1# RUN: not llvm-mc -triple riscv32 -mattr=+experimental-b,experimental-zbe < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
3# Too few operands
4bdecompress t0, t1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:1: error: too few operands for instruction
5# Too few operands
6bcompress t0, t1 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:1: error: too few operands for instruction
7bdecompressw t0, t1, t2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:1: error: instruction requires the following: RV64I Base Instruction Set
8bcompressw t0, t1, t2 # CHECK: :[[@LINE]]:1: error: instruction requires the following: RV64I Base Instruction Set