1 //===-- YAMLSerialization.cpp ------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // A YAML index file is a sequence of tagged entries.
10 // Each entry either encodes a Symbol or the list of references to a symbol
11 // (a "ref bundle").
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
operator <<(llvm::raw_ostream & OS,SymbolOrigin O)14 
15 #include "Index.h"
16 #include "Relation.h"
17 #include "Serialization.h"
18 #include "SymbolLocation.h"
19 #include "SymbolOrigin.h"
20 #include "dex/Dex.h"
21 #include "support/Logger.h"
22 #include "support/Trace.h"
23 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
24 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
26 #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
27 #include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
28 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
29 #include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
30 #include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
31 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
32 #include <cstdint>
34 LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(clang::clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences)
35 LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(clang::clangd::Ref)
37 namespace {
38 using RefBundle =
39     std::pair<clang::clangd::SymbolID, std::vector<clang::clangd::Ref>>;
40 // This is a pale imitation of std::variant<Symbol, RefBundle, Relation>
41 struct VariantEntry {
42   llvm::Optional<clang::clangd::Symbol> Symbol;
43   llvm::Optional<RefBundle> Refs;
44   llvm::Optional<clang::clangd::Relation> Relation;
45   llvm::Optional<clang::clangd::IncludeGraphNode> Source;
46   llvm::Optional<clang::tooling::CompileCommand> Cmd;
47 };
48 // A class helps YAML to serialize the 32-bit encoded position (Line&Column),
49 // as YAMLIO can't directly map bitfields.
50 struct YPosition {
51   uint32_t Line;
52   uint32_t Column;
53 };
55 // avoid ODR violation of specialization for non-owned CompileCommand
56 struct CompileCommandYAML : clang::tooling::CompileCommand {};
58 } // namespace
59 namespace llvm {
60 namespace yaml {
62 using clang::clangd::FileDigest;
63 using clang::clangd::IncludeGraph;
64 using clang::clangd::IncludeGraphNode;
65 using clang::clangd::Ref;
66 using clang::clangd::RefKind;
67 using clang::clangd::Relation;
68 using clang::clangd::RelationKind;
69 using clang::clangd::Symbol;
70 using clang::clangd::SymbolID;
71 using clang::clangd::SymbolLocation;
72 using clang::clangd::SymbolOrigin;
73 using clang::index::SymbolInfo;
74 using clang::index::SymbolKind;
75 using clang::index::SymbolLanguage;
76 using clang::index::SymbolRole;
77 using clang::tooling::CompileCommand;
79 // Helper to (de)serialize the SymbolID. We serialize it as a hex string.
80 struct NormalizedSymbolID {
81   NormalizedSymbolID(IO &) {}
82   NormalizedSymbolID(IO &, const SymbolID &ID) {
83     llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(HexString);
84     OS << ID;
85   }
87   SymbolID denormalize(IO &I) {
88     auto ID = SymbolID::fromStr(HexString);
89     if (!ID) {
90       I.setError(llvm::toString(ID.takeError()));
91       return SymbolID();
92     }
93     return *ID;
94   }
96   std::string HexString;
97 };
99 struct NormalizedSymbolFlag {
100   NormalizedSymbolFlag(IO &) {}
101   NormalizedSymbolFlag(IO &, Symbol::SymbolFlag F) {
102     Flag = static_cast<uint8_t>(F);
103   }
105   Symbol::SymbolFlag denormalize(IO &) {
106     return static_cast<Symbol::SymbolFlag>(Flag);
107   }
109   uint8_t Flag = 0;
110 };
112 struct NormalizedSymbolOrigin {
113   NormalizedSymbolOrigin(IO &) {}
114   NormalizedSymbolOrigin(IO &, SymbolOrigin O) {
115     Origin = static_cast<uint8_t>(O);
116   }
118   SymbolOrigin denormalize(IO &) { return static_cast<SymbolOrigin>(Origin); }
120   uint8_t Origin = 0;
121 };
123 template <> struct MappingTraits<YPosition> {
124   static void mapping(IO &IO, YPosition &Value) {
125     IO.mapRequired("Line", Value.Line);
126     IO.mapRequired("Column", Value.Column);
127   }
128 };
130 struct NormalizedPosition {
131   using Position = clang::clangd::SymbolLocation::Position;
132   NormalizedPosition(IO &) {}
133   NormalizedPosition(IO &, const Position &Pos) {
134     P.Line = Pos.line();
135     P.Column = Pos.column();
136   }
138   Position denormalize(IO &) {
139     Position Pos;
140     Pos.setLine(P.Line);
141     Pos.setColumn(P.Column);
142     return Pos;
143   }
144   YPosition P;
145 };
147 struct NormalizedFileURI {
148   NormalizedFileURI(IO &) {}
149   NormalizedFileURI(IO &, const char *FileURI) { URI = FileURI; }
151   const char *denormalize(IO &IO) {
152     assert(IO.getContext() &&
153            "Expecting an UniqueStringSaver to allocate data");
154     return static_cast<llvm::UniqueStringSaver *>(IO.getContext())
155         ->save(URI)
156         .data();
157   }
159   std::string URI;
160 };
162 template <> struct MappingTraits<SymbolLocation> {
163   static void mapping(IO &IO, SymbolLocation &Value) {
164     MappingNormalization<NormalizedFileURI, const char *> NFile(IO,
165                                                                 Value.FileURI);
166     IO.mapRequired("FileURI", NFile->URI);
167     MappingNormalization<NormalizedPosition, SymbolLocation::Position> NStart(
168         IO, Value.Start);
169     IO.mapRequired("Start", NStart->P);
170     MappingNormalization<NormalizedPosition, SymbolLocation::Position> NEnd(
171         IO, Value.End);
172     IO.mapRequired("End", NEnd->P);
173   }
174 };
176 template <> struct MappingTraits<SymbolInfo> {
177   static void mapping(IO &io, SymbolInfo &SymInfo) {
178     // FIXME: expose other fields?
179     io.mapRequired("Kind", SymInfo.Kind);
180     io.mapRequired("Lang", SymInfo.Lang);
181   }
182 };
184 template <>
185 struct MappingTraits<clang::clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences> {
186   static void mapping(IO &io,
187                       clang::clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &Inc) {
188     io.mapRequired("Header", Inc.IncludeHeader);
189     io.mapRequired("References", Inc.References);
190   }
191 };
193 template <> struct MappingTraits<Symbol> {
194   static void mapping(IO &IO, Symbol &Sym) {
195     MappingNormalization<NormalizedSymbolID, SymbolID> NSymbolID(IO, Sym.ID);
196     MappingNormalization<NormalizedSymbolFlag, Symbol::SymbolFlag> NSymbolFlag(
197         IO, Sym.Flags);
198     MappingNormalization<NormalizedSymbolOrigin, SymbolOrigin> NSymbolOrigin(
199         IO, Sym.Origin);
200     IO.mapRequired("ID", NSymbolID->HexString);
201     IO.mapRequired("Name", Sym.Name);
202     IO.mapRequired("Scope", Sym.Scope);
203     IO.mapRequired("SymInfo", Sym.SymInfo);
204     IO.mapOptional("CanonicalDeclaration", Sym.CanonicalDeclaration,
205                    SymbolLocation());
206     IO.mapOptional("Definition", Sym.Definition, SymbolLocation());
207     IO.mapOptional("References", Sym.References, 0u);
208     IO.mapOptional("Origin", NSymbolOrigin->Origin);
209     IO.mapOptional("Flags", NSymbolFlag->Flag);
210     IO.mapOptional("Signature", Sym.Signature);
211     IO.mapOptional("TemplateSpecializationArgs",
212                    Sym.TemplateSpecializationArgs);
213     IO.mapOptional("CompletionSnippetSuffix", Sym.CompletionSnippetSuffix);
214     IO.mapOptional("Documentation", Sym.Documentation);
215     IO.mapOptional("ReturnType", Sym.ReturnType);
216     IO.mapOptional("Type", Sym.Type);
217     IO.mapOptional("IncludeHeaders", Sym.IncludeHeaders);
218   }
219 };
221 template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<SymbolLanguage> {
222   static void enumeration(IO &IO, SymbolLanguage &Value) {
223     IO.enumCase(Value, "C", SymbolLanguage::C);
224     IO.enumCase(Value, "Cpp", SymbolLanguage::CXX);
225     IO.enumCase(Value, "ObjC", SymbolLanguage::ObjC);
226     IO.enumCase(Value, "Swift", SymbolLanguage::Swift);
227   }
228 };
230 template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<SymbolKind> {
231   static void enumeration(IO &IO, SymbolKind &Value) {
232 #define DEFINE_ENUM(name) IO.enumCase(Value, #name, SymbolKind::name)
234     DEFINE_ENUM(Unknown);
235     DEFINE_ENUM(Function);
236     DEFINE_ENUM(Module);
237     DEFINE_ENUM(Namespace);
238     DEFINE_ENUM(NamespaceAlias);
239     DEFINE_ENUM(Macro);
240     DEFINE_ENUM(Enum);
241     DEFINE_ENUM(Struct);
242     DEFINE_ENUM(Class);
243     DEFINE_ENUM(Protocol);
244     DEFINE_ENUM(Extension);
245     DEFINE_ENUM(Union);
246     DEFINE_ENUM(TypeAlias);
247     DEFINE_ENUM(Function);
248     DEFINE_ENUM(Variable);
249     DEFINE_ENUM(Field);
250     DEFINE_ENUM(EnumConstant);
251     DEFINE_ENUM(InstanceMethod);
252     DEFINE_ENUM(ClassMethod);
253     DEFINE_ENUM(StaticMethod);
254     DEFINE_ENUM(InstanceProperty);
255     DEFINE_ENUM(ClassProperty);
256     DEFINE_ENUM(StaticProperty);
257     DEFINE_ENUM(Constructor);
258     DEFINE_ENUM(Destructor);
259     DEFINE_ENUM(ConversionFunction);
260     DEFINE_ENUM(Parameter);
261     DEFINE_ENUM(Using);
263 #undef DEFINE_ENUM
264   }
265 };
267 template <> struct MappingTraits<RefBundle> {
268   static void mapping(IO &IO, RefBundle &Refs) {
269     MappingNormalization<NormalizedSymbolID, SymbolID> NSymbolID(IO,
270                                                                  Refs.first);
271     IO.mapRequired("ID", NSymbolID->HexString);
272     IO.mapRequired("References", Refs.second);
273   }
274 };
276 struct NormalizedRefKind {
277   NormalizedRefKind(IO &) {}
278   NormalizedRefKind(IO &, RefKind O) { Kind = static_cast<uint8_t>(O); }
280   RefKind denormalize(IO &) { return static_cast<RefKind>(Kind); }
282   uint8_t Kind = 0;
283 };
285 template <> struct MappingTraits<Ref> {
286   static void mapping(IO &IO, Ref &R) {
287     MappingNormalization<NormalizedRefKind, RefKind> NKind(IO, R.Kind);
288     IO.mapRequired("Kind", NKind->Kind);
289     IO.mapRequired("Location", R.Location);
290   }
291 };
293 struct NormalizedSymbolRole {
294   NormalizedSymbolRole(IO &) {}
295   NormalizedSymbolRole(IO &IO, RelationKind R) {
296     Kind = static_cast<uint8_t>(R);
297   }
299   RelationKind denormalize(IO &IO) { return static_cast<RelationKind>(Kind); }
301   uint8_t Kind = 0;
302 };
304 template <> struct MappingTraits<SymbolID> {
305   static void mapping(IO &IO, SymbolID &ID) {
306     MappingNormalization<NormalizedSymbolID, SymbolID> NSymbolID(IO, ID);
307     IO.mapRequired("ID", NSymbolID->HexString);
308   }
309 };
311 template <> struct MappingTraits<Relation> {
312   static void mapping(IO &IO, Relation &Relation) {
313     MappingNormalization<NormalizedSymbolRole, RelationKind> NRole(
314         IO, Relation.Predicate);
315     IO.mapRequired("Subject", Relation.Subject);
316     IO.mapRequired("Predicate", NRole->Kind);
317     IO.mapRequired("Object", Relation.Object);
318   }
319 };
321 struct NormalizedSourceFlag {
322   NormalizedSourceFlag(IO &) {}
323   NormalizedSourceFlag(IO &, IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag O) {
324     Flag = static_cast<uint8_t>(O);
325   }
327   IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag denormalize(IO &) {
328     return static_cast<IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag>(Flag);
329   }
331   uint8_t Flag = 0;
332 };
334 struct NormalizedFileDigest {
335   NormalizedFileDigest(IO &) {}
336   NormalizedFileDigest(IO &, const FileDigest &Digest) {
337     HexString = llvm::toHex(Digest);
338   }
340   FileDigest denormalize(IO &I) {
341     FileDigest Digest;
342     if (HexString.size() == Digest.size() * 2 &&
343         llvm::all_of(HexString, llvm::isHexDigit)) {
344       memcpy(Digest.data(), llvm::fromHex(HexString).data(), Digest.size());
345     } else {
346       I.setError(std::string("Bad hex file digest: ") + HexString);
347     }
348     return Digest;
349   }
351   std::string HexString;
352 };
354 template <> struct MappingTraits<IncludeGraphNode> {
355   static void mapping(IO &IO, IncludeGraphNode &Node) {
356     IO.mapRequired("URI", Node.URI);
357     MappingNormalization<NormalizedSourceFlag, IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag>
358         NSourceFlag(IO, Node.Flags);
359     IO.mapRequired("Flags", NSourceFlag->Flag);
360     MappingNormalization<NormalizedFileDigest, FileDigest> NDigest(IO,
361                                                                    Node.Digest);
362     IO.mapRequired("Digest", NDigest->HexString);
363     IO.mapRequired("DirectIncludes", Node.DirectIncludes);
364   }
365 };
367 template <> struct MappingTraits<CompileCommandYAML> {
368   static void mapping(IO &IO, CompileCommandYAML &Cmd) {
369     IO.mapRequired("Directory", Cmd.Directory);
370     IO.mapRequired("CommandLine", Cmd.CommandLine);
371   }
372 };
374 template <> struct MappingTraits<VariantEntry> {
375   static void mapping(IO &IO, VariantEntry &Variant) {
376     if (IO.mapTag("!Symbol", Variant.Symbol.hasValue())) {
377       if (!IO.outputting())
378         Variant.Symbol.emplace();
379       MappingTraits<Symbol>::mapping(IO, *Variant.Symbol);
380     } else if (IO.mapTag("!Refs", Variant.Refs.hasValue())) {
381       if (!IO.outputting())
382         Variant.Refs.emplace();
383       MappingTraits<RefBundle>::mapping(IO, *Variant.Refs);
384     } else if (IO.mapTag("!Relations", Variant.Relation.hasValue())) {
385       if (!IO.outputting())
386         Variant.Relation.emplace();
387       MappingTraits<Relation>::mapping(IO, *Variant.Relation);
388     } else if (IO.mapTag("!Source", Variant.Source.hasValue())) {
389       if (!IO.outputting())
390         Variant.Source.emplace();
391       MappingTraits<IncludeGraphNode>::mapping(IO, *Variant.Source);
392     } else if (IO.mapTag("!Cmd", Variant.Cmd.hasValue())) {
393       if (!IO.outputting())
394         Variant.Cmd.emplace();
395       MappingTraits<CompileCommandYAML>::mapping(
396           IO, static_cast<CompileCommandYAML &>(*Variant.Cmd));
397     }
398   }
399 };
401 } // namespace yaml
402 } // namespace llvm
404 namespace clang {
405 namespace clangd {
407 void writeYAML(const IndexFileOut &O, llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
408   llvm::yaml::Output Yout(OS);
409   for (const auto &Sym : *O.Symbols) {
410     VariantEntry Entry;
411     Entry.Symbol = Sym;
412     Yout << Entry;
413   }
414   if (O.Refs)
415     for (auto &Sym : *O.Refs) {
416       VariantEntry Entry;
417       Entry.Refs = Sym;
418       Yout << Entry;
419     }
420   if (O.Relations)
421     for (auto &R : *O.Relations) {
422       VariantEntry Entry;
423       Entry.Relation = R;
424       Yout << Entry;
425     }
426   if (O.Sources) {
427     for (const auto &Source : *O.Sources) {
428       VariantEntry Entry;
429       Entry.Source = Source.getValue();
430       Yout << Entry;
431     }
432   }
433   if (O.Cmd) {
434     VariantEntry Entry;
435     Entry.Cmd = *O.Cmd;
436     Yout << Entry;
437   }
438 }
440 llvm::Expected<IndexFileIn> readYAML(llvm::StringRef Data) {
441   SymbolSlab::Builder Symbols;
442   RefSlab::Builder Refs;
443   RelationSlab::Builder Relations;
444   llvm::BumpPtrAllocator
445       Arena; // store the underlying data of Position::FileURI.
446   llvm::UniqueStringSaver Strings(Arena);
447   llvm::yaml::Input Yin(Data, &Strings);
448   IncludeGraph Sources;
449   llvm::Optional<tooling::CompileCommand> Cmd;
450   while (Yin.setCurrentDocument()) {
451     llvm::yaml::EmptyContext Ctx;
452     VariantEntry Variant;
453     yamlize(Yin, Variant, true, Ctx);
454     if (Yin.error())
455       return llvm::errorCodeToError(Yin.error());
457     if (Variant.Symbol)
458       Symbols.insert(*Variant.Symbol);
459     if (Variant.Refs)
460       for (const auto &Ref : Variant.Refs->second)
461         Refs.insert(Variant.Refs->first, Ref);
462     if (Variant.Relation)
463       Relations.insert(*Variant.Relation);
464     if (Variant.Source) {
465       auto &IGN = Variant.Source.getValue();
466       auto Entry = Sources.try_emplace(IGN.URI).first;
467       Entry->getValue() = std::move(IGN);
468       // Fixup refs to refer to map keys which will live on
469       Entry->getValue().URI = Entry->getKey();
470       for (auto &Include : Entry->getValue().DirectIncludes)
471         Include = Sources.try_emplace(Include).first->getKey();
472     }
473     if (Variant.Cmd)
474       Cmd = *Variant.Cmd;
475     Yin.nextDocument();
476   }
478   IndexFileIn Result;
479   Result.Symbols.emplace(std::move(Symbols).build());
480   Result.Refs.emplace(std::move(Refs).build());
481   Result.Relations.emplace(std::move(Relations).build());
482   if (Sources.size())
483     Result.Sources = std::move(Sources);
484   Result.Cmd = std::move(Cmd);
485   return std::move(Result);
486 }
488 std::string toYAML(const Symbol &S) {
489   std::string Buf;
490   {
491     llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Buf);
492     llvm::yaml::Output Yout(OS);
493     Symbol Sym = S; // copy: Yout<< requires mutability.
494     Yout << Sym;
495   }
496   return Buf;
497 }
499 std::string toYAML(const std::pair<SymbolID, llvm::ArrayRef<Ref>> &Data) {
500   RefBundle Refs = {Data.first, Data.second};
501   std::string Buf;
502   {
503     llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Buf);
504     llvm::yaml::Output Yout(OS);
505     Yout << Refs;
506   }
507   return Buf;
508 }
510 std::string toYAML(const Relation &R) {
511   std::string Buf;
512   {
513     llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Buf);
514     llvm::yaml::Output Yout(OS);
515     Relation Rel = R; // copy: Yout<< requires mutability.
516     Yout << Rel;
517   }
518   return Buf;
519 }
521 std::string toYAML(const Ref &R) {
522   std::string Buf;
523   {
524     llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Buf);
525     llvm::yaml::Output Yout(OS);
526     Ref Reference = R; // copy: Yout<< requires mutability.
527     Yout << Reference;
528   }
529   return Buf;
530 }
532 llvm::Expected<clangd::Symbol>
533 symbolFromYAML(StringRef YAML, llvm::UniqueStringSaver *Strings) {
534   clangd::Symbol Deserialized;
535   llvm::yaml::Input YAMLInput(YAML, Strings);
536   if (YAMLInput.error())
537     return error("Unable to deserialize Symbol from YAML: {0}", YAML);
538   YAMLInput >> Deserialized;
539   return Deserialized;
540 }
542 llvm::Expected<clangd::Ref> refFromYAML(StringRef YAML,
543                                         llvm::UniqueStringSaver *Strings) {
544   clangd::Ref Deserialized;
545   llvm::yaml::Input YAMLInput(YAML, Strings);
546   if (YAMLInput.error())
547     return error("Unable to deserialize Symbol from YAML: {0}", YAML);
548   YAMLInput >> Deserialized;
549   return Deserialized;
550 }
552 } // namespace clangd
553 } // namespace clang