1 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
2 // <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
3 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
4 // All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed
5 // except according to those terms.
6 //! Headers for user mode only
7 pub mod gl;
8 #[cfg(feature = "accctrl")] pub mod accctrl;
9 #[cfg(feature = "aclapi")] pub mod aclapi;
10 #[cfg(feature = "adhoc")] pub mod adhoc;
11 #[cfg(feature = "appmgmt")] pub mod appmgmt;
12 #[cfg(feature = "audioclient")] pub mod audioclient;
13 #[cfg(feature = "audiosessiontypes")] pub mod audiosessiontypes;
14 #[cfg(feature = "avrt")] pub mod avrt;
15 #[cfg(feature = "bits")] pub mod bits;
16 #[cfg(feature = "bits10_1")] pub mod bits10_1;
17 #[cfg(feature = "bits1_5")] pub mod bits1_5;
18 #[cfg(feature = "bits2_0")] pub mod bits2_0;
19 #[cfg(feature = "bits2_5")] pub mod bits2_5;
20 #[cfg(feature = "bits3_0")] pub mod bits3_0;
21 #[cfg(feature = "bits4_0")] pub mod bits4_0;
22 #[cfg(feature = "bits5_0")] pub mod bits5_0;
23 #[cfg(feature = "bitscfg")] pub mod bitscfg;
24 #[cfg(feature = "bitsmsg")] pub mod bitsmsg;
25 #[cfg(feature = "bluetoothapis")] pub mod bluetoothapis;
VirtualAlloc( lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flAllocationType: DWORD, flProtect: DWORD, ) -> LPVOID26 #[cfg(feature = "bluetoothleapis")] pub mod bluetoothleapis;
27 #[cfg(feature = "bthledef")] pub mod bthledef;
28 #[cfg(feature = "cfgmgr32")] pub mod cfgmgr32;
29 #[cfg(feature = "cguid")] pub mod cguid;
30 #[cfg(feature = "combaseapi")] pub mod combaseapi;
31 #[cfg(feature = "coml2api")] pub mod coml2api;
VirtualProtect( lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flNewProtect: DWORD, lpflOldProtect: PDWORD, ) -> BOOL32 #[cfg(feature = "commapi")] pub mod commapi;
33 #[cfg(feature = "commctrl")] pub mod commctrl;
34 #[cfg(feature = "commdlg")] pub mod commdlg;
35 #[cfg(feature = "commoncontrols")] pub mod commoncontrols;
36 #[cfg(feature = "consoleapi")] pub mod consoleapi;
37 #[cfg(feature = "corsym")] pub mod corsym;
VirtualFree( lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, dwFreeType: DWORD, ) -> BOOL38 #[cfg(feature = "d2d1")] pub mod d2d1;
39 #[cfg(feature = "d2d1_1")] pub mod d2d1_1;
40 #[cfg(feature = "d2d1_2")] pub mod d2d1_2;
41 #[cfg(feature = "d2d1_3")] pub mod d2d1_3;
42 #[cfg(feature = "d2d1effectauthor")] pub mod d2d1effectauthor;
VirtualQuery( lpAddress: LPCVOID, lpBuffer: PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION, dwLength: SIZE_T, ) -> SIZE_T43 #[cfg(feature = "d2d1effects")] pub mod d2d1effects;
44 #[cfg(feature = "d2d1effects_1")] pub mod d2d1effects_1;
45 #[cfg(feature = "d2d1effects_2")] pub mod d2d1effects_2;
46 #[cfg(feature = "d2d1svg")] pub mod d2d1svg;
47 #[cfg(feature = "d2dbasetypes")] pub mod d2dbasetypes;
VirtualAllocEx( hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flAllocationType: DWORD, flProtect: DWORD, ) -> LPVOID48 #[cfg(feature = "d3d")] pub mod d3d;
49 #[cfg(feature = "d3d10")] pub mod d3d10;
50 #[cfg(feature = "d3d10_1")] pub mod d3d10_1;
51 #[cfg(feature = "d3d10_1shader")] pub mod d3d10_1shader;
52 #[cfg(feature = "d3d10effect")] pub mod d3d10effect;
53 #[cfg(feature = "d3d10misc")] pub mod d3d10misc;
54 #[cfg(feature = "d3d10sdklayers")] pub mod d3d10sdklayers;
VirtualFreeEx( hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, dwFreeType: DWORD, ) -> BOOL55 #[cfg(feature = "d3d10shader")] pub mod d3d10shader;
56 #[cfg(feature = "d3d11")] pub mod d3d11;
57 #[cfg(feature = "d3d11_1")] pub mod d3d11_1;
58 #[cfg(feature = "d3d11_2")] pub mod d3d11_2;
59 #[cfg(feature = "d3d11_3")] pub mod d3d11_3;
60 #[cfg(feature = "d3d11_4")] pub mod d3d11_4;
VirtualProtectEx( hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flNewProtect: DWORD, lpflOldProtect: PDWORD, ) -> BOOL61 #[cfg(feature = "d3d11on12")] pub mod d3d11on12;
62 #[cfg(feature = "d3d11sdklayers")] pub mod d3d11sdklayers;
63 #[cfg(feature = "d3d11shader")] pub mod d3d11shader;
64 #[cfg(feature = "d3d11tokenizedprogramformat")] pub mod d3d11tokenizedprogramformat;
65 #[cfg(feature = "d3d12")] pub mod d3d12;
66 #[cfg(feature = "d3d12sdklayers")] pub mod d3d12sdklayers;
67 #[cfg(feature = "d3d12shader")] pub mod d3d12shader;
VirtualQueryEx( hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPCVOID, lpBuffer: PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION, dwLength: SIZE_T, ) -> SIZE_T68 #[cfg(feature = "d3dcommon")] pub mod d3dcommon;
69 #[cfg(feature = "d3dcompiler")] pub mod d3dcompiler;
70 #[cfg(feature = "d3dcsx")] pub mod d3dcsx;
71 #[cfg(feature = "d3dx10core")] pub mod d3dx10core;
72 #[cfg(feature = "d3dx10math")] pub mod d3dx10math;
73 #[cfg(feature = "d3dx10mesh")] pub mod d3dx10mesh;
ReadProcessMemory( hProcess: HANDLE, lpBaseAddress: LPCVOID, lpBuffer: LPVOID, nSize: SIZE_T, lpNumberOfBytesRead: *mut SIZE_T, ) -> BOOL74 #[cfg(feature = "datetimeapi")] pub mod datetimeapi;
75 #[cfg(feature = "davclnt")] pub mod davclnt;
76 #[cfg(feature = "dbghelp")] pub mod dbghelp;
77 #[cfg(feature = "dbt")] pub mod dbt;
78 #[cfg(feature = "dcommon")] pub mod dcommon;
79 #[cfg(feature = "dcomp")] pub mod dcomp;
80 #[cfg(feature = "dcompanimation")] pub mod dcompanimation;
WriteProcessMemory( hProcess: HANDLE, lpBaseAddress: LPVOID, lpBuffer: LPCVOID, nSize: SIZE_T, lpNumberOfBytesWritten: *mut SIZE_T, ) -> BOOL81 #[cfg(feature = "dde")] pub mod dde;
82 #[cfg(feature = "ddraw")] pub mod ddraw;
83 #[cfg(feature = "ddrawi")] pub mod ddrawi;
84 #[cfg(feature = "ddrawint")] pub mod ddrawint;
85 #[cfg(feature = "debugapi")] pub mod debugapi;
86 #[cfg(feature = "devicetopology")] pub mod devicetopology;
87 #[cfg(feature = "dinput")] pub mod dinput;
CreateFileMappingW( hFile: HANDLE, lpFileMappingAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, flProtect: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeHigh: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeLow: DWORD, lpName: LPCWSTR, ) -> HANDLE88 #[cfg(feature = "dispex")] pub mod dispex;
89 #[cfg(feature = "dmksctl")] pub mod dmksctl;
90 #[cfg(feature = "dmusicc")] pub mod dmusicc;
91 #[cfg(feature = "docobj")] pub mod docobj;
92 #[cfg(feature = "documenttarget")] pub mod documenttarget;
93 #[cfg(feature = "dot1x")] pub mod dot1x;
94 #[cfg(feature = "dpa_dsa")] pub mod dpa_dsa;
95 #[cfg(feature = "dpapi")] pub mod dpapi;
OpenFileMappingW( dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCWSTR, ) -> HANDLE96 #[cfg(feature = "dsgetdc")] pub mod dsgetdc;
97 #[cfg(feature = "dsound")] pub mod dsound;
98 #[cfg(feature = "dsrole")] pub mod dsrole;
99 #[cfg(feature = "dvp")] pub mod dvp;
100 #[cfg(feature = "dwmapi")] pub mod dwmapi;
MapViewOfFile( hFileMappingObject: HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwFileOffsetHigh: DWORD, dwFileOffsetLow: DWORD, dwNumberOfBytesToMap: SIZE_T, ) -> LPVOID101 #[cfg(feature = "dwrite")] pub mod dwrite;
102 #[cfg(feature = "dwrite_1")] pub mod dwrite_1;
103 #[cfg(feature = "dwrite_2")] pub mod dwrite_2;
104 #[cfg(feature = "dwrite_3")] pub mod dwrite_3;
105 #[cfg(feature = "dxdiag")] pub mod dxdiag;
106 #[cfg(feature = "dxfile")] pub mod dxfile;
107 #[cfg(feature = "dxgidebug")] pub mod dxgidebug;
MapViewOfFileEx( hFileMappingObject: HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwFileOffsetHigh: DWORD, dwFileOffsetLow: DWORD, dwNumberOfBytesToMap: SIZE_T, lpBaseAddress: LPVOID, ) -> LPVOID108 #[cfg(feature = "dxva2api")] pub mod dxva2api;
109 #[cfg(feature = "dxvahd")] pub mod dxvahd;
110 #[cfg(feature = "eaptypes")] pub mod eaptypes;
111 #[cfg(feature = "enclaveapi")] pub mod enclaveapi;
112 #[cfg(feature = "endpointvolume")] pub mod endpointvolume;
113 #[cfg(feature = "errhandlingapi")] pub mod errhandlingapi;
114 #[cfg(feature = "evntcons")] pub mod evntcons;
115 #[cfg(feature = "exdisp")] pub mod exdisp;
FlushViewOfFile( lpBaseAddress: LPCVOID, dwNumberOfBytesToFlush: SIZE_T, ) -> BOOL116 #[cfg(feature = "fibersapi")] pub mod fibersapi;
117 #[cfg(feature = "fileapi")] pub mod fileapi;
118 #[cfg(feature = "functiondiscoverykeys_devpkey")] pub mod functiondiscoverykeys_devpkey;
119 #[cfg(feature = "handleapi")] pub mod handleapi;
UnmapViewOfFile( lpBaseAddress: LPCVOID, ) -> BOOL120 #[cfg(feature = "heapapi")] pub mod heapapi;
121 #[cfg(feature = "highlevelmonitorconfigurationapi")] pub mod highlevelmonitorconfigurationapi;
122 #[cfg(feature = "http")] pub mod http;
GetLargePageMinimum() -> SIZE_T123 #[cfg(feature = "imm")] pub mod imm;
GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx( hProcess: HANDLE, lpMinimumWorkingSetSize: PSIZE_T, lpMaximumWorkingSetSize: PSIZE_T, Flags: PDWORD, ) -> BOOL124 #[cfg(feature = "interlockedapi")] pub mod interlockedapi;
125 #[cfg(feature = "ioapiset")] pub mod ioapiset;
126 #[cfg(feature = "ipexport")] pub mod ipexport;
127 #[cfg(feature = "iphlpapi")] pub mod iphlpapi;
128 #[cfg(feature = "iptypes")] pub mod iptypes;
129 #[cfg(feature = "jobapi")] pub mod jobapi;
SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx( hProcess: HANDLE, dwMinimumWorkingSetSize: SIZE_T, dwMaximumWorkingSetSize: SIZE_T, Flags: DWORD, ) -> BOOL130 #[cfg(feature = "jobapi2")] pub mod jobapi2;
131 #[cfg(feature = "knownfolders")] pub mod knownfolders;
132 #[cfg(feature = "ktmw32")] pub mod ktmw32;
133 #[cfg(feature = "l2cmn")] pub mod l2cmn;
134 #[cfg(feature = "libloaderapi")] pub mod libloaderapi;
135 #[cfg(feature = "lmaccess")] pub mod lmaccess;
VirtualLock( lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, ) -> BOOL136 #[cfg(feature = "lmalert")] pub mod lmalert;
137 #[cfg(feature = "lmapibuf")] pub mod lmapibuf;
138 #[cfg(feature = "lmat")] pub mod lmat;
139 #[cfg(feature = "lmdfs")] pub mod lmdfs;
VirtualUnlock( lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, ) -> BOOL140 #[cfg(feature = "lmerrlog")] pub mod lmerrlog;
141 #[cfg(feature = "lmjoin")] pub mod lmjoin;
142 #[cfg(feature = "lmmsg")] pub mod lmmsg;
143 #[cfg(feature = "lmremutl")] pub mod lmremutl;
GetWriteWatch( dwFlags: DWORD, lpBaseAddress: PVOID, dwRegionSize: SIZE_T, lpAddresses: *mut PVOID, lpdwCount: *mut ULONG_PTR, lpdwGranularity: LPDWORD, ) -> UINT144 #[cfg(feature = "lmrepl")] pub mod lmrepl;
145 #[cfg(feature = "lmserver")] pub mod lmserver;
146 #[cfg(feature = "lmshare")] pub mod lmshare;
147 #[cfg(feature = "lmstats")] pub mod lmstats;
148 #[cfg(feature = "lmsvc")] pub mod lmsvc;
149 #[cfg(feature = "lmuse")] pub mod lmuse;
150 #[cfg(feature = "lmwksta")] pub mod lmwksta;
151 #[cfg(feature = "lowlevelmonitorconfigurationapi")] pub mod lowlevelmonitorconfigurationapi;
ResetWriteWatch( lpBaseAddress: LPVOID, dwRegionSize: SIZE_T, ) -> UINT152 #[cfg(feature = "lsalookup")] pub mod lsalookup;
153 #[cfg(feature = "memoryapi")] pub mod memoryapi;
154 #[cfg(feature = "minschannel")] pub mod minschannel;
155 #[cfg(feature = "minwinbase")] pub mod minwinbase;
156 #[cfg(feature = "mmdeviceapi")] pub mod mmdeviceapi;
157 #[cfg(feature = "mmeapi")] pub mod mmeapi;
158 #[cfg(feature = "mmsystem")] pub mod mmsystem;
159 #[cfg(feature = "msaatext")] pub mod msaatext;
160 #[cfg(feature = "mscat")] pub mod mscat;
161 #[cfg(feature = "mschapp")] pub mod mschapp;
CreateMemoryResourceNotification( NotificationType: MEMORY_RESOURCE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE, ) -> HANDLE162 #[cfg(feature = "mssip")] pub mod mssip;
163 #[cfg(feature = "mswsock")] pub mod mswsock;
164 #[cfg(feature = "namedpipeapi")] pub mod namedpipeapi;
QueryMemoryResourceNotification( ResourceNotificationHandle: HANDLE, ResourceState: PBOOL, ) -> BOOL165 #[cfg(feature = "namespaceapi")] pub mod namespaceapi;
166 #[cfg(feature = "nb30")] pub mod nb30;
167 #[cfg(feature = "ncrypt")] pub mod ncrypt;
168 #[cfg(feature = "ntlsa")] pub mod ntlsa;
169 #[cfg(feature = "ntsecapi")] pub mod ntsecapi;
170 #[cfg(feature = "oaidl")] pub mod oaidl;
171 #[cfg(feature = "objbase")] pub mod objbase;
172 #[cfg(feature = "objidl")] pub mod objidl;
173 #[cfg(feature = "objidlbase")] pub mod objidlbase;
174 #[cfg(feature = "ocidl")] pub mod ocidl;
GetSystemFileCacheSize( lpMinimumFileCacheSize: PSIZE_T, lpMaximumFileCacheSize: PSIZE_T, lpFlags: PDWORD, ) -> BOOL175 #[cfg(feature = "ole2")] pub mod ole2;
176 #[cfg(feature = "oleauto")] pub mod oleauto;
177 #[cfg(feature = "olectl")] pub mod olectl;
178 #[cfg(feature = "oleidl")] pub mod oleidl;
179 #[cfg(feature = "opmapi")] pub mod opmapi;
SetSystemFileCacheSize( MinimumFileCacheSize: SIZE_T, MaximumFileCacheSize: SIZE_T, Flags: DWORD, ) -> BOOL180 #[cfg(feature = "pdh")] pub mod pdh;
181 #[cfg(feature = "perflib")] pub mod perflib;
182 #[cfg(feature = "physicalmonitorenumerationapi")] pub mod physicalmonitorenumerationapi;
183 #[cfg(feature = "playsoundapi")] pub mod playsoundapi;
184 #[cfg(feature = "portabledevice")] pub mod portabledevice;
CreateFileMappingNumaW( hFile: HANDLE, lpFileMappingAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, flProtect: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeHigh: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeLow: DWORD, lpName: LPCWSTR, nndPreferred: DWORD, ) -> HANDLE185 #[cfg(feature = "portabledeviceapi")] pub mod portabledeviceapi;
186 #[cfg(feature = "portabledevicetypes")] pub mod portabledevicetypes;
187 #[cfg(feature = "powerbase")] pub mod powerbase;
188 #[cfg(feature = "powersetting")] pub mod powersetting;
189 #[cfg(feature = "powrprof")] pub mod powrprof;
190 #[cfg(feature = "processenv")] pub mod processenv;
191 #[cfg(feature = "processsnapshot")] pub mod processsnapshot;
192 #[cfg(feature = "processthreadsapi")] pub mod processthreadsapi;
193 #[cfg(feature = "processtopologyapi")] pub mod processtopologyapi;
194 #[cfg(feature = "profileapi")] pub mod profileapi;
195 #[cfg(feature = "propidl")] pub mod propidl;
196 #[cfg(feature = "propkey")] pub mod propkey;
197 #[cfg(feature = "propkeydef")] pub mod propkeydef;
198 #[cfg(feature = "propsys")] pub mod propsys;
199 #[cfg(feature = "prsht")] pub mod prsht;
200 #[cfg(feature = "psapi")] pub mod psapi;
PrefetchVirtualMemory( hProcess: HANDLE, NumberOfEntries: ULONG_PTR, VirtualAddresses: PWIN32_MEMORY_RANGE_ENTRY, Flags: ULONG, ) -> BOOL201 #[cfg(feature = "realtimeapiset")] pub mod realtimeapiset;
202 #[cfg(feature = "reason")] pub mod reason;
203 #[cfg(feature = "restartmanager")] pub mod restartmanager;
204 #[cfg(feature = "restrictederrorinfo")] pub mod restrictederrorinfo;
205 #[cfg(feature = "rmxfguid")] pub mod rmxfguid;
206 #[cfg(feature = "rtinfo")] pub mod rtinfo;
CreateFileMappingFromApp( hFile: HANDLE, SecurityAttributes: PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, PageProtection: ULONG, MaximumSize: ULONG64, Name: PCWSTR, ) -> HANDLE207 #[cfg(feature = "sapi")] pub mod sapi;
208 #[cfg(feature = "sapi51")] pub mod sapi51;
209 #[cfg(feature = "sapi53")] pub mod sapi53;
210 #[cfg(feature = "sapiddk")] pub mod sapiddk;
211 #[cfg(feature = "sapiddk51")] pub mod sapiddk51;
212 #[cfg(feature = "schannel")] pub mod schannel;
213 #[cfg(feature = "securityappcontainer")] pub mod securityappcontainer;
MapViewOfFileFromApp( hFileMappingObject: HANDLE, DesiredAccess: ULONG, FileOffset: ULONG64, NumberOfBytesToMap: SIZE_T, ) -> PVOID214 #[cfg(feature = "securitybaseapi")] pub mod securitybaseapi;
215 #[cfg(feature = "servprov")] pub mod servprov;
216 #[cfg(feature = "setupapi")] pub mod setupapi;
217 #[cfg(feature = "shellapi")] pub mod shellapi;
218 #[cfg(feature = "shellscalingapi")] pub mod shellscalingapi;
219 #[cfg(feature = "shlobj")] pub mod shlobj;
UnmapViewOfFileEx( BaseAddress: PVOID, UnmapFlags: ULONG, ) -> BOOL220 #[cfg(feature = "shobjidl")] pub mod shobjidl;
221 #[cfg(feature = "shobjidl_core")] pub mod shobjidl_core;
222 #[cfg(feature = "shtypes")] pub mod shtypes;
223 #[cfg(feature = "softpub")] pub mod softpub;
AllocateUserPhysicalPages( hProcess: HANDLE, NumberOfPages: PULONG_PTR, PageArray: PULONG_PTR, ) -> BOOL224 #[cfg(feature = "spapidef")] pub mod spapidef;
225 #[cfg(feature = "spellcheck")] pub mod spellcheck;
226 #[cfg(feature = "sporder")] pub mod sporder;
227 #[cfg(feature = "sql")] pub mod sql;
228 #[cfg(feature = "sqlext")] pub mod sqlext;
FreeUserPhysicalPages( hProcess: HANDLE, NumberOfPages: PULONG_PTR, PageArray: PULONG_PTR, ) -> BOOL229 #[cfg(feature = "sqltypes")] pub mod sqltypes;
230 #[cfg(feature = "sqlucode")] pub mod sqlucode;
231 #[cfg(feature = "sspi")] pub mod sspi;
232 #[cfg(feature = "stringapiset")] pub mod stringapiset;
233 #[cfg(feature = "strmif")] pub mod strmif;
MapUserPhysicalPages( VirtualAddress: PVOID, NumberOfPages: ULONG_PTR, PageArray: PULONG_PTR, ) -> BOOL234 #[cfg(feature = "subauth")] pub mod subauth;
235 #[cfg(feature = "synchapi")] pub mod synchapi;
236 #[cfg(feature = "sysinfoapi")] pub mod sysinfoapi;
237 #[cfg(feature = "systemtopologyapi")] pub mod systemtopologyapi;
238 #[cfg(feature = "taskschd")] pub mod taskschd;
AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma( hProcess: HANDLE, NumberOfPages: PULONG_PTR, PageArray: PULONG_PTR, nndPreferred: DWORD, ) -> BOOL239 #[cfg(feature = "textstor")] pub mod textstor;
240 #[cfg(feature = "threadpoolapiset")] pub mod threadpoolapiset;
241 #[cfg(feature = "threadpoollegacyapiset")] pub mod threadpoollegacyapiset;
242 #[cfg(feature = "timeapi")] pub mod timeapi;
243 #[cfg(feature = "timezoneapi")] pub mod timezoneapi;
244 #[cfg(feature = "tlhelp32")] pub mod tlhelp32;
VirtualAllocExNuma( hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flAllocationType: DWORD, flProtect: DWORD, nndPreferred: DWORD, ) -> LPVOID245 #[cfg(feature = "unknwnbase")] pub mod unknwnbase;
246 #[cfg(feature = "urlhist")] pub mod urlhist;
247 #[cfg(feature = "urlmon")] pub mod urlmon;
248 #[cfg(feature = "userenv")] pub mod userenv;
249 #[cfg(feature = "usp10")] pub mod usp10;
250 #[cfg(feature = "utilapiset")] pub mod utilapiset;
251 #[cfg(feature = "uxtheme")] pub mod uxtheme;
252 #[cfg(feature = "vsbackup")] pub mod vsbackup;
253 #[cfg(feature = "vss")] pub mod vss;
254 #[cfg(feature = "vsserror")] pub mod vsserror;
255 #[cfg(feature = "vswriter")] pub mod vswriter;
GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities( Capabilities: PULONG, ) -> BOOL256 #[cfg(feature = "wbemads")] pub mod wbemads;
257 #[cfg(feature = "wbemcli")] pub mod wbemcli;
258 #[cfg(feature = "wbemdisp")] pub mod wbemdisp;
259 #[cfg(feature = "wbemprov")] pub mod wbemprov;
260 #[cfg(feature = "wbemtran")] pub mod wbemtran;
261 #[cfg(feature = "wct")] pub mod wct;
RegisterBadMemoryNotification( Callback: PBAD_MEMORY_CALLBACK_ROUTINE, ) -> PVOID262 #[cfg(feature = "werapi")] pub mod werapi;
263 #[cfg(feature = "winbase")] pub mod winbase;
264 #[cfg(feature = "wincodec")] pub mod wincodec;
UnregisterBadMemoryNotification( RegistrationHandle: PVOID, ) -> BOOL265 #[cfg(feature = "wincodecsdk")] pub mod wincodecsdk;
266 #[cfg(feature = "wincon")] pub mod wincon;
267 #[cfg(feature = "wincontypes")] pub mod wincontypes;
268 #[cfg(feature = "wincred")] pub mod wincred;
269 #[cfg(feature = "wincrypt")] pub mod wincrypt;
270 #[cfg(feature = "windowsceip")] pub mod windowsceip;
271 #[cfg(feature = "winefs")] pub mod winefs;
272 #[cfg(feature = "winevt")] pub mod winevt;
273 #[cfg(feature = "wingdi")] pub mod wingdi;
274 #[cfg(feature = "winhttp")] pub mod winhttp;
275 #[cfg(feature = "wininet")] pub mod wininet;
OfferVirtualMemory( VirtualAddress: PVOID, Size: SIZE_T, Priority: OFFER_PRIORITY, ) -> DWORD276 #[cfg(feature = "winineti")] pub mod winineti;
277 #[cfg(feature = "winioctl")] pub mod winioctl;
278 #[cfg(feature = "winnetwk")] pub mod winnetwk;
279 #[cfg(feature = "winnls")] pub mod winnls;
280 #[cfg(feature = "winnt")] pub mod winnt;
ReclaimVirtualMemory( VirtualAddress: *const c_void, Size: SIZE_T, ) -> DWORD281 #[cfg(feature = "winreg")] pub mod winreg;
282 #[cfg(feature = "winsafer")] pub mod winsafer;
283 #[cfg(feature = "winscard")] pub mod winscard;
284 #[cfg(feature = "winsmcrd")] pub mod winsmcrd;
DiscardVirtualMemory( VirtualAddress: PVOID, Size: SIZE_T, ) -> DWORD285 #[cfg(feature = "winsock2")] pub mod winsock2;
286 #[cfg(feature = "winspool")] pub mod winspool;
287 #[cfg(feature = "winsvc")] pub mod winsvc;
288 #[cfg(feature = "wintrust")] pub mod wintrust;
289 #[cfg(feature = "winusb")] pub mod winusb;
290 #[cfg(feature = "winuser")] pub mod winuser;
291 #[cfg(feature = "winver")] pub mod winver;
292 #[cfg(feature = "wlanapi")] pub mod wlanapi;
293 #[cfg(feature = "wlanihv")] pub mod wlanihv;
294 #[cfg(feature = "wlanihvtypes")] pub mod wlanihvtypes;
295 #[cfg(feature = "wlclient")] pub mod wlclient;
296 #[cfg(feature = "wow64apiset")] pub mod wow64apiset;
VirtualAllocFromApp( BaseAddress: PVOID, Size: SIZE_T, AllocationType: ULONG, Protection: ULONG, ) -> PVOID297 #[cfg(feature = "wpdmtpextensions")] pub mod wpdmtpextensions;
298 #[cfg(feature = "ws2bth")] pub mod ws2bth;
299 #[cfg(feature = "ws2spi")] pub mod ws2spi;
300 #[cfg(feature = "ws2tcpip")] pub mod ws2tcpip;
301 #[cfg(feature = "wtsapi32")] pub mod wtsapi32;
302 #[cfg(feature = "xinput")] pub mod xinput;
VirtualProtectFromApp( Address: PVOID, Size: SIZE_T, NewProtection: ULONG, OldProtection: PULONG, ) -> BOOL303