2(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
7{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
12{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
14-- | Core literals
15module GHC.Types.Literal
16        (
17        -- * Main data type
18          Literal(..)           -- Exported to ParseIface
19        , LitNumType(..)
21        -- ** Creating Literals
22        , mkLitInt, mkLitIntWrap, mkLitIntWrapC, mkLitIntUnchecked
23        , mkLitWord, mkLitWordWrap, mkLitWordWrapC
24        , mkLitInt8, mkLitInt8Wrap
25        , mkLitWord8, mkLitWord8Wrap
26        , mkLitInt16, mkLitInt16Wrap
27        , mkLitWord16, mkLitWord16Wrap
28        , mkLitInt32, mkLitInt32Wrap
29        , mkLitWord32, mkLitWord32Wrap
30        , mkLitInt64, mkLitInt64Wrap
31        , mkLitWord64, mkLitWord64Wrap
32        , mkLitFloat, mkLitDouble
33        , mkLitChar, mkLitString
34        , mkLitInteger, mkLitNatural
35        , mkLitNumber, mkLitNumberWrap
37        -- ** Operations on Literals
38        , literalType
39        , absentLiteralOf
40        , pprLiteral
41        , litNumIsSigned
42        , litNumCheckRange
43        , litNumWrap
44        , litNumCoerce
45        , litNumNarrow
46        , litNumBitSize
47        , isMinBound
48        , isMaxBound
50        -- ** Predicates on Literals and their contents
51        , litIsDupable, litIsTrivial, litIsLifted
52        , inCharRange
53        , isZeroLit, isOneLit
54        , litFitsInChar
55        , litValue, mapLitValue
56        , isLitValue_maybe
58        -- ** Coercions
59        , narrowInt8Lit, narrowInt16Lit, narrowInt32Lit, narrowInt64Lit
60        , narrowWord8Lit, narrowWord16Lit, narrowWord32Lit, narrowWord64Lit
61        , extendIntLit, extendWordLit
62        , charToIntLit, intToCharLit
63        , floatToIntLit, intToFloatLit, doubleToIntLit, intToDoubleLit
64        , nullAddrLit, floatToDoubleLit, doubleToFloatLit
65        , rubbishLit, isRubbishLit
66        ) where
68#include "GhclibHsVersions.h"
70import GHC.Prelude
72import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
73import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Builtin.Types
74import GHC.Builtin.Names
75import GHC.Core.Type
76import GHC.Core.TyCon
77import GHC.Utils.Outputable
78import GHC.Data.FastString
79import GHC.Types.Basic
80import GHC.Utils.Binary
81import GHC.Settings.Constants
82import GHC.Platform
83import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
84import GHC.Utils.Misc
85import GHC.Utils.Panic
87import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
88import Data.Int
89import Data.Word
90import Data.Char
91import Data.Data ( Data )
92import GHC.Exts
93import Numeric ( fromRat )
97*                                                                      *
99*                                                                      *
103-- | So-called 'Literal's are one of:
105-- * An unboxed numeric literal or floating-point literal which is presumed
106--   to be surrounded by appropriate constructors (@Int#@, etc.), so that
107--   the overall thing makes sense.
109--   We maintain the invariant that the 'Integer' in the 'LitNumber'
110--   constructor is actually in the (possibly target-dependent) range.
111--   The mkLit{Int,Word}*Wrap smart constructors ensure this by applying
112--   the target machine's wrapping semantics. Use these in situations
113--   where you know the wrapping semantics are correct.
115-- * The literal derived from the label mentioned in a \"foreign label\"
116--   declaration ('LitLabel')
118-- * A 'LitRubbish' to be used in place of values of 'UnliftedRep'
119--   (i.e. 'MutVar#') when the value is never used.
121-- * A character
122-- * A string
123-- * The NULL pointer
125data Literal
126  = LitChar    Char             -- ^ @Char#@ - at least 31 bits. Create with
127                                -- 'mkLitChar'
129  | LitNumber !LitNumType !Integer
130                                -- ^ Any numeric literal that can be
131                                -- internally represented with an Integer.
133  | LitString !ByteString       -- ^ A string-literal: stored and emitted
134                                -- UTF-8 encoded, we'll arrange to decode it
135                                -- at runtime.  Also emitted with a @\'\\0\'@
136                                -- terminator. Create with 'mkLitString'
138  | LitNullAddr                 -- ^ The @NULL@ pointer, the only pointer value
139                                -- that can be represented as a Literal. Create
140                                -- with 'nullAddrLit'
142  | LitRubbish Bool             -- ^ A nonsense value; always boxed, but
143                                --      True <=> lifted, False <=> unlifted
144                                -- Used when a binding is absent.
145                                -- See Note [Rubbish literals]
147  | LitFloat   Rational         -- ^ @Float#@. Create with 'mkLitFloat'
148  | LitDouble  Rational         -- ^ @Double#@. Create with 'mkLitDouble'
150  | LitLabel   FastString (Maybe Int) FunctionOrData
151                                -- ^ A label literal. Parameters:
152                                --
153                                -- 1) The name of the symbol mentioned in the
154                                --    declaration
155                                --
156                                -- 2) The size (in bytes) of the arguments
157                                --    the label expects. Only applicable with
158                                --    @stdcall@ labels. @Just x@ => @\<x\>@ will
159                                --    be appended to label name when emitting
160                                --    assembly.
161                                --
162                                -- 3) Flag indicating whether the symbol
163                                --    references a function or a data
164  deriving Data
166-- | Numeric literal type
167data LitNumType
168  = LitNumInteger -- ^ @Integer@ (see Note [BigNum literals])
169  | LitNumNatural -- ^ @Natural@ (see Note [BigNum literals])
170  | LitNumInt     -- ^ @Int#@ - according to target machine
171  | LitNumInt8    -- ^ @Int8#@ - exactly 8 bits
172  | LitNumInt16   -- ^ @Int16#@ - exactly 16 bits
173  | LitNumInt32   -- ^ @Int32#@ - exactly 32 bits
174  | LitNumInt64   -- ^ @Int64#@ - exactly 64 bits
175  | LitNumWord    -- ^ @Word#@ - according to target machine
176  | LitNumWord8   -- ^ @Word8#@ - exactly 8 bits
177  | LitNumWord16  -- ^ @Word16#@ - exactly 16 bits
178  | LitNumWord32  -- ^ @Word32#@ - exactly 32 bits
179  | LitNumWord64  -- ^ @Word64#@ - exactly 64 bits
180  deriving (Data,Enum,Eq,Ord)
182-- | Indicate if a numeric literal type supports negative numbers
183litNumIsSigned :: LitNumType -> Bool
184litNumIsSigned nt = case nt of
185  LitNumInteger -> True
186  LitNumNatural -> False
187  LitNumInt     -> True
188  LitNumInt8    -> True
189  LitNumInt16   -> True
190  LitNumInt32   -> True
191  LitNumInt64   -> True
192  LitNumWord    -> False
193  LitNumWord8   -> False
194  LitNumWord16  -> False
195  LitNumWord32  -> False
196  LitNumWord64  -> False
198-- | Number of bits
199litNumBitSize :: Platform -> LitNumType -> Maybe Word
200litNumBitSize platform nt = case nt of
201  LitNumInteger -> Nothing
202  LitNumNatural -> Nothing
203  LitNumInt     -> Just (fromIntegral (platformWordSizeInBits platform))
204  LitNumInt8    -> Just 8
205  LitNumInt16   -> Just 16
206  LitNumInt32   -> Just 32
207  LitNumInt64   -> Just 64
208  LitNumWord    -> Just (fromIntegral (platformWordSizeInBits platform))
209  LitNumWord8   -> Just 8
210  LitNumWord16  -> Just 16
211  LitNumWord32  -> Just 32
212  LitNumWord64  -> Just 64
214instance Binary LitNumType where
215   put_ bh numTyp = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum numTyp))
216   get bh = do
217      h <- getByte bh
218      return (toEnum (fromIntegral h))
221Note [BigNum literals]
224GHC supports 2 kinds of arbitrary precision integers (a.k.a BigNum):
226   * Natural: natural represented as a Word# or as a BigNat
228   * Integer: integer represented a an Int# or as a BigNat (Integer's
229   constructors indicate the sign)
231BigNum literal instances are removed from Core during the CorePrep phase. They
232are replaced with expression to build them at runtime from machine literals
233(Word#, Int#, etc.) or from a list of Word#s.
235Note [String literals]
238String literals are UTF-8 encoded and stored into ByteStrings in the following
239ASTs: Haskell, Core, Stg, Cmm. TH can also emit ByteString based string literals
240with the BytesPrimL constructor (see #14741).
242It wasn't true before as [Word8] was used in Cmm AST and in TH which was quite
243bad for performance with large strings (see #16198 and #14741).
245To include string literals into output objects, the assembler code generator has
246to embed the UTF-8 encoded binary blob. See Note [Embedding large binary blobs]
247for more details.
251instance Binary Literal where
252    put_ bh (LitChar aa)     = do putByte bh 0; put_ bh aa
253    put_ bh (LitString ab)   = do putByte bh 1; put_ bh ab
254    put_ bh (LitNullAddr)    = putByte bh 2
255    put_ bh (LitFloat ah)    = do putByte bh 3; put_ bh ah
256    put_ bh (LitDouble ai)   = do putByte bh 4; put_ bh ai
257    put_ bh (LitLabel aj mb fod)
258        = do putByte bh 5
259             put_ bh aj
260             put_ bh mb
261             put_ bh fod
262    put_ bh (LitNumber nt i)
263        = do putByte bh 6
264             put_ bh nt
265             put_ bh i
266    put_ bh (LitRubbish b) = do putByte bh 7; put_ bh b
267    get bh = do
268            h <- getByte bh
269            case h of
270              0 -> do
271                    aa <- get bh
272                    return (LitChar aa)
273              1 -> do
274                    ab <- get bh
275                    return (LitString ab)
276              2 -> return (LitNullAddr)
277              3 -> do
278                    ah <- get bh
279                    return (LitFloat ah)
280              4 -> do
281                    ai <- get bh
282                    return (LitDouble ai)
283              5 -> do
284                    aj <- get bh
285                    mb <- get bh
286                    fod <- get bh
287                    return (LitLabel aj mb fod)
288              6 -> do
289                    nt <- get bh
290                    i  <- get bh
291                    return (LitNumber nt i)
292              _ -> do
293                    b <- get bh
294                    return (LitRubbish b)
296instance Outputable Literal where
297    ppr = pprLiteral id
299instance Eq Literal where
300    a == b = compare a b == EQ
302-- | Needed for the @Ord@ instance of 'AltCon', which in turn is needed in
303-- 'GHC.Data.TrieMap.CoreMap'.
304instance Ord Literal where
305    compare = cmpLit
308        Construction
309        ~~~~~~~~~~~~
312{- Note [Word/Int underflow/overflow]
314According to the Haskell Report 2010 (Sections 18.1 and 23.1 about signed and
315unsigned integral types): "All arithmetic is performed modulo 2^n, where n is
316the number of bits in the type."
318GHC stores Word# and Int# constant values as Integer. Core optimizations such
319as constant folding must ensure that the Integer value remains in the valid
320target Word/Int range (see #13172). The following functions are used to
321ensure this.
323Note that we *don't* warn the user about overflow. It's not done at runtime
324either, and compilation of completely harmless things like
325   ((124076834 :: Word32) + (2147483647 :: Word32))
326doesn't yield a warning. Instead we simply squash the value into the *target*
327Int/Word range.
330-- | Make a literal number using wrapping semantics if the value is out of
331-- bound.
332mkLitNumberWrap :: Platform -> LitNumType -> Integer -> Literal
333mkLitNumberWrap platform nt i = case nt of
334  LitNumInt -> case platformWordSize platform of
335    PW4 -> wrap @Int32
336    PW8 -> wrap @Int64
337  LitNumWord -> case platformWordSize platform of
338    PW4 -> wrap @Word32
339    PW8 -> wrap @Word64
340  LitNumInt8    -> wrap @Int8
341  LitNumInt16   -> wrap @Int16
342  LitNumInt32   -> wrap @Int32
343  LitNumInt64   -> wrap @Int64
344  LitNumWord8   -> wrap @Word8
345  LitNumWord16  -> wrap @Word16
346  LitNumWord32  -> wrap @Word32
347  LitNumWord64  -> wrap @Word64
348  LitNumInteger -> LitNumber nt i
349  LitNumNatural
350    | i < 0     -> panic "mkLitNumberWrap: trying to create a negative Natural"
351    | otherwise -> LitNumber nt i
352  where
353    wrap :: forall a. (Integral a, Num a) => Literal
354    wrap = LitNumber nt (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: a))
356-- | Wrap a literal number according to its type using wrapping semantics.
357litNumWrap :: Platform -> Literal -> Literal
358litNumWrap platform (LitNumber nt i) = mkLitNumberWrap platform nt i
359litNumWrap _        l                = pprPanic "litNumWrap" (ppr l)
361-- | Coerce a literal number into another using wrapping semantics.
362litNumCoerce :: LitNumType -> Platform -> Literal -> Literal
363litNumCoerce pt platform (LitNumber _nt i) = mkLitNumberWrap platform pt i
364litNumCoerce _  _        l                 = pprPanic "litNumWrapCoerce: not a number" (ppr l)
366-- | Narrow a literal number by converting it into another number type and then
367-- converting it back to its original type.
368litNumNarrow :: LitNumType -> Platform -> Literal -> Literal
369litNumNarrow pt platform (LitNumber nt i)
370   = case mkLitNumberWrap platform pt i of
371      LitNumber _ j -> mkLitNumberWrap platform nt j
372      l             -> pprPanic "litNumNarrow: got invalid literal" (ppr l)
373litNumNarrow _ _ l = pprPanic "litNumNarrow: invalid literal" (ppr l)
376-- | Check that a given number is in the range of a numeric literal
377litNumCheckRange :: Platform -> LitNumType -> Integer -> Bool
378litNumCheckRange platform nt i = case nt of
379     LitNumInt     -> platformInIntRange platform i
380     LitNumWord    -> platformInWordRange platform i
381     LitNumInt8    -> inBoundedRange @Int8 i
382     LitNumInt16   -> inBoundedRange @Int16 i
383     LitNumInt32   -> inBoundedRange @Int32 i
384     LitNumInt64   -> inBoundedRange @Int64 i
385     LitNumWord8   -> inBoundedRange @Word8 i
386     LitNumWord16  -> inBoundedRange @Word16 i
387     LitNumWord32  -> inBoundedRange @Word32 i
388     LitNumWord64  -> inBoundedRange @Word64 i
389     LitNumNatural -> i >= 0
390     LitNumInteger -> True
392-- | Create a numeric 'Literal' of the given type
393mkLitNumber :: Platform -> LitNumType -> Integer -> Literal
394mkLitNumber platform nt i =
395  ASSERT2(litNumCheckRange platform nt i, integer i)
396  (LitNumber nt i)
398-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int#@
399mkLitInt :: Platform -> Integer -> Literal
400mkLitInt platform x = ASSERT2( platformInIntRange platform x,  integer x )
401                       (mkLitIntUnchecked x)
403-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int#@.
404--   If the argument is out of the (target-dependent) range, it is wrapped.
405--   See Note [Word/Int underflow/overflow]
406mkLitIntWrap :: Platform -> Integer -> Literal
407mkLitIntWrap platform i = mkLitNumberWrap platform LitNumInt i
409-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int#@ without checking its range.
410mkLitIntUnchecked :: Integer -> Literal
411mkLitIntUnchecked i = LitNumber LitNumInt i
413-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int#@, as well as a 'Bool'ean flag indicating
414--   overflow. That is, if the argument is out of the (target-dependent) range
415--   the argument is wrapped and the overflow flag will be set.
416--   See Note [Word/Int underflow/overflow]
417mkLitIntWrapC :: Platform -> Integer -> (Literal, Bool)
418mkLitIntWrapC platform i = (n, i /= i')
419  where
420    n@(LitNumber _ i') = mkLitIntWrap platform i
422-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word#@
423mkLitWord :: Platform -> Integer -> Literal
424mkLitWord platform x = ASSERT2( platformInWordRange platform x, integer x )
425                        (mkLitWordUnchecked x)
427-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word#@.
428--   If the argument is out of the (target-dependent) range, it is wrapped.
429--   See Note [Word/Int underflow/overflow]
430mkLitWordWrap :: Platform -> Integer -> Literal
431mkLitWordWrap platform i = mkLitNumberWrap platform LitNumWord i
433-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word#@ without checking its range.
434mkLitWordUnchecked :: Integer -> Literal
435mkLitWordUnchecked i = LitNumber LitNumWord i
437-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word#@, as well as a 'Bool'ean flag indicating
438--   carry. That is, if the argument is out of the (target-dependent) range
439--   the argument is wrapped and the carry flag will be set.
440--   See Note [Word/Int underflow/overflow]
441mkLitWordWrapC :: Platform -> Integer -> (Literal, Bool)
442mkLitWordWrapC platform i = (n, i /= i')
443  where
444    n@(LitNumber _ i') = mkLitWordWrap platform i
446-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int8#@
447mkLitInt8 :: Integer -> Literal
448mkLitInt8  x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Int8 x, integer x ) (mkLitInt8Unchecked x)
450-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int8#@.
451--   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
452mkLitInt8Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
453mkLitInt8Wrap i = mkLitInt8Unchecked (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Int8))
455-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int8#@ without checking its range.
456mkLitInt8Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
457mkLitInt8Unchecked i = LitNumber LitNumInt8 i
459-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word8#@
460mkLitWord8 :: Integer -> Literal
461mkLitWord8 x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Word8 x, integer x ) (mkLitWord8Unchecked x)
463-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word8#@.
464--   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
465mkLitWord8Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
466mkLitWord8Wrap i = mkLitWord8Unchecked (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Word8))
468-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word8#@ without checking its range.
469mkLitWord8Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
470mkLitWord8Unchecked i = LitNumber LitNumWord8 i
472-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int16#@
473mkLitInt16 :: Integer -> Literal
474mkLitInt16  x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Int16 x, integer x ) (mkLitInt16Unchecked x)
476-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int16#@.
477--   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
478mkLitInt16Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
479mkLitInt16Wrap i = mkLitInt16Unchecked (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Int16))
481-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int16#@ without checking its range.
482mkLitInt16Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
483mkLitInt16Unchecked i = LitNumber LitNumInt16 i
485-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word16#@
486mkLitWord16 :: Integer -> Literal
487mkLitWord16 x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Word16 x, integer x ) (mkLitWord16Unchecked x)
489-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word16#@.
490--   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
491mkLitWord16Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
492mkLitWord16Wrap i = mkLitWord16Unchecked (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Word16))
494-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word16#@ without checking its range.
495mkLitWord16Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
496mkLitWord16Unchecked i = LitNumber LitNumWord16 i
498-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int32#@
499mkLitInt32 :: Integer -> Literal
500mkLitInt32  x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Int32 x, integer x ) (mkLitInt32Unchecked x)
502-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int32#@.
503--   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
504mkLitInt32Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
505mkLitInt32Wrap i = mkLitInt32Unchecked (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Int32))
507-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int32#@ without checking its range.
508mkLitInt32Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
509mkLitInt32Unchecked i = LitNumber LitNumInt32 i
511-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word32#@
512mkLitWord32 :: Integer -> Literal
513mkLitWord32 x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Word32 x, integer x ) (mkLitWord32Unchecked x)
515-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word32#@.
516--   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
517mkLitWord32Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
518mkLitWord32Wrap i = mkLitWord32Unchecked (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Word32))
520-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word32#@ without checking its range.
521mkLitWord32Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
522mkLitWord32Unchecked i = LitNumber LitNumWord32 i
524-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int64#@
525mkLitInt64 :: Integer -> Literal
526mkLitInt64  x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Int64 x, integer x ) (mkLitInt64Unchecked x)
528-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int64#@.
529--   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
530mkLitInt64Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
531mkLitInt64Wrap i = mkLitInt64Unchecked (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Int64))
533-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int64#@ without checking its range.
534mkLitInt64Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
535mkLitInt64Unchecked i = LitNumber LitNumInt64 i
537-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word64#@
538mkLitWord64 :: Integer -> Literal
539mkLitWord64 x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Word64 x, integer x ) (mkLitWord64Unchecked x)
541-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word64#@.
542--   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
543mkLitWord64Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
544mkLitWord64Wrap i = mkLitWord64Unchecked (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Word64))
546-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word64#@ without checking its range.
547mkLitWord64Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
548mkLitWord64Unchecked i = LitNumber LitNumWord64 i
550-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Float#@
551mkLitFloat :: Rational -> Literal
552mkLitFloat = LitFloat
554-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Double#@
555mkLitDouble :: Rational -> Literal
556mkLitDouble = LitDouble
558-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Char#@
559mkLitChar :: Char -> Literal
560mkLitChar = LitChar
562-- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Addr#@, which is appropriate for passing to
563-- e.g. some of the \"error\" functions in GHC.Err such as @GHC.Err.runtimeError@
564mkLitString :: String -> Literal
565-- stored UTF-8 encoded
566mkLitString s = LitString (bytesFS $ mkFastString s)
568mkLitInteger :: Integer -> Literal
569mkLitInteger x = LitNumber LitNumInteger x
571mkLitNatural :: Integer -> Literal
572mkLitNatural x = ASSERT2( inNaturalRange x,  integer x )
573                    (LitNumber LitNumNatural x)
575inNaturalRange :: Integer -> Bool
576inNaturalRange x = x >= 0
578inBoundedRange :: forall a. (Bounded a, Integral a) => Integer -> Bool
579inBoundedRange x  = x >= toInteger (minBound :: a) &&
580                    x <= toInteger (maxBound :: a)
582isMinBound :: Platform -> Literal -> Bool
583isMinBound _        (LitChar c)        = c == minBound
584isMinBound platform (LitNumber nt i)   = case nt of
585   LitNumInt     -> i == platformMinInt platform
586   LitNumInt8    -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int8)
587   LitNumInt16   -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int16)
588   LitNumInt32   -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int32)
589   LitNumInt64   -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int64)
590   LitNumWord    -> i == 0
591   LitNumWord8   -> i == 0
592   LitNumWord16  -> i == 0
593   LitNumWord32  -> i == 0
594   LitNumWord64  -> i == 0
595   LitNumNatural -> i == 0
596   LitNumInteger -> False
597isMinBound _        _                  = False
599isMaxBound :: Platform -> Literal -> Bool
600isMaxBound _        (LitChar c)        = c == maxBound
601isMaxBound platform (LitNumber nt i)   = case nt of
602   LitNumInt     -> i == platformMaxInt platform
603   LitNumInt8    -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int8)
604   LitNumInt16   -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int16)
605   LitNumInt32   -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int32)
606   LitNumInt64   -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int64)
607   LitNumWord    -> i == platformMaxWord platform
608   LitNumWord8   -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word8)
609   LitNumWord16  -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word16)
610   LitNumWord32  -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word32)
611   LitNumWord64  -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word64)
612   LitNumNatural -> False
613   LitNumInteger -> False
614isMaxBound _        _                  = False
616inCharRange :: Char -> Bool
617inCharRange c =  c >= '\0' && c <= chr tARGET_MAX_CHAR
619-- | Tests whether the literal represents a zero of whatever type it is
620isZeroLit :: Literal -> Bool
621isZeroLit (LitNumber _ 0) = True
622isZeroLit (LitFloat  0)   = True
623isZeroLit (LitDouble 0)   = True
624isZeroLit _               = False
626-- | Tests whether the literal represents a one of whatever type it is
627isOneLit :: Literal -> Bool
628isOneLit (LitNumber _ 1) = True
629isOneLit (LitFloat  1)   = True
630isOneLit (LitDouble 1)   = True
631isOneLit _               = False
633-- | Returns the 'Integer' contained in the 'Literal', for when that makes
634-- sense, i.e. for 'Char', 'Int', 'Word', 'LitInteger' and 'LitNatural'.
635litValue  :: Literal -> Integer
636litValue l = case isLitValue_maybe l of
637   Just x  -> x
638   Nothing -> pprPanic "litValue" (ppr l)
640-- | Returns the 'Integer' contained in the 'Literal', for when that makes
641-- sense, i.e. for 'Char' and numbers.
642isLitValue_maybe  :: Literal -> Maybe Integer
643isLitValue_maybe (LitChar   c)     = Just $ toInteger $ ord c
644isLitValue_maybe (LitNumber _ i)   = Just i
645isLitValue_maybe _                 = Nothing
647-- | Apply a function to the 'Integer' contained in the 'Literal', for when that
648-- makes sense, e.g. for 'Char' and numbers.
649-- For fixed-size integral literals, the result will be wrapped in accordance
650-- with the semantics of the target type.
651-- See Note [Word/Int underflow/overflow]
652mapLitValue  :: Platform -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Literal -> Literal
653mapLitValue _        f (LitChar   c)      = mkLitChar (fchar c)
654   where fchar = chr . fromInteger . f . toInteger . ord
655mapLitValue platform f (LitNumber nt i)   = mkLitNumberWrap platform nt (f i)
656mapLitValue _        _ l                  = pprPanic "mapLitValue" (ppr l)
659        Coercions
660        ~~~~~~~~~
663charToIntLit, intToCharLit,
664  floatToIntLit, intToFloatLit,
665  doubleToIntLit, intToDoubleLit,
666  floatToDoubleLit, doubleToFloatLit
667  :: Literal -> Literal
669-- | Narrow a literal number (unchecked result range)
670narrowLit' :: forall a. Integral a => LitNumType -> Literal -> Literal
671narrowLit' nt' (LitNumber _ i)  = LitNumber nt' (toInteger (fromInteger i :: a))
672narrowLit' _   l                = pprPanic "narrowLit" (ppr l)
674narrowInt8Lit, narrowInt16Lit, narrowInt32Lit, narrowInt64Lit,
675  narrowWord8Lit, narrowWord16Lit, narrowWord32Lit, narrowWord64Lit :: Literal -> Literal
676narrowInt8Lit   = narrowLit' @Int8   LitNumInt8
677narrowInt16Lit  = narrowLit' @Int16  LitNumInt16
678narrowInt32Lit  = narrowLit' @Int32  LitNumInt32
679narrowInt64Lit  = narrowLit' @Int64  LitNumInt64
680narrowWord8Lit  = narrowLit' @Word8  LitNumWord8
681narrowWord16Lit = narrowLit' @Word16 LitNumWord16
682narrowWord32Lit = narrowLit' @Word32 LitNumWord32
683narrowWord64Lit = narrowLit' @Word64 LitNumWord64
685-- | Extend a fixed-width literal (e.g. 'Int16#') to a word-sized literal (e.g.
686-- 'Int#').
687extendWordLit, extendIntLit :: Platform -> Literal -> Literal
688extendWordLit platform (LitNumber _nt i)  = mkLitWord platform i
689extendWordLit _platform l                 = pprPanic "extendWordLit" (ppr l)
690extendIntLit  platform (LitNumber _nt i)  = mkLitInt platform i
691extendIntLit  _platform l                 = pprPanic "extendIntLit" (ppr l)
693charToIntLit (LitChar c)       = mkLitIntUnchecked (toInteger (ord c))
694charToIntLit l                 = pprPanic "charToIntLit" (ppr l)
695intToCharLit (LitNumber _ i)   = LitChar (chr (fromInteger i))
696intToCharLit l                 = pprPanic "intToCharLit" (ppr l)
698floatToIntLit (LitFloat f)      = mkLitIntUnchecked (truncate f)
699floatToIntLit l                 = pprPanic "floatToIntLit" (ppr l)
700intToFloatLit (LitNumber _ i)   = LitFloat (fromInteger i)
701intToFloatLit l                 = pprPanic "intToFloatLit" (ppr l)
703doubleToIntLit (LitDouble f)     = mkLitIntUnchecked (truncate f)
704doubleToIntLit l                 = pprPanic "doubleToIntLit" (ppr l)
705intToDoubleLit (LitNumber _ i)   = LitDouble (fromInteger i)
706intToDoubleLit l                 = pprPanic "intToDoubleLit" (ppr l)
708floatToDoubleLit (LitFloat  f) = LitDouble f
709floatToDoubleLit l             = pprPanic "floatToDoubleLit" (ppr l)
710doubleToFloatLit (LitDouble d) = LitFloat  d
711doubleToFloatLit l             = pprPanic "doubleToFloatLit" (ppr l)
713nullAddrLit :: Literal
714nullAddrLit = LitNullAddr
716-- | A rubbish literal; see Note [Rubbish literals]
717rubbishLit :: Bool -> Literal
718rubbishLit is_lifted = LitRubbish is_lifted
720isRubbishLit :: Literal -> Bool
721isRubbishLit (LitRubbish {}) = True
722isRubbishLit _               = False
725        Predicates
726        ~~~~~~~~~~
729-- | True if there is absolutely no penalty to duplicating the literal.
730-- False principally of strings.
732-- "Why?", you say? I'm glad you asked. Well, for one duplicating strings would
733-- blow up code sizes. Not only this, it's also unsafe.
735-- Consider a program that wants to traverse a string. One way it might do this
736-- is to first compute the Addr# pointing to the end of the string, and then,
737-- starting from the beginning, bump a pointer using eqAddr# to determine the
738-- end. For instance,
740-- @
741-- -- Given pointers to the start and end of a string, count how many zeros
742-- -- the string contains.
743-- countZeros :: Addr# -> Addr# -> -> Int
744-- countZeros start end = go start 0
745--   where
746--     go off n
747--       | off `addrEq#` end = n
748--       | otherwise         = go (off `plusAddr#` 1) n'
749--       where n' | isTrue# (indexInt8OffAddr# off 0# ==# 0#) = n + 1
750--                | otherwise                                 = n
751-- @
753-- Consider what happens if we considered strings to be trivial (and therefore
754-- duplicable) and emitted a call like @countZeros "hello"# ("hello"#
755-- `plusAddr`# 5)@. The beginning and end pointers do not belong to the same
756-- string, meaning that an iteration like the above would blow up terribly.
757-- This is what happened in #12757.
759-- Ultimately the solution here is to make primitive strings a bit more
760-- structured, ensuring that the compiler can't inline in ways that will break
761-- user code. One approach to this is described in #8472.
762litIsTrivial :: Literal -> Bool
763--      c.f. GHC.Core.Utils.exprIsTrivial
764litIsTrivial (LitString _)    = False
765litIsTrivial (LitNumber nt _) = case nt of
766  LitNumInteger -> False
767  LitNumNatural -> False
768  LitNumInt     -> True
769  LitNumInt8    -> True
770  LitNumInt16   -> True
771  LitNumInt32   -> True
772  LitNumInt64   -> True
773  LitNumWord    -> True
774  LitNumWord8   -> True
775  LitNumWord16  -> True
776  LitNumWord32  -> True
777  LitNumWord64  -> True
778litIsTrivial _                  = True
780-- | True if code space does not go bad if we duplicate this literal
781litIsDupable :: Platform -> Literal -> Bool
782--      c.f. GHC.Core.Utils.exprIsDupable
783litIsDupable platform x = case x of
784   (LitNumber nt i) -> case nt of
785      LitNumInteger -> platformInIntRange platform i
786      LitNumNatural -> platformInWordRange platform i
787      LitNumInt     -> True
788      LitNumInt8    -> True
789      LitNumInt16   -> True
790      LitNumInt32   -> True
791      LitNumInt64   -> True
792      LitNumWord    -> True
793      LitNumWord8   -> True
794      LitNumWord16  -> True
795      LitNumWord32  -> True
796      LitNumWord64  -> True
797   (LitString _) -> False
798   _             -> True
800litFitsInChar :: Literal -> Bool
801litFitsInChar (LitNumber _ i) = i >= toInteger (ord minBound)
802                              && i <= toInteger (ord maxBound)
803litFitsInChar _               = False
805litIsLifted :: Literal -> Bool
806litIsLifted (LitNumber nt _) = case nt of
807  LitNumInteger -> True
808  LitNumNatural -> True
809  LitNumInt     -> False
810  LitNumInt8    -> False
811  LitNumInt16   -> False
812  LitNumInt32   -> False
813  LitNumInt64   -> False
814  LitNumWord    -> False
815  LitNumWord8   -> False
816  LitNumWord16  -> False
817  LitNumWord32  -> False
818  LitNumWord64  -> False
819litIsLifted _                  = False
822        Types
823        ~~~~~
826-- | Find the Haskell 'Type' the literal occupies
827literalType :: Literal -> Type
828literalType LitNullAddr       = addrPrimTy
829literalType (LitChar _)       = charPrimTy
830literalType (LitString  _)    = addrPrimTy
831literalType (LitFloat _)      = floatPrimTy
832literalType (LitDouble _)     = doublePrimTy
833literalType (LitLabel _ _ _)  = addrPrimTy
834literalType (LitNumber lt _)  = case lt of
835   LitNumInteger -> integerTy
836   LitNumNatural -> naturalTy
837   LitNumInt     -> intPrimTy
838   LitNumInt8    -> int8PrimTy
839   LitNumInt16   -> int16PrimTy
840   LitNumInt32   -> int32PrimTy
841   LitNumInt64   -> int64PrimTy
842   LitNumWord    -> wordPrimTy
843   LitNumWord8   -> word8PrimTy
844   LitNumWord16  -> word16PrimTy
845   LitNumWord32  -> word32PrimTy
846   LitNumWord64  -> word64PrimTy
847literalType (LitRubbish is_lifted) = mkForAllTy a Inferred (mkTyVarTy a)
848  where
849    -- See Note [Rubbish literals]
850    a | is_lifted = alphaTyVar
851      | otherwise = alphaTyVarUnliftedRep
853absentLiteralOf :: TyCon -> Maybe Literal
854-- Return a literal of the appropriate primitive
855-- TyCon, to use as a placeholder when it doesn't matter
856-- Rubbish literals are handled in GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap.Utils, because
857--  1. Looking at the TyCon is not enough, we need the actual type
858--  2. This would need to return a type application to a literal
859absentLiteralOf tc = lookupUFM absent_lits tc
861-- We do not use TyConEnv here to avoid import cycles.
862absent_lits :: UniqFM TyCon Literal
863absent_lits = listToUFM_Directly
864                        -- Explicitly construct the mape from the known
865                        -- keys of these tyCons.
866                        [ (addrPrimTyConKey,    LitNullAddr)
867                        , (charPrimTyConKey,    LitChar 'x')
868                        , (intPrimTyConKey,     mkLitIntUnchecked 0)
869                        , (int8PrimTyConKey,    mkLitInt8Unchecked 0)
870                        , (int16PrimTyConKey,   mkLitInt16Unchecked 0)
871                        , (int32PrimTyConKey,   mkLitInt32Unchecked 0)
872                        , (int64PrimTyConKey,   mkLitInt64Unchecked 0)
873                        , (wordPrimTyConKey,    mkLitWordUnchecked 0)
874                        , (word8PrimTyConKey,   mkLitWord8Unchecked 0)
875                        , (word16PrimTyConKey,  mkLitWord16Unchecked 0)
876                        , (word32PrimTyConKey,  mkLitWord32Unchecked 0)
877                        , (word64PrimTyConKey,  mkLitWord64Unchecked 0)
878                        , (floatPrimTyConKey,   LitFloat 0)
879                        , (doublePrimTyConKey,  LitDouble 0)
880                        ]
883        Comparison
884        ~~~~~~~~~~
887cmpLit :: Literal -> Literal -> Ordering
888cmpLit (LitChar      a)     (LitChar       b)     = a `compare` b
889cmpLit (LitString    a)     (LitString     b)     = a `compare` b
890cmpLit (LitNullAddr)        (LitNullAddr)         = EQ
891cmpLit (LitFloat     a)     (LitFloat      b)     = a `compare` b
892cmpLit (LitDouble    a)     (LitDouble     b)     = a `compare` b
893cmpLit (LitLabel     a _ _) (LitLabel      b _ _) = a `lexicalCompareFS` b
894cmpLit (LitNumber nt1 a)    (LitNumber nt2  b)
895  = (nt1 `compare` nt2) `mappend` (a `compare` b)
896cmpLit (LitRubbish b1)      (LitRubbish b2)       = b1 `compare` b2
897cmpLit lit1 lit2
898  | isTrue# (dataToTag# lit1 <# dataToTag# lit2) = LT
899  | otherwise                                    = GT
902        Printing
903        ~~~~~~~~
904* See Note [Printing of literals in Core]
907pprLiteral :: (SDoc -> SDoc) -> Literal -> SDoc
908pprLiteral _       (LitChar c)     = pprPrimChar c
909pprLiteral _       (LitString s)   = pprHsBytes s
910pprLiteral _       (LitNullAddr)   = text "__NULL"
911pprLiteral _       (LitFloat f)    = float (fromRat f) <> primFloatSuffix
912pprLiteral _       (LitDouble d)   = double (fromRat d) <> primDoubleSuffix
913pprLiteral add_par (LitNumber nt i)
914   = case nt of
915       LitNumInteger -> pprIntegerVal add_par i
916       LitNumNatural -> pprIntegerVal add_par i
917       LitNumInt     -> pprPrimInt i
918       LitNumInt8    -> pprPrimInt8 i
919       LitNumInt16   -> pprPrimInt16 i
920       LitNumInt32   -> pprPrimInt32 i
921       LitNumInt64   -> pprPrimInt64 i
922       LitNumWord    -> pprPrimWord i
923       LitNumWord8   -> pprPrimWord8 i
924       LitNumWord16  -> pprPrimWord16 i
925       LitNumWord32  -> pprPrimWord32 i
926       LitNumWord64  -> pprPrimWord64 i
927pprLiteral add_par (LitLabel l mb fod) =
928    add_par (text "__label" <+> b <+> ppr fod)
929    where b = case mb of
930              Nothing -> pprHsString l
931              Just x  -> doubleQuotes (text (unpackFS l ++ '@':show x))
932pprLiteral _       (LitRubbish is_lifted)
933  = text "__RUBBISH"
934    <> parens (if is_lifted then text "lifted" else text "unlifted")
936pprIntegerVal :: (SDoc -> SDoc) -> Integer -> SDoc
937-- See Note [Printing of literals in Core].
938pprIntegerVal add_par i | i < 0     = add_par (integer i)
939                        | otherwise = integer i
942Note [Printing of literals in Core]
944The function `add_par` is used to wrap parenthesis around negative integers
945(`LitInteger`) and labels (`LitLabel`), if they occur in a context requiring
946an atomic thing (for example function application).
948Although not all Core literals would be valid Haskell, we are trying to stay
949as close as possible to Haskell syntax in the printing of Core, to make it
950easier for a Haskell user to read Core.
952To that end:
953  * We do print parenthesis around negative `LitInteger`, because we print
954  `LitInteger` using plain number literals (no prefix or suffix), and plain
955  number literals in Haskell require parenthesis in contexts like function
956  application (i.e. `1 - -1` is not valid Haskell).
958  * We don't print parenthesis around other (negative) literals, because they
959  aren't needed in GHC/Haskell either (i.e. `1# -# -1#` is accepted by GHC's
960  parser).
962Literal         Output             Output if context requires
963                                   an atom (if different)
964-------         -------            ----------------------
965LitChar         'a'#
966LitString       "aaa"#
967LitNullAddr     "__NULL"
968LitInt          -1#
969LitIntN         -1#N
970LitWord          1##
971LitWordN         1##N
972LitFloat        -1.0#
973LitDouble       -1.0##
974LitInteger      -1                 (-1)
975LitLabel        "__label" ...      ("__label" ...)
976LitRubbish      "__RUBBISH"
978Note [Rubbish literals]
980During worker/wrapper after demand analysis, where an argument
981is unused (absent) we do the following w/w split (supposing that
982y is absent):
984  f x y z = e
986  f x y z = $wf x z
987  $wf x z = let y = <absent value>
988            in e
990Usually the binding for y is ultimately optimised away, and
991even if not it should never be evaluated -- but that's the
992way the w/w split starts off.
994What is <absent value>?
995* For lifted values <absent value> can be a call to 'error'.
996* For primitive types like Int# or Word# we can use any random
997  value of that type.
998* But what about /unlifted/ but /boxed/ types like MutVar# or
999  Array#?  Or /lifted/ but /strict/ values, such as a field of
1000  a strict data constructor.  For these we use LitRubbish.
1001  See Note [Absent errors] in GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap.Utils.hs
1003The literal (LitRubbish is_lifted)
1004has type
1005  LitRubbish :: forall (a :: TYPE LiftedRep). a     if is_lifted
1006  LitRubbish :: forall (a :: TYPE UnliftedRep). a   otherwise
1008So we might see a w/w split like
1009  $wf x z = let y :: Array# Int = (LitRubbish False) @(Array# Int)
1010            in e
1012Here are the moving parts, but see also Note [Absent errors] in
1015* We define LitRubbish as a constructor in GHC.Types.Literal.Literal
1017* It is given its polymorphic type by Literal.literalType
1019* GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap.Utils.mk_absent_let introduces a LitRubbish for absent
1020  arguments of boxed, unlifted type; or boxed, lifted arguments of strict data
1021  constructors.
1023* In CoreToSTG we convert (RubishLit @t) to just ().  STG is untyped, so this
1024  will work OK for both lifted and unlifted (but boxed) values. The important
1025  thing is that it is a heap pointer, which the garbage collector can follow if
1026  it encounters it.
1028  We considered maintaining LitRubbish in STG, and lowering it in the code
1029  generators, but it seems simpler to do it once and for all in CoreToSTG.
1031  In GHC.ByteCode.Asm we just lower it as a 0 literal, because it's all boxed to
1032  the host GC anyway.