1-- Copyright (C) 2006-2007 David Roundy
3-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6-- any later version.
8-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11-- GNU General Public License for more details.
13-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15-- Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
16{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
17module Darcs.Repository.Hashed
18    ( revertTentativeChanges
19    , revertRepositoryChanges
20    , finalizeTentativeChanges
21    , addToTentativeInventory
22    , readRepo
23    , readRepoHashed
24    , readTentativeRepo
25    , writeAndReadPatch
26    , writeTentativeInventory
27    , copyHashedInventory
28    , writePatchIfNecessary
29    , tentativelyAddPatch
30    , tentativelyRemovePatches
31    , tentativelyRemovePatches_
32    , tentativelyAddPatch_
33    , tentativelyAddPatches_
34    , finalizeRepositoryChanges
35    , reorderInventory
36    , UpdatePristine(..)
37    , repoXor
38    , upgradeOldStyleRebase
39    ) where
41import Darcs.Prelude
43import Control.Exception ( catch )
44import Darcs.Util.Exception ( catchall )
45import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
46import Data.Maybe
47import Data.List( foldl' )
49import qualified Data.ByteString as B ( empty, readFile, append )
50import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( pack )
52import Darcs.Util.Hash( SHA1, sha1Xor, sha1zero )
53import Darcs.Util.Prompt ( promptYorn )
54import Darcs.Util.Tree ( Tree )
55import Darcs.Util.SignalHandler ( withSignalsBlocked )
57import System.Directory
58    ( copyFile
59    , createDirectoryIfMissing
60    , doesFileExist
61    , removeFile
62    , renameFile
63    )
64import System.FilePath.Posix( (</>) )
65import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
66import System.IO ( IOMode(..), hClose, hPutStrLn, openBinaryFile, stderr )
67import System.IO.Error ( catchIOError, isDoesNotExistError )
69import Darcs.Util.External
70    ( copyFileOrUrl
71    , cloneFile
72    , gzFetchFilePS
73    , Cachable( Uncachable )
74    )
75import Darcs.Repository.Flags
76    ( Compression
77    , RemoteDarcs
78    , UpdatePending(..)
79    , Verbosity(..)
80    , remoteDarcs
81    )
83import Darcs.Repository.Format
84    ( RepoProperty( HashedInventory, RebaseInProgress, RebaseInProgress_2_16 )
85    , formatHas
86    , writeRepoFormat
87    , addToFormat
88    , removeFromFormat
89    )
90import Darcs.Repository.Pending
91    ( tentativelyRemoveFromPending
92    , revertPending
93    , finalizePending
94    , readTentativePending
95    , writeTentativePending
96    )
97import Darcs.Repository.PatchIndex
98    ( createOrUpdatePatchIndexDisk
99    , doesPatchIndexExist
100    )
101import Darcs.Repository.Pristine
102    ( ApplyDir(..)
103    , applyToTentativePristine
104    , applyToTentativePristineCwd
105    )
106import Darcs.Repository.Paths
107import Darcs.Repository.Rebase
108    ( withTentativeRebase
109    , createTentativeRebase
110    , readTentativeRebase
111    , writeTentativeRebase
112    , commuteOutOldStyleRebase
113    )
114import Darcs.Repository.State ( readRecorded, updateIndex )
116import Darcs.Util.Global ( darcsdir )
117import Darcs.Util.Lock
118    ( writeBinFile
119    , writeDocBinFile
120    , writeAtomicFilePS
121    , appendDocBinFile
122    , removeFileMayNotExist
123    )
124import Darcs.Patch.Set ( PatchSet(..), Tagged(..)
125                       , SealedPatchSet, Origin
126                       , patchSet2RL
127                       )
129import Darcs.Patch.Show ( ShowPatchFor(..) )
130import qualified Darcs.Patch.Named.Wrapped as W
131import Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd
132    ( PatchInfoAnd, PatchInfoAndG, Hopefully, patchInfoAndPatch, info
133    , extractHash, createHashed, hopefully
134    , fmapPIAP
135    )
136import Darcs.Patch ( IsRepoType, RepoPatch, showPatch
137                   , commuteRL
138                   , readPatch
139                   , effect
140                   , displayPatch
141                   )
143import Darcs.Patch.Apply ( Apply(..) )
144import Darcs.Patch.Format ( PatchListFormat )
145import Darcs.Patch.Bundle ( Bundle(..), makeBundle, interpretBundle, parseBundle )
146import Darcs.Patch.Read ( ReadPatch )
147import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( removeFromPatchSet, slightlyOptimizePatchset
148                           , mergeThem, cleanLatestTag )
149import Darcs.Patch.Info
150    ( PatchInfo, displayPatchInfo, makePatchname )
151import Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Suspended
152    ( Suspended(..), addFixupsToSuspended, removeFixupsFromSuspended )
154import Darcs.Util.Path ( ioAbsoluteOrRemote, toPath )
155import Darcs.Repository.Cache
156    ( Cache
157    , HashedDir(..)
158    , fetchFileUsingCache
159    , hashedDir
160    , peekInCache
161    , speculateFilesUsingCache
162    , writeFileUsingCache
163    )
164import Darcs.Repository.Inventory
165import Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes
166    ( Repository
167    , repoCache
168    , repoFormat
169    , repoLocation
170    , withRepoLocation
171    , unsafeCoerceR
172    , unsafeCoerceT
173    )
174import qualified Darcs.Repository.Old as Old ( readOldRepo, oldRepoFailMsg )
175import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
176    ( (+<+), FL(..), RL(..), mapRL, foldFL_M, foldrwFL, mapRL_RL
177    , (:>)(..), lengthFL, (+>+)
178    , reverseFL )
179import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(..), seal, unseal, mapSeal )
180import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Unsafe ( unsafeCoerceP )
182import Darcs.Util.ByteString ( gzReadFilePS )
183import Darcs.Util.Printer.Color ( debugDoc, ePutDocLn )
184import Darcs.Util.Printer
185    ( Doc
186    , ($$)
187    , (<+>)
188    , hcat
189    , renderPS
190    , renderString
191    , text
192    )
193import Darcs.Util.Progress ( beginTedious, endTedious, debugMessage, finishedOneIO )
194import Darcs.Patch.Progress (progressFL)
197-- |revertTentativeChanges swaps the tentative and "real" hashed inventory
198-- files, and then updates the tentative pristine with the "real" inventory
199-- hash.
200revertTentativeChanges :: IO ()
201revertTentativeChanges = do
202    cloneFile hashedInventoryPath tentativeHashedInventoryPath
203    i <- gzReadFilePS hashedInventoryPath
204    writeBinFile tentativePristinePath $
205        B.append pristineName $ BC.pack $ getValidHash $ peekPristineHash i
207-- |finalizeTentativeChanges trys to atomically swap the tentative
208-- inventory/pristine pointers with the "real" pointers; it first re-reads the
209-- inventory to optimize it, presumably to take account of any new tags, and
210-- then writes out the new tentative inventory, and finally does the atomic
211-- swap. In general, we can't clean the pristine cache at the same time, since
212-- a simultaneous get might be in progress.
213finalizeTentativeChanges :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p)
214                         => Repository rt p wR wU wT -> Compression -> IO ()
215finalizeTentativeChanges r compr = do
216    debugMessage "Optimizing the inventory..."
217    -- Read the tentative patches
218    ps <- readTentativeRepo r "."
219    writeTentativeInventory (repoCache r) compr ps
220    i <- gzReadFilePS tentativeHashedInventoryPath
221    p <- gzReadFilePS tentativePristinePath
222    -- Write out the "optimised" tentative inventory.
223    writeDocBinFile tentativeHashedInventoryPath $ pokePristineHash (peekPristineHash p) i
224    -- Atomically swap.
225    renameFile tentativeHashedInventoryPath hashedInventoryPath
227-- | Add (append) a patch to a specific inventory file.
228-- | Warning: this allows to add any arbitrary patch!
229addToSpecificInventory :: RepoPatch p => String -> Cache -> Compression
230                       -> PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY -> IO ()
231addToSpecificInventory invPath c compr p = do
232    let invFile = makeDarcsdirPath invPath
233    hash <- snd <$> writePatchIfNecessary c compr p
234    appendDocBinFile invFile $ showInventoryEntry (info p, hash)
236-- | Add (append) a patch to the tentative inventory.
237-- | Warning: this allows to add any arbitrary patch! Used by convert import.
238addToTentativeInventory :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression
239                        -> PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY -> IO ()
240addToTentativeInventory = addToSpecificInventory tentativeHashedInventory
242-- |writeHashFile takes a Doc and writes it as a hash-named file, returning the
243-- filename that the contents were written to.
244writeHashFile :: Cache -> Compression -> HashedDir -> Doc -> IO String
245writeHashFile c compr subdir d = do
246    debugMessage $ "Writing hash file to " ++ hashedDir subdir
247    writeFileUsingCache c compr subdir $ renderPS d
249-- |readRepo returns the "current" repo patchset.
250readRepoHashed :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p) => Repository rt p wR wU wT
251               -> String -> IO (PatchSet rt p Origin wR)
252readRepoHashed = readRepoUsingSpecificInventory hashedInventory
254-- |readRepo returns the tentative repo patchset.
255readTentativeRepo :: (IsRepoType rt, PatchListFormat p, ReadPatch p)
256                  => Repository rt p wR wU wT -> String
257                  -> IO (PatchSet rt p Origin wT)
258readTentativeRepo = readRepoUsingSpecificInventory tentativeHashedInventory
260-- |readRepoUsingSpecificInventory uses the inventory at @invPath@ to read the
261-- repository @repo@.
262readRepoUsingSpecificInventory :: (IsRepoType rt, PatchListFormat p, ReadPatch p)
263                               => String -> Repository rt p wR wU wT
264                               -> String -> IO (PatchSet rt p Origin wS)
265readRepoUsingSpecificInventory invPath repo dir = do
266    realdir <- toPath <$> ioAbsoluteOrRemote dir
267    Sealed ps <- readRepoPrivate (repoCache repo) realdir invPath
268                 `catch` \e -> do
269                     hPutStrLn stderr ("Invalid repository: " ++ realdir)
270                     ioError e
271    return $ unsafeCoerceP ps
272  where
273    readRepoPrivate :: (IsRepoType rt, PatchListFormat p, ReadPatch p)
274                    => Cache -> FilePath
275                    -> FilePath -> IO (SealedPatchSet rt p Origin)
276    readRepoPrivate cache d iname = do
277      inventory <- readInventoryPrivate (d </> darcsdir </> iname)
278      readRepoFromInventoryList cache inventory
280-- | Read a 'PatchSet' from the repository (assumed to be located at the
281-- current working directory) by following the chain of 'Inventory's, starting
282-- with the given one. The 'Cache' parameter is used to locate patches and parent
283-- inventories, since not all of them need be present inside the current repo.
285  :: (IsRepoType rt, PatchListFormat p, ReadPatch p)
286  => Cache
287  -> Inventory
288  -> IO (SealedPatchSet rt p Origin)
289readRepoFromInventoryList cache = parseInv
290  where
291    parseInv :: (IsRepoType rt, PatchListFormat p, ReadPatch p)
292             => Inventory
293             -> IO (SealedPatchSet rt p Origin)
294    parseInv (Inventory Nothing ris) =
295        mapSeal (PatchSet NilRL) <$> readPatchesFromInventory cache ris
296    parseInv (Inventory (Just h) []) =
297        -- TODO could be more tolerant and create a larger PatchSet
298        error $ "bad inventory " ++ getValidHash h ++ " (no tag) in parseInv!"
299    parseInv (Inventory (Just h) (t : ris)) = do
300        Sealed ts <- unseal seal <$> unsafeInterleaveIO (read_ts t h)
301        Sealed ps <- unseal seal <$>
302                        unsafeInterleaveIO (readPatchesFromInventory cache ris)
303        return $ seal $ PatchSet ts ps
305    read_ts :: (IsRepoType rt, PatchListFormat p, ReadPatch p) => InventoryEntry
306            -> InventoryHash -> IO (Sealed (RL (Tagged rt p) Origin))
307    read_ts tag0 h0 = do
308        contents <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ readTaggedInventory h0
309        let is = case contents of
310                    (Inventory (Just _) (_ : ris0)) -> ris0
311                    (Inventory Nothing ris0) -> ris0
312                    (Inventory (Just _) []) -> error "inventory without tag!"
313        Sealed ts <- unseal seal <$>
314                         unsafeInterleaveIO
315                            (case contents of
316                                 (Inventory (Just h') (t' : _)) -> read_ts t' h'
317                                 (Inventory (Just _) []) -> error "inventory without tag!"
318                                 (Inventory Nothing _) -> return $ seal NilRL)
319        Sealed ps <- unseal seal <$>
320            unsafeInterleaveIO (readPatchesFromInventory cache is)
321        Sealed tag00 <- read_tag tag0
322        return $ seal $ ts :<: Tagged tag00 (Just (getValidHash h0)) ps
324    read_tag :: (PatchListFormat p, ReadPatch p) => InventoryEntry
325             -> IO (Sealed (PatchInfoAnd rt p wX))
326    read_tag (i, h) =
327        mapSeal (patchInfoAndPatch i) <$> createValidHashed h (readSinglePatch cache i)
329    readTaggedInventory :: InventoryHash -> IO Inventory
330    readTaggedInventory invHash = do
331        (fileName, pristineAndInventory) <-
332            fetchFileUsingCache cache HashedInventoriesDir (getValidHash invHash)
333        case parseInventory pristineAndInventory of
334          Right r -> return r
335          Left e -> fail $ unlines [unwords ["parse error in file", fileName],e]
337readPatchesFromInventory :: ReadPatch np
338                         => Cache
339                         -> [InventoryEntry]
340                         -> IO (Sealed (RL (PatchInfoAndG rt np) wX))
341readPatchesFromInventory cache ris = read_patches (reverse ris)
342  where
343    read_patches [] = return $ seal NilRL
344    read_patches allis@((i1, h1) : is1) =
345        lift2Sealed (\p rest -> rest :<: i1 `patchInfoAndPatch` p) (rp is1)
346                    (createValidHashed h1 (const $ speculateAndParse h1 allis i1))
347      where
348        rp [] = return $ seal NilRL
349        rp [(i, h), (il, hl)] =
350            lift2Sealed (\p rest -> rest :<: i `patchInfoAndPatch` p)
351                        (rp [(il, hl)])
352                        (createValidHashed h
353                            (const $ speculateAndParse h (reverse allis) i))
354        rp ((i, h) : is) =
355            lift2Sealed (\p rest -> rest :<: i `patchInfoAndPatch` p)
356                        (rp is)
357                        (createValidHashed h (readSinglePatch cache i))
359    lift2Sealed :: (forall wY wZ . q wY wZ -> p wX wY -> r wX wZ)
360                -> IO (Sealed (p wX))
361                -> (forall wB . IO (Sealed (q wB)))
362                -> IO (Sealed (r wX))
363    lift2Sealed f iox ioy = do
364        Sealed x <- unseal seal <$> unsafeInterleaveIO iox
365        Sealed y <- unseal seal <$> unsafeInterleaveIO ioy
366        return $ seal $ f y x
368    speculateAndParse h is i = speculate h is >> readSinglePatch cache i h
370    speculate :: PatchHash -> [InventoryEntry] -> IO ()
371    speculate pHash is = do
372        already_got_one <- peekInCache cache HashedPatchesDir (getValidHash pHash)
373        unless already_got_one $
374            speculateFilesUsingCache cache HashedPatchesDir (map (getValidHash . snd) is)
376readSinglePatch :: ReadPatch p
377                => Cache
378                -> PatchInfo -> PatchHash -> IO (Sealed (p wX))
379readSinglePatch cache i h = do
380    debugDoc $ text "Reading patch file:" <+> displayPatchInfo i
381    (fn, ps) <- fetchFileUsingCache cache HashedPatchesDir (getValidHash h)
382    case readPatch ps of
383        Right p -> return p
384        Left e -> fail $ unlines
385            [ "Couldn't parse file " ++ fn
386            , "which is patch"
387            , renderString $ displayPatchInfo i
388            , e
389            ]
391-- | Read an inventory from a file. Fails with an error message if
392-- file is not there or cannot be parsed.
393readInventoryPrivate :: FilePath -> IO Inventory
394readInventoryPrivate path = do
395    inv <- skipPristineHash <$> gzFetchFilePS path Uncachable
396    case parseInventory inv of
397      Right r -> return r
398      Left e -> fail $ unlines [unwords ["parse error in file", path],e]
400-- |Copy the hashed inventory from the given location to the given repository,
401-- possibly using the given remote darcs binary.
402copyHashedInventory :: Repository rt p wR wU wT -> RemoteDarcs -> String -> IO ()
403copyHashedInventory outrepo rdarcs inloc | remote <- remoteDarcs rdarcs = do
404    let outloc = repoLocation outrepo
405    createDirectoryIfMissing False (outloc ++ "/" ++ inventoriesDirPath)
406    copyFileOrUrl remote (inloc </> hashedInventoryPath)
407                         (outloc </> hashedInventoryPath)
408                  Uncachable -- no need to copy anything but hashed_inventory!
409    debugMessage "Done copying hashed inventory."
411-- |writeAndReadPatch makes a patch lazy, by writing it out to disk (thus
412-- forcing it), and then re-reads the patch lazily.
413writeAndReadPatch :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression
414                  -> PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY -> IO (PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY)
415writeAndReadPatch c compr p = do
416    (i, h) <- writePatchIfNecessary c compr p
417    unsafeInterleaveIO $ readp h i
418  where
419    parse i h = do
420        debugDoc $ text "Rereading patch file:" <+> displayPatchInfo i
421        (fn, ps) <- fetchFileUsingCache c HashedPatchesDir (getValidHash h)
422        case readPatch ps of
423            Right x -> return x
424            Left e -> fail $ unlines
425                [ "Couldn't parse patch file " ++ fn
426                , "which is"
427                , renderString $ displayPatchInfo i
428                , e
429                ]
431    readp h i = do Sealed x <- createValidHashed h (parse i)
432                   return . patchInfoAndPatch i $ unsafeCoerceP x
434createValidHashed :: PatchHash
435                  -> (PatchHash -> IO (Sealed (a wX)))
436                  -> IO (Sealed (Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd.Hopefully a wX))
437createValidHashed h f = createHashed (getValidHash h) (f . mkValidHash)
439-- | writeTentativeInventory writes @patchSet@ as the tentative inventory.
440writeTentativeInventory :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression
441                        -> PatchSet rt p Origin wX -> IO ()
442writeTentativeInventory cache compr patchSet = do
443    debugMessage "in writeTentativeInventory..."
444    createDirectoryIfMissing False inventoriesDirPath
445    beginTedious tediousName
446    hsh <- writeInventoryPrivate $ slightlyOptimizePatchset patchSet
447    endTedious tediousName
448    debugMessage "still in writeTentativeInventory..."
449    case hsh of
450        Nothing -> writeBinFile (makeDarcsdirPath tentativeHashedInventory) B.empty
451        Just h -> do
452            content <- snd <$> fetchFileUsingCache cache HashedInventoriesDir h
453            writeAtomicFilePS (makeDarcsdirPath tentativeHashedInventory) content
454  where
455    tediousName = "Writing inventory"
456    writeInventoryPrivate :: RepoPatch p => PatchSet rt p Origin wX
457                          -> IO (Maybe String)
458    writeInventoryPrivate (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) = return Nothing
459    writeInventoryPrivate (PatchSet NilRL ps) = do
460        inventory <- sequence $ mapRL (writePatchIfNecessary cache compr) ps
461        let inventorylist = showInventoryPatches (reverse inventory)
462        hash <- writeHashFile cache compr HashedInventoriesDir inventorylist
463        return $ Just hash
464    writeInventoryPrivate
465        (PatchSet xs@(_ :<: Tagged t _ _) x) = do
466        resthash <- write_ts xs
467        finishedOneIO tediousName $ fromMaybe "" resthash
468        inventory <- sequence $ mapRL (writePatchIfNecessary cache compr)
469                                    (NilRL :<: t +<+ x)
470        let inventorylist = hcat (map showInventoryEntry $ reverse inventory)
471            inventorycontents =
472                case resthash of
473                    Just h -> text ("Starting with inventory:\n" ++ h) $$
474                                  inventorylist
475                    Nothing -> inventorylist
476        hash <- writeHashFile cache compr HashedInventoriesDir inventorycontents
477        return $ Just hash
478      where
479        -- | write_ts writes out a tagged patchset. If it has already been
480        -- written, we'll have the hash, so we can immediately return it.
481        write_ts :: RepoPatch p => RL (Tagged rt p) Origin wX
482                 -> IO (Maybe String)
483        write_ts (_ :<: Tagged _ (Just h) _) = return (Just h)
484        write_ts (tts :<: Tagged _ Nothing pps) =
485            writeInventoryPrivate $ PatchSet tts pps
486        write_ts NilRL = return Nothing
488-- |writeHashIfNecessary writes the patch and returns the resulting info/hash,
489-- if it has not already been written. If it has been written, we have the hash
490-- in the PatchInfoAnd, so we extract and return the info/hash.
491writePatchIfNecessary :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression
492                      -> PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY -> IO InventoryEntry
493writePatchIfNecessary c compr hp = infohp `seq`
494    case extractHash hp of
495        Right h -> return (infohp, mkValidHash h)
496        Left p -> do
497          h <- writeHashFile c compr HashedPatchesDir (showPatch ForStorage p)
498          return (infohp, mkValidHash h)
499  where
500    infohp = info hp
502tentativelyAddPatch :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
503                    => Repository rt p wR wU wT
504                    -> Compression
505                    -> Verbosity
506                    -> UpdatePending
507                    -> PatchInfoAnd rt p wT wY
508                    -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wY)
509tentativelyAddPatch = tentativelyAddPatch_ UpdatePristine
511data UpdatePristine = UpdatePristine
512                    | DontUpdatePristine
513                    | DontUpdatePristineNorRevert deriving Eq
515tentativelyAddPatches_ :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
516                       => UpdatePristine
517                       -> Repository rt p wR wU wT
518                       -> Compression
519                       -> Verbosity
520                       -> UpdatePending
521                       -> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wT wY
522                       -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wY)
523tentativelyAddPatches_ upr r c v upe ps =
524    foldFL_M (\r' p -> tentativelyAddPatch_ upr r' c v upe p) r ps
526tentativelyAddPatch_ :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
527                     => UpdatePristine
528                     -> Repository rt p wR wU wT
529                     -> Compression
530                     -> Verbosity
531                     -> UpdatePending
532                     -> PatchInfoAnd rt p wT wY
533                     -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wY)
534tentativelyAddPatch_ upr r compr verb upe p = do
535    let r' = unsafeCoerceT r
536    withTentativeRebase r r' (removeFixupsFromSuspended $ hopefully p)
537    withRepoLocation r $ do
538       addToTentativeInventory (repoCache r) compr p
539       when (upr == UpdatePristine) $ do
540          debugMessage "Applying to pristine cache..."
541          applyToTentativePristine r ApplyNormal verb p
542       when (upe == YesUpdatePending) $ do
543          debugMessage "Updating pending..."
544          tentativelyRemoveFromPending r' (effect p)
545       return r'
547tentativelyRemovePatches :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
548                         => Repository rt p wR wU wT
549                         -> Compression
550                         -> UpdatePending
551                         -> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wT
552                         -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wX)
553tentativelyRemovePatches = tentativelyRemovePatches_ UpdatePristine
555newtype Dup p wX = Dup { unDup :: p wX wX }
557foldrwFL' :: (forall wA wB. p wA wB -> s wB wB -> s wA wA)
558          -> FL p wX wY -> s wY wY -> s wX wX
559foldrwFL' f ps = unDup . foldrwFL (\p -> (Dup . f p . unDup)) ps . Dup
561tentativelyRemovePatches_ :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
562                          => UpdatePristine
563                          -> Repository rt p wR wU wT
564                          -> Compression
565                          -> UpdatePending
566                          -> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wT
567                          -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wX)
568tentativelyRemovePatches_ upr r compr upe ps
569  | formatHas HashedInventory (repoFormat r) = do
570      withRepoLocation r $ do
571        unless (upr == DontUpdatePristineNorRevert) $ removeFromUnrevertContext r ps
572        Sealed pend <- readTentativePending r
573        debugMessage "Removing changes from tentative inventory..."
574        r' <- removeFromTentativeInventory r compr ps
575        withTentativeRebase r r'
576          (foldrwFL' (addFixupsToSuspended . hopefully) ps)
577        when (upr == UpdatePristine) $
578          applyToTentativePristineCwd ApplyInverted $
579            progressFL "Applying inverse to pristine" ps
580        when (upe == YesUpdatePending) $ do
581          debugMessage "Adding changes to pending..."
582          writeTentativePending r' $ effect ps +>+ pend
583        return r'
584  | otherwise = fail Old.oldRepoFailMsg
586-- | Attempt to remove an FL of patches from the tentative inventory.
588-- Precondition: it must be possible to remove the patches, i.e.
590-- * the patches are in the repository
592-- * any necessary commutations will succeed
593removeFromTentativeInventory :: forall rt p wR wU wT wX. (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p)
594                             => Repository rt p wR wU wT
595                             -> Compression
596                             -> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wT
597                             -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wX)
598removeFromTentativeInventory repo compr to_remove = do
599    debugMessage $ "Start removeFromTentativeInventory"
600    allpatches :: PatchSet rt p Origin wT <- readTentativeRepo repo "."
601    remaining :: PatchSet rt p Origin wX <-
602      case removeFromPatchSet to_remove allpatches of
603        Nothing -> error "Hashed.removeFromTentativeInventory: precondition violated"
604        Just r -> return r
605    writeTentativeInventory (repoCache repo) compr remaining
606    debugMessage $ "Done removeFromTentativeInventory"
607    return (unsafeCoerceT repo)
609-- | Atomically copy the tentative state to the recorded state,
610-- thereby committing the tentative changes that were made so far.
611-- This includes inventories, pending, and the index.
612finalizeRepositoryChanges :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
613                          => Repository rt p wR wU wT
614                          -> UpdatePending
615                          -> Compression
616                          -> IO (Repository rt p wT wU wT)
617finalizeRepositoryChanges r updatePending compr
618    | formatHas HashedInventory (repoFormat r) =
619        withRepoLocation r $ do
620            debugMessage "Finalizing changes..."
621            withSignalsBlocked $ do
622                renameFile tentativeRebasePath rebasePath
623                finalizeTentativeChanges r compr
624                recordedState <- readRecorded r
625                finalizePending r updatePending recordedState
626            let r' = unsafeCoerceR r
627            debugMessage "Done finalizing changes..."
628            ps <- readRepo r'
629            pi_exists <- doesPatchIndexExist (repoLocation r')
630            when pi_exists $
631              createOrUpdatePatchIndexDisk r' ps
632              `catchIOError` \e ->
633                hPutStrLn stderr $ "Cannot create or update patch index: "++ show e
634            updateIndex r'
635            return r'
636    | otherwise = fail Old.oldRepoFailMsg
638-- TODO: rename this and document the transaction protocol (revert/finalize)
639-- clearly.
640-- |Slightly confusingly named: as well as throwing away any tentative
641-- changes, revertRepositoryChanges also re-initialises the tentative state.
642-- It's therefore used before makign any changes to the repo.
643revertRepositoryChanges :: RepoPatch p
644                        => Repository rt p wR wU wT
645                        -> UpdatePending
646                        -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wR)
647revertRepositoryChanges r upe
648  | formatHas HashedInventory (repoFormat r) =
649      withRepoLocation r $ do
650        checkIndexIsWritable
651          `catchIOError` \e -> fail (unlines ["Cannot write index", show e])
652        revertPending r upe
653        revertTentativeChanges
654        let r' = unsafeCoerceT r
655        revertTentativeRebase r'
656        return r'
657  | otherwise = fail Old.oldRepoFailMsg
659revertTentativeRebase :: RepoPatch p => Repository rt p wR wU wR -> IO ()
660revertTentativeRebase repo =
661  copyFile rebasePath tentativeRebasePath
662  `catchIOError` \e ->
663    if isDoesNotExistError e then
664      createTentativeRebase repo
665    else
666      fail $ show e
668checkIndexIsWritable :: IO ()
669checkIndexIsWritable = do
670    checkWritable indexInvalidPath
671    checkWritable indexPath
672  where
673    checkWritable path = do
674      exists <- doesFileExist path
675      touchFile path
676      unless exists $ removeFile path
677    touchFile path = openBinaryFile path AppendMode >>= hClose
679removeFromUnrevertContext :: forall rt p wR wU wT wX
680                           . (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
681                          => Repository rt p wR wU wT
682                          -> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wT
683                          -> IO ()
684removeFromUnrevertContext _ NilFL = return () -- nothing to do
685removeFromUnrevertContext r ps = do
686  Sealed bundle <- unrevert_patch_bundle `catchall` return (seal (Bundle (NilFL :> NilFL)))
687  remove_from_unrevert_context_ bundle
688  where unrevert_impossible =
689            do confirmed <- promptYorn "This operation will make unrevert impossible!\nProceed?"
690               if confirmed then removeFileMayNotExist unrevertPath
691                            else fail "Cancelled."
692        unrevert_patch_bundle :: IO (Sealed (Bundle rt p wB))
693        unrevert_patch_bundle = do pf <- B.readFile unrevertPath
694                                   case parseBundle pf of
695                                     Right foo -> return foo
696                                     Left err -> fail $ "Couldn't parse unrevert patch:\n" ++ err
697        remove_from_unrevert_context_ :: Bundle rt p wA wB -> IO ()
698        remove_from_unrevert_context_ bundle =
699         do debugMessage "Adjusting the context of the unrevert changes..."
700            debugMessage $ "Removing "++ show (lengthFL ps) ++
701                                  " patches in removeFromUnrevertContext!"
702            ref <- readTentativeRepo r (repoLocation r)
703            let withSinglet :: Sealed (FL ppp wXxx)
704                            -> (forall wYyy . ppp wXxx wYyy -> IO ()) -> IO ()
705                withSinglet (Sealed (x :>: NilFL)) j = j x
706                withSinglet _ _ = return ()
707            Sealed bundle_ps <- bundle_to_patchset ref bundle
708            withSinglet (mergeThem ref bundle_ps) $ \h_us ->
709                  case commuteRL (reverseFL ps :> h_us) of
710                    Nothing -> unrevert_impossible
711                    Just (us' :> _) ->
712                      case removeFromPatchSet ps ref of
713                      Nothing -> unrevert_impossible
714                      Just common ->
715                          do debugMessage "Have now found the new context..."
716                             bundle' <- makeBundle Nothing common (hopefully us':>:NilFL)
717                             writeDocBinFile unrevertPath bundle'
718            debugMessage "Done adjusting the context of the unrevert changes!"
720        bundle_to_patchset :: PatchSet rt p Origin wT
721                           -> Bundle rt p wA wB
722                           -> IO (SealedPatchSet rt p Origin)
723        bundle_to_patchset ref bundle =
724          either fail (return . Sealed) $ interpretBundle ref bundle
726-- | Writes out a fresh copy of the inventory that minimizes the
727-- amount of inventory that need be downloaded when people pull from
728-- the repository.
730-- Specifically, it breaks up the inventory on the most recent tag.
731-- This speeds up most commands when run remotely, both because a
732-- smaller file needs to be transfered (only the most recent
733-- inventory).  It also gives a guarantee that all the patches prior
734-- to a given tag are included in that tag, so less commutation and
735-- history traversal is needed.  This latter issue can become very
736-- important in large repositories.
737reorderInventory :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
738                 => Repository rt p wR wU wR
739                 -> Compression
740                 -> IO ()
741reorderInventory r compr
742  | formatHas HashedInventory (repoFormat r) = do
743      cleanLatestTag `fmap` readRepo r >>=
744        writeTentativeInventory (repoCache r) compr
745      withSignalsBlocked $ finalizeTentativeChanges r compr
746  | otherwise = fail Old.oldRepoFailMsg
748-- | Read inventories and patches from a repository and return them as a
749-- 'PatchSet'. Note that patches and inventories are read lazily.
750readRepo :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p)
751         => Repository rt p wR wU wT
752         -> IO (PatchSet rt p Origin wR)
753readRepo r
754    | formatHas HashedInventory (repoFormat r) = readRepoHashed r (repoLocation r)
755    | otherwise = do Sealed ps <- Old.readOldRepo (repoLocation r)
756                     return $ unsafeCoerceP ps
758-- | XOR of all hashes of the patches' metadata.
759-- It enables to quickly see whether two repositories
760-- have the same patches, independently of their order.
761-- It relies on the assumption that the same patch cannot
762-- be present twice in a repository.
763-- This checksum is not cryptographically secure,
764-- see http://robotics.stanford.edu/~xb/crypto06b/ .
765repoXor :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p)
766        => Repository rt p wR wU wR -> IO SHA1
767repoXor repo = do
768  hashes <- mapRL (makePatchname . info) . patchSet2RL <$> readRepo repo
769  return $ foldl' sha1Xor sha1zero hashes
771-- | Upgrade a possible old-style rebase in progress to the new style.
772upgradeOldStyleRebase :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
773                      => Repository rt p wR wU wT -> Compression -> IO ()
774upgradeOldStyleRebase repo compr = do
775  PatchSet ts _ <- readTentativeRepo repo (repoLocation repo)
776  Inventory _ invEntries <- readInventoryPrivate tentativeHashedInventoryPath
777  Sealed wps <- readPatchesFromInventory (repoCache repo) invEntries
778  case commuteOutOldStyleRebase wps of
779    Nothing ->
780      ePutDocLn $ text "Rebase is already in new style, no upgrade needed."
781    Just (wps' :> wr) -> do
782      -- FIXME inlining this action below where it is used
783      -- results in lots of ambiguous type variable errors
784      -- which is rather strange behavior of ghc IMHO
785      let update_repo =
786            -- low-level call, must not try to update an existing rebase patch,
787            -- nor update anything else beside the inventory
788            writeTentativeInventory
789              (repoCache repo)
790              compr
791              (PatchSet ts (mapRL_RL (fmapPIAP W.fromRebasing) wps'))
792      -- double check if we really have a rebase patch
793      case hopefully wr of
794        W.NormalP wtf ->
795          error $ renderString $
796            "internal error: expected rebase patch but found normal patch:"
797            $$ displayPatch wtf
798        W.RebaseP _ r -> do
799          update_repo
800          Items old_r <- readTentativeRebase (unsafeCoerceT repo)
801          case old_r of
802            NilFL -> do
803              writeTentativeRebase (unsafeCoerceT repo) r
804              _ <- finalizeRepositoryChanges repo NoUpdatePending compr
805              writeRepoFormat
806                ( addToFormat RebaseInProgress_2_16
807                $ removeFromFormat RebaseInProgress
808                $ repoFormat repo)
809                formatPath
810              return ()
811            _ -> do
812              ePutDocLn
813                $  "A new-style rebase is already in progress, not overwriting it."
814                $$ "This should not have happened! This is the old-style rebase I found"
815                $$ "and removed from the repository:"
816                $$ displayPatch wr