1 // -*- c++ -*-
2 /*
3     This file is part of the KDE libraries
4     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
5     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Carsten Pfeiffer <pfeiffer@kde.org>
6     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Malte Starostik <malte.starostik@t-online.de>
8     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
9 */
14 #include "kiowidgets_export.h"
15 #include <kfileitem.h>
16 #include <kio/job.h>
18 class QPixmap;
20 namespace KIO
21 {
22 class PreviewJobPrivate;
23 /*!
24  * @class KIO::PreviewJob previewjob.h <KIO/PreviewJob>
25  *
26  * This class catches a preview (thumbnail) for files.
27  * @short KIO Job to get a thumbnail picture
28  */
29 class KIOWIDGETS_EXPORT PreviewJob : public KIO::Job
30 {
31     Q_OBJECT
32 public:
33     /**
34      * Specifies the type of scaling that is applied to the generated preview.
35      * For HiDPI, pixel density scaling, @see setDevicePixelRatio
36      *
37      * @since 4.7
38      */
39     enum ScaleType {
40         /**
41          * The original size of the preview will be returned. Most previews
42          * will return a size of 256 x 256 pixels.
43          */
44         Unscaled,
45         /**
46          * The preview will be scaled to the size specified when constructing
47          * the PreviewJob. The aspect ratio will be kept.
48          */
49         Scaled,
50         /**
51          * The preview will be scaled to the size specified when constructing
52          * the PreviewJob. The result will be cached for later use. Per default
53          * ScaledAndCached is set.
54          */
55         ScaledAndCached,
56     };
59     /**
60      * Creates a new PreviewJob.
61      * @param items a list of files to create previews for
62      * @param width the desired width
63      * @param height the desired height, 0 to use the @p width
64      * @param iconSize the size of the MIME type icon to overlay over the
65      * preview or zero to not overlay an icon. This has no effect if the
66      * preview plugin that will be used doesn't use icon overlays.
67      * @param iconAlpha transparency to use for the icon overlay
68      * @param scale if the image is to be scaled to the requested size or
69      * returned in its original size
70      * @param save if the image should be cached for later use
71      * @param enabledPlugins If non-zero, this points to a list containing
72      * the names of the plugins that may be used. If enabledPlugins is zero
73      * all available plugins are used.
74      *
75      * @deprecated Since 4.7, use PreviewJob(const KFileItemList&, const QSize&, const QStringList*) in combination
76      *             with the setter-methods instead. Note that the semantics of
77      *             \p enabledPlugins has been slightly changed.
78      */
79     KIOWIDGETS_DEPRECATED_VERSION(4, 7, "Use PreviewJob(const KFileItemList&, const QSize&, const QStringList*)")
80     PreviewJob(const KFileItemList &items, int width, int height, int iconSize, int iconAlpha, bool scale, bool save, const QStringList *enabledPlugins);
81 #endif
83     /**
84      * @param items          List of files to create previews for.
85      * @param size           Desired size of the preview.
86      * @param enabledPlugins If non-zero it defines the list of plugins that
87      *                       are considered for generating the preview. If
88      *                       enabledPlugins is zero the plugins specified in the
89      *                       KConfigGroup "PreviewSettings" are used.
90      * @since 4.7
91      */
92     PreviewJob(const KFileItemList &items, const QSize &size, const QStringList *enabledPlugins = nullptr);
94     ~PreviewJob() override;
96     /**
97      * Sets the size of the MIME-type icon which overlays the preview. If zero
98      * is passed no overlay will be shown at all. The setting has no effect if
99      * the preview plugin that will be used does not use icon overlays. Per
100      * default the size is set to 0.
101      * @since 4.7
102      */
103     void setOverlayIconSize(int size);
105     /**
106      * @return The size of the MIME-type icon which overlays the preview.
107      * @see PreviewJob::setOverlayIconSize()
108      * @since 4.7
109      */
110     int overlayIconSize() const;
112     /**
113      * Sets the alpha-value for the MIME-type icon which overlays the preview.
114      * The alpha-value may range from 0 (= fully transparent) to 255 (= opaque).
115      * Per default the value is set to 70.
116      * @see PreviewJob::setOverlayIconSize()
117      * @since 4.7
118      */
119     void setOverlayIconAlpha(int alpha);
121     /**
122      * @return The alpha-value for the MIME-type icon which overlays the preview.
123      *         Per default 70 is returned.
124      * @see PreviewJob::setOverlayIconAlpha()
125      * @since 4.7
126      */
127     int overlayIconAlpha() const;
129     /**
130      * Sets the scale type for the generated preview. Per default
131      * PreviewJob::ScaledAndCached is set.
132      * @see PreviewJob::ScaleType
133      * @since 4.7
134      */
135     void setScaleType(ScaleType type);
137     /**
138      * @return The scale type for the generated preview.
139      * @see PreviewJob::ScaleType
140      * @since 4.7
141      */
142     ScaleType scaleType() const;
144     /**
145      * Removes an item from preview processing. Use this if you passed
146      * an item to filePreview and want to delete it now.
147      *
148      * @param url the url of the item that should be removed from the preview queue
149      */
150     void removeItem(const QUrl &url);
152     /**
153      * If @p ignoreSize is true, then the preview is always
154      * generated regardless of the settings
155      **/
156     void setIgnoreMaximumSize(bool ignoreSize = true);
158     /**
159      * Sets the sequence index given to the thumb creators.
160      * Use the sequence index, it is possible to create alternative
161      * icons for the same item. For example it may allow iterating through
162      * the items of a directory, or the frames of a video.
163      *
164      * @since 4.3
165      **/
166     void setSequenceIndex(int index);
168     /**
169      * Returns the currently set sequence index
170      *
171      * @since 4.3
172      **/
173     int sequenceIndex() const;
175     /**
176      * Returns the index at which the thumbs of a ThumbSequenceCreator start
177      * wrapping around ("looping"). Fractional values may be returned if the
178      * ThumbSequenceCreator supports sub-integer precision, but frontends
179      * supporting only integer sequence indices may choose to round it down.
180      *
181      * @see ThumbSequenceCreator::sequenceIndexWraparoundPoint()
182      * @since 5.80
183      */
184     float sequenceIndexWraparoundPoint() const;
186     /**
187      * Determines whether the ThumbCreator in use is a ThumbSequenceCreator.
188      *
189      * @since 5.80
190      */
191     bool handlesSequences() const;
194     /**
195      * Request preview to use the device pixel ratio @p dpr.
196      * The returned thumbnail may not respect the device pixel ratio requested.
197      * Use QPixmap::devicePixelRatio to check, or paint as necessary.
198      *
199      * @since 5.80
200      * @deprecated Since 5.86, use setDevicePixelRatio(qreal dpr) instead
201      */
202     KIOWIDGETS_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 86, "Use setDevicePixelRatio(qreal dpr)")
203     void setDevicePixelRatio(int dpr);
204 #endif
206     /**
207      * Request preview to use the device pixel ratio @p dpr.
208      * The returned thumbnail may not respect the device pixel ratio requested.
209      * Use QPixmap::devicePixelRatio to check, or paint as necessary.
210      *
211      * @since 5.84
212      */
213     void setDevicePixelRatio(qreal dpr);
215     /**
216      * Returns a list of all available preview plugins. The list
217      * contains the basenames of the plugins' .desktop files (no path,
218      * no .desktop).
219      * @return the list of all available plugins
220      */
221     static QStringList availablePlugins();
223     /**
224      * Returns a list of plugins that should be enabled by default, which is all plugins
225      * Minus the plugins specified in an internal blacklist
226      * @return the list of plugins that should be enabled by default
227      * @since 5.40
228      */
229     static QStringList defaultPlugins();
231     /**
232      * Returns a list of all supported MIME types. The list can
233      * contain entries like text/ * (without the space).
234      * @return the list of MIME types
235      */
236     static QStringList supportedMimeTypes();
239     /**
240      * Returns the default "maximum file size", in bytes, used by PreviewJob.
241      * This is useful for applications providing a GUI for letting the user change the size.
242      * @since 4.1
243      * @deprecated Since 4.5, PreviewJob uses different maximum file sizes dependent on the URL.
244      *             The returned file size is only valid for local URLs.
245      */
247     static KIO::filesize_t maximumFileSize();
248 #endif
251     /**
252      * Emitted when a thumbnail picture for @p item has been successfully
253      * retrieved.
254      * @param item the file of the preview
255      * @param preview the preview image
256      */
257     void gotPreview(const KFileItem &item, const QPixmap &preview);
258     /**
259      * Emitted when a thumbnail for @p item could not be created,
260      * either because a ThumbCreator for its MIME type does not
261      * exist, or because something went wrong.
262      * @param item the file that failed
263      */
264     void failed(const KFileItem &item);
266 protected Q_SLOTS:
267     void slotResult(KJob *job) override;
269 private:
270     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void startPreview())
271     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotThumbData(KIO::Job *, const QByteArray &))
272     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(PreviewJob)
274 public:
276     /**
277      * Sets a default device Pixel Ratio used for Previews
278      * @see setDevicePixelRatio
279      *
280      * Defaults to 1
281      *
282      * @since 5.80
283      * @deprecated Since 5.86, use setDefaultDevicePixelRatio(qreal dpr) instead
284      */
285     KIOWIDGETS_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 86, "Use setDefaultDevicePixelRatio(qreal dpr)")
286     static void setDefaultDevicePixelRatio(int devicePixelRatio);
287 #endif
289     /**
290      * Sets a default device Pixel Ratio used for Previews
291      * @see setDevicePixelRatio
292      *
293      * Defaults to 1
294      *
295      * @since 5.84
296      */
297     static void setDefaultDevicePixelRatio(qreal devicePixelRatio);
298 };
301 /**
302  * Creates a PreviewJob to generate or retrieve a preview image
303  * for the given URL.
304  *
305  * @param items files to get previews for
306  * @param width the maximum width to use
307  * @param height the maximum height to use, if this is 0, the same
308  * value as width is used.
309  * @param iconSize the size of the MIME type icon to overlay over the
310  * preview or zero to not overlay an icon. This has no effect if the
311  * preview plugin that will be used doesn't use icon overlays.
312  * @param iconAlpha transparency to use for the icon overlay
313  * @param scale if the image is to be scaled to the requested size or
314  * returned in its original size
315  * @param save if the image should be cached for later use
316  * @param enabledPlugins if non-zero, this points to a list containing
317  * the names of the plugins that may be used.
318  * @return the new PreviewJob
319  * @see PreviewJob::availablePlugins()
320  * @deprecated Since 4.7, use KIO::filePreview(const KFileItemList&, const QSize&, const QStringList*) in combination
321  *             with the setter-methods instead. Note that the semantics of
322  *             \p enabledPlugins has been slightly changed.
323  */
325 KIOWIDGETS_DEPRECATED_VERSION(4, 7, "Use KIO::filePreview(const KFileItemList &, const QSize &, const QStringList *")
326 PreviewJob *filePreview(const KFileItemList &items,
327                         int width,
328                         int height = 0,
329                         int iconSize = 0,
330                         int iconAlpha = 70,
331                         bool scale = true,
332                         bool save = true,
333                         const QStringList *enabledPlugins = nullptr); // KDE5: use enums instead of bool scale + bool save
334 #endif
337 /**
338  * Creates a PreviewJob to generate or retrieve a preview image
339  * for the given URL.
340  *
341  * @param items files to get previews for
342  * @param width the maximum width to use
343  * @param height the maximum height to use, if this is 0, the same
344  * value as width is used.
345  * @param iconSize the size of the MIME type icon to overlay over the
346  * preview or zero to not overlay an icon. This has no effect if the
347  * preview plugin that will be used doesn't use icon overlays.
348  * @param iconAlpha transparency to use for the icon overlay
349  * @param scale if the image is to be scaled to the requested size or
350  * returned in its original size
351  * @param save if the image should be cached for later use
352  * @param enabledPlugins if non-zero, this points to a list containing
353  * the names of the plugins that may be used.
354  * @return the new PreviewJob
355  * @see PreviewJob::availablePlugins()
356  * @deprecated Since 4.7, use KIO::filePreview(const KFileItemList&, const QSize&, const QStringList*) in combination
357  *             with the setter-methods instead. Note that the semantics of
358  *             \p enabledPlugins has been slightly changed.
359  */
361 KIOWIDGETS_DEPRECATED_VERSION(4, 7, "Use KIO::filePreview(const KFileItemList &, const QSize &, const QStringList *")
362 PreviewJob *filePreview(const QList<QUrl> &items,
363                         int width,
364                         int height = 0,
365                         int iconSize = 0,
366                         int iconAlpha = 70,
367                         bool scale = true,
368                         bool save = true,
369                         const QStringList *enabledPlugins = nullptr);
370 #endif
372 /**
373  * Creates a PreviewJob to generate a preview image for the given items.
374  * @param items          List of files to create previews for.
375  * @param size           Desired size of the preview.
376  * @param enabledPlugins If non-zero it defines the list of plugins that
377  *                       are considered for generating the preview. If
378  *                       enabledPlugins is zero the plugins specified in the
379  *                       KConfigGroup "PreviewSettings" are used.
380  * @since 4.7
381  */
382 KIOWIDGETS_EXPORT PreviewJob *filePreview(const KFileItemList &items, const QSize &size, const QStringList *enabledPlugins = nullptr);
383 }
385 #endif