1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
22 #include <climits>
23 #include <functional>
24 #include <map>
25 #include <memory>
26 #include <vector>
28 #include <grpc/impl/codegen/log.h>
29 #include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/byte_buffer.h>
30 #include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/config.h>
31 #include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/rpc_method.h>
32 #include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/status.h>
34 namespace grpc {
35 class ServerContextBase;
36 namespace internal {
37 /// Base class for running an RPC handler.
38 class MethodHandler {
39  public:
~MethodHandler()40   virtual ~MethodHandler() {}
41   struct HandlerParameter {
42     /// Constructor for HandlerParameter
43     ///
44     /// \param c : the gRPC Call structure for this server call
45     /// \param context : the ServerContext structure for this server call
46     /// \param req : the request payload, if appropriate for this RPC
47     /// \param req_status : the request status after any interceptors have run
48     /// \param handler_data: internal data for the handler.
49     /// \param requester : used only by the callback API. It is a function
50     ///        called by the RPC Controller to request another RPC (and also
51     ///        to set up the state required to make that request possible)
HandlerParameterHandlerParameter52     HandlerParameter(Call* c, ::grpc::ServerContextBase* context, void* req,
53                      Status req_status, void* handler_data,
54                      std::function<void()> requester)
55         : call(c),
56           server_context(context),
57           request(req),
58           status(req_status),
59           internal_data(handler_data),
60           call_requester(std::move(requester)) {}
~HandlerParameterHandlerParameter61     ~HandlerParameter() {}
62     Call* const call;
63     ::grpc::ServerContextBase* const server_context;
64     void* const request;
65     const Status status;
66     void* const internal_data;
67     const std::function<void()> call_requester;
68   };
69   virtual void RunHandler(const HandlerParameter& param) = 0;
71   /* Returns a pointer to the deserialized request. \a status reflects the
72      result of deserialization. This pointer and the status should be filled in
73      a HandlerParameter and passed to RunHandler. It is illegal to access the
74      pointer after calling RunHandler. Ownership of the deserialized request is
75      retained by the handler. Returns nullptr if deserialization failed. */
Deserialize(grpc_call *,grpc_byte_buffer * req,Status *,void **)76   virtual void* Deserialize(grpc_call* /*call*/, grpc_byte_buffer* req,
77                             Status* /*status*/, void** /*handler_data*/) {
78     GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(req == nullptr);
79     return nullptr;
80   }
81 };
83 /// Server side rpc method class
84 class RpcServiceMethod : public RpcMethod {
85  public:
86   /// Takes ownership of the handler
RpcServiceMethod(const char * name,RpcMethod::RpcType type,MethodHandler * handler)87   RpcServiceMethod(const char* name, RpcMethod::RpcType type,
88                    MethodHandler* handler)
89       : RpcMethod(name, type),
90         server_tag_(nullptr),
91         api_type_(ApiType::SYNC),
92         handler_(handler) {}
94   enum class ApiType {
95     SYNC,
96     ASYNC,
97     RAW,
98     CALL_BACK,  // not CALLBACK because that is reserved in Windows
100   };
set_server_tag(void * tag)102   void set_server_tag(void* tag) { server_tag_ = tag; }
server_tag()103   void* server_tag() const { return server_tag_; }
104   /// if MethodHandler is nullptr, then this is an async method
handler()105   MethodHandler* handler() const { return handler_.get(); }
api_type()106   ApiType api_type() const { return api_type_; }
SetHandler(MethodHandler * handler)107   void SetHandler(MethodHandler* handler) { handler_.reset(handler); }
SetServerApiType(RpcServiceMethod::ApiType type)108   void SetServerApiType(RpcServiceMethod::ApiType type) {
109     if ((api_type_ == ApiType::SYNC) &&
110         (type == ApiType::ASYNC || type == ApiType::RAW)) {
111       // this marks this method as async
112       handler_.reset();
113     } else if (api_type_ != ApiType::SYNC) {
114       // this is not an error condition, as it allows users to declare a server
115       // like WithRawMethod_foo<AsyncService>. However since it
116       // overwrites behavior, it should be logged.
117       gpr_log(
118           GPR_INFO,
119           "You are marking method %s as '%s', even though it was "
120           "previously marked '%s'. This behavior will overwrite the original "
121           "behavior. If you expected this then ignore this message.",
122           name(), TypeToString(api_type_), TypeToString(type));
123     }
124     api_type_ = type;
125   }
127  private:
128   void* server_tag_;
129   ApiType api_type_;
130   std::unique_ptr<MethodHandler> handler_;
TypeToString(RpcServiceMethod::ApiType type)132   const char* TypeToString(RpcServiceMethod::ApiType type) {
133     switch (type) {
134       case ApiType::SYNC:
135         return "sync";
136       case ApiType::ASYNC:
137         return "async";
138       case ApiType::RAW:
139         return "raw";
140       case ApiType::CALL_BACK:
141         return "callback";
142       case ApiType::RAW_CALL_BACK:
143         return "raw_callback";
144       default:
145         GPR_UNREACHABLE_CODE(return "unknown");
146     }
147   }
148 };
149 }  // namespace internal
151 }  // namespace grpc