1 //===-LTOCodeGenerator.h - LLVM Link Time Optimizer -----------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file declares the LTOCodeGenerator class.
10 //
11 //   LTO compilation consists of three phases: Pre-IPO, IPO and Post-IPO.
12 //
13 //   The Pre-IPO phase compiles source code into bitcode file. The resulting
14 // bitcode files, along with object files and libraries, will be fed to the
15 // linker to through the IPO and Post-IPO phases. By using obj-file extension,
16 // the resulting bitcode file disguises itself as an object file, and therefore
17 // obviates the need of writing a special set of the make-rules only for LTO
18 // compilation.
19 //
20 //   The IPO phase perform inter-procedural analyses and optimizations, and
21 // the Post-IPO consists two sub-phases: intra-procedural scalar optimizations
22 // (SOPT), and intra-procedural target-dependent code generator (CG).
23 //
24 //   As of this writing, we don't separate IPO and the Post-IPO SOPT. They
25 // are intermingled together, and are driven by a single pass manager (see
26 // PassManagerBuilder::populateLTOPassManager()).
27 //
28 //   The "LTOCodeGenerator" is the driver for the IPO and Post-IPO stages.
29 // The "CodeGenerator" here is bit confusing. Don't confuse the "CodeGenerator"
30 // with the machine specific code generator.
31 //
32 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
37 #include "llvm-c/lto.h"
38 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
39 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
40 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
41 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
42 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
43 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
44 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
45 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
46 #include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
47 #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
48 #include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
49 #include <string>
50 #include <vector>
52 /// Enable global value internalization in LTO.
53 extern llvm::cl::opt<bool> EnableLTOInternalization;
55 namespace llvm {
56 template <typename T> class ArrayRef;
57   class LLVMContext;
58   class DiagnosticInfo;
59   class Linker;
60   class Mangler;
61   class MemoryBuffer;
62   class TargetLibraryInfo;
63   class TargetMachine;
64   class raw_ostream;
65   class raw_pwrite_stream;
67 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
68 /// C++ class which implements the opaque lto_code_gen_t type.
69 ///
70 struct LTOCodeGenerator {
71   static const char *getVersionString();
73   LTOCodeGenerator(LLVMContext &Context);
74   ~LTOCodeGenerator();
76   /// Merge given module.  Return true on success.
77   ///
78   /// Resets \a HasVerifiedInput.
79   bool addModule(struct LTOModule *);
81   /// Set the destination module.
82   ///
83   /// Resets \a HasVerifiedInput.
84   void setModule(std::unique_ptr<LTOModule> M);
86   void setAsmUndefinedRefs(struct LTOModule *);
87   void setTargetOptions(const TargetOptions &Options);
88   void setDebugInfo(lto_debug_model);
setCodePICModelLTOCodeGenerator89   void setCodePICModel(Optional<Reloc::Model> Model) { RelocModel = Model; }
91   /// Set the file type to be emitted (assembly or object code).
92   /// The default is CGFT_ObjectFile.
setFileTypeLTOCodeGenerator93   void setFileType(CodeGenFileType FT) { FileType = FT; }
setCpuLTOCodeGenerator95   void setCpu(StringRef MCpu) { this->MCpu = std::string(MCpu); }
setAttrLTOCodeGenerator96   void setAttr(StringRef MAttr) { this->MAttr = std::string(MAttr); }
97   void setOptLevel(unsigned OptLevel);
setShouldInternalizeLTOCodeGenerator99   void setShouldInternalize(bool Value) { ShouldInternalize = Value; }
setShouldEmbedUselistsLTOCodeGenerator100   void setShouldEmbedUselists(bool Value) { ShouldEmbedUselists = Value; }
102   /// Restore linkage of globals
103   ///
104   /// When set, the linkage of globals will be restored prior to code
105   /// generation. That is, a global symbol that had external linkage prior to
106   /// LTO will be emitted with external linkage again; and a local will remain
107   /// local. Note that this option only affects the end result - globals may
108   /// still be internalized in the process of LTO and may be modified and/or
109   /// deleted where legal.
110   ///
111   /// The default behavior will internalize globals (unless on the preserve
112   /// list) and, if parallel code generation is enabled, will externalize
113   /// all locals.
setShouldRestoreGlobalsLinkageLTOCodeGenerator114   void setShouldRestoreGlobalsLinkage(bool Value) {
115     ShouldRestoreGlobalsLinkage = Value;
116   }
addMustPreserveSymbolLTOCodeGenerator118   void addMustPreserveSymbol(StringRef Sym) { MustPreserveSymbols.insert(Sym); }
120   /// Pass options to the driver and optimization passes.
121   ///
122   /// These options are not necessarily for debugging purpose (the function
123   /// name is misleading).  This function should be called before
124   /// LTOCodeGenerator::compilexxx(), and
125   /// LTOCodeGenerator::writeMergedModules().
126   void setCodeGenDebugOptions(ArrayRef<StringRef> Opts);
128   /// Parse the options set in setCodeGenDebugOptions.
129   ///
130   /// Like \a setCodeGenDebugOptions(), this must be called before
131   /// LTOCodeGenerator::compilexxx() and
132   /// LTOCodeGenerator::writeMergedModules().
133   void parseCodeGenDebugOptions();
135   /// Write the merged module to the file specified by the given path.  Return
136   /// true on success.
137   ///
138   /// Calls \a verifyMergedModuleOnce().
139   bool writeMergedModules(StringRef Path);
141   /// Compile the merged module into a *single* output file; the path to output
142   /// file is returned to the caller via argument "name". Return true on
143   /// success.
144   ///
145   /// \note It is up to the linker to remove the intermediate output file.  Do
146   /// not try to remove the object file in LTOCodeGenerator's destructor as we
147   /// don't who (LTOCodeGenerator or the output file) will last longer.
148   bool compile_to_file(const char **Name, bool DisableVerify,
149                        bool DisableInline, bool DisableGVNLoadPRE,
150                        bool DisableVectorization);
152   /// As with compile_to_file(), this function compiles the merged module into
153   /// single output file. Instead of returning the output file path to the
154   /// caller (linker), it brings the output to a buffer, and returns the buffer
155   /// to the caller. This function should delete the intermediate file once
156   /// its content is brought to memory. Return NULL if the compilation was not
157   /// successful.
158   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> compile(bool DisableVerify, bool DisableInline,
159                                         bool DisableGVNLoadPRE,
160                                         bool DisableVectorization);
162   /// Optimizes the merged module.  Returns true on success.
163   ///
164   /// Calls \a verifyMergedModuleOnce().
165   bool optimize(bool DisableVerify, bool DisableInline, bool DisableGVNLoadPRE,
166                 bool DisableVectorization);
168   /// Compiles the merged optimized module into a single output file. It brings
169   /// the output to a buffer, and returns the buffer to the caller. Return NULL
170   /// if the compilation was not successful.
171   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> compileOptimized();
173   /// Compile the merged optimized module into out.size() output files each
174   /// representing a linkable partition of the module. If out contains more
175   /// than one element, code generation is done in parallel with out.size()
176   /// threads.  Output files will be written to members of out. Returns true on
177   /// success.
178   ///
179   /// Calls \a verifyMergedModuleOnce().
180   bool compileOptimized(ArrayRef<raw_pwrite_stream *> Out);
182   /// Enable the Freestanding mode: indicate that the optimizer should not
183   /// assume builtins are present on the target.
setFreestandingLTOCodeGenerator184   void setFreestanding(bool Enabled) { Freestanding = Enabled; }
186   void setDiagnosticHandler(lto_diagnostic_handler_t, void *);
getContextLTOCodeGenerator188   LLVMContext &getContext() { return Context; }
resetMergedModuleLTOCodeGenerator190   void resetMergedModule() { MergedModule.reset(); }
191   void DiagnosticHandler(const DiagnosticInfo &DI);
193 private:
194   void initializeLTOPasses();
196   /// Verify the merged module on first call.
197   ///
198   /// Sets \a HasVerifiedInput on first call and doesn't run again on the same
199   /// input.
200   void verifyMergedModuleOnce();
202   bool compileOptimizedToFile(const char **Name);
203   void restoreLinkageForExternals();
204   void applyScopeRestrictions();
205   void preserveDiscardableGVs(
206       Module &TheModule,
207       llvm::function_ref<bool(const GlobalValue &)> mustPreserveGV);
209   bool determineTarget();
210   std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> createTargetMachine();
212   void emitError(const std::string &ErrMsg);
213   void emitWarning(const std::string &ErrMsg);
215   void finishOptimizationRemarks();
217   LLVMContext &Context;
218   std::unique_ptr<Module> MergedModule;
219   std::unique_ptr<Linker> TheLinker;
220   std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TargetMach;
221   bool EmitDwarfDebugInfo = false;
222   bool ScopeRestrictionsDone = false;
223   bool HasVerifiedInput = false;
224   Optional<Reloc::Model> RelocModel;
225   StringSet<> MustPreserveSymbols;
226   StringSet<> AsmUndefinedRefs;
227   StringMap<GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> ExternalSymbols;
228   std::vector<std::string> CodegenOptions;
229   std::string FeatureStr;
230   std::string MCpu;
231   std::string MAttr;
232   std::string NativeObjectPath;
233   TargetOptions Options;
234   CodeGenOpt::Level CGOptLevel = CodeGenOpt::Default;
235   const Target *MArch = nullptr;
236   std::string TripleStr;
237   unsigned OptLevel = 2;
238   lto_diagnostic_handler_t DiagHandler = nullptr;
239   void *DiagContext = nullptr;
240   bool ShouldInternalize = EnableLTOInternalization;
241   bool ShouldEmbedUselists = false;
242   bool ShouldRestoreGlobalsLinkage = false;
243   CodeGenFileType FileType = CGFT_ObjectFile;
244   std::unique_ptr<ToolOutputFile> DiagnosticOutputFile;
245   bool Freestanding = false;
246   std::unique_ptr<ToolOutputFile> StatsFile = nullptr;
247 };
248 }
249 #endif