1 //===- llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 //                             The LLVM Linker
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
14 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
15 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
19 #include "llvm/Support/AlignOf.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
21 #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
22 #include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
23 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
24 #include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h"
25 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
26 #include <cassert>
27 #include <cctype>
28 #include <cstddef>
29 #include <cstdint>
30 #include <iterator>
31 #include <map>
32 #include <memory>
33 #include <new>
34 #include <string>
35 #include <system_error>
36 #include <type_traits>
37 #include <vector>
39 namespace llvm {
40 namespace yaml {
42 enum class NodeKind : uint8_t {
43   Scalar,
44   Map,
45   Sequence,
46 };
48 struct EmptyContext {};
50 /// This class should be specialized by any type that needs to be converted
51 /// to/from a YAML mapping.  For example:
52 ///
53 ///     struct MappingTraits<MyStruct> {
54 ///       static void mapping(IO &io, MyStruct &s) {
55 ///         io.mapRequired("name", s.name);
56 ///         io.mapRequired("size", s.size);
57 ///         io.mapOptional("age",  s.age);
58 ///       }
59 ///     };
60 template<class T>
61 struct MappingTraits {
62   // Must provide:
63   // static void mapping(IO &io, T &fields);
64   // Optionally may provide:
65   // static StringRef validate(IO &io, T &fields);
66   //
67   // The optional flow flag will cause generated YAML to use a flow mapping
68   // (e.g. { a: 0, b: 1 }):
69   // static const bool flow = true;
70 };
72 /// This class is similar to MappingTraits<T> but allows you to pass in
73 /// additional context for each map operation.  For example:
74 ///
75 ///     struct MappingContextTraits<MyStruct, MyContext> {
76 ///       static void mapping(IO &io, MyStruct &s, MyContext &c) {
77 ///         io.mapRequired("name", s.name);
78 ///         io.mapRequired("size", s.size);
79 ///         io.mapOptional("age",  s.age);
80 ///         ++c.TimesMapped;
81 ///       }
82 ///     };
83 template <class T, class Context> struct MappingContextTraits {
84   // Must provide:
85   // static void mapping(IO &io, T &fields, Context &Ctx);
86   // Optionally may provide:
87   // static StringRef validate(IO &io, T &fields, Context &Ctx);
88   //
89   // The optional flow flag will cause generated YAML to use a flow mapping
90   // (e.g. { a: 0, b: 1 }):
91   // static const bool flow = true;
92 };
94 /// This class should be specialized by any integral type that converts
95 /// to/from a YAML scalar where there is a one-to-one mapping between
96 /// in-memory values and a string in YAML.  For example:
97 ///
98 ///     struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<Colors> {
99 ///         static void enumeration(IO &io, Colors &value) {
100 ///           io.enumCase(value, "red",   cRed);
101 ///           io.enumCase(value, "blue",  cBlue);
102 ///           io.enumCase(value, "green", cGreen);
103 ///         }
104 ///       };
105 template<typename T>
106 struct ScalarEnumerationTraits {
107   // Must provide:
108   // static void enumeration(IO &io, T &value);
109 };
111 /// This class should be specialized by any integer type that is a union
112 /// of bit values and the YAML representation is a flow sequence of
113 /// strings.  For example:
114 ///
115 ///      struct ScalarBitSetTraits<MyFlags> {
116 ///        static void bitset(IO &io, MyFlags &value) {
117 ///          io.bitSetCase(value, "big",   flagBig);
118 ///          io.bitSetCase(value, "flat",  flagFlat);
119 ///          io.bitSetCase(value, "round", flagRound);
120 ///        }
121 ///      };
122 template<typename T>
123 struct ScalarBitSetTraits {
124   // Must provide:
125   // static void bitset(IO &io, T &value);
126 };
128 /// Describe which type of quotes should be used when quoting is necessary.
129 /// Some non-printable characters need to be double-quoted, while some others
130 /// are fine with simple-quoting, and some don't need any quoting.
131 enum class QuotingType { None, Single, Double };
133 /// This class should be specialized by type that requires custom conversion
134 /// to/from a yaml scalar.  For example:
135 ///
136 ///    template<>
137 ///    struct ScalarTraits<MyType> {
138 ///      static void output(const MyType &val, void*, llvm::raw_ostream &out) {
139 ///        // stream out custom formatting
140 ///        out << llvm::format("%x", val);
141 ///      }
142 ///      static StringRef input(StringRef scalar, void*, MyType &value) {
143 ///        // parse scalar and set `value`
144 ///        // return empty string on success, or error string
145 ///        return StringRef();
146 ///      }
147 ///      static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::Single; }
148 ///    };
149 template<typename T>
150 struct ScalarTraits {
151   // Must provide:
152   //
153   // Function to write the value as a string:
154   // static void output(const T &value, void *ctxt, llvm::raw_ostream &out);
155   //
156   // Function to convert a string to a value.  Returns the empty
157   // StringRef on success or an error string if string is malformed:
158   // static StringRef input(StringRef scalar, void *ctxt, T &value);
159   //
160   // Function to determine if the value should be quoted.
161   // static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef);
162 };
164 /// This class should be specialized by type that requires custom conversion
165 /// to/from a YAML literal block scalar. For example:
166 ///
167 ///    template <>
168 ///    struct BlockScalarTraits<MyType> {
169 ///      static void output(const MyType &Value, void*, llvm::raw_ostream &Out)
170 ///      {
171 ///        // stream out custom formatting
172 ///        Out << Value;
173 ///      }
174 ///      static StringRef input(StringRef Scalar, void*, MyType &Value) {
175 ///        // parse scalar and set `value`
176 ///        // return empty string on success, or error string
177 ///        return StringRef();
178 ///      }
179 ///    };
180 template <typename T>
181 struct BlockScalarTraits {
182   // Must provide:
183   //
184   // Function to write the value as a string:
185   // static void output(const T &Value, void *ctx, llvm::raw_ostream &Out);
186   //
187   // Function to convert a string to a value.  Returns the empty
188   // StringRef on success or an error string if string is malformed:
189   // static StringRef input(StringRef Scalar, void *ctxt, T &Value);
190   //
191   // Optional:
192   // static StringRef inputTag(T &Val, std::string Tag)
193   // static void outputTag(const T &Val, raw_ostream &Out)
194 };
196 /// This class should be specialized by type that requires custom conversion
197 /// to/from a YAML scalar with optional tags. For example:
198 ///
199 ///    template <>
200 ///    struct TaggedScalarTraits<MyType> {
201 ///      static void output(const MyType &Value, void*, llvm::raw_ostream
202 ///      &ScalarOut, llvm::raw_ostream &TagOut)
203 ///      {
204 ///        // stream out custom formatting including optional Tag
205 ///        Out << Value;
206 ///      }
207 ///      static StringRef input(StringRef Scalar, StringRef Tag, void*, MyType
208 ///      &Value) {
209 ///        // parse scalar and set `value`
210 ///        // return empty string on success, or error string
211 ///        return StringRef();
212 ///      }
213 ///      static QuotingType mustQuote(const MyType &Value, StringRef) {
214 ///        return QuotingType::Single;
215 ///      }
216 ///    };
217 template <typename T> struct TaggedScalarTraits {
218   // Must provide:
219   //
220   // Function to write the value and tag as strings:
221   // static void output(const T &Value, void *ctx, llvm::raw_ostream &ScalarOut,
222   // llvm::raw_ostream &TagOut);
223   //
224   // Function to convert a string to a value.  Returns the empty
225   // StringRef on success or an error string if string is malformed:
226   // static StringRef input(StringRef Scalar, StringRef Tag, void *ctxt, T
227   // &Value);
228   //
229   // Function to determine if the value should be quoted.
230   // static QuotingType mustQuote(const T &Value, StringRef Scalar);
231 };
233 /// This class should be specialized by any type that needs to be converted
234 /// to/from a YAML sequence.  For example:
235 ///
236 ///    template<>
237 ///    struct SequenceTraits<MyContainer> {
238 ///      static size_t size(IO &io, MyContainer &seq) {
239 ///        return seq.size();
240 ///      }
241 ///      static MyType& element(IO &, MyContainer &seq, size_t index) {
242 ///        if ( index >= seq.size() )
243 ///          seq.resize(index+1);
244 ///        return seq[index];
245 ///      }
246 ///    };
247 template<typename T, typename EnableIf = void>
248 struct SequenceTraits {
249   // Must provide:
250   // static size_t size(IO &io, T &seq);
251   // static T::value_type& element(IO &io, T &seq, size_t index);
252   //
253   // The following is option and will cause generated YAML to use
254   // a flow sequence (e.g. [a,b,c]).
255   // static const bool flow = true;
256 };
258 /// This class should be specialized by any type for which vectors of that
259 /// type need to be converted to/from a YAML sequence.
260 template<typename T, typename EnableIf = void>
261 struct SequenceElementTraits {
262   // Must provide:
263   // static const bool flow;
264 };
266 /// This class should be specialized by any type that needs to be converted
267 /// to/from a list of YAML documents.
268 template<typename T>
269 struct DocumentListTraits {
270   // Must provide:
271   // static size_t size(IO &io, T &seq);
272   // static T::value_type& element(IO &io, T &seq, size_t index);
273 };
275 /// This class should be specialized by any type that needs to be converted
276 /// to/from a YAML mapping in the case where the names of the keys are not known
277 /// in advance, e.g. a string map.
278 template <typename T>
279 struct CustomMappingTraits {
280   // static void inputOne(IO &io, StringRef key, T &elem);
281   // static void output(IO &io, T &elem);
282 };
284 /// This class should be specialized by any type that can be represented as
285 /// a scalar, map, or sequence, decided dynamically. For example:
286 ///
287 ///    typedef std::unique_ptr<MyBase> MyPoly;
288 ///
289 ///    template<>
290 ///    struct PolymorphicTraits<MyPoly> {
291 ///      static NodeKind getKind(const MyPoly &poly) {
292 ///        return poly->getKind();
293 ///      }
294 ///      static MyScalar& getAsScalar(MyPoly &poly) {
295 ///        if (!poly || !isa<MyScalar>(poly))
296 ///          poly.reset(new MyScalar());
297 ///        return *cast<MyScalar>(poly.get());
298 ///      }
299 ///      // ...
300 ///    };
301 template <typename T> struct PolymorphicTraits {
302   // Must provide:
303   // static NodeKind getKind(const T &poly);
304   // static scalar_type &getAsScalar(T &poly);
305   // static map_type &getAsMap(T &poly);
306   // static sequence_type &getAsSequence(T &poly);
307 };
309 // Only used for better diagnostics of missing traits
310 template <typename T>
311 struct MissingTrait;
313 // Test if ScalarEnumerationTraits<T> is defined on type T.
314 template <class T>
315 struct has_ScalarEnumerationTraits
316 {
317   using Signature_enumeration = void (*)(class IO&, T&);
319   template <typename U>
320   static char test(SameType<Signature_enumeration, &U::enumeration>*);
322   template <typename U>
323   static double test(...);
325   static bool const value =
326     (sizeof(test<ScalarEnumerationTraits<T>>(nullptr)) == 1);
327 };
329 // Test if ScalarBitSetTraits<T> is defined on type T.
330 template <class T>
331 struct has_ScalarBitSetTraits
332 {
333   using Signature_bitset = void (*)(class IO&, T&);
335   template <typename U>
336   static char test(SameType<Signature_bitset, &U::bitset>*);
338   template <typename U>
339   static double test(...);
341   static bool const value = (sizeof(test<ScalarBitSetTraits<T>>(nullptr)) == 1);
342 };
344 // Test if ScalarTraits<T> is defined on type T.
345 template <class T>
346 struct has_ScalarTraits
347 {
348   using Signature_input = StringRef (*)(StringRef, void*, T&);
349   using Signature_output = void (*)(const T&, void*, raw_ostream&);
350   using Signature_mustQuote = QuotingType (*)(StringRef);
352   template <typename U>
353   static char test(SameType<Signature_input, &U::input> *,
354                    SameType<Signature_output, &U::output> *,
355                    SameType<Signature_mustQuote, &U::mustQuote> *);
357   template <typename U>
358   static double test(...);
360   static bool const value =
361       (sizeof(test<ScalarTraits<T>>(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) == 1);
362 };
364 // Test if BlockScalarTraits<T> is defined on type T.
365 template <class T>
366 struct has_BlockScalarTraits
367 {
368   using Signature_input = StringRef (*)(StringRef, void *, T &);
369   using Signature_output = void (*)(const T &, void *, raw_ostream &);
371   template <typename U>
372   static char test(SameType<Signature_input, &U::input> *,
373                    SameType<Signature_output, &U::output> *);
375   template <typename U>
376   static double test(...);
378   static bool const value =
379       (sizeof(test<BlockScalarTraits<T>>(nullptr, nullptr)) == 1);
380 };
382 // Test if TaggedScalarTraits<T> is defined on type T.
383 template <class T> struct has_TaggedScalarTraits {
384   using Signature_input = StringRef (*)(StringRef, StringRef, void *, T &);
385   using Signature_output = void (*)(const T &, void *, raw_ostream &,
386                                     raw_ostream &);
387   using Signature_mustQuote = QuotingType (*)(const T &, StringRef);
389   template <typename U>
390   static char test(SameType<Signature_input, &U::input> *,
391                    SameType<Signature_output, &U::output> *,
392                    SameType<Signature_mustQuote, &U::mustQuote> *);
394   template <typename U> static double test(...);
396   static bool const value =
397       (sizeof(test<TaggedScalarTraits<T>>(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) == 1);
398 };
400 // Test if MappingContextTraits<T> is defined on type T.
401 template <class T, class Context> struct has_MappingTraits {
402   using Signature_mapping = void (*)(class IO &, T &, Context &);
404   template <typename U>
405   static char test(SameType<Signature_mapping, &U::mapping>*);
407   template <typename U>
408   static double test(...);
410   static bool const value =
411       (sizeof(test<MappingContextTraits<T, Context>>(nullptr)) == 1);
412 };
414 // Test if MappingTraits<T> is defined on type T.
415 template <class T> struct has_MappingTraits<T, EmptyContext> {
416   using Signature_mapping = void (*)(class IO &, T &);
418   template <typename U>
419   static char test(SameType<Signature_mapping, &U::mapping> *);
421   template <typename U> static double test(...);
423   static bool const value = (sizeof(test<MappingTraits<T>>(nullptr)) == 1);
424 };
426 // Test if MappingContextTraits<T>::validate() is defined on type T.
427 template <class T, class Context> struct has_MappingValidateTraits {
428   using Signature_validate = StringRef (*)(class IO &, T &, Context &);
430   template <typename U>
431   static char test(SameType<Signature_validate, &U::validate>*);
433   template <typename U>
434   static double test(...);
436   static bool const value =
437       (sizeof(test<MappingContextTraits<T, Context>>(nullptr)) == 1);
438 };
440 // Test if MappingTraits<T>::validate() is defined on type T.
441 template <class T> struct has_MappingValidateTraits<T, EmptyContext> {
442   using Signature_validate = StringRef (*)(class IO &, T &);
444   template <typename U>
445   static char test(SameType<Signature_validate, &U::validate> *);
447   template <typename U> static double test(...);
449   static bool const value = (sizeof(test<MappingTraits<T>>(nullptr)) == 1);
450 };
452 // Test if SequenceTraits<T> is defined on type T.
453 template <class T>
454 struct has_SequenceMethodTraits
455 {
456   using Signature_size = size_t (*)(class IO&, T&);
458   template <typename U>
459   static char test(SameType<Signature_size, &U::size>*);
461   template <typename U>
462   static double test(...);
464   static bool const value =  (sizeof(test<SequenceTraits<T>>(nullptr)) == 1);
465 };
467 // Test if CustomMappingTraits<T> is defined on type T.
468 template <class T>
469 struct has_CustomMappingTraits
470 {
471   using Signature_input = void (*)(IO &io, StringRef key, T &v);
473   template <typename U>
474   static char test(SameType<Signature_input, &U::inputOne>*);
476   template <typename U>
477   static double test(...);
479   static bool const value =
480       (sizeof(test<CustomMappingTraits<T>>(nullptr)) == 1);
481 };
483 // has_FlowTraits<int> will cause an error with some compilers because
484 // it subclasses int.  Using this wrapper only instantiates the
485 // real has_FlowTraits only if the template type is a class.
486 template <typename T, bool Enabled = std::is_class<T>::value>
487 class has_FlowTraits
488 {
489 public:
490    static const bool value = false;
491 };
493 // Some older gcc compilers don't support straight forward tests
494 // for members, so test for ambiguity cause by the base and derived
495 // classes both defining the member.
496 template <class T>
497 struct has_FlowTraits<T, true>
498 {
499   struct Fallback { bool flow; };
500   struct Derived : T, Fallback { };
502   template<typename C>
503   static char (&f(SameType<bool Fallback::*, &C::flow>*))[1];
505   template<typename C>
506   static char (&f(...))[2];
508   static bool const value = sizeof(f<Derived>(nullptr)) == 2;
509 };
511 // Test if SequenceTraits<T> is defined on type T
512 template<typename T>
513 struct has_SequenceTraits : public std::integral_constant<bool,
514                                       has_SequenceMethodTraits<T>::value > { };
516 // Test if DocumentListTraits<T> is defined on type T
517 template <class T>
518 struct has_DocumentListTraits
519 {
520   using Signature_size = size_t (*)(class IO &, T &);
522   template <typename U>
523   static char test(SameType<Signature_size, &U::size>*);
525   template <typename U>
526   static double test(...);
528   static bool const value = (sizeof(test<DocumentListTraits<T>>(nullptr))==1);
529 };
531 template <class T> struct has_PolymorphicTraits {
532   using Signature_getKind = NodeKind (*)(const T &);
534   template <typename U>
535   static char test(SameType<Signature_getKind, &U::getKind> *);
537   template <typename U> static double test(...);
539   static bool const value = (sizeof(test<PolymorphicTraits<T>>(nullptr)) == 1);
540 };
542 inline bool isNumeric(StringRef S) {
543   const static auto skipDigits = [](StringRef Input) {
544     return Input.drop_front(
545         std::min(Input.find_first_not_of("0123456789"), Input.size()));
546   };
548   // Make S.front() and S.drop_front().front() (if S.front() is [+-]) calls
549   // safe.
550   if (S.empty() || S.equals("+") || S.equals("-"))
551     return false;
553   if (S.equals(".nan") || S.equals(".NaN") || S.equals(".NAN"))
554     return true;
556   // Infinity and decimal numbers can be prefixed with sign.
557   StringRef Tail = (S.front() == '-' || S.front() == '+') ? S.drop_front() : S;
559   // Check for infinity first, because checking for hex and oct numbers is more
560   // expensive.
561   if (Tail.equals(".inf") || Tail.equals(".Inf") || Tail.equals(".INF"))
562     return true;
564   // Section 10.3.2 Tag Resolution
565   // YAML 1.2 Specification prohibits Base 8 and Base 16 numbers prefixed with
566   // [-+], so S should be used instead of Tail.
567   if (S.startswith("0o"))
568     return S.size() > 2 &&
569            S.drop_front(2).find_first_not_of("01234567") == StringRef::npos;
571   if (S.startswith("0x"))
572     return S.size() > 2 && S.drop_front(2).find_first_not_of(
573                                "0123456789abcdefABCDEF") == StringRef::npos;
575   // Parse float: [-+]? (\. [0-9]+ | [0-9]+ (\. [0-9]* )?) ([eE] [-+]? [0-9]+)?
576   S = Tail;
578   // Handle cases when the number starts with '.' and hence needs at least one
579   // digit after dot (as opposed by number which has digits before the dot), but
580   // doesn't have one.
581   if (S.startswith(".") &&
582       (S.equals(".") ||
583        (S.size() > 1 && std::strchr("0123456789", S[1]) == nullptr)))
584     return false;
586   if (S.startswith("E") || S.startswith("e"))
587     return false;
589   enum ParseState {
590     Default,
591     FoundDot,
592     FoundExponent,
593   };
594   ParseState State = Default;
596   S = skipDigits(S);
598   // Accept decimal integer.
599   if (S.empty())
600     return true;
602   if (S.front() == '.') {
603     State = FoundDot;
604     S = S.drop_front();
605   } else if (S.front() == 'e' || S.front() == 'E') {
606     State = FoundExponent;
607     S = S.drop_front();
608   } else {
609     return false;
610   }
612   if (State == FoundDot) {
613     S = skipDigits(S);
614     if (S.empty())
615       return true;
617     if (S.front() == 'e' || S.front() == 'E') {
618       State = FoundExponent;
619       S = S.drop_front();
620     } else {
621       return false;
622     }
623   }
625   assert(State == FoundExponent && "Should have found exponent at this point.");
626   if (S.empty())
627     return false;
629   if (S.front() == '+' || S.front() == '-') {
630     S = S.drop_front();
631     if (S.empty())
632       return false;
633   }
635   return skipDigits(S).empty();
636 }
638 inline bool isNull(StringRef S) {
639   return S.equals("null") || S.equals("Null") || S.equals("NULL") ||
640          S.equals("~");
641 }
643 inline bool isBool(StringRef S) {
644   return S.equals("true") || S.equals("True") || S.equals("TRUE") ||
645          S.equals("false") || S.equals("False") || S.equals("FALSE");
646 }
648 // 5.1. Character Set
649 // The allowed character range explicitly excludes the C0 control block #x0-#x1F
650 // (except for TAB #x9, LF #xA, and CR #xD which are allowed), DEL #x7F, the C1
651 // control block #x80-#x9F (except for NEL #x85 which is allowed), the surrogate
652 // block #xD800-#xDFFF, #xFFFE, and #xFFFF.
653 inline QuotingType needsQuotes(StringRef S) {
654   if (S.empty())
655     return QuotingType::Single;
656   if (isspace(S.front()) || isspace(S.back()))
657     return QuotingType::Single;
658   if (isNull(S))
659     return QuotingType::Single;
660   if (isBool(S))
661     return QuotingType::Single;
662   if (isNumeric(S))
663     return QuotingType::Single;
665   // 7.3.3 Plain Style
666   // Plain scalars must not begin with most indicators, as this would cause
667   // ambiguity with other YAML constructs.
668   static constexpr char Indicators[] = R"(-?:\,[]{}#&*!|>'"%@`)";
669   if (S.find_first_of(Indicators) == 0)
670     return QuotingType::Single;
672   QuotingType MaxQuotingNeeded = QuotingType::None;
673   for (unsigned char C : S) {
674     // Alphanum is safe.
675     if (isAlnum(C))
676       continue;
678     switch (C) {
679     // Safe scalar characters.
680     case '_':
681     case '-':
682     case '^':
683     case '.':
684     case ',':
685     case ' ':
686     // TAB (0x9) is allowed in unquoted strings.
687     case 0x9:
688       continue;
689     // LF(0xA) and CR(0xD) may delimit values and so require at least single
690     // quotes.
691     case 0xA:
692     case 0xD:
693       MaxQuotingNeeded = QuotingType::Single;
694       continue;
695     // DEL (0x7F) are excluded from the allowed character range.
696     case 0x7F:
697       return QuotingType::Double;
698     // Forward slash is allowed to be unquoted, but we quote it anyway.  We have
699     // many tests that use FileCheck against YAML output, and this output often
700     // contains paths.  If we quote backslashes but not forward slashes then
701     // paths will come out either quoted or unquoted depending on which platform
702     // the test is run on, making FileCheck comparisons difficult.
703     case '/':
704     default: {
705       // C0 control block (0x0 - 0x1F) is excluded from the allowed character
706       // range.
707       if (C <= 0x1F)
708         return QuotingType::Double;
710       // Always double quote UTF-8.
711       if ((C & 0x80) != 0)
712         return QuotingType::Double;
714       // The character is not safe, at least simple quoting needed.
715       MaxQuotingNeeded = QuotingType::Single;
716     }
717     }
718   }
720   return MaxQuotingNeeded;
721 }
723 template <typename T, typename Context>
724 struct missingTraits
725     : public std::integral_constant<bool,
726                                     !has_ScalarEnumerationTraits<T>::value &&
727                                         !has_ScalarBitSetTraits<T>::value &&
728                                         !has_ScalarTraits<T>::value &&
729                                         !has_BlockScalarTraits<T>::value &&
730                                         !has_TaggedScalarTraits<T>::value &&
731                                         !has_MappingTraits<T, Context>::value &&
732                                         !has_SequenceTraits<T>::value &&
733                                         !has_CustomMappingTraits<T>::value &&
734                                         !has_DocumentListTraits<T>::value &&
735                                         !has_PolymorphicTraits<T>::value> {};
737 template <typename T, typename Context>
738 struct validatedMappingTraits
739     : public std::integral_constant<
740           bool, has_MappingTraits<T, Context>::value &&
741                     has_MappingValidateTraits<T, Context>::value> {};
743 template <typename T, typename Context>
744 struct unvalidatedMappingTraits
745     : public std::integral_constant<
746           bool, has_MappingTraits<T, Context>::value &&
747                     !has_MappingValidateTraits<T, Context>::value> {};
749 // Base class for Input and Output.
750 class IO {
751 public:
752   IO(void *Ctxt = nullptr);
753   virtual ~IO();
755   virtual bool outputting() = 0;
757   virtual unsigned beginSequence() = 0;
758   virtual bool preflightElement(unsigned, void *&) = 0;
759   virtual void postflightElement(void*) = 0;
760   virtual void endSequence() = 0;
761   virtual bool canElideEmptySequence() = 0;
763   virtual unsigned beginFlowSequence() = 0;
764   virtual bool preflightFlowElement(unsigned, void *&) = 0;
765   virtual void postflightFlowElement(void*) = 0;
766   virtual void endFlowSequence() = 0;
768   virtual bool mapTag(StringRef Tag, bool Default=false) = 0;
769   virtual void beginMapping() = 0;
770   virtual void endMapping() = 0;
771   virtual bool preflightKey(const char*, bool, bool, bool &, void *&) = 0;
772   virtual void postflightKey(void*) = 0;
773   virtual std::vector<StringRef> keys() = 0;
775   virtual void beginFlowMapping() = 0;
776   virtual void endFlowMapping() = 0;
778   virtual void beginEnumScalar() = 0;
779   virtual bool matchEnumScalar(const char*, bool) = 0;
780   virtual bool matchEnumFallback() = 0;
781   virtual void endEnumScalar() = 0;
783   virtual bool beginBitSetScalar(bool &) = 0;
784   virtual bool bitSetMatch(const char*, bool) = 0;
785   virtual void endBitSetScalar() = 0;
787   virtual void scalarString(StringRef &, QuotingType) = 0;
788   virtual void blockScalarString(StringRef &) = 0;
789   virtual void scalarTag(std::string &) = 0;
791   virtual NodeKind getNodeKind() = 0;
793   virtual void setError(const Twine &) = 0;
795   template <typename T>
796   void enumCase(T &Val, const char* Str, const T ConstVal) {
797     if ( matchEnumScalar(Str, outputting() && Val == ConstVal) ) {
798       Val = ConstVal;
799     }
800   }
802   // allow anonymous enum values to be used with LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF
803   template <typename T>
804   void enumCase(T &Val, const char* Str, const uint32_t ConstVal) {
805     if ( matchEnumScalar(Str, outputting() && Val == static_cast<T>(ConstVal)) ) {
806       Val = ConstVal;
807     }
808   }
810   template <typename FBT, typename T>
811   void enumFallback(T &Val) {
812     if (matchEnumFallback()) {
813       EmptyContext Context;
814       // FIXME: Force integral conversion to allow strong typedefs to convert.
815       FBT Res = static_cast<typename FBT::BaseType>(Val);
816       yamlize(*this, Res, true, Context);
817       Val = static_cast<T>(static_cast<typename FBT::BaseType>(Res));
818     }
819   }
821   template <typename T>
822   void bitSetCase(T &Val, const char* Str, const T ConstVal) {
823     if ( bitSetMatch(Str, outputting() && (Val & ConstVal) == ConstVal) ) {
824       Val = static_cast<T>(Val | ConstVal);
825     }
826   }
828   // allow anonymous enum values to be used with LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF
829   template <typename T>
830   void bitSetCase(T &Val, const char* Str, const uint32_t ConstVal) {
831     if ( bitSetMatch(Str, outputting() && (Val & ConstVal) == ConstVal) ) {
832       Val = static_cast<T>(Val | ConstVal);
833     }
834   }
836   template <typename T>
837   void maskedBitSetCase(T &Val, const char *Str, T ConstVal, T Mask) {
838     if (bitSetMatch(Str, outputting() && (Val & Mask) == ConstVal))
839       Val = Val | ConstVal;
840   }
842   template <typename T>
843   void maskedBitSetCase(T &Val, const char *Str, uint32_t ConstVal,
844                         uint32_t Mask) {
845     if (bitSetMatch(Str, outputting() && (Val & Mask) == ConstVal))
846       Val = Val | ConstVal;
847   }
849   void *getContext();
850   void setContext(void *);
852   template <typename T> void mapRequired(const char *Key, T &Val) {
853     EmptyContext Ctx;
854     this->processKey(Key, Val, true, Ctx);
855   }
857   template <typename T, typename Context>
858   void mapRequired(const char *Key, T &Val, Context &Ctx) {
859     this->processKey(Key, Val, true, Ctx);
860   }
862   template <typename T> void mapOptional(const char *Key, T &Val) {
863     EmptyContext Ctx;
864     mapOptionalWithContext(Key, Val, Ctx);
865   }
867   template <typename T>
868   void mapOptional(const char *Key, T &Val, const T &Default) {
869     EmptyContext Ctx;
870     mapOptionalWithContext(Key, Val, Default, Ctx);
871   }
873   template <typename T, typename Context>
874   typename std::enable_if<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value, void>::type
875   mapOptionalWithContext(const char *Key, T &Val, Context &Ctx) {
876     // omit key/value instead of outputting empty sequence
877     if (this->canElideEmptySequence() && !(Val.begin() != Val.end()))
878       return;
879     this->processKey(Key, Val, false, Ctx);
880   }
882   template <typename T, typename Context>
883   void mapOptionalWithContext(const char *Key, Optional<T> &Val, Context &Ctx) {
884     this->processKeyWithDefault(Key, Val, Optional<T>(), /*Required=*/false,
885                                 Ctx);
886   }
888   template <typename T, typename Context>
889   typename std::enable_if<!has_SequenceTraits<T>::value, void>::type
890   mapOptionalWithContext(const char *Key, T &Val, Context &Ctx) {
891     this->processKey(Key, Val, false, Ctx);
892   }
894   template <typename T, typename Context>
895   void mapOptionalWithContext(const char *Key, T &Val, const T &Default,
896                               Context &Ctx) {
897     this->processKeyWithDefault(Key, Val, Default, false, Ctx);
898   }
900 private:
901   template <typename T, typename Context>
902   void processKeyWithDefault(const char *Key, Optional<T> &Val,
903                              const Optional<T> &DefaultValue, bool Required,
904                              Context &Ctx) {
905     assert(DefaultValue.hasValue() == false &&
906            "Optional<T> shouldn't have a value!");
907     void *SaveInfo;
908     bool UseDefault = true;
909     const bool sameAsDefault = outputting() && !Val.hasValue();
910     if (!outputting() && !Val.hasValue())
911       Val = T();
912     if (Val.hasValue() &&
913         this->preflightKey(Key, Required, sameAsDefault, UseDefault,
914                            SaveInfo)) {
915       yamlize(*this, Val.getValue(), Required, Ctx);
916       this->postflightKey(SaveInfo);
917     } else {
918       if (UseDefault)
919         Val = DefaultValue;
920     }
921   }
923   template <typename T, typename Context>
924   void processKeyWithDefault(const char *Key, T &Val, const T &DefaultValue,
925                              bool Required, Context &Ctx) {
926     void *SaveInfo;
927     bool UseDefault;
928     const bool sameAsDefault = outputting() && Val == DefaultValue;
929     if ( this->preflightKey(Key, Required, sameAsDefault, UseDefault,
930                                                                   SaveInfo) ) {
931       yamlize(*this, Val, Required, Ctx);
932       this->postflightKey(SaveInfo);
933     }
934     else {
935       if ( UseDefault )
936         Val = DefaultValue;
937     }
938   }
940   template <typename T, typename Context>
941   void processKey(const char *Key, T &Val, bool Required, Context &Ctx) {
942     void *SaveInfo;
943     bool UseDefault;
944     if ( this->preflightKey(Key, Required, false, UseDefault, SaveInfo) ) {
945       yamlize(*this, Val, Required, Ctx);
946       this->postflightKey(SaveInfo);
947     }
948   }
950 private:
951   void *Ctxt;
952 };
954 namespace detail {
956 template <typename T, typename Context>
957 void doMapping(IO &io, T &Val, Context &Ctx) {
958   MappingContextTraits<T, Context>::mapping(io, Val, Ctx);
959 }
961 template <typename T> void doMapping(IO &io, T &Val, EmptyContext &Ctx) {
962   MappingTraits<T>::mapping(io, Val);
963 }
965 } // end namespace detail
967 template <typename T>
968 typename std::enable_if<has_ScalarEnumerationTraits<T>::value, void>::type
969 yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool, EmptyContext &Ctx) {
970   io.beginEnumScalar();
971   ScalarEnumerationTraits<T>::enumeration(io, Val);
972   io.endEnumScalar();
973 }
975 template <typename T>
976 typename std::enable_if<has_ScalarBitSetTraits<T>::value, void>::type
977 yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool, EmptyContext &Ctx) {
978   bool DoClear;
979   if ( io.beginBitSetScalar(DoClear) ) {
980     if ( DoClear )
981       Val = static_cast<T>(0);
982     ScalarBitSetTraits<T>::bitset(io, Val);
983     io.endBitSetScalar();
984   }
985 }
987 template <typename T>
988 typename std::enable_if<has_ScalarTraits<T>::value, void>::type
989 yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool, EmptyContext &Ctx) {
990   if ( io.outputting() ) {
991     std::string Storage;
992     raw_string_ostream Buffer(Storage);
993     ScalarTraits<T>::output(Val, io.getContext(), Buffer);
994     StringRef Str = Buffer.str();
995     io.scalarString(Str, ScalarTraits<T>::mustQuote(Str));
996   }
997   else {
998     StringRef Str;
999     io.scalarString(Str, ScalarTraits<T>::mustQuote(Str));
1000     StringRef Result = ScalarTraits<T>::input(Str, io.getContext(), Val);
1001     if ( !Result.empty() ) {
1002       io.setError(Twine(Result));
1003     }
1004   }
1005 }
1007 template <typename T>
1008 typename std::enable_if<has_BlockScalarTraits<T>::value, void>::type
1009 yamlize(IO &YamlIO, T &Val, bool, EmptyContext &Ctx) {
1010   if (YamlIO.outputting()) {
1011     std::string Storage;
1012     raw_string_ostream Buffer(Storage);
1013     BlockScalarTraits<T>::output(Val, YamlIO.getContext(), Buffer);
1014     StringRef Str = Buffer.str();
1015     YamlIO.blockScalarString(Str);
1016   } else {
1017     StringRef Str;
1018     YamlIO.blockScalarString(Str);
1019     StringRef Result =
1020         BlockScalarTraits<T>::input(Str, YamlIO.getContext(), Val);
1021     if (!Result.empty())
1022       YamlIO.setError(Twine(Result));
1023   }
1024 }
1026 template <typename T>
1027 typename std::enable_if<has_TaggedScalarTraits<T>::value, void>::type
1028 yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool, EmptyContext &Ctx) {
1029   if (io.outputting()) {
1030     std::string ScalarStorage, TagStorage;
1031     raw_string_ostream ScalarBuffer(ScalarStorage), TagBuffer(TagStorage);
1032     TaggedScalarTraits<T>::output(Val, io.getContext(), ScalarBuffer,
1033                                   TagBuffer);
1034     io.scalarTag(TagBuffer.str());
1035     StringRef ScalarStr = ScalarBuffer.str();
1036     io.scalarString(ScalarStr,
1037                     TaggedScalarTraits<T>::mustQuote(Val, ScalarStr));
1038   } else {
1039     std::string Tag;
1040     io.scalarTag(Tag);
1041     StringRef Str;
1042     io.scalarString(Str, QuotingType::None);
1043     StringRef Result =
1044         TaggedScalarTraits<T>::input(Str, Tag, io.getContext(), Val);
1045     if (!Result.empty()) {
1046       io.setError(Twine(Result));
1047     }
1048   }
1049 }
1051 template <typename T, typename Context>
1052 typename std::enable_if<validatedMappingTraits<T, Context>::value, void>::type
1053 yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool, Context &Ctx) {
1054   if (has_FlowTraits<MappingTraits<T>>::value)
1055     io.beginFlowMapping();
1056   else
1057     io.beginMapping();
1058   if (io.outputting()) {
1059     StringRef Err = MappingTraits<T>::validate(io, Val);
1060     if (!Err.empty()) {
1061       errs() << Err << "\n";
1062       assert(Err.empty() && "invalid struct trying to be written as yaml");
1063     }
1064   }
1065   detail::doMapping(io, Val, Ctx);
1066   if (!io.outputting()) {
1067     StringRef Err = MappingTraits<T>::validate(io, Val);
1068     if (!Err.empty())
1069       io.setError(Err);
1070   }
1071   if (has_FlowTraits<MappingTraits<T>>::value)
1072     io.endFlowMapping();
1073   else
1074     io.endMapping();
1075 }
1077 template <typename T, typename Context>
1078 typename std::enable_if<unvalidatedMappingTraits<T, Context>::value, void>::type
1079 yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool, Context &Ctx) {
1080   if (has_FlowTraits<MappingTraits<T>>::value) {
1081     io.beginFlowMapping();
1082     detail::doMapping(io, Val, Ctx);
1083     io.endFlowMapping();
1084   } else {
1085     io.beginMapping();
1086     detail::doMapping(io, Val, Ctx);
1087     io.endMapping();
1088   }
1089 }
1091 template <typename T>
1092 typename std::enable_if<has_CustomMappingTraits<T>::value, void>::type
1093 yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool, EmptyContext &Ctx) {
1094   if ( io.outputting() ) {
1095     io.beginMapping();
1096     CustomMappingTraits<T>::output(io, Val);
1097     io.endMapping();
1098   } else {
1099     io.beginMapping();
1100     for (StringRef key : io.keys())
1101       CustomMappingTraits<T>::inputOne(io, key, Val);
1102     io.endMapping();
1103   }
1104 }
1106 template <typename T>
1107 typename std::enable_if<has_PolymorphicTraits<T>::value, void>::type
1108 yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool, EmptyContext &Ctx) {
1109   switch (io.outputting() ? PolymorphicTraits<T>::getKind(Val)
1110                           : io.getNodeKind()) {
1111   case NodeKind::Scalar:
1112     return yamlize(io, PolymorphicTraits<T>::getAsScalar(Val), true, Ctx);
1113   case NodeKind::Map:
1114     return yamlize(io, PolymorphicTraits<T>::getAsMap(Val), true, Ctx);
1115   case NodeKind::Sequence:
1116     return yamlize(io, PolymorphicTraits<T>::getAsSequence(Val), true, Ctx);
1117   }
1118 }
1120 template <typename T>
1121 typename std::enable_if<missingTraits<T, EmptyContext>::value, void>::type
1122 yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool, EmptyContext &Ctx) {
1123   char missing_yaml_trait_for_type[sizeof(MissingTrait<T>)];
1124 }
1126 template <typename T, typename Context>
1127 typename std::enable_if<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value, void>::type
1128 yamlize(IO &io, T &Seq, bool, Context &Ctx) {
1129   if ( has_FlowTraits< SequenceTraits<T>>::value ) {
1130     unsigned incnt = io.beginFlowSequence();
1131     unsigned count = io.outputting() ? SequenceTraits<T>::size(io, Seq) : incnt;
1132     for(unsigned i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1133       void *SaveInfo;
1134       if ( io.preflightFlowElement(i, SaveInfo) ) {
1135         yamlize(io, SequenceTraits<T>::element(io, Seq, i), true, Ctx);
1136         io.postflightFlowElement(SaveInfo);
1137       }
1138     }
1139     io.endFlowSequence();
1140   }
1141   else {
1142     unsigned incnt = io.beginSequence();
1143     unsigned count = io.outputting() ? SequenceTraits<T>::size(io, Seq) : incnt;
1144     for(unsigned i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1145       void *SaveInfo;
1146       if ( io.preflightElement(i, SaveInfo) ) {
1147         yamlize(io, SequenceTraits<T>::element(io, Seq, i), true, Ctx);
1148         io.postflightElement(SaveInfo);
1149       }
1150     }
1151     io.endSequence();
1152   }
1153 }
1155 template<>
1156 struct ScalarTraits<bool> {
1157   static void output(const bool &, void* , raw_ostream &);
1158   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, bool &);
1159   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1160 };
1162 template<>
1163 struct ScalarTraits<StringRef> {
1164   static void output(const StringRef &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1165   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, StringRef &);
1166   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef S) { return needsQuotes(S); }
1167 };
1169 template<>
1170 struct ScalarTraits<std::string> {
1171   static void output(const std::string &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1172   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, std::string &);
1173   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef S) { return needsQuotes(S); }
1174 };
1176 template<>
1177 struct ScalarTraits<uint8_t> {
1178   static void output(const uint8_t &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1179   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, uint8_t &);
1180   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1181 };
1183 template<>
1184 struct ScalarTraits<uint16_t> {
1185   static void output(const uint16_t &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1186   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, uint16_t &);
1187   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1188 };
1190 template<>
1191 struct ScalarTraits<uint32_t> {
1192   static void output(const uint32_t &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1193   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, uint32_t &);
1194   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1195 };
1197 template<>
1198 struct ScalarTraits<uint64_t> {
1199   static void output(const uint64_t &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1200   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, uint64_t &);
1201   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1202 };
1204 template<>
1205 struct ScalarTraits<int8_t> {
1206   static void output(const int8_t &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1207   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, int8_t &);
1208   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1209 };
1211 template<>
1212 struct ScalarTraits<int16_t> {
1213   static void output(const int16_t &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1214   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, int16_t &);
1215   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1216 };
1218 template<>
1219 struct ScalarTraits<int32_t> {
1220   static void output(const int32_t &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1221   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, int32_t &);
1222   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1223 };
1225 template<>
1226 struct ScalarTraits<int64_t> {
1227   static void output(const int64_t &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1228   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, int64_t &);
1229   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1230 };
1232 template<>
1233 struct ScalarTraits<float> {
1234   static void output(const float &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1235   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, float &);
1236   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1237 };
1239 template<>
1240 struct ScalarTraits<double> {
1241   static void output(const double &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1242   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, double &);
1243   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1244 };
1246 // For endian types, we just use the existing ScalarTraits for the underlying
1247 // type.  This way endian aware types are supported whenever a ScalarTraits
1248 // is defined for the underlying type.
1249 template <typename value_type, support::endianness endian, size_t alignment>
1250 struct ScalarTraits<support::detail::packed_endian_specific_integral<
1251     value_type, endian, alignment>> {
1252   using endian_type =
1253       support::detail::packed_endian_specific_integral<value_type, endian,
1254                                                        alignment>;
1256   static void output(const endian_type &E, void *Ctx, raw_ostream &Stream) {
1257     ScalarTraits<value_type>::output(static_cast<value_type>(E), Ctx, Stream);
1258   }
1260   static StringRef input(StringRef Str, void *Ctx, endian_type &E) {
1261     value_type V;
1262     auto R = ScalarTraits<value_type>::input(Str, Ctx, V);
1263     E = static_cast<endian_type>(V);
1264     return R;
1265   }
1267   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef Str) {
1268     return ScalarTraits<value_type>::mustQuote(Str);
1269   }
1270 };
1272 // Utility for use within MappingTraits<>::mapping() method
1273 // to [de]normalize an object for use with YAML conversion.
1274 template <typename TNorm, typename TFinal>
1275 struct MappingNormalization {
1276   MappingNormalization(IO &i_o, TFinal &Obj)
1277       : io(i_o), BufPtr(nullptr), Result(Obj) {
1278     if ( io.outputting() ) {
1279       BufPtr = new (&Buffer) TNorm(io, Obj);
1280     }
1281     else {
1282       BufPtr = new (&Buffer) TNorm(io);
1283     }
1284   }
1286   ~MappingNormalization() {
1287     if ( ! io.outputting() ) {
1288       Result = BufPtr->denormalize(io);
1289     }
1290     BufPtr->~TNorm();
1291   }
1293   TNorm* operator->() { return BufPtr; }
1295 private:
1296   using Storage = AlignedCharArrayUnion<TNorm>;
1298   Storage       Buffer;
1299   IO           &io;
1300   TNorm        *BufPtr;
1301   TFinal       &Result;
1302 };
1304 // Utility for use within MappingTraits<>::mapping() method
1305 // to [de]normalize an object for use with YAML conversion.
1306 template <typename TNorm, typename TFinal>
1307 struct MappingNormalizationHeap {
1308   MappingNormalizationHeap(IO &i_o, TFinal &Obj, BumpPtrAllocator *allocator)
1309     : io(i_o), Result(Obj) {
1310     if ( io.outputting() ) {
1311       BufPtr = new (&Buffer) TNorm(io, Obj);
1312     }
1313     else if (allocator) {
1314       BufPtr = allocator->Allocate<TNorm>();
1315       new (BufPtr) TNorm(io);
1316     } else {
1317       BufPtr = new TNorm(io);
1318     }
1319   }
1321   ~MappingNormalizationHeap() {
1322     if ( io.outputting() ) {
1323       BufPtr->~TNorm();
1324     }
1325     else {
1326       Result = BufPtr->denormalize(io);
1327     }
1328   }
1330   TNorm* operator->() { return BufPtr; }
1332 private:
1333   using Storage = AlignedCharArrayUnion<TNorm>;
1335   Storage       Buffer;
1336   IO           &io;
1337   TNorm        *BufPtr = nullptr;
1338   TFinal       &Result;
1339 };
1341 ///
1342 /// The Input class is used to parse a yaml document into in-memory structs
1343 /// and vectors.
1344 ///
1345 /// It works by using YAMLParser to do a syntax parse of the entire yaml
1346 /// document, then the Input class builds a graph of HNodes which wraps
1347 /// each yaml Node.  The extra layer is buffering.  The low level yaml
1348 /// parser only lets you look at each node once.  The buffering layer lets
1349 /// you search and interate multiple times.  This is necessary because
1350 /// the mapRequired() method calls may not be in the same order
1351 /// as the keys in the document.
1352 ///
1353 class Input : public IO {
1354 public:
1355   // Construct a yaml Input object from a StringRef and optional
1356   // user-data. The DiagHandler can be specified to provide
1357   // alternative error reporting.
1358   Input(StringRef InputContent,
1359         void *Ctxt = nullptr,
1360         SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler = nullptr,
1361         void *DiagHandlerCtxt = nullptr);
1362   Input(MemoryBufferRef Input,
1363         void *Ctxt = nullptr,
1364         SourceMgr::DiagHandlerTy DiagHandler = nullptr,
1365         void *DiagHandlerCtxt = nullptr);
1366   ~Input() override;
1368   // Check if there was an syntax or semantic error during parsing.
1369   std::error_code error();
1371 private:
1372   bool outputting() override;
1373   bool mapTag(StringRef, bool) override;
1374   void beginMapping() override;
1375   void endMapping() override;
1376   bool preflightKey(const char *, bool, bool, bool &, void *&) override;
1377   void postflightKey(void *) override;
1378   std::vector<StringRef> keys() override;
1379   void beginFlowMapping() override;
1380   void endFlowMapping() override;
1381   unsigned beginSequence() override;
1382   void endSequence() override;
1383   bool preflightElement(unsigned index, void *&) override;
1384   void postflightElement(void *) override;
1385   unsigned beginFlowSequence() override;
1386   bool preflightFlowElement(unsigned , void *&) override;
1387   void postflightFlowElement(void *) override;
1388   void endFlowSequence() override;
1389   void beginEnumScalar() override;
1390   bool matchEnumScalar(const char*, bool) override;
1391   bool matchEnumFallback() override;
1392   void endEnumScalar() override;
1393   bool beginBitSetScalar(bool &) override;
1394   bool bitSetMatch(const char *, bool ) override;
1395   void endBitSetScalar() override;
1396   void scalarString(StringRef &, QuotingType) override;
1397   void blockScalarString(StringRef &) override;
1398   void scalarTag(std::string &) override;
1399   NodeKind getNodeKind() override;
1400   void setError(const Twine &message) override;
1401   bool canElideEmptySequence() override;
1403   class HNode {
1404     virtual void anchor();
1406   public:
1407     HNode(Node *n) : _node(n) { }
1408     virtual ~HNode() = default;
1410     static bool classof(const HNode *) { return true; }
1412     Node *_node;
1413   };
1415   class EmptyHNode : public HNode {
1416     void anchor() override;
1418   public:
1419     EmptyHNode(Node *n) : HNode(n) { }
1421     static bool classof(const HNode *n) { return NullNode::classof(n->_node); }
1423     static bool classof(const EmptyHNode *) { return true; }
1424   };
1426   class ScalarHNode : public HNode {
1427     void anchor() override;
1429   public:
1430     ScalarHNode(Node *n, StringRef s) : HNode(n), _value(s) { }
1432     StringRef value() const { return _value; }
1434     static bool classof(const HNode *n) {
1435       return ScalarNode::classof(n->_node) ||
1436              BlockScalarNode::classof(n->_node);
1437     }
1439     static bool classof(const ScalarHNode *) { return true; }
1441   protected:
1442     StringRef _value;
1443   };
1445   class MapHNode : public HNode {
1446     void anchor() override;
1448   public:
1449     MapHNode(Node *n) : HNode(n) { }
1451     static bool classof(const HNode *n) {
1452       return MappingNode::classof(n->_node);
1453     }
1455     static bool classof(const MapHNode *) { return true; }
1457     using NameToNode = StringMap<std::unique_ptr<HNode>>;
1459     NameToNode Mapping;
1460     SmallVector<std::string, 6> ValidKeys;
1461   };
1463   class SequenceHNode : public HNode {
1464     void anchor() override;
1466   public:
1467     SequenceHNode(Node *n) : HNode(n) { }
1469     static bool classof(const HNode *n) {
1470       return SequenceNode::classof(n->_node);
1471     }
1473     static bool classof(const SequenceHNode *) { return true; }
1475     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<HNode>> Entries;
1476   };
1478   std::unique_ptr<Input::HNode> createHNodes(Node *node);
1479   void setError(HNode *hnode, const Twine &message);
1480   void setError(Node *node, const Twine &message);
1482 public:
1483   // These are only used by operator>>. They could be private
1484   // if those templated things could be made friends.
1485   bool setCurrentDocument();
1486   bool nextDocument();
1488   /// Returns the current node that's being parsed by the YAML Parser.
1489   const Node *getCurrentNode() const;
1491 private:
1492   SourceMgr                           SrcMgr; // must be before Strm
1493   std::unique_ptr<llvm::yaml::Stream> Strm;
1494   std::unique_ptr<HNode>              TopNode;
1495   std::error_code                     EC;
1496   BumpPtrAllocator                    StringAllocator;
1497   document_iterator                   DocIterator;
1498   std::vector<bool>                   BitValuesUsed;
1499   HNode *CurrentNode = nullptr;
1500   bool                                ScalarMatchFound;
1501 };
1503 ///
1504 /// The Output class is used to generate a yaml document from in-memory structs
1505 /// and vectors.
1506 ///
1507 class Output : public IO {
1508 public:
1509   Output(raw_ostream &, void *Ctxt = nullptr, int WrapColumn = 70);
1510   ~Output() override;
1512   /// Set whether or not to output optional values which are equal
1513   /// to the default value.  By default, when outputting if you attempt
1514   /// to write a value that is equal to the default, the value gets ignored.
1515   /// Sometimes, it is useful to be able to see these in the resulting YAML
1516   /// anyway.
1517   void setWriteDefaultValues(bool Write) { WriteDefaultValues = Write; }
1519   bool outputting() override;
1520   bool mapTag(StringRef, bool) override;
1521   void beginMapping() override;
1522   void endMapping() override;
1523   bool preflightKey(const char *key, bool, bool, bool &, void *&) override;
1524   void postflightKey(void *) override;
1525   std::vector<StringRef> keys() override;
1526   void beginFlowMapping() override;
1527   void endFlowMapping() override;
1528   unsigned beginSequence() override;
1529   void endSequence() override;
1530   bool preflightElement(unsigned, void *&) override;
1531   void postflightElement(void *) override;
1532   unsigned beginFlowSequence() override;
1533   bool preflightFlowElement(unsigned, void *&) override;
1534   void postflightFlowElement(void *) override;
1535   void endFlowSequence() override;
1536   void beginEnumScalar() override;
1537   bool matchEnumScalar(const char*, bool) override;
1538   bool matchEnumFallback() override;
1539   void endEnumScalar() override;
1540   bool beginBitSetScalar(bool &) override;
1541   bool bitSetMatch(const char *, bool ) override;
1542   void endBitSetScalar() override;
1543   void scalarString(StringRef &, QuotingType) override;
1544   void blockScalarString(StringRef &) override;
1545   void scalarTag(std::string &) override;
1546   NodeKind getNodeKind() override;
1547   void setError(const Twine &message) override;
1548   bool canElideEmptySequence() override;
1550   // These are only used by operator<<. They could be private
1551   // if that templated operator could be made a friend.
1552   void beginDocuments();
1553   bool preflightDocument(unsigned);
1554   void postflightDocument();
1555   void endDocuments();
1557 private:
1558   void output(StringRef s);
1559   void outputUpToEndOfLine(StringRef s);
1560   void newLineCheck();
1561   void outputNewLine();
1562   void paddedKey(StringRef key);
1563   void flowKey(StringRef Key);
1565   enum InState {
1566     inSeqFirstElement,
1567     inSeqOtherElement,
1568     inFlowSeqFirstElement,
1569     inFlowSeqOtherElement,
1570     inMapFirstKey,
1571     inMapOtherKey,
1572     inFlowMapFirstKey,
1573     inFlowMapOtherKey
1574   };
1576   static bool inSeqAnyElement(InState State);
1577   static bool inFlowSeqAnyElement(InState State);
1578   static bool inMapAnyKey(InState State);
1579   static bool inFlowMapAnyKey(InState State);
1581   raw_ostream &Out;
1582   int WrapColumn;
1583   SmallVector<InState, 8> StateStack;
1584   int Column = 0;
1585   int ColumnAtFlowStart = 0;
1586   int ColumnAtMapFlowStart = 0;
1587   bool NeedBitValueComma = false;
1588   bool NeedFlowSequenceComma = false;
1589   bool EnumerationMatchFound = false;
1590   bool NeedsNewLine = false;
1591   bool WriteDefaultValues = false;
1592 };
1594 /// YAML I/O does conversion based on types. But often native data types
1595 /// are just a typedef of built in intergral types (e.g. int).  But the C++
1596 /// type matching system sees through the typedef and all the typedefed types
1597 /// look like a built in type. This will cause the generic YAML I/O conversion
1598 /// to be used. To provide better control over the YAML conversion, you can
1599 /// use this macro instead of typedef.  It will create a class with one field
1600 /// and automatic conversion operators to and from the base type.
1601 /// Based on BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF
1602 #define LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(_base, _type)                                 \
1603     struct _type {                                                             \
1604         _type() = default;                                                     \
1605         _type(const _base v) : value(v) {}                                     \
1606         _type(const _type &v) = default;                                       \
1607         _type &operator=(const _type &rhs) = default;                          \
1608         _type &operator=(const _base &rhs) { value = rhs; return *this; }      \
1609         operator const _base & () const { return value; }                      \
1610         bool operator==(const _type &rhs) const { return value == rhs.value; } \
1611         bool operator==(const _base &rhs) const { return value == rhs; }       \
1612         bool operator<(const _type &rhs) const { return value < rhs.value; }   \
1613         _base value;                                                           \
1614         using BaseType = _base;                                                \
1615     };
1617 ///
1618 /// Use these types instead of uintXX_t in any mapping to have
1619 /// its yaml output formatted as hexadecimal.
1620 ///
1621 LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint8_t, Hex8)
1622 LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint16_t, Hex16)
1623 LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, Hex32)
1624 LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint64_t, Hex64)
1626 template<>
1627 struct ScalarTraits<Hex8> {
1628   static void output(const Hex8 &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1629   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, Hex8 &);
1630   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1631 };
1633 template<>
1634 struct ScalarTraits<Hex16> {
1635   static void output(const Hex16 &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1636   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, Hex16 &);
1637   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1638 };
1640 template<>
1641 struct ScalarTraits<Hex32> {
1642   static void output(const Hex32 &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1643   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, Hex32 &);
1644   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1645 };
1647 template<>
1648 struct ScalarTraits<Hex64> {
1649   static void output(const Hex64 &, void *, raw_ostream &);
1650   static StringRef input(StringRef, void *, Hex64 &);
1651   static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
1652 };
1654 // Define non-member operator>> so that Input can stream in a document list.
1655 template <typename T>
1656 inline
1657 typename std::enable_if<has_DocumentListTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
1658 operator>>(Input &yin, T &docList) {
1659   int i = 0;
1660   EmptyContext Ctx;
1661   while ( yin.setCurrentDocument() ) {
1662     yamlize(yin, DocumentListTraits<T>::element(yin, docList, i), true, Ctx);
1663     if ( yin.error() )
1664       return yin;
1665     yin.nextDocument();
1666     ++i;
1667   }
1668   return yin;
1669 }
1671 // Define non-member operator>> so that Input can stream in a map as a document.
1672 template <typename T>
1673 inline typename std::enable_if<has_MappingTraits<T, EmptyContext>::value,
1674                                Input &>::type
1675 operator>>(Input &yin, T &docMap) {
1676   EmptyContext Ctx;
1677   yin.setCurrentDocument();
1678   yamlize(yin, docMap, true, Ctx);
1679   return yin;
1680 }
1682 // Define non-member operator>> so that Input can stream in a sequence as
1683 // a document.
1684 template <typename T>
1685 inline
1686 typename std::enable_if<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
1687 operator>>(Input &yin, T &docSeq) {
1688   EmptyContext Ctx;
1689   if (yin.setCurrentDocument())
1690     yamlize(yin, docSeq, true, Ctx);
1691   return yin;
1692 }
1694 // Define non-member operator>> so that Input can stream in a block scalar.
1695 template <typename T>
1696 inline
1697 typename std::enable_if<has_BlockScalarTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
1698 operator>>(Input &In, T &Val) {
1699   EmptyContext Ctx;
1700   if (In.setCurrentDocument())
1701     yamlize(In, Val, true, Ctx);
1702   return In;
1703 }
1705 // Define non-member operator>> so that Input can stream in a string map.
1706 template <typename T>
1707 inline
1708 typename std::enable_if<has_CustomMappingTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
1709 operator>>(Input &In, T &Val) {
1710   EmptyContext Ctx;
1711   if (In.setCurrentDocument())
1712     yamlize(In, Val, true, Ctx);
1713   return In;
1714 }
1716 // Define non-member operator>> so that Input can stream in a polymorphic type.
1717 template <typename T>
1718 inline typename std::enable_if<has_PolymorphicTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
1719 operator>>(Input &In, T &Val) {
1720   EmptyContext Ctx;
1721   if (In.setCurrentDocument())
1722     yamlize(In, Val, true, Ctx);
1723   return In;
1724 }
1726 // Provide better error message about types missing a trait specialization
1727 template <typename T>
1728 inline typename std::enable_if<missingTraits<T, EmptyContext>::value,
1729                                Input &>::type
1730 operator>>(Input &yin, T &docSeq) {
1731   char missing_yaml_trait_for_type[sizeof(MissingTrait<T>)];
1732   return yin;
1733 }
1735 // Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out document list.
1736 template <typename T>
1737 inline
1738 typename std::enable_if<has_DocumentListTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
1739 operator<<(Output &yout, T &docList) {
1740   EmptyContext Ctx;
1741   yout.beginDocuments();
1742   const size_t count = DocumentListTraits<T>::size(yout, docList);
1743   for(size_t i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1744     if ( yout.preflightDocument(i) ) {
1745       yamlize(yout, DocumentListTraits<T>::element(yout, docList, i), true,
1746               Ctx);
1747       yout.postflightDocument();
1748     }
1749   }
1750   yout.endDocuments();
1751   return yout;
1752 }
1754 // Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out a map.
1755 template <typename T>
1756 inline typename std::enable_if<has_MappingTraits<T, EmptyContext>::value,
1757                                Output &>::type
1758 operator<<(Output &yout, T &map) {
1759   EmptyContext Ctx;
1760   yout.beginDocuments();
1761   if ( yout.preflightDocument(0) ) {
1762     yamlize(yout, map, true, Ctx);
1763     yout.postflightDocument();
1764   }
1765   yout.endDocuments();
1766   return yout;
1767 }
1769 // Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out a sequence.
1770 template <typename T>
1771 inline
1772 typename std::enable_if<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
1773 operator<<(Output &yout, T &seq) {
1774   EmptyContext Ctx;
1775   yout.beginDocuments();
1776   if ( yout.preflightDocument(0) ) {
1777     yamlize(yout, seq, true, Ctx);
1778     yout.postflightDocument();
1779   }
1780   yout.endDocuments();
1781   return yout;
1782 }
1784 // Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out a block scalar.
1785 template <typename T>
1786 inline
1787 typename std::enable_if<has_BlockScalarTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
1788 operator<<(Output &Out, T &Val) {
1789   EmptyContext Ctx;
1790   Out.beginDocuments();
1791   if (Out.preflightDocument(0)) {
1792     yamlize(Out, Val, true, Ctx);
1793     Out.postflightDocument();
1794   }
1795   Out.endDocuments();
1796   return Out;
1797 }
1799 // Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out a string map.
1800 template <typename T>
1801 inline
1802 typename std::enable_if<has_CustomMappingTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
1803 operator<<(Output &Out, T &Val) {
1804   EmptyContext Ctx;
1805   Out.beginDocuments();
1806   if (Out.preflightDocument(0)) {
1807     yamlize(Out, Val, true, Ctx);
1808     Out.postflightDocument();
1809   }
1810   Out.endDocuments();
1811   return Out;
1812 }
1814 // Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out a polymorphic
1815 // type.
1816 template <typename T>
1817 inline typename std::enable_if<has_PolymorphicTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
1818 operator<<(Output &Out, T &Val) {
1819   EmptyContext Ctx;
1820   Out.beginDocuments();
1821   if (Out.preflightDocument(0)) {
1822     // FIXME: The parser does not support explicit documents terminated with a
1823     // plain scalar; the end-marker is included as part of the scalar token.
1824     assert(PolymorphicTraits<T>::getKind(Val) != NodeKind::Scalar && "plain scalar documents are not supported");
1825     yamlize(Out, Val, true, Ctx);
1826     Out.postflightDocument();
1827   }
1828   Out.endDocuments();
1829   return Out;
1830 }
1832 // Provide better error message about types missing a trait specialization
1833 template <typename T>
1834 inline typename std::enable_if<missingTraits<T, EmptyContext>::value,
1835                                Output &>::type
1836 operator<<(Output &yout, T &seq) {
1837   char missing_yaml_trait_for_type[sizeof(MissingTrait<T>)];
1838   return yout;
1839 }
1841 template <bool B> struct IsFlowSequenceBase {};
1842 template <> struct IsFlowSequenceBase<true> { static const bool flow = true; };
1844 template <typename T, bool Flow>
1845 struct SequenceTraitsImpl : IsFlowSequenceBase<Flow> {
1846 private:
1847   using type = typename T::value_type;
1849 public:
1850   static size_t size(IO &io, T &seq) { return seq.size(); }
1852   static type &element(IO &io, T &seq, size_t index) {
1853     if (index >= seq.size())
1854       seq.resize(index + 1);
1855     return seq[index];
1856   }
1857 };
1859 // Simple helper to check an expression can be used as a bool-valued template
1860 // argument.
1861 template <bool> struct CheckIsBool { static const bool value = true; };
1863 // If T has SequenceElementTraits, then vector<T> and SmallVector<T, N> have
1864 // SequenceTraits that do the obvious thing.
1865 template <typename T>
1866 struct SequenceTraits<std::vector<T>,
1867                       typename std::enable_if<CheckIsBool<
1868                           SequenceElementTraits<T>::flow>::value>::type>
1869     : SequenceTraitsImpl<std::vector<T>, SequenceElementTraits<T>::flow> {};
1870 template <typename T, unsigned N>
1871 struct SequenceTraits<SmallVector<T, N>,
1872                       typename std::enable_if<CheckIsBool<
1873                           SequenceElementTraits<T>::flow>::value>::type>
1874     : SequenceTraitsImpl<SmallVector<T, N>, SequenceElementTraits<T>::flow> {};
1876 // Sequences of fundamental types use flow formatting.
1877 template <typename T>
1878 struct SequenceElementTraits<
1879     T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_fundamental<T>::value>::type> {
1880   static const bool flow = true;
1881 };
1883 // Sequences of strings use block formatting.
1884 template<> struct SequenceElementTraits<std::string> {
1885   static const bool flow = false;
1886 };
1887 template<> struct SequenceElementTraits<StringRef> {
1888   static const bool flow = false;
1889 };
1890 template<> struct SequenceElementTraits<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> {
1891   static const bool flow = false;
1892 };
1894 /// Implementation of CustomMappingTraits for std::map<std::string, T>.
1895 template <typename T> struct StdMapStringCustomMappingTraitsImpl {
1896   using map_type = std::map<std::string, T>;
1898   static void inputOne(IO &io, StringRef key, map_type &v) {
1899     io.mapRequired(key.str().c_str(), v[key]);
1900   }
1902   static void output(IO &io, map_type &v) {
1903     for (auto &p : v)
1904       io.mapRequired(p.first.c_str(), p.second);
1905   }
1906 };
1908 } // end namespace yaml
1909 } // end namespace llvm
1911 #define LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR_IMPL(TYPE, FLOW)                          \
1912   namespace llvm {                                                             \
1913   namespace yaml {                                                             \
1914   static_assert(                                                               \
1915       !std::is_fundamental<TYPE>::value &&                                     \
1916       !std::is_same<TYPE, std::string>::value &&                               \
1917       !std::is_same<TYPE, llvm::StringRef>::value,                             \
1918       "only use LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR for types you control");          \
1919   template <> struct SequenceElementTraits<TYPE> {                             \
1920     static const bool flow = FLOW;                                             \
1921   };                                                                           \
1922   }                                                                            \
1923   }
1925 /// Utility for declaring that a std::vector of a particular type
1926 /// should be considered a YAML sequence.
1927 #define LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(type)                                     \
1930 /// Utility for declaring that a std::vector of a particular type
1931 /// should be considered a YAML flow sequence.
1932 #define LLVM_YAML_IS_FLOW_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(type)                                \
1935 #define LLVM_YAML_DECLARE_MAPPING_TRAITS(Type)                                 \
1936   namespace llvm {                                                             \
1937   namespace yaml {                                                             \
1938   template <> struct MappingTraits<Type> {                                     \
1939     static void mapping(IO &IO, Type &Obj);                                    \
1940   };                                                                           \
1941   }                                                                            \
1942   }
1944 #define LLVM_YAML_DECLARE_ENUM_TRAITS(Type)                                    \
1945   namespace llvm {                                                             \
1946   namespace yaml {                                                             \
1947   template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<Type> {                           \
1948     static void enumeration(IO &io, Type &Value);                              \
1949   };                                                                           \
1950   }                                                                            \
1951   }
1953 #define LLVM_YAML_DECLARE_BITSET_TRAITS(Type)                                  \
1954   namespace llvm {                                                             \
1955   namespace yaml {                                                             \
1956   template <> struct ScalarBitSetTraits<Type> {                                \
1957     static void bitset(IO &IO, Type &Options);                                 \
1958   };                                                                           \
1959   }                                                                            \
1960   }
1962 #define LLVM_YAML_DECLARE_SCALAR_TRAITS(Type, MustQuote)                       \
1963   namespace llvm {                                                             \
1964   namespace yaml {                                                             \
1965   template <> struct ScalarTraits<Type> {                                      \
1966     static void output(const Type &Value, void *ctx, raw_ostream &Out);        \
1967     static StringRef input(StringRef Scalar, void *ctxt, Type &Value);         \
1968     static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return MustQuote; }              \
1969   };                                                                           \
1970   }                                                                            \
1971   }
1973 /// Utility for declaring that a std::vector of a particular type
1974 /// should be considered a YAML document list.
1975 #define LLVM_YAML_IS_DOCUMENT_LIST_VECTOR(_type)                               \
1976   namespace llvm {                                                             \
1977   namespace yaml {                                                             \
1978   template <unsigned N>                                                        \
1979   struct DocumentListTraits<SmallVector<_type, N>>                             \
1980       : public SequenceTraitsImpl<SmallVector<_type, N>, false> {};            \
1981   template <>                                                                  \
1982   struct DocumentListTraits<std::vector<_type>>                                \
1983       : public SequenceTraitsImpl<std::vector<_type>, false> {};               \
1984   }                                                                            \
1985   }
1987 /// Utility for declaring that std::map<std::string, _type> should be considered
1988 /// a YAML map.
1989 #define LLVM_YAML_IS_STRING_MAP(_type)                                         \
1990   namespace llvm {                                                             \
1991   namespace yaml {                                                             \
1992   template <>                                                                  \
1993   struct CustomMappingTraits<std::map<std::string, _type>>                     \
1994       : public StdMapStringCustomMappingTraitsImpl<_type> {};                  \
1995   }                                                                            \
1996   }