1 // Generated by gmmproc 2.64.2 -- DO NOT MODIFY!
6 #include <glibmm/ustring.h>
7 #include <sigc++/sigc++.h>
9 /* Copyright (C) 2012 The gtkmm Development Team
10  *
11  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
22  * License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23  */
25 #include <glibmm/error.h>
26 #include <glibmm/refptr.h>
27 #include <glibmm/bytes.h>
28 #include <giomm/inputstream.h>
29 #include <vector>
30 #include <string>
34 typedef struct _GResource GResource;
35 #endif
37 namespace Gio
38 {
40 /**  %Exception class for resource file handling errors.
41  *
42  * @newin{2,34}
43  */
44 class GIOMM_API ResourceError : public Glib::Error
45 {
46 public:
47   /**  @var Code NOT_FOUND
48    * No file was found at the requested path.
49    *
50    *  @var Code INTERNAL
51    * Unknown error.
52    *
53    *  @enum Code
54    *
55    * An error code used with G_RESOURCE_ERROR in a Error returned
56    * from a Resource routine.
57    *
58    * @newin{2,34}
59    */
60   enum Code
61   {
62     NOT_FOUND,
64   };
66   ResourceError(Code error_code, const Glib::ustring& error_message);
67   explicit ResourceError(GError* gobject);
68   Code code() const;
71 private:
73   static void throw_func(GError* gobject);
75   friend GIOMM_API void wrap_init(); // uses throw_func()
78 };
81 /** @addtogroup giommEnums giomm Enums and Flags */
83 /**
84  *  @var ResourceFlags RESOURCE_FLAGS_NONE
85  * No flags set.
86  *
87  *  @var ResourceFlags RESOURCE_FLAGS_COMPRESSED
88  * The file is compressed.
89  *
90  *  @enum ResourceFlags
91  *
92  * GResourceFlags give information about a particular file inside a resource
93  * bundle.
94  *
95  * @newin{2,44}
96  *
97  * @ingroup giommEnums
98  * @par Bitwise operators:
99  * <tt>%ResourceFlags operator|(ResourceFlags, ResourceFlags)</tt><br>
100  * <tt>%ResourceFlags operator&(ResourceFlags, ResourceFlags)</tt><br>
101  * <tt>%ResourceFlags operator^(ResourceFlags, ResourceFlags)</tt><br>
102  * <tt>%ResourceFlags operator~(ResourceFlags)</tt><br>
103  * <tt>%ResourceFlags& operator|=(ResourceFlags&, ResourceFlags)</tt><br>
104  * <tt>%ResourceFlags& operator&=(ResourceFlags&, ResourceFlags)</tt><br>
105  * <tt>%ResourceFlags& operator^=(ResourceFlags&, ResourceFlags)</tt><br>
106  */
107 enum ResourceFlags
108 {
111 };
113 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
114 inline ResourceFlags operator|(ResourceFlags lhs, ResourceFlags rhs)
115   { return static_cast<ResourceFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }
117 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
118 inline ResourceFlags operator&(ResourceFlags lhs, ResourceFlags rhs)
119   { return static_cast<ResourceFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }
121 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
122 inline ResourceFlags operator^(ResourceFlags lhs, ResourceFlags rhs)
123   { return static_cast<ResourceFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) ^ static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }
125 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
126 inline ResourceFlags operator~(ResourceFlags flags)
127   { return static_cast<ResourceFlags>(~static_cast<unsigned>(flags)); }
129 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
130 inline ResourceFlags& operator|=(ResourceFlags& lhs, ResourceFlags rhs)
131   { return (lhs = static_cast<ResourceFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }
133 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
134 inline ResourceFlags& operator&=(ResourceFlags& lhs, ResourceFlags rhs)
135   { return (lhs = static_cast<ResourceFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }
137 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
138 inline ResourceFlags& operator^=(ResourceFlags& lhs, ResourceFlags rhs)
139   { return (lhs = static_cast<ResourceFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) ^ static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }
141 } // namespace Gio
144 namespace Glib
145 {
147 template <>
148 class Value<Gio::ResourceFlags> : public Glib::Value_Flags<Gio::ResourceFlags>
149 {
150 public:
151   static GType value_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
152 };
154 } // namespace Glib
157 namespace Gio
158 {
160 /**
161  *  @var ResourceLookupFlags RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE
162  * No flags set.
163  *
164  *  @enum ResourceLookupFlags
165  *
166  * GResourceLookupFlags determine how resource path lookups are handled.
167  *
168  * @newin{2,44}
169  *
170  * @ingroup giommEnums
171  * @par Bitwise operators:
172  * <tt>%ResourceLookupFlags operator|(ResourceLookupFlags, ResourceLookupFlags)</tt><br>
173  * <tt>%ResourceLookupFlags operator&(ResourceLookupFlags, ResourceLookupFlags)</tt><br>
174  * <tt>%ResourceLookupFlags operator^(ResourceLookupFlags, ResourceLookupFlags)</tt><br>
175  * <tt>%ResourceLookupFlags operator~(ResourceLookupFlags)</tt><br>
176  * <tt>%ResourceLookupFlags& operator|=(ResourceLookupFlags&, ResourceLookupFlags)</tt><br>
177  * <tt>%ResourceLookupFlags& operator&=(ResourceLookupFlags&, ResourceLookupFlags)</tt><br>
178  * <tt>%ResourceLookupFlags& operator^=(ResourceLookupFlags&, ResourceLookupFlags)</tt><br>
179  */
180 enum ResourceLookupFlags
181 {
183 };
185 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
186 inline ResourceLookupFlags operator|(ResourceLookupFlags lhs, ResourceLookupFlags rhs)
187   { return static_cast<ResourceLookupFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }
189 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
190 inline ResourceLookupFlags operator&(ResourceLookupFlags lhs, ResourceLookupFlags rhs)
191   { return static_cast<ResourceLookupFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }
193 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
194 inline ResourceLookupFlags operator^(ResourceLookupFlags lhs, ResourceLookupFlags rhs)
195   { return static_cast<ResourceLookupFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) ^ static_cast<unsigned>(rhs)); }
197 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
198 inline ResourceLookupFlags operator~(ResourceLookupFlags flags)
199   { return static_cast<ResourceLookupFlags>(~static_cast<unsigned>(flags)); }
201 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
202 inline ResourceLookupFlags& operator|=(ResourceLookupFlags& lhs, ResourceLookupFlags rhs)
203   { return (lhs = static_cast<ResourceLookupFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }
205 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
206 inline ResourceLookupFlags& operator&=(ResourceLookupFlags& lhs, ResourceLookupFlags rhs)
207   { return (lhs = static_cast<ResourceLookupFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }
209 /** @ingroup giommEnums */
210 inline ResourceLookupFlags& operator^=(ResourceLookupFlags& lhs, ResourceLookupFlags rhs)
211   { return (lhs = static_cast<ResourceLookupFlags>(static_cast<unsigned>(lhs) ^ static_cast<unsigned>(rhs))); }
213 } // namespace Gio
216 namespace Glib
217 {
219 template <>
220 class Value<Gio::ResourceLookupFlags> : public Glib::Value_Flags<Gio::ResourceLookupFlags>
221 {
222 public:
223   static GType value_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
224 };
226 } // namespace Glib
229 namespace Gio
230 {
233 /** %Resource framework.
234  *
235  * Applications and libraries often contain binary or textual data that is
236  * really part of the application, rather than user data. For instance
237  * Gtk::Builder .ui files, splashscreen images, Gio::Menu markup xml, CSS files,
238  * icons, etc. These are often shipped as files in `$datadir/appname`, or
239  * manually included as literal strings in the code.
240  *
241  * The Gio::Resource API and the <tt>glib-compile-resources</tt> program
242  * provide a convenient and efficient alternative to this which has some nice properties. You
243  * maintain the files as normal files, so it's easy to edit them, but during the build the files
244  * are combined into a binary bundle that is linked into the executable. This means that loading
245  * the resource files is efficient (as they are already in memory, shared with other instances) and
246  * simple (no need to check for things like I/O errors or locate the files in the filesystem). It
247  * also makes it easier to create relocatable applications.
248  *
249  * %Resource files can also be marked as compressed. Such files will be included in the resource bundle
250  * in a compressed form, but will be automatically uncompressed when the resource is used. This
251  * is very useful e.g. for larger text files that are parsed once (or rarely) and then thrown away.
252  *
253  * %Resource files can also be marked to be preprocessed, by setting the value of the
254  * `preprocess` attribute to a comma-separated list of preprocessing options.
255  * The only options currently supported are:
256  *
257  * <dl>
258  * <dt>xml-stripblanks</dt>
259  *   <dd>which will use the <tt>xmllint</tt> command
260  *   to strip ignorable whitespace from the xml file. For this to work,
261  *   the `XMLLINT` environment variable must be set to the full path to
262  *   the <tt>xmllint</tt> executable, or <tt>xmllint</tt> must be in the `PATH`; otherwise
263  *   the preprocessing step is skipped.</dd>
264  *
265  * <dt>to-pixdata</dt>
266  *   <dd>which will use the <tt>gdk-pixbuf-pixdata</tt> command to convert
267  *   images to the GdkPixdata format, which allows you to create pixbufs directly using the data inside
268  *   the resource file, rather than an (uncompressed) copy of it. For this, the <tt>gdk-pixbuf-pixdata</tt>
269  *   program must be in the PATH, or the `GDK_PIXBUF_PIXDATA` environment variable must be
270  *   set to the full path to the <tt>gdk-pixbuf-pixdata</tt> executable; otherwise the resource compiler will
271  *   abort.</dd>
272  * </dl>
273  *
274  * %Resource bundles are created by the <tt>glib-compile-resources</tt> program
275  * which takes an xml file that describes the bundle, and a set of files that the xml references. These
276  * are combined into a binary resource bundle.
277  *
278  * An example resource description:
279  * @code
280  * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
281  * <gresources>
282  *   <gresource prefix="/org/gtk/Example">
283  *     <file>data/splashscreen.png</file>
284  *     <file compressed="true">dialog.ui</file>
285  *     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">menumarkup.xml</file>
286  *   </gresource>
287  * </gresources>
288  * @endcode
289  *
290  * This will create a resource bundle with the following files:
291  * @code
292  * /org/gtk/Example/data/splashscreen.png
293  * /org/gtk/Example/dialog.ui
294  * /org/gtk/Example/menumarkup.xml
295  * @endcode
296  *
297  * Note that all resources in the process share the same namespace, so use java-style
298  * path prefixes (like in the above example) to avoid conflicts.
299  *
300  * You can then use <tt>glib-compile-resources</tt> to compile the xml to a binary bundle
301  * that you can load with Gio::Resource::create_from_file(). However, it's more common to use the --generate-source and
302  * --generate-header arguments to create a source file and header to link directly into your application.
303  *
304  * Once a Gio::Resource has been created and registered all the data in it can be accessed globally in the process by
305  * using API calls like Gio::Resource::open_stream_from_global_resources() to stream the data
306  * or Gio::Resource::lookup_data_in_global_resources() to get a direct pointer
307  * to the data. You can also use uris like "resource:///org/gtk/Example/data/splashscreen.png" with Gio::File to access
308  * the resource data.
309  *
310  * There are two forms of the generated source, the default version uses the compiler support for constructor
311  * and destructor functions (where available) to automatically create and register the Gio::Resource on startup
312  * or library load time. If you pass --manual-register, two functions to register/unregister the resource is instead
313  * created. This requires an explicit initialization call in your application/library, but it works on all platforms,
314  * even on the minor ones where this is not available. (Constructor support is available for at least Win32, MacOS and Linux.)
315  *
316  * Note that resource data can point directly into the data segment of e.g. a library, so if you are unloading libraries
317  * during runtime you need to be very careful with keeping around pointers to data from a resource, as this goes away
318  * when the library is unloaded. However, in practice this is not generally a problem, since most resource accesses
319  * is for your own resources, and resource data is often used once, during parsing, and then released.
320  *
321  * @newin{2,44}
322  */
323 class GIOMM_API Resource final
324 {
325   public:
327   using CppObjectType = Resource;
328   using BaseObjectType = GResource;
332   /** Increment the reference count for this object.
333    * You should never need to do this manually - use the object via a RefPtr instead.
334    */
335   void reference()   const;
337   /** Decrement the reference count for this object.
338    * You should never need to do this manually - use the object via a RefPtr instead.
339    */
340   void unreference() const;
342   ///Provides access to the underlying C instance.
343   GResource*       gobj();
345   ///Provides access to the underlying C instance.
346   const GResource* gobj() const;
348   ///Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
349   GResource* gobj_copy() const;
351   Resource() = delete;
353   // noncopyable
354   Resource(const Resource&) = delete;
355   Resource& operator=(const Resource&) = delete;
357 protected:
358   // Do not derive this.  Gio::Resource can neither be constructed nor deleted.
360   void operator delete(void*, std::size_t);
362 private:
365 public:
367   /** Creates a GResource from a reference to the binary resource bundle.
368    * This will keep a reference to @a data while the resource lives, so
369    * the data should not be modified or freed.
370    *
371    * If you want to use this resource in the global resource namespace you need
372    * to register it with g_resources_register().
373    *
374    * @note @a data must be backed by memory that is at least pointer aligned.
375    * Otherwise this function will internally create a copy of the memory since
376    * GLib 2.56, or in older versions fail and exit the process.
377    *
378    * If @a data is empty or corrupt, RESOURCE_ERROR_INTERNAL will be returned.
379    *
380    * @newin{2,44}
381    *
382    * @param data A Bytes.
383    * @return A new Resource, or <tt>nullptr</tt> on error.
384    *
385    * @throws Glib::Error
386    */
387   static Glib::RefPtr<Resource> create_from_data(const Glib::RefPtr<const Glib::Bytes>& data);
389   /** Loads a binary resource bundle and creates a Resource representation of it, allowing
390    * you to query it for data.
391    *
392    * If you want to use this resource in the global resource namespace you need
393    * to register it with g_resources_register().
394    *
395    * If @a filename is empty or the data in it is corrupt,
396    * RESOURCE_ERROR_INTERNAL will be returned. If @a filename doesn’t exist, or
397    * there is an error in reading it, an error from Glib::mapped_file_new() will be
398    * returned.
399    *
400    * @newin{2,44}
401    *
402    * @param filename The path of a filename to load, in the GLib filename encoding.
403    * @return A new Resource, or <tt>nullptr</tt> on error.
404    *
405    * @throws Glib::Error
406    */
407   static Glib::RefPtr<Resource> create_from_file(const std::string& filename);
409   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the resource and
410    * returns a InputStream that lets you read the data.
411    *
412    *  @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
413    *
414    * @newin{2,44}
415    *
416    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
417    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
418    * @return InputStream or <tt>nullptr</tt> on error.
419    * Free the returned object with Glib::object_unref().
420    *
421    * @throws Glib::Error
422    */
423   Glib::RefPtr<InputStream> open_stream(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags =  RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE) const;
425   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the resource and
426    * returns a Bytes that lets you directly access the data in
427    * memory.
428    *
429    * The data is always followed by a zero byte, so you
430    * can safely use the data as a C string. However, that byte
431    * is not included in the size of the GBytes.
432    *
433    * For uncompressed resource files this is a pointer directly into
434    * the resource bundle, which is typically in some readonly data section
435    * in the program binary. For compressed files we allocate memory on
436    * the heap and automatically uncompress the data.
437    *
438    *  @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
439    *
440    * @newin{2,44}
441    *
442    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
443    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
444    * @return Bytes or <tt>nullptr</tt> on error.
445    * Free the returned object with Glib::bytes_unref().
446    *
447    * @throws Glib::Error
448    */
449   Glib::RefPtr<const Glib::Bytes> lookup_data(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags =  RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE) const;
452   /** Returns all the names of children at the specified @a path in the resource.
453    *
454    * If @a path is invalid or does not exist in the Resource,
455    * RESOURCE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND will be returned.
456    *
457    *  @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
458    *
459    * @newin{2,44}
460    *
461    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
462    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
463    * @return An array of constant strings.
464    *
465    * @throws Glib::Error
466    */
467   std::vector<std::string> enumerate_children(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags =  RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE) const;
469   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the resource and
470    * if found returns information about it.
471    *
472    * @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
473    *
474    * @newin{2,44}
475    *
476    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
477    * @param[out] size A location to place the length of the contents of the file.
478    * @param[out] flags A location to place the flags about the file.
479    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
480    * @throw Gio::ResourceError if the file was not found.
481    */
482   void get_info(const std::string& path, gsize& size, ResourceFlags& flags, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags = RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE) const;
485   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the resource.
486    *
487    * @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
488    *
489    * @newin{2,44}
490    *
491    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
492    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
493    * @throw Gio::ResourceError if the file was not found.
494    */
495   void get_file_exists(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags = RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE) const;
497   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the resource.
498    *
499    * @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
500    * This method returns a <tt>bool</tt> instead of throwing in exception in case of errors.
501    *
502    * @newin{2,44}
503    *
504    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
505    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
506    * @return <tt>true</tt> if the file was found, <tt>false</tt> if there were errors.
507    */
508   bool get_file_exists_nothrow(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags = RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE) const;
510   // 'register' is a keyword. Can't be the name of a method.
512   /** Registers the resource with the process-global set of resources.
513    * Once a resource is registered the files in it can be accessed
514    * with the global resource lookup functions like g_resources_lookup_data().
515    *
516    * @newin{2,44}
517    */
518   void register_global();
520   /** Unregisters the resource from the process-global set of resources.
521    *
522    * @newin{2,44}
523    */
524   void unregister_global();
526   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the set of
527    * globally registered resources and returns a InputStream
528    * that lets you read the data.
529    *
530    *  @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
531    *
532    * @newin{2,44}
533    *
534    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
535    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
536    * @return InputStream or <tt>nullptr</tt> on error.
537    * Free the returned object with Glib::object_unref().
538    *
539    * @throws Glib::Error
540    */
541   static Glib::RefPtr<InputStream> open_stream_global(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags =  RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE);
543   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the set of
544    * globally registered resources and returns a Bytes that
545    * lets you directly access the data in memory.
546    *
547    * The data is always followed by a zero byte, so you
548    * can safely use the data as a C string. However, that byte
549    * is not included in the size of the GBytes.
550    *
551    * For uncompressed resource files this is a pointer directly into
552    * the resource bundle, which is typically in some readonly data section
553    * in the program binary. For compressed files we allocate memory on
554    * the heap and automatically uncompress the data.
555    *
556    *  @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
557    *
558    * @newin{2,44}
559    *
560    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
561    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
562    * @return Bytes or <tt>nullptr</tt> on error.
563    * Free the returned object with Glib::bytes_unref().
564    *
565    * @throws Glib::Error
566    */
567   static Glib::RefPtr<const Glib::Bytes> lookup_data_global(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags =  RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE);
569   /** Returns all the names of children at the specified @a path in the set of
570    * globally registered resources.
571    *
572    *  @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
573    *
574    * @newin{2,44}
575    *
576    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
577    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
578    * @return An array of constant strings.
579    *
580    * @throws Glib::Error
581    */
582   static std::vector<std::string> enumerate_children_global(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags =  RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE);
584   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the set of
585    * globally registered resources and if found returns information about it.
586    *
587    * @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
588    *
589    * @newin{2,44}
590    *
591    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
592    * @param[out] size A location to place the length of the contents of the file.
593    * @param[out] flags A location to place the flags about the file.
594    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
595    * @throw Gio::ResourceError if the file was not found.
596    */
597   static void get_info_global(const std::string& path, gsize& size, ResourceFlags& flags, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags = RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE);
600   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the set of
601    * globally registered resources.
602    *
603    * @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
604    *
605    * @newin{2,44}
606    *
607    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
608    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
609    * @throw Gio::ResourceError if the file was not found.
610    */
611   static void get_file_exists_global(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags = RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE);
613   /** Looks for a file at the specified @a path in the set of
614    * globally registered resources.
615    *
616    * @a lookup_flags controls the behaviour of the lookup.
617    * This method returns a <tt>bool</tt> instead of throwing in exception in case of errors.
618    *
619    * @newin{2,44}
620    *
621    * @param path A pathname inside the resource.
622    * @param lookup_flags A ResourceLookupFlags.
623    * @return <tt>true</tt> if the file was found, <tt>false</tt> if there were errors.
624    */
625   static bool get_file_exists_global_nothrow(const std::string& path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags = RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE);
628 };
630 } // namespace Gio
633 namespace Glib
634 {
636 /** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
637  *
638  * @param object The C instance.
639  * @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
640  * @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
641  *
642  * @relates Gio::Resource
643  */
645 Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Resource> wrap(GResource* object, bool take_copy = false);
647 } // namespace Glib
650 #endif /* _GIOMM_RESOURCE_H */