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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Array.hH A D20-Jan-20221.5 KiB5328

ArrayRef.hH A D20-Jan-20224.3 KiB14087

Bitset.hH A D20-Jan-20221.2 KiB4023

Functional.hH A D20-Jan-2022929 3115

README.mdH A D20-Jan-2022790 1512

StringView.hH A D20-Jan-20222.6 KiB10064

TypeTraits.hH A D20-Jan-20222.8 KiB7854


1This directory contains re-implementations of some C++ standard library
2utilities, as well as some LLVM utilities. These utilities are for use with
3internal LLVM libc code and tests.
5More utilities will be added on an as needed basis. There are certain rules to
6be followed for future changes and additions:
81. Only two kind of headers can be included: Other headers from this directory,
9and free standing C headers.
102. Free standing C headers are to be included as C headers and not as C++
11headers. That is, use `#include <stddef.h>` and not `#include <cstddef>`.
123. The utilities should be defined in the namespace `__llvm_libc::cpp`. The
13higher level namespace should have a `__` prefix to avoid symbol name pollution
14when the utilities are used in implementation of public functions.