2  "schema": "1.0",
3  "comment": "This file maps proto services/RPCs to the corresponding library clients/methods.",
4  "language": "go",
5  "protoPackage": "google.api.servicemanagement.v1",
6  "libraryPackage": "cloud.google.com/go/servicemanagement/apiv1",
7  "services": {
8    "ServiceManager": {
9      "clients": {
10        "grpc": {
11          "libraryClient": "ServiceManagerClient",
12          "rpcs": {
13            "CreateService": {
14              "methods": [
15                "CreateService"
16              ]
17            },
18            "CreateServiceConfig": {
19              "methods": [
20                "CreateServiceConfig"
21              ]
22            },
23            "CreateServiceRollout": {
24              "methods": [
25                "CreateServiceRollout"
26              ]
27            },
28            "DeleteService": {
29              "methods": [
30                "DeleteService"
31              ]
32            },
33            "DisableService": {
34              "methods": [
35                "DisableService"
36              ]
37            },
38            "EnableService": {
39              "methods": [
40                "EnableService"
41              ]
42            },
43            "GenerateConfigReport": {
44              "methods": [
45                "GenerateConfigReport"
46              ]
47            },
48            "GetService": {
49              "methods": [
50                "GetService"
51              ]
52            },
53            "GetServiceConfig": {
54              "methods": [
55                "GetServiceConfig"
56              ]
57            },
58            "GetServiceRollout": {
59              "methods": [
60                "GetServiceRollout"
61              ]
62            },
63            "ListServiceConfigs": {
64              "methods": [
65                "ListServiceConfigs"
66              ]
67            },
68            "ListServiceRollouts": {
69              "methods": [
70                "ListServiceRollouts"
71              ]
72            },
73            "ListServices": {
74              "methods": [
75                "ListServices"
76              ]
77            },
78            "SubmitConfigSource": {
79              "methods": [
80                "SubmitConfigSource"
81              ]
82            },
83            "UndeleteService": {
84              "methods": [
85                "UndeleteService"
86              ]
87            }
88          }
89        }
90      }
91    }
92  }