1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Gino van den Bergen / Erwin Coumans  http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/
4 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
5 In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
6 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
7 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
8 subject to the following restrictions:
10 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
11 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
12 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
13 */
15 #ifndef BT_VECTOR3_H
16 #define BT_VECTOR3_H
18 #include "btMinMax.h"
19 #include "btScalar.h"
22 #define btVector3Data btVector3DoubleData
23 #define btVector3DataName "btVector3DoubleData"
24 #else
25 #define btVector3Data btVector3FloatData
26 #define btVector3DataName "btVector3FloatData"
29 // -- GODOT start --
30 namespace VHACD {
31 // -- GODOT end --
33 /**@brief btVector3 can be used to represent 3D points and vectors.
34  * It has an un-used w component to suit 16-byte alignment when btVector3 is stored in containers. This extra component can be used by derived classes (Quaternion?) or by user
35  * Ideally, this class should be replaced by a platform optimized SIMD version that keeps the data in registers
36  */
38 btVector3
39 {
40 public:
41 #if defined(__SPU__) && defined(__CELLOS_LV2__)
42     btScalar m_floats[4];
44 public:
45     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const vec_float4& get128() const
46     {
47         return *((const vec_float4*)&m_floats[0]);
48     }
50 public:
51 #else //__CELLOS_LV2__ __SPU__
52 #ifdef BT_USE_SSE // _WIN32
53     union {
54         __m128 mVec128;
55         btScalar m_floats[4];
56     };
57     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE __m128 get128() const
58     {
59         return mVec128;
60     }
61     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void set128(__m128 v128)
62     {
63         mVec128 = v128;
64     }
65 #else
66     btScalar m_floats[4];
67 #endif
68 #endif //__CELLOS_LV2__ __SPU__
70 public:
71     /**@brief No initialization constructor */
72     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3() {}
74     /**@brief Constructor from scalars
75    * @param x X value
76    * @param y Y value
77    * @param z Z value
78    */
79     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3(const btScalar& x, const btScalar& y, const btScalar& z)
80     {
81         m_floats[0] = x;
82         m_floats[1] = y;
83         m_floats[2] = z;
84         m_floats[3] = btScalar(0.);
85     }
87     /**@brief Add a vector to this one
88  * @param The vector to add to this one */
89     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3& operator+=(const btVector3& v)
90     {
92         m_floats[0] += v.m_floats[0];
93         m_floats[1] += v.m_floats[1];
94         m_floats[2] += v.m_floats[2];
95         return *this;
96     }
98     /**@brief Subtract a vector from this one
99    * @param The vector to subtract */
100     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3& operator-=(const btVector3& v)
101     {
102         m_floats[0] -= v.m_floats[0];
103         m_floats[1] -= v.m_floats[1];
104         m_floats[2] -= v.m_floats[2];
105         return *this;
106     }
107     /**@brief Scale the vector
108    * @param s Scale factor */
109     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3& operator*=(const btScalar& s)
110     {
111         m_floats[0] *= s;
112         m_floats[1] *= s;
113         m_floats[2] *= s;
114         return *this;
115     }
117     /**@brief Inversely scale the vector
118    * @param s Scale factor to divide by */
119     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3& operator/=(const btScalar& s)
120     {
121         btFullAssert(s != btScalar(0.0));
122         return * this *= btScalar(1.0) / s;
123     }
125     /**@brief Return the dot product
126    * @param v The other vector in the dot product */
127     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar dot(const btVector3& v) const
128     {
129         return m_floats[0] * v.m_floats[0] + m_floats[1] * v.m_floats[1] + m_floats[2] * v.m_floats[2];
130     }
132     /**@brief Return the length of the vector squared */
133     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar length2() const
134     {
135         return dot(*this);
136     }
138     /**@brief Return the length of the vector */
139     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar length() const
140     {
141         return btSqrt(length2());
142     }
144     /**@brief Return the distance squared between the ends of this and another vector
145    * This is symantically treating the vector like a point */
146     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar distance2(const btVector3& v) const;
148     /**@brief Return the distance between the ends of this and another vector
149    * This is symantically treating the vector like a point */
150     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar distance(const btVector3& v) const;
152     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3& safeNormalize()
153     {
154         btVector3 absVec = this->absolute();
155         int32_t maxIndex = absVec.maxAxis();
156         if (absVec[maxIndex] > 0) {
157             *this /= absVec[maxIndex];
158             return * this /= length();
159         }
160         setValue(1, 0, 0);
161         return *this;
162     }
164     /**@brief Normalize this vector
165    * x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1 */
166     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3& normalize()
167     {
168         return * this /= length();
169     }
171     /**@brief Return a normalized version of this vector */
172     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 normalized() const;
174     /**@brief Return a rotated version of this vector
175    * @param wAxis The axis to rotate about
176    * @param angle The angle to rotate by */
177     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 rotate(const btVector3& wAxis, const btScalar angle) const;
179     /**@brief Return the angle between this and another vector
180    * @param v The other vector */
181     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar angle(const btVector3& v) const
182     {
183         btScalar s = btSqrt(length2() * v.length2());
184         btFullAssert(s != btScalar(0.0));
185         return btAcos(dot(v) / s);
186     }
187     /**@brief Return a vector will the absolute values of each element */
188     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 absolute() const
189     {
190         return btVector3(
191             btFabs(m_floats[0]),
192             btFabs(m_floats[1]),
193             btFabs(m_floats[2]));
194     }
195     /**@brief Return the cross product between this and another vector
196    * @param v The other vector */
197     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 cross(const btVector3& v) const
198     {
199         return btVector3(
200             m_floats[1] * v.m_floats[2] - m_floats[2] * v.m_floats[1],
201             m_floats[2] * v.m_floats[0] - m_floats[0] * v.m_floats[2],
202             m_floats[0] * v.m_floats[1] - m_floats[1] * v.m_floats[0]);
203     }
205     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar triple(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2) const
206     {
207         return m_floats[0] * (v1.m_floats[1] * v2.m_floats[2] - v1.m_floats[2] * v2.m_floats[1]) + m_floats[1] * (v1.m_floats[2] * v2.m_floats[0] - v1.m_floats[0] * v2.m_floats[2]) + m_floats[2] * (v1.m_floats[0] * v2.m_floats[1] - v1.m_floats[1] * v2.m_floats[0]);
208     }
210     /**@brief Return the axis with the smallest value
211    * Note return values are 0,1,2 for x, y, or z */
212     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t minAxis() const
213     {
214         return m_floats[0] < m_floats[1] ? (m_floats[0] < m_floats[2] ? 0 : 2) : (m_floats[1] < m_floats[2] ? 1 : 2);
215     }
217     /**@brief Return the axis with the largest value
218    * Note return values are 0,1,2 for x, y, or z */
219     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t maxAxis() const
220     {
221         return m_floats[0] < m_floats[1] ? (m_floats[1] < m_floats[2] ? 2 : 1) : (m_floats[0] < m_floats[2] ? 2 : 0);
222     }
224     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t furthestAxis() const
225     {
226         return absolute().minAxis();
227     }
229     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t closestAxis() const
230     {
231         return absolute().maxAxis();
232     }
234     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setInterpolate3(const btVector3& v0, const btVector3& v1, btScalar rt)
235     {
236         btScalar s = btScalar(1.0) - rt;
237         m_floats[0] = s * v0.m_floats[0] + rt * v1.m_floats[0];
238         m_floats[1] = s * v0.m_floats[1] + rt * v1.m_floats[1];
239         m_floats[2] = s * v0.m_floats[2] + rt * v1.m_floats[2];
240         //don't do the unused w component
241         //		m_co[3] = s * v0[3] + rt * v1[3];
242     }
244     /**@brief Return the linear interpolation between this and another vector
245    * @param v The other vector
246    * @param t The ration of this to v (t = 0 => return this, t=1 => return other) */
247     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 lerp(const btVector3& v, const btScalar& t) const
248     {
249         return btVector3(m_floats[0] + (v.m_floats[0] - m_floats[0]) * t,
250             m_floats[1] + (v.m_floats[1] - m_floats[1]) * t,
251             m_floats[2] + (v.m_floats[2] - m_floats[2]) * t);
252     }
254     /**@brief Elementwise multiply this vector by the other
255    * @param v The other vector */
256     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3& operator*=(const btVector3& v)
257     {
258         m_floats[0] *= v.m_floats[0];
259         m_floats[1] *= v.m_floats[1];
260         m_floats[2] *= v.m_floats[2];
261         return *this;
262     }
264     /**@brief Return the x value */
265     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btScalar& getX() const { return m_floats[0]; }
266     /**@brief Return the y value */
267     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btScalar& getY() const { return m_floats[1]; }
268     /**@brief Return the z value */
269     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btScalar& getZ() const { return m_floats[2]; }
270     /**@brief Set the x value */
271     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setX(btScalar x) { m_floats[0] = x; };
272     /**@brief Set the y value */
273     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setY(btScalar y) { m_floats[1] = y; };
274     /**@brief Set the z value */
275     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setZ(btScalar z) { m_floats[2] = z; };
276     /**@brief Set the w value */
277     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setW(btScalar w) { m_floats[3] = w; };
278     /**@brief Return the x value */
279     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btScalar& x() const { return m_floats[0]; }
280     /**@brief Return the y value */
281     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btScalar& y() const { return m_floats[1]; }
282     /**@brief Return the z value */
283     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btScalar& z() const { return m_floats[2]; }
284     /**@brief Return the w value */
285     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btScalar& w() const { return m_floats[3]; }
287     //SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar&       operator[](int32_t i)       { return (&m_floats[0])[i];	}
288     //SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btScalar& operator[](int32_t i) const { return (&m_floats[0])[i]; }
289     ///operator btScalar*() replaces operator[], using implicit conversion. We added operator != and operator == to avoid pointer comparisons.
290     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE operator btScalar*() { return &m_floats[0]; }
291     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE operator const btScalar*() const { return &m_floats[0]; }
293     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool operator==(const btVector3& other) const
294     {
295         return ((m_floats[3] == other.m_floats[3]) && (m_floats[2] == other.m_floats[2]) && (m_floats[1] == other.m_floats[1]) && (m_floats[0] == other.m_floats[0]));
296     }
298     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool operator!=(const btVector3& other) const
299     {
300         return !(*this == other);
301     }
303     /**@brief Set each element to the max of the current values and the values of another btVector3
304    * @param other The other btVector3 to compare with
305    */
306     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setMax(const btVector3& other)
307     {
308         btSetMax(m_floats[0], other.m_floats[0]);
309         btSetMax(m_floats[1], other.m_floats[1]);
310         btSetMax(m_floats[2], other.m_floats[2]);
311         btSetMax(m_floats[3], other.w());
312     }
313     /**@brief Set each element to the min of the current values and the values of another btVector3
314    * @param other The other btVector3 to compare with
315    */
316     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setMin(const btVector3& other)
317     {
318         btSetMin(m_floats[0], other.m_floats[0]);
319         btSetMin(m_floats[1], other.m_floats[1]);
320         btSetMin(m_floats[2], other.m_floats[2]);
321         btSetMin(m_floats[3], other.w());
322     }
324     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setValue(const btScalar& x, const btScalar& y, const btScalar& z)
325     {
326         m_floats[0] = x;
327         m_floats[1] = y;
328         m_floats[2] = z;
329         m_floats[3] = btScalar(0.);
330     }
332     void getSkewSymmetricMatrix(btVector3 * v0, btVector3 * v1, btVector3 * v2) const
333     {
334         v0->setValue(0., -z(), y());
335         v1->setValue(z(), 0., -x());
336         v2->setValue(-y(), x(), 0.);
337     }
339     void setZero()
340     {
341         setValue(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.));
342     }
344     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool isZero() const
345     {
346         return m_floats[0] == btScalar(0) && m_floats[1] == btScalar(0) && m_floats[2] == btScalar(0);
347     }
349     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool fuzzyZero() const
350     {
351         return length2() < SIMD_EPSILON;
352     }
354     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void serialize(struct btVector3Data & dataOut) const;
356     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void deSerialize(const struct btVector3Data& dataIn);
358     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void serializeFloat(struct btVector3FloatData & dataOut) const;
360     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void deSerializeFloat(const struct btVector3FloatData& dataIn);
362     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void serializeDouble(struct btVector3DoubleData & dataOut) const;
364     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void deSerializeDouble(const struct btVector3DoubleData& dataIn);
365 };
367 /**@brief Return the sum of two vectors (Point symantics)*/
369 operator+(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2)
370 {
371     return btVector3(v1.m_floats[0] + v2.m_floats[0], v1.m_floats[1] + v2.m_floats[1], v1.m_floats[2] + v2.m_floats[2]);
372 }
374 /**@brief Return the elementwise product of two vectors */
376 operator*(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2)
377 {
378     return btVector3(v1.m_floats[0] * v2.m_floats[0], v1.m_floats[1] * v2.m_floats[1], v1.m_floats[2] * v2.m_floats[2]);
379 }
381 /**@brief Return the difference between two vectors */
383 operator-(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2)
384 {
385     return btVector3(v1.m_floats[0] - v2.m_floats[0], v1.m_floats[1] - v2.m_floats[1], v1.m_floats[2] - v2.m_floats[2]);
386 }
387 /**@brief Return the negative of the vector */
389 operator-(const btVector3& v)
390 {
391     return btVector3(-v.m_floats[0], -v.m_floats[1], -v.m_floats[2]);
392 }
394 /**@brief Return the vector scaled by s */
396 operator*(const btVector3& v, const btScalar& s)
397 {
398     return btVector3(v.m_floats[0] * s, v.m_floats[1] * s, v.m_floats[2] * s);
399 }
401 /**@brief Return the vector scaled by s */
403 operator*(const btScalar& s, const btVector3& v)
404 {
405     return v * s;
406 }
408 /**@brief Return the vector inversely scaled by s */
410 operator/(const btVector3& v, const btScalar& s)
411 {
412     btFullAssert(s != btScalar(0.0));
413     return v * (btScalar(1.0) / s);
414 }
416 /**@brief Return the vector inversely scaled by s */
418 operator/(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2)
419 {
420     return btVector3(v1.m_floats[0] / v2.m_floats[0], v1.m_floats[1] / v2.m_floats[1], v1.m_floats[2] / v2.m_floats[2]);
421 }
423 /**@brief Return the dot product between two vectors */
btDot(const btVector3 & v1,const btVector3 & v2)425 btDot(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2)
426 {
427     return v1.dot(v2);
428 }
430 /**@brief Return the distance squared between two vectors */
btDistance2(const btVector3 & v1,const btVector3 & v2)432 btDistance2(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2)
433 {
434     return v1.distance2(v2);
435 }
437 /**@brief Return the distance between two vectors */
btDistance(const btVector3 & v1,const btVector3 & v2)439 btDistance(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2)
440 {
441     return v1.distance(v2);
442 }
444 /**@brief Return the angle between two vectors */
btAngle(const btVector3 & v1,const btVector3 & v2)446 btAngle(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2)
447 {
448     return v1.angle(v2);
449 }
451 /**@brief Return the cross product of two vectors */
btCross(const btVector3 & v1,const btVector3 & v2)453 btCross(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2)
454 {
455     return v1.cross(v2);
456 }
btTriple(const btVector3 & v1,const btVector3 & v2,const btVector3 & v3)459 btTriple(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2, const btVector3& v3)
460 {
461     return v1.triple(v2, v3);
462 }
464 /**@brief Return the linear interpolation between two vectors
465  * @param v1 One vector
466  * @param v2 The other vector
467  * @param t The ration of this to v (t = 0 => return v1, t=1 => return v2) */
lerp(const btVector3 & v1,const btVector3 & v2,const btScalar & t)469 lerp(const btVector3& v1, const btVector3& v2, const btScalar& t)
470 {
471     return v1.lerp(v2, t);
472 }
distance2(const btVector3 & v)474 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar btVector3::distance2(const btVector3& v) const
475 {
476     return (v - *this).length2();
477 }
distance(const btVector3 & v)479 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar btVector3::distance(const btVector3& v) const
480 {
481     return (v - *this).length();
482 }
normalized()484 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 btVector3::normalized() const
485 {
486     return *this / length();
487 }
rotate(const btVector3 & wAxis,const btScalar angle)489 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 btVector3::rotate(const btVector3& wAxis, const btScalar angle) const
490 {
491     // wAxis must be a unit lenght vector
493     btVector3 o = wAxis * wAxis.dot(*this);
494     btVector3 x = *this - o;
495     btVector3 y;
497     y = wAxis.cross(*this);
499     return (o + x * btCos(angle) + y * btSin(angle));
500 }
502 class btVector4 : public btVector3 {
503 public:
btVector4()504     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector4() {}
btVector4(const btScalar & x,const btScalar & y,const btScalar & z,const btScalar & w)506     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector4(const btScalar& x, const btScalar& y, const btScalar& z, const btScalar& w)
507         : btVector3(x, y, z)
508     {
509         m_floats[3] = w;
510     }
absolute4()512     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector4 absolute4() const
513     {
514         return btVector4(
515             btFabs(m_floats[0]),
516             btFabs(m_floats[1]),
517             btFabs(m_floats[2]),
518             btFabs(m_floats[3]));
519     }
getW()521     btScalar getW() const { return m_floats[3]; }
maxAxis4()523     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t maxAxis4() const
524     {
525         int32_t maxIndex = -1;
526         btScalar maxVal = btScalar(-BT_LARGE_FLOAT);
527         if (m_floats[0] > maxVal) {
528             maxIndex = 0;
529             maxVal = m_floats[0];
530         }
531         if (m_floats[1] > maxVal) {
532             maxIndex = 1;
533             maxVal = m_floats[1];
534         }
535         if (m_floats[2] > maxVal) {
536             maxIndex = 2;
537             maxVal = m_floats[2];
538         }
539         if (m_floats[3] > maxVal) {
540             maxIndex = 3;
541         }
542         return maxIndex;
543     }
minAxis4()545     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t minAxis4() const
546     {
547         int32_t minIndex = -1;
548         btScalar minVal = btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT);
549         if (m_floats[0] < minVal) {
550             minIndex = 0;
551             minVal = m_floats[0];
552         }
553         if (m_floats[1] < minVal) {
554             minIndex = 1;
555             minVal = m_floats[1];
556         }
557         if (m_floats[2] < minVal) {
558             minIndex = 2;
559             minVal = m_floats[2];
560         }
561         if (m_floats[3] < minVal) {
562             minIndex = 3;
563         }
565         return minIndex;
566     }
closestAxis4()568     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t closestAxis4() const
569     {
570         return absolute4().maxAxis4();
571     }
573     /**@brief Set x,y,z and zero w
574    * @param x Value of x
575    * @param y Value of y
576    * @param z Value of z
577    */
579     /*		void getValue(btScalar *m) const
580 		{
581 			m[0] = m_floats[0];
582 			m[1] = m_floats[1];
583 			m[2] =m_floats[2];
584 		}
585 */
586     /**@brief Set the values
587    * @param x Value of x
588    * @param y Value of y
589    * @param z Value of z
590    * @param w Value of w
591    */
setValue(const btScalar & x,const btScalar & y,const btScalar & z,const btScalar & w)592     SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setValue(const btScalar& x, const btScalar& y, const btScalar& z, const btScalar& w)
593     {
594         m_floats[0] = x;
595         m_floats[1] = y;
596         m_floats[2] = z;
597         m_floats[3] = w;
598     }
599 };
601 ///btSwapVector3Endian swaps vector endianness, useful for network and cross-platform serialization
btSwapScalarEndian(const btScalar & sourceVal,btScalar & destVal)602 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btSwapScalarEndian(const btScalar& sourceVal, btScalar& destVal)
603 {
605     unsigned char* dest = (unsigned char*)&destVal;
606     unsigned char* src = (unsigned char*)&sourceVal;
607     dest[0] = src[7];
608     dest[1] = src[6];
609     dest[2] = src[5];
610     dest[3] = src[4];
611     dest[4] = src[3];
612     dest[5] = src[2];
613     dest[6] = src[1];
614     dest[7] = src[0];
615 #else
616     unsigned char* dest = (unsigned char*)&destVal;
617     unsigned char* src = (unsigned char*)&sourceVal;
618     dest[0] = src[3];
619     dest[1] = src[2];
620     dest[2] = src[1];
621     dest[3] = src[0];
623 }
624 ///btSwapVector3Endian swaps vector endianness, useful for network and cross-platform serialization
btSwapVector3Endian(const btVector3 & sourceVec,btVector3 & destVec)625 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btSwapVector3Endian(const btVector3& sourceVec, btVector3& destVec)
626 {
627     for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
628         btSwapScalarEndian(sourceVec[i], destVec[i]);
629     }
630 }
632 ///btUnSwapVector3Endian swaps vector endianness, useful for network and cross-platform serialization
btUnSwapVector3Endian(btVector3 & vector)633 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btUnSwapVector3Endian(btVector3& vector)
634 {
636     btVector3 swappedVec;
637     for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
638         btSwapScalarEndian(vector[i], swappedVec[i]);
639     }
640     vector = swappedVec;
641 }
643 template <class T>
btPlaneSpace1(const T & n,T & p,T & q)644 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btPlaneSpace1(const T& n, T& p, T& q)
645 {
646     if (btFabs(n[2]) > SIMDSQRT12) {
647         // choose p in y-z plane
648         btScalar a = n[1] * n[1] + n[2] * n[2];
649         btScalar k = btRecipSqrt(a);
650         p[0] = 0;
651         p[1] = -n[2] * k;
652         p[2] = n[1] * k;
653         // set q = n x p
654         q[0] = a * k;
655         q[1] = -n[0] * p[2];
656         q[2] = n[0] * p[1];
657     }
658     else {
659         // choose p in x-y plane
660         btScalar a = n[0] * n[0] + n[1] * n[1];
661         btScalar k = btRecipSqrt(a);
662         p[0] = -n[1] * k;
663         p[1] = n[0] * k;
664         p[2] = 0;
665         // set q = n x p
666         q[0] = -n[2] * p[1];
667         q[1] = n[2] * p[0];
668         q[2] = a * k;
669     }
670 }
672 struct btVector3FloatData {
673     float m_floats[4];
674 };
676 struct btVector3DoubleData {
677     double m_floats[4];
678 };
serializeFloat(struct btVector3FloatData & dataOut)680 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btVector3::serializeFloat(struct btVector3FloatData& dataOut) const
681 {
682     ///could also do a memcpy, check if it is worth it
683     for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
684         dataOut.m_floats[i] = float(m_floats[i]);
685 }
deSerializeFloat(const struct btVector3FloatData & dataIn)687 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btVector3::deSerializeFloat(const struct btVector3FloatData& dataIn)
688 {
689     for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
690         m_floats[i] = btScalar(dataIn.m_floats[i]);
691 }
serializeDouble(struct btVector3DoubleData & dataOut)693 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btVector3::serializeDouble(struct btVector3DoubleData& dataOut) const
694 {
695     ///could also do a memcpy, check if it is worth it
696     for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
697         dataOut.m_floats[i] = double(m_floats[i]);
698 }
deSerializeDouble(const struct btVector3DoubleData & dataIn)700 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btVector3::deSerializeDouble(const struct btVector3DoubleData& dataIn)
701 {
702     for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
703         m_floats[i] = btScalar(dataIn.m_floats[i]);
704 }
serialize(struct btVector3Data & dataOut)706 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btVector3::serialize(struct btVector3Data& dataOut) const
707 {
708     ///could also do a memcpy, check if it is worth it
709     for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
710         dataOut.m_floats[i] = m_floats[i];
711 }
deSerialize(const struct btVector3Data & dataIn)713 SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btVector3::deSerialize(const struct btVector3Data& dataIn)
714 {
715     for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
716         m_floats[i] = dataIn.m_floats[i];
717 }
719 // -- GODOT start --
720 }; // namespace VHACD
721 // -- GODOT end --
723 #endif //BT_VECTOR3_H