1{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns #-}
3-- |
4-- Module      : Codec.CBOR
5-- Copyright   : 2013 Simon Meier <iridcode@gmail.com>,
6--               2013-2014 Duncan Coutts,
7-- License     : BSD3-style (see LICENSE.txt)
9-- Maintainer  : Duncan Coutts
10-- Stability   :
11-- Portability : portable
13-- CBOR format support.
17module Tests.Reference.Implementation (
18    serialise,
19    deserialise,
21    Term(..),
22    Token(..),
23    canonicaliseTerm,
24    isCanonicalTerm,
26    UInt(..),
27    fromUInt,
28    toUInt,
29    canonicaliseUInt,
31    Simple(..),
32    fromSimple,
33    toSimple,
34    reservedSimple,
35    unassignedSimple,
36    reservedTag,
38    Decoder,
39    runDecoder,
40    testDecode,
42    decodeTerm,
43    decodeTokens,
44    decodeToken,
45    decodeTagged,
47    diagnosticNotation,
49    Encoder,
50    encodeTerm,
51    encodeToken,
53    prop_InitialByte,
54    prop_AdditionalInfo,
55    prop_TokenHeader,
56    prop_TokenHeader2,
57    prop_Token,
58    prop_Term,
60    -- properties of internal helpers
61    prop_integerToFromBytes,
62    prop_word16ToFromNet,
63    prop_word32ToFromNet,
64    prop_word64ToFromNet,
65    prop_halfToFromFloat,
66    ) where
69import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
70import           Data.Bits
71import           Data.Word
72import qualified Numeric.Half as Half
73import           Data.List
74import           Numeric
75import           GHC.Float (float2Double)
76import qualified Data.ByteString      as BS
77import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
78import qualified Data.Text as T
79import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
80import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
81import           Control.Monad (ap)
83import           Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
84import           Test.QuickCheck.Gen
86#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
87import           Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
88import           Control.Applicative
91import           Tests.Reference.Generators
94serialise :: Term -> LBS.ByteString
95serialise = LBS.pack . encodeTerm
97deserialise :: LBS.ByteString -> Term
98deserialise bytes =
99    case runDecoder decodeTerm (LBS.unpack bytes) of
100      Just (term, []) -> term
101      Just _          -> error "ReferenceImpl.deserialise: trailing data"
102      Nothing         -> error "ReferenceImpl.deserialise: decoding failed"
107newtype Decoder a = Decoder { runDecoder :: [Word8] -> Maybe (a, [Word8]) }
109instance Functor Decoder where
110  fmap f a = a >>= return . f
112instance Applicative Decoder where
113  pure  = return
114  (<*>) = ap
116instance Monad Decoder where
117  return x = Decoder (\ws -> Just (x, ws))
118  d >>= f  = Decoder (\ws -> case runDecoder d ws of
119                               Nothing       -> Nothing
120                               Just (x, ws') -> runDecoder (f x) ws')
121#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
122  fail = Fail.fail
125instance Fail.MonadFail Decoder where
126  fail _   = Decoder (\_ -> Nothing)
128getByte :: Decoder Word8
129getByte =
130  Decoder $ \ws ->
131    case ws of
132      w:ws' -> Just (w, ws')
133      _     -> Nothing
135getBytes :: Integral n => n -> Decoder [Word8]
136getBytes n =
137  Decoder $ \ws ->
138    case genericSplitAt n ws of
139      (ws', [])   | genericLength ws' == n -> Just (ws', [])
140                  | otherwise              -> Nothing
141      (ws', ws'')                          -> Just (ws', ws'')
143eof :: Decoder Bool
144eof = Decoder $ \ws -> Just (null ws, ws)
146type Encoder a = a -> [Word8]
148-- The initial byte of each data item contains both information about
149-- the major type (the high-order 3 bits, described in Section 2.1) and
150-- additional information (the low-order 5 bits).
152data MajorType = MajorType0 | MajorType1 | MajorType2 | MajorType3
153               | MajorType4 | MajorType5 | MajorType6 | MajorType7
154  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
156instance Arbitrary MajorType where
157  arbitrary = elements [MajorType0 .. MajorType7]
159encodeInitialByte :: MajorType -> Word -> Word8
160encodeInitialByte mt ai
161  | ai < 2^(5 :: Int)
162  = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (fromEnum mt) `shiftL` 5 .|. ai)
164  | otherwise
165  = error "encodeInitialByte: invalid additional info value"
167decodeInitialByte :: Word8 -> (MajorType, Word)
168decodeInitialByte ib = ( toEnum $ fromIntegral $ ib `shiftR` 5
169                       , fromIntegral $ ib .&. 0x1f)
171prop_InitialByte :: Bool
172prop_InitialByte =
173    and [ (uncurry encodeInitialByte . decodeInitialByte) w8 == w8
174        | w8 <- [minBound..maxBound] ]
176-- When the value of the
177-- additional information is less than 24, it is directly used as a
178-- small unsigned integer.  When it is 24 to 27, the additional bytes
179-- for a variable-length integer immediately follow; the values 24 to 27
180-- of the additional information specify that its length is a 1-, 2-,
181-- 4-, or 8-byte unsigned integer, respectively.  Additional information
182-- value 31 is used for indefinite-length items, described in
183-- Section 2.2.  Additional information values 28 to 30 are reserved for
184-- future expansion.
186-- In all additional information values, the resulting integer is
187-- interpreted depending on the major type.  It may represent the actual
188-- data: for example, in integer types, the resulting integer is used
189-- for the value itself.  It may instead supply length information: for
190-- example, in byte strings it gives the length of the byte string data
191-- that follows.
193data UInt =
194       UIntSmall Word
195     | UInt8     Word8
196     | UInt16    Word16
197     | UInt32    Word32
198     | UInt64    Word64
199  deriving (Eq, Show)
201data AdditionalInformation =
202       AiValue    UInt
203     | AiIndefLen
204     | AiReserved Word
205  deriving (Eq, Show)
207instance Arbitrary UInt where
208  arbitrary =
209    sized $ \n ->
210      oneof $ take (1 + n `div` 2)
211        [ UIntSmall <$> choose (0, 23)
212        , UInt8     <$> arbitraryBoundedIntegral
213        , UInt16    <$> arbitraryBoundedIntegral
214        , UInt32    <$> arbitraryBoundedIntegral
215        , UInt64    <$> arbitraryBoundedIntegral
216        ]
217  shrink (UIntSmall n) = [ UIntSmall n' | n' <- shrink n ]
218  shrink (UInt8  n)    = [ UInt8  n'    | n' <- shrink n ]
219                      ++ [ UIntSmall (fromIntegral n) | n <= 23 ]
220  shrink (UInt16 n)    = [ UInt16 n'    | n' <- shrink n ]
221                      ++ [ UInt8 (fromIntegral n)
222                         | n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word8) ]
223  shrink (UInt32 n)    = [ UInt32 n'    | n' <- shrink n ]
224                      ++ [ UInt16 (fromIntegral n)
225                         | n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16) ]
226  shrink (UInt64 n)    = [ UInt64 n'    | n' <- shrink n ]
227                      ++ [ UInt32 (fromIntegral n)
228                         | n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word32) ]
230instance Arbitrary AdditionalInformation where
231  arbitrary =
232    frequency
233      [ (7, AiValue <$> arbitrary)
234      , (2, pure AiIndefLen)
235      , (1, AiReserved <$> choose (28, 30))
236      ]
238decodeAdditionalInfo :: Word -> Decoder AdditionalInformation
239decodeAdditionalInfo = dec
240  where
241    dec n
242      | n < 24 = return (AiValue (UIntSmall n))
243    dec 24     = do w <- getByte
244                    return (AiValue (UInt8 w))
245    dec 25     = do [w1,w0] <- getBytes (2 :: Int)
246                    let w = word16FromNet w1 w0
247                    return (AiValue (UInt16 w))
248    dec 26     = do [w3,w2,w1,w0] <- getBytes (4 :: Int)
249                    let w = word32FromNet w3 w2 w1 w0
250                    return (AiValue (UInt32 w))
251    dec 27     = do [w7,w6,w5,w4,w3,w2,w1,w0] <- getBytes (8 :: Int)
252                    let w = word64FromNet w7 w6 w5 w4 w3 w2 w1 w0
253                    return (AiValue (UInt64 w))
254    dec 31     = return AiIndefLen
255    dec n
256      | n < 31 = return (AiReserved n)
257    dec _      = fail ""
259encodeAdditionalInfo :: AdditionalInformation -> (Word, [Word8])
260encodeAdditionalInfo = enc
261  where
262    enc (AiValue (UIntSmall n))
263      | n < 24               = (n, [])
264      | otherwise            = error "invalid UIntSmall value"
265    enc (AiValue (UInt8  w)) = (24, [w])
266    enc (AiValue (UInt16 w)) = (25, [w1, w0])
267                               where (w1, w0) = word16ToNet w
268    enc (AiValue (UInt32 w)) = (26, [w3, w2, w1, w0])
269                               where (w3, w2, w1, w0) = word32ToNet w
270    enc (AiValue (UInt64 w)) = (27, [w7, w6, w5, w4,
271                                     w3, w2, w1, w0])
272                               where (w7, w6, w5, w4,
273                                      w3, w2, w1, w0) = word64ToNet w
274    enc  AiIndefLen          = (31, [])
275    enc (AiReserved n)
276      | n >= 28 && n < 31    = (n,  [])
277      | otherwise            = error "invalid AiReserved value"
279prop_AdditionalInfo :: AdditionalInformation -> Bool
280prop_AdditionalInfo ai =
281    let (w, ws) = encodeAdditionalInfo ai
282        Just (ai', _) = runDecoder (decodeAdditionalInfo w) ws
283     in ai == ai'
286data TokenHeader = TokenHeader MajorType AdditionalInformation
287  deriving (Show, Eq)
289instance Arbitrary TokenHeader where
290  arbitrary = TokenHeader <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
292decodeTokenHeader :: Decoder TokenHeader
293decodeTokenHeader = do
294    b <- getByte
295    let (mt, ai) = decodeInitialByte b
296    ai' <- decodeAdditionalInfo ai
297    return (TokenHeader mt ai')
299encodeTokenHeader :: Encoder TokenHeader
300encodeTokenHeader (TokenHeader mt ai) =
301    let (w, ws) = encodeAdditionalInfo ai
302     in encodeInitialByte mt w : ws
304prop_TokenHeader :: TokenHeader -> Bool
305prop_TokenHeader header =
306    let ws                = encodeTokenHeader header
307        Just (header', _) = runDecoder decodeTokenHeader ws
308     in header == header'
310prop_TokenHeader2 :: Bool
311prop_TokenHeader2 =
312    and [ w8 : extraused == encoded
313        | w8 <- [minBound..maxBound]
314        , let extra = [1..8]
315              Just (header, unused) = runDecoder decodeTokenHeader (w8 : extra)
316              encoded   = encodeTokenHeader header
317              extraused = take (8 - length unused) extra
318        ]
320data Simple = SimpleSmall Word  --  0 .. 23
321            | SimpleLarge Word8 --  0 .. 255, but  0..23 are non-canonical
322                                --            and 24..31 are reserved
323  deriving (Eq, Show)
325fromSimple :: Simple -> Word8
326fromSimple (SimpleSmall w) = fromIntegral w
327fromSimple (SimpleLarge w) = w
329toSimple :: Word8 -> Simple
330toSimple w | w <= 23   = SimpleSmall (fromIntegral w)
331           | otherwise = SimpleLarge w
333reservedSimple :: Word8 -> Bool
334reservedSimple w = w >= 24 && w <= 31
336unassignedSimple :: Word8 -> Bool
337unassignedSimple w = w < 20 || w > 31
339instance Arbitrary Simple where
340  arbitrary = oneof [ SimpleSmall <$> choose (0, 23)
341                    , SimpleLarge <$> choose (0, 31)
342                    , SimpleLarge <$> choose (32, 255)
343                    ]
344  shrink (SimpleSmall n) = [ SimpleSmall n' | n' <- shrink n ]
345  shrink (SimpleLarge n) = [ SimpleSmall (fromIntegral n')
346                           | n' <- shrink n, n' <= 23 ]
347                        ++ [ SimpleLarge n' | n' <- shrink n ]
350data Token =
351     MT0_UnsignedInt UInt
352   | MT1_NegativeInt UInt
353   | MT2_ByteString  UInt [Word8]
354   | MT2_ByteStringIndef
355   | MT3_String      UInt [Word8]
356   | MT3_StringIndef
357   | MT4_ArrayLen    UInt
358   | MT4_ArrayLenIndef
359   | MT5_MapLen      UInt
360   | MT5_MapLenIndef
361   | MT6_Tag     UInt
362   | MT7_Simple  Simple
363   | MT7_Float16 HalfSpecials
364   | MT7_Float32 FloatSpecials
365   | MT7_Float64 DoubleSpecials
366   | MT7_Break
367  deriving (Show, Eq)
369instance Arbitrary Token where
370  arbitrary =
371    oneof
372      [ MT0_UnsignedInt <$> arbitrary
373      , MT1_NegativeInt <$> arbitrary
374      , do ws <- arbitrary
375           MT2_ByteString <$> arbitraryLengthUInt ws <*> pure ws
376      , pure MT2_ByteStringIndef
377      , do cs <- arbitrary
378           let ws = encodeUTF8 cs
379           MT3_String <$> arbitraryLengthUInt ws <*> pure ws
380      , pure MT3_StringIndef
381      , MT4_ArrayLen <$> arbitrary
382      , pure MT4_ArrayLenIndef
383      , MT5_MapLen <$> arbitrary
384      , pure MT5_MapLenIndef
385      , MT6_Tag     <$> arbitrary
386      , MT7_Simple  <$> arbitrary
387      , MT7_Float16 <$> arbitrary
388      , MT7_Float32 <$> arbitrary
389      , MT7_Float64 <$> arbitrary
390      , pure MT7_Break
391      ]
392    where
393      arbitraryLengthUInt xs =
394        let n = length xs in
395        elements $
396             [ UIntSmall (fromIntegral n) | n < 24  ]
397          ++ [ UInt8     (fromIntegral n) | n < 255 ]
398          ++ [ UInt16    (fromIntegral n) | n < 65536 ]
399          ++ [ UInt32    (fromIntegral n)
400             , UInt64    (fromIntegral n) ]
402testDecode :: [Word8] -> Term
403testDecode ws =
404    case runDecoder decodeTerm ws of
405      Just (x, []) -> x
406      _            -> error "testDecode: parse error"
408decodeTokens :: Decoder [Token]
409decodeTokens = do
410    done <- eof
411    if done
412      then return []
413      else do tok  <- decodeToken
414              toks <- decodeTokens
415              return (tok:toks)
417decodeToken :: Decoder Token
418decodeToken = do
419    header <- decodeTokenHeader
420    extra  <- getBytes (tokenExtraLen header)
421    either fail return (packToken header extra)
423tokenExtraLen :: TokenHeader -> Word64
424tokenExtraLen (TokenHeader MajorType2 (AiValue n)) = fromUInt n  -- bytestrings
425tokenExtraLen (TokenHeader MajorType3 (AiValue n)) = fromUInt n  -- unicode strings
426tokenExtraLen _                                    = 0
428packToken :: TokenHeader -> [Word8] -> Either String Token
429packToken (TokenHeader mt ai) extra = case (mt, ai) of
430    -- Major type 0:  an unsigned integer.  The 5-bit additional information
431    -- is either the integer itself (for additional information values 0
432    -- through 23) or the length of additional data.
433    (MajorType0, AiValue n)  -> return (MT0_UnsignedInt n)
435    -- Major type 1:  a negative integer.  The encoding follows the rules
436    -- for unsigned integers (major type 0), except that the value is
437    -- then -1 minus the encoded unsigned integer.
438    (MajorType1, AiValue n)  -> return (MT1_NegativeInt n)
440    -- Major type 2:  a byte string.  The string's length in bytes is
441    -- represented following the rules for positive integers (major type 0).
442    (MajorType2, AiValue n)  -> return (MT2_ByteString n extra)
443    (MajorType2, AiIndefLen) -> return MT2_ByteStringIndef
445    -- Major type 3:  a text string, specifically a string of Unicode
446    -- characters that is encoded as UTF-8 [RFC3629].  The format of this
447    -- type is identical to that of byte strings (major type 2), that is,
448    -- as with major type 2, the length gives the number of bytes.
449    (MajorType3, AiValue n)  -> return (MT3_String n extra)
450    (MajorType3, AiIndefLen) -> return MT3_StringIndef
452    -- Major type 4:  an array of data items. The array's length follows the
453    -- rules for byte strings (major type 2), except that the length
454    -- denotes the number of data items, not the length in bytes that the
455    -- array takes up.
456    (MajorType4, AiValue n)  -> return (MT4_ArrayLen n)
457    (MajorType4, AiIndefLen) -> return  MT4_ArrayLenIndef
459    -- Major type 5:  a map of pairs of data items. A map is comprised of
460    -- pairs of data items, each pair consisting of a key that is
461    -- immediately followed by a value. The map's length follows the
462    -- rules for byte strings (major type 2), except that the length
463    -- denotes the number of pairs, not the length in bytes that the map
464    -- takes up.
465    (MajorType5, AiValue n)  -> return (MT5_MapLen n)
466    (MajorType5, AiIndefLen) -> return  MT5_MapLenIndef
468    -- Major type 6:  optional semantic tagging of other major types.
469    -- The initial bytes of the tag follow the rules for positive integers
470    -- (major type 0).
471    (MajorType6, AiValue n)  -> return (MT6_Tag n)
473    -- Major type 7 is for two types of data: floating-point numbers and
474    -- "simple values" that do not need any content.  Each value of the
475    -- 5-bit additional information in the initial byte has its own separate
476    -- meaning, as defined in Table 1.
477    --   | 0..23       | Simple value (value 0..23)                       |
478    --   | 24          | Simple value (value 32..255 in following byte)   |
479    --   | 25          | IEEE 754 Half-Precision Float (16 bits follow)   |
480    --   | 26          | IEEE 754 Single-Precision Float (32 bits follow) |
481    --   | 27          | IEEE 754 Double-Precision Float (64 bits follow) |
482    --   | 28-30       | (Unassigned)                                     |
483    --   | 31          | "break" stop code for indefinite-length items    |
484    (MajorType7, AiValue (UIntSmall w)) -> return (MT7_Simple (SimpleSmall w))
485    (MajorType7, AiValue (UInt8     w)) -> return (MT7_Simple (SimpleLarge w))
486    (MajorType7, AiValue (UInt16    w)) -> return (MT7_Float16 (HalfSpecials (wordToHalf w)))
487    (MajorType7, AiValue (UInt32    w)) -> return (MT7_Float32 (FloatSpecials (wordToFloat w)))
488    (MajorType7, AiValue (UInt64    w)) -> return (MT7_Float64 (DoubleSpecials (wordToDouble w)))
489    (MajorType7, AiIndefLen)            -> return (MT7_Break)
490    _                                   -> Left "invalid token header"
493encodeToken :: Encoder Token
494encodeToken tok =
495    let (header, extra) = unpackToken tok
496     in encodeTokenHeader header ++ extra
499unpackToken :: Token -> (TokenHeader, [Word8])
500unpackToken tok = (\(mt, ai, ws) -> (TokenHeader mt ai, ws)) $ case tok of
501    (MT0_UnsignedInt n)    -> (MajorType0, AiValue n,  [])
502    (MT1_NegativeInt n)    -> (MajorType1, AiValue n,  [])
503    (MT2_ByteString  n ws) -> (MajorType2, AiValue n,  ws)
504    MT2_ByteStringIndef    -> (MajorType2, AiIndefLen, [])
505    (MT3_String      n ws) -> (MajorType3, AiValue n,  ws)
506    MT3_StringIndef        -> (MajorType3, AiIndefLen, [])
507    (MT4_ArrayLen    n)    -> (MajorType4, AiValue n,  [])
508    MT4_ArrayLenIndef      -> (MajorType4, AiIndefLen, [])
509    (MT5_MapLen      n)    -> (MajorType5, AiValue n,  [])
510    MT5_MapLenIndef        -> (MajorType5, AiIndefLen, [])
511    (MT6_Tag     n)        -> (MajorType6, AiValue n,  [])
512    (MT7_Simple
513        (SimpleSmall n))   -> (MajorType7, AiValue (UIntSmall (fromIntegral n)), [])
514    (MT7_Simple
515        (SimpleLarge n))   -> (MajorType7, AiValue (UInt8  n), [])
516    (MT7_Float16
517        (HalfSpecials f))  -> (MajorType7, AiValue (UInt16 (halfToWord f)),   [])
518    (MT7_Float32
519        (FloatSpecials f)) -> (MajorType7, AiValue (UInt32 (floatToWord f)),  [])
520    (MT7_Float64
521        (DoubleSpecials f))-> (MajorType7, AiValue (UInt64 (doubleToWord f)), [])
522    MT7_Break              -> (MajorType7, AiIndefLen, [])
525fromUInt :: UInt -> Word64
526fromUInt (UIntSmall w) = fromIntegral w
527fromUInt (UInt8     w) = fromIntegral w
528fromUInt (UInt16    w) = fromIntegral w
529fromUInt (UInt32    w) = fromIntegral w
530fromUInt (UInt64    w) = fromIntegral w
532toUInt :: Word64 -> UInt
533toUInt n
534  | n < 24                                 = UIntSmall (fromIntegral n)
535  | n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word8)  = UInt8     (fromIntegral n)
536  | n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16) = UInt16    (fromIntegral n)
537  | n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word32) = UInt32    (fromIntegral n)
538  | otherwise                              = UInt64    n
540lengthUInt :: [a] -> UInt
541lengthUInt = toUInt . fromIntegral . length
543decodeUTF8 :: [Word8] -> Either String [Char]
544decodeUTF8 = either (Left . show) (return . T.unpack) . T.decodeUtf8' . BS.pack
546encodeUTF8 :: [Char] -> [Word8]
547encodeUTF8 = BS.unpack . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
549reservedTag :: Word64 -> Bool
550reservedTag w = w <= 5
552prop_Token :: Token -> Bool
553prop_Token token =
554    let ws = encodeToken token
555        Just (token', []) = runDecoder decodeToken ws
556     in token == token'
558data Term = TUInt   UInt
559          | TNInt   UInt
560          | TBigInt Integer
561          | TBytes    [Word8]
562          | TBytess  [[Word8]]
563          | TString   [Char]
564          | TStrings [[Char]]
565          | TArray  [Term]
566          | TArrayI [Term]
567          | TMap    [(Term, Term)]
568          | TMapI   [(Term, Term)]
569          | TTagged UInt Term
570          | TTrue
571          | TFalse
572          | TNull
573          | TUndef
574          | TSimple  Simple
575          | TFloat16 HalfSpecials
576          | TFloat32 FloatSpecials
577          | TFloat64 DoubleSpecials
578  deriving (Show, Eq)
580instance Arbitrary Term where
581  arbitrary =
582      frequency
583        [ (1, TUInt    <$> arbitrary)
584        , (1, TNInt    <$> arbitrary)
585        , (1, TBigInt . getLargeInteger <$> arbitrary)
586        , (1, TBytes   <$> arbitrary)
587        , (1, TBytess  <$> arbitrary)
588        , (1, TString  <$> arbitrary)
589        , (1, TStrings <$> arbitrary)
590        , (2, TArray   <$> listOfSmaller arbitrary)
591        , (2, TArrayI  <$> listOfSmaller arbitrary)
592        , (2, TMap     <$> listOfSmaller ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary))
593        , (2, TMapI    <$> listOfSmaller ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary))
594        , (1, TTagged  <$> arbitraryTag <*> sized (\sz -> resize (max 0 (sz-1)) arbitrary))
595        , (1, pure TFalse)
596        , (1, pure TTrue)
597        , (1, pure TNull)
598        , (1, pure TUndef)
599        , (1, TSimple  <$> arbitrary `suchThat` (unassignedSimple . fromSimple))
600        , (1, TFloat16 <$> arbitrary)
601        , (1, TFloat32 <$> arbitrary)
602        , (1, TFloat64 <$> arbitrary)
603        ]
604    where
605      listOfSmaller :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
606      listOfSmaller gen =
607        sized $ \n -> do
608          k <- choose (0,n)
609          vectorOf k (resize (n `div` (k+1)) gen)
611      arbitraryTag = arbitrary `suchThat` (not . reservedTag . fromUInt)
613  shrink (TUInt   n)    = [ TUInt    n'   | n' <- shrink n ]
614  shrink (TNInt   n)    = [ TNInt    n'   | n' <- shrink n ]
615  shrink (TBigInt n)    = [ TBigInt  n'   | n' <- shrink n ]
617  shrink (TBytes  ws)   = [ TBytes   ws'  | ws'  <- shrink ws  ]
618  shrink (TBytess wss)  = [ TBytess  wss' | wss' <- shrink wss ]
619  shrink (TString  ws)  = [ TString  ws'  | ws'  <- shrink ws  ]
620  shrink (TStrings wss) = [ TStrings wss' | wss' <- shrink wss ]
622  shrink (TArray  xs@[x]) = x : [ TArray  xs' | xs' <- shrink xs ]
623  shrink (TArray  xs)     =     [ TArray  xs' | xs' <- shrink xs ]
624  shrink (TArrayI xs@[x]) = x : [ TArrayI xs' | xs' <- shrink xs ]
625  shrink (TArrayI xs)     =     [ TArrayI xs' | xs' <- shrink xs ]
627  shrink (TMap  xys@[(x,y)]) = x : y : [ TMap  xys' | xys' <- shrink xys ]
628  shrink (TMap  xys)         =         [ TMap  xys' | xys' <- shrink xys ]
629  shrink (TMapI xys@[(x,y)]) = x : y : [ TMapI xys' | xys' <- shrink xys ]
630  shrink (TMapI xys)         =         [ TMapI xys' | xys' <- shrink xys ]
632  shrink (TTagged w t) = [ TTagged w' t' | (w', t') <- shrink (w, t)
633                                         , not (reservedTag (fromUInt w')) ]
635  shrink TFalse = []
636  shrink TTrue  = []
637  shrink TNull  = []
638  shrink TUndef = []
640  shrink (TSimple  n) = [ TSimple  n' | n' <- shrink n
641                                      , unassignedSimple (fromSimple n') ]
642  shrink (TFloat16 f) = [ TFloat16 f' | f' <- shrink f ]
643  shrink (TFloat32 f) = [ TFloat32 f' | f' <- shrink f ]
644  shrink (TFloat64 f) = [ TFloat64 f' | f' <- shrink f ]
647decodeTerm :: Decoder Term
648decodeTerm = decodeToken >>= decodeTermFrom
650decodeTermFrom :: Token -> Decoder Term
651decodeTermFrom tk =
652    case tk of
653      MT0_UnsignedInt n  -> return (TUInt n)
654      MT1_NegativeInt n  -> return (TNInt n)
656      MT2_ByteString _ bs -> return (TBytes bs)
657      MT2_ByteStringIndef -> decodeBytess []
659      MT3_String _ ws    -> either fail (return . TString) (decodeUTF8 ws)
660      MT3_StringIndef    -> decodeStrings []
662      MT4_ArrayLen len   -> decodeArrayN (fromUInt len) []
663      MT4_ArrayLenIndef  -> decodeArray []
665      MT5_MapLen  len    -> decodeMapN (fromUInt len) []
666      MT5_MapLenIndef    -> decodeMap  []
668      MT6_Tag     tag    -> decodeTagged tag
670      MT7_Simple  n
671        | n' == 20       -> return TFalse
672        | n' == 21       -> return TTrue
673        | n' == 22       -> return TNull
674        | n' == 23       -> return TUndef
675        | otherwise      -> return (TSimple n)
676        where
677          n' = fromSimple n
678      MT7_Float16 f      -> return (TFloat16 f)
679      MT7_Float32 f      -> return (TFloat32 f)
680      MT7_Float64 f      -> return (TFloat64 f)
681      MT7_Break          -> fail "unexpected"
684decodeBytess :: [[Word8]] -> Decoder Term
685decodeBytess acc = do
686    tk <- decodeToken
687    case tk of
688      MT7_Break            -> return $! TBytess (reverse acc)
689      MT2_ByteString _ bs  -> decodeBytess (bs : acc)
690      _                    -> fail "unexpected"
692decodeStrings :: [String] -> Decoder Term
693decodeStrings acc = do
694    tk <- decodeToken
695    case tk of
696      MT7_Break        -> return $! TStrings (reverse acc)
697      MT3_String _ ws  -> do cs <- either fail return (decodeUTF8 ws)
698                             decodeStrings (cs : acc)
699      _                -> fail "unexpected"
701decodeArrayN :: Word64 -> [Term] -> Decoder Term
702decodeArrayN n acc =
703    case n of
704      0 -> return $! TArray (reverse acc)
705      _ -> do t <- decodeTerm
706              decodeArrayN (n-1) (t : acc)
708decodeArray :: [Term] -> Decoder Term
709decodeArray acc = do
710    tk <- decodeToken
711    case tk of
712      MT7_Break -> return $! TArrayI (reverse acc)
713      _         -> do
714        tm <- decodeTermFrom tk
715        decodeArray (tm : acc)
717decodeMapN :: Word64 -> [(Term, Term)] -> Decoder Term
718decodeMapN n acc =
719    case n of
720      0 -> return $! TMap (reverse acc)
721      _ -> do
722        tm   <- decodeTerm
723        tm'  <- decodeTerm
724        decodeMapN (n-1) ((tm, tm') : acc)
726decodeMap :: [(Term, Term)] -> Decoder Term
727decodeMap acc = do
728    tk <- decodeToken
729    case tk of
730      MT7_Break -> return $! TMapI (reverse acc)
731      _         -> do
732        tm  <- decodeTermFrom tk
733        tm' <- decodeTerm
734        decodeMap ((tm, tm') : acc)
736decodeTagged :: UInt -> Decoder Term
737decodeTagged tag | fromUInt tag == 2 = do
738    MT2_ByteString _ bs <- decodeToken
739    let !n = integerFromBytes bs
740    return (TBigInt n)
741decodeTagged tag | fromUInt tag == 3 = do
742    MT2_ByteString _ bs <- decodeToken
743    let !n = integerFromBytes bs
744    return (TBigInt (-1 - n))
745decodeTagged tag = do
746    tm <- decodeTerm
747    return (TTagged tag tm)
749integerFromBytes :: [Word8] -> Integer
750integerFromBytes []       = 0
751integerFromBytes (w0:ws0) = go (fromIntegral w0) ws0
752  where
753    go !acc []     = acc
754    go !acc (w:ws) = go (acc `shiftL` 8 + fromIntegral w) ws
756integerToBytes :: Integer -> [Word8]
757integerToBytes n0
758  | n0 == 0   = [0]
759  | n0 < 0    = reverse (go (-n0))
760  | otherwise = reverse (go n0)
761  where
762    go n | n == 0    = []
763         | otherwise = narrow n : go (n `shiftR` 8)
765    narrow :: Integer -> Word8
766    narrow = fromIntegral
768prop_integerToFromBytes :: LargeInteger -> Bool
769prop_integerToFromBytes (LargeInteger n)
770  | n >= 0 =
771    let ws = integerToBytes n
772        n' = integerFromBytes ws
773     in n == n'
774  | otherwise =
775    let ws = integerToBytes n
776        n' = integerFromBytes ws
777     in n == -n'
781encodeTerm :: Encoder Term
782encodeTerm (TUInt n)       = encodeToken (MT0_UnsignedInt n)
783encodeTerm (TNInt n)       = encodeToken (MT1_NegativeInt n)
784encodeTerm (TBigInt n)
785               | n >= 0    = encodeToken (MT6_Tag (UIntSmall 2))
786                          <> let ws  = integerToBytes n
787                                 len = lengthUInt ws in
788                             encodeToken (MT2_ByteString len ws)
789               | otherwise = encodeToken (MT6_Tag (UIntSmall 3))
790                          <> let ws  = integerToBytes (-1 - n)
791                                 len = lengthUInt ws in
792                             encodeToken (MT2_ByteString len ws)
793encodeTerm (TBytes ws)     = let len = lengthUInt ws in
794                             encodeToken (MT2_ByteString len ws)
795encodeTerm (TBytess wss)   = encodeToken MT2_ByteStringIndef
796                          <> mconcat [ encodeToken (MT2_ByteString len ws)
797                                     | ws <- wss
798                                     , let len = lengthUInt ws ]
799                          <> encodeToken MT7_Break
800encodeTerm (TString  cs)   = let ws  = encodeUTF8 cs
801                                 len = lengthUInt ws in
802                             encodeToken (MT3_String len ws)
803encodeTerm (TStrings css)  = encodeToken MT3_StringIndef
804                          <> mconcat [ encodeToken (MT3_String len ws)
805                                     | cs <- css
806                                     , let ws  = encodeUTF8 cs
807                                           len = lengthUInt ws ]
808                          <> encodeToken MT7_Break
809encodeTerm (TArray  ts)    = let len = lengthUInt ts in
810                             encodeToken (MT4_ArrayLen len)
811                          <> mconcat (map encodeTerm ts)
812encodeTerm (TArrayI ts)    = encodeToken MT4_ArrayLenIndef
813                          <> mconcat (map encodeTerm ts)
814                          <> encodeToken MT7_Break
815encodeTerm (TMap    kvs)   = let len = lengthUInt kvs in
816                             encodeToken (MT5_MapLen len)
817                          <> mconcat [ encodeTerm k <> encodeTerm v
818                                     | (k,v) <- kvs ]
819encodeTerm (TMapI   kvs)   = encodeToken MT5_MapLenIndef
820                          <> mconcat [ encodeTerm k <> encodeTerm v
821                                     | (k,v) <- kvs ]
822                          <> encodeToken MT7_Break
823encodeTerm (TTagged tag t) = encodeToken (MT6_Tag tag)
824                          <> encodeTerm t
825encodeTerm  TFalse         = encodeToken (MT7_Simple (SimpleSmall 20))
826encodeTerm  TTrue          = encodeToken (MT7_Simple (SimpleSmall 21))
827encodeTerm  TNull          = encodeToken (MT7_Simple (SimpleSmall 22))
828encodeTerm  TUndef         = encodeToken (MT7_Simple (SimpleSmall 23))
829encodeTerm (TSimple  w)    = encodeToken (MT7_Simple w)
830encodeTerm (TFloat16 f)    = encodeToken (MT7_Float16 f)
831encodeTerm (TFloat32 f)    = encodeToken (MT7_Float32 f)
832encodeTerm (TFloat64 f)    = encodeToken (MT7_Float64 f)
837prop_Term :: Term -> Bool
838prop_Term term =
839    let ws = encodeTerm term
840        Just (term', []) = runDecoder decodeTerm ws
841     in term == term'
843isCanonicalTerm :: Term -> Bool
844isCanonicalTerm t = canonicaliseTerm t == t
846canonicaliseTerm :: Term -> Term
847canonicaliseTerm (TUInt n) = TUInt (canonicaliseUInt n)
848canonicaliseTerm (TNInt n) = TNInt (canonicaliseUInt n)
849canonicaliseTerm (TBigInt n)
850  | n >= 0 && n <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word64)
851                           = TUInt (toUInt (fromIntegral n))
852  | n <  0 && n >= -1 - fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word64)
853                           = TNInt (toUInt (fromIntegral (-1 - n)))
854  | otherwise              = TBigInt n
855canonicaliseTerm (TSimple  n)   = TSimple  (canonicaliseSimple n)
856canonicaliseTerm (TFloat16 f)   = canonicaliseFloat TFloat16 f
857canonicaliseTerm (TFloat32 f)   = canonicaliseFloat TFloat32 f
858canonicaliseTerm (TFloat64 f)   = canonicaliseFloat TFloat64 f
859canonicaliseTerm (TBytess  wss) = TBytess  (filter (not . null) wss)
860canonicaliseTerm (TStrings css) = TStrings (filter (not . null) css)
861canonicaliseTerm (TArray  ts) = TArray  (map canonicaliseTerm ts)
862canonicaliseTerm (TArrayI ts) = TArrayI (map canonicaliseTerm ts)
863canonicaliseTerm (TMap    ts) = TMap    (map canonicaliseTermPair ts)
864canonicaliseTerm (TMapI   ts) = TMapI   (map canonicaliseTermPair ts)
865canonicaliseTerm (TTagged tag t) = TTagged (canonicaliseUInt tag) (canonicaliseTerm t)
866canonicaliseTerm t = t
868canonicaliseUInt :: UInt -> UInt
869canonicaliseUInt = toUInt . fromUInt
871canonicaliseSimple :: Simple -> Simple
872canonicaliseSimple = toSimple . fromSimple
874canonicaliseFloat :: RealFloat t => (t -> Term) -> t -> Term
875canonicaliseFloat tfloatNN f
876  | isNaN f   = TFloat16 canonicalNaN
877  | otherwise = tfloatNN f
879canonicaliseTermPair :: (Term, Term) -> (Term, Term)
880canonicaliseTermPair (x,y) = (canonicaliseTerm x, canonicaliseTerm y)
885diagnosticNotation :: Term -> String
886diagnosticNotation = \t -> showsTerm t ""
887  where
888    showsTerm tm = case tm of
889      TUInt    n     -> shows (fromUInt n)
890      TNInt    n     -> shows (-1 - fromIntegral (fromUInt n) :: Integer)
891      TBigInt  n     -> shows n
892      TBytes   bs    -> showsBytes bs
893      TBytess  bss   -> surround '(' ')' (underscoreSpace . commaSep showsBytes bss)
894      TString  cs    -> shows cs
895      TStrings css   -> surround '(' ')' (underscoreSpace . commaSep shows css)
896      TArray   ts    -> surround '[' ']' (commaSep showsTerm ts)
897      TArrayI  ts    -> surround '[' ']' (underscoreSpace . commaSep showsTerm ts)
898      TMap     ts    -> surround '{' '}' (commaSep showsMapElem ts)
899      TMapI    ts    -> surround '{' '}' (underscoreSpace . commaSep showsMapElem ts)
900      TTagged  tag t -> shows (fromUInt tag) . surround '(' ')' (showsTerm t)
901      TTrue          -> showString "true"
902      TFalse         -> showString "false"
903      TNull          -> showString "null"
904      TUndef         -> showString "undefined"
905      TSimple  n     -> showString "simple" . surround '(' ')' (shows (fromSimple n))
906      -- convert to float to work around https://github.com/ekmett/half/issues/2
907      TFloat16 f     -> showFloatCompat (float2Double (Half.fromHalf (getHalfSpecials f)))
908      TFloat32 f     -> showFloatCompat (float2Double (getFloatSpecials f))
909      TFloat64 f     -> showFloatCompat (getDoubleSpecials f)
911    surround a b x = showChar a . x . showChar b
913    commaSpace = showChar ',' . showChar ' '
914    underscoreSpace = showChar '_' . showChar ' '
916    showsMapElem (k,v) = showsTerm k . showChar ':' . showChar ' ' . showsTerm v
918    catShows :: (a -> ShowS) -> [a] -> ShowS
919    catShows f xs = \s -> foldr (\x r -> f x . r) id xs s
921    sepShows :: ShowS -> (a -> ShowS) -> [a] -> ShowS
922    sepShows sep f xs = foldr (.) id (intersperse sep (map f xs))
924    commaSep = sepShows commaSpace
926    showsBytes :: [Word8] -> ShowS
927    showsBytes bs = showChar 'h' . showChar '\''
928                                 . catShows showFHex bs
929                                 . showChar '\''
931    showFHex n | n < 16    = showChar '0' . showHex n
932               | otherwise = showHex n
934    showFloatCompat n
935      | exponent' >= -5 && exponent' <= 15 = showFFloat Nothing n
936      | otherwise                          = showEFloat Nothing n
937      where exponent' = snd (floatToDigits 10 n)
940word16FromNet :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word16
941word16FromNet w1 w0 =
942      fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` (8*1)
943  .|. fromIntegral w0 `shiftL` (8*0)
945word16ToNet :: Word16 -> (Word8, Word8)
946word16ToNet w =
947    ( fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*1)) .&. 0xff)
948    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*0)) .&. 0xff)
949    )
951word32FromNet :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word32
952word32FromNet w3 w2 w1 w0 =
953      fromIntegral w3 `shiftL` (8*3)
954  .|. fromIntegral w2 `shiftL` (8*2)
955  .|. fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` (8*1)
956  .|. fromIntegral w0 `shiftL` (8*0)
958word32ToNet :: Word32 -> (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
959word32ToNet w =
960    ( fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*3)) .&. 0xff)
961    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*2)) .&. 0xff)
962    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*1)) .&. 0xff)
963    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*0)) .&. 0xff)
964    )
966word64FromNet :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 ->
967                 Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word64
968word64FromNet w7 w6 w5 w4 w3 w2 w1 w0 =
969      fromIntegral w7 `shiftL` (8*7)
970  .|. fromIntegral w6 `shiftL` (8*6)
971  .|. fromIntegral w5 `shiftL` (8*5)
972  .|. fromIntegral w4 `shiftL` (8*4)
973  .|. fromIntegral w3 `shiftL` (8*3)
974  .|. fromIntegral w2 `shiftL` (8*2)
975  .|. fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` (8*1)
976  .|. fromIntegral w0 `shiftL` (8*0)
978word64ToNet :: Word64 -> (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8,
979                          Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
980word64ToNet w =
981    ( fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*7)) .&. 0xff)
982    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*6)) .&. 0xff)
983    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*5)) .&. 0xff)
984    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*4)) .&. 0xff)
985    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*3)) .&. 0xff)
986    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*2)) .&. 0xff)
987    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*1)) .&. 0xff)
988    , fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` (8*0)) .&. 0xff)
989    )
991prop_word16ToFromNet :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool
992prop_word16ToFromNet w1 w0 =
993    word16ToNet (word16FromNet w1 w0) == (w1, w0)
995prop_word32ToFromNet :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool
996prop_word32ToFromNet w3 w2 w1 w0 =
997    word32ToNet (word32FromNet w3 w2 w1 w0) == (w3, w2, w1, w0)
999prop_word64ToFromNet :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 ->
1000                        Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool
1001prop_word64ToFromNet w7 w6 w5 w4 w3 w2 w1 w0 =
1002    word64ToNet (word64FromNet w7 w6 w5 w4 w3 w2 w1 w0)
1003 == (w7, w6, w5, w4, w3, w2, w1, w0)
1005-- Note: some NaNs do not roundtrip https://github.com/ekmett/half/issues/3
1006-- but all the others had better
1007prop_halfToFromFloat :: Bool
1008prop_halfToFromFloat =
1009    all (\w -> roundTrip w || isNaN (Half.Half w)) [minBound..maxBound]
1010  where
1011    roundTrip w =
1012      w == (Half.getHalf . Half.toHalf . Half.fromHalf . Half.Half $ w)