: boolean);
296     procedure ResyncRoot;
297     procedure ResyncTree;
298     procedure ResyncRange(KeepPosition: boolean);
299     procedure ResetRange;
300     procedure SetBracketLow;
301     procedure SetBracketHigh;
303     procedure WalkFirst;
304     procedure WalkLast;
WalkPrevnull305     function  WalkPrev: boolean;
WalkNextnull306     function  WalkNext: boolean;
CompareKeysNumericNDXnull308     function  CompareKeysNumericNDX(Key1, Key2: PChar): Integer;
CompareKeysNumericMDXnull309     function  CompareKeysNumericMDX(Key1, Key2: PChar): Integer;
CompareKeysStringnull310     function  CompareKeysString(Key1, Key2: PChar): Integer;
312     // property functions
GetNamenull313     function  GetName: string;
GetDbfLanguageIdnull314     function  GetDbfLanguageId: Byte;
GetKeyLennull315     function  GetKeyLen: Integer;
GetKeyTypenull316     function  GetKeyType: Char;
GetIndexCountnull317 //    function  GetIndexCount Integer;
318     function  GetExpression: string;
GetPhysicalRecNonull319     function  GetPhysicalRecNo: Integer;
GetSequentialRecNonull320     function  GetSequentialRecNo: Integer;
GetSequentialRecordCountnull321     function  GetSequentialRecordCount: Integer;
322     procedure SetSequentialRecNo(RecNo: Integer);
323     procedure SetPhysicalRecNo(RecNo: Integer);
324     procedure SetUpdateMode(NewMode: TIndexUpdateMode);
325     procedure SetIndexName(const AIndexName: string);
327   public
328     constructor Create(ADbfFile: Pointer);
329     destructor Destroy; override;
331     procedure Open;
332     procedure Close;
334     procedure Clear;
335     procedure Flush; override;
336     procedure ClearIndex;
337     procedure AddNewLevel;
338     procedure UnlockHeader;
339     procedure InsertError;
Insertnull340     function  Insert(RecNo: Integer; Buffer:TRecordBuffer ): Boolean;
Updatenull341     function  Update(RecNo: Integer; PrevBuffer, NewBuffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
342     procedure Delete(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: TRecordBuffer);
CheckKeyViolationnull343     function  CheckKeyViolation(Buffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
344     procedure RecordDeleted(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: TRecordBuffer);
RecordRecallednull345     function  RecordRecalled(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
346     procedure DeleteIndex(const AIndexName: string);
347     procedure RepageFile;
348     procedure CompactFile;
349     procedure PrepareRename(NewFileName: string);
351     procedure CreateIndex(FieldDesc, TagName: string; Options: TIndexOptions);
ExtractKeyFromBuffernull352     function  ExtractKeyFromBuffer(Buffer: TRecordBuffer): PChar;
SearchKeynull353     function  SearchKey(Key: PChar; SearchType: TSearchKeyType): Boolean;
Findnull354     function  Find(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: PChar): Integer;
IndexOfnull355     function  IndexOf(const AIndexName: string): Integer;
356     procedure DisableRange;
357     procedure EnableRange;
359     procedure GetIndexNames(const AList: TStrings);
360     procedure GetIndexInfo(const AIndexName: string; IndexDef: TDbfIndexDef);
361     procedure WriteHeader; override;
362     procedure WriteFileHeader;
364     procedure First;
365     procedure Last;
Nextnull366     function  Next: Boolean;
Prevnull367     function  Prev: Boolean;
369     procedure SetRange(LowRange, HighRange: PChar);
370     procedure CancelRange;
MatchKeynull371     function  MatchKey(UserKey: PChar): Integer;
CompareKeynull372     function  CompareKey(Key: PChar): Integer;
CompareKeysnull373     function  CompareKeys(Key1, Key2: PChar): Integer;
PrepareKeynull374     function  PrepareKey(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; ResultType: TExpressionType): PChar;
376     property KeyLen: Integer read GetKeyLen;
377     property IndexVersion: TXBaseVersion read FIndexVersion;
378     property EntryHeaderSize: Integer read FEntryHeaderSize;
379     property KeyType: Char read GetKeyType;
381     property SequentialRecordCount: Integer read GetSequentialRecordCount;
382     property SequentialRecNo: Integer read GetSequentialRecNo write SetSequentialRecNo;
383     property PhysicalRecNo: Integer read GetPhysicalRecNo write SetPhysicalRecNo;
384     property HeaderPageNo: Integer read FHeaderPageNo;
386     property IndexHeader: Pointer read FIndexHeader;
387     property EntryBof: Pointer read FEntryBof;
388     property EntryEof: Pointer read FEntryEof;
389     property UniqueMode: TIndexUniqueType read FUniqueMode;
390     property IsDescending: Boolean read FIsDescending;
392     property UpdateMode: TIndexUpdateMode read FUpdateMode write SetUpdateMode;
393     property IndexName: string read FIndexName write SetIndexName;
394     property Expression: string read GetExpression;
395 //    property Count: Integer read GetIndexCount;
397     property ForceClose: Boolean read FForceClose;
398     property ForceReadOnly: Boolean read FForceReadOnly;
399     property CodePage: Integer read FCodePage write FCodePage;
401     property OnLocaleError: TDbfLocaleErrorEvent read FOnLocaleError write FOnLocaleError;
402   end;
404 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
405 implementation
407 uses
408   dbf_dbffile,
409   dbf_fields,
410   dbf_str,
411   dbf_prssupp,
412   dbf_prscore,
413   dbf_lang;
415 const
416   RecBOF = 0;
417   RecEOF = MaxInt;
419   lcidBinary = $0A03;
421   KeyFormat_Expression = $00;
422   KeyFormat_Data       = $10;
424   KeyFormat_Descending = $08;
425   KeyFormat_String     = $10;
426   KeyFormat_Distinct   = $20;
427   KeyFormat_Unique     = $40;
429   Unique_None          = $00;
430   Unique_Unique        = $01;
431   Unique_Distinct      = $21;
433 type
435   TLCIDList = class(TList)
436   public
437     constructor Create;
439     procedure Enumerate;
440   end;
442   PMdxHdr = ^rMdxHdr;
443   rMdxHdr = record
444     MdxVersion : Byte;     // 0
445     Year       : Byte;     // 1
446     Month      : Byte;     // 2
447     Day        : Byte;     // 3
448     FileName   : array[0..15] of Char;   // 4..19
449     BlockSize  : Word;     // 20..21
450     BlockAdder : Word;     // 22..23
451     ProdFlag   : Byte;     // 24
452     NumTags    : Byte;     // 25
453     TagSize    : Byte;     // 26
454     Dummy1     : Byte;     // 27
455     TagsUsed   : Word;     // 28..29
456     Dummy2     : Byte;     // 30
457     Language   : Byte;     // 31
458     NumPages   : Integer;  // 32..35
459     FreePage   : Integer;  // 36..39
460     BlockFree  : Integer;  // 40..43
461     UpdYear    : Byte;     // 44
462     UpdMonth   : Byte;     // 45
463     UpdDay     : Byte;     // 46
464     Reserved   : array[0..481] of Byte;  // 47..528
465     TagFlag    : Byte;     // 529                   // dunno what this means but it ought to be 1  :-)
466   end;
468   // Tags -> I don't know what to with them
469   // KeyType -> Variable position, db7 different from db4
471   PMdx4Tag = ^rMdx4Tag;
472   rMdx4Tag = record
473     HeaderPageNo   : Integer;      // 0..3
474     TagName        : array [0..10] of Char;  // 4..14 of Byte
475     KeyFormat      : Byte;         // 15     00h: Calculated
476                                    //        10h: Data Field
477     ForwardTag1    : Byte;         // 16
478     ForwardTag2    : Byte;         // 17
479     BackwardTag    : Byte;         // 18
480     Reserved       : Byte;         // 19
481     KeyType        : Char;         // 20     C : Character
482                                    //        N : Numerical
483                                    //        D : Date
484   end;
486   PMdx7Tag = ^rMdx7Tag;
487   rMdx7Tag = record
488     HeaderPageNo   : Integer;      // 0..3
489     TagName        : array [0..32] of Char;  // 4..36 of Byte
490     KeyFormat      : Byte;         // 37     00h: Calculated
491                                    //        10h: Data Field
492     ForwardTag1    : Byte;         // 38
493     ForwardTag2    : Byte;         // 39
494     BackwardTag    : Byte;         // 40
495     Reserved       : Byte;         // 41
496     KeyType        : Char;         // 42     C : Character
497                                    //        N : Numerical
498                                    //        D : Date
499   end;
501   PIndexHdr = ^rIndexHdr;
502   rIndexHdr = record
503     RootPage       : Integer;  // 0..3
504     NumPages       : Integer;  // 4..7
505     KeyFormat      : Byte;     // 8      00h: Right, Left, DTOC
506                                //        08h: Descending order
507                                //        10h: String
508                                //        20h: Distinct
509                                //        40h: Unique
510     KeyType        : Char;     // 9      C : Character
511                                //        N : Numerical
512                                //        D : Date
513     Dummy          : Word;     // 10..11
514     KeyLen         : Word;     // 12..13
515     NumKeys        : Word;     // 14..15
516     sKeyType       : Word;     // 16..17 00h: DB4: C/N; DB3: C
517                                //        01h: DB4: D  ; DB3: N/D
518     KeyRecLen      : Word;     // 18..19 Length of key entry in page
519     Version        : Word;     // 20..21
520     Dummy2         : Byte;     // 22
521     Unique         : Byte;     // 23
522     KeyDesc        : array [0..219] of Char; // 24..243
523     Dummy3         : Byte;     // 244
524     ForExist       : Byte;     // 245
525     KeyExist       : Byte;     // 246
526     FirstNode      : Longint;  // 248..251   first node that contains data
527     LastNode       : Longint;  // 252..255   last node that contains data
528                                // MDX Header has here a 506 byte block reserved
529                                // and then the FILTER expression, which obviously doesn't
530                                // fit in a NDX page, so we'll skip it
531   end;
533   PMdxEntry = ^rMdxEntry;
534   rMdxEntry = record
535     RecBlockNo: Longint;       // 0..3   either recno or blockno
536     KeyData   : Char;          // 4..    first byte of data, context => length
537   end;
539   PMdxPage = ^rMdxPage;
540   rMdxPage = record
541     NumEntries : Integer;
542     PrevBlock  : Integer;
543     FirstEntry : rMdxEntry;
544   end;
546   PNdxEntry  = ^rNdxEntry;
547   rNdxEntry  = record
548     LowerPageNo: Integer;      //  0..3 lower page
549     RecNo      : Integer;      //  4..7 recno
550     KeyData    : Char;
551   end;
553   PNdxPage  = ^rNdxPage;
554   rNdxPage  = record
555     NumEntries: Integer;       //  0..3
556     FirstEntry: rNdxEntry;
557   end;
559 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
560   TMdxPage = class(TIndexPage)
561   protected
562     function GetEntry(AEntryNo: Integer): Pointer; override;
563     function GetLowerPageNo: Integer; override;
564     function GetKeyData: PChar; override;
565     function GetNumEntries: Integer; override;
566     function GetKeyDataFromEntry(AEntry: Integer): PChar; override;
567     function GetRecNo: Integer; override;
568     function GetIsInnerNode: Boolean; override;
569     procedure IncNumEntries; override;
570     procedure SetNumEntries(NewNum: Integer); override;
571     procedure SetRecLowerPageNo(NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer); override;
572     procedure SetRecLowerPageNoOfEntry(AEntry, NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer); override;
574     procedure SetPrevBlock(NewBlock: Integer); override;
575 {$endif}
576   end;
577 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
578   TNdxPage = class(TIndexPage)
579   protected
580     function GetEntry(AEntryNo: Integer): Pointer; override;
581     function GetLowerPageNo: Integer; override;
582     function GetKeyData: PChar; override;
583     function GetNumEntries: Integer; override;
584     function GetKeyDataFromEntry(AEntry: Integer): PChar; override;
585     function GetRecNo: Integer; override;
586     function GetIsInnerNode: Boolean; override;
587     procedure IncNumEntries; override;
588     procedure SetNumEntries(NewNum: Integer); override;
589     procedure SetRecLowerPageNo(NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer); override;
590     procedure SetRecLowerPageNoOfEntry(AEntry, NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer); override;
591   end;
592 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
593   TMdx4Tag = class(TIndexTag)
594   protected
595     function  GetHeaderPageNo: Integer; override;
596     function  GetTagName: string; override;
597     function  GetKeyFormat: Byte; override;
598     function  GetForwardTag1: Byte; override;
599     function  GetForwardTag2: Byte; override;
600     function  GetBackwardTag: Byte; override;
601     function  GetReserved: Byte; override;
602     function  GetKeyType: Char; override;
603     procedure SetHeaderPageNo(NewPageNo: Integer); override;
604     procedure SetTagName(NewName: string); override;
605     procedure SetKeyFormat(NewFormat: Byte); override;
606     procedure SetForwardTag1(NewTag: Byte); override;
607     procedure SetForwardTag2(NewTag: Byte); override;
608     procedure SetBackwardTag(NewTag: Byte); override;
609     procedure SetReserved(NewReserved: Byte); override;
610     procedure SetKeyType(NewType: Char); override;
611   end;
612 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
613   TMdx7Tag = class(TIndexTag)
614     function  GetHeaderPageNo: Integer; override;
615     function  GetTagName: string; override;
616     function  GetKeyFormat: Byte; override;
617     function  GetForwardTag1: Byte; override;
618     function  GetForwardTag2: Byte; override;
619     function  GetBackwardTag: Byte; override;
620     function  GetReserved: Byte; override;
621     function  GetKeyType: Char; override;
622     procedure SetHeaderPageNo(NewPageNo: Integer); override;
623     procedure SetTagName(NewName: string); override;
624     procedure SetKeyFormat(NewFormat: Byte); override;
625     procedure SetForwardTag1(NewTag: Byte); override;
626     procedure SetForwardTag2(NewTag: Byte); override;
627     procedure SetBackwardTag(NewTag: Byte); override;
628     procedure SetReserved(NewReserved: Byte); override;
629     procedure SetKeyType(NewType: Char); override;
630   end;
632 var
633   Entry_Mdx_BOF: rMdxEntry;   //(RecBOF, #0);
634   Entry_Mdx_EOF: rMdxEntry;   //(RecBOF, #0);
635   Entry_Ndx_BOF: rNdxEntry;   //(0, RecBOF, #0);
636   Entry_Ndx_EOF: rNdxEntry;   //(0, RecEOF, #0);
638   LCIDList: TLCIDList;
640 procedure IncWordLE(var AVariable: Word; Amount: Integer);
641 begin
642   AVariable := SwapWordLE(SwapWordLE(AVariable) + Amount);
643 end;
645 procedure IncIntLE(var AVariable: Integer; Amount: Integer);
646 begin
647   AVariable := SwapIntLE(DWord(Integer(SwapIntLE(AVariable)) + Amount));
648 end;
650 //==========================================================
651 // Locale support for all versions of Delphi/C++Builder
653 function LocaleCallBack(LocaleString: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
654 begin
655   LCIDList.Add(Pointer(StrToInt('$'+LocaleString)));
656   Result := 1;
657 end;
659 constructor TLCIDList.Create;
660 begin
661   inherited;
662 end;
664 procedure TLCIDList.Enumerate;
665 begin
666   Clear;
667   EnumSystemLocales(@LocaleCallBack, LCID_SUPPORTED);
668 end;
670 { TIndexPage }
672 constructor TIndexPage.Create(Parent: TIndexFile);
673 begin
674   FIndexFile := Parent;
675   GetMem(FPageBuffer, FIndexFile.RecordSize);
676   FLowerPage := nil;
677   Clear;
678 end;
680 destructor TIndexPage.Destroy;
681 begin
682   // no locks anymore?
683   assert(FLockCount = 0);
684   if (FLowerPage<>nil) then
685     LowerPage.Free;
686   WritePage;
687   FreeMemAndNil(FPageBuffer);
688   inherited Destroy;
689 end;
691 procedure TIndexPage.Clear;
692 begin
693   FillChar(PChar(FPageBuffer)^, FIndexFile.RecordSize, 0);
694   FreeAndNil(FLowerPage);
695   FUpperPage := nil;
696   FPageNo := -1;
697   FEntryNo := -1;
698   FWeight := 1;
699   FModified := false;
700   FEntry := FIndexFile.EntryBof;
701   FLowPage := 0;
702   FHighPage := 0;
703   FLowIndex := 0;
704   FHighIndex := -1;
705   FLockCount := 0;
706 end;
708 procedure TIndexPage.GetNewPage;
709 begin
710   FPageNo := FIndexFile.GetNewPageNo;
711 end;
713 procedure TIndexPage.Modified;
714 begin
715   FModified := true;
716 end;
718 procedure TIndexPage.LockPage;
719 begin
720   // already locked?
721   if FLockCount = 0 then
722     FIndexFile.LockPage(FPageNo, true);
723   // increase count
724   inc(FLockCount);
725 end;
727 procedure TIndexPage.UnlockPage;
728 begin
729   // still in domain?
730   assert(FLockCount > 0);
731   dec(FLockCount);
732   // unlock?
733   if FLockCount = 0 then
734   begin
735     if FIndexFile.NeedLocks then
736       WritePage;
737     FIndexFile.UnlockPage(FPageNo);
738   end;
739 end;
741 procedure TIndexPage.LocalInsert(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: PChar; LowerPageNo: Integer);
742   // *) assumes there is at least one entry free
743 var
744   source, dest: Pointer;
745   size, lNumEntries, numKeysAvail: Integer;
746 begin
747   // lock page if needed; wait if not available, anyone else updating?
748   LockPage;
749   // check assertions
750   lNumEntries := GetNumEntries;
751   // if this is inner node, we can only store one less than max entries
752   numKeysAvail := SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexFile.IndexHeader)^.NumKeys) - lNumEntries;
753   if FLowerPage <> nil then
754     dec(numKeysAvail);
755   // check if free space
756   assert(numKeysAvail > 0);
757   // first free up some space
758   source := FEntry;
759   dest := GetEntry(FEntryNo + 1);
760   size := (lNumEntries - EntryNo) * SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexFile.IndexHeader)^.KeyRecLen);
761   // if 'rightmost' entry, copy pageno too
762   if (FLowerPage <> nil) or (numKeysAvail > 1) then
763     size := size + FIndexFile.EntryHeaderSize;
764   Move(source^, dest^, size);
765   // one entry added
766   Inc(FHighIndex);
767   IncNumEntries;
768   // lNumEntries not valid from here
769   SetEntry(RecNo, Buffer, LowerPageNo);
770   // done!
771   UnlockPage;
772 end;
774 procedure TIndexPage.LocalDelete;
776   function IsOnlyEntry(Page: TIndexPage): boolean;
777   begin
778     Result := true;
779     repeat
780       if Page.HighIndex > 0 then
781         Result := false;
782       Page := Page.UpperPage;
783     until not Result or (Page = nil);
784   end;
786 var
787   source, dest: Pointer;
788   size, lNumEntries: Integer;
789 begin
790   // get num entries
791   lNumEntries := GetNumEntries;
792   // is this last entry? if it's not move entries after current one
793   if EntryNo < FHighIndex then
794   begin
795     source := GetEntry(EntryNo + 1);
796     dest := FEntry;
797     size := (FHighIndex - EntryNo) * SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexFile.IndexHeader)^.KeyRecLen);
798     Move(source^, dest^, size);
799   end else
800   // no need to update when we're about to remove the only entry
801   if (UpperPage <> nil) and (FHighIndex > FLowIndex) then
802   begin
803     // we are about to remove the last on this page, so update search
804     // key data of parent
805     EntryNo := FHighIndex - 1;
806     UpperPage.SetEntry(0, GetKeyData, FPageNo);
807   end;
808   // one entry less now
809   dec(lNumEntries);
810   dec(FHighIndex);
811   SetNumEntries(lNumEntries);
812   // zero last one out to not get confused about internal or leaf pages
813   // note: need to decrease lNumEntries and HighIndex first, otherwise
814   //   check on page key consistency will fail
815   SetRecLowerPageNoOfEntry(FHighIndex+1, 0, 0);
816   // update bracket indexes
817   if FHighPage = FPageNo then
818     dec(FHighBracket);
819   // check if range violated
820   if EntryNo > FHighIndex then
821     EntryNo := FHighIndex;
822   // check if still entries left, otherwise remove page from parent
823   if FHighIndex = -1 then
824   begin
825     if UpperPage <> nil then
826       if not IsOnlyEntry(UpperPage) then
827         UpperPage.LocalDelete;
828   end;
829   // go to valid record in lowerpage
830   if FLowerPage <> nil then
831     SyncLowerPage;
832   // flag modified page
833   FModified := true;
834   // success!
835 end;
MatchKeynull837 function TIndexPage.MatchKey: Integer;
838   // assumes Buffer <> nil
839 var
840   keyData: PChar;
841 begin
842   // get key data
843   keyData := GetKeyData;
844   // use locale dependant compare
845   Result := FIndexFile.CompareKey(keyData);
846 end;
FindNearestnull848 function TIndexPage.FindNearest(ARecNo: Integer): Integer;
849   // pre:
850   //  assumes Key <> nil
851   //  assumes FLowIndex <= FHighIndex + 1
852   //  ARecNo = -2 -> search first key matching Key
853   //  ARecNo = -3 -> search first key greater than Key
854   //  ARecNo >  0 -> search key matching Key and its recno = ARecNo
855   // post:
856   //  Result < 0  -> key,recno smaller than current entry
857   //  Result = 0  -> key,recno found, FEntryNo = found key entryno
858   //  Result > 0  -> key,recno larger than current entry
859 var
860   low, high, current: Integer;
861 begin
862   // implement binary search, keys are sorted
863   low := FLowIndex;
864   high := GetNumEntries;
865   // always true: Entry(FEntryNo) = FEntry
866   // FHighIndex >= 0 because no-entry cases in leaves have been filtered out
867   // entry HighIndex may not be bigger than rest (in inner node)
868   // ARecNo = -3 -> search last recno matching key
869   // need to have: low <= high
870   // define low - 1 = neg.inf.
871   // define high = pos.inf
872   // inv1: (ARecNo<>-3) -> Entry(low-1).Key <  Key <= Entry(high).Key
873   // inv2: (ARecNo =-3) -> Entry(low-1).Key <= Key <  Entry(high).Key
874   // vf: high + 1 - low
875   while low < high do
876   begin
877     current := (low + high) div 2;
878     FEntry := GetEntry(current);
879     // calc diff
880     Result := MatchKey;
881     // test if we need to go lower or higher
882     // result < 0 implies key smaller than tested entry
883     // result = 0 implies key equal to tested entry
884     // result > 0 implies key greater than tested entry
885     if (Result < 0) or ((ARecNo<>-3) and (Result=0)) then
886       high := current
887     else
888       low := current+1;
889   end;
890   // high will contain first greater-or-equal key
891   // ARecNo <> -3 -> Entry(high).Key will contain first key that matches    -> go to high
892   // ARecNo =  -3 -> Entry(high).Key will contain first key that is greater -> go to high
893   FEntryNo := -1;
894   EntryNo := high;
895   // calc end result: can't inspect high if lowerpage <> nil
896   // if this is a leaf, we need to find specific recno
897   if (LowerPage = nil) then
898   begin
899     if high > FHighIndex then
900     begin
901       Result := 1;
902     end else begin
903       Result := MatchKey;
904       // test if we need to find a specific recno
905       // result < 0 -> current key greater -> nothing found -> don't search
906       if (ARecNo > 0) then
907       begin
908         // BLS to RecNo
909         high := FHighIndex + 1;
910         low := FEntryNo;
911         // inv: FLowIndex <= FEntryNo <= high <= FHighIndex + 1 /\
912         // (Ai: FLowIndex <= i < FEntryNo: Entry(i).RecNo <> ARecNo)
913         while FEntryNo <> high do
914         begin
915           // FEntryNo < high, get new entry
916           if low <> FEntryNo then
917           begin
918             FEntry := GetEntry(FEntryNo);
919             // check if entry key still ok
920             Result := MatchKey;
921           end;
922           // test if out of range or found recno
923           if (Result <> 0) or (GetRecNo = ARecNo) then
924             high := FEntryNo
925           else begin
926             // default to EOF
927             inc(FEntryNo);
928             Result := 1;
929           end;
930         end;
931       end;
932     end;
933   end else begin
934     // FLowerPage <> nil -> high contains entry, can not have empty range
935     Result := 0;
936   end;
937 end;
939 procedure TIndexPage.GotoInsertEntry;
940   // assures we really can insert here
941 begin
942   if FEntry = FIndexFile.EntryEof then
943     FEntry := GetEntry(FEntryNo);
944 end;
946 procedure TIndexPage.SetEntry(RecNo: Integer; AKey: PChar; LowerPageNo: Integer);
947 var
948   keyData: PChar;
949 {$ifdef TDBF_INDEX_CHECK}
950   prevKeyData, curKeyData, nextKeyData: PChar;
951 {$endif}
952 begin
953   // get num entries
954   keyData := GetKeyData;
955   // check valid entryno: we should be able to insert entries!
956   assert((EntryNo >= 0) and (EntryNo <= FHighIndex));
957   if (UpperPage <> nil) and (FEntryNo = FHighIndex) then
958     UpperPage.SetEntry(0, AKey, FPageNo);
959 {  if PIndexHdr(FIndexFile.IndexHeader).KeyType = 'C' then  }
960     if AKey <> nil then
961       Move(AKey^, keyData^, SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexFile.IndexHeader)^.KeyLen))
962     else
963       PChar(keyData)^ := #0;
964 {
965   else
966     if AKey <> nil then
967       PDouble(keyData)^ := PDouble(AKey)^
968     else
969       PDouble(keyData)^ := 0.0;
970 }
971   // set entry info
972   SetRecLowerPageNo(RecNo, LowerPageNo);
973   // flag we modified the page
974   FModified := true;
976 {$ifdef TDBF_INDEX_CHECK}
978     // check sorted entry sequence
979     prevKeyData := GetKeyDataFromEntry(FEntryNo-1);
980     curKeyData  := GetKeyDataFromEntry(FEntryNo+0);
981     nextKeyData := GetKeyDataFromEntry(FEntryNo+1);
982     // check if prior entry not greater, 'rightmost' key does not have to match
983     if (FEntryNo > 0) and ((FLowerPage = nil) or (FEntryNo < FHighIndex)) then
984     begin
985       if FIndexFile.CompareKeys(prevKeyData, curKeyData) > 0 then
986         assert(false);
987     end;
988     // check if next entry not smaller
989     if ((FLowerPage = nil) and (FEntryNo < FHighIndex)) or
990         ((FLowerPage <> nil) and (FEntryNo < (FHighIndex - 1))) then
991     begin
992       if FIndexFile.CompareKeys(curKeyData, nextKeyData) > 0 then
993         assert(false);
994     end;
996 {$endif}
998 end;
1002 procedure TIndexPage.SetPrevBlock(NewBlock: Integer);
1003 begin
1004 end;
1006 {$endif}
1008 procedure TIndexPage.Split;
1009   // *) assumes this page is `nearly' full
1010 var
1011   NewPage: TIndexPage;
1012   source, dest: Pointer;
1013   paKeyData: PChar;
1014   size, oldEntryNo: Integer;
1015   splitRight, lNumEntries, numEntriesNew: Integer;
1016   saveLow, saveHigh: Integer;
1017   newRoot: Boolean;
1018 begin
1019   // assure parent exists, if not -> create & lock, else lock it
1020   newRoot := FUpperPage = nil;
1021   if newRoot then
1022     FIndexFile.AddNewLevel
1023   else
1024     FUpperPage.LockPage;
1026   // lock this page for updates
1027   LockPage;
1029   // get num entries
1030   lNumEntries := GetNumEntries;
1032   // calc split pos: split in half
1033   splitRight := lNumEntries div 2;
1034   if (FLowerPage <> nil) and (lNumEntries mod 2 = 1) then
1035     inc(splitRight);
1036   numEntriesNew := lNumEntries - splitRight;
1037   // check if place to insert has least entries
1038   if (numEntriesNew > splitRight) and (EntryNo > splitRight) then
1039   begin
1040     inc(splitRight);
1041     dec(numEntriesNew);
1042   end else if (numEntriesNew < splitRight) and (EntryNo < splitRight) then
1043   begin
1044     dec(splitRight);
1045     inc(numEntriesNew);
1046   end;
1047   // save current entryno
1048   oldEntryNo := EntryNo;
1049   // check if we need to save high / low bound
1050   if FLowPage = FPageNo then
1051     saveLow := FLowIndex
1052   else
1053     saveLow := -1;
1054   if FHighPage = FPageNo then
1055     saveHigh := FHighIndex
1056   else
1057     saveHigh := -1;
1059   // create new page
1060   NewPage := TIndexPageClass(ClassType).Create(FIndexFile);
1061   try
1062     // get page
1063     NewPage.GetNewPage;
1065     NewPage.SetPrevBlock(NewPage.PageNo - FIndexFile.PagesPerRecord);
1066 {$endif}
1068     // set modified
1069     FModified := true;
1070     NewPage.FModified := true;
1072     // compute source, dest
1073     dest := NewPage.GetEntry(0);
1074     source := GetEntry(splitRight);
1075     size := numEntriesNew * SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexFile.IndexHeader)^.KeyRecLen);
1076     // if inner node, copy rightmost entry too
1077     if FLowerPage <> nil then
1078       size := size + FIndexFile.EntryHeaderSize;
1079     // copy bytes
1080     Move(source^, dest^, size);
1081     // if not inner node, clear possible 'rightmost' entry
1082     if (FLowerPage = nil) then
1083       SetRecLowerPageNoOfEntry(splitRight, 0, 0);
1085     // calc new number of entries of this page
1086     lNumEntries := lNumEntries - numEntriesNew;
1087     // if lower level, then we need adjust for new 'rightmost' node
1088     if FLowerPage <> nil then
1089     begin
1090       // right split, so we need 'new' rightmost node
1091       dec(lNumEntries);
1092     end;
1093     // store new number of nodes
1094     // new page is right page, so update parent to point to new right page
1095     NewPage.SetNumEntries(numEntriesNew);
1096     SetNumEntries(lNumEntries);
1097     // update highindex
1098     FHighIndex := lNumEntries;
1099     if FLowerPage = nil then
1100       dec(FHighIndex);
1102     // get data of last entry on this page
1103     paKeyData := GetKeyDataFromEntry(splitRight - 1);
1105     // reinsert ourself into parent
1106 //    FUpperPage.RecurInsert(0, paKeyData, FPageNo);
1107     // we can do this via a localinsert now: we know there is at least one entry
1108     // free in this page and higher up
1109     FUpperPage.LocalInsert(0, paKeyData, FPageNo);
1111     // new page is right page, so update parent to point to new right page
1112     // we can't do this earlier: we will get lost in tree!
1113     FUpperPage.SetRecLowerPageNoOfEntry(FUpperPage.EntryNo+1, 0, NewPage.PageNo);
1115     // NOTE: UpperPage.LowerPage = Self <= inserted FPageNo, not NewPage.PageNo
1116   finally
1117     NewPage.Free;
1118   end;
1120   // done updating: unlock page
1121   UnlockPage;
1122   // save changes to parent
1123   FUpperPage.UnlockPage;
1125   // unlock new root, unlock header too
1126   FIndexFile.UnlockHeader;
1128   // go to entry we left on
1129   if oldEntryNo >= splitRight then
1130   begin
1131     // sync upperpage with right page
1132     FUpperPage.EntryNo := FUpperPage.EntryNo + 1;
1133     FEntryNo := oldEntryNo - splitRight;
1134     FEntry := GetEntry(FEntryNo);
1135   end else begin
1136     // in left page = this page
1137     EntryNo := oldEntryNo;
1138   end;
1140   // check if we have to save high / low bound
1141   // seen the fact that FHighPage = FPageNo -> EntryNo <= FHighIndex, it can in
1142   // theory not happen that page is advanced to right page and high bound remains
1143   // on left page, but we won't check for that here
1144   if saveLow >= splitRight then
1145   begin
1146     FLowPage := FPageNo;
1147     FLowIndex := saveLow - splitRight;
1148   end;
1149   if saveHigh >= splitRight then
1150   begin
1151     FHighPage := FPageNo;
1152     FHighIndex := saveHigh - splitRight;
1153   end;
1154 end;
1156 procedure TIndexPage.Delete;
1157 begin
1158   LocalDelete;
1159 end;
1161 procedure TIndexPage.WritePage;
1162 begin
1163   // check if we modified current page
1164   if FModified and (FPageNo > 0) then
1165   begin
1166     FIndexFile.WriteRecord(FPageNo, FPageBuffer);
1167     FModified := false;
1168   end;
1169 end;
1171 procedure TIndexPage.Flush;
1172 begin
1173   WritePage;
1174   if FLowerPage <> nil then
1175     FLowerPage.Flush;
1176 end;
1178 procedure TIndexPage.RecalcWeight;
1179 begin
1180   if FLowerPage <> nil then
1181   begin
1182     FWeight := FLowerPage.Weight * SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexFile.IndexHeader)^.NumKeys);
1183   end else begin
1184     FWeight := 1;
1185   end;
1186   if FUpperPage <> nil then
1187     FUpperPage.RecalcWeight;
1188 end;
1190 procedure TIndexPage.UpdateWeight;
1191 begin
1192   if FLowerPage <> nil then
1193     FLowerPage.UpdateWeight
1194   else
1195     RecalcWeight;
1196 end;
1198 procedure TIndexPage.SetUpperPage(NewPage: TIndexPage);
1199 begin
1200   if FUpperPage <> NewPage then
1201   begin
1202     // root height changed: update weights
1203     FUpperPage := NewPage;
1204     UpdateWeight;
1205   end;
1206 end;
1208 procedure TIndexPage.SetLowPage(NewPage: Integer);
1209 begin
1210   if FLowPage <> NewPage then
1211   begin
1212     FLowPage := NewPage;
1213     UpdateBounds(FLowerPage <> nil);
1214   end;
1215 end;
1217 procedure TIndexPage.SetHighPage(NewPage: Integer);
1218 begin
1219   if FHighPage <> NewPage then
1220   begin
1221     FHighPage := NewPage;
1222     UpdateBounds(FLowerPage <> nil);
1223   end;
1224 end;
1226 procedure TIndexPage.UpdateBounds(IsInnerNode: Boolean);
1227 begin
1228   // update low / high index range
1229   if FPageNo = FLowPage then
1230     FLowIndex := FLowBracket
1231   else
1232     FLowIndex := 0;
1233   if FPageNo = FHighPage then
1234     FHighIndex := FHighBracket
1235   else begin
1236     FHighIndex := GetNumEntries;
1237     if not IsInnerNode then
1238       dec(FHighIndex);
1239   end;
1240 end;
GetIsInnerNodenull1242 function TMdxPage.GetIsInnerNode: Boolean;
1243 begin
1244   Result := SwapIntLE(PMdxPage(FPageBuffer)^.NumEntries) < SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexFile.IndexHeader)^.NumKeys);
1245   // if there is still an entry after the last one, this has to be an inner node
1246   if Result then
1247     Result := PMdxEntry(GetEntry(PMdxPage(FPageBuffer)^.NumEntries))^.RecBlockNo <> 0;
1248 end;
TNdxPage.GetIsInnerNodenull1250 function TNdxPage.GetIsInnerNode: Boolean;
1251 begin
1252   Result := PNdxEntry(GetEntry(0))^.LowerPageNo <> 0;
1253 end;
1255 procedure TIndexPage.SetPageNo(NewPageNo: Integer);
1256 var
1257   isInnerNode: Boolean;
1258 begin
1259   if (NewPageNo <> FPageNo) or FIndexFile.NeedLocks then
1260   begin
1261     // save changes
1262     WritePage;
1263     // no locks
1264     assert(FLockCount = 0);
1266     // goto new page
1267     FPageNo := NewPageNo;
1268     // remind ourselves we need to load new entry when page loaded
1269     FEntryNo := -1;
1270     if (NewPageNo > 0) and (NewPageNo <= FIndexFile.RecordCount) then
1271     begin
1272       // read page from disk
1273       FIndexFile.ReadRecord(NewPageNo, FPageBuffer);
1275       // fixup descending tree
1276       isInnerNode := GetIsInnerNode;
1278       // update low / high index range
1279       UpdateBounds(isInnerNode);
1281       // read inner node if any
1282       if isInnerNode then
1283       begin
1284         if FLowerPage = nil then
1285         begin
1286           FLowerPage := TIndexPageClass(ClassType).Create(FIndexFile);
1287           FLowerPage.UpperPage := Self;
1288         end;
1289         // read first entry, don't do this sooner, not created lowerpage yet
1290         // don't recursively resync all lower pages
1291 {$ifdef TDBF_INDEX_CHECK}
1292       end else if FLowerPage <> nil then
1293       begin
1294 //        FLowerPage.Free;
1295 //        FLowerPage := nil;
1296         assert(false);
1297 {$endif}
1298       end else begin
1299         // we don't have to check autoresync here because we're already at lowest level
1300         EntryNo := FLowIndex;
1301       end;
1302     end;
1303   end;
1304 end;
1306 procedure TIndexPage.SyncLowerPage;
1307   // *) assumes FLowerPage <> nil!
1308 begin
1309   FLowerPage.PageNo := GetLowerPageNo;
1310 end;
1312 procedure TIndexPage.SetEntryNo(value: Integer);
1313 begin
1314   // do not bother if no change
1315   if value <> FEntryNo then
1316   begin
1317     // check if out of range
1318     if (value < FLowIndex) then
1319     begin
1320       if FLowerPage = nil then
1321         FEntryNo := FLowIndex - 1;
1322       FEntry := FIndexFile.EntryBof;
1323     end else if value > FHighIndex then begin
1324       FEntryNo := FHighIndex + 1;
1325       FEntry := FIndexFile.EntryEof;
1326     end else begin
1327       FEntryNo := value;
1328       FEntry := GetEntry(value);
1329       // sync lowerpage with entry
1330       if (FLowerPage <> nil) then
1331         SyncLowerPage;
1332     end;
1333   end;
1334 end;
TIndexPage.PhysicalRecNonull1336 function TIndexPage.PhysicalRecNo: Integer;
1337 var
1338   entryRec: Integer;
1339 begin
1340   // get num entries
1341   entryRec := GetRecNo;
1342   // check if in range
1343   if (FEntryNo >= FLowIndex) and (FEntryNo <= FHighIndex) then
1344     Result := entryRec
1345   else
1346     Result := -1;
1347 end;
TIndexPage.RecurPrevnull1349 function TIndexPage.RecurPrev: Boolean;
1350 begin
1351   EntryNo := EntryNo - 1;
1352   Result := Entry <> FIndexFile.EntryBof;
1353   if Result then
1354   begin
1355     if FLowerPage <> nil then
1356     begin
1357       FLowerPage.RecurLast;
1358     end;
1359   end else begin
1360     if FUpperPage<>nil then
1361     begin
1362       Result := FUpperPage.RecurPrev;
1363     end;
1364   end;
1365 end;
TIndexPage.RecurNextnull1367 function TIndexPage.RecurNext: Boolean;
1368 begin
1369   EntryNo := EntryNo + 1;
1370   Result := Entry <> FIndexFile.EntryEof;
1371   if Result then
1372   begin
1373     if FLowerPage <> nil then
1374     begin
1375       FLowerPage.RecurFirst;
1376     end;
1377   end else begin
1378     if FUpperPage<>nil then
1379     begin
1380       Result := FUpperPage.RecurNext;
1381     end;
1382   end;
1383 end;
1385 procedure TIndexPage.RecurFirst;
1386 begin
1387   EntryNo := FLowIndex;
1388   if (FLowerPage<>nil) then
1389     FLowerPage.RecurFirst;
1390 end;
1392 procedure TIndexPage.RecurLast;
1393 begin
1394   EntryNo := FHighIndex;
1395   if (FLowerPage<>nil) then
1396     FLowerPage.RecurLast;
1397 end;
1399 procedure TIndexPage.SaveBracket;
1400 begin
1401   FLowPageTemp := FLowPage;
1402   FHighPageTemp := FHighPage;
1403 end;
1405 procedure TIndexPage.RestoreBracket;
1406 begin
1407   FLowPage := FLowPageTemp;
1408   FHighPage := FHighPageTemp;
1409 end;
1411 //==============================================================================
1412 //============ Mdx specific access routines
1413 //==============================================================================
TMdxPage.GetEntrynull1415 function TMdxPage.GetEntry(AEntryNo: Integer): Pointer;
1416 begin
1417   // get base + offset
1418   Result := PChar(@PMdxPage(PageBuffer)^.FirstEntry) + (SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(
1419     IndexFile.IndexHeader)^.KeyRecLen) * AEntryNo);
1420 end;
GetLowerPageNonull1422 function TMdxPage.GetLowerPageNo: Integer;
1423   // *) assumes LowerPage <> nil
1424 begin
1425 //  if LowerPage = nil then
1426 //    Result := 0
1427 //  else
1428     Result := SwapIntLE(PMdxEntry(Entry)^.RecBlockNo);
1429 end;
TMdxPage.GetKeyDatanull1431 function TMdxPage.GetKeyData: PChar;
1432 begin
1433   Result := @PMdxEntry(Entry)^.KeyData;
1434 end;
GetNumEntriesnull1436 function TMdxPage.GetNumEntries: Integer;
1437 begin
1438   Result := SwapWordLE(PMdxPage(PageBuffer)^.NumEntries);
1439 end;
TMdxPage.GetKeyDataFromEntrynull1441 function TMdxPage.GetKeyDataFromEntry(AEntry: Integer): PChar;
1442 begin
1443   Result := @PMdxEntry(GetEntry(AEntry))^.KeyData;
1444 end;
GetRecNonull1446 function TMdxPage.GetRecNo: Integer;
1447 begin
1448   Result := SwapIntLE(PMdxEntry(Entry)^.RecBlockNo);
1449 end;
1451 procedure TMdxPage.SetNumEntries(NewNum: Integer);
1452 begin
1453   PMdxPage(PageBuffer)^.NumEntries := SwapIntLE(NewNum);
1454 end;
1456 procedure TMdxPage.IncNumEntries;
1457 begin
1458   IncIntLE(PMdxPage(PageBuffer)^.NumEntries, 1);
1459 end;
1461 procedure TMdxPage.SetRecLowerPageNo(NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer);
1462 begin
1463   if FLowerPage = nil then
1464     PMdxEntry(Entry)^.RecBlockNo := SwapIntLE(NewRecNo)
1465   else
1466     PMdxEntry(Entry)^.RecBlockNo := SwapIntLE(NewPageNo);
1467 end;
1469 procedure TMdxPage.SetRecLowerPageNoOfEntry(AEntry, NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer);
1470 begin
1471   if FLowerPage = nil then
1472     PMdxEntry(GetEntry(AEntry))^.RecBlockNo := SwapIntLE(NewRecNo)
1473   else
1474     PMdxEntry(GetEntry(AEntry))^.RecBlockNo := SwapIntLE(NewPageNo);
1475 end;
1479 procedure TMdxPage.SetPrevBlock(NewBlock: Integer);
1480 begin
1481   PMdxPage(PageBuffer)^.PrevBlock := SwapIntLE(NewBlock);
1482 end;
1484 {$endif}
1486 //==============================================================================
1487 //============ Ndx specific access routines
1488 //==============================================================================
GetEntrynull1490 function TNdxPage.GetEntry(AEntryNo: Integer): Pointer;
1491 begin
1492   // get base + offset
1493   Result := PChar(@PNdxPage(PageBuffer)^.FirstEntry) +
1494     (SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexFile.IndexHeader)^.KeyRecLen) * AEntryNo);
1495 end;
GetLowerPageNonull1497 function TNdxPage.GetLowerPageNo: Integer;
1498   // *) assumes LowerPage <> nil
1499 begin
1500 //  if LowerPage = nil then
1501 //    Result := 0
1502 //  else
1503     Result := SwapIntLE(PNdxEntry(Entry)^.LowerPageNo)
1504 end;
GetRecNonull1506 function TNdxPage.GetRecNo: Integer;
1507 begin
1508   Result := SwapIntLE(PNdxEntry(Entry)^.RecNo);
1509 end;
TNdxPage.GetKeyDatanull1511 function TNdxPage.GetKeyData: PChar;
1512 begin
1513   Result := @PNdxEntry(Entry)^.KeyData;
1514 end;
TNdxPage.GetKeyDataFromEntrynull1516 function TNdxPage.GetKeyDataFromEntry(AEntry: Integer): PChar;
1517 begin
1518   Result := @PNdxEntry(GetEntry(AEntry))^.KeyData;
1519 end;
GetNumEntriesnull1521 function TNdxPage.GetNumEntries: Integer;
1522 begin
1523   Result := SwapIntLE(PNdxPage(PageBuffer)^.NumEntries);
1524 end;
1526 procedure TNdxPage.IncNumEntries;
1527 begin
1528   IncIntLE(PNdxPage(PageBuffer)^.NumEntries, 1);
1529 end;
1531 procedure TNdxPage.SetNumEntries(NewNum: Integer);
1532 begin
1533   PNdxPage(PageBuffer)^.NumEntries := SwapIntLE(NewNum);
1534 end;
1536 procedure TNdxPage.SetRecLowerPageNo(NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer);
1537 begin
1538   PNdxEntry(Entry)^.RecNo := SwapIntLE(NewRecNo);
1539   PNdxEntry(Entry)^.LowerPageNo := SwapIntLE(NewPageNo);
1540 end;
1542 procedure TNdxPage.SetRecLowerPageNoOfEntry(AEntry, NewRecNo, NewPageNo: Integer);
1543 begin
1544   PNdxEntry(GetEntry(AEntry))^.RecNo := SwapIntLE(NewRecNo);
1545   PNdxEntry(GetEntry(AEntry))^.LowerPageNo := SwapIntLE(NewPageNo);
1546 end;
1548 //==============================================================================
1549 //============ MDX version 4 header access routines
1550 //==============================================================================
GetHeaderPageNonull1552 function TMdx4Tag.GetHeaderPageNo: Integer;
1553 begin
1554   Result := SwapIntLE(Unaligned(PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.HeaderPageNo));
1555 end;
TMdx4Tag.GetTagNamenull1557 function TMdx4Tag.GetTagName: string;
1558 begin
1559   Result := PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.TagName;
1560 end;
GetKeyFormatnull1562 function TMdx4Tag.GetKeyFormat: Byte;
1563 begin
1564   Result := PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.KeyFormat;
1565 end;
GetForwardTag1null1567 function TMdx4Tag.GetForwardTag1: Byte;
1568 begin
1569   Result := PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.ForwardTag1;
1570 end;
GetForwardTag2null1572 function TMdx4Tag.GetForwardTag2: Byte;
1573 begin
1574   Result := PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.ForwardTag2;
1575 end;
GetBackwardTagnull1577 function TMdx4Tag.GetBackwardTag: Byte;
1578 begin
1579   Result := PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.BackwardTag;
1580 end;
TMdx4Tag.GetReservednull1582 function TMdx4Tag.GetReserved: Byte;
1583 begin
1584   Result := PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.Reserved;
1585 end;
GetKeyTypenull1587 function TMdx4Tag.GetKeyType: Char;
1588 begin
1589   Result := PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.KeyType;
1590 end;
1592 procedure TMdx4Tag.SetHeaderPageNo(NewPageNo: Integer);
1593 begin
1594   Unaligned(PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.HeaderPageNo) := SwapIntLE(NewPageNo);
1595 end;
1597 procedure TMdx4Tag.SetTagName(NewName: string);
1598 begin
1599   StrPLCopy(PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.TagName, NewName, 10);
1600   PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.TagName[10] := #0;
1601 end;
1603 procedure TMdx4Tag.SetKeyFormat(NewFormat: Byte);
1604 begin
1605   PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.KeyFormat := NewFormat;
1606 end;
1608 procedure TMdx4Tag.SetForwardTag1(NewTag: Byte);
1609 begin
1610   PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.ForwardTag1 := NewTag;
1611 end;
1613 procedure TMdx4Tag.SetForwardTag2(NewTag: Byte);
1614 begin
1615   PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.ForwardTag2 := NewTag;
1616 end;
1618 procedure TMdx4Tag.SetBackwardTag(NewTag: Byte);
1619 begin
1620   PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.BackwardTag := NewTag;
1621 end;
1623 procedure TMdx4Tag.SetReserved(NewReserved: Byte);
1624 begin
1625   PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.Reserved := NewReserved;
1626 end;
1628 procedure TMdx4Tag.SetKeyType(NewType: Char);
1629 begin
1630   PMdx4Tag(Tag)^.KeyType := NewType;
1631 end;
1633 //==============================================================================
1634 //============ MDX version 7 headertag access routines
1635 //==============================================================================
GetHeaderPageNonull1637 function TMdx7Tag.GetHeaderPageNo: Integer;
1638 begin
1639   Result := SwapIntLE(Unaligned(PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.HeaderPageNo));
1640 end;
TMdx7Tag.GetTagNamenull1642 function TMdx7Tag.GetTagName: string;
1643 begin
1644   Result := PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.TagName;
1645 end;
GetKeyFormatnull1647 function TMdx7Tag.GetKeyFormat: Byte;
1648 begin
1649   Result := PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.KeyFormat;
1650 end;
GetForwardTag1null1652 function TMdx7Tag.GetForwardTag1: Byte;
1653 begin
1654   Result := PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.ForwardTag1;
1655 end;
GetForwardTag2null1657 function TMdx7Tag.GetForwardTag2: Byte;
1658 begin
1659   Result := PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.ForwardTag2;
1660 end;
GetBackwardTagnull1662 function TMdx7Tag.GetBackwardTag: Byte;
1663 begin
1664   Result := PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.BackwardTag;
1665 end;
TMdx7Tag.GetReservednull1667 function TMdx7Tag.GetReserved: Byte;
1668 begin
1669   Result := PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.Reserved;
1670 end;
GetKeyTypenull1672 function TMdx7Tag.GetKeyType: Char;
1673 begin
1674   Result := PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.KeyType;
1675 end;
1677 procedure TMdx7Tag.SetHeaderPageNo(NewPageNo: Integer);
1678 begin
1679   Unaligned(PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.HeaderPageNo) := SwapIntLE(NewPageNo);
1680 end;
1682 procedure TMdx7Tag.SetTagName(NewName: string);
1683 begin
1684   StrPLCopy(PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.TagName, NewName, 32);
1685   PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.TagName[32] := #0;
1686 end;
1688 procedure TMdx7Tag.SetKeyFormat(NewFormat: Byte);
1689 begin
1690   PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.KeyFormat := NewFormat;
1691 end;
1693 procedure TMdx7Tag.SetForwardTag1(NewTag: Byte);
1694 begin
1695   PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.ForwardTag1 := NewTag;
1696 end;
1698 procedure TMdx7Tag.SetForwardTag2(NewTag: Byte);
1699 begin
1700   PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.ForwardTag2 := NewTag;
1701 end;
1703 procedure TMdx7Tag.SetBackwardTag(NewTag: Byte);
1704 begin
1705   PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.BackwardTag := NewTag;
1706 end;
1708 procedure TMdx7Tag.SetReserved(NewReserved: Byte);
1709 begin
1710   PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.Reserved := NewReserved;
1711 end;
1713 procedure TMdx7Tag.SetKeyType(NewType: Char);
1714 begin
1715   PMdx7Tag(Tag)^.KeyType := NewType;
1716 end;
1718 { TDbfIndexParser }
1720 procedure TDbfIndexParser.ValidateExpression(AExpression: string);
1721 const
1722   AnsiStrFuncs: array[0..13] of TExprFunc = (FuncUppercase, FuncLowercase, FuncStrI_EQ,
1723     FuncStrIP_EQ, FuncStrI_NEQ, FuncStrI_LT, FuncStrI_GT, FuncStrI_LTE, FuncStrI_GTE,
1724     FuncStrP_EQ, FuncStr_LT, FuncStr_GT, FuncStr_LTE, FuncStr_GTE);
1725   AnsiFuncsToMode: array[boolean] of TStringFieldMode = (smRaw, smAnsi);
1726 var
1727   TempRec: PExpressionRec;
1728   TempBuffer: TRecordBuffer;
1729   I: integer;
1730   hasAnsiFuncs: boolean;
1731 begin
1732   TempRec := CurrentRec;
1733   hasAnsiFuncs := false;
1734   while not hasAnsiFuncs and (TempRec <> nil) do
1735   begin
1736     for I := Low(AnsiStrFuncs) to High(AnsiStrFuncs) do
1737       if @TempRec^.Oper = @AnsiStrFuncs[I] then
1738       begin
1739         hasAnsiFuncs := true;
1740         break;
1741       end;
1742     TempRec := TempRec^.Next;
1743   end;
1745   StringFieldMode := AnsiFuncsToMode[hasAnsiFuncs];
1747   FResultLen := inherited ResultLen;
1749   if FResultLen = -1 then
1750   begin
1751     // make empty record
1752     GetMem(TempBuffer, TDbfFile(DbfFile).RecordSize);
1753     try
1754       TDbfFile(DbfFile).InitRecord(TempBuffer);
1755       FResultLen := StrLen(ExtractFromBuffer(TempBuffer));
1756     finally
1757       FreeMem(TempBuffer);
1758     end;
1759   end;
1761   // check if expression not too long
1762   if FResultLen > 100 then
1763     raise EDbfError.CreateFmt(STRING_INDEX_EXPRESSION_TOO_LONG, [AExpression, FResultLen]);
1764 end;
1766 //==============================================================================
1767 //============ TIndexFile
1768 //==============================================================================
1769 constructor TIndexFile.Create(ADbfFile: Pointer);
1770 var
1771   I: Integer;
1772 begin
1773   inherited Create;
1775   // clear variables
1776   FOpened := false;
1777   FRangeActive := false;
1778   FUpdateMode := umCurrent;
1779   FModifyMode := mmNormal;
1780   FTempMode := TDbfFile(ADbfFile).TempMode;
1781   FRangeIndex := -1;
1782   SelectIndexVars(-1);
1783   for I := 0 to MaxIndexes - 1 do
1784   begin
1785     FParsers[I] := nil;
1786     FRoots[I] := nil;
1787     FLeaves[I] := nil;
1788     FIndexHeaderModified[I] := false;
1789   end;
1791   // store pointer to `parent' dbf file
1792   FDbfFile := ADbfFile;
1793 end;
1795 destructor TIndexFile.Destroy;
1796 begin
1797   // close file
1798   Close;
1800   // call ancestor
1801   inherited Destroy;
1802 end;
1804 procedure TIndexFile.Open;
1805 var
1806   I: Integer;
1807   ext: string;
1808   localeError: TLocaleError;
1809   localeSolution: TLocaleSolution;
1810   DbfLangId: Byte;
1811 begin
1812   if not FOpened then
1813   begin
1814     // open physical file
1815     OpenFile;
1817     // page offsets are not related to header length
1818     PageOffsetByHeader := false;
1819     // we need physical page locks
1820     VirtualLocks := false;
1822     // not selected index expression => can't edit yet
1823     FCanEdit := false;
1824     FUserKey := nil;
1825     FUserRecNo := -1;
1826     FHeaderLocked := -1;
1827     FHeaderPageNo := 0;
1828     FForceClose := false;
1829     FForceReadOnly := false;
1830     FMdxTag := nil;
1832     // get index type
1833     ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FileName));
1834     if (ext = '.MDX') then
1835     begin
1836       FEntryHeaderSize := 4;
1837       FPageHeaderSize := 8;
1838       FEntryBof := @Entry_Mdx_BOF;
1839       FEntryEof := @Entry_Mdx_EOF;
1840       HeaderSize := 2048;
1841       RecordSize := 1024;
1842       PageSize := 512;
1843       if FileCreated then
1844       begin
1845         FIndexVersion := TDbfFile(FDbfFile).DbfVersion;
1846         if FIndexVersion = xBaseIII then
1847           FIndexVersion := xBaseIV;
1848       end else begin
1849         case PMdxHdr(Header)^.MdxVersion of
1850           3: FIndexVersion := xBaseVII;
1851         else
1852           FIndexVersion := xBaseIV;
1853         end;
1854       end;
1855       case FIndexVersion of
1856         xBaseVII:
1857           begin
1858             FMdxTag := TMdx7Tag.Create;
1859             FTempMdxTag := TMdx7Tag.Create;
1860           end;
1861       else
1862         FMdxTag := TMdx4Tag.Create;
1863         FTempMdxTag := TMdx4Tag.Create;
1864       end;
1865       // get mem for all index headers..we're going to cache these
1866       for I := 0 to MaxIndexes - 1 do
1867       begin
1868         GetMem(FIndexHeaders[I], RecordSize);
1869         FillChar(FIndexHeaders[I]^, RecordSize, 0);
1870       end;
1871       // set pointers to first index
1872       FIndexHeader := FIndexHeaders[0];
1873     end else begin
1874       // don't waste memory on another header block: we can just use
1875       // the pagedfile one, there is only one index in this file
1876       FIndexVersion := xBaseIII;
1877       FEntryHeaderSize := 8;
1878       FPageHeaderSize := 4;
1879       FEntryBof := @Entry_Ndx_BOF;
1880       FEntryEof := @Entry_Ndx_EOF;
1881       HeaderSize := 512;
1882       RecordSize := 512;
1883       // have to read header first before we can assign following vars
1884       FIndexHeaders[0] := Header;
1885       FIndexHeader := Header;
1886       // create default root
1887       FParsers[0] := TDbfIndexParser.Create(FDbfFile);
1888       FRoots[0] := TNdxPage.Create(Self);
1889       FCurrentParser := FParsers[0];
1890       FRoot := FRoots[0];
1891       FSelectedIndex := 0;
1892       // parse index expression
1893       FCurrentParser.ParseExpression(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyDesc);
1894       // set index locale
1895       FCollation := BINARY_COLLATION;
1896     end;
1898     // determine how to open file
1899     if FileCreated then
1900     begin
1901       FillChar(Header^, HeaderSize, 0);
1902       Clear;
1903     end else begin
1904       // determine locale type
1905       localeError := leNone;
1906       if (FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV) then
1907       begin
1908         // get parent language id
1909         DbfLangId := GetDbfLanguageId;
1910         // no ID?
1911         if (DbfLangId = 0) { and (TDbfFile(FDbfFile).DbfVersion = xBaseIII)} then
1912         begin
1913           // if dbf is version 3, no language id, if no MDX language, use binary
1914           if PMdxHdr(Header)^.Language = 0 then
1915             FCollation := BINARY_COLLATION
1916           else
1917             FCollation := GetCollationTable(PMdxHdr(Header)^.Language);
1918         end else begin
1919           // check if MDX - DBF language id's match
1920           if (PMdxHdr(Header)^.Language = 0) or (PMdxHdr(Header)^.Language = DbfLangId) then
1921             FCollation := GetCollationTable(DbfLangId)
1922           else
1923             localeError := leTableIndexMismatch;
1924         end;
1925         // don't overwrite previous error
1926         if (FCollation = UNKNOWN_COLLATION) and (localeError = leNone) then
1927           localeError := leUnknown;
1928       end else begin
1929         // dbase III always binary?
1930         FCollation := BINARY_COLLATION;
1931       end;
1932       // check if selected locale is available, binary is always available...
1933       if (localeError <> leNone) and (FCollation <> BINARY_COLLATION) then
1934       begin
1935         if LCIDList.IndexOf(Pointer(FCollation)) < 0 then
1936           localeError := leNotAvailable;
1937       end;
1938       // check if locale error detected
1939       if localeError <> leNone then
1940       begin
1941         // provide solution, well, solution...
1942         localeSolution := lsNotOpen;
1943         // call error handler
1944         if Assigned(FOnLocaleError) then
1945           FOnLocaleError(localeError, localeSolution);
1946         // act to solution
1947         case localeSolution of
1948           lsNotOpen: FForceClose := true;
1949           lsNoEdit: FForceReadOnly := true;
1950         else
1951           { lsBinary }
1952           FCollation := BINARY_COLLATION;
1953         end;
1954       end;
1955       // now read info
1956       if not ForceClose then
1957         ReadIndexes;
1958     end;
1959     // default to update all
1960     UpdateMode := umAll;
1961     // flag open
1962     FOpened := true;
1963   end;
1964 end;
1966 procedure TIndexFile.Close;
1967 var
1968   I: Integer;
1969 begin
1970   if FOpened then
1971   begin
1972     // save headers
1973     Flush;
1975     // remove parser reference
1976     FCurrentParser := nil;
1978     // free roots
1979     if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
1980     begin
1981       for I := 0 to MaxIndexes - 1 do
1982       begin
1983         FreeMemAndNil(FIndexHeaders[I]);
1984         FreeAndNil(FParsers[I]);
1985         FreeAndNil(FRoots[I]);
1986       end;
1987     end else begin
1988       FreeAndNil(FRoot);
1989     end;
1991     // free mem
1992     FMdxTag.Free;
1993     FTempMdxTag.Free;
1995     // close physical file
1996     CloseFile;
1998     // not opened any more
1999     FOpened := false;
2000   end;
2001 end;
2003 procedure TIndexFile.ClearRoots;
2004   //
2005   // *) assumes FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV
2006   //
2007 var
2008   I, prevIndex: Integer;
2009 begin
2010   prevIndex := FSelectedIndex;
2011   for I := 0 to MaxIndexes - 1 do
2012   begin
2013     SelectIndexVars(I);
2014     if FRoot <> nil then
2015     begin
2016       // clear this entry
2017       ClearIndex;
2018       FLeaves[I] := FRoots[I];
2019     end;
2020   end;
2021   // reselect previously selected index
2022   SelectIndexVars(prevIndex);
2023   // deselect index
2024 end;
2026 procedure WriteDBFileName(Header: PMdxHdr; HdrFileName: string);
2027 var
2028   HdrFileExt: string;
2029   lPos, lenFileName: integer;
2030 begin
2031   HdrFileName := ExtractFileName(HdrFileName);
2032   HdrFileExt := ExtractFileExt(HdrFileName);
2033   if Length(HdrFileExt) > 0 then
2034   begin
2035     lPos := System.Pos(HdrFileExt, HdrFileName);
2036     if lPos > 0 then
2037       SetLength(HdrFileName, lPos - 1);
2038   end;
2039   if Length(HdrFileName) > 15 then
2040     SetLength(HdrFileName, 15);
2041   lenFileName := Length(HdrFileName);
2042   Move(PChar(HdrFileName)^, PMdxHdr(Header)^.FileName[0], lenFileName);
2043   FillChar(PMdxHdr(Header)^.FileName[lenFileName], 15-lenFileName, 0);
2044 end;
2046 procedure TIndexFile.Clear;
2047 var
2048   year, month, day: Word;
2049   pos, prevSelIndex, pageno: Integer;
2050   DbfLangId: Byte;
2051 begin
2052   // flush cache to prevent reading corrupted data
2053   Flush;
2054   // completely erase index
2055   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2056   begin
2057     DecodeDate(Now, year, month, day);
2058     if FIndexVersion = xBaseVII then
2059       PMdxHdr(Header)^.MdxVersion := 3
2060     else
2061       PMdxHdr(Header)^.MdxVersion := 2;
2062     PMdxHdr(Header)^.Year := year - 1900;
2063     PMdxHdr(Header)^.Month := month;
2064     PMdxHdr(Header)^.Day := day;
2065     WriteDBFileName(PMdxHdr(Header), FileName);
2066     PMdxHdr(Header)^.BlockSize := SwapWordLE(2);
2067     PMdxHdr(Header)^.BlockAdder := SwapWordLE(1024);
2068     PMdxHdr(Header)^.ProdFlag := 1;
2069     PMdxHdr(Header)^.NumTags := 48;
2070     PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagSize := 32;
2071     PMdxHdr(Header)^.Dummy2 := 0;
2072     PMdxHdr(Header)^.Language := GetDbfLanguageID;
2073     PMdxHdr(Header)^.NumPages := SwapIntLE(HeaderSize div PageSize);  // = 4
2074     TouchHeader(Header);
2075     PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagFlag := 1;
2076     // use locale id of parent
2077     DbfLangId := GetDbfLanguageId;
2078     if DbfLangId = 0 then
2079       FCollation := BINARY_COLLATION
2080     else
2081       FCollation := GetCollationTable(DbfLangId);
2082     // write index headers
2083     prevSelIndex := FSelectedIndex;
2084     for pos := 0 to SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed) - 1 do
2085     begin
2086       SelectIndexVars(pos);
2087       pageno := GetNewPageNo;
2088       FMdxTag.HeaderPageNo := SwapIntLE(pageno);
2089       WriteRecord(pageno, FIndexHeader);
2090     end;
2091     // reselect previously selected index
2092     SelectIndexVars(prevSelIndex);
2093     // file header done (tags are included in file header)
2094     WriteFileHeader;
2095     // clear roots
2096     ClearRoots;
2097     // init vars
2098     FTagSize := 32;
2099     FTagOffset := 544;
2100     // clear entries
2101     RecordCount := SwapIntLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.NumPages);
2102   end else begin
2103     // clear single index entry
2104     ClearIndex;
2105     RecordCount := SwapIntLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.NumPages);
2106   end;
2107 end;
2109 procedure TIndexFile.ClearIndex;
2110 var
2111   prevHeaderLocked: Integer;
2112   needHeaderLock: Boolean;
2113 begin
2114   // flush cache to prevent reading corrupted data
2115   Flush;
2116   // modifying header: lock page
2117   needHeaderLock := FHeaderLocked <> 0;
2118   prevHeaderLocked := FHeaderLocked;
2119   if needHeaderLock then
2120   begin
2121     LockPage(0, true);
2122     FHeaderLocked := 0;
2123   end;
2124   // initially, we have 1 page: header
2125   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.NumPages := SwapIntLE(HeaderSize div PageSize);
2126   // clear memory of root
2127   FRoot.Clear;
2128   // get new page for root
2129   FRoot.GetNewPage;
2130   // store new root page
2131   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.RootPage := SwapIntLE(FRoot.PageNo);
2133   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.FirstNode := SwapIntLE(FRoot.PageNo);
2134 {$endif}
2135   // update leaf pointers
2136   FLeaves[FSelectedIndex] := FRoot;
2137   FLeaf := FRoot;
2138   // write new header
2139   WriteHeader;
2140   FRoot.Modified;
2141   FRoot.WritePage;
2142   // done updating: unlock header
2143   if needHeaderLock then
2144   begin
2145     UnlockPage(0);
2146     FHeaderLocked := prevHeaderLocked;
2147   end;
2148 end;
2150 procedure TIndexFile.CalcKeyProperties;
2151   // given KeyLen, this func calcs KeyRecLen and NumEntries
2152 begin
2153   // now adjust keylen to align on DWORD boundaries
2154   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyRecLen := SwapWordLE((SwapWordLE(
2155     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen) + FEntryHeaderSize + 3) and not 3);
2156   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.NumKeys := SwapWordLE((RecordSize - FPageHeaderSize) div
2157     SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyRecLen));
2158 end;
TIndexFile.GetNamenull2160 function TIndexFile.GetName: string;
2161 begin
2162   // get suitable name of index: if tag name defined use that otherwise filename
2163   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2164     Result := FIndexName
2165   else
2166     Result := FileName;
2167 end;
2169 procedure TIndexFile.CreateIndex(FieldDesc, TagName: string; Options: TIndexOptions);
2170 var
2171   tagNo: Integer;
2172   fieldType: Char;
2173   TempParser: TDbfIndexParser;
2174 begin
2175   // check if we have exclusive access to table
2176   TDbfFile(FDbfFile).CheckExclusiveAccess;
2177   // parse index expression; if it cannot be parsed, why bother making index?
2178   TempParser := TDbfIndexParser.Create(FDbfFile);
2179   try
2180     TempParser.ParseExpression(FieldDesc);
2181     // check if result type is correct
2182     fieldType := 'C';
2183     case TempParser.ResultType of
2184       etString: ; { default set above to suppress delphi warning }
2185       etInteger, etLargeInt, etFloat: fieldType := 'N';
2186     else
2187       raise EDbfError.Create(STRING_INVALID_INDEX_TYPE);
2188     end;
2189   finally
2190     TempParser.Free;
2191   end;
2192   // select empty index
2193   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2194   begin
2195     // get next entry no
2196     tagNo := SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed);
2197     // check if too many indexes
2198     if tagNo = MaxIndexes then
2199       raise EDbfError.Create(STRING_TOO_MANY_INDEXES);
2200     // get memory for root
2201     if FRoots[tagNo] = nil then
2202     begin
2203       FParsers[tagNo] := TDbfIndexParser.Create(FDbfFile);
2204       FRoots[tagNo] := TMdxPage.Create(Self)
2205     end else begin
2206       FreeAndNil(FRoots[tagNo].FLowerPage);
2207     end;
2208     // set leaves pointer
2209     FLeaves[tagNo] := FRoots[tagNo];
2210     // get pointer to index header
2211     FIndexHeader := FIndexHeaders[tagNo];
2212     // load root + leaf
2213     FCurrentParser := FParsers[tagNo];
2214     FRoot := FRoots[tagNo];
2215     FLeaf := FLeaves[tagNo];
2216     // create new tag
2217     FTempMdxTag.Tag := CalcTagOffset(tagNo);
2218     FTempMdxTag.TagName := UpperCase(TagName);
2219     // if expression then calculate
2220     FTempMdxTag.KeyFormat := KeyFormat_Data;
2221     if ixExpression in Options then
2222       FTempMdxTag.KeyFormat := KeyFormat_Expression;
2223     // what use have these reference tags?
2224     FTempMdxTag.ForwardTag1 := 0;
2225     FTempMdxTag.ForwardTag2 := 0;
2226     FTempMdxTag.BackwardTag := 0;
2227     FTempMdxTag.Reserved := 2;
2228     FTempMdxTag.KeyType := fieldType;
2229     // save this part of tag, need to save before GetNewPageNo,
2230     // it will reread header
2231     WriteFileHeader;
2232     // store selected index
2233     FSelectedIndex := tagNo;
2234     FIndexName := TagName;
2235     // store new headerno
2236     FHeaderPageNo := GetNewPageNo;
2237     FTempMdxTag.HeaderPageNo := FHeaderPageNo;
2238     // increase number of indexes active
2239     IncWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed, 1);
2240     // update updatemode
2241     UpdateMode := umAll;
2242     // index header updated
2243     WriteFileHeader;
2244   end;
2245   // clear index
2246   ClearIndex;
2248   // parse expression, we know it's parseable, we've checked that
2249   FCurrentParser.ParseExpression(FieldDesc);
2251   // looked up index expression: now we can edit
2252 //  FIsExpression := ixExpression in Options;
2253   FCanEdit := not FForceReadOnly;
2255   // init key variables
2256   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat := 0;
2257   // descending
2258   if ixDescending in Options then
2259     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat := PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat or KeyFormat_Descending;
2260   // key type
2261   if fieldType = 'C' then
2262     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat := PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat or KeyFormat_String;
2263   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyType := fieldType;
2264   // uniqueness
2265   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.Unique := Unique_None;
2266   if ixPrimary in Options then
2267   begin
2268     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat := PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat or KeyFormat_Distinct or KeyFormat_Unique;
2269     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.Unique := Unique_Distinct;
2270   end else if ixUnique in Options then
2271   begin
2272     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat := PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat or KeyFormat_Unique;
2273     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.Unique := Unique_Unique;
2274   end;
2275   // keylen is exact length of field
2276   if fieldType = 'C' then
2277     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen := SwapWordLE(FCurrentParser.ResultLen)
2278   else if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2279     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen := SwapWordLE(12)
2280   else
2281     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen := SwapWordLE(8);
2282   CalcKeyProperties;
2283   // key desc
2284   StrPLCopy(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyDesc, FieldDesc, 219);
2285   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyDesc[219] := #0;
2287   // init various
2288   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2289     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.Dummy := 0        // MDX -> language driver
2290   else
2291     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.Dummy := SwapWordLE($5800);   // NDX -> same ???
2292   case fieldType of
2293     'C':
2294       PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.sKeyType := 0;
2295     'D':
2296       PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.sKeyType := SwapWordLE(1);
2297     'N', 'F':
2298       if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2299         PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.sKeyType := 0
2300       else
2301         PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.sKeyType := SwapWordLE(1);
2302   else
2303     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.sKeyType := 0;
2304   end;
2306   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.Version := SwapWordLE(2);     // this is what DB4 writes into file
2307   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.Dummy2 := 0;
2308   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.Dummy3 := 0;
2309   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.ForExist := 0;    // false
2310   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyExist := 1;    // true
2312   // if not defined, init to zero
2313   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.FirstNode := 0;
2314   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.LastNode := 0;
2315 {$endif}
2316   WriteHeader;
2318   // update internal properties
2319   UpdateIndexProperties;
2321   // for searches / inserts / deletes
2322   FKeyBuffer[SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen)] := #0;
2323 end;
2325 procedure TIndexFile.ReadIndexes;
2326 var
2327   I: Integer;
2329   procedure CheckHeaderIntegrity;
2330   begin
2331     if integer(SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.NumKeys) *
2332         SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyRecLen)) > RecordSize then
2333     begin
2334       // adjust index header so that integrity is correct
2335       // WARNING: we can't be sure this gives a correct result, but at
2336       // least we won't AV (as easily). user will probably have to regenerate this index
2337       if SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen) > 100 then
2338         PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen := SwapWordLE(100);
2339       CalcKeyProperties;
2340     end;
2341   end;
2343 begin
2344   // force header reread
2345   inherited ReadHeader;
2346   // examine all indexes
2347   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2348   begin
2349     // clear all roots
2350     ClearRoots;
2351     // tags are extended at beginning? tagsize is byte sized
2352     FTagSize := PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagSize;
2353     FTagOffset := 544 + FTagSize - 32;
2354     for I := 0 to SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed) - 1 do
2355     begin
2356       // read page header
2357       FTempMdxTag.Tag := CalcTagOffset(I);
2358       ReadRecord(FTempMdxTag.HeaderPageNo, FIndexHeaders[I]);
2359       // select it
2360       FIndexHeader := FIndexHeaders[I];
2361       // create root if needed
2362       if FRoots[I] = nil then
2363       begin
2364         FParsers[I] := TDbfIndexParser.Create(FDbfFile);
2365         FRoots[I] := TMdxPage.Create(Self);
2366       end;
2367       // check header integrity
2368       CheckHeaderIntegrity;
2369       // read tree
2370       FRoots[I].PageNo := SwapIntLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.RootPage);
2371       // go to first record
2372       FRoots[I].RecurFirst;
2373       // store leaf
2374       FLeaves[I] := FRoots[I];
2375       while FLeaves[I].LowerPage <> nil do
2376         FLeaves[I] := FLeaves[I].LowerPage;
2377       // parse expression
2378       FParsers[I].ParseExpression(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyDesc);
2379     end;
2380   end else begin
2381     // clear root
2382     FRoot.Clear;
2383     // check recordsize constraint
2384     CheckHeaderIntegrity;
2385     // just one index: read tree
2386     FRoot.PageNo := SwapIntLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.RootPage);
2387     // go to first valid record
2388     FRoot.RecurFirst;
2389     // get leaf page
2390     FLeaf := FRoot;
2391     while FLeaf.LowerPage <> nil do
2392       FLeaf := FLeaf.LowerPage;
2393     // write leaf pointer to first index
2394     FLeaves[0] := FLeaf;
2395     // get index properties -> internal props
2396     UpdateIndexProperties;
2397   end;
2398 end;
2400 procedure TIndexFile.DeleteIndex(const AIndexName: string);
2401 var
2402   I, found, numTags, moveItems: Integer;
2403   tempHeader: Pointer;
2404   tempRoot, tempLeaf: TIndexPage;
2405   tempParser: TDbfIndexParser;
2406 begin
2407   // check if we have exclusive access to table
2408   TDbfFile(FDbfFile).CheckExclusiveAccess;
2409   if FIndexVersion = xBaseIII then
2410   begin
2411     Close;
2412     DeleteFile;
2413   end else if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2414   begin
2415     // find index
2416     found := IndexOf(AIndexName);
2417     if found >= 0 then
2418     begin
2419       // just remove this tag by copying memory over it
2420       numTags := SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed);
2421       moveItems := numTags - found - 1;
2422       // anything to move?
2423       if moveItems > 0 then
2424       begin
2425         // move entries after found one
2426         Move((Header + FTagOffset + (found+1) * FTagSize)^,
2427           (Header + FTagOffset + found * FTagSize)^, moveItems * FTagSize);
2428         // nullify last entry
2429         FillChar((Header + FTagOffset + numTags * FTagSize)^, FTagSize, 0);
2430         // index headers, roots, leaves
2431         tempHeader := FIndexHeaders[found];
2432         tempParser := FParsers[found];
2433         tempRoot := FRoots[found];
2434         tempLeaf := FLeaves[found];
2435         for I := 0 to moveItems - 1 do
2436         begin
2437           FIndexHeaders[found + I] := FIndexHeaders[found + I + 1];
2438           FParsers[found + I] := FParsers[found + I + 1];
2439           FRoots[found + I] := FRoots[found + I + 1];
2440           FLeaves[found + I] := FLeaves[found + I + 1];
2441           FIndexHeaderModified[found + I] := true;
2442         end;
2443         FIndexHeaders[found + moveItems] := tempHeader;
2444         FParsers[found + moveItems] := tempParser;
2445         FRoots[found + moveItems] := tempRoot;
2446         FLeaves[found + moveItems] := tempLeaf;
2447         FIndexHeaderModified[found + moveItems] := false;    // non-existant header
2448       end;
2449       // one entry less left
2450       IncWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed, -1);
2451       // ---*** numTags not valid from here ***---
2452       // file header changed
2453       WriteFileHeader;
2454       // repage index to free space used by deleted index
2455 //      RepageFile;
2456     end;
2457   end;
2458 end;
2460 procedure TIndexFile.TouchHeader(AHeader: Pointer);
2461 var
2462   year, month, day: Word;
2463 begin
2464   DecodeDate(Now, year, month, day);
2465   PMdxHdr(AHeader)^.UpdYear := year - 1900;
2466   PMdxHdr(AHeader)^.UpdMonth := month;
2467   PMdxHdr(AHeader)^.UpdDay := day;
2468 end;
CreateTempFilenull2470 function TIndexFile.CreateTempFile(BaseName: string): TPagedFile;
2471 var
2472   lModifier: Integer;
2473 begin
2474   // create temporary in-memory index file
2475   lModifier := 0;
2476   FindNextName(BaseName, BaseName, lModifier);
2477   Result := TPagedFile.Create;
2478   Result.FileName := BaseName;
2479   Result.Mode := pfExclusiveCreate;
2480   Result.AutoCreate := true;
2481   Result.OpenFile;
2482   Result.HeaderSize := HeaderSize;
2483   Result.RecordSize := RecordSize;
2484   Result.PageSize := PageSize;
2485   Result.PageOffsetByHeader := false;
2486 end;
2488 procedure TIndexFile.RepageFile;
2489 var
2490   TempFile: TPagedFile;
2491   TempIdxHeader: PIndexHdr;
2492   I, newPageNo: Integer;
2493   prevIndex: Integer;
AllocNewPageNonull2495   function  AllocNewPageNo: Integer;
2496   begin
2497     Result := newPageNo;
2498     Inc(newPageNo, PagesPerRecord);
2499     if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2500       IncIntLE(PMdxHdr(TempFile.Header)^.NumPages, PagesPerRecord);
2501     IncIntLE(TempIdxHeader^.NumPages, PagesPerRecord);
2502   end;
WriteTreenull2504   function WriteTree(NewPage: TIndexPage): Integer;
2505   var
2506     J: Integer;
2507   begin
2508     // get us a page so that page no's are more logically ordered
2509     Result := AllocNewPageNo;
2510     // use postorder visiting, first do all children
2511     if NewPage.LowerPage <> nil then
2512     begin
2513       for J := 0 to NewPage.HighIndex do
2514       begin
2515         NewPage.EntryNo := J;
2516         WriteTree(NewPage.LowerPage);
2517       end;
2518     end;
2519     // now create new page for ourselves and write
2520     // update page pointer in parent
2521     if NewPage.UpperPage <> nil then
2522     begin
2523       if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2524       begin
2525         PMdxEntry(NewPage.UpperPage.Entry)^.RecBlockNo := SwapIntLE(Result);
2527         // write previous node
2528         if FRoot = NewPage then
2529           PMdxPage(NewPage.PageBuffer)^.PrevBlock := 0
2530         else
2531           PMdxPage(NewPage.PageBuffer)^.PrevBlock := SwapIntLE(Result - PagesPerRecord);
2532 {$endif}
2533       end else begin
2534         PNdxEntry(NewPage.UpperPage.Entry)^.LowerPageNo := SwapIntLE(Result);
2535       end;
2536     end;
2537     // store page
2538     TempFile.WriteRecord(Result, NewPage.PageBuffer);
2539   end;
2541   procedure CopySelectedIndex;
2542   var
2543     hdrPageNo: Integer;
2544   begin
2545     // copy current index settings
2546     Move(FIndexHeader^, TempIdxHeader^, RecordSize);
2547     // clear number of pages
2548     TempIdxHeader^.NumPages := PagesPerRecord;
2549     // allocate a page no for header
2550     hdrPageNo := AllocNewPageNo;
2551     // use recursive function to write all pages
2552     TempIdxHeader^.RootPage := SwapIntLE(WriteTree(FRoot));
2554     TempIdxHeader^.FirstNode := TempIdxHeader^.RootPage;
2555 {$endif}
2556     // write index header now we know the root page
2557     TempFile.WriteRecord(hdrPageNo, TempIdxHeader);
2558     if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2559     begin
2560       // calculate tag offset in tempfile header
2561       FTempMdxTag.Tag := PChar(TempFile.Header) + (PChar(CalcTagOffset(I)) - Header);
2562       FTempMdxTag.HeaderPageNo := hdrPageNo;
2563     end;
2564   end;
2566 begin
2567   CheckExclusiveAccess;
2569   prevIndex := FSelectedIndex;
2570   newPageNo := HeaderSize div PageSize;
2571   TempFile := CreateTempFile(FileName);
2572   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2573   begin
2574     // copy header
2575     Move(Header^, TempFile.Header^, HeaderSize);
2576     TouchHeader(TempFile.Header);
2577     // reset header
2578     PMdxHdr(TempFile.Header)^.NumPages := SwapIntLE(HeaderSize div PageSize);
2579     TempFile.WriteHeader;
2580     GetMem(TempIdxHeader, RecordSize);
2581     // now recreate indexes to that file
2582     for I := 0 to SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed - 1) do
2583     begin
2584       // select this index
2585       SelectIndexVars(I);
2586       CopySelectedIndex;
2587     end;
2588     FreeMem(TempIdxHeader);
2589   end else begin
2590     // indexversion = xBaseIII
2591     TempIdxHeader := PIndexHdr(TempFile.Header);
2592     CopySelectedIndex;
2593   end;
2594   TempFile.WriteHeader;
2595   TempFile.CloseFile;
2596   CloseFile;
2598   // rename temporary file if all went successfull
2599   if not TempFile.WriteError then
2600   begin
2601     SysUtils.DeleteFile(FileName);
2602     SysUtils.RenameFile(TempFile.FileName, FileName);
2603   end;
2605   TempFile.Free;
2606   DisableForceCreate;
2607   OpenFile;
2608   ReadIndexes;
2609   SelectIndexVars(prevIndex);
2610 end;
2612 procedure TIndexFile.CompactFile;
2613 var
2614   TempFile: TPagedFile;
2615   TempIdxHeader: PIndexHdr;
2616   I, newPageNo: Integer;
2617   prevIndex: Integer;
2619   function  AllocNewPageNo: Integer;
2620   begin
2621     Result := newPageNo;
2622     Inc(newPageNo, PagesPerRecord);
2623     if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2624       IncIntLE(PMdxHdr(TempFile.Header)^.NumPages, PagesPerRecord);
2625     IncIntLE(TempIdxHeader^.NumPages, PagesPerRecord);
2626   end;
2628   function  CreateNewPage: TIndexPage;
2629   begin
2630     // create new page + space
2631     if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2632       Result := TMdxPage.Create(Self)
2633     else
2634       Result := TNdxPage.Create(Self);
2635     Result.FPageNo := AllocNewPageNo;
2637     // set new page properties
2638     Result.SetNumEntries(0);
2639   end;
2641   procedure GetNewEntry(APage: TIndexPage);
2642     // makes a new entry available and positions current 'pos' on it
2643     // NOTES: uses TIndexPage *very* carefully
2644     //  - may not read from self (tindexfile)
2645     //  - page.FLowerPage is assigned -> SyncLowerPage may *not* be called
2646     //  - do not set PageNo (= SetPageNo)
2647     //  - do not set EntryNo
2648   begin
2649     if APage.HighIndex >= SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.NumKeys)-1 then
2650     begin
2651       if APage.UpperPage = nil then
2652       begin
2653         // add new upperlevel to page
2654         APage.FUpperPage := CreateNewPage;
2655         APage.UpperPage.FLowerPage := APage;
2656         APage.UpperPage.FEntryNo := 0;
2657         APage.UpperPage.FEntry := EntryEof;
2658         APage.UpperPage.GotoInsertEntry;
2659         APage.UpperPage.LocalInsert(0, APage.Key, APage.PageNo);
2660         // non-leaf pages need 'rightmost' key; numentries = real# - 1
2661         APage.UpperPage.SetNumEntries(0);
2662       end;
2664       // page done, store
2665       TempFile.WriteRecord(APage.FPageNo, APage.PageBuffer);
2667       // allocate new page
2668       APage.FPageNo := AllocNewPageNo;
2669       // clear
2670       APage.SetNumEntries(0);
2671       APage.FHighIndex := -1;
2672       APage.FLowIndex := 0;
2673       // clear 'right-most' blockno
2674       APage.SetRecLowerPageNoOfEntry(0, 0, 0);
2676       // get new entry in upper page for current new apage
2677       GetNewEntry(APage.UpperPage);
2678       APage.UpperPage.LocalInsert(0, nil, 0);
2679       // non-leaf pages need 'rightmost' key; numentries = real# - 1
2680       if APage.UpperPage.EntryNo = 0 then
2681         APage.UpperPage.SetNumEntries(0);
2682     end;
2683     APage.FEntryNo := APage.HighIndex+1;
2684     APage.FEntry := EntryEof;
2685     APage.GotoInsertEntry;
2686   end;
2688   procedure CopySelectedIndex;
2689   var
2690     APage: TIndexPage;
2691     hdrPageNo: Integer;
2692   begin
2693     // copy current index settings
2694     Move(FIndexHeader^, TempIdxHeader^, RecordSize);
2695     // clear number of pages
2696     TempIdxHeader^.NumPages := SwapIntLE(PagesPerRecord);
2697     // allocate a page no for header
2698     hdrPageNo := AllocNewPageNo;
2700     // copy all records
2701     APage := CreateNewPage;
2702     FLeaf.RecurFirst;
2703     while not (FRoot.Entry = FEntryEof) do
2704     begin
2705       GetNewEntry(APage);
2706       APage.LocalInsert(FLeaf.PhysicalRecNo, FLeaf.Key, 0);
2707       FLeaf.RecurNext;
2708     end;
2710     // flush remaining (partially filled) pages
2711     repeat
2712       TempFile.WriteRecord(APage.FPageNo, APage.PageBuffer);
2713       if APage.UpperPage <> nil then
2714         APage := APage.UpperPage
2715       else break;
2716     until false;
2718     // copy index header + root page
2719     TempIdxHeader^.RootPage := SwapIntLE(APage.PageNo);
2721     TempIdxHeader^.FirstNode := SwapIntLE(APage.PageNo);
2722 {$endif}
2723     // write index header now we know the root page
2724     TempFile.WriteRecord(hdrPageNo, TempIdxHeader);
2725     if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2726     begin
2727       // calculate tag offset in tempfile header
2728       FTempMdxTag.Tag := PChar(TempFile.Header) + (PChar(CalcTagOffset(I)) - Header);
2729       FTempMdxTag.HeaderPageNo := hdrPageNo;
2730     end;
2731   end;
2733 begin
2734   CheckExclusiveAccess;
2736   prevIndex := FSelectedIndex;
2737   newPageNo := HeaderSize div PageSize;
2738   TempFile := CreateTempFile(FileName);
2739   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2740   begin
2741     // copy header
2742     Move(Header^, TempFile.Header^, HeaderSize);
2743     TouchHeader(TempFile.Header);
2744     // reset header
2745     PMdxHdr(TempFile.Header)^.NumPages := SwapIntLE(HeaderSize div PageSize);
2746     TempFile.WriteHeader;
2747     GetMem(TempIdxHeader, RecordSize);
2748     // now recreate indexes to that file
2749     for I := 0 to SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed) - 1 do
2750     begin
2751       // select this index
2752       SelectIndexVars(I);
2753       CopySelectedIndex;
2754     end;
2755     FreeMem(TempIdxHeader);
2756   end else begin
2757     // indexversion = xBaseIII
2758     TempIdxHeader := PIndexHdr(TempFile.Header);
2759     CopySelectedIndex;
2760   end;
2761   TempFile.WriteHeader;
2762   TempFile.CloseFile;
2763   CloseFile;
2765   // rename temporary file if all went successfull
2766   if not TempFile.WriteError then
2767   begin
2768     SysUtils.DeleteFile(FileName);
2769     SysUtils.RenameFile(TempFile.FileName, FileName);
2770   end;
2772   TempFile.Free;
2773   DisableForceCreate;
2774   OpenFile;
2775   ReadIndexes;
2776   SelectIndexVars(prevIndex);
2777 end;
2779 procedure TIndexFile.PrepareRename(NewFileName: string);
2780 begin
2781   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2782   begin
2783     WriteDBFileName(PMdxHdr(Header), NewFileName);
2784     WriteFileHeader;
2785   end;
2786 end;
GetNewPageNonull2788 function TIndexFile.GetNewPageNo: Integer;
2789 var
2790   needLockHeader: Boolean;
2791 begin
2792   // update header -> lock it if not already locked
2793   needLockHeader := FHeaderLocked <> 0;
2794   if needLockHeader then
2795   begin
2796     // lock header page
2797     LockPage(0, true);
2798     // someone else could be inserting records at the same moment
2799     if NeedLocks then
2800       inherited ReadHeader;
2801   end;
2802   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
2803   begin
2804     Result := SwapIntLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.NumPages);
2805     IncIntLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.NumPages, PagesPerRecord);
2807     // adjust high page
2808     PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.LastNode := SwapIntLE(Result);
2809 {$endif}
2810     WriteFileHeader;
2811   end else begin
2812     Result := SwapIntLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.NumPages);
2813   end;
2814   IncIntLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.NumPages, PagesPerRecord);
2815   WriteHeader;
2816   // done updating header -> unlock if locked
2817   if needLockHeader then
2818     UnlockPage(0);
2819 end;
Insertnull2821 function TIndexFile.Insert(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean; {override;}
2822 var
2823   I, curSel, count: Integer;
2824 begin
2825   // check if updating all or only current
2826   FUserRecNo := RecNo;
2827   if (FUpdateMode = umAll) or (FSelectedIndex = -1) then
2828   begin
2829     // remember currently selected index
2830     curSel := FSelectedIndex;
2831     Result := true;
2832     I := 0;
2833     count := SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed);
2834     while I < count do
2835     begin
2836       SelectIndexVars(I);
2837       Result := InsertKey(Buffer);
2838       if not Result then
2839       begin
2840         while I > 0 do
2841         begin
2842           Dec(I);
2843           DeleteKey(Buffer);
2844         end;
2845         break;
2846       end;
2847       Inc(I);
2848     end;
2849     // restore previous selected index
2850     SelectIndexVars(curSel);
2851   end else begin
2852     Result := InsertKey(Buffer);
2853   end;
2855   // check range, disabled by insert
2856   ResyncRange(true);
2857 end;
CheckKeyViolationnull2859 function TIndexFile.CheckKeyViolation(Buffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
2860 var
2861   I, curSel: Integer;
2862 begin
2863   Result := false;
2864   FUserRecNo := -2;
2865   if FIndexVersion = xBaseIV then
2866   begin
2867     curSel := FSelectedIndex;
2868     for I := 0 to SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed) - 1 do
2869     begin
2870       SelectIndexVars(I);
2871       if FUniqueMode = iuDistinct then
2872       begin
2873         FUserKey := ExtractKeyFromBuffer(Buffer);
2874         Result := FindKey(false) = 0;
2875         if Result then
2876           break;
2877       end;
2878     end;
2879     SelectIndexVars(curSel);
2880   end else begin
2881     if FUniqueMode = iuDistinct then
2882     begin
2883       FUserKey := ExtractKeyFromBuffer(Buffer);
2884       Result := FindKey(false) = 0;
2885     end;
2886   end;
2887 end;
PrepareKeynull2889 function TIndexFile.PrepareKey(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; ResultType: TExpressionType): PChar;
2890 var
2891   FloatRec: TFloatRec;
2892   I, IntSrc, NumDecimals: Integer;
2893   ExtValue: Extended;
2894   BCDdigit: Byte;
2895 {$ifdef SUPPORT_INT64}
2896   Int64Src: Int64;
2897 {$endif}
2899 begin
2900   // need to convert numeric?
2901   Result := PChar(Buffer);
2902   if PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyType in ['N', 'F'] then
2903   begin
2904     if FIndexVersion = xBaseIII then
2905     begin
2906       // DB3 -> index always 8 byte float, if original integer, convert to double
2907       case ResultType of
2908         etInteger:
2909           begin
2910             FUserNumeric := PInteger(Result)^;
2911             Result := PChar(@FUserNumeric);
2912           end;
2913 {$ifdef SUPPORT_INT64}
2914         etLargeInt:
2915           begin
2916             FUserNumeric := PLargeInt(Result)^;
2917             Result := PChar(@FUserNumeric);
2918           end;
2919 {$endif}
2920       end;
2921     end else begin
2922       // DB4 MDX
2923       NumDecimals := 0;
2924       case ResultType of
2925         etInteger:
2926           begin
2927             IntSrc := PInteger(Result)^;
2928             // handle zero differently: no decimals
2929             if IntSrc <> 0 then
2930               NumDecimals := GetStrFromInt(IntSrc, @FloatRec.Digits[0])
2931             else
2932               NumDecimals := 0;
2933             FloatRec.Negative := IntSrc < 0;
2934           end;
2935 {$ifdef SUPPORT_INT64}
2936         etLargeInt:
2937           begin
2938             Int64Src := PLargeInt(Result)^;
2939             if Int64Src <> 0 then
2940               NumDecimals := GetStrFromInt64(Int64Src, @FloatRec.Digits[0])
2941             else
2942               NumDecimals := 0;
2943             FloatRec.Negative := Int64Src < 0;
2944           end;
2945 {$endif}
2946         etFloat:
2947           begin
2948             ExtValue := PDouble(Result)^;
2949             FloatToDecimal(FloatRec, ExtValue, {$ifndef FPC_VERSION}fvExtended,{$endif} 9999, 15);
2950             if ExtValue <> 0.0 then
2951               NumDecimals := StrLen(@FloatRec.Digits[0])
2952             else
2953               NumDecimals := 0;
2954             // maximum number of decimals possible to encode in BCD is 16
2955             if NumDecimals > 16 then
2956               NumDecimals := 16;
2957           end;
2958       end;
2960       case ResultType of
2961         etInteger {$ifdef SUPPORT_INT64}, etLargeInt{$endif}:
2962           begin
2963             FloatRec.Exponent := NumDecimals;
2964             // MDX-BCD does not count ending zeroes as `data' space length
2965             while (NumDecimals > 0) and (FloatRec.Digits[NumDecimals-1] = '0') do
2966               Dec(NumDecimals);
2967             // null-terminate string
2968             FloatRec.Digits[NumDecimals] := #0;
2969           end;
2970       end;
2972       // write 'header', contains number of digits before decimal separator
2973       FUserBCD[0] := $34 + FloatRec.Exponent;
2974       // clear rest of BCD
2975       FillChar(FUserBCD[1], SizeOf(FUserBCD)-1, 0);
2976       // store number of bytes used (in number of bits + 1)
2977       FUserBCD[1] := (((NumDecimals+1) div 2) * 8) + 1;
2978       // where to store decimal dot position? now implicitly in first byte
2979       // store negative sign
2980       if FloatRec.Negative then
2981         FUserBCD[1] := FUserBCD[1] or $80;
2982       // convert string to BCD
2983       I := 0;
2984       while I < NumDecimals do
2985       begin
2986         // only one byte left?
2987         if FloatRec.Digits[I+1] = #0 then
2988           BCDdigit := 0
2989         else
2990           BCDdigit := Byte(FloatRec.Digits[I+1]) - Byte('0');
2991         // pack two bytes into bcd
2992         FUserBCD[2+(I div 2)] := ((Byte(FloatRec.Digits[I]) - Byte('0')) shl 4) or BCDdigit;
2993         // goto next 2 bytes
2994         Inc(I, 2);
2995       end;
2997       // set result pointer to BCD
2998       Result := PChar(@FUserBCD[0]);
2999     end;
3000   end;
3001 end;
TIndexFile.ExtractKeyFromBuffernull3003 function TIndexFile.ExtractKeyFromBuffer(Buffer: TRecordBuffer): PChar;
3004 begin
3005   // execute expression to get key
3006   Result := PrepareKey(TRecordBuffer(FCurrentParser.ExtractFromBuffer(Buffer)), FCurrentParser.ResultType);
3007   if FCurrentParser.StringFieldMode <> smRaw then
3008     TranslateString(GetACP, FCodePage, Result, Result, KeyLen);
3009 end;
InsertKeynull3011 function TIndexFile.InsertKey(Buffer: TRecordBuffer): boolean;
3012 begin
3013   Result := true;
3014   // ignore deleted records
3015   if (FModifyMode = mmNormal) and (FUniqueMode = iuDistinct) and (AnsiChar(Buffer^) = '*') then
3016     exit;
3017   // check proper index and modifiability
3018   if FCanEdit and (PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen <> 0) then
3019   begin
3020     // get key from buffer
3021     FUserKey := ExtractKeyFromBuffer(Buffer);
3022     // patch through
3023     Result := InsertCurrent;
3024   end;
3025 end;
TIndexFile.InsertCurrentnull3027 function TIndexFile.InsertCurrent: boolean;
3028   // insert in current index
3029   // assumes: FUserKey is an OEM key
3030 begin
3031   // only insert if not recalling or mode = distinct
3032   // modify = mmDeleteRecall /\ unique <> distinct -> key already present
3033   Result := true;
3034   if (FModifyMode <> mmDeleteRecall) or (FUniqueMode = iuDistinct) then
3035   begin
3036     // temporarily remove range to find correct location of key
3037     ResetRange;
3038     // find this record as closely as possible
3039     // if result = 0 then key already exists
3040     // if unique index, then don't insert key if already present
3041     if (FindKey(true) <> 0) or (FUniqueMode = iuNormal) then
3042     begin
3043       // if we found eof, write to pagebuffer
3044       FLeaf.GotoInsertEntry;
3045       // insert requested entry, we know there is an entry available
3046       FLeaf.LocalInsert(FUserRecNo, FUserKey, 0);
3047     end else begin
3048       // key already exists -> test possible key violation
3049       if FUniqueMode = iuDistinct then
3050       begin
3051         // raising -> reset modify mode
3052         FModifyMode := mmNormal;
3053         ConstructInsertErrorMsg;
3054         Result := false;
3055       end;
3056     end;
3057   end;
3058 end;
3060 procedure TIndexFile.ConstructInsertErrorMsg;
3061 var
3062   InfoKey: string;
3063 begin
3064   if Length(FLastError) > 0 then exit;
3065   InfoKey := FUserKey;
3066   SetLength(InfoKey, KeyLen);
3067   FLastError := Format(STRING_KEY_VIOLATION, [GetName,
3068     PhysicalRecNo, TrimRight(InfoKey)]);
3069 end;
3071 procedure TIndexFile.InsertError;
3072 var
3073   errorStr: string;
3074 begin
3075   errorStr := FLastError;
3076   FLastError := '';
3077   raise EDbfError.Create(errorStr);
3078 end;
3080 procedure TIndexFile.Delete(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: TRecordBuffer);
3081 var
3082   I, curSel: Integer;
3083 begin
3084   // check if updating all or only current
3085   FUserRecNo := RecNo;
3086   if (FUpdateMode = umAll) or (FSelectedIndex = -1) then
3087   begin
3088     // remember currently selected index
3089     curSel := FSelectedIndex;
3090     for I := 0 to SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed) - 1 do
3091     begin
3092       SelectIndexVars(I);
3093       DeleteKey(Buffer);
3094     end;
3095     // restore previous selected index
3096     SelectIndexVars(curSel);
3097   end else begin
3098     DeleteKey(Buffer);
3099   end;
3100   // range may be changed
3101   ResyncRange(true);
3102 end;
3104 procedure TIndexFile.DeleteKey(Buffer: TRecordBuffer);
3105 begin
3106   if FCanEdit and (PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen <> 0) then
3107   begin
3108     // get key from record buffer
3109     FUserKey := ExtractKeyFromBuffer(Buffer);
3110     // call function
3111     DeleteCurrent;
3112   end;
3113 end;
3115 procedure TIndexFile.DeleteCurrent;
3116   // deletes from current index
3117 begin
3118   // only delete if not delete record or mode = distinct
3119   // modify = mmDeleteRecall /\ unique = distinct -> key needs to be deleted from index
3120   if (FModifyMode <> mmDeleteRecall) or (FUniqueMode = iuDistinct) then
3121   begin
3122     // prevent "confined" view of index while deleting
3123     ResetRange;
3124     // search correct entry to delete
3125     if FLeaf.PhysicalRecNo <> FUserRecNo then
3126     begin
3127       FindKey(false);
3128     end;
3129     // delete selected entry
3130     FLeaf.Delete;
3131   end;
3132 end;
UpdateIndexnull3134 function TIndexFile.UpdateIndex(Index: Integer; PrevBuffer, NewBuffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
3135 begin
3136   SelectIndexVars(Index);
3137   Result := UpdateCurrent(PrevBuffer, NewBuffer);
3138 end;
Updatenull3140 function TIndexFile.Update(RecNo: Integer; PrevBuffer, NewBuffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
3141 var
3142   I, curSel, count: Integer;
3143 begin
3144   // check if updating all or only current
3145   FUserRecNo := RecNo;
3146   if (FUpdateMode = umAll) or (FSelectedIndex = -1) then
3147   begin
3148     // remember currently selected index
3149     curSel := FSelectedIndex;
3150     Result := true;
3151     I := 0;
3152     count := SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed);
3153     while I < count do
3154     begin
3155       Result := UpdateIndex(I, PrevBuffer, NewBuffer);
3156       if not Result then
3157       begin
3158         // rollback updates to previous indexes
3159         while I > 0 do
3160         begin
3161           Dec(I);
3162           UpdateIndex(I, NewBuffer, PrevBuffer);
3163         end;
3164         break;
3165       end;
3166       Inc(I);
3167     end;
3168     // restore previous selected index
3169     SelectIndexVars(curSel);
3170   end else begin
3171     Result := UpdateCurrent(PrevBuffer, NewBuffer);
3172   end;
3173   // check range, disabled by delete/insert
3174   if (FRoot.LowPage = 0) and (FRoot.HighPage = 0) then
3175     ResyncRange(true);
3176 end;
UpdateCurrentnull3178 function TIndexFile.UpdateCurrent(PrevBuffer, NewBuffer: TRecordBuffer): boolean;
3179 var
3180   InsertKey, DeleteKey: PChar;
3181   TempBuffer: array [0..100] of Char;
3182 begin
3183   Result := true;
3184   if FCanEdit and (PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen <> 0) then
3185   begin
3186     DeleteKey := ExtractKeyFromBuffer(PrevBuffer);
3187     Move(DeleteKey^, TempBuffer, SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen));
3188     DeleteKey := @TempBuffer[0];
3189     InsertKey := ExtractKeyFromBuffer(NewBuffer);
3191     // compare to see if anything changed
3192     if CompareKeys(DeleteKey, InsertKey) <> 0 then
3193     begin
3194       FUserKey := DeleteKey;
3195       DeleteCurrent;
3196       FUserKey := InsertKey;
3197       Result := InsertCurrent;
3198       if not Result then
3199       begin
3200         FUserKey := DeleteKey;
3201         InsertCurrent;
3202         FUserKey := InsertKey;
3203       end;
3204     end;
3205   end;
3206 end;
3208 procedure TIndexFile.AddNewLevel;
3209 var
3210   lNewPage: TIndexPage;
3211   pKeyData: PChar;
3212 begin
3213   // create new page + space
3214   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
3215     lNewPage := TMdxPage.Create(Self)
3216   else
3217     lNewPage := TNdxPage.Create(Self);
3218   lNewPage.GetNewPage;
3220   // lock this new page; will be unlocked by caller
3221   lNewPage.LockPage;
3222   // lock index header; will be unlocked by caller
3223   LockPage(FHeaderPageNo, true);
3224   FHeaderLocked := FHeaderPageNo;
3226   // modify header
3227   PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.RootPage := SwapIntLE(lNewPage.PageNo);
3229   // set new page properties
3230   lNewPage.SetNumEntries(0);
3231   lNewPage.EntryNo := 0;
3232   lNewPage.GotoInsertEntry;
3234   lNewPage.SetPrevBlock(lNewPage.PageNo - PagesPerRecord);
3235 {$endif}
3236   pKeyData := FRoot.GetKeyDataFromEntry(0);
3237   lNewPage.FLowerPage := FRoot;
3238   lNewPage.FHighIndex := 0;
3239   lNewPage.SetEntry(0, pKeyData, FRoot.PageNo);
3241   // update root pointer
3242   FRoot.UpperPage := lNewPage;
3243   FRoots[FSelectedIndex] := lNewPage;
3244   FRoot := lNewPage;
3246   // write new header
3247   WriteRecord(FHeaderPageNo, FIndexHeader);
3248 end;
3250 procedure TIndexFile.UnlockHeader;
3251 begin
3252   if FHeaderLocked <> -1 then
3253   begin
3254     UnlockPage(FHeaderLocked);
3255     FHeaderLocked := -1;
3256   end;
3257 end;
3259 procedure TIndexFile.ResyncRoot;
3260 begin
3261   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
3262   begin
3263     // read header page
3264     inherited ReadRecord(FHeaderPageNo, FIndexHeader);
3265   end else
3266     inherited ReadHeader;
3267   // reread tree
3268   FRoot.PageNo := SwapIntLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.RootPage);
3269 end;
SearchKeynull3271 function TIndexFile.SearchKey(Key: PChar; SearchType: TSearchKeyType): Boolean;
3272 var
3273   findres, currRecNo: Integer;
3274 begin
3275   // save current position
3276   currRecNo := SequentialRecNo;
3277   // search, these are always from the root: no need for first
3278   findres := Find(-2, Key);
3279   // test result
3280   case SearchType of
3281     stEqual:
3282       Result := findres = 0;
3283     stGreaterEqual:
3284       Result := findres <= 0;
3285     stGreater:
3286       begin
3287         if findres = 0 then
3288         begin
3289           // find next record that is greater
3290           // NOTE: MatchKey assumes key to search for is already specified
3291           //   in FUserKey, it is because we have called Find
3292           repeat
3293             Result := WalkNext;
3294           until not Result or (MatchKey(Key) <> 0);
3295         end else
3296           Result := findres < 0;
3297       end;
3298     else
3299       Result := false;
3300   end;
3301   // search failed -> restore previous position
3302   if not Result then
3303     SequentialRecNo := currRecNo;
3304 end;
Findnull3306 function TIndexFile.Find(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: PChar): Integer;
3307 begin
3308   // execute find
3309   FUserRecNo := RecNo;
3310   FUserKey := Buffer;
3311   Result := FindKey(false);
3312 end;
FindKeynull3314 function TIndexFile.FindKey(AInsert: boolean): Integer;
3315 //
3316 // if you set Insert = true, you need to re-enable range after insert!!
3317 //
3318 var
3319   TempPage, NextPage: TIndexPage;
3320   numEntries, numKeysAvail, done, searchRecNo: Integer;
3321 begin
3322   // reread index header (to discover whether root page changed)
3323   if NeedLocks then
3324     ResyncRoot;
3325   // if distinct or unique index -> every entry only occurs once ->
3326   // does not matter which recno we search -> search recno = -2 ->
3327   // extra info = recno
3328   if (FUniqueMode = iuNormal) then
3329   begin
3330     // if inserting, search last entry matching key
3331     if AInsert then
3332       searchRecNo := -3
3333     else
3334       searchRecNo := FUserRecNo
3335   end else begin
3336     searchRecNo := -2;
3337   end;
3338   // start from root
3339   TempPage := FRoot;
3340   repeat
3341     // find key
3342     done := 0;
3343     Result := TempPage.FindNearest(searchRecNo);
3344     if TempPage.LowerPage = nil then
3345     begin
3346       // if key greater than last, try next leaf
3347       if (Result > 0) and (searchRecNo > 0) then
3348       begin
3349         // find first parent in tree so we can advance to next item
3350         NextPage := TempPage;
3351         repeat
3352           NextPage := NextPage.UpperPage;
3353         until (NextPage = nil) or (NextPage.EntryNo < NextPage.HighIndex);
3354         // found page?
3355         if NextPage <> nil then
3356         begin
3357           // go to parent
3358           TempPage := NextPage;
3359           TempPage.EntryNo := TempPage.EntryNo + 1;
3360           // resync rest of tree
3361           TempPage.LowerPage.RecurFirst;
3362           // go to lower page to continue search
3363           TempPage := TempPage.LowerPage;
3364           // check if still more lowerpages
3365           if TempPage.LowerPage <> nil then
3366           begin
3367             // flag we need to traverse down further
3368             done := 2;
3369           end else begin
3370             // this is next child, we don't know if found
3371             done := 1;
3372           end;
3373         end;
3374       end;
3375     end else begin
3376       // need to traverse lower down
3377       done := 2;
3378     end;
3380     // check if we need to split page
3381     // done = 1 -> not found entry on insert path yet
3382     if AInsert and (done <> 1) then
3383     begin
3384       // now we are on our path to destination where entry is to be inserted
3385       // check if this page is full, then split it
3386       numEntries := TempPage.NumEntries;
3387       // if this is inner node, we can only store one less than max entries
3388       numKeysAvail := SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.NumKeys) - numEntries;
3389       if TempPage.LowerPage <> nil then
3390         dec(numKeysAvail);
3391       // too few available -> split
3392       if numKeysAvail = 0 then
3393         TempPage.Split;
3394     end;
3396     // do we need to go lower down?
3397     if done = 2 then
3398       TempPage := TempPage.LowerPage;
3399   until done = 0;
3400 end;
TIndexFile.MatchKeynull3402 function TIndexFile.MatchKey(UserKey: PChar): Integer;
3403 begin
3404   // BOF and EOF always false
3405   if FLeaf.Entry = FEntryBof then
3406     Result := 1
3407   else
3408   if FLeaf.Entry = FEntryEof then
3409     Result := -1
3410   else begin
3411     FUserKey := UserKey;
3412     Result := FLeaf.MatchKey;
3413   end;
3414 end;
3416 procedure TIndexFile.SetRange(LowRange, HighRange: PChar);
3417 begin
3418   Move(LowRange^, FLowBuffer[0], KeyLen);
3419   Move(HighRange^, FHighBuffer[0], KeyLen);
3420   FRangeActive := true;
3421   ResyncRange(true);
3422 end;
3424 procedure TIndexFile.RecordDeleted(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: TRecordBuffer);
3425 begin
3426   // are we distinct -> then delete record from index
3427   FModifyMode := mmDeleteRecall;
3428   Delete(RecNo, Buffer);
3429   FModifyMode := mmNormal;
3430 end;
TIndexFile.RecordRecallednull3432 function TIndexFile.RecordRecalled(RecNo: Integer; Buffer: TRecordBuffer): Boolean;
3433 begin
3434   // are we distinct -> then reinsert record in index
3435   FModifyMode := mmDeleteRecall;
3436   Result := Insert(RecNo, Buffer);
3437   FModifyMode := mmNormal;
3438 end;
3440 procedure TIndexFile.SetPhysicalRecNo(RecNo: Integer);
3441 begin
3442   // check if already at specified recno
3443   if FLeaf.PhysicalRecNo = RecNo then
3444     exit;
3446   // check record actually exists
3447   if TDbfFile(FDbfFile).IsRecordPresent(RecNo) then
3448   begin
3449     // read buffer of this RecNo
3450     TDbfFile(FDbfFile).ReadRecord(RecNo, TDbfFile(FDbfFile).PrevBuffer);
3451     // extract key
3452     FUserKey := ExtractKeyFromBuffer(TDbfFile(FDbfFile).PrevBuffer);
3453     // find this key
3454     FUserRecNo := RecNo;
3455     FindKey(false);
3456   end;
3457 end;
3459 procedure TIndexFile.SetUpdateMode(NewMode: TIndexUpdateMode);
3460 begin
3461   // if there is only one index, don't waste time and just set single
3462   if (FIndexVersion = xBaseIII) or (SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed) <= 1) then
3463     FUpdateMode := umCurrent
3464   else
3465     FUpdateMode := NewMode;
3466 end;
3468 procedure TIndexFile.WalkFirst;
3469 begin
3470   // search first node
3471   FRoot.RecurFirst;
3472   // out of index - BOF
3473   FLeaf.EntryNo := FLeaf.EntryNo - 1;
3474 end;
3476 procedure TIndexFile.WalkLast;
3477 begin
3478   // search last node
3479   FRoot.RecurLast;
3480   // out of index - EOF
3481   // we need to skip two entries to go out-of-bound
3482   FLeaf.EntryNo := FLeaf.EntryNo + 2;
3483 end;
3485 procedure TIndexFile.First;
3486 begin
3487   // resync tree
3488   Resync(false);
3489   WalkFirst;
3490 end;
3492 procedure TIndexFile.Last;
3493 begin
3494   // resync tree
3495   Resync(false);
3496   WalkLast;
3497 end;
3499 procedure TIndexFile.ResyncRange(KeepPosition: boolean);
3500 var
3501   Result: Boolean;
3502   currRecNo: integer;
3503 begin
3504   if not FRangeActive then
3505     exit;
3507   // disable current range if any
3508   //  init to 0 to suppress delphi warning
3509   currRecNo := 0;
3510   if KeepPosition then
3511     currRecNo := SequentialRecNo;
3512   ResetRange;
3513   // search lower bound
3514   Result := SearchKey(FLowBuffer, stGreaterEqual);
3515   if not Result then
3516   begin
3517     // not found? -> make empty range
3518     WalkLast;
3519   end;
3520   // set lower bound
3521   SetBracketLow;
3522   // search upper bound
3523   Result := SearchKey(FHighBuffer, stGreater);
3524   // if result true, then need to get previous item <=>
3525   //    last of equal/lower than key
3526   if Result then
3527   begin
3528     Result := WalkPrev;
3529     if not Result then
3530     begin
3531       // cannot go prev -> empty range
3532       WalkFirst;
3533     end;
3534   end else begin
3535     // not found -> EOF found, go EOF, then to last record
3536     WalkLast;
3537     WalkPrev;
3538   end;
3539   // set upper bound
3540   SetBracketHigh;
3541   if KeepPosition then
3542     SequentialRecNo := currRecNo;
3543 end;
3545 procedure TIndexFile.Resync(Relative: boolean);
3546 begin
3547   if NeedLocks then
3548   begin
3549     if not Relative then
3550     begin
3551       ResyncRoot;
3552       ResyncRange(false);
3553     end else begin
3554       // resyncing tree implies resyncing range
3555       ResyncTree;
3556     end;
3557   end;
3558 end;
3560 procedure TIndexFile.ResyncTree;
3561 var
3562   action, recno: integer;
3563 begin
3564   // if at BOF or EOF, then we need to resync by first or last
3565   // remember where the cursor was
3566   //  init to 0 to suppress delphi warning
3567   recno := 0;
3568   if FLeaf.Entry = FEntryBof then
3569   begin
3570     action := 0;
3571   end else if FLeaf.Entry = FEntryEof then begin
3572     action := 1;
3573   end else begin
3574     // read current key into buffer
3575     Move(FLeaf.Key^, FKeyBuffer, SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen));
3576     recno := FLeaf.PhysicalRecNo;
3577     action := 2;
3578   end;
3580   // we now know cursor position, resync possible range
3581   ResyncRange(false);
3583   // go to cursor position
3584   case action of
3585     0: WalkFirst;
3586     1: WalkLast;
3587     2:
3588     begin
3589       // search current in-mem key on disk
3590       if (Find(recno, FKeyBuffer) <> 0) then
3591       begin
3592         // houston, we've got a problem!
3593         // our `current' record has gone. we need to find it
3594         // find it by using physical recno
3595         PhysicalRecNo := recno;
3596       end;
3597     end;
3598   end;
3599 end;
WalkPrevnull3601 function TIndexFile.WalkPrev: boolean;
3602 var
3603   curRecNo: Integer;
3604 begin
3605   // save current recno, find different next!
3606   curRecNo := FLeaf.PhysicalRecNo;
3607   repeat
3608     // return false if we are at first entry
3609     Result := FLeaf.RecurPrev;
3610   until not Result or (curRecNo <> FLeaf.PhysicalRecNo);
3611 end;
WalkNextnull3613 function TIndexFile.WalkNext: boolean;
3614 var
3615   curRecNo: Integer;
3616 begin
3617   // save current recno, find different prev!
3618   curRecNo := FLeaf.PhysicalRecNo;
3619   repeat
3620     // return false if we are at last entry
3621     Result := FLeaf.RecurNext;
3622   until not Result or (curRecNo <> FLeaf.PhysicalRecNo);
3623 end;
Prevnull3625 function TIndexFile.Prev: Boolean;
3626 begin
3627   // resync in-mem tree with tree on disk
3628   Resync(true);
3629   Result := WalkPrev;
3630 end;
Nextnull3632 function TIndexFile.Next: Boolean;
3633 begin
3634   // resync in-mem tree with tree on disk
3635   Resync(true);
3636   Result := WalkNext;
3637 end;
GetKeyLennull3639 function TIndexFile.GetKeyLen: Integer;
3640 begin
3641   Result := SwapWordLE(PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyLen);
3642 end;
GetKeyTypenull3644 function TIndexFile.GetKeyType: Char;
3645 begin
3646   Result := PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyType;
3647 end;
GetPhysicalRecNonull3649 function TIndexFile.GetPhysicalRecNo: Integer;
3650 begin
3651   Result := FLeaf.PhysicalRecNo;
3652 end;
GetSequentialRecordCountnull3654 function TIndexFile.GetSequentialRecordCount: Integer;
3655 begin
3656   Result := FRoot.Weight * (FRoot.HighIndex + 1);
3657 end;
GetSequentialRecNonull3659 function TIndexFile.GetSequentialRecNo: Integer;
3660 var
3661   TempPage: TIndexPage;
3662 begin
3663   // check if at BOF or EOF, special values
3664   if FLeaf.EntryNo < FLeaf.LowIndex then begin
3665     Result := RecBOF;
3666   end else if FLeaf.EntryNo > FLeaf.HighIndex then begin
3667     Result := RecEOF;
3668   end else begin
3669     // first record is record 1
3670     Result := 1;
3671     TempPage := FRoot;
3672     repeat
3673       inc(Result, TempPage.EntryNo * TempPage.Weight);
3674       TempPage := TempPage.LowerPage;
3675     until TempPage = nil;
3676   end;
3677 end;
3679 procedure TIndexFile.SetSequentialRecNo(RecNo: Integer);
3680 var
3681   TempPage: TIndexPage;
3682   gotoEntry: Integer;
3683 begin
3684   // use our weighting system to quickly go to a seq recno
3685   // recno starts at 1, entries at zero
3686   Dec(RecNo);
3687   TempPage := FRoot;
3688   repeat
3689     // don't div by zero
3690     assert(TempPage.Weight > 0);
3691     gotoEntry := RecNo div TempPage.Weight;
3692     RecNo := RecNo mod TempPage.Weight;
3693     // do we have this much entries?
3694     if (TempPage.HighIndex < gotoEntry) then
3695     begin
3696       // goto next entry in upper page if not
3697       // if recurnext fails, we have come at the end of the index
3698       if (TempPage.UpperPage <> nil) and TempPage.UpperPage.RecurNext then
3699       begin
3700         // lower recno to get because we skipped an entry
3701         TempPage.EntryNo := TempPage.LowIndex;
3702         RecNo := 0;
3703       end else begin
3704         // this can only happen if too big RecNo was entered, go to last
3705         TempPage.RecurLast;
3706         // terminate immediately
3707         TempPage := FLeaf;
3708       end;
3709     end else begin
3710       TempPage.EntryNo := gotoEntry;
3711     end;
3712     // get lower node
3713     TempPage := TempPage.LowerPage;
3714   until TempPage = nil;
3715 end;
3717 procedure TIndexFile.SetBracketLow;
3718 var
3719   TempPage: TIndexPage;
3720 begin
3721   // set current record as lower bound
3722   TempPage := FRoot;
3723   repeat
3724     TempPage.LowBracket := TempPage.EntryNo;
3725     TempPage.LowPage := TempPage.PageNo;
3726     TempPage := TempPage.LowerPage;
3727   until TempPage = nil;
3728 end;
3730 procedure TIndexFile.SetBracketHigh;
3731 var
3732   TempPage: TIndexPage;
3733 begin
3734   // set current record as lower bound
3735   TempPage := FRoot;
3736   repeat
3737     TempPage.HighBracket := TempPage.EntryNo;
3738     TempPage.HighPage := TempPage.PageNo;
3739     TempPage := TempPage.LowerPage;
3740   until TempPage = nil;
3741 end;
3743 procedure TIndexFile.CancelRange;
3744 begin
3745   FRangeActive := false;
3746   ResetRange;
3747 end;
3749 procedure TIndexFile.ResetRange;
3750 var
3751   TempPage: TIndexPage;
3752 begin
3753   // disable lower + upper bound
3754   TempPage := FRoot;
3755   repeat
3756     // set a page the index should never reach
3757     TempPage.LowPage := 0;
3758     TempPage.HighPage := 0;
3759     TempPage := TempPage.LowerPage;
3760   until TempPage = nil;
3761 end;
3763 procedure TIndexFile.DisableRange;
3764 var
3765   TempPage: TIndexPage;
3766 begin
3767   TempPage := FRoot;
3768   repeat
3769     TempPage.SaveBracket;
3770     TempPage := TempPage.LowerPage;
3771   until TempPage = nil;
3772   CancelRange;
3773 end;
3775 procedure TIndexFile.EnableRange;
3776 var
3777   TempPage: TIndexPage;
3778 begin
3779   TempPage := FRoot;
3780   repeat
3781     TempPage.RestoreBracket;
3782     TempPage := TempPage.LowerPage;
3783   until TempPage = nil;
3784   FRangeActive := true;
3785 end;
MemCompnull3787 function MemComp(P1, P2: Pointer; const Length: Integer): Integer;
3788 var
3789   I: Integer;
3790 begin
3791   for I := 0 to Length - 1 do
3792   begin
3793     // still equal?
3794     if PByte(P1)^ <> PByte(P2)^ then
3795     begin
3796       Result := Integer(PByte(P1)^) - Integer(PByte(P2)^);
3797       exit;
3798     end;
3799     // go to next byte
3800     Inc(PChar(P1));
3801     Inc(PChar(P2));
3802   end;
3804   // memory equal
3805   Result := 0;
3806 end;
TIndexFile.CompareKeysnull3808 function TIndexFile.CompareKeys(Key1, Key2: PChar): Integer;
3809 begin
3810   // call compare routine
3811   Result := FCompareKeys(Key1, Key2);
3813   // if descending then reverse order
3814   if FIsDescending then
3815     Result := -Result;
3816 end;
CompareKeysNumericNDXnull3818 function TIndexFile.CompareKeysNumericNDX(Key1, Key2: PChar): Integer;
3819 var
3820   v1,v2: Double;
3821 begin
3822   v1 := PDouble(Key1)^;
3823   v2 := PDouble(Key2)^;
3824   if v1 > v2 then Result := 1
3825   else if v1 < v2 then Result := -1
3826   else Result := 0;
3827 end;
CompareKeysNumericMDXnull3829 function TIndexFile.CompareKeysNumericMDX(Key1, Key2: PChar): Integer;
3830 var
3831   neg1, neg2: Boolean;
3832 begin
3833   // first byte - $34 contains dot position
3834   neg1 := (Byte(Key1[1]) and $80) <> 0;
3835   neg2 := (Byte(Key2[1]) and $80) <> 0;
3836   // check if both negative or both positive
3837   if neg1 = neg2 then
3838   begin
3839     // check alignment
3840     if Key1[0] = Key2[0] then
3841     begin
3842       // no alignment needed -> have same alignment
3843       Result := MemComp(Key1+2, Key2+2, 10-2);
3844     end else begin
3845       // greater 10-power implies bigger number except for zero
3846       if (Byte(Key1[0]) = $01) and (Byte(Key1[1]) = $34) then
3847         Result := -1
3848       else
3849       if (Byte(Key2[0]) = $01) and (Byte(Key2[1]) = $34) then
3850         Result := 1
3851       else
3852         Result := Byte(Key1[0]) - Byte(Key2[0]);
3853     end;
3854     // negate result if both negative
3855     if neg1 and neg2 then
3856       Result := -Result;
3857   end else if neg1 {-> not neg2} then
3858     Result := -1
3859   else { not neg1 and neg2 }
3860     Result := 1;
3861 end;
TIndexFile.CompareKeysStringnull3863 function TIndexFile.CompareKeysString(Key1, Key2: PChar): Integer;
3864 begin
3865   Result := DbfCompareString(FCollation, Key1, KeyLen, Key2, KeyLen);
3866   if Result > 0 then
3867     Dec(Result, 2);
3868 end;
CompareKeynull3870 function TIndexFile.CompareKey(Key: PChar): Integer;
3871 begin
3872   Result := CompareKeys(FUserKey, Key);
3873 end;
IndexOfnull3875 function TIndexFile.IndexOf(const AIndexName: string): Integer;
3876   // *) assumes FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV
3877 var
3878   I: Integer;
3879 begin
3880   // get index of this index :-)
3881   Result := -1;
3882   for I := 0 to SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed) - 1 do
3883   begin
3884     FTempMdxTag.Tag := CalcTagOffset(I);
3885     if AnsiCompareText(AIndexName, FTempMdxTag.TagName) = 0 then
3886     begin
3887       Result := I;
3888       break;
3889     end;
3890   end;
3891 end;
3893 procedure TIndexFile.SetIndexName(const AIndexName: string);
3894 var
3895   found: Integer;
3896 begin
3897   // we can only select a different index if we are MDX
3898   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
3899   begin
3900     // find index
3901     found := IndexOf(AIndexName);
3902   end else
3903     found := 0;
3904   // if changing index, range is N/A anymore
3905   if FRangeActive and (found <> FSelectedIndex) then
3906   begin
3907     FRangeIndex := FSelectedIndex;
3908     DisableRange;
3909   end;
3910   // we can now select by index
3911   if found >= 0 then
3912   begin
3913     SelectIndexVars(found);
3914     if found = FRangeIndex then
3915     begin
3916       EnableRange;
3917       FRangeIndex := -1;
3918     end;
3919   end;
3920 end;
CalcTagOffsetnull3922 function TIndexFile.CalcTagOffset(AIndex: Integer): Pointer;
3923 begin
3924   Result := PChar(Header) + FTagOffset + AIndex * FTagSize;
3925 end;
3927 procedure TIndexFile.SelectIndexVars(AIndex: Integer);
3928   // *) assumes index is in range
3929 begin
3930   if AIndex >= 0 then
3931   begin
3932     // get pointer to index header
3933     FIndexHeader := FIndexHeaders[AIndex];
3934     // load root + leaf
3935     FCurrentParser := FParsers[AIndex];
3936     FRoot := FRoots[AIndex];
3937     FLeaf := FLeaves[AIndex];
3938     // if xBaseIV then we need to store where pageno of current header
3939     if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
3940     begin
3941       FMdxTag.Tag := CalcTagOffset(AIndex);
3942       FIndexName := FMdxTag.TagName;
3943       FHeaderPageNo := FMdxTag.HeaderPageNo;
3944       // does dBase actually use this flag?
3945 //      FIsExpression := FMdxTag.KeyFormat = KeyFormat_Expression;
3946     end else begin
3947       // how does dBase III store whether it is expression?
3948 //      FIsExpression := true;
3949     end;
3950     // retrieve properties
3951     UpdateIndexProperties;
3952   end else begin
3953     // not a valid index
3954     FIndexName := EmptyStr;
3955   end;
3956   // store selected index
3957   FSelectedIndex := AIndex;
3958   FCanEdit := not FForceReadOnly;
3959 end;
3961 procedure TIndexFile.UpdateIndexProperties;
3962 begin
3963   // get properties
3964   FIsDescending := (PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat and KeyFormat_Descending) <> 0;
3965   FUniqueMode := iuNormal;
3966   if (PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat and KeyFormat_Unique) <> 0 then
3967     FUniqueMode := iuUnique;
3968   if (PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyFormat and KeyFormat_Distinct) <> 0 then
3969     FUniqueMode := iuDistinct;
3970   // select key compare routine
3971   if PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyType = 'C' then
3972     FCompareKeys := CompareKeysString
3973   else
3974   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
3975     FCompareKeys := CompareKeysNumericMDX
3976   else
3977     FCompareKeys := CompareKeysNumericNDX;
3978 end;
3980 procedure TIndexFile.Flush;
3981 var
3982   I: Integer;
3983 begin
3984   // save changes to pages
3985   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
3986   begin
3987     for I := 0 to MaxIndexes - 1 do
3988     begin
3989       if FIndexHeaderModified[I] then
3990         WriteIndexHeader(I);
3991       if FRoots[I] <> nil then
3992         FRoots[I].Flush
3993     end;
3994   end else begin
3995     if FRoot <> nil then
3996       FRoot.Flush;
3997   end;
3999   // save changes to header
4000   FlushHeader;
4002   inherited;
4003 end;
4005 (*
GetIndexCountnull4007 function TIndexFile.GetIndexCount: Integer;
4008 begin
4009   if FIndexVersion = xBaseIII then
4010     Result := 1
4011   else
4012   if FIndexVersion = xBaseIV then
4013     Result := PMdxHdr(Header).TagsUsed;
4014   else
4015     Result := 0;
4016 end;
4018 *)
4020 procedure TIndexFile.GetIndexNames(const AList: TStrings);
4021 var
4022   I: Integer;
4023 begin
4024   // only applicable to MDX files
4025   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
4026   begin
4027     for I := 0 to SwapWordLE(PMdxHdr(Header)^.TagsUsed) - 1 do
4028     begin
4029       FTempMdxTag.Tag := CalcTagOffset(I);
4030       AList.AddObject(FTempMdxTag.TagName, Self);
4031     end;
4032   end;
4033 end;
4035 procedure TIndexFile.GetIndexInfo(const AIndexName: string; IndexDef: TDbfIndexDef);
4036 var
4037   SaveIndexName: string;
4038 begin
4039   // remember current index
4040   SaveIndexName := IndexName;
4041   // select index
4042   IndexName := AIndexName;
4043   // copy properties
4044   IndexDef.IndexFile := AIndexName;
4045   IndexDef.Expression := PIndexHdr(FIndexHeader)^.KeyDesc;
4046   IndexDef.Options := [];
4047   IndexDef.Temporary := true;
4048   if FIsDescending then
4049     IndexDef.Options := IndexDef.Options + [ixDescending];
4050   IndexDef.Options := IndexDef.Options + [ixExpression];
4051   case FUniqueMode of
4052     iuUnique: IndexDef.Options := IndexDef.Options + [ixUnique];
4053     iuDistinct: IndexDef.Options := IndexDef.Options + [ixPrimary];
4054   end;
4055   // reselect previous index
4056   IndexName := SaveIndexName;
4057 end;
GetExpressionnull4059 function TIndexFile.GetExpression: string;
4060 begin
4061   if FCurrentParser <> nil then
4062     Result := FCurrentParser.Expression
4063   else
4064     Result := EmptyStr;
4065 end;
TIndexFile.GetDbfLanguageIdnull4067 function TIndexFile.GetDbfLanguageId: Byte;
4068 begin
4069   // check if parent DBF version 7, get language id
4070   if (TDbfFile(FDbfFile).DbfVersion = xBaseVII) then
4071   begin
4072     // get language id of parent dbf
4073     Result := GetLangId_From_LangName(TDbfFile(FDbfFile).LanguageStr);
4074   end else begin
4075     // dBase IV has language id in header
4076     Result := TDbfFile(FDbfFile).LanguageID;
4077   end;
4078 end;
4080 procedure TIndexFile.WriteHeader; {override;}
4081 begin
4082   // if NDX, then this means file header
4083   if FIndexVersion >= xBaseIV then
4084     if NeedLocks then
4085       WriteIndexHeader(FSelectedIndex)
4086     else
4087       FIndexHeaderModified[FSelectedIndex] := true
4088   else
4089     WriteFileHeader;
4090 end;
4092 procedure TIndexFile.WriteFileHeader;
4093 begin
4094   inherited WriteHeader;
4095 end;
4097 procedure TIndexFile.WriteIndexHeader(AIndex: Integer);
4098 begin
4099   FTempMdxTag.Tag := CalcTagOffset(AIndex);
4100   WriteRecord(FTempMdxTag.HeaderPageNo, FIndexHeaders[AIndex]);
4101   FIndexHeaderModified[AIndex] := false;
4102 end;
4104 //==========================================================
4105 //============ TDbfIndexDef
4106 //==========================================================
4108 constructor TDbfIndexDef.Create(ACollection: TCollection); {override;}
4109 begin
4110   inherited Create(ACollection);
4111   FTemporary := false;
4112 end;
4114 destructor TDbfIndexDef.Destroy; {override;}
4115 begin
4116   inherited Destroy;
4117 end;
4119 procedure TDbfIndexDef.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
4120 begin
4121   // we can't do anything with it if not a TDbfIndexDef
4122   if Source is TDbfIndexDef then
4123   begin
4124     FIndexName := TDbfIndexDef(Source).IndexFile;
4125     FExpression := TDbfIndexDef(Source).Expression;
4126     FOptions := TDbfIndexDef(Source).Options;
4127   end else
4128     inherited;
4129 end;
4131 procedure TDbfIndexDef.SetIndexName(NewName: string);
4132 begin
4133   FIndexName := AnsiUpperCase(Trim(NewName));
4134 end;
4136 procedure TDbfIndexDef.SetExpression(NewField: string);
4137 begin
4138   FExpression := AnsiUpperCase(Trim(NewField));
4139 end;
4141 initialization
4143 {
4144   Entry_Mdx_BOF.RecBlockNo := RecBOF;
4145   Entry_Mdx_BOF.KeyData := #0;
4147   Entry_Mdx_EOF.RecBlockNo := RecEOF;
4148   Entry_Mdx_EOF.KeyData := #0;
4150   Entry_Ndx_BOF.LowerPageNo := 0;
4151   Entry_Ndx_BOF.RecNo := RecBOF;
4152   Entry_Ndx_BOF.KeyData := #0;
4154   Entry_Ndx_EOF.LowerPageNo := 0;
4155   Entry_Ndx_EOF.RecNo := RecEOF;
4156   Entry_Ndx_EOF.KeyData := #0;
4157 }
4159   LCIDList := TLCIDList.Create;
4160   LCIDList.Enumerate;
4162 finalization
4164   LCIDList.Free;
4166 end.