1name: happy
2version: 1.19.12
3license: BSD2
4license-file: LICENSE
5copyright: (c) Andy Gill, Simon Marlow
6author: Andy Gill and Simon Marlow
7maintainer: Simon Marlow <marlowsd@gmail.com>
8bug-reports: https://github.com/simonmar/happy/issues
9stability: stable
10homepage: https://www.haskell.org/happy/
11synopsis: Happy is a parser generator for Haskell
12category: Development
13cabal-version: >= 1.8
14build-type: Simple
17  Happy is a parser generator for Haskell.  Given a grammar
18  specification in BNF, Happy generates Haskell code to parse the
19  grammar.  Happy works in a similar way to the @yacc@ tool for C.
22  GHC==7.10.3,
23  GHC==8.0.2,
24  GHC==8.2.2,
25  GHC==8.4.4,
26  GHC==8.6.5,
27  GHC==8.8.1
29data-dir: data/
32        HappyTemplate
33        HappyTemplate-arrays
34        HappyTemplate-arrays-coerce
35        HappyTemplate-arrays-coerce-debug
36        HappyTemplate-arrays-debug
37        HappyTemplate-arrays-ghc
38        HappyTemplate-arrays-ghc-debug
39        HappyTemplate-coerce
40        HappyTemplate-ghc
41        GLR_Base
42        GLR_Lib
43        GLR_Lib-ghc
44        GLR_Lib-ghc-debug
47        ANNOUNCE
48        CHANGES
49        Makefile
50        README.md
51        TODO
52        doc/Makefile
53        doc/aclocal.m4
54        doc/config.mk.in
55        doc/configure.ac
56        doc/docbook-xml.mk
57        doc/fptools.css
58        doc/happy.1.in
59        doc/happy.xml
60        examples/glr/nlp/Main.lhs
61        examples/glr/nlp/Makefile
62        examples/glr/nlp/README
63        examples/glr/nlp/English.y
64        examples/glr/nlp/Hugs.lhs
65        examples/glr/Makefile
66        examples/glr/Makefile.defs
67        examples/glr/expr-eval/Main.lhs
68        examples/glr/expr-eval/Makefile
69        examples/glr/expr-eval/Expr.y
70        examples/glr/expr-eval/README
71        examples/glr/expr-eval/Hugs.lhs
72        examples/glr/expr-tree/Main.lhs
73        examples/glr/expr-tree/Makefile
74        examples/glr/expr-tree/Expr.y
75        examples/glr/expr-tree/README
76        examples/glr/expr-tree/Tree.lhs
77        examples/glr/expr-tree/Hugs.lhs
78        examples/glr/highly-ambiguous/Main.lhs
79        examples/glr/highly-ambiguous/Makefile
80        examples/glr/highly-ambiguous/Expr.y
81        examples/glr/highly-ambiguous/README
82        examples/glr/highly-ambiguous/Hugs.lhs
83        examples/glr/hidden-leftrec/Main.lhs
84        examples/glr/hidden-leftrec/Makefile
85        examples/glr/hidden-leftrec/Expr.y
86        examples/glr/hidden-leftrec/README
87        examples/glr/hidden-leftrec/Hugs.lhs
88        examples/glr/expr-monad/Main.lhs
89        examples/glr/expr-monad/Makefile
90        examples/glr/expr-monad/Expr.y
91        examples/glr/expr-monad/README
92        examples/glr/expr-monad/Hugs.lhs
93        examples/glr/bio-eg/Main.lhs
94        examples/glr/bio-eg/Makefile
95        examples/glr/bio-eg/Bio.y
96        examples/glr/bio-eg/README
97        examples/glr/bio-eg/1-1200.dna
98        examples/glr/bio-eg/1-600.dna
99        examples/glr/common/DV_lhs
100        examples/glr/common/DaVinciTypes.hs
101        examples/glr/packing/Main.lhs
102        examples/glr/packing/Makefile
103        examples/glr/packing/Expr.y
104        examples/glr/packing/README
105        examples/glr/packing/Hugs.lhs
106        examples/PgnParser.ly
107        examples/MonadTest.ly
108        examples/igloo/ParserM.hs
109        examples/igloo/Makefile
110        examples/igloo/Parser.y
111        examples/igloo/Foo.hs
112        examples/igloo/README
113        examples/igloo/Lexer.x
114        examples/README
115        examples/Calc.ly
116        examples/DavesExample.ly
117        examples/ErrorTest.ly
118        examples/ErlParser.ly
119        examples/SimonsExample.ly
120        examples/LexerTest.ly
121        happy.spec
122        src/ARRAY-NOTES
123        tests/AttrGrammar001.y
124        tests/AttrGrammar002.y
125        tests/Makefile
126        tests/Partial.ly
127        tests/Test.ly
128        tests/TestMulti.ly
129        tests/TestPrecedence.ly
130        tests/bogus-token.y
131        tests/bug001.ly
132        tests/bug002.y
133        tests/error001.stderr
134        tests/error001.stdout
135        tests/error001.y
136        tests/monad001.y
137        tests/monad002.ly
138        tests/monaderror.y
139        tests/precedence001.ly
140        tests/precedence002.y
141        tests/test_rules.y
142        tests/issue91.y
143        tests/issue93.y
144        tests/issue94.y
145        tests/issue95.y
146        tests/monaderror-explist.y
147        tests/typeclass_monad001.y
148        tests/typeclass_monad002.ly
149        tests/typeclass_monad_lexer.y
150        tests/rank2.y
152source-repository head
153  type:     git
154  location: https://github.com/simonmar/happy.git
156flag small_base
157  description: Deprecated. Does nothing.
158  manual: True
160executable happy
161  hs-source-dirs: src
162  main-is: Main.lhs
164  build-depends: base < 5,
165                 array,
166                 containers >= 0.4.2,
167                 mtl >= 2.2.1
168                     -- mtl-2.2.1 added Control.Monad.Except
170  extensions: CPP, MagicHash, FlexibleContexts
171  ghc-options: -Wall
172  other-modules:
173        Paths_happy
174        AbsSyn
175        First
176        GenUtils
177        Grammar
178        Info
179        LALR
180        Lexer
181        ParseMonad
182        Parser
183        ProduceCode
184        ProduceGLRCode
185        NameSet
186        Target
187        AttrGrammar
188        AttrGrammarParser
189        ParamRules
190        PrettyGrammar
192test-suite tests
193  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
194  main-is: test.hs
195  -- This line is important as it ensures that the local `exe:happy` component declared above is built before the test-suite component is invoked, as well as making sure that `happy` is made available on $PATH and `$happy_datadir` is set accordingly before invoking `test.hs`
196  build-tools: happy
198  build-depends: base, process