1{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3module Test.Format.ParseTime
4    ( testParseTime
5    , test_parse_format
6    ) where
8#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
10import Data.Semigroup hiding (option)
12import Control.Monad
13import Data.Char
14import Data.Maybe
15import Data.Proxy
16import Data.Time.Compat
17import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate.Compat
18import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate.Compat
19import Data.Time.Calendar.Month.Compat
20import Data.Time.Calendar.Quarter.Compat
21import Test.Arbitrary ()
22import Test.QuickCheck.Property
23import Test.Tasty
24import Test.Tasty.HUnit
25import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding (reason)
26import Test.TestUtil
27import Text.Read.Compat
29format :: FormatTime t => String -> t -> String
30format f t = formatTime defaultTimeLocale f t
32parse :: ParseTime t => Bool -> String -> String -> Maybe t
33parse sp f t = parseTimeM sp defaultTimeLocale f t
35data FormatOnly
37data ParseAndFormat
39data FormatCode pf t = MkFormatCode
40    { fcModifier :: String
41    , fcWidth :: Maybe Int
42    , fcAlt :: Bool
43    , fcSpecifier :: Char
44    }
46instance Show (FormatCode pf t) where
47    show (MkFormatCode m w a s) = let
48        ms = m
49        ws = fromMaybe "" $ fmap show w
50        as =
51            if a
52                then "E"
53                else ""
54        ss = [s]
55        in '%' : (ms <> ws <> as <> ss)
57formatCode :: FormatTime t => FormatCode pf t -> t -> String
58formatCode fc = format $ show fc
60parseCode :: ParseTime t => FormatCode ParseAndFormat t -> String -> Maybe t
61parseCode fc = parse False $ show fc
63class HasFormatCodes t where
64    allFormatCodes :: Proxy t -> [(Bool, Char)]
65    incompleteS :: Maybe t
66    incompleteS = Nothing
68minCodeWidth :: Char -> Int
69minCodeWidth _ = 0
71fcShrink :: FormatCode pf t -> [FormatCode pf t]
72fcShrink fc = let
73    fc1 =
74        case fcWidth fc of
75            Nothing -> []
76            Just w
77                | w > (minCodeWidth $ fcSpecifier fc) -> [fc {fcWidth = Nothing}, fc {fcWidth = Just $ w - 1}]
78            Just _ -> [fc {fcWidth = Nothing}]
79    fc2 =
80        case fcAlt fc of
81            False -> []
82            True -> [fc {fcAlt = False}]
83    fc3 =
84        case fcModifier fc of
85            "" -> []
86            _ -> [fc {fcModifier = ""}]
87    in fc1 ++ fc2 ++ fc3
89instance HasFormatCodes t => Arbitrary (FormatCode FormatOnly t) where
90    arbitrary = do
91        m <- oneof [return "", oneof $ fmap return ["", "-", "_", "0", "^", "#"]]
92        (a, s) <- oneof $ fmap return $ allFormatCodes (Proxy :: Proxy t)
93        w <-
94            case minCodeWidth s of
95                0 -> return Nothing
96                mw -> oneof [return Nothing, fmap Just $ choose (mw, 15)]
97        return $ MkFormatCode m w a s
98    shrink = fcShrink
100instance HasFormatCodes t => Arbitrary (FormatCode ParseAndFormat t) where
101    arbitrary = do
102        (a, s) <- oneof $ fmap return $ allFormatCodes (Proxy :: Proxy t)
103        m <-
104            case s of
105                'Z' -> return ""
106                'z' -> return ""
107                _ -> oneof [return "", oneof $ fmap return ["", "-", "_", "0"]]
108        return $ MkFormatCode m Nothing a s
109    shrink = fcShrink
111testParseTime :: TestTree
112testParseTime =
113    testGroup
114        "testParseTime"
115        [ readOtherTypesTest
116        , readTests
117        , simpleFormatTests
118        , extests
119        , particularParseTests
120        , badParseTests
121        , defaultTimeZoneTests
122        , militaryTimeZoneTests
123        , propertyTests
124        ]
126yearDays :: Integer -> [Day]
127yearDays y = [(fromGregorian y 1 1) .. (fromGregorian y 12 31)]
129makeExhaustiveTest :: String -> [t] -> (t -> TestTree) -> TestTree
130makeExhaustiveTest name cases f = testGroup name (fmap f cases)
132extests :: TestTree
133extests =
134    testGroup
135        "exhaustive"
136        ([ makeExhaustiveTest "parse %y" [0 .. 99] parseYY
137         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C %y 1900s" [0, 1, 50, 99] (parseCYY 19)
138         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C %y 2000s" [0, 1, 50, 99] (parseCYY 20)
139         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C %y 1400s" [0, 1, 50, 99] (parseCYY 14)
140         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %C %y 0700s" [0, 1, 50, 99] (parseCYY2 7)
141         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C %y 700s" [0, 1, 50, 99] (parseCYY 7)
142         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C %y -700s" [0, 1, 50, 99] (parseCYY (-7))
143         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C %y -70000s" [0, 1, 50, 99] (parseCYY (-70000))
144         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C %y 10000s" [0, 1, 50, 99] (parseCYY 100)
145         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C centuries" [20 .. 100] (parseCentury " ")
146         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C century X" [1, 10, 20, 100] (parseCentury "X")
147         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C century 2sp" [1, 10, 20, 100] (parseCentury "  ")
148         , makeExhaustiveTest "parse %-C century 5sp" [1, 10, 20, 100] (parseCentury "     ")
149         ] ++
150         (concat $
151          fmap
152              (\y ->
153                   [ (makeExhaustiveTest "parse %Y%m%d" (yearDays y) parseYMD)
154                   , (makeExhaustiveTest "parse %Y %m %d" (yearDays y) parseYearDayD)
155                   , (makeExhaustiveTest "parse %Y %-m %e" (yearDays y) parseYearDayE)
156                   ])
157              [1, 4, 20, 753, 2000, 2011, 10001 ])) -- , (-1166)]))
159readTest :: (Eq a, Show a, Read a) => [(a, String)] -> String -> TestTree
160readTest expected target = let
161    found = reads target
162    result = assertEqual "" expected found
163    name = show target
164    in Test.Tasty.HUnit.testCase name result
166readTestsParensSpaces ::
167       forall a. (Eq a, Show a, Read a)
168    => a
169    -> String
170    -> TestTree
171readTestsParensSpaces expected target =
172    testGroup
173        target
174        [ readTest [(expected, "")] $ target
175        , readTest [(expected, "")] $ "(" ++ target ++ ")"
176        , readTest [(expected, "")] $ " (" ++ target ++ ")"
177        , readTest [(expected, " ")] $ " ( " ++ target ++ " ) "
178        , readTest [(expected, " ")] $ " (( " ++ target ++ " )) "
179        , readTest ([] :: [(a, String)]) $ "(" ++ target
180        , readTest [(expected, ")")] $ "" ++ target ++ ")"
181        , readTest [(expected, "")] $ "((" ++ target ++ "))"
182        , readTest [(expected, " ")] $ "  (   (     " ++ target ++ "   )  ) "
183        ]
184  where
187readOtherTypesTest :: TestTree
188readOtherTypesTest =
189    testGroup "read other types" [readTestsParensSpaces (3 :: Integer) "3", readTestsParensSpaces "a" "\"a\""]
191readTests :: TestTree
192readTests =
193    testGroup
194        "read times"
195        [ readTestsParensSpaces testDay "1912-07-08"
196    --readTestsParensSpaces testDay "1912-7-8",
197        , readTestsParensSpaces testTimeOfDay "08:04:02"
198    --,readTestsParensSpaces testTimeOfDay "8:4:2"
199        ]
200  where
201    testDay = fromGregorian 1912 7 8
202    testTimeOfDay = TimeOfDay 8 4 2
204epoch :: LocalTime
205epoch = LocalTime (fromGregorian 1970 0 0) midnight
207simpleFormatTests :: TestTree
208simpleFormatTests =
209    testGroup
210        "simple"
211        [ readsTest [(epoch, "")] "" ""
212        , readsTest [(epoch, " ")] "" " "
213        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] " " " "
214        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] " " "  "
215        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] "%k" "0"
216        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] "%k" " 0"
217        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] "%m" "01"
218        , readsTest [(epoch, " ")] "%m" "01 "
219        , readsTest [(epoch, " ")] " %m" " 01 "
220        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] " %m" " 01"
221    -- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9150
222        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] " %M" " 00"
223        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] "%M " "00 "
224        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] "%Q" ""
225        , readsTest [(epoch, " ")] "%Q" " "
226        , readsTest [(epoch, "X")] "%Q" "X"
227        , readsTest [(epoch, " X")] "%Q" " X"
228        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] "%Q " " "
229        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] "%Q X" " X"
230        , readsTest [(epoch, "")] "%QX" "X"
231        ]
232  where
233    readsTest :: (Show a, Eq a, ParseTime a) => [(a, String)] -> String -> String -> TestTree
234    readsTest expected formatStr target = let
235        found = readSTime False defaultTimeLocale formatStr target
236        result = assertEqual "" expected found
237        name = (show formatStr) ++ " of " ++ (show target)
238        in Test.Tasty.HUnit.testCase name result
240spacingTests :: (Show t, Eq t, ParseTime t) => t -> String -> String -> TestTree
241spacingTests expected formatStr target =
242    testGroup
243        "particular"
244        [ parseTest False (Just expected) formatStr target
245        , parseTest True (Just expected) formatStr target
246        , parseTest False (Just expected) (formatStr ++ " ") (target ++ " ")
247        , parseTest True (Just expected) (formatStr ++ " ") (target ++ " ")
248        , parseTest False (Just expected) (" " ++ formatStr) (" " ++ target)
249        , parseTest True (Just expected) (" " ++ formatStr) (" " ++ target)
250        , parseTest True (Just expected) ("" ++ formatStr) (" " ++ target)
251        , parseTest True (Just expected) (" " ++ formatStr) ("  " ++ target)
252        ]
254particularParseTests :: TestTree
255particularParseTests =
256    testGroup
257        "particular"
258        [ spacingTests epoch "%Q" ""
259        , spacingTests epoch "%Q" ".0"
260        , spacingTests epoch "%k" " 0"
261        , spacingTests epoch "%M" "00"
262        , spacingTests epoch "%m" "01"
263        , spacingTests (TimeZone 120 False "") "%z" "+0200"
264        , spacingTests (TimeZone 120 False "") "%Z" "+0200"
265        , spacingTests (TimeZone (-480) False "PST") "%Z" "PST"
266        ]
268badParseTests :: TestTree
269badParseTests = testGroup "bad" [parseTest False (Nothing :: Maybe Day) "%Y" ""]
271parseYMD :: Day -> TestTree
272parseYMD day =
273    case toGregorian day of
274        (y, m, d) -> parseTest False (Just day) "%Y%m%d" ((show y) ++ (show2 m) ++ (show2 d))
276parseYearDayD :: Day -> TestTree
277parseYearDayD day =
278    case toGregorian day of
279        (y, m, d) -> parseTest False (Just day) "%Y %m %d" ((show y) ++ " " ++ (show2 m) ++ " " ++ (show2 d))
281parseYearDayE :: Day -> TestTree
282parseYearDayE day =
283    case toGregorian day of
284        (y, m, d) -> parseTest False (Just day) "%Y %-m %e" ((show y) ++ " " ++ (show m) ++ " " ++ (show d))
286-- | 1969 - 2068
287expectedYear :: Integer -> Integer
288expectedYear i
289    | i >= 69 = 1900 + i
290expectedYear i = 2000 + i
292show2 :: (Show n, Integral n) => n -> String
293show2 i = (show (div i 10)) ++ (show (mod i 10))
295parseYY :: Integer -> TestTree
296parseYY i = parseTest False (Just (fromGregorian (expectedYear i) 1 1)) "%y" (show2 i)
298parseCYY :: Integer -> Integer -> TestTree
299parseCYY c i = parseTest False (Just (fromGregorian ((c * 100) + i) 1 1)) "%-C %y" ((show c) ++ " " ++ (show2 i))
301parseCYY2 :: Integer -> Integer -> TestTree
302parseCYY2 c i = parseTest False (Just (fromGregorian ((c * 100) + i) 1 1)) "%C %y" ((show2 c) ++ " " ++ (show2 i))
304parseCentury :: String -> Integer -> TestTree
305parseCentury int c =
306    parseTest False (Just (fromGregorian (c * 100) 1 1)) ("%-C" ++ int ++ "%y") ((show c) ++ int ++ "00")
308parseTest :: (Show t, Eq t, ParseTime t) => Bool -> Maybe t -> String -> String -> TestTree
309parseTest sp expected formatStr target = let
310    found = parse sp formatStr target
311    result = assertEqual "" expected found
312    name =
313        (show formatStr) ++
314        " of " ++
315        (show target) ++
316        (if sp
317             then " allowing spaces"
318             else "")
319    in Test.Tasty.HUnit.testCase name result
322readsTest :: forall t. (Show t, Eq t, ParseTime t) => Maybe t -> String -> String -> TestTree
323readsTest (Just e) = readsTest' [(e,"")]
324readsTest Nothing = readsTest' ([] :: [(t,String)])
326enumAdd :: (Enum a) => Int -> a -> a
327enumAdd i a = toEnum (i + fromEnum a)
329getMilZoneLetter :: Int -> Char
330getMilZoneLetter 0 = 'Z'
331getMilZoneLetter h
332    | h < 0 = enumAdd (negate h) 'M'
333getMilZoneLetter h
334    | h < 10 = enumAdd (h - 1) 'A'
335getMilZoneLetter h = enumAdd (h - 10) 'K'
337getMilZone :: Int -> TimeZone
338getMilZone hour = TimeZone (hour * 60) False [getMilZoneLetter hour]
340testParseTimeZone :: TimeZone -> TestTree
341testParseTimeZone tz = parseTest False (Just tz) "%Z" (timeZoneName tz)
343defaultTimeZoneTests :: TestTree
344defaultTimeZoneTests = testGroup "default time zones" [] -- (fmap testParseTimeZone (knownTimeZones defaultTimeLocale))
346militaryTimeZoneTests :: TestTree
347militaryTimeZoneTests = testGroup "military time zones" (fmap (testParseTimeZone . getMilZone) [-12 .. 12])
349-- missing from the time package
350instance Eq ZonedTime where
351    ZonedTime t1 tz1 == ZonedTime t2 tz2 = t1 == t2 && tz1 == tz2
353compareResult' :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> Result
354compareResult' extra expected found
355    | expected == found = succeeded
356    | otherwise = failed {reason = "expected " ++ (show expected) ++ ", found " ++ (show found) ++ extra}
358compareResult :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Result
359compareResult = compareResult' ""
361compareParse ::
362       forall a. (Eq a, Show a, ParseTime a)
363    => a
364    -> String
365    -> String
366    -> Result
367compareParse expected fmt text = compareResult' (", parsing " ++ (show text)) (Just expected) (parse False fmt text)
370-- * tests for debugging failing cases
372test_parse_format :: (FormatTime t, ParseTime t, Show t) => String -> t -> (String, String, Maybe t)
373test_parse_format f t = let
374    s = format f t
375    in (show t, s, parse False f s `asTypeOf` Just t)
378-- * show and read
380prop_read_show :: (Read a, Show a, Eq a) => a -> Result
381prop_read_show t = compareResult (Just t) (readMaybe (show t))
383prop_read_show_ZonedUTC :: ZonedTime -> Result
384prop_read_show_ZonedUTC t = compareResult (Just $ zonedTimeToUTC t) (readMaybe (show t))
386prop_read_show_LocalUTC :: LocalTime -> Result
387prop_read_show_LocalUTC t = compareResult (Just $ localTimeToUTC utc t) (readMaybe (show t))
390-- * special show functions
392prop_parse_showWeekDate :: Day -> Result
393prop_parse_showWeekDate d = compareParse d "%G-W%V-%u" (showWeekDate d)
395prop_parse_showGregorian :: Day -> Result
396prop_parse_showGregorian d = compareParse d "%Y-%m-%d" (showGregorian d)
398prop_parse_showOrdinalDate :: Day -> Result
399prop_parse_showOrdinalDate d = compareParse d "%Y-%j" (showOrdinalDate d)
402-- * fromMondayStartWeek and fromSundayStartWeek
404prop_fromMondayStartWeek :: Day -> Result
405prop_fromMondayStartWeek d = let
406    (w, wd) = mondayStartWeek d
407    (y, _, _) = toGregorian d
408    in compareResult d (fromMondayStartWeek y w wd)
410prop_fromSundayStartWeek :: Day -> Result
411prop_fromSundayStartWeek d = let
412    (w, wd) = sundayStartWeek d
413    (y, _, _) = toGregorian d
414    in compareResult d (fromSundayStartWeek y w wd)
416-- t == parse (format t)
417prop_parse_format :: (Eq t, FormatTime t, ParseTime t, Show t) => FormatString t -> t -> Result
418prop_parse_format (FormatString f) t = compareParse t f (format f t)
420-- t == parse (upper (format t))
421prop_parse_format_upper :: (Eq t, FormatTime t, ParseTime t, Show t) => FormatString t -> t -> Result
422prop_parse_format_upper (FormatString f) t = compareParse t f (map toUpper $ format f t)
424-- t == parse (lower (format t))
425prop_parse_format_lower :: (Eq t, FormatTime t, ParseTime t, Show t) => FormatString t -> t -> Result
426prop_parse_format_lower (FormatString f) t = compareParse t f (map toLower $ format f t)
428-- Default time is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (which was a Thursday)
429in1970 :: Maybe String -> Char -> String -> Maybe String
430in1970 _ 'j' "366" = Nothing -- 1970 was not a leap year
431in1970 _ 'U' "53" = Nothing -- last day of 1970 was Sunday-start-week 52
432in1970 _ 'W' "53" = Nothing -- last day of 1970 was Monday-start-week 52
433in1970 (Just s) 'S' "60" = Just s -- no leap second without other data
434in1970 _ _ s = Just s
436-- format t == format (parse (format t))
437prop_format_parse_format ::
438       forall t. (HasFormatCodes t, FormatTime t, ParseTime t)
439    => Proxy t
440    -> FormatCode ParseAndFormat t
441    -> t
442    -> Result
443prop_format_parse_format _ fc v = let
444    s1 = formatCode fc v
445    ms1 = in1970 (fmap (formatCode fc) (incompleteS :: Maybe t)) (fcSpecifier fc) s1
446    mv2 :: Maybe t
447    mv2 = parseCode fc s1
448    ms2 = fmap (formatCode fc) mv2
449    in compareResult ms1 ms2
451instance HasFormatCodes Day where
452    allFormatCodes _ = [(False, s) | s <- "DFxYyCBbhmdejfVUW"]
454instance HasFormatCodes TimeOfDay where
455    allFormatCodes _ = [(False, s) | s <- "RTXrPpHkIlMSqQ"]
457instance HasFormatCodes LocalTime where
458    allFormatCodes _ = allFormatCodes (Proxy :: Proxy Day) ++ allFormatCodes (Proxy :: Proxy TimeOfDay)
460instance HasFormatCodes TimeZone where
461    allFormatCodes _ = [(a, s) | a <- [False, True], s <- "zZ"]
463instance HasFormatCodes ZonedTime where
464    allFormatCodes _ =
465        [(False, s) | s <- "cs"] ++
466        allFormatCodes (Proxy :: Proxy LocalTime) ++ allFormatCodes (Proxy :: Proxy TimeZone)
468instance HasFormatCodes UTCTime where
469    allFormatCodes _ = [(False, s) | s <- "cs"] ++ allFormatCodes (Proxy :: Proxy LocalTime)
470    incompleteS = Just $ UTCTime (fromGregorian 2000 1 1) 0
472instance HasFormatCodes UniversalTime where
473    allFormatCodes _ = allFormatCodes (Proxy :: Proxy LocalTime)
476-- * crashes in parse
478newtype Input =
479    Input String
481instance Show Input where
482    show (Input s) = s
484instance Arbitrary Input where
485    arbitrary = liftM Input $ list cs
486      where
487        cs = elements (['0' .. '9'] ++ ['-', ' ', '/'] ++ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'])
488        list g = sized (\n -> choose (0, n) >>= \l -> replicateM l g)
490instance CoArbitrary Input where
491    coarbitrary (Input s) = coarbitrary (sum (map ord s))
493prop_no_crash_bad_input :: (Eq t, ParseTime t) => FormatString t -> Input -> Property
494prop_no_crash_bad_input fs@(FormatString f) (Input s) =
495    property $
496    case parse False f s of
497        Nothing -> True
498        Just t -> t == t `asTypeOf` formatType fs
503newtype FormatString a =
504    FormatString String
506formatType :: FormatString t -> t
507formatType _ = undefined
509instance Show (FormatString a) where
510    show (FormatString f) = show f
512typedTests :: (forall t. (Eq t, FormatTime t, ParseTime t, Show t) => FormatString t -> t -> Result) -> [TestTree]
513typedTests prop =
514    [ nameTest "Day" $ tgroup dayFormats prop
515    -- , nameTest "Month" $ tgroup monthFormats prop
516    , nameTest "TimeOfDay" $ tgroup timeOfDayFormats prop
517    , nameTest "LocalTime" $ tgroup localTimeFormats prop
518    , nameTest "TimeZone" $ tgroup timeZoneFormats prop
519    , nameTest "ZonedTime" $ tgroup zonedTimeFormats prop
520    , nameTest "ZonedTime" $
521      tgroup zonedTimeAlmostFormats $ \fmt t -> (todSec $ localTimeOfDay $ zonedTimeToLocalTime t) < 60 ==> prop fmt t
522    , nameTest "UTCTime" $ tgroup utcTimeAlmostFormats $ \fmt t -> utctDayTime t < 86400 ==> prop fmt t
523    , nameTest "UniversalTime" $ tgroup universalTimeFormats prop
524    -- time-compat doesn't have instances
525    -- , nameTest "CalendarDiffDays" $ tgroup calendarDiffDaysFormats prop
526    -- , nameTest "CalenderDiffTime" $ tgroup calendarDiffTimeFormats prop
527    -- , nameTest "DiffTime" $ tgroup diffTimeFormats prop
528    -- , nameTest "NominalDiffTime" $ tgroup nominalDiffTimeFormats prop
529    ]
531allTypes ::
532       (forall t. (Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t, FormatTime t, ParseTime t, HasFormatCodes t) => String -> Proxy t -> r)
533    -> [r]
534allTypes f =
535    [ f "Day" (Proxy :: Proxy Day)
536    , f "TimeOfDay" (Proxy :: Proxy TimeOfDay)
537    , f "LocalTime" (Proxy :: Proxy LocalTime)
538    , f "TimeZone" (Proxy :: Proxy TimeZone)
539    , f "ZonedTime" (Proxy :: Proxy ZonedTime)
540    , f "UTCTime" (Proxy :: Proxy UTCTime)
541    , f "UniversalTime" (Proxy :: Proxy UniversalTime)
542    ]
544allLeapSecondTypes ::
545       (forall t. (Eq t, Show t, Arbitrary t, FormatTime t, ParseTime t, HasFormatCodes t) => String -> t -> r)
546    -> [r]
547allLeapSecondTypes f = let
548    day :: Day
549    day = fromGregorian 2000 01 01
550    lsTimeOfDay :: TimeOfDay
551    lsTimeOfDay = TimeOfDay 23 59 60.5
552    lsLocalTime :: LocalTime
553    lsLocalTime = LocalTime day lsTimeOfDay
554    lsZonedTime :: ZonedTime
555    lsZonedTime = ZonedTime lsLocalTime utc
556    lsUTCTime :: UTCTime
557    lsUTCTime = UTCTime day 86400.5
558    in
559    [ f "TimeOfDay" lsTimeOfDay
560    , f "LocalTime" lsLocalTime
561    , f "ZonedTime" lsZonedTime
562    , f "UTCTime" lsUTCTime
563    ]
565parseEmptyTest ::
566       forall t. ParseTime t
567    => Proxy t
568    -> Assertion
569parseEmptyTest _ =
570    case parse False "" "" :: Maybe t of
571        Just _ -> return ()
572        Nothing -> assertFailure "failed"
574parseEmptyTests :: TestTree
575parseEmptyTests = nameTest "parse empty" $ allTypes $ \name p -> nameTest name $ parseEmptyTest p
577formatParseFormatTests :: TestTree
578formatParseFormatTests = nameTest "format_parse_format"
579    [
580        localOption (QuickCheckTests 50000) $
581        nameTest "general" $ allTypes $ \name p -> nameTest name $ prop_format_parse_format p,
582        nameTest "leapsecond" $ allLeapSecondTypes $ \name t -> nameTest name $ \fc -> prop_format_parse_format Proxy fc t
583    ]
585badInputTests :: TestTree
586badInputTests =
587    nameTest
588        "no_crash_bad_input"
589        [ nameTest "Day" $ tgroup (dayFormats ++ partialDayFormats ++ failingPartialDayFormats) prop_no_crash_bad_input
590        , nameTest "TimeOfDay" $ tgroup (timeOfDayFormats ++ partialTimeOfDayFormats) prop_no_crash_bad_input
591        , nameTest "LocalTime" $ tgroup (localTimeFormats ++ partialLocalTimeFormats) prop_no_crash_bad_input
592        , nameTest "TimeZone" $ tgroup (timeZoneFormats) prop_no_crash_bad_input
593        , nameTest "ZonedTime" $
594          tgroup (zonedTimeFormats ++ zonedTimeAlmostFormats ++ partialZonedTimeFormats) prop_no_crash_bad_input
595        , nameTest "UTCTime" $ tgroup (utcTimeAlmostFormats ++ partialUTCTimeFormats) prop_no_crash_bad_input
596        , nameTest "UniversalTime" $
597          tgroup (universalTimeFormats ++ partialUniversalTimeFormats) prop_no_crash_bad_input
598        ]
600readShowTests :: TestTree
601readShowTests =
602    nameTest
603        "read_show"
604        [ nameTest "Day" (prop_read_show :: Day -> Result)
605        , nameTest "Month" (prop_read_show :: Month -> Result)
606        , nameTest "QuarterOfYear" (prop_read_show :: QuarterOfYear -> Result)
607        , nameTest "Quarter" (prop_read_show :: Quarter -> Result)
608        , nameTest "TimeOfDay" (prop_read_show :: TimeOfDay -> Result)
609        , nameTest "LocalTime" (prop_read_show :: LocalTime -> Result)
610        , nameTest "TimeZone" (prop_read_show :: TimeZone -> Result)
611        , nameTest "ZonedTime" (prop_read_show :: ZonedTime -> Result)
612        , nameTest "UTCTime" (prop_read_show :: UTCTime -> Result)
613        , nameTest "UTCTime (zoned)" prop_read_show_ZonedUTC
614        , nameTest "UTCTime (local)" prop_read_show_LocalUTC
615        , nameTest "UniversalTime" (prop_read_show :: UniversalTime -> Result)
616        , nameTest "NominalDiffTime" (prop_read_show :: NominalDiffTime -> Result)
617        , nameTest "DiffTime" (prop_read_show :: DiffTime -> Result)
618    --nameTest "CalendarDiffDays" (prop_read_show :: CalendarDiffDays -> Result),
619    --nameTest "CalendarDiffTime" (prop_read_show :: CalendarDiffTime -> Result)
620        ]
622parseShowTests :: TestTree
623parseShowTests =
624    nameTest
625        "parse_show"
626        [ nameTest "showWeekDate" prop_parse_showWeekDate
627        , nameTest "showGregorian" prop_parse_showGregorian
628        , nameTest "showOrdinalDate" prop_parse_showOrdinalDate
629        ]
631propertyTests :: TestTree
632propertyTests =
633    localOption (QuickCheckTests 2000) $
634    nameTest
635        "properties"
636        [ readShowTests
637        , parseShowTests
638        , nameTest "fromMondayStartWeek" prop_fromMondayStartWeek
639        , nameTest "fromSundayStartWeek" prop_fromSundayStartWeek
640        , nameTest "parse_format" $ typedTests prop_parse_format
641        , nameTest "parse_format_lower" $ typedTests prop_parse_format_lower
642        , nameTest "parse_format_upper" $ typedTests prop_parse_format_upper
643        , parseEmptyTests
644        , formatParseFormatTests
645        , badInputTests
646        ]
648dayFormats :: [FormatString Day]
649dayFormats =
650    map FormatString
651     -- numeric year, month, day
652        [ "%Y-%m-%d"
653        , "%Y%m%d"
654        , "%C%y%m%d"
655        , "%Y %m %e"
656        , "%m/%d/%Y"
657        , "%d/%m/%Y"
658        , "%Y/%d/%m"
659        , "%D %C"
660        , "%F"
661     -- month names
662        , "%Y-%B-%d"
663        , "%Y-%b-%d"
664        , "%Y-%h-%d"
665        , "%C-%y-%B-%d"
666        , "%C-%y-%b-%d"
667        , "%C-%y-%h-%d"
668     -- ordinal dates
669        , "%Y-%j"
670        , "%C-%y-%j"
671     -- ISO week dates
672        , "%G-%V-%u"
673        , "%G-%V-%a"
674        , "%G-%V-%A"
675        , "%G-%V-%w"
676        , "%A week %V, %G"
677        , "day %V, week %A, %G"
678        , "%G-W%V-%u"
679        , "%f%g-%V-%u"
680        , "%f%g-%V-%a"
681        , "%f%g-%V-%A"
682        , "%f%g-%V-%w"
683        , "%A week %V, %f%g"
684        , "day %V, week %A, %f%g"
685        , "%f%g-W%V-%u"
686     -- monday and sunday week dates
687        , "%Y-w%U-%A"
688        , "%Y-w%W-%A"
689        , "%Y-%A-w%U"
690        , "%Y-%A-w%W"
691        , "%A week %U, %Y"
692        , "%A week %W, %Y"
693        ]
695monthFormats :: [FormatString Month]
696monthFormats =
697    map FormatString
698     -- numeric year, month
699        [ "%Y-%m"
700        , "%Y%m"
701        , "%C%y%m"
702        , "%Y %m"
703        , "%m/%Y"
704        , "%m/%Y"
705        , "%Y/%m"
706        , "%C %y %m"
707     -- month names
708        , "%Y-%B"
709        , "%Y-%b"
710        , "%Y-%h"
711        , "%C-%y-%B"
712        , "%C-%y-%b"
713        , "%C-%y-%h"
714        ]
716timeOfDayFormats :: [FormatString TimeOfDay]
717timeOfDayFormats =
718    map FormatString
719     -- 24 h formats
720        [ "%H:%M:%S.%q"
721        , "%k:%M:%S.%q"
722        , "%H%M%S.%q"
723        , "%T.%q"
724        , "%X.%q"
725        , "%R:%S.%q"
726        , "%H:%M:%S%Q"
727        , "%k:%M:%S%Q"
728        , "%H%M%S%Q"
729        , "%T%Q"
730        , "%X%Q"
731        , "%R:%S%Q"
732     -- 12 h formats
733        , "%I:%M:%S.%q %p"
734        , "%I:%M:%S.%q %P"
735        , "%l:%M:%S.%q %p"
736        , "%r %q"
737        , "%I:%M:%S%Q %p"
738        , "%I:%M:%S%Q %P"
739        , "%l:%M:%S%Q %p"
740        , "%r %Q"
741        ]
743localTimeFormats :: [FormatString LocalTime]
744localTimeFormats = map FormatString [] {-"%Q","%Q ","%QX"-}
746timeZoneFormats :: [FormatString TimeZone]
747timeZoneFormats = map FormatString ["%z", "%z%Z", "%Z%z", "%Z", "%Ez", "%EZ"]
749zonedTimeFormats :: [FormatString ZonedTime]
750zonedTimeFormats =
751    map FormatString
752        [ "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S.%q %z"
753        , "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S%Q %z"
754        , "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S.%q %Z"
755        , "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S%Q %Z"
756        ]
758zonedTimeAlmostFormats :: [FormatString ZonedTime]
759zonedTimeAlmostFormats = map FormatString ["%s.%q %z", "%s%Q %z", "%s.%q %Z", "%s%Q %Z"]
761utcTimeAlmostFormats :: [FormatString UTCTime]
762utcTimeAlmostFormats = map FormatString ["%s.%q", "%s%Q"]
764universalTimeFormats :: [FormatString UniversalTime]
765universalTimeFormats = map FormatString []
767calendarDiffDaysFormats :: [FormatString CalendarDiffDays]
768calendarDiffDaysFormats = map FormatString ["%yy%Bm%ww%Dd", "%yy%Bm%dd", "%bm%ww%Dd", "%bm%dd"]
770calendarDiffTimeFormats :: [FormatString CalendarDiffTime]
771calendarDiffTimeFormats =
772    map FormatString
773        [ "%yy%Bm%ww%Dd%Hh%Mm%ESs"
774        , "%bm%ww%Dd%Hh%Mm%ESs"
775        , "%bm%dd%Hh%Mm%ESs"
776        , "%bm%hh%Mm%ESs"
777        , "%bm%mm%ESs"
778        , "%bm%mm%0ESs"
779        , "%bm%Ess"
780        , "%bm%0Ess"
781        ]
783diffTimeFormats :: [FormatString DiffTime]
784diffTimeFormats =
785    map FormatString ["%ww%Dd%Hh%Mm%ESs", "%dd%Hh%Mm%ESs", "%hh%Mm%ESs", "%mm%ESs", "%mm%0ESs", "%Ess", "%0Ess"]
787nominalDiffTimeFormats :: [FormatString NominalDiffTime]
788nominalDiffTimeFormats =
789    map FormatString ["%ww%Dd%Hh%Mm%ESs", "%dd%Hh%Mm%ESs", "%hh%Mm%ESs", "%mm%ESs", "%mm%0ESs", "%Ess", "%0Ess"]
792-- * Formats that do not include all the information
794partialDayFormats :: [FormatString Day]
795partialDayFormats = map FormatString []
797partialTimeOfDayFormats :: [FormatString TimeOfDay]
798partialTimeOfDayFormats = map FormatString ["%H", "%M", "%S", "%H:%M"]
800partialLocalTimeFormats :: [FormatString LocalTime]
801partialLocalTimeFormats = map FormatString []
803partialZonedTimeFormats :: [FormatString ZonedTime]
804partialZonedTimeFormats =
805    map FormatString
806     -- %s does not include second decimals
807        [ "%s %z"
808     -- %S does not include second decimals
809        , "%c"
810        , "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
811        ]
813partialUTCTimeFormats :: [FormatString UTCTime]
814partialUTCTimeFormats =
815    map FormatString
816     -- %s does not include second decimals
817        [ "%s"
818     -- %c does not include second decimals
819        , "%c"
820        ]
822partialUniversalTimeFormats :: [FormatString UniversalTime]
823partialUniversalTimeFormats = map FormatString []
825failingPartialDayFormats :: [FormatString Day]
826failingPartialDayFormats =
827    map FormatString
828      -- ISO week dates with two digit year.
829      -- This can fail in the beginning or the end of a year where
830      -- the ISO week date year does not match the gregorian year.
831        ["%g-%V-%u", "%g-%V-%a", "%g-%V-%A", "%g-%V-%w", "%A week %V, %g", "day %V, week %A, %g", "%g-W%V-%u"]