1{-# LANGUAGE CPP, Rank2Types, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts,
2             TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns #-}
3-- |
4-- Module      : Data.Vector.Generic
5-- Copyright   : (c) Roman Leshchinskiy 2008-2010
6-- License     : BSD-style
8-- Maintainer  : Roman Leshchinskiy <rl@cse.unsw.edu.au>
9-- Stability   : experimental
10-- Portability : non-portable
12-- Generic interface to pure vectors.
15module Data.Vector.Generic (
16  -- * Immutable vectors
17  Vector(..), Mutable,
19  -- * Accessors
21  -- ** Length information
22  length, null,
24  -- ** Indexing
25  (!), (!?), head, last,
26  unsafeIndex, unsafeHead, unsafeLast,
28  -- ** Monadic indexing
29  indexM, headM, lastM,
30  unsafeIndexM, unsafeHeadM, unsafeLastM,
32  -- ** Extracting subvectors (slicing)
33  slice, init, tail, take, drop, splitAt,
34  unsafeSlice, unsafeInit, unsafeTail, unsafeTake, unsafeDrop,
36  -- * Construction
38  -- ** Initialisation
39  empty, singleton, replicate, generate, iterateN,
41  -- ** Monadic initialisation
42  replicateM, generateM, iterateNM, create, createT,
44  -- ** Unfolding
45  unfoldr, unfoldrN,
46  unfoldrM, unfoldrNM,
47  constructN, constructrN,
49  -- ** Enumeration
50  enumFromN, enumFromStepN, enumFromTo, enumFromThenTo,
52  -- ** Concatenation
53  cons, snoc, (++), concat, concatNE,
55  -- ** Restricting memory usage
56  force,
58  -- * Modifying vectors
60  -- ** Bulk updates
61  (//), update, update_,
62  unsafeUpd, unsafeUpdate, unsafeUpdate_,
64  -- ** Accumulations
65  accum, accumulate, accumulate_,
66  unsafeAccum, unsafeAccumulate, unsafeAccumulate_,
68  -- ** Permutations
69  reverse, backpermute, unsafeBackpermute,
71  -- ** Safe destructive updates
72  modify,
74  -- * Elementwise operations
76  -- ** Indexing
77  indexed,
79  -- ** Mapping
80  map, imap, concatMap,
82  -- ** Monadic mapping
83  mapM, imapM, mapM_, imapM_, forM, forM_,
85  -- ** Zipping
86  zipWith, zipWith3, zipWith4, zipWith5, zipWith6,
87  izipWith, izipWith3, izipWith4, izipWith5, izipWith6,
88  zip, zip3, zip4, zip5, zip6,
90  -- ** Monadic zipping
91  zipWithM, izipWithM, zipWithM_, izipWithM_,
93  -- ** Unzipping
94  unzip, unzip3, unzip4, unzip5, unzip6,
96  -- * Working with predicates
98  -- ** Filtering
99  filter, ifilter, uniq,
100  mapMaybe, imapMaybe,
101  filterM,
102  takeWhile, dropWhile,
104  -- ** Partitioning
105  partition, partitionWith, unstablePartition, span, break,
107  -- ** Searching
108  elem, notElem, find, findIndex, findIndices, elemIndex, elemIndices,
110  -- * Folding
111  foldl, foldl1, foldl', foldl1', foldr, foldr1, foldr', foldr1',
112  ifoldl, ifoldl', ifoldr, ifoldr',
114  -- ** Specialised folds
115  all, any, and, or,
116  sum, product,
117  maximum, maximumBy, minimum, minimumBy,
118  minIndex, minIndexBy, maxIndex, maxIndexBy,
120  -- ** Monadic folds
121  foldM, ifoldM, foldM', ifoldM',
122  fold1M, fold1M', foldM_, ifoldM_,
123  foldM'_, ifoldM'_, fold1M_, fold1M'_,
125  -- ** Monadic sequencing
126  sequence, sequence_,
128  -- * Prefix sums (scans)
129  prescanl, prescanl',
130  postscanl, postscanl',
131  scanl, scanl', scanl1, scanl1',
132  iscanl, iscanl',
133  prescanr, prescanr',
134  postscanr, postscanr',
135  scanr, scanr', scanr1, scanr1',
136  iscanr, iscanr',
138  -- * Conversions
140  -- ** Lists
141  toList, fromList, fromListN,
143  -- ** Different vector types
144  convert,
146  -- ** Mutable vectors
147  freeze, thaw, copy, unsafeFreeze, unsafeThaw, unsafeCopy,
149  -- * Fusion support
151  -- ** Conversion to/from Bundles
152  stream, unstream, streamR, unstreamR,
154  -- ** Recycling support
155  new, clone,
157  -- * Utilities
159  -- ** Comparisons
160  eq, cmp,
161  eqBy, cmpBy,
163  -- ** Show and Read
164  showsPrec, readPrec,
165  liftShowsPrec, liftReadsPrec,
167  -- ** @Data@ and @Typeable@
168  gfoldl, gunfold, dataCast, mkVecType, mkVecConstr, mkType
169) where
171import           Data.Vector.Generic.Base
173import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as M
175import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.New as New
176import           Data.Vector.Generic.New ( New )
178import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle as Bundle
179import           Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle ( Bundle, MBundle, lift, inplace )
180import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Monadic as MBundle
181import           Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic ( Stream )
182import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as S
183import           Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Size
184import           Data.Vector.Fusion.Util
186import Control.Monad.ST ( ST, runST )
187import Control.Monad.Primitive
188import Prelude hiding ( length, null,
189                        replicate, (++), concat,
190                        head, last,
191                        init, tail, take, drop, splitAt, reverse,
192                        map, concat, concatMap,
193                        zipWith, zipWith3, zip, zip3, unzip, unzip3,
194                        filter, takeWhile, dropWhile, span, break,
195                        elem, notElem,
196                        foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1,
197                        all, any, and, or, sum, product, maximum, minimum,
198                        scanl, scanl1, scanr, scanr1,
199                        enumFromTo, enumFromThenTo,
200                        mapM, mapM_, sequence, sequence_,
201                        showsPrec )
203import qualified Text.Read as Read
204import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
206#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
207import Data.Typeable ( Typeable, gcast1 )
209import Data.Typeable ( Typeable1, gcast1 )
212#include "vector.h"
214import Data.Data ( Data, DataType, Constr, Fixity(Prefix),
215                   mkDataType, mkConstr, constrIndex,
216#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
217                   mkNoRepType )
219                   mkNorepType )
221import qualified Data.Traversable as T (Traversable(mapM))
223#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
224mkNoRepType :: String -> DataType
225mkNoRepType = mkNorepType
228-- Length information
229-- ------------------
231-- | /O(1)/ Yield the length of the vector
232length :: Vector v a => v a -> Int
233{-# INLINE length #-}
234length = Bundle.length . stream'
236-- | /O(1)/ Test whether a vector is empty
237null :: Vector v a => v a -> Bool
238{-# INLINE null #-}
239null = Bundle.null . stream
241-- Indexing
242-- --------
244infixl 9 !
245-- | O(1) Indexing
246(!) :: Vector v a => v a -> Int -> a
247{-# INLINE_FUSED (!) #-}
248(!) v i = BOUNDS_CHECK(checkIndex) "(!)" i (length v)
249        $ unId (basicUnsafeIndexM v i)
251infixl 9 !?
252-- | O(1) Safe indexing
253(!?) :: Vector v a => v a -> Int -> Maybe a
254{-# INLINE_FUSED (!?) #-}
255v !? i | i < 0 || i >= length v = Nothing
256       | otherwise              = Just $ unsafeIndex v i
258-- | /O(1)/ First element
259head :: Vector v a => v a -> a
260{-# INLINE_FUSED head #-}
261head v = v ! 0
263-- | /O(1)/ Last element
264last :: Vector v a => v a -> a
265{-# INLINE_FUSED last #-}
266last v = v ! (length v - 1)
268-- | /O(1)/ Unsafe indexing without bounds checking
269unsafeIndex :: Vector v a => v a -> Int -> a
270{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeIndex #-}
271unsafeIndex v i = UNSAFE_CHECK(checkIndex) "unsafeIndex" i (length v)
272                $ unId (basicUnsafeIndexM v i)
274-- | /O(1)/ First element without checking if the vector is empty
275unsafeHead :: Vector v a => v a -> a
276{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeHead #-}
277unsafeHead v = unsafeIndex v 0
279-- | /O(1)/ Last element without checking if the vector is empty
280unsafeLast :: Vector v a => v a -> a
281{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeLast #-}
282unsafeLast v = unsafeIndex v (length v - 1)
284{-# RULES
286"(!)/unstream [Vector]" forall i s.
287  new (New.unstream s) ! i = s Bundle.!! i
289"(!?)/unstream [Vector]" forall i s.
290  new (New.unstream s) !? i = s Bundle.!? i
292"head/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
293  head (new (New.unstream s)) = Bundle.head s
295"last/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
296  last (new (New.unstream s)) = Bundle.last s
298"unsafeIndex/unstream [Vector]" forall i s.
299  unsafeIndex (new (New.unstream s)) i = s Bundle.!! i
301"unsafeHead/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
302  unsafeHead (new (New.unstream s)) = Bundle.head s
304"unsafeLast/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
305  unsafeLast (new (New.unstream s)) = Bundle.last s  #-}
309-- Monadic indexing
310-- ----------------
312-- | /O(1)/ Indexing in a monad.
314-- The monad allows operations to be strict in the vector when necessary.
315-- Suppose vector copying is implemented like this:
317-- > copy mv v = ... write mv i (v ! i) ...
319-- For lazy vectors, @v ! i@ would not be evaluated which means that @mv@
320-- would unnecessarily retain a reference to @v@ in each element written.
322-- With 'indexM', copying can be implemented like this instead:
324-- > copy mv v = ... do
325-- >                   x <- indexM v i
326-- >                   write mv i x
328-- Here, no references to @v@ are retained because indexing (but /not/ the
329-- elements) is evaluated eagerly.
331indexM :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => v a -> Int -> m a
332{-# INLINE_FUSED indexM #-}
333indexM v i = BOUNDS_CHECK(checkIndex) "indexM" i (length v)
334           $ basicUnsafeIndexM v i
336-- | /O(1)/ First element of a vector in a monad. See 'indexM' for an
337-- explanation of why this is useful.
338headM :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => v a -> m a
339{-# INLINE_FUSED headM #-}
340headM v = indexM v 0
342-- | /O(1)/ Last element of a vector in a monad. See 'indexM' for an
343-- explanation of why this is useful.
344lastM :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => v a -> m a
345{-# INLINE_FUSED lastM #-}
346lastM v = indexM v (length v - 1)
348-- | /O(1)/ Indexing in a monad without bounds checks. See 'indexM' for an
349-- explanation of why this is useful.
350unsafeIndexM :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => v a -> Int -> m a
351{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeIndexM #-}
352unsafeIndexM v i = UNSAFE_CHECK(checkIndex) "unsafeIndexM" i (length v)
353                 $ basicUnsafeIndexM v i
355-- | /O(1)/ First element in a monad without checking for empty vectors.
356-- See 'indexM' for an explanation of why this is useful.
357unsafeHeadM :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => v a -> m a
358{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeHeadM #-}
359unsafeHeadM v = unsafeIndexM v 0
361-- | /O(1)/ Last element in a monad without checking for empty vectors.
362-- See 'indexM' for an explanation of why this is useful.
363unsafeLastM :: (Vector v a, Monad m) => v a -> m a
364{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeLastM #-}
365unsafeLastM v = unsafeIndexM v (length v - 1)
367{-# RULES
369"indexM/unstream [Vector]" forall s i.
370  indexM (new (New.unstream s)) i = lift s MBundle.!! i
372"headM/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
373  headM (new (New.unstream s)) = MBundle.head (lift s)
375"lastM/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
376  lastM (new (New.unstream s)) = MBundle.last (lift s)
378"unsafeIndexM/unstream [Vector]" forall s i.
379  unsafeIndexM (new (New.unstream s)) i = lift s MBundle.!! i
381"unsafeHeadM/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
382  unsafeHeadM (new (New.unstream s)) = MBundle.head (lift s)
384"unsafeLastM/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
385  unsafeLastM (new (New.unstream s)) = MBundle.last (lift s)   #-}
389-- Extracting subvectors (slicing)
390-- -------------------------------
392-- | /O(1)/ Yield a slice of the vector without copying it. The vector must
393-- contain at least @i+n@ elements.
394slice :: Vector v a => Int   -- ^ @i@ starting index
395                    -> Int   -- ^ @n@ length
396                    -> v a
397                    -> v a
398{-# INLINE_FUSED slice #-}
399slice i n v = BOUNDS_CHECK(checkSlice) "slice" i n (length v)
400            $ basicUnsafeSlice i n v
402-- | /O(1)/ Yield all but the last element without copying. The vector may not
403-- be empty.
404init :: Vector v a => v a -> v a
405{-# INLINE_FUSED init #-}
406init v = slice 0 (length v - 1) v
408-- | /O(1)/ Yield all but the first element without copying. The vector may not
409-- be empty.
410tail :: Vector v a => v a -> v a
411{-# INLINE_FUSED tail #-}
412tail v = slice 1 (length v - 1) v
414-- | /O(1)/ Yield the first @n@ elements without copying. The vector may
415-- contain less than @n@ elements in which case it is returned unchanged.
416take :: Vector v a => Int -> v a -> v a
417{-# INLINE_FUSED take #-}
418take n v = unsafeSlice 0 (delay_inline min n' (length v)) v
419  where n' = max n 0
421-- | /O(1)/ Yield all but the first @n@ elements without copying. The vector may
422-- contain less than @n@ elements in which case an empty vector is returned.
423drop :: Vector v a => Int -> v a -> v a
424{-# INLINE_FUSED drop #-}
425drop n v = unsafeSlice (delay_inline min n' len)
426                       (delay_inline max 0 (len - n')) v
427  where n' = max n 0
428        len = length v
430-- | /O(1)/ Yield the first @n@ elements paired with the remainder without copying.
432-- Note that @'splitAt' n v@ is equivalent to @('take' n v, 'drop' n v)@
433-- but slightly more efficient.
434{-# INLINE_FUSED splitAt #-}
435splitAt :: Vector v a => Int -> v a -> (v a, v a)
436splitAt n v = ( unsafeSlice 0 m v
437              , unsafeSlice m (delay_inline max 0 (len - n')) v
438              )
439    where
440      m   = delay_inline min n' len
441      n'  = max n 0
442      len = length v
444-- | /O(1)/ Yield a slice of the vector without copying. The vector must
445-- contain at least @i+n@ elements but this is not checked.
446unsafeSlice :: Vector v a => Int   -- ^ @i@ starting index
447                          -> Int   -- ^ @n@ length
448                          -> v a
449                          -> v a
450{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeSlice #-}
451unsafeSlice i n v = UNSAFE_CHECK(checkSlice) "unsafeSlice" i n (length v)
452                  $ basicUnsafeSlice i n v
454-- | /O(1)/ Yield all but the last element without copying. The vector may not
455-- be empty but this is not checked.
456unsafeInit :: Vector v a => v a -> v a
457{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeInit #-}
458unsafeInit v = unsafeSlice 0 (length v - 1) v
460-- | /O(1)/ Yield all but the first element without copying. The vector may not
461-- be empty but this is not checked.
462unsafeTail :: Vector v a => v a -> v a
463{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeTail #-}
464unsafeTail v = unsafeSlice 1 (length v - 1) v
466-- | /O(1)/ Yield the first @n@ elements without copying. The vector must
467-- contain at least @n@ elements but this is not checked.
468unsafeTake :: Vector v a => Int -> v a -> v a
469{-# INLINE unsafeTake #-}
470unsafeTake n v = unsafeSlice 0 n v
472-- | /O(1)/ Yield all but the first @n@ elements without copying. The vector
473-- must contain at least @n@ elements but this is not checked.
474unsafeDrop :: Vector v a => Int -> v a -> v a
475{-# INLINE unsafeDrop #-}
476unsafeDrop n v = unsafeSlice n (length v - n) v
479-- Turned off due to: https://github.com/haskell/vector/issues/257
480-- "slice/new [Vector]" forall i n p.
481--   slice i n (new p) = new (New.slice i n p)
483{-# RULES
485"init/new [Vector]" forall p.
486  init (new p) = new (New.init p)
488"tail/new [Vector]" forall p.
489  tail (new p) = new (New.tail p)
491"take/new [Vector]" forall n p.
492  take n (new p) = new (New.take n p)
494"drop/new [Vector]" forall n p.
495  drop n (new p) = new (New.drop n p)
497"unsafeSlice/new [Vector]" forall i n p.
498  unsafeSlice i n (new p) = new (New.unsafeSlice i n p)
500"unsafeInit/new [Vector]" forall p.
501  unsafeInit (new p) = new (New.unsafeInit p)
503"unsafeTail/new [Vector]" forall p.
504  unsafeTail (new p) = new (New.unsafeTail p)   #-}
508-- Initialisation
509-- --------------
511-- | /O(1)/ Empty vector
512empty :: Vector v a => v a
513{-# INLINE empty #-}
514empty = unstream Bundle.empty
516-- | /O(1)/ Vector with exactly one element
517singleton :: forall v a. Vector v a => a -> v a
518{-# INLINE singleton #-}
519singleton x = elemseq (undefined :: v a) x
520            $ unstream (Bundle.singleton x)
522-- | /O(n)/ Vector of the given length with the same value in each position
523replicate :: forall v a. Vector v a => Int -> a -> v a
524{-# INLINE replicate #-}
525replicate n x = elemseq (undefined :: v a) x
526              $ unstream
527              $ Bundle.replicate n x
529-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector of the given length by applying the function to
530-- each index
531generate :: Vector v a => Int -> (Int -> a) -> v a
532{-# INLINE generate #-}
533generate n f = unstream (Bundle.generate n f)
535-- | /O(n)/ Apply function n times to value. Zeroth element is original value.
536iterateN :: Vector v a => Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> v a
537{-# INLINE iterateN #-}
538iterateN n f x = unstream (Bundle.iterateN n f x)
540-- Unfolding
541-- ---------
543-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector by repeatedly applying the generator function
544-- to a seed. The generator function yields 'Just' the next element and the
545-- new seed or 'Nothing' if there are no more elements.
547-- > unfoldr (\n -> if n == 0 then Nothing else Just (n,n-1)) 10
548-- >  = <10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1>
549unfoldr :: Vector v a => (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> v a
550{-# INLINE unfoldr #-}
551unfoldr f = unstream . Bundle.unfoldr f
553-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector with at most @n@ elements by repeatedly applying
554-- the generator function to a seed. The generator function yields 'Just' the
555-- next element and the new seed or 'Nothing' if there are no more elements.
557-- > unfoldrN 3 (\n -> Just (n,n-1)) 10 = <10,9,8>
558unfoldrN  :: Vector v a => Int -> (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> v a
559{-# INLINE unfoldrN #-}
560unfoldrN n f = unstream . Bundle.unfoldrN n f
562-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector by repeatedly applying the monadic
563-- generator function to a seed. The generator function yields 'Just'
564-- the next element and the new seed or 'Nothing' if there are no more
565-- elements.
566unfoldrM :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (b -> m (Maybe (a, b))) -> b -> m (v a)
567{-# INLINE unfoldrM #-}
568unfoldrM f = unstreamM . MBundle.unfoldrM f
570-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector by repeatedly applying the monadic
571-- generator function to a seed. The generator function yields 'Just'
572-- the next element and the new seed or 'Nothing' if there are no more
573-- elements.
574unfoldrNM :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => Int -> (b -> m (Maybe (a, b))) -> b -> m (v a)
575{-# INLINE unfoldrNM #-}
576unfoldrNM n f = unstreamM . MBundle.unfoldrNM n f
578-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector with @n@ elements by repeatedly applying the
579-- generator function to the already constructed part of the vector.
581-- > constructN 3 f = let a = f <> ; b = f <a> ; c = f <a,b> in <a,b,c>
583constructN :: forall v a. Vector v a => Int -> (v a -> a) -> v a
584{-# INLINE constructN #-}
585-- NOTE: We *CANNOT* wrap this in New and then fuse because the elements
586-- might contain references to the immutable vector!
587constructN !n f = runST (
588  do
589    v  <- M.new n
590    v' <- unsafeFreeze v
591    fill v' 0
592  )
593  where
594    fill :: forall s. v a -> Int -> ST s (v a)
595    fill !v i | i < n = let x = f (unsafeTake i v)
596                        in
597                        elemseq v x $
598                        do
599                          v'  <- unsafeThaw v
600                          M.unsafeWrite v' i x
601                          v'' <- unsafeFreeze v'
602                          fill v'' (i+1)
604    fill v _ = return v
606-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector with @n@ elements from right to left by
607-- repeatedly applying the generator function to the already constructed part
608-- of the vector.
610-- > constructrN 3 f = let a = f <> ; b = f<a> ; c = f <b,a> in <c,b,a>
612constructrN :: forall v a. Vector v a => Int -> (v a -> a) -> v a
613{-# INLINE constructrN #-}
614-- NOTE: We *CANNOT* wrap this in New and then fuse because the elements
615-- might contain references to the immutable vector!
616constructrN !n f = runST (
617  do
618    v  <- n `seq` M.new n
619    v' <- unsafeFreeze v
620    fill v' 0
621  )
622  where
623    fill :: forall s. v a -> Int -> ST s (v a)
624    fill !v i | i < n = let x = f (unsafeSlice (n-i) i v)
625                        in
626                        elemseq v x $
627                        do
628                          v'  <- unsafeThaw v
629                          M.unsafeWrite v' (n-i-1) x
630                          v'' <- unsafeFreeze v'
631                          fill v'' (i+1)
633    fill v _ = return v
636-- Enumeration
637-- -----------
639-- | /O(n)/ Yield a vector of the given length containing the values @x@, @x+1@
640-- etc. This operation is usually more efficient than 'enumFromTo'.
642-- > enumFromN 5 3 = <5,6,7>
643enumFromN :: (Vector v a, Num a) => a -> Int -> v a
644{-# INLINE enumFromN #-}
645enumFromN x n = enumFromStepN x 1 n
647-- | /O(n)/ Yield a vector of the given length containing the values @x@, @x+y@,
648-- @x+y+y@ etc. This operations is usually more efficient than 'enumFromThenTo'.
650-- > enumFromStepN 1 0.1 5 = <1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4>
651enumFromStepN :: forall v a. (Vector v a, Num a) => a -> a -> Int -> v a
652{-# INLINE enumFromStepN #-}
653enumFromStepN x y n = elemseq (undefined :: v a) x
654                    $ elemseq (undefined :: v a) y
655                    $ unstream
656                    $ Bundle.enumFromStepN  x y n
658-- | /O(n)/ Enumerate values from @x@ to @y@.
660-- /WARNING:/ This operation can be very inefficient. If at all possible, use
661-- 'enumFromN' instead.
662enumFromTo :: (Vector v a, Enum a) => a -> a -> v a
663{-# INLINE enumFromTo #-}
664enumFromTo x y = unstream (Bundle.enumFromTo x y)
666-- | /O(n)/ Enumerate values from @x@ to @y@ with a specific step @z@.
668-- /WARNING:/ This operation can be very inefficient. If at all possible, use
669-- 'enumFromStepN' instead.
670enumFromThenTo :: (Vector v a, Enum a) => a -> a -> a -> v a
671{-# INLINE enumFromThenTo #-}
672enumFromThenTo x y z = unstream (Bundle.enumFromThenTo x y z)
674-- Concatenation
675-- -------------
677-- | /O(n)/ Prepend an element
678cons :: forall v a. Vector v a => a -> v a -> v a
679{-# INLINE cons #-}
680cons x v = elemseq (undefined :: v a) x
681         $ unstream
682         $ Bundle.cons x
683         $ stream v
685-- | /O(n)/ Append an element
686snoc :: forall v a. Vector v a => v a -> a -> v a
687{-# INLINE snoc #-}
688snoc v x = elemseq (undefined :: v a) x
689         $ unstream
690         $ Bundle.snoc (stream v) x
692infixr 5 ++
693-- | /O(m+n)/ Concatenate two vectors
694(++) :: Vector v a => v a -> v a -> v a
695{-# INLINE (++) #-}
696v ++ w = unstream (stream v Bundle.++ stream w)
698-- | /O(n)/ Concatenate all vectors in the list
699concat :: Vector v a => [v a] -> v a
700{-# INLINE concat #-}
701concat = unstream . Bundle.fromVectors
703concat vs = unstream (Bundle.flatten mk step (Exact n) (Bundle.fromList vs))
704  where
705    n = List.foldl' (\k v -> k + length v) 0 vs
707    {-# INLINE_INNER step #-}
708    step (v,i,k)
709      | i < k = case unsafeIndexM v i of
710                  Box x -> Bundle.Yield x (v,i+1,k)
711      | otherwise = Bundle.Done
713    {-# INLINE mk #-}
714    mk v = let k = length v
715           in
716           k `seq` (v,0,k)
719-- | /O(n)/ Concatenate all vectors in the non-empty list
720concatNE :: Vector v a => NonEmpty.NonEmpty (v a) -> v a
721concatNE = concat . NonEmpty.toList
723-- Monadic initialisation
724-- ----------------------
726-- | /O(n)/ Execute the monadic action the given number of times and store the
727-- results in a vector.
728replicateM :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => Int -> m a -> m (v a)
729{-# INLINE replicateM #-}
730replicateM n m = unstreamM (MBundle.replicateM n m)
732-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector of the given length by applying the monadic
733-- action to each index
734generateM :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => Int -> (Int -> m a) -> m (v a)
735{-# INLINE generateM #-}
736generateM n f = unstreamM (MBundle.generateM n f)
738-- | /O(n)/ Apply monadic function n times to value. Zeroth element is original value.
739iterateNM :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => Int -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m (v a)
740{-# INLINE iterateNM #-}
741iterateNM n f x = unstreamM (MBundle.iterateNM n f x)
743-- | Execute the monadic action and freeze the resulting vector.
745-- @
746-- create (do { v \<- 'M.new' 2; 'M.write' v 0 \'a\'; 'M.write' v 1 \'b\'; return v }) = \<'a','b'\>
747-- @
748create :: Vector v a => (forall s. ST s (Mutable v s a)) -> v a
749{-# INLINE create #-}
750create p = new (New.create p)
752-- | Execute the monadic action and freeze the resulting vectors.
754  :: (T.Traversable f, Vector v a)
755  => (forall s. ST s (f (Mutable v s a))) -> f (v a)
756{-# INLINE createT #-}
757createT p = runST (p >>= T.mapM unsafeFreeze)
759-- Restricting memory usage
760-- ------------------------
762-- | /O(n)/ Yield the argument but force it not to retain any extra memory,
763-- possibly by copying it.
765-- This is especially useful when dealing with slices. For example:
767-- > force (slice 0 2 <huge vector>)
769-- Here, the slice retains a reference to the huge vector. Forcing it creates
770-- a copy of just the elements that belong to the slice and allows the huge
771-- vector to be garbage collected.
772force :: Vector v a => v a -> v a
773-- FIXME: we probably ought to inline this later as the rules still might fire
774-- otherwise
775{-# INLINE_FUSED force #-}
776force v = new (clone v)
778-- Bulk updates
779-- ------------
781-- | /O(m+n)/ For each pair @(i,a)@ from the list, replace the vector
782-- element at position @i@ by @a@.
784-- > <5,9,2,7> // [(2,1),(0,3),(2,8)] = <3,9,8,7>
786(//) :: Vector v a => v a        -- ^ initial vector (of length @m@)
787                   -> [(Int, a)] -- ^ list of index/value pairs (of length @n@)
788                   -> v a
789{-# INLINE (//) #-}
790v // us = update_stream v (Bundle.fromList us)
792-- | /O(m+n)/ For each pair @(i,a)@ from the vector of index/value pairs,
793-- replace the vector element at position @i@ by @a@.
795-- > update <5,9,2,7> <(2,1),(0,3),(2,8)> = <3,9,8,7>
797update :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, a))
798        => v a        -- ^ initial vector (of length @m@)
799        -> v (Int, a) -- ^ vector of index/value pairs (of length @n@)
800        -> v a
801{-# INLINE update #-}
802update v w = update_stream v (stream w)
804-- | /O(m+min(n1,n2))/ For each index @i@ from the index vector and the
805-- corresponding value @a@ from the value vector, replace the element of the
806-- initial vector at position @i@ by @a@.
808-- > update_ <5,9,2,7>  <2,0,2> <1,3,8> = <3,9,8,7>
810-- This function is useful for instances of 'Vector' that cannot store pairs.
811-- Otherwise, 'update' is probably more convenient.
813-- @
814-- update_ xs is ys = 'update' xs ('zip' is ys)
815-- @
816update_ :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int)
817        => v a   -- ^ initial vector (of length @m@)
818        -> v Int -- ^ index vector (of length @n1@)
819        -> v a   -- ^ value vector (of length @n2@)
820        -> v a
821{-# INLINE update_ #-}
822update_ v is w = update_stream v (Bundle.zipWith (,) (stream is) (stream w))
824update_stream :: Vector v a => v a -> Bundle u (Int,a) -> v a
825{-# INLINE update_stream #-}
826update_stream = modifyWithBundle M.update
828-- | Same as ('//') but without bounds checking.
829unsafeUpd :: Vector v a => v a -> [(Int, a)] -> v a
830{-# INLINE unsafeUpd #-}
831unsafeUpd v us = unsafeUpdate_stream v (Bundle.fromList us)
833-- | Same as 'update' but without bounds checking.
834unsafeUpdate :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, a)) => v a -> v (Int, a) -> v a
835{-# INLINE unsafeUpdate #-}
836unsafeUpdate v w = unsafeUpdate_stream v (stream w)
838-- | Same as 'update_' but without bounds checking.
839unsafeUpdate_ :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) => v a -> v Int -> v a -> v a
840{-# INLINE unsafeUpdate_ #-}
841unsafeUpdate_ v is w
842  = unsafeUpdate_stream v (Bundle.zipWith (,) (stream is) (stream w))
844unsafeUpdate_stream :: Vector v a => v a -> Bundle u (Int,a) -> v a
845{-# INLINE unsafeUpdate_stream #-}
846unsafeUpdate_stream = modifyWithBundle M.unsafeUpdate
848-- Accumulations
849-- -------------
851-- | /O(m+n)/ For each pair @(i,b)@ from the list, replace the vector element
852-- @a@ at position @i@ by @f a b@.
854-- > accum (+) <5,9,2> [(2,4),(1,6),(0,3),(1,7)] = <5+3, 9+6+7, 2+4>
855accum :: Vector v a
856      => (a -> b -> a) -- ^ accumulating function @f@
857      -> v a           -- ^ initial vector (of length @m@)
858      -> [(Int,b)]     -- ^ list of index/value pairs (of length @n@)
859      -> v a
860{-# INLINE accum #-}
861accum f v us = accum_stream f v (Bundle.fromList us)
863-- | /O(m+n)/ For each pair @(i,b)@ from the vector of pairs, replace the vector
864-- element @a@ at position @i@ by @f a b@.
866-- > accumulate (+) <5,9,2> <(2,4),(1,6),(0,3),(1,7)> = <5+3, 9+6+7, 2+4>
867accumulate :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, b))
868           => (a -> b -> a) -- ^ accumulating function @f@
869           -> v a           -- ^ initial vector (of length @m@)
870           -> v (Int,b)     -- ^ vector of index/value pairs (of length @n@)
871           -> v a
872{-# INLINE accumulate #-}
873accumulate f v us = accum_stream f v (stream us)
875-- | /O(m+min(n1,n2))/ For each index @i@ from the index vector and the
876-- corresponding value @b@ from the the value vector,
877-- replace the element of the initial vector at
878-- position @i@ by @f a b@.
880-- > accumulate_ (+) <5,9,2> <2,1,0,1> <4,6,3,7> = <5+3, 9+6+7, 2+4>
882-- This function is useful for instances of 'Vector' that cannot store pairs.
883-- Otherwise, 'accumulate' is probably more convenient:
885-- @
886-- accumulate_ f as is bs = 'accumulate' f as ('zip' is bs)
887-- @
888accumulate_ :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Vector v b)
889                => (a -> b -> a) -- ^ accumulating function @f@
890                -> v a           -- ^ initial vector (of length @m@)
891                -> v Int         -- ^ index vector (of length @n1@)
892                -> v b           -- ^ value vector (of length @n2@)
893                -> v a
894{-# INLINE accumulate_ #-}
895accumulate_ f v is xs = accum_stream f v (Bundle.zipWith (,) (stream is)
896                                                             (stream xs))
899accum_stream :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> a) -> v a -> Bundle u (Int,b) -> v a
900{-# INLINE accum_stream #-}
901accum_stream f = modifyWithBundle (M.accum f)
903-- | Same as 'accum' but without bounds checking.
904unsafeAccum :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> a) -> v a -> [(Int,b)] -> v a
905{-# INLINE unsafeAccum #-}
906unsafeAccum f v us = unsafeAccum_stream f v (Bundle.fromList us)
908-- | Same as 'accumulate' but without bounds checking.
909unsafeAccumulate :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int, b))
910                => (a -> b -> a) -> v a -> v (Int,b) -> v a
911{-# INLINE unsafeAccumulate #-}
912unsafeAccumulate f v us = unsafeAccum_stream f v (stream us)
914-- | Same as 'accumulate_' but without bounds checking.
915unsafeAccumulate_ :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Vector v b)
916                => (a -> b -> a) -> v a -> v Int -> v b -> v a
917{-# INLINE unsafeAccumulate_ #-}
918unsafeAccumulate_ f v is xs
919  = unsafeAccum_stream f v (Bundle.zipWith (,) (stream is) (stream xs))
922  :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> a) -> v a -> Bundle u (Int,b) -> v a
923{-# INLINE unsafeAccum_stream #-}
924unsafeAccum_stream f = modifyWithBundle (M.unsafeAccum f)
926-- Permutations
927-- ------------
929-- | /O(n)/ Reverse a vector
930reverse :: (Vector v a) => v a -> v a
931{-# INLINE reverse #-}
932-- FIXME: make this fuse better, add support for recycling
933reverse = unstream . streamR
935-- | /O(n)/ Yield the vector obtained by replacing each element @i@ of the
936-- index vector by @xs'!'i@. This is equivalent to @'map' (xs'!') is@ but is
937-- often much more efficient.
939-- > backpermute <a,b,c,d> <0,3,2,3,1,0> = <a,d,c,d,b,a>
940backpermute :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int)
941            => v a   -- ^ @xs@ value vector
942            -> v Int -- ^ @is@ index vector (of length @n@)
943            -> v a
944{-# INLINE backpermute #-}
945-- This somewhat non-intuitive definition ensures that the resulting vector
946-- does not retain references to the original one even if it is lazy in its
947-- elements. This would not be the case if we simply used map (v!)
948backpermute v is = seq v
949                 $ seq n
950                 $ unstream
951                 $ Bundle.unbox
952                 $ Bundle.map index
953                 $ stream is
954  where
955    n = length v
957    {-# INLINE index #-}
958    -- NOTE: we do it this way to avoid triggering LiberateCase on n in
959    -- polymorphic code
960    index i = BOUNDS_CHECK(checkIndex) "backpermute" i n
961            $ basicUnsafeIndexM v i
963-- | Same as 'backpermute' but without bounds checking.
964unsafeBackpermute :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) => v a -> v Int -> v a
965{-# INLINE unsafeBackpermute #-}
966unsafeBackpermute v is = seq v
967                       $ seq n
968                       $ unstream
969                       $ Bundle.unbox
970                       $ Bundle.map index
971                       $ stream is
972  where
973    n = length v
975    {-# INLINE index #-}
976    -- NOTE: we do it this way to avoid triggering LiberateCase on n in
977    -- polymorphic code
978    index i = UNSAFE_CHECK(checkIndex) "unsafeBackpermute" i n
979            $ basicUnsafeIndexM v i
981-- Safe destructive updates
982-- ------------------------
984-- | Apply a destructive operation to a vector. The operation will be
985-- performed in place if it is safe to do so and will modify a copy of the
986-- vector otherwise.
988-- @
989-- modify (\\v -> 'M.write' v 0 \'x\') ('replicate' 3 \'a\') = \<\'x\',\'a\',\'a\'\>
990-- @
991modify :: Vector v a => (forall s. Mutable v s a -> ST s ()) -> v a -> v a
992{-# INLINE modify #-}
993modify p = new . New.modify p . clone
995-- We have to make sure that this is strict in the stream but we can't seq on
996-- it while fusion is happening. Hence this ugliness.
997modifyWithBundle :: Vector v a
998                 => (forall s. Mutable v s a -> Bundle u b -> ST s ())
999                 -> v a -> Bundle u b -> v a
1000{-# INLINE modifyWithBundle #-}
1001modifyWithBundle p v s = new (New.modifyWithBundle p (clone v) s)
1003-- Indexing
1004-- --------
1006-- | /O(n)/ Pair each element in a vector with its index
1007indexed :: (Vector v a, Vector v (Int,a)) => v a -> v (Int,a)
1008{-# INLINE indexed #-}
1009indexed = unstream . Bundle.indexed . stream
1011-- Mapping
1012-- -------
1014-- | /O(n)/ Map a function over a vector
1015map :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b) -> v a -> v b
1016{-# INLINE map #-}
1017map f = unstream . inplace (S.map f) id . stream
1019-- | /O(n)/ Apply a function to every element of a vector and its index
1020imap :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Int -> a -> b) -> v a -> v b
1021{-# INLINE imap #-}
1022imap f = unstream . inplace (S.map (uncurry f) . S.indexed) id
1023                  . stream
1025-- | Map a function over a vector and concatenate the results.
1026concatMap :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> v b) -> v a -> v b
1027{-# INLINE concatMap #-}
1028-- NOTE: We can't fuse concatMap anyway so don't pretend we do.
1029-- This seems to be slightly slower
1030-- concatMap f = concat . Bundle.toList . Bundle.map f . stream
1032-- Slowest
1033-- concatMap f = unstream . Bundle.concatMap (stream . f) . stream
1035-- Used to be fastest
1037concatMap f = unstream
1038            . Bundle.flatten mk step Unknown
1039            . stream
1040  where
1041    {-# INLINE_INNER step #-}
1042    step (v,i,k)
1043      | i < k = case unsafeIndexM v i of
1044                  Box x -> Bundle.Yield x (v,i+1,k)
1045      | otherwise = Bundle.Done
1047    {-# INLINE mk #-}
1048    mk x = let v = f x
1049               k = length v
1050           in
1051           k `seq` (v,0,k)
1054-- This seems to be fastest now
1055concatMap f = unstream
1056            . Bundle.concatVectors
1057            . Bundle.map f
1058            . stream
1060-- Monadic mapping
1061-- ---------------
1063-- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to all elements of the vector, yielding a
1064-- vector of results
1065mapM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> m b) -> v a -> m (v b)
1066{-# INLINE mapM #-}
1067mapM f = unstreamM . Bundle.mapM f . stream
1069-- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to every element of a vector and its
1070-- index, yielding a vector of results
1071imapM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b)
1072      => (Int -> a -> m b) -> v a -> m (v b)
1073imapM f = unstreamM . Bundle.mapM (uncurry f) . Bundle.indexed . stream
1075-- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to all elements of a vector and ignore the
1076-- results
1077mapM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> m b) -> v a -> m ()
1078{-# INLINE mapM_ #-}
1079mapM_ f = Bundle.mapM_ f . stream
1081-- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to every element of a vector and its
1082-- index, ignoring the results
1083imapM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (Int -> a -> m b) -> v a -> m ()
1084{-# INLINE imapM_ #-}
1085imapM_ f = Bundle.mapM_ (uncurry f) . Bundle.indexed . stream
1087-- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to all elements of the vector, yielding a
1088-- vector of results. Equivalent to @flip 'mapM'@.
1089forM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b) => v a -> (a -> m b) -> m (v b)
1090{-# INLINE forM #-}
1091forM as f = mapM f as
1093-- | /O(n)/ Apply the monadic action to all elements of a vector and ignore the
1094-- results. Equivalent to @flip 'mapM_'@.
1095forM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => v a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
1096{-# INLINE forM_ #-}
1097forM_ as f = mapM_ f as
1099-- Zipping
1100-- -------
1102-- | /O(min(m,n))/ Zip two vectors with the given function.
1103zipWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c)
1104        => (a -> b -> c) -> v a -> v b -> v c
1105{-# INLINE zipWith #-}
1106zipWith f = \xs ys -> unstream (Bundle.zipWith f (stream xs) (stream ys))
1108-- | Zip three vectors with the given function.
1109zipWith3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d)
1110         => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> v a -> v b -> v c -> v d
1111{-# INLINE zipWith3 #-}
1112zipWith3 f = \as bs cs -> unstream (Bundle.zipWith3 f (stream as)
1113                                                  (stream bs)
1114                                                  (stream cs))
1116zipWith4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e)
1117         => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> v a -> v b -> v c -> v d -> v e
1118{-# INLINE zipWith4 #-}
1119zipWith4 f = \as bs cs ds ->
1120    unstream (Bundle.zipWith4 f (stream as)
1121                                (stream bs)
1122                                (stream cs)
1123                                (stream ds))
1125zipWith5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e,
1126             Vector v f)
1127         => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> v a -> v b -> v c -> v d -> v e
1128                                         -> v f
1129{-# INLINE zipWith5 #-}
1130zipWith5 f = \as bs cs ds es ->
1131    unstream (Bundle.zipWith5 f (stream as)
1132                                (stream bs)
1133                                (stream cs)
1134                                (stream ds)
1135                                (stream es))
1137zipWith6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e,
1138             Vector v f, Vector v g)
1139         => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g)
1140         -> v a -> v b -> v c -> v d -> v e -> v f -> v g
1141{-# INLINE zipWith6 #-}
1142zipWith6 f = \as bs cs ds es fs ->
1143    unstream (Bundle.zipWith6 f (stream as)
1144                                (stream bs)
1145                                (stream cs)
1146                                (stream ds)
1147                                (stream es)
1148                                (stream fs))
1150-- | /O(min(m,n))/ Zip two vectors with a function that also takes the
1151-- elements' indices.
1152izipWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c)
1153        => (Int -> a -> b -> c) -> v a -> v b -> v c
1154{-# INLINE izipWith #-}
1155izipWith f = \xs ys ->
1156    unstream (Bundle.zipWith (uncurry f) (Bundle.indexed (stream xs))
1157                                                         (stream ys))
1159izipWith3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d)
1160         => (Int -> a -> b -> c -> d) -> v a -> v b -> v c -> v d
1161{-# INLINE izipWith3 #-}
1162izipWith3 f = \as bs cs ->
1163    unstream (Bundle.zipWith3 (uncurry f) (Bundle.indexed (stream as))
1164                                                          (stream bs)
1165                                                          (stream cs))
1167izipWith4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e)
1168         => (Int -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> v a -> v b -> v c -> v d -> v e
1169{-# INLINE izipWith4 #-}
1170izipWith4 f = \as bs cs ds ->
1171    unstream (Bundle.zipWith4 (uncurry f) (Bundle.indexed (stream as))
1172                                                          (stream bs)
1173                                                          (stream cs)
1174                                                          (stream ds))
1176izipWith5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e,
1177             Vector v f)
1178         => (Int -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> v a -> v b -> v c -> v d
1179                                                -> v e -> v f
1180{-# INLINE izipWith5 #-}
1181izipWith5 f = \as bs cs ds es ->
1182    unstream (Bundle.zipWith5 (uncurry f) (Bundle.indexed (stream as))
1183                                                          (stream bs)
1184                                                          (stream cs)
1185                                                          (stream ds)
1186                                                          (stream es))
1188izipWith6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e,
1189             Vector v f, Vector v g)
1190         => (Int -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g)
1191         -> v a -> v b -> v c -> v d -> v e -> v f -> v g
1192{-# INLINE izipWith6 #-}
1193izipWith6 f = \as bs cs ds es fs ->
1194    unstream (Bundle.zipWith6 (uncurry f) (Bundle.indexed (stream as))
1195                                                          (stream bs)
1196                                                          (stream cs)
1197                                                          (stream ds)
1198                                                          (stream es)
1199                                                          (stream fs))
1201-- | /O(min(m,n))/ Zip two vectors
1202zip :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v (a,b)) => v a -> v b -> v (a, b)
1203{-# INLINE zip #-}
1204zip = zipWith (,)
1206zip3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v (a, b, c))
1207     => v a -> v b -> v c -> v (a, b, c)
1208{-# INLINE zip3 #-}
1209zip3 = zipWith3 (,,)
1211zip4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v (a, b, c, d))
1212     => v a -> v b -> v c -> v d -> v (a, b, c, d)
1213{-# INLINE zip4 #-}
1214zip4 = zipWith4 (,,,)
1216zip5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e,
1217         Vector v (a, b, c, d, e))
1218     => v a -> v b -> v c -> v d -> v e -> v (a, b, c, d, e)
1219{-# INLINE zip5 #-}
1220zip5 = zipWith5 (,,,,)
1222zip6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e,
1223         Vector v f, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e, f))
1224     => v a -> v b -> v c -> v d -> v e -> v f -> v (a, b, c, d, e, f)
1225{-# INLINE zip6 #-}
1226zip6 = zipWith6 (,,,,,)
1228-- Monadic zipping
1229-- ---------------
1231-- | /O(min(m,n))/ Zip the two vectors with the monadic action and yield a
1232-- vector of results
1233zipWithM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c)
1234         => (a -> b -> m c) -> v a -> v b -> m (v c)
1235-- FIXME: specialise for ST and IO?
1236{-# INLINE zipWithM #-}
1237zipWithM f = \as bs -> unstreamM $ Bundle.zipWithM f (stream as) (stream bs)
1239-- | /O(min(m,n))/ Zip the two vectors with a monadic action that also takes
1240-- the element index and yield a vector of results
1241izipWithM :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c)
1242         => (Int -> a -> b -> m c) -> v a -> v b -> m (v c)
1243{-# INLINE izipWithM #-}
1244izipWithM m as bs = unstreamM . Bundle.zipWithM (uncurry m)
1245                                (Bundle.indexed (stream as))
1246                                $ stream bs
1248-- | /O(min(m,n))/ Zip the two vectors with the monadic action and ignore the
1249-- results
1250zipWithM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b)
1251          => (a -> b -> m c) -> v a -> v b -> m ()
1252{-# INLINE zipWithM_ #-}
1253zipWithM_ f = \as bs -> Bundle.zipWithM_ f (stream as) (stream bs)
1255-- | /O(min(m,n))/ Zip the two vectors with a monadic action that also takes
1256-- the element index and ignore the results
1257izipWithM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v b)
1258          => (Int -> a -> b -> m c) -> v a -> v b -> m ()
1259{-# INLINE izipWithM_ #-}
1260izipWithM_ m as bs = Bundle.zipWithM_ (uncurry m)
1261                      (Bundle.indexed (stream as))
1262                      $ stream bs
1264-- Unzipping
1265-- ---------
1267-- | /O(min(m,n))/ Unzip a vector of pairs.
1268unzip :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v (a,b)) => v (a, b) -> (v a, v b)
1269{-# INLINE unzip #-}
1270unzip xs = (map fst xs, map snd xs)
1272unzip3 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v (a, b, c))
1273       => v (a, b, c) -> (v a, v b, v c)
1274{-# INLINE unzip3 #-}
1275unzip3 xs = (map (\(a, _, _) -> a) xs,
1276             map (\(_, b, _) -> b) xs,
1277             map (\(_, _, c) -> c) xs)
1279unzip4 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d,
1280           Vector v (a, b, c, d))
1281       => v (a, b, c, d) -> (v a, v b, v c, v d)
1282{-# INLINE unzip4 #-}
1283unzip4 xs = (map (\(a, _, _, _) -> a) xs,
1284             map (\(_, b, _, _) -> b) xs,
1285             map (\(_, _, c, _) -> c) xs,
1286             map (\(_, _, _, d) -> d) xs)
1288unzip5 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e,
1289           Vector v (a, b, c, d, e))
1290       => v (a, b, c, d, e) -> (v a, v b, v c, v d, v e)
1291{-# INLINE unzip5 #-}
1292unzip5 xs = (map (\(a, _, _, _, _) -> a) xs,
1293             map (\(_, b, _, _, _) -> b) xs,
1294             map (\(_, _, c, _, _) -> c) xs,
1295             map (\(_, _, _, d, _) -> d) xs,
1296             map (\(_, _, _, _, e) -> e) xs)
1298unzip6 :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c, Vector v d, Vector v e,
1299           Vector v f, Vector v (a, b, c, d, e, f))
1300       => v (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (v a, v b, v c, v d, v e, v f)
1301{-# INLINE unzip6 #-}
1302unzip6 xs = (map (\(a, _, _, _, _, _) -> a) xs,
1303             map (\(_, b, _, _, _, _) -> b) xs,
1304             map (\(_, _, c, _, _, _) -> c) xs,
1305             map (\(_, _, _, d, _, _) -> d) xs,
1306             map (\(_, _, _, _, e, _) -> e) xs,
1307             map (\(_, _, _, _, _, f) -> f) xs)
1309-- Filtering
1310-- ---------
1312-- | /O(n)/ Drop elements that do not satisfy the predicate
1313filter :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> v a
1314{-# INLINE filter #-}
1315filter f = unstream . inplace (S.filter f) toMax . stream
1317-- | /O(n)/ Drop elements that do not satisfy the predicate which is applied to
1318-- values and their indices
1319ifilter :: Vector v a => (Int -> a -> Bool) -> v a -> v a
1320{-# INLINE ifilter #-}
1321ifilter f = unstream
1322          . inplace (S.map snd . S.filter (uncurry f) . S.indexed) toMax
1323          . stream
1325-- | /O(n)/ Drop repeated adjacent elements.
1326uniq :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> v a
1327{-# INLINE uniq #-}
1328uniq = unstream . inplace S.uniq toMax . stream
1330-- | /O(n)/ Drop elements when predicate returns Nothing
1331mapMaybe :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> Maybe b) -> v a -> v b
1332{-# INLINE mapMaybe #-}
1333mapMaybe f = unstream . inplace (S.mapMaybe f) toMax . stream
1335-- | /O(n)/ Drop elements when predicate, applied to index and value, returns Nothing
1336imapMaybe :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Int -> a -> Maybe b) -> v a -> v b
1337{-# INLINE imapMaybe #-}
1338imapMaybe f = unstream
1339          . inplace (S.mapMaybe (uncurry f) . S.indexed) toMax
1340          . stream
1343-- | /O(n)/ Drop elements that do not satisfy the monadic predicate
1344filterM :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> m Bool) -> v a -> m (v a)
1345{-# INLINE filterM #-}
1346filterM f = unstreamM . Bundle.filterM f . stream
1348-- | /O(n)/ Yield the longest prefix of elements satisfying the predicate
1349-- without copying.
1350takeWhile :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> v a
1351{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
1352takeWhile f = unstream . Bundle.takeWhile f . stream
1354-- | /O(n)/ Drop the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the predicate
1355-- without copying.
1356dropWhile :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> v a
1357{-# INLINE dropWhile #-}
1358dropWhile f = unstream . Bundle.dropWhile f . stream
1360-- Parititioning
1361-- -------------
1363-- | /O(n)/ Split the vector in two parts, the first one containing those
1364-- elements that satisfy the predicate and the second one those that don't. The
1365-- relative order of the elements is preserved at the cost of a sometimes
1366-- reduced performance compared to 'unstablePartition'.
1367partition :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> (v a, v a)
1368{-# INLINE partition #-}
1369partition f = partition_stream f . stream
1371-- FIXME: Make this inplace-fusible (look at how stable_partition is
1372-- implemented in C++)
1374partition_stream :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Bundle u a -> (v a, v a)
1375{-# INLINE_FUSED partition_stream #-}
1376partition_stream f s = s `seq` runST (
1377  do
1378    (mv1,mv2) <- M.partitionBundle f s
1379    v1 <- unsafeFreeze mv1
1380    v2 <- unsafeFreeze mv2
1381    return (v1,v2))
1383partitionWith :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (a -> Either b c) -> v a -> (v b, v c)
1384{-# INLINE partitionWith #-}
1385partitionWith f = partition_with_stream f . stream
1387partition_with_stream :: (Vector v a, Vector v b, Vector v c) => (a -> Either b c) -> Bundle u a -> (v b, v c)
1388{-# INLINE_FUSED partition_with_stream #-}
1389partition_with_stream f s = s `seq` runST (
1390  do
1391    (mv1,mv2) <- M.partitionWithBundle f s
1392    v1 <- unsafeFreeze mv1
1393    v2 <- unsafeFreeze mv2
1394    return (v1,v2))
1396-- | /O(n)/ Split the vector in two parts, the first one containing those
1397-- elements that satisfy the predicate and the second one those that don't.
1398-- The order of the elements is not preserved but the operation is often
1399-- faster than 'partition'.
1400unstablePartition :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> (v a, v a)
1401{-# INLINE unstablePartition #-}
1402unstablePartition f = unstablePartition_stream f . stream
1405  :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> Bundle u a -> (v a, v a)
1406{-# INLINE_FUSED unstablePartition_stream #-}
1407unstablePartition_stream f s = s `seq` runST (
1408  do
1409    (mv1,mv2) <- M.unstablePartitionBundle f s
1410    v1 <- unsafeFreeze mv1
1411    v2 <- unsafeFreeze mv2
1412    return (v1,v2))
1414unstablePartition_new :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> New v a -> (v a, v a)
1415{-# INLINE_FUSED unstablePartition_new #-}
1416unstablePartition_new f (New.New p) = runST (
1417  do
1418    mv <- p
1419    i <- M.unstablePartition f mv
1420    v <- unsafeFreeze mv
1421    return (unsafeTake i v, unsafeDrop i v))
1423{-# RULES
1425"unstablePartition" forall f p.
1426  unstablePartition_stream f (stream (new p))
1427    = unstablePartition_new f p   #-}
1432-- FIXME: make span and break fusible
1434-- | /O(n)/ Split the vector into the longest prefix of elements that satisfy
1435-- the predicate and the rest without copying.
1436span :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> (v a, v a)
1437{-# INLINE span #-}
1438span f = break (not . f)
1440-- | /O(n)/ Split the vector into the longest prefix of elements that do not
1441-- satisfy the predicate and the rest without copying.
1442break :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> (v a, v a)
1443{-# INLINE break #-}
1444break f xs = case findIndex f xs of
1445               Just i  -> (unsafeSlice 0 i xs, unsafeSlice i (length xs - i) xs)
1446               Nothing -> (xs, empty)
1449-- Searching
1450-- ---------
1452infix 4 `elem`
1453-- | /O(n)/ Check if the vector contains an element
1454elem :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => a -> v a -> Bool
1455{-# INLINE elem #-}
1456elem x = Bundle.elem x . stream
1458infix 4 `notElem`
1459-- | /O(n)/ Check if the vector does not contain an element (inverse of 'elem')
1460notElem :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => a -> v a -> Bool
1461{-# INLINE notElem #-}
1462notElem x = Bundle.notElem x . stream
1464-- | /O(n)/ Yield 'Just' the first element matching the predicate or 'Nothing'
1465-- if no such element exists.
1466find :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> Maybe a
1467{-# INLINE find #-}
1468find f = Bundle.find f . stream
1470-- | /O(n)/ Yield 'Just' the index of the first element matching the predicate
1471-- or 'Nothing' if no such element exists.
1472findIndex :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> Maybe Int
1473{-# INLINE findIndex #-}
1474findIndex f = Bundle.findIndex f . stream
1476-- | /O(n)/ Yield the indices of elements satisfying the predicate in ascending
1477-- order.
1478findIndices :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int) => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> v Int
1479{-# INLINE findIndices #-}
1480findIndices f = unstream
1481              . inplace (S.map fst . S.filter (f . snd) . S.indexed) toMax
1482              . stream
1484-- | /O(n)/ Yield 'Just' the index of the first occurence of the given element or
1485-- 'Nothing' if the vector does not contain the element. This is a specialised
1486-- version of 'findIndex'.
1487elemIndex :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => a -> v a -> Maybe Int
1488{-# INLINE elemIndex #-}
1489elemIndex x = findIndex (x==)
1491-- | /O(n)/ Yield the indices of all occurences of the given element in
1492-- ascending order. This is a specialised version of 'findIndices'.
1493elemIndices :: (Vector v a, Vector v Int, Eq a) => a -> v a -> v Int
1494{-# INLINE elemIndices #-}
1495elemIndices x = findIndices (x==)
1497-- Folding
1498-- -------
1500-- | /O(n)/ Left fold
1501foldl :: Vector v b => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> a
1502{-# INLINE foldl #-}
1503foldl f z = Bundle.foldl f z . stream
1505-- | /O(n)/ Left fold on non-empty vectors
1506foldl1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> v a -> a
1507{-# INLINE foldl1 #-}
1508foldl1 f = Bundle.foldl1 f . stream
1510-- | /O(n)/ Left fold with strict accumulator
1511foldl' :: Vector v b => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> a
1512{-# INLINE foldl' #-}
1513foldl' f z = Bundle.foldl' f z . stream
1515-- | /O(n)/ Left fold on non-empty vectors with strict accumulator
1516foldl1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> v a -> a
1517{-# INLINE foldl1' #-}
1518foldl1' f = Bundle.foldl1' f . stream
1520-- | /O(n)/ Right fold
1521foldr :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> b
1522{-# INLINE foldr #-}
1523foldr f z = Bundle.foldr f z . stream
1525-- | /O(n)/ Right fold on non-empty vectors
1526foldr1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> v a -> a
1527{-# INLINE foldr1 #-}
1528foldr1 f = Bundle.foldr1 f . stream
1530-- | /O(n)/ Right fold with a strict accumulator
1531foldr' :: Vector v a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> b
1532{-# INLINE foldr' #-}
1533foldr' f z = Bundle.foldl' (flip f) z . streamR
1535-- | /O(n)/ Right fold on non-empty vectors with strict accumulator
1536foldr1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> v a -> a
1537{-# INLINE foldr1' #-}
1538foldr1' f = Bundle.foldl1' (flip f) . streamR
1540-- | /O(n)/ Left fold (function applied to each element and its index)
1541ifoldl :: Vector v b => (a -> Int -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> a
1542{-# INLINE ifoldl #-}
1543ifoldl f z = Bundle.foldl (uncurry . f) z . Bundle.indexed . stream
1545-- | /O(n)/ Left fold with strict accumulator (function applied to each element
1546-- and its index)
1547ifoldl' :: Vector v b => (a -> Int -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> a
1548{-# INLINE ifoldl' #-}
1549ifoldl' f z = Bundle.foldl' (uncurry . f) z . Bundle.indexed . stream
1551-- | /O(n)/ Right fold (function applied to each element and its index)
1552ifoldr :: Vector v a => (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> b
1553{-# INLINE ifoldr #-}
1554ifoldr f z = Bundle.foldr (uncurry f) z . Bundle.indexed . stream
1556-- | /O(n)/ Right fold with strict accumulator (function applied to each
1557-- element and its index)
1558ifoldr' :: Vector v a => (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> b
1559{-# INLINE ifoldr' #-}
1560ifoldr' f z xs = Bundle.foldl' (flip (uncurry f)) z
1561               $ Bundle.indexedR (length xs) $ streamR xs
1563-- Specialised folds
1564-- -----------------
1566-- | /O(n)/ Check if all elements satisfy the predicate.
1567all :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> Bool
1568{-# INLINE all #-}
1569all f = Bundle.and . Bundle.map f . stream
1571-- | /O(n)/ Check if any element satisfies the predicate.
1572any :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> Bool
1573{-# INLINE any #-}
1574any f = Bundle.or . Bundle.map f . stream
1576-- | /O(n)/ Check if all elements are 'True'
1577and :: Vector v Bool => v Bool -> Bool
1578{-# INLINE and #-}
1579and = Bundle.and . stream
1581-- | /O(n)/ Check if any element is 'True'
1582or :: Vector v Bool => v Bool -> Bool
1583{-# INLINE or #-}
1584or = Bundle.or . stream
1586-- | /O(n)/ Compute the sum of the elements
1587sum :: (Vector v a, Num a) => v a -> a
1588{-# INLINE sum #-}
1589sum = Bundle.foldl' (+) 0 . stream
1591-- | /O(n)/ Compute the produce of the elements
1592product :: (Vector v a, Num a) => v a -> a
1593{-# INLINE product #-}
1594product = Bundle.foldl' (*) 1 . stream
1596-- | /O(n)/ Yield the maximum element of the vector. The vector may not be
1597-- empty.
1598maximum :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => v a -> a
1599{-# INLINE maximum #-}
1600maximum = Bundle.foldl1' max . stream
1602-- | /O(n)/ Yield the maximum element of the vector according to the given
1603-- comparison function. The vector may not be empty.
1604maximumBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> v a -> a
1605{-# INLINE maximumBy #-}
1606maximumBy cmpr = Bundle.foldl1' maxBy . stream
1607  where
1608    {-# INLINE maxBy #-}
1609    maxBy x y = case cmpr x y of
1610                  LT -> y
1611                  _  -> x
1613-- | /O(n)/ Yield the minimum element of the vector. The vector may not be
1614-- empty.
1615minimum :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => v a -> a
1616{-# INLINE minimum #-}
1617minimum = Bundle.foldl1' min . stream
1619-- | /O(n)/ Yield the minimum element of the vector according to the given
1620-- comparison function. The vector may not be empty.
1621minimumBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> v a -> a
1622{-# INLINE minimumBy #-}
1623minimumBy cmpr = Bundle.foldl1' minBy . stream
1624  where
1625    {-# INLINE minBy #-}
1626    minBy x y = case cmpr x y of
1627                  GT -> y
1628                  _  -> x
1630-- | /O(n)/ Yield the index of the maximum element of the vector. The vector
1631-- may not be empty.
1632maxIndex :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => v a -> Int
1633{-# INLINE maxIndex #-}
1634maxIndex = maxIndexBy compare
1636-- | /O(n)/ Yield the index of the maximum element of the vector according to
1637-- the given comparison function. The vector may not be empty.
1638maxIndexBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> v a -> Int
1639{-# INLINE maxIndexBy #-}
1640maxIndexBy cmpr = fst . Bundle.foldl1' imax . Bundle.indexed . stream
1641  where
1642    imax (i,x) (j,y) = i `seq` j `seq`
1643                       case cmpr x y of
1644                         LT -> (j,y)
1645                         _  -> (i,x)
1647-- | /O(n)/ Yield the index of the minimum element of the vector. The vector
1648-- may not be empty.
1649minIndex :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => v a -> Int
1650{-# INLINE minIndex #-}
1651minIndex = minIndexBy compare
1653-- | /O(n)/ Yield the index of the minimum element of the vector according to
1654-- the given comparison function. The vector may not be empty.
1655minIndexBy :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> v a -> Int
1656{-# INLINE minIndexBy #-}
1657minIndexBy cmpr = fst . Bundle.foldl1' imin . Bundle.indexed . stream
1658  where
1659    imin (i,x) (j,y) = i `seq` j `seq`
1660                       case cmpr x y of
1661                         GT -> (j,y)
1662                         _  -> (i,x)
1664-- Monadic folds
1665-- -------------
1667-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold
1668foldM :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> v b -> m a
1669{-# INLINE foldM #-}
1670foldM m z = Bundle.foldM m z . stream
1672-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold (action applied to each element and its index)
1673ifoldM :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Int -> b -> m a) -> a -> v b -> m a
1674{-# INLINE ifoldM #-}
1675ifoldM m z = Bundle.foldM (uncurry . m) z . Bundle.indexed . stream
1677-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold over non-empty vectors
1678fold1M :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> v a -> m a
1679{-# INLINE fold1M #-}
1680fold1M m = Bundle.fold1M m . stream
1682-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold with strict accumulator
1683foldM' :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> v b -> m a
1684{-# INLINE foldM' #-}
1685foldM' m z = Bundle.foldM' m z . stream
1687-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold with strict accumulator (action applied to each
1688-- element and its index)
1689ifoldM' :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Int -> b -> m a) -> a -> v b -> m a
1690{-# INLINE ifoldM' #-}
1691ifoldM' m z = Bundle.foldM' (uncurry . m) z . Bundle.indexed . stream
1693-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold over non-empty vectors with strict accumulator
1694fold1M' :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> v a -> m a
1695{-# INLINE fold1M' #-}
1696fold1M' m = Bundle.fold1M' m . stream
1698discard :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
1699{-# INLINE discard #-}
1700discard m = m >> return ()
1702-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold that discards the result
1703foldM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> v b -> m ()
1704{-# INLINE foldM_ #-}
1705foldM_ m z = discard . Bundle.foldM m z . stream
1707-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold that discards the result (action applied to
1708-- each element and its index)
1709ifoldM_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Int -> b -> m a) -> a -> v b -> m ()
1710{-# INLINE ifoldM_ #-}
1711ifoldM_ m z = discard . Bundle.foldM (uncurry . m) z . Bundle.indexed . stream
1713-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold over non-empty vectors that discards the result
1714fold1M_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> v a -> m ()
1715{-# INLINE fold1M_ #-}
1716fold1M_ m = discard . Bundle.fold1M m . stream
1718-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold with strict accumulator that discards the result
1719foldM'_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> v b -> m ()
1720{-# INLINE foldM'_ #-}
1721foldM'_ m z = discard . Bundle.foldM' m z . stream
1723-- | /O(n)/ Monadic fold with strict accumulator that discards the result
1724-- (action applied to each element and its index)
1725ifoldM'_ :: (Monad m, Vector v b) => (a -> Int -> b -> m a) -> a -> v b -> m ()
1726{-# INLINE ifoldM'_ #-}
1727ifoldM'_ m z = discard . Bundle.foldM' (uncurry . m) z . Bundle.indexed . stream
1729-- | /O(n)/ Monad fold over non-empty vectors with strict accumulator
1730-- that discards the result
1731fold1M'_ :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => (a -> a -> m a) -> v a -> m ()
1732{-# INLINE fold1M'_ #-}
1733fold1M'_ m = discard . Bundle.fold1M' m . stream
1735-- Monadic sequencing
1736-- ------------------
1738-- | Evaluate each action and collect the results
1739sequence :: (Monad m, Vector v a, Vector v (m a)) => v (m a) -> m (v a)
1740{-# INLINE sequence #-}
1741sequence = mapM id
1743-- | Evaluate each action and discard the results
1744sequence_ :: (Monad m, Vector v (m a)) => v (m a) -> m ()
1745{-# INLINE sequence_ #-}
1746sequence_ = mapM_ id
1748-- Prefix sums (scans)
1749-- -------------------
1751-- | /O(n)/ Prescan
1753-- @
1754-- prescanl f z = 'init' . 'scanl' f z
1755-- @
1757-- Example: @prescanl (+) 0 \<1,2,3,4\> = \<0,1,3,6\>@
1759prescanl :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> v a
1760{-# INLINE prescanl #-}
1761prescanl f z = unstream . inplace (S.prescanl f z) id . stream
1763-- | /O(n)/ Prescan with strict accumulator
1764prescanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> v a
1765{-# INLINE prescanl' #-}
1766prescanl' f z = unstream . inplace (S.prescanl' f z) id . stream
1768-- | /O(n)/ Scan
1770-- @
1771-- postscanl f z = 'tail' . 'scanl' f z
1772-- @
1774-- Example: @postscanl (+) 0 \<1,2,3,4\> = \<1,3,6,10\>@
1776postscanl :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> v a
1777{-# INLINE postscanl #-}
1778postscanl f z = unstream . inplace (S.postscanl f z) id . stream
1780-- | /O(n)/ Scan with strict accumulator
1781postscanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> v a
1782{-# INLINE postscanl' #-}
1783postscanl' f z = unstream . inplace (S.postscanl' f z) id . stream
1785-- | /O(n)/ Haskell-style scan
1787-- > scanl f z <x1,...,xn> = <y1,...,y(n+1)>
1788-- >   where y1 = z
1789-- >         yi = f y(i-1) x(i-1)
1791-- Example: @scanl (+) 0 \<1,2,3,4\> = \<0,1,3,6,10\>@
1793scanl :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> v a
1794{-# INLINE scanl #-}
1795scanl f z = unstream . Bundle.scanl f z . stream
1797-- | /O(n)/ Haskell-style scan with strict accumulator
1798scanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> v a
1799{-# INLINE scanl' #-}
1800scanl' f z = unstream . Bundle.scanl' f z . stream
1802-- | /O(n)/ Scan over a vector with its index
1803iscanl :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Int -> a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> v a
1804{-# INLINE iscanl #-}
1805iscanl f z =
1806    unstream
1807  . inplace (S.scanl (\a (i, b) -> f i a b) z . S.indexed) (+1)
1808  . stream
1810-- | /O(n)/ Scan over a vector (strictly) with its index
1811iscanl' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Int -> a -> b -> a) -> a -> v b -> v a
1812{-# INLINE iscanl' #-}
1813iscanl' f z =
1814    unstream
1815  . inplace (S.scanl' (\a (i, b) -> f i a b) z . S.indexed) (+1)
1816  . stream
1819-- | /O(n)/ Scan over a non-empty vector
1821-- > scanl f <x1,...,xn> = <y1,...,yn>
1822-- >   where y1 = x1
1823-- >         yi = f y(i-1) xi
1825scanl1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> v a -> v a
1826{-# INLINE scanl1 #-}
1827scanl1 f = unstream . inplace (S.scanl1 f) id . stream
1829-- | /O(n)/ Scan over a non-empty vector with a strict accumulator
1830scanl1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> v a -> v a
1831{-# INLINE scanl1' #-}
1832scanl1' f = unstream . inplace (S.scanl1' f) id . stream
1834-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left prescan
1836-- @
1837-- prescanr f z = 'reverse' . 'prescanl' (flip f) z . 'reverse'
1838-- @
1840prescanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> v b
1841{-# INLINE prescanr #-}
1842prescanr f z = unstreamR . inplace (S.prescanl (flip f) z) id . streamR
1844-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left prescan with strict accumulator
1845prescanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> v b
1846{-# INLINE prescanr' #-}
1847prescanr' f z = unstreamR . inplace (S.prescanl' (flip f) z) id . streamR
1849-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left scan
1850postscanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> v b
1851{-# INLINE postscanr #-}
1852postscanr f z = unstreamR . inplace (S.postscanl (flip f) z) id . streamR
1854-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left scan with strict accumulator
1855postscanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> v b
1856{-# INLINE postscanr' #-}
1857postscanr' f z = unstreamR . inplace (S.postscanl' (flip f) z) id . streamR
1859-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left Haskell-style scan
1860scanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> v b
1861{-# INLINE scanr #-}
1862scanr f z = unstreamR . Bundle.scanl (flip f) z . streamR
1864-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left Haskell-style scan with strict accumulator
1865scanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> v b
1866{-# INLINE scanr' #-}
1867scanr' f z = unstreamR . Bundle.scanl' (flip f) z . streamR
1869-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left scan over a vector with its index
1870iscanr :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> v b
1871{-# INLINE iscanr #-}
1872iscanr f z v =
1873    unstreamR
1874  . inplace (S.scanl (flip $ uncurry f) z . S.indexedR n) (+1)
1875  . streamR
1876  $ v
1877 where n = length v
1879-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left scan over a vector (strictly) with its index
1880iscanr' :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> v a -> v b
1881{-# INLINE iscanr' #-}
1882iscanr' f z v =
1883    unstreamR
1884  . inplace (S.scanl' (flip $ uncurry f) z . S.indexedR n) (+1)
1885  . streamR
1886  $ v
1887 where n = length v
1889-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left scan over a non-empty vector
1890scanr1 :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> v a -> v a
1891{-# INLINE scanr1 #-}
1892scanr1 f = unstreamR . inplace (S.scanl1 (flip f)) id . streamR
1894-- | /O(n)/ Right-to-left scan over a non-empty vector with a strict
1895-- accumulator
1896scanr1' :: Vector v a => (a -> a -> a) -> v a -> v a
1897{-# INLINE scanr1' #-}
1898scanr1' f = unstreamR . inplace (S.scanl1' (flip f)) id . streamR
1900-- Conversions - Lists
1901-- ------------------------
1903-- | /O(n)/ Convert a vector to a list
1904toList :: Vector v a => v a -> [a]
1905{-# INLINE toList #-}
1906toList = Bundle.toList . stream
1908-- | /O(n)/ Convert a list to a vector
1909fromList :: Vector v a => [a] -> v a
1910{-# INLINE fromList #-}
1911fromList = unstream . Bundle.fromList
1913-- | /O(n)/ Convert the first @n@ elements of a list to a vector
1915-- @
1916-- fromListN n xs = 'fromList' ('take' n xs)
1917-- @
1918fromListN :: Vector v a => Int -> [a] -> v a
1919{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
1920fromListN n = unstream . Bundle.fromListN n
1922-- Conversions - Immutable vectors
1923-- -------------------------------
1925-- | /O(n)/ Convert different vector types
1926convert :: (Vector v a, Vector w a) => v a -> w a
1927{-# INLINE convert #-}
1928convert = unstream . Bundle.reVector . stream
1930-- Conversions - Mutable vectors
1931-- -----------------------------
1933-- | /O(1)/ Unsafe convert a mutable vector to an immutable one without
1934-- copying. The mutable vector may not be used after this operation.
1936  :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => Mutable v (PrimState m) a -> m (v a)
1937{-# INLINE unsafeFreeze #-}
1938unsafeFreeze = basicUnsafeFreeze
1940-- | /O(n)/ Yield an immutable copy of the mutable vector.
1941freeze :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => Mutable v (PrimState m) a -> m (v a)
1942{-# INLINE freeze #-}
1943freeze mv = unsafeFreeze =<< M.clone mv
1945-- | /O(1)/ Unsafely convert an immutable vector to a mutable one without
1946-- copying. The immutable vector may not be used after this operation.
1947unsafeThaw :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => v a -> m (Mutable v (PrimState m) a)
1948{-# INLINE_FUSED unsafeThaw #-}
1949unsafeThaw = basicUnsafeThaw
1951-- | /O(n)/ Yield a mutable copy of the immutable vector.
1952thaw :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => v a -> m (Mutable v (PrimState m) a)
1953{-# INLINE_FUSED thaw #-}
1954thaw v = do
1955           mv <- M.unsafeNew (length v)
1956           unsafeCopy mv v
1957           return mv
1959{-# RULES
1961"unsafeThaw/new [Vector]" forall p.
1962  unsafeThaw (new p) = New.runPrim p
1964"thaw/new [Vector]" forall p.
1965  thaw (new p) = New.runPrim p   #-}
1970-- | /O(n)/ Yield a mutable vector containing copies of each vector in the
1971-- list.
1972thawMany :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => [v a] -> m (Mutable v (PrimState m) a)
1973{-# INLINE_FUSED thawMany #-}
1974-- FIXME: add rule for (stream (new (New.create (thawMany vs))))
1975-- NOTE: We don't try to consume the list lazily as this wouldn't significantly
1976-- change the space requirements anyway.
1977thawMany vs = do
1978                mv <- M.new n
1979                thaw_loop mv vs
1980                return mv
1981  where
1982    n = List.foldl' (\k v -> k + length v) 0 vs
1984    thaw_loop mv [] = mv `seq` return ()
1985    thaw_loop mv (v:vs)
1986      = do
1987          let n = length v
1988          unsafeCopy (M.unsafeTake n mv) v
1989          thaw_loop (M.unsafeDrop n mv) vs
1992-- | /O(n)/ Copy an immutable vector into a mutable one. The two vectors must
1993-- have the same length.
1995  :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => Mutable v (PrimState m) a -> v a -> m ()
1996{-# INLINE copy #-}
1997copy dst src = BOUNDS_CHECK(check) "copy" "length mismatch"
1998                                          (M.length dst == length src)
1999             $ unsafeCopy dst src
2001-- | /O(n)/ Copy an immutable vector into a mutable one. The two vectors must
2002-- have the same length. This is not checked.
2004  :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => Mutable v (PrimState m) a -> v a -> m ()
2005{-# INLINE unsafeCopy #-}
2006unsafeCopy dst src = UNSAFE_CHECK(check) "unsafeCopy" "length mismatch"
2007                                         (M.length dst == length src)
2008                   $ (dst `seq` src `seq` basicUnsafeCopy dst src)
2010-- Conversions to/from Bundles
2011-- ---------------------------
2013-- | /O(1)/ Convert a vector to a 'Bundle'
2014stream :: Vector v a => v a -> Bundle v a
2015{-# INLINE_FUSED stream #-}
2016stream v = stream' v
2018-- Same as 'stream', but can be used to avoid having a cycle in the dependency
2019-- graph of functions, which forces GHC to create a loop breaker.
2020stream' :: Vector v a => v a -> Bundle v a
2021{-# INLINE stream' #-}
2022stream' v = Bundle.fromVector v
2025stream v = v `seq` n `seq` (Bundle.unfoldr get 0 `Bundle.sized` Exact n)
2026  where
2027    n = length v
2029    -- NOTE: the False case comes first in Core so making it the recursive one
2030    -- makes the code easier to read
2031    {-# INLINE get #-}
2032    get i | i >= n    = Nothing
2033          | otherwise = case basicUnsafeIndexM v i of Box x -> Just (x, i+1)
2036-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector from a 'Bundle'
2037unstream :: Vector v a => Bundle v a -> v a
2038{-# INLINE unstream #-}
2039unstream s = new (New.unstream s)
2041{-# RULES
2043"stream/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
2044  stream (new (New.unstream s)) = s
2046"New.unstream/stream [Vector]" forall v.
2047  New.unstream (stream v) = clone v
2049"clone/new [Vector]" forall p.
2050  clone (new p) = p
2052"inplace [Vector]"
2053  forall (f :: forall m. Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a) g m.
2054  New.unstream (inplace f g (stream (new m))) = New.transform f g m
2056"uninplace [Vector]"
2057  forall (f :: forall m. Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a) g m.
2058  stream (new (New.transform f g m)) = inplace f g (stream (new m))  #-}
2062-- | /O(1)/ Convert a vector to a 'Bundle', proceeding from right to left
2063streamR :: Vector v a => v a -> Bundle u a
2064{-# INLINE_FUSED streamR #-}
2065streamR v = v `seq` n `seq` (Bundle.unfoldr get n `Bundle.sized` Exact n)
2066  where
2067    n = length v
2069    {-# INLINE get #-}
2070    get 0 = Nothing
2071    get i = let i' = i-1
2072            in
2073            case basicUnsafeIndexM v i' of Box x -> Just (x, i')
2075-- | /O(n)/ Construct a vector from a 'Bundle', proceeding from right to left
2076unstreamR :: Vector v a => Bundle v a -> v a
2077{-# INLINE unstreamR #-}
2078unstreamR s = new (New.unstreamR s)
2080{-# RULES
2082"streamR/unstreamR [Vector]" forall s.
2083  streamR (new (New.unstreamR s)) = s
2085"New.unstreamR/streamR/new [Vector]" forall p.
2086  New.unstreamR (streamR (new p)) = p
2088"New.unstream/streamR/new [Vector]" forall p.
2089  New.unstream (streamR (new p)) = New.modify M.reverse p
2091"New.unstreamR/stream/new [Vector]" forall p.
2092  New.unstreamR (stream (new p)) = New.modify M.reverse p
2094"inplace right [Vector]"
2095  forall (f :: forall m. Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a) g m.
2096  New.unstreamR (inplace f g (streamR (new m))) = New.transformR f g m
2098"uninplace right [Vector]"
2099  forall (f :: forall m. Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a) g m.
2100  streamR (new (New.transformR f g m)) = inplace f g (streamR (new m))  #-}
2104unstreamM :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => MBundle m u a -> m (v a)
2105{-# INLINE_FUSED unstreamM #-}
2106unstreamM s = do
2107                xs <- MBundle.toList s
2108                return $ unstream $ Bundle.unsafeFromList (MBundle.size s) xs
2110unstreamPrimM :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => MBundle m u a -> m (v a)
2111{-# INLINE_FUSED unstreamPrimM #-}
2112unstreamPrimM s = M.munstream s >>= unsafeFreeze
2114-- FIXME: the next two functions are only necessary for the specialisations
2115unstreamPrimM_IO :: Vector v a => MBundle IO u a -> IO (v a)
2116{-# INLINE unstreamPrimM_IO #-}
2117unstreamPrimM_IO = unstreamPrimM
2119unstreamPrimM_ST :: Vector v a => MBundle (ST s) u a -> ST s (v a)
2120{-# INLINE unstreamPrimM_ST #-}
2121unstreamPrimM_ST = unstreamPrimM
2123{-# RULES
2125"unstreamM[IO]" unstreamM = unstreamPrimM_IO
2126"unstreamM[ST]" unstreamM = unstreamPrimM_ST  #-}
2131-- Recycling support
2132-- -----------------
2134-- | Construct a vector from a monadic initialiser.
2135new :: Vector v a => New v a -> v a
2136{-# INLINE_FUSED new #-}
2137new m = m `seq` runST (unsafeFreeze =<< New.run m)
2139-- | Convert a vector to an initialiser which, when run, produces a copy of
2140-- the vector.
2141clone :: Vector v a => v a -> New v a
2142{-# INLINE_FUSED clone #-}
2143clone v = v `seq` New.create (
2144  do
2145    mv <- M.new (length v)
2146    unsafeCopy mv v
2147    return mv)
2149-- Comparisons
2150-- -----------
2152-- | /O(n)/ Check if two vectors are equal. All 'Vector' instances are also
2153-- instances of 'Eq' and it is usually more appropriate to use those. This
2154-- function is primarily intended for implementing 'Eq' instances for new
2155-- vector types.
2156eq :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> v a -> Bool
2157{-# INLINE eq #-}
2158xs `eq` ys = stream xs == stream ys
2160-- | /O(n)/
2161eqBy :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> v a -> v b -> Bool
2162{-# INLINE eqBy #-}
2163eqBy e xs ys = Bundle.eqBy e (stream xs) (stream ys)
2165-- | /O(n)/ Compare two vectors lexicographically. All 'Vector' instances are
2166-- also instances of 'Ord' and it is usually more appropriate to use those. This
2167-- function is primarily intended for implementing 'Ord' instances for new
2168-- vector types.
2169cmp :: (Vector v a, Ord a) => v a -> v a -> Ordering
2170{-# INLINE cmp #-}
2171cmp xs ys = compare (stream xs) (stream ys)
2173-- | /O(n)/
2174cmpBy :: (Vector v a, Vector v b) => (a -> b -> Ordering) -> v a -> v b -> Ordering
2175cmpBy c xs ys = Bundle.cmpBy c (stream xs) (stream ys)
2177-- Show
2178-- ----
2180-- | Generic definition of 'Prelude.showsPrec'
2181showsPrec :: (Vector v a, Show a) => Int -> v a -> ShowS
2182{-# INLINE showsPrec #-}
2183showsPrec _ = shows . toList
2185liftShowsPrec :: (Vector v a) => (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> v a -> ShowS
2186{-# INLINE liftShowsPrec #-}
2187liftShowsPrec _ s _ = s . toList
2189-- | Generic definition of 'Text.Read.readPrec'
2190readPrec :: (Vector v a, Read a) => Read.ReadPrec (v a)
2191{-# INLINE readPrec #-}
2192readPrec = do
2193  xs <- Read.readPrec
2194  return (fromList xs)
2196-- | /Note:/ uses 'ReadS'
2197liftReadsPrec :: (Vector v a) => (Int -> Read.ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> Read.ReadS (v a)
2198liftReadsPrec _ r _ s = [ (fromList v, s') | (v, s') <- r s ]
2200-- Data and Typeable
2201-- -----------------
2203-- | Generic definion of 'Data.Data.gfoldl' that views a 'Vector' as a
2204-- list.
2205gfoldl :: (Vector v a, Data a)
2206       => (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b)
2207       -> (forall g. g -> c g)
2208       -> v a
2209       -> c (v a)
2210{-# INLINE gfoldl #-}
2211gfoldl f z v = z fromList `f` toList v
2213mkVecConstr :: String -> Constr
2214{-# INLINE mkVecConstr #-}
2215mkVecConstr name = mkConstr (mkVecType name) "fromList" [] Prefix
2217mkVecType :: String -> DataType
2218{-# INLINE mkVecType #-}
2219mkVecType name = mkDataType name [mkVecConstr name]
2221mkType :: String -> DataType
2222{-# INLINE mkType #-}
2223mkType = mkNoRepType
2225gunfold :: (Vector v a, Data a)
2226        => (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r)
2227        -> (forall r. r -> c r)
2228        -> Constr -> c (v a)
2229gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of
2230  1 -> k (z fromList)
2231  _ -> error "gunfold"
2233#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
2234dataCast :: (Vector v a, Data a, Typeable v, Typeable t)
2236dataCast :: (Vector v a, Data a, Typeable1 v, Typeable1 t)
2238         => (forall d. Data  d => c (t d)) -> Maybe  (c (v a))
2239{-# INLINE dataCast #-}
2240dataCast f = gcast1 f