1 /**************************************************************************
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3 ** This file is part of Qt Creator
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32 **************************************************************************/
37 #include <QtCore/QtGlobal>
39 namespace TextEditor {
40 namespace Constants {
42 const char * const C_TEXTEDITOR          = "Text Editor";
43 const char * const COMPLETE_THIS         = "TextEditor.CompleteThis";
44 const char * const QUICKFIX_THIS         = "TextEditor.QuickFix";
45 const char * const VISUALIZE_WHITESPACE  = "TextEditor.VisualizeWhitespace";
46 const char * const CLEAN_WHITESPACE      = "TextEditor.CleanWhitespace";
47 const char * const TEXT_WRAPPING         = "TextEditor.TextWrapping";
48 const char * const UN_COMMENT_SELECTION  = "TextEditor.UnCommentSelection";
49 const char * const REFORMAT              = "TextEditor.Reformat";
50 const char * const FOLD              = "TextEditor.Fold";
51 const char * const UNFOLD                = "TextEditor.Unfold";
52 const char * const UNFOLD_ALL       = "TextEditor.UnFoldAll";
53 const char * const AUTO_INDENT_SELECTION = "TextEditor.AutoIndentSelection";
54 const char * const INCREASE_FONT_SIZE    = "TextEditor.IncreaseFontSize";
55 const char * const DECREASE_FONT_SIZE    = "TextEditor.DecreaseFontSize";
56 const char * const RESET_FONT_SIZE    = "TextEditor.ResetFontSize";
57 const char * const GOTO_BLOCK_START      = "TextEditor.GotoBlockStart";
58 const char * const GOTO_BLOCK_START_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoBlockStartWithSelection";
59 const char * const GOTO_BLOCK_END        = "TextEditor.GotoBlockEnd";
60 const char * const GOTO_BLOCK_END_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoBlockEndWithSelection";
61 const char * const SELECT_BLOCK_UP       = "TextEditor.SelectBlockUp";
62 const char * const SELECT_BLOCK_DOWN     = "TextEditor.SelectBlockDown";
63 const char * const MOVE_LINE_UP          = "TextEditor.MoveLineUp";
64 const char * const MOVE_LINE_DOWN        = "TextEditor.MoveLineDown";
65 const char * const COPY_LINE_UP          = "TextEditor.CopyLineUp";
66 const char * const COPY_LINE_DOWN        = "TextEditor.CopyLineDown";
67 const char * const JOIN_LINES            = "TextEditor.JoinLines";
68 const char * const INSERT_LINE_ABOVE     = "TextEditor.InsertLineAboveCurrentLine";
69 const char * const INSERT_LINE_BELOW     = "TextEditor.InsertLineBelowCurrentLine";
70 const char * const UPPERCASE_SELECTION   = "TextEditor.UppercaseSelection";
71 const char * const LOWERCASE_SELECTION   = "TextEditor.LowercaseSelection";
72 const char * const CUT_LINE              = "TextEditor.CutLine";
73 const char * const COPY_LINE             = "TextEditor.CopyLine";
74 const char * const DELETE_LINE           = "TextEditor.DeleteLine";
75 const char * const DELETE_WORD           = "TextEditor.DeleteWord";
76 const char * const SELECT_ENCODING       = "TextEditor.SelectEncoding";
77 const char * const REWRAP_PARAGRAPH       =  "TextEditor.RewrapParagraph";
78 const char * const GOTO_OPENING_PARENTHESIS = "TextEditor.GotoOpeningParenthesis";
79 const char * const GOTO_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS = "TextEditor.GotoClosingParenthesis";
80 const char * const GOTO_LINE_START = "TextEditor.GotoLineStart";
81 const char * const GOTO_LINE_END = "TextEditor.GotoLineEnd";
82 const char * const GOTO_NEXT_LINE = "TextEditor.GotoNextLine";
83 const char * const GOTO_PREVIOUS_LINE = "TextEditor.GotoPreviousLine";
84 const char * const GOTO_PREVIOUS_CHARACTER = "TextEditor.GotoPreviousCharacter";
85 const char * const GOTO_NEXT_CHARACTER = "TextEditor.GotoNextCharacter";
86 const char * const GOTO_PREVIOUS_WORD = "TextEditor.GotoPreviousWord";
87 const char * const GOTO_NEXT_WORD = "TextEditor.GotoNextWord";
88 const char * const GOTO_PREVIOUS_WORD_CAMEL_CASE = "TextEditor.GotoPreviousWordCamelCase";
89 const char * const GOTO_NEXT_WORD_CAMEL_CASE = "TextEditor.GotoNextWordCamelCase";
90 const char * const GOTO_LINE_START_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoLineStartWithSelection";
91 const char * const GOTO_LINE_END_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoLineEndWithSelection";
92 const char * const GOTO_NEXT_LINE_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoNextLineWithSelection";
93 const char * const GOTO_PREVIOUS_LINE_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoPreviousLineWithSelection";
94 const char * const GOTO_PREVIOUS_CHARACTER_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoPreviousCharacterWithSelection";
95 const char * const GOTO_NEXT_CHARACTER_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoNextCharacterWithSelection";
96 const char * const GOTO_PREVIOUS_WORD_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoPreviousWordWithSelection";
97 const char * const GOTO_NEXT_WORD_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoNextWordWithSelection";
98 const char * const GOTO_PREVIOUS_WORD_CAMEL_CASE_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoPreviousWordCamelCaseWithSelection";
99 const char * const GOTO_NEXT_WORD_CAMEL_CASE_WITH_SELECTION = "TextEditor.GotoNextWordCamelCaseWithSelection";
100 const char * const C_TEXTEDITOR_MIMETYPE_TEXT = "text/plain";
101 const char * const INFO_SYNTAX_DEFINITION = "TextEditor.InfoSyntaxDefinition";
102 const char * const TASK_DOWNLOAD_DEFINITIONS = "TextEditor.Task.Download";
103 const char * const TASK_REGISTER_DEFINITIONS = "TextEditor.Task.Register";
104 const char * const TASK_OPEN_FILE = "TextEditor.Task.OpenFile";
106 // Text color and style categories
107 const char * const C_TEXT                = "Text";
109 const char * const C_LINK                = "Link";
110 const char * const C_SELECTION           = "Selection";
111 const char * const C_LINE_NUMBER         = "LineNumber";
112 const char * const C_SEARCH_RESULT       = "SearchResult";
113 const char * const C_SEARCH_SCOPE        = "SearchScope";
114 const char * const C_PARENTHESES         = "Parentheses";
115 const char * const C_CURRENT_LINE        = "CurrentLine";
116 const char * const C_CURRENT_LINE_NUMBER = "CurrentLineNumber";
117 const char * const C_OCCURRENCES         = "Occurrences";
118 const char * const C_OCCURRENCES_UNUSED  = "Occurrences.Unused";
119 const char * const C_OCCURRENCES_RENAME  = "Occurrences.Rename";
121 const char * const C_NUMBER              = "Number";
122 const char * const C_STRING              = "String";
123 const char * const C_TYPE                = "Type";
124 const char * const C_LOCAL               = "Local";
125 const char * const C_FIELD               = "Field";
126 const char * const C_STATIC              = "Static";
127 const char * const C_VIRTUAL_METHOD      = "VirtualMethod";
128 const char * const C_KEYWORD             = "Keyword";
129 const char * const C_OPERATOR            = "Operator";
130 const char * const C_PREPROCESSOR        = "Preprocessor";
131 const char * const C_LABEL               = "Label";
132 const char * const C_COMMENT             = "Comment";
133 const char * const C_DOXYGEN_COMMENT     = "Doxygen.Comment";
134 const char * const C_DOXYGEN_TAG         = "Doxygen.Tag";
135 const char * const C_VISUAL_WHITESPACE   = "VisualWhitespace";
137 const char * const C_DISABLED_CODE       = "DisabledCode";
139 const char * const C_ADDED_LINE          = "AddedLine";
140 const char * const C_REMOVED_LINE        = "RemovedLine";
141 const char * const C_DIFF_FILE           = "DiffFile";
142 const char * const C_DIFF_LOCATION       = "DiffLocation";
144 const char * const TEXT_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CATEGORY = "C.TextEditor";
145 const char * const TEXT_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CATEGORY_ICON = ":/core/images/category_texteditor.png";
146 const char * const TEXT_EDITOR_SETTINGS_TR_CATEGORY = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "Text Editor");
147 const char * const TEXT_EDITOR_FONT_SETTINGS = "A.FontSettings";
148 const char * const TEXT_EDITOR_BEHAVIOR_SETTINGS = "B.BehaviourSettings";
149 const char * const TEXT_EDITOR_DISPLAY_SETTINGS = "D.DisplaySettings";
150 const char * const TEXT_EDITOR_HIGHLIGHTER_SETTINGS = "E.HighlighterSettings";
151 const char * const TEXT_EDITOR_SNIPPETS_SETTINGS = "F.SnippetsSettings";
153 const char * const SNIPPET_EDITOR_ID     = "TextEditor.SnippetEditor";
154 const char * const TEXT_SNIPPET_GROUP_ID = "Text";
156 } // namespace Constants
157 } // namespace TextEditor