1name:                 syb
3license:              BSD3
4license-file:         LICENSE
5author:               Ralf Lammel, Simon Peyton Jones, Jose Pedro Magalhaes
6maintainer:           Sergey Vinokurov <serg.foo@gmail.com>
7homepage:             http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/GenericProgramming/SYB
8bug-reports:          https://github.com/dreixel/syb/issues
9synopsis:             Scrap Your Boilerplate
11    This package contains the generics system described in the
12    /Scrap Your Boilerplate/ papers (see
13    <http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/GenericProgramming/SYB>).
14    It defines the @Data@ class of types permitting folding and unfolding
15    of constructor applications, instances of this class for primitive
16    types, and a variety of traversals.
18category:               Generics
19stability:              provisional
20build-type:             Simple
21cabal-version:          >= 1.10
22tested-with:            GHC==8.10.3, GHC==8.8.4, GHC==8.6.5, GHC==8.4.4, GHC==8.2.2, GHC==8.0.2, GHC==7.10.3, GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.6.3, GHC==7.4.2, GHC==7.2.2, GHC==7.0.4
24extra-source-files:     README.md,
25                        ChangeLog
27source-repository head
28  type:                 git
29  location:             https://github.com/dreixel/syb
32  hs-source-dirs:         src
33  default-language:       Haskell98
34  build-depends:          base >= 4.0 && < 5.0
35  exposed-modules:        Data.Generics,
36                          Data.Generics.Basics,
37                          Data.Generics.Instances,
38                          Data.Generics.Aliases,
39                          Data.Generics.Schemes,
40                          Data.Generics.Text,
41                          Data.Generics.Twins,
42                          Data.Generics.Builders,
44                          Generics.SYB,
45                          Generics.SYB.Basics,
46                          Generics.SYB.Instances,
47                          Generics.SYB.Aliases,
48                          Generics.SYB.Schemes,
49                          Generics.SYB.Text,
50                          Generics.SYB.Twins,
51                          Generics.SYB.Builders
53  if impl(ghc < 6.12)
54    ghc-options:          -package-name syb
56  ghc-options:            -Wall
58test-suite unit-tests
59  type:                   exitcode-stdio-1.0
60  hs-source-dirs:         tests
61  default-language:       Haskell98
62  main-is:                Main.hs
63  build-depends:          base
64                        , syb
65                        , tasty
66                        , tasty-hunit
67                        , containers
68                        , mtl
69  other-modules:          Bits
70                          Builders
71                          CompanyDatatypes
72                          Datatype
73                          Encode
74                          Ext
75                          Ext1
76                          Ext2
77                          FoldTree
78                          FreeNames
79                          GEq
80                          GMapQAssoc
81                          GRead
82                          GRead2
83                          GShow
84                          GShow2
85                          GZip
86                          GenUpTo
87                          GetC
88                          HList
89                          HOPat
90                          Labels
91                          LocalQuantors
92                          NestedDatatypes
93                          Newtype
94                          Paradise
95                          Perm
96                          Polymatch
97                          Reify
98                          Strings
99                          Tree
100                          Twin
101                          Typecase1
102                          Typecase2
103                          Where
104                          XML