1 //===-- TweakTesting.cpp ------------------------------------------------*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "TweakTesting.h"
11 #include "Annotations.h"
12 #include "SourceCode.h"
13 #include "TestFS.h"
14 #include "refactor/Tweak.h"
15 #include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
16 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
17 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
18 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
19 #include <string>
21 namespace clang {
22 namespace clangd {
23 namespace {
24 using Context = TweakTest::CodeContext;
wrapping(Context Ctx)26 std::pair<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef> wrapping(Context Ctx) {
27   switch (Ctx) {
28     case TweakTest::File:
29       return {"",""};
30     case TweakTest::Function:
31       return {"void wrapperFunction(){\n", "\n}"};
32     case TweakTest::Expression:
33       return {"auto expressionWrapper(){return\n", "\n;}"};
34   }
35   llvm_unreachable("Unknown TweakTest::CodeContext enum");
36 }
wrap(Context Ctx,llvm::StringRef Inner)38 std::string wrap(Context Ctx, llvm::StringRef Inner) {
39   auto Wrapping = wrapping(Ctx);
40   return (Wrapping.first + Inner + Wrapping.second).str();
41 }
unwrap(Context Ctx,llvm::StringRef Outer)43 llvm::StringRef unwrap(Context Ctx, llvm::StringRef Outer) {
44   auto Wrapping = wrapping(Ctx);
45   // Unwrap only if the code matches the expected wrapping.
46   // Don't allow the begin/end wrapping to overlap!
47   if (Outer.startswith(Wrapping.first) && Outer.endswith(Wrapping.second) &&
48       Outer.size() >= Wrapping.first.size() + Wrapping.second.size())
49     return Outer.drop_front(Wrapping.first.size()).drop_back(Wrapping.second.size());
50   return Outer;
51 }
rangeOrPoint(const Annotations & A)53 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> rangeOrPoint(const Annotations &A) {
54   Range SelectionRng;
55   if (A.points().size() != 0) {
56     assert(A.ranges().size() == 0 &&
57            "both a cursor point and a selection range were specified");
58     SelectionRng = Range{A.point(), A.point()};
59   } else {
60     SelectionRng = A.range();
61   }
62   return {cantFail(positionToOffset(A.code(), SelectionRng.start)),
63           cantFail(positionToOffset(A.code(), SelectionRng.end))};
64 }
66 // Prepare and apply the specified tweak based on the selection in Input.
67 // Returns None if and only if prepare() failed.
68 llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<Tweak::Effect>>
applyTweak(ParsedAST & AST,const Annotations & Input,StringRef TweakID,const SymbolIndex * Index)69 applyTweak(ParsedAST &AST, const Annotations &Input, StringRef TweakID,
70            const SymbolIndex *Index) {
71   auto Range = rangeOrPoint(Input);
72   llvm::Optional<llvm::Expected<Tweak::Effect>> Result;
73   SelectionTree::createEach(AST.getASTContext(), AST.getTokens(), Range.first,
74                             Range.second, [&](SelectionTree ST) {
75                               Tweak::Selection S(Index, AST, Range.first,
76                                                  Range.second, std::move(ST));
77                               if (auto T = prepareTweak(TweakID, S)) {
78                                 Result = (*T)->apply(S);
79                                 return true;
80                               } else {
81                                 llvm::consumeError(T.takeError());
82                                 return false;
83                               }
84                             });
85   return Result;
86 }
88 MATCHER_P7(TweakIsAvailable, TweakID, Ctx, Header, ExtraArgs, ExtraFiles, Index,
89            FileName,
90            (TweakID + (negation ? " is unavailable" : " is available")).str()) {
91   std::string WrappedCode = wrap(Ctx, arg);
92   Annotations Input(WrappedCode);
93   TestTU TU;
94   TU.Filename = std::string(FileName);
95   TU.HeaderCode = Header;
96   TU.Code = std::string(Input.code());
97   TU.ExtraArgs = ExtraArgs;
98   TU.AdditionalFiles = std::move(ExtraFiles);
99   ParsedAST AST = TU.build();
100   auto Result = applyTweak(AST, Input, TweakID, Index);
101   // We only care if prepare() succeeded, but must handle Errors.
102   if (Result && !*Result)
103     consumeError(Result->takeError());
104   return Result.hasValue();
105 }
107 } // namespace
apply(llvm::StringRef MarkedCode,llvm::StringMap<std::string> * EditedFiles) const109 std::string TweakTest::apply(llvm::StringRef MarkedCode,
110                              llvm::StringMap<std::string> *EditedFiles) const {
111   std::string WrappedCode = wrap(Context, MarkedCode);
112   Annotations Input(WrappedCode);
113   TestTU TU;
114   TU.Filename = std::string(FileName);
115   TU.HeaderCode = Header;
116   TU.AdditionalFiles = std::move(ExtraFiles);
117   TU.Code = std::string(Input.code());
118   TU.ExtraArgs = ExtraArgs;
119   ParsedAST AST = TU.build();
121   auto Result = applyTweak(AST, Input, TweakID, Index.get());
122   if (!Result)
123     return "unavailable";
124   if (!*Result)
125     return "fail: " + llvm::toString(Result->takeError());
126   const auto &Effect = **Result;
127   if ((*Result)->ShowMessage)
128     return "message:\n" + *Effect.ShowMessage;
129   if (Effect.ApplyEdits.empty())
130     return "no effect";
132   std::string EditedMainFile;
133   for (auto &It : Effect.ApplyEdits) {
134     auto NewText = It.second.apply();
135     if (!NewText)
136       return "bad edits: " + llvm::toString(NewText.takeError());
137     llvm::StringRef Unwrapped = unwrap(Context, *NewText);
138     if (It.first() == testPath(TU.Filename))
139       EditedMainFile = std::string(Unwrapped);
140     else {
141       if (!EditedFiles)
142         ADD_FAILURE() << "There were changes to additional files, but client "
143                          "provided a nullptr for EditedFiles.";
144       else
145         EditedFiles->insert_or_assign(It.first(), Unwrapped.str());
146     }
147   }
148   return EditedMainFile;
149 }
isAvailable() const151 ::testing::Matcher<llvm::StringRef> TweakTest::isAvailable() const {
152   return TweakIsAvailable(llvm::StringRef(TweakID), Context, Header, ExtraArgs,
153                           ExtraFiles, Index.get(), FileName);
154 }
expandCases(llvm::StringRef MarkedCode)156 std::vector<std::string> TweakTest::expandCases(llvm::StringRef MarkedCode) {
157   Annotations Test(MarkedCode);
158   llvm::StringRef Code = Test.code();
159   std::vector<std::string> Cases;
160   for (const auto& Point : Test.points()) {
161     size_t Offset = llvm::cantFail(positionToOffset(Code, Point));
162     Cases.push_back((Code.substr(0, Offset) + "^" + Code.substr(Offset)).str());
163   }
164   for (const auto& Range : Test.ranges()) {
165     size_t Begin = llvm::cantFail(positionToOffset(Code, Range.start));
166     size_t End = llvm::cantFail(positionToOffset(Code, Range.end));
167     Cases.push_back((Code.substr(0, Begin) + "[[" +
168                      Code.substr(Begin, End - Begin) + "]]" + Code.substr(End))
169                         .str());
170   }
171   assert(!Cases.empty() && "No markings in MarkedCode?");
172   return Cases;
173 }
175 } // namespace clangd
176 } // namespace clang