1 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRef.h"
10 #include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/Utils/MemRefUtils.h"
11 #include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
12 #include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/Utils/Utils.h"
13 #include "mlir/Dialect/Tensor/IR/Tensor.h"
14 #include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StaticValueUtils.h"
15 #include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
16 #include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
17 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
18 #include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h"
19 #include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
20 #include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"
21 #include "mlir/Interfaces/InferTypeOpInterface.h"
22 #include "mlir/Interfaces/ViewLikeInterface.h"
23 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
parse_attribute(args: &TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStream>25 using namespace mlir;
26 using namespace mlir::memref;
28 /// Materialize a single constant operation from a given attribute value with
29 /// the desired resultant type.
30 Operation *MemRefDialect::materializeConstant(OpBuilder &builder,
31                                               Attribute value, Type type,
32                                               Location loc) {
33   return builder.create<mlir::ConstantOp>(loc, type, value);
34 }
36 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
37 // Common canonicalization pattern support logic
38 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
40 /// This is a common class used for patterns of the form
41 /// "someop(memrefcast) -> someop".  It folds the source of any memref.cast
42 /// into the root operation directly.
43 static LogicalResult foldMemRefCast(Operation *op, Value inner = nullptr) {
44   bool folded = false;
parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self>45   for (OpOperand &operand : op->getOpOperands()) {
46     auto cast = operand.get().getDefiningOp<CastOp>();
47     if (cast && operand.get() != inner &&
48         !cast.getOperand().getType().isa<UnrankedMemRefType>()) {
49       operand.set(cast.getOperand());
50       folded = true;
51     }
52   }
53   return success(folded);
54 }
56 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
57 // Helpers for GlobalOp
58 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
60 static Type getTensorTypeFromMemRefType(Type type) {
61   if (auto memref = type.dyn_cast<MemRefType>())
62     return RankedTensorType::get(memref.getShape(), memref.getElementType());
63   if (auto memref = type.dyn_cast<UnrankedMemRefType>())
64     return UnrankedTensorType::get(memref.getElementType());
65   return NoneType::get(type.getContext());
66 }
68 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
69 // AllocOp / AllocaOp
70 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
72 template <typename AllocLikeOp>
73 static LogicalResult verifyAllocLikeOp(AllocLikeOp op) {
74   static_assert(llvm::is_one_of<AllocLikeOp, AllocOp, AllocaOp>::value,
75                 "applies to only alloc or alloca");
76   auto memRefType = op.getResult().getType().template dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
77   if (!memRefType)
78     return op.emitOpError("result must be a memref");
80   if (static_cast<int64_t>(op.dynamicSizes().size()) !=
81       memRefType.getNumDynamicDims())
82     return op.emitOpError("dimension operand count does not equal memref "
83                           "dynamic dimension count");
85   unsigned numSymbols = 0;
86   if (!memRefType.getAffineMaps().empty())
87     numSymbols = memRefType.getAffineMaps().front().getNumSymbols();
88   if (op.symbolOperands().size() != numSymbols)
89     return op.emitOpError("symbol operand count does not equal memref symbol "
90                           "count: expected ")
91            << numSymbols << ", got " << op.symbolOperands().size();
93   return success();
94 }
96 static LogicalResult verify(AllocOp op) { return verifyAllocLikeOp(op); }
98 static LogicalResult verify(AllocaOp op) {
99   // An alloca op needs to have an ancestor with an allocation scope trait.
100   if (!op->getParentWithTrait<OpTrait::AutomaticAllocationScope>())
101     return op.emitOpError(
102         "requires an ancestor op with AutomaticAllocationScope trait");
104   return verifyAllocLikeOp(op);
105 }
107 namespace {
108 /// Fold constant dimensions into an alloc like operation.
109 template <typename AllocLikeOp>
110 struct SimplifyAllocConst : public OpRewritePattern<AllocLikeOp> {
111   using OpRewritePattern<AllocLikeOp>::OpRewritePattern;
113   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(AllocLikeOp alloc,
114                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
115     // Check to see if any dimensions operands are constants.  If so, we can
116     // substitute and drop them.
117     if (llvm::none_of(alloc.dynamicSizes(), [](Value operand) {
118           return matchPattern(operand, matchConstantIndex());
119         }))
120       return failure();
122     auto memrefType = alloc.getType();
124     // Ok, we have one or more constant operands.  Collect the non-constant ones
125     // and keep track of the resultant memref type to build.
126     SmallVector<int64_t, 4> newShapeConstants;
127     newShapeConstants.reserve(memrefType.getRank());
128     SmallVector<Value, 4> dynamicSizes;
130     unsigned dynamicDimPos = 0;
131     for (unsigned dim = 0, e = memrefType.getRank(); dim < e; ++dim) {
132       int64_t dimSize = memrefType.getDimSize(dim);
133       // If this is already static dimension, keep it.
134       if (dimSize != -1) {
135         newShapeConstants.push_back(dimSize);
136         continue;
137       }
138       auto dynamicSize = alloc.dynamicSizes()[dynamicDimPos];
139       auto *defOp = dynamicSize.getDefiningOp();
140       if (auto constantIndexOp = dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantIndexOp>(defOp)) {
141         // Dynamic shape dimension will be folded.
142         newShapeConstants.push_back(constantIndexOp.getValue());
143       } else {
144         // Dynamic shape dimension not folded; copy dynamicSize from old memref.
145         newShapeConstants.push_back(-1);
146         dynamicSizes.push_back(dynamicSize);
147       }
148       dynamicDimPos++;
149     }
151     // Create new memref type (which will have fewer dynamic dimensions).
152     MemRefType newMemRefType =
153         MemRefType::Builder(memrefType).setShape(newShapeConstants);
154     assert(static_cast<int64_t>(dynamicSizes.size()) ==
155            newMemRefType.getNumDynamicDims());
157     // Create and insert the alloc op for the new memref.
158     auto newAlloc = rewriter.create<AllocLikeOp>(
159         alloc.getLoc(), newMemRefType, dynamicSizes, alloc.symbolOperands(),
160         alloc.alignmentAttr());
161     // Insert a cast so we have the same type as the old alloc.
162     auto resultCast =
163         rewriter.create<CastOp>(alloc.getLoc(), newAlloc, alloc.getType());
165     rewriter.replaceOp(alloc, {resultCast});
166     return success();
167   }
168 };
170 /// Fold alloc operations with no users or only store and dealloc uses.
171 template <typename T>
172 struct SimplifyDeadAlloc : public OpRewritePattern<T> {
173   using OpRewritePattern<T>::OpRewritePattern;
175   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(T alloc,
176                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
177     if (llvm::any_of(alloc->getUsers(), [&](Operation *op) {
178           if (auto storeOp = dyn_cast<StoreOp>(op))
179             return storeOp.value() == alloc;
180           return !isa<DeallocOp>(op);
181         }))
182       return failure();
184     for (Operation *user : llvm::make_early_inc_range(alloc->getUsers()))
185       rewriter.eraseOp(user);
187     rewriter.eraseOp(alloc);
188     return success();
189   }
190 };
191 } // end anonymous namespace.
193 void AllocOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
194                                           MLIRContext *context) {
195   results.add<SimplifyAllocConst<AllocOp>, SimplifyDeadAlloc<AllocOp>>(context);
196 }
198 void AllocaOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
199                                            MLIRContext *context) {
200   results.add<SimplifyAllocConst<AllocaOp>, SimplifyDeadAlloc<AllocaOp>>(
201       context);
202 }
204 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
205 // AllocaScopeOp
206 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
208 static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, AllocaScopeOp &op) {
209   bool printBlockTerminators = false;
211   p << AllocaScopeOp::getOperationName() << " ";
212   if (!op.results().empty()) {
213     p << " -> (" << op.getResultTypes() << ")";
214     printBlockTerminators = true;
215   }
216   p.printRegion(op.bodyRegion(),
217                 /*printEntryBlockArgs=*/false,
218                 /*printBlockTerminators=*/printBlockTerminators);
219   p.printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs());
220 }
222 static ParseResult parseAllocaScopeOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
223                                       OperationState &result) {
224   // Create a region for the body.
225   result.regions.reserve(1);
226   Region *bodyRegion = result.addRegion();
228   // Parse optional results type list.
229   if (parser.parseOptionalArrowTypeList(result.types))
230     return failure();
232   // Parse the body region.
233   if (parser.parseRegion(*bodyRegion, /*arguments=*/{}, /*argTypes=*/{}))
234     return failure();
235   AllocaScopeOp::ensureTerminator(*bodyRegion, parser.getBuilder(),
236                                   result.location);
238   // Parse the optional attribute list.
239   if (parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes))
240     return failure();
242   return success();
243 }
245 static LogicalResult verify(AllocaScopeOp op) {
246   if (failed(RegionBranchOpInterface::verifyTypes(op)))
247     return failure();
249   return success();
250 }
252 void AllocaScopeOp::getSuccessorRegions(
253     Optional<unsigned> index, ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
254     SmallVectorImpl<RegionSuccessor> &regions) {
255   if (index.hasValue()) {
256     regions.push_back(RegionSuccessor(getResults()));
257     return;
258   }
260   regions.push_back(RegionSuccessor(&bodyRegion()));
261 }
263 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
264 // AssumeAlignmentOp
265 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
267 static LogicalResult verify(AssumeAlignmentOp op) {
268   unsigned alignment = op.alignment();
269   if (!llvm::isPowerOf2_32(alignment))
270     return op.emitOpError("alignment must be power of 2");
271   return success();
272 }
274 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
275 // BufferCastOp
276 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
278 OpFoldResult BufferCastOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute>) {
279   if (auto tensorLoad = tensor().getDefiningOp<TensorLoadOp>())
280     if (tensorLoad.memref().getType() == getType())
281       return tensorLoad.memref();
282   return {};
283 }
285 namespace {
286 /// Replace tensor_cast + buffer_cast by buffer_cast + memref_cast.
287 struct BufferCast : public OpRewritePattern<BufferCastOp> {
288   using OpRewritePattern<BufferCastOp>::OpRewritePattern;
290   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(BufferCastOp bufferCast,
291                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
292     auto tensorCastOperand =
293         bufferCast.getOperand().getDefiningOp<tensor::CastOp>();
294     if (!tensorCastOperand)
295       return failure();
296     auto srcTensorType =
297         tensorCastOperand.getOperand().getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
298     if (!srcTensorType)
299       return failure();
300     auto memrefType = MemRefType::get(srcTensorType.getShape(),
301                                       srcTensorType.getElementType());
302     Value memref = rewriter.create<BufferCastOp>(
303         bufferCast.getLoc(), memrefType, tensorCastOperand.getOperand());
304     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<CastOp>(bufferCast, bufferCast.getType(),
305                                         memref);
306     return success();
307   }
308 };
310 /// Canonicalize memref.tensor_load + memref.buffer_cast to memref.cast when
311 /// type mismatches prevent `BufferCastOp::fold` to kick in.
312 struct TensorLoadToMemRef : public OpRewritePattern<BufferCastOp> {
313   using OpRewritePattern<BufferCastOp>::OpRewritePattern;
315   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(BufferCastOp bufferCast,
316                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
317     auto tensorLoad = bufferCast.tensor().getDefiningOp<TensorLoadOp>();
318     // Bail unless we have a tensor_load + memref.buffer_cast with different
319     // types. `BufferCastOp::fold` handles the same type case.
320     if (!tensorLoad || tensorLoad.memref().getType() == bufferCast.getType())
321       return failure();
322     // If types are not cast-compatible, bail.
323     if (!CastOp::areCastCompatible(tensorLoad.memref().getType(),
324                                    bufferCast.getType()))
325       return failure();
326     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<CastOp>(bufferCast, bufferCast.getType(),
327                                         tensorLoad.memref());
328     return success();
329   }
330 };
332 } // namespace
334 void BufferCastOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
335                                                MLIRContext *context) {
336   results.add<BufferCast, TensorLoadToMemRef>(context);
337 }
339 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
340 // CastOp
341 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
343 /// Determines whether MemRef_CastOp casts to a more dynamic version of the
344 /// source memref. This is useful to to fold a memref.cast into a consuming op
345 /// and implement canonicalization patterns for ops in different dialects that
346 /// may consume the results of memref.cast operations. Such foldable memref.cast
347 /// operations are typically inserted as `view` and `subview` ops are
348 /// canonicalized, to preserve the type compatibility of their uses.
349 ///
350 /// Returns true when all conditions are met:
351 /// 1. source and result are ranked memrefs with strided semantics and same
352 /// element type and rank.
353 /// 2. each of the source's size, offset or stride has more static information
354 /// than the corresponding result's size, offset or stride.
355 ///
356 /// Example 1:
357 /// ```mlir
358 ///   %1 = memref.cast %0 : memref<8x16xf32> to memref<?x?xf32>
359 ///   %2 = consumer %1 ... : memref<?x?xf32> ...
360 /// ```
361 ///
362 /// may fold into:
363 ///
364 /// ```mlir
365 ///   %2 = consumer %0 ... : memref<8x16xf32> ...
366 /// ```
367 ///
368 /// Example 2:
369 /// ```
370 ///   %1 = memref.cast %0 : memref<?x16xf32, affine_map<(i, j)->(16 * i + j)>>
371 ///          to memref<?x?xf32>
372 ///   consumer %1 : memref<?x?xf32> ...
373 /// ```
374 ///
375 /// may fold into:
376 ///
377 /// ```
378 ///   consumer %0 ... : memref<?x16xf32, affine_map<(i, j)->(16 * i + j)>>
379 /// ```
380 bool CastOp::canFoldIntoConsumerOp(CastOp castOp) {
381   MemRefType sourceType = castOp.source().getType().dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
382   MemRefType resultType = castOp.getType().dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
384   // Requires ranked MemRefType.
385   if (!sourceType || !resultType)
386     return false;
388   // Requires same elemental type.
389   if (sourceType.getElementType() != resultType.getElementType())
390     return false;
392   // Requires same rank.
393   if (sourceType.getRank() != resultType.getRank())
394     return false;
396   // Only fold casts between strided memref forms.
397   int64_t sourceOffset, resultOffset;
398   SmallVector<int64_t, 4> sourceStrides, resultStrides;
399   if (failed(getStridesAndOffset(sourceType, sourceStrides, sourceOffset)) ||
400       failed(getStridesAndOffset(resultType, resultStrides, resultOffset)))
401     return false;
403   // If cast is towards more static sizes along any dimension, don't fold.
404   for (auto it : llvm::zip(sourceType.getShape(), resultType.getShape())) {
405     auto ss = std::get<0>(it), st = std::get<1>(it);
406     if (ss != st)
407       if (MemRefType::isDynamic(ss) && !MemRefType::isDynamic(st))
408         return false;
409   }
411   // If cast is towards more static offset along any dimension, don't fold.
412   if (sourceOffset != resultOffset)
413     if (MemRefType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(sourceOffset) &&
414         !MemRefType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(resultOffset))
415       return false;
417   // If cast is towards more static strides along any dimension, don't fold.
418   for (auto it : llvm::zip(sourceStrides, resultStrides)) {
419     auto ss = std::get<0>(it), st = std::get<1>(it);
420     if (ss != st)
421       if (MemRefType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(ss) &&
422           !MemRefType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(st))
423         return false;
424   }
426   return true;
427 }
429 bool CastOp::areCastCompatible(TypeRange inputs, TypeRange outputs) {
430   if (inputs.size() != 1 || outputs.size() != 1)
431     return false;
432   Type a = inputs.front(), b = outputs.front();
433   auto aT = a.dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
434   auto bT = b.dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
436   auto uaT = a.dyn_cast<UnrankedMemRefType>();
437   auto ubT = b.dyn_cast<UnrankedMemRefType>();
439   if (aT && bT) {
440     if (aT.getElementType() != bT.getElementType())
441       return false;
442     if (aT.getAffineMaps() != bT.getAffineMaps()) {
443       int64_t aOffset, bOffset;
444       SmallVector<int64_t, 4> aStrides, bStrides;
445       if (failed(getStridesAndOffset(aT, aStrides, aOffset)) ||
446           failed(getStridesAndOffset(bT, bStrides, bOffset)) ||
447           aStrides.size() != bStrides.size())
448         return false;
450       // Strides along a dimension/offset are compatible if the value in the
451       // source memref is static and the value in the target memref is the
452       // same. They are also compatible if either one is dynamic (see
453       // description of MemRefCastOp for details).
454       auto checkCompatible = [](int64_t a, int64_t b) {
455         return (a == MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset() ||
456                 b == MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset() || a == b);
457       };
458       if (!checkCompatible(aOffset, bOffset))
459         return false;
460       for (auto aStride : enumerate(aStrides))
461         if (!checkCompatible(aStride.value(), bStrides[aStride.index()]))
462           return false;
463     }
464     if (aT.getMemorySpace() != bT.getMemorySpace())
465       return false;
467     // They must have the same rank, and any specified dimensions must match.
468     if (aT.getRank() != bT.getRank())
469       return false;
471     for (unsigned i = 0, e = aT.getRank(); i != e; ++i) {
472       int64_t aDim = aT.getDimSize(i), bDim = bT.getDimSize(i);
473       if (aDim != -1 && bDim != -1 && aDim != bDim)
474         return false;
475     }
476     return true;
477   } else {
478     if (!aT && !uaT)
479       return false;
480     if (!bT && !ubT)
481       return false;
482     // Unranked to unranked casting is unsupported
483     if (uaT && ubT)
484       return false;
486     auto aEltType = (aT) ? aT.getElementType() : uaT.getElementType();
487     auto bEltType = (bT) ? bT.getElementType() : ubT.getElementType();
488     if (aEltType != bEltType)
489       return false;
491     auto aMemSpace = (aT) ? aT.getMemorySpace() : uaT.getMemorySpace();
492     auto bMemSpace = (bT) ? bT.getMemorySpace() : ubT.getMemorySpace();
493     if (aMemSpace != bMemSpace)
494       return false;
496     return true;
497   }
499   return false;
500 }
502 OpFoldResult CastOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
503   return succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)) ? getResult() : Value();
504 }
506 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
507 // CloneOp
508 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
510 void CloneOp::getEffects(
511     SmallVectorImpl<SideEffects::EffectInstance<MemoryEffects::Effect>>
512         &effects) {
513   effects.emplace_back(MemoryEffects::Read::get(), input(),
514                        SideEffects::DefaultResource::get());
515   effects.emplace_back(MemoryEffects::Write::get(), output(),
516                        SideEffects::DefaultResource::get());
517   effects.emplace_back(MemoryEffects::Allocate::get(), output(),
518                        SideEffects::DefaultResource::get());
519 }
521 namespace {
522 /// Merge the clone and its source (by converting the clone to a cast) when
523 /// possible.
524 struct SimplifyClones : public OpRewritePattern<CloneOp> {
525   using OpRewritePattern<CloneOp>::OpRewritePattern;
527   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(CloneOp cloneOp,
528                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
529     if (cloneOp.use_empty()) {
530       rewriter.eraseOp(cloneOp);
531       return success();
532     }
534     Value source = cloneOp.input();
536     // This only finds dealloc operations for the immediate value. It should
537     // also consider aliases. That would also make the safety check below
538     // redundant.
539     llvm::Optional<Operation *> maybeCloneDeallocOp =
540         findDealloc(cloneOp.output());
541     // Skip if either of them has > 1 deallocate operations.
542     if (!maybeCloneDeallocOp.hasValue())
543       return failure();
544     llvm::Optional<Operation *> maybeSourceDeallocOp = findDealloc(source);
545     if (!maybeSourceDeallocOp.hasValue())
546       return failure();
547     Operation *cloneDeallocOp = *maybeCloneDeallocOp;
548     Operation *sourceDeallocOp = *maybeSourceDeallocOp;
550     // If both are deallocated in the same block, their in-block lifetimes
551     // might not fully overlap, so we cannot decide which one to drop.
552     if (cloneDeallocOp && sourceDeallocOp &&
553         cloneDeallocOp->getBlock() == sourceDeallocOp->getBlock())
554       return failure();
556     Block *currentBlock = cloneOp->getBlock();
557     Operation *redundantDealloc = nullptr;
558     if (cloneDeallocOp && cloneDeallocOp->getBlock() == currentBlock) {
559       redundantDealloc = cloneDeallocOp;
560     } else if (sourceDeallocOp && sourceDeallocOp->getBlock() == currentBlock) {
561       redundantDealloc = sourceDeallocOp;
562     }
564     if (!redundantDealloc)
565       return failure();
567     // Safety check that there are no other deallocations inbetween
568     // cloneOp and redundantDealloc, as otherwise we might deallocate an alias
569     // of source before the uses of the clone. With alias information, we could
570     // restrict this to only fail of the dealloc's operand is an alias
571     // of the source.
572     for (Operation *pos = cloneOp->getNextNode(); pos != redundantDealloc;
573          pos = pos->getNextNode()) {
574       auto effectInterface = dyn_cast<MemoryEffectOpInterface>(pos);
575       if (!effectInterface)
576         continue;
577       if (effectInterface.hasEffect<MemoryEffects::Free>())
578         return failure();
579     }
581     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<memref::CastOp>(cloneOp, cloneOp.getType(),
582                                                 source);
583     rewriter.eraseOp(redundantDealloc);
584     return success();
585   }
586 };
588 } // end anonymous namespace.
590 void CloneOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(OwningRewritePatternList &results,
591                                           MLIRContext *context) {
592   results.insert<SimplifyClones>(context);
593 }
595 OpFoldResult CloneOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
596   return succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)) ? getResult() : Value();
597 }
599 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
600 // DeallocOp
601 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
603 LogicalResult DeallocOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> cstOperands,
604                               SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
605   /// dealloc(memrefcast) -> dealloc
606   return foldMemRefCast(*this);
607 }
609 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
610 // DimOp
611 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
613 void DimOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value source,
614                   int64_t index) {
615   auto loc = result.location;
616   Value indexValue = builder.create<ConstantIndexOp>(loc, index);
617   build(builder, result, source, indexValue);
618 }
620 void DimOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value source,
621                   Value index) {
622   auto indexTy = builder.getIndexType();
623   build(builder, result, indexTy, source, index);
624 }
626 Optional<int64_t> DimOp::getConstantIndex() {
627   if (auto constantOp = index().getDefiningOp<ConstantOp>())
628     return constantOp.getValue().cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
629   return {};
630 }
632 static LogicalResult verify(DimOp op) {
633   // Assume unknown index to be in range.
634   Optional<int64_t> index = op.getConstantIndex();
635   if (!index.hasValue())
636     return success();
638   // Check that constant index is not knowingly out of range.
639   auto type = op.source().getType();
640   if (auto memrefType = type.dyn_cast<MemRefType>()) {
641     if (index.getValue() >= memrefType.getRank())
642       return op.emitOpError("index is out of range");
643   } else if (type.isa<UnrankedMemRefType>()) {
644     // Assume index to be in range.
645   } else {
646     llvm_unreachable("expected operand with memref type");
647   }
648   return success();
649 }
651 OpFoldResult DimOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
652   // All forms of folding require a known index.
653   auto index = operands[1].dyn_cast_or_null<IntegerAttr>();
654   if (!index)
655     return {};
657   // Folding for unranked types (UnrankedMemRefType) is not supported.
658   auto memrefType = source().getType().dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
659   if (!memrefType)
660     return {};
662   // Fold if the shape extent along the given index is known.
663   if (!memrefType.isDynamicDim(index.getInt())) {
664     Builder builder(getContext());
665     return builder.getIndexAttr(memrefType.getShape()[index.getInt()]);
666   }
668   // The size at the given index is now known to be a dynamic size.
669   unsigned unsignedIndex = index.getValue().getZExtValue();
671   // Fold dim to the size argument for an `AllocOp`, `ViewOp`, or `SubViewOp`.
672   Operation *definingOp = source().getDefiningOp();
674   if (auto alloc = dyn_cast_or_null<AllocOp>(definingOp))
675     return *(alloc.getDynamicSizes().begin() +
676              memrefType.getDynamicDimIndex(unsignedIndex));
678   if (auto alloca = dyn_cast_or_null<AllocaOp>(definingOp))
679     return *(alloca.getDynamicSizes().begin() +
680              memrefType.getDynamicDimIndex(unsignedIndex));
682   if (auto view = dyn_cast_or_null<ViewOp>(definingOp))
683     return *(view.getDynamicSizes().begin() +
684              memrefType.getDynamicDimIndex(unsignedIndex));
686   if (auto sizeInterface =
687           dyn_cast_or_null<OffsetSizeAndStrideOpInterface>(definingOp)) {
688     assert(sizeInterface.isDynamicSize(unsignedIndex) &&
689            "Expected dynamic subview size");
690     return sizeInterface.getDynamicSize(unsignedIndex);
691   }
693   // dim(memrefcast) -> dim
694   if (succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)))
695     return getResult();
697   return {};
698 }
700 namespace {
701 /// Fold dim of a memref reshape operation to a load into the reshape's shape
702 /// operand.
703 struct DimOfMemRefReshape : public OpRewritePattern<DimOp> {
704   using OpRewritePattern<DimOp>::OpRewritePattern;
706   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(DimOp dim,
707                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
708     auto reshape = dim.source().getDefiningOp<ReshapeOp>();
710     if (!reshape)
711       return failure();
713     // Place the load directly after the reshape to ensure that the shape memref
714     // was not mutated.
715     rewriter.setInsertionPointAfter(reshape);
716     Location loc = dim.getLoc();
717     Value load = rewriter.create<LoadOp>(loc, reshape.shape(), dim.index());
718     if (load.getType() != dim.getType())
719       load = rewriter.create<IndexCastOp>(loc, dim.getType(), load);
720     rewriter.replaceOp(dim, load);
721     return success();
722   }
723 };
725 /// Fold dim of a cast into the dim of the source of the memref cast.
726 struct DimOfCastOp : public OpRewritePattern<DimOp> {
727   using OpRewritePattern<DimOp>::OpRewritePattern;
729   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(DimOp dimOp,
730                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
731     auto castOp = dimOp.source().getDefiningOp<BufferCastOp>();
732     if (!castOp)
733       return failure();
734     Value newSource = castOp.getOperand();
735     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<tensor::DimOp>(dimOp, newSource, dimOp.index());
736     return success();
737   }
738 };
739 } // end anonymous namespace.
741 void DimOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
742                                         MLIRContext *context) {
743   results.add<DimOfMemRefReshape, DimOfCastOp>(context);
744 }
746 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
747 // DmaStartOp
748 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
750 void DmaStartOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
751                        Value srcMemRef, ValueRange srcIndices, Value destMemRef,
752                        ValueRange destIndices, Value numElements,
753                        Value tagMemRef, ValueRange tagIndices, Value stride,
754                        Value elementsPerStride) {
755   result.addOperands(srcMemRef);
756   result.addOperands(srcIndices);
757   result.addOperands(destMemRef);
758   result.addOperands(destIndices);
759   result.addOperands({numElements, tagMemRef});
760   result.addOperands(tagIndices);
761   if (stride)
762     result.addOperands({stride, elementsPerStride});
763 }
765 void DmaStartOp::print(OpAsmPrinter &p) {
766   p << getOperationName() << " " << getSrcMemRef() << '[' << getSrcIndices()
767     << "], " << getDstMemRef() << '[' << getDstIndices() << "], "
768     << getNumElements() << ", " << getTagMemRef() << '[' << getTagIndices()
769     << ']';
770   if (isStrided())
771     p << ", " << getStride() << ", " << getNumElementsPerStride();
773   p.printOptionalAttrDict((*this)->getAttrs());
774   p << " : " << getSrcMemRef().getType() << ", " << getDstMemRef().getType()
775     << ", " << getTagMemRef().getType();
776 }
778 // Parse DmaStartOp.
779 // Ex:
780 //   %dma_id = dma_start %src[%i, %j], %dst[%k, %l], %size,
781 //                       %tag[%index], %stride, %num_elt_per_stride :
782 //                     : memref<3076 x f32, 0>,
783 //                       memref<1024 x f32, 2>,
784 //                       memref<1 x i32>
785 //
786 ParseResult DmaStartOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
787   OpAsmParser::OperandType srcMemRefInfo;
788   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 4> srcIndexInfos;
789   OpAsmParser::OperandType dstMemRefInfo;
790   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 4> dstIndexInfos;
791   OpAsmParser::OperandType numElementsInfo;
792   OpAsmParser::OperandType tagMemrefInfo;
793   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 4> tagIndexInfos;
794   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 2> strideInfo;
796   SmallVector<Type, 3> types;
797   auto indexType = parser.getBuilder().getIndexType();
799   // Parse and resolve the following list of operands:
800   // *) source memref followed by its indices (in square brackets).
801   // *) destination memref followed by its indices (in square brackets).
802   // *) dma size in KiB.
803   if (parser.parseOperand(srcMemRefInfo) ||
804       parser.parseOperandList(srcIndexInfos, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square) ||
805       parser.parseComma() || parser.parseOperand(dstMemRefInfo) ||
806       parser.parseOperandList(dstIndexInfos, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square) ||
807       parser.parseComma() || parser.parseOperand(numElementsInfo) ||
808       parser.parseComma() || parser.parseOperand(tagMemrefInfo) ||
809       parser.parseOperandList(tagIndexInfos, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square))
810     return failure();
812   // Parse optional stride and elements per stride.
813   if (parser.parseTrailingOperandList(strideInfo))
814     return failure();
816   bool isStrided = strideInfo.size() == 2;
817   if (!strideInfo.empty() && !isStrided) {
818     return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(),
819                             "expected two stride related operands");
820   }
822   if (parser.parseColonTypeList(types))
823     return failure();
824   if (types.size() != 3)
825     return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(), "fewer/more types expected");
827   if (parser.resolveOperand(srcMemRefInfo, types[0], result.operands) ||
828       parser.resolveOperands(srcIndexInfos, indexType, result.operands) ||
829       parser.resolveOperand(dstMemRefInfo, types[1], result.operands) ||
830       parser.resolveOperands(dstIndexInfos, indexType, result.operands) ||
831       // size should be an index.
832       parser.resolveOperand(numElementsInfo, indexType, result.operands) ||
833       parser.resolveOperand(tagMemrefInfo, types[2], result.operands) ||
834       // tag indices should be index.
835       parser.resolveOperands(tagIndexInfos, indexType, result.operands))
836     return failure();
838   if (isStrided) {
839     if (parser.resolveOperands(strideInfo, indexType, result.operands))
840       return failure();
841   }
843   return success();
844 }
846 LogicalResult DmaStartOp::verify() {
847   unsigned numOperands = getNumOperands();
849   // Mandatory non-variadic operands are: src memref, dst memref, tag memref and
850   // the number of elements.
851   if (numOperands < 4)
852     return emitOpError("expected at least 4 operands");
854   // Check types of operands. The order of these calls is important: the later
855   // calls rely on some type properties to compute the operand position.
856   // 1. Source memref.
857   if (!getSrcMemRef().getType().isa<MemRefType>())
858     return emitOpError("expected source to be of memref type");
859   if (numOperands < getSrcMemRefRank() + 4)
860     return emitOpError() << "expected at least " << getSrcMemRefRank() + 4
861                          << " operands";
862   if (!getSrcIndices().empty() &&
863       !llvm::all_of(getSrcIndices().getTypes(),
864                     [](Type t) { return t.isIndex(); }))
865     return emitOpError("expected source indices to be of index type");
867   // 2. Destination memref.
868   if (!getDstMemRef().getType().isa<MemRefType>())
869     return emitOpError("expected destination to be of memref type");
870   unsigned numExpectedOperands = getSrcMemRefRank() + getDstMemRefRank() + 4;
871   if (numOperands < numExpectedOperands)
872     return emitOpError() << "expected at least " << numExpectedOperands
873                          << " operands";
874   if (!getDstIndices().empty() &&
875       !llvm::all_of(getDstIndices().getTypes(),
876                     [](Type t) { return t.isIndex(); }))
877     return emitOpError("expected destination indices to be of index type");
879   // 3. Number of elements.
880   if (!getNumElements().getType().isIndex())
881     return emitOpError("expected num elements to be of index type");
883   // 4. Tag memref.
884   if (!getTagMemRef().getType().isa<MemRefType>())
885     return emitOpError("expected tag to be of memref type");
886   numExpectedOperands += getTagMemRefRank();
887   if (numOperands < numExpectedOperands)
888     return emitOpError() << "expected at least " << numExpectedOperands
889                          << " operands";
890   if (!getTagIndices().empty() &&
891       !llvm::all_of(getTagIndices().getTypes(),
892                     [](Type t) { return t.isIndex(); }))
893     return emitOpError("expected tag indices to be of index type");
895   // Optional stride-related operands must be either both present or both
896   // absent.
897   if (numOperands != numExpectedOperands &&
898       numOperands != numExpectedOperands + 2)
899     return emitOpError("incorrect number of operands");
901   // 5. Strides.
902   if (isStrided()) {
903     if (!getStride().getType().isIndex() ||
904         !getNumElementsPerStride().getType().isIndex())
905       return emitOpError(
906           "expected stride and num elements per stride to be of type index");
907   }
909   return success();
910 }
912 LogicalResult DmaStartOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> cstOperands,
913                                SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
914   /// dma_start(memrefcast) -> dma_start
915   return foldMemRefCast(*this);
916 }
918 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
919 // DmaWaitOp
920 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
922 void DmaWaitOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
923                       Value tagMemRef, ValueRange tagIndices,
924                       Value numElements) {
925   result.addOperands(tagMemRef);
926   result.addOperands(tagIndices);
927   result.addOperands(numElements);
928 }
930 void DmaWaitOp::print(OpAsmPrinter &p) {
931   p << getOperationName() << " " << getTagMemRef() << '[' << getTagIndices()
932     << "], " << getNumElements();
933   p.printOptionalAttrDict((*this)->getAttrs());
934   p << " : " << getTagMemRef().getType();
935 }
937 // Parse DmaWaitOp.
938 // Eg:
939 //   dma_wait %tag[%index], %num_elements : memref<1 x i32, (d0) -> (d0), 4>
940 //
941 ParseResult DmaWaitOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
942   OpAsmParser::OperandType tagMemrefInfo;
943   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 2> tagIndexInfos;
944   Type type;
945   auto indexType = parser.getBuilder().getIndexType();
946   OpAsmParser::OperandType numElementsInfo;
948   // Parse tag memref, its indices, and dma size.
949   if (parser.parseOperand(tagMemrefInfo) ||
950       parser.parseOperandList(tagIndexInfos, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square) ||
951       parser.parseComma() || parser.parseOperand(numElementsInfo) ||
952       parser.parseColonType(type) ||
953       parser.resolveOperand(tagMemrefInfo, type, result.operands) ||
954       parser.resolveOperands(tagIndexInfos, indexType, result.operands) ||
955       parser.resolveOperand(numElementsInfo, indexType, result.operands))
956     return failure();
958   return success();
959 }
961 LogicalResult DmaWaitOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> cstOperands,
962                               SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
963   /// dma_wait(memrefcast) -> dma_wait
964   return foldMemRefCast(*this);
965 }
967 LogicalResult DmaWaitOp::verify() {
968   // Mandatory non-variadic operands are tag and the number of elements.
969   if (getNumOperands() < 2)
970     return emitOpError() << "expected at least 2 operands";
972   // Check types of operands. The order of these calls is important: the later
973   // calls rely on some type properties to compute the operand position.
974   if (!getTagMemRef().getType().isa<MemRefType>())
975     return emitOpError() << "expected tag to be of memref type";
977   if (getNumOperands() != 2 + getTagMemRefRank())
978     return emitOpError() << "expected " << 2 + getTagMemRefRank()
979                          << " operands";
981   if (!getTagIndices().empty() &&
982       !llvm::all_of(getTagIndices().getTypes(),
983                     [](Type t) { return t.isIndex(); }))
984     return emitOpError() << "expected tag indices to be of index type";
986   if (!getNumElements().getType().isIndex())
987     return emitOpError()
988            << "expected the number of elements to be of index type";
990   return success();
991 }
993 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
994 // GlobalOp
995 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
997 static void printGlobalMemrefOpTypeAndInitialValue(OpAsmPrinter &p, GlobalOp op,
998                                                    TypeAttr type,
999                                                    Attribute initialValue) {
1000   p << type;
1001   if (!op.isExternal()) {
1002     p << " = ";
1003     if (op.isUninitialized())
1004       p << "uninitialized";
1005     else
1006       p.printAttributeWithoutType(initialValue);
1007   }
1008 }
1010 static ParseResult
1011 parseGlobalMemrefOpTypeAndInitialValue(OpAsmParser &parser, TypeAttr &typeAttr,
1012                                        Attribute &initialValue) {
1013   Type type;
1014   if (parser.parseType(type))
1015     return failure();
1017   auto memrefType = type.dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
1018   if (!memrefType || !memrefType.hasStaticShape())
1019     return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc())
1020            << "type should be static shaped memref, but got " << type;
1021   typeAttr = TypeAttr::get(type);
1023   if (parser.parseOptionalEqual())
1024     return success();
1026   if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalKeyword("uninitialized"))) {
1027     initialValue = UnitAttr::get(parser.getBuilder().getContext());
1028     return success();
1029   }
1031   Type tensorType = getTensorTypeFromMemRefType(memrefType);
1032   if (parser.parseAttribute(initialValue, tensorType))
1033     return failure();
1034   if (!initialValue.isa<ElementsAttr>())
1035     return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc())
1036            << "initial value should be a unit or elements attribute";
1037   return success();
1038 }
1040 static LogicalResult verify(GlobalOp op) {
1041   auto memrefType = op.type().dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
1042   if (!memrefType || !memrefType.hasStaticShape())
1043     return op.emitOpError("type should be static shaped memref, but got ")
1044            << op.type();
1046   // Verify that the initial value, if present, is either a unit attribute or
1047   // an elements attribute.
1048   if (op.initial_value().hasValue()) {
1049     Attribute initValue = op.initial_value().getValue();
1050     if (!initValue.isa<UnitAttr>() && !initValue.isa<ElementsAttr>())
1051       return op.emitOpError("initial value should be a unit or elements "
1052                             "attribute, but got ")
1053              << initValue;
1055     // Check that the type of the initial value is compatible with the type of
1056     // the global variable.
1057     if (initValue.isa<ElementsAttr>()) {
1058       Type initType = initValue.getType();
1059       Type tensorType = getTensorTypeFromMemRefType(memrefType);
1060       if (initType != tensorType)
1061         return op.emitOpError("initial value expected to be of type ")
1062                << tensorType << ", but was of type " << initType;
1063     }
1064   }
1066   // TODO: verify visibility for declarations.
1067   return success();
1068 }
1070 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1071 // GetGlobalOp
1072 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1074 LogicalResult
1075 GetGlobalOp::verifySymbolUses(SymbolTableCollection &symbolTable) {
1076   // Verify that the result type is same as the type of the referenced
1077   // memref.global op.
1078   auto global =
1079       symbolTable.lookupNearestSymbolFrom<GlobalOp>(*this, nameAttr());
1080   if (!global)
1081     return emitOpError("'")
1082            << name() << "' does not reference a valid global memref";
1084   Type resultType = result().getType();
1085   if (global.type() != resultType)
1086     return emitOpError("result type ")
1087            << resultType << " does not match type " << global.type()
1088            << " of the global memref @" << name();
1089   return success();
1090 }
1092 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1093 // LoadOp
1094 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1096 static LogicalResult verify(LoadOp op) {
1097   if (op.getNumOperands() != 1 + op.getMemRefType().getRank())
1098     return op.emitOpError("incorrect number of indices for load");
1099   return success();
1100 }
1102 OpFoldResult LoadOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> cstOperands) {
1103   /// load(memrefcast) -> load
1104   if (succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)))
1105     return getResult();
1106   return OpFoldResult();
1107 }
1109 namespace {
1110 /// Fold a load on a buffer_cast operation into an tensor.extract on the
1111 /// corresponding tensor.
1112 struct LoadOfBufferCast : public OpRewritePattern<LoadOp> {
1113   using OpRewritePattern<LoadOp>::OpRewritePattern;
1115   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(LoadOp load,
1116                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
1117     auto buffercast = load.memref().getDefiningOp<BufferCastOp>();
1118     if (!buffercast)
1119       return failure();
1121     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<tensor::ExtractOp>(load, buffercast.tensor(),
1122                                                    load.indices());
1123     return success();
1124   }
1125 };
1126 } // end anonymous namespace.
1128 void LoadOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
1129                                          MLIRContext *context) {
1130   results.add<LoadOfBufferCast>(context);
1131 }
1133 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1134 // PrefetchOp
1135 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1137 static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, PrefetchOp op) {
1138   p << PrefetchOp::getOperationName() << " " << op.memref() << '[';
1139   p.printOperands(op.indices());
1140   p << ']' << ", " << (op.isWrite() ? "write" : "read");
1141   p << ", locality<" << op.localityHint();
1142   p << ">, " << (op.isDataCache() ? "data" : "instr");
1143   p.printOptionalAttrDict(
1144       op->getAttrs(),
1145       /*elidedAttrs=*/{"localityHint", "isWrite", "isDataCache"});
1146   p << " : " << op.getMemRefType();
1147 }
1149 static ParseResult parsePrefetchOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
1150                                    OperationState &result) {
1151   OpAsmParser::OperandType memrefInfo;
1152   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 4> indexInfo;
1153   IntegerAttr localityHint;
1154   MemRefType type;
1155   StringRef readOrWrite, cacheType;
1157   auto indexTy = parser.getBuilder().getIndexType();
1158   auto i32Type = parser.getBuilder().getIntegerType(32);
1159   if (parser.parseOperand(memrefInfo) ||
1160       parser.parseOperandList(indexInfo, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square) ||
1161       parser.parseComma() || parser.parseKeyword(&readOrWrite) ||
1162       parser.parseComma() || parser.parseKeyword("locality") ||
1163       parser.parseLess() ||
1164       parser.parseAttribute(localityHint, i32Type, "localityHint",
1165                             result.attributes) ||
1166       parser.parseGreater() || parser.parseComma() ||
1167       parser.parseKeyword(&cacheType) || parser.parseColonType(type) ||
1168       parser.resolveOperand(memrefInfo, type, result.operands) ||
1169       parser.resolveOperands(indexInfo, indexTy, result.operands))
1170     return failure();
1172   if (!readOrWrite.equals("read") && !readOrWrite.equals("write"))
1173     return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(),
1174                             "rw specifier has to be 'read' or 'write'");
1175   result.addAttribute(
1176       PrefetchOp::getIsWriteAttrName(),
1177       parser.getBuilder().getBoolAttr(readOrWrite.equals("write")));
1179   if (!cacheType.equals("data") && !cacheType.equals("instr"))
1180     return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(),
1181                             "cache type has to be 'data' or 'instr'");
1183   result.addAttribute(
1184       PrefetchOp::getIsDataCacheAttrName(),
1185       parser.getBuilder().getBoolAttr(cacheType.equals("data")));
1187   return success();
1188 }
1190 static LogicalResult verify(PrefetchOp op) {
1191   if (op.getNumOperands() != 1 + op.getMemRefType().getRank())
1192     return op.emitOpError("too few indices");
1194   return success();
1195 }
1197 LogicalResult PrefetchOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> cstOperands,
1198                                SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
1199   // prefetch(memrefcast) -> prefetch
1200   return foldMemRefCast(*this);
1201 }
1203 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1204 // ReinterpretCastOp
1205 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1207 /// Build a ReinterpretCastOp with all dynamic entries: `staticOffsets`,
1208 /// `staticSizes` and `staticStrides` are automatically filled with
1209 /// source-memref-rank sentinel values that encode dynamic entries.
1210 void ReinterpretCastOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result,
1211                               MemRefType resultType, Value source,
1212                               OpFoldResult offset, ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> sizes,
1213                               ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> strides,
1214                               ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1215   SmallVector<int64_t> staticOffsets, staticSizes, staticStrides;
1216   SmallVector<Value> dynamicOffsets, dynamicSizes, dynamicStrides;
1217   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(offset, dynamicOffsets, staticOffsets,
1218                              ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1219   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(sizes, dynamicSizes, staticSizes,
1220                              ShapedType::kDynamicSize);
1221   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(strides, dynamicStrides, staticStrides,
1222                              ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1223   build(b, result, resultType, source, dynamicOffsets, dynamicSizes,
1224         dynamicStrides, b.getI64ArrayAttr(staticOffsets),
1225         b.getI64ArrayAttr(staticSizes), b.getI64ArrayAttr(staticStrides));
1226   result.addAttributes(attrs);
1227 }
1229 void ReinterpretCastOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result,
1230                               MemRefType resultType, Value source,
1231                               int64_t offset, ArrayRef<int64_t> sizes,
1232                               ArrayRef<int64_t> strides,
1233                               ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1234   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> sizeValues =
1235       llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(sizes, [&](int64_t v) -> OpFoldResult {
1236         return b.getI64IntegerAttr(v);
1237       }));
1238   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> strideValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1239       llvm::map_range(strides, [&](int64_t v) -> OpFoldResult {
1240         return b.getI64IntegerAttr(v);
1241       }));
1242   build(b, result, resultType, source, b.getI64IntegerAttr(offset), sizeValues,
1243         strideValues, attrs);
1244 }
1246 void ReinterpretCastOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result,
1247                               MemRefType resultType, Value source, Value offset,
1248                               ValueRange sizes, ValueRange strides,
1249                               ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1250   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> sizeValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1251       llvm::map_range(sizes, [](Value v) -> OpFoldResult { return v; }));
1252   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> strideValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1253       llvm::map_range(strides, [](Value v) -> OpFoldResult { return v; }));
1254   build(b, result, resultType, source, offset, sizeValues, strideValues, attrs);
1255 }
1257 // TODO: ponder whether we want to allow missing trailing sizes/strides that are
1258 // completed automatically, like we have for subview and extract_slice.
1259 static LogicalResult verify(ReinterpretCastOp op) {
1260   // The source and result memrefs should be in the same memory space.
1261   auto srcType = op.source().getType().cast<BaseMemRefType>();
1262   auto resultType = op.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
1263   if (srcType.getMemorySpace() != resultType.getMemorySpace())
1264     return op.emitError("different memory spaces specified for source type ")
1265            << srcType << " and result memref type " << resultType;
1266   if (srcType.getElementType() != resultType.getElementType())
1267     return op.emitError("different element types specified for source type ")
1268            << srcType << " and result memref type " << resultType;
1270   // Match sizes in result memref type and in static_sizes attribute.
1271   for (auto &en :
1272        llvm::enumerate(llvm::zip(resultType.getShape(),
1273                                  extractFromI64ArrayAttr(op.static_sizes())))) {
1274     int64_t resultSize = std::get<0>(en.value());
1275     int64_t expectedSize = std::get<1>(en.value());
1276     if (resultSize != expectedSize)
1277       return op.emitError("expected result type with size = ")
1278              << expectedSize << " instead of " << resultSize
1279              << " in dim = " << en.index();
1280   }
1282   // Match offset and strides in static_offset and static_strides attributes if
1283   // result memref type has an affine map specified.
1284   if (!resultType.getAffineMaps().empty()) {
1285     int64_t resultOffset;
1286     SmallVector<int64_t, 4> resultStrides;
1287     if (failed(getStridesAndOffset(resultType, resultStrides, resultOffset)))
1288       return failure();
1290     // Match offset in result memref type and in static_offsets attribute.
1291     int64_t expectedOffset =
1292         extractFromI64ArrayAttr(op.static_offsets()).front();
1293     if (resultOffset != expectedOffset)
1294       return op.emitError("expected result type with offset = ")
1295              << resultOffset << " instead of " << expectedOffset;
1297     // Match strides in result memref type and in static_strides attribute.
1298     for (auto &en : llvm::enumerate(llvm::zip(
1299              resultStrides, extractFromI64ArrayAttr(op.static_strides())))) {
1300       int64_t resultStride = std::get<0>(en.value());
1301       int64_t expectedStride = std::get<1>(en.value());
1302       if (resultStride != expectedStride)
1303         return op.emitError("expected result type with stride = ")
1304                << expectedStride << " instead of " << resultStride
1305                << " in dim = " << en.index();
1306     }
1307   }
1308   return success();
1309 }
1311 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1312 // Reassociative reshape ops
1313 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1315 SmallVector<AffineMap, 4> CollapseShapeOp::getReassociationMaps() {
1316   return getSymbolLessAffineMaps(getReassociationExprs());
1317 }
1318 SmallVector<ReassociationExprs, 4> CollapseShapeOp::getReassociationExprs() {
1319   OpBuilder b(this->getContext());
1320   return convertReassociationIndicesToExprs(b, getReassociationIndices());
1321 }
1323 SmallVector<AffineMap, 4> ExpandShapeOp::getReassociationMaps() {
1324   return getSymbolLessAffineMaps(getReassociationExprs());
1325 }
1326 SmallVector<ReassociationExprs, 4> ExpandShapeOp::getReassociationExprs() {
1327   OpBuilder b(this->getContext());
1328   return convertReassociationIndicesToExprs(b, getReassociationIndices());
1329 }
1331 static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, ExpandShapeOp op) {
1332   ::mlir::printReshapeOp<ExpandShapeOp>(p, op);
1333 }
1335 static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, CollapseShapeOp op) {
1336   ::mlir::printReshapeOp<CollapseShapeOp>(p, op);
1337 }
1339 /// Detect whether memref dims [dim, dim + extent) can be reshaped without
1340 /// copies.
1341 static bool isReshapableDimBand(unsigned dim, unsigned extent,
1342                                 ArrayRef<int64_t> sizes,
1343                                 ArrayRef<AffineExpr> strides) {
1344   assert(sizes.size() == strides.size() && "mismatched ranks");
1345   // off by 1 indexing to avoid out of bounds
1346   //                       V
1347   for (auto idx = dim, e = dim + extent; idx + 1 < e; ++idx) {
1348     // Only bands of static shapes are reshapable. This is due to the fact that
1349     // there is no relation between dynamic sizes and dynamic strides: we do not
1350     // have enough information to know whether a "-1" size corresponds to the
1351     // proper symbol in the AffineExpr of a stride.
1352     if (ShapedType::isDynamic(sizes[dim + 1]))
1353       return false;
1354     // TODO: Refine this by passing the proper nDims and nSymbols so we can
1355     // simplify on the fly and catch more reshapable cases.
1356     if (strides[idx] != strides[idx + 1] * sizes[idx + 1])
1357       return false;
1358   }
1359   return true;
1360 }
1362 /// Compute the MemRefType obtained by applying the `reassociation` (which is
1363 /// expected to be valid) to `type`.
1364 /// If `type` is Contiguous MemRefType, this always produce a contiguous
1365 /// MemRefType.
1366 static MemRefType
1367 computeReshapeCollapsedType(MemRefType type,
1368                             ArrayRef<AffineMap> reassociation) {
1369   auto sizes = type.getShape();
1370   AffineExpr offset;
1371   SmallVector<AffineExpr, 4> strides;
1372   auto status = getStridesAndOffset(type, strides, offset);
1373   (void)status;
1374   assert(succeeded(status) && "expected strided memref");
1376   SmallVector<int64_t, 4> newSizes;
1377   newSizes.reserve(reassociation.size());
1378   SmallVector<AffineExpr, 4> newStrides;
1379   newStrides.reserve(reassociation.size());
1381   // Use the fact that reassociation is valid to simplify the logic: only use
1382   // each map's rank.
1383   assert(isReassociationValid(reassociation) && "invalid reassociation");
1384   unsigned currentDim = 0;
1385   for (AffineMap m : reassociation) {
1386     unsigned dim = m.getNumResults();
1387     int64_t size = 1;
1388     AffineExpr stride = strides[currentDim + dim - 1];
1389     if (!isReshapableDimBand(currentDim, dim, sizes, strides)) {
1390       size = ShapedType::kDynamicSize;
1391       stride = AffineExpr();
1392     } else {
1393       for (unsigned d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
1394         size *= sizes[currentDim + d];
1395     }
1396     newSizes.push_back(size);
1397     newStrides.push_back(stride);
1398     currentDim += dim;
1399   }
1401   // Early-exit: if `type` is contiguous, the result must be contiguous.
1402   if (canonicalizeStridedLayout(type).getAffineMaps().empty())
1403     return MemRefType::Builder(type).setShape(newSizes).setAffineMaps({});
1405   // Convert back to int64_t because we don't have enough information to create
1406   // new strided layouts from AffineExpr only. This corresponds to a case where
1407   // copies may be necessary.
1408   int64_t intOffset = ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset;
1409   if (auto o = offset.dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>())
1410     intOffset = o.getValue();
1411   SmallVector<int64_t, 4> intStrides;
1412   intStrides.reserve(strides.size());
1413   for (auto stride : newStrides) {
1414     if (auto cst = stride.dyn_cast_or_null<AffineConstantExpr>())
1415       intStrides.push_back(cst.getValue());
1416     else
1417       intStrides.push_back(ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1418   }
1419   auto layout =
1420       makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(intStrides, intOffset, type.getContext());
1421   return canonicalizeStridedLayout(
1422       MemRefType::Builder(type).setShape(newSizes).setAffineMaps({layout}));
1423 }
1425 void ExpandShapeOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value src,
1426                           ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation,
1427                           ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1428   auto memRefType = src.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
1429   auto resultType = computeReshapeCollapsedType(
1430       memRefType, getSymbolLessAffineMaps(
1431                       convertReassociationIndicesToExprs(b, reassociation)));
1432   build(b, result, resultType, src, attrs);
1433   result.addAttribute(getReassociationAttrName(),
1434                       getReassociationIndicesAttribute(b, reassociation));
1435 }
1437 void CollapseShapeOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value src,
1438                             ArrayRef<ReassociationIndices> reassociation,
1439                             ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1440   auto memRefType = src.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
1441   auto resultType = computeReshapeCollapsedType(
1442       memRefType, getSymbolLessAffineMaps(
1443                       convertReassociationIndicesToExprs(b, reassociation)));
1444   build(b, result, resultType, src, attrs);
1445   result.addAttribute(getReassociationAttrName(),
1446                       getReassociationIndicesAttribute(b, reassociation));
1447 }
1449 template <typename ReshapeOp,
1450           bool isExpansion = std::is_same<ReshapeOp, ExpandShapeOp>::value>
1451 static LogicalResult verifyReshapeOp(ReshapeOp op, MemRefType expandedType,
1452                                      MemRefType collapsedType) {
1453   if (failed(
1454           verifyReshapeLikeTypes(op, expandedType, collapsedType, isExpansion)))
1455     return failure();
1456   auto maps = op.getReassociationMaps();
1457   MemRefType expectedType = computeReshapeCollapsedType(expandedType, maps);
1458   if (collapsedType != expectedType)
1459     return op.emitOpError("expected collapsed type to be ")
1460            << expectedType << ", but got " << collapsedType;
1461   return success();
1462 }
1464 static LogicalResult verify(ExpandShapeOp op) {
1465   return verifyReshapeOp(op, op.getResultType(), op.getSrcType());
1466 }
1468 void ExpandShapeOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
1469                                                 MLIRContext *context) {
1470   results.add<CollapseReshapeOps<ExpandShapeOp>,
1471               CollapseMixedReshapeOps<ExpandShapeOp, CollapseShapeOp>>(context);
1472 }
1474 static LogicalResult verify(CollapseShapeOp op) {
1475   return verifyReshapeOp(op, op.getSrcType(), op.getResultType());
1476 }
1478 void CollapseShapeOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
1479                                                   MLIRContext *context) {
1480   results.add<CollapseReshapeOps<CollapseShapeOp>,
1481               CollapseMixedReshapeOps<CollapseShapeOp, ExpandShapeOp>>(context);
1482 }
1483 OpFoldResult ExpandShapeOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
1484   if (succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)))
1485     return getResult();
1486   return foldReshapeOp<ExpandShapeOp, CollapseShapeOp>(*this, operands);
1487 }
1488 OpFoldResult CollapseShapeOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
1489   if (succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)))
1490     return getResult();
1491   return foldReshapeOp<CollapseShapeOp, ExpandShapeOp>(*this, operands);
1492 }
1494 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1495 // ReshapeOp
1496 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1498 static LogicalResult verify(ReshapeOp op) {
1499   Type operandType = op.source().getType();
1500   Type resultType = op.result().getType();
1502   Type operandElementType = operandType.cast<ShapedType>().getElementType();
1503   Type resultElementType = resultType.cast<ShapedType>().getElementType();
1504   if (operandElementType != resultElementType)
1505     return op.emitOpError("element types of source and destination memref "
1506                           "types should be the same");
1508   if (auto operandMemRefType = operandType.dyn_cast<MemRefType>())
1509     if (!operandMemRefType.getAffineMaps().empty())
1510       return op.emitOpError(
1511           "source memref type should have identity affine map");
1513   int64_t shapeSize = op.shape().getType().cast<MemRefType>().getDimSize(0);
1514   auto resultMemRefType = resultType.dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
1515   if (resultMemRefType) {
1516     if (!resultMemRefType.getAffineMaps().empty())
1517       return op.emitOpError(
1518           "result memref type should have identity affine map");
1519     if (shapeSize == ShapedType::kDynamicSize)
1520       return op.emitOpError("cannot use shape operand with dynamic length to "
1521                             "reshape to statically-ranked memref type");
1522     if (shapeSize != resultMemRefType.getRank())
1523       return op.emitOpError(
1524           "length of shape operand differs from the result's memref rank");
1525   }
1526   return success();
1527 }
1529 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1530 // StoreOp
1531 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1533 static LogicalResult verify(StoreOp op) {
1534   if (op.getNumOperands() != 2 + op.getMemRefType().getRank())
1535     return op.emitOpError("store index operand count not equal to memref rank");
1537   return success();
1538 }
1540 LogicalResult StoreOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> cstOperands,
1541                             SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
1542   /// store(memrefcast) -> store
1543   return foldMemRefCast(*this, getValueToStore());
1544 }
1546 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1547 // SubViewOp
1548 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1550 namespace {
1551 /// Helpers to write more idiomatic operations.
1552 namespace saturated_arith {
1553 struct Wrapper {
1554   explicit Wrapper(int64_t v) : v(v) {}
1555   operator int64_t() { return v; }
1556   int64_t v;
1557 };
1558 Wrapper operator+(Wrapper a, int64_t b) {
1559   if (ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(a) ||
1560       ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(b))
1561     return Wrapper(ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1562   return Wrapper(a.v + b);
1563 }
1564 Wrapper operator*(Wrapper a, int64_t b) {
1565   if (ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(a) ||
1566       ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(b))
1567     return Wrapper(ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1568   return Wrapper(a.v * b);
1569 }
1570 } // end namespace saturated_arith
1571 } // end namespace
1573 /// A subview result type can be fully inferred from the source type and the
1574 /// static representation of offsets, sizes and strides. Special sentinels
1575 /// encode the dynamic case.
1576 Type SubViewOp::inferResultType(MemRefType sourceMemRefType,
1577                                 ArrayRef<int64_t> leadingStaticOffsets,
1578                                 ArrayRef<int64_t> leadingStaticSizes,
1579                                 ArrayRef<int64_t> leadingStaticStrides) {
1580   // A subview may specify only a leading subset of offset/sizes/strides in
1581   // which case we complete with offset=0, sizes from memref type and strides=1.
1582   unsigned rank = sourceMemRefType.getRank();
1583   assert(leadingStaticOffsets.size() <= rank &&
1584          "unexpected leadingStaticOffsets overflow");
1585   assert(leadingStaticSizes.size() <= rank &&
1586          "unexpected leadingStaticSizes overflow");
1587   assert(leadingStaticStrides.size() <= rank &&
1588          "unexpected leadingStaticStrides overflow");
1589   auto staticOffsets = llvm::to_vector<4>(leadingStaticOffsets);
1590   auto staticSizes = llvm::to_vector<4>(leadingStaticSizes);
1591   auto staticStrides = llvm::to_vector<4>(leadingStaticStrides);
1592   unsigned numTrailingOffsets = rank - staticOffsets.size();
1593   unsigned numTrailingSizes = rank - staticSizes.size();
1594   unsigned numTrailingStrides = rank - staticStrides.size();
1595   staticOffsets.append(numTrailingOffsets, 0);
1596   llvm::append_range(staticSizes,
1597                      sourceMemRefType.getShape().take_back(numTrailingSizes));
1598   staticStrides.append(numTrailingStrides, 1);
1600   // Extract source offset and strides.
1601   int64_t sourceOffset;
1602   SmallVector<int64_t, 4> sourceStrides;
1603   auto res = getStridesAndOffset(sourceMemRefType, sourceStrides, sourceOffset);
1604   assert(succeeded(res) && "SubViewOp expected strided memref type");
1605   (void)res;
1607   // Compute target offset whose value is:
1608   //   `sourceOffset + sum_i(staticOffset_i * sourceStrides_i)`.
1609   int64_t targetOffset = sourceOffset;
1610   for (auto it : llvm::zip(staticOffsets, sourceStrides)) {
1611     auto staticOffset = std::get<0>(it), targetStride = std::get<1>(it);
1612     using namespace saturated_arith;
1613     targetOffset = Wrapper(targetOffset) + Wrapper(staticOffset) * targetStride;
1614   }
1616   // Compute target stride whose value is:
1617   //   `sourceStrides_i * staticStrides_i`.
1618   SmallVector<int64_t, 4> targetStrides;
1619   targetStrides.reserve(staticOffsets.size());
1620   for (auto it : llvm::zip(sourceStrides, staticStrides)) {
1621     auto sourceStride = std::get<0>(it), staticStride = std::get<1>(it);
1622     using namespace saturated_arith;
1623     targetStrides.push_back(Wrapper(sourceStride) * staticStride);
1624   }
1626   // The type is now known.
1627   return MemRefType::get(
1628       staticSizes, sourceMemRefType.getElementType(),
1629       makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(targetStrides, targetOffset,
1630                                  sourceMemRefType.getContext()),
1631       sourceMemRefType.getMemorySpace());
1632 }
1634 Type SubViewOp::inferResultType(MemRefType sourceMemRefType,
1635                                 ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> leadingStaticOffsets,
1636                                 ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> leadingStaticSizes,
1637                                 ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> leadingStaticStrides) {
1638   SmallVector<int64_t> staticOffsets, staticSizes, staticStrides;
1639   SmallVector<Value> dynamicOffsets, dynamicSizes, dynamicStrides;
1640   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(leadingStaticOffsets, dynamicOffsets,
1641                              staticOffsets, ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1642   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(leadingStaticSizes, dynamicSizes, staticSizes,
1643                              ShapedType::kDynamicSize);
1644   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(leadingStaticStrides, dynamicStrides,
1645                              staticStrides, ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1646   return SubViewOp::inferResultType(sourceMemRefType, staticOffsets,
1647                                     staticSizes, staticStrides)
1648       .cast<MemRefType>();
1649 }
1651 Type SubViewOp::inferRankReducedResultType(
1652     unsigned resultRank, MemRefType sourceRankedTensorType,
1653     ArrayRef<int64_t> leadingStaticOffsets,
1654     ArrayRef<int64_t> leadingStaticSizes,
1655     ArrayRef<int64_t> leadingStaticStrides) {
1656   auto inferredType =
1657       inferResultType(sourceRankedTensorType, leadingStaticOffsets,
1658                       leadingStaticSizes, leadingStaticStrides)
1659           .cast<MemRefType>();
1660   assert(inferredType.getRank() >= resultRank && "expected ");
1661   int rankDiff = inferredType.getRank() - resultRank;
1662   if (rankDiff > 0) {
1663     auto shape = inferredType.getShape();
1664     llvm::SmallDenseSet<unsigned> dimsToProject;
1665     mlir::getPositionsOfShapeOne(rankDiff, shape, dimsToProject);
1666     SmallVector<int64_t> projectedShape;
1667     for (unsigned pos = 0, e = shape.size(); pos < e; ++pos)
1668       if (!dimsToProject.contains(pos))
1669         projectedShape.push_back(shape[pos]);
1671     AffineMap map;
1672     auto maps = inferredType.getAffineMaps();
1673     if (!maps.empty() && maps.front())
1674       map = getProjectedMap(maps.front(), dimsToProject);
1675     inferredType =
1676         MemRefType::get(projectedShape, inferredType.getElementType(), map,
1677                         inferredType.getMemorySpace());
1678   }
1679   return inferredType;
1680 }
1682 Type SubViewOp::inferRankReducedResultType(
1683     unsigned resultRank, MemRefType sourceRankedTensorType,
1684     ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> leadingStaticOffsets,
1685     ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> leadingStaticSizes,
1686     ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> leadingStaticStrides) {
1687   SmallVector<int64_t> staticOffsets, staticSizes, staticStrides;
1688   SmallVector<Value> dynamicOffsets, dynamicSizes, dynamicStrides;
1689   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(leadingStaticOffsets, dynamicOffsets,
1690                              staticOffsets, ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1691   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(leadingStaticSizes, dynamicSizes, staticSizes,
1692                              ShapedType::kDynamicSize);
1693   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(leadingStaticStrides, dynamicStrides,
1694                              staticStrides, ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1695   return SubViewOp::inferRankReducedResultType(
1696       resultRank, sourceRankedTensorType, staticOffsets, staticSizes,
1697       staticStrides);
1698 }
1699 // Build a SubViewOp with mixed static and dynamic entries and custom result
1700 // type. If the type passed is nullptr, it is inferred.
1701 void SubViewOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result,
1702                       MemRefType resultType, Value source,
1703                       ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> offsets,
1704                       ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> sizes,
1705                       ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> strides,
1706                       ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1707   SmallVector<int64_t> staticOffsets, staticSizes, staticStrides;
1708   SmallVector<Value> dynamicOffsets, dynamicSizes, dynamicStrides;
1709   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(offsets, dynamicOffsets, staticOffsets,
1710                              ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1711   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(sizes, dynamicSizes, staticSizes,
1712                              ShapedType::kDynamicSize);
1713   dispatchIndexOpFoldResults(strides, dynamicStrides, staticStrides,
1714                              ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
1715   auto sourceMemRefType = source.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
1716   // Structuring implementation this way avoids duplication between builders.
1717   if (!resultType) {
1718     resultType = SubViewOp::inferResultType(sourceMemRefType, staticOffsets,
1719                                             staticSizes, staticStrides)
1720                      .cast<MemRefType>();
1721   }
1722   build(b, result, resultType, source, dynamicOffsets, dynamicSizes,
1723         dynamicStrides, b.getI64ArrayAttr(staticOffsets),
1724         b.getI64ArrayAttr(staticSizes), b.getI64ArrayAttr(staticStrides));
1725   result.addAttributes(attrs);
1726 }
1728 // Build a SubViewOp with mixed static and dynamic entries and inferred result
1729 // type.
1730 void SubViewOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value source,
1731                       ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> offsets,
1732                       ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> sizes,
1733                       ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> strides,
1734                       ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1735   build(b, result, MemRefType(), source, offsets, sizes, strides, attrs);
1736 }
1738 // Build a SubViewOp with static entries and inferred result type.
1739 void SubViewOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value source,
1740                       ArrayRef<int64_t> offsets, ArrayRef<int64_t> sizes,
1741                       ArrayRef<int64_t> strides,
1742                       ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1743   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> offsetValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1744       llvm::map_range(offsets, [&](int64_t v) -> OpFoldResult {
1745         return b.getI64IntegerAttr(v);
1746       }));
1747   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> sizeValues =
1748       llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(sizes, [&](int64_t v) -> OpFoldResult {
1749         return b.getI64IntegerAttr(v);
1750       }));
1751   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> strideValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1752       llvm::map_range(strides, [&](int64_t v) -> OpFoldResult {
1753         return b.getI64IntegerAttr(v);
1754       }));
1755   build(b, result, source, offsetValues, sizeValues, strideValues, attrs);
1756 }
1758 // Build a SubViewOp with dynamic entries and custom result type. If the
1759 // type passed is nullptr, it is inferred.
1760 void SubViewOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result,
1761                       MemRefType resultType, Value source,
1762                       ArrayRef<int64_t> offsets, ArrayRef<int64_t> sizes,
1763                       ArrayRef<int64_t> strides,
1764                       ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1765   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> offsetValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1766       llvm::map_range(offsets, [&](int64_t v) -> OpFoldResult {
1767         return b.getI64IntegerAttr(v);
1768       }));
1769   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> sizeValues =
1770       llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(sizes, [&](int64_t v) -> OpFoldResult {
1771         return b.getI64IntegerAttr(v);
1772       }));
1773   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> strideValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1774       llvm::map_range(strides, [&](int64_t v) -> OpFoldResult {
1775         return b.getI64IntegerAttr(v);
1776       }));
1777   build(b, result, resultType, source, offsetValues, sizeValues, strideValues,
1778         attrs);
1779 }
1781 // Build a SubViewOp with dynamic entries and custom result type. If the type
1782 // passed is nullptr, it is inferred.
1783 void SubViewOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result,
1784                       MemRefType resultType, Value source, ValueRange offsets,
1785                       ValueRange sizes, ValueRange strides,
1786                       ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1787   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> offsetValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1788       llvm::map_range(offsets, [](Value v) -> OpFoldResult { return v; }));
1789   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> sizeValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1790       llvm::map_range(sizes, [](Value v) -> OpFoldResult { return v; }));
1791   SmallVector<OpFoldResult> strideValues = llvm::to_vector<4>(
1792       llvm::map_range(strides, [](Value v) -> OpFoldResult { return v; }));
1793   build(b, result, resultType, source, offsetValues, sizeValues, strideValues);
1794 }
1796 // Build a SubViewOp with dynamic entries and inferred result type.
1797 void SubViewOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value source,
1798                       ValueRange offsets, ValueRange sizes, ValueRange strides,
1799                       ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
1800   build(b, result, MemRefType(), source, offsets, sizes, strides, attrs);
1801 }
1803 /// For ViewLikeOpInterface.
1804 Value SubViewOp::getViewSource() { return source(); }
1806 enum SubViewVerificationResult {
1807   Success,
1808   RankTooLarge,
1809   SizeMismatch,
1810   ElemTypeMismatch,
1811   MemSpaceMismatch,
1812   AffineMapMismatch
1813 };
1815 /// Checks if `original` Type type can be rank reduced to `reduced` type.
1816 /// This function is slight variant of `is subsequence` algorithm where
1817 /// not matching dimension must be 1.
1818 static SubViewVerificationResult
1819 isRankReducedType(Type originalType, Type candidateReducedType,
1820                   std::string *errMsg = nullptr) {
1821   if (originalType == candidateReducedType)
1822     return SubViewVerificationResult::Success;
1823   if (!originalType.isa<MemRefType>())
1824     return SubViewVerificationResult::Success;
1825   if (originalType.isa<MemRefType>() && !candidateReducedType.isa<MemRefType>())
1826     return SubViewVerificationResult::Success;
1828   ShapedType originalShapedType = originalType.cast<ShapedType>();
1829   ShapedType candidateReducedShapedType =
1830       candidateReducedType.cast<ShapedType>();
1832   // Rank and size logic is valid for all ShapedTypes.
1833   ArrayRef<int64_t> originalShape = originalShapedType.getShape();
1834   ArrayRef<int64_t> candidateReducedShape =
1835       candidateReducedShapedType.getShape();
1836   unsigned originalRank = originalShape.size(),
1837            candidateReducedRank = candidateReducedShape.size();
1838   if (candidateReducedRank > originalRank)
1839     return SubViewVerificationResult::RankTooLarge;
1841   auto optionalUnusedDimsMask =
1842       computeRankReductionMask(originalShape, candidateReducedShape);
1844   // Sizes cannot be matched in case empty vector is returned.
1845   if (!optionalUnusedDimsMask.hasValue())
1846     return SubViewVerificationResult::SizeMismatch;
1848   if (originalShapedType.getElementType() !=
1849       candidateReducedShapedType.getElementType())
1850     return SubViewVerificationResult::ElemTypeMismatch;
1852   // Strided layout logic is relevant for MemRefType only.
1853   MemRefType original = originalType.cast<MemRefType>();
1854   MemRefType candidateReduced = candidateReducedType.cast<MemRefType>();
1855   if (original.getMemorySpace() != candidateReduced.getMemorySpace())
1856     return SubViewVerificationResult::MemSpaceMismatch;
1858   llvm::SmallDenseSet<unsigned> unusedDims = optionalUnusedDimsMask.getValue();
1859   auto inferredType =
1860       getProjectedMap(getStridedLinearLayoutMap(original), unusedDims);
1861   AffineMap candidateLayout;
1862   if (candidateReduced.getAffineMaps().empty())
1863     candidateLayout = getStridedLinearLayoutMap(candidateReduced);
1864   else
1865     candidateLayout = candidateReduced.getAffineMaps().front();
1866   assert(inferredType.getNumResults() == 1 &&
1867          candidateLayout.getNumResults() == 1);
1868   if (inferredType.getNumSymbols() != candidateLayout.getNumSymbols() ||
1869       inferredType.getNumDims() != candidateLayout.getNumDims()) {
1870     if (errMsg) {
1871       llvm::raw_string_ostream os(*errMsg);
1872       os << "inferred type: " << inferredType;
1873     }
1874     return SubViewVerificationResult::AffineMapMismatch;
1875   }
1876   // Check that the difference of the affine maps simplifies to 0.
1877   AffineExpr diffExpr =
1878       inferredType.getResult(0) - candidateLayout.getResult(0);
1879   diffExpr = simplifyAffineExpr(diffExpr, inferredType.getNumDims(),
1880                                 inferredType.getNumSymbols());
1881   auto cst = diffExpr.dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>();
1882   if (!(cst && cst.getValue() == 0)) {
1883     if (errMsg) {
1884       llvm::raw_string_ostream os(*errMsg);
1885       os << "inferred type: " << inferredType;
1886     }
1887     return SubViewVerificationResult::AffineMapMismatch;
1888   }
1889   return SubViewVerificationResult::Success;
1890 }
1892 template <typename OpTy>
1893 static LogicalResult produceSubViewErrorMsg(SubViewVerificationResult result,
1894                                             OpTy op, Type expectedType,
1895                                             StringRef errMsg = "") {
1896   auto memrefType = expectedType.cast<ShapedType>();
1897   switch (result) {
1898   case SubViewVerificationResult::Success:
1899     return success();
1900   case SubViewVerificationResult::RankTooLarge:
1901     return op.emitError("expected result rank to be smaller or equal to ")
1902            << "the source rank. " << errMsg;
1903   case SubViewVerificationResult::SizeMismatch:
1904     return op.emitError("expected result type to be ")
1905            << expectedType
1906            << " or a rank-reduced version. (mismatch of result sizes) "
1907            << errMsg;
1908   case SubViewVerificationResult::ElemTypeMismatch:
1909     return op.emitError("expected result element type to be ")
1910            << memrefType.getElementType() << errMsg;
1911   case SubViewVerificationResult::MemSpaceMismatch:
1912     return op.emitError("expected result and source memory spaces to match.")
1913            << errMsg;
1914   case SubViewVerificationResult::AffineMapMismatch:
1915     return op.emitError("expected result type to be ")
1916            << expectedType
1917            << " or a rank-reduced version. (mismatch of result affine map) "
1918            << errMsg;
1919   }
1920   llvm_unreachable("unexpected subview verification result");
1921 }
1923 /// Verifier for SubViewOp.
1924 static LogicalResult verify(SubViewOp op) {
1925   MemRefType baseType = op.getSourceType();
1926   MemRefType subViewType = op.getType();
1928   // The base memref and the view memref should be in the same memory space.
1929   if (baseType.getMemorySpace() != subViewType.getMemorySpace())
1930     return op.emitError("different memory spaces specified for base memref "
1931                         "type ")
1932            << baseType << " and subview memref type " << subViewType;
1934   // Verify that the base memref type has a strided layout map.
1935   if (!isStrided(baseType))
1936     return op.emitError("base type ") << baseType << " is not strided";
1938   // Verify result type against inferred type.
1939   auto expectedType = SubViewOp::inferResultType(
1940       baseType, extractFromI64ArrayAttr(op.static_offsets()),
1941       extractFromI64ArrayAttr(op.static_sizes()),
1942       extractFromI64ArrayAttr(op.static_strides()));
1944   std::string errMsg;
1945   auto result = isRankReducedType(expectedType, subViewType, &errMsg);
1946   return produceSubViewErrorMsg(result, op, expectedType, errMsg);
1947 }
1949 raw_ostream &mlir::operator<<(raw_ostream &os, Range &range) {
1950   return os << "range " << range.offset << ":" << range.size << ":"
1951             << range.stride;
1952 }
1954 /// Return the list of Range (i.e. offset, size, stride). Each Range
1955 /// entry contains either the dynamic value or a ConstantIndexOp constructed
1956 /// with `b` at location `loc`.
1957 SmallVector<Range, 8> mlir::getOrCreateRanges(OffsetSizeAndStrideOpInterface op,
1958                                               OpBuilder &b, Location loc) {
1959   std::array<unsigned, 3> ranks = op.getArrayAttrMaxRanks();
1960   assert(ranks[0] == ranks[1] && "expected offset and sizes of equal ranks");
1961   assert(ranks[1] == ranks[2] && "expected sizes and strides of equal ranks");
1962   SmallVector<Range, 8> res;
1963   unsigned rank = ranks[0];
1964   res.reserve(rank);
1965   for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < rank; ++idx) {
1966     Value offset =
1967         op.isDynamicOffset(idx)
1968             ? op.getDynamicOffset(idx)
1969             : b.create<ConstantIndexOp>(loc, op.getStaticOffset(idx));
1970     Value size = op.isDynamicSize(idx)
1971                      ? op.getDynamicSize(idx)
1972                      : b.create<ConstantIndexOp>(loc, op.getStaticSize(idx));
1973     Value stride =
1974         op.isDynamicStride(idx)
1975             ? op.getDynamicStride(idx)
1976             : b.create<ConstantIndexOp>(loc, op.getStaticStride(idx));
1977     res.emplace_back(Range{offset, size, stride});
1978   }
1979   return res;
1980 }
1982 /// Infer the canonical type of the result of a subview operation. Returns a
1983 /// type with rank `resultRank` that is either the rank of the rank-reduced
1984 /// type, or the non-rank-reduced type.
1985 static MemRefType
1986 getCanonicalSubViewResultType(unsigned resultRank, MemRefType sourceType,
1987                               ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> mixedOffsets,
1988                               ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> mixedSizes,
1989                               ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> mixedStrides) {
1990   auto resultType =
1991       SubViewOp::inferRankReducedResultType(
1992           resultRank, sourceType, mixedOffsets, mixedSizes, mixedStrides)
1993           .cast<MemRefType>();
1994   if (resultType.getRank() != resultRank) {
1995     resultType = SubViewOp::inferResultType(sourceType, mixedOffsets,
1996                                             mixedSizes, mixedStrides)
1997                      .cast<MemRefType>();
1998   }
1999   return resultType;
2000 }
2002 namespace {
2003 /// Pattern to rewrite a subview op with MemRefCast arguments.
2004 /// This essentially pushes memref.cast past its consuming subview when
2005 /// `canFoldIntoConsumerOp` is true.
2006 ///
2007 /// Example:
2008 /// ```
2009 ///   %0 = memref.cast %V : memref<16x16xf32> to memref<?x?xf32>
2010 ///   %1 = memref.subview %0[0, 0][3, 4][1, 1] :
2011 ///     memref<?x?xf32> to memref<3x4xf32, offset:?, strides:[?, 1]>
2012 /// ```
2013 /// is rewritten into:
2014 /// ```
2015 ///   %0 = memref.subview %V: memref<16x16xf32> to memref<3x4xf32, #[[map0]]>
2016 ///   %1 = memref.cast %0: memref<3x4xf32, offset:0, strides:[16, 1]> to
2017 ///     memref<3x4xf32, offset:?, strides:[?, 1]>
2018 /// ```
2019 class SubViewOpMemRefCastFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<SubViewOp> {
2020 public:
2021   using OpRewritePattern<SubViewOp>::OpRewritePattern;
2023   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(SubViewOp subViewOp,
2024                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
2025     // Any constant operand, just return to let SubViewOpConstantFolder kick in.
2026     if (llvm::any_of(subViewOp.getOperands(), [](Value operand) {
2027           return matchPattern(operand, matchConstantIndex());
2028         }))
2029       return failure();
2031     auto castOp = subViewOp.source().getDefiningOp<CastOp>();
2032     if (!castOp)
2033       return failure();
2035     if (!CastOp::canFoldIntoConsumerOp(castOp))
2036       return failure();
2038     /// Deduce the resultType of the SubViewOp using `inferSubViewResultType` on
2039     /// the cast source operand type and the SubViewOp static information. This
2040     /// is the resulting type if the MemRefCastOp were folded.
2041     auto resultType = getCanonicalSubViewResultType(
2042         subViewOp.getType().getRank(),
2043         castOp.source().getType().cast<MemRefType>(),
2044         subViewOp.getMixedOffsets(), subViewOp.getMixedSizes(),
2045         subViewOp.getMixedStrides());
2046     Value newSubView = rewriter.create<SubViewOp>(
2047         subViewOp.getLoc(), resultType, castOp.source(), subViewOp.offsets(),
2048         subViewOp.sizes(), subViewOp.strides(), subViewOp.static_offsets(),
2049         subViewOp.static_sizes(), subViewOp.static_strides());
2050     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<CastOp>(subViewOp, subViewOp.getType(),
2051                                         newSubView);
2052     return success();
2053   }
2054 };
2055 } // namespace
2057 /// Return the canonical type of the result of a subview.
2058 struct SubViewReturnTypeCanonicalizer {
2059   MemRefType operator()(SubViewOp op, ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> mixedOffsets,
2060                         ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> mixedSizes,
2061                         ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> mixedStrides) {
2062     return getCanonicalSubViewResultType(op.getType().getRank(),
2063                                          op.getSourceType(), mixedOffsets,
2064                                          mixedSizes, mixedStrides);
2065   }
2066 };
2068 /// A canonicalizer wrapper to replace SubViewOps.
2069 struct SubViewCanonicalizer {
2070   void operator()(PatternRewriter &rewriter, SubViewOp op, SubViewOp newOp) {
2071     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<CastOp>(op, newOp, op.getType());
2072   }
2073 };
2075 void SubViewOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
2076                                             MLIRContext *context) {
2077   results
2078       .add<OpWithOffsetSizesAndStridesConstantArgumentFolder<
2079                SubViewOp, SubViewReturnTypeCanonicalizer, SubViewCanonicalizer>,
2080            SubViewOpMemRefCastFolder>(context);
2081 }
2083 OpFoldResult SubViewOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
2084   auto resultShapedType = getResult().getType().cast<ShapedType>();
2085   auto sourceShapedType = source().getType().cast<ShapedType>();
2087   if (resultShapedType.hasStaticShape() &&
2088       resultShapedType == sourceShapedType) {
2089     return getViewSource();
2090   }
2092   return {};
2093 }
2095 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2096 // TensorLoadOp
2097 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2099 OpFoldResult TensorLoadOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute>) {
2100   if (auto bufferCast = memref().getDefiningOp<BufferCastOp>())
2101     // Approximate alias analysis by conservatively folding only when no there
2102     // is no interleaved operation.
2103     if (bufferCast->getBlock() == this->getOperation()->getBlock() &&
2104         bufferCast->getNextNode() == this->getOperation())
2105       return bufferCast.tensor();
2106   return {};
2107 }
2109 namespace {
2110 struct DimOfTensorLoadFolder : public OpRewritePattern<tensor::DimOp> {
2111   using OpRewritePattern<tensor::DimOp>::OpRewritePattern;
2113   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(tensor::DimOp dimOp,
2114                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
2115     auto tensorLoadOp = dimOp.source().getDefiningOp<TensorLoadOp>();
2116     if (!tensorLoadOp)
2117       return failure();
2119     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<DimOp>(dimOp, tensorLoadOp.memref(),
2120                                        dimOp.index());
2121     return success();
2122   }
2123 };
2124 } // namespace
2126 void TensorLoadOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
2127                                                MLIRContext *context) {
2128   results.add<DimOfTensorLoadFolder>(context);
2129 }
2131 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2132 // TransposeOp
2133 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2135 /// Build a strided memref type by applying `permutationMap` tp `memRefType`.
2136 static MemRefType inferTransposeResultType(MemRefType memRefType,
2137                                            AffineMap permutationMap) {
2138   auto rank = memRefType.getRank();
2139   auto originalSizes = memRefType.getShape();
2140   // Compute permuted sizes.
2141   SmallVector<int64_t, 4> sizes(rank, 0);
2142   for (auto en : llvm::enumerate(permutationMap.getResults()))
2143     sizes[en.index()] =
2144         originalSizes[en.value().cast<AffineDimExpr>().getPosition()];
2146   // Compute permuted strides.
2147   int64_t offset;
2148   SmallVector<int64_t, 4> strides;
2149   auto res = getStridesAndOffset(memRefType, strides, offset);
2150   assert(succeeded(res) && strides.size() == static_cast<unsigned>(rank));
2151   (void)res;
2152   auto map =
2153       makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(strides, offset, memRefType.getContext());
2154   map = permutationMap ? map.compose(permutationMap) : map;
2155   return MemRefType::Builder(memRefType).setShape(sizes).setAffineMaps(map);
2156 }
2158 void TransposeOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value in,
2159                         AffineMapAttr permutation,
2160                         ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
2161   auto permutationMap = permutation.getValue();
2162   assert(permutationMap);
2164   auto memRefType = in.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
2165   // Compute result type.
2166   MemRefType resultType = inferTransposeResultType(memRefType, permutationMap);
2168   build(b, result, resultType, in, attrs);
2169   result.addAttribute(TransposeOp::getPermutationAttrName(), permutation);
2170 }
2172 // transpose $in $permutation attr-dict : type($in) `to` type(results)
2173 static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, TransposeOp op) {
2174   p << "memref.transpose " << op.in() << " " << op.permutation();
2175   p.printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs(),
2176                           {TransposeOp::getPermutationAttrName()});
2177   p << " : " << op.in().getType() << " to " << op.getType();
2178 }
2180 static ParseResult parseTransposeOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
2181                                     OperationState &result) {
2182   OpAsmParser::OperandType in;
2183   AffineMap permutation;
2184   MemRefType srcType, dstType;
2185   if (parser.parseOperand(in) || parser.parseAffineMap(permutation) ||
2186       parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes) ||
2187       parser.parseColonType(srcType) ||
2188       parser.resolveOperand(in, srcType, result.operands) ||
2189       parser.parseKeywordType("to", dstType) ||
2190       parser.addTypeToList(dstType, result.types))
2191     return failure();
2193   result.addAttribute(TransposeOp::getPermutationAttrName(),
2194                       AffineMapAttr::get(permutation));
2195   return success();
2196 }
2198 static LogicalResult verify(TransposeOp op) {
2199   if (!op.permutation().isPermutation())
2200     return op.emitOpError("expected a permutation map");
2201   if (op.permutation().getNumDims() != op.getShapedType().getRank())
2202     return op.emitOpError(
2203         "expected a permutation map of same rank as the input");
2205   auto srcType = op.in().getType().cast<MemRefType>();
2206   auto dstType = op.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
2207   auto transposedType = inferTransposeResultType(srcType, op.permutation());
2208   if (dstType != transposedType)
2209     return op.emitOpError("output type ")
2210            << dstType << " does not match transposed input type " << srcType
2211            << ", " << transposedType;
2212   return success();
2213 }
2215 OpFoldResult TransposeOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute>) {
2216   if (succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)))
2217     return getResult();
2218   return {};
2219 }
2221 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2222 // ViewOp
2223 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2225 static ParseResult parseViewOp(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
2226   OpAsmParser::OperandType srcInfo;
2227   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 1> offsetInfo;
2228   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 4> sizesInfo;
2229   auto indexType = parser.getBuilder().getIndexType();
2230   Type srcType, dstType;
2231   llvm::SMLoc offsetLoc;
2232   if (parser.parseOperand(srcInfo) || parser.getCurrentLocation(&offsetLoc) ||
2233       parser.parseOperandList(offsetInfo, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square))
2234     return failure();
2236   if (offsetInfo.size() != 1)
2237     return parser.emitError(offsetLoc) << "expects 1 offset operand";
2239   return failure(
2240       parser.parseOperandList(sizesInfo, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square) ||
2241       parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes) ||
2242       parser.parseColonType(srcType) ||
2243       parser.resolveOperand(srcInfo, srcType, result.operands) ||
2244       parser.resolveOperands(offsetInfo, indexType, result.operands) ||
2245       parser.resolveOperands(sizesInfo, indexType, result.operands) ||
2246       parser.parseKeywordType("to", dstType) ||
2247       parser.addTypeToList(dstType, result.types));
2248 }
2250 static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, ViewOp op) {
2251   p << op.getOperationName() << ' ' << op.getOperand(0) << '[';
2252   p.printOperand(op.byte_shift());
2253   p << "][" << op.sizes() << ']';
2254   p.printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs());
2255   p << " : " << op.getOperand(0).getType() << " to " << op.getType();
2256 }
2258 static LogicalResult verify(ViewOp op) {
2259   auto baseType = op.getOperand(0).getType().cast<MemRefType>();
2260   auto viewType = op.getType();
2262   // The base memref should have identity layout map (or none).
2263   if (baseType.getAffineMaps().size() > 1 ||
2264       (baseType.getAffineMaps().size() == 1 &&
2265        !baseType.getAffineMaps()[0].isIdentity()))
2266     return op.emitError("unsupported map for base memref type ") << baseType;
2268   // The result memref should have identity layout map (or none).
2269   if (viewType.getAffineMaps().size() > 1 ||
2270       (viewType.getAffineMaps().size() == 1 &&
2271        !viewType.getAffineMaps()[0].isIdentity()))
2272     return op.emitError("unsupported map for result memref type ") << viewType;
2274   // The base memref and the view memref should be in the same memory space.
2275   if (baseType.getMemorySpace() != viewType.getMemorySpace())
2276     return op.emitError("different memory spaces specified for base memref "
2277                         "type ")
2278            << baseType << " and view memref type " << viewType;
2280   // Verify that we have the correct number of sizes for the result type.
2281   unsigned numDynamicDims = viewType.getNumDynamicDims();
2282   if (op.sizes().size() != numDynamicDims)
2283     return op.emitError("incorrect number of size operands for type ")
2284            << viewType;
2286   return success();
2287 }
2289 Value ViewOp::getViewSource() { return source(); }
2291 namespace {
2293 struct ViewOpShapeFolder : public OpRewritePattern<ViewOp> {
2294   using OpRewritePattern<ViewOp>::OpRewritePattern;
2296   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ViewOp viewOp,
2297                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
2298     // Return if none of the operands are constants.
2299     if (llvm::none_of(viewOp.getOperands(), [](Value operand) {
2300           return matchPattern(operand, matchConstantIndex());
2301         }))
2302       return failure();
2304     // Get result memref type.
2305     auto memrefType = viewOp.getType();
2307     // Get offset from old memref view type 'memRefType'.
2308     int64_t oldOffset;
2309     SmallVector<int64_t, 4> oldStrides;
2310     if (failed(getStridesAndOffset(memrefType, oldStrides, oldOffset)))
2311       return failure();
2312     assert(oldOffset == 0 && "Expected 0 offset");
2314     SmallVector<Value, 4> newOperands;
2316     // Offset cannot be folded into result type.
2318     // Fold any dynamic dim operands which are produced by a constant.
2319     SmallVector<int64_t, 4> newShapeConstants;
2320     newShapeConstants.reserve(memrefType.getRank());
2322     unsigned dynamicDimPos = 0;
2323     unsigned rank = memrefType.getRank();
2324     for (unsigned dim = 0, e = rank; dim < e; ++dim) {
2325       int64_t dimSize = memrefType.getDimSize(dim);
2326       // If this is already static dimension, keep it.
2327       if (!ShapedType::isDynamic(dimSize)) {
2328         newShapeConstants.push_back(dimSize);
2329         continue;
2330       }
2331       auto *defOp = viewOp.sizes()[dynamicDimPos].getDefiningOp();
2332       if (auto constantIndexOp = dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantIndexOp>(defOp)) {
2333         // Dynamic shape dimension will be folded.
2334         newShapeConstants.push_back(constantIndexOp.getValue());
2335       } else {
2336         // Dynamic shape dimension not folded; copy operand from old memref.
2337         newShapeConstants.push_back(dimSize);
2338         newOperands.push_back(viewOp.sizes()[dynamicDimPos]);
2339       }
2340       dynamicDimPos++;
2341     }
2343     // Create new memref type with constant folded dims.
2344     MemRefType newMemRefType =
2345         MemRefType::Builder(memrefType).setShape(newShapeConstants);
2346     // Nothing new, don't fold.
2347     if (newMemRefType == memrefType)
2348       return failure();
2350     // Create new ViewOp.
2351     auto newViewOp = rewriter.create<ViewOp>(viewOp.getLoc(), newMemRefType,
2352                                              viewOp.getOperand(0),
2353                                              viewOp.byte_shift(), newOperands);
2354     // Insert a cast so we have the same type as the old memref type.
2355     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<CastOp>(viewOp, newViewOp, viewOp.getType());
2356     return success();
2357   }
2358 };
2360 struct ViewOpMemrefCastFolder : public OpRewritePattern<ViewOp> {
2361   using OpRewritePattern<ViewOp>::OpRewritePattern;
2363   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ViewOp viewOp,
2364                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
2365     Value memrefOperand = viewOp.getOperand(0);
2366     CastOp memrefCastOp = memrefOperand.getDefiningOp<CastOp>();
2367     if (!memrefCastOp)
2368       return failure();
2369     Value allocOperand = memrefCastOp.getOperand();
2370     AllocOp allocOp = allocOperand.getDefiningOp<AllocOp>();
2371     if (!allocOp)
2372       return failure();
2373     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<ViewOp>(viewOp, viewOp.getType(), allocOperand,
2374                                         viewOp.byte_shift(), viewOp.sizes());
2375     return success();
2376   }
2377 };
2379 } // end anonymous namespace
2381 void ViewOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
2382                                          MLIRContext *context) {
2383   results.add<ViewOpShapeFolder, ViewOpMemrefCastFolder>(context);
2384 }
2386 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2387 // TableGen'd op method definitions
2388 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2390 #define GET_OP_CLASSES
2391 #include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRefOps.cpp.inc"