1 use std::ffi::CString;
2 use std::ops::Range;
3 use std::marker;
4 use std::mem;
5 use std::str;
6 use libc::{c_char, size_t, c_uint};
8 use {raw, Status, DiffDelta, IntoCString, Repository};
9 use util::Binding;
11 /// Options that can be provided to `repo.statuses()` to control how the status
12 /// information is gathered.
13 pub struct StatusOptions {
14     raw: raw::git_status_options,
15     pathspec: Vec<CString>,
16     ptrs: Vec<*const c_char>,
17 }
19 /// Enumeration of possible methods of what can be shown through a status
20 /// operation.
21 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
22 pub enum StatusShow {
23     /// Only gives status based on HEAD to index comparison, not looking at
24     /// working directory changes.
25     Index,
27     /// Only gives status based on index to working directory comparison, not
28     /// comparing the index to the HEAD.
29     Workdir,
31     /// The default, this roughly matches `git status --porcelain` regarding
32     /// which files are included and in what order.
33     IndexAndWorkdir,
34 }
36 /// A container for a list of status information about a repository.
37 ///
38 /// Each instance appears as if it were a collection, having a length and
39 /// allowing indexing, as well as providing an iterator.
40 pub struct Statuses<'repo> {
41     raw: *mut raw::git_status_list,
43     // Hm, not currently present, but can't hurt?
44     _marker: marker::PhantomData<&'repo Repository>,
45 }
47 /// An iterator over the statuses in a `Statuses` instance.
48 pub struct StatusIter<'statuses> {
49     statuses: &'statuses Statuses<'statuses>,
50     range: Range<usize>,
51 }
53 /// A structure representing an entry in the `Statuses` structure.
54 ///
55 /// Instances are created through the `.iter()` method or the `.get()` method.
56 pub struct StatusEntry<'statuses> {
57     raw: *const raw::git_status_entry,
58     _marker: marker::PhantomData<&'statuses DiffDelta<'statuses>>,
59 }
61 impl Default for StatusOptions {
default() -> Self62     fn default() -> Self {
63         Self::new()
64     }
65 }
67 impl StatusOptions {
68     /// Creates a new blank set of status options.
new() -> StatusOptions69     pub fn new() -> StatusOptions {
70         unsafe {
71             let mut raw = mem::zeroed();
72             let r = raw::git_status_init_options(&mut raw,
73                                 raw::GIT_STATUS_OPTIONS_VERSION);
74             assert_eq!(r, 0);
75             StatusOptions {
76                 raw: raw,
77                 pathspec: Vec::new(),
78                 ptrs: Vec::new(),
79             }
80         }
81     }
83     /// Select the files on which to report status.
84     ///
85     /// The default, if unspecified, is to show the index and the working
86     /// directory.
show(&mut self, show: StatusShow) -> &mut StatusOptions87     pub fn show(&mut self, show: StatusShow) -> &mut StatusOptions {
88         self.raw.show = match show {
89             StatusShow::Index => raw::GIT_STATUS_SHOW_INDEX_ONLY,
90             StatusShow::Workdir => raw::GIT_STATUS_SHOW_WORKDIR_ONLY,
91             StatusShow::IndexAndWorkdir => raw::GIT_STATUS_SHOW_INDEX_AND_WORKDIR,
92         };
93         self
94     }
96     /// Add a path pattern to match (using fnmatch-style matching).
97     ///
98     /// If the `disable_pathspec_match` option is given, then this is a literal
99     /// path to match. If this is not called, then there will be no patterns to
100     /// match and the entire directory will be used.
pathspec<T: IntoCString>(&mut self, pathspec: T) -> &mut StatusOptions101     pub fn pathspec<T: IntoCString>(&mut self, pathspec: T)
102                                     -> &mut StatusOptions {
103         let s = pathspec.into_c_string().unwrap();
104         self.ptrs.push(s.as_ptr());
105         self.pathspec.push(s);
106         self
107     }
flag(&mut self, flag: raw::git_status_opt_t, val: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions109     fn flag(&mut self, flag: raw::git_status_opt_t, val: bool)
110             -> &mut StatusOptions {
111         if val {
112             self.raw.flags |= flag as c_uint;
113         } else {
114             self.raw.flags &= !(flag as c_uint);
115         }
116         self
117     }
119     /// Flag whether untracked files will be included.
120     ///
121     /// Untracked files will only be included if the workdir files are included
122     /// in the status "show" option.
include_untracked(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions123     pub fn include_untracked(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions {
124         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED, include)
125     }
127     /// Flag whether ignored files will be included.
128     ///
129     /// The files will only be included if the workdir files are included
130     /// in the status "show" option.
include_ignored(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions131     pub fn include_ignored(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions {
132         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_IGNORED, include)
133     }
135     /// Flag to include unmodified files.
include_unmodified(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions136     pub fn include_unmodified(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions {
137         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_UNMODIFIED, include)
138     }
140     /// Flag that submodules should be skipped.
141     ///
142     /// This only applies if there are no pending typechanges to the submodule
143     /// (either from or to another type).
exclude_submodules(&mut self, exclude: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions144     pub fn exclude_submodules(&mut self, exclude: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions {
145         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_EXCLUDE_SUBMODULES, exclude)
146     }
148     /// Flag that all files in untracked directories should be included.
149     ///
150     /// Normally if an entire directory is new then just the top-level directory
151     /// is included (with a trailing slash on the entry name).
recurse_untracked_dirs(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions152     pub fn recurse_untracked_dirs(&mut self, include: bool)
153                                   -> &mut StatusOptions {
154         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_RECURSE_UNTRACKED_DIRS, include)
155     }
157     /// Indicates that the given paths should be treated as literals paths, note
158     /// patterns.
disable_pathspec_match(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions159     pub fn disable_pathspec_match(&mut self, include: bool)
160                                   -> &mut StatusOptions {
161         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH, include)
162     }
164     /// Indicates that the contents of ignored directories should be included in
165     /// the status.
recurse_ignored_dirs(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions166     pub fn recurse_ignored_dirs(&mut self, include: bool)
167                                 -> &mut StatusOptions {
168         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_RECURSE_IGNORED_DIRS, include)
169     }
171     /// Indicates that rename detection should be processed between the head.
renames_head_to_index(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions172     pub fn renames_head_to_index(&mut self, include: bool)
173                                  -> &mut StatusOptions {
174         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_RENAMES_HEAD_TO_INDEX, include)
175     }
177     /// Indicates that rename detection should be run between the index and the
178     /// working directory.
renames_index_to_workdir(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions179     pub fn renames_index_to_workdir(&mut self, include: bool)
180                                     -> &mut StatusOptions {
181         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_RENAMES_INDEX_TO_WORKDIR, include)
182     }
184     /// Override the native case sensitivity for the file system and force the
185     /// output to be in case sensitive order.
sort_case_sensitively(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions186     pub fn sort_case_sensitively(&mut self, include: bool)
187                                  -> &mut StatusOptions {
188         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_SORT_CASE_SENSITIVELY, include)
189     }
191     /// Override the native case sensitivity for the file system and force the
192     /// output to be in case-insensitive order.
sort_case_insensitively(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions193     pub fn sort_case_insensitively(&mut self, include: bool)
194                                    -> &mut StatusOptions {
195         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_SORT_CASE_INSENSITIVELY, include)
196     }
198     /// Indicates that rename detection should include rewritten files.
renames_from_rewrites(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions199     pub fn renames_from_rewrites(&mut self, include: bool)
200                                  -> &mut StatusOptions {
201         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_RENAMES_FROM_REWRITES, include)
202     }
204     /// Bypasses the default status behavior of doing a "soft" index reload.
no_refresh(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions205     pub fn no_refresh(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions {
206         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_NO_REFRESH, include)
207     }
209     /// Refresh the stat cache in the index for files are unchanged but have
210     /// out of date stat information in the index.
211     ///
212     /// This will result in less work being done on subsequent calls to fetching
213     /// the status.
update_index(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions214     pub fn update_index(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions {
215         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_UPDATE_INDEX, include)
216     }
218     // erm...
219     #[allow(missing_docs)]
include_unreadable(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions220     pub fn include_unreadable(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions {
221         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_UNREADABLE, include)
222     }
224     // erm...
225     #[allow(missing_docs)]
include_unreadable_as_untracked(&mut self, include: bool) -> &mut StatusOptions226     pub fn include_unreadable_as_untracked(&mut self, include: bool)
227                                            -> &mut StatusOptions {
228         self.flag(raw::GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_UNREADABLE_AS_UNTRACKED, include)
229     }
231     /// Get a pointer to the inner list of status options.
232     ///
233     /// This function is unsafe as the returned structure has interior pointers
234     /// and may no longer be valid if these options continue to be mutated.
raw(&mut self) -> *const raw::git_status_options235     pub unsafe fn raw(&mut self) -> *const raw::git_status_options {
236         self.raw.pathspec.strings = self.ptrs.as_ptr() as *mut _;
237         self.raw.pathspec.count = self.ptrs.len() as size_t;
238         &self.raw
239     }
240 }
242 impl<'repo> Statuses<'repo> {
243     /// Gets a status entry from this list at the specified index.
244     ///
245     /// Returns `None` if the index is out of bounds.
get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<StatusEntry>246     pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<StatusEntry> {
247         unsafe {
248             let p = raw::git_status_byindex(self.raw, index as size_t);
249             Binding::from_raw_opt(p)
250         }
251     }
253     /// Gets the count of status entries in this list.
254     ///
255     /// If there are no changes in status (according to the options given
256     /// when the status list was created), this should return 0.
len(&self) -> usize257     pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
258         unsafe { raw::git_status_list_entrycount(self.raw) as usize }
259     }
261     /// Return `true` if there is no status entry in this list.
is_empty(&self) -> bool262     pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
263         self.len() == 0
264     }
266     /// Returns an iterator over the statuses in this list.
iter(&self) -> StatusIter267     pub fn iter(&self) -> StatusIter {
268         StatusIter {
269             statuses: self,
270             range: 0..self.len(),
271         }
272     }
273 }
275 impl<'repo> Binding for Statuses<'repo> {
276     type Raw = *mut raw::git_status_list;
from_raw(raw: *mut raw::git_status_list) -> Statuses<'repo>277     unsafe fn from_raw(raw: *mut raw::git_status_list) -> Statuses<'repo> {
278         Statuses { raw: raw, _marker: marker::PhantomData }
279     }
raw(&self) -> *mut raw::git_status_list280     fn raw(&self) -> *mut raw::git_status_list { self.raw }
281 }
283 impl<'repo> Drop for Statuses<'repo> {
drop(&mut self)284     fn drop(&mut self) {
285         unsafe { raw::git_status_list_free(self.raw); }
286     }
287 }
289 impl<'a> Iterator for StatusIter<'a> {
290     type Item = StatusEntry<'a>;
next(&mut self) -> Option<StatusEntry<'a>>291     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<StatusEntry<'a>> {
292         self.range.next().and_then(|i| self.statuses.get(i))
293     }
size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>)294     fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.range.size_hint() }
295 }
296 impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for StatusIter<'a> {
next_back(&mut self) -> Option<StatusEntry<'a>>297     fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<StatusEntry<'a>> {
298         self.range.next_back().and_then(|i| self.statuses.get(i))
299     }
300 }
301 impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for StatusIter<'a> {}
303 impl<'statuses> StatusEntry<'statuses> {
304     /// Access the bytes for this entry's corresponding pathname
path_bytes(&self) -> &[u8]305     pub fn path_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
306         unsafe {
307             if (*self.raw).head_to_index.is_null() {
308                 ::opt_bytes(self, (*(*self.raw).index_to_workdir).old_file.path)
309             } else {
310                 ::opt_bytes(self, (*(*self.raw).head_to_index).old_file.path)
311             }.unwrap()
312         }
313     }
315     /// Access this entry's path name as a string.
316     ///
317     /// Returns `None` if the path is not valid utf-8.
path(&self) -> Option<&str>318     pub fn path(&self) -> Option<&str> { str::from_utf8(self.path_bytes()).ok() }
320     /// Access the status flags for this file
status(&self) -> Status321     pub fn status(&self) -> Status {
322         Status::from_bits_truncate(unsafe { (*self.raw).status as u32 })
323     }
325     /// Access detailed information about the differences between the file in
326     /// HEAD and the file in the index.
head_to_index(&self) -> Option<DiffDelta<'statuses>>327     pub fn head_to_index(&self) -> Option<DiffDelta<'statuses>> {
328         unsafe {
329             Binding::from_raw_opt((*self.raw).head_to_index)
330         }
331     }
333     /// Access detailed information about the differences between the file in
334     /// the index and the file in the working directory.
index_to_workdir(&self) -> Option<DiffDelta<'statuses>>335     pub fn index_to_workdir(&self) -> Option<DiffDelta<'statuses>> {
336         unsafe {
337             Binding::from_raw_opt((*self.raw).index_to_workdir)
338         }
339     }
340 }
342 impl<'statuses> Binding for StatusEntry<'statuses> {
343     type Raw = *const raw::git_status_entry;
from_raw(raw: *const raw::git_status_entry) -> StatusEntry<'statuses>345     unsafe fn from_raw(raw: *const raw::git_status_entry)
346                            -> StatusEntry<'statuses> {
347         StatusEntry { raw: raw, _marker: marker::PhantomData }
348     }
raw(&self) -> *const raw::git_status_entry349     fn raw(&self) -> *const raw::git_status_entry { self.raw }
350 }
352 #[cfg(test)]
353 mod tests {
354     use std::fs::File;
355     use std::path::Path;
356     use std::io::prelude::*;
357     use super::StatusOptions;
359     #[test]
smoke()360     fn smoke() {
361         let (td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();
362         assert_eq!(repo.statuses(None).unwrap().len(), 0);
363         File::create(&td.path().join("foo")).unwrap();
364         let statuses = repo.statuses(None).unwrap();
365         assert_eq!(statuses.iter().count(), 1);
366         let status = statuses.iter().next().unwrap();
367         assert_eq!(status.path(), Some("foo"));
368         assert!(status.status().contains(::Status::WT_NEW));
369         assert!(!status.status().contains(::Status::INDEX_NEW));
370         assert!(status.head_to_index().is_none());
371         let diff = status.index_to_workdir().unwrap();
372         assert_eq!(diff.old_file().path_bytes().unwrap(), b"foo");
373         assert_eq!(diff.new_file().path_bytes().unwrap(), b"foo");
374     }
376     #[test]
filter()377     fn filter() {
378         let (td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();
379         t!(File::create(&td.path().join("foo")));
380         t!(File::create(&td.path().join("bar")));
381         let mut opts = StatusOptions::new();
382         opts.include_untracked(true)
383             .pathspec("foo");
385         let statuses = t!(repo.statuses(Some(&mut opts)));
386         assert_eq!(statuses.iter().count(), 1);
387         let status = statuses.iter().next().unwrap();
388         assert_eq!(status.path(), Some("foo"));
389     }
391     #[test]
gitignore()392     fn gitignore() {
393         let (td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();
394         t!(t!(File::create(td.path().join(".gitignore"))).write_all(b"foo\n"));
395         assert!(!t!(repo.status_should_ignore(Path::new("bar"))));
396         assert!(t!(repo.status_should_ignore(Path::new("foo"))));
397     }
399     #[test]
status_file()400     fn status_file() {
401         let (td, repo) = ::test::repo_init();
402         assert!(repo.status_file(Path::new("foo")).is_err());
403         if cfg!(windows) {
404             assert!(repo.status_file(Path::new("bar\\foo.txt")).is_err());
405         }
406         t!(File::create(td.path().join("foo")));
407         if cfg!(windows) {
408             t!(::std::fs::create_dir_all(td.path().join("bar")));
409             t!(File::create(td.path().join("bar").join("foo.txt")));
410         }
411         let status = t!(repo.status_file(Path::new("foo")));
412         assert!(status.contains(::Status::WT_NEW));
413         if cfg!(windows) {
414             let status = t!(repo.status_file(Path::new("bar\\foo.txt")));
415             assert!(status.contains(::Status::WT_NEW));
416         }
417     }
418 }