1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <mutex>
22 #include <random>
23 #include <set>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <thread>
27 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
28 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
30 #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
31 #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
32 #include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
33 #include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
35 #include <grpc/grpc.h>
36 #include <grpc/support/alloc.h>
37 #include <grpc/support/atm.h>
38 #include <grpc/support/log.h>
39 #include <grpc/support/time.h>
40 #include <grpcpp/channel.h>
41 #include <grpcpp/client_context.h>
42 #include <grpcpp/create_channel.h>
43 #include <grpcpp/health_check_service_interface.h>
44 #include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/sync.h>
45 #include <grpcpp/server.h>
46 #include <grpcpp/server_builder.h>
48 #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/backup_poller.h"
49 #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/global_subchannel_pool.h"
50 #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/fake/fake_resolver.h"
51 #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/server_address.h"
52 #include "src/core/ext/service_config/service_config.h"
53 #include "src/core/lib/address_utils/parse_address.h"
54 #include "src/core/lib/backoff/backoff.h"
55 #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h"
56 #include "src/core/lib/gpr/env.h"
57 #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h"
58 #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"
59 #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/tcp_client.h"
60 #include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/fake/fake_credentials.h"
61 #include "src/cpp/client/secure_credentials.h"
62 #include "src/cpp/server/secure_server_credentials.h"
63 #include "src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.h"
64 #include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/orca_load_report.pb.h"
65 #include "test/core/util/port.h"
66 #include "test/core/util/resolve_localhost_ip46.h"
67 #include "test/core/util/test_config.h"
68 #include "test/core/util/test_lb_policies.h"
69 #include "test/cpp/end2end/test_service_impl.h"
71 using grpc::testing::EchoRequest;
72 using grpc::testing::EchoResponse;
74 // defined in tcp_client.cc
75 extern grpc_tcp_client_vtable* grpc_tcp_client_impl;
77 static grpc_tcp_client_vtable* default_client_impl;
79 namespace grpc {
80 namespace testing {
81 namespace {
83 gpr_atm g_connection_delay_ms;
tcp_client_connect_with_delay(grpc_closure * closure,grpc_endpoint ** ep,grpc_slice_allocator * slice_allocator,grpc_pollset_set * interested_parties,const grpc_channel_args * channel_args,const grpc_resolved_address * addr,grpc_millis deadline)85 void tcp_client_connect_with_delay(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_endpoint** ep,
86                                    grpc_slice_allocator* slice_allocator,
87                                    grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties,
88                                    const grpc_channel_args* channel_args,
89                                    const grpc_resolved_address* addr,
90                                    grpc_millis deadline) {
91   const int delay_ms = gpr_atm_acq_load(&g_connection_delay_ms);
92   if (delay_ms > 0) {
93     gpr_sleep_until(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(delay_ms));
94   }
95   default_client_impl->connect(closure, ep, slice_allocator, interested_parties,
96                                channel_args, addr, deadline + delay_ms);
97 }
99 grpc_tcp_client_vtable delayed_connect = {tcp_client_connect_with_delay};
101 // Subclass of TestServiceImpl that increments a request counter for
102 // every call to the Echo RPC.
103 class MyTestServiceImpl : public TestServiceImpl {
104  public:
Echo(ServerContext * context,const EchoRequest * request,EchoResponse * response)105   Status Echo(ServerContext* context, const EchoRequest* request,
106               EchoResponse* response) override {
107     const xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport* load_report = nullptr;
108     {
109       grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
110       ++request_count_;
111       load_report = load_report_;
112     }
113     AddClient(context->peer());
114     if (load_report != nullptr) {
115       // TODO(roth): Once we provide a more standard server-side API for
116       // populating this data, use that API here.
117       context->AddTrailingMetadata("x-endpoint-load-metrics-bin",
118                                    load_report->SerializeAsString());
119     }
120     return TestServiceImpl::Echo(context, request, response);
121   }
request_count()123   int request_count() {
124     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
125     return request_count_;
126   }
ResetCounters()128   void ResetCounters() {
129     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
130     request_count_ = 0;
131   }
clients()133   std::set<std::string> clients() {
134     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&clients_mu_);
135     return clients_;
136   }
set_load_report(xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport * load_report)138   void set_load_report(xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport* load_report) {
139     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
140     load_report_ = load_report;
141   }
143  private:
AddClient(const std::string & client)144   void AddClient(const std::string& client) {
145     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&clients_mu_);
146     clients_.insert(client);
147   }
149   grpc::internal::Mutex mu_;
150   int request_count_ = 0;
151   const xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport* load_report_ = nullptr;
152   grpc::internal::Mutex clients_mu_;
153   std::set<std::string> clients_;
154 };
156 class FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper {
157  public:
FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper(bool ipv6_only)158   explicit FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper(bool ipv6_only)
159       : ipv6_only_(ipv6_only),
160         response_generator_(grpc_core::MakeRefCounted<
161                             grpc_core::FakeResolverResponseGenerator>()) {}
FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper(FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper && other)163   FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper(
164       FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper&& other) noexcept {
165     ipv6_only_ = other.ipv6_only_;
166     response_generator_ = std::move(other.response_generator_);
167   }
SetNextResolution(const std::vector<int> & ports,const char * service_config_json=nullptr,const char * attribute_key=nullptr,std::unique_ptr<grpc_core::ServerAddress::AttributeInterface> attribute=nullptr)169   void SetNextResolution(
170       const std::vector<int>& ports, const char* service_config_json = nullptr,
171       const char* attribute_key = nullptr,
172       std::unique_ptr<grpc_core::ServerAddress::AttributeInterface> attribute =
173           nullptr) {
174     grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx;
175     response_generator_->SetResponse(
176         BuildFakeResults(ipv6_only_, ports, service_config_json, attribute_key,
177                          std::move(attribute)));
178   }
SetNextResolutionUponError(const std::vector<int> & ports)180   void SetNextResolutionUponError(const std::vector<int>& ports) {
181     grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx;
182     response_generator_->SetReresolutionResponse(
183         BuildFakeResults(ipv6_only_, ports));
184   }
SetFailureOnReresolution()186   void SetFailureOnReresolution() {
187     grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx;
188     response_generator_->SetFailureOnReresolution();
189   }
Get() const191   grpc_core::FakeResolverResponseGenerator* Get() const {
192     return response_generator_.get();
193   }
195  private:
BuildFakeResults(bool ipv6_only,const std::vector<int> & ports,const char * service_config_json=nullptr,const char * attribute_key=nullptr,std::unique_ptr<grpc_core::ServerAddress::AttributeInterface> attribute=nullptr)196   static grpc_core::Resolver::Result BuildFakeResults(
197       bool ipv6_only, const std::vector<int>& ports,
198       const char* service_config_json = nullptr,
199       const char* attribute_key = nullptr,
200       std::unique_ptr<grpc_core::ServerAddress::AttributeInterface> attribute =
201           nullptr) {
202     grpc_core::Resolver::Result result;
203     for (const int& port : ports) {
204       absl::StatusOr<grpc_core::URI> lb_uri = grpc_core::URI::Parse(
205           absl::StrCat(ipv6_only ? "ipv6:[::1]:" : "ipv4:", port));
206       GPR_ASSERT(lb_uri.ok());
207       grpc_resolved_address address;
208       GPR_ASSERT(grpc_parse_uri(*lb_uri, &address));
209       std::map<const char*,
210                std::unique_ptr<grpc_core::ServerAddress::AttributeInterface>>
211           attributes;
212       if (attribute != nullptr) {
213         attributes[attribute_key] = attribute->Copy();
214       }
215       result.addresses.emplace_back(address.addr, address.len,
216                                     nullptr /* args */, std::move(attributes));
217     }
218     if (service_config_json != nullptr) {
219       result.service_config = grpc_core::ServiceConfig::Create(
220           nullptr, service_config_json, &result.service_config_error);
221       GPR_ASSERT(result.service_config != nullptr);
222     }
223     return result;
224   }
226   bool ipv6_only_ = false;
227   grpc_core::RefCountedPtr<grpc_core::FakeResolverResponseGenerator>
228       response_generator_;
229 };
231 class ClientLbEnd2endTest : public ::testing::Test {
232  protected:
ClientLbEnd2endTest()233   ClientLbEnd2endTest()
234       : server_host_("localhost"),
235         kRequestMessage_("Live long and prosper."),
236         creds_(new SecureChannelCredentials(
237             grpc_fake_transport_security_credentials_create())) {}
SetUpTestCase()239   static void SetUpTestCase() {
240     // Make the backup poller poll very frequently in order to pick up
241     // updates from all the subchannels's FDs.
242     GPR_GLOBAL_CONFIG_SET(grpc_client_channel_backup_poll_interval_ms, 1);
244     // Workaround Apple CFStream bug
245     gpr_setenv("grpc_cfstream", "0");
246 #endif
247   }
SetUp()249   void SetUp() override {
250     grpc_init();
251     bool localhost_resolves_to_ipv4 = false;
252     bool localhost_resolves_to_ipv6 = false;
253     grpc_core::LocalhostResolves(&localhost_resolves_to_ipv4,
254                                  &localhost_resolves_to_ipv6);
255     ipv6_only_ = !localhost_resolves_to_ipv4 && localhost_resolves_to_ipv6;
256   }
TearDown()258   void TearDown() override {
259     for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
260       servers_[i]->Shutdown();
261     }
262     servers_.clear();
263     creds_.reset();
264     grpc_shutdown();
265   }
CreateServers(size_t num_servers,std::vector<int> ports=std::vector<int> ())267   void CreateServers(size_t num_servers,
268                      std::vector<int> ports = std::vector<int>()) {
269     servers_.clear();
270     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_servers; ++i) {
271       int port = 0;
272       if (ports.size() == num_servers) port = ports[i];
273       servers_.emplace_back(new ServerData(port));
274     }
275   }
StartServer(size_t index)277   void StartServer(size_t index) { servers_[index]->Start(server_host_); }
StartServers(size_t num_servers,std::vector<int> ports=std::vector<int> ())279   void StartServers(size_t num_servers,
280                     std::vector<int> ports = std::vector<int>()) {
281     CreateServers(num_servers, std::move(ports));
282     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_servers; ++i) {
283       StartServer(i);
284     }
285   }
GetServersPorts(size_t start_index=0)287   std::vector<int> GetServersPorts(size_t start_index = 0) {
288     std::vector<int> ports;
289     for (size_t i = start_index; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
290       ports.push_back(servers_[i]->port_);
291     }
292     return ports;
293   }
BuildResolverResponseGenerator()295   FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper BuildResolverResponseGenerator() {
296     return FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper(ipv6_only_);
297   }
BuildStub(const std::shared_ptr<Channel> & channel)299   std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub> BuildStub(
300       const std::shared_ptr<Channel>& channel) {
301     return grpc::testing::EchoTestService::NewStub(channel);
302   }
BuildChannel(const std::string & lb_policy_name,const FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper & response_generator,ChannelArguments args=ChannelArguments ())304   std::shared_ptr<Channel> BuildChannel(
305       const std::string& lb_policy_name,
306       const FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper& response_generator,
307       ChannelArguments args = ChannelArguments()) {
308     if (!lb_policy_name.empty()) {
309       args.SetLoadBalancingPolicyName(lb_policy_name);
310     }  // else, default to pick first
312                     response_generator.Get());
313     return ::grpc::CreateCustomChannel("fake:///", creds_, args);
314   }
SendRpc(const std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub> & stub,EchoResponse * response=nullptr,int timeout_ms=1000,Status * result=nullptr,bool wait_for_ready=false)316   bool SendRpc(
317       const std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub>& stub,
318       EchoResponse* response = nullptr, int timeout_ms = 1000,
319       Status* result = nullptr, bool wait_for_ready = false) {
320     const bool local_response = (response == nullptr);
321     if (local_response) response = new EchoResponse;
322     EchoRequest request;
323     request.set_message(kRequestMessage_);
324     request.mutable_param()->set_echo_metadata(true);
325     ClientContext context;
326     context.set_deadline(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(timeout_ms));
327     if (wait_for_ready) context.set_wait_for_ready(true);
328     context.AddMetadata("foo", "1");
329     context.AddMetadata("bar", "2");
330     context.AddMetadata("baz", "3");
331     Status status = stub->Echo(&context, request, response);
332     if (result != nullptr) *result = status;
333     if (local_response) delete response;
334     return status.ok();
335   }
CheckRpcSendOk(const std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub> & stub,const grpc_core::DebugLocation & location,bool wait_for_ready=false)337   void CheckRpcSendOk(
338       const std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub>& stub,
339       const grpc_core::DebugLocation& location, bool wait_for_ready = false) {
340     EchoResponse response;
341     Status status;
342     const bool success =
343         SendRpc(stub, &response, 2000, &status, wait_for_ready);
344     ASSERT_TRUE(success) << "From " << location.file() << ":" << location.line()
345                          << "\n"
346                          << "Error: " << status.error_message() << " "
347                          << status.error_details();
348     ASSERT_EQ(response.message(), kRequestMessage_)
349         << "From " << location.file() << ":" << location.line();
350     if (!success) abort();
351   }
CheckRpcSendFailure(const std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub> & stub)353   void CheckRpcSendFailure(
354       const std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub>& stub) {
355     const bool success = SendRpc(stub);
356     EXPECT_FALSE(success);
357   }
359   struct ServerData {
360     const int port_;
361     std::unique_ptr<Server> server_;
362     MyTestServiceImpl service_;
363     std::unique_ptr<std::thread> thread_;
365     grpc::internal::Mutex mu_;
366     grpc::internal::CondVar cond_;
367     bool server_ready_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_) = false;
368     bool started_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_) = false;
ServerDatagrpc::testing::__anon1b80af5d0111::ClientLbEnd2endTest::ServerData370     explicit ServerData(int port = 0)
371         : port_(port > 0 ? port : grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()) {}
Startgrpc::testing::__anon1b80af5d0111::ClientLbEnd2endTest::ServerData373     void Start(const std::string& server_host) {
374       gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "starting server on port %d", port_);
375       grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
376       started_ = true;
377       thread_ = absl::make_unique<std::thread>(
378           std::bind(&ServerData::Serve, this, server_host));
379       while (!server_ready_) {
380         cond_.Wait(&mu_);
381       }
382       server_ready_ = false;
383       gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "server startup complete");
384     }
Servegrpc::testing::__anon1b80af5d0111::ClientLbEnd2endTest::ServerData386     void Serve(const std::string& server_host) {
387       std::ostringstream server_address;
388       server_address << server_host << ":" << port_;
389       ServerBuilder builder;
390       std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> creds(new SecureServerCredentials(
391           grpc_fake_transport_security_server_credentials_create()));
392       builder.AddListeningPort(server_address.str(), std::move(creds));
393       builder.RegisterService(&service_);
394       server_ = builder.BuildAndStart();
395       grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
396       server_ready_ = true;
397       cond_.Signal();
398     }
Shutdowngrpc::testing::__anon1b80af5d0111::ClientLbEnd2endTest::ServerData400     void Shutdown() {
401       grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
402       if (!started_) return;
403       server_->Shutdown(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(0));
404       thread_->join();
405       started_ = false;
406     }
SetServingStatusgrpc::testing::__anon1b80af5d0111::ClientLbEnd2endTest::ServerData408     void SetServingStatus(const std::string& service, bool serving) {
409       server_->GetHealthCheckService()->SetServingStatus(service, serving);
410     }
411   };
ResetCounters()413   void ResetCounters() {
414     for (const auto& server : servers_) server->service_.ResetCounters();
415   }
WaitForServer(const std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub> & stub,size_t server_idx,const grpc_core::DebugLocation & location,bool ignore_failure=false)417   void WaitForServer(
418       const std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub>& stub,
419       size_t server_idx, const grpc_core::DebugLocation& location,
420       bool ignore_failure = false) {
421     do {
422       if (ignore_failure) {
423         SendRpc(stub);
424       } else {
425         CheckRpcSendOk(stub, location, true);
426       }
427     } while (servers_[server_idx]->service_.request_count() == 0);
428     ResetCounters();
429   }
WaitForChannelState(Channel * channel,const std::function<bool (grpc_connectivity_state)> & predicate,bool try_to_connect=false,int timeout_seconds=5)431   bool WaitForChannelState(
432       Channel* channel,
433       const std::function<bool(grpc_connectivity_state)>& predicate,
434       bool try_to_connect = false, int timeout_seconds = 5) {
435     const gpr_timespec deadline =
436         grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(timeout_seconds);
437     while (true) {
438       grpc_connectivity_state state = channel->GetState(try_to_connect);
439       if (predicate(state)) break;
440       if (!channel->WaitForStateChange(state, deadline)) return false;
441     }
442     return true;
443   }
WaitForChannelNotReady(Channel * channel,int timeout_seconds=5)445   bool WaitForChannelNotReady(Channel* channel, int timeout_seconds = 5) {
446     auto predicate = [](grpc_connectivity_state state) {
447       return state != GRPC_CHANNEL_READY;
448     };
449     return WaitForChannelState(channel, predicate, false, timeout_seconds);
450   }
WaitForChannelReady(Channel * channel,int timeout_seconds=5)452   bool WaitForChannelReady(Channel* channel, int timeout_seconds = 5) {
453     auto predicate = [](grpc_connectivity_state state) {
454       return state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY;
455     };
456     return WaitForChannelState(channel, predicate, true, timeout_seconds);
457   }
SeenAllServers()459   bool SeenAllServers() {
460     for (const auto& server : servers_) {
461       if (server->service_.request_count() == 0) return false;
462     }
463     return true;
464   }
466   // Updates \a connection_order by appending to it the index of the newly
467   // connected server. Must be called after every single RPC.
UpdateConnectionOrder(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ServerData>> & servers,std::vector<int> * connection_order)468   void UpdateConnectionOrder(
469       const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ServerData>>& servers,
470       std::vector<int>* connection_order) {
471     for (size_t i = 0; i < servers.size(); ++i) {
472       if (servers[i]->service_.request_count() == 1) {
473         // Was the server index known? If not, update connection_order.
474         const auto it =
475             std::find(connection_order->begin(), connection_order->end(), i);
476         if (it == connection_order->end()) {
477           connection_order->push_back(i);
478           return;
479         }
480       }
481     }
482   }
484   const std::string server_host_;
485   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ServerData>> servers_;
486   const std::string kRequestMessage_;
487   std::shared_ptr<ChannelCredentials> creds_;
488   bool ipv6_only_ = false;
489 };
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,ChannelStateConnectingWhenResolving)491 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, ChannelStateConnectingWhenResolving) {
492   const int kNumServers = 3;
493   StartServers(kNumServers);
494   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
495   auto channel = BuildChannel("", response_generator);
496   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
497   // Initial state should be IDLE.
498   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false /* try_to_connect */), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE);
499   // Tell the channel to try to connect.
500   // Note that this call also returns IDLE, since the state change has
501   // not yet occurred; it just gets triggered by this call.
502   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(true /* try_to_connect */), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE);
503   // Now that the channel is trying to connect, we should be in state
504   // CONNECTING.
505   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false /* try_to_connect */),
507   // Return a resolver result, which allows the connection attempt to proceed.
508   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
509   // We should eventually transition into state READY.
510   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get()));
511 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirst)513 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirst) {
514   // Start servers and send one RPC per server.
515   const int kNumServers = 3;
516   StartServers(kNumServers);
517   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
518   auto channel = BuildChannel(
519       "", response_generator);  // test that pick first is the default.
520   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
521   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
522   for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
523     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
524   }
525   // All requests should have gone to a single server.
526   bool found = false;
527   for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
528     const int request_count = servers_[i]->service_.request_count();
529     if (request_count == kNumServers) {
530       found = true;
531     } else {
532       EXPECT_EQ(0, request_count);
533     }
534   }
535   EXPECT_TRUE(found);
536   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
537   EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
538 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstProcessPending)540 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstProcessPending) {
541   StartServers(1);  // Single server
542   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
543   auto channel = BuildChannel(
544       "", response_generator);  // test that pick first is the default.
545   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
546   response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_});
547   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
548   // Create a new channel and its corresponding PF LB policy, which will pick
549   // the subchannels in READY state from the previous RPC against the same
550   // target (even if it happened over a different channel, because subchannels
551   // are globally reused). Progress should happen without any transition from
552   // this READY state.
553   auto second_response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
554   auto second_channel = BuildChannel("", second_response_generator);
555   auto second_stub = BuildStub(second_channel);
556   second_response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_});
557   CheckRpcSendOk(second_stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
558 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstSelectsReadyAtStartup)560 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstSelectsReadyAtStartup) {
561   ChannelArguments args;
562   constexpr int kInitialBackOffMs = 5000;
563   args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kInitialBackOffMs);
564   // Create 2 servers, but start only the second one.
565   std::vector<int> ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(),
566                             grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()};
567   CreateServers(2, ports);
568   StartServer(1);
569   auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
570   auto channel1 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator1, args);
571   auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1);
572   response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports);
573   // Wait for second server to be ready.
574   WaitForServer(stub1, 1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
575   // Create a second channel with the same addresses.  Its PF instance
576   // should immediately pick the second subchannel, since it's already
577   // in READY state.
578   auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
579   auto channel2 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator2, args);
580   response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports);
581   // Check that the channel reports READY without waiting for the
582   // initial backoff.
583   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel2.get(), 1 /* timeout_seconds */));
584 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstBackOffInitialReconnect)586 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstBackOffInitialReconnect) {
587   ChannelArguments args;
588   constexpr int kInitialBackOffMs = 100;
589   args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kInitialBackOffMs);
590   const std::vector<int> ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()};
591   const gpr_timespec t0 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
592   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
593   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator, args);
594   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
595   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
596   // The channel won't become connected (there's no server).
597   ASSERT_FALSE(channel->WaitForConnected(
598       grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(kInitialBackOffMs * 2)));
599   // Bring up a server on the chosen port.
600   StartServers(1, ports);
601   // Now it will.
602   ASSERT_TRUE(channel->WaitForConnected(
603       grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(kInitialBackOffMs * 2)));
604   const gpr_timespec t1 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
605   const grpc_millis waited_ms = gpr_time_to_millis(gpr_time_sub(t1, t0));
606   gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Waited %" PRId64 " milliseconds", waited_ms);
607   // We should have waited at least kInitialBackOffMs. We substract one to
608   // account for test and precision accuracy drift.
609   EXPECT_GE(waited_ms, kInitialBackOffMs - 1);
610   // But not much more.
611   EXPECT_GT(
612       gpr_time_cmp(
613           grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(kInitialBackOffMs * 1.10), t1),
614       0);
615 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstBackOffMinReconnect)617 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstBackOffMinReconnect) {
618   ChannelArguments args;
619   constexpr int kMinReconnectBackOffMs = 1000;
620   args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_MIN_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kMinReconnectBackOffMs);
621   const std::vector<int> ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()};
622   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
623   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator, args);
624   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
625   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
626   // Make connection delay a 10% longer than it's willing to in order to make
627   // sure we are hitting the codepath that waits for the min reconnect backoff.
628   gpr_atm_rel_store(&g_connection_delay_ms, kMinReconnectBackOffMs * 1.10);
629   default_client_impl = grpc_tcp_client_impl;
630   grpc_set_tcp_client_impl(&delayed_connect);
631   const gpr_timespec t0 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
632   channel->WaitForConnected(
633       grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(kMinReconnectBackOffMs * 2));
634   const gpr_timespec t1 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
635   const grpc_millis waited_ms = gpr_time_to_millis(gpr_time_sub(t1, t0));
636   gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Waited %" PRId64 " ms", waited_ms);
637   // We should have waited at least kMinReconnectBackOffMs. We substract one to
638   // account for test and precision accuracy drift.
639   EXPECT_GE(waited_ms, kMinReconnectBackOffMs - 1);
640   gpr_atm_rel_store(&g_connection_delay_ms, 0);
641 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstResetConnectionBackoff)643 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstResetConnectionBackoff) {
644   ChannelArguments args;
645   constexpr int kInitialBackOffMs = 1000;
646   args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kInitialBackOffMs);
647   const std::vector<int> ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()};
648   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
649   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator, args);
650   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
651   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
652   // The channel won't become connected (there's no server).
654       channel->WaitForConnected(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(10)));
655   // Bring up a server on the chosen port.
656   StartServers(1, ports);
657   const gpr_timespec t0 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
658   // Wait for connect, but not long enough.  This proves that we're
659   // being throttled by initial backoff.
661       channel->WaitForConnected(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(10)));
662   // Reset connection backoff.
663   experimental::ChannelResetConnectionBackoff(channel.get());
664   // Wait for connect.  Should happen as soon as the client connects to
665   // the newly started server, which should be before the initial
666   // backoff timeout elapses.
668       channel->WaitForConnected(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(20)));
669   const gpr_timespec t1 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
670   const grpc_millis waited_ms = gpr_time_to_millis(gpr_time_sub(t1, t0));
671   gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Waited %" PRId64 " milliseconds", waited_ms);
672   // We should have waited less than kInitialBackOffMs.
673   EXPECT_LT(waited_ms, kInitialBackOffMs);
674 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstResetConnectionBackoffNextAttemptStartsImmediately)676 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,
677        PickFirstResetConnectionBackoffNextAttemptStartsImmediately) {
678   ChannelArguments args;
679   constexpr int kInitialBackOffMs = 1000;
680   args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kInitialBackOffMs);
681   const std::vector<int> ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()};
682   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
683   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator, args);
684   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
685   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
686   // Wait for connect, which should fail ~immediately, because the server
687   // is not up.
690       channel->WaitForConnected(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(10)));
691   // Reset connection backoff.
692   // Note that the time at which the third attempt will be started is
693   // actually computed at this point, so we record the start time here.
694   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== RESETTING BACKOFF");
695   const gpr_timespec t0 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
696   experimental::ChannelResetConnectionBackoff(channel.get());
697   // Trigger a second connection attempt.  This should also fail
698   // ~immediately, but the retry should be scheduled for
699   // kInitialBackOffMs instead of applying the multiplier.
702       channel->WaitForConnected(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(10)));
703   // Bring up a server on the chosen port.
704   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== STARTING BACKEND");
705   StartServers(1, ports);
706   // Wait for connect.  Should happen within kInitialBackOffMs.
707   // Give an extra 100ms to account for the time spent in the second and
708   // third connection attempts themselves (since what we really want to
709   // measure is the time between the two).  As long as this is less than
710   // the 1.6x increase we would see if the backoff state was not reset
711   // properly, the test is still proving that the backoff was reset.
712   constexpr int kWaitMs = kInitialBackOffMs + 100;
714   EXPECT_TRUE(channel->WaitForConnected(
715       grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(kWaitMs)));
716   const gpr_timespec t1 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
717   const grpc_millis waited_ms = gpr_time_to_millis(gpr_time_sub(t1, t0));
718   gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Waited %" PRId64 " milliseconds", waited_ms);
719   EXPECT_LT(waited_ms, kWaitMs);
720 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstUpdates)722 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstUpdates) {
723   // Start servers and send one RPC per server.
724   const int kNumServers = 3;
725   StartServers(kNumServers);
726   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
727   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator);
728   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
730   std::vector<int> ports;
732   // Perform one RPC against the first server.
733   ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_);
734   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
735   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [0] *******");
736   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
737   EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 1);
739   // An empty update will result in the channel going into TRANSIENT_FAILURE.
740   ports.clear();
741   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
742   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET none *******");
743   grpc_connectivity_state channel_state;
744   do {
745     channel_state = channel->GetState(true /* try to connect */);
746   } while (channel_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
747   ASSERT_NE(channel_state, GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
748   servers_[0]->service_.ResetCounters();
750   // Next update introduces servers_[1], making the channel recover.
751   ports.clear();
752   ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_);
753   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
754   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [1] *******");
755   WaitForServer(stub, 1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
756   EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 0);
758   // And again for servers_[2]
759   ports.clear();
760   ports.emplace_back(servers_[2]->port_);
761   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
762   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [2] *******");
763   WaitForServer(stub, 2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
764   EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 0);
765   EXPECT_EQ(servers_[1]->service_.request_count(), 0);
767   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
768   EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
769 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstUpdateSuperset)771 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstUpdateSuperset) {
772   // Start servers and send one RPC per server.
773   const int kNumServers = 3;
774   StartServers(kNumServers);
775   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
776   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator);
777   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
779   std::vector<int> ports;
781   // Perform one RPC against the first server.
782   ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_);
783   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
784   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [0] *******");
785   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
786   EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 1);
787   servers_[0]->service_.ResetCounters();
789   // Send and superset update
790   ports.clear();
791   ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_);
792   ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_);
793   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
794   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET superset *******");
795   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
796   // We stick to the previously connected server.
797   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
798   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
800   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
801   EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
802 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstGlobalSubchannelPool)804 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstGlobalSubchannelPool) {
805   // Start one server.
806   const int kNumServers = 1;
807   StartServers(kNumServers);
808   std::vector<int> ports = GetServersPorts();
809   // Create two channels that (by default) use the global subchannel pool.
810   auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
811   auto channel1 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator1);
812   auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1);
813   response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports);
814   auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
815   auto channel2 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator2);
816   auto stub2 = BuildStub(channel2);
817   response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports);
818   WaitForServer(stub1, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
819   // Send one RPC on each channel.
820   CheckRpcSendOk(stub1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
821   CheckRpcSendOk(stub2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
822   // The server receives two requests.
823   EXPECT_EQ(2, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
824   // The two requests are from the same client port, because the two channels
825   // share subchannels via the global subchannel pool.
826   EXPECT_EQ(1UL, servers_[0]->service_.clients().size());
827 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstLocalSubchannelPool)829 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstLocalSubchannelPool) {
830   // Start one server.
831   const int kNumServers = 1;
832   StartServers(kNumServers);
833   std::vector<int> ports = GetServersPorts();
834   // Create two channels that use local subchannel pool.
835   ChannelArguments args;
837   auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
838   auto channel1 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator1, args);
839   auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1);
840   response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports);
841   auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
842   auto channel2 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator2, args);
843   auto stub2 = BuildStub(channel2);
844   response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports);
845   WaitForServer(stub1, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
846   // Send one RPC on each channel.
847   CheckRpcSendOk(stub1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
848   CheckRpcSendOk(stub2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
849   // The server receives two requests.
850   EXPECT_EQ(2, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
851   // The two requests are from two client ports, because the two channels didn't
852   // share subchannels with each other.
853   EXPECT_EQ(2UL, servers_[0]->service_.clients().size());
854 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstManyUpdates)856 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstManyUpdates) {
857   const int kNumUpdates = 1000;
858   const int kNumServers = 3;
859   StartServers(kNumServers);
860   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
861   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator);
862   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
863   std::vector<int> ports = GetServersPorts();
864   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumUpdates; ++i) {
865     std::shuffle(ports.begin(), ports.end(),
866                  std::mt19937(std::random_device()()));
867     response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
868     // We should re-enter core at the end of the loop to give the resolution
869     // setting closure a chance to run.
870     if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0) CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
871   }
872   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
873   EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
874 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstReresolutionNoSelected)876 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstReresolutionNoSelected) {
877   // Prepare the ports for up servers and down servers.
878   const int kNumServers = 3;
879   const int kNumAliveServers = 1;
880   StartServers(kNumAliveServers);
881   std::vector<int> alive_ports, dead_ports;
882   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumServers; ++i) {
883     if (i < kNumAliveServers) {
884       alive_ports.emplace_back(servers_[i]->port_);
885     } else {
886       dead_ports.emplace_back(grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die());
887     }
888   }
889   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
890   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator);
891   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
892   // The initial resolution only contains dead ports. There won't be any
893   // selected subchannel. Re-resolution will return the same result.
894   response_generator.SetNextResolution(dead_ports);
895   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** INITIAL RESOLUTION SET *******");
896   for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) CheckRpcSendFailure(stub);
897   // Set a re-resolution result that contains reachable ports, so that the
898   // pick_first LB policy can recover soon.
899   response_generator.SetNextResolutionUponError(alive_ports);
900   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** RE-RESOLUTION SET *******");
901   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION, true /* ignore_failure */);
902   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
903   EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 1);
904   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
905   EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
906 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstReconnectWithoutNewResolverResult)908 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstReconnectWithoutNewResolverResult) {
909   std::vector<int> ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()};
910   StartServers(1, ports);
911   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
912   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator);
913   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
914   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
915   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** INITIAL CONNECTION *******");
916   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
917   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** STOPPING SERVER ******");
918   servers_[0]->Shutdown();
919   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get()));
920   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** RESTARTING SERVER ******");
921   StartServers(1, ports);
922   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
923 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstReconnectWithoutNewResolverResultStartsFromTopOfList)925 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,
926        PickFirstReconnectWithoutNewResolverResultStartsFromTopOfList) {
927   std::vector<int> ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(),
928                             grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()};
929   CreateServers(2, ports);
930   StartServer(1);
931   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
932   auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator);
933   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
934   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
935   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** INITIAL CONNECTION *******");
936   WaitForServer(stub, 1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
937   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** STOPPING SERVER ******");
938   servers_[1]->Shutdown();
939   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get()));
940   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** STARTING BOTH SERVERS ******");
941   StartServers(2, ports);
942   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
943 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstCheckStateBeforeStartWatch)945 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstCheckStateBeforeStartWatch) {
946   std::vector<int> ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()};
947   StartServers(1, ports);
948   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
949   auto channel_1 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator);
950   auto stub_1 = BuildStub(channel_1);
951   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
952   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** RESOLUTION SET FOR CHANNEL 1 *******");
953   WaitForServer(stub_1, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
954   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** CHANNEL 1 CONNECTED *******");
955   servers_[0]->Shutdown();
956   // Channel 1 will receive a re-resolution containing the same server. It will
957   // create a new subchannel and hold a ref to it.
958   StartServers(1, ports);
959   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SERVER RESTARTED *******");
960   auto response_generator_2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
961   auto channel_2 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator_2);
962   auto stub_2 = BuildStub(channel_2);
963   response_generator_2.SetNextResolution(ports);
964   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** RESOLUTION SET FOR CHANNEL 2 *******");
965   WaitForServer(stub_2, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION, true);
966   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** CHANNEL 2 CONNECTED *******");
967   servers_[0]->Shutdown();
968   // Wait until the disconnection has triggered the connectivity notification.
969   // Otherwise, the subchannel may be picked for next call but will fail soon.
970   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel_2.get()));
971   // Channel 2 will also receive a re-resolution containing the same server.
972   // Both channels will ref the same subchannel that failed.
973   StartServers(1, ports);
974   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SERVER RESTARTED AGAIN *******");
975   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** CHANNEL 2 STARTING A CALL *******");
976   // The first call after the server restart will succeed.
977   CheckRpcSendOk(stub_2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
978   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** CHANNEL 2 FINISHED A CALL *******");
979   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
980   EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel_1->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
981   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
982   EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel_2->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
983 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstIdleOnDisconnect)985 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstIdleOnDisconnect) {
986   // Start server, send RPC, and make sure channel is READY.
987   const int kNumServers = 1;
988   StartServers(kNumServers);
989   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
990   auto channel =
991       BuildChannel("", response_generator);  // pick_first is the default.
992   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
993   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
994   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
995   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
996   // Stop server.  Channel should go into state IDLE.
997   response_generator.SetFailureOnReresolution();
998   servers_[0]->Shutdown();
999   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get()));
1000   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE);
1001   servers_.clear();
1002 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstPendingUpdateAndSelectedSubchannelFails)1004 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstPendingUpdateAndSelectedSubchannelFails) {
1005   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1006   auto channel =
1007       BuildChannel("", response_generator);  // pick_first is the default.
1008   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1009   // Create a number of servers, but only start 1 of them.
1010   CreateServers(10);
1011   StartServer(0);
1012   // Initially resolve to first server and make sure it connects.
1013   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Phase 1: Connect to first server.");
1014   response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_});
1015   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION, true /* wait_for_ready */);
1016   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
1017   // Send a resolution update with the remaining servers, none of which are
1018   // running yet, so the update will stay pending.  Note that it's important
1019   // to have multiple servers here, or else the test will be flaky; with only
1020   // one server, the pending subchannel list has already gone into
1021   // TRANSIENT_FAILURE due to hitting the end of the list by the time we
1022   // check the state.
1023   gpr_log(GPR_INFO,
1024           "Phase 2: Resolver update pointing to remaining "
1025           "(not started) servers.");
1026   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts(1 /* start_index */));
1027   // RPCs will continue to be sent to the first server.
1028   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1029   // Now stop the first server, so that the current subchannel list
1030   // fails.  This should cause us to immediately swap over to the
1031   // pending list, even though it's not yet connected.  The state should
1032   // be set to CONNECTING, since that's what the pending subchannel list
1033   // was doing when we swapped over.
1034   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Phase 3: Stopping first server.");
1035   servers_[0]->Shutdown();
1036   WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get());
1037   // TODO(roth): This should always return CONNECTING, but it's flaky
1038   // between that and TRANSIENT_FAILURE.  I suspect that this problem
1039   // will go away once we move the backoff code out of the subchannel
1040   // and into the LB policies.
1041   EXPECT_THAT(channel->GetState(false),
1042               ::testing::AnyOf(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING,
1043                                GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE));
1044   // Now start the second server.
1045   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Phase 4: Starting second server.");
1046   StartServer(1);
1047   // The channel should go to READY state and RPCs should go to the
1048   // second server.
1049   WaitForChannelReady(channel.get());
1050   WaitForServer(stub, 1, DEBUG_LOCATION, true /* ignore_failure */);
1051 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,PickFirstStaysIdleUponEmptyUpdate)1053 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, PickFirstStaysIdleUponEmptyUpdate) {
1054   // Start server, send RPC, and make sure channel is READY.
1055   const int kNumServers = 1;
1056   StartServers(kNumServers);
1057   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1058   auto channel =
1059       BuildChannel("", response_generator);  // pick_first is the default.
1060   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1061   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1062   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1063   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
1064   // Stop server.  Channel should go into state IDLE.
1065   servers_[0]->Shutdown();
1066   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get()));
1067   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE);
1068   // Now send resolver update that includes no addresses.  Channel
1069   // should stay in state IDLE.
1070   response_generator.SetNextResolution({});
1071   EXPECT_FALSE(channel->WaitForStateChange(
1072       GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE, grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(3)));
1073   // Now bring the backend back up and send a non-empty resolver update,
1074   // and then try to send an RPC.  Channel should go back into state READY.
1075   StartServer(0);
1076   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1077   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1078   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
1079 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobin)1081 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobin) {
1082   // Start servers and send one RPC per server.
1083   const int kNumServers = 3;
1084   StartServers(kNumServers);
1085   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1086   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1087   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1088   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1089   // Wait until all backends are ready.
1090   do {
1091     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1092   } while (!SeenAllServers());
1093   ResetCounters();
1094   // "Sync" to the end of the list. Next sequence of picks will start at the
1095   // first server (index 0).
1096   WaitForServer(stub, servers_.size() - 1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1097   std::vector<int> connection_order;
1098   for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
1099     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1100     UpdateConnectionOrder(servers_, &connection_order);
1101   }
1102   // Backends should be iterated over in the order in which the addresses were
1103   // given.
1104   const auto expected = std::vector<int>{0, 1, 2};
1105   EXPECT_EQ(expected, connection_order);
1106   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
1107   EXPECT_EQ("round_robin", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
1108 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinProcessPending)1110 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinProcessPending) {
1111   StartServers(1);  // Single server
1112   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1113   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1114   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1115   response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_});
1116   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1117   // Create a new channel and its corresponding RR LB policy, which will pick
1118   // the subchannels in READY state from the previous RPC against the same
1119   // target (even if it happened over a different channel, because subchannels
1120   // are globally reused). Progress should happen without any transition from
1121   // this READY state.
1122   auto second_response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1123   auto second_channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", second_response_generator);
1124   auto second_stub = BuildStub(second_channel);
1125   second_response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_});
1126   CheckRpcSendOk(second_stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1127 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinUpdates)1129 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinUpdates) {
1130   // Start servers and send one RPC per server.
1131   const int kNumServers = 3;
1132   StartServers(kNumServers);
1133   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1134   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1135   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1136   std::vector<int> ports;
1137   // Start with a single server.
1138   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** FIRST BACKEND ***");
1139   ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_);
1140   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1141   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1142   // Send RPCs. They should all go servers_[0]
1143   for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1144   EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
1145   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1146   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[2]->service_.request_count());
1147   servers_[0]->service_.ResetCounters();
1148   // And now for the second server.
1149   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** SECOND BACKEND ***");
1150   ports.clear();
1151   ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_);
1152   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1153   // Wait until update has been processed, as signaled by the second backend
1154   // receiving a request.
1155   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1156   WaitForServer(stub, 1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1157   for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1158   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
1159   EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1160   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[2]->service_.request_count());
1161   servers_[1]->service_.ResetCounters();
1162   // ... and for the last server.
1163   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** THIRD BACKEND ***");
1164   ports.clear();
1165   ports.emplace_back(servers_[2]->port_);
1166   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1167   WaitForServer(stub, 2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1168   for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1169   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
1170   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1171   EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[2]->service_.request_count());
1172   servers_[2]->service_.ResetCounters();
1173   // Back to all servers.
1174   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** ALL BACKENDS ***");
1175   ports.clear();
1176   ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_);
1177   ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_);
1178   ports.emplace_back(servers_[2]->port_);
1179   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1180   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1181   WaitForServer(stub, 1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1182   WaitForServer(stub, 2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1183   // Send three RPCs, one per server.
1184   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1185   EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
1186   EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1187   EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[2]->service_.request_count());
1188   // An empty update will result in the channel going into TRANSIENT_FAILURE.
1189   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** NO BACKENDS ***");
1190   ports.clear();
1191   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1192   grpc_connectivity_state channel_state;
1193   do {
1194     channel_state = channel->GetState(true /* try to connect */);
1195   } while (channel_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
1196   ASSERT_NE(channel_state, GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
1197   servers_[0]->service_.ResetCounters();
1198   // Next update introduces servers_[1], making the channel recover.
1199   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** BACK TO SECOND BACKEND ***");
1200   ports.clear();
1201   ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_);
1202   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1203   WaitForServer(stub, 1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1204   channel_state = channel->GetState(false /* try to connect */);
1205   ASSERT_EQ(channel_state, GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
1206   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
1207   EXPECT_EQ("round_robin", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
1208 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinUpdateInError)1210 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinUpdateInError) {
1211   const int kNumServers = 3;
1212   StartServers(kNumServers);
1213   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1214   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1215   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1216   std::vector<int> ports;
1217   // Start with a single server.
1218   ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_);
1219   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1220   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1221   // Send RPCs. They should all go to servers_[0]
1222   for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) SendRpc(stub);
1223   EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
1224   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1225   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[2]->service_.request_count());
1226   servers_[0]->service_.ResetCounters();
1227   // Shutdown one of the servers to be sent in the update.
1228   servers_[1]->Shutdown();
1229   ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_);
1230   ports.emplace_back(servers_[2]->port_);
1231   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1232   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1233   WaitForServer(stub, 2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1234   // Send three RPCs, one per server.
1235   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumServers; ++i) SendRpc(stub);
1236   // The server in shutdown shouldn't receive any.
1237   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1238 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinManyUpdates)1240 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinManyUpdates) {
1241   // Start servers and send one RPC per server.
1242   const int kNumServers = 3;
1243   StartServers(kNumServers);
1244   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1245   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1246   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1247   std::vector<int> ports = GetServersPorts();
1248   for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
1249     std::shuffle(ports.begin(), ports.end(),
1250                  std::mt19937(std::random_device()()));
1251     response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1252     if (i % 10 == 0) CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1253   }
1254   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
1255   EXPECT_EQ("round_robin", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
1256 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinConcurrentUpdates)1258 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinConcurrentUpdates) {
1259   // TODO(dgq): replicate the way internal testing exercises the concurrent
1260   // update provisions of RR.
1261 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinReresolve)1263 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinReresolve) {
1264   // Start servers and send one RPC per server.
1265   const int kNumServers = 3;
1266   std::vector<int> first_ports;
1267   std::vector<int> second_ports;
1268   first_ports.reserve(kNumServers);
1269   for (int i = 0; i < kNumServers; ++i) {
1270     first_ports.push_back(grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die());
1271   }
1272   second_ports.reserve(kNumServers);
1273   for (int i = 0; i < kNumServers; ++i) {
1274     second_ports.push_back(grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die());
1275   }
1276   StartServers(kNumServers, first_ports);
1277   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1278   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1279   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1280   response_generator.SetNextResolution(first_ports);
1281   // Send a number of RPCs, which succeed.
1282   for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
1283     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1284   }
1285   // Kill all servers
1286   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** ABOUT TO KILL SERVERS *******");
1287   for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
1288     servers_[i]->Shutdown();
1289   }
1290   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SERVERS KILLED *******");
1291   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SENDING DOOMED REQUESTS *******");
1292   // Client requests should fail. Send enough to tickle all subchannels.
1293   for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) CheckRpcSendFailure(stub);
1294   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** DOOMED REQUESTS SENT *******");
1295   // Bring servers back up on a different set of ports. We need to do this to be
1296   // sure that the eventual success is *not* due to subchannel reconnection
1297   // attempts and that an actual re-resolution has happened as a result of the
1298   // RR policy going into transient failure when all its subchannels become
1299   // unavailable (in transient failure as well).
1300   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** RESTARTING SERVERS *******");
1301   StartServers(kNumServers, second_ports);
1302   // Don't notify of the update. Wait for the LB policy's re-resolution to
1303   // "pull" the new ports.
1304   response_generator.SetNextResolutionUponError(second_ports);
1305   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SERVERS RESTARTED *******");
1306   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SENDING REQUEST TO SUCCEED *******");
1307   // Client request should eventually (but still fairly soon) succeed.
1308   const gpr_timespec deadline = grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(5);
1309   gpr_timespec now = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
1310   while (gpr_time_cmp(deadline, now) > 0) {
1311     if (SendRpc(stub)) break;
1312     now = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
1313   }
1314   ASSERT_GT(gpr_time_cmp(deadline, now), 0);
1315 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinTransientFailure)1317 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinTransientFailure) {
1318   // Start servers and create channel.  Channel should go to READY state.
1319   const int kNumServers = 3;
1320   StartServers(kNumServers);
1321   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1322   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1323   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1324   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1325   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get()));
1326   // Now kill the servers.  The channel should transition to TRANSIENT_FAILURE.
1327   // TODO(roth): This test should ideally check that even when the
1328   // subchannels are in state CONNECTING for an extended period of time,
1329   // we will still report TRANSIENT_FAILURE.  Unfortunately, we don't
1330   // currently have a good way to get a subchannel to report CONNECTING
1331   // for a long period of time, since the servers in this test framework
1332   // are on the loopback interface, which will immediately return a
1333   // "Connection refused" error, so the subchannels will only be in
1334   // CONNECTING state very briefly.  When we have time, see if we can
1335   // find a way to fix this.
1336   for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
1337     servers_[i]->Shutdown();
1338   }
1339   auto predicate = [](grpc_connectivity_state state) {
1340     return state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE;
1341   };
1342   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelState(channel.get(), predicate));
1343 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinTransientFailureAtStartup)1345 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinTransientFailureAtStartup) {
1346   // Create channel and return servers that don't exist.  Channel should
1347   // quickly transition into TRANSIENT_FAILURE.
1348   // TODO(roth): This test should ideally check that even when the
1349   // subchannels are in state CONNECTING for an extended period of time,
1350   // we will still report TRANSIENT_FAILURE.  Unfortunately, we don't
1351   // currently have a good way to get a subchannel to report CONNECTING
1352   // for a long period of time, since the servers in this test framework
1353   // are on the loopback interface, which will immediately return a
1354   // "Connection refused" error, so the subchannels will only be in
1355   // CONNECTING state very briefly.  When we have time, see if we can
1356   // find a way to fix this.
1357   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1358   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1359   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1360   response_generator.SetNextResolution({
1361       grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(),
1362       grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(),
1363       grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(),
1364   });
1365   for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
1366     servers_[i]->Shutdown();
1367   }
1368   auto predicate = [](grpc_connectivity_state state) {
1369     return state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE;
1370   };
1371   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelState(channel.get(), predicate, true));
1372 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinSingleReconnect)1374 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinSingleReconnect) {
1375   const int kNumServers = 3;
1376   StartServers(kNumServers);
1377   const auto ports = GetServersPorts();
1378   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1379   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1380   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1381   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports);
1382   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumServers; ++i) {
1383     WaitForServer(stub, i, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1384   }
1385   for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
1386     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1387     EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[i]->service_.request_count()) << "for backend #" << i;
1388   }
1389   // One request should have gone to each server.
1390   for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) {
1391     EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[i]->service_.request_count());
1392   }
1393   const auto pre_death = servers_[0]->service_.request_count();
1394   // Kill the first server.
1395   servers_[0]->Shutdown();
1396   // Client request still succeed. May need retrying if RR had returned a pick
1397   // before noticing the change in the server's connectivity.
1398   while (!SendRpc(stub)) {
1399   }  // Retry until success.
1400   // Send a bunch of RPCs that should succeed.
1401   for (int i = 0; i < 10 * kNumServers; ++i) {
1402     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1403   }
1404   const auto post_death = servers_[0]->service_.request_count();
1405   // No requests have gone to the deceased server.
1406   EXPECT_EQ(pre_death, post_death);
1407   // Bring the first server back up.
1408   StartServer(0);
1409   // Requests should start arriving at the first server either right away (if
1410   // the server managed to start before the RR policy retried the subchannel) or
1411   // after the subchannel retry delay otherwise (RR's subchannel retried before
1412   // the server was fully back up).
1413   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1414 }
1416 // If health checking is required by client but health checking service
1417 // is not running on the server, the channel should be treated as healthy.
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinServersHealthCheckingUnimplementedTreatedAsHealthy)1418 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,
1419        RoundRobinServersHealthCheckingUnimplementedTreatedAsHealthy) {
1420   StartServers(1);  // Single server
1421   ChannelArguments args;
1422   args.SetServiceConfigJSON(
1423       "{\"healthCheckConfig\": "
1424       "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}");
1425   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1426   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator, args);
1427   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1428   response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_});
1429   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get()));
1430   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1431 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinWithHealthChecking)1433 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinWithHealthChecking) {
1434   EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true);
1435   // Start servers.
1436   const int kNumServers = 3;
1437   StartServers(kNumServers);
1438   ChannelArguments args;
1439   args.SetServiceConfigJSON(
1440       "{\"healthCheckConfig\": "
1441       "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}");
1442   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1443   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator, args);
1444   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1445   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1446   // Channel should not become READY, because health checks should be failing.
1447   gpr_log(GPR_INFO,
1448           "*** initial state: unknown health check service name for "
1449           "all servers");
1450   EXPECT_FALSE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get(), 1));
1451   // Now set one of the servers to be healthy.
1452   // The channel should become healthy and all requests should go to
1453   // the healthy server.
1454   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** server 0 healthy");
1455   servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true);
1456   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get()));
1457   for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
1458     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1459   }
1460   EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
1461   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1462   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[2]->service_.request_count());
1463   // Now set a second server to be healthy.
1464   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** server 2 healthy");
1465   servers_[2]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true);
1466   WaitForServer(stub, 2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1467   for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
1468     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1469   }
1470   EXPECT_EQ(5, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
1471   EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1472   EXPECT_EQ(5, servers_[2]->service_.request_count());
1473   // Now set the remaining server to be healthy.
1474   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** server 1 healthy");
1475   servers_[1]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true);
1476   WaitForServer(stub, 1, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1477   for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
1478     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1479   }
1480   EXPECT_EQ(3, servers_[0]->service_.request_count());
1481   EXPECT_EQ(3, servers_[1]->service_.request_count());
1482   EXPECT_EQ(3, servers_[2]->service_.request_count());
1483   // Now set one server to be unhealthy again.  Then wait until the
1484   // unhealthiness has hit the client.  We know that the client will see
1485   // this when we send kNumServers requests and one of the remaining servers
1486   // sees two of the requests.
1487   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** server 0 unhealthy");
1488   servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", false);
1489   do {
1490     ResetCounters();
1491     for (int i = 0; i < kNumServers; ++i) {
1492       CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1493     }
1494   } while (servers_[1]->service_.request_count() != 2 &&
1495            servers_[2]->service_.request_count() != 2);
1496   // Now set the remaining two servers to be unhealthy.  Make sure the
1497   // channel leaves READY state and that RPCs fail.
1498   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** all servers unhealthy");
1499   servers_[1]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", false);
1500   servers_[2]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", false);
1501   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get()));
1502   CheckRpcSendFailure(stub);
1503   // Clean up.
1504   EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(false);
1505 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinWithHealthCheckingHandlesSubchannelFailure)1507 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,
1508        RoundRobinWithHealthCheckingHandlesSubchannelFailure) {
1509   EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true);
1510   // Start servers.
1511   const int kNumServers = 3;
1512   StartServers(kNumServers);
1513   servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true);
1514   servers_[1]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true);
1515   servers_[2]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true);
1516   ChannelArguments args;
1517   args.SetServiceConfigJSON(
1518       "{\"healthCheckConfig\": "
1519       "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}");
1520   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1521   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator, args);
1522   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1523   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1524   WaitForServer(stub, 0, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1525   // Stop server 0 and send a new resolver result to ensure that RR
1526   // checks each subchannel's state.
1527   servers_[0]->Shutdown();
1528   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1529   // Send a bunch more RPCs.
1530   for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
1531     SendRpc(stub);
1532   }
1533 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinWithHealthCheckingInhibitPerChannel)1535 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinWithHealthCheckingInhibitPerChannel) {
1536   EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true);
1537   // Start server.
1538   const int kNumServers = 1;
1539   StartServers(kNumServers);
1540   // Create a channel with health-checking enabled.
1541   ChannelArguments args;
1542   args.SetServiceConfigJSON(
1543       "{\"healthCheckConfig\": "
1544       "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}");
1545   auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1546   auto channel1 = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator1, args);
1547   auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1);
1548   std::vector<int> ports = GetServersPorts();
1549   response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports);
1550   // Create a channel with health checking enabled but inhibited.
1552   auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1553   auto channel2 = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator2, args);
1554   auto stub2 = BuildStub(channel2);
1555   response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports);
1556   // First channel should not become READY, because health checks should be
1557   // failing.
1558   EXPECT_FALSE(WaitForChannelReady(channel1.get(), 1));
1559   CheckRpcSendFailure(stub1);
1560   // Second channel should be READY.
1561   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel2.get(), 1));
1562   CheckRpcSendOk(stub2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1563   // Enable health checks on the backend and wait for channel 1 to succeed.
1564   servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true);
1565   CheckRpcSendOk(stub1, DEBUG_LOCATION, true /* wait_for_ready */);
1566   // Check that we created only one subchannel to the backend.
1567   EXPECT_EQ(1UL, servers_[0]->service_.clients().size());
1568   // Clean up.
1569   EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(false);
1570 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinWithHealthCheckingServiceNamePerChannel)1572 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, RoundRobinWithHealthCheckingServiceNamePerChannel) {
1573   EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true);
1574   // Start server.
1575   const int kNumServers = 1;
1576   StartServers(kNumServers);
1577   // Create a channel with health-checking enabled.
1578   ChannelArguments args;
1579   args.SetServiceConfigJSON(
1580       "{\"healthCheckConfig\": "
1581       "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}");
1582   auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1583   auto channel1 = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator1, args);
1584   auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1);
1585   std::vector<int> ports = GetServersPorts();
1586   response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports);
1587   // Create a channel with health-checking enabled with a different
1588   // service name.
1589   ChannelArguments args2;
1590   args2.SetServiceConfigJSON(
1591       "{\"healthCheckConfig\": "
1592       "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name2\"}}");
1593   auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1594   auto channel2 = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator2, args2);
1595   auto stub2 = BuildStub(channel2);
1596   response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports);
1597   // Allow health checks from channel 2 to succeed.
1598   servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name2", true);
1599   // First channel should not become READY, because health checks should be
1600   // failing.
1601   EXPECT_FALSE(WaitForChannelReady(channel1.get(), 1));
1602   CheckRpcSendFailure(stub1);
1603   // Second channel should be READY.
1604   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel2.get(), 1));
1605   CheckRpcSendOk(stub2, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1606   // Enable health checks for channel 1 and wait for it to succeed.
1607   servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true);
1608   CheckRpcSendOk(stub1, DEBUG_LOCATION, true /* wait_for_ready */);
1609   // Check that we created only one subchannel to the backend.
1610   EXPECT_EQ(1UL, servers_[0]->service_.clients().size());
1611   // Clean up.
1612   EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(false);
1613 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,RoundRobinWithHealthCheckingServiceNameChangesAfterSubchannelsCreated)1615 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,
1616        RoundRobinWithHealthCheckingServiceNameChangesAfterSubchannelsCreated) {
1617   EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true);
1618   // Start server.
1619   const int kNumServers = 1;
1620   StartServers(kNumServers);
1621   // Create a channel with health-checking enabled.
1622   const char* kServiceConfigJson =
1623       "{\"healthCheckConfig\": "
1624       "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}";
1625   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1626   auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator);
1627   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1628   std::vector<int> ports = GetServersPorts();
1629   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports, kServiceConfigJson);
1630   servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true);
1631   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get(), 1 /* timeout_seconds */));
1632   // Send an update on the channel to change it to use a health checking
1633   // service name that is not being reported as healthy.
1634   const char* kServiceConfigJson2 =
1635       "{\"healthCheckConfig\": "
1636       "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name2\"}}";
1637   response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports, kServiceConfigJson2);
1638   EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get()));
1639   // Clean up.
1640   EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(false);
1641 }
TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest,ChannelIdleness)1643 TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, ChannelIdleness) {
1644   // Start server.
1645   const int kNumServers = 1;
1646   StartServers(kNumServers);
1647   // Set max idle time and build the channel.
1648   ChannelArguments args;
1649   args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_CLIENT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS, 1000);
1650   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1651   auto channel = BuildChannel("", response_generator, args);
1652   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1653   // The initial channel state should be IDLE.
1654   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE);
1655   // After sending RPC, channel state should be READY.
1657   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1658   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1659   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
1660   // After a period time not using the channel, the channel state should switch
1661   // to IDLE.
1662   gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** WAITING FOR CHANNEL TO GO IDLE ***");
1663   gpr_sleep_until(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(1200));
1664   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE);
1665   // Sending a new RPC should awake the IDLE channel.
1667   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1668   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1669   EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY);
1670 }
1672 class ClientLbPickArgsTest : public ClientLbEnd2endTest {
1673  protected:
SetUp()1674   void SetUp() override {
1675     ClientLbEnd2endTest::SetUp();
1676     current_test_instance_ = this;
1677   }
SetUpTestCase()1679   static void SetUpTestCase() {
1680     grpc_init();
1681     grpc_core::RegisterTestPickArgsLoadBalancingPolicy(SavePickArgs);
1682   }
TearDownTestCase()1684   static void TearDownTestCase() { grpc_shutdown(); }
args_seen_list()1686   std::vector<grpc_core::PickArgsSeen> args_seen_list() {
1687     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
1688     return args_seen_list_;
1689   }
ArgsSeenListString(const std::vector<grpc_core::PickArgsSeen> & args_seen_list)1691   static std::string ArgsSeenListString(
1692       const std::vector<grpc_core::PickArgsSeen>& args_seen_list) {
1693     std::vector<std::string> entries;
1694     for (const auto& args_seen : args_seen_list) {
1695       std::vector<std::string> metadata;
1696       for (const auto& p : args_seen.metadata) {
1697         metadata.push_back(absl::StrCat(p.first, "=", p.second));
1698       }
1699       entries.push_back(absl::StrFormat("{path=\"%s\", metadata=[%s]}",
1700                                         args_seen.path,
1701                                         absl::StrJoin(metadata, ", ")));
1702     }
1703     return absl::StrCat("[", absl::StrJoin(entries, ", "), "]");
1704   }
1706  private:
SavePickArgs(const grpc_core::PickArgsSeen & args_seen)1707   static void SavePickArgs(const grpc_core::PickArgsSeen& args_seen) {
1708     ClientLbPickArgsTest* self = current_test_instance_;
1709     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&self->mu_);
1710     self->args_seen_list_.emplace_back(args_seen);
1711   }
1713   static ClientLbPickArgsTest* current_test_instance_;
1714   grpc::internal::Mutex mu_;
1715   std::vector<grpc_core::PickArgsSeen> args_seen_list_;
1716 };
1718 ClientLbPickArgsTest* ClientLbPickArgsTest::current_test_instance_ = nullptr;
TEST_F(ClientLbPickArgsTest,Basic)1720 TEST_F(ClientLbPickArgsTest, Basic) {
1721   const int kNumServers = 1;
1722   StartServers(kNumServers);
1723   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1724   auto channel = BuildChannel("test_pick_args_lb", response_generator);
1725   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1726   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1727   // Proactively connect the channel, so that the LB policy will always
1728   // be connected before it sees the pick.  Otherwise, the test would be
1729   // flaky because sometimes the pick would be seen twice (once in
1730   // CONNECTING and again in READY) and other times only once (in READY).
1731   ASSERT_TRUE(channel->WaitForConnected(gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)));
1732   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
1733   EXPECT_EQ("test_pick_args_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
1734   // Now send an RPC and check that the picker sees the expected data.
1735   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION, /*wait_for_ready=*/true);
1736   auto pick_args_seen_list = args_seen_list();
1737   EXPECT_THAT(pick_args_seen_list,
1738               ::testing::ElementsAre(::testing::AllOf(
1739                   ::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::path,
1740                                    "/grpc.testing.EchoTestService/Echo"),
1741                   ::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::metadata,
1742                                    ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre(
1743                                        ::testing::Pair("foo", "1"),
1744                                        ::testing::Pair("bar", "2"),
1745                                        ::testing::Pair("baz", "3"))))))
1746       << ArgsSeenListString(pick_args_seen_list);
1747 }
1749 class ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest : public ClientLbEnd2endTest {
1750  protected:
SetUp()1751   void SetUp() override {
1752     ClientLbEnd2endTest::SetUp();
1753     current_test_instance_ = this;
1754   }
SetUpTestCase()1756   static void SetUpTestCase() {
1757     grpc_init();
1758     grpc_core::RegisterInterceptRecvTrailingMetadataLoadBalancingPolicy(
1759         ReportTrailerIntercepted);
1760   }
TearDownTestCase()1762   static void TearDownTestCase() { grpc_shutdown(); }
trailers_intercepted()1764   int trailers_intercepted() {
1765     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
1766     return trailers_intercepted_;
1767   }
trailing_metadata()1769   const grpc_core::MetadataVector& trailing_metadata() {
1770     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
1771     return trailing_metadata_;
1772   }
backend_load_report()1774   const xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport* backend_load_report() {
1775     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
1776     return load_report_.get();
1777   }
1779  private:
ReportTrailerIntercepted(const grpc_core::TrailingMetadataArgsSeen & args_seen)1780   static void ReportTrailerIntercepted(
1781       const grpc_core::TrailingMetadataArgsSeen& args_seen) {
1782     const auto* backend_metric_data = args_seen.backend_metric_data;
1783     ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest* self = current_test_instance_;
1784     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&self->mu_);
1785     self->trailers_intercepted_++;
1786     self->trailing_metadata_ = args_seen.metadata;
1787     if (backend_metric_data != nullptr) {
1788       self->load_report_ =
1789           absl::make_unique<xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport>();
1790       self->load_report_->set_cpu_utilization(
1791           backend_metric_data->cpu_utilization);
1792       self->load_report_->set_mem_utilization(
1793           backend_metric_data->mem_utilization);
1794       self->load_report_->set_rps(backend_metric_data->requests_per_second);
1795       for (const auto& p : backend_metric_data->request_cost) {
1796         std::string name = std::string(p.first);
1797         (*self->load_report_->mutable_request_cost())[name] = p.second;
1798       }
1799       for (const auto& p : backend_metric_data->utilization) {
1800         std::string name = std::string(p.first);
1801         (*self->load_report_->mutable_utilization())[name] = p.second;
1802       }
1803     }
1804   }
1806   static ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest* current_test_instance_;
1807   grpc::internal::Mutex mu_;
1808   int trailers_intercepted_ = 0;
1809   grpc_core::MetadataVector trailing_metadata_;
1810   std::unique_ptr<xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport> load_report_;
1811 };
1813 ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest*
1814     ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest::current_test_instance_ = nullptr;
TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest,InterceptsRetriesDisabled)1816 TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest, InterceptsRetriesDisabled) {
1817   const int kNumServers = 1;
1818   const int kNumRpcs = 10;
1819   StartServers(kNumServers);
1820   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1821   auto channel =
1822       BuildChannel("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", response_generator);
1823   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1824   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1825   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumRpcs; ++i) {
1826     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1827   }
1828   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
1829   EXPECT_EQ("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb",
1830             channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
1831   EXPECT_EQ(kNumRpcs, trailers_intercepted());
1832   EXPECT_THAT(trailing_metadata(),
1833               ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre(
1834                   // TODO(roth): Should grpc-status be visible here?
1835                   ::testing::Pair("grpc-status", "0"),
1836                   ::testing::Pair("user-agent", ::testing::_),
1837                   ::testing::Pair("foo", "1"), ::testing::Pair("bar", "2"),
1838                   ::testing::Pair("baz", "3")));
1839   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, backend_load_report());
1840 }
TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest,InterceptsRetriesEnabled)1842 TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest, InterceptsRetriesEnabled) {
1843   const int kNumServers = 1;
1844   const int kNumRpcs = 10;
1845   StartServers(kNumServers);
1846   ChannelArguments args;
1847   args.SetServiceConfigJSON(
1848       "{\n"
1849       "  \"methodConfig\": [ {\n"
1850       "    \"name\": [\n"
1851       "      { \"service\": \"grpc.testing.EchoTestService\" }\n"
1852       "    ],\n"
1853       "    \"retryPolicy\": {\n"
1854       "      \"maxAttempts\": 3,\n"
1855       "      \"initialBackoff\": \"1s\",\n"
1856       "      \"maxBackoff\": \"120s\",\n"
1857       "      \"backoffMultiplier\": 1.6,\n"
1858       "      \"retryableStatusCodes\": [ \"ABORTED\" ]\n"
1859       "    }\n"
1860       "  } ]\n"
1861       "}");
1862   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1863   auto channel =
1864       BuildChannel("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", response_generator, args);
1865   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1866   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1867   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumRpcs; ++i) {
1868     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1869   }
1870   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
1871   EXPECT_EQ("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb",
1872             channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
1873   EXPECT_EQ(kNumRpcs, trailers_intercepted());
1874   EXPECT_THAT(trailing_metadata(),
1875               ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre(
1876                   // TODO(roth): Should grpc-status be visible here?
1877                   ::testing::Pair("grpc-status", "0"),
1878                   ::testing::Pair("user-agent", ::testing::_),
1879                   ::testing::Pair("foo", "1"), ::testing::Pair("bar", "2"),
1880                   ::testing::Pair("baz", "3")));
1881   EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, backend_load_report());
1882 }
TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest,BackendMetricData)1884 TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest, BackendMetricData) {
1885   const int kNumServers = 1;
1886   const int kNumRpcs = 10;
1887   StartServers(kNumServers);
1888   xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport load_report;
1889   load_report.set_cpu_utilization(0.5);
1890   load_report.set_mem_utilization(0.75);
1891   load_report.set_rps(25);
1892   auto* request_cost = load_report.mutable_request_cost();
1893   (*request_cost)["foo"] = 0.8;
1894   (*request_cost)["bar"] = 1.4;
1895   auto* utilization = load_report.mutable_utilization();
1896   (*utilization)["baz"] = 1.1;
1897   (*utilization)["quux"] = 0.9;
1898   for (const auto& server : servers_) {
1899     server->service_.set_load_report(&load_report);
1900   }
1901   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1902   auto channel =
1903       BuildChannel("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", response_generator);
1904   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1905   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts());
1906   for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumRpcs; ++i) {
1907     CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
1908     auto* actual = backend_load_report();
1909     ASSERT_NE(actual, nullptr);
1910     // TODO(roth): Change this to use EqualsProto() once that becomes
1911     // available in OSS.
1912     EXPECT_EQ(actual->cpu_utilization(), load_report.cpu_utilization());
1913     EXPECT_EQ(actual->mem_utilization(), load_report.mem_utilization());
1914     EXPECT_EQ(actual->rps(), load_report.rps());
1915     EXPECT_EQ(actual->request_cost().size(), load_report.request_cost().size());
1916     for (const auto& p : actual->request_cost()) {
1917       auto it = load_report.request_cost().find(p.first);
1918       ASSERT_NE(it, load_report.request_cost().end());
1919       EXPECT_EQ(it->second, p.second);
1920     }
1921     EXPECT_EQ(actual->utilization().size(), load_report.utilization().size());
1922     for (const auto& p : actual->utilization()) {
1923       auto it = load_report.utilization().find(p.first);
1924       ASSERT_NE(it, load_report.utilization().end());
1925       EXPECT_EQ(it->second, p.second);
1926     }
1927   }
1928   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
1929   EXPECT_EQ("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb",
1930             channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
1931   EXPECT_EQ(kNumRpcs, trailers_intercepted());
1932 }
1934 class ClientLbAddressTest : public ClientLbEnd2endTest {
1935  protected:
1936   static const char* kAttributeKey;
1938   class Attribute : public grpc_core::ServerAddress::AttributeInterface {
1939    public:
Attribute(const std::string & str)1940     explicit Attribute(const std::string& str) : str_(str) {}
Copy() const1942     std::unique_ptr<AttributeInterface> Copy() const override {
1943       return absl::make_unique<Attribute>(str_);
1944     }
Cmp(const AttributeInterface * other) const1946     int Cmp(const AttributeInterface* other) const override {
1947       return str_.compare(static_cast<const Attribute*>(other)->str_);
1948     }
ToString() const1950     std::string ToString() const override { return str_; }
1952    private:
1953     std::string str_;
1954   };
SetUp()1956   void SetUp() override {
1957     ClientLbEnd2endTest::SetUp();
1958     current_test_instance_ = this;
1959   }
SetUpTestCase()1961   static void SetUpTestCase() {
1962     grpc_init();
1963     grpc_core::RegisterAddressTestLoadBalancingPolicy(SaveAddress);
1964   }
TearDownTestCase()1966   static void TearDownTestCase() { grpc_shutdown(); }
addresses_seen()1968   const std::vector<std::string>& addresses_seen() {
1969     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
1970     return addresses_seen_;
1971   }
1973  private:
SaveAddress(const grpc_core::ServerAddress & address)1974   static void SaveAddress(const grpc_core::ServerAddress& address) {
1975     ClientLbAddressTest* self = current_test_instance_;
1976     grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&self->mu_);
1977     self->addresses_seen_.emplace_back(address.ToString());
1978   }
1980   static ClientLbAddressTest* current_test_instance_;
1981   grpc::internal::Mutex mu_;
1982   std::vector<std::string> addresses_seen_;
1983 };
1985 const char* ClientLbAddressTest::kAttributeKey = "attribute_key";
1987 ClientLbAddressTest* ClientLbAddressTest::current_test_instance_ = nullptr;
TEST_F(ClientLbAddressTest,Basic)1989 TEST_F(ClientLbAddressTest, Basic) {
1990   const int kNumServers = 1;
1991   StartServers(kNumServers);
1992   auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator();
1993   auto channel = BuildChannel("address_test_lb", response_generator);
1994   auto stub = BuildStub(channel);
1995   // Addresses returned by the resolver will have attached attributes.
1996   response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts(), nullptr,
1997                                        kAttributeKey,
1998                                        absl::make_unique<Attribute>("foo"));
1999   CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION);
2000   // Check LB policy name for the channel.
2001   EXPECT_EQ("address_test_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName());
2002   // Make sure that the attributes wind up on the subchannels.
2003   std::vector<std::string> expected;
2004   for (const int port : GetServersPorts()) {
2005     expected.emplace_back(
2006         absl::StrCat(ipv6_only_ ? "[::1]:" : "", port,
2007                      " args={} attributes={", kAttributeKey, "=foo}"));
2008   }
2009   EXPECT_EQ(addresses_seen(), expected);
2010 }
2012 }  // namespace
2013 }  // namespace testing
2014 }  // namespace grpc
main(int argc,char ** argv)2016 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
2017   ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
2018   grpc::testing::TestEnvironment env(argc, argv);
2019   const auto result = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
2020   return result;
2021 }